#BUT yeah!! he still uses his swords but im interested in him using gauntlets a lot now too
muzzleroars · 6 months
Fallen Gabriel is so friggin cool, but I have to wonder how he would fight in his new form? How would he utilize hell energy, and would some trace of his original powers (Materializing weapons from light) remain? I’ve seen art of Gabriel wielding his og swords but now partially broken, so is it made up for the fact he is physically stronger or that he can imbue his swords with hell energy?
my idea is that gabriel goes through a lot of evolution with how he fights now that his wings have been taken from him - airborne combat is what he was most comfortable with and adept at, but he does have plenty of ground-based training he pulls on to reinvent his technique. initially, when met in his tomb, gabriel engages v1 much like the prime souls, with fast and brutal assaults dealt with only his body as his weapon as he's no longer capable of light materialization and his swords are sealed elsewhere. for a time, this is what he continues to do when he and v1 move forward together as even though he regains his swords, they are broken in the recovery process and burn his hands now besides. gabriel is left...weaponless, and he refuses to acknowledge his capability with hell energy until his demonic transformation completes. and in that, he rebels against everything he once was as a way of processing his own grief.
he fully embraces his hell energy then, corrupting justice and splendor into demonic weapons so they fit into his hands once more, and becoming a gifted conductor of his newfound power source. i'm certain he could use it to craft weapons as his light once did (as a fallen archangel, he is accordingly high tiered as a demon) and he even begins making bombs that v1 can use. he also likely raids hell to get his hands on the weapons that once belonged to the fallen angels all that time ago, as he seems to be a bit more partial to the physical weight in his hands now. in this phase, he is a vicious combatant, abusing his self-sourced energy until he's drained to tear apart any enemies he and v1 come across. he revels in the bloodshed as much as the machine does, and he relishes his fallen nature in defiance of a lifetime spent as a tool now discarded from its master.
this mellows eventually however, with gabriel achieving a peace in his new status and recognizing that while he loves battle, he enjoys it most as his art form, something he can engage in with grace and mastery above all else. it was once his way of connecting to god, and now it is his way of connecting to himself, the very core of who he is. and gabriel, while enchanted with blood possibly as much as v1 is, also values his poise and chivalry just as much. this is when his final battle style is acquired, adjusting to a much heavier, much stronger body that he dedicates himself to feeling just as light in as when his wings once carried him. it's difficult of course, he feels clumsy and his tail presents a terrible annoyance at first, but he actually takes to the challenge with great joy. he learns his balance, to use his tail as a counterweight (and weapon, given its size) and how to put all this raw strength into graceful maneuvering. he feels invigorated moving fluidly across hell's floors, in touch with his battlefield like he could never be in the air. it grounds him in a way he delights in, working closely with v1 to develop a horrifically cruel duet that gabriel turns back into a dance. he continues to take his broken swords in hand, but he keeps his hell energy constantly on stand-by now - i like to think when in battle, a ring of skulls replace his halo
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drawingdullahan · 5 years
(Kingdom Hearts) Roxas x Xion 2F?
Im so sorry this took so long sdhgdb!!!
I ended up writing more than i did for the last one lol, and it took a little bit to gather ideas. I hope its good, even if it seems a little rushed. If you’d like to stay tuned i might be continuing this as a more drawn out au cause i had a lot of fun thinking about a medieval setting for kh
Anyways heres the story!
The Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness had classed for what seemed like forever at this point. Ever since on had come into existence, the other had as well. The Kingdom of Light could be described as pure, vivid, happy, and full of hope, while the Kingdom of Darkness spent every day plotting on how to eradicate the Kingdom of Light, taking their land and fortunes as their own.
The Kingdom of Light was ruled by the mighty King Eraqus while the Kingdom of Darkness was ruled by King Xehanort, but in each of their passing’s new King’s had to be chosen. For Eraqus, he chose one of his loyal Knights, Micky Mouse, to be the next king. For Xehanort, rule fell to his eldest son, Ansem.
Ever since Ansem had taken over he had been putting all of Xehanort’s old plans into action. Xehanort had been a man of speculation mostly, and for the first time the Kingdom of Light actually received a declaration of war.
