#Balsam Coffcord
neverfearforiamhere · 2 years
(A Fool’s Fables belongs to @mable-stitchpunk!)
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mable-stitchpunk · 3 years
Who is taller- Balsam or Yves?
Hmm... That's actually a tricky one. I would say maybe Yves, but it has to be a close one. Even then him wearing a hood off and on could bias it.
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mable-stitchpunk · 3 years
What led to Coffcord taking in Balsam?
Coffcord himself had left home at a young age to be mentored in alchemy, so the idea of taking on an apprentice was never too foreign to him. So, when a young boy was left orphaned and it came to his attention, he took action and brought him into his home.
It wasn't too terribly long after his partner had left, so his plans of starting a family were to be on hold anyway- Balsam really came right in time. Especially since he wasn't nearly as blunt then as he is now. XD
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mable-stitchpunk · 3 years
What does Coffcord honestly think of Lure?
Balsam's reckless little friend. Don't get me wrong, he respects Lure and admires how much devotion he has for his princess... but he can't help but see his youth and compare it to Balsam's, even when he has a couple of years on Balsam.
Coffcord worries about Lure. He has every right to- he knows that he has undertaken a massive responsibility. It's more than taking care of the heir to the throne, it's the fact that he is putting himself at the forefront of major issues for the throne.
But for now, Coffcord will offer his support and assistance when he can, and only pounce on Lure if he really, really messes something up.
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mable-stitchpunk · 3 years
Coffcord 💕
send 💕 for a love headcanon
Many years ago, Coffcord had a partner whom he worked alongside. Their research was quite valuable, their travels many, and they were very close. Alas, a dispute separated them, and he hasn't loved another since she left- though he also has had his hands full, being that he took in Balsam not too long after losing her.
He still carries a torch for her, though they haven't been in contact for years.
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mable-stitchpunk · 4 years
A Fool’s Golden Cage: Snared
         Right as Balsam started to move a branch back, something darted out of the bushes and into the woods. It didn’t get far before there was a snapping sound follow by a high-pitched shrieking or squeaking. His brown eyes popped open and he fought past the bushes.          There, hanging close to the ground by a snare, was a rabbit. It looked small sized but wasn’t a kit, and it thrashed and squealed in a way that he didn’t know rabbits could. It was absolutely pitiful.          The more rational side of Balsam immediately recognized this as the opportunity that it was. They needed to keep their supplies plentiful and would’ve had to hunt anyway. He himself had caught- or attempted to catch- rabbits multiple times. Now he had one practically handed to him. All he had to do was grab it by the scruff and carry it back to camp, or something like that.          …But something about watching it dangle from its leg, thrashing against the rope and yet having no chance of escape, made him uncomfortable. This time he couldn’t help but see it as it was: a fighting, shrieking, terrified creature. For a split second he felt like he was staring at himself.          “Poor thing…” Balsam took a deep breath through his nose. He could still go get Yves and lead him back. He could kill it and carve it, and they would have meat for at least two days. That would be the responsible thing.          The apprentice just couldn’t do it this time.          He stepped in, knelt beside it, and tried to figure out the best way to set it free. The first attempt involved him grabbing it around the middle. This was rewarded with a nasty bite to the thumb. He yanked back his hand and shook it out with a hiss but wasn’t entirely undeterred.           “Okay… Better idea.” He pulled out his knife and, holding the rabbit by the snare, cut the cord around the rabbit’s leg. It dropped to the ground on its back, scrambled to roll over, and then went to dart off into the underbrush.          In a split second, something dropped down out of the air and landed atop the rabbit. It only took Balsam a second to realize what it was.          “Presque!” He threw himself towards them and started trying to shoo the falcon away. “No, Presque! Stop it!”          He flailed his arms before accidently smacking the bird. It was knocked back with a shriek of its own before flying over into a bush. The rabbit proceeded to dash into the greenery and vanish. With it now safe, Balsam looked towards Presque, who was uninjured but now proceeded to squawk in what almost seemed like frustration.          