agent-tempest · 1 year
Don't get me wrong I love donuts but I cannot express how much I LOVE pasty rings, hole cakes, circle-sweets, sugar wheels and especially Doughie-os
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effrvsnt107 · 1 year
Love the dragon prince because they don’t call food the normal things. They say doughy-os, jelly tarts and hot brown morning potion
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cicaklah · 2 years
Ten Random Lines Tag
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
Thanks to @myth-blossom and @diana-fortyseven for the tag.
Decided to do it at random using a RNG because I'm extra like that.
A perfect storm in a teacup - Esca frantically pulls him out of his clothes, lingering and undulating over him, all the while whispering beautiful things between luscious kisses ‘I wish I could take my time with you, I wish to climb you, I wish to be inside you, I wish to never let you go, I wish you to be mine until the stars fall from the sky, I wish to forsake all others but for you, I wish for your body to be my fire, I wish that the only time I cannot see you would be when I close my eyes.’ And Marcus unsheathes his dangerous tongue and whispers back ‘yes’ to every one.
(watch me) rearrange the board - “Barney?” “Yes?” “Go and get the doctor now, I’m badly injured.” He hears an impotent squawk, followed by the door creaking and then closing. “Still got it,” Kasimir says to the empty room.
a hundred os and xs - That said, while John tried, his erstwhile suitemate was the least Vulcan Vulcan John had ever met. Even excluding his strange mode of dress, Cherlok was messy, inconsiderate and always in and out of John’s personal space like John’s privacy wasn’t worth anything. He was vain, prissy and by turns so sarcastic John had had to check whether his understanding that the Vulcan language had 100 words for stoicism and none for satire was in itself a joke.
The Grand Gesture - I suppose we all are exotic to someone. I tried to order my thoughts to imagine what one said to a lady being so brazen and obvious with what she wanted. I stammered a few halting near-obscenities in an ashamed tone. “Do not be a timid rabbit about it!” she barked, and that did it. My mind rose to the occasion and I felt myself think the clearest thought I had since the night began. ‘What would Raffles do, at a time like this? How would he make the most of this situation?’
heart and fist and human voice - There was pizza with fruit on, and Ray had had a couple of beers and there had even been hockey on the television, a safe match of two US teams but not involving the hawks, so neither of them were particularly invested. Perhaps it was the utter familiarity of the night that lulled them both into a sense of security, made the whole state of their relationship seem normal before it caught them off guard. The air went weird, like all of the hairs on the back of Fraser’s neck rose up in primitive reaction to danger or an electrical storm.
all these pieces of you (and you) - Will’s DNA was everywhere on one particular suit. The epithelials implied that he’d worn the jacket against bare skin. There were body hairs with the skin tag still attached embedded against the arms of the fabric that you wouldn’t see when worn as intended, over a shirt. She can’t help but imagine how it would look on him. Hannibal’s chest measurement was impressive, a body kept in top condition for a man of his age, while Will is delicate, fragile, with small shoulders and a tight rib cage beneath his dishevelled clothes. The jacket would hang heavily on him in the shoulders, maybe even run a little long in the arms. The image of Will, topless in Hannibal’s heavy winter windowpane check, was incongruous and yet somehow romantic, a chivalrous gesture that seemed fitting of Dr. Lecter, however much of a strange feeling it was to apply that to them at all.
the truth is such a bore - “Oh no, don’t misunderstand me, I’d be honoured,” Dob says. “I just didn’t think you…did that. I’m more than happy to jump on the bed and talk about ramming my meat sword in your doughy sheath for twenty minutes if you just want to get one over on the tax gnome.” “Please stop, or I’ll never eat again,” Corazon says, remembering the aftermath of their afternoon on the euphemism treadmill. 
apres moi, le deluge - When she looks in the mirror, the red of Margot's lipstick is ground into the grain of her skin and her hair is askew and she thinks she has never looked more beautiful. Her legs wobble more, but Margot kisses her brazenly on the neck, a comical red lip print sticking out against the dark brush of her half-undone hair. They get the bill, and then a hotel room they don't leave for two days.
go let the stars watch (let them stare) - He shifts, and opens his shoulders, spreading his arms subtlety. It's perhaps plausible that this is just him moving to get comfortable, but this isn't a game anymore, and they both know it. She lies back down, but this time she is in his arms, and they're face to face, closer than they’ve ever been before. He always thought that if they were ever to kiss it would be in the darkness, in some stolen corner, out of the way. He never thought it would be so well lit, never dreamed of natural light, clear skies, large windows, the promise of spring in the air.
ICA Outstanding Performance Tumblr Ficlets With Gloves - (chapter 26: blood for the blood money god) He apologises with a still half numb tongue, a curious aftermath of the poison and the pleasure, and she looks down at herself, bemused, pulling her dress back into place. “Don’t worry, 47”, she says, getting to her feet. "I’ve always marked up easily.” She gives him her hand, and lights a cigarette, looking at him from under her eyelashes at him as she takes a long, deliberate drag. His dick twitches, and he pulls her in, steals a drag, his first, a day for firsts, it seems, and feels her fire in his lungs as she purrs against his mouth. “You’ll see.”
Im late to this party but pls @stickthisbig @ronniebox @skylightpirate and whoever else fancies it <3
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wandapinkay · 1 year
(Brief friendly jumpscare gif alert)
Hi hi, friend!!! I saw your post, and I can relate so much with that feeling just in general. I hope you start to feel better soon, and know that me and all my f/os are wishing you well 💕
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My new sweetheart F.ox.y says hi too, and he hopes that you like parties because she's ready to entertain you with feats of whimsy and wonder until your mood lifts ✨️ Oh, and Doughie can't wait to lick all over your face next time we see ya!! 🐶💖
Anyway, just remember: you're a really cool and sweet person!! Eating a little bit of something is good, even if it isn't a lot, and hydrating is super important too! I hope we can chat more soon 🫂💖
( @verykissablepixels )
*gasp* HIII PIX Thank you so much for reaching out!! That's so sweet of you 🥺💕 I also appreciate the presence of you F/Os! Wish I could hang with them for real rn waaa 😭💕 I hope we can interact more as well! You seems so nice, you can hit me up anytime if you want! You can even add me on Discord if you'd like, same username I have here! ✨ Also thankies for the reminders, I needed some water rn aa
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mildlylesbian · 1 year
We bake it in the oven! I didn't even know that there were bread maker machines lol, might have to go look that up later. My dad just makes dough like once a month or so and bakes a loaf, and that tends to last us through the month. Unless we have a party or something, in which case he always makes more. It tastes absolutely amazing though, whenever people come over it's pretty much expected that they have a slice of bread lol. Ugghh now I want bread but it's 11 pm :/
Yeah, my mother used to own this really old and crusty bread maker, mixed your dough for you, and let it set before baking it into the perfect shape! I didn't like it once it cooled down as it was really doughy, but fresh it was delicious :)
Go get bread, midnight bread os the best kind of bread!
