#BUT THEY!! Alwsys try to eat me
littlewigglers · 1 year
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todaysbird · 1 year
i work at a pet store, any ideas what brands are better that i can point my customers towards im alwsys trying to be more knowledgable about these things so i can help these people considering they do trust in me for advice abt pets
For a chain store the options are pretty limited usually but sure. The lowest of the low are Kaytee and Hartz, I would not recommend these brands for any animal - they also commonly produce small pet products like hamster food. ZuPreem is eh but can get better. I would recommend Harrison’s, Volkmann’s, Roudybush, Lafeber’s, Higgins if they have any of those. I would more put stress on the importance of other aspects of their diet that many people miss - that they can’t only eat whatever seed or pellet brand you get. Many people don’t realize that parrots really do not do well on a solid diet of solely prepared foods, they need fresh fruit and veggies daily. (I definitely think less people would want exotic birds if they knew!)
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression - Ep 19, Shogi player Fujii Souta continues with a streak of the baseball equivalent of no hitters.
K: This is Dir en grey's Kaoru, starting this week's installment of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome....So, how's it going recently?
T: I'm watching Youtube quite a lot.
K: Oh, really?
T: Yeah. Quite a lot.
K: Have you found something you like?
T: Well, I'm watching various things, one of them was Dir's unofficial footage from when you were young. It came up as 'Recommend for you', and I thought..'Oh, they're young!'.
K, J: Hahaha.
J: Isn't that obvious?
K: Well, yeh, haha. Like when everything was really disordered?
T: It was kinda disorderly like that, everyone was getting excited. But you were probably all really young.
J: By getting excited you mean like, gathering in a circle and going 'Oughh!!'
T: Yeh, I saw something like that. I thought 'Wow, they're doing this kind of thing!?'.
K: Well, we still do that, even now.
T: Ah?
K: Yeah.
T: Oh, really? And then, there was one with the band members backstage doing something I really like..Um, don't you all play with remote control toys? Sometimes?
K: Uh uh uh
T: I really love that. That kind of fun chattering.
J: I don't understand this thing at all, what you are raving about, Tasai san, haha. Really?
T: Its like, usually, behind the scenes..
K: Its the bits you don't see.
T: Yeah.
J: Ahh.
T: Isn't is quite rare for people in bands to be into remote control toys?
K: I don't know whether we're 'into' them... *laughs*
J: Hahaha
T: That bit stuck with me strangely, it looked like fun. And I also like remote control toys.
K: Oh, you like them too?
T: Yeah. And, normally, you don't see those kind of stage performers doing that.
J: But, the Dir members don't play with remote control toys do you?
K: No, well at that time..
J: You used to?
T: They did, kinda.
J: Who did? Was it you Kaoru?
K: It was a present we recieved off a fan.
J: Ahh, I see, the kind of thing you can build and stuff?
T: Yeh, yeh, yeh, thats what they did. It looked really good.
J: Well, recently you havn't been able to play any live shows, but, Kaoru, how do you spend your time backstage before playing a show these days?
K: Hm, how do I spend my time?..I don't really do anything especially.
J: Relatively normally?
K: Mmm, yeah.
J: I covered a Dir en grey live show once with Rolling Stone magazine. Where was it again?
K: Osaka
J: Oh, was it Osaka? Well, certainly, just as the show was about to start you all gathered in a circle..
T: Ahh, really?
J: That is really cool, right?
T: Yeah, its good.
J: Should we do that here? Next time before we start recording?
J, T: Hahaha
T: Should we yell?
K: Haha, that would be so lame. A little bit difficult, haha.
J: No no no
T: It would be quite tough, haha.
J: Whhy can't we? I wanna try it! Just once, only once I wanna try.
T: We're not gonna.
J: We're not?
T: No.
Kami: Can I join in?
J: Oh, he's here! What is it, Kami?
Kami: Um, can I join in your circle?
J: Can Kami join in the circle too?
Kami: Yeah.
K: He can join, but he can't really put his hand in the middle can he?
J: You could just use your voice, right Kami?
Kami: Yeah, just my voice.
K: But the timing would probably be..
J: A bit off?
K: Yeh, I don't think he'd be in time.
J: You're right. But Kami..
Kami: It might seem a bit flat with only my voice.
K: You know, back then, our make up and stuff used to take such a long time to do, we had to arrive at the venue in the morning.
J: Ahh.
K: So we had time to spare. So we used to have fun like that quite a bit. But now, we tend to arrive at the last minute, well, I mean with just enough time to do what needs doing, so we don't really have a lot of spare time.
J: I see.
T: Well, including remote control toys, I have quite a lot of hobbies, things I like. And one of those hobbies is Shogi (Japanese Chess).
J: Oh, you like Shogi?
T: Yes, and today I'd like to go with a news story concerning Shogi....If you mention Shogi at the moment...Joe, do you know about this?
J: Of course! Fujii Souta san, right?
T: Yeah. Well Fujii Souta, who ranks at 7th dan, recently began his championship title match.  Its named the 'Keisei Title'. So, the first game  started at the Shibuya Shogi Hall on the 8th of July, and 7th dan ranking Fujii won this first game.
J: Its brilliant isn't it?
T: Yes, so he won the game in 157 moves, but he himself responded with, 'It was a really narrow margin, and I didn't have much time, so towards the end, I felt as if I was playing without knowing what to do'. But to Shogi fans,  even though he said that, they think he was reading into every move untill the end. It took about 30 moves at the end. I mean, in Shogi, continuing with 50 vs 50 gets really tough. There is always this pulling from each side...For example, if you lose one pawn in the piece toss, if you are playing a pro, they will  extend thier lead from there, and you will lose. So you have to make sure you continue at a decent pace for how ever many hours. I thought the way he won in the end was really cool. The current title holder, Watanabe was close to victory at about 120 moves. He put Fujii in check. From the viewers perspective, White looks cool making check, right?
K: Its looks as if its closing in?
T: Yeah, it looks as if its closing in, but this check was a little tired. Still, if Fujii had made one mistake, Watanabe might have won. He's a pro though, so he didn't make a mistake. This went on for thirty odd moves, with Fujii preventing check perfectly each time, and eventually he won in the end. Its incredible.
J: It is, yeah.
T: He's 17 years old!
K: Right.
J: Sevent..?
K: Seventeen.
T: What were we doing at 17 years old?
K: Haha, at 17?
J: Only lewd/dirty stuff.
K: Hahaha.
J: Im serious, really!
T: Really? *laughing* What does that mean?
J: Well, I'm still the same now. But I was about ten times worse back then.
K: Haha.
T: So, within this story there is the thing about Fujii san's winning meal..
