#Back Yi Jin and Na Hee Do 's relationship is THAT
meitanteisachi · 1 year
*taps mic* let it be known that yearning is my favorite emotion that is all bye
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sweetestlamb · 3 years
Waiting to Exhale
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Summary: Hee-do takes some time to think before reaching a conclusion.
Author's note: Well here we are again. I couldn't resist so I just started typing and this was born. Dedicated to @orphiccs if you're not already watching this, you should start♥️
I haven't written in so long. It felt so strange in the best way.
"What is your relationship?"
It should have been simple to respond that he was her friend, but the word felt too small on her tongue. The way that her heart burned when she stood shaking in a glass box, hungry to hear his voice quarters heavy in her pocket told her that it just wasn't adequate. He'd come to mean so much in such a short span of time, crashing into her life with a displaced newspaper and now she couldn't imagine him not being there. And when she did, it hurt deep.
Not thinking about it proves to be futile, the more she begs her brain to relinquish thoughts of him the more his face, his smile, his laugh plague her mind.
Dating seems like the perfect solution to her dilemma except he doesn't get jealous, not even an ounce that smug smile bright on his face and they end up bickering like children but that's more fun than she's had with her boyfriend since she started this charade.
He cries when she ends it, sweetie pie-ing her to death and she cringes realizing how ridiculous they must have looked in front of Baek Yi-jin. She must have seemed childish, and she's never been angrier at her age until meeting him. Just a kid in his eyes.
She's tired of people asking what they are when she knows that they would have different answers and his answer might shatter her dreams.
She's never cared about boys or feelings. Well. That's a lie. She has cared, but knows that she isn't the cute or pretty type that boys generally go for, with her baggy clothes and her fencing bag swung over deceptively strong shoulders. There was no one writing Na Hee-do with a heart around it in their notebook, that much she was certain of. 
"What are you thinking about so hard? I can smell the steam coming out of your head."
Of course it's him. This neighborhood has never seemed so restricted.
She bites her tongue to stop her inability to lie from sabotaging her, "Fencing."
It should be believable enough, and sure enough he nods with only a slight curve to his eyebrows. His face looks so good up close, it takes a moment to realize it's drawing closer to her. She squeaks at his sudden proximity, her own face heating up as her heart thunders away.
"What are yo-"
"Why are you so red? And you're looking at me weird. What are you really thinking about?"
She hastily takes a step back, terrified that all her emotions are painted on her too expressive face. Slapping her hand over her cheeks she looks away, grateful that her house is only paces away.
He can't figure out. It would ruin everything and she can't lose him. This is enough if she can have him in her life.
"I'm like a kid sister right? Maybe I should start calling you oppa?" She hears herself speaking but she can't stop the stream of diarrhea unloading from her mouth. He stills next to her, long legs in her peripheral and she feels her chest tighten in anticipation.
"What? Oppa?" His voice rumbles in the space between them, charging the air particles and she quickens her steps eager to escape this moment. Why did she have to realize her... feelings? Why couldn't she have remained ignorant?
"You already have a younger brother so I could be like your younger sister. You already nag me anyway. " She tries to laugh but her voice gets caught in her throat and he's eerily silent beside her and she's had her fill of embarrassing herself in front of him to last a lifetime. So she runs, feeling like a coward the entire way but her feet take her further away step by step.
But nothing is ever that easy with him. She jolts at the sudden tight pressure wrapped around her wrists, gasping softly.
Her face is engulfed in flames and she tries to hide it but he forces her to face him, his large palm heavy on her shoulder turning her around.
Please, stop. She wants to plead but the sharp look in his eyes make her clamp her mouth shut.
"What are you on about? My little sister? Is that what you want to be?" He peers into her eyes, and she has no words her own eyes widening in fear as he drags her closer until she can feel the heat from his wide chest.
"Na Hee-do? What are you thinking about?"
That question again. It feels accusatory this time. As if he knows exactly what's on her mind and he's merely taunting her, as soon as she answers he'll laugh mockingly and pat her head like a child.
"Why are you doing this to me? Can't you just keep pretending you don't know? Why do you enjoy embarrassing me?" She blinks hard, refusing to let her tears of frustration fall. She's already given so much to him with those words.
