ultra-clashpects · 28 days
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The Maid of Life is someone who is stuck in their own rigid routine, never trying anything new, always just staying in the same schedule day after day after day. The Maid of Life often relies on other people to tell them what to think and what to believe, to pull them out of any sticky situations they might find themselves within, and to generally get help with breaking out of their own stifling routines.
They will need to learn to think for themselves, something that they’ve never really done before, but their challenge is to rise up and become their own person rather than live their life dictated by what another person thinks they should be doing. The Maid of Life will need to learn to stand up for themselves and to defend what they believe in, and they need to stop shooting down their own ideas before they get the chance to try out something new.
They might not have many friends or those close to them because they’re socially awkward or just don’t get along with people or for any other reason, but after the Maid gains confidence in themselves they’ll be able to blossom and grow both as a person and socially. The Maid of Life, once they rise to their challenge, can then begin helping those around them by giving them Life just as people had once done for them, and the Maid can help those around them grow and rise to their own challenges. The Maid of Life is optimistic even when things get rough, and they don’t mind getting their hands dirty if it means that the outcome will better the future for others and themselves.
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ultra-clashpects · 28 days
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The Maid of Time is someone who is patient and tends to wait around for instruction rather than taking the charge and making the decisions themselves. The Maid of Time probably isn’t that good with their own time management or having any sort of rhythm, they might be moving through life either too slow or too fast, never being able to correctly judge when something is a good time or whether it’s the very wrong time for something.
It’s when the Maid of Time begins to rise to their challenge do they begin to change for the better and to become something, and someone, basically brand new and all powerful. The Maid of Time might not agree with the ideas of “fate” or “destiny” and they themself will decide what becomes of their future and what they want their life to look like, not dictated by the ideas or wants of anyone but themself. They learn to trust their own instincts and ideas, and to not trust those around them, and they learn to be self-sufficient and not need the help of others anymore.
The Maid of Time is creative and courageous, someone who doesn’t take criticism from others unless they ask for it, and someone who can’t be pushed around like they used to be. The Maid of Time will know when to take a break and when to push through a situation, they’re wise and knowledgeable, and they’re driven by their wants and needs and inability just sit still and do nothing, but nonetheless they know when a situation calls for them to be patient and they can, if they need to be.
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ultra-clashpects · 3 days
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The Maid-Muse of Doom is someone who understands the ways that life can hurt you and what it means to be broken inside, but they stay strong and inspire others like them to continue going on forwards, no matter how bleak or depressing your life might seem at the moment. The Maid-Muse of Doom protects their own Doom and protects the Doom of other people, showing and teaching people how to harness their internal struggles and turn it into a power source to be utilized.
The Maid-Muse of Doom might seem like a downer or a pessimistic person, but this is because they’re a victim of their aspect and they generally can’t help it, but despite that, they’re one of the kindest and most empathetic people you’ll ever meet. The Maid-Muse of Doom inspires people to become one with their Doom and accept the broken or damaged parts of themself, but when you do, you will find that you will be able to grow and reach new power levels and be able to do things that you’d never previously thought possible, all thanks to the help of the Maid-Muse.
The Maid-Muse of Doom is part Maid of Doom, which means that they are naive and tend to just follow whatever instructions they’re given without thinking about it or considering the fact that maybe the instructions they were given are false or bad or harmful to someone else. They seek out guidance from others and they’re told time and time again that they must stand up for themselves and they can’t let themself continue to be walked all over and mistreated, so the Maid will eventually have to learn this lesson and stand up, making choices and finding out what they’re truly meant to be doing and not just doing what others want them to be doing.
The Maid-Muse of Doom is part Muse of Doom, which means that they try their hardest to inspire others to be catalysts and to embrace their Doom, to show others that being Doom-bound isn’t as bad as it sounds, and to learn how to thrive even in terrible situations. They understand that they will eventually end up sacrificing themself, but they know that when they do, it will be for the betterment of those around them and for the greater good, even if it takes a while for people to see that.
