nettleclanstale · 5 months
-Pebblecatcher retires.
-Cloverlight, Badgerfall, and Whimsybeam earn their full names.
-Perchwish, Snowypoppy, and Princessbramble are expecting kits.
-Yewkit recovers from greencough.
Relief flooded through Badgerfall's body as the first rays of sun made themselves visible through the trees. Her silent vigil, along with Cloverlight's, had been rather uneventful.
Rustling from the warrior's den caught Badgerfall's attention. Mothflower crawled out from the bush, shaking out his pelt and blinking the sleep from his eyes.
"Morning!" Badgerfall called, her eyes lighting up with joy. Her vigil was over!
The tom froze, looking at Badgerfall with wide eyes. It was as if he had seen a ghost. After a few seconds, he relaxed, sighing in relief. 
"Oh, Badgerfall, good morning. You scared me!" Mothflower glanced around camp, then his voice dropped to a whisper. "You're not supposed to talk, yet. You must wait for Meadowbreeze to dismiss you…" 
Badgerfall stood up straight, silently nodding.
Mothflower chuckled. 
"Don't worry, he'll be awake soon," He stated, turning to Cloverlight. "Tempestpool will be out to dismiss you, also." With that, he padded off, out of camp.
As the sun rose higher, more cats began to stir. Badgerfall shifted her paws anxiously, casting glances towards the warrior den entrance. 
It wasn't long before Tempestpool exited, yawning and stretching his legs before striding over to Cloverlight and touching his nose to her shoulder.
"Congratulations, Cloverlight. Your vigil has ended." He purred. Turning his head to Badgerfall, his dipped his head in apology. "Meadowbreeze will come soon." He hastily meowed before walking away, gesturing for Cloverlight to follow.
Badgerfall let out a sigh as her sister padded away, and continued to wait.  Finally, Meadowbreeze came out of the den. He immediately padded over to Badgerfall, and nervously touched his nose to hers. 
"I'm sorry for the wait," He awkwardly meowed, before clearing his throat. "…Your vigil is over. Congratulations." 
Badgerfall dipped her head. "Thank you." 
Meadowbreeze flicked his tail, turning away. "Get some rest. You earned it." Was all he said as he left. 
Badgerfall stood, her legs feeling like mush as she awkwardly stretched and let out a yawn. Her paws felt numb, and the snow beneath the spot she sat had long melted away. A chilly leaf-bare air swept through her body, and she shivered. 
Giggles could be heard coming from the nursery, and Badgerfall watched as Bramblekit ran out, followed by his littermates Robinkit and Yewkit. She was relieved to see Yewkit active and doing so much better, his kithood having been stolen away by an awful case of greencough.
"We're gonna be apprentices next moon!" Bramblekit chirped, running in circles in front of the nursery before leaping into a small pile of snow with a soft poomf. "I'll be the best warrior ever!"
"Not if I do it first!" Robinkit teased. She looked back at Yewkit, swishing her tail at him. "You're gonna be a warrior too, right?"
"Of course I am! I'll be better than both of you!" Yewkit crouched, wiggling his rump before leaping onto his sister and biting her ear. Robinkit squealed, before beginning to engage in a mock-battle with her littermate. 
"I don't think it's fair to make it a competition." A new voice said. Brackenberry padded out of the nursery after her kits, looking back inside. "Come on then, Squirrelkit. You too, Flamekit." She meowed. The exhaustion on her face was clear, just barely masked with a gentle smile as two more kits followed after their mother.
Badgerfall approached Brackenberry, who flinched when she arrived.
"Oh, stars! Badgerfall, you scared me!" Brackenberry exclaimed. "Hello! Congratulations on the warrior name, it's very…" She cleared her throat. "…Fitting."
"Thank you." Badgerfall peeked into the nursery, a purr escaping her as she saw Hazybloom curled in his nest, his side slowly rising and falling. Curled up at his belly were his own two kits, Owlkit and Rowankit. "Only a few more moons until the nursery is empty..."
"Oh, no, quite the opposite." Brackenberry chuckled, sitting down and sweeping her tail to the other side of her body as Squirrelkit pounced onto it, earning a surprised squeak from the young tom as he stumbled to the ground. "We'll be getting new litters soon."
"Mhm," Brackenberry let out a purr of amusement, leaning down to give her fur a few licks before looking back up at the she-cat. "Snowypoppy's expecting a second litter, and...Perchwish and Princessbramble are also going to be bringing kits to the clan."