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sheepyships-archive · 4 years
🌈 + 🍒 for gojo + a platonic!jjk f/o of ur choice!
OO YEAH OH YEAH SATORU GOJO!!!! and for the platonic f/o imma pick fushiguro because i like talking about him too!!
Satoru Gojo
🌈 - Do you have any LGBT+ headcanons about your f/o and/or s/i? If so, what are they?
i don’t really create headcanons often for my f/os or s/is, whether they’re LGBT+ or not, i just focus on fluff/comfort scenarios/drabbles because stress sucks. but if i were to come up with headcanons, satoru would most likely be pansexual/romantic, he accepts everyone as long as they aren’t dicks or higher ups with sticks up their ass, he’s fairly laid back in general and isn’t going to follow tradition. With JJK!me/my s/i, she’d be bisexual/romantic, i say that because there’s satoru and amanai(my kin, and a character i crush on too from the Gojo past arc, she’s pretty), and maybe i’ve become attached to them and i wanna hold hands with them, i have two hands y’know.
🍒 - What are some headcanons you have about your f/o?
-satoru has freckles, end of story. they’re mainly found on his face and shoulders, but in general they’re really light and are more prominent when he’s in the sun for a long time. when people see them, they are shocked because they don’t show often, and he’ll brush it off unless he’s with me, then he knows that he needs to either hide them because i will kiss all of them, or his accept that i’m gonna kiss every freckle on his face and we will be there for a while.
-connected to the last headcanon, but if he stays in the sun for too long, he will get sunburnt and whine about it for days, and even after it’s gone away he will complain and be a baby about it(even though i would too). when he gets sunburnt, he probably cancelling lessons and missions until it goes away, and he doesn’t even get tan from it either, he’s still pale as hell and will be like, “how come you can get tan but i can’t?” to me and i just shrug and say, “like i want my ugly ass fan lines.” then he pounces on me and literally yells, “TAKE THAT BACK OR YOU’LL BE STUCK WITH ME KISSING YOU FOR AN HOUR.” AND KISS MY TAN LINES
-satoru is a sucker for sweets, and I think he’d like soft/doughy sweets like cookies, probably zebra cakes too even though he could get high quality sweets because he’s a successful sorcerer from a big family, so he’d have a lot of money(even though he makes a majority of it himself, let’s be honest). something about them being warm and chewy just does something to him, and if i make cookies he will get so excited because he loves my cooking, and can’t cook for shit.
-satoru will buy designer/aesthetically pleasing outfits and flaunt them in pictures, then never wear them again because he doesn’t wanna run into a curse and have them destroyed, and he will also buy stuff for me too(even if I tell him not to, he doesn’t listen because he is a bastard), and then flaunt them off or make me flaunt them off, he will always clap for me whenever i do wear the outfits and flaunt them off because he’s definitely the kind of person to praise and encourage me to, even though he’s a big teasy bastard and will tease me when i start to blush.
Megumi Fushiguro
🌈 - Do you have any LGBT+ headcanons about your f/o and/or s/i? If so, what are they?
similarly with satoru, i don’t really come up with headcanons often or whatever, you get the point. but i don’t really see him being one to care? he’ll definitely care about pronouns and ask what pronouns someone uses, and what they’re sexuality is, but for him it’d just be about having a connection with someone. if i were to headcanon him though i would say he’d be bisexual/romantic, or biromantic asexual? He’d honestly just want someone who he could form a stable relationship with, and know that he can depend on them, since the only “family” he had was his sister and satoru, since toji(his dad) is dead and i don’t remember what happened to his mom, but she wasn’t there either. please be nice to him, he needs the support.
🍒 - What are some headcanons you have about your f/o?
-as stated before, fushiguro has family issues and his whole life was essentially planned out for him because of the fact that he’s related/apart of the zenin clan where his father came from, and he’s just got issues in general because he’s young and has to fight to protect his life and the life of others from curses. he’d probably be good at listening to other’s vent about how they felt, and he’d be best at giving absent family based advice because of his own experience, y’know? It’s also fushiguro, he’s the most level headed one out of his friend group, so he would give the best advice while also not being biased.
-he probably wants someone to run his hands through his hair like, really gently and carefully, he would love that. he’s used to Satoru ruffling up his hair and stuff like that, and he’s used to pain because of fighting curses, but if someone he were in a relationship with or super close friends were to sit down and rub his head, run a hand through his hair, or any sort of gentle and soft affection, he’d melt into them and hide his face in their shoulder(mainly for romantic partners), but he wouldn’t say anything, just sit there and enjoy it. (obviously he’d react differently if it was like a friend v.s. a lover, with a friend he’d be more like “whatever.” and shrug it off, but with a lover he would probably stop everything he was doing and relax his head into their hand (ALSO AYO COME GET YOUR FOOD HOE @hauerhoetime))
-he will definitely use his shikigami to help comfort people closest to him, especially if he’s really attached/cares a lot about them. he’ll use them to search for the person who, let’s say, hasn’t been around all day, and when his shikigami finds them, he’ll be lead directly to where they are. he really does care for the people around him and is so used to keeping up a tough front, that when he lets it down it’s like he’s a whole new person. he’s secretly a therapist, even though he needs to talk about his emotions too because he will bottle his up.
-satoru probably bought fushiguro high quality self care stuff and hygiene stuff ever since he basically adopted fushiguro, so his hands and face are probably soft and smooth from lotion and body wash he’s gotten, he definitely has the best quality shampoo, have you seen his hair? that shit is fucking perfect, it’d be super soft and fluffy upon touching it and almost anyone would fall in love with his hair. yuuji and kugisaki always beg for him to tell them his secret as to how he always looks so good, and he just stares at them like they’re freaks(and they are, he is too).
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dolls-self-ships · 4 years
cooking + Jervis Tetch
love that domestic fluff let's GO
Send me one of my F/Os, and a word, and I’ll tell you a fact about the selfship based on that word! 
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I'm not sure if Jervis can cook or not, but he makes absolutely amazing pastries. I personally don't know any recipes off the top of my head but this man can invent them whilst he's baking and they always turn out delicious. Jervis has several recipes he remembered from his grandmother in his head and has never had the need to write them down, he just remembers like it's second nature. Honest to god if he didn't end up becoming a neurologist he probably would've been a pastry chef.
