#Banjou Ryuga
hidengifs · 9 months
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Chinese Zodiacs 2023 ⇄ 2024 ↳ Year of the Rabbit, Year of the Dragon
That's a Rabbit and a Dragon. There's no way that kind of combo works. I wouldn't be so sure. I know this will work, it's our bottles.
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kamenridergaysex · 22 days
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shrinks your best match
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I was gonna draw Hotaro but my hand decided it was going to be Sento instead. Had to hash out a Banjou of course afterwards.
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ceiiru · 1 year
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Started watching Ryuki!!  Also wanted to draw Sento and Ryuga again 
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tokudocu · 1 year
Some people really cannot fathom their faves being in the wrong, like post from a Keiwa hater who pretends not to be a hater.
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Obviously there'd be Kekera and Zitt, who they'd claim are the ones who instilled something bad on him or making him trapped in manipulation, but this also seems to be why Ace and Neon got blamed and demonized too. They are completely certain that Keiwa would have not turned bad at all when they didn't let Kekera got to him or such, as they'd think Keiwa is completely pure or such... and denying the fact that he'd still have an agency to, be disgusted at a suggested idea.
as for ace and neon... as i said before... ace and keiwa aren't good enough friends for keiwa to listen to ace when ace says his mom is innocent but SUDDENLY they're good enough friends that ace has to check up on him? 😒😒😒 and for neon... she had being a rider again to focus on and, as my friend said, in the supposed friendship with keiwa, it's much cooler on her side
They invent reasons to justify leaving someone in a lion's den to die. Kekera and Jitt being the lions with Keiwa as the person being left in the den.
While I attribute these actions more to Takahashi's need to badly jumpstart the Darth Tycoon arc - thanks to @asknarashikari for coining the term - it still doesn't change the fact that what they did was bad.
Like, Shotaro from W had more sympathetic actions to Terui when the latter was on a suicidal quest of finding his family's killer and they had been at odds before that.
And Shotaro didn't know who were the people in Terui's family that was killed.
Compare that to Ace's and Neon's "I'm worried about Tycoon" talk at a bridge, faraway from the Sakurai's apartment.
Another example citing how terrible and Ace and Neon are would be when Banjou's girlfriend had to die. Sento was kind enough to a stranger like Banjou to make sure the both of them said their goodbyes to each other.
Banjou and Sento certainly weren't "good enough friends" but the kindness Sento showed Banjou was leagues better than "I'm worried about Tycoon" at a bridge faraway from the grieving person.
You people just cannot accept that both Ace and Neon were wrong and their actions were shitty, I mean, that's what happens when people put a character on a high enough pedestal that you do not accept that your character can do wrong.
What was that again? "SMH these people think that the actions from long ago still matter" Oh right, its the same people who justifies the endangering of one's life just to get something they want.
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tokuteasings · 2 years
Kisses - Kiryu Sento and Banjou Ryuga
Warnings: I don't really think so? It's more so along the lines of me projecting because I'm so down bad.
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Kiryu Sento
Kisses with Sento are a mystery but an experiment at the same time. It’s meant to be something only the two of you can feel, energetic as the rabbit he is named after and heavy as the tank he is also named after. It’s this delicious mix of him gripping on to you like a lifeline and a puzzle that is meant to be complete. He’s never letting go, never letting you fade from his memory and wants to etch it into his brain forevermore. Sento just wants to think of you and only you, not the numbers and calculations that are always in his head and never seem to leave. He’s calculating his kisses for you now but sometimes those calculations never seem to work. They short-circuit when your lips finally meet and he goes on pure instinct more than anything. It’s a romp in a sunlight field for him, everything he ever wanted and craved. He could take it more and more but he is simply content to hold you or be in your arms and just kiss your breath away.