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ultra-clashpects · 3 days
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The Maid-Muse of Breath is someone who helps others understand their true potential and helps people disconnect from their previous lives, inspiring others to let go of the things that hold them back and drag them down, and to flourish in their newfound freedoms. The Maid-Muse of Breath protects their aspect both in themself and in others, just as they had once relied on someone else to help them break free from their restraints and bonds that had negatively impacted them in the long run.
The Maid-Muse of Breath will grow into their role as a caretaker of their aspect, and grow into the role of being a Master or someone wise who teaches others how to harness their own Breath and freedoms. The Maid-Muse of Breath spreads the good word of independence and uniqueness, they strive to help others understand just how far they can go if they harness their Breath correctly, and they are always more than happy to help others understand what their potential is and how to grow as a person.
The Maid-Muse of Breath is part Maid of Breath, which means that they are often found with their tail between their legs and unsure of what to do or what comes next, always used to taking directions from other people instead of deciding on their own that their actions are, and they will continue down this path for a while until they get their crisis and realise that they have the power to choose what their own fate is. They will rise to their challenge and begin to grow as a person, they will make their own choices and decide what they do and don’t do, taking their fate and their willpower and their freedom into their own hands.
The Maid-Muse of Breath is part Muse of Breath, which means that they inspire others to be open and to be free, to determine what they do with their lives, and to not be bossed or pushed around by others. They are fully independent and want others to be just as free as they themself are, they have a habit of trying too hard to inspire someone that it backfires on them and they become more tied down to their life, but nonetheless the Muse tries their hardest to show other people the freedoms of having Breath and how fun life can be if you take it by the reins and don’t let anyone push you around or make choices for you.
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ultra-clashpects · 12 days
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The Maid-Witch of Hope-Light is someone who has complete control over their aspects and can change and manipulate them into being whatever they want the aspects to be, or to do with their aspects whatever they feel like will best suit them and their own needs. The Maid-Witch of Hope-Light had hopes and dreams for the future, they have an idea in mind of their ideal future and how they’re going to get through all the chaos that is existence.
The Maid-Witch of Hope-Light is crazy smart too, always having plans and ideas in their mind and knowing how to do pretty much anything they set their mind too, they rarely ever fail at what they try to do, and they’re not afraid to push the limits when it comes to getting things done or getting what they want. The Maid-Witch of Hope-Light is a “me first” type of person, but they’ll always be there for you if you need help, and although they sometimes push their limits, they do mean well and they want to help those that are close to them.
The Maid-Witch of Hope-Light is part Maid of Hope, which means that they are used to following orders and directions from others, never really making their own decisions and instead just letting others pull them along through life and puppeting the Maid through theirs. They will, at some point in time, come to the realization that they shouldn’t believe in everything that they’re told by everyone, and instead they will begin to develop their own opinions and create their own Hopes for their life instead of being pulled along.
The Maid-Witch of Hope-Light is part Maid of Light, which means that they have been a victim of lies and deceit almost their whole life, constantly being fed deception and incorrect information and telling others these lies and false tales, but they will one day understand all the information of which was false that they had spread, and that is when they will begin their crisis and begin to unlock all their powers. They begin learning and teaching others all of the correct information, fixing the lies they’d previously told with the new truth, and they also usually have decently good luck that helps them with it as well.
The Maid-Witch of Hope-Light is part Witch of Hope, which means that they are scarily optimistic and filled with Hope, and they see no problem with manipulating other people’s Hope to get what they want, taking advantage of the people who seem to have no worries and feeding off of the Hope. They are also great at filling people with Hope and determination, just to turn around and be able to manipulate it for their own benefit, and if they so chose to, they could even potentially manipulate and change reality as we understand it, and take the hopeful parts and turn it into whatever they want it to be.
The Maid-Witch of Hope-Light is part Witch of Light, which means that they can play with reality and with perception, being able to change the importance of things in a matter of seconds, from objects to history to actual people and their social status. They can be chaotic at the best of times, and they’re sporadic and maybe a little bit insane, but they are also adventurous and ambitious, ready to take life by the leads and turn their life into something wild and crazy.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 month
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“One who will protect or clean up [using] (their aspect)” + “one who will steal (their aspect) for others.”
