#Banned Blasters
smartnerf · 9 months
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oftenlyshitposting · 11 months
thinking thoughts about shin and blasters since we haven't seen shin shooting away with a blaster
do you think shin has the obi-wan "so uncivilized" attitude with blasters and much prefer using the force ezra 'hippie space jesus' bridger way when she doesn't have her lightsaber?
or is she suspiciously good with blasters and the reason why she doesn't use them is because she goes danny 'so anyway i started blasting' devito with blasters that it turned sabine on so much?
i mean, we've seen shin fly a starfighter and is a pretty good pilot slash squadron leader which means she's had weapons training beforehand, right?
it'd be so funny if shin and sabine had to reluctantly (but not really) team up against a group of enemies and she goes "fuck it", snatches one of sabine's blasters from her holsters, and shoots away; while sabine is just there completely flabbergasted before finally joining shin
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lucky-strike-14 · 2 years
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warshurstu · 2 years
Clash blaster is by far tri slosher's worst enemy
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ablobwhowrites · 1 month
Here's a meme
*Autobots and decepticons fighting*
Sees Silas
Autobots: truce?
Decepticons: truce.
*Them to Silas*
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They want him dead, beyond dead😭. like no joke, Silas was doomed the minute he even took m/n, like There's no saving bro😭.
Also vehicon m/n is able to use his blaster but almost blasted his head clean off so he isn't allowed to use it anymore, he got yelled at by ratchet and was banned from using it (like a small part of his helm's paint job is burnt)
Miko: "man, you really got spring locked huh?"
Vehicon m/n in tears: "Miko please"
Ratchet: "your not ascending to god hood, your just dehydrated" (I don't know how they consume energon, I think they drink it? please feel free to correct me)
Vehicon m/n: "outta my way ratchet, I'm boutta liberate my divine self from this mortal shell!"
*five seconds later*
Vehicon m/n on the ground: "h-hoptial"
Ultra Magnus hearing about what happened to m/n like:
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Vehicon m/n: "I would kill for a hamburger right now"
Jack: "you can't really eat human fo-"
Vehicon m/n: "please just let me imagine."
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butcher--bird · 11 months
I think about this art I saw of Flow with a blaster sometimes, what weapon would your interpretation of her rock if any
Same question goes for Spyke and Annie actually
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personally i think flow would use a splat roller bc as stated in the picture (sorry if you cant read my dogshit handwriting ADHSHDJAJDJ) the visual of her tiny ass beating people up with that big ol roller is reall funny to me tbh... as for spyke and annie, z nap 85 and splat charger but they dont play much anymore, neither does flow! (the girls are to busy and spyke is fuckinf banned. if he goes back into the lobby hes gonna get another trespassing notice on his already lengthy record.)
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 2 years
Clan of Three - Chapter 1
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Chapter One: The Mandalorian, The Child, and The Thief
Plot: A Mandalorian, an infant with a history of the jedi, and a teenager with similar powers with an undiscovered lineage. An unlikely group to travel the galaxy together.
Word Count: 5.9K
Pairing: Father Figure!Din Djarin x Platonic!Teen!Reader
Warnings: Fighting, teenage behavior, small injuries
A ship known by many for the man on board, he couldn’t even be described as a man. Skillful in languages, the ways of a blaster, and hand-to-hand, part of a race of the past. The bounty hunter, part of the creed. Their famous words, ‘This is the Way’.
The Mandalorian...
Dirt and dust fill the air as the Pre-Galactic ship lands on the planet of Nevarro. A sharp hiss comes from the landing gear as the large ramp opens up a man dressed in the finest armor and weapons stalks through the town. Looks and whispers as he makes his way through the town. A cantina filled with music and booze, its patrons conversating with one another or drinking their problems away but the arrival of this bounty hunter silences them instantly as his cold gaze scans across the room.
Spotting hidden in the corner a dark-skinned man who once his eyes meet his helmet raises a hand, “Ah, that was fast. Did you catch them all?” He asks and the hunter silently places all the tracking fobs on the table in front of him, “Good. I’ll begin the off-load.” The man nods at the seat in front of him and the other man sits down. Pulling his reward from his pocket and sliding them across the table.
“These are Imperial credits.” The Mandalorian says finding no use in them, the empire was something he didn’t want to support. The other man shrugs trying to convince him, “They still spend.”
The masked ban glares at the other man through his helmet, “I don’t know if you heard, but the empire is gone, Greef” His modulated voice shows his disgust and irritation.
“It’s all I’ve got.” The man puts his hands up and the hunter stands grabbing his trackers rather to give them to someone who will pay his preferred currency, “Save the theatrics…fine I’ll.” He sighs pocketing the money and pulling out a different payment, “I can do Calamari Flan, but I can only pay half.” He looks at other options contemplating them before grabbing the blue credits.
Greef signals someone in the cantina who leaves to unload the bounties on the ship, “Okay…I have a bail jumper, bail jumper, another bail jumper, a wanted smuggler-” “I’ll take them all.” The Mandalorian cuts off the man’s listing ready for new work making Greef let out a laugh.
“Nah, hold on. There are other members of the Guild, and this is all I have.” He shakes his head but the bounty hunter didn’t care about other people, “Why so slow?”
“It's not slow at all. Actually, very busy. They just don't want to pay Guild rates. They don't mind if things get sloppy.” Greef explains leaning back in his seat and gesturing to the bar quickly bringing him a drink. The Mandalorian watches him twitching to get off this planet and onto the next bounty and reward,
“What’s your highest bounty?”
“Not much. Five thousand.” Greef recalled his highest payment for all those bounties, the price bothering the hunter,
“That won't even cover fuel these days.”
The Guild member nods slowly before one job he forgot to mention comes to mind, “Hmm. There is one job.”
“Let’s see the puck.” The hunter holds out his hand ready to start.
Greef shook his head taking a sip of his drink, “No puck. Face to face. Direct commission. Deep pocket.” This was not a normal occurrence, bounties always had a puck or something for the bounty hunter. The Mandalorian could only think who was so important to whoever wanted them dead or alive.
“Underworld?” Mando questioned,
“All I know is no chain code” Greef pulls out a chit card placing it on the table between the two of them taunting the hunter the offer not standing for long, “Do you want the chit or not?”
Arriving at the meeting with the client he hadn’t expected the empire to lead to a standoff with four remnant stormtroopers' blasters aimed at him and his weapons aimed at them. A hand stops the soldiers and they all lower their weapons the bounty hunter slowly lowering his but not putting it away. “He also said you were expensive. Very expensive,” The client gestured to him to sit, “Please sit.” The Mandalorian sits down hesitant his hand twitching at his gun when the client grabs something out of view bringing out something wrapped in cloth. Unwrapping it the shining metal glisters in the light the same metal that decorated the hunter’s body. The staple of the Mandalorians is a metal of high value and meaning.
