theladyjojogrant · 7 months
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thebestorworstofit · 1 year
Day two of no sleep, because my brain is a jerk.  2 AM what is the time where my brain and body decided every fucking crevice of my apartment needed to be ripped out in order to clean everything appropriately. I have seven piles of clothes on my floor. I don’t know where my laundry card is. I start work in 39 minutes. I’m also supposed to drive down to the warehouse today (so be social) do restocks (so like, count)  and grab lunch with a friend and also work my dispatching shift for 8.5 hours….
I’m probably going to die so it was fun while it was fun guys.
I’ll be on dcord writing hellacious things until the universe takes me out. luv u bye.
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fandoms-spamdom · 2 years
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Guys be proud I finished my Spanish essay 👁👁
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sunseekersims · 2 years
i handed in two reports today o(-(
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heartbreak-sandwich · 2 months
Just bring your pretty self, and maybe wear a sundress? No panties underneath. Makes things a lot easier, y’know? Easier to tease you. You like it when I tease you, don’t you, Princess?
- 🐊
I'm sure I like it almost as much as you do - maybe even more. You're absolutely killin me tonight, Tillman. Sundress, check. Just make sure you're still in uniform 😘
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emotionaldisaster909 · 7 months
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sourse - градоначальник хуа
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inklessletter · 1 year
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"Eyes on me. Yeah. Good boy."
Thank you so much for trusting and sticking around.
Steve says thank you 💛
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andy-clutterbuck · 3 months
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Black T-Shirt + Sling | requested by Anonymous
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luvrxbunny · 8 months
okay so i had this thought-
i think that miguel gets more emotional during his ruts
more down there 👇
so like although he isn’t painfully rough, he feels bad because he can’t help but be more rough and he gets all like “i’m sorry, you didn’t deserve that.” and you can basically see his tail between his legs (this is the only wholesome thought here)
also he would cry- like tears welling in his eyes and maybe a few down his cheeks- if you figured out that he was rutting before he had to tell you. like you just wake up one morning, go over to him and like start taking his pants off- his resolve is done for. he’s thanking you the whole time you seat yourself on his cock.
and his loads get huge and for some reason he thinks it’s painful or uncomfortable for you so he apologizes everytime he cums but it actually just ends up super erotic cus he’s like
“Oh fuck. I’m so sorry, baby, there’s so much.” and “Fuck, I can’t help it i’m- i’m sorry. Shit”
and he’ll put his hand on your uterus and rub it like he’s soothing you but instead your breeding kink is just going haywire
and near the end it gets worse like even though you guys aren’t technically trying for a baby, he’s just in rut- he treats all your sex like baby-making sessions.
he makes sure your hips are tilted up so whenever he cums it goes straight to your uterus
he keeps his hand on your lower belly the whole time, and all of his “dirty talk” consists of “you’re gonna be such a pretty mama” and “you’ll look so beautiful with my baby inside you, amor.”
i also think you’d wake up to him fucking you while talking to your tummy a whole bunch. and whenever you catch him he actually gets pretty embarrassed and refuses to talk about it
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theloveinc · 11 months
I also like the idea of Bakugo coming home from a long, overseas mission only for you to be surprised when you meet him at the airport cuz he’s twice as beefy and four times more scary looking.
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AITA for refusing to propose to my boyfriend?
We both wanna get married and our families & friends are cool and everything (honestly he's my mom's favorite child at this point), but he says I should have to do the actual proposal and I say he should.
He thinks since I hate every restaurant he takes me to (I work in food service I know what I'm about he picks BAD places) I should just be in charge of it, I think since he makes way more and he's stupid picky about jewellery (he knows what the different gemstone cuts are. He has OPINIONS on gemstone cuts. I am marrying a monster) he should have to buy the ring, and we both need it to be a special romantic surprise enough that we're not about to co-propose or some shit. We're also both guys, so there's not really any traditional rules to fall back on here, either.
