#Bad bellingen
markgraeflerin · 1 month
Maibowle und ein Wochenrückblick - Ende April, Anfang Mai
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circusfans-italia · 2 years
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AGENDA PIENA PER I TOGNI BROTHERS Nei giorni scorsi i Togni Brothers (Michael e Dario Togni) hanno temporaneamente concluso il loro tour nei Varieté GOP tedeschi con lo spettacolo NEO, nel quale si sono esibiti ad Essen, Bremen e Bonn (con una permanenza di due mesi per ogni teatro) e dove appaiono come immagine principale sul manifesto. 
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Da lì si sono diretti a Braunschweig per una settimana di gala per un evento culturale che ricorre ogni anno.  Successivamente sono volanti a Dubai, dove si esibiranno come guest act al Billionaire dal 14 Settembre al 27 ottobre.
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Al loro rientro in Europa saranno a Francoforte per far parte del cast del Neues Theater Höchst per la produzione di novembre. Il weekend del 9 e 10 dicembre li troveremo ospiti nello spettacolo di magia dei maghi tedeschi Marc&Alex a Bellingen. 
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Il contratto successivo li vedrà, a prove già avviate, nel cast della produzione invernale di Flic Flac a Duisburg, la loro città natale, dove saranno impegnati dal 16 dicembre al 8 di gennaio. 
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Il 13, 14 e 15 gennaio avranno tre giorni di gala al “WOW - Potsdam’s erste varietè” di Potsdam. Da qui torneranno nei GOP Varietè Theater di Hannover e Monaco con altri quattro mesi nella produzione NEO, e poi direttamente altri quattro mesi tra Bad Oeynhausen e Bonn con lo spettacolo WET. 
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In tutte queste occasioni si esibiranno nei giochi icariani e nel passo a due acrobatico (che vede protagonisti Michael e Yulia), tranne che per il periodo al Billionaire di Dubai dove proporranno solo la performance di giochi icariani.
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L'adagio acrobatico di Michael e Yulia Li aspetta 4 mesi dal ritmo davvero frenetico! Siamo felici per loro. La Germania si riconferma per gli artisti un mercato molto florido e ricco di opportunità!
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markgraefler · 3 years
Maskenpflicht in der Häschenschule
Maskenpflicht in der Häschenschule
Das Home Schooling an der Häschenschule ist vorbei. Seit gut einer Woche ist die Häschenschule wieder Präsenzunterricht in der Bädergemeinde Bad Bellingen. Ganz coronaconform an der frischen Luft und mit Maske. Auch der Brunnen vor dem Rathaus ist wieder österlich geschmückt.
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chukny-yet-funky · 7 years
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Bardzo duży skrót bardzo intensywnego urlopu. Z kimś, kto lubi mnie taką jaką jestem. Zobaczyłam tyle pięknych miejsc, poznałam cudownych ludzi, grzałam zimne stopy w rodzinnej atmosferze. Było tak, jak zawsze chciałam żeby było.
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It’s still raining and it’s so bloody nice! It was absolutely torrential earlier while mum and I were driving home (we went to Bellingen last night and saw some bands with my uncle), it got so bad that we went and pulled over in a town because we could barely see. Something I’ve been working on really hard for the last year has been finding the joy in small things again, because for a long time I felt completely numb. It’s been a slow and gradual process but lately I’ve been noticing myself feeling the ~nice~ and feeling little bursts of romantic joy and passion (e.g I’ve become obsessed with old bands/music and the things I LOVED when I was young and abandoned idk why) so much more often and I honestly thought I’d lost the ability to feel properly at one point there so that’s nice. I’ve been working so hard on changing the way I speak internally and not speaking horrible or negatively to myself and I’ve gotten really good at thought blocking and not attaching to thoughts and it’s been a very, very difficult journey and a very very difficult year but I’m doing really well with my mental health lately and I’m just vomiting this out here because it’s good to feel progress and see it! I haven’t had a panic attacks or a bad dissociative episode for a couple of months, and I haven’t had any prolonged severe depressive episodes since Winter. Obviously I still have my hard days but overall I’ve done so so inner work despite all the sticky and not great situations I’ve been in and the utter turmoil I’ve felt trying to figure myself out over the last year. Anyway, that’s enough lol
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alexandertbaer · 7 years
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Facts and Figures
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jirihazekk · 4 years
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Irgendwoher kam mir dieser „Pink Pander“ bekannt vor, aber ich hab keine Idee, woher. #streetart #unterwegs #pinkpander #badbellingen #bahnhof #latergram #kunst #art #graffiti #tag #tagging #tagginggraffiti #rheintal #schwarzwald #vogesen #rhinevalley #blackforest #markgräflerland #markgraeflerland (hier: Bad Bellingen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGO7WYOgfpp/?igshid=w6pi7m85pz31
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markgraeflerin · 2 years
Gutedel Wandertag: Von Efringen-Kirchen bis Bad Bellingen
#Fotografie #Wandern #Markgräflerland #Wein #Gutedel #Natur
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i-metalhorse · 4 years
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Kandertalbahn 🇩🇪 - Kandern - Bad Bellingen (hier: KANDERTALBAHN) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEyu-drHrK0/?igshid=g8esd35evdyl
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markgraefler · 3 years
Frühling im Bad Bellinger Kurpark
Frühling im Bad Bellinger Kurpark
Im Bad Bellinger Kurpark kündigen die blühenden Krokusse den bevorstehenden Frühling an. Auch am Rheinufer geht es mit den Bauarbeiten rund um den Aussichtssteg weiter, der als Projekt im Rahmen der Internationalen Bauausstellung (IBA) Basel 2022 entsteht. Aktuell ist die Einweihung für den 8. Mai geplant.
