#Bathroom remodeling services in Lake Forest
houseofremodeling9 · 5 months
Transform Your Home with Expert Kitchen Renovation Services in Lake Forest
Start the process of revitalizing your kitchen renovation services in Lake Forest. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to delivering unparalleled craftsmanship and personalized solutions tailored to your needs.
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Best Bathroom Remodeling - Renovation in Lake Forest, IL
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Paradise Home Design Inc. offers fast, affordable bathroom renovation and high-quality remodeling services at cheap prices in Lake Forest, IL.
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houseofremodelinginc · 5 months
Elevate Your Home with Bathroom Renovation in Lake Forest, CA
Discover exceptional bathroom renovations in Lake Forest, CA, with House Of Remodeling. Transform your space with our expert design, craftsmanship, and personalized service.
Read Full Blog; https://houseofremodelings.com/elevate-your-home-with-house-of-remodeling-your-trusted-partner-for-bathroom-renovations-in-lake-forest-ca/
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emergencyplumbingil · 6 months
Discover local licensed plumbing provider.
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Looking for a reliable plumber nearby? Smart Housing Systems Inc., doing business as Emergency Plumbing, is your trusted local licensed plumbing specialist. We're experts in everything plumbing, from fixing leaky pipes to more comprehensive inspections and installations.
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wanlandbuilders · 2 years
Bathroom Remodeling in Lake Forest wanlandbuilders.com:- At Wanland builders, we render expert and professional custom bathroom design services to build your dream bathroom. We take time to understand your vision and individual tastes. We offer fully customized designs to transform your bathroom creating beauty and function at the same time.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
The Wedding Date (Part 2)
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Summary: When the reader is in desperate need of a date to her sister’s wedding, she calls a service to fulfill the need and ends up meeting Dean Winchester…
Pairing: AU!Dean x reader
Word Count: 7,400ish
Warnings: language, family angst/drama, scary situation
After your shower you changed into a short sleeve romper, a pretty deep green that reminded you of the forest outside. With a hum you wandered out to the bedroom, spotting Dean laying on the bed watching TV.
“How was exploring?” you asked.
“This place is huge. I wouldn’t mind going out on the lake at some point if that’s okay,” he said.
“For sure,” you said, bending over to throw your hair up in a messy bun. You fixed it a bit in the mirror in there, catching Dean watching you. “What?”
“You look like a model or something,” he said. You stared before bursting out laughing, Dean giving you a small smile. “It’s true.”
“Ten bucks my mom tells me I look like a boy,” you said, grabbing a spare hair tie and your bracelet from the nightstand, slipping them back on your wrist.
“You look like some preppy girl, definitely not a boy,” he said, watching you step into a pair of sandals and zip up the backs.
“Still,” you said, looking yourself over before you put on some lip balm. “Are you hungry? We can get something to eat.”
“Sure,” he said. “Should I change?”
“Wear whatever you want,” you said. He rolled off the bed and went over to his bag, grabbing a few things before he stepped inside the bathroom. You’d just finished with some mascara when the door opened. Dean stepped out in a pair of khaki shorts and a gray button down with the sleeves rolled up. He took out the Sperry’s from his bag and put them on his feet before he turned to you. 
“This okay?” he asked.
“Yeah. You look like you fit in already,” you said.
“I’m used to hanging out with rich people. I get how they can be,” he said. 
“If you need space just say your allergies are acting up. It can be our code word if they get to be too much for you,” you said.
“Okay. Don’t worry so much,” he said. You sighed and shoved your phone and room key in your pocket, grabbing a pair of sunglasses and waving him out ahead of you. You walked quietly down the hall together, most people arriving later in time for the party. You were nearly at the elevator when you heard a whistle. 
“If it isn’t my baby sister,” said Jason, your oldest brother. He was fifteen years older and you were the definition of a kid sister. He ran over from his room and gave you a hug, picking you up off the ground. “Clean up all pretty, don’t you?”
“Too bad we can’t do anything about your face,” you said.
“You still need better insults,” he said, turning his attention to Dean. “Hi, sorry. Jason. I don’t get to see Y/N that much so we tend to make up for lost time. You are?”
“Dean Winchester and lucky enough to be seeing your beautiful sister,” said Dean, shaking hands with Jason. Your brother looked at Dean and then you, narrowing his eyes.
“What?” you asked.
“You got a boyfriend,” he said, a big smirk crossing his face. “Oh, I don’t think baby sis has ever had a-“
“Shut up,” you said, Jason snapping his jaw closed. “Dean, let's go to lunch and I don’t tell you everything about my dating life, Jason.”
“Yeah cause you don’t talk to me,” he said as you pulled Dean into the elevator, Jason following you inside.
“When am I supposed to talk to you? You’re a workaholic with a wife and two small kids,” you said.
“I can see you’re going to be exactly the way you always are at these. Well it’s Lauren’s wedding so please try to pretend like you don’t hate your family,” he said. “For our sake.”
“Can you try to pretend like you’re an adult and not jump down her throat for having a reasonable explanation of why she doesn’t talk to you a lot? If you were my brother, I don’t think I’d want to talk to you either,” said Dean.
“Watch your mouth, Winchester,” said Jason, grumpily trudging out ahead of you and Dean.
“Someone’s a little pissy,” said Dean. “He always like that?”
“What would you say if I told you that he’s who I get along with best out of my siblings?”
“I say I am so beginning to understand you not wanting to face this alone,” he said. You saw Jason pause for a moment, probably catching part of the conversation. You grabbed Dean’s hand and walked past him, feeling his stare on your back as you headed towards the dining area.
“Hey,” said Jason. You rolled your eyes and spun around, Jason taking a deep breath. “I know I’m busy a lot. You could call or text every once in a while is all I’m saying.”
“I stopped when you stopped answering. Forget it, Jason. It’s fine. We’ll see you at the dinner later,” you said. You pulled Dean along and through the open french doors, sighing as you found a table by the back window to sit at. He slid in across from you and stared at you, pursing his lip. “What?”
“He could call too,” he said. “I know a thing or two about non-responsive brothers. Sucks to be the only one that cares sometimes.”
“He’s just busy. He’s at a different place in life. It’s fine,” you said. A waiter brought over a pair of menus with a smile. “Order whatever you like, Dean. Can I get a slice of key lime pie and a bottle of beer?”
“I’ll have what she’s having,” said Dean. “Extra big piece.”
The guy grabbed the menus and Dean chuckled when he left.
“I’m really starting to like you, sweetheart,” he said. “Pie and beer. Not what I was expecting.”
