spacebuck · 6 months
how did the april fools boop day go for you ? Do you miss the boop?
I do miss the boop!! If I wasnt as busy as I was I mighta gotten the badges too but alas, I will forevermore only have the one 😭
Permanent boops 2k24
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spacebuck · 6 months
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spacebuck · 1 year
Well, there are also mutuals. Or followers. People who love you from afar because they have not had a chance to get to know you better. ♥️
I love and appreciate u 💕
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spacebuck · 2 years
Hope you feel better soon!! ❤️
Thank you!! I think I'm through the worst of it now, day 4 haha
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spacebuck · 3 years
1, 2, and 99 for spotify!
1 is montero by lil nas x (though I swear I listened to other stuff more I'm v confused)
2 is E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE by CORPSE (I. Don't have any excuses I was writing a character that's Like That)
99 is.... Uh I don't have a Cyrillic alphabet hang on.
Небо в долонях by Go_A
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spacebuck · 4 years
Hi! What kind of wild/mythological animal would you like to have?
i would adore a baby griffon and it has everything to do with @frostbitebakery‘s doodle art for something from my witcher fic that hasn’t happened (and if it does it’ll be like a snippet bonus chapter haha)
beyond that, give me a dragon any day - any size, any shape, just. dragon pls.
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spacebuck · 3 years
7, 35 & 52 for your spotify!
7 is Queen of Broken Hearts by blackbear
35 is (I'm so sorry this is hilarious) Men Are Trash by Scott Sire
52 is MAMMAMIA - linked in the last ask!
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spacebuck · 4 years
Some days, I try to imagine how soft Bucky likes his hair, and how much he has to take care of it. After a mission/'job, when it comes to conditioner, I like to think he's got the same number of conditioner products I have, all just to make his hair nice and soft.
yesss i imagine it was something he worked on when he first came in from the cold, like he may not deserve nice things but his hair deserves to be clean, even if it’s just because it’s the one thing steve can touch without bucky going into panic stations
and in the end he loves putting his head on steve’s lap while steve plays with his hair and murmurs compliments about how soft it is, how pretty it is, how much it suits him
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spacebuck · 4 years
"It's not that Steve didn't /want/ his video to go viral. He just didn't expect it to be /that one/."
He's a vlogger - it's every vlogger's wet dream to have something hit mainstream, to have views stacking up, to have his subcriber count swelling. But. That video.
The one where he's yelling about how "Captain America" has failed the system, about how he's just a propoganda machine, about how the hero worship of the hero was making things worse instead of making things better.
The one that Bucky Barnes - Captain America himself - had posted a link to on twitter, before dropping off the face of the planet.
That video.
Because, the thing is, the crush Steve had had on Captain America had only been strengthened by the man's reappearance a few years back, but the man had never seemed happy. He'd looked like a trained lapdog, doing what he was supposed to do, speaking where he was told to, posing how he was instructed. The video had been a rant at that, at the media view of the man, about the monolith that was Captain America, not about the man under the helmet. But he'd never said that, expecting only his few-hundred-odd subs to see it, and now. Now Bucky Barnes himself had seen the damned video.
Steve drops his face into his hands and groans.
There's a knock at the door.
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spacebuck · 4 years
I can’t decide between the dragon or the wolf one.
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I also hope your doing well!
the wolf one is an on-hold collab with @bird-jay where bucky (and family) is a werewolf and steve gets turned by a [redacted] member and dumped near bucky’s family’s territory
the dragon one is a mth fill for someone who requested slutty dragon bucky pining over the best dick of his life (steve) from a one night stand six months ago, and bucky’s friends end up tracking down the other guy to set them up. because, well, what else would dragons do.
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spacebuck · 4 years
For the sentence starter- No one knew where the dog came from, but it wasn't going anywhere now that it had found a friendly face.
Unfortunately for Steve, it's not the best time to have a dog attached to him. He crouches, fingers seeking out the fluff behind the dog's ears, and hears a sigh from behind him.
"You're almost as bad as Clint," Natasha sighs, as though petting the animal isn't helping their cover, helping them blend in just a little bit more. Steve shrugs, pulls a strip of jerky out of his grab-bag, and tears off a piece, feeding it to the animal.
He gets home three days later, dog on a makeshift leash after verifying that she actually is a stray, and stops in the hallway. A box sits on the dining table. It has the logo of a nearby pet store, but he grabs his shield anyway, swinging it around to cover his vitals as he moves closer. There's a note taped to the top, familiar chicken-scratch handwriting making his heart ache.
It's not explosive is all it says, and there's no sign off, but he'd know that handwriting anywhere. Steve flicks the top of the box open, finds a bag of dog food, a bowl, a collar, and a leash.
Steve leans forward, braces himself on the table. Has to breathe through the swell of emotions that threaten to drown him. A whine at his heel, then the nudge of a nose - cold through his compression pants.
"I'm okay, bud," he says, not sounding okay in the slightest. "Looks like you were the dumb decision he needed to come out of hiding." the dog wags her tail, like that had been her plan all along.
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spacebuck · 4 years
who is your favorite band/artist that you're listening to right now? (hope you feel better ♥)
I am really vibing a Mongolian folk-metal band called The Hu at the moment! Also Enrico Nigiotti, and Avenged Sevenfold. Bit of an off mix but ah well
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spacebuck · 3 years
What's ur current fanfic guilty pleasure?
Short answer is I try not to make myself guilty for what I read!! Shorter answer is matchablossom post-canon get-togethers
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spacebuck · 4 years
Please inform me of the Proper and Improper pastas?
proper pasta are things like lasagna, fettuccini, conchiglie, ravioli
improper pastas: rotelle, fregula, bucatini, cavatelli, etc
there is a vibe check pasta has to pass and not all of them do
(steadily getting) drunk(er) ama! 
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spacebuck · 4 years
how do you keep your ideas organized for long fics?
it’s either one end of the spectrum or the other - I either have a super detailed plan down to timelines and plot grids and character sheets, or I open the doc and start writing and hope for the best as the characters tell me what’s going on
(steadily getting) drunk(er) ama!
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spacebuck · 4 years
crushcrushcrush (paramore)
send me a number 1-100 to get my spotify wrapped song!
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