#BUT the place I DID go to immediately was like ''yah click this link and fill it out and we'll get back in 5 days..! Bye''
yoshistory · 8 months
I've been meaning to make a bunch of phonecalls for months and i got them all done yesterday @__@
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
What a Beautiful Wedding Ch. 5: For the Dancing and the Dreaming
Summary: Dark and his family try and get out of their little reality bubble.
A/N: I should have had this out yesterday, but someone *glares at Chase* were being difficult.
Title comes from the song “For the Dancing and the Dreaming” from How to Train your Dragon 2.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Channel 2
The instant Dark mentally came back to himself he pulled everyone back into the Manor. But he also found that Anti and Henrik were within the same bubble as well and grabbed them as well.
The instant he started explaining things everyone started waking up.
“Who knows how long we’ll be here,” Dark finished.
“At least ve’re avake,”[1] Henrik decided from where he was standing with Chase.
Illinois, who had only been away for the past couple of minutes, was trying to remember where he’d been before this before remembering he’d been at his wedding and flying into an immediate panic.
“Eric!” Illinois realized with horror.
He got up and raced through the front door, he planned on running all the way to the park but the instant his feet were outside the door he was already reaching the chain link fence to Eric’s backyard.
But Illinois was not deterred, he was getting his fiancé back if it was the last thing he did. Illinois practically vaulted himself over the chain link fence.
“Eric, dulcito[2],” Illinois called up outside his window before thinking: “screw it!” and used his lock picks to break in and start creeping towards Eric’s room. He’d save punching this fake Derek until he was sure Eric was safe.
Just because he wasn’t real, and more importantly dead, that didn’t mean he could cause Eric a lot of pain.
Eric was asleep when Illinois walked up to his bed and shook him away.
“Dulcito,[2] we’re going home.”
Eric screamed in surprise, and Illinois held his hands up.
“It’s me, it’s me,” Illinois said, already starting to cry in relief. “We need to get home, we got dragged in and . . . please forgive me.”
Eric flinched before letting out a quiet gasp, “Illy?”
He practically threw himself into Illinois’s arms, starting to sob profusely as Illinois held him.
“I’m so sorry, I should have rescheduled the wedding, it should have been the happiest day of your life,” Illinois apologized.
“I wanna go home,” Eric told him, and went to move before he felt a sharp pain stab through his legs, mostly from stress, mostly from not having his actual good prosthetics all day and having to make do with bad ones.
“Eric?” Illinois asked in distress.
“My legs,” Eric sobbed in pain.
“I got you,” Illinois promised, picking him up in his arms.
Eric clung tightly to Illinois’s shirt, and then coiled up when a pounding came from the other side of the door.
The timid young man let out a terrified whimper.
“Eric what’s going on in there?” Derek yelled, trying to break down the door. “Who’s voice is that? Open this door!”
“Shit,” Illinois hissed, prepared to fight Derek.
“Illinois should start walking, quickly before Derek can enter,” the Host spoke up.
Illinois and Eric startled but out of reflex, Illinois began to start walking. He took two steps and suddenly he wasn’t in Eric’s home, he was running into his own. And the whiplash just about made him go unconscious. If he hadn’t been aware he was in a sitcom from hell, he wouldn’t have felt a thing.
“What was that?” Illinois looked around wildly. They were walking into the living room of the Manor.
“The Host used a screen wipe,” the Host smiled.
“This whole place is a shithole,” Illinois snarled as he rushed to carefully set Eric down on the comfiest-looking couch. “The laugh tracks were already giving me a migraine, thanks for stopping them.”
“The Host was not a fan of them either,” the Host agreed.
The instant he realized they were back in the house, Dark checked them over briefly when they came over and then Illinois set Eric on the couch and the two of them almost immediately fell asleep, wrapped up together. Dark stretched a blanket over them and then walked into the kitchen.
Mostly to collect his thoughts and figure out some kind of plan of attack. If it was just himself, Dark would worm his way out and hunt the Actor down. But he wasn’t alone. There was Lunky and Eric to consider, along with the triplets. All of them had no hope of standing against the Actor on their own. He couldn’t see what was out there, and didn’t want to take his chances.
“How yeh holdin’ up?”[3] Chase asked.
Dark was sitting at the large dinner table, he had a coffee in front of him. He wasn’t sure where or when he’d gotten the coffee from but he had it.
The sooner he was out of here, the better. He didn’t like how easily it was for the anomaly to pull him around.
“I’d think you’d want out as soon as possible,” Dark told him.
“Well nothin’s[4] happened yet,” Chase told him and walked over. “Sides,[5] at this point we should prolly[6] stick together.”
“You can do that perfectly fine in any other room,” Dark told him, trying to sound uncaring but he could still remember waking up with Chase in the morning.
“Yeah, but I was worried about yeh,” Chase told him, not taking a seat yet and just leaning against the table. “Sides,[5] Bim was growlin’[7] at me, so I decided ta[8] give him his space.”
“I’m fine,” Dark told him sharply.
“Kay,”[9] Chase agreed, not wanting to push him. The two of them were quiet for a bit.
“What do you want?” Dark growled.
“I told yeh[10],” Chase started.
“No, you’ve given me some thinly veiled plot,” Dark glared, “but not what you actually want. Is it the triplets? Is it boredom? Everyone wants something.”
“What if I just want you? Have yeh[10] thought about that?” Chase asked.
“Don’t play with me, Brody,” Dark scoffed angrily. “What do you want?”
Something in Chase just snapped, something that was always compelling him to take care of Dark. “I’m not fookin’ jokin’. I actually wanna be with yeh. Yeh frustratin’, self-absorbed piece ‘a shite. If I was gonna lead yeh on, I’d be actin’ like Wilf.”[11]
Dark’s jaws clicked shut and he glared at Chase.
Sighing, Dark tried to tune out the anomaly, which was whispering to him. The most tempting of whispers. To just push everyone else out and the anomaly could give Dark what he wanted. Could give him the power he wanted. Could give him a version of Wilford that would never look away from him. Children who would always need him.
It was so tempting, but Dark knew better. The anomaly couldn’t give him that infinitely. It would falter, it just wanted a living battery to feed off of.
“Dark?” Chase whispered, taking a seat next to the Entity. His tone gentler as his anger was fading.
“I can open a portal to let you through, but I don’t know how long I can keep it open,” Dark told him. “I also don’t know what’s out there. We’ll have to be careful. We need to make sure the weaker spawnlings do not go out first.”
“Sounds good ta[8] me, but heads up, Illinois isn’t goin’[12] anywhere without yah[10],” Chase chuckled. “Kid’s a little needy when it comes ta[8] yah[10].”
“Illinois has Eric now, he doesn’t need me,” Dark corrected. “I was safe in here, he was a child again. Once we go back out I have to prepare his territory, I have all these arrangements to make and—”
“Dark, Dark,” Chase urged. “Listen ta yerself. Yer Illinois’s dad.”[13]
“Wilford is his father,” Dark reinforced.
“Bubbles didn’t raise him, you did,” Chase reminded sharply. “Wilf went off an’[14] did whate’er[15] the hell he wanted. You made sure the kids were safe. Granted he didn’t have a choice sometimes but the point stands.”
“I can’t have children,” Dark said, but it was his blue soul that put the words there. “I’m not allowed near them. Demons don’t feel things like love or joy, they just exist.”
“We both know that’s not true,” Chase told him, desperately trying to get through to him. “Yeh[10] adore those kids. E’eryone[16] in this whole fookin’[17] town knows that.”
Dark went quiet, hanging his head, he didn’t have a firm rebuttal for that. “I . . . I’m not . . .”
“Those kids are yers[18] as much as they are his. Our boys an’[14] Tempus are just as much yers[18] as they are mine,” Chase told him. “Yeh can have ‘em an’ see ‘em just ‘cause yeh want ta. Not because yeh need ta pay fer ‘em.”[19]
Chase mentally froze because that last part had just slipped out, he’d never considered . . . He mentally thought about Memento and Mori and how the two of them would show him knives and things Dark had just given them. Of Illinois and his adventurers and power within the city. Or Bim and how Dark just let him literally eat people. “Dark yeh know yeh don’t have ta buy yer own kids’ attention, right? They fookin’ love yeh.”[20]
Dark made a disbelieving scoff.
“Dark, they compete fer yer attention whene’er yer in the room,”[21] Chase told him. “Why do yeh[10] think Bim an’[14] Illinois are fightin’[22] all the time?”
“Siblings just do that,” Dark dismissed.
Chase looked up, “Oh my how are yeh[10] this fookin’[17] dense? Dark, yer[23] lucky yer[23] cute.”
A slightly darker grey blush briefly spread across Dark’s cheeks, he looked away from Chase for a second.
“If that’s how yeh[10] think siblings are supposed ta[8] act, did Damien an’[14] Celine participated in death matches or somethin’[24]?” Chase commented, trying to lighten the mood.
“Something to that effect,” Dark admitted. “Celine was always the favorite because she was able to perform magic. Their father was very harsh with Damien because he was a null. If he hadn’t died the way he did, he would have surely become a demon.”
“Yer[25] old man was a fooker[26],” Chase told him. “Maybe I should have Host use the anomaly ta[8] brin’[27] him back so I can kick him in the dick.”
“Only if I can kill him for keeping me prisoner in his house for decades,” Dark promised.
Chase smiled, before really looking at Dark. “I was serious early.”
“About which topic?” Dark asked.
“I’m exactly where I want ta[8] be,” Chase promised, finally saying when he’d been trying to remember to tell the Entity for months now. “There’s no one else I want ta[8] be with.”
“You’ll get bored,” Dark told him.
“Yeh[10] managed ta[8] keep stuff interestin’[28] in all the years I’ve known yeh[10],” Chase smiled.
“You’re human,” Dark reminded.
“Depends on who yeh[10] ask these days, don’t think I’ve got many ‘a[29] those years left,” Chase confessed. “Henz an’ Marv prolly don’t either. ‘Sides, if someone does manage ta kill me, I’ll make sure my ghost comes back an’ haunts yeh. I’ll bang some pots an’ shite. Make sure yeh know it’s me.”[30]
Dark’s brow furrowed, he was still looking for something. Then, “You’re with the heroes, if you wanted to be with me, you wouldn’t have turned me down when I asked.”
“That wasn’t me turnin’ yeh down, that was me sayin’ no ta bein’ yer hired gun,”[31] Chase told him in exasperation. “I don’t mind the dates, but I’m not killin’ fer yeh.”[32]
Dark wasn’t looking at him, Chase inched a little closer.
“Here, I’ll use my regular equipment, we can make it look howe’er realistic an’ fancy yeh want, an’ I’m there. But I’m not killin’ on yer order. Defending yeh or the kids is one thing. But becomin’ yer private hitman is off the table.”[33]
“That sounds reasonable,” Dark told him.
Chase just about had the urge to lean in all the way and kiss him. But he felt it was all going too fast. This was still so new. So he didn’t.
Instead, Wil broke the silence.
“Awww,” Wilford suddenly appeared next to them, smiling and wrapping his arms around the two of them. “Look at the two of you.”
“Don’t push yer[25] luck, Bubbles,” Chase snapped at him.
Wilford just hugged them tighter, pressing his face closer to Chase’s until the marksman pushed Wil away and kicked him in the shins, cursing at him as he did so. Dark rolled his eyes as he watched them.
Outside the bubbles, the heroes were busy popping the next one they’d jumped into. Freeing Nate, Mare, Marvin, and Quackity among the other heroes, villains, and civilians they’d pulled free.
Phantom was a bit disoriented and started looking around, trying to find an easy escape.
“I had awesome power, this better be worth it,” Quackity rolled his eyes as he looked around. “Where’s Dream?”
“Still in one of the bubbles,” Punz answered.
Quackity stared at Punz for a little bit before smiling, “Hey Punz, how much would I have to pay you to have us just leave Dream in there?”
“Twice what you pay Purpled,” Punz told him, checking his guns.
“Fuck!” Quackity hissed, kicking some rubble. “Come on, dude!”
Another rumble passed through the area as one of the bubbles began to ripple violently and two tendrils snapped out of it, one shot out like lightning and attached itself to the bubble Dark was in while the other snatched up Phantom and pulled him in.
When the first tendril latched on it dragged Dark away from Chase and Wil and before anyone had any time to think it yanked him in and Dark’s bubble popped. The bubble started rapidly growing in size, and it yanked the smallest bubble into it and consumed it. It stopped swelling when it was twice its former size.
“The fuck was that?” Illinois shouted from where he’d dropped to the ground, looking around wildly. “Was that the Actor?”
“No, the Actor does not have the anomaly,” the Host said as he began inspecting the area with his own aura. “That bubble contains Techno and Phil and with the absence of other stories, the anomaly is desperately trying to keep what it does have. Its hold is weakening. Which means the Host will not be able to keep the Actor at bay for much longer.”
“Do you know who are in the other bubbles?” Ponk asked. “Be really nice to have fucking Skeppy right now.”
“I’m right here,” Marvin shot at him.
“I give you one of these books and Skeppy will kill me,” Ponk told him.
“Hey, wait a second, is that one ‘a[29] the,” Marvin recognized the spell book he had as one of the cursed tomnes he’d been trying to get from the Server for months now.
Ponk held the book to their chest, backing up, “Uh . . .”
Sam shouldered his way in-between, shoving Marvin back as he summoned his trident. “We don’t have time to wait around.”
Ponk just stared up at Sam, leaning into him before they looked back at the Host. “So who’s where? Where’s Skeppy and Bad?”
“That one,” the Host gestured to the bubble higher up, “however it needs to be loosened by another two bubbles before it pops. There are too many powerful demons in there powering it.”
“Okay,” Ponk sighed in frustration.
“Techno, Philza, Big Man, and Ghostbur,” the Host pointed with his aura to the largest bubble that Dark and Phantom had been dragged into.
He continued to the farthest one, “That one has the Actor and all of Silver’s friends.”
“Fucker,” Silver spat, trying to fly towards that bubble at top speed but bounced off. “Give me my friends back!”
“And the last one’s got the Sides in it?” Bing asked from where the Google androids were encircled around him.
“That’s the strongest one,” Nate grumbled in frustration. “Why’s he in that one?”
“Because the entire legate is in there, it is likely it will be one of the last to pop for that reason. On its own it’s indefinitely sustainable.”
“Shit, he’s like a living battery,” Nate hissed.
“I’m going in,” Illinois decided, looking at the bubble Dark was in.
“Stay here with Explosion Boy,” Chase told Illinois, gesturing to Eric.
“My dad’s—” Illinois started to shout.
“Let us handle it, we can’t have all ‘a[29] our magically powerful people in one easy ta[8] capture area, stay with yer[25] fiancé,” Chase told him. “I’ll make sure nothin’[34] happens ta[8] him.”
“If I see there are any problems, I’m going in,” Illinois told him.
“Fine, that’s fine,” Chase told him, then he looked back at Jackie. “Jackie, come on.”
The Host lowered the bubble Dark had been dragged into and then ripped a hole in the bubble long enough for Jackie and Chase to go in.
Channel 6
Jackie and Chase walked in and a wave passed over them as their outfits changed. Snow buffeted them as they stood in thick warming fur coats and wool clothes.
Jackie was still in his mask but their clothes colors had changed to deep purples and dark reds
“Let’s go,” Chase yelled over the snow as they followed the road and hoped it would lead to a town.
Accessibility Translations:
1. At least we’re awake.
2. sweetheart
3. How are you holding up?
4. nothing’s
5. Besides
6. probably
7. growling
8. to
9. Okay
10. you
11. I’m not fucking joking. I actually want to be with you. You frustrating, self-absorbed piece of shit. If I was going to lead you on, I’d be acting like Wilf.
12. going
13. Listen to yourself. You’re Illinois’s dad.
14. and
15. whatever
16. everyone
17. fucking
18. yours
19. You can have them and see them just because you want to. Not because you need to pay for them.
20. Dark, you know that you don’t have to buy your own kids’ attention, right? They fucking love you.
21. Dark, they compete for your attention whenever you’re in the room,
22. fighting
23. you’re
24. something?
25. your
26. fucker
27. bring
28. interesting
29. of
30. Henz and Marv probably don’t either. Besides, if someone does manage to kill me, I’ll make sure my ghost comes back and haunts you. I’ll bang some pots and shit. Make sure you know it’s me.
31. That wasn’t me turning you down, that was me saying no to being your hired gun
32. I don’t mind the dates, but I’m not killing for you.
33. Here, I’ll use my regular equipment, we can make it look however realistic and fancy you want, and I’m there. But I’m not killing on yer order. Defending you or the kids is one thing. But becoming your private hitman is off the table.
34. nothing
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formeandmyfics · 3 years
AT C.G.’s
sequel to ‘At The H.R.’ - Months after their sexy rendezvous at the Roosevelt Hotel, Judy and Gene reunite once again, this time at one of Cary Grant’s infamous parties up on Mulholland 
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His forehead wrinkled as he felt a tingling sensation on his skin. The comfortable, crisp air suddenly became very warm. The tingling sensation now made its way into his insides. Drifting out of sleep, Gene suddenly felt a spark hit his body and he opened his eyes with the sudden sensation.
Confused, he looked around. He was standing in a living room, one he didn’t quite recognize, but oddly felt familiar. How did he get there from his bed? He looked down and realized he was no longer wearing pajamas but a black suit. Everything felt strange but it wasn’t at all unpleasant. Actually, it was quite pleasant, but peculiar. The atmosphere was muggy and warm, a hazy red glow was in the air, feeling exotic.
Behind him, a blurry figure emerged slowly down the staircase illuminated in red. He heard the sound of familiar heels clicking on the floor in a distance behind him. He knew who it was without even turning around. He just knew. He could already smell her alluring perfume. Gene felt her hand slide along his back before she came into focus. As she slid to the front of him, her hand followed its path to his chest.
She wore a ravishing, white evening gown. The dress was long, with a slit cut way up high on her thigh, the strapless bodice accentuated her breasts beautifully. And she smiled at him, a titillating smile that expressed seduction. Her lips were redder and fuller than he ever remembered. Her eyes were dark, almost black, hypnotizing him. She ran her finger slowly down his silk tie before she turned and started to walk away from him. Her hips moved sensually as she made her way to the back hallway. It was Judy, it looked like her, smelled like her, but it she never acted this way. Where was she going?
He called out for her in his mind. Why couldn’t he speak? He followed her to where she stood in front of a door. When she turned to look at him, he opened his mouth determined to speak, but she put her finger up to her lips, smiling, shushing him.
Gene stood frozen in place as he watched her lean against the door provocatively, her leg fully visible, beckoning to be touched. The way she looked at him at that moment just screamed sex. He could feel the energy. He could taste it. Opening the door, she motioned with her finger for him to follow her inside before shutting the door behind her. Anxious arousal and confusion spread throughout his being as his hand reached for the door knob. He hesitated at first, but when he grabbed onto the handle, it took a lot of energy to open the door. It was heavy like steel, and his grasp felt very liquid, but he managed to open it.
When Gene shut the door behind him, he found himself standing in the center of an empty soundstage. Where was she? Why did she leave him? Suddenly he felt abandoned, lost. But he could still feel her energy. She was here somewhere.
"Yo, buddy."
Gene heard a harsh voice echoing in his ears. The middle of his eyes wrinkled in bafflement as he turned his head to where the voice was coming from.
"I'm sorry?"
The impatient cabbie turned to look at him over his shoulder, "You gonna pay or are we at the wrong place?"
Gene looked out the window and sure enough they were in front of Ciro's. He immediately reached into his pocket and handed the driver money, "Thanks."
Gene sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He still couldn’t stop thinking about that odd dream he had last night. As he started to walk up to the entrance of the popular watering hole on Sunset, photographers turned from Lana Turner, who just disappeared into the building, and started shouting towards him.
"Mr. Kelly, Mr. Kelly."
"Evening, Mr. Kelly. Over here."
Gene was pulling out his cigarettes as they started flashing and he put his hand up and nodded, turning away from them. He hadn't been here for a night out since the last time he was at Ciro's, months ago, and he wasn't really in the mood for all the hobglob: a term he gave to paparazzi.
After lighting his cigarette, he was about to open the doors when Dick Powell, June Allyson, Peter Lawford and some chorus-girl came charging out of them startling him a bit.
"Oh, hey, Gene," Dick said noticing him first.
Gene smiled wide and shook his hand, "Hey guys," then turned to give Junie a kiss, "Hi sweetheart."
"How are ya, bud," Peter asked placing a friendly slap on his back.
"I'm good. Finally checking out the club scene again."
"Good to see ya back out. Gene, this is Maggie, Fox contract player," Peter said smiling at the bubbly blonde.
"Nice to meet you, Maggie," Gene smiled and kissed her hand.
"Thank you. I love all your films."
"You're sweet. So, what, are you all leaving," Gene asked disappointed.
"Yeah, there's a party we're all headed to. Come on with us," Junie said linking her arm with his.
"C.G's," Rich quipped.
Gene had never been to one of Cary Grant's infamous Mulholland parties, but he had heard about them. As charming and sophisticated Mr. Grant was, his parties seemed a little nuts.
"Oh, you know, the last I heard, from up at Cary's, was that Mickey woke up ass-naked on a pool lounger," they all laughed and he went on with a chuckle, "Not sure it's my scene."
"It's all about self-control, my man," Peter said trying to urge him to come along, "which you have. Mick's got no self-control with anything...especially with legs," he said raising his eyebrows like Groucho Marx.
Maggie giggled and slapped his chest, "Stop it."
"Well, if you're all going I might swing by in a bit. I'll see whose all here first."
"Believe me, everyone you want to hang out with is already at the party," Rich went on.
"Yeah, Kay and Lucille left about 20 minutes ago. Come on, I got a car over there.  The girls are already in there waiting," Peter said as he led Maggie away.
Without another word, Junie pulled him along with her making him smile. He couldn't help but just give in. They walked up to Lawford's rented 1947 Cadillac limo and the five of them piled into the back. Gene was the last in, and the minute he shut the door, he was staring at the back of Judy. She was sitting up front laughing horribly with Lena Horne as the driver started the car.
So, those were the 'girls', he thought mischievously as he assumed would be two more chorus girls Pete picked up.
Judy hadn't noticed him as he stared at her surprised. He couldn't see all of her, as he was in the back seat, but he saw her dark lashes as she looked at Lena with wide, amused eyes at something naughty the brunette said, and then her red lips as she burst out in laughter. Her auburn hair was the last thing he saw before the overhead light went off as the driver started the car. He knew she had been in Carmel on vacation for the past 3 1/2 weeks after finishing Easter Parade, but he didn't expect her back for a few more days, and surely didn't expect her to just show up out of no where. But, alas, Ms. Judy Garland did have that way about her.
The two had seen each other and talked since their rendezvous at the Hotel Roosevelt, but they hadn't spent anytime alone. When he started working on Three Musketeers, he didn't even go out to nightclubs. He was just too damn exhausted. And her time working on Pirate and Parade simultaneously had worn her out. He was happy she was granted all that time off, but he missed the hell out of her. Now that he was in-between filming, he was very much looking forward to rekindling with her. His plan was to make up for lost time when she returned from vacation, as she would for sure be well-rested. Judging by how giddy she seemed right now, he was hopeful his plan was working out earlier than expected.
It was dark in the car, but he could see her pale, white shoulders illuminated by the moonlight and he had a sudden urge to touch them...kiss them.
"Look at us, it's like a mini Words and Music reunion in here," Junie said.
"None of us have even started filming yet, baby cakes," Lena said sarcastically over her shoulder.
"That's beside the point, you stinker."
"It's a shame that most of us won't get to film together," Judy added a little downtrodden.
Gene almost chimed in, as he was included in the upcoming film, but he quickly decided that he didn't want her to know he was back there. He wanted to see her face when she saw him. He was playing the game and she loved games.
"Your scene is with Mick, isn't it, Judes," Lena asked.
"I have a musical number with him. You know, three of my leading men are in this picture.”
“And you only get Mick,” Powell stated as he noticed Pete and Maggie huddled close whispering amongst themselves across from him.
“Yah, no, I take that back,” she quickly retorted, “Actually, I have a short scene with Drake, too. Maybe I should ask them to write in a scene with Gene, that way I can act with all three of ‘em,” she chuckled.
June turned to Gene, “That would be swell, wouldn’t it G…”Gene quickly placed his hand over her mouth. She looked at him confused as he pointed towards Judy and then leaned over to whisper, “She doesn’t even know I’m in the car, let’s see what awful things she has to say about me.”