Public kisses are so sweet honestly. Depending on his mood, it’ll depend on what kind of kisses you get. Sometimes they’re simple quick pecks when he’s on the go, and other times it’s kisses fully on the lips because he just can. He isn’t really shy about it because he’s just so surrounded by love that he has really…nowhere to shove it so he shoves it all on to you, lol. Sure sometimes he gets embarrassed because of it, especially if you kiss him outta nowhere just to surprise him but he’ll melt into it. He’ll pout and be like, “I was going to kiss you first, no fair.” but he isn’t mad at all! It’s just his ego talking. Speaking of his ego, yeah you gotta sit on his lap whenever you kiss him or vice versa. He likes having a semblance of control in his kisses nyehehehe.
When I say you need to kiss him after he’s finished with a successful experiment, you need to. It’s mandatory. He’s just so hyped and hopped up on adrenaline and all that he has no true idea where to place all of this extra energy. It turns into the most passionate of makeout sessions for the two of you. He is oh so boundless in energy, screaming outwardly and internally about how amazing he is, how much of a genius he is but he is also a kissing genius. It’s overwhelming and overstimulating in the best of ways. Sento will cling to you as his lifeline and just never let go. He keens and purrs and keels when you play with his hair during this time, ruffling it up and messing it up and tugging it. This is the best way to make him in the mood of sexy times because of this energy. If you’re not up for sex, that’s completely fine. Sento is just happy to be able to kiss you instead. But listen, Sento is a lot more audible when he kisses you during this state; soft little whimpers and sighs and whines and moans and when I say it’s delicious, it really is. Please trust me.
Sento also needs kisses at a timely interval or else he’ll turn into a pouty mess. It’s embarrassing, yes, and he tries not to show it around others but it’s kind of obvious when he hasn’t gotten a kiss from you in a while. He’s sulky and always looking towards you or for you, wanting you to kiss these very kissable lips that are curled into such a cute little pout.  It’s not that he’s clingy (he kind of is) but it’s more so along the lines of using your kisses as a form of energy whenever he is at a low point. It’s a sort of motivation or reward for him in the best of times. To him, it’s the earth beneath his feet, fuel needed to keep on going for love and peace.
Kisses with Sento are nothing short of a damn dream. It’s full of ups and downs and moments of triumph and sorrows. But the slow, languid, and lazy kisses where he turns off his brain are his favorite - especially when it’s just the two of you in a headspace or in a room just cuddling and existing. He’s holding you close to him or you are holding him close. It’s a skittish sort of peppering of kisses to your form and his form, a rabbit darting in and out of sight, only to just keep coming back for more. He loves tracing your lips with tactile fingers that are meant to heal and bring happiness to others and loves it when you kiss the pads of his fingers and lavish attention upon him. It’s something he always looks forward to. Besides, using his lips on you and your body is his…favorite experiment ;)
Banjou Ryuga
Kisses with Ryuga are simply fiery, threatening to burn you to a crisp. He lost Kasumi after all, and he doesn’t want to lose this sort of sensation again. He cherishes you for as long as he possibly can in the kiss, and lets you know exactly how much you mean to him. He doesn’t really hide his affections he has for you, why would he? He loves you, is proud of you, and will show you off to everyone that asks. If anything, it’s a sensation that will devour you whole. A dragon keeping a close eye on his treasure and never letting it out of sight. He cherishes you and loves you, and it’s oh so evident in the way he kisses. It’s fire licking at your lips, asking for the most gentle of permission to enter your cavern and lavish affection upon you as you deserve.
Public affection is something he isn’t shy about. Why would he care?? He’s just so in love with you that it threatens to burn him from the inside out if he doesn’t show it to you at least once. Sure there are moments when he gets embarrassed and bright red but those are the best of times to make Ryuga flushed and whatnot. He’s dumb and stupid but he’s your fucking idiot. He’s the type of person that will always kiss you whenever he can get a brief moment…even if it’s just quick pecks on the lips or cheeks. Actually, he likes these quick pecks. They’re like good luck charms, truth be told.
Like Sento, Ryuga will also get a weeee bit (read: V E R Y) pouty whenever you don’t kiss him at certain intervals of the day. However, it’s a lot more audible than Sento’s and it’s hella fucking obvious. He’ll like whine and pout and stick close to you, wanting to tell you that he wants a kiss but never saying it until the last second because people are watching and he doesn’t wanna say it because he’s kinda tsuntsun and is just waiting for you to get the damn hint. This is why, I’m saying this now, this is the best time to tease him and test his short temper. Because the payout is so fucking good because if you don’t give him what he wants he’ll just…take it. He’ll grab you by your shoulders and just slam your lips together and when you two part he’s face is red and just grumbling out, “Damn it, just take the hint and kiss me already.”