J: Ah, yes yes yes. I just heard about this on Monday, but I was doing a live broadcast on InterFM, and a listener...ah, I think it was relayed on Ameba, you could listen on the radio and watch on Ameba. It was just about the time for them (the shogi players) to have lunch, and apparently Watanabe san ate Unaju (grilled eel on rice in a lacquered box).
T: Yes, it cost 3600yen.
J: Yeh, and then Fujii Souta san ordered a Katsu curry from Hosojimaya. And Hosojimaya is my favourite noodle restaurant.
T: Ehh?!
J: Really! I mean, its a noodle restaurant, but everyone who goes there almost always orders  Half curry with chinese noodles.
T: What is that?
J: Well, a half sized curry and rice, with a bowl of chinese noodles. Thier curry together with chinese noodles tastes soo good!
K: You're really excited about this, aren't you?
J: Last week I was...???*1 I'm old, I get easily excited, I'm getting so excited with corona waining a bit now. But it really is delicious! And this place is about a 1 min walk from the Shogi Hall...Hosojimaya. So, whenever I go, I often meet shogi players, and I once met and shook hands with the former Shogi Master, Moriuchi san.
T: Moriuchi san...you shook hands with him?!
J: Yes.
T: Moriuchi san is a really great guy, isn't he?
J: He's like nobility.
T: Yeh, yeh, yeh.
J: He was dressed magnificently, almost vintage looking, as a shogi player. Similarly, people like Sato san, and players from the era of Habu Yoshiharu, players who are less emphasised...they saw him too, and were like, 'Ah! Moriuchi san!', and shook his hand. There are alwsys tonnes of shogi players in this restaurant. But it must have been tough for Hosojimaya..
K: After the news got out?
J: Because the next day after this news was out, TV reporters turned up at thier door. And, then I went there the day after too , but Im a regular customer, so they welcomed me in. I ordered my usual half curry with chinese noodles for 1250 yen, but for me they never take the small change from me, they let me have it for 1000 yen.
T: Ehh, you are a real regular!
K: Are you allowed to say that?
J: Yeh, I think its probably ok? *laughs*
K: Hahaha.
J: Ah, but the restaurant asked me if 1000 yen was ok, I said of course!...well, i don't know about the price and stuff now though...There might be some people who go there after watching this, but they shouldn't ask for 250yen off, just because I got it. But it really is delicious. Kaoru, do you having any kind of 'winning meal'?
K: Winning meal?
J: Like an important thing you have to eat before playing a live show or something?
K: No, I don't.
J: Or something you eat while you are recording?
K: No..
T: Haha
K: When we do a live show, we have a buffet provided.
J: Oh, right yeh, at a live show.
K: But, actually in Tokyo, we often get bentos. Like from Kiyoken, steamed dumpings..or sometimes Torikyu.
J, T: Ehh?
T: That sounds nice.
K: Also, Kinbe.
T: Oh, Kinbe, yeh.
J: What was that?
K: Kinbe.
T: Its quite famous..
J: Oh, fish?
K: Yes
J: Oh, yeh yeh yeh.
K: You can see it at train stations and stuff.
J: Like at ???*2?
K: Yeh yeh yeh. That makes me quite happy.
J: It raises the tension, right?
T: Yeah.
J: Ah, I see. Well, its important isn't it?
T: That steamed dumping bento sounds really good..
K: Haha
J: Yeah.
K: We often get those in Kawasaki or Yokohama and stuff.
J: Steamed dumping bentos?
K: Yeah.
J: Ahh, yeh, food is really important.
K:I wanna go to this place (Hosojimaya). Won't it be busy though?
J: I think it'll probably be ok. Its quite far from the station, its not the type of place loads of people go. Should we go?
K: Oh, yes please.
J: Really though, this place's Half curry with chinese noodles! Hosojimaya's half curry with chinese noodles!
T: Are you in league with them?
K: It sounds like you have an arrangement with them or something?
J: Haha, no, I don't.
K: You do!
J: Saying I have an agreement in exchange for 250yen off is not like one of those scandals at Dentsu! Forgive me! Its a cute arrangement, right?!
T: *laughing* Its cute.
K: But this person (Fujii) likes Katsu Curry?
J: Yeah, Katsu Curry. If it was something like ramen, it might impart fate and make the game longer, right?
K, T: Mm, yeah.
J: Noodles would do that...but the Katsu curry is also really delicious. Anyway, Kaoru, do you like Shogi?
K: I had a shogi set in my family home, I used to play.
J: Oh, you can play?
K: Well, I don't know about now...I'm not that good at it. I only used to play with my dad. Also, they have shogi pages in the sports newspapers don't they?
J: Yes
K: I used to try and copy that and play on my own.
T: Ehh?
J: Right, well next time...I can also play shogi..let's have a tournament with the three of us.
K: No, I'm not really that good at it.
T: Hahaha
J: For once, I feel like I could win. Tasai san, do you play well?
T: I would play seriously.
K: Hahaha
T: But if it became a fight between us..
K: Yeah..
J: Well yeah..
T: I would go for it.
K: I wonder if Kami can play?
J: Kami, can you play Shogi? What do you think?
K: I can play Yama kuzushi (an easier game which uses Shogi board and pieces).
T: Hehehe
K: Ahh
Kami: Or Mawari Shogi and stuff (again, a kids' game which uses shogi pieces). Im good at those games. I would beat Fujii Souta at those. Yama kuzushi shogi and mawari shogi.
J: I see.
Kami: Also, Hasami shogi.
J: Oh, Hasami shogi. I played that when I was little. So, Kami, if we do a 'The Freedom of Expression' Shogi tournament, please take part.
Kami: Yes, I will.
J: And the winner can get a Katsu curry from Hosojimaya.
K: Oh yeah.
T: Oh, that sounds good.
J: I think its a good plan.
Kami: I've been checking out the reviews of Hosojimaya online since earlier. On Tabelog (restaurant review site).
J: On Tabelog?
K: Hahaha
T: I thought he was being quiet!
J: It looks good though, right?
Kami: Yeah, it looks really good.
J: But curry in noodle restaurants is really great, isn't it?
K: Ahh, yeah.
J: Right?! Its kinda..
T: Sweet
J: Yeah, sweet, and it is soo good in this half curry with chinese noodles set.
T: Do they have Katsudon too?
J: Yeah, they do.
Kami: I really wanna eat there.
J: You do?
Kami: Yes, I really want to.
T: Me too.
K: Ok, shall we go?
J: Lets go! All of us.
K: Yeah.
T: Joe, you arrange it for us.
J: Ok.
K: Well, lets finish this episode here. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
J, T, Kami: Thank you.
*1, 2 Couldn't catch
P.S. I'm not a Shogi player.
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DNA4U photos of lost loved ones.