”Beskar?” He says looking at the metal brick surprised to see such a large piece of it.
“Go ahead. It’s real.” The client allows the hunter to inspect the ingot. “This is only a down payment. I have a case of beskar waiting for you upon delivery of the assets.” The client explains his payment being something large until the words acknowledged him
“Assets?” He was only expecting one bounty for this underground work.
The client nods his wrinkled hands folding together in front of him before waving a hand at the hunter, “I’m sure a man of your skill will have no trouble collecting two assets.”
“Alive.” The otherwise silent doctor pops in standing to the side with a data pad filled with whatever information,
“Yes. Alive. Although, I acknowledge that bounty hunting is a complicated profession. This being the case, proof of termination is also acceptable for a lower fee.” The imperial man says and the doctor looks at him in shock, “That is not what we agreed upon.”
“I’m simply being pragmatic.” The client gives his final word before turning back to the silent hunter.
“Let’s see the puck,” He says needing more information before he could decide whether to take the offer. He was going to take it, the second the beskar was brought out he knew it was going to be in better hands once it was returned to the Mandalorians.
The man frowns looking away, “I’m afraid discretion dictates a less traditional agreement. We can only offer you a tracking fob.” The doctor hands the Mandalorian a tracking fob.
“What’s the chain code?’ He asked still prying for information.
“We can only provide the last four digits for each.” The client says.
“Their age? That’s all you can give me?” The Mandalorian says growing more frustrated.
“Yes. One of them is 50 years old while the other is 17 years old. We can also give you the last reported positional data. Between that and the fob, a man of your skill should make short work of this.” The client smirks at the bounty hunters' conflict as he gets up and moves to leave. “The beskar belongs back into the hands of a Mandalorian. It is good to restore the natural order of things after a period of such disarray, don't you agree?”
His decision was made then.
The air was cool on your skin as you left your room slipping out through the window to avoid your father asleep just in the other room. It was calming walking through the silent town, but it quickly changes when hands grab you. One quickly covering your mouth to muffle your screams, you kick your leg back hearing a sickening crack as they roar in pain biting on the hand covering your mouth the metallic taste of blood fills your mouth. You try to run off knowing you couldn’t overpower the men, you go to scream out when something collides against your head and you crumble to the ground.
That had been about four weeks ago when you later woke up in a room chained to the wall having no idea where you were and even if you were on your planet. It had been about a week into your captivity when you gained a companion. A creature that must have been an infant had joined you. So you watched the child giving portions of your food since he needed it more and watched over him. Silences were common in the room you were being held in other than the babbles and sounds coming from the babe. Until a loud pop sounded muffled before another, you couldn’t tell what it was until the sounds of screams came with them. Gunfire…
The door burst open and two men enter one unlocking your chains and the other grabbing the child’s carrier bringing you out of the darkroom into a larger one. The sounds of fighting and gunfire grow louder out here, “It’s only two of them out there, why won’t they die!” The one with the child growls out pushing his carrier against a pile of crates the harsh movement making him cry out.
“Stop it. You’re going to hurt it.” You push the man away from the child. He whips around smacking you across the face it stings in pain. You glare at him and spit the blood that pools in your mouth right in his face. He wipes the red off him before quickly lifting his rifle slamming the butt of the gun against your temple and you crumple to the ground.
The fight on the outside is long over and almost unfair to the mercenaries, the doors leading into the building explode open with the heavy weapon the bounty hunter uses. The rubble falls around the doorway created as he enters followed by a droid, IG-11. It’s silent as he stalks inside, with quick reflexes as a lone enemy jumps out and is quickly shot down.
“Anyone else?” The bounty hunter calls out as the droid looks around before down at the tracking fob it had.
“The tracking fob is still active. My sensors indicate that there are two life forms present.” The Mandalorian scans the room coming upon a girl unconscious bleeding from the temple and an egg-shaped container behind her. The tracking fob beeps louder in the direction of both the girl and the container as the hunter cautiously opens it.
“Wait. They said 50 years old.” He looks confused at what was supposedly the 50-year-old asset but looked like a child. 
“Species age differently unlike the female. Perhaps it could live many centuries.” IG-11 explains as the child slowly emerges from the blanket, this tiny green creature looks up at him stretching its hand out to him, “Sadly, we’ll never know.” The IG unit starts to raise its gun but the Mandalorian stops it.
“No. We’ll bring them in alive.” He says commanding the droid to stop and ignore its protocol.
“The commission was quite specific. The assets were to be terminated.” IG raises its two weapons aimed at the child and the girl.
A shot is fired, and the IG unit drops to the ground shot down by the Mandalorian. He puts his blaster back in his holster walking up to the child as it continues to look up at him in wonder. He shifts his gaze from the child to the girl, those two were meant to be his bounties.
Your head stung with pain as you were jostled around in a constant up-down movement. Blinking your eyes adjusting to the bright light, were you dead? Was this heaven? Your vision finally focuses and you see a helmet the visor a T-shape. Fight or flight kicks in as your fist collides with the underside of the mask hitting him straight in the jaw. Not expecting the attack he stumbles still holding you and you push yourself out of his arms. You hit the ground the sand cushioning your fall as you scramble to stand holding out the blade you swiped from his boot. A blaster is pointed at you but you keep your grip on the knife fierce ready to fight. You take in the man before you dressed in armor and weapons, but what had your eyes widen was the design of the helmet. Once you had seen before…Mandalorian.
“Who are you? Where the hell am I?” You hiss out holding the blade with two hands as he has his blaster trained on you before he holsters it holding his hands out showing he was of no harm.
“You're on Arvala-7.” The man says you were slightly taken back that he spoke your language and not Mando’a but you still weren’t taking your chances.
“Who are you?” You glare the knife still pointed at him trying to figure out who he was through the helmet.
“I can’t tell you that but it’s either you trust me or let even more people who aren’t willing to have you alive.” Those mercenaries only kept you alive for whatever reason until this stranger showed up including the child. Your eyes widen…the child!
“Where is it?!” You demand, looking around for the child. You remember the hit of the gun before you were knocked out.
“Where’s what?” “The child.” You see behind him was the container holding him, the creature looking at both of you. “Oh thank the maker, I spent the last few weeks watching over it.” You sigh in relief and the man nods before walking off the carrier following after him,
“We should get going.” You rush after him pocketing the knife in your belt and coming beside him.
“You’re a Mandalorian…I’ve never met a Mandalorian before,” You speak up glancing at the silent man, “What’s your name, you never gave one.” He barely looks at you before walking ahead so you were behind him making you scoff, “asshole.” You mumble under your breath dragging your feet through the sand. He continues silently despite the heavy armor that should be making noise as you all enter the base of a canyon. “So do you ever take off your helmet at all? Like even when you slee-”
His hand juts out making you run into it and you glare up at him from the corner of your eye you see his hand slowly reaching for his blaster. An ambush of Trandoshans wielding axes rushing towards you, one swings its axe at you when he shoves you out of the way. You hit the ground pushing yourself up from the sand when one of the bounty hunters wraps his arms around your waist lifting you up into the air and dragging you from the group.