Darkness thought they had an advantage over light though. While Light had their masters of the sword, effectively called The Keys in reference to the fact that they were the keys to victory, Darkness had their own more secretive group of warriors called The XIII led by the younger brother of Ansem, General Xemnas.
And the newest member of The XIII was Roxas, a poor orphaned boy from just inside the border. He was quiet, and followed orders efficiently, which was just what the order wanted. A true prodigy when it came to mastering the way of the sword.
“When’s our next mission into the Light?” Roxas asked, sitting up in his bed in the barracks.
“Who knows? They’ve been sending the Dusks. I guess they think that Rookie knights can handle it for now,” Axel, whom he shared a room with, responded.
Axel was Roxas’s only friend out of the XIII. He was the only one he could talk to and not feel like a puppet around. Even though he was pretty sure that’s all he was to Xemnas anyways. That’s all the entirety of the XIII was.
“Hey guys,” Demyx bust into their room, “Saix has a mission for y’all.”
“So why are we in this dense part of the forest?” Axel asked as they stepped over fallen branches and roots. Funnily enough that question reflected Roxas’s own thoughts.
“Who knows…?” was how he responded.
“We’re facing off against one of the Keys who will be patrolling here…” a quieter voice rang out from someone who was following them. Demyx hadn’t said anything about them, just told them that they were joining. Then again Roxas couldn’t remember a time when Demyx was helpful. That was the first time they had even spoken; Axel had tried to start up conversation a few times already.
“And who’s this supposed to be anyways?” he gestured to the small dragoon that was following them in full armor. They were shorter than Roxas and their trademark lance was at least twice their size. The dragoon armor covered their face with an armored helmet with horns to resemble the dragons that they were rumored to have taken down.
“Beats me… probably a new member,” Roxas shrugged and led them to the site that they were supposed to be waiting at.
Sure enough, the Keys’ own dragoon, Ventus, was on patrol. The three easily took advantage of him and dragged him back to the capital of Darkness. That was when the official induction for the new member took place.
Xemnas had introduced the dragoon as Xion; a skilled lancer who would become a member of XIII effective immediately and seeing as Roxas’s room was the only one with open vacancies, she would join him and Axel there.
“You know you don’t have to wear that armor all the time,” Axel sighed and looked over to the girl who was leaning on the wall, still in a full suit of armor. She hadn’t even taken the helmet off, it was probably hot under all that metal.
“At least take the helmet off,” Roxas input. He was starting to talk more than he used to, thanks to Axel of course. He figured a conversation or two with the new girl wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Her gauntlets reached up and took her helmet off, revealing the face of a girl around Roxas’s age. Her features were soft… but her eyes said something different. They looked like they had seen war and expected it at every moment. All Xion knew right now was combat. It reminded Roxas of himself when he had first joined. And it was a reminder that its all the XIII wanted of its members.
“There we go, why don’t you chill and I dunno, chat with us?” Roxas was glad that Axel could talk for now. He would talk more, but getting someone else to talk was a different story.
After a while they actually started to chat, and little by little Xion began opening up more. She didn’t always wear her armor around when it wasn’t needed, and she would even start up conversations about her interests on her own.
She was a lot brighter of a person than the XIII made her out to be, and Roxas was glad for that. Now he had two best friends in the XIII rather than just one. And this time it was someone closer to his age than Axel. He felt a connection at that.
Currently they were all sitting in the room as usual, and almost a year had passed. Roxas was getting tired of the XIII’s war games, and he was wondering if there was even a point. The longer he stayed the more the motivations of his own kingdom seemed skewed and stupid.
He asked Xion one night while Axel was on patrol.
“What if we left, Xion,” he looked over at her. She was dressed in her armor from a battle earlier on in the day. The look on her face told him that she wasn’t expecting that comment.
“You mean… defect to the Light?” she asked. Roxas had a hard time discerning whether or not she thought that was a good idea. He trusted her though, he knew that she wouldn’t rat him out. As close as they were, he hoped that she shared the same idea.
“Yeah, I’m just tired of us being treated like soulless puppets I guess…” they were pretty harsh when they talked to Xion. He hated having to keep quiet while it happened. After all, acting out against Xemnas was just asking to be killed. It was like a prison- no, they were living in hell.
