nettleclanstale · 3 months
Moon 112!
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Big moon!!!
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lostkitsclangen · 4 months
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Fanart for @nettleclanstale!! I've been obsessed with this clangen since it started lol it's the first one I've actually sent asks in for. Started this before Hazelstar died so I wanted to finish it as soon as possible
Rambles under the cut!
You know when a character that's supposed to piss you off is actually hated by the audience that it's a well done character. Hazelstar literally actually sucked but she added so much depth to Nettleclan, and I hope we get to see how her memory/passing affects those that she hurt, like Meadow :( I hope all her victims get to heal <3 But I'm excited to see where Spiderstar takes this clan, especially since he's still fairly new to the cast
Character in the fanart/poster go as follows; Batshriek (top, I'm excited to see whether their interaction with Badgerfall when she was a kit is going to be brought up/continued, I also headcannon that Bat likes to poke the bear and constantly nags and annoys Valley and Badger, mainly Valley bc Badger is kinda broken :( ), Badgerstar (top left, why is he cracking like an egg I'm so scared for him), Valleywave (top right), Aloesight and Pinesong (middle and middle right, I look forward to Otterclouds development involving Aloe), and the bottom row from left to right, Badgerfall, Snowbreeze, Hazelstar, Fallenpeak, Meadowbreeze. I tried to pick as many characters important to the storyline as possible, but wasn't able to fit some of them in. Others I wanted to include were Ottercloud, Spiderstar, Tempestpool, Bumbletumble, and Gladeburn, but I couldn't find the right way to include them.
I plan to make more Nettleclan fanart in the future! Sorry for the rambling lol
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deliveryclan · 4 months
Three strikes, and "Honey, I'm home!"
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( @nettleclanstale )
(TW under the cut: gore (aka poorly preserved cartoony cat corpse), maggots, blood)
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(Hazelbadger still doesn't look exactly like a 'run over by a car' corpse, but sure does look like a zombie, doesn't it.. she is probably not very thrilled, nor about the wiggly stowaways.. i mean come on girl, how long ago did you push you dad under the car? the body wasn't going to last long)
(i debated really hard whether use Badgerfall or Meadowbreeze, and ultimately settled on Meadow. Badgerfall could work too, being Hazelstar's golden kit and even named after Badgerstar, but.. Meadowbreeze does have longer, deeper story with her, you know. and he did express relief/gladness when she died. Hazel heard that and said 'sike'.)
(it feels wrong to draw Meadowbreeze with a mouth, but without it he would look even weirder.. it just doesn't work with how i draw :pensive:)
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wcrpconfessionbooth · 11 months
So this is different from the current asks and full blown EMBARRASSING confession. Like YEARS ago and keeps you embarrassed at night confessions.
So, this was in 2017. So almost 6 years ago I’m going to keep group names private because everything is still public(it being a forum rp). So for this RP they had a Murder Mystery event! You would send in applications for character concepts and if you were fine playing a suspect, bystander, or the murderer.
I want to preface that of course at 15 I didn’t have all the research into stereotypes or not just having characters existing to be in a relationship/have nuance that I thankfully now do.
The whole thing is that there was this shy cat named Badgerfall who had like stereotypical wc oc “parental issues” and self confidence/insecurity. And he secretly was in a relationship with this other cat named Mistwhite(because he was a white cat boy I was such a clever 15 year old). This was because as a kid I knew that the troupe of “innocent person/red herring has deeper secret that makes them suspicious but it’s not the murderer” was apart of murder mysteries(thank you Agatha Christie). And I don’t remember exactly where I saw this but I definitely remember getting the idea is the secret my OC is hiding is that he was with his partner during the murder. And in my head it couldn’t just be that he was with a she-cat, the other had to be secret that Badgerfall was gay and the relationship was a secret one.
I then created this entire dynamic straight out of a highschool CW drama where Mistwhite was like the “popular boy” troupe and liked by all the female cats and he would play hard to get in their minds but he was just gay. And the implication for why he hid the relationship was I guess internalized homophobia(even though I didn’t know the term yet).