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So I have shown you the,magical ability of a photograph. Talking about 2 photos in a sequence, causing an eruption of memories.
I want you to step into the photo. Be there. Be the camera. What am i capturing? What am i seeing? What am i feeling? Where am I?
Its a lot of anxiety and fear and pressure.
So building a building of hope and love.
You need a perfect concrete foundation.
We will first label significance not telling what we know of the whole photo. Lets protect our emotions at this current time in 2020.
Its easier on the heart. I won't protect my secrets ill tell you but stop the telling -- so I'm not all day writing. But you will literally fall into some photo. Like one it starts motor mouth right away.
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"Momi get out of the bed! No stay in!"
I won't write the first steps as he's in bed and need social distancing!! But i read his face. I look for any and all emotions present. You can do it but remember he ain't looking at you!
Think like you're a mental nurse and there's a wall of money between you and him and if you get all pantsy that money disappears.
Because it will if your soulmate doesn't approve of you checking out another man with lust.
Fact: he's sexy
Fact: he's looking tastey and mighty fine
Your death: i wanna jump on this man and ride.
I will kill you. Because todsy you're all my friends and im trusting you with a naked man that does not belong to you. Social and physical distancing, my children!!
Now his arm across his chest yes all them sexy he wanna hold you...
But why? Will he strangle me to,death? This is his protective we need to talk, you're not okay. And I'm,literally trying to,run,away. And he's holding my other hand.
So that's why y'all intuitive wanna melt and do what he says.
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I didn't listen to him. I got hurt really bad. Hide into the corner of the closet shaking and too scared to cry bad.
You can actually see his left eye had a blood pocket. Where a vein in his eye ruptured.
He's sad. He's concerned. But strong enough to help make it better.
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Really nothing here. Various faces. He's people watching whilst I'm at work. Standing guard.
So he purposefully looks intimidating but he's bored.
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"You know what 'cha gotta do. I'm gonna go kill this mother fucker"
$5 for each correct emotion pulsating and flowing through his heart, mind and soul.
His pose to me is "are you ready for me to kill him? Is that something you can handle?"
In his rage he stops to address me and my heart and ability to breathe. Because he doesn't want to hurt me.
$5 if you can apply why he felt emotions.
I haven't began these memories. I just got so many photos thanks to snoop So I haven't done allot.
But I do know this feeling is more often than not -- this facial expression.
Sometimes if I don't get dressed to go out to eat. This particular one is about killing someone that wasn't just hurting us but many others. If I said no, he would talk to me about the situation. And I would try to find words to express... If I said yes. He would make a phone call. Sometimes we had to travel behind to try to catch them because they escaped surveillance.
Like here below.
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I didn't know they matched until writing y'all just now.
I knew this one below did!
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This is actually calm at rest. At peace. But tired and exhausted. He's also excited.
He looks mad, angry and dangerous because he is. That's.. This is him without a care in the world.
In his mouth it's edible
But we alwsys giggled it was his casino chips he won because we finally caught the guy. We had been on his, the bad guy's radar for 2 weeks which meant our guys were watching him for more than 3.
All I knew before... Life I was all whatis this picture to me? What happened next it Before? We fucked in the beach, in the hotel, casino. In a random hotel lobby bathroom. When before it was only in our hotel room
But but we did it for cover that we were there for work. We got paid to fuck around but we did it the right way.
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I was missing him So bad all day. I had thought I was on My period so everything was 6 levels higher than usual.
I just abruptly left work to see him.
So he's scared. He wants to know but he's pulled back like he knows he needs to chill everything is alright but I never had left work like that. So he was freaking out.
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Y'all have a Good Day.
Quarentine virus was named after his favorite beer.
If he was drinking, life was about me and no one over age 20, fake ID or not.
Go drink with your family.
He loves y'all. I want you to know who he really is.
0 notes
xottzot · 6 years
2018-01(JAN)-15th--Monday--(afternoon)--STILL in a LOT of pain--LOTSA regular rain not the storms they keep insisting forecasting.
2018-01(JAN)-15th--Monday--(afternoon)--STILL in a LOT of pain--LOTSA regular rain not the storms they keep insisting forecasting.
Outside, it's like Winter USED to be here, where there would be endless rain nonstop, often solid day and night for week after week at a time.....I KNOW BECAUSE BACK THEN I WAS FORCED TO WORK IN THE DAMNED RAIN.
But everything grew. There was little terrible dust and shit about in the air (as there is nowadays). I grew a lot of stuff in this backyard. Fliss was alwasy amazed how I (and then we) grew so much, and how it all tasted good and was good for mind, body & soul. That was years before dear Fliss went off the rails physically and mentally.....(I STILL LOVE YOU DEAREST FLISS!)
In 2015, the garden all ended. And in late 2015, EVERYTHING ended, so fuck it all. It's a desolate wasteland now. Rampant weeds grow. Not the shit YOU'RE thinking of (drugs) but the damn weeds that helps to stop anything from growing. And the decade cycle (or more) of the huge grasshoppers (like locusts) plague has again arrived and are everywhere hopping/leaping attacking everything else of plant life.
Outside at this helhole, the shitheads currently as I type this aren't about on foot (but they did that this morning), but now that it's raining proper non-stop, they're...somewhere else....whether that's holed-up in criminal hueseholds hereabouts or elsewhere......they mix 'n match in & thru so MANY households and the the Western Australian Police never know where they actually are at any given time. You think all that by the criminals is 'accidental'...like hell it is....
And the criminals are locked into the Koongamia school hours cycles/hours too. But they never actually go to school. Instead they used the school hours like a big alarm clock with it's loud school siren to indicate when they should crawl out of any dive they were at, and when they should stagger to the local shops and liquor store, and the abos and criminals would prey upon any innocents they found about before, during or after school hours. - Nope, school will retart again for 2018 and all the crimnals schedules will be back just how they like them.....because being criminal is how they they have ALWASY lived and will always think its 'normal'......
They abo criminals never have umbrellas. Unless they steal them. Or social worker 'departmentals' give them umbrellas (which are just throwaway 'toys' to them and are alwsy smashed up by the crimnal abo kids). Nope, no umbrellas needed, instead the criminals just get around in black clothing. If it gets wet, they just change into.....more black thugs clothing obtained from.......anywhere they can.....
It's a criminal way of life for them, they learned all that from their criminal parents, whwo learned that from THEIR crimnal parents...and on and on and on it goes back AND also forwards.....hence the criminals toddlers absolutely destined for lives of being utter criminals without any doubt whatsoever......
I've got very wet and cold because I had to do things outside. There's nobody else to do it. Emergency things, household things, mundane things, all had to be done. And now I'm in AGONY.