“Me, you, and Axel… we could leave?” he saw a glimmer of hope in her eyes. One that he hoped could stay longer than it did before fading away.
“Yeah! The Darkness doesn’t deserve us after how they treat us. I think… the light is where we truly belong,” he nodded and held out a hand. He felt her take it and he smiled.
“It’ll be a tough road, but I know that we can make it. They won’t keep us trapped here anymore,” he said with determination.
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nebulawriter · 5 years
Avengers Endgame: Spoilers Review
How about we break this down by character/group, in order of movie release: 
Iron Man--So, our dear Tony was clearly the center of this story, which makes all the sense given that Robert Downey Jr. was key in creating THE LARGEST MOVIE FRANCHISE EVER. This movie was all about saying goodbye to the hero we’ve come to know and love and the legacy he left behind. I am going to point to ONE misstep, in that his argument with Cap near the beginning felt forced. I’m not mad that they HAD that argument, but it was just kinda weird. I feel like there are other things he could have blamed Cap for (like not taking out the Mind stone immediately when he had the chance.)but other than that solid as hell. I’m glad he got 5 years with his wife and daughter in bliss. I’m glad Pepper was the one who talked him into saving people. I’m glad he got some measure of reconciliation with his father in the past. And I’m glad he ultimately sacrificed himself, quite honestly, because thats what Tony is all about. He can’t just sit back when he knows there’s something he can do about it. He knew and Pepper knew, that he would keep going until he got taken out. And thats what he did. 
Favorite moments: Kinda adopting Nebula and caring for her (and her caring for him), “I love you 3000″, making Pepper her own suit. 
The (In)Credible Hulk: So he felt like the writers saw the meme of the credible hulk and just. went with it? Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that Hulk and Bruce seem to have been re-intigrated, but I was really hoping for more like. emotional story with that? Oh, and I guess we just forgot about the Bruce/Nat relationship? Im not upset, but ok. I just. I want more hulk movies guys. DAMN YOU UNIVERSAL!!!
Thor: Wow I have such mixed feelings here. On the one hand, yes, I am happy they made Thor the comic relief guy here, because Chris Hemsworth is all about that. he’s good at it. On the other....whooo boy, not a huge fan of the fat jokes? But more importantly I cannot believe that over the course of 5 years, Valkyrie, Tony, Steve, Hulk, and a number of other characters, all who’ve had their own mental crises, would just leave Thor alone in his clinical depression and alcoholism. I can’t and won’t buy it. 
Captain America: Steve’s story was very possibly perfect. I’d have to think about it more But It Was Good. And had a lot of great moments. I’m happy his resolution is off having a happy life back with Peggy. I would watch a tv show about Cap and Peggy doing undercover heroics and Shield stuff while trying to keep his identity a secret. Imagine him actually knowing lil baby Tony. He also had great moments, handing the shield to Falcon, his shield breaking on Thanos’ sword, Using the HAMMER!!! The Elevator Scene (Hail Hydra) Fighting himself, “I can do this all day” “Yeah, I know.” “Don’t do anything stupid until I get back” “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you?” The fact he was hosting therapy sessions. I just. I love him. So Good. 
Avengers (Hawkeye): Hawkeye was my least favorite part. I totally called that his family would be taken and he’d be crushed but he went FULL PUNISHER and we kinda just...glazed over that??? Hmph. I found his story boring and annoying. 
Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket was fun, but Nebula was the real mvp here. It was wonderful seeing her be with people who cared about her, and actually develop a conscious. More than that we got to see her past to compare. Its fun getting to see how far we’ve come. And hey, we got Gamora back! Sort of! That’ll be interesting to explore in Guardians 3.
Avengers (Black Widow): I was....disappointed in her story and plot. She was trying to hold the Earth together, but I just. I don’t know. I was disappointed with her death. If more characters died, ok, but. Hmph. Her hair was cool though.
Ant Man: So Scott was here mostly for le Plot, but I’m ok with that. His scene with Cassie was adorable. I am such a sucker for the dad/daughter stuff I can’t. I wonder if Michael Peña got Thanos’d. 
Doctor Strange: He continues to be coolest as weird exposition character. I reject Tilda Swinton’s claim he’s the ‘best of them all’ but sure. He certainly has a flair for the dramatic entrance. And we got to see all the wizards!!!!
