#Bard of Blood
homestucksimplified · 7 months
The 12 Classes of Blood.
"Blood is the Aspect of bonds, relations, friendship or relationship or hatred, anything that holds the idea of people connecting and interacting. Blood Players usually strive for community, craving the unity of people, thriving on groups of friends, families, rioters getting ready to protest, anything that ties the bloods together. They can have a hard time adjusting to freedom, preferring the value of the attachments in their life. Their view of the world is very interesting, mostly focused on the association between people, even the disharmonic ones".
"Blood can be literal, in the sense of a Blood Player’s path having to do with their care or lack of care for a sibling or parent, but it can also be about friends or lovers. They can attempt to form unity whenever they can, that might be their way of dealing with the world. They have a thought that “everyone has the same blood”. Blood is the opposite Aspect to “Breath”, which is focused on freedom and detachment".
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Sburb Players each have a combination of an Aspect and a Class. Aspects are understood to represent what a player’s goals and actions in life are caused by. A Class is within an Aspect and understood to represent the way they deal with their Aspect.
The Sburb Classes are Maid, Page, Mage, Knight, Rogue, Sylph, Seer, Thief, Heir, Bard, Prince, and Witch. (Lord and Muse*)
(*Classes Lord and Muse seem to only be possible in either Cherub society or in two-player sessions. They are very absolute and it’s rare for a human to identify with their descriptions. I will have to leave them out here and only write about the remaining twelve :)
Adding the Classes to the Aspect of Blood will result in twelve God Tiers. My analyses of them are as follows:
1st God Tier: Witch of Blood
Witch is the Active Class of manipulation. Witches are known to “control” their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Witch of Blood, specifically, would believe themselves to work better under stress, with second plans, with a strong sense of security, but their most productive moments will be those in which they decide to be free and “go with the flow”. Being the rebels against Blood, they would be deeply interested in exploring how they could break rules of conformity, even the ones they planned for themselves. They don’t like leadership, they don’t want to be responsible for other people; they are followers of change even when they don’t mean to be. They have very complex relationships, whether romantic or platonic, but not complex as difficult, and rather as “interesting to explore”. Their connections to others can be of heavy weight to them, as they sometimes doubt they are the right thing — they can love their best friend deeply but wonder all the time “do I really? Should I just leave them?”, for example. Blood Players tend to be chaotic, but I see Witches as the most collected of the lot. In regards to society, I can view them being into anarchism even if only as an interest of study.
2nd God Tier: Heir of Blood
Heir is the Passive Class of manipulation. Heirs are known to “influence” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. An Heir of Blood, specifically, would be the connecting link between people and situations. This is one of the coolest God Tiers, because Heirs become their Aspect somehow, so they would be inspired into inspiring relationships and unity, for example introducing people to their biggest passions, changing lives even when they don’t mean to, by helping their friends find themselves in what they were always meant to be doing. An Heir of Blood would have a lot of friends and probably be highly sociable and open-minded. Their challenge in life can have to do with low self-esteem in romantic surroundings, and maybe a belief that all of their friends are more interesting than them. Still with that, Heirs of Blood will be thought of as great company. They may pursue jobs related to inspiration and guiding other people.
3rd God Tier: Mage of Blood
Mage is the Active Class of knowledge. Mages are known to “understand” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Mage of Blood, specifically, would be really experienced with all forms of social interaction and/or close connections. They would be the friend that solves the issues and that takes the lead when it is time to make a decision involving somebody else (needing to talk to a figure of authority to help with something within the group, for example). I see Mages having confidence in what their Aspect represents, so they would know what they are doing, but, at the same time, it is said that Mages “suffer” from their Aspect, and I like to believe that is because they are too self-aware of it. So this would be the bad part, they would perhaps feel like they already know everything and refuse to take advice from others when it comes to their friendships or familiar bonds. And of course, since Blood also talks about binds, these Mages could also be knowledgeable in politics and social issues, naturally good at talking about it.
4th God Tier: Seer of Blood
Seer is the Passive Class of knowledge. Seers are known to “study” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Seer of Blood, specifically, would be fairly observant but retracted from social interactions. They would be the “judge instead of the participant”, and make up for what they lack with rigorous practice. In Blood, that means yes, they would constantly force themselves out of their comfort zone and challenge connections and bonds. They could be the most routine-based person in the Sburb session, and the most to-themselves person in the friend group. I think Seers are really interesting because they show signs of their Aspect even in childhood! I mean, all people do, but Seers do in a particular way.
Seer of Blood is a canon Homestuck God Tier. Kankri Vantas is the character that holds that title.