Her breathe hitches at his finger brushing at her eye. Shoot. A stray tear escaped her iron hold. Twisting her mouth she looks away, shame washing over her in waves.
"You're always crying in front of me. Do you know what it does to me?"
Probably makes him want to laugh at her ugly crying face. She's not proud of her tear ducts weakness in front of him either.
"Hmm? Do you know Hee-do?"
This time he cups her jaw ever so lightly, forcing her to meet his gaze and she melts under his stare. He's not laughing, not even a hint of a smile on his face. Dangerous in his seriousness. It makes her want to do something impulse, something like....
"It makes you want to cry?" She speaks the words instinctively, not prepared for him to nod along warm hand cupping her cheek.
"So you do understand. Why are you pretending not to know? What are you so scared of?"
Everything. Liking him. Him liking her. Him not liking her. Growing apart. Seeing him with someone else.
There is so much unknown and she doesn't feel ready for any of it. Never thought that she would have to be ready for something like this.
"Stop thinking so much and just trust me. Can you do that?"
It's the easiest question she's been asked in a while, there's no one living that she trusts more than Yi-jin. He's done everything to prove that he'll do anything to make her life easier, even if it makes his harder. She has no clue what she's done to deserve his unequivocal support but she hopes it never fades.
"Yes. I trust you."
The stars in the sky are nothing compared to the light in his eyes. His smile is the most beautiful thing she's ever seen.
The first thought that comes to her mind is, I want to kiss you.
She's never kissed anyone but even her shoot gun boyfriend, not for lack of him trying but it felt deceitful to kiss him with someone else haunting her thoughts. All of her knowledge on kissing is based on Full House, shrieking giggles bubbling up when she sees locked lips in her beloved comic, hiding her face before looking again earnestly. She's never wanted to kiss a real boy before, until him. Except he's not a boy, not like her classmates at all with his strong build and his deep voice. He's a man. And he's looking at her in pure hungry shock.
Eyes darting between her eyes and her lips. This makes her equally as confused until he mutters under his breath, "You want to kiss.....me?"
How did he know? Could he read her mind? Was there a certain look that people gave when they wanted to be kissed and had she accidentally given it? She jumps back in surprise, covering her face again. Then grabbing her head nervous he'll read her thoughts again.
"Don't read my mind!" She screams and this time he does laugh, deep and full belly clutching at his sides and she wants to feel the vibration on her tongue. She slaps a hand over her mouth at the...dirty thought. What's wrong with her?
She squirms awkwardly, avoiding looking at him despite his hand now loosely on her hip as she towers over him aided by her steps. Finally his mirth fades away and he speaks, "Go inside. You clearly need sleep saying all this nonsense."
She tries not to feel dismissed but it's hard. He's always so calm while she's such a mess, it's the worst.
So she bottles a bit of courage to ask him, "What about you? Have you thought about doing...that with me?" Pushing past her discomfort she continues, "Kissing me? Do you want to kiss me too?"
She forces herself to maintain his gaze, even though her head is swimming and she wants nothing more than to run and hide and never look back.
This time they move simultaneously, his hands circling her waist and her arms settling around his shoulders, she never realized just how broad they were and thinking about that makes her hot.
They stare at each other, neither moving to seal the deal simply looking and breathing the same air. When he licks his lips, she watches the slow swipe of his tongue eagerly unable to swallow the sound that squeaks past her lips. And then he's looking at her, in a way she's never seen before. Like he wants to kiss her.
Do it. Do it. Kiss me. Please.
She mentally wills him and almost roars in victory when he breaks their standstill and starts inching forward, eyes locked on her lips and she puckers up finally closing her eyes. Waiting. Waiting.
But the press never comes, instead she feels a heavy weight on her shoulder. Peeking through her lids she sees his head on her shoulder, she brushes at the short hairs on the nape of his neck. Disappointed.
"You're not my little sister. I've never seen you like a sister. But I can't take your first kiss. Not like this, I haven't even taken you on a date."
There's no point disputing his claims, he would be her first kiss. So instead she lets his other words wash over her.
Date. She shivers at the possiblity. Wonders if he would hold her hand and give her his jacket when she was cold?