I've done some small cooking and fridging up crap food to eat later whilst I can before the power goes out, or andor before my damn pain get worse....as if it could get worse.....though it HAS been so bad that it has wrenched me to fully awake after only 2 hours sleep or so at a time, each time.....
Outside a taxi has just pulled up at 13:49 and dropped off ANOTHER abo...to the abo main criminal housheold of Kalara Way....isn't it so telling how THAT place is magnet to them.....just like Fatguts abo drug dealer house to be the same before dear Fliss left here in late 2015.....
I wonder how many rubbish bins will be rifled through overnight by the criminals, out to steal alcohol bottles for the last drops of booze, or to go through rubbish peoples letters to steal their identities, and all the other shit that goes on at this hellhole area.....the amount of times I've had to deal with DEMAND shit from those who think some criminal arsehole using my name is me....for fucks sake.....
Authorities used to aways blame 'oh, it's just kids'......well it is and it's not, because those criminal fuckers do it all for the adult criminals too. It's part of their 'traditions'.....
I'm going back to try and lay down again. - I'm in great pain.
I have to let dear Sam & dear Max safely outside when the rain is not so bad, then towel them down before bringing them back inside, then let them dry completely.....until they need to go outside again for their ablutions.....
Meanwhile, shitheads dogs just freely roam the streets and shit everywhere all over footpaths and in other peoples yards. I don't blame the poor dogs...it's the useless shits who 'own' them.
Then there's the feral filthy disease carrying cats everywhere.....and the idiots are letting them into their houses around here......whilst assuming they are THEIR cats to pet and pat....for fucks sake.....probably whilst they're lazing about on a sofa so out of their brains on illegal drugs and shit and think having filthy stray feral cats in their houses is 'normal'...but then again they do the same with the criminals and shitheads too about this hellhole.........letting them into their houses (rented or not).....day and night......
And I love cats, REAL cats, not these disease carrying vermin and the human vermin who feed them shit and who house them (sometimes)....and who enable disease to be spread all about, human and animal...
The streets have all been washed a lot by the rains. The 'burn-out' tyre marks from shitheads in cars has probably been erased or faded, so therefore the criminals will make sure their feral tribal tyre marks HAVE to be on the roads again at any tiem of any day or night with all the associated noise, smoke, burnt oil, and shit as soon as they can. And authorities probably today look at the clean wroad and mutter, 'Dunno what the problem is, the roads are clean aren't they?'.
I love you dearest Fliss and want to be with YOU. - Max also seems to be in a LOT of pain. Sam is less so. Our sole remaining alive chicken is soaked and alone.
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sleepy90 · 7 years
Double edge cheating scandal
I was in my mid 30s I’ve been married for about 5 years not sure why but lately my wife been acting funny. She been complaining alot even though I’ve been doing all I can but it just seem like I can’t keep here happy like I use to back in the day. Didn’t know what was wrong. Was she losing interest in me.. was the sex horrible.. I had no idea what to so I called my boy Orlando up.
Hey homie I need some advice, if my wife is losing interest in me what can I do to spice it up? Orlando is a good friend we've been friends all our life his dad was my dad and my mom his mom. We were more than friend basically brothers.
Orlando was older than me though and been through so much he got married at a young age roughly around 20 years old.
Well joe why don’t you ask her?
I want to ask her but it always turn into an argument and I’m so strong headed I gotta say what’s on my mind and then once I speak my mind she get quiet and stop talking to me for a whole week. This marriage is becoming a nightmare.
He said Bro what have I been telling you since we were young.... you cannot please a women! You can only please yourself.
Dude that doesn’t make sense! I don’t understand. I said.
Well let me put it to you like this! If you go out trying to give a child everything what they want when you take them to the store you’ll be broke right.
Yea I guess, I said in a confusing way as to where is he goin with this…orlando always had wired ways of explaining things and it never make sense at first but after giving it some thought it sinks in.
Same thing with the wife you’ll be unhappy trying to please a women you can only please them by giving them the basics and making sure you’ll happy in the end too. there has to be a compromise from both parties not just one. I know you want to speak your mind but communication is key and pride come before destruction. look Im no preacher but uh you better shut up or uh it’s going to be a long drive to the court house.
Yea you right I love her I think I’ll bring home some flowers and sit her down and just let her vent it all out to me. Your analogy are wired but I guess I get I’ll hit you up later let you know how it go.
Aight peace homie he said.
I went to a flower store after work and to walmart to get her favorite chocolate candy And came home waiting patiently for my wife to get off I usually get off a 6 she get off at 7. An hour doesn’t seem long but this particular day it every min felt like 15 mins. I tried everything to pass time tv walking cleaning and after all that only 45 mins past.
So I close my eyes and laid there the remaining time. When I open up my eyes it was 715 I decided to call my wife to see where she was at.
Hey beautiful are you on your way home. I got something for you? It’s a surprise
Hey I’ll be there in 5 mins I’m getting some gas. What you get me?
Now you know I can’t tell you that.
Ok I’ll see you in a few let me hurry up.
Ok love you bye. She never says i love you back and that was one of the things that worried me she alwsys said it in the beginning now its seem like a one way love I rush around the house making sure everything was spit clean and top notch.
She walked in the door. I nervously walk up to her gave her a kiss and gave her the flowers.
Aww baby thanks…
No problem I need to show you that I still love you and how blessed and lucky I am to have you. Also I want to do something to night if you can give 15 mins of your time.
And what might that be. She said looking at me.like what I’m up too.
I pulled up the chair and told her to sit down got out my notepad and told her I want you to tell me any and everything about how you feel I feel like I’m failing as your husband and I don’t like this feeling so before I go another let’s work it out.
Joe. I’ve been with you this long what is me tell you gonna change anything.
Because I know. I can be a difficult person to deal with. Ummm she said. Hand me that note pad. I will write everything that’s wrong and post in on the bedroom.door and you can look at it when ever you’ll fucking up.
She took about 15 mins to come up with a short list of things I need to do.
1. Communications your communication sucks you always cut me off when I’m speaking when are you going to listen. 2. Quality time. You don’t have a work.life balance you work to damn much. 3. You to cheap when we go out.whats the point of working if to cheap to enjoy it. 4. Your sex is starting to get weak. It’s boring and you only last 15 mins and I never get to him anymore.
Here You go!
She handed me the paper and boy was I amaze I mean don’t get me wrong I figure the first three but the last one had me confuse. I thought I laid the pipe down well.
I didn’t say nothing I decide to tackle that problem first starting friday.
It’s been a slow week anyway so I decided to come home early to surprise wifey with her favorite meal from her favorite restaurant olive garden.
But when I walked in the door I heard a man voice. And my wife. Voice.
