#BUT watching over destiny books seems like an important job that requires specific set of skills
vazanni · 7 months
I just realized. First – Siming broke a prisoner out of Haotian Tower, fell in love with him, was branded as a criminal herself and left Shuiyuntian as a result. Then –  Xiao Lanhua, her discipline, had done almost exactly the same thing.
Yunzhong’s probably sitting there, cradling his forehead, wondering if there’s something in Arbiter Hall's water.
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You have joined the ranks of the second Wizarding War as EVANDRUS MULCIBER under the Richard Armitage faceclaim. In order to fully prepare for what the Dark Lord has in store for you, it is advised that you read through the new member playbook, create your account within the next 48 hours (as this is a secondary character for you, a sideblog to your main character is acceptable), notify the headmistresses, and immerse yourself into the world of a war-torn wizarding world.
Your journey awaits you--in the darkness, in the light, or somewhere in-between.
1. NAME: Bree
2. AGE: 24
3. TIMEZONE / ACTIVITY: Pacific, estimating about a 7-8 due to working full time but primarily from home! This means I’ll absolutely at least be checking things daily, most likely replying to short things daily, and to longer things every couple of days if I get swamped.
4. PREFERRED PRONOUN(S): She/her and they/them, not fussy but I’ll say if I want one or the other specifically at any given time
5. TRIGGER WARNING(S): omitted for applicant privacy
6. HAVE YOU READ THE RULES?: omitted for admin use
8. FAMILIARITY WITH RPING?: 13+ years of experience across many many sites and fandoms, and I’ve been RPing on Tumblr since 2011. Harry Potter was where I started on tumblr, first with an OC to feel out the community, then in a Marauders Era group. Now I’ve been here for a couple weeks!
1. CHARACTER NAME: Evandrus Mulciber
3. CHARACTER BASICS: Hogwarts, Slytherin; Pureblood; Death Eater (Dark Mark)
4. TOP THREE FACECLAIMS: Richard Armitage. Luke Evans and Gideon Emery as backups.
6. PERSONALITY TRAITS: Sadistic, impatient, controlling, resilient, charismatic, perceptive
For a family that has always prided itself on the purity of its blood, the Mulciber name is not to be found on the list of the Sacred Twenty-Eight pure-blood families, a slight that the remaining Mulcibers today do not take kindly to. The reason for the omission is what has been termed “a lapse of judgment” on the part of one Arsenius Mulciber in the latter half of the 18th century. When he married Miss Eudocia Prince, she assured him that her family was as pure in blood as his own. It wasn’t until the birth of their son Clarus that the truth came out: she was a Muggle-born who just so happened to share a surname with a noted wizarding family, and had used many cases of mistaken identity to cement herself among the pure-blood elite. Despite long-standing efforts to keep this quiet, the truth won out eventually, and Cantankerus Nott took great pleasure in omitting the Mulciber name from his famous list in the 1930’s.
Since then, it has been the family goal to wipe all trace of this blot on their name from history. Marriage to pure-bloods was never a question, but a requirement, and drastic measures were always taken to ensure that the newest child in the family was a witch or wizard. Mulciber children always had a way of dying young, particularly if they seemed to be magical late bloomers. Evandrus was one of the lucky ones who showed more than enough magical talent early on to avoid a mysterious case of Dragonpox, unlike the children his parents bore before him. And what a testament to his family name he was. His father Caecilius couldn’t have been more proud to produce a son who was already shattering teacups with a clap of his hands at a year old, and making the family Kneazle levitate by three. He was intended to be the figurehead of the Mulcibers, the wizard who would lead their family back into the lofty circles of the pure-blood elite. No Muggle-borns, Squibs, or even half-bloods had tarnished their family tree since the despised Eudocia Prince, and Evandrus was diligently trained to keep it that way.