June then reiterated to her husband in his ear and Judy spoke up, “Why’d it suddenly get so quiet,” she turned around in her seat to look at them and Gene quickly bent forward so she wouldn’t catch him.
“Mind ya own business, baby,” Rich said trying to cover up, “You got two couples back here. Sometimes it will get quiet.”
Judy laughed and turned back around in her seat and Lena smoothed her updo, “They all smooching back there?”
“All huddled together like newlyweds,” Judy teased.
“How dare they,” Lena said and she turned just as Gene sat back up straight. Her mouth opened just as surprised to see him but he quickly pointed at Judy and placed a finger on his lips as to say to not give him away. She smiled and turned back around. She, of course, was the only one in the vehicle that knew of her relationship with Gene and loved this charade of Gene’s.
“Judy,” June asked sweetly.
“Yes, darling?”
“If you had to choose, who would you rather work with more, Drake, Mickey or Gene?”
“They’re all different in their own way.”
“Whose a better kisser,” June asked winking at Gene who was smiling.
“Well, I think I have enough class not to answer that.”
“Ok, between Mickey and Gene, which one do you prefer more?”
“It’s Mickey, isn’t it, that little dog,” Rich said in a girly voice.
Judy giggled nervously and scratched her eyebrow, “Please, he’s like a brother to me.”
“Gene then?”
“I didn’t say that,” she quickly said in defense.
Lena glanced back at Gene and did a come-hither motion to get her to keep going and she did, “Gene’s like a brother to you, too, hm?”
Judy sported wide eyes at her friend’s question as she was well aware that Lena asked that on purpose knowing a good-extent of her love-affair with Gene.
“Okay,” Peter said leaning forward, “We all saw those kisses on your Pirate picture. There was no brother-sister dynamic on those takes, you know what I mean,” he laughed naughty.
Judy crossed her arms not annoyed, “I thought you were busy back there, Lawford?”
“Lawford,” he repeated, “Uh-oh, I’m-in-trou-ble.”
“Kissing on screen doesn’t mean you’re into the other actor. She is an actress, you know,” June said.
“And she is married,” Maggie said in Judy’s defense.
Judy and Lena shared mischievous glances at one another. Oh, how naïve that chorus girl was for Hollywood. Gene’s smile widened as he watched Judy smiling at Lena biting her nail like some guilty teenager.
“You must not have read Judy’s biography,” Peter joked to his date.
“You have a Biography? But you’re so young,” she quipped.
Even Gene gave a look to the blonde as Judy placed her fingers on her temple, “No, I don’t have a biog…look, can we please stop talking about me or shall I open up the can of worms that’s all of your discrepancies?” They all murmured “noooo” and she nodded, “Didn’t think so.”
“I think he’s cute,” June went on.
“Gene Kelly. Don’t you think he’s cute?”
“He’s alright,” Judy answered monotoned, forcing herself to seem like she was uninterested.
Lena glanced back at Gene who had his arms crossed and looked baffled. “Well, I for one think he’s a hunk.”
“Yah, for a dancer, I suppose,” Judy went on clearly acting her little heart out for the other’s sake but Lena could see right through. Gene, not so much this time.
Gene leaned forward about to speak when June pulled him back by the shoulder reminding him of his game. “Well, if he’s not a good kisser and not attractive, why do you spend a lot of time with him,” June went on.
“I never said he wasn’t a good kisser and I never said he wasn’t attractive,” Judy answered quite defensively, “He’s a great leading man, we have great chemistry on screen. He’s just…not my type. We’re the best of friends. And don’t you all go talking this nonsense to him, neither.”
Suddenly everyone cracked up. Gene smiled licking his bottom lip, before biting it ready for the charade to end but before anyone could spoil it, the driver stopped and announced they had arrived.
As everyone piled out of the back, Judy grabbed her purse as Lena started to scoot past her.
“Get your game face on, baby,” Lena said before she stepped out of the car.
Judy was confused by her comment, but brushed it off before grabbing the hand that was held out for her. As Judy stood up out of the car, she glanced up at whom she thought was either Richie or Peter, but instead was staring at a very amused Gene. She gasped and whisked her hand away from his clearly shocked.
“Where on earth...” she was going to ask where he came from but didn’t need to continue as the question was written all over her face. Gene just smiled wickedly and she knew.
“There,” she asked in her distinct, but meek, tone as she motioned to the backseat.
“Oh, didn’t you know,” he asked playfully.
Judy couldn’t help but smile embarrassed before she went to get back into the car but he quickly grabbed her arm, “Nah, uh-uh. We have some things to talk about, young lady.”
“Oh, don’t be boring. We’re at a party,” she said just as teasing as she squirmed away from him and caught up to Lena as they all walked towards the front door.
Inside, the party was in full swing and Gene recognized nearly everyone. To the left, in the den, Lucy and Keenan Wynn were entertaining a group with funny anecdotes, while to the right, in the living room, Peggy Lee was entertaining another group as she sang accompanied by George Shearing on the piano. All-in-all, nothing seemed bonkers, as he had heard.
“Hi, Gene,” Angela Lansbury said cheerfully as she walked up to him.
“Hello, Angie,” he said leaning over to give her a kiss on the cheek.
“Since when do you crawl on top of Mulholland on a school night?”
“I didn’t crawl, I was kidnapped outside Ciro’s by Lawford’s gang.”
“Ah, on a magic carpet no less.”
“Something like that,” he teased back.
C’mere,” she giggled, “Get yourself a drink.”
Together, arm-in-arm they walked to the mini bar in the living room and Gene looked around. As quick as Judy could seemingly appear, she seemed to disappear even faster.
“What’s your poison, darling?”
“Oo, how about Bourbon and water.”
“Simple, simple,” she said as she took it upon herself to make him a cocktail.
“So, where’s your groom-to-be?”
“The last I saw him, he was hiding by a potted palm. Which reminds me, I better go find him. Here you go,” she said and handed him his fresh cocktail.
“Thank you. See you later.”
Gene wandered around and said hi to friends meanwhile looking for signs of Judy. When she didn’t seem to be around in these few rooms, he decided to explore elsewhere. As he passed the den, Lucy waved at him which he waved back before heading towards the hallway.
It was semi-dark as he passed a couple necking against the wall and soon found himself in a large, state-of-the arc library and billiard room. Ann Miller, Bob Hope and Mickey Rooney were in the middle of a pool game as Kate Hepburn chatted with Kay Thompson on the couch by the fireplace.
“Gene, Judy didn’t tell me you were coming,” Kay spoke up surprised as she stood up to walk over.
“I didn’t know he would be,” Gene heard Judy’s voice behind him before she appeared next to him.
He wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked but Kay reached in for a hug.
“I’ve never seen you at C.G.’s before,” she said in her brass voice.
“I was tricked.”
“Oh, I’m pretty sure I was tricked,” Judy retorted and reached her finger in for the cherry in his drink.
“Hey,” he said seeming annoyed as she plopped the maraschino in her mouth.
“You always give me the cherries that are in your drink.”
“What if I wanted that one,” he said acting sad.
“There are more at the bar.”
If they were alone right now, Gene would have taken the cherry back from her mouth...with his tongue.
His quick thought was interrupted by a loud thump followed by a rolling 8 ball that made Judy jump back.
“A little less force, Mick,” Kate called out.
“Golly, Mickey,” Judy said as she picked up the ball.
“Sorry, Judes.”
Judy handed him the ball as Bob Hope took a drag of his cigarette, “Cary will beat your little behind if you scratch his pool table, Rooney.”
Mick did a double take on the spot and licked his finger before rubbing it on the green baize making the small, white mark disappear.
“Speaking of Cary, I haven’t seen him.”
“He was out by the pool with Betsy Drake the last time I saw him,” Ann said before she leaned over and got into pose to hit her mark.
“Careful, Annie,” Kay said, “your tits are in the way.”
Ann gave Kay a smirk over her shoulder and when she turned forward again, she saw Mickey staring, “Do ya mind?”
“I beg your pardon,” he said smiling and walked out of view.
“Horndog,” Bob said.
Gene turned around to say something to Judy, but noticed she was no longer in the room, “Now, where the hell did she go?”
“Probably getting you more cherries,” Kay giggled.
“I swear, that girl is either a magician or some kind of chameleon.”
“Why are you so agitated?”
Gene didn’t answer, he just took another sip of his drink.
“Is this the first time you’re together again since her vacation,” her voice lowered.
He nodded and watched as Ann continued to hit the balls in the pockets, “Damn, Annie, I didn’t know you could play.”
“I’m a Texas-girl, Gene.”
“Aw, you two should be alone,” she continued.
“I didn’t know she’d be back already. I hopped in Lawford’s Limo and there she was. She didn’t even know I was in there until we got here.”
“Well, why don’t you go talk to her and catch up? She’s missed you.”
He smiled, “Terribly?”
“Terribly,” she breathed in exaggeration.
“Other than the cherry jar, happen to know where she went?  She never walked out the door.”
Kay nodded towards the patio door and he gulped the rest of his drink down handing her the glass, “Thanks.”
When Gene walked out onto the balcony, he made an impressed face at the beauty of the surroundings. The back part of the house he was at, he could see the entire San Fernando Valley all lit up in the night sky. Most of the cluster of lights down below were Universal and Warner Bros. studios he could make out clearly, even with the cloudy weather. As he kept walking, the veranda seemed to wrap around nearly the entire house accessorized by patio furniture & a grilling area. He could also see part of the pool area down below as well as he rounded the corner.
Looking up, he noticed Judy standing there, leaning against the railing, oblivious to his presence as she gazed at the skyline. As he got closer, she turned her head. He smiled, but she quickly nodded to look behind him. There, on the next story, was a sitting room, 90 degree walls made of glass where you could easily see people sitting there. He knew in an instant she was warning him to behave.
He stood shoulder-to-shoulder with her as they faced the view, "You are like a damn ninja, so sneaky."
"How do you mean?"
"You appear and then disappear. It's like my dream."
Judy turned more towards him curious, "What dream."
He turned towards her just the same, "I had a weird dream about you last night. Wanna hear it?"
"That depends," she giggled a bit nervous.
"Don't worry. This one isn't naughty."
"This one?"
"Mmm. It was so strange, actually. I remember being in bed and then I opened my eyes and I was in some house I didn't recognize. And then you appeared. You didn't say anything, you just made me follow you, like you were seducing me. It felt so real, I didn't realize I was dreaming."
"Then what happened," she asked as if it were the most casual thing in the world.
"You walked through a door. When I went in, I was in a dark, empty studio. You appeared, then disappeared, just like now." She looked at him with the same seductive eyes as in his dream and he continued, "What do you think it means?"
"Maybe you feel lost."
"Maybe I feel like you're drifting away."
"Maybe you're trying to find me."
His eyes sparkled, a small smile forming at the corner of his lips, "Maybe I want you."
Her eyes sparkled back, "Maybe it was just a dream."
Gene's smile turned wide in amusement as he leaned his elbows on the banister and she continued, "And I didn't mean to disappear. Cary just has the most beautiful view in all of Southern California, I think. I've only been up here a few times, but I always I always come out here when I visit."
"It is stunning, isn't it? But you said you have a great view, too."
"I do. I have a lovely view, but mines on the other side of the mountain and not as high up. It's mostly views of the hill. It's not open like this."
Down below, they noticed Cary and Betsy get up from the lounge chairs to walk in. When the host noticed them up above, he gave a smile and a wave. They both smiled and waved back. When pair were out of sight, Gene looked up at the glass-wall room and the two ladies that were in there, had vacated.
He tapped her hand before turning his palm upwards. Judy glanced down at it before nonchalantly looking around to make sure no one was watching.
She placed her hand into his, their fingers entwining and he spoke up in a lower voice, "I've missed you, sweetheart."
"I missed you, too, so much," she said placing he head against his shoulder.
For a moment, they were silent, just enjoying the view until Gene spoke up teasing her, "Not your type, huh?"
Judy laughed, lifting her head, "I had to act Blasé. What did you expect me to do?"
"Tell them how great of a kisser I am not just on screen but off screen as well," he said slowly moving his finger up her arm, creating goosebumps over her porcelain-like skin, "Tell them how much chemistry we have not only when we're acting..." he leaned into whisper in her ear, "but when we're fucking as well." He smiled when he saw her shiver, "Tell them how much I'm not your type when my head is between your legs."
Judy pulled her hand free from his and gave off a breathless giggle as she stepped away from him to create a little space, "See, you're going to get us into trouble," she pointed her finger at him, "Behave."
"Only if you promise to let me drive you home from the party."
"And, uh, darling how to you expect to do that when you didn't drive up here?"
Gene quickly remembered neither had a car, "Shit."
Suddenly his plan of them 'making up for lost time' tonight flew out the window. It's not like he could just ask Lawford to drop them off at a hotel or let them Christian the back seat.
Judy seemed to read his mind from the disappointment on his face, "We can call up Frank. I’m sure he’ll save us.”
“Out of town,” Gene murmured but then perked up, “Kay.”
Judy shook her head, “She drove up with Lucille.”
“And Lena drove up with us. Looks like we’re all out of options of the people that know about us baby cakes,” he saw the disappointment on her face as well which made him feel good that she clearly wanted to be alone with him as much as he with her, but he also didn’t want to waste a good time at the party so he lightened the mood, “We could always hop the fence and pop off behind a tree.”
“And give a chance for a rattlesnake to bite us in the ass,” she joked.
Gene chuckled and walked over to a nearby patio sofa where she followed.
“No, thank you.”
“So, how was Carmel?”
“Oh, golly...”
“You enjoyed yourself?”
“All that time away from the studio, you must be joking. Of course, I did. I just rested and spent almost every waking moment with Liza. We went to the beach and I played a little golf and I ate. Gene, I ate like a horse.”
“Good for you,” he said eyeing her frame which he noticed was just a tiny bit more meaty, in a good way, especially her tits.
“I gained 8 pounds in 3 weeks. Because I’m so little, it’s gonna show on camera. Do you think I should lose it for this collaboration,” she asked curious referring to Words and Music.
“No,” he said almost disgusted, “And fuck em’ if they say something. You look better than ever.”
“Your sweet,” she said placing her palm on his cheek, “So, you’re done with Muskateers?”
“Good. Less stress right now.”
“Much less stress, but only for a few weeks while I work on my scene for this picture. After that I start on Ballgame.”
“I’m so happy you finally got it going with Stan.”
“Me, too. But a little disappointed that we couldn’t get you as much as we both pushed for it.”
“I know but they want me for Berkley’s of Broadway with Fred,” she said shrugging her shoulders, “Did you get Charlie to direct?”
“No,” he said looking at her with raised eyebrows, “Buzz.”
Judy’s mouth opened wide in horror, “Oh, you’re kidding me.”
“It’s alright, baby. I can handle him more than you can.”
“I swear, if they ever put me in another picture with him in charge, it might be the death of me.”
“Then don’t let them,” he said taking a drag.
“Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done, Gene.”
They sat in comfortable silence, crickets and echoes of the party from inside, surrounding them.
“How are you and Vince?”
“He’s as sweet as can be. Patient,” she trailed off a moment and reached for his cigarette, “Boring.”
“So, the same?”
“The same,” she said exhaling up into the night air, “You?”
“The same. Though, I have to admit, Betsy and I have been fighting a lot more lately.”
“I was kind of taking my frustrations out on her. I would just be so damn irritable that anything she did ticked me off. I haven’t been spending a lot at home.”
“You shouldn’t take your frustrations from work home with you. If that were the case for me and Vince, especially since we’ve worked closely together, we probably would have split up before we even married,” she said as Gene’s friend, not lover.
“It wasn’t just frustration from work,” he said softly referring to their time apart, just not location-wise but intimately as well.
She looked up at him as he was staring at her intently. “We’re both to blame for that, Gene,” she said flicking ashes off the cigarette.
“You know, the more time apart we are, the more I want to toss our two-year ‘agreement’ down the drain.”
Judy nervously licked her red lips before taking another drag and pounding the cigarette out on the ashtray.
“Do you ever think about that night at the H.R.,” he asked, his voice getting husky.
Judy lifted her head, and gave a little smile, “Every day.”
Flashes of him yanking the ribbons on her corset as her hands were placed against the mirror went through their minds. His loud grunts as his hips smacked into hers, her hands grasping the hotel bed sheets, their laughter after they were both sated, their intimate talk in bed in bathrobes, her back arching as his mouth was her insatiable alarm clock also flashed through.
“C’mere,” he said motioning for her to lean into him.
Their lips met just barely when all of a sudden Gene flinched confusing her. She leaned back and he flinched again before looking up squinting one eye.
“What is it?”
“It’s raining, I think.”
One then hit Judy’s cheek and she giggled wiping it away, “I’d say so.”
“Judy, Gene...” Kay said from around the corner and whistled, “Cary wants everyone to do a toast.”
Judy patted Gene’s knee, “Rain check?”
“Funny,” he said getting up and they walked inside.
A little later, everyone was scattered in the living room as a Cole Porter tune was being played over the piano. Judy sat next to their pianist, as Gene stood at the other side of the piano, facing her.
Together they sang 'Night and Day' in a melodic and romantic tone.
Night and day, you are the one Only you beneath the moon Under the sun Whether near to me or far It's no matter, darling, where you are I think of you Night and day...
The pianist was concentrating on what his hands were doing, that he didn't even notice the way his singers were staring at one another. Judy and Gene seemed lost in each other as they sang, their eyes sparkling.
As Kay took a slow sip of her martini, she slyly glanced up at the crowd watching the pair. Judging by their relaxed expressions, mesmerized by the entertainment, no one seemed to notice the sensual chemistry radiating from the MGM pair.
As the song started to near the end, Judy broke away from Gene's stare, her eyes falling on their audience, and she smiled at Gene, darting her eyes to the side of him, non-vocally reminding him that they were being watched. He turned around and continued singing. Judy's eyes remained on the back of him, looking completely in awe, but a bit sad. His comment about tossing their '2 year agreement' down the drain was fresh in her mind. At the Roosevelt hotel that one evening, they had admitted they were in-love, but neither was ready to leave their families...yet. If, in two years, they were still unhappy in their marriages, he had said, then they would leave and finally be together. Gene was more unhappy in his marriage than ever, she knew, and she also knew he was serious about that comment. If he did leave his wife, would he expect her to leave Vince? As much as Judy was in-love with Gene, and missed him greatly, she was not ready to do that.
Her thoughts drifted away as she noticed he was currently putting his all into the song. All eyes seemed to be upon him, not only his beautiful tone, but confidence. She felt tears spring to her eyes feeling so very proud of him, how far he came, that she gradually let her singing drift away so he could shine. When the pianist hit the last key as Gene's singing faded, everyone applauded enthusiastically. Gene smiled, nodding 'thank you' before turning around. He took Judy's hand and kissed it. She gave Gene a wink in return.
For a few minutes, Gene conversed with friends as Judy conversed on the other side of the room with others. By this point, there were only about twelve remaining at the party so things were a little more quiet, and a lot more casual and intimate.
"What is that," Peter asked as he shushed some in his group.
"What is what," Lucy asked.
Sounds of hard dings one right after the other, above their heads, were heard. Then in a second, a blanket like a loud crash on the ceiling shushed the entire room. Cary walked over to the patio and ripped open the curtains revealing a torrential downpour over Los Angeles including small hail. Rain, ok, downpour and thunderstorm, rare, hail...no one there had seen in Southern California before.
"Holy camoli," June said walking over to him.
"Oh, fuck, my car," Powell said and quickly left.
"What are you doing," June called out to her husband.
"It's only light hail," Cary said opening the patio door to pick one up.
Lena shook her head as she placed a hand on her hip, "Have you ever seen this before?"
"Not in Los Angeles," Gene replied.
"And we might not ever see it again," Peter said reaching down to take off his shoes.
"What are you doing," his date squeaked.
"I'm not giving up the chance to experience this like mother nature intended," he said as he stripped down to his skivvies as everyone laughed.
There was an uproar of hilarity as he ran out onto the deck and practically danced in the rain. After he tried to persuade his date to join him, and she wouldn't, he started on Lucy and Lena and June who enjoyed the scene but also refused.
When it was Judy's turn, she looked at Kay and Gene over her shoulder, "Think I'll melt?"
She went to walk but Kay quickly grabbed her arm, "What are you doing?"
"Having fun," Judy emphasized, "Everyone thinks I'm crazy, might as well act the part!"
As Judy ran past Cary, and straight into the rain, Kay was so shocked, she took a few steps with her mouth open wide, as if to stop her, but she was already in Peter's arms laughing and getting drenched.
"Jesus," Gene replied before he placed his hands over his face and chuckled.
"Judy, you're insane," Lucy yelled.
"She must be toasted," June replied laughing.
Her wanting to have fun, and make fun of herself, was typical Judy, but her behavior right now out in the storm like that, acting as lunatic as drunk Peter, made him realize June's comment probably rang true. She must have had too much to drink.
After a few minutes of laughter where their belly's hurt, the rain died down and Peter and Judy finally bounced their way back inside. Lucy handed the both a towel and Gene pulled a giggling Judy aside. As he did so, she stumbled just a tad.
"You didn't melt."
"That's because I'm a Black Irish Witch, not the Wicked Witch of the West. Woo, you know, even after being out there, I feel so hot," she said fanning herself.
"All I saw you drink tonight was some wine. What else did you have?"
"I had some drink that the boys gave me."
"What drink?"
"Uh, it was green. They called it some type of fairy."
Gene looked at her like he didn't hear her right, "Absinthe?"
"Yes, that's it."
"Which ‘boys’ gave you that?"
"Because it has psychoactive side-effects to it. It's higher proof than whiskey. I won't even drink that shit, and neither should you."
"Well, I'm not having any hallucinogens, Gene. I knew exactly what I was doing out there."
"It was Mickey before he left, wasn't it?"
"No, it wasn't. And I'm not telling you."
"Because you're too protective and you'll have something to say and no one wants to hear what you have to say right now," she teased leaning her chin up at him with a silly grin like a child.
"Not even you," he said wanting to reach down and kiss those lips.
"How about now," he said back, his voice getting lower.
Judy's chest heaved, her smile disappearing, when she felt those certain butterflies invade her torso.
Then it went dark.
"Oh, what the hell," Cary shouted as the entire house went dark including the houses on the hills in the distance.
"What happened," they all heard Powell call out as the front door shut.
"Power's out," Peter replied.
"No shit, Sherlock."
"Oh, I'm stepping on wires or something," June's voice was heard, "Oh, what was that?"
"That's me," Lucy giggled.
"Everyone take a hand next to you and follow me into the kitchen. I have a storage of flashlights and some lanterns," Cary said.
"Oh, fun, like a human train," Lena said.
"I'll be in the den. I'm not giving any of you a chance to knock me over," her footsteps disappeared into the next room as the others footsteps disappeared down the hall.
Gene couldn't see shit, but judging by the stillness and silence, he felt he was alone. But wanted to make sure. He swung his arms around gently, to see if he could feel anything that resembled Judy Garland, but just got air in return. He was going to follow into the kitchen, when he heard a few notes play on the piano.
"Whose that," he asked walking over cautiously.
The piano slowly played the bells are ringing...
Gene instantly smiled, "So, that's how you announce yourself now."
"Only to you," she spoke.
"What are you doing over here?"
"Getting out of everyone's way."
"Not everyone," he whispered as he finally caught her.
Placing his hand on her hips, he turned her around, and pressed her body up against his, holding her tight as he felt her breath near his neck. Her fingers then touched his lips gently.
"Oh, there you are," she breathed before he bent his head and she could feel his breath against her lips.
"Here I am," he said before his lips captured hers.
Their lips smacking and sucking sounded awfully loud in the abandoned, dark room but neither cared as they finally kissed again after what seemed like an eternity. When her arms wrapped tight around his neck, Gene plunged his tongue into her mouth, her lips already parted for him. When her hand slightly grasped the back of his head as she took control, sliding her tongue into his mouth now, he felt arousal shoot down to his groin. It made him slightly groan, just a vibration enough for her to hear. He took a hold of one side of her backside as he took a step to push his body into her against the piano. But, she lost a bit of footing and completely sat on the keys in full force that the sound rattled the entire living room as deep as a thunderbolt.
"Who's fucking up my piano," they heard Cary say followed by another footstep behind him.
Then, the flashlight went on revealing Judy and Gene standing shoulder to shoulder looking like frightened deer in headlights.
“What happened,” Rich asked.
“I bumped into her and she fell on the piano keys,” Gene said squinting and held his hand up, “Get that fucking light off me, Grant.”
