ismaet · 2 years
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
DEATH CITY DAYS GAIDEN 23; The Struggle of Doppo Kunikida
an rp adaption of chapter 40/the OVA of bsd. enjoy
thanks @soul-dwelling
The Struggle of Doppo Kunikida
~sometime after the orphanage headmaster’s death…~
Kunikida: "..." *inhales* "Perfect." kirako: seems you have an even busier schedule than usual. Kunikida: "Yes..." *jots a note* "I almost forgot--we had another request to assign." kirako: oh? yosano: oh, kunikida great timing, I need you to come shopping with me- Kunikida: "No. I am sorry. Take someone else to go with you." Tanizaki: "We have inside information about a bomber. They hand explosive suitcases to bystanders which then detonate--" Kunikida: "Later." ranpo: kunikidaaaaa, we're out of snacks. Kunikida: "Cupboard." *starts walking to the exit* Dazai: "Of course, sir~" Kunikida: "..." *dramatic turn* "DO NOT. RUIN. MY. SCHEDULE!" atsushi: *looks at dazai, mildly worried* Dazai: *bishie sparkle* "I swear on my life~" Kunikida: "YOU ARE WILLING TO THROW YOUR LIFE AWAY AT THE DROP OF A HAT--" *a chime is heard from Kunikida's wrist* Kunikida: "! Oh. I'm 18 seconds late." atsushi: ._.; -on the way to the subway station- saleslady: we have new glasses in stock now! Kunikida: "I already have a good pair, thank you." fortune teller: *rapping* hey there peeps, come around, come around, cause ya boi the local prophet has come ta town. hey there blondie, guess what, very soon, a certain little lady's gonna give you trouble this afternoon. Kunikida: *keeps walking* "I already had a fortune told--didn't like it. Goodbye." -the station- intercom: attention. the subway train to mitakihara district now arriving. Kunikida: *steps up to the platform--* *A loud shriek emanates from his phone* Kunikida: "..." -_-# *looks at the phone--an image of a cartoonish Dazai hanging from a noose* "What is it, Dazai?" Dazai: "I am sorry, but you have a guest...None other than he, the one who designs your notebooks..." Kunikida: "..." *shiny eyes* "MASTER CARYLE?! Am I dreaming?!" Dazai: "No, you are not. He made a stop here to our office before he's off on his flight home to Europe--" Kunikida: "I am coming back immediately--" -bing- Kunikida: *the color fades out of him* intercom: the train has now arrived. Kunikia: "Dazai...You bastard..." Dazai: "I know...the torture of a choice, yes?" intercom: all boarding. Dazai: "It's all about the ideal choice. Right, Kunikida?" Kunikida: "...PLEASE TELL HIM I WILL ALWAYS ADMIRE HIS WORK!" *hangs up* Naomi: making a call to tell him a lie like that. that's pretty dickish, dazai, even by your standards. Dazai: "Oh no...YOU'RE RIGHT!" -at the station- Kunikida: T_T "Being so organized is a curse..." ???: you want me to return this to the lost and found? Kunikida: "???" *he spots a girl and a hooded person* Hooded Person: "Thank you." *departs* girl: *walking with the suitcase bomb* -the doors are starting to close- {Tanizaki: "--a bomber. They hand explosive suitcases to bystanders--"} Kunikida: "!!!" *leaps through the doors, runs at the Hood* Hood: "..." *turns* "!!!" *runs* Kunikida: "Shit!" *spots the girl* "..." *grabs the suitcase out of her hands* girl: !!! h-HEY! Kunikida: *opens the suitcase--to see the bomb* "Shit!" *runs up the stairs, pushing people aside* "Move!" girl: *chasing* GET BACK HERE, THIEF! Kunikida: *looks up to the sky* ("Got to time this...Counter should be at 6...5...") *throws it high into the air* -BOOOOOOOOOOOM- izumo: what the hell?! girl: ?!? -a few minutes later- officer: thank you for your statement, sir... girl: ...... Kunikida: *nods* "The Agency will offer any support it can." *looks at the girl* "Please follow this officer until your guardian--" girl: I...I CANT BELIEVE THAT JERK! *grabs him by the ponytail and drags him along* Kunikida: >xO "UNHAND ME!" girl: you're not seriously gonna let that buttface get away with this, are you? I saw his face, if we don't hurry, he's gonna get away! Kunikida: "Stop! You are a bystander in all of this--let the police handle it." girl: don't underestimate me! i'm a hero of justice, and for that, I've been practicing in martial arts every day! if I just ran away, I wouldn't forgive myself! Kunikida: "...No. Go home, child." girl: T~T fine. then i'll go by myself. you know, I don't know the subway