ismaet · 2 years
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olivianyx · 3 months
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Welcome to this challenge, babygirls and babyboys 🗣️🗣️🗣️
So are you ready to manifest everything you desired in April? Then start up rn!
I'll show you 5 important, simple steps you can use to manifest your dream life!
This challenge will be done for 30 days throughout April. At the end of this month, the results are guaranteed!
You might be wondering if its gonna be hard... Buuuut! The steps are super duper simple, just follow them!
Y'all heard it right, maintain a strict mental diet, like literally stop wavering! Stop focusing on things you don't want! Don't accept things you don't want! It's that simple. Only focus on positive and favourable thoughts.
Your mornings should go like, 'uhh it's such a beautiful day. It's gonna be amazing day as always. But it's gonna be fun today! I literally love this life, it's freaking amazing, I literally don't know how to thank myself for this. The fact that I'm the ultimate creator is soo mind blowing for me even though I've always been for my entire life. I'm literally thankful for everything! My life's being too perfect and I get what I want everytime, everything's in my favour always. I literally look soo amazing in every outfit I wear, it's such a slay everyday. Uhh I'm soo lucky to have what I want. Literally my self concept is supreme' and blah blah blah. You can add whatever you want further lol.
So like literally throughout the day steady yourself in this mindset. If you catch yourself wavering, be like *sike there ain't no chance bitch* come back on track! Catch yourself waver ---> stop ---> drop ---> flip it into something positive or favourable.
Literally robotic affirming is the only way you can keep your thoughts in check. So go bestie! Keep your head high, keep a check on those thoughts inside your pretty/handsome head 😩 keep slaying everyday ✨
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Keep affirming babygirls and babyboys! Like literally don't even stop (unless you're doing smth important, then stop affirming for a while lol) y'all got your dream lives already 💅 so why y'all telling yourself that you don't?? Well y'all do have it, so tell yourself the ULTIMATE FACT that you have your dream lives already 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ tell yourself whenever you're free, like even doing your daily chores such as taking a shit or shower, or brushing your teeth, eating, scrolling through the phone, or walking, waiting in a queue (I'd never wait in a queue... Cus I don't go to places with long ass annoying queues 😭) or listening to music or watching TV, doing the dishes or doing self care (I love my babygirls and babyboys taking care of themselves like there's no tomorrow 😩✋🏻I'mma give y'all a nice smooch 😚) just do it my babies! It's the ultimate way to get (which you already have it) your dream lives! So get tf up babies! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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This step shouldn't be missed at all babies! So focus on the end! Focus on having it! Focus on thinking from the end! Like you already are living yor dream lives, you have that car you wanted cus you already drive it everyday! You have that sp that loves you till death, that spoils you with their love, money, and what not?! You have that house you've been dreaming of! No, I mean living! You're living in that house already! It's yours my love! You got that perfect sculptured summer body ody that the normal human beings are jealous?? Like you have that body effortlessly 😩✋🏻 FOCUS ON HAVING IT BITCHES 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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Listen here, my babygirls and babyboys! You sleep 7 to 8 hours a day, and sleep, according to medicals, is a state of complete rest. That means you're not aware of your surroundings. You're just being a black, quiet, space like floaty state (the void actually) so things are easier to manifest Instantly in this state! So why not do psych k or sats or the lullaby method before bed and after you wake up my loves?? It's so much more effective that what you do in the day time! Trust me! Go prepare yourself well for the bed babies 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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Since you already affirming that you have your dream lives, you have it already! But you can begin to doubt that why is it not in the 3d... BITCH DON'T EVEN THINK LIKE THAT. Be like 'bitch wtf my life literally feels like a dream come true moment everyday 😭😭 like I'm literally living the life I wanted, I already am experiencing it wtf are you talking about' like literally GASLIGHT YOURSELF INTO THINKING LIKE THAT (cus you already have your dream life) like literally decide that you already have! Hold onto the new story no matter what! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
So ig I've told you what you needed to do... So all you gotta do is follow the fucking steps babies 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
Okay, take care, love y'all babies! Byeee
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- olivia 🤍
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queenofapeacefuldawn · 4 months
SxF Crack Theory: The Identity Of [REDACTED]'s Father
Hear me out here.... but, maybe, Twilight's father could be Yuri's boss, aka, the SSS Lieutenant.
Now, this might be a crack/joke theory, but here is the evidence I have to back up my claim (yes, I'm presenting it because I'm just Like That):
(Warning: Manga spoilers ahead)
Exhibit A: Physical Characteristics
Here is a picture of Agent Twilight:
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Here is a picture of Yuri's boss (who, from now in, will be referred to as YB, for my own convenience):
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We can see that Twilight and YB have very similar facial characteristics: bluish-grey eyes, blond hair, and a similar face shape (nose, jaw).
We never see Twilight's father's full face: only the lower half, because he has presumably forgotten his face, along with his mother's (King of Emotional Repression™️), but we can see that his jawline and shape of his mouth are very similar to Adult Twilight.
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Oh, and look at that- rather pronounced cheekbones, if I do say so myself. Where else did I see those? Hmmm
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Exhibit B: Ambiguous Fate
During the War Arc, we're never told about [REDACTED]'s father's fate. We just know he never returns to his family: and the reason why he left for the very last time, was that, "Things have been heating up at the border. I need to take a little business trip." The fact that his, a (presumably) rather important man's, body was never recovered: nor were [REDACTED] or his mother informed of his death. Of course, his body could have been lost in the bombings, or the part of [REDACTED] finding out about his father's dead could have been omitted, but for most of the part, we're left to assume about his father's dead. And... this sounds familiar to another instance...
Like the instance of [REDACTED]'s friends. He (and we) assumed they'd died in the warehouse as children, but later we see that they're alive and in the army (only to die a second time, RIP), but this time, for their deaths to be confirmed: for [REDACTED] to only receive their dog tags after the failed campaign.
This may have been a setup: for Endo to reintroduce [REDACTED]'s father, later in the story, as YB.
Anyway, one thing I've learned after reading and watching so many books, comics, and TV shows: never assume a person's dead, not unless their body/proof of their death has been explicitly shown. This belief was only reinforced after [REDACTED]'s friends.
And, [REDACTED]'s father's last known place was around the Westalian-Ostanian border. He could have escaped in the crossfire, theoretically...
Exhibit C: Fatherly Nature (?)
We all love a good found-family dynamic in the workplace. It's there with WISE, it's there with Garden, and it's kinda there with the SSS.
My main argument about this stems from the chapter which focuses on Yuri's work.
We see YB continuously worry about Yuri's physical health, in panels like:
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Obviously, this doesn't happen only in this chapter. Whenever Yuri's there, YB is also there, yelling at him to a) go to sleep, or b) STOP GETTING HIT BY BUSSES OH MY FUCKING GOD IT CAN'T HAPPEN SO MANY TIMES TO ONE PERSON-
And, of course, there's the Yuri Sick Fic chapter:
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Not gonna lie, this point is extremely weak, if I brought this up in court I'd be laughed out of there-
Anyway, I just wanted to put this in.
If it does turn out that YB is [REDACTED]'s father then. Bestie. Buddy. How are you managing to be a better father-figure to some insolent kid who gets hit by busses than you were to your actual son, like 20 years ago. Maybe he learned along the way.
Exhibit D: Symbolism (???)
Oh, look, another point I'm pulling out of my ass! But whatever, you're reading it <3
During the War Arc, we see Twilight sustain two major injuries:
One, as a child, when his home is bombed:
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And two, as an adult, in the army:
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and these injuries are both to his left eye.
Of course, this has given rise to theories of him not being able to see his left eye, it being his blind spot, and Yor guarding his blind spot on missions, etc., etc., which I love bc ✨Twiyor✨
Getting back on point, if we look at YB, we see that he has injuries too... or rather, remnants of them, what with the scars he has...