Carey lowered his flashlight and handed Gene of the small, electric lanterns, “Here, go give this to Kay before she knocks over one of my Tiffany lamps in there.”
Gene gave Judy a look before walking into the next room.
“Do you have any more lanterns?”
“Lena’s turning them on in the kitchen. Go grab yourself one, baby doll,” Cary answered.
“’ll be right back,” Judy giggled as she passed Cary & Richie.
Gene returned back in the living room a few minutes later, after talking to Kay once Lucy joined, and it was pitch black again.
“Anyone here,” he asked hoping Judy still was.
When there was no answer, he made his way to the kitchen. He didn’t speak, but he noticed everyone was now sitting down chatting and had also lit some candles. But Judy wasn’t there.
After making his way around the obvious places with his own flashlight, he started up the stairs. It was still pitch black.
Suddenly, a door next to him opened startling him. He pointed his flashlight and Maggie walked out of the bathroom giving him a friendly smile before heading back downstairs. So, Judy wasn’t in the bathroom, where he assumed she would be.
Where the hell was she?
He held his flashlight down, and was about turn to walk back downstairs, when he saw a faint light coming from the corner room. He carefully walked in what was the master bedroom and the orange hued light was brighter coming from the master bathroom.
Bingo, he thought, and turned his flashlight off as she came into view. The lantern was lit, resting on the large counter, and she was trying to fix her damp hair as much as she could.
“Disappearing again, I see.”
She didn’t say anything, but in the shadow of the lantern on the side of her face, he saw a little smile appear. It was simple, but had a major aphrodisiac effect on him. Without another word, he walked in and shut the door behind him.
Judy stopped fiddling with her hair when she heard him turn the lock.
“Are you sure you don’t want to drive back with me,” Lucy asked Kay as she walked her to her car with a flashlight.
“No, thanks. Lena said she was going to hitch a ride with Vivie and Nick in a few minutes so I’ll just catch a ride back in the Lawford-mobile with Judy and the gang.”
“Speaking of Judy, I wonder where she went. I would have loved to say bye to her.”
“Don’t worry, darling, I’ll tell her for you. Say hi to Desi for us, will ya?”
“You bet. Bye honey,” Lucy said as she got into her car.
Kay waved as Lucy backed down the driveway and didn’t turn until she got back on Mullholland safely.
“I bet I know where Judy went,” Lena said leaning in the doorway.
Kay nodded, “They’re both taking advantage of the blackout by necking like a couple of teenagers is my guess.”
“Good for them. If they enjoy being together that much, than have at it I say.”
The lantern lit up the bathroom with a sensual glow, reflecting back through the large, bathroom mirror as Judy whimpered sensually.
She let go of the back of Gene’s head to grasp the edge of the counter, her knuckles turning white, her back arched. She moaned louder as Gene’s mouth became more demanding between her legs. She felt a rush of moisture cascaded her lower being and her body felt heavenly.
“Oh, gosh,” she whispered as another burst of pre-climax tingled, over-stimulating her.
Gene took that cue to stop and he let her go with a loud sucking motion before standing up to undo his pants. His erection was strained, pressing against his shorts, he hadn’t felt that hard and ready since their last encounter; not even the times he had jerked off thinking about her during their mini-separation.  
Judy took it upon herself to yank down his shorts and started caressing him the way she knew he liked as their lips skimmed on another. He softly groaned from pleasure and torture. He wanted to stop her, he wanted to plunge himself into her warm, slick, pulsating center but Judy loved to please him as much as he loved to please her. So, he let her take control. He trusted her not to let him come before he was inside of her.
“I’ve missed you,” she breathed against his lips.
“I’ve missed you, baby, you feel so good,” he breathed back before capturing her mouth with another hot, open kiss.
Cary stood up from the table and grabbed a lantern, “I’m gonna try the braker again.”
“Has anyone seen Gene? He’s usually so good at fixing things,” June commented.
“I haven’t seen Kay or Lena since Lucy left, haven’t seen Judy or Gene, neither,” Peter replied getting up to assist Cary downstairs.
“Yes, what are they doing,” Cary’s girlfriend Betsy said with a casual curiosity.
Over and over, in a timeless rhythm, Gene hit the right spot with each thrust. And she held onto him tightly, her finger tips digging into his lower back to feel his movements and bring him closer.
They were both passionately, and emotionally, reveling in the feeling of being together again. They both also kept the sounds of their lovemaking to a minimum for the fear of getting caught. And it was a challenge as the rise of their impending orgasms made them both want to respond to each other vocally on how they were feeling. Fortunately, after being together since their first picture, they were very familiar with each other’s bodies and body language, so a repeated vocal response of their fuck was not necessarily needed.
Gene felt her slide her back a bit lower against the mirror for a better angle as he realized she was close. He grabbed her hips, accommodating her, and continued his thrusts, now becoming a little faster for her release as he tried to hold out.
She couldn’t hold back her cry of erotic desperation as her climax was near the edge making her toes curl and her body tense up. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder and grabbed on as she rode the wave. When her orgasm burst throughout her being, Judy leaned her head back, the side of her face visible from the lantern, scrunched up as her red lips parted. A cry that she purposefully bit back escaped from her chest, filtered out from her teeth biting her bottom lip.
Gene was relieved as he thrust into her harder, feeling himself start to expand. Hearing his intense breaths start to skip, Judy leaned her head back up and grabbed the sides of his face, their noses touching as he let go.
His hand fell flat up against the mirror beside her head as his orgasm shot out inside of her. It was overwhelming, intense and seemed to keep going as he continued to thrust and softly groan over and over. When both their bodies stilled, Gene breathed heavily, almost shaking, as he leaned his head down. Judy just kissed his forehead.
Then the lights went on.
Gene lifted his head and smiled, “There you are,” he said from their earlier encounter.
“Here I am,” she whispered back and kissed him softly.
MGM was bustling and busy as a bee as Judy walked down the lot towards the small parking lot outside the south entrance. The day was so beautiful, the sun was bright and the sky was bright blue, no one would have expected that it had been storming the past few days.
When she got closer to her car, she noticed Gene leaning against the hood, his back to her, smoking a cigarette.
“Hi,” she said with a bit of surprise.
“Oh, hey,” he replied turning around and stomped out his cigarette.
“I thought you were off for a few days.”
“Had to drop off some notes to Stan. Saw your car was still here,” he reached over and gave her a kiss on the cheek, “How did it go?”
She had just finished her recording for Words and Music with Mickey and was actually quite proud at how easy things went, “It was good. We got it done. Went smoothly. Vince even brought Liza by to watch. Mickey played with her, it was all very relaxed.”
“Oh, how swell. Are you leaving the studio now?”
“Mm hm. It’s such a nice day. I was thinking of having a picnic with Liza in the backyard since I’m getting out earlier than I thought.”
“I’m sure she’ll love it. But, before you go, I have to talk to you,” he said, his voice becoming a bit serious, it made her a little nervous as he urged her to get in the car. She did and watched as he got in the passenger side.
“I’m taking residency at the Beverly Hills Hotel.”
“What do you mean you’re taking residency,” she asked her face completely confused.
“You know how unhappy my marriage has been lately...well, for a while now,” he said and Judy nodded becoming anxious, “Betsy and I talked last night and we decided to separate for...”
“Oh, Gene, are you really sure you want to do that,” she interrupted with almost an exasperation.
Gene looked at Judy in disbelief by her quick response before he even finished talking, “Am I really sure I want to do what?”
“Separate from your family. It’s just...” she looked down fiddling with her fingers, “I’m not ready to do the same.”
Gene turned to her more in his seat, a little irritated, “I’m not asking you to.”
“You’re not?”
Her response was so shocked and genuine that it made him angry. He turned forwards and pressed his palms into his knees shaking his head.
“Why are you getting upset?”
“Do you really believe that whatever I do with my personal life, I expect you to do the same?”
The hurt expression on his face cause Judy to practically sink into her seat, “Well, after what you said the other night about our ‘agreement’ I...”
“Oh, fuck the agreement,” she looked at him with wide eyes, “If you would have let me finish talking then you would have heard that my separation is only going to be for a few weeks.”
“A few weeks?”
“A break. We decided to start there and see what happens. And if we need more time or...anything else...then we’ll cross that bridge when it gets to it.”
Judy tried not to show relief on her face but he could see it in her eyes and he laughed from ridiculousness, “Why are you automatically jumping to conclusions?”
“Because you said you wanted to throw our agreement down the drain since you are so unhappy with Betsy. I assumed that meant you wanted to divorce her and that would mean I would do the same.”
“Assumptions can get you into trouble,” he replied almost amused but sounded like some strict teacher.
“I know that now,” she said irritated, her elbow leaning on the window frame, her temple leaning against her hand. She was candidly embarrassed.
“Honey, I wanted to talk to you because with me staying at the hotel for a few weeks, that would mean I would be more accessible to you, to spend more time together since that’s what we both want. I never expect you to do anything just because I do it. Your decisions about your family are yours and Vince’s only. When you get to that own bridge of yours, I’ll be on the other side of it. But I’ll never be in the middle.”
“You said ‘when’, not ‘if’. How are you so sure of yourself?”
“I don’t know,” he said his voice softening. “It just came out that way. But one thing I know for sure is that we belong together, sweetheart, in one way or another.”
Judy slightly smiled as she thought the same.
“Listen, I’m never going to ask to take time away from your husband, or you daughter, but when you do have free time, you know where I’ll be.”
He reached over and gave her a cheerful peck on the lips before getting out of the car. Judy watched him in her rearview mirror as he started to walk away.
Knowing she was watching him, Gene turned around and smiled once more.
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
Playlist Feels
Part 2: Frustrated
Member: j u y e o n 
Genre: fluff/romance/LIGHT smut/drama with chaebol/lawyer juyeon, maybe abit of grunge aesthetic feels
Links to other parts:
I Never Wanna See You Again
Frustrated (light smut) 
Play With Fire (smut) 
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you had both your hands pressed into the sides of your face, trying your best to ignore chanhee. he was doing nothing besides shake the backrest of your chair, jerking you and himself along with the movement.
“yah--” you grab a soft file and roll it up, turning your chair around and swinging it at him. he ducks in, arm in the air as self-defense. “i find it difficult to believe that you’re two years older than me.”
chanhee sulks, shoulders drooping and his eyes turning into those large doe eyes that do nothing but beg. “you said you’ll tell me but it’s been two days and you haven’t.”
“that’s ‘cause i fucking can’t man,” you hiss quietly, trying not to get the attention of the other people in the office. the only other person who’s probably got a good guess of what happened in the last week was sitting right next to you, and he hasn’t said a word since you turned up at work today. 
“at least tell me what you were doing at his place ‘till so late?” chanhee tries to whisper, but you grit your teeth tightly and scrunch up all your facial features when you notice lee jaehyun react to his words. 
chanhee’s hands fly up to his face and covers his mouth as lee jaehyun turns around in his own chair, scanning chanhee’s look of shock. you were afraid to look at lee jaehyun, but you do it anyway. 
you had no clue if your ceo, or lee juyeon, or whatever you were supposed to call him now, had told anybody else about what happened. you spent one night with your ceo, and after he made sure you reached home safely, he hasn’t contacted you since.
but it was alright. he never said ‘i love you’ or asked you to be his girlfriend anyway. 
you were just lucky you left his place with all the information you needed to close the case and that he didn’t fire you for acting like a child in his house or cursing like a billion times in his face. 
lee jaehyun was scanning you from head to toe, and he gives you a smile that confuses chanhee even more. 
oh, god. he knows. 
you wince in agony the moment you understood lee jaehyun’s proud fatherly smile, and you quickly clasp your hands together, silently begging him not to say anything. 
“yah!” chanhee grabs and pen and hurls it at you. “you have to tell me what happened!” 
your vision spans past chanhee’s desk cubicle, and in the distance you see sunwoo and eric’s head pop up from their desks through the transparent parts of the cubicle walls. 
“can you shut the fuck up before sunwoo and eric come over?!” you duck your head and aggressively pull on chanhee’s blazer along with you. 
“i’ll shut up when you tell me what happened!” chanhee hisses back at you, both of you awkwardly ducking in full view of lee jaehyun. 
“isn’t it obvious what happened though?” 
you shut your eyes tightly and groaned, mentally beating yourself up over this entire mess you found yourself in. chanhee processes lee jaehyun’s words, then stares at you with the widest eyes you’ve ever seen on him. 
“SHHHHHHH!” your hands fly across the space and cover chanhee’s mouth. it takes you a moment to realise that you had pulled chanhee into a headlock, your leg was carelessly swung over his right leg and you looked like you were about to throw him off his own own chair. 
lee jaehyun watches the both of you, entertained. your limbs were tangled up in each other as chanhee struggles to break free from your head lock. 
“chanhee! please, i’m begging you, not another word--”
“about what?”
your eyes look up to see lee jaehyun looking past you at the person standing behind you. he struggles immensely to stifle a wide grin, but you could see it under his reddening ears. 
chanhee breaks free from your hold once your grip loosens at the familiar voice, and he stands up immediately, giving a quick bow to lee juy-- your boss...?
“’not another word’ about what?” he asks again. you stay frozen while looking at jaehyun, whose eyes fluttered between you, chanhee and lee juyeon. you hear chanhee’s hand find the backrest of your chair and he turns you around. you find yourself staring awkwardly at a pair of shoes that you remember seeing in someone’s walk-in wardrobe.
“am i going to need to ask again?” 
sunwoo and eric were already craning their necks to study the commotion when you look around, reluctant to look at your boss. 
how did you get yourself into this mess? are you going to ask him about it? what if he pretends it never happened? he didn’t call you or text you or anything anyway, what if you were just a rant session for him?
“uh--” chanhee tries to kick your chair subtly, but fails. 
“thaaaat...” you open your mouth, begging your mind to cook up some believable excuse. 
“that she watched porn the entire weekend.”
if you could combust into a billion pieces, you would’ve. 
you hear sunwoo and eric burst into soft snickers upon lee jaehyun’s dumb excuse for you. you hide your face in your hands, knowing that there was absolutely no way for you to fix this. 
of all excuses... porn?
“oh,” lee juyeon offers a small laugh. “and here i was expecting something else.”
you sigh heavily, still looking at his shoes. chanhee was trying his best to process the situation, but he obviously doesn’t because he remained silent. 
“anyway, i’d like you,” he points to lee jaehyun. “to come meet me in my office now. and then i’ll see you,” he points to chanhee. “and you.”
you look up at the sudden instruction, taking note of his finger in your face. 
“after he’s done. the two of you can come together.”
you get a good look at him after two days of hearing nothing from him, and you note that he’s in a white button up top and a black blazer. the blue in his hair faded and was slowly turning into a dark, almost-black shade. 
he turns on his heels and walks around eric and sunwoo’s desks, heading for his office. your manager gets the door of his office open just as lee juyeon strides past, and the look on lee sangyeon’s face tells you that he didn’t know his cousin would be coming today.
you watch as he says a few words to lee sangyeon, and he looks back at lee jaehyun, telling him to come over. the familiar silence of the office deafens you as lee juyeon gets the door of his large office open, allowing lee jaehyun and lee sangyeon to enter first.
“oh, and i ordered everyone salad and chicken for lunch today, so someone get the food from the delivery man later at around 12pm in case lee sang yeon or i isn’t available to do so, thanks.”
you rub your temples with your fingers, listening to the door of his office click shut and everybody in the office freaks out in silence. eric and sunwoo rush over to you and chanhee, and they looked like they just won the soccer championships. 
“what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck?” sunwoo pushes past chanhee, who was still standing from before, and sits in his chair. eric leans on the wall of the cubicle, hand over his mouth and wide eyes staring at you. the other employees in the office were also whispering to each other, and you couldn’t help but imagine all the horrible things they could’ve been saying.
you were in their shoes just about three weeks ago anyway.
“you better make sure i don’t get fired,” chanhee turns to you and pokes your shin with his shoe. you made a noise of complaint, brushing away the little stain that his shoe left on your stockings. 
“you’re not gonna get fired.”
“how do you know he’s not gonna get fired? how do you know you’re not gonna get fired?” sunwoo blurts out, and chanhee waits for you to respond.
because i slept with him, god damn it.
“i just know,” you stand and pull off your coat, straightening the pastel green button down shirt that was tucked into your office skirt. “trust me for once, will you? when has anything gone wrong if i’m the one handling it?” 
you glare at the three boys, arms folded across your chest. the heels you were wearing boosts you up a few inches, so you were easily at eric’s eye level. 
“she’s got a point,” eric points out, raising a brow at chanhee. 
you shoo the two boys away, leaving chanhee to return to his desk and you to yours. you pull out all the case files, including the sheets with the workings he gave you, and you start compiling the case into your laptop and the system. you always had a knack for switching gears whenever you needed to. 
work was work and personal life was to be kept in separate world. 
it was what gave you the leverage of clearing so many cases. 
you wouldn’t have noticed that your boss’ meeting with lee sangyeon and lee jaehyun had concluded if lee jaehyun didn’t laugh like a maniac on the way out of the office. 
“i’m going to kyoto next week!”
you turn at the announcement, and you watch your manager whack him across the back of his head. 
“is he just giving away holidays now?” you listen to chanhee say. you weren’t sure if it was directed at you or he was just speaking his thoughts. “are we going to get one too?”
probably not. 
lee jaehyun returns to his cubicle, face bright as ever and a few other employees in the office start talking to him over the walls of the cubicles. you turn and watch as eric and sunwoo struggle to grasp a hold of the situation: the office has not been this noisy or lively since the four of you started working here. 
chanhee whirls around on his chair, and he looks like he just met a ghost. 
“stop it,” you spit, getting to your feet and pulling him up. “you’ll be fine, i promise.”
gently knocking on the door, you watch the vague shadow shift around in the office. you turn to chanhee, still looking like he just met the nun from the conjuring. 
“come in.”
you push the door open, and pull chanhee along with you. 
lee juyeon was carefully rearranging some items on the desk that you were sure weren’t there previously. 
was he decorating his office now?
“oh, sit. the both of you,” he gestures to the two chairs opposite his, striding to his seat while you continue to drag chanhee along to mirror your movements. he was about to speak when he notices chanhee’s white complexion, and a small, embarrassed smile appears on his lips. “chanhee, are you okay?”
“am i getting fired--”
you hear chanhee hiccup as he asks the question, and you wince at the second-hand embarrassment. lee juyeon laughs and leans back in his seat, waving his hand at chanhee. 
“no, you’re not getting fired,” he props himself up while leaning on one of the arm rests of the chair. “but i am here to be honest with you, and to ask of you a favour. i would totally say ‘as your boss’, but i don’t want play the authority game.”
your eyes widen at his words, and you squint them at lee juyeon. 
are you crazy?!
chanhee slowly nods after a few moments of awkward stillness, and he glances at you in the corners of his eyes. 
“the reason why everybody outside is acting like they are at a party right now is because lee jaehyun has won a bet with me. a bet that if one of you figures out that i’m a lawyer, and i lost.”
you angle your head just enough to check chanhee’s face, and you wish you had your phone with you. it would’ve been such a worthy meme shot if you weren’t the reason why you were stuck in this informal meeting. 
“and judging by the conversation the both of you had with lee jaehyun this morning, i’m sure you must have questions about last week when you called her,” he points to you with a pen. “and i picked up.”
you gulp, wondering why your heart won’t stop pounding. 
“i’m not going to lie, it was a bad time.”
you groan and sigh loudly, burying your face into your hands with your elbows on the desk. you hear chanhee’s breathing stop for a moment, and it urges you to look at him again. 
“so... the both of you--”
“slept together, yes. lee jaehyun guessed it even before i told him just now, and that’s why he was spitting all that nonsense about her watching porn. he was just trying to tease me, i hope you weren’t too uncomfortable.”
what in the world is he doing...
“oh, no, i’m not uncomfortable,” you hear a tinge of mischief in chanhee’s voice and you snap your head to glare at him. “i’m just surprised about how honest you are with... this.”
your forehead was now flat against the desk, and your eyes were sealed tight.
what the hell is even happening now...
“well, i’m not planning on telling anybody else. you’re here because i hope you can do me the favour of keeping it yourself. you caught us red-handed, so i thought it’ll better if i was honest with you. i don’t want my employees to harbour any distrust against me, especially after they caught me doing something i’m not really supposed to be doing.”
you gently ram your forehead into the table twice.
“i understand. your secret is safe with me, mr...?”
“just call me juyeon. we’re the same age and i want us to be comfortable. i don’t bother too much about being the ceo, so work with me, not for me.”
chanhee reaches out and shakes his hand. 
“now, the office can’t know who was the newbie who found out i’m a lawyer, and i’m pretty sure your two friends have already found out about the bet given the noisy situation outside. if they find out it’s her, then her reputation might be at stake. so if anybody asks you why you were called into my office, just inform them that it’s about the case you dropped for me and her to work on together. lee jaehyun and lee sangyeon have been told to keep their mouths sealed about her and last friday, so you only need to worry about not telling anybody which newbie was the one who found out.”
the day happens as he said it would. your senior colleagues were digging their way through the newbies, trying to find out which one figured it out and caused the ceo, the lead lawyer, to lose to lee jaehyun in a bet. 
sunwoo and eric lacked too much information to understand anything, so their genuine confusion was consistently called bluff by your colleagues. 
when lunch was here, everybody was brought into a separate conference room that strangely reminded you of the dining room in his house. he sits on the opposite end near the other employees and catches up with them, while lee jaehyun and lee sangyeon join you and the three boys. 
“if you don’t mind me asking,” lee jaehyun picks at the chicken cubes in his box. 
wait-- eric and sunwoo don’t know.
chanhee’s eyes widen, his hand hurriedly stretching out, in need of stopping lee jaehyun before he says anything--
“how was he?”
you choke on your salad, and chanhee starts to laugh-cry. your manager takes a a napkin and hurls it at lee jaehyun. sunwoo and eric had frowns and looks of confusion on their faces as they turn to you.
lee jaehyun notices that he fucked up, and he covers his mouth with his hand.
“oh, no. i’m sorry. i didn’t know they don’t kno--”
eric grabs your arm and yanks you towards them, their eyeballs threatening to fall out of their sockets as they nearly spit on you when they connect the dots themselves.
“ʸᵒᵘ ˢˡᵉᵖᵗ ʷᶦᵗʰ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘᶜᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᶜᵉᵒˀᵎ” 
chanhee pulls them back and slaps their hands to release you, nodding at them aggressively before telling them to shut up. 
you spend the rest of lunch desperately trying to hide your embarrassment, not only from your own friends, but your senior colleague and your own manager. 
besides lunch being a whole obstacle course, the day went on as usual. it took you and your friends awhile to get used to the true, lively spirit of the office, now that the bet was done with and the ceo (who turned out to be friends with everybody else in office) was back.
lee juyeon was the first to leave, and he was already making calls even as he was leaving his office. it doesn’t surprise you, now knowing that he probably had other business at hand to take care of. 
eric, sunwoo and chanhee leave the office, initially wanting to drag you along with them to bowl. you decline the offer, the determination to finish up on the case stronger than the temptation to run off to watch them do something stupid.
lee sangyeon and lee jaehyun leave the office last, leaving you behind. they can’t help but to tease you a little before leaving, calling you their “sister-in-law” as they left. 
sister-in-law my ass.
he hasn’t even spoken to me in a one-to-one conversation since he screwed my brains out on his sofa. 
nonetheless, you wave to them as they leave, and you lean your head against the backrest of the chair. your eyes naturally close after a whole day of staring at the same case. you pondered about the fact that you and chanhee would’ve been drowning by now if lee juyeon hadn’t taken up the case...
you jerk awake, as you normally do, when you feel someone’s touch on your cheek. your eyes adjust to the light from your desk, the only source of illumination, before you process your ceo standing next to you in your chair. 
he had been changed out and he was now wearing a cap, a comfortable pullover with the letters ‘LV’ printed on the front and jeans. 
“uh--” you stammer, hurriedly sitting up and brushing your hair aside. 
“why didn’t you leave with chanhee and the others? it’s late and your last meal was the salad and chicken from lunch.”
you comb your hair with your fingers, clearing your throat and reaching for the sheets of paper strewn about on your desk. your heart was racing and you couldn’t feel your toes despite your heels being carelessly thrown aside under the table. 
he senses your discomfort and awkwardness, remaining silent while he looks around at your work space.