There came the sound of rapid footsteps and Balsam turned around just in time to see Yves glaring down at him. The anger on his face was unlike anything he had seen from the usually apathetic archer.          “…I know that probably looked bad-.”          “You attacked my bird for doing what it was trained to do!? You could have maimed him- over a rabbit! A wild rabbit!” Yves’ voice only raised in fury. “Destroying traps that aren’t yours, and you backhanded my bird!”          “I- Yves- I wasn’t trying to hurt Presque! I love Presque!” Balsam defended. “But did you see that?! I just got it cut free and he swooped down-!”          “He did what I trained him to do,” Yves growled.          “What was he doing here anyways?!... Wait… Wait a minute!” Balsam stood quickly to hold his ground. “You followed me out here!”          “Only because you left on your own-.”          “Which means you saw me cutting the rabbit free and still released Presque! Here you are yelling at me when you put me in the situation!”          Yves seemed flustered by being called out. He still defended himself with, “I thought you were going to lose it. I didn’t realize you were releasing it.”          “And that makes you at fault too! Yet you would scold me like a child!”          Balsam knew that he was letting his pent-up stress get to him and making Yves a target for his frustration, but he found it so difficult to rein himself back in. He did finally, forcing his mouth closed to silence anymore words. By now Yves looked quite surprised by the usually passive apprentice’s change in demeanor. As though he thought it really was over the rabbit.          “I’m sorry about Presque. I didn’t mean to hurt him, but I am not the only one at fault. If you’re going to be this voice of reason then you will need to take responsibility just as I have,” Balsam finished. He was surprised at how much he sounded like Coffcord. Maybe he was even a little proud of it.          He turned towards a gap between the thick branches and spotted more fruiting bushes a few feet away. “Now if you excuse me, I will be-.”          Something caught on his foot and he knew instantly he made a mistake. Balsam tried to yank hit foot free but found it hooked by the rope, and he ended up landing heavily on one knee. The rope pulled slowly with his foot and there was a creaking noise from above. He turned and looked over his shoulder and proceeded to stare in horror.          Barely hidden in the leaf canopy above them was a bed of sharp, wooden spears. He knew immediately that it was connected to the rope that he had tripped over, and he knew he only had seconds left.          “Back! Get back!”
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mable-stitchpunk · 5 years
What inspired you to write Can’t go Home Again and A Fool’s Endeavor?
Hey there! Thanks for asking. 83
I actually tried a few times to write a FNAF fanfiction before Can’t Go Home Again and it never worked out. Most of these were flimsy oneshots- I think was afraid of getting something in the lore wrong and effectively discrediting the story or something. I kept trying because I wanted to.
It was kind of a combination of two ideas: one where a middle-aged Mike and his family accidentally get stuck with the still haunted Puppet, and another oneshot where Mike’s trying to get home to his roommate after Freddy’s closes (the big “twist” being that the roommate is the Puppet).
Finally decided to wing it with a different kind of oneshot. One that would be more open-ended and instead deal more with Mike finding an animatronic grieving like he is and offering comfort. This was Can’t Go Home Again, and I left it open to continue if it went over well.
It went over better than any of my other fanfictions ever. So, I continued, and found that it came really easily. The story just felt good so I decided to expand it to twelve-fifteen chapters and use some of the backstory headcanons I hadn’t been able to use in the first chapter. I was having so much fun with it that those chapters flew by... So, I kept going. And I still am. XD
...Though if you meant which games specifically inspired it, then it would probably be FNAF 4 that gave the most inspiration. That was the first game that really gave a character a full presence. I already loved the Puppet and once I took to the Crying Child it just all clicked.
A Fool’s Endeavor has the most bizarre creation of all time, because after months of planning for and attempting to write this book on the Fountain of Youth, I scrapped the book and came up with most of the story for A Fool’s Endeavor in one afternoon. 
I won’t give too many details on the scrapped book, but it was a clustered mess of metaphors wrapped around a child lead with little personality. For some reason I was attempting to write something like an epic and yet I couldn’t understand why it wasn’t working. Finally I got so frustrated that I gave up on the idea and started brainstorming on a bike ride.
