#Bangtwice fic
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Love & War in Your Twenties
Chapter 2: Turtle
Hey guys, second chapter! also if you guys want, I also post on ao3. Please let me know what y’all think!
Na-yeon-unnie, how are you liking the campus so far?” Momo asked, her black hair sitting prettily on her shoulders.
Na-yeon was stumped, should she answer truthfully or fabricate the situation a bit? She honestly enjoyed the campus, but it was nothing compared to Yonsei, not necessarily bad but she knew she felt the tangible difference.
“It’s good, I like Professor. Yoon, she leads a good design department.” Let’s stick with the gentle answer. She felt three pair of eyes curiously watch her, suddenly feeling the back of her neck heat with the unwanted attention.
“Well that’s good!” Sana exclaimed, twirling her fingers together. “We’re so glad Jihyo introduced you to us, you’re so pretty, Unnie” the small nosed Japanese girl’s eyes twinkled mischievously.
“Are you going to join us at Hoseok’s party?” Jihyo wondered, scanning and highlighting her notes from her previous lecture.
“Um, depending on who Hoseok is.” Na-yeon wondered aloud, she didn’t expect to have this many new friends when she transferred schools. She felt as if she was hearing of and meeting a new person every other hour here at University of Seoul.
“It’s Yoongi’s friend, they knew each other from high school. Hoseok is a year younger than Yoongi, he’s a senior like us.” The large eyed girl informed.
“Um, you’re forgetting the best part!” Jeongyeon exclaimed, slamming her hands on the table. “He’s disgustingly rich!” She gave a sly grin to the table of girls, rubbing her pointer and thumb together to signal money.
Na-yeon chuckled to herself, shaking her head as the group of girls fawned over said man. Honestly, one thing she was missing from her old school was a core set of girlfriends to bond with. She only met these girls two weeks ago and she felt closer to them than she did her own cousins.
“Yes, he’s rich.” Jihyo muttered with a playful roll of her eyes. “I also think Seokjin will be there, at least Yoongi will probably drag him there.” She laughed, eyes going soft and then slightly hardened at the mention of her boyfriends name.
Hmm, I wonder what that was about?
“I mean I guess so, I don’t see how it would hurt to see what a rich boys party would look like,” Na-yeon teased, stomach slightly turning from just the thought of a huge function like that.
Seokjin, she had heard that name yesterday when she had met Yoongi for the first time. She remembers Jihyo mentioning he was his roommate along with how he might as well be married to him.
“Oooh, Seokjin-Oppa is so attractive.” Sana started, face melting into a dreamy look.
“Yeah! His shoulders could knock over the strongest man.”
“His lips always look so hydrated and plump... I wish mine looked like that.”
Oh wow, whoever this Seokjin guy is, he must’ve done something amazing in a past life to be this blessed. But like Na-yeon is aware of, most guys who have the charms of a miracle man have the slithering deception of a snake.
“Yah, he has broad shoulders and full lips. He didn’t cure cancer, let’s calm down and not act like absolute animals.” Jihyo quipped, slamming shut her notebooks and piling them up into her arms.
“Jihyo- unnie is no fun.” Sana whispered sneakily to Na-yeon. Yelping as Jihyo reached over and smacked Sana square in the forehead. Looking around the group of girls that laughed and joked with each other. Na-yeon definitely thinks she can make new memories here.
“Ahh, but Hyunnnggg you have to come!” Jungkook whined, arms flailing as he gripped onto Seokjin’s sleeve. Two year olds behave better than this kid, aish.
“Yah! Jungkook-ah! Why do you keep hanging off my arm like a monkey. I already told you I would go to Hoseok’s party.” Seokjin yelled at the twenty-two year old.
Jungkook’s childish fit came to a halt, eyes widening, joyful then slightly confused.
“You will? Then why did Yoongi-hyung tell me to convince you to come?” Jungkook wondered, pointer finger help under hip bottom lip where his little mole would be.
Slamming his head onto his textbook with a thud, “he probably told you to convince me because he probably thought by now I would have bailed. I think he’s trying to set me up with Jihyo’s friend.” Seokjin finished, headache steadily coming back to the surface.
“Ohhhh, but wouldn’t you want to be set up? I mean… you’re not getting any younger hyung.” The bunny toothed boy teased, tensing his arms as Seokjin landed a heavy punch onto his bicep. Bunny teeth.
“Brat! Im not old. I’m wise and will kick your ass no doubt!” He threatened, puffing his chest out in a mock fighting stance.
“Plus, I don’t even know if I would want to. Yoongi said she reminded him of you, she has the same bunny teeth like you do.” Jin bared his own teeth. Jungkook only blinked once, eyes going dreamy and soft. He held his hands up together by his face, lids blinking rapidly.