“If I have another cobb salad I may vomit,” you said. “I am eating whatever the hell I want this week and I advise you do the same. The good booze will be out tonight so take advantage of that.”
“I’ll be sure to,” he said. You looked outside, catching sight of Jason walking out the back door over to a group of people sitting at a table. “Who’s that?”
“My siblings and their spouses aside from my brother, Brent. I don’t think him and his fiance are here yet. He’s seven years older than me. He’s next closest in age,” you said. “His wedding is in November. If my life is still a wreck, I may need to hire you again.”
“Pay me like this again and I’ll pay off that loan in no time,” he said. “You want to go sit with them?”
“Not really,” you said, looking across the room, spotting the waiter with your food. “I’ll have to face them by the end of the day. I’m okay with hiding until then.”
He was quiet as you got your drinks and dessert, Dean humming after his first bite. He gave a thumbs up and you smirked at the fact he got a bigger piece than normal as requested. You poked at yours for a moment, Dean snapping his fingers in front of your face.
“You okay? You looked out of it,” he said.
“Daydreaming,” you said. You took a bite and pushed your whip cream to the side, Dean quick to steal it for himself. “Do you like owning a garage?”
“Eh, I hate the bills but being your own boss isn’t too bad,” he said. “It’s a love hate relationship. It’s not what I thought I’d be doing to be honest.”
“Really? You said you went to college,” you said.
“I was going to do something else but my dad got sick. He’s fine now but he couldn’t run the garage anymore. I took his half of the garage and then the other guy retired right after we remodeled and expanded. It was crappy timing was all,” he said.
“What’d you want to be?” you asked.
“You’re gonna laugh at me,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“No, no, don’t apologize. It’s...I was dating this girl back then. She was a pastry chef. Incredible, like born with it kind of talent. She went to culinary school. She was going to New York City to work in a top restaurant and I was going to move out there with her and work for the New York Yankees as one of their athletic trainers.”
“Seriously? Wow, you must be good at baseball,” you said with a smirk, Dean putting on a shy smile. “Oh come on.”
“I got a scholarship for school. It’s how I could afford to go. It was a dream job, once in a lifetime opportunity. It’s been too many years now though and I haven’t picked up a bat in forever,” he said. 
“What happened with the girl if that’s okay,” you said. He shrugged and sipped on his beer, nursing it a moment.
“She cheated on me the first week she was out there,” he said. “I was ‘holding her back’ and had been for a long time. Exactly what I needed to hear three days after my dad had a massive heart attack.”
“Sounds like a bitch.”
He chuckled and nodded his head. 
“You got any shitty exes?” he asked.
“No. I’ve been on a lot of first dates, second dates, even the occasional third. Nothing ever stuck,” you said.
“Me either,” he said, knocking back the rest of his drink. “Not worth the aggravation, trust me.”
“You said your dad’s okay now, right?” you asked. He nodded and offered a quick smile.
“Yeah, he’s good. He can’t eat the way he used to and he has to workout now but my little brother is pretty good about keeping on him about that stuff,” said Dean.
“Just the one brother?”
“Yeah. I don’t have a whole pack like you,” he said. “Baby of the family must suck. They all seem a bit older.”
“They never include me in anything. I’m only in the wedding because my mom made Lauren. She’s always hated me,” you said.
“She’s your sister. I doubt she hates you,” he said.
“Remember how I said Jason is the nicest? I meant it,” you said.
“...Well if you want me to go protective asshole boyfriend, I am more than willing,” he said.
“Thanks, Dean. I’d rather try to keep the peace this week,” you said, eating your last bite. “Anything you want to do? You mentioned the lake?”
“Whatever’s good with you,” he said.
“Come on. We’ll take one of the canoes out,” you said. “You totally want more beer for the boat, right?”
“Woman after my own heart,” he teased.
“Give me ten minutes to put in an order and then we will be on our way.”
Dean excused himself to the restroom while you put in the drinks. You ducked in the bathroom for a moment, exiting to find Dean standing around in the lobby.
“You can swim right?” you asked.
“Yes, dork,” he said, throwing his arm over your shoulder. You almost made a comment but you saw your parents come down the stairs. You got out of there before they could catch up with you, heading straight outside as your siblings were all starting to get up.
“Hey, there’s Y/N. Now we’re just missing Brent,” said Lauren, plastering a fake smile on her face. She rushed over and gave you a hug, giving Dean a side eye. “Who’s this? I hope you paid him good!”
Your face felt hot as you stared at her, barely noticing Dean wrap an arm around your waist and give it a tight squeeze.
“Oh you can’t buy me, honey,” said Dean, giving her a smile back before he kissed your cheek. “Is this your oldest sister?”
She frowned and you bit down you smirk, Jason not bothering to hide his.
“I’m Lauren, Y/N’s middle sister,” she said. “You’re Y/N’s plus one?”
“I guess I am,” said Dean. “Sorry. Y/N and I had a horribly long drive and I promised her a little one on one time before you all take her away. I look forward to getting to know you all tonight though. Come on, sweetheart.”
Dean pulled you off of the patio and down a few steps to the path and it took everything in you not to look back.
“Too much?” he asked.
“Oh, I fucking loved that,” you said, Dean giving you a high five. 
“No offense but your brothers and sisters are all like...incredibly passive aggressive towards you. It’s kinda weird to do that for no reason,” he said.
“They’ve all been that way since as far back as I can remember. I just don’t think they like me very much. The unplanned kid,” you said. “I think I threw a wrench in my parents lives and theirs.”
“You didn’t ask for that. What, they mad cause they have to share their trust fund? They can grow up,” he said. 
“Well thank you but please do try to play nice with them, and my parents. It is Lauren’s wedding like Jason said.”
“Is that how they always get you to back down? Tell you it’s not your turn, it’s about someone else?” 
You slowed your walk and bit your bottom lip.
“You’re very perceptive for a fake boyfriend,” you said.
“Hey, I gotta use that psychology minor for something,” he said.
“Business owner, baseball, psych...you’re a little enigma, aren’t you, Dean Winchester,” you said.
“Is that latin for adorable?” he said. You laughed, a big genuine one that had Dean throwing his arm over your shoulders. “You stick with me and you’re gonna survive this week just fine, sweetheart.”
“I sincerely hope I do,” you said. The path down to the docks went slowly, Dean taking his time to look around at the lake in front of you, the trees around, glancing at the different parts of the resort all around. “It’s an outdoor wedding as you can tell. They’re already decorating.”
“This place is really beautiful,” he said. “How much does a normal night in a place like this cost?”