The train of thought was something like this: Fantasy -> Medieval Fantasy. Characters: prince trying to recover artifact, captain of the guards, old wizard type, jester thief. -> Jester in castle = Jester to (young) princess. Castle gets attacked -> princess kidnapped -> jester goes on quest. Characters: jester, apprentice, knight.
Lure’s name went through only two changes. Originally his name was Victor but it didn’t sound jester-y enough. Lure was a placeholder that stuck. XD Balsam’s name was one I’ve tried to use in making novels before- such as my scrapped Pinocchio novel-, Morrick flopped around a bit, and Coffcord is an unfunny funny story. 
While Yves’ late-novel addition reads like a last minute addition, he was actually created at the same time as the others and was supposed to join them when they first met him in the earlier chapters. Except I decided this was too soon, and consider Yves’ later character reveals it wouldn’t make much sense for him to do this. Thus, he got introduced later and didn’t get as much time in the first book.
Hope this answered your question! Thanks again! ^-^
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mable-stitchpunk · 5 years
Jester Lure: A Massive Character Questionnaire
Here’s a long list of questions and answers detailing Jester Lure, the lead character in my book A Fool’s Endeavor and the upcoming A Fool’s Golden Cage. The questions were taken from Charahub, a website for creating and tracking characters that was unfortunately shut down. Thankfully, a kind soul saved the list of questions- so here we go!
Short Description: Name: Lure or Jester Lure by title.
Pronounced: Like lure usually is- “Loo-er”.
Age: Early twenties.
Extra: Nickname: None, just Lure.
Occupation: Court jester to the princess of Acalathoy, full-time jester.
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Usually seen wearing a full jester ensemble of navy and cyan, fit with hat, gloves, and boots. Wears a gold and ivory colored mask that fully covers his face. Underneath his costume, he has sienna skin- affectionately called ‘cinnamon’- and soft brown hair that is usually bedraggled from his costume. 
Personality: Lure is vibrant and full of life, with a sarcastic streak and an ounce of wit mixed in. He tries to keep things optimistic even when his words portray him as a bit more cynical than that. He can be reckless at times, but is smart enough to prefer talking himself out of a situation before jeopardizing himself, and is rather good at it. There are parts to him that are sly and cunning, but Lure is not without morals, and he is very loyal to those who become close with him. He relishes his job as jester and holds his title with pride, but begrudgingly accepts that few others respects his role. He loves his young princess and enjoys the life he has with her, enough so that he is able to stifle the desire he has for travel and adventure. (Though if given the proper means, Lure will throw himself into an adventure without much preparation and find a way to stay on his feet.)
Fandom: A Fool’s Fables (A Fool’s Endeavor, A Fool’s Golden Cage, ect.) 
Sexuality: The only person Lure’s been attracted to has been another man.
Voice: Naturally warm, going between cheerfully chirp to dead flat to go with the mood.
Back Story: The backstory Lure spreads is that he was found by the queen as a baby, who was so endeared by him that she took him in and raised him as her personal jester. Sadly, the queen passed on shortly after the birth of her daughter. Lure became the princess’ jester to help make up for the lack of a mother figure. Even though the king wasn’t entirely fond of him, he helped raise her alongside the nursemaid who helped raise him.
Ongoing Story: In A Fool’s Endeavor, an attack on the castle led to the king being killed and the princess being kidnapped. Lure went on a foolhardy quest to rescue her, joining up with Apprentice Balsam, Sir Morrick, and Hunter Yves. In A Fool’s Golden Cage, Lure will be afflicted with a strange ailment and need to journey for a cure, again accompanied by his companions.
Likes: Music, Astronomy, Astrology, Divination Cards (Tarot), the overall act of jesting, reading fables, extravagant costumes and colorful fabrics, roasted pheasant and pastries, feeling like he won an argument, traveling, his close knit group of allies, tending to his princess, and being able to witness extraordinary things up close. 
Dislikes: His costume getting destroyed and needing mending, ‘peasant food’ such as sop and gruel, ‘evil’ jester stereotypes, loss of control or choice, his princess being upset, and stagnation. 