His childhood was marked by his father’s frequent absences, during which he plotted with a man he called the Dark Lord. Though they had apparently attended school together, Mulciber Sr. looked to this man as a messiah for pure-bloods everywhere, a leader he would follow to hell and back. The Dark Lord, whose name Evandrus learned to spell the moment he learned to write, was a mythical figure in his house, worshipped like a god. For Caecilius had seen but a smidge of what the Dark Lord was capable of, the lengths he would go to for power, and was awestruck. One day, he told his son, Evandrus would have the great privilege of meeting Lord Voldemort and becoming a Death Eater like his father, and he expected his son to make him proud on that day. Nothing else mattered. Every inch of command Evandrus learned over his magic, every spell, potion, and book, prepared him for service to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Only the powerful and the strong were worthy of following his father’s master, and by god Evandrus would be powerful and strong. His father forced him to learn a great many hexes, jinxes, and curses beyond the norm for children his age, his mother Renata never lifting a finger in protest but merely healing any wounds these early studies inflicted on her only son. If he cried or so much as trembled, he would be Crucioed. And in turn, should he manage to surpass a test set by his father, he would be rewarded with a trip to the nearest Muggle suburb for a bit of Cruciatus practice himself with his father’s wand.
By the time he started at Hogwarts, Evandrus had hardened into a cruel boy whose merciless streak manifested instantly. Not in his immediate placement in Slytherin house, but in the way he strutted to the table and threatened a fellow first year out of a seat he wanted. It was done with a smile as charming and as winning as any would imagine, but the malice behind it was unmistakable and more than enough to establish him at the top of his class’s pecking order. Throughout school, he did as his distant idol Voldemort had done. He amassed followers and cronies, allied himself with more powerful older students and won their loyalty. He was a charming boy in ways that surprised many, and with time he turned that into as much of a weapon as his wand. But he was never loved by the masses, only feared, for everyone knew that he had a quick temper and an overwhelming need to control all around him. Perhaps because of his tightly controlled upbringing, he refused to allow others the same control over him. Only one wizard would be allowed that right. Any who underestimated him or annoyed him in any way would be subjected to one of his many curses.
Only one of his fellow Slytherins was considered his friend: Dominic Avery. Dominic was the only person in the whole school, aside from a few of the staff, for whom Evan had any amount of respect. Between the two of them, they made a formidable team. Dom had the patience that Evan lacked, and the cold calculation to perfect and elevate their schemes. He was also perfectly happy to submit to Evan’s whims, never questioning anything, merely suggesting and improving. Within a few years, they had the whole of their year cowering before them wherever they went, aside from that prick Potter and his friends. Things only improved when they took Severus Snape under their wing—his talent for devising new hexes and jinxes added to their terrifying arsenal, and once that filthy ginger Mudblood cut ties with him, his devotion to helping them cemented their reign in their final years of school.
It was a surprise to no one that Evan refused to find work upon graduation. The pretense was his family’s small fortune, which made work unnecessary. But there was only one true calling for him: immediate service to the Dark Lord, who was making bigger and bolder moves daily. Snape followed him, as did most of his former cohorts and underlings from school. Receiving his Dark Mark after proving his worth (Imperiusing an aide to the Minister) was a crowning achievement for him, which he relished as the Dark Lord himself branded Evan’s arm before his father’s eyes. At last, Evan was ready to fulfill his destiny. But to his dismay, Dominic did not follow him immediately. He’d never had as strong a stomach or heart as Evan, and per his father’s request had taken a job at the Ministry. The Averys’, unlike Evan’s family, were one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight and had appearances to maintain. Though Evan found it distasteful and cowardly, he waited sullenly until his friend could finally join him without fear of discovery.
In the meantime, his own parents deemed him ready to take on the other sacred task he’d been raised for. At their behest, Evandrus was wed to Lyra Rosier. It didn’t start as a loving marriage by any stretch of the imagination. Both Evan and Lyra knew they were only together to propagate and maintain a pure bloodline. But their combined talents in magic and the bedroom lead to, if nothing else, a certain fondness between them. They were an exceptional pair, lauded by the pure-blood community and respected among Evan’s fellow Death Eaters, who appreciated Lyra’s bloodthirsty desire to watch her husband at work. But there was little time for forging more romantic attachments; more important things were going on in the world around them. War was descending upon England, and once Dominic was at his side among Voldemort’s followers, Evan felt unstoppable. He rose as one of Voldemort’s most notorious followers, his knack for the Imperius Curse and his sadistic love of torturing prisoners earning him favor quickly. Everything was perfect. The Death Eaters were winning, soon Lyra would no doubt have a child that would carry on his legacy, and no one remembered the Mulcibers’ shame anymore—Evan had seen to that.