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oliverphisher · 4 years
Colin Thompson
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Colin Edward Thompson is an English writer and illustrator of children's books. He has had over 70 works published and also draws pictures for jigsaw puzzles. In 2004, Thompson was awarded the Aurealis Award in the children's long fiction category for his novel How to Live Forever.
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The Big Little Book of Happy Sadness By Colin Thompson
Colin lives in Bellingen, Australia. His books with Random House Australia include How to Live Forever, numerous picture books, The Floods series, The Dragons series, The Big Little Book of Happy Sadness picture book, which has been shortlisted for the 2009 Children’s Book Council Award for Best Picture Book, and Free To A Good Home.
What are one to three books that have greatly influenced your life?
The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth Grahame
The Wind in the Willows.
My Autobiography (Neversink) By Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
Fitting In By Nancy A. Jaekle
Fitting In
What purchase of $100 or less has most positively impacted your life in the last six months (or in recent memory)?
Penfolds Grandfather Port about $90 a bottle
How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?
My first two marriages set me up for my third. Did i learn from my mistakes? not in the slightest.
Are there any quotes you think of often or live your life by?
It's life Jim, but not as we know it.
What is one of the best investment in a writing resource you’ve ever made?
This applies to illustrating too. My apple mac computers.
What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?
Nestles condensed milk.
In the last five years, what new belief, behaviour, or habit has most improved your life?
The company and love of beautiful women.
What advice would you give to a smart, driven aspiring author? What advice should they ignore?
Just get on with it . . Read lots of books
What are bad recommendations you hear in your profession often?
Listen to your Teachers/Parents/Readers
In the last five years, what have you become better at saying no to (distractions, invitations, etc.)?
Helpful suggestions from people
What marketing tactics should authors avoid?
Not your job. Leave it to professionals (If only that was true)
What new realizations and/or approaches have helped you achieve your goals?
The company and love of beautiful women.
When you feel overwhelmed or have lost your focus temporarily, what do you do?
Have a heart attack - also a good way to lose a bit of weight.
Any other tips?
Stop reading blogs like this. They will change nothing.
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source https://www.thecommunitywriter.com/blog/colin-thompson-1
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wilfriedbergerblog · 5 years
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Baulexikon, Lehrstellenbörse, Lehrlingsbörse:
# Gingen Fils, Geislingen an der Steige, #Lehrstellenbörse, #GuteForm, #Meisterforum, #BauFachForum, #Schreinertag, #LandesverbandSchreinerBW, #Baulexikon #WilfriedBerger, #BOSIG, #Bauwerksabdichtungen:
Gingen Fils, Geislingen an der Steige:
Gingen an der Fils, Gemeinde, Baden-Württemberg, Region Stuttgart, Landkreis Göppingen, Lage zwischen, Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Ulm, nach Stuttgart 55 km, nach Ulm 38 km, Bürger von Gingen, bekannt als Schnapper, Legende, im 19. Jahrhundert, Gingen schnappte, dem Nachbarort Kuchen, Brunnenrechte weg, weggeschnappt, Wichtige Begriffe, Schnapperbrunnen, Schnappermobil, Schnapperball.
BauFachForum Baulexikon: Für euch immer an vorderster Stelle.
Guten Tag, sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
für die Lehrlingsbörse haben wir wieder einmal einen neuen Begriff mit entsprechenden Orten erarbeitet.
Thema heute:
Wissenswertes über Gingen Fils, Geislingen an der Steige:
Mediatisierung, Reichsdeputationshauptschlusses, bayrisches Gingen 1803, Pariser Vertrages 1810, Gebietstausches, Übergabe an, Königreich Württemberg, Ende zweiter Weltkrieg, bäuerliche Betriebe schlossen, Wirtschaftswunderjahre, wirtschaftlicher Strukturwandel, Landstraßen veraltet, wirtschaftsfähig asphaltiert, neuer Schulbau, Sporthalle, Hohensteinhalle, 1980er Jahren, Ausdehnung der Wohnstruktur, neue Wohngebiete, Industrieviertel entstand, Ansiedlung, Firma BOSIG, Firmensitz Firma BOSIG.
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Gruß aus Pfullendorf
Euer Bauschadensanalytiker
Wilfried Berger
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gunnarsohn · 5 years
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Endlich mal ein ordentlicher Ladeservice - sogar mit Kabeltrommel. Ich musste gar nicht fragen, Chef hat es direkt angeboten. Also eBiker, merkt Euch Pizzeria Trattoria Lucano in Bad Bellingen #fürmiliana (hier: Bad Bellingen) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Q8xBeou38/?igshid=h8ipv97gfnmv
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06-13 LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - SEPTEMBER 11: Umpire Billy Bowden and Ricky Ponting of Australia after England went off for the second time for bad light during the 5th Ashes Test match between ... http://dlvr.it/PLr12n
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markgraeflerin · 3 years
Orchideen im Markgräflerland
#Orchideen im #Markgräflerland #Fotografie #Natur #Wandern
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pro-city-consulting · 5 years
Die Pro City Consulting UG stellt heute die Firma AUTEC-Vertriebs GmbH aus Bad Bellingen vor.
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