Strengths: Lure is athletic and acrobatic, and knows some self-defense techniques. He’s capable with a dagger, which he always keeps in his boot, and by the second book begins bringing a poleaxe with him. However, Lure’s greatest strength is his ability to find ways around direct fighting. If he can find a way that avoids direct conflict then he will take it. He also uses a more theatrical persona to convince others more easily, usually to mislead or get assistance. 
Weaknesses: Lure can be a bit reckless and get in over his head without considering the repercussions. He’s also of slender build and wears no armor, meaning that if confronted head on he has a mark disadvantage.
Favorite color: Blue, all shades.
Kind of clothing: As said before, Lure typically wears a navy and cyan jester costume. He has a few of these, most in the same colors but with different patterns on them. Instead of typical jester shoes, he wears leather boots, and typically carries a card pouch at his waist. 
What element would they be?: Fire. Burns warmly, glows brightly, and doesn’t handle water too well.  (At least, at the beginning of the first book.)
Theme song: Lure might write his own, but personally I could see ‘The Show Must Go On’ or ‘Seven Seas of Rhye’ by Queen.
Deadly sin that best represents them: Maybe lust- not in the typical sexual sense, but that lust for life and his job in life being to literally entertain and enthrall. 
Hobbies: Divination Card reading, instrument playing, reading, and dabbles in astronomy and alchemy at times. He also enjoys playing games like chess, cards, and backgammon.
Special skills/talents: Lure is a gifted virtuoso, learning how to play the harp and lute at a young age. As such, he can pretty much work with any string instrument and make some form of music, even if it is new to him. He’s also good with making up song lyrics on the spot. There are other various things, such as juggling, tumbling, and various ‘jester’ acts that would be expected. Knows some self-defense. 
Patience level: Depends on the circumstances, but Lure’s capable of grin-and-bearing through many situations if the need comes. If in a situation where it doesn’t matter what he says, he will willingly speak his mind.
Regrets: During A Fool’s Endeavor he regrets letting the princess get captured, even when he truly tried to protect her, but gets over it by the second book. Lure’s not the type to linger on past stakes after they are no longer relevant.
Favorite places: Lure has a few special places. The princess’ bedroom and playroom is one of them, as this is where he spent most of his time in raising and playing with the young girl. The courtyard is also a place where he frequently gets away to. Even though introduced to it at a poor time in his life, Lure is fond of Alchemist Coffcord’s home. It is the only ‘quaint’ home he would prefer over the castle setting.
Role model: He looked up to both the queen and the king while growing up. 
Favorite foods: Roasted pheasant, venison, tarts, pies, mousse, freshly baked bread, rich cheese, sugared and glazed nuts, and fruits such as figs, plums, and pomegranates. 
Favorite book: He loves fairy tales, fables, and legends that he can read and then retell to others later.
Mode of transportation: Across the books he’s used various means of transportation- mostly walking- but he knows how to ride a horse.
Weapon: Keeps a dagger in his boot that he got from Balsam. During the second book, Morrick gives him a poleaxe to defend himself.
Smells like: herosmellslike.com claims Lure smells like ‘spring water and desert’, so lets go with that.
How do they feel about love: Lure has experienced familial, platonic, and romantic love and is for all three. As cynical as he is, he makes bonds with people and then does all he can to keep them.
Least favorite color: Dull grey or sunken brown- if it is worn out and faded. 
Home town/Where they live now: the Kingdom of Acalathoy
Makes a living by: Being the court jester and personal playmate of the princess.
Fears or phobias: During A Fool’s Endeavor, Lure copes with a fear of water and drowning, but he slowly overcomes it and faces it by the end of the book. One of his biggest fears is, ironically, to lose his title of a jester and be forced to the life of a nameless, faceless jester.
Race, ethnicity and nationality: Lure is a citizen of Acalathoy and of mixed ethnicity, with his mother being fair skinned and his father having a darker skin tone. Music they listen to: He likes most kinds of music, but especially likes flute music- perhaps because it is the one instrument he has limited access to and is completely unpracticed in.