And then the unthinkable happened. Voldemort vanished without a trace. The tide turned in an instant, forcing Evan and his father to go to ground. Turncoats abounded, selling out their fellow Death Eaters left and right, and it was only a matter of time before the Ministry was at Evan’s door. He arrived at his hideout to find his father and Lyra locked in battle with five Aurors. Renata’s corpse lay abandoned on the floor, caught in the crossfire. Caecilius fell to three hexes in the chest, goading Evan to join the dual and costing him his right eye, but to no avail. He and Lyra were both taken into custody and rapidly sent to Azkaban. Though she was only given a few months, having never taken the Dark Mark and pleading that her husband had Imperiused her, Lyra died in Azkaban. In that dread fortress, Evan waited. Years passed, during which he saw more comrades join him, some lasting only a few weeks, some going mad from isolation. Evan relied on the conditioning his father had beaten into him to remain steadfast and sane; his mind was fixed only on the day when Voldemort would return. For the Dark Lord, greatest and most powerful of all wizards, could never be killed, and Evandrus knew that someday he would return to free his most faithful.
It felt like a lifetime before that blessed day came, but Evan was ready the moment it arrived. With Azkaban cracked open by the might of the re-risen Dark Lord, he lost no time in jumping to his master’s side and was welcomed with open arms. He was long over the deaths of Lyra and his parents, but when old faces amongst the Death Eaters offered condolences, he put on a show of remorse. Now, his passion lies in finishing what he had started. With no other close family to tie him down, Evandrus serves the only wizard in the world who would ever be able to control him and his vicious needs. His skill with the Imperius Curse, his love of torture, and his charming facade to the unwary make him valuable in recruiting new Death Eaters. But whether his impatience and desire to dominate those around him will prove as useful, only time will tell.
8. WRITING SAMPLE: omitted for applicant privacy
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unixcommerce · 5 years
7 Steps to Become a Millionaire
Have you ever dreamed of becoming a millionaire?
It is very possible to become one! Today there are over 10 million millionaires in the U.S., according to research by the Spectrem Group.
Just imagine what you could do as a millionaire. You’d have financial freedom. You could enjoy life, stop worrying about money, and gain peace of mind. And you could afford that new boat or big house you’ve dreamed of. It is doable and you won’t have to wait until you’re 80 to enjoy it.
There are many paths to become a millionaire. You could do it by being an entrepreneur, a freelancer or a dedicated employee in an unassuming job.
But one thing you don’t need is an inheritance. The vast majority of millionaires are self-made.  In The National Study of Millionaires, by Ramsey Solutions, 79% of millionaires never inherited.  Even if you come from a poor family (and many millionaires do), it’s possible today to be self-made and become a millionaire.
Becoming a self-made millionaire has many benefits — not just money and assets.  The experience of building wealth can build a better you. You gain self-confidence and feel in control of your destiny. You gain a sense of purpose in your life. Building wealth also helps you build a better life for your family. And you’ll be able to give more to charity.
Remember, if other people can become millionaires, so can you.
So exactly how do YOU become a millionaire?
First and foremost, you need a plan. Becoming a millionaire doesn’t happen by accident.  In this article we show you the steps to develop a million dollars worth of assets over and above liabilities.
Here are 7 steps to become a millionaire.
1. Set Goals to Become a Millionaire
The first step is setting goals.
When you set goals, don’t just say “I want to become a millionaire by 40.”  Instead, break it down into smaller actionable goals that provide a roadmap to follow. All goals  to become a millionaire should be specific and actionable. Here are some example goals:
Save 15% of my household income.
Develop a budget that includes investments to grow assets.
Start a business within 12 months.