“I think the lowest package is $600 a day per person. All inclusive,” you said. “Better room, better booze, more options, price goes up. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to make it more affordable.”
“Do you work here?” he asked. “You never really mentioned what you do.”
“I’m on the board, all us kids are. I don’t have a real job per say,” you said. “You probably think I’m even more of a spoiled brat, don’t you.”
“I never said that. If you don’t work, how do you fill your day?” he asked.
“Different things. Workout, do some of my own stuff like write or do resort stuff. I get lunch and then I volunteer at a few places in the afternoons,” you said. “Jason and my other older brother Dan and my oldest sister Aria, they all work in the family business. They run things with my parents. Lauren and Brent and me all kind of do more charity work I guess.”
“Well I think that’s a very good use of your time,” said Dean. “People who can afford to give back should.”
“I agree. It’s not like I’ll ever have a job here,” you said. 
“What’d you want to be when you grew up?” he asked.
“A ghost,” you said. Dean laughed and grabbed your hand as you walked past a few workers on the path. “I’m serious!”
“I wanted to be a ghostbuster,” he said. 
“Well that too of course,” you said.
“You wanted to fly around?” he asked.
“I saw that movie Casper as a kid. I don’t know. I’ve always been invisible to a degree with my family. It made sense at the time,” you said. “We should go over the schedule for the week probably.”
“Well I am going to show you off and make sure they see you,” he said. “You can count on it.”
“You’re not half bad for a fake boyfriend, Dean.”
“I could say the same,” he said, smiling as you finally made your way to the docks. “Now I think we should discuss our 4 wheeling trip, don’t you? Something fun to look forward to?”
“You think you can handle it?” you teased.
“Oh, I know I can,” he said, letting you guide him over to a canoe marked off for you. “Ladies first.”
You grabbed the aqua colored life jacket and pulled it on, letting Dean get the bright blue on himself. 
“Here,” you said, tugging on the strap when he get tangled up. “If we’re gonna be drinking, better safe than sorry.”
“You’re the expert, not me,” he said. You left your phones on the dock before you helped Dean in the canoe, handing him a paddle before you took off. It was quieter on the water and you felt Dean’s gaze on your back as you started to slow. You spun around on your bottom and opened the cooler sat between you. “So where do you go riding?”
“See over that way?” you asked, pointing to the northern side of the lake. “It’s about a twenty minute drive. There’s a town over there and about ten minutes past that is the local riding trails. You ever ride before?”
“A few times in a field,” he said.
“Alex will loan you some gear to wear.”
“Can I ask you a personal question?”
“Weren’t we doing that already?” you said. “Shoot, Winchester.”
“Why don’t you make it past the third date?” he asked. “You could land whoever you want out there.”
“That’s very kind of you but normally by the third date is when they find out I come from this. It’s hard to trust a stranger when they look at you like you’re suddenly a bank account.”
“Not a one ever worked out?” he asked.
“This is taking a depressing turn, Dean,” you said.
“Don’t be. You have nothing to do with my shitty dating history,” you said.
“You’re not the only one with one,” he said, taking a beer out and cracking it open. “So what’s this dinner tonight? How do the fancy people do it?”
“It’s kind of this tradition. The family, my parents and the kids, we have a family dinner with just us before everyone else shows up,” you said. “It’s normally my least favorite event.”
“Well we should come up with some things to brag about, hm?”
Later That Evening
“Uh oh,” said Dean, ducking into the bathroom as you pouted in front of the mirror. “Someone looks grumpy.”
“I can’t do this. I paid you...what kind of freak am I? They’re gonna find out and-” you said, Dean putting both his hands on your shoulders.
“Relax. You’re in a bind and so am I. Think of it as two friends helping each other out, okay? It’s a dinner. You’ll survive,” he said.
“You look nice in your suit,” you said, smoothing out your dinner dress. “We should head down.”
You started to turn to leave but he caught your cheek and you turned back, Dean tilting his head.
“If you need to get out of there, I think maybe we have a codeword for you too. Say your stomach is bothering you?” he asked.
“You’re sweet,” you said with a nod. “Let’s face the music.”
“You look very beautiful,” he said, shoving his wallet in his pants pocket.
“Dean, when we’re alone, you don’t have to act like my boyfriend,” you said.
“Alright. I didn’t think I was,” he said. He slipped past you and tugged on his suit jacket, fixing it before you followed him out and down towards the stairs. He was cool and calm right up until you walked to the outdoor dining area, Dean swallowing but putting on a friendly face quickly.
“Y/N! We haven’t seen you all day,” said your mom as she gave you a hug. “Dean’s been keeping you busy it seems.”
“Yes, very,” you said. You looked around the table, spotting an open spot next to Dan. You took Dean’s hand and guided him over to sit, a glass of white wine quickly in front of you.
“Oh, sorry, I don’t like white,” said Dean to the server.
“We have whatever you could want,” said your dad. 
“Whiskey on the rocks?” asked Dean.
“Double,” you said, holding up a finger. Lauren gave you a look but put a smile on her face.
“So I know Calvin and I are super excited to have everyone with us. We just wish his parents could have gotten in for the party tonight but I know all of you will make him feel right at home,” she said. “Oh and Dean too. I know we’re all dying to get to know Y/N’s little friend.”
“Oh it’s your guys day, week. Please feel free to take the spotlight off of me,” said Dean. “Congratulations.”
She seemed to ease up at that, some bread coming out along with your drinks. You were quiet, listening in somewhat, Dean being goofy and making you hide a laugh as he picked at the loaf in front of you.
“Dean,” said your dad, the table going silent. “How’d you two meet?”
“In a little coffee shop. It was almost like a movie or something. I fell for her right on the spot,” he said. “Of course she thought I was weird when I kept staring at her. It took a good half hour before she gave me a shot.”
“You asked her out?” asked Dan, Aria making a face at him. “No offense, Y/N. He’s kinda hot is all.”
Dean made a face before he turned to your parents. Your mom whacked Dan and you sighed.
“Hey, good for you. Most of us aren’t that lucky is all,” he said.
“What is that supposed to mean, Daniel?” said his wife, Greta. 
“Nothing! We met at school. I think you’re hot too! Geez,” he said. 
“Excuse him,” said your mom. “I for one think it’s wonderful that Y/N has found such a lovely young man. It’s about time.”
You gripped your thigh under the table, Dean’s hand finding yours and giving it a squeeze.
“I think we all deserve to find someone, no matter when that happens,” said Dean. “Right, sweetheart?”
“Yeah,” you said, getting a smile out of him. 
“Y/N tells me the Y/L/N family normally has some fun activities during their weddings,” said Dean. 