Bad habits: The closest thing would be Lure’s pickiness with food.
What turns them on: He’s excited by displays of strength and passion, but also has an extreme soft spot for those who are willing to show a gentle hand.
What turns them off: Romantic-wise, he is not interested in anyone like himself, ironically enough. He’s also disinterested in ‘stuffy’ people who lack passion in something.
If they transitioned from their world to ours, how would they react: Lure would put on a bright face and be full of quips, all while withholding the inward horror that none of his survival tactics would work here... Though he would probably like how accessible entertainment is. 
Religious and to what extent? Any spiritual beliefs?: There are various religions in Lure’s world. He worships one that may be titled ‘Fateism’, which worships the Creator, Death, and Fate. While Lure is not overly religious, he does seem to believe in some divine being.
Pet peeves: The biggest one would be the constantly passed around belief that jesters are evil and shady. Though he also doesn’t like narrow-minded folk or people unwilling to listen to reason.
Personal problems: Lure must constantly wear a mask to hide a secret that isn’t just his.
What ONE item would they take to an uninhabited island: Probably his dagger. It has so many uses.
Outlook on life: A cynical realist, Lure actually has a positive outlook, believing that it is worth fighting for a better life.
Most important person in their life: Even with a romantic partner and friends, Princess Vivianne would still be the most important person in his life. He does all he can to protect her and keep her happy.
What was your character like as a child: He was attentive and well-behaved, listening closely to his queen and learning everything she taught him.
What (if they can) does your character eat: Usually whatever the princess is dining on or served to the court.
What is something other people assume about your character?: That he’s evil, both in story and out of the story. That evil jester plot point is tough to shake. XD
Do they like the name they were given: Lure loves his name so much that the fake name he occasionally uses, Cajole, is just a variation of his own name.
Nervous habits: He tugs at his collar when he gets flustered or overheated.
Siblings: Short answer: Yes.
Wears jewelry: Only if the mask counts.
Have they ever wanted to commit suicide: Never. Even at his lowest point, with his princess gone and his home destroyed, him at a loss and running out of options, Lure was desperate but unwilling to give up. He will risk his life for the slim chance he can succeed, but he is not suicidal.
Close friends: Balsam would be Lure’s closest friend. Their clashing personalities fill a void that each of them has and over the course of the books they become almost like brothers. Though Lure might worry Balsam at times, but he also guides him to be more bold. Likewise, Lure trusts Balsam’s word and is the first to assure him that he is more skilled than a simple apprentice.  Morrick originally start at odds, but then they start to acquire a mutual respect and understanding. Which then involves into something deeper and less friendly. While Yves is largely standoffish with everyone, Lure and Yves do become friendly and respect one another. They also share a similar interest in dry humor. Elia is the nursemaid who Lure has been close with for years, and is more of a motherly figure than a friend. In the same vein, Lure seem to look to Coffcord like a grandfather figure.
First kiss? (when and with whom): Spoilers: . Lure’s first kiss was with Morrick. If counting non-mouth kisses, his first is one Morrick gives him on the neck while on board a ship to Olaylark. The first true kiss would be between Lure and Morrick in an inn not too long after this. 
Views on gambling, lying, killing, etc...: Lure’s views on morals are not black and white. He makes playful jokes about those who give into temptation, but he doesn’t show real disdain for them. While he doesn’t think highly of lying and stealing, he is willing to do either if it is a situation where the greater picture is more important. Especially if it might lead to a life or death situation. While Lure believes self-defense is justified, him actually having to kill someone would horrify him- as seen in the first book. 
How much do they value money: Because of Lure’s circumstances- growing up in a court without much need for it- he sees money as just a tool and a means to an end. When in the castle, he’s willing to hand over shillings without care. Outside the castle, he’s willing to perform and tell fortunes to make shillings if it means supporting him and his allies.
Wants to get married: A private ceremony would be fine with him.
Wants to have kids, raise a family: He pretty much raised the princess, but he wouldn’t be against raising a ward or orphan offered to the court. Chances of him having his own children are unlikely.
