ultra-clashpects · 1 year
I've finished the remakes of all the color scheme pictures!! This is part 1! I will be updating all of the posts with the new pictures, but that'll come in due time.
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transblood-hub · 10 months
Homestuckamian / Homestuckbloodic
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A transamian/diahemospectrum term for those whose blood color is affected by their homestuck identity
Requested by anon
(Coined on August 20th, 2023)
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trigerthepirate · 8 years
Homestuck Bloodswap
Feferi- Lives in a fantasy world where she is the queen. Try's to stay positive. Eridan- Fun to be around. Friendly. But he likes things a certain way. Gets a lot of bad luck. Gamzee- Moody, lady killer. He's not evil, he just looks evil Equius- Cranky, rages a lot. But still loves everyone. Vriska- Stalker, creeps everyone out. Little less of a bitch Terezi- Cares a lot about her comrades and friends. Will do anything for them. Kanaya- Socializes a lot more. Loves her stuff animals to death. Nepeta- Still gets in people's business. But more snarky and bitchy. Loves outsmarting people. Karkat- Always cares about what other people think. Unconfident. Likes impressing people Sullox- Try's to be sober from the Mind Honey. But just can't quit it. He has a problem. And it gets others killed. Tavros- Complains and makes others feel bad for him. Aradia- Awesome queen. Can fix anything. Everyone respects and stays loyal to her.
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ultra-clashpects · 11 days
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The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is someone who wants to make a better future for themself and for others, but they don’t exactly know where to start or what to do, so they unfortunately remain stagnant for a long period of time before they decide or alternatively, have their mind made for them by someone else. The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is at a conflict with themself because they don’t know how they want to go about pursuing their dreams, if they even do at all, and whether they want to take a more active or passive route of getting to what they want, if they even put in the effort at all.
The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void can control and manipulate the secrets and the information, as well as the Hopes and the desires of those around them, or they can subtly influence people into building the future that the Lord-Muse wants instead, but they probably cannot have both and cannot walk the very thin line between the two worlds of power so they must eventually make a choice before it’s too late. The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is held back by standards or barriers that they had once set up to protect themself from the dangers of the world, but ironically it is keeping them too safe and they cannot experience the world and all of the things it offers, both good and bad, from within their safety shield and if they ever want to grow as a person, to get stronger and get wiser, they will need to leave their comfort zone and come to terms with what they need to do and the world that they had been hiding from. 
The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is part Lord of Hope, which means that they are powerful beyond belief and that their words hold too much power, they can sway a person’s thoughts and Hopes with a sincere speech, and they can choose to twist and manipulate a person’s understanding or desires to get what they want when they want. They are dangerous, but not all powerful, and their one true weakness is a complete lack of Hope for them to manipulate and use to their own benefit.
The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is part Lord of Void, which means that they are the one who controls the world from the shadow, they are the one who makes decisions for everyone else and determines who knows what and who doesn’t have power, and they are the one who decides who gets to be influential or known and who gets to be forgotten by history. They are in control of who gets to be known and who fades into the shadows, controlling the unknown and the secrets and all the lies of the universe, and if they so felt like it, they could just completely cloud over someone’s life and make them disappear forever.
The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is part Muse of Hope, which means that they are ambitious and optimistic, they try to bring out the best in those around them, and they want to make sure that everyone is having a good time and that they’re happy and content with their lives. They feed off the power and the happiness of the people around them, drawing energy from the positive emotions and the dreams of their close friends and family, and if they’re not happy or discontent with something, you will know as they will either tell you or immediately jump into action trying to fix it.
The Lord-Muse of Hope-Void is part Muse of Void, which means that they are one with the shadows and the mysteries of the universe, they act as a puppeteer and inspire people to do their bidding, silently controlling people from the shadows via their secrets and insecurities. They are almost like a devil on your shoulder, whispering for you to lie and deceive others just for the fun of it and to spread chaos and misinformation, but it can be hard to resist the allure of the Muse just simply because of their air that surrounds them that seems to draw people in.