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which, are also on his left eye. Huh! Interesting... this might just be me, but could this be parallels to how similar he and his father were? Are? His father also wanted peace between Ostania and Westalis: but he taught his child that in a very harsh manner (by slapping him), but Twilight wants to teach Anya that in a kind manner. Whenever we see him teaching her, he never loses his cool with her (of course, he loses a lot of hope, but this man's a pessimist, what can we do).
Also shows how much kinder Twilight is, compared to his father.
Of course, these points are very weak, and it might just be that Endo reused some character designs for efficiency, but let me be, ok!! This is a crack theory!!! Let me be a clown!!!! AKDFJSJF
If I'm being honest, this post was inspired by a convo I'd had with my friend, around the time Chapter 86 was released. She was theorizing that [REDACTED]'s dad is the Shopkeeper, and I was theorizing it was this dude. Of course, our theorizing was sidetracked by Chapter 86, and a certain panel within it, but... WHATEVER.
So, what are your thoughts? Obviously, my own theory is very weak (for example, why would the SSS accept a Westalian citizen into their ranks? Why would he even join the SSS? Could he have defected? Abandoned his wife and kid?), but this was fun to think about, lol. What are your theories? I think the Shopkeeper-is-the-dad theory and the YB-is-his-dad theory are both cool, so, what do you think?
(Also, yeah, I know, his dad could very well be dead. I just refuse to believe it, bc I'm just Like That <3)
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happypotato48 · 1 month
Wandee Goodday EP 2 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
"Previously on Wandee Goodday Z. Doctor Wandee set his eyes on Mr. perfect Doctor Ter, but before the battle even starts our hero Dee got hit with the "I only like women." now after humiliated defeat, Dee rise up to meet his new challenger Yor-yak Phadetseuk. can our hero finally get to taste delicious victory or it he going to forever be consign to life of vanillaness. find out in this episode of Wandee Goodday Z!"
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To zab or not to zab? an age old question, asks to themself by every repressed Homos that ever live.
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Bitch! you just got offered free dick. and this hunk of a dick nonetheless. get off your high horse and go ride this bull of a man instead!
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So you people probably figured this out by now. but yes Fluke is a really poppular thai boy name for millennials and gen z. i literally knew like 10+ different Flukes form just my school days alone.
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Cher can you share your man with me. pretty please 🥺
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Fuck you! how dare you wink your god dang eyebrow like that! เห็นใจคนไม่มีผัวหน่อยสิครับ.
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Men, can't kill them, can't live without them.
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Ok wtf, how is this dumb horny show give me the feels right now. Ohhhh those eyes, god damn those eyes. it's like staring into a hazy morning field touched by a gentle first daylight. i wish i could get lost in them forever..... anyway Hot man me likey!
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I don't go there but Yak fursuit game is weak. forking amature smh.
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Tank tops! hubba hubba. thank you show for putting all the men in tank tops. i will forever be in your debt.
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No thank you. i really don't like this trope of a character getting saves from sa that so prevalent in BL and romance genre in general.
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This man is a husband material, Dee. you better not break this poor man's heart. or i swear to all the lords of hell, i will bring down calamity on your ass.
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Oh hello stereotypical gossipy gay. your kind was one of the first queer representations we got on thai tv. you walked so these BL boys could run, thank you for your service.
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He's so beautiful. i love him and his magnificent eyebrows so much.
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Cool grandma! i love her style so much. also loved that she asked Dee how the hell he still can't find a man. freaking savage.
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จะเอาหัวเอาหางหรือจะเอากลางตลอดตัว ก็ได้จ่ะ.
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"Moan harder" and "play with that longer" i'm fucking dead. this is so hot! ahhhh yessss i love this so much. this is how you do sexy. other BLs take some fucking notes!
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This is so fucking tender. my heart is melted.
Oh my, this Ep whewwww. the tenderness expressed by Yak is something that i didn't know i needed, but i'm 100% loving every goddamn second of it. Great is such a great actor (pun intended.) and this version of Yak is already better than his book counterpart.
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chin-chilla-7 · 9 months
I just got finished with a spy x family episode and this came up! What about DBH boys (Connor, Simon, Markus) With a female reader who is just like Yor Forger!
She’s very sweet looking, and nobody would suspect she packs quite a mean punch when protecting someone or herself, and unusually strong!
Hey anon! So sorry about the wait on this. I'll be honest part of it is due to me not knowing anything about spy x family, so I will just be going off the little description you've given in this ask! And it certainly won't stop me from trying.
Each Connor, Simon, and Markus would initially find the reader quite unassuming. To say they underestimate her is not exactly accurate, but they certainly don't expect the strength and punch she packs.
Connor witnessed it during a case. He's in the process of analyzing some evidence at a crime scene when he hears a disturbance. It was an argument, from what he could tell, between you and someone else trying to tamper with the crime scene or simply initiating some aggression because, like Connor, they misjudge exactly how strong you could be. At the sound of raised voices - yours being one of them - Connor is quick to make his way over to the disturbance, intending to intervene if necessary. Though, it quickly becomes apparent that it isn't necessary.
You've knocked the aggressor clean on their ass. One punch to the face was enough to send them falling backwards right on their ass. You probably even broke their nose. Connor, he's... well, to be honest, he's a little surprised. You aren't often in situations such as this one. And while you do work for the DPD, it's not often he sees you demonstrate exactly why you were hired in the first place.
Even though you punched someone to the point of a concussion, Connor can't help but still make sure you're okay. Physically, mentally, whatever, he wants to make sure the encounter didn't shake you up too bad. Even if you've assured you're fine and that he doesn't need to check you over, he's still doing a scan, just to be sure.
This is something he certainly does not forget about you. And while he still worries, given the fact that your appearance is deceiving compared to your actual ability, he's a little more at ease to know that you can hold your own when you need to. He's aware that people will go for those who seem weaker, and while he knows you aren't weak, at a glance, people are quick to think otherwise about you.
Simon, while not a coward, does prefer to take the pacifist route at any given opportunity. You're someone who's the same, unless you have absolutely no choice. And that was the case here. You were with Simon, just the two of you. You had excused yourself to the bathroom, and on your way back, you see that someone had approached Simon, and you noticed that Simon was less than comfortable about the interaction. It wasn't until you were a few steps away that you could hear exactly what was going on.
It was some anti-android guy going off - he must have recognized Simon someone. Which, come on, he's not the only PL600 to exist. Whatever, it didn't matter. What mattered was this guy was going off on Simon, and while Simon was trying to defuse the situation, he wasn't getting anywhere successful. Simon was trying to talk the other down, but the guy seemed pissed, which started to piss you off. It didn't help that the guy suddenly grabbed Simon - that's when you knew you had to step in.
"Hey!" Was all you said, which seemed to startle the guy long enough for you to grab his shoulder, turning him so you could swiftly punch him in the gut. He quickly doubled over, falingl to the ground, and Simon stumbled back, staring at the scene in shock. His mouth was agape as he looked between you and the guy, now groaning on the ground. There was even a slight tint of blue on Simon's face at the sight, which you may have noticed if you weren't still upset with the interaction.
"Whoa... I didn't know you had that in you..." Simon said, nearly stepping towards the guy to help him. But he stopped himself, mainly because you held your hand out to stop him.
"There's a lot you don't know about me," you responded, looking over to him and managing a smile. Despite the circumstances, it was cute to see the way Simon reacted to this.
"What, so we just... leave him?"
"Well, he was a prick, soo..."
Markus was often used to being the protector. And with you, it was a no brainer that you were someone he felt drawn to protect. And it was cute, and you never had a problem with it. But sometimes even the protector needs a little helping hand. Especially when you've got no problem fighting your own battles.
Being the leader of the android revolution meant that Markus got a lot of attention. And being a close friend of the leader of the android revolution meant you got a lot of attention as well. Both good and bad. This was an instance of the bad. Some name calling, some yelling, asking how you could ever support something like this when all the androids do is take and take and blah blah blah.