That being said, we love to bake together!!! Cookies, cakes, brownies, miranges, tarts, you name it. Alice In Wonderland themed pastries??? Yes ma'am. Since Jervis is the expert here, I usually just help him out; handing him the stuff he needs, mixing things so he can work on the next part of the recipe, licking the spoon when we're done , all that stuff!
It's not as hustle and bustle as it sounds though, we usually put on some showtunes or swing music to vibe to (and before you ask, yes, we always listen to the Alice in Wonderland musical soundtrack, I got him hooked on it) and once whatever doughy concoction of the week it is is in the oven, he'll often offer his hand to me in request for a dance ("Will you, won't you, will you?") . I always say yes, but I like to be dramatic and say things like "Mr. Tetch, I thought you'd never ask." We always get a giggle out of that.
We usually waltz around the kitchen for the time being because we're huge nerds and once the timer goes off we're most often pretty danced out by then (bold of me to assume Jervis could ever get tired of dancing with his s/o, though).
Cooking however is my domain (can you say wife material), and generally when I cook, Jervis is n o s y a s h e l l. "What are you making?" "Can I try some?" "Is it ready?" It's all in good curiosity though. If I give him a little kiss and tell him "not yet", he'll back off (not before stealing a piece of carrot though slsjsksjsls).
Sometimes Jervis just likes to watch me cook bc he gets this really cozy and warm feeling like 'oh my god my adorable girlfriend is cooking for me in our hide out house and it smells so good and we are in love oh my god' he's just so not used to this domestic-life-with-a-loving-s/o type of thing but he's always dreamed of having it so he really relishes in it a lot. It's cute ;-;
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not-so-smallfry · 2 years
>Best armrest in Alternia; rated two thumbs up by Captor Industries. Not that her other arm resting back on the the troll's hip/thigh would complain. Now lets see... get an order for an obscene amount of food at her friend's usual place, meets with this huge royal, ends up having to feed her whole roasted animals (again, too much into detail about feeding), gets a job offer, accepts because she overworked herself into tiredness and apparently amnesia, fell asleep with a hose in her mouth...
>Fef nods along, listening intently as she paws at PM's unleashed flab like a cat, hands kneading her doughy companion until she feels satisfied one bit is well enough massaged, and moving to a different, wobbly field of battle.
"You... Fell asleep wit)( a )(ose going??
)(ow do you even manage to ignore t)(at!"
>she seems genuinely shocked aaaaand.... Definitely interested in this secret, if it is to be obtained
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$250 STIPEND FOR PURRING SWEETIE - MISS KITTY at BACC Needs Hospice Care! ACC NYC – Brooklyn Center *MISS KITTY IS THE SWEETEST, FRIENDLIEST SENIOR! YOU WILL JUST LOVE HER!** Miss Kitty 114032 11 yr. spayed brown tabby/white cat, OS: 31-Mar-2021 Blood Work Interpretation CBC-low normal hematocrit 29.7 (28.2-52.7), elevated reticulocytes 59 (3-50), very mild leukocytosis 22.4 (3.9-19), neutrophilia 19.6 (2.6-15.17), monocytosis 0.918 (0.04-0.53), thrombocytosis 689 (155-641) Chem-hypoglycemia 70 (72-175), elevated SDMA 25 (0-14) with normal creatinine and BUN, hyperkalemia 5.4 (3.7-5.2), hypochloremia 113 (114-126), hypoalbuminemia 2.1 (2.6-3.9) T4-wnl Interpretation: suspect stress leukogram, recheck spot BG today-if BG is truly that low consider EHR. Elevated SDMA could indicate early signs of renal disease. Consider hydration and rechecking chemistry. 30-Mar-2021 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: ~10-12yrs Microchip noted on Intake? Yes History: OS Subjective: BAR ~5-6% dehydrated, no c/s/v/d. No elimination concerns per O. Observed Behavior - Initially nervous but warmed up quickly after being interacted with. Leaning into pets and seeking attention. Allowed all handling with no issues. Evidence of Cruelty seen -No Evidence of Trauma seen -No Objective P = WNL R = WNL BCS = 2/9 EENT: No ocular discharge, OU degenerative lens changes. No nasal discharge. Ears clear of debris/cerumen. Oral Exam: missing all of adult dentition, marked gingival inflammation, no oral lesions. MM pale, tacky, CRT ~3s. Prolonged skin tent appreciated PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: No murmurs or arrhythmias ausculted. Lungs clear, eupnic, no crackles or wheezes. ABD: Soft/pendulous abdomen, non-painful, large (approx tennis size) firm/lobulated abdominal mass appreciated in cranial aspect of abdomen, very doughy/ropey intestines appreciated U/G: FI, no MGT, no discharge MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, unkempt coat, marked generalized muscle wasting CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Not performed, externally normal Assessment: Senior Emaciated Dehydrated Abdominal #AllAboutSavingAnimals: #Cat: (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNKp1NNB2L-/?igshid=1t0ebx3p9nol9
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fragments-of-ebea · 5 years
All about Pheno
Full Name: Pheno Telanos
Pronounced: Fehn-oh Teh-lan-os
Nicknames: Idiot (Asayl only), Grumpy (his partner only), Necromancer (by the general public)
Gender: Male
Age: His soul is 354 years old, but his bodies vary in age. Most common are his rat body which is late-30s/early-40s, and his elf body which has the appearance of early-30s. There are various other bodies of different species he will use on occasion.
Height: Rat body is 5′7, elf is a touch over 6′
Weight: Varies, see Build
Build: Most of his bodies are of average build. He is not a brawler by ANY stretch, but will get pestered into working out at least once a week by Asayl. Some of his lesser-used bodies have a stronger build, some are more frail.
Eyes: Rat has hazel green eyes, elf has deep green eyes
Hair: The rat body has straight, butt-length, deep red hair while the elf body has straight, shoulder-length brown hair
Fur/Skin: The rat body has short, black fur with a patchy pattern that’s a very dark grey. The skin of the elf body is very fair but with some warm undertones.