"Oh, how exciting." Badgerfall found herself glancing towards the clearing, where Perchwish and Princessbramble were chatting. The two toms were laughing to each other, batting at each others' faces. "Wait, how..."
"Don't ask." Brackenberry shook her head. "Now...I can tell you're exhausted from your vigil." She waved her paw in a dismissive yet playful way, chuckling. "Go, get some rest."
Badgerfall nodded, bidding the ginger queen and her kits goodbye before heading off. On her way to the warrior's den, movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention. 
A very groggy Whimsypaw entered camp. She was followed by Twigsplash, the large she-cat lumbering after her apprentice. Despite her thick fur, her exhaustion was evident. 
"Whimsypaw!" Badgerfall exclaimed, rushing over to her sister and pressing her head against her fur. "How did it go? What's your new name?"
"...Whimsybeam. My name is Whimsybeam now." Whimsybeam half-heartedly gave her sister a nudge, before padding to the medicine den and looking over her shoulder. "Sorry, I'm just...I'm so tired. Please, let me get some sleep."
"Oh. O-okay! Bye, Whimsybeam, congratulations!" Badgerfall meowed after her littermate, forcing a smile before continuing on her way to the warrior's den.
A new nest had already been built for her. Letting out a pleased purr, Badgerfall sunk into the soft moss, curling up. 
When she finally drifted off to sleep, her mind was filled with pleasant dreams of starry fields.
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starbberryblue · 8 months
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hi tumblr :] throws my gay little elves at you and scuttles away
ive been thinking about my centuries old dubiously dead drow bard sorcerer who shattered his physical form in pursuit of creating the perfect world by siphoning creation magic from his archfey boyfriend <3 normal couples activities i think
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kundst · 2 years
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Emily Pettigrew (US 1991) Ice Storm / Liddle’sFarm (2022) Acrylic on wood (61 x 76 cm)
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foxfire-official · 1 year
um so cynthia mothflower levitated keefe and fitz onto the yeti in the level 6 wing. They eventually got down but the ogre princess went after cyn. cyn's ok but has a few bruises.
what are you going to do about ro constantly beating children up?
~ Aliza Windward, again, because she has no other place to report this
no, we did not get a recording of the fight.
“We already made an announcement addressing the issue. As stated before we don’t get paid enough to care,”-Lady Cadence
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warriorsweaver · 6 months
Looking for 2 Apprentices for a Jcink Warriors RP
EDIT: Both characters have been taken, but we have plenty of other wanted ads with just-as-juicy plots for you to look at on YAWRP!!
Mothflower was a TalonClan warrior. After a sparring incident with her littermates led to the accidental death of her sister, she left the Clans behind, terrified of her brother Silverfire using their sister's death as blackmail.
Years later, Mothflower found a mate and was soon pregnant. Her mate died before the kits were born. She began traveling back towards the Clans. One of her kits died along the way.
Mothflower was terrified. She couldn't do this on her own. Recently, Finchstar of StormClan agreed to take Mothflower and her two surviving daughters in. StormClan and TalonClan have a tense relationship fueled by their shared borders. Though Silverfire, now Silverstar, is unaware of his sister's return, Mothflower knows that she can't avoid him forever.
Was bringing her daughters to live in a Clan the right choice? I need two players, one for each apprentice! Their names are open, but their prefixes must be on our on-site prefix list. Their appearances can be anything within reason. Mothflower is a long-haired silver tabby with white markings and golden-amber eyes; her mate was never described physically, so it's pretty open-ended. Personalities are totally open. Are they terrified of being in a Clan? Do they love or hate the rigidity of Clan life after spending the first ~6 moons of their life as loners? Are they excited to be around new, strange cats? How are they fitting in to StormClan culture? Their history is interesting. Mothflower was open to them about their father, how she loved him but he was taken to the vet and never returned. Their sister didn't make it through leafbare. Mothflower would've told them that they're going to live in a Clan for their own safety. She would not have told them about Silverstar or her personal past in the Clans beyond the fact that she was born and raised in an unspecified Clan. She's holding on to her secrets for as long as she can. I would love it if that blew up in her face. If you're interested, pop on to YAWRP's Discord server and talk to Midnight!
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kotlc-rp-official · 3 days
How do I join and are OCs allowed (to rp as)?
Also if I do join should I do anything to catch upon what's going on?
so any character not put in the list is a character not taken (let us know first what ur rp'ing as)
i think theres a kotlc oc rp somewhere on tumblr too- @lillibethnougatesquirethe3rd i think they rp as cynthia mothflower in it.
