#Ballon styling Sydney
memorableeventz · 9 months
Balloon Bouquets Sydney | memorableeventz.com.au
Balloon bouquets are a great way to surprise someone on their special day. They can be made with helium or air balloons and can be a variety of colors. They can also be shaped into different shapes and sizes.
One popular trend is to add a person’s name to a balloon bouquet. This can be done by etching it on a balloon or by printing it on a vinyl decal.
There are many different kinds of balloon bouquets to choose from, including personalised ones. A balloon bouquet typically consists of several helium-filled balloons grouped together in an aesthetically pleasing arrangement. The float time of these arrangements is dependent on the number and size of the balloons, as well as their material.
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Popular styles include a happy birthday Ballon styling Sydney, which can be combined with a fresh flower arrangement, chocolate hamper, or champagne for an extra special gift. Also in demand is the deluxe hot-air balloon style with a variety of messages and colours.
A helium-free balloon bouquet can be an alternative to a traditional arrangement, and can also be decorated with confetti or mylar spray. LED string lights are another popular add-on, and can be stuffed into a clear bobo balloon to illuminate the arrangement.
Traditionally, a balloon bouquet is several helium-filled balloons grouped together in an aesthetically pleasing arrangement. However, these arrangements can also include air-filled balloons or other decorations. Adding a message to a balloon bouquet is a fun way to celebrate a birthday or other occasion. For example, a foil number is popular for a birthday party, while a black or pink balloon with Mickey or Minnie is perfect for a first birthday. Another popular message is a name on a bobo balloon, which is preferred because of its glassy shine and spherical shape.
You can find a wide variety of personalised balloon bouquets online, including ones for same day delivery in Sydney. These gifts are a great option for a last-minute surprise and will make your recipient feel special.
A balloon bouquet is a group of helium-filled balloons in an aesthetically pleasing arrangement. They can be made with any color and size of balloons. They are also available in a variety of shapes and styles. Adding a tassel or stuffed animal can make the bouquet more personal. Alternatively, LED string lights can be wrapped around the balloon arch Sydney for an illuminating effect.
Custom-printed balloons are another popular option. These can be printed with the recipient’s name or a message. They are especially popular with children’s parties, and add a personal touch to any event.
Other options for customising a balloon bouquet include adding confetti or mylar spray, or arranging the balloons in an eye-catching shape. Balloons with numbers are also a popular addition. They can be a great way to celebrate a special birthday or anniversary!
Balloons come in a variety of styles. Some are designed to float, while others can be attached to a base or placed on a table. Some can even be shaped into wreaths. A balloon wreath is a popular choice for birthday parties. It can be made to look like a
princess crown, tree, or heart.
A non-helium balloon bouquet is an affordable way to add a touch of style to any party. It can be shaped into a circle, or a square, or even an oval. You can even use a balloon arch for a more dramatic effect.
You can also use a custom helium bouquet to add a special message to your loved one. Adding foil numbers to a balloon bouquet is an easy way to celebrate an anniversary or birthday.
The price of balloon bouquets sydney varies depending on the size and type of balloons used. For example, larger balloons require more helium and cost more than smaller ones. They can also be made from different materials and have varying float times. If you want to get the best price, make sure to book your personalised balloon delivery ahead of time.
If you’re looking for a gift that’s sure to impress, consider a custom printed balloon. These types of gifts are usually produced on Airtasker and include extras like flowers, chocolates, and greeting cards. You can also find local balloon providers who offer a variety of extra services for a flat fee.
Balloons are a great way to add some colour and flair to any occasion, so make sure you check out the range on PartyList.
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world-of-wales · 2 years
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18 APRIL 2014 || The Duchess of Cambridge, along with Prince William, carried out a series of engagements in Sydney on day 12 of their tour in Australia and New Zealand.
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thememoriesofaqueen · 5 years
The Things We Do - Part 8
Masterlist (x)
A/N: This chapter deals with Katherine after she departed from Elijah and moved to Australia. I struggled with it, so I really do hope you’ll enjoy it.                English is not my first language      → I do not own anything of the TVD - Universe and I’m not affiliated or                   associated with the writers etc. this is only a headcanon.
Pairing: Kalijah ( Katherine / Elijah )
Setting: post TVD 4x23, no cured Katherine.
TW: -
Word Count: 6.161
In hindsight going to Australia was the best choice she could have make. She has never been to Australia that long before, so she knew that she wouldn't get bored. She was positive that there were a lot of new things to discover, new adventures. Something which was much needed because it was good to have distraction, so she didn’t had to think about something which had happened in the past.
It was smart to get as far as possible away from that dreadful town called Mystic Falls. If she wasn't near it, she wouldn't think about it and she wouldn't feel those passive aggressions she still held. Oh, if she could she would burn that town with its inhabitants to the ground and throw the ashes into the ocean. Like she said, huge aggressions.
In addition, she also wanted to be as far as possible away from him. She didn't wish to see him or hear anything from him or even smell him - even though his aftershave always had a very appealing aroma. She wanted nothing from him. She wanted to forget him. But she had also other reasons to go as far as away from him as possible. She also wanted to make sure he was serious about his promise of leaving her alone once she heard him out. And he was. She didn’t hear anything about or from him, much to her relief. Perhaps it was because she was far away from where he was supposed to be and he didn't want to make the effort. Whatever it was, she was happy he wasn't a part of her life anymore. He had done enough damage.
Even though he had explained himself and she could understand his reasons to a certain level, she was angry with him. She felt betrayed, lied to. He should have known better. If he hadn’t made her feel like garbage, like something unworthy, none of the past would have happened.