5th God Tier: Thief of Blood
If you read into Thief of Blood I suggest you also read into Rogue of Blood — I wrote them together as one.
Thief is the Active Class of stealing. Thieves are known to “take” from their Aspect and through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Thief of Blood, specifically, would not be as evil-sounding as their title suggests, but they would be or make themselves seem overly powerful within their Aspect. Thieves in general tend to depend a lot on their Aspect in a way to strengthen themselves, and with Blood that may be done by engaging in self-serving relationships, whether romantic or platonic. I feel like it’s important to state that not! all! Thieves! are! selfish!!! But acting in their own interests is part of their unique pattern of Aspect handling. Again, Thief is the Active Class of stealing, so these would bring Blood to themselves, benefit from connections and structure in a way that is focused not on a clear objective but rather on the overall feeling of the Player. Stealing Blood is just something they do, because they were built to do just that.
If this is too abstract for you to understand, I’d suggest that you are not a Thief of Blood. But in any form, I hope this finds them.
6th God Tier: Rogue of Blood
If you read into Rogue of Blood I suggest you also read into Thief of Blood — I wrote them together as one.
Rogue is the Passive Class of stealing. Rogues are known to “redistribute” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Rogue of Blood, specifically, would be hard to notice. They would showcase a lot of power, but much less evidently than the Thief would. Likewise, their connections would be mostly selfless, even to the extreme point of lacking focus on their own person. But remember that not! all! Rogues! are! selfless!!! It’s just a theme in their pattern that they handle their Aspect with focus on the outside world. In a Blood way, that would mean the Rogue would be active in helping society, maybe taking that as their objective in life. Parades, sure, but I’m thinking mostly protests, even if silent activism that changes humanity little by little. Sometimes they’d think they are wasting their time and should be focused on other things, but that is just the questioning that will always be present in their lives. They are doing the correct thing, just usually not in the right quantity.
7th God Tier: Knight of Blood
Knight is the Active Class of utilizing. Knights are known to “handle” their Aspect and through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Knight of Blood, specifically, would feel a strong sense of duty that they should use their Aspect in the best way possible, possibly creating pressure on themselves. They tend to be into leading and/or handling other people, following the knowledge that their Aspect is their objective in life. Outside Sburb, this can mean this Knight is the best person in a group when it comes to having empathy and being understanding. We see that in Homestuck, with Knight of Blood being one of the most well-explained God Tiers. They are unable to ignore their duty, but of course they also make mistakes relating to it, they are as imperfect as every other person. We see the Knight of Blood being the center of all relationships, but still failing at their own because of said imperfection.
Knight of Blood is a canon Homestuck God Tier. Karkat Vantas is the character that holds that title.
8th God Tier: Page of Blood
Page is the Passive Class of utilizing. Pages are known to “rise” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Page of Blood, specifically, would feel like they lack talent in handling other people and social dynamics, but in reality, just be held back by their own insecurities and feelings that they are insufficient. If they tried to apply effort into their Aspect, they’d find all the potential they have, understanding their place and their destiny. A realized Page will happily utilize connections, routine, revolution, everything in its own place, and will even uplift others in their own Aspects, but only after defying their limits. Pages can be the center of a Sburb session. Sometimes everyone depends on them so they all can be their best versions.
9th God Tier: Maid of Blood
Maid is the Active Class of construction. Maids are known to “create” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Maid of Blood, specifically, would at first not believe in their talents. Unlike Pages, they are creators, not users of the Aspect, and so their relation to it depends on more than facing their limits. A Maid of Blood will be a pushover in the beginning, and have to fight to find a relevant place in relationships and gatherings. They might even be built up by others, depending on them before emancipating themselves. But this characteristic doesn’t mean they are inferior to others, it simply means their initial challenge will be finding independence in their Aspect. A Maid of Blood will follow advice and whatever others say is the right way to handle connections, I can see that as accepting what anyone does, following their therapist’s relationship advice without hesitation, go through life accepting the minimum thinking that is all they deserve. The thing with them will be realizing they are not made to only follow. Realized, again, they would be great bosses, good at controlling people, changing minds, inspiring.
10th God Tier: Sylph of Blood
Sylph is the Passive Class of construction. Sylphs are known to “build” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Sylph of Blood, specifically, would be very dependent on relationships and order in their life. Their favorite things in life will be concerts, parades, football games, anything that brings people together with one common goal. They will thrive in situations where they have to deal with others, be good at community, or at least like community a lot. I can see them not being very patient, however, for example when something disrupts this sense of union that they crave. They can get frustrated more than the other Blood Players, because they are the ones who feel they should be the ones doing the building. They will also be extremely hardworking when it comes to helping others, since Sylph is a healing Class and Blood is a people Aspect.