Pay off credit card balances in the next 6 months.
Accumulate my first $50,000 in investment assets within 24 months.
Write goals down so you stay dedicated to finishing them. Did you know that millionaires are more likely than the general population to achieve their goals, according to the National Study of Millionaires?  One reason is that most millionaires have developed the habit of finishing things. In fact, 98% of millionaires agreed with the statement, “If I start something, I finish it.”
Achieving goals will fill you with a sense of accomplishment. Each achievement motivates you and gets you fired up to grow assets to become a millionaire.
Make sure one of your goals is to establish a budget — and stick to it. Millionaires do not spend whatever they want.  A key reason they become millionaires is that they make conscious choices about money and assets. According to the National Study of Millionaires, they also are more likely than the general population to stick to budgets they create.
2. Save 15% of Your Income
You are going to need some assets to work with to grow a million dollar net worth, and those will come from your savings.
Remember, you can’t spend your way to becoming a millionaire.  Instead, you must invest and grow your way over time. Treat your money like key assets.
Start by saving at least 15% of your current income – more if you can.
Start saving now. No matter what your age, the sooner you start a saving program the sooner you can get to the millionaire mark.
So what do you do with the money you save? You have multiple options, all of which start with investing (more on this later).
Keep saving from your employee salary and investing until you reach a million dollar net worth.
Make a portion of your money serve as a seed fund to become an entrepreneur and start a business or buy a franchise.  Read: how to save money for a business.
If you own an existing business, get some of the funds working to expand your business. Retain the rest as investments to grow your personal wealth, too.
Here’s what NOT to do: do not spend all your money.
Those who want to become millionaires do not worry about keeping up with the Joneses. Neither should you.  For example, according to the book “The Next Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas Stanley and Sarah Fallaw, half of millionaires never spent more than $300 for a watch in their entire lives.  No expensive Rolexes for them.
3. Pay Off Credit Card Balances
Millionaires avoid consumer debt, and specifically they avoid credit cards. According to the National Study of Millionaires, 73% never had credit card debt.
Credit cards can be useful, but the problem is they tempt you to overspend. And if you carry balances over from month to month, the finance charges pile up. In time you owe even more, and it makes it harder to become a millionaire. Instead:
Pay down existing card balances fast. It frees up money to invest in assets or to start or expand a business.
Use a debit card in place of a credit card whenever possible. You’ll be less tempted to overspend because the money is deducted from your account immediately.
Use credit cards when there’s no good alternative, such as booking flights or hotel rooms for business travel. Fact is, it’s hard to operate a business today without a credit card. But disciplined entrepreneurs use a separate business credit card and pay off the balance each month.
Limit discretionary spending until AFTER you are on your way to make your first million in assets. At that point you can afford to splurge.
Millionaires do not spend impulsively and run up debt. Rather, they get deliberate about their financial assets. In the national millionaire study referenced above, 99% agreed with the statement, “I have a long term plan for my money.”  And that brings us to the next step.
4. Invest and Leverage Compound Interest
Those who want to make a million dollars have an investing plan to grow assets. A savings account paying 1% interest on their money is not enough. Mutual funds pay greater returns, and are one of the easiest investments for entrepreneurs.
Investing is important because it makes compound interest work for you. Compound interest means that any interest you earn over time is added to your assets and you earn interest on top of interest. The power to multiply your assets over time is amazing.
Let’s look at an example.
Dave is 22 years old and wants to become a millionaire.  He has $2,000 in assets today, which he invests in a mutual fund. Thereafter, he starts investing $1,000 per month.  If he averages an 8% return by investing, in 26 years he will have over one million dollars.
What if Dave could invest more money? His assets would grow even faster. Let’s say he takes on a side hustle so he can increase his investing to $1,800 per month.  At that rate, it would take just 20 years to get to a million. The following chart shows the calculations:
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Notice that after 10 years’ time he is earning more in interest annually than he is investing. His assets are now growing faster due to the power of compound interest.
Here’s another fun fact: once Dave’s financial assets reach a million dollars, he could stop adding money. In another 9 years his assets would double to over $2,000,000 — without investing another dollar! That’s the power of compound interest.
