#BUT watch out. esp with scotches. do your research!!!
glitteratti · 6 months
old man in the ways that matter (lover of scotch&gin) 20 something dirtbag also in the ways that matter (box wine lover)
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libramooon · 4 years
May I request a ship? I’m 5’1, with brown eyes and curly black hair. I was a scientist until lost my mind, went to law school, and ended up working for the government. I'm on the reserved side with a deep cynical streak, but I'm as loyal and dependable as they come. I love dogs (esp. german shepherds), scotch, sleeping, and college football.
Hi anon! I ship you with...
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Buck Compton!
You met Buck at a pub in Aldbourne.
You were a scientist for the U.S. government, working on creating new military equipment and weapons. You were moved out to Aldbourne for further research and needless to say, you hated it.
Your career was already beginning to wear on you and your own sanity, and to make matters worse, you were trapped out in England all by yourself. So here you were, sitting at a bar filled with United States paratroopers, wondering why you were there and still a scientist in the first place.
The sound of cheering coming from the group by the dart board grabbed your attention from your scotch. You watched them all watch the tall trooper with nearly white hair and striking blue eyes as he cheered “What would I do without George Luz?” and throw a dart.
You smiled and shook your head, returning your attention back to your empty glass. You were surprised to feel the chair next to you move, the same voice from earlier asking “is this seat taken?” 
You shook your head, although were already preparing yourself mentally. Your initial thought was something on the lines of ‘here comes another hero-complex paratrooper looking to impress me.’
However, you were pleasantly surprised! He politely introduced himself as Buck, and you introduced yourself right back. He definitely seemed to exude confidence, but it wasn’t the normal cocky bravado confidence. He seemed determined, sure of himself. He asked if he could buy you another drink, and you agreed. 
You two chatted for a while, about what you were doing (even though you couldn’t share much about your work). Buck was shocked that you were over here by yourself, but you shrugged it off. He told you about how his company was moving out in the morning, and you wished him luck. At the end of the night, he offered to walk you home, but you promised him that you would get home just fine on your own. And then you left. And that was the last you saw of Buck Compton. 
Or so you thought. 
A few years later, you decided that you were through with England and being a scientist, and that it was time to go home. You packed your things and moved to California for a fresh start in pursuing a new career. 
You entered UCLA’s Law School that next fall. You had made a few loyal friends that you loved dearly, and one day they invited you to come and watch a football game with them. You loved college football, so you had to attend!
Nothing would surprise you more than realizing that that same paratrooper that you met in a pub in England would be playing for UCLA. Part of you thought to let it go; you thought that he probably forgot about you. After all, he did endure a war. But the look on Buck’s face proved the exact opposite when he ran into you after the game. 
Buck wasn’t quick to forget a pretty face, especially yours. There were little moments during the war when he’d wonder where you were now, if you would remember him, if you were okay. He smiled like a fool, asking if he could take you out for another drink. 
You spent the rest of the evening in a dive bar aside this man you had met years ago, who was really still a stranger even though he felt like an old friend every time you looked at him. There was a connection between you two. 
That night at the bar began a string of dates over the next several weeks. Buck would always pick you up and take you to dinner, to the movies, out dancing. Sometimes, you’d end up walking along the beach together, your hands briefly brushing past each other. You two often talked about law. You were coming to the end of your law school, while Buck on the other hand was looking for a law school to get into. You’d often give him advice, and had actually helped him look for schools around the country. 
During one of your walks, you stumbled across as stray German Sheppard on the side of the road. The dog had no tags and appeared to have not eaten or drank anything in days. You had always had a soft spot for animals so your heart shattered for the poor thing. You weren’t sure how Buck would react until you saw him gently picking up the dog.
You three ended up back at your place. You gave the dog some food and water, and in the morning Buck drove you and the dog to the vet. The way you comforted the dog, soothing it’s anxiety, sent a pang right to Buck’s heart. From that day on, that dog belonged to you and Buck, and you both loved it endlessly. 
Buck eventually enrolled in Loyola Law School. He never asked, but he didn’t need to ask. There was no denying that you both cared deeply about each other. You had just graduated from law school, and you wanted to see Buck do the same. So you packed up your life again, along with your beloved dog, and followed that stranger from the Aldbourne pub. 
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