“Oh and you guys are gonna love what Calvin and I have planned,” said Lauren. “We-”
The string lights shut off and you saw the inside of the resort go dark, a generator kicking on to turn on part of the inside after a moment.
“Aiden,” said your dad as he came walking by past the kids table. “Can you please figure out how to get the power back on?”
“Of course,” he said, quickly heading inside. Dean pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight, other’s doing the same and quickly you had a decent amount of light. There was a little patter of feet as Jason’s two kids ran over to him.
“Girls, it’s just the power. It’s fine,” he said.
“No it was the monster,” said Abby, the oldest. She pointed off towards the woods and you rolled your eyes. 
“Abby, there’s nothing there,” you said.
“Aunt Y/N yeah there was!” she said.
“Alright,” said Dean, knocking back the rest of his drink. “Time to go hunt some monsters. I’ll be right back girls.”
He stood up and you shook your head, Dean taking a walk down the path past the kids table and over towards the woods.
“I like him,” said Brent. “Nice ass too.”
“Brent,” said Lauren, rolling her eyes.
“Oh I agree,” said his fiance Peter. You watched Dean walk across the grass and over to the woods, holding up his phone. You swore you saw something in the dark trees but you were far away and it was nearly pitch black. “Did anyone else see that?”
“Uh huh,” you heard a few voices say as you got to your feet.
“Dean!” you called. “You can come back now!”
He took a few steps forward before a shot rang off and Dean’s phone fell to the ground.
“Everyone inside, now,” said your dad. You stared out in the dark, waiting for a flicker of the light to come back as there was rustling all around you.
“Inside,” growled Jason as he picked you up and quickly walked the two of you through the back door. Your dad locked it after you and you had enough common sense to plant your feet on the ground.
“Hey. Dean is still-”
“We don’t know what happened,” he said quietly. “I am not risking my children to find out.”
“Well he’s my friend and I’m the reject of the family so who cares? It could be a damn hunting accident for all we know,” you said. You put a hand on the lock and you felt Jason’s arm around you again. “I swear if you don’t stop doing-”
“Bring her up to our suite,” said your mom with a sigh. “Please everyone go to your rooms. Kids, meet in ours. We need to talk about this.”
You narrowed your eyes, watching in some strange synchronized way how everyone did as asked, Jason setting you down after a moment in favor of grabbing your arm and pulling you upstairs.
“What the hell is going on?” you asked. He shook his head and you followed your dad into your parents room, your siblings all filing in and settling around the room, your mom taking her time to return and lock the door shut after herself. You went over to the backdoor to look for Dean but this time you felt two pairs of hands on you pulling you back. Your older brothers walked you back to the couch and sat you down. 
You looked around, no one looking you in the eye and you stood up.
“This is not helping. I am going-”
“Sit your ass down. I am done,” said your dad. You swallowed and sat back in your seat, your dad running his hands over his face. “It’s done. No more. You all knew this was a possibility and now it’s happening.”
“Uh, hi. Possibly shot boyfriend out in the yard and I have zero fucking clue what you are talking about,” you said.
“You know how you’re the baby,” said Lauren. “Like even Brent is quite a bit older.”
“Yes. There’s an age gap. I am aware, Lauren,” you said. She glanced to your parents, Jason leaning forward in his seat.
“You’re not my daughter,” said your dad. 
“What?” you laughed. “You’re my dad.”
“I know I’m your dad, sweetie. It doesn’t mean I’m your father,” he said. You wiped the smile off your face, your mom closing her eyes. “Your mother had an affair. You were a result of it.”
“Oh,” you said, trying to wrap your head around that. “I...that’s not true. This is some really...lame prank...right?”
“Why do you think they didn’t like you?” asked Jason. You bit your bottom lip and he gave you a smile. “Proof of cheating. Proof of a marriage that was failing. Proof of a lack of love. You have always thought we hated you. We all know it.”
You swallowed and put your head in your hands, a shaky breath escaping you. There was a hand on your back and you sat up straight, taking a big gulp of air as tears formed in your eyes.
“Some people may have left a two year old unattended near a pool by herself and thought the problem would take care of itself,” said Jason, throwing a dirty look across the room to Aria, Dan and Lauren.
“Oh. Awesome,” you said, standing up and wrapping your arms around yourself.
“That was a fucking accident and you know it, Jason. I miscounted and thought she was ahead of us. It was a fucking mistake. That was before that whole night even happened,” said Aria.
“Well you’ve always been a bitch to her. You all have. I’m not perfect but I’m nearly fifteen years older than her and it was kinda hard to be around for the kid,” he said.
“Would you all just shut the fuck up,” you said. The room went silent as you walked back towards the window, spotting a light in the grass again. “There’s light in the yard.”
“You can’t go out there,” said your dad as you headed for the door.
“Why on earth would I want to stay with you people? You’ve all apparently lied to me my entire life. My own brothers and sisters have bullied me and made me feel so horrible about myself...why do you think I don’t talk to any of you? You’re all so condescending and look at me like I’m less than you. At least now I understand why,” you said.
“Y/N,” said your mom. She stood and shook her head, guiding you to sit next to her. “Your birth father is an incredibly dangerous man. Incredibly. We decided...after an incident occured when you were three, we told the children about him and made them swear to never tell you. To protect you. Maybe we never called them out on their behavior like we should have and maybe we are not the best parents in the world but everyone in this room has spent many, many years, protecting you.”
“Porecting me? You gave me an eating disorder when I was in highschool,” you said to Lauren. “You’re damn lucky I finally broke out of it in college. Dan, you broke my arm and never apologized. Aria, you made made me so nervous about relationships, I never even got laid until last year. Brent, you accused me of not liking the fact you were gay when I’m the one that told your fucking fiance that you guys would be so good for each other when I’ve known since I was twelve by the way. Jason...maybe you weren’t as bad but you left me alone to grow up in this. Do you all want to know the best part? Dean isn’t even my boyfriend. I hired him to pretend to be mine to get all of you people off my back when it turns out, that was never going to happen. You know and maybe I did hire him but he’s been my friend all day long and I’m going to go make sure he’s okay.”
You got up and left before any of them could stop you. You jogged down the stairs and into the lobby, looking around until you headed towards the backdoor.
A hand yanked you back and covered your mouth, warm lips brushing your ear. 
“Sh. It’s me,” said Dean. “Be quiet.”
He dropped his hands away and laced your fingers together, jogging the two of you upstairs. You ducked into your own room, Dean shutting the door silently behind himself.
“What happened out there?” you asked.