They were in the back fucking. Apparently he was hitting it so good they didn’t hear me come in I stood there shock like what should I do.
The OG in me was like oh hell no someone is about to get shot by my new ruger sr9c. But then I said to myself I need to do something different something bold something that my wife will never expect. I knew exactly what to do. I bought my ruger in with me just in case.
Walked in….
Oh shit the look on their face was priceless
I pull the gun up don’t you move… I swear to god I’ll shoot your dick off.
Baby I’m so sorry I didn’t think you’ll be home so early!
Shut up! I don’t wanna hear that shit. You caught.
The man look scared out his ass his dick went so soft it looked like a pussy. On the insides i was cracking up. Look man I didn’t know please don’t shoot me. Shut up! I said and as fuck that I’m dealing with this shit. This is what we gonna do you gonna keep fucking her and I’m gonna watch and you better so it good or ima pop a cap in your ass…
Both of them looked at me like I was fucking crazy. Maybe I was but I knew killing them isn’t worth it and I know sometimes.you have to be insane.
I grab my chair and told them to keep going Put my gun in my lap as I sat there naked. Watching.
He nervously started eating my wife pussy in a circular motion occasionally fingering her and teasing her. My dick suddenly got hard.
I thought to myself what does this guy got that I don’t have, at the same time I had to stay focus and think about my next move so I wanna shoot this guy or do I want to do something extreme and crazy and join in. Fuck it. I went in to the kitchen his my baby and took about 3 shots of pure moonshine. I went back in as they kept going nervously wondering what I’m doing. I didn’t tell you to stop boy! Keep going dammit. Boy the look on his face was priceless eating that pussy like a bitch. So jane do you like the way he eat your pussy? She Stare at me scared not knowing if I was going to kill his and her or what my next move is. Nowadays people were getting killed left and right for things like this. I can’t hear you… don’t be quiet now remember the paper… I pointed to the wall.. You said communicate.. now answer me! She studer with her words and they were very sluggish. Yyyeeesss! She said I didn’t get mad what’s the point apparently something must be catching her attention from this guy. I got undressed and pulled my dick out and shoved it down her mouth aggressively How bout now You like sucking my dick and ate st the same time. She glazed at me just wanting to be submissive at this point. I pounded her mouth with my dick pulling her hair and slapping her in a aggressive but sexual manner. You like this shit don’t you jane! Yes daddy… I’m so sorry I choked her i didn’t ask for your apology I asked if you like this shit?! Yes daddy! Now I’m not an abuser but my wife is a little wild maybe this is what she meant by excitement. I told the boy to stop eating her pussy, she’s bout to get this dick. I told her to suck his dick while I fuck her. I slid my dick in. MY GOD! It was so wet who would have thought that a pussy can get his wet. I had her in the doggy style position just so I can smack her ass while she suck his dick. I was smacking that ass so hard. This not my idea of releasing my anger but it sure was helping for the time being.. I grab her hair tilt her head back and told him to starting fucking my wife mouth. He looked at me hesitant. And speechless. I said..looked you either fuck her or I’ll shoot you, you in my house motherfucker now do as I say!. Have you been drinking? my wife asked me. I didn’t tell you to speak! I smacked her ass. I promised my wife I’ll ease off the moonshine for a while because it makes me a little out of character sometimes and amplified my emotions that I was currently in.fuck that shit. I didn’t give a fuck right now. I pound that pussy while she was sucking his dick. I don’t like the way your pussy feel you need to get wetter. She looked at me in amazement. Speechless cause she had his dick and my dick at the same time and never expected this shit. Truth was that pussy was so wet I didn’t want to stop.but i had to cause I don’t want to nut prematurely. So I stop told him to stop as well. Now i want you to suck both of us off. He stood next to me scared like a little bitch. He was still halfway hard. Bitch ass boy! I thought to myself.. look if you don’t get hard and start fucking like a man ima shoot your dick off.. I don’t feel comfortable no more man.he said Let me get this straight you feel comfortable walking in my house fucking my wife while I’m gone but now I’m here it’s a different story. Maybe my ruger can ease your “uncomfortableness” Nooooo that’s not necessary I’ll fuck your eife please don’t kill me. He close his eyes. My wife looked at me. I looked back and told her if you say anything I’ll smack you so hard your pussy will start dripping.. She just started sucking our going back and forth. I glaze at the light. The way she was sucking my dick it felt like I was in heaven talking to Joseph or Adam or someone. I knew it wasn’t earth. I told her to spit on it. She spat on my dick. Not suck his like that and jack mines. She was really enjoying this I look at her pussy she started creaming and dripping cum all over the bed i wanted that shit. But then I said no that’s to easy. I gotta be insane but different You want some dick jane!? Yes daddy she replied. Who you want to fuck you,? I asked I want you… Good! I want you to fuck my wife boy and you better fuck her good too.the moment you get soft I will shoot you. Whatever you say just don’t kill me. He barely had his eyes on me and barely open.I guess the sight of me intimidated him. He laid my wife down spreader her legs put one leg on his shoulder and slowly put it in, i stood there watching, Plotting my next move. She grab his arm as he begin to pound my wife pussy. Ahhh shit hmmmm. Damn It’s so good. If i stood here and watch i was going to go insane so I reach Into the drawer and grab the anal plug that we never used My wife wanted to do anal at one time I wasn’t really trying to do that shit, pussy just feel so good. I reach over trying not to intervene to much.i slowly plug her butt. he was hitting it so good. As I put it in all I could hear Was oh shit oh shit..yes yes yea. As I put it half way in she squirted all over my face and his dick. It didnt faze me, maybe because of the alcohol. I kept going in and out with the plug. Oh my god oh my god don’t stop! I love this shit keep going put it in my ass and fuck my pussy harder. My wife yelled. Damn I don’t remember this side of my wife. I didn’t know who i was with anymore. I kept going as fast as I could she squirted again and again. You want to taste his dick while I fuck you next. What ever you want daddy I wanna please you. We switch position I turned her side ways it was my favorite position I can choke her smack that ass grab that hair and play with the clit. I put my dick in and immediately started pounding the pussy I took my left hand and started playing with her clit it was so sensitive my right hand was grab her hair. I told her to suck his dick til he cum. You wanna cum on my wife don’t you boy. Dude you’ll crazy I form wanna do that. He replied to bad you don’t have a choice I want you to play with her nipples and then I want you to nut on them. He grab my wife tits hand shaking like he was a diabetic. He started squeezing one nipple and rubbing the other taking his index and middle finger and put it in his mouth and slowly rubbing and squeezing her nipple. I could feel my wife cumming after he did that. All her juices were coming out on top of my dick. I told him I want him to cum. it was time to put an end to this i could feel the moonshine disappearing and i can’t guarantee his safety if i can’t feel this alcohol. He looked at me like i was crazy