But she didn’t want to think about it. It happend in a past life and now she had a new one, a new life in Australia.
It took her a while to get used to the change. She hasn’t really lived in the southern hemisphere, everything was reversed. When it should have been winter, it was summer. Even though winter here was pleasant - it was not as cold than winters in Europe or the US. Yes, she could get used to it.
As already mentioned, she really enjoyed her stay in Australia. Not only because she hasn’t really been there before, but she also slowly changed her way of life. One of the major changes were the fact that she started to wear sneakers instead of high heels because it was more comfortable while doing certain things. Not that she would ever turn into a sneaker-person, she loved her high heels, but sometimes they were a disadvantage and had to be replaced.
She remembered the first time she actually wore sneakers after buying one pair because she wanted to climb the Syndey Harbour Bridge. She had gotten herself a guide book and doing that activity was recommened, that’s why she gave it a try. After all she wanted to make new experiences, right?
To be honest, she kinda regretted it at the beginning. Not because she never felt the need of wanting to climb a bridge before or because she had a fear of hights, it was because she felt uncomfortibale while wearing sneakers. How could anyone want to wear something like that? It wasn’t attractive and she felt short, but eventually she was grateful she hadn’t chosen her high heels to climb the Harbour Bridge. And it was worth it. The view was breathtaking.
Actually, she liked the view that much, that she had decided to do it again, but at a different time, believing the view would be even greater in the evening, when the sun set and one could see all the lights.
That was her first experience with sneakers. She still didn’t like it, but she figured that she could change her style. Be someone new. She had noticed that it was considered fashionable to wear white sneakers, that’s why she designed a new look for her during day time. White sneakers with jeans shorts because she had to show off her legs - she loved to be admired. She also changed the way she wore her hair by wearing more half up half down hairstyles. However, when going out in the evening or at night, she returned to her typical ‘Katherine’-style, wearing high heels and darker make up.
She went out almost every evening. She enjoyed taking drinks at Sydney’s best rooftop bars and she enjoyed going to partys until the sun rose. She was a new person at daylight, but the same at nighttime. She also embraced her vampire-nature during the sunless hours, partying with enough alcohol and blood to keep her satisfied. To be honest, she can be a monster at night - her bites were really nasty and fortunately, she was always sober enought to compel and heal the bitten human. Sometimes she was so hung over that she slept the entire day, but that wasn’t always the case. Drinking until she passed out wasn’t really her style, she rather enjoyed her life.
Trying new things were a part of enjoying life and be someone new. Climbing the Harbour Bridge was just the beginning. She also tried floating above Camden Valley in a hot air ballon. It was the first time she has ever been in a hot air ballon. She has always been sceptical about hot air ballons, because you can’t control it. The wind can blow you everywhere and she didn’t enjoy the thought of landing in a lake or worse, the sea. The experience started at 4am and she had to drive a few miles until she got to the location. Fortunately, she doesn’t mind to stand up early, in fact she has always been an early-person.
And again, the experience was worth it, even though it was cold and she was freezing. It was beautiful to flight across the country and see the Sydney city skyline in the horizon as the sun slowly rose. She wondered why she hasn’t tried something like that before. 500 years of living and 230+ years since it was possible to travel in a hot air ballon and she never tried it. She guess she just hadn’t had the time to try. She admits, she never considered trying it as well.
Of course not every day was as adventourous as the days where she climbed bridges or decided to travel with a hot air ballon. She also enjoyed going through Wendy’s Secret Garden, which was a really nice spot, or go shopping at Strand Arcade. She went whale watching and hiking in the Royal National Park and saw beautiful waterfalls and had a delicious human snack while doing a break. She also rediscovered the joy of horseback riding. It’s been a while since she last did something like that but when she came across Centennial Parkslands, where it was possible to borrow a horse, she suddenly remembered that she used to love to go horseback riding. She even owned a few horses in her lifetime but since cars became a thing and she prefered to live in big citys, horses became nothing but a distant memory.
It’s funny how a new place can give you new memories, but can also help to gain back forgotten ones. On that day in Centennial Parksland she wondered how many more hidden memorys she may have, which she forgot about. She might even say, she was feeling a little bit sentimental on this day.
However, that odd feeling didn’t last long because she threw herself into new adventures.
She has never been a water-person. She hated it if it rained and her hair got wet. Although she lived in several beach houses before, whether they were located at the beaches in Europe or the US, whether it was the mediterean sea, the Atlantic or the Pacific, she never really took advantage of it. Sure, she enjoyed the sight, enjoyed the sunrises or sunsets. But she never really went into the water.
To be honest, she prefered pools over the sea. Simply because she had more control when being in a pool. The ocean or the sea, however, were wild and untamed - she didn’t like the waves which could always splash over her head and therefore making her hair wet. She also didn’t like the thought that if anything happens to her while being in the sea, no one would be able to find her. There were rumors that some vampires were sunk into the sea, making them suffer for eternity. A vampire can also not use their speed while being in water, which was a disadvantage especially for someone like her, a person who’s always prepared to flee. As seen, she had good reasons to avoid it.
Ever since her arrival, she took a walk at the seafront every evening. Firstly she did it because she was hungry and wanted to look for a fitting snack. Later on she noticed that Sydney has really beautiful beaches and special places.