Spider-Man: MY ADORABLE BABY BOY! So, I guess most of his class got zapped? That’ll be fun to see. He was still funny swinging through the battle with the infinity gauntlet. And he was there for Tony’s death. I hope he gets to know Morgan.
Black Panther: I could watch Chadwick Boseman shouting war cries to his army of elite wakanda soldiers forever man. I just. I love it. My Dude.
Captain Marvel: I could have used more of her, but I get it. She was busy. Though a throwaway line of “I can’t come on your time heist because if I’m dealing with Space War, but whatever, that feels implied. I know the scene of all the mcu ladies coming to back her up was totally pandering but ASK ME IF I CARE because I DONT it was BEAUTIFUL. 
Ok, last notes. I haven’t talked much about the cinnamontography (tm) but I wish not as much of it was cgi’d. The fight scenes and stuff were great, but some of the simpler stuff that was spliced together to avoid spoilers was overkill. The movie did alright, but I think it could have gotten in the way. 
Oh yeah, and Loki’s out there somewhere now, huh? How does that work?
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cinvhetinordo · 6 years
Nicci Ordo vs Jorval Kad Ordo
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[21:02] Jorval Ordo | The former chieftain's ship landed in the port of Iziz, and he stormed in the direction of the woman who replaced him. The young berserker shoved through the crowd, grunting as he pushed each aruetii aside along the way. It was unusual to choose this as the place of battle, but these were unusual times. Once he laid eyes upon Nicci, his Dathomiri lance sprang to life. A quick jolt of electricity sparked at its zenith to herald his arrival. Finally - the man spoke, a snarl more beast than man erupting from the helmet's vox: "Nicci of Ordo, we meet again." he began, "Cantar has meddled in our family and robbed me of my place - given it to you. Now I challenge you. The victor lays claim to the aliit."
[21:03] Jorval Ordo | One of the people he shoved was Bentley
[21:03] R. Ward (bentley.blackmountain) is shoved aside. Oof.
[21:04] Shev'la "Shev" Skirata soon jetpacked downward, having determined the location of the duel, he lands on his feet and simply crosses his arms to observe the duel.
[21:07] Nicci Ordo just looked at him, rather calmly,  "Really?  'We meet again?'  You sound like a villain from a bad holoflick." she chuckled, dragging the swords at her back out of their sheaths.  "I was on my way back to Dxun from a supply run, but here will do.  I accept your challenge, Jorval Kad Ordo."
[21:11] A'drol Notimo would lean over to his alor "honor dual?" he's ask in a somewhat curious tone
[21:12] Shev'la "Shev" Skirata turns to his fellow Cabur "Lek. A duel for leadership of their Aliit."
[21:13] A'drol Notimo folded his arms and nodded "aaaaah.."
[21:14] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 09
[21:16] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 16
[21:19] Jorval Ordo brandished his lance - that which he claimed after overcoming the the witches so long ago. He gripped it in both hands, the trident-like prongs aimed toward his opponent  as electric sparks occasionally jumped between them. He waited patiently for the other warrior to make preparations, draw her weapons and assume her stance. He awaited her first move.
[21:22] Nicci Ordo brandished her blades, noting he still used the two handed weapon he had won on the verd goten she gave him long ago.  She ignited her weapon and lunged at him, aiming her first blow for his exposed shoulder.
[21:22] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 11 [Strength:10]
[21:24] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 17 [Strength:10]
[21:28] Jorval Ordo | The two berserkers clashed. Jorval stepped back as the woman lunged. Her skill with those wretched blades was legendary - he needed to keep her back. His lance shot forward, intercepting the swinging blade and catching it in its prongs. He pushed the sword - and her arm - down into the ground with a snarl before he raised his boot and aimed a Spartiate kick directly into her abdomen.
[21:28] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 28 [Strength:10]
[21:29] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 15 [Strength:10]
[21:32] Nicci Ordo fell backward, winded briefly, used her jetpack to give her the boost she needed to get to her feet and continued the ferocity of her attack by stabbing both swords downward, aiming at his upper legs while trying to avoid the polearm he wielded so expertly.