“I saw a guy in the woods and he shot my phone so I hit the deck and ran. When the coast was clear, I headed back up here,” he said.
“You didn’t get your phone? We saw it moving around in the yard,” you said.
“It wasn’t me,” he said. You sat on the edge of the bed and Dean knelt down in front of you. “It’s just a bad person probably looking to rob the place or a really idiot hunter. It’ll be okay.”
“I don’t know. I just learned a whole bunch of family stuff and I’m so sorry I dragged you into this. I’ll pay you whatever you want. I-“
“Hey,” he said, cupping your cheeks. “Relax, sweetheart.”
“I’m sorry. This is-”
“I said relax. Take a deep breath,” he said. He did the motion and you followed him, Dean smiling after a few tries. “There we go. Better?”
“A little. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. It was only a phone,” he said. The lights kicked back on fully and he immediately frowned. “Y/N. Don’t cry. I promise it’s okay.”
“It’s not you. My family knows about you. I just told them. First thing in the morning I’ll drive you home and try to fix this,” you said. There was a knock at the door and Dean got up slowly.
“Y/N? You in there?” asked Jason. Dean went over to the door and cracked it open a hair. “Oh. Hey. Y/N in there?”
“What do you need Jason?” asked Dean.
“Police are out front. They caught a couple of teenagers hunting illegally,” he said. “You probably want to talk to them.”
“I’ll be down in a minute,” said Dean. “By the way, now that everything’s out in the open and all...be nicer to your sister.”
“Yeah. I sort of got that part already,” he said. “Can I talk to her?”
You shook your head and Dean turned back to the door, giving Jason a look.
“Tell her...forget it. I’ll ask the kitchen to send up your guys dinner,” he said.
“Bottle of something very alcoholic would go a long way too,” said Dean. He shut the door and ran his hands over his face. “Y/N.”
“Yeah,” you said, staring at the floor. 
“I’m going to go talk to the cops. Why don’t you take a soak in that jetted tub in there. We can have our own night, okay?” he asked. He rubbed a hand up and down your back and you turned your head towards him.
“Dean. They know I paid you. You don’t have to pretend anymore,” you said. “It’s okay. Really.”
“Maybe you paid me but you’re my friend now and you look like you had a hell of a night. I nearly got shot. So why don’t we do what friends do and have a little sleepover and get drunk. That sounds good to me,” he said.
“Thanks,” you said. You stood up and gathered some pajamas up before you headed into the bathroom, looking over your shoulder at him. He ran his hand over his face and you saw red on the back of his hand before he was on his feet and leaving. 
After a few minutes you had the tub filled and got in the water, washing your face a few times. A part of you seriously considered driving home first thing in the morning and never speaking to any of them ever again. You had more questions than answers now though and you did love them, even if you didn’t really want to at the moment.
Then there was the whole dangerous father thing that had you on edge.
“Y/N?” said Dean, knocking on the door, making you jump. “Dinner’ll be up soon. I got us some dessert too.”
“I’ll be out in a minute.”
You let yourself soak a few more minutes before you got out and dried off. You changed and walked back into the bedroom to find Dean in his pajamas, sitting on the bed with a roll of gauze in his hand. He stared up at you as you pouted.
“What happened?” you asked, taking a seat next to him, gently taking his wrist.
“Cop said I probably got grazed,” he said. “I cleaned it downstairs. I didn’t want to put on the stupid bandage.”
“Well you should, even if it’s just for the night,” you said. You reached across his lap and picked the white roll up, careful of his hand as you wrapped it for him. 
“Thanks,” he said quietly, settling his hands in his lap.
“I’m going to set the alarm for six. We can get on the road early,” you said. He raised an eyebrow at you, a soft look forming on his face. “Going home, Dean.”
“Don’t you still have a wedding?” he asked.
“I won’t make you stay. Tonight could have been so bad.”
“It was an accident. Barely an accident. I didn’t even press charges. I am fine, Y/N. I’m not running off and leaving you with these assholes on your own. You’re too nice to just ditch your sister’s wedding so I know you aren’t going anywhere so I guess I’m not either.”
“Your ex was such an idiot,” you said. Dean laughed and nodded his head.
“Yeah. I’m kinda glad things happened the way they did. I don’t think things would have worked out anyways,” he said. There was a knock at the door and a moment later Dean returned with a cart, some food and a bottle of the good scotch on top. “Well that looks expensive. Seems like your brother is trying to apologize.”
“Half-brother,” you said, standing and grabbing the bottle, pouring a triple for yourself, knocking most of it back in one go. You shivered as it burned down your throat, Dean blankly staring at you.
“Oh, have I got a story for you.”
“Wow,” said Dean an hour later, the two of you picking at the last of the ice cream pie. “I mean wow.”
“Yeah,” you said, handing the bottle over to Dean for a refill. He took a long drink, shaking his head out.
“Do you really think they hated you?” he asked.
“No. But I don’t think they liked me. I don’t know if it’s because our mom cheated or I took a share of their trust fund money or they were supposedly always having to protect me. What kind of bullshit is that by the way? Protect me? Those assholes hurt me nearly my whole life,” you said.
“You don’t have the eating disorder anymore, right?” he asked, licking the whipped cream off his fork.
“No,” you said, Dean smiling back at you. “It was just in highschool and a bit of college. The more I was on my own, the easier it was to get better.”
“Good. You’re perfect the way you are,” he said. 
“Let’s not go that far,” you said with a laugh as you rolled back on the bed, tilting your head back at him. “I think I’m kinda drunk.”
“Oh, I think that’s safe to say,” he said, taking another forkful of pie before he rolled right next to you. “At least you’re not the only one.”
“Do you like doing this?” you asked, Dean resting his chin on his hands. “Getting paid to be a date?”
“Not really. I mean, despite the nearly being shot, this is my favorite job I’ve had,” he said.
“How much is your loan?” you asked.
“Okay drunk girl, we’re not going there,” he said. 
“I had to try,” you said.
“You really don’t.”
“S’not fair. You didn’t even want that job and you got stuck with it and then you got stuck with this other job and s’not fair, Dean. You should be able to do what you want and not worry and have a girlfriend and your weekends and nights back and it’s not fair you know? I just-”
“You’re drunk and you had a bad night. No way in Hell would I take your moeny, sweetheart. I appreciate the offer, I do, but it’s my bed and I gotta lie in it. You got your own,” he said.
“Well maybe I’m just tired of sleeping alone,” you said.
“What are we talking about anymore?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” you breathed out. 