11th God Tier: Prince of Blood
Prince is the Active Class of destruction. Princes are known to “wreck” their Aspect and through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Prince of Blood, specifically, would be a complicated person to deal with, but mostly because of things that can be fixed. Princes are the opposite of Maids, so they are usually self-obsessed and self-confident; they know they are meant for / can’t escape / must act on their Aspect (their destiny). But for that reason they also aggressively hold their Aspect, in a way that might make them seem overbearing to people around them. When healing, a Prince of Blood will crave stability in social dynamics, believing that they would be completely fixed if only they had the friendship / relationship / community / family that they deserve. And they will heal from that, from perhaps creating their own community / family / etc. and building their destiny, positively seeing their Aspect.
12th God Tier: Bard of Blood
Bard is the Passive Class of destruction. Bards are known to “deconstruct” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Bard of Blood, specifically, would challenge themselves a lot, always defying the rules of their Aspect, which for Blood can mean they would estrange themselves from the people who care for them, escape from situations they feel comfortable in, etc. In general, they are estranged from their Aspect itself. It’s a complicated relationship to their Aspect because they are destroying it, even if passively, so this Bard’s challenge would be being taken away by Blood, expressing it way too much, believing they are too into relationships to the point where they abandon them, believing if they are too comfortable they must withdraw, and other situations of the sort.
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giftofclasspects · 10 months
hello there!
blood playlists are below the cut!!!
maid of blood
page of blood
mage of blood
knight of blood
rogue of blood
sylph of blood
seer of blood
thief of blood
heir of blood
bard of blood
prince of blood
witch of blood
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tavtiers · 3 months
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the Bard of Blood: one who passively destroys connection
sources: x, x, x, x, x, x, x
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catgirlweed · 9 months
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havent posted any of these yet i don't think
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aortaobservatory · 3 months
Bard of Blood
A Bard of Blood avoids promises and relationships, and thus destroys any responsibilities and camaraderie they were supposed to have. They rely on themselves for freedom and go looking for more when they feel their relationships are getting more serious or deeper than surface level. This means they're scared of or hate being tied down, constantly seek out independence, and thus don't know how to responsibly navigate their relationships.
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yourfaveisclasspected · 10 months
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Requested by anonymous!
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usernameproxy · 1 year
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my bard of blood design for sly!
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homestuck-hell · 1 year
Rafeal Micfly, Bard of Blood, Prospit
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Sharp horns, sharper wit
He's cool with it, he's so cool with it.
Is stoic all the time. Except when he isn't.
Land of Phlebotomy and Lancets
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techtakesoff · 1 year
hello, core differences between bards and sylphs please? this might be an unconventional question (hope this isnt too hard to answer), but im trying to write a fan session for my friends and we hit a roadblock and we kinda need help. sylphs and bards do have different quests and personal journey but im more confused on what is the difference of their actions in-game.
my example, we plan our sylph of breath character to inspire a civil war on derse that upends the balance of the game simply because she was outspoken on how she hates that the king and queen in their session forces and threaten their citizens to be loyal to them and the war at all costs. but my friend said this is more of a thing bard of blood usually do, passively inviting destruction by ruining the team cohesion of their enemies. but i personally think this is more of a case of sylphs breaking the shackles and fixing the freedom for others but fucking up because their character arc and personal quest aren't done yet. what do you think?
This is an interesting case of opposite classes and opposite aspects resulting in two very similar titles. Both could play this role.
Sylphs and Bards are both passive classes, but Sylphs function more as coordinators and supporters while Bards are tricksters and wildcards -- things tend to happen *around* Bards, with less consideration for what they actually want to do.
A Bard's aspect may end up working against them, following the whims of chaos, while Sylphs are on much better terms with their own metaphysics. If the Sylph of Breath starts the war, it's because she acted hastily when she should have been patient; if the Bard of Blood does it, it's because they thought they had more control over the situation than they actually did.
The key difference is in order versus chaos. Bards naturally tend towards chaos, so for them trying to enact order would be what goes against the grain. If your Bard really thought they could handle this political situation, it could hardly do anything *but* devolve into a war, where the bonds they were trying to break might end up even stronger than they were before.
The Bard invites destruction by involving themselves in the fray, and the forces of Blood turn on them as a result. Opposite to this, Sylphs tend towards order. They want to do things cleanly and efficiently. In this case, the Sylph of Breath jumps the gun and acts before she knows all the facts, resulting in chaos and war.