Distinguishing Features: His eyes will, every so often, take on a greenish glow because of an overcharge of magical power
Scent: Old paper, sage, and sea salt with the tiniest hints of decay for those with superior smell
Occupation: Sage, war mage
Languages: Many. He can communicate with many other races
Relationship Status: Married to Asayl, but it’s not fully public knowledge yet
Orientation: Straight and monogamous, demisexual
To anyone not close to him, Pheno comes off as having all the personality of an overbaked potato. His voice was constantly monotone and he always spoke in a very proper manner. He was generally viewed as stiff and unemotional to a fault. He was the type to have some ridiculous rumor spread about him because he always looked gloomy and was very unsocial. But despite his outward unfriendliness, he was studious, highly intelligent, and considerate. Because of his line of work, a certain type of spell has been cast on him that limits how much emotion he can feel to protect his mental health. This is common for all Sages and he feels it’s normal and helpful since he can undo it if he pleases. The spell can also waver in instances of extreme emotional turmoil. Around anyone he’s comfortable with, Pheno is somewhat more relaxed. He will drily joke, express affection, get annoyed, and even smile though his proper way of speaking almost never changes. With anyone he’s particularly close with, he has no trouble being a sassy smartass. His face will show emotion, but maybe not as much as a normal person would. He can feel any normal emotion, but feels is in a weirdly watered down way. Pheno loves knowledge and the pursuit of it. He has an unending curiosity about anatomy, medical know-how, the soul, and blood magic. He isn’t very good at making friends but shares a deep bond with those who bother to get to know him even though he can’t be the most empathetic or upbeat friend.
Rat Pheno Physical Description:
This is Pheno’s most commonly used body while not overseas to participate in the war. It’s considered his ‘everyday’ body. It’s fairly powerful in terms of magic (more powerful any just about anyone except his fellow Sages) and he has absolute control over it, as if it was his own body.
At 5′7 and 140lbs, he’s pretty small compared to many other men.
His hair reaches all the way to  his rear. Bone straight, surprisingly silky, somewhat thin in weight. It’s the type of hair that’s difficult to style because it just wants to lay flat all of the time. The color is a deep, warm red.
His usual expression was one of complete neutrality - an absolute poker face. His eyes were a pleasant hazel green, framed by thin lashes, but sometimes lacked life. When working, they take on a soft green glow as he manipulates mana. His face shape was the classic rodent shaped, ending in the classic fleshy nose. His mouth was typically down-turned, but not in an angry or upset way. There was a cluster of delicate whiskers that drooped slightly on either side of his muzzle. He gave the impression of a very aloof, serious shut in, which wasn’t entirely wrong.
His physical build wasn’t the most impressive. He neither thin nor doughy. Though, he was (begrudgingly) working on becoming a bit more fit. He had enough strength to lead an average life and was far from frail. Most of his body was covered in sleek black fur. It’s fairly short and surprisingly soft. Scattered around his face, shoulders, and back were patchy spots of mottled dark grey fur. He didn’t have any scars anywhere on his body. His tail was fleshy with only a bit of very fine fur on it.
Elf Pheno Physical Description:
This is Pheno’s away-from-home body. It’s his typical ‘war’ body since it’s stronger than his typical rat body. Using this body on foreign soil also helps protect his identity at home. Though he has incredibly good control over this body now, he has lost control of it before. He knows this body makes Asayl uneasy, so he will usually not use it around her unless he’s extra tired or absolutely needs to the boost in mana from it for work reasons.
In this body is a touch over 6′ and is very lanky. It weights maybe 170-175lbs. It’ not as physically sturdy as his rat body but immensely gifted with magic.
His hair was a dark chestnut brown, thick, and mostly straight except for the slightest bit of wave on the ends that suggested his hair would have a wavier texture if grown out. For now, it only just brushes against his shoulders. However, because of the times with he actually uses this body, his hair tied out of the way most of the time.
Like his rat body, his expression remained flat most of the time. But when he was expressive, it showed a good bit more. His eyes were a deep emerald green with just a hint of brown around the edges of his irises. The facial features on this body were typical elvish - a sharp nose, high cheekbones, thin lips, soft eyebrows, long eyelashes.There was no facial hair to speak of.
The build of this body also followed the classic elven stereotype. He had long limbs, narrow hips, and just an overall tall, thin appearance. While there was some very slight muscle tone, he didn’t look very physically strong. At all.
Style of dress:
He loves dark colors. Black, especially. The vast majority of his wardrobe was black. There is some other colors in there such as navy, forest green, indigo, and wine.
He tends to wear long, tunic-style shirts with loose trousers when at home. If he’s just around the house and not in his lab, he will leave his hair loose or in a low ponytail or braid. Sometimes he won’t wear shoes, but otherwise simple sandals or slippers were all he needed. He enjoyed being comfortable in his home. If he was working in his lab, he would be dressed appropriately - Boots, a thick leather apron, leather gloves, and hair restrained in a bun so that it wouldn’t get in his way. The only ‘fancy’ thing he wore at home was his gold wedding band that had his and Asayl’s names engraved on the inside. Unbeknownst to Asayl, it has a tiny sliver of her soul imbued into it.
In public, he’s expected to look his part as a Sage so he wears a lot of really luxurious, floor-length robes or other fanciful outfits. Still in the same very dark color pallet though. These typically have fancy gold trims or ornate decorations. He also wears a lot of jewelry and hair ornaments. He’ll usually have his hair up in some kind of nice looking ponytail. Every once in a while, it’ll be left down with a certain type of circlet crafted especially for the Sages, typically for important social events. He doesn’t care for this overly elaborate type of dress up and often has one of his Liches, Rune, help him get dressed and do his hair.
His style of dress applies to all bodies he uses. The only differences would be the hair styling. But for the two most common bodies, all of the above apply.
While on the battlefield, he has a specially crafted set of armor he wears. It was made of intricate raven black leather and steel that was magically dyed it a deep reddish-purple, all studded together in sharp shapes. The iridescence of the special finish applied to the leather made it look like dragon scale. It provided full-body coverage from helmet to greaves. Under it he wore heavy woven clothing and knee-high leather boots. He was typically in his elf form while overseas. With his taller stature, he looked very imposing in his armor.
Powers and Abilities:
Pheno has nearly complete mastery of soul and blood magic. He’s well versed in medical magic, elemental magic and transmutation. He has some basic grasp on teleportation magic and mana manipulation, but both are relatively new to him and he’s still learning.