“Hey! Let…me go!” You thrash in his arms twisting and turning in his grip trying to break free, the loud sound of a gunshot right by your head making your ears ring as the both of you hit the ground. You scramble away seeing the blaster wound in his chest and you look back seeing the Mandalorian holding his blaster pointed at you. He lets out a hiss of pain the metal of one of the axes slicing his arm, he prepares to counter when a blade is protruding from the Trandoshan’s hand. He looks back seeing you holding your hand out having thrown the knife before the both of you are attacked by more hunters. You can see one heading towards the child with your hunter busy fighting off two of them. Looking around having lost your weapon when you grab one of the axes the weight is heavy in your grasp. It’s right before the child when you swing the axe the weight and momentum striking its side a screech coming from it. It swings its own axe out and you block it with the handle of the blade the clang of metal and sparks ring through the air. Kicking out at its side making it cry out in pain you swing the axe digging it deep into its arm. You struggle to pull the weapon free and with its own weapon coming at you, you can only dodge letting go of the blade. If you had been a second late it would have been worse than the blade slicing across your cheek. It raises its axe to bring it down on you when it's shot crumbling to the ground. Looking up seeing the Mandalorian blaster still smoking as you quickly move away from the dead enemies to the hunter and the child.
“Thanks.” You breathe out your hand touching your cheek wincing from the pain pulling back and seeing red. He nods his attention turns to the ground where there is a blinking tracking fob.
“We need to keep moving.” He says the three of you quickly leave the canyon and the remains of the fight. Dusk had long settled the beating sun leaving only the cool night feeling nice on your sweaty skin. Out in the dunes camp had been set up the fire blazing on the open sands, your gaze taking in the embers floating into the air. You were used to this much sand and the heat hadn’t bothered you but it felt foreign now. You were somewhere maybe not in your same system anymore you hadn’t even been off your planet before. Your home was all you knew of and now you had people after you trying to kill you. A hiss of pain comes from the bounty hunter beside you trying to sear his wound up but unable to with the angle of the cut. You move closer trying to help when a blaster is pointed at you making you put your hands up.
“I was just trying to help.” You say slowly sitting back in your spot as he keeps his gaze training on you before slowly putting his weapon away and continuing to fix himself up.
“I don’t need your help.” He says and you roll your eyes turning away and looking at the small creature sitting on a pile of blankets from his carrier his round eyes watching the flames dance in front of him. “Hey.” The hunter calls out and you turn looking over at him in his hands bacta spray and bandages. You scoff looking away and wrapping your arms around your knees.
“Hey!” He calls out moving closer and you turn more away from him, “You need to get patched up or it’s going to get infected.” You look over your shoulder glaring at him.
“I don’t need your help.” You mock his own words back at him and you could feel the annoyance and anger coming through his helmet aimed at you. You let out a shriek when his hand wraps around your arm spinning you around to face him, his gloved hand grasping your jaw holding you in place when you try moving back, “Let me go.” You push against his chest but he doesn’t budge.
He glares at you and you could feel the cool gaze staring back at the metal helmet making your movements come to a stop. He nods before beginning to clean the cut on your cheek before moving to one of your temples. You hiss out in pain when he presses too hard on the wound putting the bacta spray on.
“Would’ve been worse if you didn’t dodge,” He comments when you glare at him in pain, he continues tending to the injury, “Where did you learn to fight like that.” The stoic voice asks finishing pulling back and you bring your hand up touching the bandaged cheek and temple.
“Tatooine,” You say picturing your home the dunes of sands, the shouts of Tuskan Raiders, the wind in your hair on the speeder bikes, and the dual suns that made the perfect sunsets on the best days. “You fight to survive when you don’t got much…I have..had a pretty good teacher back home.” You correct yourself, were you ever going to go home or was this bounty hunter just going to cart you off to whoever wanted you? He nods looking down at his chest plate to fix it. Silence fills the quiet night as you look forward poking at the fire to keep it alive before glancing at the Mandalorian before you speak up.
“I want to thank you…for everything,” You say and you see him pause in his fixing, “You could’ve killed me and the child but you didn’t. I’ve only heard stories about your kind so I don’t know if it’s a religious thing or you're just different.” You quiet feeling embarrassed saying all that but one thought had been plaguing your mind.
“Are you…are you going to bring us home? The child and I?” The mask of his hides his face and anything you would be able to tell, his body language didn’t reveal anything and you couldn’t see his emotions through the metal.
“Yeah, kid…you should try to get some sleep.” He responds, his words bringing hope to believe this stranger. Fixing the child in his carrier asleep for a while before settling against the cool sands the night sky and the stars looking down at you. Whispers of sleep and dreams lull you and the Mandalorian hears a brief mumble from you,
“My name’s Y/n.”
The morning soon arrived and you were up following the hunter to what you assumed was his ship. Walking over the ridge there was his ship but it was getting dismantled by Jawas, creatures you were familiar with on Tatooine. Their large sandcrawler beside the ship loading the scraps.
“Dammit,” The bounty hunter huffs pulling his rifle from his back and laying down on the ridge looking down on the ship and taking aim.
“Wait what are you doing?” Your words are cut off as a beam is sent out hitting one of the jawas disintegrating it. The death of one of its kind sends them into a frenzy trying to run back to the ship as he continues to take out more. He quickly stands sliding down the ridge chasing after them as you and the child follow after him.
“You’re not going to be able to chase after a sandcrawler!” You yell out as he runs after it not before shouting back at you,
“Stay there!” He orders before you freeze watching him disappear with the sandcrawler leaving the two of you by the ship. It had been a while and he hadn’t returned neither did the sandcrawler.
“Kriff come on!” You say setting off after the bounty hunter the child following after you. Following the tracks of the large fortress before you stumble open a body laying along the ground recognizing the Mandalorian helmet. “Oh, maker please don’t be dead.” You say hovering over him, you debate taking off his helmet to see if he was breathing or hand a pulse. Your hands reach for the edge of the helmet ready to pull it off when he shoots up the strong metal colliding with your face making you fall back clutching your nose.
“Kriff! Dammit, that kriffing hurts!” You blink away the tears putting light touches against your nose trying to feel if it was broken. His helmet had to be built with a strong metal cause that hurt a lot. The hunter sits up groaning from his own pain of being electrocuted and kicked off a sandcrawler, “You’re a real asshole, stupid bounty hunter, stupid helmet.” You ramble off pushing yourself to stand your nose throbbing in pain and your head ringing.