Really, you weren't listening. You had grown used to it at this point, it was something you could easily tune out.
Though, it was clear that the people nagging you were not a fan of being ignored. Markus was only a little ways ahead of you, but it was still enough of a distance that he couldn't stop the way they grabbed you to look at them. A small struggle ensued, which caught Markus' attention. He was quick to rush over to you, pulling off one of the two attacking you, but it seemed you had the rest of it under control.
A quick knee between the legs was enough to throw them off their balance, then an elbow to the chest knocked the wind out of them long enough for you to get away. As you escaped their grasp, you kept yourself ready, knees bent, arms up, ready for anything more they had to throw your way. Of course, the kerfuffle was enough to get the attention from onlookers, and the attackers found it best to avoid further humiliation.
With them submitting to defeat, Markus looked to you, first making sure you were okay. Once that was settled, he found himself looking at you with an impressed smile. "Maybe you should be the one protecting me," he joked.
"Maybe," You said, relaxing now that you weren't in danger anymore. "At least I'd know you'd be safer."
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"
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bones4thecats · 6 months
thanks for yor briar scenario they were 💯! can you do the same request with rudra, poseidon and indra?
A/N: YES! I LOVE MY HINDU BOYS!! Okay, part one to this request is listed below!! Anyways, enjoy~~
Part 1
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⛈️ He has never really met any human fighters, as he mainly stood off the the side with the rest of his pantheon
⛈️ But when he heard the call of Belobog and Chernabog, he, and the rest of his pantheon, shrank into themselves
⛈️ The duo were known for being very brutal and ruthless, though Belobog was more calm and collected than Chernabog
⛈️ When he saw you stroll out, he looked at how you hugged a small child with pink hair before leaving her with Brunhilde to fight
⛈️ Rudra smiled as you walked up and held out your weapon to the twins
⛈️ And watching you kick their asses? Woo!
⛈️ Honestly, when he first saw you, you were really only a pretty face, but after this? You were way more; Strong, pretty, and even kind!
⛈️ Seeing how you held both of their hands as they were sent to Nifelheim made him smile lightly
⛈️ He must speak to you sometime soon
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🔱 No. Absolutely not.
🔱 He knew the Gods were superior, and watching you just stare at the Slavic Gods with no real care made him glare at you
🔱 How dare you disrespect the Gods, they were superior to you!
🔱 Watching you fight made his eyes widen slightly, you were so flexible to the situations and could take so much more than he initially thought
🔱 And you were so pretty while doing it…
🔱 Wait no! Ignore that, he must be getting sick, life under the ocean and all
🔱 But he couldn’t deny it for so long
🔱 Once the battle ended and he saw a little girl run out to you and hug you with such care and love, it made him flush slightly
🔱 Strong, kind, amazing… perfection
🔱 Now he needed to find you, and convince you to join the Gods’ side, thankfully, he had a way with words…
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��� He never really was paying attention to the battles, unless they got interesting, like in the second round when Poseidon died, or when Shiva fought
🌊 But when the words ‘Thorn Princess’ came out of Heimdall’s horn, he froze
🌊 Indra had heard about you from Nishumbha a few times, a well-trained assassin with no mercy to give those you were assigned
🌊 What he really didn’t expect was for you to come out, laying your daughter in the arms of Buddha’s while you strolled out to fight the Slavic Gods Belobog and Chernabog
🌊 You smirked as the Gods yelled at you for your incompetence, how could a puny human, nonetheless, a human woman, beat them
🌊 That sealed their fate
🌊 Indra watched as you sliced and diced the twins, and he couldn’t lie, he was quite impressed
🌊 After you healed, he would have to speak to you, it’s not everyday such powerful deities are killed by a human
🌊 But for now, he’d sit back and smoke his cigarette as Ragnarok continued
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wishmaster · 22 days
Hey so I'm officially the leader of the science club at college, but none of the other guys really respect that or listen to me... I'm getting desperate so I've downloaded this app. I guess i have to put myself and the club in subject? And let's see... 'I wish the other guys in the club listened to me. I wish I was the kinda guy that could command more respect.' I wonder if that's specific enough... Should be fine I think...
You passed out but as you awoke you felt different, more confident, in charge, dare I say bad ass. You were lying in a bath tub, you got up, your body, no your clothes made a strange yet familiar sound, you were in full leather neck to te. yor heavy bots made a loud thud as they exited the tub. You pulled yourself together and looked in the mirror. Staring back was this gorgeous Korean rock star or so you looked the roll now. You felt your new body unaware your wish had transformed the entire Science club into your bad ass Science Gang.
You exited the room as they all quickly gathered around you most of them calling you boss with a look of respect on their new Korean faces. You knew you had a thing for hot Korean boys but you never realized it would work it's way into a wish you made.
You grabbed your tight leather crotch.
You need blown boss? one of them asked, little did you know how much respect exactly you had in your new Gang.
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They'd do anything for you know so you decided you loved just how your wish was interpreted.
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You looked like a famous K-pop band rather than a science club but you had more respect on campus than any other group or organization. You headed to the clubhouse we're you'd test out your gang's new loyalty.
Thanks Wishmaster!
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piracytheorist · 7 months
Episode 32 notes!
Starting off right in the middle of action, right where we left off!
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And some great animation there, too!
The thing about Anya is that her plans are so innocently silly that thanks to her young age, they actually work.
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She's right there in front of Yor, acting like she doesn't recognize her, and Yor accepts that because a) it's easy and b) well Anya is a little kid, isn't she?
The fact that Anya is visibly sweating and has a very nervous expression shows that she's worried her plan won't work, and the entire family could come apart right there. She knows it's a risky plan... but because of the circumstances, it works perfectly not only to cover Yor but also to cover Anya's knowledge of Yor's secret.
I love her.
Also, a great way to take the fear of exposure away from Yor and help her focus on the fight! Worth waiting the entire week for!
I also love how excited the entire crowd was about seeing two people "play" with what seems to be lethal weapons. They'd do numbers as WWE fans.
The camera focuses on Yor as she's starting to question herself.
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Yes you are! You're hesitating to get close because you fear you'll get hurt and you know that will make Anya and Loid sad! (And of course because you'll have no excuse to tell them but okay yeah)
Anyway. I just like how in comparison to the manga, we see her expression there during her inner monologue.
Yor comments about how professional the guy is with the chain, but then she has no problem using the chain's momentum to wrap it around his wrist and then his torso. Some excellent animation there showing the small details of her control of the chain!
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She even used his immobilized body to make him bow. She's an absolute legend.
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I've talked before that this isn't even a five-year-old roleplaying. She's actually getting involved with actual enemies of the state, helping their plans without them knowing, and having a blast. Her moral compass may be a little unhinged but by god is it steadfast XD
And then. The Grand RevealTM
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I love him your honour. How did he even combine all that, I don't wanna know. The rainbow-tinted glasses is what ended me.
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Anya Forger, professional heart-breaker.
Again. Talking with a guy who believes humans will never understand each other and who wants to wage another war, while Twilight has his own war trauma? No big deal. Anya calling him uncool? THE SHOCK AND DESPAIR OF HIS LIFE.
And off to the next chapter! Great transition in the anime - I can usually notice when they jump onto the next chapter, but this time I was surprised with how smoothly they took it from one to the next.
Turtleneck guy says he can't pick up Yor's scent? Even though he seems to have extraordinary smelling abilities?
Is that another reason why Yor is so good at sneaking up on people? She did sneak up on Twilight, after all...
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"The bones" mentioned above... is that Loid talking about the skeleton keychain? There was, after all, a hidden bug in the store Loid and Anya were in...
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Some things never change.
I can't wait for the moment he realizes how soundly she sleeps on his arms because she trusts him and he makes her feel safe, just like his mother did for him :)
Zeb! I finally get the name of the guy! I won't lie that calling him Furseal felt so weird, like, apologies if your name is Furseal but hey.