She began to enjoy to go swimming. At first she discovered Bondie Iceberg’s Pool, a pool imbedded into the ocean. It was a start, a compromise. She later discovered that Bondie Iceberg’s Pool wasn’t the only protected saltwater pool and when she discovered Bronte Baths, she often liked to take a sunrise swim. She enjoyed the silence, the view. And it was actually good for her skin too, the salt made her skin more soft and glowing.
She took a coastal trek from Manly to Spit and visited beaches which are only reachable on this walk or by boat, therefore they weren’t overcrowded, she also discovered hidden beaches on the Hermitage Foreshore Walk. Nevertheless her favorite spot were still the protected saltwater pools.
As mentioned before, she hadn’t really been a water person. But the longer she stayed in Sydney, the more she took an interest in trying water activities too. She tried to do stand-up paddelboarding at Palm Beach, but after mastering it, it was too boring. How could people do this for hours? She needed more action, that’s why she decided after a while to try learning how to surf.
She was sceptic at first, because surfing was everything she disliked. Being in the ocean with waves big enough to knock her over and the 99% chance of getting her hair wet. But she was curious. And she wanted to start something new. Why not try surfing? She still remembers the talk she had with one of the surfers she had met on the beach, remembers how sceptical she was.
“So you actually take enjoyment of getting wet and all salty if you’re thrown in the water by some giant wave?” she asked while not really buying it. How is that supposed to be fun?
“It’s more about learning and knowing what you’re able to do. You can’t control the force of nature and waves are a big force of nature which can also be pretty painful. But there’s no better feeling than successfully riding a wave.”
Katherine raised an eyebrow. “I’m still not buying it”
“Someone once said that waves are not measured in feet and inches, they are measured in increments of fear. You should never stop fearing the ocean, because when you’re in or on a wave you can’t stop it. You can’t bail out. It’s a challenge between you and the ocean. You can either win or lose, even though I wouldn’t recommend losing.”
He sounded so enthusiastic and somehow the thought of surfing became more tempting.
“Just theoretical… do you think someone like me could master a challenge with the ocean?” she asked, because perhaps she should give it a chance. After all she wanted a new start, a new life. One will always have a new start if one actually start with something new, even it was something unconventional such as surfing.
“Sure. But you shouldn’t get your hopes up, you need a proper training. And you should prepare to fall in the water a lot. But you don’t strike me as someone who gives up easily”
“And why would you know that?”
“There’s passion in your eyes. That’s why I know that. Many people who try to learn surfing or anything else don’t want to learn it because they want, they do it because they have nothing better to do.”
Let’s say it was a hard way to success. But she was ambitious. No way Katherine Pierce is not able to learn surfing. That’s impossible. And even though she fell into the water a lot, literally a lot, she never gave up. She took all her attention into learning how to surf that she had forgotten everything else. And she liked it!
After several training sessions, after several tries and being thrown into the water, she finally managed to ride a wave, a real, big wave. She was feeling euphoric, really fanastic. At that moment she felt like she could do everything - she defeated a force of nature and that’s powerful.
During her training she also took a liking into her surf-teacher. His name was Henry and even though she prefered dark haired males, he was attractiv. She often flirted with him, seeing it as some sort of game. To her it was nothing more. Just amusment. Eventually, Henry also turned into her personal blood bag. She favored it if she had a personal blood bag, it made feeding more interesting. It was also easier than finding someone new each time when she felt hungry because she is very demanding when it comes to a neck.
Eventually, however, she got bored and dumped Henry and the idea of surfing. She got bored of Sydney after two years and decided to go travelling around Australia.
She saw the Field of Light Uluru installation at Ayers Rock Resort, she explored the Great Barrier Reef - something she wanted to do for quite a time as it was one of the seven wonders of the world. It was also time to visit it, because it's very possibly that it'll disappear in the future. She also swam with whale sharks and dolphins at Ningaloo Reef, she has seen Uluru, which is a UNESCO World Heritage and Kangaroo Island.
She stayed in Melbourne for a few months and visited the Twelve Apostles on The Great Ocean Road before returning back to Sydney after one year of travelling.
Even though she has enjoyed travelling, something has changed. Despite making many new experiences, despite being able to enjoy herself in the past years, something felt wrong. She felt wrong. It was like she woke up from yet another dream, another facade.
She noticed the change when she woke up in her new modern appartment with floor-to-ceiling windows and was wondering what she was going to wear. Her wardrobe has changed the past three years, she prefered to wear more casual clothing and practical, yet stylish footwear during daytime. However, eventually she wasn’t in the mood to look like an average teenager anymore. She went back on wearing lacy tops and high heels. She went also back on wearing lipstick and eyeliner not only when going out in the night, but also when doing daily business.
She didn't go swimming anymore, instead she preferred to just sunbathe and sipping cocktails at a beach bar.
She knew there was a reason why she felt changed, why she wasn’t able to enjoy the things she used to like in the past three years. She knew there was a reason why she felt like she wasn’t herself anymore. Yes, she had enjoyed the past years, she had discovered new sides. But it hadn’t been truly her. She had invented herself completely new but suppressed some of the parts of her own personality, because she wanted to forget about the things which had hurt her.
`·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.·  After returning to Syndey `·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.·
“Where should I leave your luggage, Miss?”
Katherine turned around and looked at the concierge who had kindly offered her help with her luggage. This wasn’t a hotel, so she hadn’t the oppurtunity to ask the staff.
“Just put it over here.” she said and pointed at a place where it wouldn’t bother her. To be honest, she didn’t really like to unpack all of her luggage. It took too long and she often just prefered to buy something new instead of wearing anything ‘old’.