The Maid-Rogue is someone who plays a protective role in the way that they are constantly giving and taking for and to others, while staying on the sidelines and making sure that their aspect(s) are perfect and ready to be harnessed. The Maid-Rogue through and through is dedicated to keeping the health and safety of their aspect(s) in good shape (much like that of a Knight player), and they have to try and keep their aspect(s) out of the wrong hands by redistributing it to someone who can make much better with the extra aspect(s).
They aren’t necessarily fighters, but they can hold their ground if need be in a way that’s never been seen before. The Maid-Rogue might even take some of their own aspect(s) and give it away to others, because as a partial Maid class, they will always have just a bit extra of their aspect(s) lying around ready to be utilised. The Maid-Rogue is a fast-paced hard-worker who just wants to do the right thing for those closest to them, and when they get their mind set on something, you know it’ll be hell trying to change that.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 month
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“One who will protect or clean up [using] (their aspect)” + “one who destroys (their aspect).”
The Maid-Prince is someone who is very conflicted in life about what they’re supposed to be doing and what they’re meant for, because they have two very contrasting ideas about how to use their aspect(s) and for what purpose they’re supposed to be using them for. The Maid-Prince is a destroyer yet a caretaker; they start with too much of their aspect(s) and then destroy it inside of them, while coming to terms with whether they want to play the hero or the villain card for others.
If they choose to give into their more Maid-like desires, then the Maid-Prince can eliminate all the bad parts of their aspect(s) in a way to help you progress or get past your struggles and worries, all while cleaning up the trail of mess other people have made. But if they choose to give into their more Prince-like desires, then the Maid-Prince becomes deadly in a way that they can harness the aspect(s) within you and destroy them, then fixing you to be almost brand new, and repeat this cycle of killing and fixing inside of you until you’ve had enough and reach a breaking point. The Maid-Prince is a very interesting class to have, and it’s one that has a lot of potential for both bad and good, and it’s up to the player to decide how they want to give into their thoughts and desires, and how they want to affect other people’s lives.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 month
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The Maid of Breath is someone who doesn’t quite understand how to be independent and unattached, often relying on others for direction in what to do. They start off by relying on others, constantly getting orders for what to do and what to say. The Maid of Breath will begin to turn when they start to get a taste of freedom, slowly becoming more and more flexible and adaptable, able to make decisions for themself.
Over time the Maid of Breath will stop relying on others to help them out, and they will become the one that people rely on. They will “give” their aspect to others by teaching them to let go and accept their freedom. The Maid of Breath will “protect” their aspect as well, perhaps by reminding people of their rights and freedoms, or working with/against the law enforcement, or something along those lines. The Maid of Breath serves to help others find their purpose in life, just as others helped them get to where they are.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 month
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“One who creates their (aspect) from their knowledge of (aspect)." + “protect or clean up [using] (their aspect).”
The Mage-Maid is someone who is the universal protector or caretaker of their aspect(s) and their fellow players or friends and family. The Mage-Maid knows their aspect(s) and how to use them, and they won’t hesitate to keep both their aspect(s) and themselves safe from whatever problem or danger they’re facing. They can create their aspect(s), but only once they fully understand it and what they’re meant to do with the aspect(s) in the first place, which is usually serving or protecting others with it.
The Mage-Maid may sometimes feel indebted to their aspect(s) or their role in the universe due to this class, but they serve a specific purpose of making sure that everything stays working and in balance. The Mage-Maid understands the eb and flow of the universe and how their aspect(s) are supposed to function, and with this knowledge they will make sure that no one gets hurt and that there’s always the perfect amount of their aspect(s) to go around and for everyone to use.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 year
hey uh maid of void
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The Maid of Void
The Maid of Void is someone who doesn’t know when to do anything really, always looking up to some authority figure for directions and advice on what they should or shouldn’t do. The Maid of Void would have issues telling what’s important and what’s worthless, or how to keep a secret and various things like that.