“come on, you’re done for today. i got mrs jung to prepare a simple meal before she left... i guessed you’d be staying till late working on the case,” you feel him pulling your chair backwards. he squats down before you, and for the first time, you were literally looking down at him. 
the shadow that the cap casts on his face prevents you from seeing his eyes, so your first instinct was to reach out and remove it.
unfortunately, he stops you, and disappointment rushes through your veins at the assumption that he no longer wanted to be so intimately connected with you. 
“i’m sorry, i--”
you were cut off when he abruptly pulls your chair forward, kissing you gently. 
you didn’t even know you missed the taste of him until it happened. you lose all your bearings and let yourself melt into his warmth, his fingers finding your chin and it was like the kiss could last forever.
you feel him pull away, but your eyes take some time to open because it truly felt like a dream. 
“i wanted to apologise for disappearing over the weekend. i wanted to invite you over the next day, but something cropped up with my family and the other businesses they have and i was needed,” he stands up and helps clear your table, keeping all your case files into your suitcase. “and i didn’t want to be seen talking to you one-to-one today. it’s a small office, so once word gets around, i could drag you down and you’d suffer more than i would.”
he picks up your suitcase and pulls your coat off the chair, holding it out for you. 
it’s almost like every time he fools you into thinking he’s just messing with you, he turns up with some heartbreaking reason that you couldn’t be mad with him about. 
you take the coat with a small smile and slip on your heels. you were afraid to even hold his hand or maintain physical contact, but he interlocks his fingers with yours without even looking back at you while he shuts off all the electricity in the office. 
he pulls you out of the gantry, obviously excited that he finally gets to spend time with you. the night shift security guard calls out to him, and you were pleasantly surprised at the exchange between him and the guard.
“juyeon-sshi! is that your girlfriend?!” 
“ne~ isn’t she pretty?”
you look back at him in shock, unable to stop a wide grin from appearing on your lips. 
“gorgeous!” the guard responds. “goodnight, juyeon-sshi!”
“goodnight! see you tomorrow and don’t tell anybody else about my girlfriend!” juyeon gets the door of the building open and lets you out first, giving the guard one last wave before getting himself out as well. 
you get into the same Porsche you were in last friday while he leaves your suitcase in the backseat. you try your best to wipe the smile off your face, but he just called you pretty and his girlfriend in like, 5 seconds. 
then it hits you.
he hasn’t even formally asked you. 
he gets into the drivers’ seat, and you watch as his hands wrap around the steering wheel, amused that his fingers exceed the complete circumference of the equipment. 
“you good to go?” he looks at you, finally removing his cap and tossing it into the backseat. 
you nod, giving him a small smile. 
by the time you were at the dining table, you were short of losing your last strand of reality when he was busy serving you. 
he got you the same slippers you wore the last time you were here, he gets you settled at the table and he runs off to prepare the food the mrs jung prepared, and he runs off again to find another bottle of wine to open.
this man...
he doesn’t stop there though. after the meal, he runs a bath for you in his ridiculously over-sized bathtub that, believe it or not, had the glass panel windows beyond the tub. 
there was a soft jazz tune playing somewhere in the house, and accompanied with the sloshing of the water in the tub, it was difficult to believe that any of this was real. 
he catches you looking down below your feet at the city lights, careful not to press your face into the glass. you feel his arms snake around your waist over the robe he provided you before you changed out of your office wear, and he rests the side of his face on your temple.
he pecks your temple and turns you around, eyes continuously admiring your face and he doesn’t resist the need to kiss you on the lips again.
“i don’t need to remind you that you need to say something if you’re uncomfortable with any of this, right?” he pulls away and looks down at you through his hair.
you shake your head, taking the initiative to untie the knot around his waist, providing yourself the gorgeous view of his collarbones and chest and everything else. 
you catch a glimpse of his shyness and it makes you laugh a little. by undoing your own robe, you offer him comfort by kissing him again, this time making them a little rougher and needier. you completely forget that the glass panels behind you would’ve exposed your ass to the world, but you could only guess why it was on the highest level where there were nearly no other buildings that came up as high. 
the water smelled like lavender, and you were leaning back against his chest while he plants kisses on your ear, neck and shoulder. your hands were interlocked with his under the water, and it didn’t matter if your fingers were pruning because of the duration you’ve been in it. 
all that mattered was that this felt real, and you were so scared none of it was.
“juyeon,” you call out quietly, hand caressing the surface of the water. 
“mm?” he hums, removing his lips from your skin and pushing the little strands of hair to your other shoulder. 
“did you mean it when you called me your girlfriend back at the office?”
you feel his movements stop completely, and you turn your head to look at him. panic arises in your chest and you worry if you’ve just said something wrong. he looks at you, hair stuck to his forehead and he pushes it back, exposing his forehead. 
you try with much difficulty not to swoon at how good he looks, but you remind yourself that you might’ve just fucked up whatever was going on between the two of you. 
“i meant it.”
his eyes travel from staring at the water to yours. 
“i’ve been wanting to ask you the entire time since i saw you at the office, and i had this grand plan to ask you formally... but i messed up when i announced it to the security guard... and i don’t know why i lost the courage to say anything before getting into the tub with you.”
again with that heartbreaking speech.
a giggle escapes your lips as you turn away, knowing that you laughing would most likely hurt his pride as a ceo and as your boss. 
“ah... can you not laugh at a time like this? i know i’m a wuss, alright? no need to laugh and rub it in my face.”
you hear him whine, and the tone was so unfamiliar, it takes you awhile to absorb it. you make a decision in your heart, suddenly so sure that you wanted him for yourself, so sure that despite not knowing the bare minimum about him, that this was real. 
no mind games, but something true.
was it too fast? maybe. 
but the level of comfort between the two of you was just astronomical. 
it was difficult to ignore.
you swish around the tub, awkwardly lifting your legs so they were on both sides of his hips and you were now facing him. the water barely covers your chest, so you lean forward a little and he looks at you with uncertainty.
“ask me now then.”
“what? no! it’s so lame and un-classy and--”
“i might say no if you don’t ask me now,” you tilt your head to the side, like a puppy. he laughs in disbelief, tongue swiping across his teeth as he looks away for a moment. 
you suck your lips between your teeth, trying to hide a smile at his reaction. 
he looks at you with his signature corner-of-the-eye look, and you see the very moment he realises that he’s been completely bought over by you. 
“okay,” he pulls you closer to him, and he pulls your legs around his waist so that you were sitting on his (bare) lap. 
“y/n, would you do me the honour of being mine?”
there was absolutely no way you could’ve hidden the happiness that swamped you whole, and you pull his face towards yours. hair stuck to your shoulders and his arms around your waist, you bury your lips between his. 
“if i didn’t know better, i’d say you sounded like you just proposed.” you pull away, gently wiping the droplets of water from his cheek and chin. 
“i totally would, but you’re not ready for that yet.”
you sense the mischief and... provocation in his voice.
“not ready for what, may i ask?” your arms were around his neck as you lean back a little. 
“well,” he shoots you a dirty look, hands travelling up your back and pushing you forwards. “that’s up to your own interpretation.”
Part 4: Play With Fire 
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eternalbangtan · 5 years
Black Bunny 2 // jjk
Pairing: Jungkook x reader, college AU, ft. Jihope, Taehyung
Genre: fluff, smut (18+)
Word count: 4,1k
Prequel / Can be read as a one-shot
Drabble (pure filth)
Summary: A few weeks after you’ve met Jungkook, you’re happily dating and like any other day, you go to his place. You end up in Jungkook’s clothes because of an accident with a can of beer and Jungkook can’t keep his eyes off of you.
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Dating Jungkook was the best thing that has happened to you in ages. You ditched your friends most of the time during lunchbreak to eat together with your boyfriend, you were suddenly looking forward to that boring lecture that you first met him at and you became a regular at For:rest, the café he first took you to.
You would wait there for Jungkook to finish his classes to hang out with him in the evening and you slowly became closer to Jimin who spoiled you with sweet treats that were always on the house because, as he said himself, “My friend’s friend is my friend as well.”
You couldn’t deny that you liked being treated so well even though he was just kind to literally every living being on this planet.
One day, as you were reading a book for school while waiting for your boyfriend, Jimin came up to you, bringing with him another boy that you haven’t seen around yet. He was slightly taller than Jimin but was wearing the same barista uniform that consisted of a black turtleneck and a beige shirt over it.
“Y/n, I wanted to introduce Hoseok to you. He works here occasionally and he is also the one who couldn’t make it to work that time you were working on that project with Jungkook.” Said Jimin as he gave Hoseok a feigned annoyed look.
“Hi, y/n! My name’s Hoseok and, by the way, I’m this guy’s boyfriend. Sorry about that one time, our team called for a sudden practice and I couldn’t afford to miss it.” He said apologetically.
You put down the book you’ve been reading and smiled at them. “Nice to meet you! You really don’t have to apologize for that. Let him live Jimin!” you said playfully. “I should actually be thanking you.”
Both guys looked at you with confusion in their eyes.
“You know, thanks to that we started dating.” Their confused eyes opened even more as they stood there silently for a while.
“You guys are together? Like for real?” Jimin almost shouted.
You didn’t understand why he was so surprised. It’s true that neither you or Jungkook told him explicitly that you started dating but you thought it was obvious. You were always waiting for Jungkook in the café and he saw you two together many times.
“I thought you knew, we weren’t exactly hiding it. Is it that weird…?” You started feeling self-conscious and nervous in front of the two baristas. Your question was followed by a reaction you weren’t expecting though.
“Yah, Jimin, our Jungkookie really is something else.” Hoseok said loudly as his face lit up with a radiant smile. “He always talked about this girl that he liked but didn’t know how to approach and just when we thought you two finally became friends you’re already dating?”
“It happened somehow… hehe” you said as a coy smile lit up your face.
“Here comes the man himself!” Jimin pointed at Jungkook who was just about to enter the coffee shop.
“I better go then! See you guys a next time!” you said as you quickly got up and ran to Jungkook, still a little shy about meeting the two baristas.
“Oh, hello sunshine, I missed you.” Jungkook said as soon as he saw you coming up to him. “Hi, Hoseok, long time no see!”
“Long time no see! You look great Jungkook. I mean, you two together.” Hoseok said in a teasing manner as he pulled Jimin closer.
“You could have at least said something. I look like the worst not caring friend right now.” Jimin added frowning.
You looked at Jungkook who looked like a deer caught in headlights but he soon smirked and grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers and holding your two linked hands up as if to show you off. “Well, I thought it was pretty obvious. We’ll get going then. See you around!”
Jungkook then turned around with you and you walked out of the café, both of your heartbeats slightly faster than usual.
 “What was that about? Is it that weird that we are dating?” You asked Jungkook, walking next to him while still holding hands.
“No, it’s not weird in the least. It’s just that… For the longest time I’ve been only talking about you and they probably had no idea we clicked so well, and so fast.”
“Hmm, we did click pretty fast, didn’t we Jungkookie.”
Jungkook nodded but then paused and looked at you in disbelief for a second. “What’s up with that nickname?”
“Jungkookie, Jungkookie~ It’s so cute.” you hummed, swinging your interlocked arms. “Hoseok was calling you that, you don’t like it?”
“I told him not to call me that so many times, sigh. It’s so childish.”
“I like it though. Jungkookie~ a perfect nickname for my bunny.”
Jungkook sighed one more time but smiled because, he had to admit, he found it cute when it was you calling him that. He was already used to being called a bunny by now so one more nickname couldn’t hurt. You had explained to him many times that he looks and sometimes even acts like a bunny that he came to accept it and was sometimes making fun of himself, one time even carrying a bag of carrots to class, just to make you laugh and maybe snack on a few of them.
“What nickname should I give you, y/n?” He asked you, teasing.
“I am ready to accept any nickname you give me.” You said jokingly.
“I’ll have to think about it well then.” Jungkook replied and pretended to be in deep thought about what to call you from now on.
 When you got to Jungkook’s place, his roommate Taehyung was just about to leave. You got used to him because you spent way too much time at their place, and even though you never exchanged many words, you had a feeling he’s a really chill and nice person.
“Oh, hey! I’m going to my friend’s and I’m most likely going to come back really late. We agreed to do a movie marathon, you know.” Taehyung said, shooting you both a smile.
“On a Tuesday?” You asked and you looked at Jungkook who didn’t seem to be fazed at all.
“He’s unpredictable, you never know with him.” Jungkook said, grinning at you.
“Have fun you guys! I’m off.” Taehyung announced as he strolled out of the door. He was truly a character that you’ve never met before and you were fascinated by his mind every time.
With Taehyung leaving, you were suddenly left alone with your boyfriend, and going to his bedroom, like you would usually do when Taehyung was there, suddenly seemed more intimate. Anyways, you left your shoes and your bag at the door and walked straight up to the fridge. “Do you want a beer?” You asked Jungkook who looked at you, an amused look on his face.
“Are you offering me beer from my own fridge right now?” He laughed and hugged you from the back, wrapping his hands around your waist. “When did you get so comfortable around here? It feels like yesterday when you were sitting on that sofa over there, shy about touching my hand.”
“Oh come on, don’t bring that up, I was super nervous because I was in an unfamiliar house for the first time.” You lied a little about the reason of your previous nervousness as you grabbed two cans of beer and closed the fridge, taking Jungkook’s lack of reply to your previous question as a yes.
“Oh yeah? Was it really because of the new environment that you were nervous?” He teased you more and grabbed one of the cans you took out of the fridge.
“Jungkook, don’t make me say it again. You’re such a tease.” You were getting self-conscious just thinking about the first time you came here but then you looked at Jungkook who took a few sips of his beer and your thoughts immediately shifted, your mind focusing solely on your boyfriend’s neck as he was gulping the liquid. He looked so effortlessly good in his oversized hoodie, which was of course no other color than black.
You tried to get distracted from these thoughts by opening your can of beer but as you did, the beer spilled all over your shirt, droplets trickling down onto your pants as well. It did take your thoughts off Jungkook but it created another situation to worry about. The white wet shirt you were wearing didn’t leave much to imagination and you could see Jungkook almost spitting some of his drink as he tried to hold back laughter. You were mortified and wanted to disappear right this moment because Jungkook wasn’t going to let you live this down. However he acted differently than you had expected. He went to his room to get you a change of clothes and a towel.
“You’re such a klutz, y/n.” he said with the warmest smile as he passed you the stuff he brought. “Here, go wash up, otherwise you’re going to smell like beer for who knows how long.”
You didn’t even have time to protest and you already found yourself being guided to his bathroom with his huge black t-shirt, even bigger sweatpants and a towel in your hands. Did he really expect the clothes to fit you in any way? But you didn’t exactly have any other choice than to take a shower now so you did and prayed that the clothes will serve their purpose.
When you came out of the bathroom, Jungkook was looking at his phone, his long hair in his face, while some sitcom played in the TV, serving only as a background noise. When he noticed you were done washing up, he lifted his eyes from his phone and silently looked at you for a while. You could kind of guess why.
The sweatpants he gave you wouldn’t stay above your waist no matter how hard you tried to convince them so you just gave up and came out wearing only the t-shirt which served you as, a very short one, but a dress.
“The pants are way too big for me… do you have anything smaller maybe?” You broke the silence as you walked towards the sofa he was sitting on. Jungkook still hasn’t said a thing but he did put down his phone. The only thing he could see was you, wearing his t-shirt and nothing else.
You felt his stare but still decided to come sit down next to him, covering your legs with his sweatpants that you were still holding onto to make you less exposed.
“You can’t do that, y/n…” Jungkook said, now looking at the TV.
“You are the one who gave me this to wear!” You said in your defense. “Did you actually expect it to fit me?”
Jungkook covered his face with his hands and then ran his fingers through his hair, turning his attention to you once more.
“That’s not fair. This t-shirt looks so much better on you than on me. But now I also want to take it off.” He said as his voice suddenly turned deeper. You couldn’t help but feel flustered by his comment. Jungkook was usually the sweetest guy you’ve ever known but sometimes a switch would turn on and he was a different person, just like now. The usually cute bunny was now oozing with self-confidence and the way he lifted up one of his eyebrows was the most cocky yet attractive thing ever.
“Should I help you or will you do me the favor of taking it off yourself, y/n?”
You didn’t plan on anything like this happening today but you could already feel yourself get aroused just from his tone and the way he was eating you up with his eyes. Him behaving this way had a huge effect on you but you never wanted to admit that or you’d never get your cute boyfriend to return.
Jungkook suddenly shifted from his position and sat down next to you in a way he was trapping you in your seat with his arms and body. You could feel his breath on your ear and neck as he said very softly “I think you need my help, don’t you?” Then he proceeded to lightly nib on your ear and placed a thousand soft kisses on your neck.
You held your breath as a shiver ran down your body and you could only nod to what he just said to you.
“Don’t you?” he repeated, this time more stern.
“I- I do.” You got yourself to reply. He liked when you said what you wanted out loud, and you still felt embarrassed every time. No one else you’ve been with was this stern about you voicing your needs.
Jungkook then lifted the t-shirt you’ve put on only a while ago and slipped it off you as you lifted your hands. He also discarded the sweatpants you haven’t used from your lap and kneeled in front of you, adoring every part of your body.
“You’re so beautiful.” That comment made you blush even though he’s already told you times before.
Jungkook then started placing kisses up your thighs and his hands reached for your waist, moving up to unhook your bra. You didn’t even think of protesting but still felt exposed compared to his fully clothed body. He could sense it from the way your eyes looked down and tried to reassure you. “Look at me, y/n.”
You lifted your gaze to look him in the eyes. How is this man real? You asked yourself. His face was the cutest but he still managed to exude this charisma that put you under his spell.
“You mean the world to me and I want to make you feel good. Is that okay with you?” he asked with the sweetest tone.
The moment you said yes, this switch in him turned on again and his eyes darkened as he grabbed your hips, moving you closer to him, and pulled down the last piece of fabric covering you.
Without any hesitating, he placed his lips on the spot you most needed him. You couldn’t wrap your head around how he was so good at everything including making you feel good. And the word ‘good’ was an understatement. His lips on you felt like heaven and it made you arch your back with a quiet moan.
“Jungkook…” you moaned his name and felt him smirk against your heat. He knew very well what he was doing and how strong of an effect he had on you. It was pretty much obvious from how wet you were and from your now more frequent and needy sounding moans.
You felt like exploding and one of your hands intertwined in his hair while you grabbed at one of your boobs with the other one. You felt your orgasm approach at the speed of light and just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, Jungkook inserted his index finger into you and teased all the right spots inside you which soon sent you over the edge.
You felt amazing and the sight of Jungkook in between your legs made your mouth water. His hair was all messed up by you and he was licking his lips, savoring your taste. You were still recovering from your high but you reached for him and kissed him fervorously, Jungkook soon reciprocating the kiss, invading your mouth with his tongue and your own taste.
“How do you manage to make me feel this good every time? I swear you’re magical.” You said after you broke the kiss, trying to catch your breath.
“If I’m a magical bunny, you must be a magician who pulled me out of your hat.” There he was again, using his nickname to tease you.
“Abracadabra, remove your hoodie!” you said laughing. His jokes never failed to make you laugh, even in a situation like this. He managed to make you feel safe without even trying.
You cast your spell as a half joke but Jungkook took off his hoodie with such speed that it really looked like a magic trick. He removed his t-shirt along with it and was now left with his bare chest in front of you.
The question of how a man can be so perfect popped up again in your head. His body was muscular but still looked and was so huggable. As your eyes were scanning his body, your sight traced his abs and looking a bit lower, you could see his growing bulge in his tight black jeans. Your mouth watered without you even realizing it and Jungkook noticed what you were so intently looking at.
His smirk that appeared on his face made him somehow even more attractive in that moment and you motioned for him to come closer. He embraced you, kissing you on the forehead and the next moment you were being carried princess style from the sofa into his bedroom.
“I want to make you feel good too, Jungkookie…” you said softly to his ear as he carried you.
You could see how your words affected him by the way he tightened his grip on you. “You’ll have the chance in a bit, princess.” He replied, not even complaining about the nickname.
You plopped onto the bed and started fiddling with Jungkook’s pants to free his hardened member. He helped you, pulling his jeans and then his boxers down his legs, discarding it on the floor. You looked at his dark doe eyes as you started stroking his length with your hands.
���Fuck, don’t tease me like that.” Jungkook said as he threw back his head.
You liked being the one in control for now so you only slowly increased your tempo. When you felt like you’ve made him desperate enough, you carefully licked his length from the root up, then taking it into your mouth, slowly bobbing your head.
“Y/n… ah, your mouth feels so good.” He boosted your ego and you tried to give him more pleasure by taking him a bit further into your mouth and throat, making you gag.
Never had you imagined you would enjoy giving head to a guy before but after making love with Jungkook, your outlook on oral sex has changed completely. You loved the way you could control his pleasure and how he softly pulled on your hair when he couldn’t take it anymore.
He did just that after a shorter time than usual, making you halt your movement and look at him, mouth full of his precum.
“God, you look so good like this, being so dirty for me.”
His dirty talk always contained at least a bit of that sweet nature of his, most apparent in the silky tone he used.
“You’re way too good at this and I don’t want to cum just yet, baby.”
There it was, the nickname he only used when he was really desperate and horny.
“I still have to fuck your pretty pussy.” You blushed at that and then you were being pushed down onto the mattress, his body pinning you down and his dripping member pressing into your lower abdomen. His mouth was all over you, kissing from your neck, to your collarbones, to your belly, all while teasing your nipples with his fingers.
You thought you were going to go crazy from how bad you wanted him because he was making you feel so good already with just his hands and mouth. “Jungkook, I really need you.” It sounded more like a moan than a sentence.
“You need me? To do what, baby?” he teased almost purring, enjoying how he made you squirm below him.
You just gave in, being too needy. “I need you to fill me up with your cock.”
Jungkook kissed you and then lined up his length to your entrance as he stared into your eyes. As he slowly pushed in, your eyes watered a little because of the stretch but you soon got used to it and all the unpleasant feelings turned into immense pleasure as he pumped into you slowly.
Honestly, even his cock was perfect. Not too small but not too big, just the right size and girth that you absolutely loved.
As he saw that you got used to the stretch, he sped up his thrusts, hitting all the right spots, making your head spin and moan uncontrollably.
“Fuck, Jungkook” you moaned his name as he thrust into you, exactly knowing the one sweet spot that made you lose your mind.
“You feel so good around me, baby.” He purred, a layer of sweat forming on his forehead, making his hair stick to his face. You cupped his cheeks and followed to place a sloppy kiss on his lips. That made him slow down a little and he hooked one of your legs above his arm. The change of angle made you almost scream out of pleasure and he resumed his pace at which he was thrusting into you just a moment ago.
“Are you close, baby? You’re driving me crazy, I don’t think I’ll be able to hold on much longer.” Jungkook said, pausing between words as he pounded into you.
“If you talk to me like that, I’ll come even faster.” You wanted to be the one to tease him this time.
“My baby wants me to talk dirty? Do you like that, huh?” he smirked.
Fuck, it really had you coming closer to your high. Never had you imagined you’d be into dirty talk so much, but here you were, a panting mess getting off on it.
“Look me in the eyes, baby.” Jungkook ordered. You complied, looking right into his hooded eyes. “I asked if my baby liked dirty talk.”
His tone, the nickname, and his panting voice were driving you crazy. “I do. Yes, I do!” you replied moaning.
“Fuck…” he grunted to himself. “Then be a good girl and come for me, baby.”
His words really helped sending you over the edge and you found yourself tightening your walls around Jungkook. You let out a long moan and let Jungkook ride out his orgasm as he came right after you and then collapsed down next to you.
 You were two panting messes, laying on the bed with your limbs intertwined.
“That was so hot.” Jungkook announced, slowly coming back from his high. “I didn’t know you would like me talking to you that way.”
You smiled, still catching your breath. “Me neither. I don’t think it’s the words itself that I like though.” Jungkook had a confused look on his face now. “I like it because it’s you talking like that.” You confessed.
“Come here.” He said as he extended one of his arms as a sign. You turned to face him, his arm wrapping around your body. “You’re so cute.”
“You said I was hot just a minute ago.” You scoffed, punching him lightly.
“That’s what’s driving me crazy, y/n. You’re both and I don’t know which one of you I prefer.”
“It’s pretty clear to me. You prefer me.” You grinned.
“You’re impossible.” Jungkook said laughing, showing you his bunny teeth.
The thought of him also switching between cute and hot in seconds crossed your mind but you decided to keep it to yourself, at least for now. You liked both of his sides equally, making it impossible to choose. As a summary of these thoughts of yours your brain decided to say “I like Jungkook.”
