#Barius deserves a raise
agent-tempest · 1 year
Don't get me wrong I love donuts but I cannot express how much I LOVE pasty rings, hole cakes, circle-sweets, sugar wheels and especially Doughie-os
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jelzorz · 2 years
When the kids come back, and the castle medic clears them of any injuries, they sit down in the council chambers to give Opeli, and Barius, and Corvus a well-deserved retelling of everything that happened while they were away. Opeli didn't spend every second of their adventure worried sick over her king, her mage, and Captain of the Crown Guard (although Corvus was, arguably, more worried about Soren in particular) to not get all the details immediately, thank you, and her frazzled nerves slowly, slowly begin to settle the longer Ezran talks.
He, understandably, does most of the storytelling. Soren has a jelly tart in each hand and a whole one in his mouth at any given moment, and Callum and Rayla interject every now and then, but they're otherwise happy to let Ezran handle it on his own. They'd had to find an extra chair for Rayla, who ends up seated between Opeli and Callum (although rather closer to Callum) and Opeli realizes too late that Callum had always left the space for her, although whether or not it was a conscious choice remains to be seen.
Anyway, Ezran rambles about drakes, strange butterfly children, and Claudia and Lord Viren, at one point, and then their harrowing escape from Umber Tor (which Opeli pretends doesn't frazzle her nerves all over again), but when the hour is up and Ezran is done, he yawns and settles back into his chair.
"The end," he sighs, munching on the corner of a jelly tart. "Long story short, everything was fine, we're all fine. You had nothing to worry about, Opeli, see?"
Opeli gives Barius and Corvus a look and, between the three of them, agree silently that they beg to differ. She doesn't say that though. She only lets out the most patient sigh she can muster and tries not to rub at her temples. "I'm glad you're all safe," she mutters finally. "You too, My Lady," she adds to Rayla. "Will you be staying longer this time?"
A beat echoes around the table. Rayla flushes, ashamed, but reaches for Callum's hand across the table. Callum grips her fingers, and Opeli's pleased to see that everything that happened between them is clearly water under the bridge. "Yeah," says Rayla. "If you'll have me."
Opeli nods. "I'll have the staff send some things up to High Mage Callum's room then. In the meantime, the four of you should rest. You've had a long journey."
The council meeting adjourns (because it is one, however informal and impromptu this was). Soren wanders off with Corvus. Ezran and Bait catch Barius on his way out of the council chambers to discuss some interesting new jelly tart flavours. Callum and Rayla remain seated at the table blinking at Opeli.
Opeli blinks back. "Is something wrong?"
"Well, I--" Rayla presses her lips shut and looks from her to Callum and back again with pink rising in her cheeks. "Callum's room?"
"Yes, I assumed you'd be sleeping together."
Another beat. Opeli only realizes how it sounds when they both go red and stutter explanations--
"Oh, nononono, it's not--we're not--"
"Opeli, we aren't--"
Opeli raises an eyebrow at them both. "Aren't you?"
A third beat. They have the decency not to lie any further. They look away.
Callum coughs. "I just--you didn't approve of it last time, and y'know, it's not like we were... doing anything then, but--"
Opeli raises a hand and shakes her head. "Contrary to popular belief, I do know what teenagers are like, and I'm certainly not going to fault you for it, especially after what the two of you have been through. I only ask that you try not to start any scandals." She shoos them out of the council chamber then, acutely aware of (and amused by) the way they walk out into the hall like they've got rods taped to their backs. When the door closes, Rayla sucks in a breath.
"So. It's--y'know-- that's all fine?"
"Well, you were going to get around to it at some point," says Opeli shrugging. "I trust you'll be safe. In any case, at least you're all home now. I've learned the hard way to just let you kids be as long as you're not doing anything actively dangerous. It's better for my nerves. Your Highness. My Lady." She bows at them both and heads down the hall ahead of them in search of Barius and a cup of (very strong) tea and tries not to laugh at the way they're still hovering awkwardly by the council chamber doors.
Oh, to be young, she snorts to herself (and, not for the first time, she's glad she's not).
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