He groans pushing himself to stand, “If it’s not broken then you’re fine.” He slings his rifle over his shoulder his body sore as the three of you return to his ship. You and the child sit against some rocks watching the hunter taking in the damage to the ship, he returns from inside the ship and you give him a look. He ignores it and begins to walk back into the desert. Having no choice but to follow, you walked through the dunes and plains the sun beating down on you. How was he not sweating in that armor? Your travels had the sun setting behind you and in the distance, you could see a structure. Growing closer you see it’s a moisture farm and there was a man fixing something.
“This is supposed to fix your ship,” You comment and he doesn’t acknowledge you walking over to the man who looks surprised to see him. You quickly learn the man’s name to be Kuiil as he brought you into his home feeding you the sun had long set the night here.
The Mandalorian stands beside Kuiil the two watching the child watching a frog with much interest chasing after it.
“I thought you were dead.” Kuiil says to Mando as they both watched the child playing with the frog, “These are what was causing all the fuss?” The two look away from the child to the girl, you were leaned against a crate a knife in your hand twisting it in your grasp. You meet his gaze glaring at him making Kuiil laugh. Mando looks down at his boot seeing his blade gone. How did he not notice you took it?
“She certainly doesn’t like you,” Kuiil says and the bounty hunter is silent watching you before turning away.
“I think that one is a child.” He says the child grabs the frog that he was playing with. Kuiil nods looking at the two bounties, “It is better for them to be delivered alive then,”
The bounty hunter shakes his head the problem coming up, “My ship has been destroyed. I’m trapped here.” He had been close to his fight with the Jawas before they gained the upper hand
“Stripped. Not destroyed. The Jawas steal. They don’t destroy.” Kuiil explains and the bounty hunter scoffs,
“Stolen or destroyed- makes no difference to me.” He retorted, frowning remembering what those little cloaked freaks did to his ship, “They’re protected by their crawling fortress. There is no way to recover the parts.”
“You can trade,” Kuiil suggested and the hunter looks at him like he grew three heads.
“With Jawas? Are you out of your mind?”
The older man nods his idea final, “I will take you to them. I have spoken.” They hear fussing and the child is shoving the frog into his mouth to begin devouring.
“Hey! Spit that out,” Mando called out and the Child swallowed the frog whole making you gag as you watch the whole interaction. The night had been spent traveling you had gained a cloak to protect yourself from the rain and by the time it was the day you had arrived at the sandcrawler.
Kuiil climbs off his blurrg leaving the three of you to watch as he greets the Jawas in their language. He turns looking back at the three of you mainly at the bounty hunter, “They really don’t like you for some reason.”
“Well, I did disintegrate a few of them.” The hunter brings up and you could hear the angry noises coming from the cloaked people. His hand instinctively goes to his rifle as a fight almost brews. Kuiil holds out his arm giving a pointed look to the hunter, “You need to drop your rifle.”
“I’m a Mandalorian. Weapons are part of my religion.” He refuses.
“Your religion is about to get us killed.” You hiss at the bounty hunter who glares back at you.
“Then you’re not getting your parts back.” Kuiil says giving the final ultimatum. The Mandalorian sighs putting his rifle down and climbing off the sled. “And the blaster.” He sighs removing that as well. You go to follow him when he points at you.
“Stay.” He says and your jaw drops, you weren't some animal, “And don’t touch my stuff you’re not doing that again,” The memory of him forcing you to return the blade is still fresh in your head. Maybe he should be more careful of his items. You roll your eyes sitting back down with the child watching the conversation.
Kuiil listens to the Jawa before turning to the Mandalorian, “They will trade all the parts for the beskar.” He shakes his head blowing up in anger pointing at them,
“I’m not gonna trade anything. These are my parts. They stole them from me.” He says “They, they….belong to me!” He speaks Jawa though it’s truly bad and you stifle your laughter.
“You speak terrible Jawa. You sound like a Wookiee.” One of the Jawa says and he loses his temper swiping his hand out with his flamethrower making them all yell out.
“You understand this?!” “No! Whoa, easy, easy.” Kuiil quickly diffused the fight before speaking to the Jawa, “He is Mandalorian. He cannot give you his beskar armor. What else may he trade?”
You hadn’t noticed some Jawas coming by the sled until they were inspecting the child’s carrier and poking you with their staff.
“Hey! Stop it get away.” You stand up shouting at them in Jawa alerting the bounty hunter who stands up.
“Get away from them!” He shouts and they scatter away from the two of you.
“There must be something else,” Kuiil says and the Jawas turn to discuss amongst themselves before turning around.
“We will require The Egg. Bring us The Egg.” It says and your hunter looks confused, “The Egg? What Egg?” You were confused as well as Kuiil groaned facepalming as the Jawas continue to chant.
The Jawas allow you all to travel by sandcrawler before you arrive at a series of rocky formations. The three of you minus Kuiil dismount and begin to walk through the rock formations toward an open clearing leading to a cave. “Shouldn’t I have a weapon in case you fail or something?” You bring up and he glares at you ignoring your request leaving you and the child to watch him venture inside the cave. It’s silent for a bit before a loud roar comes from the cave and out comes the Mandalorian and a large mudhorn. You watch him fire blast at the creature before reloading his weapon and the creature charges throwing him against the mud.
“Not doing so well!” You shout at him which draws the attention of the beast who charges at you and the child, “Crap!” You shout rolling out of the way mud covers your knees and arms as the child’s carrier dodges in the other direction. The mudhorn turns ready to charge again when flames unleash burning it. It tries retreating back to its den but he latches onto it with a grappling line around the horns. Shaking him aside attacking with said horns and hooves to the ground. It goes to stop down at him you rushing forward when the creature suspends in midair. A feeling you hadn’t felt in a while covers your skin as your hand whips around to look at the child its tiny hand held out. You hear the sound of the blade driving into flesh but your attention is focused on the small creature.
The Mandalorian slowly approaches the child seeing the look of slight fear on your face looking down at the child before it collapses in its cradle asleep. His gaze shifts to yours, your face seems plain but he could see the fear in your eyes that you were trying to hide. He turns walking back into the cave and returning with the egg. You had arrived back at the sandcrawler with the egg the Jawas rejoiced taking it and cutting it open devouring the insides.
“Mando!” Kuiil calls out to the bounty hunter.
“I’m surprised you waited?” Mando says and Kuiil nods looking at him,
“I’m surprised you took so long,” Kuiil says and the Jawas quickly prepare the sled with the parts of his ship. Then you were back off to the ship. You were sat in the back with the parts of the child’s carrier resting beside you as you look out on the horizon. You could hear their conversation but chose to ignore it, your mind more focused on what you had witnessed. You hadn’t imagined it you had truly seen it with your own eyes. That feeling that rushed over you had opened up something that had been locked up in fear. As you look down at this child you could feel a connection form.
The child was still asleep when you arrived at the dismantled ship, “There is no way we're gonna get this to work without a full maintenance facility. This is gonna take days to fix.” Mando says looking over the wrecked ship.