They might have a really terrible habit with spending too much time dedicated to something that’s not important while blowing off or procrastinating on doing something that actually matters. The Maid of Void might seem childish or naive for their actions, seeming too nosey when they should know better, or anything else like that just because they never learned how to make decisions on their own and tell right from wrong.
The Maid of Void will have to learn how to make decisions for themself, how to determine something or someone’s importance and whether the Maid should bother dealing with it or them at all. They will learn to rely on themself, protecting the unknown and helping those who are in need by teaching them how to keep their secrets to themself. The Maid of Doom has their secrets and their past traumas, but it’s their goal to help prevent others from becoming like them and to help keep the world’s supply of Void stocked, never too much but never too little.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 year
maid of mind
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The Maid of Mind
The Maid of Mind is someone who begins with little to no ideas of their own, they need other people to tell them how to feel and what to think, how to live their lives and do everything else. The Maid of Mind sits back and watches everyone else make decisions for them because they were never told how or why, so they just don’t.
They exist while being someone else’s pawn, something to command around and tell how to think or feel or act, but they can only get so much of this at once. The Maid of Mind will start to realise that they can decide things for themselves, they don’t need other people to tell them what to say or do, because they have that power and can use it. The Maid of Mind won’t have to put on the mask of being a perfect little servant or whatever they were dubbed before, they don’t have to pretend and they can be their authentic selves.
They start to show how logical and pragmatic they are, they know all the rules and they start deciding which of them they want to follow and which ones will be ignored, they now have total control over their life so why not? The Maid of Mind will become someone who is incredibly smart and knows exactly what you’re gonna be doing, they can predict most anything, and they sure as heck won’t take orders from anyone anymore.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 year
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The Maid of Hope
The Maid of Hope is someone who, at first, doesn’t know what to believe in and instead has to rely on others to give them direction and advice. The Maid of Hope looks up to others for directions in what to believe, what to think, what to do, etc. They live from other people’s instructions and they believe in only what they’re taught is the right thing to believe in.
The Maid of Hope will have to realise at some point that they can decide things for themselves, they can make their own choices and be their own person. The Maid of Hope will believe in what they want and trust who they want to trust, taking their life and ambitions and Hopes back into their own hands rather than being a puppet to someone else to use and abuse.
They will develop a strong conscience and a strong confidence, the ability to believe in themselves and to trust that they’re making the right choices and doing the right thing regardless of any external factors. The Maid of Hope is optimistic and wants to help, and now with their newfound powers of self-love and free will, they can do what they want and there’s nothing or noone stopping them from helping anyone and everyone.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 year
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The Maid of Space
The Maid of Space is someone who begins with a lack of Space and a lack of direction in life, constantly having to rely on others to help them out or give them something to do. The Maid of Space lacks the knowledge and materials needed to live by themself, having to rely on others to help keep them safe and healthy, maybe even giving the Maid a place to stay.
They will have to eventually rise to their challenge and begin to rely on themselves rather than others. The Maid of Space will spread their wings and fly, no longer having to use other people for their Space. The Maid will grow and have plenty of Space to use and to give out to others, using Space to protect themself and others and even Space itself, finding comfort in the knowing and the vast universe.
They learn how to be independent and self-reliant and full of vigour, having their own thoughts and opinions about the world and having their own little set of guidelines they follow. The Maid of Space no longer bows to or relies on anyone but themself, because they once were that weak and pitiful but now they’re stronger and smarter and way better than before, and nobody can tell them otherwise.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 year
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The Maid of Doom
The Maid of Doom is someone who at first is naive and too trustworthy, unsure of their own direction so they look to others for guidance, but without boundaries this gets them into a bit of trouble. The Maid of Doom is someone who is kind and tries to be a good person, but with a lack of knowledge on what they’re supposed to do and a lack of mentorship, they find themself seeking out guidance, but only results in them being used and taken advantage of.
They have to learn and come to terms with the fact that they don’t owe anything to anybody, they’re not anyone’s servant and they don’t have to oblige if they don’t want to. The Maid of Doom is a pessimistic but empathetic individual, knowing what it’s like to be hurting and reassuring you with a soft smile that everything will be okay, even if they don’t think it will be. The Maid will have to learn to stand up for themself, learn how to say no and how to make decisions for themself, if not just to end the cycle of pain and torment they’ve found themself caught in.