Soul magic is a difficult arcane art that involves the manipulation of the soul. At the levels Pheno has reached, he could rip a soul straight from a person’s body as they walked by if he so pleased. But he’s bound by a very strict code of conduct due to his status as a Sage, so he generally won’t. Most Sages are knowledgeable about soul magic, due to their need to extend their lives. It’s second nature to him now. Soul magic mastery allows him to handle souls in their purest forms. He can remove souls from bodies, but not always cleanly - it can take multiple attempts to remove a particularly stubborn or unwilling soul. Willing souls can be removed in nice, neat little balls. He can put souls into other things. He can break off pieces of souls and attach them to objects or even other souls to varying effects. He can rework certain parts of a soul, but must do so only with explicit consent and a lot of paperwork. He can not create souls, but he can destroy them, causing their energy to return to the world. He can store souls in special containers, but is still studying the effect this has on them. Soul magic is ridiculously hard to master and has very few practical applications. However, it has many combat applications. It’s considered a highly specialized field and those who take time to study it thoroughly are very rare. Along with it’s rarity and difficulty, there’s many taboos surrounding soul magic. Because of it’s potential to use it for violent and unethical acts, there’s heavy regulation. Things such as changing aspects of a soul (personality, memories, etc) without consent, performing soul magic rituals (such as switching bodies) without witnesses and Order permissions, or forcefully removing souls from bodies outside of battle are all strictly forbidden. Pheno doesn’t entirely agree with these regulations. To him, they hinder true mastery. As such, he does go behind the Order’s back and does some less-then-legal things in the name of furthering his magical powers. Things such as buying slaves from the illegal trade, for example. While he does try to uphold his own personal ideals that they must be willing to come with him, he has had to experiment on the totally unwilling to satisfy his own curiosities. In short, if it’s possible, Pheno can do it.
Blood magic is exactly as it sounds, magic that uses blood. It’s commonly referred to as the ancient magic and is widely considered the first kind of magic. It has evolved quite a bit over the centuries. In current times, it’s commonly used for tracking by hunters and as a diagnostic tool by doctors. Like soul magic, it’s considered a niche type of magic and isn’t commonly studied. At a higher mastery, it can do much more than just simple tracking. Blood mages can control other living beings, inflict illnesses, cure diseases, restore function to lacking parts of the body, or be used to keep tabs on someone’s health, emotional state, and location. Pheno can do anything blood magic related and has developed many new techniques that can be done with blood magic himself.
Medical magic is magic that’s healing or alters the physical state of the body. Healing wounds of different severity and causes is the core of medical magic. Most mages who specialize in medical magic have extensive knowledge of anatomy and use that to help others feel better. Those who master medical magic can heal near fatal wounds and broken bones in mere seconds. While Pheno is proficient, he isn’t a master. His healing magic can take a little longer than, say, a Sage who is specialized in medical magic but still much faster than a common mage. He’s better at healing wounds than he is curing sickness or disease, but can take care of both fine with a small amount of time.
With elemental magic, Pheno is fairly skilled. He has mastery over the basics and can cast up to 6th level (out of 10) magic. He rarely uses elemental magic, though. In fact, he often forgets about elemental magic and has to start off small and work his way back up after remembering it exists. He spell repertoire is well balanced despite being under-utilized. He’ll complain if asked to demonstrate elemental magic.
Transmutation is a commonly studied magic with many, many uses. It can be used in tandem with many other types of magic, also. Transmutation was transformative magic that can be used to craft or reshape basic materials into something more complex. It’s very similar to alchemy. Pheno began studying transmutation purely because he found it fun and liked mixing it into his other studies. When combined with soul magic, he could make golems. With blood magic, he could make tracking items that could be used by those with no magical talent. With medical magic, he could help develop healing techniques that worked faster and better. He could probably think of something to do with elemental magic, if he cared about that at all.
Teleportation magic is still new overall, but because the one who developed it just happens to be his work partner, he has a good amount of knowledge on it. He has learned how to make teleportation gates out of doorways and how to make mana-reactive glyphs. He can’t just teleport any time or place he wants. He uses it mostly to get to and from home from places he frequents. He has done some testing on linking glyphs to objects with some success, making it so that an object can teleport the holder to a specific place at will. His work partner gathers all his data and adds it into her own findings.
Pheno’s experience with mana manipulation is a bit lacking, but since meeting and working on Asayl, he’s been studying it much more intensely. Mana manipulation is mostly used for optimizing someone’s innate magic abilities. It allows their mana to flow more easily through their body. It can also be used to mix or intertwine different manas or reshaping someone magic abilities, including disabling them altogether. It sounds easy in theory, but very few can actually do it. Another Sage teaches him in her free time and he has gained a lot of experience from her, especially being able to witness mana manipulations in person. In his current studies, this is top priority since Asayl’s body needs periodic maintenance to keep functioning properly.
Pheno was born was as human. His family was very ordinary, coming from a long line of scribes and clerks. Because if his family’s business, he was taught to read and write very early in his life. While it was mostly to help the family business, it sparked a lifetimes-long passion for the pursuit of knowledge. He had a decent education for his social caste.
It was uncommon for humans in his kingdom to have talent in magic, but he had the gift. Like many who showed promise in the arcane arts, he was sent to the capital to nurture his skills. He was a quick learner and took a special interest in soul magic, then the related art of blood magic. Compared to the more innately magical furres, his skills were less than stellar but compared to many other humans (most of which had no magical talent in this world) he was amazing. He studied almost exclusive soul magic for many years, mastering many of its elements. He married a woman who had also been a student of magic, Mariah. They had a son, Caspar. His parents passed when he was newly wed but his little family lived a normal life. His wife passed away due to complications from an illness when they were in their 70s. Pheno saw this as a reason to also learn medical magic. But now in the twilight of his life, he as it as useless. In a decade, he would be dead. He was frustrated. But because of his studies, he new he could extend his life. It would also put him up for nomination for a higher magical position. It took time to consider doing it, but he had to at least try. The worst that could happen was he would die anyway. He disclosed his plan to his son, who supported his decision.
It was a simple plan to transfer his soul into a soulless body. But the logistics were much more complicated. Acquiring a soulless body would be hard. Acquiring a soulless body he would be happy to be in would be even harder. Death was the only time a soul naturally left the body, but someone dying wouldn’t make a suitable place for someone trying to extend their life. After mulling it over, he decided to he would remove a soul from a body. It was a grey area in terms of legality and magical ethics, but he didn’t care.