Anyway. His outburst felt so real. This man doesn't belong in crime.
And of course, Olka is way too desensitized to such violence, having grown up in the family, after all, and I kinda like how she goes like "Yo snap out of it". Endo really doesn't hold back from having women tell men off huh. I also love the baby talk she used with Gram. So cute.
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This scene has the very same music used in the first episode where Twilight has his flashback and remembers what his reason to become a spy was. I feel kinda sad hearing it here because I'd thought that this melody would be used as [redacted]'s leitmotif, but its meaning seems to be connected with how people broken by war can find the hope in humanity needed for peace. Or something.
McMahon berates Yor for going near the door earlier even though she didn't hear their secret knock, but in reality it wouldn't matter - unless the assassin heard their voices from outside the door - because the assassin shot anyway. It would have been the same if she had protected Olka from the first moment and then tried to assess how to attack the guy. So maybe calm down, dude.
The moment Zeb was like "How are we supposed to sleep like that?" I was certain we'd see him sleeping and snoring deeply. I was not disappointed XD
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Me when proper trigger discipline: 🥳💯👀🥳👌💯👀👌👌👀🎊👌🎊💯
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First, good ol' focus on the ring on McMahon's finger. Second, I'm confused by the translation here in comparison to the manga. Here it says "as long as people continue to be people" while the manga says "as long as people are the way they are", and that can have a different meaning. The former sounds like conflict is in the nature of humans and that it's something we can never avoid, which doesn't seem to follow the story's ideal. It's what Donovan Desmond beliefs are based on, after all. The latter sounds like people are currently very focused on matters that cause conflict, and have a chance of reaching peace if taught differently.
I think, depending on the interpretation, it can tell a lot about McMahon's character. I will wait to see the rest of the arc to make up my mind.
And after he says that they're soldiers even in time of peace, the manga treats us to a panel of a pensive Yor, but the anime doesn't.
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Stop robbing us, anime team!
Yor tells the others they should keep their shoes on - nice detail, btw - and Olka looks very familiar with such a concept, while it's Zeb who is a little surprised but accepts it. It's interesting what a character not reacting to something can tell about them!
As expected, Yor and Olka are vigilant, while Gram and Zeb sleep like babies. Let them rest XD
Some brand new music there! There's a lot of new music in general. And then THIS!
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The way Yor widens her eyes when she realizes what she just imagined! AAAAAAAAAHHHH!
Someone hug her omg she deserves the world 😭😭
Neither Twilight nor Yor are the only people neck-deep in denial though.
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"The man decided to live for his job" yeah right. He sees one (1) pretty woman pay him some attention because of Bond and he's like "Well imma adopt a dog then". Bond's doubtful and rejecting reaction was priceless XD
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This is so fucking funny to me for some reason aadshadfhsdgh. Look at him. Brought into despair by one (1) five-year-old.
I kinda love how he admits that he does fear the unknown, and has been simply trained to overcome it and try to deal with what he has in front of him.
And currently, his fear is for Anya's emotional state.
Having no idea that she's actually having the time of her life, even though she hasn't realized how deeply dangerous her situation is.
Anyway, I love that she brought Mr. Chimera with her on the trip <3
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He is very seriously focusing on how he can make Anya happy. He thinks she asked to go for mini golf because she likes it, so he followed along, he saw her upset with how she lost, and believed she needed to experience winning in order to feel fulfilled, so he was determined to stay there until she won.
Anya takes him to the library and of course he's read everything. And even if he hadn't, he has photographic memory and can practically read through an entire tome in minutes.
But still, he's focused on her happiness, and he's satisfied that Anya is having fun reading comics. She goes for the puzzle (btw I love the idea of having a big puzzle available and leaving it to passersby to solve it. I once visited a school where they had one on a table in the halls and students would sit and try and solve it during recesses) and he analyzes it, thinks he can solve it quickly. Anya reacts in shock, and we hear a tiny hesitant "Oh" from him, because he noticed her sudden change in reaction.
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Oh no. Twilight is rubbing off on her a little too much. You're five, darling. Enjoying yourself is your job!!
Just like with the bullet in butt date, Loid cannot understand why Anya looks so angry now after having spent an entire day having fun - and he cataloguing what she seems to be having fun with.
The way that he ends his internal monologue with his fear of the Forgers breaking apart and Operation Strix doesn't cross his mind once, tells a lot about how his priorities are starting to change enough to even silence his "For the Mission" talk. My mans falling hard.
Anya sees how worried Loid has gotten... and maybe she reads even deeper and realizes how genuine of a worry it is? That he's not worried for her as an asset of Operation Strix, but as a kid that deserves to have fun and be happy. And she steps up to reassure him.
And oh, how his face changes! T_T
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And the way he alternates between "Loid voice" when he speaks and "Twilight voice" when he thinks. Have I congratulated Takuya Eguchi for this feat yet?
And by the way, he "justifies" Anya being so upset of missing her mama because she's still a "small child". Because of course only small children can miss their mothers, right? Twilight definitely doesn't miss his, right?
Forget neck-deep denial, this man is deep down the Mariana Trench of denial.
And the "Small Daily Life" track from the soundtrack plays, with the beautiful family leitmotif...
I love them. He can be so sweet with Anya, I can only imagine how he'll end up post-identity reveals and especially post-feelings realization.
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The final few hours before Olka, Gram and Zeb get safely transferred! I think you can see the tension on their entire faces.
Also some intense, new soundtrack there! Interesting! The composers have done a lot of job this season, carefully mixing up tracks from the previous season with new ones to create the respective mood.
And that's it for this week! I foresee way more action on the next episode! :D
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icycoldninja · 1 month
If the DMC related requests hasn’t been filled to the brim yet: So there is this character in this anime called Spy x Family, and this character is named Yor Forger. She’s like this insanely strong and agile assassin who can kill a hostile cattle like a bull with just her fingers.
That’s basically what I want Y/N to be in my request! 😊
So, I want to see how the Sparda Men + V would react to a female Y/N who just so happens to be their lover, who is an insanely strong, intimidating assassin who is also a socially awkward person.
Oh yeah, I know her; I love that anime!! Here ya go and enjoy 💜
Sparda boys + V x Yor Forger-like!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-When Dante first met you, he thought you were some regular old, socially inept klutz--cute and silly.
-He never in a million years expected to watch you break a demon's neck with one hand and then use its' corpse as a springboard to tackle another demon into the ground, shattering your spine.
-Dante was honestly quite intimidated and wondered if there were more secrets you were hiding from him.
-When you confessed the truth, that you were a trained assassin, and that unlike most, you weren't cold and calculated, but just yourself, his fears melted away, mostly.
-He trusts you and knows you wouldn't do anything to hurt him, but he wonders if you might break his bones by accident when you're fooling around together or cuddling.
-Well, if you do, his demon regeneration will take care of that, he reasons, right before tackling you to the floor and demanding a wrestling match.
■ Vergil ■
- Vergil initially thought of you as weak, thanks to your awkward demeanor, and his inferiority complex.
-When he saw how easy it was for you to leap from platform to platform, dodging and incapacitating demons as you went, he was shocked.
-Next came an interrogation. Who were you really? Were you a demon? Why are you so skilled? Are you planning to kill him? Why are you so self conscious if you have this much POWER, shouldn't you be confident in your invincibility?
-It took you a while, but you explained who you were, why you were the way you were, and so on. Vergil begrudgingly accepted this as the truth, but was still suspicious.
-With time, however, the cold and MOTIVATED man came to understand that some people don't change their personalities when they gain power--a lesson he would do well to learn.
-He frequently invites you to train with him, just so he can get a taste of your abilities.
□ Nero □
-When Nero first met you, he felt like there was something a little off about you, but attributed it to your timid, socially awkward personality.