“If you care to help it might go faster. There is much work to do.” Kuiil says ready to begin the repairs. The night continues over you all as the two repairs the ship. Your head is deep in wires in the cockpit the fusion cutter grasp in your mouth as you moved cables around. Maker, this whole ship was a mess, did he purposely want a ship that was slow? As you go to move another wire, you feel hands grab your legs pulling out from the open panel and you look up to see Mando glaring down at you.
“Why are you touching my ship?” He growls out, were you tampering with it to make this harder for him? You scoff pushing him away from you and crawling back to the open panel.
You ramble off fixing the wiring but it would just be easier to get an entirely new ship. “More like fixing, like how could you allow it to get like this! Your hyperdrive is so outdated that makes you two times slower than most ships. Then there are the core processes and your sensor systems dying on you. Your better off selling this hunk of junk and getting something that’s not Pre-Galactic, hey!” His hands grab your legs again pulling you out of the panel but you were already done. He pulls you up to your feet pushing you down to a seat.
“Stop touching things,” He snatches the fusion cutter, “Just don’t even move.” He glares at you which you equally return. He steps back before turning his back from you and heading down out of the cockpit. You cross your arms settling in, maker what an asshole.
Mando sighs the last of the repairs are finished having repaired or fully restored the ship’s systems and parts. He turns looking down at Kuiil, “I can't thank you enough. Please allow me to give you a portion of the reward.” He says and the man shakes his head.
“I cannot accept. You are my guest, and I am therefore in your service.” He shakes his head and Mando nods looking at the ship,
“I could use a crew member of your ability. And I can pay handsomely.” He offers but Kuiil refuses.
“I am honored. But I have worked a lifetime to finally be free of servitude.” Kuiil says and Mando nods moving towards his ship as Kuiil mounts his blurrg. “I understand. Then all I can offer is my thanks.” Mando says.
“And I offer mine. Thank you for bringing peace to my valley and good luck with those two. May they survive and bring you a handsome reward. I have spoken.” Kuiil watches as the Mandalorian enters his ship sitting in the pilot's seat his two bounties beside him, the child was asleep in his cradle and you were leaning against the wall in your chair your eyes closed. He fires up the engines of the Razor Crest is roaring to life as he takes off leaving the planet behind.
To Nevarro.
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littlestpetgoth · 1 year
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barkley is a sad octoling whose memory is constantly decaying, head spinning, and barnacles burrowing into his flesh. he used to have fun participating in events with his luna blaster but has since been banned from most activities due to being so accident prone.. its for his own good...
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Skeleton meets a llama for the first time in his life, in a zoo or a farm. The llama proceeds to immediately spit at his face. For the main 10.
Undertale Sans - He was genuinely startled by this, as he never expected that fluffy creature to suddenly spit at his face. Sans learned his lesson though. He's staying very far from these things now.
Undertale Papyrus - He screams in shock and takes two steps backward. Then he blushes to death as Undyne starts to laugh at him like a hyena. That's not funny! That thing attacked him! Ew. He has to change his T-shirt as well. And clean his face. And take a shower. He hated every second of it.
Underswap Sans - You're trying to intidimate him? Well, he's not! Blue jumps above the fence, screaming like a warrior, and jumps on the back of the poor llama for an unforgettable rodeo. He got banned from the park soon after but doesn't regret anything.
Underswap Papyrus - He got so scared he fainted lol. No one told him llamas could do this! He didn't expect it to attack it when he only wanted to pet it, since for once it's an animal he's not allergic to. He's going to hug a guinea pig for an entire hour in the farm area to recover.
Underfell Sans - He gives a death glare to the llama as his brother and Undyne starts to laugh at his misery. The llama just made a mortal enemy that day. The next time Red sees it, it's dead.
Underfell Papyrus - He overreacts and summons two huge blasters to defend himself, making everyone around him run in fear. Children are screaming, adults are running, and he starts his epic music playlist on his phone as he jumps over the fence to have his cool boss battle.
Horrortale Sans - Oh, ok :( Oak is just sad he got rejected. He lowers his head and leaves to see other animals, looking sad. Fortunately, he quickly forgets the accident as soon as he befriends an entire wolf pack.
Horrortale Papyrus - No you don't! He grabs the llama by the ear, walks above the fence, and drags it in time out in its stable. He lectures the traumatised llama the entire time, in front of a lot of people in complete shock. You don't spit on people, that's rude.
Swapfell Sans - He hisses angrily and claws the llama's face back. That's right! Run away, stupid primitive creature! He's the dominant male around here! Nox got really offended by the spitting.
Swapfell Papyrus - He spits back at the llama instinctively. He got a little bit jumpscared and did the first thing that came to his mind honestly. He's even a little in shock after doing that.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Uh oh. Wine is NOT happy. That wild beast ruined his handmade dress and it contaminated him with its saliva. Wine is horrified. He doesn't want to die! What if he caught rabies?! He stomps to the entrance of the zoo. If he's going to die soon, he's getting a refund.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He is frozen in shock. He thought the llama wanted a hug :( He's so so disappointed. He's just standing there, looking sad. Waiting for someone to notice he's sad to give him a hug :(
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The jedi archives rule II
Due to unfortunate events the rules have been updated, to go alongside this message, Master Fisto's hunt and subsequent funeral will be streamed in channel 4 of the temple at around the 17th hour of todays rotation.
(I warned you all but you didn't listen to me, now Master Fisto has to pay for his actions, may his foolishness serve as a reminder that Madam Nu is serious with her warnings)
The first part of the rules shall be uploaded here.
Please read them so you do not break any rules in a way that better be an accident.
Food is vehemently forbiden from coming near the archives, (we do NOT need another infestation)
Clones please ask for an archive credential at the main desk
Datapads can no longer leave the archives for longer than two days
You cannot take out more than five datapas per time
Clones are not allowed to take out datapads in the place of ANY jedi
No not padawans either
Cleaning crew is now to be acompanied by any helper
I do NOT want any patient hiding amongs them
Like for force sake really?? Do you have any idea how hard it is to deal with an angry healer???
Knight Skywalker please keep your...meetings with Senator Amidala out of the archives
Oh please who cares if I call him out? Everyone knows, we're just being nice
Knight Skywalker, Master Vos's rule now applies to you too
Padawan Kestis and any younglings or padawans of his size, please refrain from napping inside the datapad carts
I doubt any of you will find sleeping in the old archives comfortable
And we do no need an entire legion of clones almost tearing the temple apart to find you
Disapointingly this now also aplies to anyone small enough to get inside a datapad cart
Slimy users of the archives, I have nothing against any of you, but please, for anything that is mighty, use the designated areas for you
Practive equipment is now banned from the archives
Blasters are now banned from the archive
Lightsabes are now banned from the archives
Knight Offee, Padawan Tano, Master Fisto, Master Yoda-
We shall now be conducting searches in specified padawans, knights and masters (You know who you are)
What is wrong with all of you???