Rune and Chaz. His elder lich minions. These two are Pheno’s closest friends and followers. Unlike all of Pheno’s other undead creations, these two still have their souls intact. They are totally sentient, despite being completely skeletal. They were furre-like, maybe something in the canine bloodline. Rune is a fairly accomplished Mage and Chaz is a skilled warrior. They are brothers from a foreign land that Pheno defeated early in his career as a war mage. None of the three speak of the time while Rune and Chaz were alive other than saying they met on the battlefield. In reality, the duo nearly killed Pheno. They lost in the end but there was so much mutual respect formed between them in that single battle that the brothers pledged allegiance to him, even in death. They didn’t expect to be ritualized as liches, but didn’t complain about given a new start. They stuck to their word and have been loyal since, even helping Pheno with his work. Their main job is to guard Pheno and work as commanders to the other undead he creates. They have authority and ability to make them do basically whatever they need with spoken commands. After major events involving Asayl, their guarding duties were split up slightly. Rune is Asayl’s main guardian while Chaz is Pheno’s main guardian. Chaz and Asayl don’t always get along while Rune and Asayl are very close. Asayl has absolute command over these two (and all of Pheno’s undead), just like Pheno. Rune is a relaxed and has a soothing voice. He’s calm and poised and reminds Pheno of an elegant, well-mannered butler. Chaz is a mess. He’s loud, rambunctious, and very, very perverted. Pheno speaks to them both very casually - literally the only things he will talk to on such a casual level. Rune speaks to Pheno very properly. Chaz speaks to Pheno like they’re old drinking buddies. Rune frequently has to scold Chaz but Chaz listens to him... most of the time.   
Talimere Mirabal. Pheno’s work partner. He’s known her since he became a Sage since he was immediately appointed her partner as soon as he joined the ranks. She’s a half a century older than him and her specialty is defensive and teleportation magic. She’s the originator of teleportation magic in her world and the most skilled in that field. She has taught some of it to Pheno over the years, hence his ability to make simple doorway gates and teleportation glyphs. She’s an upbeat, friendly, kindly furre. Because of her personality, many are shocked to learn she’s a war mage who works alongside Pheno on the battle field. While Pheno concentrates on his magic, she protects him. She also has the ability to get them out of danger fast should something go wrong. Because of this working relationship, they’re pretty close and have a lot of trust between them. She hardly ever calls him by his name; she typically just call him “Grumpy”. She likes to randomly pop into his house, totally unannounced - which he hates. Rune and Chaz are both friendly with her. Chaz, especially, is fond of her. She likes to tease him and tells him she would sleep with him, if only he had the equipment to do so. She adores Asayl and treats her like a little sister, further annoying Pheno.
Asayl Telanos (maiden surname is Tanise). Pheno’s wife. He found her among the slaves at an illegal slave trade. Unlike those running the trade, he could  sense her unusual mana flow and could feel something familiar in her. But because he went there accompanied by his Liches, she was horribly afraid of him. It took a number of months and many, many visits with only a small skeleton lookout with him for him to gain her trust. He ‘rented’ her every time, but wasn’t interested in ‘using’ her for what they advertised. Instead, he simply studied her unusual body. He eventually ended up purchasing her but didn’t have much of a plan when he did so. He did it on impulse after learning she wasn’t being fed as a punishment for refusing to work. She had nowhere to go and he didn’t realize it until he went looking for her and found her still at the trade. He brought her to his home, but she was so scared of all the undead lurking about that he ended up taking her to the city was taken from. Being the socially inept dunce, he just kind of dumped her there thinking she had somewhere she called home. When he went looking for her, she was living in a tavern run by an ex-lover. She seemed gloomy and a bit shaken, obviously uncomfortable with her living situation. He set her up with a new place to stay, paid by himself, in exchange for free access to studying her. She agreed, happily. They spent a lot time together, growing closer over time. He initially felt no romantic feelings for her but knew she was falling for him. Fearing she may run off without him completing his study of her, he acted romantically interested in her. He allowed her to be a bit clingy and sometimes reciprocated her actions. He is deeply ashamed of manipulating her like that and will carry this fact to his grave. He would NEVER admit their love started off as a lie. Around this time, battles were picking back up and he was called away to war. He was sent overseas for battle neglected to tell her. He was gone for a few weeks and found her distraught and heartbroken when he returned to see her. Seeing her this way made him feel genuinely bad. He realized that despite faking romantic love, he did actually care about her. He continued to study her until he realize why her mana felt familiar. It was the work of a fellow Sage. When he asked her about him, she revealed he had raised her but had since sent her off to live a normal life with a good sum of money but minimal instruction. Pheno spoke to the colleague in question and confirmed the story, then filled him on everything that had happened to her. The other Sage seemed kind of indifferent to her strife, but said he would make an effort to keep a better eye on her. Pheno was able to consult and cross reference his work with the original builder of her unique body, so he was pleased. He continued as normal with Asayl, growing more and more intimate with her and studying her less. When he started sleeping with her, the line between what he actually felt and what he was pretending to feel blurred. Though she was still very clingy and codependent, parts of her actually personality were starting to shine through as she started coming out of her shell. When she moved into a new city and started making friends, he felt a lot of relief thinking she wouldn’t need his company as much. But he was wrong. An emergency called him away again, but this time he stayed away much longer. Because of the nature of it, he had no time to tell Asayl where he was going or why. His entire army went with him; no one could stay behind to deliver the message. He was gone for months. During that time, he realized he actually cared much more deeply about her than he thought, finding himself missing her greatly. This is also when he acquired the elf body he now frequents. But because he prepared the body out in the field, he struggled to control it. Foolishly determined, he decided to continue to use it. Though he made it home in once piece, his control over the body slipped. He developed a strange obsession with gathering mana and did some unsavory things while he lost more and more of his sense of self, completely forgetting about Asayl. Rune and Chaz couldn’t break through to him. He grew increasingly paranoid and disgruntled. During this, Asayl went from depressed and heartbroken to absolutely furious. She was left feeling used and abandoned. It was the final thing that finally completely destroyed the shell of timid helplessness she that was beaten into her during her time in captivity. She became who she really was in that time. She spent time transforming herself. Thinking he had left her, she sought to hurt him as she had been hurt, driven by pure anger. She took on a masked persona, even joined a guild to further her skills, anything she could do to give her a better chance to being able to do something, anything, to convey her pain to him.  