It's been mostly fine, but his 30th birthday was the week before last and he's LEGIT mad I didn't propose then. We took a whole trip and had dinner with his entire family (we live a 2 1/2 hour flight away) and shit, so if I were gonna do it, that would've been the time. I told him I've already said I wasn't proposing, and that he can do it himself or we can be boyfriends for his 70th birthday too, and he said "If we're not married by the time I'm 70 you will be LUCKY to still be boyfriends" and stormed off to our room, and now he says he's fine but I'm 90% sure he's been training the cat to bite my hands? It's happened every single time I try to pet her and he looks very smug about it.
So did I fuck up here or what?
PS If I'm not the asshole how do I talk him into proposing already I am DYING over here I wanna marry him so BAD. He BRIBED the CAT to BITE me I NEED this man to be my husband N O W .
What are these acronyms?
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fandoms-spamdom · 2 years
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shinotail · 9 months
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clownsuu · 1 year
Your possessive/obsessive Wally reminds me of the song “Smoke and Mirrors” by Jayn! I think he’d gladly kill someone to have Howdy to himself
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Don’t know much obsession/possessive songs, but I do think Mob!Wally would be “the red means I love you”-
as for normal Wally? I feel he’s a lil more “Stalkers Tango” or maybe even a “The tailor shop in Enbizaka” (though it’s a different culture and timeline all together JDHHDHDDHE- vibesl still there)
also Frank screams a lil bit of “my unhealthy obsession”-
cw more obsessive behavior, syringe
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Ai adventures with yours truly: day 90- We are not gunna talk about the “uno reverse” arc, or the “tea shop” arc-
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mjrtaurus · 2 months
Alternative, healthier Crocomom/dad/parent theory to juxtapose the previous one I posted.
Luffy was still a Cryptic pregnancy, because if he and Dragon had known, they would have very likely aborted so as not to bring a child into a world that would be irrationally dangerous for them (See: Ace and Robin being hunted like dogs by the WG for the "sin" of their heritage). But Dragon and Croc would have embraced this surprise baby boy with open arms and open hearts.
But they still would have to give their baby up. They both knew this. To make sure their son has the very best bet of survival in this world, he would need to have as few ties to his parents as humanly possible.
They couldn't even bear to name the boy, knowing they would have to let him go.
It... tore them both up. It ended up with the two men growing distant, and eventually having their relationship fizzle out. They still loved each other, yes, but the magic just wasn't there anymore. It all went away with their baby boy.
Cut to Alabasta.
Crocodile is fully transitioned by this point, thanks to Iva. He's a Warlord now, he's feeding the Revolutionaries a steady influx of information on World Government activities, but he's seeking out Pluton on the down-low to wipe the WG off the face of the earth.
He is, unfortunately, not as merciful or patient a man as Dragon. He wants shit done and he wants it done as fast as possible, consequences be damned.
This attitude also contributed significantly to the distancing between himself and Dragon.
And now Luffy arrives and starts to put a wrench in his plans.
Crocodile doesn't recognize him. Not his face, as he'd all but blocked it from his memory. Not his name, as they chose not to name him.
As for the surname? Well, he and Dragon had an unspoken thing between them. Neither of them knew the other's full name so that information wouldn't get out if either were captured and interrogated.
Crocodile didn't know Luffy was their son until Sengoku dropped that particular hazardous info bomb in Marineford.
So, he did as any crocodilian parent would do when their hatchling is in distress and wrecked house.
His goal? Draw as much attention to himself as possible. Instigate total chaos.
Stopping Ace's execution and jumping in the middle of the crowd to announce how petty you're feeling? Attacking Whitebeard with reckless abandon in broad daylight in front of his crew?
He wanted all eyes on him at Marineford so none of them would be on Luffy, which worked on just about everyone but a volcanic freight train named Sakazuki.
The horror of realizing he had stabbed, mummified, and poisoned his own son back during the Alabasta coup only hits him later when the dust has settled.
And man does it hit him hard.
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tagerrkix · 7 months
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