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ultra-clashpects · 14 days
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The Heir-Muse of Blood-Life is someone who becomes and influences who others become and what their trajectory in life and in their game is, helping people through their difficult spots and offering support if that’s what you need, while also giving you soft pushes and nudges to keep you going in the right direction. The Heir-Muse of Blood-Life is optimistic and cheerful, a social person at heart, and they would do nearly anything to help the people they care about succeed and get through their obstacles, even if it nearly kills them or doesn’t give anything back.
The Heir-Muse of Blood-Life plays a supportive role in other people’s lives, even when they have an idea that’s in their own best interest, they still can’t help but help other people and inspire them to become one with their aspects. The Heir-Muse of Blood-Life will discover that they can give up who they are as a person to become one with their aspects, to have a piece of themself in every tiny segment of their aspects everywhere, sharing their power and their understanding with the aspects themself, and once they become one with the aspects, they can truly begin to inspire all of those that surround them.
The Heir-Muse of Blood-Life is part Heir of Blood, which means that they are sociable and outgoing, they are friendly, and they are driven by their connections and their relationships, always willing to selflessly give themselves up for their friends and family to get ahead in whatever they’re doing. They get strength from their bonds with people, they get stronger when their loved ones are happy and healthy, and they suffer when they are rejected or hurt by those closest to them, but no matter what they’ll tough it out and do everything in their power to repair their relationships and make sure that everyone is happy all the time.
The Heir-Muse of Blood-Life is part Heir of Life, which means that they are full of Life and energy, always ready to take life by the reins and to show everyone who is the boss in their life, but with this reckless attitude they tend to get hurt or accidentally hurt others. They are well liked and often find themselves at the centre of the crowds, but this kind of life suits the Heir and they can and will most likely do wonderful, no matter what they’re doing, as long as they know that other people have their back.
The Heir-Muse of Blood-Life is part Muse of Blood, which means that they are a social butterfly and they love having as many friends as possible, gaining strength and power the more that they’re liked and the more connections they have. They influence people to get along with others, almost like a matchmaker, setting people up with the information of other people to maybe create new bonds of any kind, platonic or romantic or anything else, and when these relationships are started, the Muse can feed off of the power and grow, becoming stronger and more powerful than before.
The Heir-Muse of Blood-Life is part Muse of Life, which means that they are brimming with Life, they are positive and loving and they put their all into their relationships, they are energetic and the rarely ever look at something from a negative point of view or see any bad in the situation in front of them. They inspire others to take in the sights and the sounds of nature and to let themselves be one with the earth sometimes, because Mother Nature is the best healer possible for most ailments, and sometimes it’s better to just relax and let Life pass you by rather than working yourself to the bone trying to keep up with every single menial thing in your life.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 month
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The Muse of Blood is someone who inspires those around them to create bonds and friendships with everyone around them, and one who thrives from the connections with those closest to them. The Muse of Blood is loving and caring, they are outgoing and social, and they can’t help but always insert themselves into every social situation that they possibly could.
They love introducing their friends and family to new people and they gain power and happiness from seeing those connections flourish and grow. They don’t force others to get along, nor do they use their powers to influence others to be friendly, but they just start friendships and other relationships. The Muse of Blood will embody the idea of friendship and bonds and once they achieve their God-tier status, they basically become the idea and power of friendship.
They can choose to make other people get along and feel positive feelings for others, having the ability to completely rewrite someone’s feelings for another person if they saw fit. The Muse of Blood is peaceful and loving, they thrive from their relationships, and they will always be a social butterfly and love making connections and bonds with other people.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 month
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The Lord of Blood is someone who can control, affect, and embodies the idea of bonds between people and relationships. They are a master of creating friendships and lasting bonds between people, or they can just as easily destroy a person’s social life by turning everyone they once knew against them. The Lord of Blood will dominate their aspect, Blood, which means that they are directly responsible for making people get along or hate each other, or any other sort of relationship dynamic you can think of.