layout very well. I could get lost, killed, or worse. and my fate would be on your conscious for the rest of your life. Kunikida: "!!! You can't do that!" girl: then you don't have much choice than to help me then, do you? Kunikida: >:[ Girl: ^^ by the way, I’m Aya Koda, nice to meet ya~ -at the agency- kenji: ...hey, who's 2nd in command at the agency? atsushi: why do you ask? kenji: the chief of police is asking for the boss, but he's out right now and I don't know who to ask. Tanizaki: "??? Hmm...I'd say Ranpo, given his experience and deductive skills--" ranpo: *playing pokemon* nah, I don't give a flying ant's ass about rank or leadership. Naomi:... (he actually named his rival in the game 'poe'...) *shiny eyes* Tanizaki: "...Okay. Dazai--" Dazai: *opening a window, stepping through it--* atsushi: *holding him back* DAZAI PLEASE! DX> Dazai: "I CAN'T LIVE WITH MYSELF! NOT AFTER WHAT I DID TO KUNIKIDA! I can't think of a way to top that prank! ... Oh, wait--I just thought of a way. =w= I'm good now." everyone: you're joking, right? -at the train station- -someone is running, as if in a hurry- Chuuya: "Goddamn it!" ("Overslept! I don't even WANT TO DO THIS!") -step step step- Chuuya: *still moving--but hears the steps* "???" -bump- ???: woah! *falls over, something escaping from their bag, disappearing into the subway* Chuuya: "Watch it!" *looks down* yana: sowwy, I was in a rush. guess I want paying attention to my surroundings, hehe~ ^^; Chuuya: "Watch where you're going, then." *looks at what fell out* -nothing there?- yana: well, I better get going. toodles~ *walking away, losing the opaqueness of one lens of her glasses to look back at him, still facing forwards* -in the tunnel- aya: ... Kunikida: "My ideal...schedule..." aya: you agency guys are actually pretty lame...im talking about you, four-eyed beanstalk. Kunikida: "It's Kunikida..." aya: ...well, if your schedule was so important to you, why did you come save me? Kunikida: *holds his journal to her face, taps the word on the cover* aya: 'ideals'... Kunikida: "I realized a world where people died in front of me was not ideal." aya: ........?? what's that? *pointing* Kunikida: "..." *approaches--* "!!! Not good..." -bombs are lined up along the tracks- Kunikida: "All it takes is one train to run over one of these to cause multiple causalities..." -...- Kunikida: "And given the motive...Yes...There should be a trigger nearby--" *turns* -no one...- Kunikida: "...Aya? ..." *removes a gun* -...- Kunikida: *walks forward, listening* "..." -beep....beep....beep...- Kunikida: "!!!" *turns a corner* aya: *trembling....with a bomb strapped her chest* Kunikida: "!!!" ???: "Please. Toss the gun." Kunikida: "..." ???: "Or do you want to see her head fly off?" Kunikida: "..." *tosses the gun* aya: ah- Kunikida: *gets on his knees, holds up his hands* ???: *smiles* "Very good...Kunikida." *CRACK* -and so- aya: ..... *Blackness...* *The sounds of pages flipping* Kunikida: *grunts...lifts his head...everything is blurry* ???: "A nice book." ???: "Write it down, it exists. Take it away, you're worthless." Kunikida: *looks up* "You've done your homework." ???: "Again you, I had to. For 2 years" Kunikida: "...2 years ago...when you were arrested for planning to blow up a school... Shousaku Katsura." aya: ?? Kunikida: "You planned this, then leaked information to arrive with my peers at the Agency for the sake of revenge." Shousaku: "..." *smiles* "That's not it. I don't want 'revenge.' I want to erase what you said. When you arrested me, you repeated, 'Do not yield to adversity. Be courageous. Discipline yourself for justice.'" *Shousaku picks up the metal bar* Shousaku: "Those ideals are rooted in my head..." *CRACK* *Kunikida's head is knocked down, blood swinging as the bar collides with his head* aya: !!!! Shousaku: "I...want it all gone." Shousaku: "You said those words to me--pitying me! Those words--'courage,' your ideals--mean nothing to someone like me! Do you think I wanted to be useless?!" aya: STOP IT! *Shousaku finishes clubbing Kunikida...then points the bar at Aya* aya: !!! Shousaku: "3 minutes until the train comes. 