Off duty Temple Guards, please I must insist and remind you that you must wear bells while in the archives
If I find the fucker who scared me last night it will be on kriffing sight!
Master Yoda you are formally banned until you apologize from bringing LIVE animals for lunch
It is not permited to make the datapads float with the force
Apologies Master Sinube I understand it's comfortable but after many have damaged datapas doing this we cannot allow it anymore
We must ask any species who uses echolocation to please ask for help to guide you in the archives
We can't afford 50% of the datapads shattering again, please
It has also been brought to our attention that Knight Skywalker's datapad suffered as much if not more than Master Kenobi's did but that he managed to fix them befor ereturning them
I'm not even mad, I'm actually impressed, Knight Skywalker, if you could drop by from time to time to aid in the fixing of the datapads we would apreciate it
....Fine and in return we will allow Master Kenobi to take out datapads again
Youngling Grogu is not allowed back in the archive until he returns the things he took
Yes I know they are shiny and he liked them, but we still need all of that, may I remind you all he tried to steal the archives core??? Just cause i was shiny and ball shaped!!!
There are now snack jars in the front desk for whenever Grisser comes, please give one to him if you see him
Master Windu please remind your troopers that you are the example of what NOT to do, when taking a datapad from the archives
Again permanently banned members must NOT enter the archives
Do you really want Madam Nu to take her riffle out? 
Formal protocol for when Madam Nu takes her rifle out shall be sent to your personal comms in an hour
On a last note, if you fill this rules are targeted and personal, it's because they are :)
Sincerily Master Astar 
Take that Skywalker
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artsy-hobbitses · 2 years
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Mina Mongoose as the Voice Of The Revolution is a concept I feel is underutilised, so we’re heading right into punk rock territory, baby. She’s definitely inspired from Autobot Blaster’s Spotlight issue, which is one of my favorite spotlight issues.  Also I love the idea of her with a different body shape—longer body, shorter legs, befitting her species!
Like Sonic, she bored witness to her parent figure (mother, who works with news/reporting in this AU) arrested on what looked to be political charges, only to find out later that they were among the first batch of Mobians to be roboticized. Her singing talent was specifically self-honed because she used to sing the songs her mother sang to her as a child every night to keep the memory of her mother alive.  Having met fellow Robotnik-made orphans Sonic and Bunnie on the streets, they three of them formed a tight friendship with Tails added to the mix in their teenage years, where she found her talent penning/performing protest music (several calling out/mocking Robotnik directly) and in communications (she’s not much of a fighter, but is capable of defending herself if the need calls for it).
Recreationally, she starts up a band with Sonic on the guitar and Bunnie on the drums (adding Antoine on the strings/violin and Sally on the piano/keyboard once she learns that WAIT THEY CAN JAM TOO) 
Her style is definitely more punk/rock in this AU, though she ventures out to pop when she’s feeling particularly peppy!  ‘When not holding jam sessions and handling communications between Knothole’s HQ and other rebellion splinter cells around Mobius, she mans a radio channel on a rebellion-only broadcast wave where she makes news announcements, sings, reads poetry and hosts other struggling artists/musicians hoping to make their voices heard in a totalitarian hellscape where their form of expression/livelihoods have been banned. 
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smartnerf · 9 months
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dickarchivist · 11 months
Grave squad of the 404th.
This is the biography introduction for Grave Squad, clone OCs made by me. They're part of a fake battalion, the 404th. The jedi mentioned are for context only at this point, and are also my OCs.
Jedi of Note: Jedi Master Dax'Malkin Valka. Zebrak. General of the 404th. Padawan Athena Bello, near human. Master Dax's last Padawan.
Word count: 2815
Minors DNI 🔞 there is the N S F W alphabet for Grave Squad toward the bottom.
Meet The Clones!
Ghost, Phantom, Specter, Banshee, and Wraith!
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Clone Captain 1313: Ghost
Nickname: none
Ghost is the oldest of the Grave Squad Clones. He's a mission focused and goal driven soldier, but this doesn't stop him from making time to check on his men. Ghost is known to be incredibly kind hearted, making sure that everyone in his command is taken care of before he takes care of himself.
During a field mission, Ghost sustained acid burns to his eyes while protecting natives. Ghost lost his eyes, but Master Dax saw to it that he be given cybernetics to stay in the fight and prolong his life. Ghost's eyes are predominantly white, with a gray iris and white pupil. The splash like scars remain across his eyes like a mask. Ghost has short hair, shaved on the sides with a slightly longer top. After his accident, Ghost starts growing facial hair. The dark hair is mixed with patches of silver, fading in some places.
ARC Trooper 1404: Phantom
Nickname: Tom/Tommy
Phantom's a little cocksure and brash. He likes to think himself the leader despite his place in the Squad, and will sometimes challenge Ghost for his position. He's never beaten Ghost, even when his Captain was blind. Phantom is extremely competitive, keeps count of Droid kills on missions, and is known to cause bar fights.
When he's in the field, Phantom earns his name. He moves silently and follows the orders to a T unless the situation calls for quick thinking, which it often does. He's best with long range assault, yet remains a vital assent in melee situations. Phantom sports goatee facial hair with longer locks. He ties it back with a beaded ribbon given to him by Athena.
ARC Trooper 1551: Specter
Nickname: Specs
Lovingly nicknamed "Specs" by his brothers, Specter is the more technologically inclined of Grave Squad. His area of expertise sits with improvised weaponry, often making explosives or blasters with anything he can get his hands on. Creating gadgets and hacking systems are his second favorite hobbies. His first is photography. Specter takes photos every chance he gets, and when asked why, he simply says, "Proof that we lived." He's a little harder to get to warm up than his brothers, very blunt, but he understands when gentleness is needed.
Specter has a shock of white hair on his head, fluffy and wild, a broad Mohawqk. The sides of his head are shaved, decorated with tattoos of intricate swirl patterns.
Clone Ordnance Specialist 1666: Banshee
Nickname: Ban
The scars on Banshee's throat tell many stories, but you won't hear them from him. His brothers can tell you a million different stories, but they always change, and Banshee won't tell you which one is true, if any of them. He's quiet, yet despite his role in demolition, he likes it quiet too. He wears in the ear headphones near constantly to drown out the tinnitus from explosions. some say he's deaf, but even so much as whisper his name and he'll look your way. But he's not mute. On the battlefield if you hear his voice, you either duck for cover or you run. Things are about to get loud. Banshee communicates in hand signs more than anything else.
Banshee is often seen with a neutral expression, and half hooded eyes, making him appear sleepy despite how high alert he always is. Aside from the scars across his throat, Banshee's hair is his most defining feature. Near shaved bald, the fuzz on his head is blonde. Sometimes, for fun, Banshee and the rest of Grave Squad will draw on his head. Athena once drew a heart near his temple. He had it tattooed there shortly after.