-Then he happened to accompany you on a mission and got to see your true power. How you managed to twist off the demon's limbs was astonishing--you were doing everything Nero did, but somehow, faster.
-He was shocked, yes, but not angry, just awed. He wanted to learn everything he possibly could about you, but was kind of nervous to ask. What if your whole personality was fake? What if you were a truly horrible person on the inside?
-After you revealed the truth to him, he understood this really was the way you were, his mind now at ease. He liked you the way you were.
-Now he happily takes you on missions with him, the two of you kicking demon ass all day, every day.
-He also challenges you to arm wrestling battles every now and again, just to test your strength.
● V ●
-V met you and was intrigued; after all, you're as much of a dork as he is.
-He most absolutely did not expect to be tossed over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carried out of harm's way faster than he could blink.
-While his mind processed how you managed to lift him so quickly, he begins to wonder how you managed to lift him at all, given he's a rather tall man.
-After the danger was over and you'd decimated all demons, you sat down and revealed the truth about yourself, shocking him, in a good way. This whole time you were an assassin?! So cool!
-V was glad you revealed this to him because now he had one less thing to worry about. Having a ridiculously strong assassin bodyguard would be such a blessing.
-One thing to bear in mind: Don't be too rough with him, such as yanking him too hard in combat, even if you mean well, because his bones are fragile and with your strength, you could easily break them.
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hearts444karma · 1 month
heyheyhey i saw your requests open sooo
anyways can i request a ike eveland (THE man of sex) x reader, spy/assassin au where theyre like doing an undercover mission??
there should totally be like a ballroom scene where they have to assassinate the target and reader should wear something KINDA revealing so theyre like ‘the distraction’ (but reader can kick ass 😮‍💨😮‍💨 ) while ike is up in the authorised area hacking the cctv or soemthing
thank youuu
(also can i refer myself as 🩰 anon? )
「 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐓 !」 ☆彡 ike eveland
💌 : WELCOME 🩰 ANON!! i rlly love this idea 😩 throughout writing this all i could imagine was loid and yor- <33 i hope you enjoy!!
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you moved with practiced grace, your gown cascade midnight hues, every step a calculated dance of allure and deception. 
you were the distraction, the siren luring attention away from the true danger lurking in the shadows.
"evening, darling," the host purred as you approached, his gaze lingering on on form.
"good evening," you replied with a coy smile, voice a symphony of honeyed tones.
as you two conversed, ike worked his magic in the depths of the CCTV room, his fingers dancing over the keyboard with practiced ease.
"i trust you're enjoying the party..my party?" the host inquired, his eyes lingering on your exposed skin.
"it’s certainly... stimulating," you replied, smile tight with forced politeness.
midway through this aching conversation, a notification flashed on the host's phone, his expression shifting to one of concern.
"excuse me for a moment," he murmured, making to leave.
but you were quick to act, hand closing around his wrist in a firm grip. "why leave now? the night is still young," you purred, guiding him onto the dance floor with ease.
as you danced, the host's advances grew bolder, his touch lingering where it wasn't welcome.
"careful, darling," you cautioned with a forced smile, eyes flashing with warning.
before the situation could escalate further, ike appeared at your side, his presence a welcome relief from the host's unwanted attention.
"mind if i cut in?" he asked with a charming smile, his hand extended towards you.
nodding gratefully, you allowing yourself to be swept into ike’s arms, the warmth of his touch a stark contrast to the chill of the ballroom.
before walking to the dance floor, ike subtly slipped a drink into the host’s hand, a silent gesture to ‘compensate’ for taking you away.
"thanks for the save," you murmured, your voice tinged with relief. “ one more second and I could’ve slit his throat.”
"anytime," ike chuckled, his gaze lingering onto you with a hint of warmth that sent a flutter through your chest.
as you both dance, ike’s hand brushed a little lower on your back, sending a jolt of electricity through your veins.
meanwhile, the host, consumed with jealousy and animosity at the sight of you and Ike’s arms, took a sip with a drink aware of the deadly poison flowing through his veins.
"mission accomplished?" you whispered, breath catching in your throat.
he nodded, expression tinged with satisfaction as he revealed the flash drive clutched in his hand.
"mission success," he confirmed, his eyes never leaving yours.
as the music reached its crescendo, the host eyes widen in shock, his body convulsing as he collapsed to the ground, the poison claiming him as its victim
amists the chaos, your eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of amusement dancing in their depths. turing to Ike, a wide grin spreading across your lips.
"well, that was impressive," you remarked, laughter bubbling up uncontrollably. "let’s get out of here."
ike returned the grin, a sense of satisfaction evident in his eyes as he scoops you up, PRINCESS STYLE .
slipping away into the shadows, his steps light and free, the weight of your mission finally lifted.
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garden-of-omegas · 7 months
┌── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
characters: loid forger | yor forger/briar | yuri briar summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: spies, contract killers, references to assassination, references to torture, adopted families, references to war, yuri rating: sfw a/n: guess who finished the spy x family anime? i did! i love yuri so much, and i love the forgers so much, and i love so many characters so much! honestly, haven't felt this motivated to finish something in ages. i'm back bitches! hopefully i'll start getting faster at writing these too.
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≿━━━━༺❀ loid forger ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a hitman. you'd never really been anything else. you were infamously known as "dawn", though no one had ever actually been able to pin anything on you specifically, mostly because you could control minds.
✿ both your and loid's ages are... nebulous at best, though loid had been working as a spy for about a decade, while you'd been in the business for at least two of those.
✿ you'd recently come to ostania under an alias to work as a teacher at the eden academy. loid was looking for an alpha to play a part in his pretend family, and just happened to meet you while shopping for anya. the moment she realized you were a spy too, your fate was sealed. anya insisted on you becoming her new appa, and once loid realized where you worked he saw an opportunity. you on the other hand, thought that a marriage could be beneficial to blending in while on your mission.
✿ before neither of you got to the point of actually proposing (a fake marriage) you received a mission to retrieve some valuables, a mission loid had also gotten. after several shenanigans, the two of you run into each other out of disguise, get chased by a bunch of smugglers, and loid proposes to you to the sound of explosions. you say yes. obviously.
✿ loid found you inconspicuous, a bit odd but sweet. admittedly, anya's love for you might've made him a lot less suspicious than he might've been if he actually paid any attention to literally anything about you. loid was handsome, and that was about the extend of your initial thoughts. a decent man, with a good job, and an adorable daughter. the perfect cover for any spy, which you should've probably thought about a little harder.
≿━━━━༺❀ yor briar ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were an... "interrogator", let's put it that way. but also the heir of a mysterious earl, who'd been kind enough to take you in when you were a child and taught you to be the person you are today, to be "the bloody prince".
✿ yor was 26, while you were 25. your father had recently started insisting that you find yourself a spouse, as you were soon to start training a child of your own.
✿ you actually met while working. you were having a "conversation" with a target, trying to get the names of some traitors out of him when the thorn princess showed up to kill your target. you fought about it, you even tried using your powers against her but they didn't work. she pretty much kicked your ass, and you barely got away. after finding a place to catch your breath, you realized that you found your almost killer to be heart-poundingly beautiful.
✿ you met yor a few days later, having met your new protege (a cute little girl by the name of nel) just the same day. she noticed yor and complimented her looks, which got you interested in her as well. while you were still a bit hung up on the mysterious beauty who almost killed you, yor seemed sweet and the type to not ask too many questions. thus, you asked her out on a date, and became a bit infatuated when she got flustered by the whole thing. she still said yes of course.
✿ yor found your secret identity to be impressive, if a little cruel. not that she could really speak on it. but meeting the real you, she thought that you were the most handsome alpha she'd ever met. if only you didn't fluster her so much. you enjoyed both sides of her, not that you knew they were the same person. she was strong, she was beautiful, she was everything you could possibly want in an omega. but you weren't actually looking for love, as you claimed to yourself.