Kiss his hands and the scars upon his body. As a former pro-boxer, there are some scars and welts upon his fists that never really faded. To be honest, his hands are sort of numb because of all the punching and it’s hard for him to feel things sometimes. He’s used to hitting things with his fists so it deafened his nerves so the kisses to his hands are the best. It’s kind of a placebo effect, healing and regaining his nerves but if anything…it just makes him giddy. It’s like a barely felt sensation and sometimes Ryuga won’t even notice that you’ve kissed his fingers or knuckles or hands until he physically sees you do it. He’ll flush and grumble, complaining that you don’t need to kiss him there but he doesn’t make any movements to move away.
It’s the everyday kisses that make Ryuga happy. The kisses when you wake up in the morning to greet with, the kisses you two share in like a hallway when no one is watching, the kisses as greetings, the kisses as goodbyes. It’s the normalcy that he wants to return to before everything went to fucking shit. It’s the simple kisses that Ryuga adores the most; the ones where you two are just in a world that belongs to the two of you and just….take in each other’s presence and savor it for all of time. Ryuga’s kisses are embers at these moments, could burnt into flame but are just simply content to give you a gentle warmth of his love.
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t-u-i-t-c · 3 months
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Toku Pride Month Challenge│Ships
Ryuga Banjo & Sento Kiryu
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houndfaker · 5 months
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2mochi · 1 year
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I love Sento and Ryuuga a normal amount 🥹 (no, I actually don't, I love them so much)
I can't move on 🫣
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demonrice · 2 years
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best match
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phantomraidou · 2 years
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Building with @pissinshittinfartin
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hidengifs · 8 months
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I'm the main character now! 2024 -> Year of the Dragon
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dongbroshinki · 6 months
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I will probably never post again but I just had a vision and needed to let this out in the open
Save me trans man banjou ryuuga headcannon…save me
Hair based on his hair post new world
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Continuing the Sento x Parad feat. Emu and Banjou because I also like them as a poly. Altogether they are Mighty Match!
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ikeoji-subs · 3 months
Zettai BL Ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL Ni Naritakunai Otoko 2024 - Episode 1 Eng Sub
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translation notes:
about Mob’s eyebeams (3:47)
Maybe I just think I see tokusatsu references everywhere, but I think there’s an Easter egg of sorts in episode 1. After Mob comes back to himself and celebrates having escaped L’ing a B, he runs through a field beside the airport and some sort of laser beams shoot out of his eyes. The beams are two different colors: red and blue. I suspect this is a reference to Kamen Rider Build, in which Inukai Atsuhiro played the lead rider (also called Kamen Rider Build). Build had a number of forms (different suits, basically) that had different colors and features. The one he’s best known for (the one that comes up at the top of your results if you google “Kamen Rider Build,” among other things) is his “RabbitTank” form, which is half blue and half red, with one blue eye and one red one. 
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Kamen Rider Build in RabbitTank form
It’s particularly appropriate for them to reference Build in this show since Inukai’s character on that show, Kiryu Sento, had a pretty ship-y relationship with Banjou Ryuga, a character played by Akaso Eiji from Cherry Magic. At the time, the phrase “a heated relationship between men” was used to describe how they related to each other, and Kamen Rider fans have referenced it ever since when things between two Kamen Rider dudes seem “heated.” The fact that both actors went on to be BL legends is very fitting. And it makes this reference even more appropriate for Zettai BL.–Towel
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Inukai Atsuhiro and Akaso Eiji as Kiryu Sento and Banjou Ryuga, toku boyfriends
about “pretending to be possessive” (07:08)
Mob actually says that Ayato is pretending to have a “brother complex,” sometimes abbreviated (as Mob does here) as “brocon.” While this concept is somewhat Western due to its roots in psychoanalysis, it has a specific meaning in Japanese culture that you don't find elsewhere. It describes an obsessive attachment to one’s brother that may include possessiveness and jealousy toward the brother’s romantic partners. Brother complexes are classically associated with sisters, but it’s no surprise that a brother might be expected to have a brother complex in BL World. 