[21:32] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 13 [Strength:10]
[21:33] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 14 [Strength:10]
[21:33] Mand'alor (theminion) stood at the edge as he'd just entered Onderon. It was close enough to his point of interest that he could frequent it and learn the people he needed to. And now, in the center of the city, the product of his designs showed itself. And as an artist examined his work afterwards or an architect examined their final product; so too did he. With disdain. Perhaps now, as he stood, an d watched himself being the instrument in dividing a Clan, he despised what he'd done. A frown etched into his face under his helmet as deep as the canyons on many worlds. After a few moments he'd click his commlink on towards Jekai, and Jekai alone. "I caused this rift. Out of rage. Out of anger. And it sent echoes, Jekai. It rippled through this, made issues between us. What do I do?"
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[21:37] Jorval Ordo managed to avoid the blades once again, though by the skin of his teeth. They grazed the lining over his unprotected thighs as he slid back, even slicing through the fabric despite leaving the skin intact. Immediately he retaliated with the sharpened ends of his lance - aiming a thrust into her exposed inner thigh. The shock carried with it too, would be a factor.
[21:37] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 23 [Strength:10]
[21:37] Jekai Kryze made his way to the duel. It was worth watching. He loved combat. His comlink chirped in his helmet and he fiddled for a moment, looking for the accept button on his hud. "Accept.", he states. "No...no don't call the receptionist. ACCEPT.", he says. The comlink picks up. His vox would turn off, and all further comms would be in IMs. He marvels at the fight and enjoys himself.
[21:41] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 18 [Strength:10]
[21:44] Nicci Ordo's growled as his lance was thrust into her inner thigh, making her teeth tingle as the electric current washed over her entire body, leaving a dizzying effect.  Shaking herself, she spun her blades upward and much like she had done to Cantar, attempted to stab Jorval through the armpit that held the lance.
[21:44] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 29 [Strength:10]
[21:45] Mand'alor (theminion) winced visibly as he spoke on comms before muttering, "Damn butcher,"
[21:46]  B3, Shev's droid floats over to Jekai and looks to him "-EEP-"
[21:50] Jorval Ordo was not fast enough this time - and he would pay for choosing not to put any armor on his arms, whatsoever. The woman's blades impaled his armpit, cleaving through the flesh and shooting out from the top of his shoulder. Blood sprayed violently in all directions, spattering over both combatants whilst Jorval let out a roar of pain. It pushed him toward rage - rage was good. The sheer pain caused him to drop his weapon, but his other arm  was still free. He would try to ram his armored forearm directly into her visor - as hard as he could - to create the distance he so desperately needed.
[21:50] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 26 [Strength:10]
[21:50] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 25 [Strength:10]
[21:51] R. Ward (bentley.blackmountain) grips the vibroaxe resting idly on his shoulder. He hadn't expected to find two mandalorians fighting... in fact it had been a long time since he had been around the beskar-clad warrior people in a long time. He knew the implications of what this duel meant in terms of the combatants personal honour, but also what was at stake here; the future of a clan. With great interest, he watches the exchange of blades. So far, it seems, this was still anyone's fight.
[21:53] Nicci Ordo's poor taped up visor got broken apart, easily really. Cantar had already done the damage to it and she had not had the time to make proper repairs, and was now paying for it.  Glass scattered all over the duracrete around them.  Growling, more at irritation of herself for not getting it fixed, she took the other blade and slammed it down on his right shoulder, trying to sever the arm completely.
[21:53] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 28 [Strength:10]
[21:54] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 28 [Strength:10]
[21:54] Jekai Kryze cheers as the two fight. "Hell yeah! Give her another hit Jorval! Kick his ass Nicci!", he declares. The springy fighter pilot jumps up and down a couple times and swings a fist at an imaginary foe.
[21:55] Mand'alor (theminion) grunted audibly as he heard a visor crack and glass splinter. His eyes moved back and forth. Part of him worried incessantly that what he'd done would end in death of a Mandalorian. Jekai's exuberance was met with Cantar's worry. There'd be several loud pops as he fiddled with the holster on his belt. Click. Click. Click. Almost like a nervous habit had surface in the worst moment.