Clone Medic 1789: Wraith
Nickname: Ray/Rai
One of the hardest Clones to pin down, Wraith is always running from place to place without end. He's a worrier, much a mother hen, and consistently double checking to make sure everything is in order. He's one of the few people that can get Ghost to sit down and take care of himself before others. Wraith is incredibly firm when it comes to the safety of his brothers, and has been threatened with a court martial numerous times for disobeying jedi orders in favor of the preservation of his brothers. Luckily, Master Dax never let them take Wraith, always saying that the medic was indeed following orders, his orders.
Wraith loves flowers. He pressed them when he can, collecting new ones on his missions and preserving them between the pages of a hand bound book with blank paged that Master Dax made for him. Wraith has a slight mutation in his genetics, giving him one green eye, and one standard brown. He has a well kept beard, and a slightly longer, natural curly hair cut.
Some Spicy ABC's beyond this point 👀💦
A note: All of Grave Squad is Pan, they like everyone and everything. However, unless requested, I tend to write fem/afab partners for them. With that in mind, that's how these will be answered.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Ghost: As with everyone under him, Ghost makes sure your needs are met. He'll man handle you, clean you up, had make sure you drink some water within the hour. If you're really messy, he'll take you to the shower and clean you up himself.
Phantom: he's shockingly clingy afterwards, asking if it felt good, if it still feels good, do you need a safe word next time, are you sure it was what you wanted, etc. For a man as outwardly confident as Phantom, he's very self conscious and craves your approval.
Specter: less so for after care. Specs would, with your permission, take a photo of the mess he's made of you, chuckling that it's his best work yet. Out of the 5 of them, Specs is the most likely to eat you out as a form of after care.
Banshee: he just wants to hold you. Keep you close, listen to your panting, the intense beat of your heart as it comes down. He'd enjoy Feather light touching, Whispers of kisses on warm skin. Soft, quiet, warm and safe. He'd want to stay in you as long as possible.
Wraith: he would stay as long as you wanted him to, but wouldn't be the most romantic for Aftercare. He'd wait for the body high to fall before taking you into the shower to clean up. He'd change the sheets before allowing you back into bed, only afterwards would he cuddle with you again.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Ghost: he's a lips and breasts kinda man, that oral fixation. He thinks his hands are nice.
Phantom: thinks he's the maker's gift to the galaxy, all of him is his favorite. He loves soft tummies and thighs on his partners.
Specter: takes pride in his arms and hands, they're quick, strong, and skilled. Loves to look you in those pretty eyes of yours
Banshee: he likes his tummy, its not rough chisled, but solid still. He likes that when he's not flexed, he has a little belly roll. Its not a body part, but he loves your voice. It's the only sound in the galaxy he'd want to hear all day long.
Wraith: his eyes and nose are his favorites on him, making him unique from the very start. He takes his time appreciating your whole body, stating that every part is his favorite, though you do catch him looking at your ass and chest very often.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Grave Squad: they all enjoy spending themselves inside their partners, but even more when their partners cum.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Ghost: He gets jealous so quickly. He doesn't have personal possessions, but you belong to him, and if anyone makes him feel even the slightest insecure about that, he's quick to remind the galaxy who you belong to.
Phantom: he'll try to deny it, puts on a convincing act, but Phantom likes it when his partner takes control. He'd never ask for it, but he craves it.
Specter: when he's in a creative rut, Specs will wear a pair of your panties that he stole from you. Sometimes he'll wear them just for fun.
Banshee: listens to a recording of the two of you having sex almost every single day. His headphones are always on, no one is the wiser.
Wraith: once accidentally exposed himself to a powerful aphrodisiac he was researching and pretended to be sick because he couldn't get his boner down for 8 hours. Spent that time furiously going solo.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Ghost: he's had his fair share of flings and one night stands, but yearns for more.
Phantom: first of Grave Squad to fuck, and has not stopped since. He's here for a good time.
Specter: much like Ghost, he's experienced the throws of passion.
Banshee: he's selective, and needs connection before making a physical one, but has had a handful of goes around the bases.
Wraith: someone draw this man a map, he can't find a date
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Grave Squad: any position they can see their partner's face in
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Ghost: knows when to make a joke during sex, knows when to be heartfelt
Phantom: makes jokes afterwards, to cover up his insecurities
Specter: does not joke, but will chuckle if you do
Banshee: barely talks. If he does make a joke, it'll likely go over your head in the moment.
Wraith: jokes when he's nervous, so very often at first, but less and less the more serious the relationship.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Grave squad: all very well kept, Ghost doesn't let them get nasty (neither does Wraith). And yes, the carpet matched the drapes.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Ghost: he gets wistful, thinking of the future almost breaks his heart, because he doesn't know if he has one. But he wants to, with you, and he'll tell you that over and over. "I want a life with you."
Phantom: once you've broken down his fuck boy walls, Phantom is actually really romantic. He does stereotype romance when he thinks you're just in it for the sex, but once you've actually started to get serious he puts in the effort.
Specter: his romance is in subtle ways, like calling you by your first name when he only ever calls you by a pet name or your title. He may be softer with you, or come to you for creature comforts without the need or want for sex.
Banshee: if he speaks around you, fuck everything else, that's how you know he loves you. He uses his voice.
Wraith: his version of romantic interaction is a strange meld of his brothers, but above all else, he'd bring you flowers. Not just pressed ones, but live flowers, even ones he made with metal or papers.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Ghost: he doesn't do it often, but when he does he makes sure with 100% certainty that no one will hear, see, or interrupt him. Ghost is very private.
Phantom: has no shame, but at least has the decency to wait until he thinks his brothers are asleep.
Specter: will go solo to relieve stress, but otherwise doesn't unless it's part of sex with you.
Banshee: once a day, no one knows that he does.