Sworn enemy: None anymore.
Is their name a pun of anything: Lure’s name is literally a play on entertainment. That being said, the name Lure can be a stand-in for the name Leroy, which means ‘the King’. This was something I found out after naming him, so it wasn’t on purpose. XD
Anyone they really hate: During the first book, he despised the King of Olaylark, who was the one who attacked his kingdom and took the princess.
Most traumatic experience: Even with the horrible attack on the castle, the death of the queen is still what he considers one of the worst periods of his life. Largely because of how quickly she passed.
Favorite holiday: The Feast of Fools, a jester themed holiday that falls close to what we would see as Christmas. Slightly different than the Feast of Fools from our history, the day is seen as a celebration of merriment, playfulness, indulgence, and gift exchange. 
Well, that’s it for now! Hope you enjoyed!
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mable-stitchpunk · 5 years
Balsam the Apprentice: A Character Questionnaire
Since the one with Lure did so well, I decided to continue on by doing one for the secondary main character of A Fool’s Endeavor and A Fool’s Golden Cage: Balsam, the Alchemist’s apprentice.
Short Description: Name: Balsam
Pronounced: Baal-sum
Age: Very early twenties. A couple of years younger than Lure.
Extra: Nickname: None.
Occupation: Apprentice to Alchemist Coffcord, a highly regarded alchemist.
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Balsam is of slender build and stands taller than Lure, with tanned skin and brunette hair kept short and tussled/faint curls. His eyes are also brown and his face is youthful, though not overly young-looking. Usually seen carrying around his supply bag.
Personality: Balsam is friendly and reserved, but has a slight sarcastic streak that tends to appear in brief moments. He balances a thin line between keeping his calm in dire situations and becoming overwhelmed by the smallest of things, and usually straddles this line with the most awkward form of grace. While frequently worrying and cautious, Balsam is willing to fight past these fears if not given any choice, especially if someone he loves is put into dire circumstances. Balsam is rather intelligent and when emotions are set aside can usually get himself out of most situations with his knowledge on alchemy.  When accompanying his master, Balsam becomes much more subdued and obedient, which eventually leads to him coming to the revelation that he doesn’t feel like his own person. That being said, he is very close to his master, and willingly rejects the notion that he is ready to set out on his own.
Fandom: A Fool’s Fables (A Fool’s Endeavor, A Fool’s Golden Cage, ect.)
Sexuality: Balsam has had no sexual experience up to now.
Voice: Matured but with touches of youthfulness. Friendly and light.
Back Story: Balsam was orphaned at a young age and taken in by Coffcord to become his apprentice. For most of his youth and young adulthood he was raised and taught by his master. During this time he learned about medicines and chemical concoctions that would come to use later.
Ongoing Story: In A Fool’s Endeavor, Balsam accompanies Lure on his quest to save the princess. Though confident at first, he becomes overwhelmed with the journey, but manages to find his footing and proves to be a valuable ally.
In A Fool’s Golden Cage, Balsam accompanies Lure to the City of Mages due to him being part of the reason Lure has become cursed. 
Likes: Astronomy, reading, gardening, studying, cooking, exploring, exploring without feeling like he’s about to be jumped by something, comfort food, learning from and tending to Coffcord, travelling and seeing new lands, and animals, especially trained birds and rabbits.
Dislikes: Lure being ‘difficult’, being unable to figure out or remember a formula, chemicals getting spilled in his bag, seeing animals being injured or suffering, large and aggressive wild animals, and disappointing Coffcord.
Strengths: While mildly athletic, Balsam’s real skill comes from his knowledge of alchemy. He knows both medicinal and chemical forms of alchemy, being able to create a burn paste as easily as he’s able to create an acid that eats through metal. He also has some skill in creating explosives. Other than this, Balsam also has basic skills of surviving in the wild and enough medical know-how to give first aid on the fly. While he doesn’t like killing animals, he- in theory- knows how to make snares with limited success.