For some people, finding the money and investing may seem impossible. Start with what you can, and remember, over time investing gets easier:
Saving becomes an automatic habit when you bake it into your budget.  The rest of your spending patterns will adjust.
As your career progresses you will likely have more money for investing because your pay usually grows with time.
Don’t forget to invest excess money sitting in business accounts. For example, let’s say your business has $50,000 in retained earnings you don’t plan to use right away. Put this money to work earning more. Separate business and personal investments, though — never commingle accounts.
Teach yourself about investing. Even a 1% or 2% greater return on assets shortens the time to become a millionaire. Use this calculator to run financial scenarios.
Do your investing homework! Start your research at a reputable source such as Kiplinger’s list of top funds. Research mutual funds with solid 10-year track records.  Learn all you can.
5. Start a Business or Expand One
Owning a business may increase the odds that you become a millionaire. According to the book, The Next Millionaire Next Door, business owners tend to have a higher net worth than those who work for others.
IRS data shows that the top 1% own businesses. In other words, business owners and entrepreneurs tend to earn more money, also.
You don’t have to pick a trendy business. Millionaires are often in unglamorous businesses. Some entrepreneurs are blue collar millionaires.
Entrepreneur founders like Maria Rios have achieved success by solving timeless needs in mundane industries. She built a $30 million business, Nation Waste, starting out with just a pair of steel-toe boots and two garbage trucks. “Trash will always be there. It’s not going away,” she is quoted as saying.
Being an entrepreneur does not require investing all your savings into a business. It’s possible to start a business on a minimal budget.  If you are not sure which business to start, see this list of small business ideas.
If you currently own a business, get serious about expanding it or improving profitability.  Examine your books and work the numbers. Figure out what is holding back profitability and what you need to do to generate more profits. Should you invest in marketing?  Develop new products? Hire more salespeople?
One way for entrepreneurs to get more profits is through a recurring revenue model, which brings us to the next step.
6. Develop Recurring Revenue Streams
A key way to become a millionaire entrepreneur is to develop recurring revenue streams.
Recurring revenue means you earn repeatedly from the same customer, or you develop a way to earn repeat income monthly or annually.  The advantage of recurring revenue is that you expend less time, money and effort generating new business income.
There are many types of recurring-revenue business models. Here are four examples:
Get customers to commit to annual maintenance contracts for the air conditioner units you install. Your business earns money repeatedly from the same customer without the need to find new customers as often.
Sell your software product as a monthly cloud subscription. Customers pay each month to use the product. You could earn for years from the same customer.
Place AdSense advertisements on your website. You will earn day after day from the content you created once.
Build a self-serve storage facility and collect rental fees month after month from the same customers.
The goal is to create a money-making machine — one that chugs along generating  dependable revenue month after month.
This business model keeps your costs down by minimizing the effort and expense of acquiring new sales. It also typically increases the revenue-per-customer ratio. This means each customer individually brings more revenue and usually is more profitable.
In summary, recurring income makes it easier to reach your objective to become a millionaire entrepreneur.
7. Create a Purpose-Driven Life
Develop purpose in your life beyond money. Millionaires in the making know that having a life purpose does not distract from their money goals. Having a purpose reinforces their goals. Why? Because they have a reason to accumulate assets and wealth.
Create a vision in your mind of what you stand for. Whether it’s family, faith, charity or a cause — you need something in life to work for. Get involved in your community or spend quality time with family. Examine your current situation.
What satisfies you deep down?
Is money a way to provide security for your family, leave a legacy to your children, or give to charity?
A purpose-driven life minimizes the temptation to overspend. We’ve been conditioned by our culture to think that joy comes from spending. Yes, we all look forward to treating ourselves to luxuries now and then. However, millionaires replace the desire for consumer goods with something more important to them.
Final Advice for How to Be a Millionaire
As you go through the above 7 steps, it is human nature to want fast results. But the best advice for an entrepreneur about becoming a millionaire is, don’t watch the clock.