They protect using their trauma and clean up the mess of the past with their experience, and to work towards preventing other people from being hurt like them. The Maid of Doom honestly just wants to help, giving people the information that the Maid wished they had when they were going through everything, and hoping that maybe they can help at least one person feel better.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 year
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The Maid of Rage
The Maid of Rage is someone who starts off with needing others to tell them what to like or dislike, what to fear and what to hate, and just generally relying on others to tell them how to feel or act. The Maid of Rage begins their journey by being sceptical and defiant, not easily won over by others and suspicious of the things others tell them to love or hate.
They must rise up and start questioning other people’s opinions and start having ideas and opinions of their own, not just taking what other people give them with a blind eye and going along with it. The Maid of Rage opposes the ideas that they were raised in and refuses to follow the path of those ideals anymore, instead opting to carve their own path in life and not taking any criticism about it. The Maid of Rage might be the kind of person to operate out of spite, doing something so well just because someone said they couldn’t or it would be impossible, but the Maid will show them.
They take out their anger and Rage in ways of defiance and opposition, being a rebel and forging their own fire rather than staying with the familiar and safe. The Maid of Rage uses their Rage to give others the same insight as they have and to show other people that it doesn’t have to be the same thing forever, it’s okay to want to break out and be your true self and to do what you want regardless of what other people want of you.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 day
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The Maid-Muse of Blood-Mind is someone who is intelligent and smart, they look before they leap, but they always take the opinions and understandings of other people into consideration before they make their own decisions. The Maid-Muse of Blood-Mind is a leader at heart, but they tend to take the backseat when it comes to dealing with the people that they care about because they inspire other people to take command and do follow their hearts and their Minds.
The Maid-Muse of Blood-Mind usually plays a passive role in life, assisting those closest to them in their troubles and their struggles, offering guidance and an innate understanding of whatever they’re dealing with, because the Maid-Muse has probably been through quite a lot in life and they’re very wise. The Maid-Muse of Blood-Mind is there for their friends and their family, they are always there for you, and they are a solid rock that you can depend on no matter what, regardless of what you may be struggling with.
The Maid-Muse of Blood-Mind is part Maid of Blood, which means that they are used to being mistreated and abused by the people that they thought cared about them, but then they will find someone or multiple someones who care about and care for the Maid in ways that they had never felt before, and this will unlock some sort of power deep within in. They will be able to grow and feast upon this newfound love and appreciation and they will be able to reach out to other people that might be in a similar situation to them and show them kindness and support, caring for them, and tending to their Blood.
The Maid-Muse of Blood-Mind is part Maid of Mind, which means that they have a tendency to follow in the footsteps of people instead of thinking of their own ideas, blindly following the orders given to them without a second thought, and generally just acting as if they were a mindless puppet just simply doing what their created for, until they have their realisation of their crisis and stop acting like that. They will develop their own thoughts and ideas, harnessing their own Mind for the better, and they will act upon their own desires and wishes, refusing to abide by anyone’s wishes but their own.
The Maid-Muse of Blood-Mind is part Muse of Blood, which means that they love to inspire people to make connections and to lay the building blocks for relationships to develop, perhaps making it their designated role of being a matchmaker or something similar. They grow in power when relationships around them flourish and become stronger, usually because of the Muse’s help, but nonetheless it fills them with joy and pride and happiness to see people get along and to add strength to the Blood that binds everyone together.
The Maid-Muse of Blood-Mind is part Muse of Mind, which means that they try their best to teach people to use their Minds and to use their brain and to think before they act, to look before they leap, lest they end up in some situation that someone else will have to drag them out of it. They are a great mentor and they inspire those around them to be unique and to think for themselves rather than to just be another sheep in the heard following the orders of the higher-ups, but they understand that sometimes it’s safer to just blend into a crowd than to stick out, but no matter what you should always try to be yourself.
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