When she finally went to confront him, masked and ready to fight, she was met by Rune and Chaz. Naturally, they knew who she was. They explained everything that had happened and asked for her help, unsure of what to do about the whole situation or who to turn to without Pheno getting into massive trouble. When the liches arrived with a masked Asayl in tow, Pheno accused them of betrayal and a fight broke out. Asayl, Rune, and Chaz versus Pheno and a summoned golem. Asayl and the liches brothers honestly stood no chance, but they desperately tried to bring Pheno back to sanity. In the chaos, he knocked Asayl’s mask off and injured her. Seeing that he was hurting the lady he cared so much for, he was finally able to regain enough of himself to stop the attack and move back to his rat body. He locked himself away, ashamed of everything he had done. He refused to see her for a good while afterward. Asayl continued to grow frustrated by constantly being pushed away. She was stubborn about insisting to see him and he begrudgingly relented. With the ensuing blow up between them, they finally admitted they loved each other. It was an emotional time. They wanted to be together but they had both changed during their time apart. They had a long discussion about their relationship and what this meant for their lives. Pheno had some hesitation about being public, because of his work as a war mage. The last thing he wanted was to put Asayl in danger or for her to suffer because of general public’s dislike of him. He asked that they keep it under wraps for the time being and Asayl agreed. Things were not like they had been; everything was different. But seeing who she really was, finally free of her slave-self, Pheno fell harder for her. He loved the confident, fiery woman she had become. Seeing her grow as a person made him feel so proud of her. They went through a honeymoon period where they thrived on the energy of their newfound love for each other. But things were happening in Asayl’s life he wasn’t aware of. And the magic holding her body together began to fail as she pushed herself to get stronger and stronger in attempt to deal with things she was hiding from him. Seeing her in constant pain bothered to no end and he began to focus on researching how to fix her. He reached out to Crest, the sage who raised and worked on her. He referred him to his partner Figgoria, a master mana manipulator. While some Sages had undergone the incredibly painful experience of having their mana flow streamlined, Pheno never had and had never seen it performed on a living body. Though she willing agreed to have it done, her screams of agony made his heart drop. But it also motivated him to work harder. For a while afterward, she was fine - stronger, even. But it didn’t last long. The pain returned even worse and her physical condition degraded even more quickly than before. But she refused rest and continued to push herself. Pheno questioned why, but she would always dodge giving him an answer. Still, he continued to try to fix her. But finally realizing it was not going to be a fast or easy fix, he went back to the slave trade and purchased any healthy slave that was willing to die for a good cause (a sadly common attitude among them). The intent was for Asayl to chose one to have her soul put into while Pheno fixed her original body. This way, she wouldn’t suffer. But when presented with this choice, Asayl was disgusted. Having once been among them, she was sympathetic to their struggles. After some discussion, Asayl finally agreed to take on a new body but only if Pheno gave all the others a fair chance at a normal life and she would only use the body of someone willing. It took some time, but it happened. He had to watch over her as she acclimated to her new body but he eventually moved her home to relax and be cared for by friends while he drove headfirst into working on her original body. He switched into his elf body and became so absorbed that weeks passed where he barely ate, slept or had contact with anyone. Time was meaningless. He was oblivious to any problems happening until Asayl’s closest friend, Nera, came to him, begging for help tracking Asayl down as she had been missing for months. Nera told him about Asayl’s hidden life as a thief, her having been kidnapped before her body switch, and her plan to seduce and torture her kidnapper in relation that had now led to her having disappeared. Embarrassed that he hadn’t watched out for her and angry that she was doing things behind his back, he was quick to take action. With his blood magic and Nera’s lycan nose it didn’t take too long to track her to a new city. But when they found her, she was with two other masked people and they all ran as if they were being pursued by enemies. For Pheno and Nera, this was incredibly frustrating and emotions began to run high. When they finally did catch her, she resisted them. The other two quickly fled the scene. Pheno watched as Asayl and Nera argued, not certain what he should even do or say. He felt a rage rise up inside him over how she was acting and realizing they had caught her out on a job. But with it he felt something going awry. His emotions flared. He tried to step away and regain control but it didn’t work. He lost control of the elf body once again. Rune and Chaz tried to step in this time, knowing there could be innocent people around that could potentially be hurt. But instead, they were at the receiving end of his rage. Pheno absorbed all of Chaz’s mana and nearly pulled his soul from him, leaving him a useless pile of bones. This drew the attention of Asayl, Nera, and the two accomplices who had stayed near to pull Asayl out when the chance arose. Everyone knew something was wrong right away. Rune did his best to get through to Pheno as Asayl scrambled to get Nera and her follow guildmates to safety. Pheno doesn’t remember any of the events, but was later informed he attacked Rune and Asayl again. When he came to, the couple of thieves that had been with Asayl were dead. Rune also had some of his mana sucked away, leaving him very weak. Asayl was bloodied and bruised. Pheno himself had a few wounds. The lapse in control had only lasted a few minutes, but great damage had been done. His retreat back to his home was immediate, taking only his liches with him. He remembers Asayl yelling at him and the tears in her eyes but it was all a blur. He wasn’t even certain how long passed before Asayl showed up in his realm, rightfully full of rage. He refused to talk to her at first, still dealing with what had happened even though he hadn’t switched back to his rat body yet. He had spent all his time fixing the damage to Rune and Chaz, neglecting to think of the consequences of Asayl seeing him still in his elf body. Being the firecracker she was, she ignored the requests for her to stay away. The moment she saw him, the angry tears and seething words flowed. She ripped into him like no one ever had. He could hardly think of anything to say, but refused to let the blame be laid completely on him. When he brought up her having suddenly left him and her friends, hiding her work from him, and her supposed affair, things really exploded. Their fight was vicious and came to a violent peak when Asayl’s anger got the best of her and she punched Pheno square in the jaw, knocking him into a shelf and trigger the defense response all the undead followed when Pheno is in immediate danger. It wasn’t until they were surrounded by Chaz, Rune, and group of other heavily armed undead that they realized they needed to stop and cool down. Asayl agreed to come back in a few days, but only if he agreed to remove himself from the elf body. He was fine with it and spent their few days apart switching back, recovering, and trying to think he would say to her. When she finally came back, he had an entire speech prepared for her, but said none of it. Instead, they had a surprisingly deep conversation about themselves, what they wanted out of their life together, and why they weren’t communicating as they should have been. They laid in bed, near to each other, and talked until the sun began to rise. Though there was some bit of anger and emotion, it was clear all their anger had been cleared in their big blowup. There was still love, but again, things were different and they had to change and compromise. Pheno hated that she was working as a thief, but understood the powerful feeling it gave her. He didn’t care if she contract killed or even if she wanted lovers besides him. He loved her and wanted her to be happy; little else mattered anymore. Asayl was still deeply hurt over the death of her guildmates at his hands because he had continued to use a body that he hadn’t mastered, even after having lost control of it before. She made it clear that she wasn’t going to stop working. She finally disclosed how she had lied to the guild she had originally joined and disappeared partly because she knew they would have it out for her. When he questioned why she didn’t come to him for help, she couldn’t give much of an answer and apologized profusely. He promised he would protect her and free her from the guild’s hit list by whatever means possible.