“Hey, can you help me with unpacking?” she asked and took a step closer. If there wasn’t any staff to do it, perhaps he could be of service.
“I’m sorry, Miss, but I’ll have to return back to my workplace.”
Katherine sighed, why must humans always be so complicated?
“It would be really kind of you to help me unpacking. I’m sure you have time to put everything in my closets, yes?” she compelled the concierge and grinned when he nodded. She quickly explained him where she wanted everything to be. “Wonderful. I’m taking a shower.”
She enjoyed long showers, that’s why she didn’t feel the need to rush. She just came back to Sydney after travelling for a year, but she was positive she didn’t need long to adapt into having a somehow fixed address again.
When being finished with showering, she tucked her body into a nice, fluffy towel and went back to the bedroom where she wanted to pick up her clothes. To her surprise, the concierge was still there.
“May I ask what you’re doing here? It shouldn’t be so difficult to put my clothes into the closets.” she snapped.
“I’m sorry Miss, but I’ve found something in one of your suitcases and I wasn’t sure were to put it.” he showed her a white, slightly creased envelope.
“Where have you found that? I don’t remember to have packed something like that.” she asked, suddenly suspectious. She has been always very careful with everything. Even if it was just something like an envelope.
“It was in your suitcase lid, actually behind the suitcase lid. It must have slipped underneath the material.” he explained and handed her his find.
“Okay, thank you. Now leave and forget you’ve helped me.” she compelled the man and put the envelope on her nightstand before preparing to go out.
She kinda forgot about the envelope during the day. She only remembered it again, when she wanted to go to bed and saw it laying on her nightstand. She was still very suspectious on what it was as she couldn’t remember packing it. Perhaps the concierge was compelled by someone else to give her this. Perhaps it was a threat, a warning. She didn’t know why, but somehow she felt like she won’t like what was in the envelope. She was certain it wasn’t a leaflet.
She pursed her lips and was already ready to throw it unopened in the trash can, but decided different as curiosity took a hold of her. Perhaps she bought tickets for a show and forgot about it? Even though that was very unlikely since she wouldn’t forget about tickets she had purchased for a certain date.
Katherine sighed and stared at the white paper, before she decided to open it. How worse could it be?
To be honest, she expected everything. A threatening letter, a warning, an advertising brochure, tickets for a show, perhaps it was even empty. But she didn’t expected the true content.
She was surprised and shocked when she opened the envelope and emptied the content over the kitchen table. It was a series of pictures of her and Elijah Mikaelson.
She took them and shook her head. That shouldn’t be possible. She was positive she burned or threw everything away which had something to do with him. A little bit dramatic, she knew, but she was feeling wrathful back then. Even though she can’t remember seeing these pictures again after they moved away from NYC. One picture was missing, she remembered she gifted it to him in order for him to remember the moment.
While looking at them, she remembered that night.
`·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.· Flashback - Four and a half years ago `·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.·
“Katerina, are you really sure you want to do this? If you want pictures of us, we can consult a professional photographer.”
She rolled her eyes and kept dragging him towards the photo booth.
“Come one, be a little spontenious. We had a great night out, we look dashing and I really want something to look at in a few weeks or perhaps months. Something to remember.”
He sighed and she knew she had to use that moment of hesistation in order to get what she wants.
“I’m not going to beg, Elijah, but it would make me very happy. You want me to be happy, right?” she asked and looked at him with big brown eyes. She was a little bit drunk, but that didn’t prevent her from trying to convince him. And luckily, he finally gave in.
“Anything to make you happy” he replied and smiled when he noticed how happy she was. In fact, she was beaming and instantly glide into the photo booth. It was very small and there was barely room for two.
“Thank you, Elijah”, she was still beaming at him as a result of being squiffy and happy.
“You’re welcome” he leaned in and gave her a kiss when the box took the first picture.
“You know, we should do something crazy”, and before he could protest, she had already placed herself on his lap, her arms tightly around his neck and passionately kissing him. He returned the kiss, much to her pleasure. However, she pulled away. She didn’t forget she wanted pictures of them and those shouldn’t only show them kissing. She glid off his lap and sat back next to him. However, she couldn’t help herself but starting to nip on his neck with her fangs exposed.
“Katerina!” he laughed while burrying his hand in her curls.
“Don’t worry, I won’t bite you” she mumbled against his skin, knowing that he wouldn’t allow her to bite him. He never did and she accepted it. But she enjoyed the thought of it. She placed a kiss on his neck and pulled away, her vampire features gone.
They shared another deep kiss before they got out of the photo booth. The pictures which were taken of them were beautiful. She loved them because they looked happy. Even Elijah let his guard down and seemed genuely happy and relaxed.
She teared the first picture of the series off and handed it to him.
“That one is for you, so you’ll aways remember that it can be fun if you try something new.”
She frowned when she looked at the pictures. She remembered that she kept her part and clued it to her mirror. However, when she had to move from NYC to a smaller town in Virginia, she had taken them off and put them in her suitcase. She must have overlooked them when she unpacked the suitcase as she never really put anything in the suitcase lid. Over the time the envelope probably moved until it slit underneath the material and that’s why she hadn’t found it until today.
Her fingertips carefully caressed the pictures. She used to be so happy. The pictures reminded her of that. She had always felt safe when she was with him, not only because he was an Original, but because he knew her well enough. He always believed -perhaps hoped- that there was more about her than just being the selfish, manipulative person known as Katherine Pierce. He didn’t let anyone tell him otherwise. Nevertheless he didn’t push her into anything. He had accepted her as she was, the good sides and the preponderant bad ones.