Put your head down.  Place one foot in front of the other. Stop concentrating on the time, and concentrate instead on your goals and the steps. You will make tremendous progress and the time will fly by. Then when you look back on the prior 12 months, you will be amazed at the growth of your financial assets.
Don’t neglect family members, especially your spouse or partner. Involve them in the steps to become a millionaire. Discuss the financial freedom, security and peace of mind that being a millionaire brings. If becoming an entrepreneur is instrumental to your dream, explain that. Convince your family to buy into a shared vision by helping them see what’s in it for THEM.
You have to be on the same path. Saving and investing to become a millionaire is so much harder if your partner is a shopaholic. Working together reinforces the commitment to financial independence and building a better life for all.
Now it’s time to create your own customized plan to become a millionaire.  Following the steps above will not make you a millionaire overnight — very few things will.  But a plan will get you on your way to becoming a millionaire.
Related Reading:
How to Get Rich
Image credit:  DepositPhotos and Small Business Trends
This article, “7 Steps to Become a Millionaire” was first published on Small Business Trends
The post 7 Steps to Become a Millionaire appeared first on Unix Commerce.
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unixcommerce · 5 years
7 Steps to Become a Millionaire
Have you ever dreamed of becoming a millionaire?
It is very possible to become one! Today there are over 10 million millionaires in the U.S., according to research by the Spectrem Group.
Just imagine what you could do as a millionaire. You’d have financial freedom. You could enjoy life, stop worrying about money, and gain peace of mind. And you could afford that new boat or big house you’ve dreamed of. It is doable and you won’t have to wait until you’re 80 to enjoy it.
There are many paths to become a millionaire. You could do it by being an entrepreneur, a freelancer or a dedicated employee in an unassuming job.
But one thing you don’t need is an inheritance. The vast majority of millionaires are self-made.  In The National Study of Millionaires, by Ramsey Solutions, 79% of millionaires never inherited.  Even if you come from a poor family (and many millionaires do), it’s possible today to be self-made and become a millionaire.
Becoming a self-made millionaire has many benefits — not just money and assets.  The experience of building wealth can build a better you. You gain self-confidence and feel in control of your destiny. You gain a sense of purpose in your life. Building wealth also helps you build a better life for your family. And you’ll be able to give more to charity.
Remember, if other people can become millionaires, so can you.
So exactly how do YOU become a millionaire?
First and foremost, you need a plan. Becoming a millionaire doesn’t happen by accident.  In this article we show you the steps to develop a million dollars worth of assets over and above liabilities.
Here are 7 steps to become a millionaire.
1. Set Goals to Become a Millionaire
The first step is setting goals.
When you set goals, don’t just say “I want to become a millionaire by 40.”  Instead, break it down into smaller actionable goals that provide a roadmap to follow. All goals  to become a millionaire should be specific and actionable. Here are some example goals:
Save 15% of my household income.
Develop a budget that includes investments to grow assets.
Start a business within 12 months.
Pay off credit card balances in the next 6 months.
Accumulate my first $50,000 in investment assets within 24 months.
Write goals down so you stay dedicated to finishing them. Did you know that millionaires are more likely than the general population to achieve their goals, according to the National Study of Millionaires?  One reason is that most millionaires have developed the habit of finishing things. In fact, 98% of millionaires agreed with the statement, “If I start something, I finish it.”
Achieving goals will fill you with a sense of accomplishment. Each achievement motivates you and gets you fired up to grow assets to become a millionaire.
Make sure one of your goals is to establish a budget — and stick to it. Millionaires do not spend whatever they want.  A key reason they become millionaires is that they make conscious choices about money and assets. According to the National Study of Millionaires, they also are more likely than the general population to stick to budgets they create.
2. Save 15% of Your Income
You are going to need some assets to work with to grow a million dollar net worth, and those will come from your savings.
Remember, you can’t spend your way to becoming a millionaire.  Instead, you must invest and grow your way over time. Treat your money like key assets.
Start by saving at least 15% of your current income – more if you can.
Start saving now. No matter what your age, the sooner you start a saving program the sooner you can get to the millionaire mark.