“Oh hyung, are you trying to confess your love to me?” Jungkook said in a sickeningly sweet voice.
“Jeon Jungkook, please don’t make me throw up. Todays the first day I was able to actually sit down and eat a breakfast, not trying to spoil it.” Seokjin deadpanned, rolling his eyes at the maknae. Jungkook laughed, grabbing a pen and drawing on Jin’s journal.
First, a half oval shape with four little circles at the bottom. Finishing with a long neck and head.
“Well Jin-hyung, if were bunnies, then considering your long neck and slow reflexes, you might at well be a turtle.” He teased, jumping from his seat as Jin lunged at him. The pair causing eyes around the library to give them dirty looks as they playfully ran around.
Seokjin was social, he loved people and he loved to be the center of attention at most times. But something about tonight made his stomach churn as he looked over himself in his mirror. His hair had grown past his nape, framing his slim face. A cream v-neck sweater with red trim covered his torso, a plain white t-shirt underneath. Finished off with his black jeans and white converse.
He wasn’t too sure if It was the knowledge that he might have someone waiting for him at the party that made his nerves feel fried. One thing for sure is that he would need a good couple of drinks to make himself relax.
“Hyung are you ready? Jihyo said she was going to be there any minute and I don’t want to keep her waiting…” Yoongi trailed off as he walked into Jin’s bedroom. A long, drawn out whistle coming from his roommate as he gave him a once over.
“Wow, looking good for anyone special?” Yoongi’s gummy smile coming into full view as he grinned at Jin, fingers coming out to poke Seokjin around his stomach.
“Yah! I can still back out!” Seokjin threatened, dodging Yoongi’s bony fingers. Checking his wallet and phone was in his pocket, glancing over himself multiple times nervously.
“Seokjin-hyung, don’t worry. You’ll do fine.” Yoongi reassured, patting him on the back.
Jin wouldn’t say he was completely out of the dating field, but it had been a good several months since he last was in a relationship (not sure if you could call it that, a fling maybe.) But who was he to assume this woman would even want him? Jin wasn’t necessarily of fan of serial dating, it felt exhausting and too much like he kept breaking off pieces of himself and leaving it with woman who could care less.
But he loved, love.
He’s loved, love since he was five and swore he met the love of his life on the playground during one of his moms playdates. Her name was Song Jun and she always shared her plastic apples with him. Love knew no other than a child’s love for plastic fruit.
Or maybe when he was thirteen and was hitting puberty for the first time, his arms were gangly and his facial hair didn’t know if it wanted to commit to his face. He used to watch k-dramas religiously or at least long enough until his mom threatened to shut it off unless he fixed his posture.
He watched the actors on screen slowly grow into their love, the female lead with long legs and a short bob clinging onto the male lead as they professed their love to one another. Cherry blossoms, a staple in K-dramas of course, blew around them as they kissed.
From then Seokjin knew he wanted to experience a love like that. Sweet, passionate, and a little predictable, but at least it would be love that you could tell for ages.
So of course know he knew as he stared at his outfit, of course this girl might not want him. That wouldn’t stop him from putting his leg out in the hope of finding someone to love.
“I think I’m about ready, let’s head out.” Seokjin huffed out one last time, switching off his lights and closing the door.
“Chaeyoung-ah! Let’s go dance!” Momo yelled over the thumping bass, eyes slightly heavy from the three shots she took during truth or dare. Chaeyoung flips her hair, skirt rising as she gets up from the couch, twirling Momo around onto the makeshift dance floor.
Na-yeon uncomfortably shifted between her feet, gripping the red solo cup in her hand. She liked social occasions, she also liked them a lot more when she knew more than half the people there.
Arms draping around her neck, she quickly turned ready to shove whoever’s arms were around her. Wide eyes stared back, sighing in relief when she realized it was just Jihyo.
“Nay, what are you doing? You don’t look like you’re having much fun?” Jihyo worried, spinning around to sit on the arm of the couch next to Na-yeon. Her curvy body snugly squeezed into a short, off the shoulder black body con dress.
“No I like it, I just don’t know many people.” Jihyo surprisingly sprung to her feet. “Oh my god, I’m so dumb of course. Im sorry Nay.” She wrapped her arms around Na-yeon’s waist, she could smell the alcohol with Jihyo’s face so close to her.
“Let me introduce you to Dahyun, she’s also in our group of friends.” Jihyo excitedly said, grabbing Na-yeon’s hand and dragging her through the kitchen and to the back patio.