Is it the worst example of a gay character? I don’t think so for Badgerfall because thankfully I was just basing him off Ravenpaw. But Mistwhite was like BAD rped. Like the gay bestfriend/flamboyant/confident stereotype was rolled into one. And of course I don’t realize this is a like..harmful stereotype because I see it all over media. So I just assume this how I should rp my boyfriend NPCs.
And so the moment where cats think my OC could’ve been the murderer happens and I rp this cat so meek that I than have the *NPC* boyfriend step up and say if course they didn’t do it. Which is like, the worst you can do in an RP. To just introduce your NPC character back to a scene after I said he had stepped away. To which Oakstar believes that from what Mistwhite said and they like talk afterwards. And in my head I’m like “oh this is fufilling the arc of the relationship being secret and choosing to stand up for each other even if cats suspect things”
But like….*this has nothing to do with the murder mystery.* I was too focused on having gay cats that I just…wrote basically Ravenpaw and Barley fanfiction by myself. I do have some of the saved excerpts from old Google docs and…it’s just so good to look back and cringe at lmao. My past baby ally self(before realizing I was Queer later) is so cute.
(The [i] and [b] are for bolds. Also the forum we’d write on had a character limit so some punctuation was left out)
[i]NOTHING I have nothing to make me sound convincing I’m definitely going to be kicked out of the clan.[/i] He looked over at Mist. [i]At least he’s safe.[/i] He stopped staring when he realised Mist was stepping from outside the group in a confident and uncaring voice spoke up. [b]”Alright I can not let this mockery go on any longer. It’s obvious that he didn’t murder anybody and I’ll just say all the obvious reasons. First off Badgerfall looks nothing like what Vulturewind described. We all know he was the smallest of his litter and his weight isn’t in the...best state. Now you could say Vulturewind described the cat completely opposite of Badgerfall to do him a favor but why would Vulturewnd do that? He hardly even likes-let me restate that nobody likes Badgerfall so why would somebody do a favor for him?”[/b] Badgerfall could believe what Mist was saying but realised what was happening. [i]Mist you a bloody genius.[/i] He continued talking other cats starting to nod at what he was saying. [b]Second point I’d like to make is his hunting alibi. Now personally being on a hunting patrol with him myself we all know Badgerfall’s hunting skills are atrocious so of course he would try and hunt alone to save people from watching his embarrassment he calls hunting. Now after everything I’ve said Oakstar does this sound like a murderer? Can you imagine clumsy Badgerfall being able to kill somebody? We should just cross him off the list and focus on the real suspects.
(Than the leader says Badgerfall probably didn’t do it)
“Badgerfall blinked at Oakstar’s words. [i]No he’s too important for that...although that does explain a few things.[/i] He stepped back awkwardly as Shecat’s surrounded Mist. [b]“Wow Mistwhite I can’t believe you stood up to Oakstar of all people you’re so brave and handsome.”[/b] Mistwhite looked at her with a blank expression before remembering he was supposed to be straight.”
‘Before remembering he was supposed to be straight’ is SO funny reading back I fully did a spit take when I opened this document again like a few months ago. Oh and also a few weeks later I left the group because classes were leaving me in the TRENCHES.
So yeah TLDR:
In 2017 my first gay cats were a couple specifically made to be red herrings in a murder mystery plot that is like something that came out of the CW(because I legitimately thought CW tv was like PRIME gay representation). I also cringly rped an NPC in a major scene.
Hey anon, 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
I love you for this!!!!!! THIS is what I want when I say confessions. This was a wonderful read. People I want posts with TDLRS. I want the 10 year old cringe story lines. - Mod water
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catsoftheclowders · 1 year
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Milkfur is a 1 year and 11 month old tom in the Clowder of Ice. (young adult). 
Name meaning: 
Milk - a cat with a white pelt. Often thought to be kind or paternal. (Milkfur was named after a friend of his parents who passed away). 
fur - a name for a cat who is tough (thick-skinned), also for a cat who is considered sneaky (their pelt blends in with their surroundings.) 