“Me either,” he said, propping himself up on his elbows. You reached across the bed and grabbed his hand, drawing shapes on his palm until he squeezed it shut around you. He pushed it away gently, quietly crawling over and looking down at you staring right back. “To be clear, I’m off the clock.”
“Okay,” you said.
He dipped his head low and kissed you, letting you cup his cheek as he very slowly broke away. He laid next to you, turning to face you, a tiny smile on your face. He returned it, closing his eyes after a moment.
“Why’d you kiss me?” you asked.
“I wanted to,” he said. “Was that okay?”
“It wasn’t not okay,” you said. “Is that okay?”
“Yeah. Just...I might do it again as a warning,” he said. 
“Okay,” you said. He moved his bandaged hand up to your face and pushed a strand of hair aside. “Why do you want to kiss me, Dean?”
“Cause I like you,” he said. “You don’t treat me like meat or make me feel bad about the fact I do this. Out of all those people, out of all your strong brothers and brother in laws and all that, you’re the one that when you thought something happened to me, you tried to come help me. You’re cute and sarcastic and I like you.”
“You don’t think I’m pathetic?”
“No. I never have. You have trust issues and so do I. I think we have more in common than what you see at the surface.”
“People don’t talk like that in real life,” you said.
“I do. If I trust the other person.”
“Can we do the rest of this trip as friends? Not as a date for hire.”
“Yeah,” he said as you took his hand and ran your thumb over the back of it. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”
You brought it up to your face and kissed it, Dean smiling.
“All better now,” he said. “You doing alright?”
“I don’t know,” you said. You jammed your face in his shoulder, Dean’s arm moving to wrap it around you. “I’m glad you’re here, Dean.”
“Me too, sweetheart.”
A/N: Read the Final Part here!
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lakeremodeling · 3 years
Home Remodeling
Address: 21752 Newvale Dr. Lake Forest, CA 92630
Phone: (949) 749-5387
Website: https://www.lakeforestremodeling.com/
Lake Forest Remodeling offers remodeling services, with a team that prides itself on customer satisfaction through access to high-quality materials and careful attention to detail.  Our crews have extensive background in construction and can handle projects of all sizes.  We are a manufacturer and distributor, which allows us to not only have direct control of the production process, ensuring the highest quality, but also the logistics, allowing us to avoid mark ups from the middle man.  As a result, we can pass on significant savings to our customers.  We also have financing options available.  We are confident in the services we provide and stand behind the quality of our work with lifetime warranties! Serving Lake Forest, California and surrounding areas in Orange County.
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Tips For Hiring A Bathtub To Showers Conversion Contractor In Lake Forest CA
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If you are considering a bathtub to showers Lake Forest CA conversion, you should look for a reliable contractor to do the job. While there are many other projects that you can successfully complete using the DIY method, a bathtub to showers conversion is one of those that you would rather leave to experts if you want the best results. The following are some tips to help you choose best expert remodelers.
One of the things you should do when looking for the right bathroom contractor for this project is determine the type of warranties that they offer. Warranties help in ensuring your satisfaction as well as long term maintenance of the bathroom. A reputable remodeling contractor will offer warranties on the products that they use as well as the services that they offer. In California, a licensed contractor is supposed to stand by their work up to a year after the project is done. So make sure that you look for a bathtub to showers Lake Forest CA conversion contractor who stands behind their work, and their products should carry warranties.
When looking for the right bathroom contractor to hire, you also need to find out if they are licensed.  A reputable contractor should carry a state or local license to ensure they have done due diligence to maintain quality of work standards.
Also remember to find out if the bathtub to showers Lake Forest CA conversion contractor that you want to hire is insured. It is important to make sure that the contractor you will choose has workers compensation insurance. If you hire a contractor that does not have this insurance, you will be on the hook to pay the medical bills for treating injured workers.
For more tips on how to hire a bathtub to showers Lake Forest CA conversion contractor, visit our website at https://www.duracarebaths.com/
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houseofremodeling9 · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to House Remodeling Services
Embarking on a house remodeling journey can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. Whether you're looking to update a single room or undergoing a full-scale renovation, understanding the scope of house remodeling services is crucial. This guide from House of Remodeling will provide you with essential insights and tips to navigate the world of home improvement, ensuring your project not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Get ready to transform your living space into a place that reflects your style and meets your functional needs!
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houseofremodelinginc · 5 months
Elevate Your Home with Expert Bathroom Remodeling Services in Lake Forest, CA
Are you envisioning a rejuvenated bathroom space that reflects your style and enhances the functionality of your home? Look no further than House Of Remodeling, your premier destination for top-notch Bathroom Remodeling Services in Lake Forest, CA, and throughout Orange County.
Read More Blog: https://houseofremodelings.blogspot.com/2024/04/elevate-your-home-with-expert-bathroom.html
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noplacecalledhome · 7 years
9 Best Hotels To Stay In Pinetop-Lakeside Arizona – Top Hotel Reviews
Pinetop-Lakeside Arizona is beautiful and has lots of hotels. Ofcourse we are only looking for the best hotels in Pinetop-Lakeside Arizona. It’s important to compare them because there are so many places to stay in Pinetop-Lakeside Arizona. You’re probably wondering where to stay in Pinetop-Lakeside Arizona. To see which hotel sounds better than the other, we created a top 9 list. The list will make it a lot easier for you to make a great decision. We know you only want the best hotel and preferably something with a reasonable price.
Our list contains 9 hotels of which we think are the best hotels in Pinetop-Lakeside Arizona right now. Still, some of you are more interested in the most popular hotels in Pinetop-Lakeside Arizona with the best reviews, and that’s completely normal! You can check out the link below.
Skip to the most popular hotels in Pinetop-Lakeside Arizona.
9 Best Hotels In Pinetop-lakeside Arizona:
Roundhouse Resort by VRI Resort
Featuring free WiFi and a hot tub, Roundhouse Resort by VRI Resort offers accommodations in Pinetop-Lakeside.Each room includes a TV. Certain accommodations feature a sitting area where you can relax. You will find a coffee machine in the room. Every room has a private bathroom.There is a shared lounge at the property.You can play racquetball at the hotel.
Staff stayed pass office hours to check us in when we got there later than expected
The facility had amenities that were perfect for the kids not too far from town beautiful rooms spaciousness overall a really good experience
We really enjoyed the variety of choices in things to do, the outdoor games, indoor pool, game room and game courts.
staff was pleasant, room was quiet, not any noise
the ambiance and lovely room and service; very nice and clean bathroom; fully equipped ktichen Thanks! Please offer another deal soon–for three days!
For more info click here.