To be clear, though, Mob doesn’t believe that Ayato actually has a brother complex. He thinks he’s pretending to have one so that he’ll have an excuse to act out his actual possessive feelings about Toujou, brought on by Toujou touching Mob. 
Instead of assuming all viewers would be familiar with the idea of the “brother complex,” we decided to describe what Mob is saying in terms of Ayato’s pretending to be possessive. But knowing the specific reference Mob was making here should help to get a more nuanced sense of the meaning of this line.–Towel
It's also relevant to say that in spoken Japanese almost anything can become a "con". Such as brocon, siscon, lolicon, etc.–Snow
about “fair prince” (6:18)
Snow explained to me that Toujou was described here using a word that's associated with classical and poetic Japanese. Historically, it was used to refer to lords and ladies, and it's particularly common in classical Japanese literature. In modern media, it's often used in period dramas and may be used in contemporary settings to describe the person being referred to as admirable in some way. Since it has multiple meanings with specific connotations and various points of reference in Japanese culture, there was no direct equivalent of this in English. Translating it literally word-for-word wouldn't get the point across at all.
I tried to think about what an equivalent type of literature would be in an English-speaking context and what sorts of words or phrases would bring those things to mind. I tried to see if I could get one or two Early Modern English words in there (the kind of English Shakespeare spoke). I also looked for a link to Toujou’s rose motif by checking some famous rose-related quotes from older literary periods. But neither of those methods yielded anything that fit.
Then I started to think about fairy tales, which gave me the idea of calling him a “prince.” I added “fair,” not for any reason related to his coloring (though it’s somewhat appropriate given his blondness) but because it made the description sound a lot more antiquated and fairy tale-ish. Later in the episode, when a similar description was applied to Toujou in his vampire costume, it made perfect sense to make him a “dark prince” instead.–Towel
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Tag list: @c1nto @my-rose-tinted-glasses @twig-tea @sorry-bonebag @porridgefeast @bengiyo @lurkingshan @wen-kexing-apologist
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tokuteasings · 2 years
Hey, since its your birthday, I got a present for you. Happy Birthday! and
for the angst queen
How do you think Banjou reacted upon learning that Eiji died? Banjou really looked up to Emu, Eiji, and Gentaro. How did Banjou Ryuga react to Eiji's death?
Also was there a reaction for Emu for Eiji's death?
I did post what Emu thought about EIji's death here~!
But thank you for the bday wishes! As for Ryuga fufufu
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He actually lets out this sad and hoarse chuckle, this light not reaching his eyes, "Y-You're joking right?" he's not laughing for the sake of brushing it off, but laughing because this simply cannot be true.
Eiji was always larger than life and he's this shining sun that everyone idolized from kouhai to senpai. For him to die means a light in the world has been snuffed out and they lost someone who made it a better place. So when someone confirms it (Gentaro, Emu, or even Ankh and Sento) Ryuga just...shuts down for a second.
You see him a moment later, slamming into various punching bags with these angry little tears streaming down his eyes before he just stops and curls up into this fetal position on the floor and murmurs out, "IT's not fair that you had to go."
He runs to the grave as fast as he could and the first thing he states through these tears are, "Why did you have to go," and the words die in his mouth soon after. He's one of the more frequent visitors to Eiji's grave, not bringing flowers often (if he does they're small and plastic so they can last forever and never wilt, like how Eiji's will and memory will live on in all of their memories) and tells him about his day after this beat of awkward silence.
"So like..." Ryuga would murmur, "I'm going to keep on fighting, for the greater good, just like you have taught me." And he hopes that Eiji is proud of him.
Takeru had to tell Ryuga that Eiji's ghost told him to tell Ryuga that he was indeed proud of him and you see Ryuga trying not to cry right on the spot-
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