[21:57] Shev'la "Shev" Skirata momentarily noticed Mand'alor fiddling with his holster. He shortly moves to rest his hand on his own weapon and shook his buy'ce
[21:57] Jorval Ordo | The warrior was in a race against time. Blood rushed from his newly-gaping wound, and yet he managed to conjure the will to thrust that very arm forward, his gauntlet acting as a shielf against her blades. They cleaved into the durasteel, digging themselves in and knocking the man down, and so they would be stuck for precious seconds. In that time his other hand scrambled for his lance, taking it, and thrusting it with a roar into her own armpit. The battle of the pits was nigh.
[21:57] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 12 [Strength:10]
[21:58] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 12 [Strength:10]
[21:58] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Jekai Rau(ARC1504 Resident) has reset their character.
[21:58] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 19 [Strength:10]
[21:59] R. Ward (bentley.blackmountain) frowns under his helmet as some the broken visor's glass impacted against his boot.
[22:02] Nicci Ordo was almost flattered someone had mimicked her tactics.  She was also surprised, and only barely managed to getaway from it.  She aimed for the same spot yet again, his right arm, trying to focus on his weak spot, and most of all make him drop that damned weapon that he seemed to be so lethal with.
[22:03] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 22 [Strength:10]
[22:03] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 23 [Strength:10]
[22:04] Mand'alor (theminion) grunted at Shev'la. There was an almost irritated sound to this one, like he was assuming he would draw and fire DURING a duel. Blood seemed to pour everywhere, on the streets, on their armor. At points, it was hard to tell who's it was. Nicci's, or Joval's? Fuck, did he bleed this much when she stuck him? Shit he must have, she'd impaled him in the same way. Or maybe he was already suffering from blood-loss and a concussion and had fuzzed memory. Click, Click, Click. The latch on the holster went, as they danced with lethal weapons and seemingly went to maim one-another.
[22:07] Jekai Kryze nudged Shev. "Did you See that hit?!", he says. "By Ha'rangir's left nut I miss this.", he remarks. The Pilot circles the battle, admiring it. He bites his lip. "Keep your footing! Thats it!", he says, to nobody in particular.
[22:08] Shev'la "Shev" Skirata looks to his previous Mand'alor as he nudged him before resuming his observation of Cantar before looking back to the fight "Lek, it's a fierce battle, Kryze'vod."
[22:08] Jorval Ordo tried to scramble to his feet, but Nicci's barrage was relentless and he struggled. The blades danced at him again, but he rolled out of the way in time and leaving a trail of blood in his wake. His right arm was all but useless, but he rose as fluidly as one would expect of an Ordo and, with his left hand, tried to thrust his lance into her side as hard as he could.
[22:08] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 21 [Strength:10]
[22:08] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 30 [Strength:10]
[22:09] Shev'la "Shev" Skirata He also momentarily determined Cantar was just playing with his holster and sighed to himself, relaxing his hand from his weapon.
[22:10] Nicci Ordo blocked the attack with his left hand, the blade she used as a shield ringing loudly as metal clashed against metal.  Using the one blade to hold the lance at bay, she spun the other around and tried to bring it up into his armpit on the left side, trying her best to weaken both arms from holding the lance, even if his aim seemed not as good with the left.
[22:11] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 21 [Strength:10]
[22:12] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 25 [Strength:10]
[22:15] Jorval Ordo managed to step back as the blades pounced once again. He knew he couldn't afford another brush with them - one hit literally impaled his shoulder and rendered it useless, the second could be fatal. Failing in confidence of his left hand than he would have with the right he opted for a bolder maneuver: A charge. He ran forward, reclined his head, and tried to ram a Keldabe kiss directly into the exposed features beneath her broken visor.
[22:15] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 27 [Strength:10]
[22:15] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 13 [Strength:10]
[22:17] Jekai Kryze Cheered. "Another hit by big bull Ordo! You got this Nicci! Give him the what for!", he announces to both sides, offering encouragement.
[22:18] Nicci Ordo stumbled backward, shaking herself.  Damnit, why does everybody always end up taking her down with some kind of knockout. In her stupor all she heard was jekai's stupid voice cheering them on like this was some kind of huttball game.  Mental note to punch him later.  She spun her blade around, and attempted to penetrate the man's ribs.