i told him relax close your eyes cause if you don’t do it Ima shoot you I never threaten someone so much but hell the man is in my house and I’m a criminal defense attorney so I know how to get away with murder. of course I’m not going to murder him but he don’t know that. I chose my wife while she suck his dick smacking her ass and playing with her clit. She begin to get wetter and wetter trying to push me back with her hand. I grab her and pin them down on her back. Holding it with my right arm and smack her ass. you better not stop me! I said. I rub on her clit as I slowed down a little wanting to make sure I feel that pussy. I’m bout to cum oh shit the man said. my wife lifted up her chest as he busted a nut all over her tits. Keep sucking his dick i told her. She lick the rest of the nut out his dick swallowing it like it’s no tomorrow. Kept going as I sped up. I could feel her pussy tighten up on my dick that’s how I knew it was good it begin to feel like the first time we fuck. I haven’t felt it like this since our first time. I kept going i felt the g spot I tap it with my dick her pussy push me put as she squirted on me I jumped back in i begin to lose feeling in my leg as was about to cum. I look at her are you ready jane. Yes nut inside me baby let it all out. I could feel my muscle tight up throughout my body as I kept going as fast as my body would let me She moan so loud . Oh shit yes uh yah uh. She said. Her thighs tighten up as I gave It a few more pounding in her pussy as the walls grip my dick I slowly came inside my wife I was cumming so hard. i could see she had her mouth wide open and she was squeezing the boy dick so hard he had to back up. I kept going cause it turns me on when I nut inside and see her cum and my cum coming out slowly at the same time as I pull out. I went fast as I could because I knew my dick would eventually go soft.. She was still moaning not evening realizing it’s over. I pulled out as slow as I could my dick was white cover it my cum and hers. While we were finishing up the boy done snuck and put his cloths back on. I didn’t even notice Hey I didn’t tell you can leave boy where you going. Look man I gotta get home to my ol lady.. it wasn’t suppose to happen like this. Oh shit you married! you lying cheating motherfucker! You got five seconds to get out my house or ima shoot your ass. 1, 2, 5. I chase his ass out the door if I ever see you again it won’t be pretty. I yelled out the front door. That motherfucker ran so fast it made usane bolt look like a turtle. I went back to my wife told her dinner is on the table. We’ll discuss this later I’m going to sleep. Baby I’m sorry. She looked at me
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Alex: i think it makes her feel good that shes with someone you love and approve of her dad gave her such a shit time About being a prostitute
Apparently the girls got together and said they would tell dad. And she told him and he blew his lid so everyone else didn't. And he's harassed her ever sense.
Jesse: i got more than one?!?!!?!?!?!?
Me: mind your business
Michael: Sabrina how many are there -.-
Me: mind your business they're grown ass women!! They can do what they want
Michael: Sabrina HOW MANY
Me: if you must know I got 937 in South America. 859 in Guatemala.
Michael: im walking away!!!! .... she's right sometimes that's what you gotta do. Mind your own business. I'm looking at Jesse's face right now and he's laughing. I mean what are you gonna do?
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Jesse: I mean she don't care, why should I?? I might as well be happy and proud. They do what they want as do I. I mean I could been killed having sex with you for 30 years. But what? Just relax man! That's what she used to tell you! I'll take that advice. I'm proud. I'm sorry for what I've said to my only onedaughter brave enough to take that dive for sisters and probably brothers.
Michael: one confessed. He said "why does she keep calling prostitutes girls? I'm one. I'm not a girl, im just s boy. I didn't mean to say that. It just spilled out. Are you mad?" Well yeah. And she's all no. Those are my babies. They got the opportunity to stop with their friends maybe in time they will. If not we will see. I thought of all the gumption now She's lazy. But last night I saw a difference when she talked to she-ra she said "client" not John like they're all clones like the mess in my head. It'll get better. I'm sorry, too, also for what I've said.
Me: i know some are men. So that is why I use rhe term prostitutes. Like i will use that term more than girls. But sometimes I just say girls... But i try to remember to say prostitutes as i think it's a gender neutral term. And most men have soulmates they share a body with so girls does apply to Men. Total for 9 billion years I've had 3,914,286 children work in the sexual field, strippers, porn or prostitutes.
67,249,586 since 1984 have been prostitutes because they wanted to. At least 12 times done a sexual act in the street for money including myself. During a prostitution act I learned how to teach the entire world how to grow their Dick and not have saggy balls, tonight. I got $20 and a crack rock.
Had that night in Tulsa Oklahoma when i was 19 (actually 15) not occurred then no one would got an example on how to make their penis larger. I would say that was what needed to be done. Not how.
It wasn't CIA work. It was for fun, in my personal bank account i had $3400.18 I could bought crack. I just didn't want to. It was on a CIA and they actually got him outta bed and on the clock because they knew he was a hermaphrodite and i would like to see, they thought i would induce memories. That didn't work the way they wanted. But i never forgot it. It worked the way I wanted. Just a moment in time. Something to do with a kind guy. I even remember what he looks like. It was Michael Jackson.
My cousin told me "you want rock? They got it over there and you can just fuck for it" cause i was bored in the house. I said ,can i help you sell weed? Or you know someone with money who wants to fuck? TV is killing me with the lights and the house is suffocating."
"Over there? Okay come find me if you get scared or I'm gone more than a day or two. Cause that's where I'm going. I know you don't lead me astray"
My cousin Kyle.
So no I don't judge. But i know the difference between doing it for work. For fun and doing it for food because you're starving.
The food and starving and people evacuating their country for food and being forced to prostitute is a concern and must be stopped!!!
Here eat. Go home if you want. But don't work for food. Work because you want to! Men and Women.
My children are mind strong. They know what they're doing and why and how it makes them feel.
Total we have currently 1,221,468 children in the world working as strippers, escorts, prostitutes, etc. Sex Workers.
My children. My eggs from my body.
Over 90% want to and enjoy it.
I'm proud of them. It's good money. It's good for their health, the environment. Their souls.
They learn alot about people that is very rare information that not many people get to learn.
It's intimate. There's nothing else like it in the world.
Alex didn't want me to do it but rarely.. And even then he hated it. Because i was taken away from him.
In Armageddon he didn't care who i fucked. I could been a prostitute in Armageddon just fine.
I didn't want to. That pissed me off.
Here in this life, I did often want to. But he didn't want me to so i didn't. For his feelings.
He said i could if i wanted to but i knew he didn't want me to. That type of job being a single mom... And waiting on him, was counter productive.
So i didn't. But i could had. I didn't choose not to because it's disgusting. I didn't want to feel vulnerable or desperate for companionship or money and make a mistake and i was sick a lot..