Role: Grimal Dropper 
Mother: Lilymist 
Father: Starska Shardfrost 
Half-siblings: Bluespirit, Beetuft, Badgerfall 
Littermates: Ferretstance, Shortrose
Adopted sibling: Elmflake 
Milkfur is a very stoic tom, and struggles to show his emotions. He also struggles to connect with the people around him. He is very close with his family, but he feels a weird distance between himself and his mother. He has an extremely strong sense of justice. 
He was mentored by Mushroomtongue, and later by Shrewblink to become a Dropper, which is how he got close with one of his best friends, Sparrowfeather, who was going through her base Greenpaw training under Shrewblink. He has recently been given the young Doeflake to mentor. 
Design notes 
He looks a lot like his father, but has his mother’s height. He wears a feathered cloak. His right side has a single, slightly larger blotch, in the same place his two spots are on his left. His design is otherwise symmetrical. Inherited traits include his father’s dark mane and lion tufted tail, and his mother’s ears and height. 
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enter-the-clans · 6 years
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Cta: mary2002fun
Obsessed with this new art of Badgerfall 😍😭
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tearwolfe · 3 years
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medicine cat, apprentice to badgerfall but takes over after she dies
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No one could ever say that the Gathering wasn’t an eventful one. The departure of Sunclan’s Badgerfall to a mysterious group calling themselves the Crimson Dawn leaves everyone in various states of shock and unease. Their mountain territories had served them well not to have too many intruders with the exceptions of the wandering rogue, so none of them had ever experienced anything quite like this in recent memory. 
The stale but refreshing leaves of newleaf stir trouble to those experiencing unknown visions from an entity known only to them as the Martyr, a golden cat of dubious intent. 
Along with a flamboyant tom known as the Prophet, the cult-like interior of the forest now draws its second chapter. To what lengths will the future unfold?
We are taking five applicants for the next part in TDD. We are seeking active, friendly players. Requirements for literacy or skill level are not required. Applications will be sorted and chosen for the next 24 hours.
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nettleclanstale · 4 months
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It's over.
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nettleclanstale · 4 months
Moon 92
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Just kidding!! No nukes here!
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nettleclanstale · 4 months
Moon 78
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nettleclanstale · 3 months
Moon 117
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swept up, swept away
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nettleclanstale · 4 months
Moon 73!!
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nettleclanstale · 4 months
Moon 90
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nettleclanstale · 5 months
-Pebblecatcher retires.
-Cloverlight, Badgerfall, and Whimsybeam earn their full names.
-Perchwish, Snowypoppy, and Princessbramble are expecting kits.
-Yewkit recovers from greencough.
Relief flooded through Badgerfall's body as the first rays of sun made themselves visible through the trees. Her silent vigil, along with Cloverlight's, had been rather uneventful.
Rustling from the warrior's den caught Badgerfall's attention. Mothflower crawled out from the bush, shaking out his pelt and blinking the sleep from his eyes.
"Morning!" Badgerfall called, her eyes lighting up with joy. Her vigil was over!
The tom froze, looking at Badgerfall with wide eyes. It was as if he had seen a ghost. After a few seconds, he relaxed, sighing in relief. 
"Oh, Badgerfall, good morning. You scared me!" Mothflower glanced around camp, then his voice dropped to a whisper. "You're not supposed to talk, yet. You must wait for Meadowbreeze to dismiss you…" 
Badgerfall stood up straight, silently nodding.
Mothflower chuckled. 
"Don't worry, he'll be awake soon," He stated, turning to Cloverlight. "Tempestpool will be out to dismiss you, also." With that, he padded off, out of camp.
As the sun rose higher, more cats began to stir. Badgerfall shifted her paws anxiously, casting glances towards the warrior den entrance. 
It wasn't long before Tempestpool exited, yawning and stretching his legs before striding over to Cloverlight and touching his nose to her shoulder.
"Congratulations, Cloverlight. Your vigil has ended." He purred. Turning his head to Badgerfall, his dipped his head in apology. "Meadowbreeze will come soon." He hastily meowed before walking away, gesturing for Cloverlight to follow.
Badgerfall let out a sigh as her sister padded away, and continued to wait.  Finally, Meadowbreeze came out of the den. He immediately padded over to Badgerfall, and nervously touched his nose to hers. 