So what do you do with the money you save? You have multiple options, all of which start with investing (more on this later).
Keep saving from your employee salary and investing until you reach a million dollar net worth.
Make a portion of your money serve as a seed fund to become an entrepreneur and start a business or buy a franchise.  Read: how to save money for a business.
If you own an existing business, get some of the funds working to expand your business. Retain the rest as investments to grow your personal wealth, too.
Here’s what NOT to do: do not spend all your money.
Those who want to become millionaires do not worry about keeping up with the Joneses. Neither should you.  For example, according to the book “The Next Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas Stanley and Sarah Fallaw, half of millionaires never spent more than $300 for a watch in their entire lives.  No expensive Rolexes for them.
3. Pay Off Credit Card Balances
Millionaires avoid consumer debt, and specifically they avoid credit cards. According to the National Study of Millionaires, 73% never had credit card debt.
Credit cards can be useful, but the problem is they tempt you to overspend. And if you carry balances over from month to month, the finance charges pile up. In time you owe even more, and it makes it harder to become a millionaire. Instead:
Pay down existing card balances fast. It frees up money to invest in assets or to start or expand a business.
Use a debit card in place of a credit card whenever possible. You’ll be less tempted to overspend because the money is deducted from your account immediately.
Use credit cards when there’s no good alternative, such as booking flights or hotel rooms for business travel. Fact is, it’s hard to operate a business today without a credit card. But disciplined entrepreneurs use a separate business credit card and pay off the balance each month.
Limit discretionary spending until AFTER you are on your way to make your first million in assets. At that point you can afford to splurge.
Millionaires do not spend impulsively and run up debt. Rather, they get deliberate about their financial assets. In the national millionaire study referenced above, 99% agreed with the statement, “I have a long term plan for my money.”  And that brings us to the next step.
4. Invest and Leverage Compound Interest
Those who want to make a million dollars have an investing plan to grow assets. A savings account paying 1% interest on their money is not enough. Mutual funds pay greater returns, and are one of the easiest investments for entrepreneurs.
Investing is important because it makes compound interest work for you. Compound interest means that any interest you earn over time is added to your assets and you earn interest on top of interest. The power to multiply your assets over time is amazing.
Let’s look at an example.
Dave is 22 years old and wants to become a millionaire.  He has $2,000 in assets today, which he invests in a mutual fund. Thereafter, he starts investing $1,000 per month.  If he averages an 8% return by investing, in 26 years he will have over one million dollars.
What if Dave could invest more money? His assets would grow even faster. Let’s say he takes on a side hustle so he can increase his investing to $1,800 per month.  At that rate, it would take just 20 years to get to a million. The following chart shows the calculations:
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Notice that after 10 years’ time he is earning more in interest annually than he is investing. His assets are now growing faster due to the power of compound interest.
Here’s another fun fact: once Dave’s financial assets reach a million dollars, he could stop adding money. In another 9 years his assets would double to over $2,000,000 — without investing another dollar! That’s the power of compound interest.
For some people, finding the money and investing may seem impossible. Start with what you can, and remember, over time investing gets easier:
Saving becomes an automatic habit when you bake it into your budget.  The rest of your spending patterns will adjust.
As your career progresses you will likely have more money for investing because your pay usually grows with time.
Don’t forget to invest excess money sitting in business accounts. For example, let’s say your business has $50,000 in retained earnings you don’t plan to use right away. Put this money to work earning more. Separate business and personal investments, though — never commingle accounts.
Teach yourself about investing. Even a 1% or 2% greater return on assets shortens the time to become a millionaire. Use this calculator to run financial scenarios.
Do your investing homework! Start your research at a reputable source such as Kiplinger’s list of top funds. Research mutual funds with solid 10-year track records.  Learn all you can.
5. Start a Business or Expand One
Owning a business may increase the odds that you become a millionaire. According to the book, The Next Millionaire Next Door, business owners tend to have a higher net worth than those who work for others.
IRS data shows that the top 1% own businesses. In other words, business owners and entrepreneurs tend to earn more money, also.