TimberLodge Inn
Showcasing a barbecue and terrace, TimberLodge Inn is located in Pinetop-Lakeside, just 0.6 miles from Pinetop.Every room is fitted with a TV. Some rooms have a sitting area where you can relax. You will find a coffee machine in the room. The rooms are equipped with a private bathroom.There are lots of activities in the area, such as skiing and biking.
We were very pleased with the accommodations and the staff were very helpful! Would definitely return !
Room was newly remodeled, very clean and bright, comfortable beds and pillows, coffee set up and small table with chairs. Dog had plenty of room to roam around on leash, beautiful setting.
didn’t get the king bed I ask for. Dog food all over the rug in room
Property was clean & rooms very updated. Location was great.
The outside of the hotel is very nice. There is a cute little area to sit. The hotel is shaded by pines. The location is great.
For more info click here.
Holiday Inn Express and Suites Pinetop
In Pinetop, Arizona’s White Mountains, this hotel offers an indoor pool, sauna and hot tub and serves a daily hot breakfast. The Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest is 45 miles away.Free Wi-Fi and a cable TV with extended movie channels are offered in all of the contemporary guest rooms at Holiday Inn Express and Suites Pinetop. Rooms also include a microwave, a refrigerator and tea and coffee-making facilities.While staying at the Pinetop Holiday Inn Express and Suites guests can enjoy a workout in the on-site fitness center. For added convenience, a business center with fax and photocopying services and a guest laundromat are also offered on site.Hon-Dah Casino is just one mile from this hotel. White Mountain Family Fun Park is an 8 minute drive away.
We always stay here when we come up to the mountains. It’s central to everything we like to do
The room Was nice. Quiet property. The heated pool with jacuzzi and sauna was awesome.
Excellent breakfasts, rooms were very comfortable, staff very efficient and friendly.
Very enjoyable stay at Holiday Inn-Pinetop! Comfortable bed, wonderful breakfast, super clean! Breakfast lady was very friendly and accommodating!
Within 1.5 miles of bars and restaurants. Close walk to Woodland Lake park for a 2-3 mile walk to and from the park and around the lake. Great free breakfast.
For more info click here.
Best Western Inn Of Pinetop
Featuring free WiFi throughout the property, Best Western Inn Of Pinetop offers accommodations in Pinetop-Lakeside, just 1.1 miles from Pinetop.All rooms include a TV. Some rooms have a sitting area where you can relax. Each room includes a private bathroom.You will find a 24-hour front desk at the property.
Room was very clean. Breakfast was good. Location was convenient.
Breakfast was good. Room was clean and comfy. Friendly front staff.
I appreciated how clean my room was especially because I have severe allergies to dogs and cats, and although the hotel is pet friendly I had no problems in my room. So I know they really cleaned.
Convenience, room size, cleanliness, staff, facility well maintained and everything in working order
Our rooms for our group of 5 couples were close by each other.
For more info click here.
Lazy Oaks Resort
Featuring free WiFi throughout the property, Lazy Oaks Resort offers accommodations in Pinetop-Lakeside. Free private parking is available on site.Each room comes with a flat-screen TV. You will find a coffee machine in the room. All rooms have a private bathroom.
The scenery was beautiful and the cabin was roomy. Staff was friendly.
Very large, warm, comfortable, quiet. It is in need of upgrading, but it’s lived in feel is part of it’s charm. The large kitchen has everything you need, it has two bathrooms, and a big living room. I really like the place and could live happily in it for weeks. The only downside is the cleanliness. There were hairs on the bottom sheet of the bed, and the very old bathroom needs both a deep clean and replacing.
We wanted rustic, cabin-woodsy feeling, and that is what we got. The lake view is awesome, especially during winter with the snow and all. Property owner is nice, again, just a little TLC is needed.
Loved the atmosphere and just being away from the valley. It was a great get away and very peaceful laying out by the lake to read.
The yard attached to the cabin made for easy dog potty time. Area was quiet and off the main road way. Beautiful lake.
For more info click here.
Days Inn Show Low
Showcasing a seasonal outdoor pool and sun terrace, Days Inn Show Low is located in Show Low, just 11 miles from Pinetop. Guests can enjoy the on-site bar.Every room includes a private bathroom. A TV is provided.There is free shuttle service at the property.
Nice cozy property, clean rooms, and family owned since it was built. Free real breakfast with the purchase, not the traditional hotel breakfast.
The free breakfast is a plus and always good. The location is excellent. I asked for a downstairs room and that is what we got. The room was very clean. Extra pillows are always a plus. We appreciated the quiet. There was quick service on a tub plug problem. There was a good variety of channels. We used the microwave and were glad there was one.
From guest service to comfort. We stay here each time in show low. Would never stay any where else. Breakfast is the best.
We stay at Days Inn everytime we are in Show Low for the simple reason they support Law Enforcement and our veterans. Two thumbs up!
Staff was helpful and attentive. The breakfast was “cook to order” at a nearby reastaurant and was probably the best breakast that I have eaten in a long time. The resturant was a diner type. I wish we had it in my hometown!
For more info click here.
Hampton Inn & Suites Show Low-Pinetop
Set in the White Mountains of Sitgreaves National Forest, this Show Low, Arizona hotel provides easy access to major highways and features a free daily hot breakfast and modern guestrooms.Guest accommodations at the Hampton Inn and Suites Show Low-Pinetop are furnished with many thoughtful amenities, including signature Cloud Nine beds and free-high-speed internet access. The hotel also features in-room coffeemakers.Additional amenities at the Show Low Hampton Inn and Suites include an indoor swimming pool and modern fitness center. Guests can also take advantage of the on-site business center.Recreational activities, including fishing on nearby lakes and skiing at Sunrise Ski Area are available only a short drive from the Pinetop-Show Low Hampton Inn. The Petrified National Forest is also within driving distance.
The room was nice and roomy. Very comfortable beds.
Staff was wonderful. Beautiful furnishings in hotel and great view of horses!!!
Breakfast was a plus. Room was great. Service very friendly.
Great breakfast.Spacious rooms Beds are like a clouds, cookies were delicious. Everything was just right. Thank you.
The breakfast was better than most iv ever had at a hotel. Service was great at the front desk and couldnt ask for better. Very clean rooms!
For more info click here.
Holiday Inn Express Show Low
Located in Show Low in the region of Arizona, 10 miles from Pinetop, Holiday Inn Express Show Low features a hot tub and fitness center.Every room at this hotel is air conditioned and is fitted with a flat-screen TV. Certain units have a sitting area where you can relax. You will find a coffee machine in the room. Each room includes a private bathroom. For your comfort, you will find free toiletries and a hairdryer.