She put the pictures back in the envelope and bit down on her lip. She hasn’t thought about Elijah ever since she moved to Australia. Of course she had feared he might try to find her, but she had tried her best to distract herself and she was succesful in doing so.
Over the passage of the past three years she had forgotten about him. There was no room for Elijah Mikaelson. But now, after having seen those pictures, she felt an ache in her heart like she missed something - or someone. 
Truth be told, after she had put the envelope into a book and therefore out of her sight, she had felt better. That feeling of having lost something important faded away. Nevertheless that evening was the beginning of her change back to Katherine Pierce as she used to be, even though it was a slow process.
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Three years and five months after moving to Sydney, she had started to actually visit the Sydney Opera House. Despite having spent a lot of her time in Syndey before her travel around Australia, she has never been in the Opera House. She visited theatres and listened to classic music. She like to wear gowns and the only time someone could actually wore an evening gown was when going to the Opera House where everyone was dressed really fancy.
Eventually, she met someone named Dave. He also liked to visit the Sydney Opera House. They’ve met from time to time until they started an affair. Dave became her new personal blood bag and she really enjoyed feeding from him. He was one of the few men she actually had an affair with in the past three years. Sure, she had feed from many, but there were just a selected few humans she had choosen for sexual activitiys - even though it never got any deeper than having fun.
The affair with Dave lasted four months and ended in a divasting relevation. She wasn’t aware of the similarity. She liked that he was so cultivated, she liked that he was always properly dressed. They had a smiliar taste in food and drink, he liked to go dancing and they both enjoyed going out. He run a small business, so they often met between meetings in order for her to take a sip of his blood. Ever since she finished her travel around Australia and came back to Sydney, she felt extremly hungry. Like she hadn’t feed properly, even though she has. There was a feeling of dissatisfaction after she had bitten someone and she wasn’t able to fill that hole with blood.
Ever since she met Dave, the urge to feed got worse. She always had to be very careful when she bit him, because sometimes she felt like she couldn’t stop. She didn’t know why, but his blood made her feel so good, so euphoric.
That evening they were drinking wine while soft music was playing in the background. They were in his loft and eventually she had asked him if he wanted to dance, even though it wasn’t really about dancing. She was hungry and bit him after he got up, carefully drinking from his vein. When she finally pulled away, she didn’t see Dave but Elijah.
Being shocked, she stumbled a few steps back while looking at the human. It was so obvious and she hadn’t noticed it. Dark hair, good taste, almost always wearing a suit - he was a spitting image of Elijah.
She managed to compel him to forget everything, including ever meeting her before she left, no, fled from his loft.
Usually, she was able to control her feelings. She didn’t let any feelings come in the way. But on that night, feelings overwhelmed her. She was angry, mad and sad at the same time. She went on a rampage and almost destroyed half of her appartment because on that night she realized that she still missed him. How dare he having such a power over her?
She always knew that she’ll forgive him eventually. Forgiveness can be earned. However, she was almost certain that she can’t love him or even miss him ever again. He had caused too much damage, too much pain. And yet here she was, having an affair with someone who looked like Elijah. She knew she didn’t choose Dave because he was Dave, she was sure that her subconsciousness had been aware of the resemblance. She has just been too ignorant to notice sooner and that made her so damn angry.
She tried to forget him, she tried to hate him. But the more she tried to push the memories and thoughts of Elijah away, the more she couldn’t stop thinking about him.
Katherine wasn’t delusional. She knew that the posibility of them having a happy ending were pretty low. She knew when push comes to shove, he won’t chose her but his family. He wasn’t good for her. However, he was everything she wanted to find in a man. He was loyal (if she ignored his daffy devotion to Klaus), he had manners, he was a man and not a boy, he had experience, was strong and used to make her feel safe. But most importantly, he knew exactly who she was. He didn’t tried to change her, even though he hoped she would return to her former self one day. He had accepted her and returned her feelings. Well, before he had let her down.
`·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.·  Present `·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.·
She had continued to push the thought of Elijah away. She did it the last six months after departing from Dave. She did it because she didn’t want him. Because he wasn’t worth her time, her feelings or anything else. But the more she had pushed everything regarding to him away, the more she seemed to grafitate towards him. It was like a curse. He was a curse.
It was nothing new that the emotions of a vampire are heightened, but dealing with those extrem feelings, which got stronger and stronger each day, drained her. She just couldn’t manage to ignore his existence. Even if she tried to do it, she unconsciously did the things she knew he had enjoyed: Sipping his favorite brand of whiskey or listening to a certain piano piece - the piece he liked to play for her while she listened and drank a glass of wine, admiring his talent. When she saw someone whose tie wasn’t knotted perfectly she remembered the times where they were entangled in a hot passionate kiss, only for her to fix his shirt collar and tie after pulling away from him.
She knew she can’t fight it any longer, she knew she wanted him back in her life. She longed to hear his voice saying her name. Not Katherine, but Katerina. She wanted to look into his beautiful brown eyes which held so much love for her. She wanted him to wrap his arms around her and pull her close. She wanted to make him uncomfortable when she wanted to do something which he considered as ‘improper’, knowing that he probably would grow to enjoy it. She wanted to hear him play the piano or asking her out for a date. Gosh, she wanted him in her life so badly.