It's alwsys been too dangerous for me to do alone. And i don't want to share the street, i want ny own street. But with no one to look in on me and not wanting to have a pump or being told what to do.
I knew it wasn't the life for me.
But for 1.2 million of my kids it is.
And it makes me smile.
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Our old ladies making sandwiches in the Bronx.
I asked the kids "do you know any older people that might need a home? May be down the street or near you? For real cheap? Lesser than they paying now?"
"Yeah! My gramma!!"
"My aunt!"
"Oh shit yeah! My gramma I'm taking off to get her now!"
I wanted single parents we were so lucky to be across the street from the park so we could ask them. Kids are typically more honest than adults.. Have less greed but more worries but have that shelter of an older person to look after them so less desperation to lie.
So we had them old grammas and a young single aunt raising her sister's kids in there making sandwiches. All the time. No peanut butter and jelly unless they asked. Only meat from behind the glass at the deli that was sliced special just for us. They called it the bakery they been there so long. I called it a bodega. They called themself a Grocer. Its still there, too. And we had the cheese sliced special. Only the bread was precut and the kids liked SunBeam best. Miracle whip.
I knew they couldn't afford that kinda stuff and the money my parents left me after their death... I knew that was what they would want. To treat them women good as they went special to get their orders all cut.
I knew back on slavery days they did it often. And they could not eat the meat -- most didn't have the permission. Had to buy a whole chicken and thaw and cook it and cut it themselves. It was the cheapest of ways.
But this way they could go on and get for us and take a pound of meat and cheese home. And a loaf of bread.
For $5 a day and the promise of a house.
I loved loved loved talking to my old ladies but man as the boys tore the houses down, their stories tore my heart apart.
It didn't rake the joy out of me. It helped establish the principle. And one with the worst stories of all she said when she had us ALL crying "please promise me you'll help more black people"
"I can't help but to have to at this point in my career"
"Where do you get the money? You always smile and walk away. Don't you dare walk out that door! I already see you smile all big and bright! Now you tell me or we will all cry again and you don't want that do you? Or do you? You can tell me if you're mean and evil with a smile that bright it is a question!"
I pushed the smile down my throat to stop my tears and keep me from bawling and to give me half the strength of the women before me. I tried to hide behind my legs...,
"I'm an orphan"
"You a what? An orphan?! Then how you get the money? Your parents are all dead!"
I nodded slowly and smiled sadly
"Oh they must been rich then huh?"
And that bright smile came out in me.
"Oh now I see why you always smiling? And you believe they want you to do all this with the meat and all? Oh dear I'm getting choked up!"
Tears slid down my face and the apartment had these Windows that seemd to shine down light like it was from the Heavens.
"My mom... Would want you and you to have a home, a place to call your own. She used to work in a bar. All of you. My dadda, too. See They died when I was very young. Just a few years ago, not too long ago, and i slept on the bar floor for 3 weeks waiting for my mom to return. We knew my dadda was far too gone... It was a mystery i try to repeat in my head so i can find him, you know...,but i cannot. So 3 weeks ago.. Now now it's been months. Now almost 4 months. And we had news of my dad's confirmed death. And i had millions! So i decided to buy some apartment complexes to make more money. But once i got into I realized my heart didn't care! It wasn't good enough! My mom and my dadda. My real dad would want me to do MORE for the good people of this Earth. I know Because i would see my mommas bright smiling face after i bought these apartments and she looked happy but she told me alwsys in her heart "you could do more" which didn't make no sense. I had enough money for 3 lifetimes! I know she told me,that in a dream! So,she told me about all the people at the bar who needed money but drank it all away because they weren't all happy at home and it had to do with their social life and a lot more. And the last thing she said to me was "teach the kids" so i had all these clues and I didn't know what the hell to do! So we were out there working I was overseeing equipment being hailed up to renovate and this kid, a precious nine year old came up and asked me how much they cost, were they free? And that son of a bitch told me "people around here are poor. They can't afford any new housing" and he disappeared like right before my eyes like a ghost or apperition. And so i thought. Took me 2 nights of dreaming and thinking and tossing and turning. And I thought, that kid is right! I couldn't afford no housing if my parents hadn't left me money! So i did some experiments with a Jesse we call Jesse James and i vowed not to be a hypocrite but a blessing! And so this is what is not an experiment but LIFE. Life for me for all of you And for my parents money to keep on giving for eternity! Now how does that feel for just a bright smile in an answer?!"
They started bawling. I started to laugh.
"Oh y'all dry your tears. Every thing will be alright. You doing okay do you need anything? You all got your food to take home and all?"
"We are tired of this meat!! That's all we eat day in and day out!"
"Well how about some collard greens?"
These were wonderful women. They got $5 per day plus their hours.
One woman got her house done in less than a month. But she wanted to stay cooking.
So, I paid her $100 per day. But she didn't like it. She said it was too much.
She said that $5 per day was wonderful! Saved her So many many times.
So we worked her a plan. She paid each girl $15 and she kept $40
And I explained "you're giving away $60 and keeping $40 that is more than half you're giving away"
And all them girls were so happy... They did celebrate with tears and smiles and hugs. Then when each got $100 they all shared. Exactly the same. $15 to each and $40 for just themselves.
Until finally one day I was paying $500 per day up from only $25 to have sandwiches made or soup or steak or them ole collard greens with the recipe I remembered.
And I was happy.
My parents had left me 13.4 billion dollars. And I intended to give it all away with hard work and dedication.
In one month all across the world single parents and single guardians got homed in 875 different houses.
Iran. Iraq. London. Bangkok. Japan. Australia. New Zealand had 4. South America. Brazil. Hawaii. Alaska. Newfoundland. Holland. Quebec. Alabama. Saudi Arabia would be finished in two weeks. All across the world with the help of the United Nations.
No one country was exempt, they would all have homes provided by me. With just a little labor and love. Mostly single moms and dads with babies, or guardians especially were touching my soul every day raising their family's kids just because they love.
Eventually 12.4 billion dollars was spent and so created the Habitat for Humanity to carry on and make more money to keep building for families all across the world.
Habitat for Humanity was for my parents legacy.
Rock the Vote for Ms Chen's who not only raised me but brought me up and carried me when i needed to be in the political asylum I never wanted to be in and only she could teach.
And for Miss Roberta we did hit those Harlem streets -- hard. The most predominantly black neighborhoods of all. In NYC my homes are 96% in Harlem.
My money makers are 29% in Harlem on low income $15 or so per month never over $100. I save it for a rainy day. Like during Quarentine were paying to keep their lights on. They own but we charge like a condo fee. And if they need a new roof, we pay for it. We pay for all maintenance.