You don’t have to pick a trendy business. Millionaires are often in unglamorous businesses. Some entrepreneurs are blue collar millionaires.
Entrepreneur founders like Maria Rios have achieved success by solving timeless needs in mundane industries. She built a $30 million business, Nation Waste, starting out with just a pair of steel-toe boots and two garbage trucks. “Trash will always be there. It’s not going away,” she is quoted as saying.
Being an entrepreneur does not require investing all your savings into a business. It’s possible to start a business on a minimal budget.  If you are not sure which business to start, see this list of small business ideas.
If you currently own a business, get serious about expanding it or improving profitability.  Examine your books and work the numbers. Figure out what is holding back profitability and what you need to do to generate more profits. Should you invest in marketing?  Develop new products? Hire more salespeople?
One way for entrepreneurs to get more profits is through a recurring revenue model, which brings us to the next step.
6. Develop Recurring Revenue Streams
A key way to become a millionaire entrepreneur is to develop recurring revenue streams.
Recurring revenue means you earn repeatedly from the same customer, or you develop a way to earn repeat income monthly or annually.  The advantage of recurring revenue is that you expend less time, money and effort generating new business income.
There are many types of recurring-revenue business models. Here are four examples:
Get customers to commit to annual maintenance contracts for the air conditioner units you install. Your business earns money repeatedly from the same customer without the need to find new customers as often.
Sell your software product as a monthly cloud subscription. Customers pay each month to use the product. You could earn for years from the same customer.
Place AdSense advertisements on your website. You will earn day after day from the content you created once.
Build a self-serve storage facility and collect rental fees month after month from the same customers.
The goal is to create a money-making machine — one that chugs along generating  dependable revenue month after month.
This business model keeps your costs down by minimizing the effort and expense of acquiring new sales. It also typically increases the revenue-per-customer ratio. This means each customer individually brings more revenue and usually is more profitable.
In summary, recurring income makes it easier to reach your objective to become a millionaire entrepreneur.
7. Create a Purpose-Driven Life
Develop purpose in your life beyond money. Millionaires in the making know that having a life purpose does not distract from their money goals. Having a purpose reinforces their goals. Why? Because they have a reason to accumulate assets and wealth.
Create a vision in your mind of what you stand for. Whether it’s family, faith, charity or a cause — you need something in life to work for. Get involved in your community or spend quality time with family. Examine your current situation.
What satisfies you deep down?
Is money a way to provide security for your family, leave a legacy to your children, or give to charity?
A purpose-driven life minimizes the temptation to overspend. We’ve been conditioned by our culture to think that joy comes from spending. Yes, we all look forward to treating ourselves to luxuries now and then. However, millionaires replace the desire for consumer goods with something more important to them.
Final Advice for How to Be a Millionaire
As you go through the above 7 steps, it is human nature to want fast results. But the best advice for an entrepreneur about becoming a millionaire is, don’t watch the clock.
Put your head down.  Place one foot in front of the other. Stop concentrating on the time, and concentrate instead on your goals and the steps. You will make tremendous progress and the time will fly by. Then when you look back on the prior 12 months, you will be amazed at the growth of your financial assets.
Don’t neglect family members, especially your spouse or partner. Involve them in the steps to become a millionaire. Discuss the financial freedom, security and peace of mind that being a millionaire brings. If becoming an entrepreneur is instrumental to your dream, explain that. Convince your family to buy into a shared vision by helping them see what’s in it for THEM.
You have to be on the same path. Saving and investing to become a millionaire is so much harder if your partner is a shopaholic. Working together reinforces the commitment to financial independence and building a better life for all.
Now it’s time to create your own customized plan to become a millionaire.  Following the steps above will not make you a millionaire overnight — very few things will.  But a plan will get you on your way to becoming a millionaire.
Related Reading:
How to Get Rich
Image credit:  DepositPhotos and Small Business Trends
This article, “7 Steps to Become a Millionaire” was first published on Small Business Trends
The post 7 Steps to Become a Millionaire appeared first on Unix Commerce.
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