However, it was so hard to call him. There was still a part within her which wanted to fight the possiblity of getting Elijah back. A part of her which knew just because she wanted him back, that he couldn’t be trusted. A part of her which still despises him for what he has done. But there was also the other part who missed him, perhaps even loved him. He left a void in her, a void she couldn’t fill with affairs and blood and alcohol. No matter how much she drank, how much fun she had. At the end, it wasn’t enough. It may have taken some time to finally realize that fact, but it’s the bitter truth. Nevertheless, she continued to fight with herself until she finally wanted to give it a try.
Years ago, he had given her a piece of paper with his phone number. Back then she was too pissed at him to want to store his number into her cell phone. Despite not wanting to call him back then, she placed his number somewhere safe, somewhere where she could easily find it again.
Katherine sighed and got up from her place at her luxury balcony from where she had the perfect view over the ocean. She went inside her apartment and grabbed one of her expensive handbags before pulling out a little box.
It was a special box, because it was sealed by a spell so only she could open it. it contained important and expensive things, things which shouldn’t land in the false hands such as her passport, ID-card, her favorite jewelry, credit cards - and a folded piece of paper.
She took the paper and closed the box, carefully putting it away. She unfolded the paper and looked at his elegant handwriting. There it was, the number she had to call if she wanted to hear his voice, if she wanted to tell him that she had forgiven him. She grabbed her phone and began to tip in the first few numberals.
However, she hesistated. What if he had forgotten about her? After all, his mind usually just circles around his family. What if he had found someone new? It’s almost impossible as Elijah seemed to fall rarely in love, but what if he has? She didn’t want to make a sap out of herself.
The thought of another woman in his life made her jealous. She imagined how another woman got his full attention, how he kissed her like he had used to kiss her. She imagined him making love to someone else.
A growl escaped her lips and the grip around her phone tightened. As if it was not only worse enough to admit she missed him, she even was jealous about some probably non existent woman. “You are Katherine Pierce. Don’t make a fool out of yourself.” she mumbled to herself, before putting her phone and the piece of paper away and going in the kitchen to open herself a bottle of wine.
Unfortunately, one and later two glasses of wine didn’t help to ease her mind. Elijah Mikaelson was still on her mind like a ghost in a haunted castle. Unable to hunt him away. Unable to ignore him. She eyed her phone from her position in the kitchen and pressed her lips together. It was so tempting but at the same time not workable. Did he really deserve her forgiveness? No. No, he should suffer if he actually even still thinks about her. He had already forgotten about her once.
She didn’t call him in the next three days either. She was about to call or message him a few times, but she always talked herself out of it in the last moment. Elijah drove her crazy - even though he didn’t exactly do anything. 
On the fourth day, however, she decided to finally do it. She is Katherine Pierce and she may run from a lot of things, but she won’t run from this. It was pathetic and a Katherine Pierce won’t be pathetic. Even if he has forgotten about her, even if he had found someone new, she won’t be stopped from doing what she wants to do. Even if it's only to let him know she forgave him in order to ease her mind.
At first, she wanted to call him. However, she put that thought away. Calling wouldn’t be the best and safest option. Elijah was probably still in New Orleans and therefore with Klaus, she didn’t want to take the risk of letting anyone overhear their conversation. Besides, she wasn’t sure if his number was still the same, so she went for something unspecific, something which only he could know.
‘It took some time but I’m ready now. Meet me in in three weeks at 8pm at the place you’ve shown me and where the past and present have collided.’
She re-read her text before she pressed send. She was aware that she was very vague, but she knows that Elijah will know who had sent this. She would have preferred to meet him sooner, but she had to move back to the US and he was always terrible busy with family-things and probably has to find an excuse to sneak away.
After having messaged him, she felt relieved. Almost happy and excited. With a little smile on her lips, she put her phone back into her bag and went out on her balcony to watch the beautiful sunset.
A/N: This was chapter 8! I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Katherine deals very differently with feelings than Elijah. She’s the type who won’t let feelings eat her and instead does things which are fun & good for her. She’s also deals with feelings more physically while Elijah mentally tortures himself. Next chapter contains the Kalijah-reunion. If Katherine and Elijah show up at said place. ;) If you like it, hit the ♥ - or come into my askbox, i’d love to hear your opinion. Please do not hate on my decisions or characters as this is no anti- or hate-blog. However, you can leave constructive criticism. :)
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actusfrances · 5 years
Le design floral, un art en plein essor
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Fâné, le petit bouquet de fleurs serrées et rigide des années 1990. Depuis une dizaine d'années, un vent de liberté souffle sur la création florale.   De nouveaux maitres fleuristes, inspirés par le mouvement "slow flower" , privilégient les variétés durables et de saison, cultivées localement, parfois dans leur jardin, comme les grands chefs cultivent des légumes à domicile.
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Dans leurs bouquets réapparaissent des espèces originales, insolites, autres que celles qui poussent en Hollande en rang d'oignons.   Ces cultivateurs artisans insèrent aussi dans leurs créations diverses espèces végétales, branches tortueuses d'arbres fruitiers, fleurs séchées, baies ou graminées.   La création florale se réinvente également en s'inspirant de la peinture d'autrefois, des maitres hollandais ou d'autres disciplines contemporaines, de la sculpture, de la haute couture…   Un nouvel art floral qui s'expose et rencontre un grand succès sur les réseaux sociaux, en particulier sur Instagram. Dans l'hyperconnexion, ces bouquets offrent comme une respiration.   Plus besoin donc pour les fleuristes d'avoir pignon sur rue. Ils peuvent devenir nomades, travailler pour des événements, des restaurants, des musées, des défilées, imaginer des créations de plus grande dimension…   Un très bel ouvrage, paru chez Phaidon, met à l'honneur ce travail : En fleur. Design floral contemporain. Le livre réunit les travaux de 86 designers floraux sélectionnés par un bouquet de stylistes, journalistes, parfumeurs...  Dont voici une petite sélection pour inspirer vos créations.