They can play and control other people like puppets, the relationships being the strings they use to influence everyone around them, and being a Lord means that it’s incredibly hard to stop them so usually what they say is the final word. They might be the single factor keeping all their friends together, an anchor of the friend group, or they can be the reason why everyone refuses to cooperate with one another.
If the Lord of Blood decides to insert themselves into your life and your relationships, you had better hope that they don’t hate you so that you might still be able to keep the life that you had built for yourself. The Lord of Blood is a curious and interesting classpect simply because of the amount of power they hold over those around them, and whether or not they make your life a living hell is dependent on the specific Lord, but either way you should try to stay on their good side.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 year
page of blood?
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The Page of Blood
The Page of Blood is someone that doesn’t exactly stand out in a crowd, very quiet and introverted, with very few if any close bonds with people. This isn’t to say that the Page of Blood isn’t trying to create relationships with their peers, quite the contrary, but said relationships just never pan out or last very long at all, leaving the Page of Blood alone again.
However, the Page of Blood won’t become disinterested in making bonds with people, they realise that they don’t need people to see them to start the relationships. The Page of Blood begins acting out of the norm, with confidence and hope, and soon enough people begin to become drawn towards the Page of Blood.
Within no time, the Page of Blood has so many more bonds and connections to other people than they’d ever dreamed of, and they’re no longer living in the shadows. The Page of Blood is a very loyal and dependable person, always there to help you and conquer all your fears and troubles.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 year
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The Heir of Blood
The Heir of Blood is a compassionate and loving person who revels in their relationships. They like to be the centre of attention within a large group of friends and love to be in control, along with making sure that everyone knows that the Heir loves them.
They make attachments quickly and almost never make enemies, yet still manage to keep a level mind and stay grounded. The Heir of Blood is probably used to being the centre of attention and like it, but they feel like they’re obligated to fulfil every little task their friends have given them to make sure that they’re happy, even if it does drain them of their energy and time.
The Heir of Blood cares about everyone and their social standing and how they’re seen by everyone else to the extent that nothing else really matters to them sometimes, and it makes the Heir of Blood feel like they’re nothing more than their relationships, their bonds, with other people.
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ultra-clashpects · 2 years
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The Witch of Blood
The Witch of Blood is someone who objectively believes that nothing is permanent and that everything will come and go eventually. They act almost like a Breath player, being very flexible and adaptable, hating schedules and refusing to be tied down to anyone or anything.
The Witch of Blood has difficulties maintaining relationships and bonds with others, but when push comes to shove, nothing can stop the Witch from protecting and saving their close ones from anything. The Witch of Blood is very inflexible when it comes to promises and bonds, because their word is as strong as steel. If they say they’re going to do something, then you know that they’ll stop at nothing to make sure they finish the thing they promised.
Nothing is permanent, unless the Witch of Blood decides they don’t want it to be, then it will become permanent until the Witch decides against their former decision. The Witch of Blood is loyal and dependant, but sometimes erratic in their actions and choices, but always trust the Witch of Blood because they know how to save you in any situation.
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ultra-clashpects · 2 years
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The Seer of Blood
The Seer of Blood is someone who believes that they exist to help and function with others, but they can struggle to see or figure out which people they need to help and be loyal to. Relationships and bonds mean the world to the Seer of Blood, but half their crisis comes from them trying to figure out what parts of their life and who in their life needs their assistance and company, if at all.
The Seer of Blood is amazing at sensing and identifying the state of social relationships, both between them and between others, even before anything is said at all. They have almost a sixth sense for this stuff, able to know aspects of community before being informed about anything, which becomes ironic when taken into account is the idea that they often struggle to know the minute details about their relationships that should be considered.