[22:19] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 13 [Strength:10]
[22:20] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 14 [Strength:10]
[22:23] Jorval Ordo managed to step to the side and adding another step to create even more distance between them. This created momentum for his next attack: Another charge. He conjured whatever strength he could to bring his right hand to his lance, keeping it in both hands to maintain stability, and running forward before attempting to drive it into her abdomen yet again.
[22:23] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 20 [Strength:10]
[22:25] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 12 [Strength:10]
[22:25] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 21 [Strength:10]
[22:28] Nicci Ordo twisted her body around to avoid the blow of the lance to her abdomen, bringing her arm up until her blade was lifted high, which she again tried to bring down forcefully on his right shoulder, still dizzy from his blow to the head from before, and somewhat forgetting she should probably be trying to take out the left arm now instead of the right.  She was just swinging now.
[22:28] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 30 [Strength:10]
[22:32] Jorval Ordo | The blade hit its mark yet again, and this time it was catastrophic. The force behind the blade cleaved into the already-battered arm with relative ease. In a mere second, everything from the bicep and down was severed, and fell to the ground with the bloodspray that followed. another pained howl followed. Jorval's vision went red. He needed to do something now, before he passed out. His visor fixated on his opponent, dropped his weapon, and rushed forward, recoiling his left first before hurling it forward at her face with such force, it would perhaps draw the attention of Har'angir himself. All the while he roared in a mix of pain and rage as the floor grew slippery with his blood.
[22:33] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 14 [Strength:10]
[22:33] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 30 [Strength:10]
[22:34] Jekai Kryze "IBAC DALYC!!", he declares, at Nicci's hit, albeit with a bit of a cringe at the bloodshed. "Give it everything you've got!", he states, cheering them both on still.
[22:36] Nicci Ordo was taken aback that he had THAT much strength in him after cutting his arm off.  He knocked her helmet clean off her head, leaving her face exposed but not doing much damage otherwise.  She swiped her bloodied blade downward at his kneecap, now trying to get him off his feet.
[22:36] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 19 [Strength:10]
[22:37] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 25 [Strength:10]
[22:37] Mand'alor (theminion) knelt, and gripped the hand as he hoisted it and began checking the end of the muscles. Cut was fairly clean. "Shev. Go send your droid to get ice," he'd off as he started cleaning the end of it off again,"
[22:39] Shev'la "Shev" Skirata nods, moving his hand over "B3, get a cooler." "-EEP?-" "Kriff..." He tossed the droid some credit chits. "Just buy one from a store or something and make it fast." "-EEP-" the droid flew off to the nearest store.
[22:39] Mand'alor (theminion) shifted the arm around a bit before abruptly passing it to Jekai, partially to see what he'd do.
[22:40] Jekai Kryze didn't stop. He put it under his arm and kept circling. He'd give it back to Jorval when it was done. Aint no time to stop this rage train!
[22:40] Mand'alor (theminion) was disappointed. Jekai did not play arm hot-potato with him.
[22:41] Jorval Ordo was in the midst of a bloodrage at this point. He didn't care where the blade swung, or that his fist missed. He merely charged forward again while bellowing unintelligible war cries. This was what an Ordo berserker looked like. The blades cleaved themselves against his chestplate rather than than the legs as they were intended. There was no finesse in this, he merely raised his leg again for a spartiate kick, but instead tried to ram his boot into her face.
[22:42] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 17 [Strength:10]
[22:42] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 20 [Strength:10]
[22:44]  B3 takes a cooler from the shelf and moves to check out... until someone spotted the droid and assumed he was shop lifting "HEY!" Shouted a shop keeper nearby. "-EEP!-" The droid dropped the cash and the cooler and flew off.
[22:44]  Meanwhile at Space-Mart****
[22:46] Nicci Ordo was kicked in the chest instead as his leg missed it's mark, her armor taking the full force of the blow which only caused her to stumble back a bit.  She licked her lips, living for fights like these, and it had been a while since she had had one this delicious.  She wiped the blood from her nose before charging him again, this time using her elbow to smash into his visor as hard as she possibly could.  Might as well send him to the repair shop as well with her own poor buy'ce.