Weaknesses: Balsam has only average strength and little training in any form of weapon usage. He also can get overwhelmed and panic, though usually is able to regain composure once the situation gets too dire.
Favorite color: Greens, browns, and neutral shades.
Kind of clothing: He usually wears basic clothes in standard colors, not too concerned in how he looks and much more concerned in having comfortable clothes that he can work in.
What element would they be?: Earth. Grounded and made to grow ideas and possibilities from.
Deadly sin that best represents them: I’m not really sure. Balsam doesn’t really fit well with any of the basic sins.
Hobbies: Reading, astronomy, researching chemicals, cooking, games like chess and backgammon, gardening, drawing, and as of the second book, some dabbling in aviculture.
Special skills/talents: Other than his alchemy training, which has been the core of his teachings, and his ability to give first aid, Balsam is also a good cook and usually able to make something out of very little. He’s also good at finding food and water when in the wild, and making due with what he can finds. 
Patience level: Usually very patient, but when pushed to the limit the occasional snark might slip out. It takes a lot more to get him to that point.
Regrets: During A Fool’s Endeavor he has regrets halfway through the book about going on the quest, but is able to push through these doubts and fears. Regrets are much stronger in A Fool’s Golden Cage, where Balsam is half responsible for the situation he and Lure find themselves in.
Favorite places: Balsam loves his home, even though his curiosity of the world and travelling may contrast against it. Places like Coffcord’s study and his loft bedroom are near and dear to him, and there’s little he enjoys more than reading before the fire on a winter day. Their garden is also very special to him and he has spent hours tending to both herbs and produce.
Role model: Coffcord, naturally. However, he also admires Sir Morrick, and even looks up to Lure for his confidence and determination, even if he doesn’t always agree with him. Upon meeting Archer Yves, he becomes caught up in his stories and overall mysteriousness, beginning to idolize him.
Favorite foods: Roasted potatoes with herbs, breads with currants and raisins baked in, sweet syrups on said bread, and sugared plums.
Favorite book: He enjoys reading to expand his knowledge, but he also enjoys reading of magnificent feats- as long as these legends have some amount of truth to them.
Mode of transportation: Usually walking. Balsam doesn’t know much about riding horses and requires assistance when doing so.
Weapon: Usually chemical mixing is his weapon. Other than that, he might have a knife in his bag somewhere...
Smells like: herosmellslike.com claims Lure smells like ‘rope and regret’. Strangely effective!
How do they feel about love: Balsam believes strongly in familial bonds and, by the end of the first book, begins to believe equally in the bonds between friends and fellows. Numerous times he has fought through his own doubts because of these bonds, and they are one of his main drives. As for romantic love, Balsam has had little experience in it.
Least favorite color: Doesn’t really have one. 
Home town/Where they live now: the Kingdom of Acalathoy
Makes a living by: Being the apprentice of Alchemist Coffcord.
Fears or phobias: Balsam has a distinct fear of losing control of a situation and it turning to a disaster. Minor fears of concocting the wrong chemicals and getting massive burns from it.
Race, ethnicity and nationality: Balsam was born in Acalathoy and, while tanned, is naturally Caucasian. Music they listen to: While Balsam likes most music, his favorite is lute music or other strummed string instruments.
Bad habits: The closest thing to a bad habit is that when Balsam gets anxious he chews an excessive amount of ginger and other roots to ease his nerves.
What turns them on: Balsam is both sides of the spectrum. He enjoys long conversations with exchanging ideas, but he also enjoys quiet moments where people can just be together and be content. What Balsam looks for in a partner is someone who shares interests enough that they can work together and remain fully engaged.
What turns them off: The only real turn-off Balsam would have is someone who discredits his work. Such as someone who doesn’t believe in science or medicine, or relies too much on superstition without being willing to learn.
If they transitioned from their world to ours, how would they react: It seems like, even with his anxiousness, Balsam would probably handle it a little easier. Largely because he can survive in the wild and is cautious enough to keep to himself. He might venture out more once seeing the wonders of technology.
Religious and to what extent? Any spiritual beliefs?: Balsam believes in a god but is not overly religious. He does not believe that science and religion contrast with each other.