She has good intentions, or maybe doesn't even intend to do anything at all but voice her own personal beliefs, but she behaves recklessly. The forces of Breath spin out of her control like she accidentally released an invasive species into the ecosystem. I think ultimately there's no single right answer as to which character is more likely to do this.
It depends on what would work best in the story. Consider, are there any particular themes you want to write about? The Bard's path here is one of dramatic irony, overestimating one's own ability, and consequences of getting involved with other people's problems.
The Sylph's path is about small actions with big consequences down the line, paving the road to hell with good intentions, and in a sense failing to "put your own oxygen mask on first" -- trying to help others but falling through due to lack of foresight.
They are similar, and the ultimate outcome is the same, but which path is best depends on the structure of the rest of the plot. For whichever character you don't pick for this role, consider what else they can do that's of equal importance to the narrative.
If you find that either one doesn't have any other opportunities to catalyse a major story beat like this, I would suggest giving them this one, and letting the other have the spotlight somewhere else.
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autie-stuck · 1 year
roast for a bard of blood and a sylph of rage? :3c
BARD OF BLOOD: I feel like you speedrun ruining friendships. You think it’s funny at this point like just add it to the pile
SYLPH OF RAGE: you actually have to stop caring for like one second before you actually explode I swear. You’re so upset over how other people are treated but getting angry solves nothing, so DO SOMETHING
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ultra-clashpects · 4 months
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The Bard-Maid of Blood-Breath is someone who never has the right amount of their aspects, always having too much or too little and being unable to ever seem to have a comfortable amount of either, nor ever having enough of both at once. The Bard-Maid of Blood-Breath must find ways to deal with the surplus of their aspects, and thus ends up destroying them to rid themself of it, but with the destruction of one brings forth more of the other, and they end up in an endless cycle of being swamped of one aspect and devoid of the other.
The Bard-Maid of Blood-Breath is sometimes outgoing and positive, friendly and welcoming, as they embrace their Blood and cut down on Breath, but sometimes they’re cold and flighty and always end up brushing off obligations and promises as they embrace Breath and cut down on Blood. The Bard-Maid of Blood-Breath can mend their aspects, creating and changing their aspects to better fuel their destructive tendencies and aid them in their tirade of apathy, as they use their Breath to disconnect people and their Blood to lull you into a false sense of security where they can then unleash their true powers.
The Bard-Maid of Blood-Breath is part Bard of Blood, which means that they are disconnected from the people in their life, they couldn’t care less about any of the relationships they might harbour with others, and they are more than content floating through life without a care in the world and without anything or anyone to try and call them back down to Earth when they start floating away into the uncaring abyss. They control and destroy the Blood inside of them and inside of others, able to manipulate and kill off bonds between people that don’t even have any relation to the Bard themself, and they aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty if they want to destroy the Blood of a person in a much more literal sense.
The Bard-Maid of Blood-Breath is part Bard of Breath, which means that they never spend any time alone and they have to be someone else at all times, they detest being by their lonesome and god forbid they have free time where they’re not doing anything and thus are free from any obligations they might hold. They keep their friends and their enemies within arms reach at all times, they are notoriously bad for dragging people into commitments that they can’t escape from, they much prefer to have a fully packed itinerary that they follow to a T, and you can probably assume that they’re not exactly the kind of person who enjoys surprises very much.
The Bard-Maid of Blood-Breath is part Maid of Blood, which means that they are used to being used and abused, thrown away when they’re not of any use anymore, or replaced the moment that they screw up in any way, shape, or form. They likely don’t have much in the way of self respect or self value due to their past experiences, but the will begin to grow as a person once they find people who actually respect them and treat them properly instead of like trash, and that’s when the Maid will begin to unlock their true powers and come to understand how to wield Blood in a positive manner.
The Bard-Maid of Blood-Breath is part Maid of Breath, which means that they begin as someone who doesn’t quite understand what their purpose is and instead relies on other people to tell them what to do and what to think, where to go and who to speak to, but eventually the Maid will grow bored of this kind of life and they will realise they have the power to leave and start their own life. They will take up this offer and once they’re gone, they will begin to understand that they can solely rely on themself to make decisions and to choose what to do or where to go, never having to find themself stuck in a situation where they don’t belong any longer.
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guia-de-sburb · 4 months
Bard of Blood: Cortando Relações Tóxicas (Às Vezes Literalmente)
Bardos, como todos sabem, são a minha classe favorita. Com sua tendência natural a atrair o ódio alheio para si, altruísmo a ponto do autosacrifício e tendência a fazer as coisas do jeito mais obtuso possível, o Bardo do Sangue tem tudo para ser uma classe particularmente interessante. Dito isso, vamos ao clássico. Quem é você, Bardo? [Opa, bardo do sangue errado] [Agora sim… mas é meio…
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eyethatcri · 1 year
I am between two options for Tavros Crocker's classpect. I think he is either a Mage or Bard of Blood.