[22:46] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 30 [Strength:10]
[22:51] Jorval Ordo was too slow. He was growing weaker, and it showed. The woman's elbow rammed itself directly into his visor, smashing the glass and leaving his helmet in the same state as her's and himself stumbling back with a snarl. His existing hand reached toward it and ripped the helmet from his head, smashing it into the ground to finish it off before charging again. He had taken significant punishment and yet he still fought in the same state of passion as he started. Ordos lived for this bloodletting and it showed. He would bring his boot forward again, this time to her knee in an attempt to kick it in. With enough power, he could potentially break her knee and put her on the ground permanently .
[22:51] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 21 [Strength:10]
[22:51] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 24 [Strength:10]
[22:53] Jekai Kryze clapped, his right hand slapping Jorval's hand. "Keep it up! Doing great!"
[22:57] Nicci Ordo brought her blade down to block the foot that tried to break her knee, deflecting said foot away as she got clear of it.  He looked a lot different than he had before.  Older.  Redheads did not age that much so she found it a bit shocking, like a child that had grown up on her.  Memories of her training him as a young kid crept into her mind, but she brushed them away to keep focused on the battle, but deep down this was a proud moment for her, fighting him like this.  She balled up her fist and through her weight into her shoulder as she attempted to sock him in the jaw.
[22:57] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 20 [Strength:10]
[22:58] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 19 [Strength:10]
[23:01] Kaepiv Raed Ordo was, indeed, socked in the jaw. It had almost broken had he not rolled with it. His head was jolted by the punch, and blood trickled from his lips. Yet even then he did not falter. He had at least one more good hit in him, and he traded blows - the fame left fist was launched at her, also aiming at the jaw. This became a good old fashioned brawl. Regardless of the outcome, the dark-haired berserker was happy to have fought it. He wanted the challenge, and he got it.
[23:01] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Diocletian(UnlivedPhalanx McMahon) rolled 14 [Strength:10]
[23:01] Jekai Kryze Stopped clapping, and placed the arm in the ice box. It would remain there. "Don't touch that please.", he says to Cantar. He called up a medical droid team to have the victor and defeated both ready to accept medical attention. He still offered cheers and support as he did so. "Have at it! One final effort!"
[23:03]  The droid somehow had made it back with the ice box, despite the dramatic episode with the shop employee. "-EEP-" Shev looks to the droid "The hell?"
[23:04] Mand'alor (theminion) crossed his arms. He'd look at the two of them. "Cleaning droids'll be busy," he'd chide as he kept popping that safety latch on his holster off and on. Click. Click. Click.
[23:06] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Nicci Ordo(Suraya Scribe) rolled 12 [Strength:10]
[23:08] R. Ward (bentley.blackmountain) lets the end of his vibroaxe hit the ground with a smack. It seems like his excitement got the better of him, though who could blame him with a fight like this? Leaning his weight against it, he examines the damage done to the two fighters. Let it never be said that mandalorians were not a deadly folk.
[23:12] Nicci Ordo wasn't exactly hit in the jaw as he intended, it was worse.  She was clocked on the side of the head, which she had already taken a blow to earlier.  Her vision darkened, and she stood swaying there for what felt like a full minute, but was actually only a few seconds.  She stumbled back a bit, and looked at him, definitely having completely forgotten basic when she muttered, "Meh gar cuyir slanar at goorar cuun ha'yr lo irud be Kyr'tsad gupu sto, narir a nidta o'r ner kovid." she said, before she fell backwards, hitting her head further on the duracrete and being knocked out cold.  No stims were going to wake her up this time.
[23:13] Lady Kesmas Dreamwalker  (marajade420 Resident) OOC: trying to rez in
[23:15] R. Ward (bentley.blackmountain) re-shoulders his vibro-axe. With the woman down, he had seen enough. The fight was over and both warriors had retained their honour. Ordo, it seems, would once again be under the guidance of Jorval. He turns to make his way out of the city and back to the unknown.
[23:15] Kaepiv Raed Ordo watched as Nicci fell, her last words weighed heavily on him. Blood continued to sput from the stub as the shaken and battered warrior slowly picked up his lance, looking toward the supposed Mandalore, and raising it toward him through shakes, "You.." He uttered, the hatred in his tone bleeding through as much as his wounds. It would be the last word from him as he finally succumbed. He fell down toward his side, on his worthy opponent. The two were an unconscious pile now.
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