Azuma Makoto
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3, 2, 1… Décollage imminent pour un vol spatial botanique ! En 2014, Azuma Makoto envoie pour la première fois des fleurs dans l’espace, dans le cadre de son exposition d’Exobiotanica.   La création - composée de lys, d’hortensias, d’orchidées et d’iris – a été envoyée dans la stratosphère à l’aide de ballons gonflés à l’hélium pour filmer leur réaction à cet environnement hostile.
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kkkkk D’immenses compositions florales prises au piège dans des blocs de glace ciselés se désintégrant à mesure que la glace fond. Voici l’une des œuvres auxquelles l’artiste doit sa notoriété.   Créées en 2015, ces pièces ont séduit le styliste Dries Van Noten pour son défilé Printemps-Été 2018. kkkkk
Wona Bae et Charlie Lawler
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Des œuvres florales audacieuses disposées dans différents lieux publics : voici la signature du duo Wona Bae et Charlie Lawler, artistes installés à Melbourne.   Ces deux fleuristes composent leurs créations en fonction du comportement des plantes, de leurs proportions, structures ou textures.   L'une des plus connues : cette grande couronne de fleurs de cerisiers suspendue. lllll
Vic Brotherson
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Vic Brotherson débarque à Londres au début des années 1990, embauchée comme fleuriste dans un kiosque accolé aux toilettes publiques de Westbourne Grove.   Plus tard, elle ouvre son atelier - Scarlet & Violet – et y sculpte des bouquets à la fois vintage et contemporain qui donnent l’impression d’avoir été cueillis sur le moment.   Son autre penchant : couvrir de gigantesques pans de mur ou des escaliers victoriens ou géorgiens de fleurs coupées et de branches fleuries. llllll
Lauren Sellen
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Lauren Sellen est fascinée par l’étrangeté avec laquelle certaines fleurs ou arbres poussent.   Basée à Toronto, l'artiste travaille généralement avec des couleurs monochromes - voire pastelles - la plupart du temps avec un seul type de fleur par composition, et jouit d’une notoriété grandissante.   En septembre 2018, pour un mariage en Provence, elle signe cette coiffe géante de gypsophile rose et blanche disposée en cascade sur une installation d’asparagus. lllll
Doan Ly
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kkkkk Pour Doan Ly - fondatrice d’A.P BIO – "les fleurs sont des mots" qu’elle-même, fleuriste, aime transmettre à travers la photographie.   Chaque composition de cette artiste autodidacte se veut un composition ludique, à l'image de cette oeuvre où elle fait fondre des cônes de glace sur une surface brillante et immaculée, entourés de tulipes et d’anthuriums. lllll
Elizabeth Johnson et George Law
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Une petite échoppe fleurie dans le quartier de Glebe, à Sydney. Voici à quoi ressemblait l’atelier d’Elizabeth Johnson et de George Law en 2006, avant qu'il ne se transforme en entreprise florissante - Seed Flora - au service de mariages et autres événements d’une clientèle de luxe.   Du bouquet de chrysanthèmes jaunes et d’orchidées Oncidium sur une structure en nid d’abeille pour la marque Pandora à la création d’un décor pour défilé de mode agrémenté de roses et autres fleurs rouges, le couple est connu pour ses compositions extravagantes. lllll
Brittany Asch
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Les cours d’arts performatifs et musicaux au Berklee College of Music de Boston inspirent encore le travail de Brittany Asch. Son expérience dans la création de décors, de costumes et de situations marque ses compositions.   Dans cette oeuvre, les feuilles de palmier semblent danser le French cancan au milieu d’autres callas, herbes de la pampa, anthuriums, heliconia rostrata, amarantes, allium et orchidées. lllll
Emily Thompson
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Emily Thompson, sculptrice de formation, cherche à exprimer la lutte perpétuelle entre la vie et la mort dans la nature, ainsi que le combat pour la domination et la survie.   Au milieu de branches, de grappes et de baies, pensées et myosotis tentent de faire leur place dans ce bouquet.   En 2011, elle est invitée à décorer la salle de bal de la Maison Blanche, cinq ans à peine après ses débuts dans l'art floral. Depuis, Emily Thompson Flowers, son entreprise, double de taille chaque année. lllll
from We Demain, une revue pour changer d'époque https://ift.tt/2JDLxqf via IFTTT
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zoesrhees · 7 years
somehow i ended up w six characters again :// i’d love some more plots so under the read more you can learn about zoe, true, ruby, bruno, marisol & rocio come plot w me!! i’m gonna try & work on replies before passing out so if u like this post i will come to u tomorrow!
zoe [arden cho fc] 20, kappa gamma vp, cheerleader, virgo, poli-sci & pre-law major;
flighty and forgetful af sticks her foot in her mouth bunches
ally mcbeal & elle woods are her heroes wants to be just like them; at the very least somewhat like them
is a little ridiculous and over the top sometimes, stupidly dramatic in the most nonsensical of ways, will probably drag herself on the floor and weep if she hasn’t eaten in three hours just a huge idiot that makes a fuss out of the littlest of things
grew up in san antonio, tx and her and her fam moved to pennsylvannia right before she started high school
zoe’s dad is in sports medicine he used to be a trainer for the san antonio spurs & now works for the 76ers so she’s huge into sports especially basketball
she wears short skirts she’s cheer captain & she’s also on the bleachers!!!