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rxsewqter · 1 year
hey, Aliza
I think sencen’s bodyguard judo flipped someone into your locker, did you have anything in your locker that shouldn’t be crushed?
-Cynthia Mothflower, level four
what how did you know aliza was me ahahahaha
and whoa now i know who cynthia is!
ughhh CRAP. im sick of sencen and his bodyguard. now i have to get the poor kid out. I had elixirs i had to turn in for alchemy :(.
those two made me miss elementalism 2 days ago because of a stupid stink bomb.
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so you can read animal minds right? I need some information (name, diet, needs, etc.) on the foxfire basement thing. -Cynthia Mothflower, caring for beings in the basement since earlier today
Uhmmmm I think it’s a imp! There really sweet I have one of my own!
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hi CeCe,
how’re you doing? -Cynthia Mothflower
Pretty good, just trying not to fall asleep in Elvin History. You?
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thecouncil-official · 11 months
you don’t find anyone (despite having infinite money due to our batshit economy) so I am resorting to crimes.
-Cynthia Mothflower (@lillibethnougatesquirethe3rd)
and this kids is a perfect example of the council's fantastic governing 💗💗
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nettleclanstale · 5 months
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additional news:
-Maplekit has one bad eye.
-Mothflower and Beetleheart earn their warrior names.
-An old tom named Mistyfleck joins the clan. You'll meet him next moon. :)
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tigersiblingsau · 2 years
Oh boy, another AU I've made
Here are the basic points:
Moth/Tadpole/Hawk are born much earlier, a few days before Goldenflower has her kits
Tigerclaw finds out and wants them, he figures the more kits he has the better
He and Sasha fight, and it ends with him drowning her
He takes a very pregnant Goldenflower out of camp and to three kits. He admits they are his, and asks they are raised alongside their half siblings, since their mother died
Goldenflower is extremely angry, kitty divorces Tigerclaw, but takes the kits in, since they are innocent.
This is a little random but Tigerclaw changes Tadpole's name to Pantherkit. I found Tadpolekit hard to work, seen someone on a wc forum suggest it since it fits with leopard/tiger, and his uncle is lion sooo
Goldenflower and Mothkit grow very close!
Things happen like in canon, blah blah blah, Tigerclaw gets banished, but before he leaves, he turns to Goldenflower and whispers in her ear, "I drowned Sasha," and that breaks her a little bit
Now, Tigerclan forms and things are getting uncomfortable for Hawk and Bramble, so, as the ones looking like Tiger, they leave
Blah blah blah, once Tigerclan is disbanded, Hawk stays in River, and Bramble goes to Shadow
Hawk's plans go a little differently than in canon, he still fakes Moth's sign, but also fakes one for Bramble.
The plan is for him to lead Riverclan, Bramble to lead Shadowclan, Tawny or Panther to lead Thunderclan, and Moth to be the medicine cat to tie it all together. Sure, he didn't have a sibling to lead Windclan, but 3/4 of the clans run by your siblings is pretty good.
Not completely sure how everything pans out from there, but we'll get there!
Some other, random notes:
Goldenflower lives longer bc she is important
The new names are: Bramblepelt, Tawnytooth, Mothflower, and Pantherclaw
Tawny, Moth, Panther are besties with Leaf and Squirrel. Sorry not sorry.
The whole group knew about the three, and since Panther and Squirrel were so close, Panther pretended to be their father/her mate
Leaf and Moth became an awesome med cat duo, and Leaf was sort of trained by Moth too.
Willowshine is still Riverclan's Medcat, trained by Moth very quickly with some timeline adjustments
Panther and Squirrel do become actual mates, and have another litter after Alder/Spark
Bramble and Rowan are mates, with Rowan being trans and having Tiger/Dawn/Flame
I am leaning towards Pantherstar, but I could make Squirrelstar or Tawnystar work
Oh yeah and Bramble admits the sign was faked after Hawk's death and is shunned for a long time
There is so much I have to say!! But!!! This is all for now. It's very long, I know, I also don't care.
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cyn i brought black swan food for you. i left it at your door in the neverseen hideout cause I know how horrible neverseen food is.
~ aliza, does not know how to feel about you right now
thank you! The food is honestly not that bad though, and a lot of hideouts supplement with human produce and stuff. We even have a chicken coop (only for eggs, don’t worry) I guess keefe’s hideout didn’t do that? That or it was too spicy (they use a LOT of spices) Anyway thanks a million!