≿━━━━༺❀ yuri briar ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the leader of an anti-government organization, still in it's starting stages. but for the most part you were simply going to school, trying to quickly get yourself through schooling to start truly working towards your goals with your comrades.
✿ you were 17, on your second year of college, while yuri was 14 and already on his first year of college. it'd been three years since you started your group.
✿ to put it simply, you and him were put together as roommates. you'd been impossible to find a roommate for, and yuri didn't get along with any of his classmates, so the administration thought that the two of you could just bother each other. and bother each other did you, both of your personalities clashing together the moment you met. especially about your views, even though you didn't dare to actually talk about your true beliefs. but it was hard, yuri was far too talented at riling you up.
✿ you remained roommates for the last two years of your schooling, and it was a disaster up until that point. but there were moments of peace, where yuri would help you with your school work and you'd look after him to make sure none of the older students bothered him. but most of your relationship was full of bickering and disagreements.
✿ yuri thought that you were the most annoying roommate one could possibly have, not for your habits or anything (you were actually pretty strict about keeping the place clean) but your personality. he admittedly did get a bit of a crush on you already, but would never admit to it. yuri was a kid. an annoying one, but an understandable one too. you didn't actually hold anything he said too seriously, and mostly just enjoyed riling him up because he'd act all huffy and cute about it. if he wasn't so stubborn about his beliefs, you might've asked him to join your cause.
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octuscle · 4 months
Can you transform my life into Zac Ansley’s?
The interesting thing about influencers is that they often don't do one thing at all: Influence things or people. Take this young, handsome man with this incredibly toned body. He has a staggering 1.3 million followers. How many of them have anything like his body? And how many only use his Instagram profile to secretly jerk off in the loo during their lunch break? The ratio is probably 10 to 1.2 million or so…
You're no exception, let's be honest… You have a little paunch, your favorite pastime is eating chips on the sofa while watching series on Netflix with one eye open. And watching Zac's new fitness videos with the other eye. Have you ever seriously thought about copying one of his exercises? Even getting into a barrel of ice-cold water? Buying any of the nutritional supplements he advertises? Actually, the answer is three times no. And at the age of 42, you probably won't change a thing…
You wipe your greasy fingers from the chips on your dirty wifebeater. And start wanking your puny cock. But maybe it was a beer or two too many. A few minutes later, you're lying on the sofa, snoring.
Zac gets up at 06:00 in the morning. You want to top that. The alarm clock is set for 05:45. And even if it takes some effort: By 06:00, you've eaten your high-protein muesli and you're on your way to the gym. Inspired by Zac's training plan, you start your chest workout. Shit, you're really out of shape. But no master has fallen from the sky. As you wipe the sweaty hair from your forehead after a really strenuous workout, you have the feeling that your receding hairline is getting better… And is the hair that grows back blonde?
You get lots of compliments at work. Have you lost weight? That your skin looks much better. A colleague even whistles after you and says with a grin, "Nice ass, buddy!" During your lunch break, you heat up your chicken and rice in the microwave and drink a large protein shake with it. And you cancel your colleagues' plans to go to the pub after work. You can make better use of your time. So you go to the gym and make sure your ass is even tighter.
Get up at 05:00, have breakfast, walk to the gym with your rucksack on your back and get your muscles burning. You can't imagine any other way to start the day. And your more than 12K followers are craving new selfies of you on the weight bench or posing in front of the mirror in the locker room.
At the office, you have the image of a fitness nerd. Even though you've been working out for an hour and a half, you're one of the first people in the office, you're always perfectly dressed and your hair is always in perfect condition. No one can remember the last time you were sick. And quite a few people think that, at just 38 years old, you only have your perfect body to thank for your position as division manager. Okay, there are also rumors about the size of your cock and that it also helped you climb the career ladder.
During lunch (chicken, rice and brocolli) you go live and give a few nutrition tips. You let your pecs dance under your tight shirt. If all goes well, you'll break the 25K followers barrier today.
At 6 p.m., your Indian intern knocks on the door. He has already swapped his suit for workout clothes. He asks if you're ready and if you can go to training. You tell him that you only need ten more minutes and that he should close the door behind him. A damp stain forms in his pants.
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05:00 a.m. First, the obligatory Instagram check. Yes! The one million mark has been broken! There's actually no time for this in your routine, but you have to wank your morning wood. To celebrate the day. But then you quickly have breakfast and go to the gym, the first post has to be out at 06:00, you have to keep your followers in line.
When your team shows up for the new YouTube videos, you're really pumped. Just like your fans love you. "Lads, lasses, hoy! Today we're gan te mek yor triceps an' chest proper radge!" Hey, you are a proper lad from Northumberland. You talk the way you talk. Most of your followers like you for not speaking nasal Oxford English.
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05:00 p.m., end of the day at the gym. The video turned out great. You've fed Instagram with a new reel. You're on your way to an interview with Status Fitness Magazine. And then you have to go to a swimwear shoot. It's going to be another damn long day. Not bad for someone who was told by the doctor just 12 years ago that you urgently need to get your act together if you don't want to die with a fatty liver. But damn, you've got your act together. And you did it damn well!
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minzart · 4 months
A quick fix me up
Vox / reader
Unresolved sexual tension - ehhh +16 maybe? It's not really that explicit I think? - the eroticism of fixing a robot
It had a been a fucking month, and the tech overlord could still feel the collateral damage of his - very purposeful, not at all accidental - melt down, tantrum, accident caused by that prick of an ultrapassed piece of junk still affecting his processing and it was getting on his nerves that he might feel the need to reboot for the second time this day before he has to peel more faux skin off his body.
And to top it all of, Val had to just still be obsessing over his fucking whore of a spider, noooo because the sixteen hour long shots had to be done today, he can't fucking relax or try to take his mind of the double work he has to do now that Alastor is back and viewership is decaying gradually, it's not like the pimp is the fucking director and can't just take half an hour to a quicky and be done with it.
Fucks sake when Valentino wants to fuck it's not a matter of yes, not even when, it's a now and be damned his screen if he denies the petty princess anything, but when he wants to fuck, and Angel Dust is at the vicinity, it has to have star alignment to convince the moth demon to even take his eyes of his fucking bitch for even two seconds.
He can feel another glitch happening at his screen, left eyes of all places, making his vision spin and change colors. He is tired, he is bothered, he is furious, he is stressed and he is still glitching. With a sigh of defeat Vox finally decides to call the person who can, at the very least, fix one of his many problems, his personal doctor, or should he call you his trusted mechanic, he settles for old -friend- acquaintance.
The logo of your business bounces in the closest screen, he misses when it was your face, not that he will ever let you know that, it's late and yet your voice, groggy and annoyed answered his call anyways.
“it's three in the fucking morning Vox what the fuck do you want” it's only your voice, no matter how many times he tried to force the video calls you never let your camera work properly, a quirky “fuck you” to him you had said once.
“gOOdNiiiGggth to yOu tOOo” he tries his best to say you name energetically, but the stupid glitch won't let his usual charisma take roots, at the end he sighs and groans.
“...... what the fuck did you do to your voice box this time, if I have to get cum out of it again I swea-” the sounds of sheets moving informs him that you were in fact probably sleeping, joy, he was the only one with trouble sleeping then.
“JUsrt gggEt yoR aSS hERe” he disconnects the call from your end.
“alright fine, fine I'm going” you talk to air, and he stills hears you because it's better than to give his attention to whatever is happening upstairs right now, not in the patience for it “I know you can still hear me you control freak, get your ass moving to the closest sofa before I have to drag your corpse from your fucking evil lair”
He chuckles, it would be funny if he wasn't actually hearing you, and it did happened before, your pissed face was priceless at the time, his body is ten times more difficult to command but he manages to enter in the elevator and out to the suit, Velvette is at her side of the tower getting her beauty sleep and Val “working”, leaving him with the space for himself and finally tranquility.