3 minutes until the train hits the explosives. And the signal to disarm can only be sent from here. You cannot do anything, Kunikida. They are going to die. Your ideals, the stubbornness of your Agency...all of it will go up in smoke. What do you have to say about that?" Kunikida: "..." *muttering* Shousaku: "I can't hear you." Kunikida: "...You're right. In fact, I already knew you would say that." Shousaku: "!!! How could you--" Kunikida: "Page 89." Shousaku: "..." *flipping the book* "You haughty conceited little-- ... What the heck is a--" *The page lights up* Shousaku: "!!!" Kunikida: *lifts his head* "STUN GRENADE!" -BWOOOOOM- yosano: ??!! Chuuya: "?!!! ...What the hell now?" *leaps up to the ceiling, starts running* Kunikida: "...Ideals do not depend on blind faith. I too have improved...Aya, are you okay?" aya: y-yeah...the train! you gotta stop it! Kunikida: *opens the laptop, pulls up the disarming program--and sees two entries* "...What the--" Shousaku: "...Hee hee hee..." aya: ??? w-whats so funny? Kunikida: "Aya! Don't move!" Shousaku: "Because if you disarm one explosive..." *looks at Aya's collar* aya:....*her stomach drops* Kunikida: *growls, goes to Aya's collar--* Shousaku: "Ah-Ah-Ah...Do it, and the collar explodes instantly." aya: *tears falling as she trembles* {aya: -I could get lost, killed, or worse. and my fate would be on your conscious for the rest of your life.-} Kunikida: "...You figured it out..." Shousaku: "Your ideal, 'Let no one die'--has been shown to be a failure. You either let the train die or save this girl. And you know that you won't sacrifice all those lives for one girl. And you have no time to figure out a new plan." aya: *shaking* ???: *walking along the path, finding kunikida's glasses* {-sasaki and rokuzo lay dead on the ground-} {Kunikida: "...This...did not have to happen!"} {Dazai: "Justice is a weapon. It can be used to harm, but not to protect or save."} Kunikida: "..." Shousaku: "And now we'll see, in red, how foolish your ideal is." Kunikida: "...Yes...You're right..." aya: kunikida.... Kunikida: "...Reality always butts against the limits of an ideal...but on this path...I WILL ALWAYS FIGHT FOR MY IDEAL!" -he presses the button- Kunikida: "..." *stares at Aya* "I'm sorry..." aya: I-its not your fault...s-sorry for calling you a four-eyes beanstalk... Kunikida: "..." *grabs her, pulls her close* aya: !!!!! -BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM- Shousaku: "!!!" *watches the smoke* "..." *laughs...tearing up* "That idiot...To die with a child...!!!" -the smoke clears, revealing....- aya:.... Kunikida: "..." Shousaku: "!!! How are you alive?!" Kunikida: "You need to do more research...in the Agency...fatal injuries mean..." yosano: no injuries at all... *tosses kunikida his glasses back* Kunikida: *catches, puts them on* "I had marked in my notebook that the Doctor would be passing this way..." aya: so then....she saved us? Kunikida: "Any fatal injuries, she can heal immediately." Shousaku: "And the grenade was to alert her?!" -the authorities arrive- Shousaku: *in handcuffs*…. “Heh…” Kunikida: *sighs* -and so- aya: ....hey, kunikida? Kunikida: "Hmm?" aya: you don't go on many dates, do you? Kunikida: "..." *twitch* aya: so....if you aren't doing anything later....maybe we could...I dunno... 7///7; Kunikida: "..." *gets down to her eye level* aya: ah- Kunikida: "No." aya: ..... Kunikida: "I have 58 requirements for an ideal partner. You do not meet 31 of them." aya: *grips fist and PAWNCH* I was JOKING!! >A< Kunikia: *glasses smash* *slow motion--crashes onto the sidewalk* -at the agency- atsushi: ...dazai? Dazai: "Hmm?" atsushi: I cant stop thinking about it....if something did happen to the manager...who would take his place? Dazai: "...??? You didn't know? They were already chosen." atsushi: really? who is it? Dazai: "Someone who instills their beliefs in others, can handle affairs calmly, is unwavering, who understands their weaknesses. A role model. No one...but..." Kunikida: *stumbling* Dazai: *voice over* Doppo Kunikida. -on the roof- yana:.... *examining with the planted rat cameras* hmmm... Kunikida: *meanders down the street* yana: hmmm.... <so what do you make of it, bossman?> ???: *smiles* <Potential.> yana: <....this shousaku kid....I don't think he's that bad.....just a misguided sociopath with no direction in life....perfect recruit material if I say so myself...> ???: <Find where they hold him.> yana:....*smirks* understood.
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