You wanted to facepalm yourself but considering the fact you were in Jungkook’s embrace, it was impossible for you to move.
“I like y/n.” Jungkook repeated, grinning at you. “I really like her, this girl y/n.” His teasing had no end. “I’ve liked her for a long time now.”
“What? I’m stating facts.”
He was way too cute for his own good.
“I really like you Jungkook. I mean it.” You curled into his chest, hiding the blush that spread on your cheeks.
“Me too. A whole lot.” Jungkook said as he patted your head. “But we should take a shower.”
“Ugh.” You didn’t want to let go of his warm embrace but you were also annoyed at him breaking this cute moment. “Well, I already know your bathroom… Don’t tell me this was your plan all along?” You lifted your head to look at him with lifted eyebrows.
“How could I possibly plan only your beer exploding? You were just unlucky this time.”
“Hmm, was I really? How can you prove your innocence?” You then got up and ran to the bathroom, grabbing the black t-shirt you were given before on your way.
Jungkook was dumbfounded by your sudden outburst of energy but loved every moment of it. 
“Wait for me, let’s shower together!” He shouted at you, but you were already in the shower. He got up to join you but remembered to bring you some smaller bottoms to change into, or he wouldn’t be able to even look at you.
“Y/n in my clothes is way too sexy.” He mumbled to himself as he went to join you in the bathroom.
A/N: It somehow turned from fluff into filth and then back into cheesy fluff. I think it’s the fault of Jungkook’s duality.  I hope you enjoyed this sequel and I always appreciate feedback! 
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nervousavenuefest · 4 years
Cara Memasukan Cheat Game Plants Vs Zombie
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Cheat kode game plants vs zombie admin mau share buat pecinta gamer'z! Dah, gak perlu basa basi lagi yah sob, nih infonya! Masukan kode dibawah ini saat bermain Plant VS Zombie untuk mengaktifkan cheat sebagai berikut: pinata: munculin hujan permen saat zombie mati trickedout: mengubah tampilan mesin potong rumput (yang. Get the latest Plants Vs. Zombies cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play! Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for Plants Vs.
Cara Memasukan Cheat Game Plants Vs Zombies
Cara Memasukan Cheat Game Plants Vs Zombies 2
Cara Memasukan Cheat Game Plants Vs Zombie 2
Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQCorey Feldman InterviewReviewCheat Codes
While playing the game, type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Your Tree Of Wisdom must be a certain height before some codes can be enabled.
Result Cheat Code Alternate Lawn Mower appearancetrickedoutCandy rains when zombies diepinataDaisies appear when zombies diedaisiesZombies walk slowlyslowbokeZombies wear sunglassesfutureZombies have mustachesmustacheZombies dancedance Toggles zombie call for brains soundsukhbir
Gold trophy
Get all the trophies in the Mini-Games, Puzzle, and Survival modes to get the Gold trophy.
Silver trophy
Successfully complete Adventure mode to get the Silver trophy.
Download Standoff Multiplayer Mod APK on MaxModAPK. Mirror 6: Download on Happymod Pro. Download Mod APK. Cheats. Main characters - Vehicles that can be found in GTA 5 - Radio stations. Open world online multiplayer video game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. Standoff Multiplayer tricks hints guides reviews promo codes easter eggs and more for android application. Avoid Standoff Multiplayer hack cheats for your own safety, choose our tips and advices confirmed by pro players, testers and users like you. Ask a question or add answers, watch video tutorials & submit own opinion about this game/app. Download Standoff: Multiplayer v1.22.1 Android Unlimited Ammo Cheated MOD APK + DATA. You will try to kill enemies as many as You can and collect to catch flags. This is your main mission in the game. You need to fight against your enemies and kill them before they attact and counteract you! Download game standoff multiplayer cheats.
Easy money
Resident evil 3 cheat code. Get the Zen Garden. Water the plants until they do not need anything else, then advance the system date ahead. The plants will need water again. Buy new plants, grow them to full size, then sell them. Repeat this to earn more money. You can also use this trick when you have to get Marigolds in Crazy Dave's shop and they are out of stock.
Set up your defenses around the slot machine. Try for one row of walnuts on the right side, one or two rows of sunflowers on the left, and fill everything else with pea and snow pea shooters. Protect the lawn mowers. Each is worth a gold coin ($250) at the end of the game if they did not mow any zombies. Stop collecting sun at about 1,900 sun points. At this point, the garden should be full; getting the extra 100 points to win should be easy. Just collect enough sun to offset the slot machine. Keep the slot machine spinning. It will randomly drop one or three gems, depending on how long your patience lasts. If the zombies get close to the mowers, end the game. Simply collect the sun lying on the field to end the game.
Cara Memasukan Cheat Game Plants Vs Zombies
Use the following trick to make Walnut Bowling more profitable. Protect the lawnmowers, as each mower is worth one gold coin ($250). Line up shots off the front runner. After the first zombie is hit, each additional zombie strike generates coins. Create a front runner where none already exists. Pole vaulting zombies will run fast until they vault over a nut, and the newspaper zombie runs fast after getting the paper destroyed by a nut. Let them run a short distance down the lawn before sending a nut their way. You do not need to use nuts. When there are a few zombies ambling down the lawn without a clear ricochet shot, wait some time to see if more of them will step out to play. They can always be killed once they cross the red line. Remember how many nuts it takes to kill a zombie. This is important when they cross the red line. Use one nut for regular zombies, three for bucket wearing zombies, and two for the others. Cheats another world game. Keep the exploding nuts in reserve. Try not to use them unless a mob crosses the line or there are not enough nuts or room to kill a difficult zombie. Use the regular walnuts for the zombies that have not reached the red line. Do not use exploding nuts to kill pole vaulting zombies directly. Pole vaulting zombies only jump obstacles in their own lane. A pole vaulting zombie who has not vaulted yet will safely jump over explosions or nuts in their own lane. Find a neighbor in the next lane and time the nut to hit when the pole vaulting zombie gets close to the neighbor.
Alternating seed selection
If you do not like the cards from Crazy Dave, exit the game and restart. The cards will change randomly.
Increasing plant growth
Disable full screen mode. Go to your Zen Garden. After feeding the plants, it will normally take thirty minutes before you can feed them again. To feed them all again immediately, change the system time to an earlier value. This will increase their growth.
Getting light in fog
When you are in fog and need light (and you do not have a Lantern), use the Torch Wood if you have the sun. It shows you the space in front of it.
Finding the imitator in Suburban Almanac
Saints cheated out of game. Look at the top left of the almanac, and click there to see the imitator.
Defeating Bungees
To kill Bungees, use a Chomper, Squash, Ice Shroom, Jalapeno, or Umbrella Plant.
Defeating Dr. Zomboss
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Cara Memasukan Cheat Game Plants Vs Zombies 2
When Dr. Zomboss comes down to throw an ice ball or fire ball, you can use Freeze Shrooms to freeze him. This allows your various plants time to inflict some damage on Dr. Zomboss. Jalapenos will also cause damage to him when he is about to toss a fire or ice ball. To destroy the ice ball, use a Chili Pepper in that row. To destroy the fire ball, use an Ice Shroom.
Defeating Pole Vaulters
When there are Pole Vaulters, pick a Walnut and a Chomper, and make sure you can dig up plants and have lots of sun. Put down a Walnut and a Chomper behind it. The Pole Vaulter will go over the Walnut and straight into the Chomper. Then, dig up the Chomper to kill the Pole Vaulter.
To win the game of Cheater you must be the first player to spell CHEATER in the same suit: red, yellow, purple, or blue. Game Play Remove the Cheater card from the deck and place it in the center of the playing area. Each player is dealt 7 cards with the remaining cards placed face down to form a DRAW pile. The top card of the DRAW pile is turned over to begin a discard pile. Cheater card game instructions. Cheater is a Rummy type game with one person having special powers. There are 4 suits of cards with the letters C, H, E, A, T, R on them. With 7 cards in hand the goal is to acquire the cards to spell CHEATER in one suit (color). Dumb Ass Card Game. Dumber Than A Box of Rocks Electronic 20Q. Evil Eye Fact or Crap. First 100 Words Activity Game. First 100 Numbers Colors Shapes Bingo Game. Fishing for Words. Five Little Monkeys Can't Catch Me Board Game. Five Little Monkeys Can't Catch Me Card Game Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed Card Game Tin. Five Little Monkeys. 1)If another player rolls doubles, that player takes the CHEATER card, places it in front of him and becomes the game’s new CHEATER. 2)If you are the CHEATER and you roll doubles on your turn, you automatically lose your turn and your status as CHEATER.
Hidden achievement list objects
The achievements are displayed as an underground list. Keep scrolling through the list to see various hidden objects including a zombie, the bookworm from Bookworm, jewels from Bejeweled, a unicorn fossil, and finally Chinese zombies staring back down the hole.
Steam achievements
Cara Memasukan Cheat Game Plants Vs Zombie 2
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.
Ask Me About Mustache Mode: Enable Mustache Mode.
Better Off Dead: Get a streak of over 10 in I, Zombie Endless.
Beyond the Grave: Beat all 20 mini games.
China Shop: Get to a streak of 15 in Vasebreaker Endless.
Cryptozombologist: Discover the top secret zombie.
Don't Pea in the Pool: Complete a daytime pool level without using pea shooters of any kind.
Explodonator: Blow up 10 zombies with a single cherry bomb.
Good Morning: Complete a daytime level by planting only Mushrooms and Coffee Beans.
Grounded: Defeat a normal roof level without using any catapult plants.
Home Lawn Security: Complete adventure mode.
Immortal: Get to 20 flags in Survival Endless.
Morticulturalist: Collect all 49 plants.
No Fungus Among Us: Complete a nighttime level without planting any Mushrooms.
Nobel Peas Prize: Get the golden sunflower trophy.
Penny Pincher: Pick up 30 coins in a row on a single level without letting any disappear.
Popcorn Party: Defeat 2 Gargantuars with Corn Cob missiles in a single level.
Roll Some Heads: Bowl over 5 zombies with a single Wall-Nut.
Spudow!: Blow up a zombie using a potato mine.
Sunny Days: Get 8000 sun during a single level.
Towering Wisdom: Grow the Tree of Wisdom to 100 feet.
Walk This Way: Hypnotize the lead dancer zombie.
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justmorefandomtrash · 7 years
Skater Boy
Prompt: Music AU
Ft. Leo as a punk skaterboarder and Guang-Hong as a shy pastel person.
(AO3 link coming asap)
“Why the hell should I go out with you? You’ve got like, so many piercings and tattoos, and I bet you’ve failed half your classes because you’re too busy skating. Ew. Go away, freak.”
Clutching his books to his chest, Guang-Hong peered around the wall as Leo rubbed the back of his neck before walking away. How could she be so cruel towards someone so sweet behind the facade? He passed by him, downcast and he leant back against the wall, pushing his glasses back up and flicking through the page of the topmost book.
“Hey, uh, Guang-Hong Ji right?”
He looked up to come face to face with none other than Leo himself. Nodding, he ducked behind his books to cover the blush turning his face red. A hand reached out and pushed them down, peering over with a blinding smile.
“Good book choice.”
He winked and released the book, waving and pulling his headphones on and skating away. Guang-Hong didn’t even see him put down his skateboard. Sighing, he pulled out his phone and texted Minami, knowing that he’d be a good person to confide in.
G: leo spoke to me help what do i do
G: yeah
M: tell me everything
G: a girl rejected him (why tho he’s super nice) and i saw everything i’m not even kidding
G: then he walked past and I was ‘reading’ gatsby and he actually knew my name!!! like hello what?? then he smiled at me and said it was a good choice of book before putting on his headphones and skating away
M: YOOO WHAT??? He knew your name??
G: Yah don’t know how though
M: you are super lucky i swear
G: Ikr?
The chair next to Guang-Hong scraped against the floor and he jumped, knocking a pen off his desk in the process. Before he could pick it up, a tan hand was passing it back to him and he found myself face to face with Leo.
“Sorry for startling you. Cute drawings by the way.”
He took the pen and smiled, turning back to face the front of the class as the teacher began the lesson.
M: I’m not mini
M: WHAT???
M: bippity boppity back up
M: luckyyyy
G: I’m gonna die
M: nuh pls don’t
“Guang-Hong, you can’t hide under a pile of beanbags forever.”
“Yes I can.”
“Seriously? What’s going on?”
Peering round the corner of the isle, Leo frowned as he saw Minami standing there with his hand on his hip.
“Come on, they’re going to kick us out if they find out you’re in there!”
The beanbags shuffled as a hand stuck out and flipped him off before retreating back underneath. Confused, he coughed quietly, catching Minami's attention.
“Hey, Leo right?”
“Yeah. Everything okay?”
“Guang-Hong won’t come out from the beanbags and won’t explain why.”
He put my basket down and crouched next to the shelf, wincing as his ankle clicked.
“Hey… You want to talk elsewhere? We could, I don’t know, go to a park or a cafe or something like that. My treat.”
The beanbags shuffled to reveal Guang-Hong as he climbed out, tugging nervously on his sleeves as he sat in front of him, eyes downcast. Reaching out, Leo patted his arm gently, biting his lip as he flinched away.
“Where would you like to go?”
He shrugged, so he held out his hand for him to take. Hesitantly, he took it and Leo helped him up, steadying him when he rocked backwards. He led him to the front of them store, Minami trailing behind slightly to give him space. He clutched Leo’s hand tightly, letting him guide him and keep him safe.
“I have some shopping to do still, Guang-Hong will you be okay being alone with Leo?”
Tensing, Guang-Hong took a deep breath and nodded, waving goodbye to Minami. As Minami grabbed a basket and walked back into the store, Leo pulled him outside to where he'd parked his motorbike.
“Ever ridden a motorbike before?”
“We can walk if you want.”
With determination, Guang-Hong walked over to the bike and folded his arms, waiting for him to come over. He chuckled, pulling out his keys and opening the hatch at the back and pulling out two helmets, handing one over. Slipping it on, he did it up and reached across to offer Guang-Hong a hand.
Climbing onto the bike, Leo helped him up, encouraging him to hold onto his waist. It took a few moments but he complied, wrapping his arms around him tightly. He started the bike, driving carefully through the streets until he reached the local McDonalds.
“Need a hand down?”
“I’ve got it, thanks.”
Guang-Hong jumped down, slipping the helmet off and handing it over, and he placed them into the back once more. Offering his arm, Leo smiled as it was taken up.
Sure, he was heavily tattooed and pierced, and sure, he rode a motorbike and listened to heavy metal, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have a heart.
Guang-Hong knocked on the backstage door, smirking as it opened and the person’s jaw dropped.
“Leo de la Iglesia, I’d like to congratulate you on the fact that your boyfriend has joined us in wearing leather.”
He heard choking from inside and he held up his hand and waved it in front of JJ’s face.
“Fiance actually.”
Cheers echoed around as he was let in, Leo immediately pulling him into his lap and kissing him senseless, much to the delight of everyone else in the room.
I’m with the skater boy, I said “see ya later boy”
I’ll be backstage after the show, I’ll be at the studio
Singing the song we wrote
About that girl you used to know
He could see her in the crowd, surrounded by all of her friends that had told her to turn Leo down and he winked, grabbing the front of Leo’s jacket and pulling him in for a kiss for the world to see.
Skater boy was his.
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softjikookie · 7 years
ghostly soulmates | 1
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ghost!reader x hoseok genre: basically fluff if you want to categorize it  type: ghost x human soulmate au trigger warnings: none wc: 1.8k
▸ in which a girl finds out that she’s a ghost the hard way.
0 / 1 / 2
“Y/N,” You hear someone sing-song your name, making stop in your tracks of walking down the hallway.
“Luna,” You do the same thing back, turning around to see your best friend speed walking her way over towards you. Her once long red hair is now cut and dyed a nice orange color that she surprisingly can pull off. The facial expression on her face tells you that she’s excited to see you.
“Ah,” You clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth as she catches up to you. “you look like you have gossip to tell me.” She grins and that’s all you need to confirm your suspicion.
“Where are you heading right now?” Luna links her arm with yours, one of your friends that you have met since the whole incident. Three months ago, you discovered that no one that you knew before could neither hear you, see you, or feel you. You are still confused on what happened as you have not received any answers to your questions yet. You remember when you met Luna for the first time, it will be a day that you will never forget.
“Would you stop crying? People are trying to sleep around here.” A voice snaps at you, startling you. You look up and see an angry girl about the same age as you, twenty-one, glaring down at you with hands on her hips.
“You c-can see me?” You stutter, wiping your eyes. She looks at you as if you’re stupid for asking that question.
“Of course I can see you. What type of…” She stops talking, well yelling, something seems to click in her mind. “Ah you’re a newbie. Well c’mon, sitting here crying isn’t going to change anything.”
You stare at her confused as she offers a hand for you to take. She was just yelling and glaring at you, what made her change so quickly? You take her hand, letting her help you stand up. “Let’s go get you some clothes and something to eat. You’re having a rough time.”
“What did you mean by newbie?” You question as the girl in front of you walks out of the empty apartment, not waiting for you to follow her. “In time, you’ll know.”
She turns around walking backward, a grin on her face, “I’m Luna, it’s nice to meet you.”
“I’m Y/N.”
That’s the day you learned that Luna loves sleep more than anything but you still don’t understand what she meant by newbie. “I was thinking after we visit Rose, we can go out for ice cream.” You tell Luna, the both of you taking your time walking down the apartment hallways to get to Rose’s apartment.
“Sounds good. Oh hey! I remember what I wanted to tell you. I overheard the manager of this place saying that there’s someone moving in your old apartment today.” You abruptly stop walking, causing Luna to stumble over her own feet.
“What’s that look for?”
She stands in front of you, looking a bit worried. The look of shock covers your face, “Someone is moving in?”
She nods, her hair bouncing with the movement of her head. “Apparently it’s some guy, I think he’s a dancer or something. I looked at his application form,” You reach out and smack Luna on the arm, making her yelp.
“Yah! You shouldn’t be looking at stuff like that, whether they can see us or not!” You’re quick to scold her making her pout. A laugh almost escapes your lips as she stomps her foot like a little kid.
“Ah, how can you be so boring? You’re the only one I’ve met who doesn’t do things like that when being like this.”
“It’s called privacy, ever heard of it?” She scoffs, relinking her arm with yours. The two of you continue your walk to Rose’s apartment, eager to see what food is waiting for the two of you.
“Rose!” Luna shouts, opening the apartment door. “You’re not welcome here!” Jayden yells, tossing the closest thing to him, which happens to be a pillow, at the both of you.
“You ugly midget! Stop throwing stuff at us every single time we come here!” Luna yells, running over to pounce on the guy lying on the sofa.You roll your eyes, kicking my shoes off.
All you know is that the people you’ve met here in Rose’s apartment are just like you. Unable to be seen, be heard, or be felt by others. Some of them do know what’s going on but are not allowed to tell, that’s Rose’s rule. Rose is one of the few people that isn’t like you that can see you.
She says she’s a guardian for us or what not. She’s only in her late twenties and seems like she could be a model if she wanted to be one. You’re just glad to have someone watching out for your guys in case any of you cause trouble. “Rose,” You sing, walking into the kitchen.
You grin seeing her black hair thrown up into a messy bun, baggy clothing on her body. “Step back,” She opens the oven to pull out a cake.
“What’s the cake for?”
Taking a look around, you notice how much food is in the small kitchen. “I’m leaving town for a few days. I’m cooking enough for everyone whilst I’m gone.”
“No, don’t go.” Luna whined, wrapping her arms around Rose, trapping her in a back hug. “I have to. I expect you all to be good.”
Rose warns, a bright smile covering her features nonetheless. Rose always manages to look so happy, even when she takes care of so many of us.
“Where are you going this time?” Luna pouts, letting go of  Rose. Luna told you that Rose travels for her job, though she doesn’t know exactly what Rose does. This whole situation still confuses you but you have to act like everything isn’t bothering you.
“Oh! Where overseas?” Luna tries to pry but over the course of the last three months that Rose is a tough cookie to crack.
“That’s my business. Y/N, knowing Luna, she’s already told you about the man that’s supposed to be moving into your apartment, no?”
“She did.”
“Of course she did. I don’t want you to visit your old apartment and disturbing him, alright?” You nod, looking away from her intense gaze that she has set on you. The floor seems much more appealing right now than it did a few minutes ago.
“Are you girls coming for dinner tonight?”
“Ah no, we plan to go watch movies with Jeongguk tonight.” Your head snaps up, immediately glaring at Luna. You do not feel like third wheeling tonight.
“I’ll leave some food in the oven to keep warm, just in case.”
“When’s your flight?” You question, watching as Luna tries to steal a strawberry off the counter. “Yah!” Rose shouts, swatting Luna away from the strawberries and out of the kitchen.
“Don’t you think this is a little creepy?” You question Luna, trailing behind her. She scoffs but continues walking nonetheless. The both of you are currently following the man that’s supposed to be moving into your old apartment.
“Stop being such a wuss.”
She grabs your wrist, dragging you to two doors away from where the man’s apartment is. “We’re technically stalking someone, isn’t this wrong?” She plops herself down onto the floor and you sigh, knowing you’ll have to join her or face the consequence of hearing her complain about it later. “I should have brought snacks, who knows how long it’ll take for him to move his stuff in.”
“Why are we doing this?”
“To see who he is and what stuff he has.”
“I still think this is wrong.”
“Obviously you don’t know how to live a little”
“And this is what you’re calling ‘live a little’?”
“It’s better than moping all day whilst trying to figure out what happened to you.” Once the words leave her lips, you push her arm that she was leaning on, making her fall backward. “Yah!” You laugh at her reaction, looking completely scared. “You’re always so mean to me!” Luna fake cries, making you lean over and wrap your arms around her.
“I’m sorry.”
“Mhm, sure you are.”
“He’s cute though,” Luna tells you as you pull away from her. The both of you look at the man again and see that he has what looks like a few friends, helping him move his things in.
“I guess so, I can’t really tell.”
You sigh, remembering the times you’ve had in that apartment of yours. You’ve had so many ups and downs there, living in that apartment the second you could leave your childhood home. You’ve experienced love and heartbreaks, first times for many different things, but there’s one thing you miss the most.
You miss the feel of home. A place where you can be comfortable and just be yourself. Feel at ease in the comfort of a place that’s yours. Ever since this whole thing happened to you, you’ve just been wandering around the streets, visiting friends and family. But what’s the point of seeing people who don’t even see you at all?
Pulling your knees up to your chest, you wrap your arms around them, starting to feel down. Luna seems to notice the change in your mood, nudging your shoulder slightly. “Let’s go,” She stands up, lightly grabbing your arm. You don’t ask her anything as she gently drags you along with her until the both of you fall into step with one another, casually walking.
You are nearing the men who are currently chatting amongst one another. There are four men talking and all of them look highly attractive. There’s Definitely no doubt about it.“It’s a nice looking apartment building, Hoseok.”
“What did they just say?”
Luna turns her head, looking at you confused. The men were speaking Korean, something you taught yourself when you were younger. Often trying to please your father by learning new things that young kids, at the age of eleven, wouldn’t even think about learning. “Nothing.”
The two of you are taking your time walking, somewhat eavesdropping on the conversation the men are having. “This is a great city, you’ll love it here hyung.”
“I guess so if all of you live in this city.”
They laugh amongst each other, all of them seem like really close friends. That’s something you wish to have had, was a group of best friends. “Did you already sign the papers for the studio?”
“I signed them yesterday, Jimin-ah. No need to worry,”
“I’m not worried. We just want to make sure you’re settled in before we head off.”
“Well thank you for helping me.”
You decide not to eavesdrop any longer, suddenly feeling rude. The two of you speed up your walking, not knowing where you two even wanna go yet. “Wanna go prank people?” Luna questions, gaining your attention.
“Hm,” You think, crossing your arms over your chest. “How about doing fake commentary about people downtown?”
“Yes!” She grips your wrist tightly, speed walking ahead of you. “I wish you would stop dragging me everywhere.”
“It’s because you walk so slow!”
“I do not!”
“Whatever you say. Now, should we get drinks before we head downtown?”
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happy-meo · 8 years
SILVER SPOON: Part 8 [Yoongi x Reader; Rom-com, fluff]
A girl who had to work hard every day of her life to rise from nothing, meets a man who was born with and given everything.