The television tunes to the nearest camera at your house, and he let's his mind wanders waiting for you to arrive. You were locking your door of the apartment when he sees a foot inside your house stopping it from closing, he changes the camera in annoyance who the fuck was there? Last time he checked you didn't have a new roommate since him, and it was fucking eons ago, and no fucking camera at that building is good enough to look inside your house, shit.
You two were talking, your hand goes up gently, your face disappear from frame, oh it's a whore, because of fucking course it is, but then you smile and walks away, leaving whoever the fuck was that inside, that couldn't be a partner could it? No, no way, you wouldn't, but who let's a fucking whore alone in your house in hell, no, scratch that, you, specifically, never fucking even let whores in since he remembers knowing you in this damned place, too paranoid for it, so who the fuck was that.
The overlord can feel heat building in his chest, twisting his insides and acid in his mouth. It was not a good day, nor a good week, nor a good month, he wouldn't call himself an easy jealous man, absolutely never, why would he even get jealous??? He's powerful, he's famous, he's rich, fuck he is ten time the man he was dead than alive. And still… and still he never is the first priority of nobody he could even call the closest thing hell can offer as friends.
Not for Val who would offer amazing sex but God if it didn't get tiring the temper tantrums, not to mention the several PR nightmares he has to cover; not for Vel who still has the best head on her shoulder of the three of them, but was God awful at listening to anything but her voice; not to his audience slowly slipping out of his grasp; not for his stars who only suck him up for a rise; not even for his fucking rival who hasn't even tried to rile him up since he came fucking back; and definitively not for you who was at the door of the company at three in the morning leaving whoever a sweetheart that stranger might be alone just because he called with a glitch voice...
He slowly gets his hand away from his face, grip so tight he could feel the holes it left dripping blue down his sides, vision black and white, and opens the automatic door for you with a snap of fingers. The lights are off and the second the security comes to you, you flash your ID card of the company, and go to the elevator without exchanging a word with the demon. It closes the second you are in and automatically sets your destination to the low levels of the V tower.
He hears the ping of the elevator opening and your footsteps getting closer, the TV now off. “alright let me see the damage”
You lift his head gently, peel the layers of clothes mechanically, and move the coffee table closer, your expression is of professionalism, neutral, and bags in your eyes”can you talk?”
“wwWhaAT dOdo-youu ThinnnK?” he answers and mentally grabs at the relief fraction of expression you show.
“ok, wires not completely busted” you unscrew his face and get to work, always precise, always gentle, you have always been gentle, he remembers meeting you, countless of years ago, a demon specializing in upgrading sinners with mechanical bodies, he remembers his rising days with a touch of bitterness, determination and a little bit of fondness, you were the first he ever trusted to ever exchange his screen when it broke when he still was scared of a second death.
He can hear you walking around, probably looking for the spare parts he has, and comes back as quickly. It's nice, he feels nice, relaxed, strange how a semblance of care can melt away his nerves is a good way. You are not even thinking about your motions, he can tell, and yet Vox let's himself bask in this fraction of attention a little, a lot, every little touch every little check he feels he commits to memory and replays over and over again.
From his face to his back and now he can feel your hands inside him adjusting wires and peeling melted wax that is where it shouldn't be because “your last black out made your cooling system kiss your ass goodbye so I'm gonna replace this too and you are gonna have to get new fake skin” and he couldn't be happier right now since it makes you stay a little while longer.
It's weird, he fucking knows that, he knows, he knows how weird it is feeling you be so fucking gentle and profession and getting off to it, and fuck if having you right there behind him didn't gave him an adrenalin burst, would you notice? Have you noticed how he can feel his insides hum in pleasure every time you fix him inside? You must, come on, it's so very obvious he's hotter than normal, it's not even funny.
And his mind just runs in it too, colors coming back to his vision, and his mind isn't even close to reality, his pants are tight and he wants to just grind so fucking bad to get some friction going down there, he feels one of your hands pin him in place, firmily sat, and he wishes it was to pin him down and- fuck, he feels electricity run around his whole body, you flinch breaking all contact and he has to bless his luck that he doesn't have a working voice box right now because he feels he just whimpered at the lost of contact “You good bud?”
He shudders and nods frantically, a little bit of panic building in his gut, fuck he can feel his pants are not dry, goddammit “lay down” you want to kill him, you definitively want to kill him, he will play that command on loop next time he gets this fucking needy.
He does as you ask, and has half a mind to not just plant his face between the pillows, he has to play it cool, he has to, his ego won't let him otherwise, the sofa shifts you are sitting besides his back and keep working, a new voice box being placed and carefully connected, he wishes you would have opted to just sit on him instead, the weight might have helped his too energetic body to calm the fuck down, it had in the past. He grips his forearms to try and focus on anything else but the new feeling of your fingers closing his back and making sure it's closed properly, he already is playing with fire just for having that erection again and now he has a voice and he doesn't trust it to say any more words.
“want to talk about what got you so stressed at three in the morning?” he can hear you yawning, sliding down the sofa, and as he turns to see where you're going, he meets you at eye level, you are sitting at the ground, arms crossed besides his head as a makeshift pillow for your own and attention fully, undoubtedly, on him only.
He can feel his eyes widen, and antennas snap up as a little wave of electricity pass between then, he has three seconds of blue screen before he is back with a smirk in his smug face “why absolutely nothing, i just needed a little fixing it's all and day time it's such a busy time you know, couldn't schedule it for later”
“hmhu” you deadpan his sales persona “alright, mr shivering-at-the-mere-contact-of-skin keep telling yourself that”
“whatever do you mean” he can feel his screen heating, fuck, you sigh and gets up, he stupidly follows your action rising himself too quickly and almost tumbling down the sofa “hey now what's the rush-”
“it's five in the morning” you are already at the door “and i got clients to attend”
“five- fuck” boner be damned he has news to deliver at six “why didn't you told me when it was four!”
“I was too busy rearranging your guts” he can hear the smirk in your voice and now he wants to punch your mouth with his.”have a good day Vox”
And just like that you are gone… he keeps dressing back up, tying his bow tie, getting coffee and checking his phone, life goes on normally, and he is back at 110% in no time. The only thing bothering him is how he will keep telling himself he is alright, nothing to look into, no sir, he doesn't have the worst case of communication allergies known to man that is costing his sanity, absolutely not, he is in control, always, he has to be.
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fizzywashere87 · 15 days
Hello!! If it's alright with you can i please request rottmnt with a mom like yor from " spy x family "? Platonic, funny one-shot, hc or anything you want.
Like she's sweet and would go up and beyond for her babies but she's secretly an assassin and that's the one thing she WON'T tell anyone at all.
notes: OMGIE YESESES!!! (we don't talk about the fact this is over a month past due but :D) I'm going to do them altogether- and I'm making reader's personality like what you described to me so I'm sorry if i misunderstood anything!! Hope you enjoy and tysm for requesting!!
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We Love You Anyways, Ma (HC's)
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I think it's a trend for the rise!turtles to have dumbass parents
Look at Splinter from even before he was mutated
yeah, you're a little naive but isn't everyone?
Now we know where your boys get it from! :D
April is apart of the family btw and she's your daughter
I reckon Mikey does all of the cooking anyways because you...
The few times you tried ended with Raph, Leo, and Mikey screaming in the background, while Donnie extinguishes the fire
You guys lost a very important member of the family that day,
You burned 'im at your failed attempt at cooking
That poor speck of cooking residue that was immune to cleaning supplies :(
Not even you, the mama of this carnival was able to remove
Maybe had a 'lil funeral as everyone cried but Donnie wasn't phased his ass was waiting for it to happen-
The lair is literally spotless
Nobody ever questioned why you were so good at cleaning
Actually, Leo did, I lied damn intuition i swear he has it
The boys get away with a lot, I'm sorry
"Where have you boys been?" You stand with your arms crossed scowling at the boys, they just got back to the lair and they do not look like they were anywhere you would condone as their mother.