Wraith: very bad at hiding the fact that he does, because he can't keep quiet.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Ghost: breeding, marking/possession, over stim, nipple play, oral fixation, being called "daddy", body worship, Achluophilia (darkness/blindfold)
Phantom: punishment (recieving, light when giving), sub/Dom play (both ways), wax play, praise, public sex, teasing,
Specter: bondage, recording, edging/denial, over stim, public sex, lingerie, underwear
Banshee: Akophilia (arousal through sounds), body worship, shower sex, face sitting (partner on him), Somnophilia (sleeping sex (with consent))
Wraith: Vicarphilia (hearing of other's exploites), breath play, medical play, shower sex
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) (other than the bedroom)
Ghost: over his desk
Phantom: in any risky spot
Specter: in front of windows/ mirrors
Banshee: in the shower
Wraith: exam chair/table
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Grave Squad: their partner, always.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Grave Squad: non-concent, dehumanization, age play
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Ghost: loves both
Phantom: likes recieving, loves giving
Specter: doesn't like recieving, enjoys giving
Banshee: loves both, especially giving
Wraith: likes both, getting better at it
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Ghost: depends on partner's desires
Phantom: rough and fast until bonds are made, then slows down sometimes
Specter: sensual, but hard
Banshee: slow and sensual
Wraith: clumsy, slow, and giggly
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Ghost: enjoys them, but not as much as feature length fun
Phantom: loves em, but less when youre serious with him
Specter: he'll give you oral for a Quickie but doesn't like them for himself
Banshee: would only do it if you asked him to and seemed absolutely desperate
Wraith: so excited about the idea, would love to, as often as you'd like.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Grave Squad: they'll try damn near anything at least once.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Ghost: 4 rounds, 10-15 min each, 2-5 minutes between rounds
Phantom: 3 rounds, 8-12 minutes each, 3-5 minutes between first 3 rounds, 6-10 minutes between final rounds
Specter: 3 rounds, 10-15 minutes each, 1-3 minutes between each round.
Banshee: 3 rounds, 15-20 minutes each, 2-3 minutes between rounds.
Wraith: 2 rounds, 5-8 minutes each, 3-5 minutes between rounds (he'll get better with practice)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Ghost: doesn't use toys, but wouldn't be adverse to trying for his partner
Phantom: loves toys, uses them for both
Specter: uses toys on partner
Banshee: loves a good cockring, anything to prolong the process
Wraith: doesn't know enough, but would be very excited to try them out
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Ghost: teases a little (until you tease back/make him jealous, then all bets are off)
Phantom: teases until you tell him to stop
Specter: King Tease, doesn't stop until you use the safe word
Banshee: doesn't tease verbally, only touch, and only until you're in the mood and say you're ready for him
Wraith: would try to tease, but wouldn't be good at it. Unknowingly teases most of all.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Ghost: moderate, doesn't get too loud but can be vocal. Grunts and moans, growls. Checks in throughout, light dirty talk sometimes
Phantom: moderate to loud. Talks through the process, shouts when he climaxes unless he's going solo. Dirty talk and check ins veiled as dirty talk
Specter: low to moderate, brief check ins. Dirty talk in a whisper, will call you names if you're into it.
Banshee: silent for the most part. Breathy panting, soft grunts. Focusing more on the sounds you make. Eye contact for check ins
Wraith: moderate to loud. Panting, moaning, grunting, begging and praise.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Ghost: watching you ride him is one of his favorite sights
Phantom: makes sure you climax at least twice while with him
Specter: gets off on you getting off, way more than anything else.
Banshee: wants nothing more than to slowly fuck you for an entire day, would spend hours worshipping your body if given a chance.
Wraith: has a fantasy about having sex on a beach, but wouldn't do it because it's very risky health wise. Thinks about it often, though.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Ghost: above average length, average thickness
Phantom: average length and thickness
Specter: average length, slightly above average thickness
Banshee: above average length and thickness
Wraith: average length and thickness
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Ghost: 8/10
Phantom: 8/10
Specter: 7/10
Banshee: 10/10 (surprise)
Wraith: 5/10
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Ghost: doesn't fall asleep until after you do
Phantom: falls asleep within 20 minutes of finishing
Specter: falls asleep within 30 minutes of finishing
Banshee: stays awake as long as he can just admiring you
Wraith: once his Aftercare routine is finished, he's out within moments unless you keep him awake.
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mossy-paws · 1 year
8-Bit Blaster (Phighting! Oc)
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HIMM!!!! My man, my guy, my silly
Anyways yeah here’s 8-Bit blaster I love him beyond words
So for some minor design details/lore n stuff that’s not mentioned on his ref:
He has a CONSTANT pixel/8-bit effect to him, it sets him apart from other phighters, he also has pixel particles that are mainly prevalent when he does quick movements and stuff
He’s currently factionless since I don’t really know what faction to put him in, but so far I think I’m going to put him in playground due to the gamer/video game theme he has
His tail isn’t attached to him and just kinda floats around
he can reform his gear into pretty much anything as per mentioned on the ref, but all the factions came together to ban him from doing it because he once summoned a nuclear bomb and nearly set it off by accident, his base gear though is the 8-bit blaster!
He may or may not be wanted in a few factions for some minor crimes but we don’t talk about that
Hess slightly based after the quantum slime from slime rancher
He can also reform into other things as well, within reason though since it requires a LOT of energy (changing his gear is much simpler and doesn’t require too much energy, which is why he can do that a lot more often), he can take the form of 8-bit versions of other phighters or animals, his favorite thing to turn into is actually a cat!
he has a heavy New Jersey accent, and his VC is bill cypher from gravity falls! (Just with the accent)
Alright well here’s some request doodles + his og pallet!
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klarionthewizard · 2 years
Imperial Headcanons: Vader
-misses being able to see colors other than various shades of red
-still wears his wedding ring
-causes Piett and Veers a Crisis when he tells them that of the three of them, only Veers is from the Core
-everyone was treated to a very long rant about Kenobi dissolving into dust during their final duel. It was. Very long. Very, very long.
-makes annonymous suggestions to Veers's AT-AT upgrades at 3 a.m. by hacking the General's datapad. this has not stopped freaking the General out, he's increased his encryption and data protection 5 times, why isn't it working and why hasn't Vader strangled him over it yet?
-Vader hasn't strangled him because Vader is the one who updates his data security and thus knows how to get into Veers's datapad. Vader has still not realized that his hacking is why Veers keeps asking for improvements
-hand picked Piett for Death Squadron
-is a matchmaker. no one enjoys his methods
-his cape is blaster proof
-his suit is designed by the Emperor to be deliberately shitty
-has lost four lightsabers since being Vader
-he will Not be talking about how the acklay ate his lightsaber, thank you very much
-controls the mousedroids
-is bad at telepathic personal boundaries
-sometimes he just starts laughing at the way Piett curses people out in his head in Huttese and it scares the entire bridge crew
-will not touch lava missions with a ten foot pole unless Palpatine makes him
-his lava castle on Mufastar was Palpatine's idea to "properly encourage his hatred of Kenobi"
-has been banned from experimenting with Sith sorcery
-or alchemy
-or touching sith artifacts
-or any force artifacts in general. Piett and Veers did not appreciate being body swapped for three days. at all.
-his room in the Imperial Palace is in the same spot as it was in the Jedi temple
-still participates in the 501st's betting books
-desperate for family. will be ridiculously protective no matter the relation
-didn't approve of the Death Star but didn't care enough to stop it either
-wrecks at least three TIE Advanced a year
-personally piloted the Executor once and gave Piett several heart attacks
-has not been back to Naboo since two months after his wife's funeral
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splatoonpolls · 2 months
there should be a challenge which makes it so the only weapon you can use is the clasher blaster. But during those 2 hours, clasher blaster is banned from every other mode.
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