The Seer of Blood is incredibly intelligent, being able to tell what is wrong or missing from situations, causing them to be impure or incorrect. The Seer of Blood has something of a special talent to tell where people have come from and where they’re meant to go, seeing their destiny as it relates to anyone and everyone.
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ultra-clashpects · 2 years
da bard of blood pls
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The Bard of Blood
The Bard of Blood is someone who will destroy relationships and bonds between themselves and others, either on purpose or by accident. They let their relationships with others crumble and fall apart with little care for anything at all.
If a Bard of Blood just wasn’t happy with their relationship with someone anymore, or they just didn’t like it, they would just disconnect from that person without really checking about how they’d feel about it first. A Bard of Blood is open and free, not really tied down by their connections with people, but this ends up being their downfall later when they realise that they want/need someone to be with them by their side and to talk to, but having nobody and being completely alone.
Other people who were once discarded by the Bard of Blood will turn and discard the Bard, leaving them alone and afraid as they finally realise in a desperate attempt to connect to people that they shouldn’t have pushed everyone away.
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ultra-clashpects · 2 years
Re-doing the color charts for the original clash aspects, pt. 2! Enjoy! (and yes, I will be going back to the og posts of them and replacing the old charts with these)
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ultra-clashpects · 2 years
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The Prince of Blood
The Prince of Blood is someone who is ruthlessly cold and apathetic, indifferent and hostile to those close to them or heck, even those who aren’t close to them. They are extremely introverted and don’t like anyone in the slightest, spending all their time alone and never wanting anything to do with anyone else at all.
The Prince of Blood is great at destroying bonds too, specifically of those close to them and their personal bonds, although this could also be attributed to non-personal bonds to them, but to the personal bonds of the people who are attached to the Prince of Blood. The Prince of Blood could manipulate those close to them into acting in self-sabotaging ways to destroy the lives of those closest to them, all while the Prince laughs at it, or the Prince of Blood could also use their bonds to attack the people challenging the Prince themself, using the bonds to attack and destroy with the people who are invested in the Prince.
The title could also be taken in a literal way, as someone who literally destroys blood, in ways such as ending the lives of people and scattering their blood, breaking it apart from the rest of the body in a cruel, horrific fashion.
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ultra-clashpects · 1 year
rogue of blood
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The Rogue of Blood
The Rogue of Blood is someone who constantly doubts their abilities to have normal, stable relationships with other people, and thus constantly undermines and sabotages themselves to make sure that they cannot hold any kind of a bond with anyone.
They believe that they are annoying and unwanted and awful to be around, so they lock themselves away so they won’t be a bother to anyone. The Rogue of Blood, however, is not annoying or unwanted, and is simply delusional in their thinking. The Rogue of Blood will only be able to overcome these feelings of despair and fear by letting someone in, and letting themself have a proper relationship with someone. It’s from this one bond that the Rogue of Blood will begin to come out of their shell and become more extroverted and comfortable around others, believing themselves to be less of a nuisance then they’d thought before.
Before they even realise it, the Rogue of Blood will be loved and adored by many many people, as others flock to the Rogue’s side and they, unknowingly, are stealing the bonds from people, and breaking the blood between others.
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ultra-clashpects · 2 years
Thief of blood please?
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The Thief of Blood
The Thief of Blood is someone who is always reliable and consistent, maintaining a routine to always be dependable to those closest to them. The Thief of Blood is someone who cares about what their peers think of them, always wanting to be on everyone’s good side, and always wanting to be viewed in a positive light.
The Thief of Blood will do anything to make sure that people know that they can still rely on the Thief for anything and everything. The Thief of Blood may even “steal” tasks and obligations from others, doing all the chores themselves to appease everyone. This work generally isn’t an issue for them, but when they begin to run out of work to do or tasks to complete for others, they begin to fall apart.
The Thief of Blood more or less depends on others for their “sense of purpose” in life, but that’s not to say they can’t function without others. They are incredibly skilled and talented, intelligent and cunning, and not someone you want to be caught on the bad side of.
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