"Okay. Then take me on a date." She responds easily, finally certain what she wants. Him. Full stop.
"Okay." He answers just as easy, teasingly close to her face.
It's late now, she can tell by the night sounds of bugs chirping and the trees bustling. She really should go inside. But it's impossible to let him go.
She's not leaving empty-handed. With the swiftness of a trained athlete she dives in, lips crashing against his cheek as her arms tighten around him. The kiss is over in a flash, loud kiss sound popping as she pulls away. And his blush is unexpected and it encourages her to swoop in again, the second kiss dangerously closer to his lips. She doesn't miss the hitch of his breathe as she presses against him once more.
"Hey, Na Hee-do. You're crossing the line." He warns her without any real fire, especially with the way his fingers are clutching at her like he needs help standing up.
She pulls away with a huge smile, happier than she's been in a long time.
"I'll be waiting for our date." With a bright grin, she moves out of his hold feet pounding as she runs up the stairs feeling giddy and light.
"You should do it."
She turns back to at her gate, questions in her eyes. Wondering if he's actually giving her permission to come back and kiss him? On the lips? She almost bolts back down.
Thankfully he continues, "Call me oppa.
He has an.... interesting look on his face. She likes it. Likes that she's the one that put it there.
She winks at him, feeling stupid but all shame has evaporated at this point.
"Good night oppa. I'll be waiting."
Waiting. It feels like she's been waiting for him all her life, waiting for someone to look at her like she's something precious and support her unconditionally. There's only one word that can describe what they are.
Her heart thumps.
Yeah she's screwed.
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crazylele1 · 2 years
Twenty five twenty one was so sad all the way through, just bittersweet in every way. The teenagers were so good at being dumb cute teenagers and making every single teenage blunder. Baek Yi Jin was the best blundering young adult. But from the start I knew Baek Yi Jin and Na Hee Do weren’t going to end up together. They met each other at the wrong time in their lives for that and Baek Yi Jin chose the only professional job he could get but the only one that guaranteed that he and Na Hee Do couldn’t be fully happy with each other. This whole show was just so raw and just difficult to watch. It felt touched by the present being realistic about past youth in a way I haven’t seen other shows be able to do. A real reflection on how 90’s kids feel now and looking back at all of the shit that happened in the 2000’s. The whole thing just made my heart sore. It was an amazing drama but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to watch it again. I don’t think that the ending was bad or wrong, because I saw the ending coming from the start. Not just the couples but I also saw that Na Hee Do and Ko Yu Rim’s antagonistic relationship would turn to one of friendship and rival hood. But my heart hurts from this drama, because it reflects my generation too deeply, because we’re all hurting so much from things from our childhoods and the current state of affairs which hasn’t improved anything. Maybe someday if that day comes when things are better I’ll be able to see this drama as sweet, but not now, not today
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ginkamon · 7 years
MmmMMMMM lastly... I want your top 5 dramas otps & what makes them Your Fave.
okay I’m going to take into consideration that this just says otps and not just romantic SOOOOOO :D
Kang To/Shunji (Gaksital)
Though the drama was basically showing how they progress from friends to enemies, the whole time you can see how much they still care for each other. Their whole relationship is just tragic and I cry for them. And from the moment Shunji finds out Kang To is Gaksital, everything after is so heart wrenching? I think it’s the fact that they started the drama as such close friends and to see them slowly grow apart while simultaneously trying to hold onto the other as much as they can is extremely sad. But it makes for great television!
Best scenes:
Ep7: The bicycle scene: A nice way to just rip out your heart.
Ep22: When Shunji finds out Kang To is Gaksital. kjadshbf it’s obvious he knew long before but uGH his EYES when it’s actually confirmed. It just broke me heart.
• “You, whom I liked even better than my own brother, who was at one time my only friend!”
• "Thank you for catching me. Now that I’m caught I won’t have to kill you with my own hands.” OKAY WOW @ THE TEARS
Joo Won and Park Ki Woong absolutely killed their roles and I loved them whenever they were on screen apart but especially when they were together (Please film another drama together! That cameo in Good Doctor was just :’’’D)
Ko Yi Suk/Hong Do (Heart to Heart)
The biggest reason that I love these two is because of how good they were for each other and what they learned from the other as they spent more time together. They basically began to heal each other. These two lonely people just came together and loved each other and :’’’’)
Best Scenes:
Ep4: Ep4 in general made me love the show and these two together but once it got to that ending scene i was sold. These two had my heart. It’s such a perfect scene. they’re both so lonely in that moment but they’re together ahshhhh. When she strokes the back of her hand with her finger i mean!!!!