-Cynthia Mothflower, not sure how to sign off
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foxfire-official · 1 year
what was that crashing noise earlier?
-everleigh devereaux, level 6
Probably Cynthia Mothflower investigating the thing in the basement. Or Magnate Leto committing insurance fraud.
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Timeline : Year 1 (ThunderClan)
The Frost Moon
7th Day of the Frost Moon ThunderClan loses Sunningrocks to RiverClan Spottedleaf receives a prophecy from StarClan about fire saving the Clan 9th Day of the Frost Moon Mottlethroat moves into the nursery with Patchpelt's kits
The Silver Moon [The Greencough Epidemic]
2nd Day of the Silver Moon Newtstone joins StarClan due to greencough 3rd Day of the Silver Moon Acornflake joins StarClan due to greencough 13th Day of the Silver Moon Leopardfoot joins StarClan due to greencough 21st Day of the Silver Moon Ravenkit catches greencough 25th Day of the Silver Moon Ravenkit begins to recover 27th Day of the Silver Moon Dustkit becomes Dustpaw and is apprenticed to Eagleheart Ravenkit's apprentice ceremony is delayed 28th Day of the Silver Moon Robinwing joins StarClan due to greencough
The Snow Moon
6th Day of the Snow Moon Swiftkit, Lynxkit, and Warblerkit are born to Mottlethroat and Patchpelt Warblerkit joins StarClan 7th Day of the Snow Moon Lynxkit joins StarClan 14th Day of the Snow Moon Lizardpaw becomes Lizardtail 23rd Day of the Snow Moon Ravenkit becomes Ravenpaw and is apprenticed to Tigerclaw
The Melting Moon
3rd Day of the Melting Moon Two newborn kits are found on ThunderClan territory Mottlethroat agrees to foster them alongside Swiftkit Bluestar names them Smokekit and Cinderkit 21st Day of the Melting Moon Graykit becomes Graypaw and is apprenticed to Lionheart
The Rain Moon [Beginning of "Into the Wild"]
11th Day of the Rain Moon Bluestar invites Rusty and Autumn to join ThunderClan 12th Day of the Rain Moon Rusty becomes Firepaw and is apprenticed to Rosecloud Autumn becomes Emberpaw and is apprenticed to Redtail 17th Day of the Rain Moon Emberpaw catches her first piece of prey 29th Day of the Rain Moon Frostfur moves into the nursery with Lionheart's kits
The Growing Moon
Nothing of note occurs
The Warm Moon
22nd Day of the Warm Moon Firepaw becomes Spottedleaf's new apprentice 25th Day of the Warm Moon Brackenkit, Lilykit, Thornkit, and Brightkit are born to Frostfur and Lionheart 27th Day of the Warm Moon Emberpaw has her first solo hunting assignment ThunderClan takes Yellowfang as a prisoner Emberpaw is tasked with caring for Yellowfang
The Golden Moon
2nd Day of the Golden Moon Emberpaw runs into her sister Princess Ravenpaw catches an adder 6th Day of the Golden Moon The Half-Moon Firepaw is presented to StarClan as a Seer Apprentice 13th Day of the Golden Moon The Gathering Brokenstar demands to hunt on other territories Bluestar will give him her answer at the next Gathering Brokenstar warns of a kit-killing rogue Emberpaw sneaks back to camp to warn Yellowfang Bluestar refuses to send Yellowfang back into exile 16th Day of the Golden Moon Bluestar, Beestorm, Eagleheart, Sandpaw, Cherrypaw, and Dustpaw travel to Highstones 17th Day of the Golden Moon The group is attacked by rats while returning from Highstones Bluestar loses a life 24th Day of the Golden Moon ShadowClan attacks ThunderClan Lionheart and Mothflower join StarClan Redtail is appointed Deputy Patchpelt is made Graypaw's new mentor Yellowfang officially joins ThunderClan 26th Day of the Golden Moon Spottedleaf tells Firepaw about the prophecy 29th Day of the Golden Moon Spottedleaf joins StarClan Emberpaw, Brackenkit, Lilykit, Thornkit, and Brightkit are abducted by Clawface and Frogtail 30th Day of the Golden Moon ThunderClan accuses Yellowfang of Spottedleaf's death Yellowfang leaves ThunderClan to rescue Emberpaw and Frostfur's kits
The Scorching Moon