A classic tale of what happens when a cold, uptight farm girl meets a playful, rebellious, easy-going city boy that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Summary: Having been born and raised in the country side, you have worked hard your entire life to make it to the big city. You eventually achieved your dream and now you have a wonderful paying job for a large company and you continue putting your 110% into everything you do. However, your perfect plan to climb to success through consistent effort and hard work becomes disarrayed with the arrival of your branch’s new rebellious and easy-going CEO, who never desired the position in the first place and has never truly worked hard a day in his life. Your job is on the line if he can’t be turned into a quality CEO within a year, but he has no intention of changing himself for anyone or letting you boss him around so easily. How will you work your way through this obstacle? Will you succeed in changing him or will he be the one that changes you?
Yoongi x Reader (ft. Jimin & VIXX’s Leo as side characters; some other BTS members show up too lol) Office au Romantic Comedy, Fluff
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 (Finale)
A/N: Putting another “Keep Reading” link cause it’s a fairly long update again! Let me know if it doesn’t work! (I’m still skeptic of it -.-) 
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         You stepped off the bus the next morning, and stood in front of the stop in surprise. In front of you, with a bright grin on his face and two coffees in his hands, was Yoongi. Your heart fluttered at the sight of him, especially after you two had professed your mutual feelings for each other.  
           "Here." Yoongi handed you the coffee, which you happily accepted. "Put it in the other hand."
           You looked at him questioningly, but did as he said. He grinned and slipped his fingers into yours nonchalantly.
           "Cause I wanna hold hands."
           You blushed but chuckled nonetheless.
           You hadn't exactly told Yoongi about the Chairman's warning, the real reason why you had tried to distance yourself from him. Knowing Yoongi, you knew he would storm right into his grandfather's office and fight him about letting your relationship be. You knew that would make it seem like Yoongi took a large step backwards from how far he had come, so you remained quiet. If and when the time came, you would shoulder the blame since Yoongi was ignorant of it all. But regardless, you knew you had to be careful at the workplace, you couldn't exactly be showing off that you were dating the CEO for word would surely spread to the Chairman.
           Yet, you smiled and allowed yourself to enjoy the morning stroll to work. It was still early so you knew you wouldn't run into anyone on the streets. Yoongi's thumb mindlessly caressed the back of your hand as he talked about what he did after he left you yesterday. You had heard it all already from Jimin through e-mail, but you liked hearing Yoongi's voice and how smug and excited he was about what he accomplished.
           According to Jimin, Yoongi had smoothed things over with HR almost immediately upon his return from your house, by saying you weren't in the best condition and the family had no way to contact anyone at the place of work to notify them. You were given one strike for breaking one of the codes of conduct and not reporting your inability to come into work in a timely manner, but fortunately, that was all. It definitely could've been worse and it would've been brought up to the Chairman.
           Luckily, you were able to come back into work, comforted by the knowledge that only Yoongi and Jimin knew what you did and why you did it...for the most part.
           "Aren't I awesome?" Yoongi beamed and you rolled your eyes.
           "Alright, let's not inflate your head so early in the morning. It's not healthy." You snorted.
           He scrunched his face disapprovingly. "I thought you loved me. What is with this cruelty?"
           You chuckled. "It's because I love you that I need to give you a reality check."
           "Oh." he glanced at you brightly. "You admitted it!"
           "You said you loved me!"
           You blushed and turned away, embarrassed that he pointed it out so openly. "What? No I didn't."
           He grinned and shrugged. "It's okay. I'll make sure I hear it from you again later. I'm satisfied for today."
           He pulled your entwined hands into his pocket and sipped his coffee relaxingly. You chuckled and shook your head.
           "I didn't expect you to pick me up at the bus stop. I was surprised."
           "Well, I wanted to see you so I couldn't really sleep." he smiled into his cup as he took another sip. "Besides, it's your first day back into work after not feeling well, so I figured you could use an escort."
           He smirked and you laughed.
           "How kind of you, Mr. Min."
           Yoongi clicked his tongue and glared at you. You grinned at him cheekily, knowing it ticked him off when you didn't call him by his first name.
           "If I had an extra hand, I'd wipe that smirk off your face." he huffed.
           "But you do have an extra hand." You tried to wriggle your hand out of his, but he held onto yours tighter.
           "It's occupied." he stated. "Try again later."
           You giggled and leaned against his shoulder.
           "I wonder how much work I have to do when I get to my desk."
           "Well, according to your planner, you've completed this week's paperwork two weeks ago." Yoongi smiled. "And any random papers that came in yesterday have already been completed."
           You looked up and blinked. "By who?"
           "Your very awesome boyfriend." he whispered smugly and you chuckled.
           "Well good, it was my very awesome boyfriend's paperwork in the first place."
           He frowned. "Gosh, how do I get you to be grateful?"
           You smiled. "I'm already grateful. How do you want me to act when I'm grateful?"
           "Mmmm..." Yoongi hummed. "How about giving me a kiss?"
           You turned red. "No way."
           "You're no fun."
           "We're going to work, not a date."
           "So it'd be okay to do during a date?"
           You blushed.
           He nudged you playfully. "Oh ~ I didn't know you wanted to kiss me so badly? I'm that irresistible to you?"
           "Shut up." You huffed and pried your hand away from his, seeing your office building just up ahead.
           "Yah." he called after you sternly.
           You stuck your tongue out and scurried ahead of him.
           You ducked your head down since the media crew was in the lobby as always and made your way to the elevators. You heard them cheering and you knew Yoongi had arrived shortly after you. You turned around and saw him glancing your way. You smiled and pressed the elevator button, watching the numbers light up as it made its way down.
           A minute or two later, you felt a warm hand on top of your head.
           "What was that?"
           You looked up to find a frowning Yoongi beside you. His eyes told you he was worried and a bit hurt by your behavior.
           The elevator opened and luckily, it was empty.
           "Let's get on first." You smiled and stepped in. He followed you in silence, but grabbed onto your wrist just in case you tried to escape.
           "I'm not leaving, Yoongi." You chuckled.
           "Then why did you do that?"
           "You're still famous and you're my boss here." You explained. "Even though our relationship changed outside, it doesn't change professionally."
           "So...you want to hide it in the office." he got the gist of what you were saying.
           "Is that okay?"
           It was your turn to look up at him worriedly. He slid his hand down from your wrist to your hand and gave it a light squeeze.
           "Of course it's okay." he chuckled. "I was just worried you were mad at me or you changed your mind or something..."
           You snorted. "Do I seem like a fickle woman to you?"
           "I don't know." Yoongi stared at you, his eyes twinkling. "You keep surprising me still."
           "Do I?" You batted your eyes.
           "You..." Yoongi pointed at you seriously. "Don't do those eyes to Mr. Park, you hear me? And don't stay in a room alone with him for too long."
           "Is Mr. Min jealous?" You smirked.
           "No!" he averted his eyes. "People might misunderstand you and Mr. Park."
           "Oh, is that all?" You sang, amused.
           "Yes, that's all."
           "Too bad I have a lot of things to discuss with Mr. Park today in his office." You teased.
           "Yah." Yoongi called dangerously.
           You giggled.
           Yoongi tugged your hand so you were pulled even closer to him. "I mean it."
           "Relax." You cupped his cheek gently. "Mr. Park is not my type at all. I can assure you."
           "Really?" he perked up.
           You nodded.
           Suddenly, the elevator doors opened and your hands flew away from his face to instinctively shove Yoongi away hurriedly. He glared at you as he rubbed his shoulder that had impacted with the elevator wall and you smiled apologetically at your behavior.
           People piled in bowing to you and Yoongi respectfully. They were from a different section of the building, but everyone knew everyone and their statuses.
           "Good morning Mr. Min." They all greeted warmly.
           "Good morning." Yoongi smiled amiably.
           You squeezed yourself into the opposite corner of the elevator to try to avoid his burning and scolding glare. You regretted shoving him away, but you had panicked at the possibility of being caught in such a questionable position. Now you were embarrassed and didn't want to look at him.
           "There are a lot of people here so early." he commented.
           "Oh yes. We have an early morning meeting today to make sure everyone is on the same page." Someone answered him.
           "Ah I see. Good luck."
           "The other floors are having them as well, so I'm sure a lot of people will be coming and going."
           Yoongi nodded understandably and kept an eye over at you. You had your back turned to him and your forehead resting on the elevator wall.
           When the doors opened, some people piled off, easing up the packed elevator enough for him to reach over and pull you towards him before new workers climbed on. Your eyes widened as you were pushed into him by people trying to squeeze as many bodies into one elevator as possible, not wanting to be late to their meeting.
           Your faces were inches apart and you felt yourself tense up, in panic. He smirked as he stared at you, knowing all too well you were freaking out about being so close to each other. But he furthered your anxiety by sneakily holding your hand. You wanted to glance around to see if anybody was watching, but you were too squished to even do that. Your heart was racing as you had nowhere to look, but at him in front of you. The feeling of his hand caressing your skin was both soothing and nerve-wrecking. This was so dangerous, but a part of you enjoyed the feeling, knowing that he wanted to and liked keeping you close; that even though it was unprofessional, he still wanted to show his feelings for you.
           He playfully jutted out his lips and you gave him a stern look in return, causing him to grin sheepishly. After a few more floors, you two were finally alone again.
           You exhaled, finally feeling like you could breathe properly.
           "What a morning."
           "A pleasantly unexpected surprise." Yoongi grinned.
           You huffed as the elevator finally opened up to the top floor where you two were getting off. You stepped out and straightened out your hair before making your way to the entrance of the office.
           Yoongi watched you fondly as you adjusted your outfit and made sure everything was still inside your bag. When he saw you taking a step forward towards the office, he grabbed your arm and turned you around.
           "Yoongi?" you questioned.
           He simply smiled and pressed a light kiss on top of your lips. "I couldn't go the rest of the day without doing that."
           You stood there in surprise. You weren't sure if you were ever going to get used to him kissing you out of the blue like that. He grinned and waved nonchalantly.
           "I'll be heading in first then. Don't get behind schedule." he snorted as he disappeared from view.
           You exhaled and chuckled, bewildered at his behavior. Work was definitely going to be quite an adventure from now on.
          After, seeing HR for about an hour to verify Yoongi's story, you finally were able to settle down at your desk, ignoring the questioning glances and whispers of your co-workers as you re-organized everything. From the corner of your eye, you spotted something frantically moving in Yoongi's office, so you glanced up to find him holding up a notebook in front of the window.
           Luckily, you were the only one who could see into his office since you were positioned right in front of it. Everyone else was closed off in cubicles and couldn't see his window from their angle.
           You peered, trying to read his hurried writing, curiously.
           Wanna eat lunch together today?
           You chuckled and nodded. Yoongi grinned and playfully started dancing in his room out of excitement as you fought back your laughter. Looking around, you grabbed your own notebook and wrote back.
           My mom packed you stuff but I wasn't going to share it.
           Yoongi pressed his face into the window and shook his head disapprovingly at your statement.
           He scribbled. I'm in love with a food hog.
           You giggled quietly.
           "So am I in or out of the dog house?" Jimin's voice was heard beside you and you flinched in surprise.
           You spotted Yoongi gesturing for you not to get too close to Jimin through the window angrily, but you ignored it and gave him a hug.
           "Thank you." You smiled.
           "I'm guessing it worked out?" Jimin chuckled, amused, as he spotted Yoongi glaring at him through the window.
           "He's a bit worried about our relationship." You admitted. "But I told him you were definitely not my type."
           Jimin clutched his chest playfully. "Ouch. That rejection hurts, Y/N."
           "But it's fun to get him jealous anyway so let's go to your office?" You laughed.
           "Now we're talking." Jimin nudged you. "I knew you'd come around to the dark side."
           You rolled your eyes and ushered him back into his office, not paying attention to Yoongi staring daggers at you through the walls.
           Now you could see why it was fun to not listen to people when they tell you to do something.
           The rest of the week passed similarly.
           Yoongi would come pick you up from the bus stop so you two could spend some quality time together before work, then at the end of the day, he would take you to the bus stop again to see you off. You ate lunch together under the excuse of "doing work" together and "discussing important matters". Nobody questioned it, considering you two had done that countless of times before.
           It was a blissful week without a doubt. But as with everything in life, the cloud of happiness didn't last too long. Realities seeped into the budding relationship. You weren't too sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing exactly, but you knew relationships weren't always fluffy and sweet moments, especially one that had a potential expiration date, if it were to be discovered.
           During meetings when you were taking down minutes, he would drum on your thighs playfully under the table while he listened to the other people. You tried your best to push his hand away without being noticeable, but he was a worthy opponent. You had to always bribe him to stop by typing something down in the minutes and pretending like you were asking him for his approval. One of the days he was bribed with a kiss in his office, but he wouldn't be swayed by the same thing twice.
           The next week, he continued this trend, finding it amusing, and enjoying that he could get you to do what he wanted by playing around like this.
           Hand off and I'll make you lunch tomorrow.
           He grabbed your computer, acting as if he needed to correct something.
           Hand will come off if you sleepover my apartment on Friday.
           You fought back your surprised expression at his suggestion and took your computer from him.
           On second thought, just keep your hand there then.
           You typed coolly, not wanting to lose face. If you had agreed readily, it would make you look easy and enthusiastic. And the whole thing just didn't sit right with you. It wasn't where and how you wanted to be invited over to his house.
           You gulped when his hand traveled lower, onto your stocking. You shot him a subtle disapproving look, but he continued smiling and nodding at whatever the current speaker was saying. You leaned back, pretending to be listening intently, and gripped at his hand tightly, trying to push it away. He swatted your hand easily and kept drawing circles on your skin.
           You hurriedly typed.
           Hand off or I won't kiss you anymore.
           Immediately, his hand disappeared from your leg and you relaxed.
           After the meeting, you followed him into his office, unamused.
           "What were you doing, Yoongi?" You huffed.
           "What do you mean?" he frowned, also slightly upset. "I was just inviting my girlfriend over to my house, but she rejected me. And to top it off, she threatened not to kiss me anymore."
           You exhaled and walked towards the door. "I just didn't want to be asked over your house for the first time as your girlfriend as an ultimatum, Yoongi. It made it seem like you didn't think I'd want to go otherwise, so you had to threaten me to get me to agree. That's all."
           You slipped out of the office before he could say anything else. You knew he could see you from his window so you opened up your planner and a few files, making yourself look busy and unfazed even though you were sad, slightly upset, and a bit puzzled. You just needed time to calm down. You knew you were both different, but he was just pushing you too much. You didn't want to be manipulated. You didn't want your relationship to consist of bribes. You didn't want him to think you didn't like him showing affection and that he had to play tricks on you to get you to do stuff. But at the office was not the right place to do it. You needed to figure the root of the problem and think of a solution. What exactly was missing?
           "Um...so...have you guys actually gone on an actual date since you professed your love for each other?"
           You found yourself in Jimin's office asking for advice regarding your predicament.
           "What?" You blinked.
           "Yeah, like you two are in a relationship, which means you should go on dates." Jimin explained, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You can't seriously think seeing each other at work is ENOUGH."
           You blushed. "Well...no...now that you mentioned it."
           "Look." Jimin exhaled and propped his legs up on his desk. "Guys want to be reassured that their girls like them just as much as girls do. You putting up a barrier at work, the ONLY place you two see each other, is probably making him doubt that you actually like him. But he doesn't want to bring it up or think about you leaving him so he's doing what he can to get reassurance from you, even if it's from a bribe. You two need to spend actual time as lovers to secure and stabilize your relationship. It's a lot of work." Jimin snorted. "That's why I don't care much for it."
           You shook your head, amused. "For someone who doesn't care much for it, you sure know a lot about it."
           "I've had my share of being the hott, sexy rebound." Jimin winked. "I've learned a few things here and there."
           You chuckled. "Thanks Jimin."
           "You're good at schedules." Jimin urged. "Make a plan and ask him out. Don't let that handsome, rich man slip out of your web."
           You snorted and nodded. "I'll think of something."
           As soon as you stepped out of Jimin's office, you gasped, finding Yoongi standing next to his door with his arms crossed.
           "Mr. Min." You bowed nervously. He looked angry.
           "We need to talk." he stated and walked into his office, leaving the door open for you.
           You bit your lip and followed him, quietly closing the door behind you.
           Yoongi exhaled and turned around.
           "I'm sorry." You both admitted simultaneously.
           You two looked at each other surprised.
           "What?" he questioned.
           "I'm sorry I haven't been returning your affections, and if that worried you." You frowned and walked closer to him. "I do really love you, please don't doubt that. I'd just rather not show it off in our workplace where many people respect and look up to you. I don't want it to seem like I seduced you and that's why you started working so well or anything like that."
           Yoongi softened and took your face into his hands. "And I'm sorry I've been pushing you to do things when you didn't feel comfortable to do them. I was being selfish and thoughtless. I was just really happy that I could finally have you to myself, but things didn't pan out like I thought they would."
           "You have expectations?" You teased.
           He chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Yes, even this spontaneous man has expectations."
           You kissed him lightly. "How about we set up date nights? I don't think it's enough seeing each other like this at work...do you?"
           Yoongi grinned and wrapped his arms around your waist. "No. It's definitely never enough."
           "Good. I was hoping you would say that." You smiled.
           "Can I get another kiss?"
           You chuckled and leaned in to lock your lips together.
           Balancing relationships seemed very much a combination of yours and Yoongi's personalities and mentalities. There were certain steps and milestones that need to occur. There needs to be a systematic approach, a direction, and the determination to see the plan through. But it was also unexpected, spontaneous, adaptable, and flexible. It was fun and thrilling. Unexpected as much as it was predictable and routine. It couldn't be one or the other. It needed to be a blend of both.
           If it was too unreserved and without plan, it would be wild and without much of a course. Did you want to settle? Did you just want to have fun? You would probably never be on the same page. Nothing would be secure.
           If it was too scheduled and planned, it would be an arrangement and would become boring. Would you do things because you had to or because you wanted to? The lines would become too blurred.
           And so, you two decided to work on finding the right balance together.
           You came to an agreement that Friday nights would be deemed "date nights" and that you would alternate treating each other out to lunch and dinner. Yoongi disliked the idea, but you insisted that you didn't want him paying for everything and he respected your decision. Yoongi, on the other hand, suggested that after Friday night date nights, you two would alternate sleeping over each other's places for the weekend.
           "Think about it. I don't want you travelling by yourself super late after our night out so I'll go with you. I could go help out at the farm and see your family one weekend. Then the next weekend, you stay at my place. I'm sure Leo would be happy to see you again, and you can see how well I cook now!"
           "Oh~" you cooed. "You've been practicing?"
           "Well, you know. After work, I don't have much to do." he blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.
           You smiled and nodded. "Alright, I'll second that suggestion then. We can sleep over each other's places."
           "Perfect." Yoongi beamed. "We'll go to your place this weekend."
           "Mhm." he nodded. "Would it be weird if I said I've kinda been missing working at the farm?"
           You shook your head and carded your hand through his hair. "No, not at all. I'd like that. And I'm sure my family would too."
           You told your parents that same night about yours and Yoongi's plans. Immediately, they were excitedly bustling around the house.
           "Do you and Yoongi want to share a room then? We can have the boys sleep out here!" Your mother suggested.
           "No!" You shouted frantically. "No. Definitely not. Just leave things as it is. That'd be so weird. Please act normally."
           "I have brought a basket of flowers to welcome my cousin-in-law. I'll lay it down on the road leading to the house and you two can march through it hand-in-hand." Tae sighed dreamily and you shook your head in panic.
           "Oh my goodness, Tae. Please don't." You pleaded.
           "How does this look?" Jin came out wearing one of your dad's suits.
           "For what?" You questioned worriedly.
           "He's my brother-in-law. I have to meet him dressed appropriately." Jin held up another suit. "Will this one be better?"
           "Guys!" You cried. "Stop acting so awkward. It is just Yoongi."
           "JUST Yoongi? JUST YOONGI?" Jin shouted. "Don't talk about my brother-in-law that way, Y/N!"
           You groaned.
           "We just want to make a good impression, sweetie." your mother cooed.
           You frowned. "But he likes you all how you are, please don't be different. He'd hate that."
           "Really?" Tae blinked. "Well, I'll e-mail him tomorrow to make sure."
           "Oh! Also ask him which suit color he'd prefer to see me in!" Jin commented.
           You sighed and rubbed your temples.
            "It's cause he's rich. And the first decent guy you've brought home." Your sister walked into the kitchen nonchalantly.
           "I know." You sighed.
           She patted your back comfortingly. "You think he'll give me an allowance if I asked him?"
           You glared at her as she snickered.
           "I give you allowance. Don't you dare."
           "I know, I know. I was joking." Then she paused. "Do you think I can introduce him to my friends?"
           "Cause no one believes me." she exhaled. "'There's no way the famous Min Yoongi would fall in love with your sister.' they all say."
           "How'd that come up?"
           "I wore the backpack he gifted me to school and people asked if it was fake. I had to protect brother-in-law's honor." she stated nonchalantly.
           You exhaled. "Honestly, I think he'll go meet your friends to protect his honor too."
           "Perfect. I'll have them stop by this weekend." Your sister smirked and disappeared.
           You sighed.
           On the other hand, Yoongi found your story and Tae's email hysterical. You leaned over his shoulder to read it with him the next morning.
Hi hyung-- cousin-in-law!
           Since you are coming over this weekend, I wanted to know if you would like me to throw flowers on the pathway to make you feel welcome. Y/N said no and that you'd like us to be ourselves. But I don't think I'm not being myself. I think everyone's excited that you're going to be part of our family for real so they want to welcome you happily! Oh and Jin hyung asked me to show you these pictures of him in two different suits to ask you which one you liked better on him.
                                                                                                                                                                       See you soon,
           Yoongi burst into laughter as you sighed in embarrassment.
           "I'm sorry. They're getting carried away."
           "No, no." he pulled you into his lap. "It's cute. I'm ecstatic they're excited about me coming over. But what the heck did you tell them? That we were getting married?"
           You looked at him, amused. "I just told my parents that we planned on sleeping over each other's houses every weekend. I thought they would be mad, but they were the complete opposite. They even asked if we wanted to share a room and offered to kick Tae and Jin out into the living room."
           "Hmmm..." Yoongi hummed, as if contemplating the suggestion.
           "Don't." You scolded.
           Yoongi chuckled. "Don't worry. That'd be weird. Plus I wouldn't get any sleep if you were next to me."
           "Cause I'm so beautiful?" You fluttered your eyes playfully.
           "Oh? Where did this confidence come from?" he teased. "Could it be you have a handsome, famous boyfriend and your head inflated?"
           "I'll have you know, I've been asked out by my fair share of handsome men." You bantered.
           You two grinned at each other.
           "Oh right." You patted his chest. "My sister invited some friends over to defend your honor."
           "I think some people are teasing her for lying. She used the backpack you gave her to school and people were asking if it was fake--"
           "It's not fake!" he protested.
           "Yes, yes, I know." You reassured him. "But she defended you and told them that we were dating, but obviously that sounded farfetched so she got teased even more--"
            "What should I wear?" Yoongi blinked as he stood up defiantly, causing you to jump off of his lap. "I should pack my leather jacket. Those always make me look cool. Yeah, I'll show those girls that it's not far-fetched at all. How dare they tease my sister-in-law!"
           You chuckled and shook your head.
           "Yeah, you show those high school girls what you're made of." You snorted and kissed his cheek. "Anyway, I have to get to the meeting with Mr. Park now. I'll see you at lunch."
           Yoongi pouted. You knew he disliked it whenever he left you in Jimin's care, but you didn't want to mention that Jimin had a "girlfriend" that everyone knew about. It was too cute seeing him jealous over nothing.
           "I made you something for lunch so be good and don't peek into the conference room like last time." You warned him.
           "You saw me?" he asked guiltily.
           "Yes, and so did Jimin." You mused. "Sneaking doesn't suit you."
           "Fine." he exhaled.
           "Do your work, Mr. Min." You teased.
           "Yes, yes Madam Secretary."
           You shot each other a meaningful look before you left the room.
           Friday night rolled around and you two went straight home from work, since your mom had prepared a feast for Yoongi's return and for your, as she stated, "blossoming love". Yoongi warned you that he told Tae to do whatever he wanted for the entrance and Jin to wear the dark blue suit. So when you stepped out to find the entire pathway lined with flowers, you weren't surprised anymore.
           "My lady." Yoongi grinned as he offered you his elbow.
           You chuckled and looped your arm around.
           "You couldn't prevent it and there's no use fighting it now, so you might as well embrace it." Yoongi stated, knowing that you weren't too keen on this grand entrance. "I think it's romantic, walking on a flower path."
           "It just feels odd...and a bit soon. Don't you think?" you questioned.