Why I originally picked Mage of Blood was because he is being negatively impacted by most of his connections.
But now I am leaning towards Bard of Blood. First of all, how interesting it would be for Tavros to follow in Gamzee's steps. My understanding of the bard class is that they (consciously or not) invite destruction through their aspect, and there seems to be a battle between their aspect and the inverse in the beginning. Tavros Crocker so far has been desperate to stay out of family drama but has underlying spite towards them.
I assume Tavros Crocker is going to have a breaking point. His family (mostly Jane) goes too far and instead of cutting his ties he will destroy her using them. I hope it doesn't carry to his friends though.
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tavtiers · 3 months
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A hypothetical god tier for Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter: the Bard of Blood.
A Bard of Blood is among those who alter paths, drive, and passion. They are motivated by others to destroy connection. (x) The Bard of Blood gets angry when things don’t go their way and has a strong sense of responsibility. (x) They are the Revolutionary Promised, defined by outrage and connection. (x) Their opposite is the Prince of Breath. Their inverse is the Maid of Breath. They share their personality with the Prince of Rage. The Bard of Blood would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Breath and Blood, reigned over by Hera (Goddess of Marriage Vows) or Prometheus (Deliverer of Civilization). They would rise to ascension on the wings of mosquitoes. (x)(x)(x)
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candyandmeat · 2 years
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Second half of my kidsonas! One on the left is Gayle the Prince of Doom and the one on the right is Mark the Bard of Blood. (Gayle is nonbinary btw) Design and little figure in the bottom right made with the help of FarragoFictions' doll maker
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Hello! I’ve been thinking about this for a while and trying to find another classpecter to help- if you know Helluva Boss can you help me Classpect Blitzo? If not that is ok
I am not sure if I can throw too many thoughts about this as others, but.
From what we have so far, I feel as though Blitzo is giving heavy Bard or Prince of Blood energy.
A further explaination on Bards in a postive light here.
Blood comment post.
This is because of rather obvious things- Blitzo's theme seems to be that of someone problematic but knows they are and has a immense difficulty keeping, maintaining, and having any real connections, ties and bonds with others. But the same time HEAVILY appreciates and knows the value of having bonds with others, and it weighs a lot on him that hes lost people and these bonds that he craves and has always wanted for himself. This is exceptionally vivid with Blitzo, and its very very clear thats hes a Blood player to me. But one who heavily tries to mask these tendencies through a facade of breathy disconnection and a "I can do whatever I please, and I will allow these relationships to break apart" attitude. He will destroy relationships, ad the shackles from others passively without actively trying to do that on purpose necessarily - although, sometimes it is. Its always done in a manner that says its more of a thing that happens as a result of how he is naturally.
This is seen in practically god damn EVERY relationship we see for him too.
He sets Loona free from a literal adoptive Prison for dog demons, destroying her shackles more literally, and giving her a new bond to attach herself to, slowly freeing her from possibly a familial bondage shes in by, even if doing it terribly, being a father figure for her and giving her the job of a desk worker for him. 
He passively becomes the thing that sets off Stolas' divorce with his wife without probably fully realizing anything hes done until later, simply to get a job done and to manipulate him at first thinking nothing of it,  and is a growing part of why Stolas and his daughter also grow apart. As Stolas becomes focused on his affair with him instead of his daughter as an escape from his wife. As a result of this, however, it results in Stolas gaining his freedom from his shackles to his wife and to renew his belief in love by forming a connection with Blitzo.
We even have comments from his ex girlfriend, Verosika, implying he likely allowed the situation to sour.
His lack of emotional connections, however, and his Romantizin/obsession of/with Millie and Moxie's relationship which is quite a bit healthier than anything hes used to, could also make illusions to a Heart player. But if Im being honest I dont think thats quite the case. AS we even see hints of his connections to actual blood ties - such as small nods towards his sister and his mother - being deeply important to him as well. Adding to even more "Bonds, and blood ties" theme. From the gecko, Relationships, shackles/obligations, ties to others and connection is above all, the most prompted thing for Blitzo. Even though he tries to push them aside for his own freedom and as a result of his ego, and his unwillingness to accept that a relationship implies obligation and the connection he both wants but refuses to chain himself to completely.
I don't think it could be spelt out anymore blatantly for him either that he for sure is one, although one could always try to make an arguement - that maybe Bard doesnt have to be his class. Id personally struggle to see any other godtier quite fitting him better.
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