Leo steps up, flashing you a smile, a bright one at that, "Sorry we're late Ma, we wanted to stop and eat pizza! We're sorry for not letting you know, we promise we'll let you know next time." He says, sounding oh-so genuine, how could you not believe that? Raph, Donnie, and Mikey are standing in the background nodding along to everything Leo is saying and you look at all of them carefully.
"Alright, be more careful next time! You had me worried!" You'd smile, and that would be the end of the conversation as your boys scurry away as a person right in the head would deem; suspicious.
You're not right in the head btw.
Overall, you guys are a family and you love each other tons
They do appreciate everything you do for them
You love them unconditionally and would do anything for them Please give Donnie validation and praise- boy needs it
You'd also do anything to protect them
Did I mention you're crazy strong?
Yes, you trained the boys so they have your agility
At some points you're overly gentle but you'll never tell anyone it's because you can't handle your own strength
Your excuse is that they can't handle it
You brush it off as a joke though
It's hard hiding such a big secret from them, but it's for their safety
They don't know why exactly you're so strong and cool, you played it a certain way that they'll never question
You do have your dumbass moments, but they never imagined you as an assassin- their mother? nah.
Your children come up with some weird ass shit on a day to day basis and never once they put two and two together
Your dumbass children i swear-
The boys love watching you in action
From the close combat that almost nobody can match-
To the way you effortlessly handle your blades
The way you know the exact points on a person to aim when attacking
Or how you've basically never lost a fight
The way you can scope out where your opponents are and how quick your reflexes are-
No you're not an assassin
I'm just lying!! You are!
If they ever were to find out, it's because your dumbass let something slip
The boys and April caught onto something
Leo confronted you in an indirect way
"WHAT?!" They simultaneously exclaimed in shock. Donnie pulls out a bunch of tech- probably to add to his file he has about you, Leo is shaking you by the shoulders demanding more information, Mikey copes by running around yelling 'OHMIGOSH,' Raph fell over backwards as if he were an object, and April yells 'I knew it!'
It's chaos.
As everyone settles down, you have no choice but to fill them in further, you go sit down at the table and they listen to your story. They are very shocked, very confused on some things, a lot of things are adding up now. But they aren't mad at you for keeping such a secret, none of them are, they think it's hella cool.
Leo raises his hand with a question and you wait for him to go on,
"So did the weird creepy fox yokai end up with the ugly bunny yokai or the nasty hamster one?" He recalls one of the missions you just told them about.
"I'm pretty sure it was the bunny." You answer, not really phased by the type of question he just asked and everyone nods along calmly.
Yeah. This is your life and you wouldn't wish for anything different.
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unidentified-ending · 8 months
Them catching you masturbating.
Male reader. Will make a female one later.
Ft. Hawks, Aizawa, Endeavour and Miurko
Hawks versionn
Possible ooc
Warning: contains nfsw under the cut
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Hawks at work.
Home alone.
It was perfect.
Or so you thought
Not perfect when he entered you guys' apartment when you were so close to finishing.
You squirted some lube on the top of your cock tip, it slowly dripping down the side of your cock. It was already hard but you needed some wetness to fully get off.
Even though you knew you shouldn't of been doing this, it was the perfect opportunity and you were so horny that you had no other choice.
You placed a hand on your dick, sending shivers doqn your spine. It and been so long since you masturbated so it sort of feels foreign.
You start by slowly caressing your tip, rubbing light circles around it for a few seconds, making you softly close your eyes.
You then slowly rubbed up and down on your shaft, one of your hands coming up to pinch and play with your nipples.
You let out a groan as you slowly start to pick up your pace, rubbing up and down.
You did this for a few minutes and you felt your cock throbbing with pleasure.
By now your eyes were to the back of your head and your hand was on autopilot, jerking fast up and down your shaft. Ever so often touching the tip again.
You were on the verge, your hand wet with your pre-cum and lube all over it. Your toes curled, ready for the best orgasm of your life.
But that got cut off when you heard the jingle of keys at your door.
"Shit, shit" you say while searching for your boxers and your joggers. He came in, calling out for you.
You spotted your joggers, you bent down on the bed, reaching your hand down the side of the bed.
When Keigo walked into your room, he had a perfect view of your ass, he also spotted your dick in between your legs, throbbing and hard.
"Well. Certainly didn't expect to see that today." He says while still staring at your ass.
"Keigo, get out." You exclaim in embarrassment, your face heating up with a blush as you continueto try and reach for your boxers
"Awh but you look so sexy" he teases as he walks towards you and puts a soft hand on one of your ass cheeks and rubs it.
"Keigo-" you start but he cuts you off with a
"Nope, I know you were masturbating. Look at your dick, it's so hard" he says as he pulls your from the side of the bed and flips you on your back.
You were now pinned underneath him, helpless and embarrassed, your face tinted a dark pink.
"Let's me finsh the jobbb. Its only fair my beautiful boy." He starts before trailing his hands down your stomach then right to your dick.
He jerked it up and down a few times to get a slight reaction out of you and it worked. You were maoning, groaning and grinding on his hand.
But all of a sudden he stops, then gets in between your legs, and looks up at you with a huge smirk.
He licks your tip and you jerk upwards. He holds your thighs and down and says
"Let me do the work, baby".
He continues to lick your tip until he puts his while mouth around your shaft. You moan out loudly, felling the rush of pleasure in your veins.
You let your hand brush in his hair, fighting the urge to deepthroat him.
"Fuckkk~~mmm~~" you moan out as he finally gets you to the edge.
"Please~~please~" you beg and he does the combo of jerking you off and sucking yor tip.
"Fuck! Im cumming~~Keigoo~~" you moan out as your toes curl for final time and you shoot your load right into his mouth.
He happily swallows it all and he got up off your softening dick and said
"Invite me home like that more. I will fuck your ass next time I see you in that position, its so alluring. Come. shower" he brings you to the shower and you guys wash in peace.
Cl, this is my first smut ever so blame me if it's shit. Sorry. I tried my best
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loidbriarforger · 6 months
As part of Loid’s Christmas present, Yor buys some sexy clothing in hopes to surprise him, after reading a spicy article in a magazine.
When he gets home from work one evening, he’s greeted by the site of his wife awaiting him by the tree, but not in her regular red sweater.
She’s adorned in a lace red lingerie set, red satin gloves that cover her arms, black heels, Santa hat, and large red ribbon with a big bow around her midsection. Blood red lipstick paints her lips.
Santa Baby plays as she saunters over to him.
“Welcome home, pumpkin~”
“Th-thank you, Yor.” His voice cracks.
“Do you like your gift? I picked it out just for you~” She purrs.
He stares down at her, but his eyes can’t avert from her breasts.
“G-g-gift?” Loid stammers.
Yor nods.
“I’m all yours! You just have to unwrap me! But first…” She pulls out some mistletoe and lifts it above his head, “You know what’s supposed to happen now. Right, pumpkin?”
He nods in response, “Yes, darling~”
She smirks, then grips his tie and brings him in for a kiss. One kiss becomes a quick make out session.
Loid’s hands travel down her back and cup her ass. The two melt into one another. Loid snaps back to reality and breaks the kiss.
“Yor- Anya will be home soon. We shouldn’t.”
Yor smirks, “Anya and Bond are staying with the Authens for the evening, so it’s just you and me~”
As if on impulse, Loid picks her up as she lets out a squeal. She wraps her legs and arms around him.
“You said you’re all mine, right?” He asks in a deep husky voice; lipstick smeared upon his lips.
Yor bites her lip and nods.
“Then how about I “open” you in my room?”
“Mmm, yes, please! Maybe I could get a present too~”
“I think I can deliver.” He chuckles before carrying her to his room.
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