           "There's no set plan for everything." he kissed your temple. "Just enjoy the present."
           You smiled and nodded as you two made your way to your house.
           When you entered, you were showered with more flowers and some sort of confetti made from shredded used paper. With a closer look, you realized that they were Jin and Tae's old school notes, recycled for the occasion. Everyone embraced Yoongi like he had just returned from war, leaving you standing by the door alone to witness the touching scene.
           All of your family members were dressed up in their fanciest clothes. Their hair was combed and make-up done; even Tae, who you knew hated stuffy clothing and wearing shoes and socks inside the house was well groomed. Everyone was being dramatic, but you appreciated that they were still welcoming to him. You also saw that Yoongi enjoyed the attention and the love he was receiving, remembering that back in his apartment, he only had Leo to really welcome him home. You smiled gently as you continued to watch everyone chatter away.
           "Y/N." Yoongi called, noticing you were still by the door away from the clump. He extended his arm out.
           "Let's eat?" he smiled.
           You grabbed his hand and nodded, not minding the "ooo~" and "aww~" you heard from your family members.
           The next day came, and everyone was performing their morning chores, full of laughter, and thanks to Yoongi's iPod, with music. It really did make everything enjoyable, and it felt like everyone was brought even closer because of it.
           It was in the middle of a song that your sister's high school friends arrived at the barn. Hurriedly, you grabbed Yoongi and had him throw on his leather jacket while the others distracted the girls. You fixed his hair a bit and wiped the dirt away from his face, making him look presentably chic.
           "Go get those bullies." You cheered playfully as you pinched his cheeks.
           He kissed you and laughed, turning to make his way to where your sister, Jin, and Tae were.
           "So where the hell is this Min Yoongi imposter that your sister is dating? We know everything about him. So we can tell he's a fake right away. There's no way he would--"
           Jin and Tae stepped away, allowing Yoongi to walk forward with a bright smile.
           "Someone called for me?"
           The two girls stared up at him flabbergasted, their mouths hanging open.
           "Oh my...oh my..." The girls breathed, looking like they had just seen a ghost. "Opp-Opp-Opppa!!"
           They shrieked excitedly and started hugging each other frantically. Yoongi grinned and extended his hand to give them a handshake.
           "You're my beloved sister-in-law's friends, right?" he asked sweetly.
           "Yes! Her BEST friends!" They emphasized while your sister rolled her eyes.  
           "Are you also the same girls who called the bag I gave her fake and teased her?" Yoongi whispered.
           The girls froze in panic.
           "N-n-no! That-that was not us! We would never!" They clung onto your sister. "Tell him! We never did that to you, right?"
           "Yeah, it was them." Your sister sold them out without batting an eye.
           The girls gasped and waved their hands. "No! She's just kidding!"
           "You heard them oppa. They even claimed you were an imposter." Your sister shrugged.
           The girls were sweating. "I mean...we just...we just never thought you'd be here...in a farm and..."
           Yoongi smiled and patted the top of their heads, gesturing towards your sister. "It's fine. But I want you to stop teasing her and make sure no one else does from now on, hm? She's a precious member of my family."
           "O-of course! We definitely will! No one will lay a finger on her. Ever."
           "Good. You want an autograph?"
           The girls squealed.
           You chuckled and stepped forward to hand Yoongi paper and a pen.
           "This is my girlfriend." he admitted by gesturing his head towards you as he signed.
           The girls bowed deeply to you and you fought back your laughter. Knowing your sister, they weren't going to be living peacefully from now on. She had just gained a huge upper hand and would use it as she pleased.
           "Oppa, you're so handsome." the girls stared at him starstruck.
           "Thank you." Yoongi smiled as he handed the signatures to them.
           You clapped. "Alright, everyone back to work. We've lost enough time."
           "Well, what if they helped us out?" Your sister suggested with a smirk.
           You shot her a look, knowing she was already starting to manipulate the situation. But the girls were already looking like they were about to faint at the thought of spending the day with Yoongi.
           "YES! WE WOULD LOVE TO HELP OUT! PLEASE!" They shouted.
           Yoongi glanced at you apologetically, but you chuckled and shook your head. It wasn't his fault.
           "Well come on then. Let your oppa ~ explain things for you." You grinned.
           He looked at you pleadingly, but you stuck your tongue out, walking away with Jin.
           "He's MY oppa." Tae hissed, glaring down at the girls.
           Yoongi laughed loudly and threw an arm around him, earning a happy grin from Tae.
           "Tae will be my assistant in training you girls."
           "Me? An assistant?!" he beamed brightly.
           You walked into the shed later on to find Yoongi hammering in nails to fasten pieces of wood to the walls in order to cover up some holes that had been created by weather and time. He was wearing the plaid shirt you had bought him in town a few weeks ago once again, but this time he rolled up his sleeves to expose his toned forearms. You blushed at the sight. His arms had valleys of veins visible from where you were standing and the way his face looked so focused and determined fluttered your heart.
           Then you heard the girls encouraging him sweetly and your face immediately contorted to one of disgust.
           Oh... so he was showing off to those younger girls.
           You glared at him up and down bitterly, unbeknownst to him.
           "I brought you all water. It's a bit hotter than usual today. Stay hydrated." You announced, setting down the tray of ice drinks on top of a bundle of hay.
           "Oh Y/N!" Yoongi perked up and climbed down the ladder. "How does the handiwork look? I think I have a knack for fixing things."
           You glanced up and he really did hammer the nails in well. "Looks good. You definitely impressed your fans."
           Yoongi looked at you, amused. "Am I sensing some jealous?"
           You scoffed. "Me? Cause of them? Absolutely no--"
           Yoongi locked lips with you suddenly, taking your breath away and making you forget what you had even been saying.
           "Does that clear things up for you?" he chuckled at your blank expression.
           You blinked, trying to orient yourself since you were pretty flustered.
           "And let's not forget who put me on babysitting duty in the first place." he claimed, staring at you scoldingly.
           "I'm not jealous. It was just unnecessary to look..." you tried to point at something specific on his person instead of outright saying he was attractive, but ended up simply flailing your finger up and down. "to look so...so..."
           "So...what?" he smirked as he stepped closer to you.
           You huffed, "So damn smug!"
           He cracked up. "Do you want an autograph Y/N? Is that what it's about?"
           You pinched his cheeks. "You wish. I see your signature every day of the week!"
           "I love you too ~" he bantered.
           "You piss me off!" You shook him out of irritation.
            In the meanwhile, the highschool girls were staring up at you two, puzzled.
           "Oh don't worry. That's how they express their love." Tae grinned, looking up at you both dreamily. "Isn't it adorable?"
           The two looked at each other with one eye brow raised then glanced at Tae peculiarly.
           "Mom! Where should I put these?" Yoongi called out into the house, holding some new inventory that had just arrived from Tae's farm.
           "Oh. In the back shed, dear. Please." Your mom instructed.
           Yoongi groaned as he struggled to move forward with the heavy load. You giggled and grabbed half of the items.
           "And here I thought you had been working out."
           "I have been. But obviously, results don't happen overnight." he stated bitterly.
           "Thanks for helping out again." You smiled. "Even putting up with my sister's friends all day."
           "Anything for my fans ~" he grinned.
           You gave him a side eye as he cackled.
           "Oh right. You and Jin-oppa have been exchanging letters for awhile. But you never tell me what's in them." You wondered.
           Yoongi smiled. "It's a secret."
           "Hey, there shouldn't be secrets between couples."
           "Well you have a secret with Mr. Park so I can have a secret with your brother."
           "It's not my secret to tell!"
           "It's not mine either."
           You frowned. "He's okay though right?"
           Yoongi nodded. "Yes, more than okay. Don't worry. I got this."
           You exhaled.
           "He's the older brother, so there are some things he can't lean on you for." Yoongi nudged you. "But trust me."
           You smiled gratefully and nodded understandably. "Thank you, Yoongi."
           Unfortunately, as much time as you two were together during the weekend, you weren't exactly alone for any of it. Your family was just as much attached to Yoongi as you wanted to be, and they came looking for him whenever you two tried to escape and spend time together by yourselves. Tae and Jin even went so far as to want to bathe with the man. You had to drag the two out with your eyes closed so you didn't see Yoongi inside the shower. The twins also surprisingly clung onto him whenever he was around. They joined the boy's room and squished themselves onto Yoongi's chest, falling asleep soundly. Then whenever he walked around the house, they would koala onto his legs happily as he did so. It was heartwarming of course, but the whole purpose of the weekend getaway was to spend time as a couple, so it left you two a bit frustrated.
           So when Monday morning rolled around, you two collapsed into the backseat of the bus, exhausted. You leaned your head onto his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around to bring you closer.
           "Sorry..." You mumbled.
           "I feel like I saw you, but I didn't get to actually see you."
           Yoongi chuckled. "I know. It's not your fault."
           "I can't believe my own family cockblocked me."
           Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Were you going to try to seduce me?"
           You blushed and looked down. "You know what I mean."
           Yoongi chuckled and rubbed your arm. "It's okay. It was nice to spend time with family."
           You smiled and nodded.
           "But what's with this outfit, huh?" he looked down at your new skirt and heels. "Dressing up for Mr. Park?"
           "Mr. Park did give these to me." You shrugged smugly. "I figured it was time to wear them."
           Yoongi pouted and you pinched his protruding lips cutely.
           "Why're you so jealous of Mr. Park anyway?"
           "I don't know...he just seems alluring and sexy." Yoongi shrugged. "Is that weird to get that vibe from him?"
           You grinned cheekily. "Should I be jealous of Mr. Park now, huh?"
           Yoongi cracked up. "Maybe I should give him a try."
           You smacked Yoongi's chest as you two giggled.
           No...this won't do.
           Yoongi paced his office worriedly as he glanced at you every so often. Your shirt was far too low, the necklace was far too big that it brought attention to your chest, and the skirt fit you too well. He caught your fellow male co-workers checking you out as they passed by and he had to fight back his urge to wrap you in a thousand towels and roll you out of their sight.
           He had to do something.
           He hadn't seen you all weekend. He had only gotten to kiss and hold you maybe a rare two to three times the entire time. Now, you were even dressed like this. He couldn't stand it.
           On the other hand, it was just one of those days where you felt like you wanted to dress up. The weekend had been fun, despite not being able to spend time alone with Yoongi. But seeing how much your family adored him and he, them, it filled you with indescribable happiness. Besides, you felt awful that expensive clothes were just sitting in your closet and hadn't been put to use, so you figured it wouldn't hurt to wear them today. Plus you were already taken, so why not?  
           You flinched in your seat when the door to Yoongi's office burst open and he looked a bit distraught. You blinked at him, surprised.
           "Mr. Min?"
           "We need to go somewhere." he announced.
           Your eyes widened, looking around. What was he doing in the middle of the work day in front of everyone?
           "But Mr. Min, I still have to do these papers--" you tried to reason.
           "I had you give me a list of venues a few weeks ago." Yoongi blurted. "We must check them out now. We have no meetings today. It's a rare opportunity."
           "Oh...well yes, that's true, but..."
           Jimin stepped forward with an amused expression. "I'm sure that's fine. I mean the CEO himself is suggesting it, so it must be an important matter. Maybe a new venture or merger, right?"
           Yoongi nodded firmly and you glanced between the two, feeling like they were having an unspoken conversation in front of you.
           "Will you really refuse the CEO, Y/N?" Jimin blinked at you, feigning innocence.
           You blushed. "No, of course not. It's just that..."
           "Then it's settled. Grab your coat and let us go quickly." Yoongi huffed and hurried out of the office.
           You looked at Jimin questioningly, and he simply smiled cheekily.
           "Enjoy ~"
           You grabbed your things and followed Yoongi, extremely puzzled. You found him outside of the building, grinning widely.
           "What in the world--" You started, but he grabbed your hand happily before you finished your question.
           "Finally." he exhaled. "I was dying in the office, not being able to hold you."
           You laughed. "Are you serious?"
           "Why wouldn't I be?" he shrugged. "Your outfit is quite distracting. Only wear it for me, on our future dates. Got it?"
           You rolled your eyes and chuckled. "You are unbelievable."
           "I know." he grinned cheekily. "But I was serious about checking out these music venues too. I figured we could work and play today."
           You exhaled. "I guess I don't have much of a choice, huh?"
           "Never." he smiled as he tugged you to walk beside him.
           You let go of his hand for a second, to loop your arm through his, then intertwined them once again.
           "There, more comfortable." You beamed up at him.
           "Ooo~ you're handling this well."
           "Well, it is work. I'm happy you're taking initiative. You've come so far, Mr. Min." You teased.
           He rolled his eyes. "Alright, well let's go to an underground cafe. I'd like some coffee first."
           And so you two spent the day at different music venues in the area. You stayed and listened to acoustic bands and jazz bands at various underground cafes. You visited concert halls and talked with the owners about the statistics and the credentials of the place. You went to music stores, playing around with the CDs and the vinyl records, jamming out and having fun. Then you went to a recording studio and Yoongi had to drag you out when you spotted one of your favorite singers in the building.
           "Any of them pique your interest?"
           You two found yourself at juice bar after your long day.
           Yoongi sipped his juice as he pondered. "I mean they were all interesting. We have a lot of information on them but..."
           "None of them felt like the right one?" You chuckled.
           "I, for one, really liked the cafes. I should frequent those more often." You smiled.
           Yoongi exhaled.
           "Hey." You nudged. "It's fine. We still have more venues on the list. We'll find something you'll like."
           "Yeah... I just wish I knew what I was looking for."
           "I'm sure it'll come to you. Not having expectations is good at times, so you remain open-minded." You hummed as you scanned down the list.
           "But isn't the rest of the list similar places?" he frowned.
           "Well let's see...here's something that looks interesting and unique." You circled the information and handed it to him. "Maybe we should check this out Friday since it doesn't open until night time?"
           Yoongi stared at it and nodded. "Alright. Let's give it a try."
           "There's my optimistic, hardworking boyfriend." You poked his cheek.
           He grinned as you wrote down that schedule for Friday in your planner and spotted that you had blocked off the weekend for him. It had his name neatly printed between the two days, and a cute heart drawn in red pen beside it.
           "I want a picture of that." he pointed.
           "Hm?" You glanced up then followed his gaze.
           You turned red and covered the weekend up. "N-no!"
           "Why? It's cute." he grinned. "Reminds me of middle school when people doodled their crush's name in their notebooks."
           You blushed and shut your planner. "No pictures."
           Yoongi chuckled. "Fine. Then take one with me."
           "Come on. We don't have any pictures together. I want to put it as my phone lockscreen."
           "Homescreen, so people don't see it at work." You suggested.
           He exhaled and nodded. "Alright. Homescreen it is. Can we?"
           You smiled and moved around to sit beside him. He pulled his phone up and you leaned your head onto his shoulder happily. You took several pictures, which all turned out to be adorable from sweet smiling shots to silly faces.
           "Should we have the same picture as our homescreen?" You hummed as you received the pictures from him, swiping through them with joy. You loved them.
           "I like this one." Yoongi showed one of the silly face pictures, where your face was contorted unattractively.
           "Really? I look horrible there!" You huffed.
           "I think it's cute. Plus people won't recognize you." he whispered playfully.
           "Min Yoongi!" You hissed as you shook him angrily while he laughed.
           Friday quickly came and the two of you found yourselves in a small venue, seated in the front row. There was a stage in front and a bar at one side. People were laughing and drinking merrily; the place was packed with an air of infectious excitement.
           "Is it a mini theater you think?" You whispered.
           "Looks like it?" Yoongi shrugged.
           "This is definitely interesting." You replied then sat up straight when the lights dimmed.
           The entire place roared with applause and whistles immediately. You and Yoongi looked around, surprised at the response when nothing had happened yet. Suddenly, the spotlight shone in the middle and the live band began playing a very sensual song. Your eyes bulged as the curtains were pulled up to reveal scantily-clad women. In a flash, your hand flew to cover Yoongi's face hurriedly, but he ripped them off his face as he stared at the girls dancing a specific choreography in awe. You frowned, irritated, and attempted to pull your hands over his face once again.
           "I'll take notes from here on out, Mr. Min. You can just close your eyes."
           "Don't be immature, Y/N." he whispered as he held onto your hand tightly to prevent them from flying to his face again.
           You huffed and turned your attention to the stage. The girls were flirtatiously winking and blowing kisses to the crowd, making all the men go wild. They were flaunting and shaking their assets. You wanted to just walk out, but Yoongi's eyes were glued to the performance, much to your dismay.
           So without much of a choice, you pulled your hand away from his and took out your notebook, taking down your unbiased opinion of the place. You felt him glance at you curiously, but you pushed your annoyance aside to do work. Your gaze returned to the stage and you became so enraptured by the passion and happiness on their faces. Not only did these girls love performing on the stage, they were beyond talented in singing, dancing, and capturing attention. Albeit, their outfits, or lack thereof, was rather advantageous at demanding attention.
           You exhaled and rolled your eyes as Yoongi jumped up excitedly when one of the girls taunted the crowd with a handkerchief that she had pulled out from inside her bra.
           From a business perspective, it really was appealing. The franchise was unique for sure, and the idea of it was novel. The music was catchy and the performances were highly captivating to all the senses. So, seeing as how Yoongi was not in his right mind at the moment, you slipped away to go speak with someone who worked there to gain more information.
           You took a seat at the bar where the bartender was relaxingly wiping down glasses.
           "Hi." You greeted.
           He smiled. "Hello. Can I get you a drink?"
           "Shot of vodka please, along with some information." You got to the point.
           "Vodka." he poured you a shot. "As for the information, it depends what you need."
           "Me and my boss over there." You pointed at Yoongi who was dancing around with the other men enthusiastically. "We want to invest in a business related to music. Something we can help branch out, and well, as you can see he's been captivated by it already."
           The bartender laughed. "Yes, I see that well."
           "Do you mind if I ask a few questions about this...Burlesque Bar and Lounge that you work for?"
           "Of course. You came to the right place since I'm the owner." he grinned.
           You smiled and downed your shot. "Perfect."
           "Ask away."
           After the show, Yoongi finally noticed you weren't beside him anymore and he got worried. He found you laughing hysterically with the bartender at the back. Your cheeks were red and the man was pouring you another glass. Rushing over, Yoongi grabbed the shot glass and threw it back.
           "Yah." You called out, glaring at him. "That was my shot!"
           "I think you've had enough shots, hm?" he stared at you scoldingly, but you scoffed.
           "Give me one more, my good sir."
           The bartender chuckled as he did so and you poured it back into your mouth.
           "Are you Yoongi?" the bartender questioned.
           "Oh good. She said to put her tab under your name."
           Yoongi glared at you and you shrugged nonchalantly as you stated. "This way, we both enjoyed ourselves, right Mr. Min?"
           "I'm so sorry." Yoongi grabbed your hand. "We should be going."
           "No, wait." You pushed him a little and rummaged through your purse. "Here. Please call me if you're interested in what we discussed. Oh and this is his number just in case you can't reach me."
           You pulled out another card.
           "How'd you get my card?"
           "I ordered them." You shrugged. "You're the CEO, so you need business cards."
           "Thank you for your service." the bartender bowed as Yoongi handed him his credit card to pay the tab with a big sigh.
           "Are you crazy?" Yoongi hissed.
           You chuckled and stretched. "I'm not drunk silly. You've seen my family's tolerance."
           "Then what was this...?" he whispered.
           You put on your act again as the bartender returned with his receipt. Then you clung onto Yoongi as you two walked out. As soon as you were finally outside, you unlatched yourself and grinned.
           "Wow. Thanks for the free drinks."
           Yoongi sighed. "What was that for?"
           "People tend to be more open with drunk people." You showed off your victorious peace sign. "When I said we were here to do business, he was a bit closed off. Obviously, you don't want to give up your own business and have the risk of being bought out of your work. Once I was a bit 'tipsy', he eased up and gave me a lot of good information."
           "Have I ever told you that you scare me?" Yoongi stared at you, amused then glance at the receipt. "And you couldn't have pretended to be a lightweight? Those drinks were expensive."
           "Well that was for revenge." You shrugged. "You had some eye candy for the night so I gave myself a treat."
           Yoongi exhaled. "Sorry I got a bit carried away."
           You ignored his apology and took out your notebook. "Here. From the looks of it, you really like this place."
           "Y/N..." he frowned.
           You chuckled, "I'm not mad. As I said, if it feels right, then go for it. I got a lot of information from him about the background of the place. It's really interesting so take a read before you make a decision, but it's your call in the end. Got it?"
           Yoongi smiled and held onto the notebook. "Got it. Thanks for coming with me."
           "What are secretaries for?"
           "No." Yoongi grabbed your hand. "Thank you for everything."
           You peered at him knowingly. "You're just happy I'm not getting mad at you for drooling over those naked women."
           He snorted. "No matter what anyone says, all men will drool in front of naked women."
           "I'm afraid you're more alike than I feared." You shivered.
           "With who?"
           "Someone I don't ever want to witness again." You chuckled. "Anyway, let's get home?"
           Yoongi smiled, hearing you call his apartment "home". "Yes, let's."
           "Hi Leo! Oh?" You greeted, but you were soon blindfolded upon entrance to Yoongi's apartment.
           "Yoongi, I'm telling you now that I'm not into this kinky shit."
           Yoongi cracked up as he led you to who knows where. "Get your mind out of the gutter, Y/N. I just have a surprise for you."
           "You couldn't cover my eyes with your hands like a normal person?"
           "Nah. I had silk blindfolds laying around." He teased.
           "Why the f--" You hissed, but soon the blindfold was pulled from your eyes.
           You gasped as you looked into one of the spare rooms Yoongi had in his apartment. He had it refurnished with a large, king sized bed, and soft-looking blankets and sheets. It had its own walk-in closet and a full length mirror. The ceiling was decorated with glow-in-the-dark stars and the walls held the pictures you two had taken earlier in the week. You moved closer to see the other photos and you realized that it was from the previous weekend when you two were at the farm. Yoongi had taken pictures of your family members and pictures alongside your family members without your knowledge; others were candid pictures of you and the rest were scenic pictures of the farm.
           "What is this?" You gasped.
           "Your room. I had it designed and made for you." he grinned proudly. "You like it?"
           You nodded, touched immensely. "I love it."
           "I figured it'd be too much to get you a canopy bed, and you looked like you wanted to take my closet with you the first few weeks you were here."
           "But I don't have clothes to put in..." You paused when you saw Yoongi's guilt-ridden face. "You didn't."
           He shrugged and you scampered into the closet. It was filled with women's clothes, shoes, accessories, jewelry.
           "Yoongi, I can't."
           "You don't have to. I just thought they'd all look nice on you if you do decide to wear them. Or if you end up having to stay over out of the blue, then you'll always have a change of clothes."
           You stood in the middle of the closet in awe. This was a dream come true. You didn't know how to feel. You were overwhelmed. Could you accept all this?
           "I don't have anything to give you..." You whispered your honest thoughts.
           Yoongi frowned and embraced you from behind.
           "Y/N." he mumbled. "You have given me things that money can't buy. It's me who can't give you anything."
           You turned and looked up at him worriedly. He cupped your face and smiled.
           "You gave me a family when I had no idea what it felt like to be welcomed and accepted for all my quirks and flaws. You've given me true friendship. Honest, genuine, trusting. All my life, I was treated differently, with respect, but with a barrier because of who I was born to be. You gave me direction, a purpose. You saw potential and pushed me to seize it. You gave me unyielding support and candid advice when I needed it. You had faith in me and you never gave up, when I had given up on myself." he studied your face endearingly. "You gave me love when I did not deserve it at all."
           You smiled gently and stroked his cheek. "And I'm not going anywhere. I will continue to give you these things because you deserve all the love in the world, Yoongi."
           Yoongi leaned down and kissed you sweetly.
           Later that night, Yoongi tossed and turned anxiously in his room. Did you really go to sleep like this? He expected you to come to his room and sleep with him or at least want a midnight snack or something, but it was silent. Had you really knocked out without saying good night? He pouted and sat up. He would have to go check in on you if you weren't going to come to him.
           "Y/N?" he peeked in and found you sound asleep.
           He huffed and walked fully into your room.
           "Seriously? What does she think a sleepover is? A legit sleep-over? We were finally alone in a private place after weeks." He stood in front of your bed with his arms crossed, watching your sleeping figure. "This girl."
           He slipped under your covers and wrapped his arms around you happily. He felt you flinch at the contact and you rubbed your eyes drowsily.