no really she really likes short skirts???
very very self conscious and has a lot of self doubt doesn’t think she can be successful worries and stresses over everything wants to make her parents proud
lowkey a hoe but like in the sense that she’s a HUGE hopeless romantic and just hopes that one day she’ll have her hollywood style romance
can be selfish, stubborn and extremely shallow at times
the sort of person that will get roasted and then think of a comeback hours later
will literally RUN AWAY in an uncomfortable situation like g2g :///
just a big giant walking awkward meme honestly
true [ ricky whittle fc] 25, epsilon kappa tau, pres, taurus, pre-med major;
took some time off after high school before coming to college to travel and explore
lived most of the time with his aunt in paris and worked in a little deli could have probably lived and gone to school there
met the love of his life there, had all sorts of adventures and this was probably the most lighthearted and content and blissful he was
stayed in paris and got into a pretty bad accident that really destroyed his left leg, walks with a cane now, hooked on pain pills, some of it is psychosomatic
grumpy old man 999% of the time though he’s gotten a lot better he still makes a lot of deprecating jokes about being a cripple etc etc etc
v fashioned after dr. house tbh
completely out of touch with technology had a flip phone until about six months ago and now all he knows how to do is swipe to unlock
has probably asked siri a bunch of stupid questions
family man through and through though there are some very big shoes to fill in his fam
doesn’t get a lot of the things “the kids” are into honestly
ruby [marie avgeropoulos fc] 20, kappa gamma kappa, gymnastics co-cap, cancer, marine biology major
the definition of that old expression sweet summer child
gentle, sweet, honest, caring, humble
super into gymnastics, could hve made the australian olympic team at some point
super worrisome, self-blaming, self-deprecating, would literally give anyone the shirt off her back, too trusting for her own good
hasn’t had the best experiences though she tries to push that away barely talks about it with anyone but her older brother because he’s seen some horrors himself
loves to snorkel and dive would one hundred percent live off the grid if she could
huGe science dork but admittedly not the best student in the world
obsesses over everything that could go wrong, cries a lot, has a vehement need to be liked and validated
loves openly and fiercely and perhaps a little too easily
kindest little soul v pure
marisol [cierra ramirez fc] 20, omega alpha chi, scorpio, photojournalism major, newspaper & some other stuff i put her in
miami raised, marisol is LOUD as hell, loves good music, good food and having a good time
mexican & columbian aka mexilumbian aka the best of both worlds v v proud of her heritage
semi internet famous she has a good following on instagram and twitter and is honestly known for her posts feat other people where she boasts and heart eyes over them
a huge believer in boosting other people’s confidence will go out of her way to compliment another girl just because even if its something as small as i like your top
bi visibility advocate 
she is maya’s half sister maya was adopted out and marisol literally STALKED her on facebook until she found out what university she was going to and lo and behold here she is!!!
she just doesn’t know how to TELL maya she’s her sister so she’s gonna pretend to admire her from a far
bruno [jarod joseph fc] 21, psi delta, pisces, graphic design major
raised between aus & ny he was born in sydney and was taken in by the fairchild fam after his parents died because they were close friends
looks like he could kill you and is actually a cinnamon roll. meme
really really sensitive, wears his heart on his sleeve an open book
always smiling
very passionate about mashed potatoes!!!
friend to all, bruno is super chill and really nice, really supportive, honestly all he wants to do is get high and eat food 
likes graffiti pretty good at it
idenitifies a lot with troy barnes from community
probably has the most adorable and dorkiest laugh ever
video game NERD
family is REALLY important to him and he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place over the forgiveness of his oldest adoptive brother for leaving
bby  has abandoment issues
misses his parents
rocio [diane guerrero] 21, tau alpha zeta, fine arts major, a bunch of clubs and shit i haven’t decided
her parents were basically travelling hippies who worked with a circus and literally went all over the world
she’s lived in all sorts of places most notably, puerto rico, australia and berlin
was going to be a tight rope walker but she changed her mind
changes her mind A LOt very very fleeting and ephemeral interests
but she’s developed a ton of hobbies and talents because of it
good singer, good tap dancer, can juggle, make ballon animals just a general jack of all trades
very chill, very laid back, really silly 
sells homemade jewelry for extra money
and flower crowns
don’t forget about the flower crowns
never sleeps, currently denying rumors that she’s a vampire
she’s a pacifist, doesn’t fight, doesn’t argue, doesn’t get involved in business that isn’t hers 
jokes about being born out of time a lot and thinks she’s should have lived during the summer of love
her name means dewdrops
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As I was walking in my surroundings, I notice the following juxtapositions:
There were two identical buildings next to each other, One was a plain grey colour and the other was patterned. The patterned building stood out over the plain building  
In the structure of the man taking photography, The man is juxtaposed against a dog, The head of the man has been replaced by the head of the dog which makes the structure unreal
when I was at MCA (Museum of contemporary art) in the weekend, I noticed this fantastical balloon installation. The balloon is made to look like it is a hard surface by replacing the rubber like feel of the ballon with a metal like finish. The artist has made this idea richer by placing things on the surface that almost look like they are growing out of the surface
As I was walking in the city area of Sydney, I noticed these two buildings that juxtaposed against each other. The one in the front is an olden style architecture and the one behind represents the geometrical urban environment that we now live in. The use of material and shapes between the two are drastically different which creates a strong juxtaposition. 
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