"I'm sorry for the wait," He awkwardly meowed, before clearing his throat. "…Your vigil is over. Congratulations." 
Badgerfall dipped her head. "Thank you." 
Meadowbreeze flicked his tail, turning away. "Get some rest. You earned it." Was all he said as he left. 
Badgerfall stood, her legs feeling like mush as she awkwardly stretched and let out a yawn. Her paws felt numb, and the snow beneath the spot she sat had long melted away. A chilly leaf-bare air swept through her body, and she shivered. 
Giggles could be heard coming from the nursery, and Badgerfall watched as Bramblekit ran out, followed by his littermates Robinkit and Yewkit. She was relieved to see Yewkit active and doing so much better, his kithood having been stolen away by an awful case of greencough.
"We're gonna be apprentices next moon!" Bramblekit chirped, running in circles in front of the nursery before leaping into a small pile of snow with a soft poomf. "I'll be the best warrior ever!"
"Not if I do it first!" Robinkit teased. She looked back at Yewkit, swishing her tail at him. "You're gonna be a warrior too, right?"
"Of course I am! I'll be better than both of you!" Yewkit crouched, wiggling his rump before leaping onto his sister and biting her ear. Robinkit squealed, before beginning to engage in a mock-battle with her littermate. 
"I don't think it's fair to make it a competition." A new voice said. Brackenberry padded out of the nursery after her kits, looking back inside. "Come on then, Squirrelkit. You too, Flamekit." She meowed. The exhaustion on her face was clear, just barely masked with a gentle smile as two more kits followed after their mother.
Badgerfall approached Brackenberry, who flinched when she arrived.
"Oh, stars! Badgerfall, you scared me!" Brackenberry exclaimed. "Hello! Congratulations on the warrior name, it's very…" She cleared her throat. "…Fitting."
"Thank you." Badgerfall peeked into the nursery, a purr escaping her as she saw Hazybloom curled in his nest, his side slowly rising and falling. Curled up at his belly were his own two kits, Owlkit and Rowankit. "Only a few more moons until the nursery is empty..."
"Oh, no, quite the opposite." Brackenberry chuckled, sitting down and sweeping her tail to the other side of her body as Squirrelkit pounced onto it, earning a surprised squeak from the young tom as he stumbled to the ground. "We'll be getting new litters soon."
"Mhm," Brackenberry let out a purr of amusement, leaning down to give her fur a few licks before looking back up at the she-cat. "Snowypoppy's expecting a second litter, and...Perchwish and Princessbramble are also going to be bringing kits to the clan."
"Oh, how exciting." Badgerfall found herself glancing towards the clearing, where Perchwish and Princessbramble were chatting. The two toms were laughing to each other, batting at each others' faces. "Wait, how..."
"Don't ask." Brackenberry shook her head. "Now...I can tell you're exhausted from your vigil." She waved her paw in a dismissive yet playful way, chuckling. "Go, get some rest."
Badgerfall nodded, bidding the ginger queen and her kits goodbye before heading off. On her way to the warrior's den, movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention. 
A very groggy Whimsypaw entered camp. She was followed by Twigsplash, the large she-cat lumbering after her apprentice. Despite her thick fur, her exhaustion was evident. 
"Whimsypaw!" Badgerfall exclaimed, rushing over to her sister and pressing her head against her fur. "How did it go? What's your new name?"
"...Whimsybeam. My name is Whimsybeam now." Whimsybeam half-heartedly gave her sister a nudge, before padding to the medicine den and looking over her shoulder. "Sorry, I'm just...I'm so tired. Please, let me get some sleep."
"Oh. O-okay! Bye, Whimsybeam, congratulations!" Badgerfall meowed after her littermate, forcing a smile before continuing on her way to the warrior's den.
A new nest had already been built for her. Letting out a pleased purr, Badgerfall sunk into the soft moss, curling up. 
When she finally drifted off to sleep, her mind was filled with pleasant dreams of starry fields.
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nettleclanstale · 4 months
Badgerfall: i like Silverbreak, i hope she stays for a bit :)
Hazelstar: ...and i took that personally
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Beloved Badgerfall <3
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