           "It's me." he answered as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
           "Are you trying to harass me in my sleep?" you yawned.
           "Excuse you. It's called cuddling." he frowned. "I can't believe you fell asleep."
           "The bath bombs in the bath were just too relaxing. I would've KOed in the tub." You groaned as you turned over so that your head was snuggled into his chest.
           You smiled. "Your heart is beating fast. Nervous?"
           Yoongi scoffed. "No."
           You wrapped your arms around and pulled yourself flush against him, listening as his heartbeat quickened. You giggled.  
           "Shut up and get some sleep." he tightened his embrace, embarrassed that his own body was giving him away.
           "Good night." you hummed.
           "I love you." he whispered into the darkness.
           "I love you too, Yoongi."
           He smiled as you immediately fell asleep after answering him. You had no walls up in that drowsy state so he was able to hear you speak your feelings honestly, without your timidity or embarrassment. It fluttered his heart to hear the words so sincerely from you.  
           At that moment, he realized that he really liked having you in his arms, and he was afraid that he would get so used to it that he would hate sleeping alone from now on. He already disliked coming home to an empty house, now he was getting greedier. He chuckled to himself as he listened to your soft breathing, feeling the warmth of your body against his. Yes, he definitely needed this from now on.
           "Good night Y/N."
           You groaned as the sun peeked out from the window and blinded you, despite your eyes still being closed. You rolled over so you were facing away from it, then realized you weren't in your couch at home. Your eyes sprung open and you sat up groggily, not recognizing the room.
           "Morning, sleepyhead." Yoongi's head appeared at the door.
           You squinted your eyes and frowned. "What time is it?"
           "Almost noon."
           Your eyes immediately widened. "What??"
           "Whoa, whoa." he laughed as he fully entered the room, donned with an apron. "We don't have work today or any real plans for that matter, so relax. It's good to sleep in once in a while."
           You exhaled and relaxed. "I can't believe I slept for that long."
           Yoongi chuckled and sat at the edge of your bed. "You were out like a rock."
           "That was the best sleep ever." You stretched, feeling completely satisfied and energized.
           "Cause I was next to you?" Yoongi scrunched his face cutely.
           "It must be because of this fabulous mattress." You teased as you pressed down on it.
           "Was I the only one who enjoyed it then, huh?" he argued. "You koaled me all night, and it was hot as hell!"
           You furrowed your brows. "You slapped me in the face with your hand in the middle of the night so I had to get closer so I wouldn't get attacked!"
           Yoongi huffed.
           You two stared at each other and smiled.
           "Finally." Yoongi kissed your forehead.
           "It feels like we're legit a couple." he snorted. "Arguing about things like this."
           You grinned. "Then shall we argue about how you snuck in here without permission last night?"
           "You consented when you hugged me back. Don't even try it." he pointed out.
           "You tried to seduce me when I was half-asleep!" You bantered.
           "Shall I seduce you now that you're fully awake?" Yoongi smirked as he tackled you back down onto the bed.
           You squealed as he hugged you tightly and wrapped his legs around you.
           "Sir, breakfast is about to burn." Leo appeared at the doorway suddenly.
           "Crap!" Yoongi flew out of the bed and zipped to the kitchen.
           You giggled as Leo gave you a slight smile and bowed.
           "It's good to see you, Miss Y/N."
           "It's good to see you too, Mr. Leo."
           "And it's especially nice to see him in high spirits these days."
           You grinned. "Although he always seemed to be in high spirits even when we met."
           "Reckless is different than high spirited." Leo smirked.
           You laughed, "Very true."
           "Hey! Are you two talking about me behind my back?" Yoongi cried out from the kitchen.
           "Not at all, sir. I left the door open so we'd be talking about you openly." Leo impertinently answered.
           You snickered as Leo smiled triumphantly at his comeback.
           "Would you like to come watch him flounder in the kitchen?" Leo gestured.
           "I am NOT floundering." Yoongi retorted.
           Leo made a face and shook his head. You chuckled and hopped off the bed.
           "I'd kick myself if I didn't witness this."
           So you positioned yourself at the table, endearingly watching Yoongi panic and worry about how much of the ingredient he should put in and how he should hold the pot and so on. He looked adorable in his little apron, and Leo had forced a chef hat on him for good fun. Yoongi was too focused to even argue against it, so you sat there taking pictures of him for keepsake.
           The three of you clapped when the food was finally placed in front of you. You recorded a video to show your family later.
           "Yoongi's first vegetable and cheese omelet with a side of bacon and pancakes." You commentated and then lifted your phone to get Yoongi into the frame. "Chef, how do you feel about your creation?"
           Yoongi cleared his throat and smugly spoke, "I think it's the best dish I've ever made. Whoever tastes this, will immediately fall in love with me because it tastes fantastic. I guarantee it."
           Leo pushed his plate away, refusing to fall in love with him, causing the two of you to crack up.
           "Let's eat! Thanks for the food!" You clapped your hands together and began eating.
           Yoongi watched you worriedly and you frowned, shaking your head. He looked crestfallen at your reaction. But you chuckled and grinned, giving him a thumbs up, after your first bite.
           "I was kidding. It's a pass!"
           He relaxed and beamed at your approval. When he wasn't looking, Leo slipped you the pepper shaker knowingly for the omelet, and you two took turns using it. Yoongi was definitely improving. It was almost there, but just not yet.
           It was odd.
           Not having a plan. Not having something to do for two days.
           You thought you'd be anxious and bored. But it turned out that not having plans was a great feeling. You could do anything and everything. Whatever you fancied and nobody would tell you otherwise.
           Yoongi dismissed Leo and you stayed in his living room, watching movies, talking about anything and everything that came to mind. You played a few video games, which he taught you and somehow you ended up getting the hang of it and winning. He showed you his favorite vinyl records and you both lay on his bed and listened to music with your bodies tangled around each other, content with just being near.
           "Is there any place you want to go? I can drive out tomorrow." he played with your fingers lazily and you hummed.
           "The sea." You looked at him. "I want to see it."
           "Then we'll sea it." he giggled while you rolled your eyes at his pun disapprovingly.
           "Oh come on, that was funny."
           "It really wasn't."
           "It totally was." Yoongi squished you into his chest and you flailed your arms. "Tell me it was funny!"
           "Say it!"
           "I didn't shower yet."
           "Oh gross."
           Yoongi cackled as he lay lifelessly on top of you as you squirmed around, trying to get him off of you.
           "Yoongi!" You whined.
           He lifted his head and grinned. "I like this."
           "Squishing me?" You frowned.
           "No. Hanging out like this."
           You smiled. "Me too."
           You lifted your head to capture his lips in yours. He smiled and reciprocated welcomingly, deepening the kiss immediately.
           The next day, as promised, you two woke up early to drive to the sea to spend the day there.
           "Wow the seaaa!" You screamed happily as you raced through the sand. "I've never seen it before! Woo!"
           Yoongi beamed as he watched you acting childishly for once. You threw your shoes off and dipped your feet in the water. He placed your things for the day down onto the sound then looked up to watch you. He gasped and hurried over to you when a large wave knocked you off your feet. He covered you as another wave crashed onto you two and he hurriedly dragged you away when it subsided. Both of you were dripping wet and panting.
           "Wow. That was some wave."
           "You could've drowned, you know?" Yoongi frowned.
           "I got excited." You looked up sheepishly.
           "Good thing I packed extra clothes and towels." he laughed as he wrapped a towel around you warmly.
           "Ooo ~ you're planning ahead. I'm so proud." you grinned as he ruffled your hair with the towel.
           "And you're being spontaneous. I'm so proud." he sassed you in return.
           He glanced around curiously.
           "What?" You tilted your head.
           He threw the towel over your heads.
           "Yoongi, what --"
           Not letting you finish, he kissed you passionately underneath the cover of the towel, secretly but not so secretly. You breathed heavily when he stepped back and grinned widely.
           "You are impossible, Min Yoongi."
           "Only when it comes to you." he smiled. "Now, let's play in the water. There's no use drying off at this point. Off we go!"
           You squealed as he threw you over his shoulder and hurried towards the water.
           It was a blissful day, once again full of laughter and random conversations. You told Yoongi about your life and he told you about his. While you had never left Daegu, he had ventured to all sorts of places when he was younger. He talked about his memories with his parents before their deaths and you talked of your childhood adventures with your brother and cousin. You two stayed to watch the sun set on the horizon, taking pictures, mesmerized by its beauty.
           The drive home seemed long and tiring, but only because the day was satisfyingly full and warm. As soon as you both got washed up, the two of you curled up into your bed warmly.
           You lay on Yoongi's chest as he rubbed your arm lazily.
           "Let's do this more often." he hummed.
           "Date. Let's keep going on many more dates." he smiled. "I like them. A lot."
           "Me too."
           "For once, I don't want to go to work because you're already here." he exhaled.
           "You set an alarm, right?"
           "Time to go back to reality." You yawned and shut your eyes, feeling the tiredness pulling you in. "Sweet dreams."
           "You too." Yoongi soon fell asleep as well.
           The next day, you two were energized from the relaxing weekend and everybody could sense the positive vibes emitting from both you and Yoongi.
           "Whoa there. Turn the sunshine down, you two." Jimin waltzed into Yoongi's office where you were handing him papers he needed to sign.
           "What?" Yoongi questioned.
           "Did something good happen this weekend?" Jimin smirked and pointed back and forth between you two. "Did you two seal the deal?"
           "Jimin!" You hissed.
           "I'm right, aren't I?" he wiggled his eyebrows. "You know I'm an expert at this stuff."
           "I'm going to strangle you." You lunged at Jimin playfully.
           "Don't be shy, Y/N. It was about damn time!"
           "Yoongi!" You looked to your boyfriend for help, but he simply shrugged happily.
           "Ohhh~ I'm right! I'm right!" Jimin beamed excitedly.
           "Park Jimin!" You rattled your friend angrily.
           Suddenly, the door of his office burst open, and you immediately let go of Jimin. Leo stood at the entrance, panting heavily.
           "What's wrong?"
           Leo stated between breaths.
           Your stomach dropped once you pieced the broken words together.
           "Oh okay. He probably just wants an update." Yoongi smiled and fixed up his tie. "Let's go, Y/N."
           Jimin glanced at you knowingly. He patted your back. "It might not be that, Y/N. Think positively."
           You nodded worriedly.
           "Y/N?" Yoongi asked as he stood by the door.
           You smiled and shook your head. "Yeah, let's go."
           Your eyes flitted towards Leo and his expression only furthered your nervousness.
           "Come in."
           The Chairman beckoned and you two walked in. You were sweating profusely and your heart was racing. For some reason, you knew. You knew you had been caught. But how? When?
           "What do we owe the pleasure, Gramps?" Yoongi smiled.
           Your eyes locked guiltily with the Chairman and he got straight to the point. He lifted up a few pictures, which were, without doubt, you and Yoongi holding hands in the streets.
           "I wanted an explanation for these."
           "How in the world?" Yoongi studied them. "Did Leo take these?"
           "Leo..." The Chairman scoffed. "Most of them turned blurry because of that blasted bodyguard trying to prevent my men from taking pictures."
           Yoongi smirked triumphantly. "He's loyal to me. But I guess there's no use hiding it anymore. We're in a relationship, Gramps."
           "Are you serious?" The Chairman directed his question to you aggressively.
           You caved and got on your knees, bowing deeply.
           Yoongi panicked. "Y/N...what...what're you..."
           "I'm so sorry Chairman. You told me not to fall for him and I broke your rule. He had no idea that we had such an agreement so if someone deserves punishment, it's me who went into it knowing you were against such a thing. He had no fault in this."
           "Y/N...what're you talking about? What rule? What agreement?" Yoongi bent down to try to pick you up from the ground, but you wouldn't budge.
           "Y/N. Are you willingly in this relationship?" The Chairman stoically questioned. "Do you love my grandson?"
           "Gramps!" Yoongi yelled.
           "Yes." You sat up and claimed firmly. "I love your grandson very much, and I can't give up this relationship, even if it means losing my job."
           "What?" Yoongi gasped.
           "I told you not to fall for him!" The Chairman stood up and slammed his hand angrily onto the desk.
           You winced and looked down.
           "You're too good for my grandson, Y/N! No, I don't approve of this at all!"
           You blinked, letting his statement seep in properly. Had you heard right? Your eyes widened and you looked up at the Chairman in shock.
           "Wait, Gramps. Did you just say... you didn't approve of ME?" Yoongi choked.
           "What?" he barked. "Am I wrong? You're a lazy good-for-nothing person with a title right now. How do you expect to support her, huh? At this rate, she's going to be babying you and dragging you around. And no way will I have a Min that doesn't treat his woman right."
           You and Yoongi glanced at each other, at a loss for words.
           "And also, Y/N. " The Chairman softened. "You know how this society works. It's going to be hard for people and media to accept you as you are right now. It'll be difficult to get into a relationship with him. I instated that rule because I wanted to protect you from being tainted by the politics of the wealthy. I thought with you being so rule-oriented, any notion of romance would immediately be crushed by my warning."
           You felt tears stream down your cheeks.
           "Stand up Y/N." The Chairman walked over and stood in front of you. "I want you to tell me honestly."
           You wiped your tears and obeyed.
           "Are you willing to do anything to stay together with my grandson, even at the cost of your job, even with the inevitable hatred you might receive from the media and people at your lack of wealth? Will you be willing to immerse yourself in the world of the wealthy just to be with Yoongi?"
           You held your head up high. "Yes and no, Chairman."
           You took a deep breath. "I am willing to lose my job if it comes to it to be together with your grandson. I have spent many years already being pushed and looked down upon before I entered this company so I do not fear the words of people who do not know me. But I will be the one to decide whether I want to immerse into the world of the wealthy. I do not believe it is necessary for me to be who I am not in order to please others or to follow what has been done before, just because that is how it has always been done. If that had been the case, I would not be who I am today. So I am willing to do anything to stay with your grandson, except for giving up my sense of self, my identity, and my freedom of choice. So yes and no, Chairman."
           Yoongi smiled gratefully and held onto your hand tightly.
           The Chairman exhaled and nodded. "I didn't expect any less of an answer from you, Y/N. You know I already think of you as a granddaughter, ever since I hired you. You have great potential."
           You bowed.
           "But I'm afraid there is no solution which ends without sacrifice." The Chairman sat back in his chair.
           You and Yoongi glanced at each other sadly.
           "But it is a sacrifice with wonderful gain if you can endure it." The Chairman folded his hands. "Will you two listen to my plan?"
           The two of you nodded.
           "Y/N. I am willing to invest in your potential." he started. "I want you to go back to school so you could earn a better degree and be more well-rounded. I have picked out a prestigious university for you to attend and I will pay for your tuition and any other costs you may need."
           Your eyes widened in shock.
           "Simultaneous to your studies, I will be giving you a head position at a new branch company near the university. You have already proven to me that you are capable of running a branch efficiently, even without the proper credentials. Now I am giving you the opportunity to show everyone else what you are able to do. Raise the new branch I am assigning you to the level of the Daegu branch and graduate, so no one can ever say you are not good enough."
           You smiled, incredibly touched by his offer.
           "Yoongi." he glanced at his grandson. "You will stay here and continue improving as you have been. I want you to be a true CEO, a true businessman, a true Min. I want you to become nominated to be one of the Board of Directors at least, but ideally, I would like you to be considered a potential candidate to become Chairman as it is rightfully yours. Can you do it?"
           "Yes." Yoongi stated confidently.
           "This way, no one will ever question your decisions and who you choose to have in your life."
           "What is the sacrifice?" You questioned softly.
           The Chairman sighed. "Things like this take time. And in that time, you two cannot see each other. These pictures were taken by tabloid magazines, not my men. I wanted to test the determination you two had to keep this relationship so I lied about them being my men. Luckily, Leo was able to thwart most of their advances, but I knew I had to act before things escalated. You cannot be seen dating each other."
           Yoongi was about to protest when his grandfather held his hand up.
           "I am not saying to break up. But I ask that you maintain utmost secrecy in your relationship. I will forbid you two from physically seeing each other until you two have accomplished your goals. It's for your own good."
           You and Yoongi stared at each other sadly.
           "And think about everyone's face when the underdogs win." The Chairman cackled lightly.
           You and Yoongi smiled and chuckled with him. You both knew he was right. There were too many cruelties due to the discrepancies and differences that exist between people of this world.
           "Listen to me, kids." The Chairman looked at the two of you endearingly. "If you want the world to change, you must first find the knowledge and power to change it. And that starts with yourselves. If you succeed, you will be shattering the very world of the wealthy and opening up doors for others to dream and many more for others to hope, to fight."
           "How?" Yoongi asked.
           "I think you know the answer to that very well, Yoongi." The Chairman smiled. "How many marriages of the wealthy have a mistress attached to it? How many of the people you've encountered married for love instead of connections? Everyone has it all wrong, don't you think? Power and wealth isn't meant to be hoarded and kept exclusively, and love is necessary for happiness. I think it's a good chance for you two to be the first example of that, hm?"
           You and Yoongi nodded understandably, not letting go of each other's hands.
           "Chairman." You spoke up. "I have a request before I accept your offer. Can I be selfish?"
           "Nothing you do is selfish, Y/N. But I'm listening." The Chairman nodded.
           "Mr. Park." You started. "He's been working so hard alongside me. Please consider giving him a head position as well. I don't feel right being granted one and leaving him behind when he has done as much work as I have for this branch."
           The Chairman smiled. "I have received his countless requests, but they all seemed a bit frivolous so I never put merit to them."
           "He has someone he wants to be close to in the Seoul branch. And it is not frivolous at all; he has worked hard to warrant the title of CEO. With as much respect you have for me, I vouch for him."
           "Me too." Yoongi squeezed your hand. "He picked up what I lacked for the first few months and taught me well. I wouldn't have progressed so well and quickly without the two of them."
           "Very well." The Chairman smiled. "You may tell Mr. Park that I will grant his request to transfer to the Seoul branch and that he needs to new business cards."
           The Chairman winked as you beamed at him.
           "Thank you." You rushed over and hugged him. "For everything."
           "No, no. Thank you for doing what I could not for Yoongi." he glanced at his grandson who was smiling gently. "I and his parents will eternally be grateful."
           "How long will I have to settle everything?" You stepped back.
           "Will 3 weeks be enough?"
           You nodded. "Yes."
           "I need to ask one more time." The Chairman exhaled. "I can't seem to wrap my head around it."
           "You really, REALLY love Yoongi?? Like really?" The Chairman emphasized.
           "Gramps!" Yoongi huffed as he pulled you away. "I'm not THAT bad!"
           You laughed heartily. "Yes, Chairman. I love Yoongi very much, for some reason beyond me as well."
           "Hey!" Yoongi frowned as you and the Chairman cracked up.
           Three busy weeks later, and it was time for you to officially leave the branch and embark on a new journey in your life. You touched your empty desk, knowing you would never sit behind it again. When you had announced the good news to Jimin, he had lunged at you, pushing you to the ground in a tight embrace, while Yoongi tried to angrily pry him off of you. You chuckled at the memory as you glanced towards Jimin's office, which was now also empty.
           "I'm going to miss it here." Jimin stepped out with his last box.
           "Me too." You smiled sadly. "We had some good times here."
           "Would've been better times if you had just accepted me." Jimin smirked as he titled your chin up playfully.
           Soon enough, his hand was swatted away and Yoongi pulled you behind him. "Now that you've shown your true colors to me, I can't help but be worried about the Seoul branch."
           "Don't worry." Jimin snorted. "I'll be good...enough."
           "Well luckily, he'll be partnered with Mr. Jung so he'll be kept in line." You explained.
           "I wonder about that ~" Jimin sang as he skipped away. "You may not be able to see each other, but I can go visit you two whenever I want, so this isn't goodbye. Plus we'll meet during conferences and boring meetings soon enough. Safe travels Y/N! I'll see you when I take a PTO!"
           You chuckled as Jimin skipped away, humming to himself.
           "It's going to be quiet without you two here." Yoongi frowned.
           "You'll take me to the station right?"
           "Leo is already driving your family there. I'm sure your things have already arrived at your apartment there, knowing my Gramps."
           You smiled and took his hand in yours. "Then let's go. Don't want to miss my train."
           The ride to the station was like any other drive for you and Yoongi. You two cracked jokes, argued, and stole kisses from each other at stop lights. But underlying the routine, you knew that it was going to be your last time being in each other's presence for awhile. There was deep sadness and the sense of your impending departure, the inevitable separation, in each of your silences. Your fingers clung to each other's tightly. Although you spent most of your days together the past three weeks, dating to your hearts' content, waking up and sleeping entangled in each other's arms, it wasn't nearly enough to satisfy the absence that was going to be felt.
           Yoongi tried to climb out of the car with his hand still clutching yours and you cracked up when he crawled through the passenger seat instead of letting go. He looked at you sadly and you cupped his face.
           "We said we would smile."
           He exhaled and shook his head. "This is so stupid."
           "Please take care of my family since I'll be far, Yoongi." You frowned. "They won't reach out to me for help because they don't want to burden me, so please check up on them."
           "I'll be helping out during the weekends, don't worry." he smiled. "Just graduate at the top of your class like I did in my university."
           "I'll even be the speaker. Just you wait." You smirked.
           He chuckled and you two walked over to your family who was waiting at the platform. You ran over and hugged your parents tightly.
           "Yoongi paid and installed internet at the house, so call and message as much as you want." Your mom confessed.
           "How come I'm not surprised?" You chuckled, tears brimming your eyes as you glanced over at Yoongi.
           "Eat well, okay? Always have three meals. Don't walk in the dark. Stay where the people are."
           "Of course, mom." You nodded and hugged her again.
           You walked over to ruffle your sister's head and she nodded knowingly. You two weren't ever really affectionate so that was enough, and you knew she, out of everyone, would keep in touch with you the most. Tae and Jin, on the other hand, were full on sobbing. You looked at the two, amused, as you hugged them warmly.
           "For goodness sake, stop crying like I'm going off to my death." You teased.
           Tae wailed and clung onto you. "I don't want you to go!"
           The twins seemed to sense the urgency of this goodbye and began crying too.
           "Oh no." You knelt down and picked the two children up, trying to soothe them. "I'll just be going away for bit. Like a vacation, okay?"
           "Okay." Tae sniffled, answering you obediently.
           You snorted as Jin smacked Tae's back.
           "What?" Tae whined.
           Jin stepped forward and took the twins from you.
           "Take care, okay?" his voice wavered as he tried to act strong. "You know you can always call your Oppa if you need help, right?"
           "I know." You smiled.
           Your family stepped away with one last longing look, clearing the way to Yoongi. You broke into tears and walked to him slowly. You stood in front of him weeping and he immediately leaned forward and captured your lips passionately. He wrapped his arms around your waist to steady you as you kissed him back. Only when your train reached the platform did you two break apart.
           "I thought we said we were going to smile?" Yoongi wiped your tears as he smiled.
           "You're crying too. Shut up." You rubbed the corners of his eyes.
           "I'll miss you. So much." he hugged you tightly.
           "I'll miss you too."
           "We'll talk every day. We'll webcam. It won't be the same, but it won't be so different."
           You nodded. You both knew it would be different. You had school at night and work in the mornings. There would be a very small window where you could chat with each other every day, but you would make sure to schedule the time and work around it. It was possible.
           Yoongi released you and you grabbed your bag, walking backwards to the train to take one last look at the people you loved. You had known that one day you would have to leave them to pursue your dream, but you didn't think it would be so soon.
           "I love you." You mouthed to everyone as the doors closed in front of you.
           Tae burst into tears again and started running alongside the train to follow you. You smiled gently as you watched him flail his arms wildly, his mouth yelling something you couldn't hear. Then you gasped when you witnessed him trip over nothing. But you didn't get to see what happened afterwards, because the train had sped too far away for you to see them anymore.
           Your phone buzzed a second later, and you curiously glanced at it.
             Yoongi: Tae's fine :) and I love you too.
           Yoongi: We were stupid and didn't say it in person. *sigh*
           Yoongi: To be honest, my tears dried up from laughing at Tae snorting in his mucus, yelling, flailing, and running after a train like a madman.
           Yoongi: Oh and don't sit next to anyone handsome! Sit next to an old man. They're full of wisdom. You like wisdom. Stick with wisdom.
           Yoongi: Wisdom is in.
             You chuckled to yourself and went to go procure yourself a seat for your very long train ride. You were alone now, but you knew for sure that wherever you were, you would never be truly alone. You could do anything for the people you loved, knowing they would be with you, supporting you every step of the way.
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