Unlike the others that don't pay monthly, they're on their own if they have any problems.
But i was running out of money and houses were getting too expensive. So we worked that out. And it works just fine. They are fancier, too.
I bought some hardware companies to make it easier on cost and so they got super upgrades on chandeliers and such Which are outrageous expensive to customers but not to the store themselves. Huge Mark up. So we were able to make them much fancier to warrent the monthly fee. Plus the promise to take care of all materials. We still prefer the neighbors get out and help one another for $5 a day plus free food cooked by one of the neighbors.
And i love it. Its like a dream come true.
Its a good world out there if we just look for it when help make it so.
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1987 in a bar in Birmingham Alabama
These people weren't even born yet but we were so Tree settled us up some magic as to what some future reincarnates wanted to look like and had us play and sing this song.
This was recorded in Armageddon after I died as being Sabrina Tubman.
In 1886 i was born into the Tubman life. Alex always kept it a secret what we might do in the future. I figured it had something to do with tubs. Bath tubs, mind you. But it was not.
It had something to do about saving lives for all of humanity, even the whites but no one knew. This song isn't singing about my son. But a white man who was kidnapped and placed in with the slaves in order to keep and maintain control. Those were the snakes named in the song, heard clearer in the more emotional African American version.
My daddy didn't know i always worked with them and they often offered to stay on and help the rest come or be sent rather, mind you, home and i would travel his family beck and forth to visit and often him, too. I say just him but there were many. Hundreds. And my daddy didn't know. I always thought he did and so when i brought a white man home, how how My daddy shuddered!! in fear, mind you, not prejudice. There wasn't an arrogant bone in his body! But fear? There were many filled full.
But i had told my gramma, why is there so many the different people in their skin in our church?
"Oh i told them come on in. No one else was to care. No you don't go on minding them They ain't no different than the rest. I saw one coming in on a pull train and they beat him something different than the rest"
"Mmhmm wasn't no fun either. I went and checked. Broken bones and all. Told me his whole story through broken sobs"
"Why were they broken tho nana?" I went to her knre and placed both my hands one over the other on top lke I was applying a cool compress, you know for pain and pressure but light gentle pressure
"You know i told you not to call me that that's for ole white folks but I see your point if i see you see we let them into our church and tell you we are one in the same then i guess I'd have to let you call me nana. His cries..."
And she began to cry. For real this time and not so silently and told me his while story word for word except this time her tears were real not for me for to show me as in a play or skit but because her heart was broke.
You see she liked the word nana but them white folk. They said we couldn't use them words. Gramma not Grand-mother we couldn't express the great in anything. "If I said nana it meant we were stealing bananas. So they beat my poor mother nearly to death. I had only heard the white child say it that i was allowed to play with, i didn't know no difference so here i went and jumped on his back, put both fingers in his ears and pulled back, That made him,stop right quickly but we had to give all her clothes away, make a trade so he couldnt find her. Mine, too. I had to take a break from that old white girl that was my friend. You know her she pulls up in a white caddy with the chauffeur. I guess we aren't friends anymore. She don't know me much i guess. We old people we forget"
"She's coming next Sunday. I want you to meet her" i told her a week later, "i saw her and walked right up and i said "do you know an old black child you used to play with?" And her eyes welled up in tears and she dug in her purse "take this for your sorrows""
"Oh she thinks I'm dead that's all. Here take this here candy you brought me as proof and you tell her im alive and see what she says. Here you can take half that's what we alwsys did we would share one piece. She would get 2 and give me half of one so she wouldn't get in trouble her dad would always ask "did you only eat one?" With real narrowed eyes. Like slits. Like snakes in the grass we always called them white folk. Her, too And she made it up. Im gonna rock" she began rocking her chair "move your foot, your ankle is gonna hurt" i still stood 49 times her chair rocker ran over my foot till i could only feel a tiny pinch in thr corner. Thinking about her momma being beat to be called nana. About a piece of candy. I moved my other foot so the rocker would scrape down my leg and i could feel that pain, too. My nana grandmother didn't like it. I knew, but i did, to hear about pain and not know what it feels like. It was something i just had ti experience she had always said, so i stood there with my mouth hanging open trying to stare out the old dirty window. I could see the road up ahead. And a truck barreling down. I moved. There was enough pain coming in my future memaw always said, no time to feel it now.
The next week here she came i saw that old caddy from the porch so I tore off that old candy still stuck in my hand. No more did i think about what my gramma missed out in not having her piece. It was her friend she wanted not any candy.
I rushed over to her "my gramma said!" I opened my palm and shoved my hand right under her nose "look! I know what to do now!"
"Oh! You are her! You do look just alike! I can tell the difference you know!" She began digging in her purse
"No time for a bag lady! You must come on!" I grabbed her. An old white woman in heels, grabbed her i sure did "come on let's run from them ole white people!" And run she did laughing the whole way!
"Now which way?"
"Come on!"
We bust through the door like a stampede of herding cattle, the sunlight making all the dust light up like the most beautiful thing i ever seen in my life. My gramma I seen there sitting and knitting by the stove looking down at her stitches looked up startled. "SABRINA!!! DAM IT GIRL WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!"
I stood to the side of the door way "may i present thee "an old wicked white woman here to play with thou an old naked bigger sitting in a chair"
She walked in, my grams old friend and fell to her knees sobbing.
"Oh no dont do that Miss you'll get us all killed"
The woman was kissing the floor of the nigger world. I got down on my all fours and stared in her face, ny eyes huge in bewilderment and disbelief. My gramma didn't let me play with no white kids like she did, it was too much trouble all it did was cause pain in the end she said. And this old white lady was in pain, too. I could tell.
I dad appeared in the door with an old 50 year old rifle they used to hunt "what's going on!"
I went and took it, hid it behind the door jamb. "Grammas just got a visitor, that's no way to greet a guest"
"Well come on, miss, let me help you up. Momma what's going on now? Uh huh, you don't know either. Sabrina I advise you to go put your butt on some Earth so you don't get a whooping. Go sit on that bed over there. I see them ass cheeks in the air. I'm spanking them"
The old white woman laughed. Tawlded she did!! "Oh don't hit the child, she didn't do a thing! I had fun, come on now. Help me up. I'm Cleopatra's gramma and i belong here now. So when the white men come tell them no bothering me. Im busy. No Help for a white woman with something to do i always say"
It was 1911. The year the infamous Harriet Tubmam was born. Before then she was just my mom. A regular old slave. Now she's Ms Leena
And my gramma? She's Kristy Lee reincarnated. Looks just like her old white friend and her mouth hangs open like mine used to have did.
This will be on the test. Its a long one and yiu must get it right to get a prize... I mean other than us having been on Earth.
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