There she saw a group of people three guys and four girls. As they got closer she spotted Jeongyeon and Sana, along with two other girls, one with long wavy dark brown hair, the other with ashy brown hair.
“Guys!” Jihyo waved, slighting bouncing as she led Na-yeon over. “You know Sana and Jeongyeon.” The two girls waved excitedly.
“Na-yeon, this is Namjoon, he works with Yoongi on the side with some music.” She gestured to the tall, dimply man. Glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose, Ashy blond hair curling under his nape and around his ears.
“Hi, nice to meet you” He smiled, wow, deep voice. Na-yeon felt the tips of her ears heat and she gazed at the man, his smile making her melt a little.
“This is Dahyun, she’s also in my education major.” The dark brown haired girl turned, eyes soft and skin so pale, Nayeon smiled sweetly, nodding her head in greeting.
“And this is her boyfriend, Jimin.” An equally soft, mocha looking guy greeted her. Dark blond hair, parted in the middle. They had to be the sweetest looking pair.
"Then we have Mina, She's also a transfer student from Japan like Sana and Momo." The ashy brown haired girl waved shyly.
“Last but not least, this is Hoseok, this is his house.”
A man with the brightest smile looked at her, eyes crinkling as he laughed out a greeting.
“Nice, to meet you all. Thank you for the invite and I hope we all get along.” Na-yeon replied, twitching her fingers at her side.
“Oh she’s so sweet!” Hoseok exclaimed, giggling behind his cup. “Take a seat, Na-yeon” He gestured to the space next to Sana.
Na-yeon and Jihyo situated themselves comfortably in the group.
“So Na-yeon, how do you like UOS?” Namjoon inquired, leaning his arms on his knees. Curiously scanning over Na-yeon’s face.
“ I like it, the programs are good and the staff and students are pretty nice.” She nodded, sipping at her drink. “Hey, Jihyo said you had boys falling over you back in high school?” Jeongyeon prodded, smiling mischievously behind Sana’s shoulder. Everyone around them whistled and hooted, oohing and awing. Na-yeon felt her cheeks blush, waving her hand around.
“No, no, no! I wouldn’t say it was quite like that.” She laughed out, “Jihyo was the one who had a boy cry over her because she declined his date.” She jabbed back jokingly, laughing at the way Jihyo gaped. The grouping laughing even louder at Jihyo wagging her finger at Na-yeon.
“Who declined who’s date?” A deep voice questioned form the corner. The small man walking over to the group, beanie fit over his head and a flannel covering his ripped jeans.
“Oppa! You’re finally here.” Jihyo yipped excitedly, and then dead panning as she glanced at her watch. Yoongi chuckled, leaning over to her to peck a quick kiss on her lips. Shaking hands and nodding as he greeted the other party goers.
“You know, Seokjin he always likes to be fashionably late.” He sat next to Jihyo, wrapping his arms around her waist, laying his head in the crook of her neck.
“Well its no party if Jin wasn’t making a statement with his handsomeness.” Jimin laughed, hands playing with Dahyun’s.
“Yah! Punks who said I was making a statement, I’m this handsome all the time!” A loud, squawky voice cut through the night air. All eyes turning to the new guest who was walking in, cup already in hand. Na-yeon peered curiously to the tall figure approaching. His legs, his waist, his shoulders, his lips… This had to be the Seokjin the girls were talking about. She got it, she understood why the girls were fawning like they were. Because this had to be the most beautiful man she had ever seen. She felt her breath stop short in her chest as she gazed at him, his eyes crinkling as he greeted his friends, stopping and widening slightly as they stopped on her.
“Jin-hyung, this is Na-yeon. Jihyo’s friend I was telling you about.” Yoongi said, muffling his smirk in Jihyo’s hair as he glanced at the two…
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pjmcarpenter · 2 years
• bangtwice headers!
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ao3feed-yoonjin · 6 years
제발 SIKE 말해 주세요
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2CgvIp2
by sahyo
momo: so will yall like hook me up with nickis number
namjoon: nicki is gon beat someones ass if we do
seokjin: i gotchu sis
momo: seokjin is the only one i trust
Words: 1189, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: TWICE (Band), 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Relationships: Chou Tzuyu/Son Chaeyoung, Minatozaki Sana/Park Jisoo | Jihyo, Im Nayeon/Yoo Jeongyeon, Kim Dahyun/Myoui Mina, Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin
Additional Tags: im not tagging chars lmaooo, a bangtwice chat fic for my own needs
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2CgvIp2
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Hey y’all, first post but wanted to share my new fic on Ao3. I love Jinayeon ship and wanted to add something new to the forums. Let me know what y’all think. ☺️
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