3rd Day of the Scorching Moon Yellowfang recruits the ShadowClan elders and exiles 6th Day of the Scorching Moon Emberpaw's wounds become infected 12th Day of the Scorching Moon The Gathering Bluestar refuses to let ShadowClan hunt on ThunderClan territory and demands the return of her cats 13th Day of the Scorching Moon Bluestar sends Sandpaw, Cherrypaw, and Dustpaw to find Yellowfang and bring her back to ThunderClan A ThunderClan patrol and the ShadowClan exiles drive Brokenstar and his supporters out of ShadowClan territory 14th Day of the Scorching Moon Nightpelt takes over ShadowClan ThunderClan returns to their own territory Sandpaw becomes Sandstorm Dustpaw becomes Dustpelt Cherrypaw becomes Cherrysong Yellowfang is appointed ThunderClan's new Seer and Firepaw's new mentor 21st Day of the Scorching Moon [Beginning of "Fire and Ice"] Swiftkit becomes Swiftpaw and is apprenticed to Lizardtail Cinderkit becomes Cinderpaw and is apprenticed to Wildbreeze Smokekit becomes Smokepaw and is apprenticed to Owlshine 25th Day of the Scorching Moon Emberpaw is declared healed and allowed to return to training 27th Day of the Scorching Moon Smokepaw is presented to StarClan as ThunderClan's new Healer apprentice
The Turning Moon
3rd Day of the Turning Moon The Half-Moon Firepaw dreams of Windstar, who asks him to help her Clan 10th Day of the Turning Moon The Gathering Bluestar convinces the other Clans to bring WindClan back SkyClan and ThunderClan agree to send cats to fetch WindClan 11th Day of the Turning Moon Aspenleaf, Graypaw, and Emberpaw meet Darkflame and Rainfur at Fourtrees and set out 12th Day of the Turning Moon Emberpaw meets her brother Filou in town Filou points the Clan cats towards a nearby Skypath Rainfur tracks WindClan to a tunnel beneath the Skypath 13th Day of the Turning Moon Aspenleaf tells Duskstar that Brokenstar has been driven out WindClan prepares to return home Barley allows WindClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan to stay in his barn for the night 14th Day of the Turning Moon Finchspirit has a vision of a cat dying Darkflame and Rainfur return to SkyClan territory Graypaw suggests traveling through RiverClan RiverClan attacks the ThunderClan and WindClan cats ThunderClan comes to help Emberpaw saves Lizardtail and Whiteclaw Piketooth falls into the gorge and joins StarClan 19th Day of the Turning Moon Emberpaw notices Graypaw acting strange
The Falling Moon
4th Day of the Falling Moon Bluestar, Patchpelt, Tigerclaw, Emberpaw, Graypaw, and Ravenpaw travel to Highstones 8th Day of the Falling Moon Emberpaw becomes Emberheart Graypaw becomes Graystripe Ravenpaw becomes Raventhroat 10th Day of the Falling Moon The Gathering WindClan is welcomed back to the forest 13th Day of the Falling Moon Brindleface moves into the nursery with an unknown tom's kits 22nd Day of the Falling Moon ThunderClan begins to notice ShadowClan scent on their territory
The Cold Moon
12th Day of the Cold Moon Ashkit, Fernkit, Tulipkit, and Mintkit are born to Brindleface 20th Day of the Cold Moon ThunderClan reclaims Sunningrocks from RiverClan 26th Day of the Cold Moon A cold snap freezes the river between ThunderClan and RiverClan 27th Day of the Cold Moon Graystripe falls into the river and is rescued by Silverstream 28th Day of the Cold Moon Graystripe develops a cold and is told to stay in camp 30th Day of the Cold Moon The Half-Moon Firepaw has a dream about kits being abandoned by their mother
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warriorsweaver · 5 months
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Warriors RPers: I'll only make 2 characters on this site
Also Warriors RPers: But for real, that's it for now. No, seriously, 13 is enough until we get more litters born. I know I had 175 on the old site, but I'm not a teenager anymore and I don't have that kind of time these days. But, like, a few of them are already planned to die. Hazelbee, for example, has the remainder of her short life mapped out. Shadecrow and Patchfire are elders. They're on a time limit. Seedfire will probably do something stupid and impulsive and get herself killed. Mothflower's brother is her rival Clan's leader and he's not going to be happy to see her alive and well in StormClan. Tigerpaw's death is also mostly planned out. None of my characters are safe so it's okay if I make a bunch of extra ones. ;)
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