Ep5: The morning after scene will never fail to make me squeal and just smile out of happiness. It’s just such a nice intimate moment and they’re both so comfortable there with each other 😭
Ep10: When Yi Seok just yells out his love for Hong Do at her house!!!! He’s just so in love!!
All their scenes together are beautiful and nice and amazing. But I’m restricting my fave scenes to only 3 😩
Je Ha/Yoo Jin (The K2)
BLESS THEM. I went into the drama not expecting to love these two together at all so it literally just hit me out of nowhere. The moment when they first meet in Yoo Jin’s house. THE TENSION?? WHEW! Song Yoon Ah and Ji Chang Wook’s chemistry was just crazy. I love that they were two people who were basically enemies deciding to work together  to achieve their own goals. I don’t care what anyone says they totally came to care about one another in their own ways and it’s just so obvious in everything they did/said. Gosh, I loved them :(
Best scenes:
Ep3: When Je Ha saves her from the fire. When she reaches out her hand when they’re taking her away from him. Anyway this is the scene when I just Knew that I was going to be in deep.
Ep5: “I definitely didn’t press the button twice. But he knew that I needed him anyway.”
Ep10: “Je Ha ya… If you find yourself in a situation that’s too dangerous, it’s okay if you just come back.” GOD
I made a fanvid for them. That’s how far in I was!!!!
Belle Epoque Girls (Age of Youth)
If they weren’t here it wouldn’t be right. Anyway!! I got so attached to these girls. I made a huge post for KWW about why I love them here. But basically I love how these 5 strangers really came together to care and love each other.
Also, I’m restricting this to S1.
Best Scenes:
Ep6: When Ji Won dresses up as Wonder Woman. They just had so much fun during this little sequence it was so cute :’’D
Ep8: When the girls knock Jong Yeol out because they heard Eun Jae scream! An iconic scene that I’ll never get tired of watching. They just look out for each other :’)
Ep12: When the girls just hug Eun Jae after she disappeared for the night and Yoon Sunbae says; “It’s okay now because you’re back.”
Toma/Sebumi (Keizoku 2: Spec)
Okay, this isn’t a kdrama but I have to include them because they’re just so GOOD. I can’t even really explain it but you have to watch the dramas (and the movies/specials!!) to understand yknow??
Best Scenes:
I forgot when many of these things happened & if it was during the drama or the movies so please forgive me since I can’t be precise with when it happened. Please help me if you know though!
Ep5: On the rooftop. It’s just such a nice moment they share and I just LOVE THEM
When Sebumi tells Toma, “You’re the only light” OHMYGOSH???????? WOW
“For me, who had seemed to have fallen into darkness this time, Sebumi san was my light.” !!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway the pairing of our Generation!!
Hee Jin/Boong Do (Queen In Hyun’s Man)
Okay I know you said 5, but I just realized that I forgot to add these two and I just have to! I think my favorite thing about Hee Jin and Boong Do is that they weren’t necessarily fated to meet or anything and that could easily have been the premise for something like this when one of them jumps through time. They kind of just happened to meet and fell in love. And what a beautiful love story it was :’) I loved that their love became something so deep that they could just feel that the other person was there even when everyone else forgot or they had lost their memory of their other. I don’t know it’s just so great that their love became so strong! Yoo In Na and Ji Hyun Woo just were perfect together. I can’t imagine anyone else playing these characters.
Best Scenes:
End of ep4/Ep5: The library kisses!!! They had the best kisses and Hee Jin gave the best excuses for them to kiss and this was just!!! so cute!!!
Ep16: The split screen when they’re in two different times, but the same place (PERFECT OST) And I think this is the perfect scene to illustrate how deep their love goes when Hee Jin just starts crying in the middle of her narration.
Basically anytime they meet in the red phone booth :’’)
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