Pet peeves: When Lure does something or refuses to do something even though it may be a detriment to his health. This particularly annoys Balsam since he is usually the voice of medical reason. He also dislikes when his cooking is criticized or when people act haughty around him, such as Yves’ occasional moments. As stated earlier, he is annoyed by people who blindly reject alchemy with little reason why.
Personal problems: The biggest one would be that even though he’s fit, he’s not exactly in perfect shape. His health is good, but he’s not not really athletic.
What ONE item would they take to an uninhabited island: His medical bag... And everything in it if he could sneak it by.
Outlook on life: An optimistic realist. Even though concerned and cautious, Balsam enjoys life and looks forward to continuing it. 
Most important person in their life: Either Coffcord or Lure. Coffcord is naturally his mentor, who has raised him and taught him everything, but Lure is the one who propelled him into his first journey outside of Acalathoy, and has become his best friend in the process.
What was your character like as a child: Balsam was a quiet and studious child. What (if they can) does your character eat: Usually Coffcord and Balsam eat together, and usually it is simple, but not poor fair. Because of Coffcord’s means, they are kept well fed. 
What is something other people assume about your character?: That he’s as mentally young as his age and title may imply. 
Do they like the name they were given: Balsam doesn’t have any qualms with his name. It just is what it is. 
Nervous habits: Grabs at his bag strap, rubs his hands together, obsessively chews pieces of ginger- he’s got a few of them.
Siblings: No.
Wears jewelry: No.
Have they ever wanted to commit suicide: No. Balsam’s had a mostly happy life.
Close friends: Lure and Balsam are very close, as explained earlier and in the Lure questionnaire. He also forms a friendship with Morrick once he’s able to get past the fact that he is a knight, eventually learning to treat him like a person instead of a nobleman. He forms a bond with Yves, whose personality conflicts with his own. He originally idolizes him, but as he sees more flaws he eventually begins to see him as a person, like with Morrick. First kiss? (when and with whom): None yet. I’ll keep you posted.
Views on gambling, lying, killing, etc…: Balsam doesn’t believe in doing so normally, but has shown that he is capable of committing petty crimes when desperate, even if the guilt then eats at him afterwards.
How much do they value money: Balsam is very frugal when it comes to managing funds that will need to last an entire trip. He is willing to let non-essential supplies stretch and finds ways to replace them without spending too many shillings.
Wants to get married: Yes, but it is not currently important to him.
Wants to have kids, raise a family: Yes, but specifically to take in an orphan as an apprentice like Coffcord did with him. 
Sworn enemy: None.
Is their name a pun of anything: ‘Balsam’ is a resinous substance made by trees and plants and used to make medicines and oils. Which goes along with his frequent use of oils, powders, and herbs in his alchemy. 
Anyone they really hate: Not really. He doesn’t hate easily.
Most traumatic experience: In A Fool’s Golden Cage, but I would rather not spoil.
Favorite holiday: New Years, though it is celebrated differently than our typical modern day holiday. Usually it involves baked sweets, lighting candles, and prayers at the crest of Midnight. Balsam has many fond memories of it.
Another character down! Hope you enjoyed!
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mable-stitchpunk · 3 years
👀 Hey Vivianne! How do you like Lure’s new buddies? Are there any of them you’re particularly fond of or close to?
"Yes! Oh, very much so!
Sir Morrick is a gentleman and very kind, and he talks to me! He's not like those other knights who stand there and don't talk or do anything. Lure told me that's why they stand 'post', because they stand like wood posts... He might have been jesting with me.
Balsam is very kind too! Sometimes if I ask very politely, he plays with Lure and I. I don't think he's used to playing games though, but that's okay. If I teach him then maybe someday he'll teach me how to make magic potions.
Sir Yves raises hawks and he's a lot like them, quiet and very good at hunting. I don't see him very much. He lives with Coffcord and doesn't come to the castle a lot. Elia told me that he doesn't have any family, so maybe Coffcord adopted him too!"
- Princess Vivianne of Acalathoy
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