Volpe (Pheno doesn’t know his real name). Asayl’s mentor and lover (might change the lover thing but for now that’s part of the story). Pheno is pretty indifferent to him but not exactly in a negative way. He doesn’t like the things that happened between them early on, such as holding his wife hostage, but has since forgiven him as the relationship between him and Asayl became more stable. But, he does appreciate that he watches over Asayl when he can’t and protects her when she’s away from home. They have potential to be closer friends over time, if they were ever to actually spend time together without Asayl.
Crest Valbaur. A fellow Sage, the one who saved and ‘created’ Asayl. They share information a lot. They sort of work together when it comes to working on and maintaining Asayl’s body. They have a somewhat distant working relationship. Neither would consider the other anything more than a colleague. Pheno has a slight distrust of him after realizing he set Asayl out in the world with basically nothing or no one to turn to.
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snsmissionaries · 6 years
10/3/18 -- Sister Nicole Ritman, Spain, Madrid Mission
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Satan Works Hard, But We Work Harder 😈<😇😇
¡Hola a todos!
 This entire week falls under the slogan of my subject line. There's just some weeks where Satanás is obviously working against us and all our amigos. For example, the amigo we put on fecha kept having random stuff come up that made it hard to meet even though he wanted to. Once we finally met it was hard to actually give the lesson because random interruptions kept happening like literally a guy wandered in from the street into his living room and started asking him advice on how to remodel his kitchen. I'm not making this up, like can this wait? We had a member at the cita and she was so cute because she just tore out a paper from her notebook, got the guys number and sent him away lol. We still didn't get to teach the lesson because then, a minute later, he got a call that something heavy had fallen on a friend and he had to go help her. We were like ???? This is getting a little obvious Satan, back off. We were RELENTLESS and we finally got to teach him Lección 3 later that week after so many times trying to meet. This is just one example of how Satan was working against us this week but we wouldn't let him take the W. We worked so hard, I was soooooo tired. It's kind of funny because in the pictures I'm sending you can see me getting more tired in every one lol. 
 Things like that are pretty discouraging, but there were also some very encouraging things like when the member we had at his house for the cita pointed out a pencil drawing on the wall that was him copying the painting on the front of the Restauración pamphlet we gave him that has Jesus holding a lamb. Sooooo precious! 💜 Literally made it all worth it.
 Another high of the week was the member family we have noche de hogar with every week gave us cheesecake because it was the Father's Cumpleaños! They are the funniest family and make us laugh every week. They love to teach me new vocab and one of their favorites is "cremallera" (zipper). They call me Hermana Cremallera now because in church church they couldn't get my attention by saying "Hermana" but then they said "cremallera" and it worked lol. The spiritual message we gave last night was also one of my favs, if I do say so myself (I picked it last minute because we realized we didn't have anything planned lol. Usually we meet on Tuesdays, OK? We're not slackers.). We watched the "Create" video from President Uchtdorf that gets me everytime. It's amazing go watch it and you'll be so motivated after I promise! The daughter was kind of looking down ever since school started but we used the video to encourage her to share her talents and she sang for us (she hasn't done that since the first time I met her) and the light literally went back into her eyes! Honestly big miracles happen on the mission but my favorite thing is just seeing someone's day brightened a little bit, whether by something I did or if I'm just there to see it. I think that's something we can relate to on a universal level 😊
 This week for Zone PDay we rented out the soccer field and then went to Burger King  just like last time. Unlike last time, we chose Disney princesses that fit everyone's personalities and apparently I'm Meg from Hercules, and our Zone Leaders are Elsa and Pocahontas hehe. Also, we were supposed to do a photo scavenger hunt but idk what happened to that because we're all just sitting in the chapel and emailing now lol. I'm gonna make that happen next time though because that sounds legit. 
 Os quiero
 Hermana Ritman 
 How is the work progressing?
 We're working on finding as a mission and we set a super high goal as a companionship to find people to teach for the month of October so it should be really gearing up! So far, it's been a lot of foundation-laying, like seeing who is really progressing and who is not. 
 Has it been hot there?
 Yes--hotter than AZ from what I can tell, plus it's humid. The members say it's summer until November lol. But the heat doesn't bother me. The fact that it's socially acceptable to fan yourself with an abanico at any time, even in sacrament meeting or a lesson, helps. 
 Do you have air conditioning in your apartment?  How about most of the buildings?
 We have one room with air conditioning and so we sleep and study with it even though you're not really supposed to do that jaja. (We had piso checks and they said it was fine-don't worry) We're one of the lucky ones--a lot of people we meet with and other missionaries don't have it. 
 Do you cook for yourself a lot? or do the members feed you?
The members feed us occasionally. They feed the Elders a lot because they're good at asking, so it's our fault we don't get fed lol. Our amigos and recent converts feed us more because we see them for lessons. We also have an amigo that give us groceries everytime we see him, which is so nice. Everyone is so nice here, really. And ya I don't really mind cooking for ourselves though, we've gotten creative and I've learned a lot of things like putting a raw egg and a slab of butter and stirring it after your drain the water when you make noodles makes it sooo good. We also make fried rice, toasted gouda and salchichón sandwiches a lot. We also buy cheese frozen pizza and put this Spanish meat slices on it that are kinda like pepperoni and it makes me laugh because we Spanishified our pizza. 
 What is your favorite food there?
Idk if I can say churros and chocolate because I only had it once in Madrid but it's probably up on the list for me. Also Spanish empanadas they're not doughy like Sud América (those those have a special place in my heart too) --they're flaky. Also anything marisco (seafood) especially paella. 
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not-so-smallfry · 2 years
>Give it time, Fef. That size will be yours soon! And besides, why would the pawn resist? You know barring the fact that half of her can't due to the plush heaven/hell of fuchsia flab. The "queen" captured the pawn, so to the victor goes the spoils. The big, flushed, cheerful spoils. Yeah, she guess she could say- a light airy belch escapes the carapace's throat before she finishes, that. She has her reasons though, white hands drifting to the back of her own head, fingers twiddling a tad.
>well in THAT case, feferi better get to enjoying her prize, hands pushing and pressing at the doughy belly underneath her, massaging the white mass like an excited cat.
"Cod you're soft... If you're not careful I'm going to keep you )(ere to use as a bed~! I can sea w)(y you keep bumping into people w)(o wanna fatten you up glub )(e)(e~"
> leaning down, she even gives PMs belly a quick, light kiss before going back to her groping, nodding approvingly at the burp- though she doesn't ignore PM cutting herself off
"I could say w)(at? Got more secrets ma'am? Tsk, you're supposed to give t)(ose up w)(en t)(e queen captures you~"
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