The staff was very cordial and helpful, the room was modern and very clean with good amenities. Also the breakfast bar was very good with many options to choose from.
We liked the gentleman at the front desk, he was very polite and on point. He got us checked in right away!
This not only met our needs, but went beyond our expectations. The staff was friendly and helpful. The manager was available and was able to assist us with a personal problem. I would highly recommend this hotel and will stay here when we are in Show Low.
The hotel was clean. Breakfast had a great variety and it was good. The hotel is in walking distance to restaurants.
Be forewarned…..you’re going to get a GREAT night’s sleep in their super comfy beds! Plenty of pillows provides that option to find the right comfort spot! GREAT hotel with my highest recommendation!
For more info click here.
Super 8 Show Low
Featuring free WiFi throughout the property, Super 8 Show Low offers accommodations in Show Low, just 11 miles from Pinetop. Free private parking is available on site.Every room at this hotel is air conditioned and features a flat-screen TV. Every room comes with a private bathroom. For your comfort, you will find free toiletries and a hairdryer.There is a 24-hour front desk at the property.
Nice location. Woods to walk dog in adjoining property.
The location was very nice. Hotel clean. The bed wasn’t as comfortable as I would like but the value was very good.
Close to everything. Free basic breakfast. Room seemed clean.
It’s was clean, they have a pool and breakfast. Property is nicely kept..
Check in was a 20 minute wait for customer in front of me. Front desk person most unfriendly. Saw several dogs on property and in rooms but have a no pet policy???? Room was fairly quiet.
For more info click here.
Top Hotels In Pinetop-lakeside Arizona Conclusion:
The above is a top selection of the best hotels to stay in Pinetop-Lakeside Arizona to help you with your search. We know it’s not that easy to find the best hotel because there are just so many places to stay in Pinetop-Lakeside Arizona but we hope that the above-mentioned tips have helped you make a good decision.
We also hope that you enjoyed our top ten list of the best hotels in Pinetop-Lakeside Arizona. And we wish you all the best with your future stay!
Related links:
https://www.noplacecalledhome.com/top-10-best-disney-items-for-women-top-reviews/ https://www.noplacecalledhome.com/top-10-best-marine-items-for-boats-top-reviews/
The post 9 Best Hotels To Stay In Pinetop-Lakeside Arizona – Top Hotel Reviews appeared first on The Seversons.
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disneygeekcom · 5 years
In November 2019 I made my second visit to Disneyland Paris.  This trip I stayed in a Compass Club room at Disney’s Newport Bay Club for 8 nights with a standard view.  The hotel is located on Lake Disney and is a short walk to the Disney Village and under 15 minute walk to the theme parks.  There is also a free shuttle bus to the train station area, where you then have a shorter walk to the parks.  Disney’s Newport Bay Club is a four star resort which places it between the three star Sequoia Lodge and five star Disneyland Hotel alongside the other four star Hotel New York at Disneyland Paris.    For a look around the hotel here are some picture posts looking around the Disney’s Newport Bay Club Lobby & Pool as well as at the Bay Boutique at Disney’s Newport Bay Club.
The Compass Club offers additional amenities similar to a concierge level that regular rooms do not, see below for a listing and then some of my thoughts on them.  Disney’s Newport Bay Club was completely renovated in 2016 so the rooms and common spaces were relatively new during my visit.
Below are listing of the standard amenities and Compass Club additional amenities
Standard Amenities
Luggage service
Hair dryer
Free Wifi access
Free Baby Cot (Limited to 1 per room. Subject to availability and/or upon request at the Hotel)
Kettle (upon request)
Disney and International TV Channels
Air conditioning
Breakfast buffet not included
Safety deposit box
  Compass Club Amenities (In Addition to Standard Amenities)
Private reception desk
Access to the exclusive Compass Club Lounge for private breakfast, drinks and afternoon snacks.
Luggage service
Tea and espresso coffee available
American buffet breakfast from 7 am to 11 am
Disney Hotel Fastpass (Compass Club rooms)
Sweet and savoury snacks from 4pm to 5.30pm
Bath robes (upon request)
Slippers (upon request)
Our Standard View Compass Club Room
Compass Club rooms are on the top floors of the central part of the building so your walk to the elevators is relatively short.  Our room was located on the 8th (top) floor in the dead center looking out over the front entrance of the hotel.  We were the furthest from both sets of elevators you could get and it was not bad, below is the floor map for reference.
The view over the front lawn of the resort and the area beyond was nice for a standard view option.  Here are more pictures of my Standard Room View @ Disney’s Newport Bay Club  Given the amount of daylight hours we were planning to spend in the room it did not make sense to pay a premium for the lake view rooms to us.  Below are some pictures of the room.  For a more here is a post with pictures of our standard view Compass Club Room at Disney’s Newport Bay Club
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View from our room
The Desk Area
Disneyland Paris – Newport Bay Club Room
An LCD TV is mounted in the dressor
The room standing near the entrance
Bathroom sink area
A small closet area features the in room safe
Robes and Slippers are a Compass Club Amenity
My biggest complaint with the room was the shower.  First it only had glass on about 1/3 to ½ of it  and the glass was short so water could go everywhere.   Then there were temperature control issues.  It could not hold a steady temp.  It would fluctuate from what you wanted to ice cold to scolding hot during your shower.  Also the head on ours did stay up so you had a choice of a shower for a 4ft tall person , holding it, or getting a little creative and wedging something in to hold it up high.
The Shower Area
There were some Disney touches in the room. The border around the room featured some characters and the bedspreads included Mickey designs.
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Bed Spread Close-Up
Hotel First Impressions
Disney’s Newport Bay Club reminds me a lot of Disney’s Yacht & Beach Club Resorts at Walt Disney World.  Both resorts were designed by Robert Stern and feature a New England look/feel to them.   The similarities only extend to the exterior and feel, the rooms and interiors are different.     The exterior facing Lake Disney is impressive to walk up to and the parking lot side has some nice planters/gardens too.  The interior of the resort has a slightly upscale feel to it but not quite to the same level as the Yacht Club at WDW.   I felt the resort was lacking common interior spaces to relax in.  The lobby felt small and a bit cramped and there were very few public spaces to visit outside of dining locations.
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As with all the hotels at Disneyland Paris security is very present including large security barriers at the driveways and all bags are x-rayed to enter and guests wanded.
This is a four star resort and it was nice but I am not sure it was substantially better than the Sequoia Lodge we stayed at last time which is considered a three star resort.  The rooms were remodeled only 3 years before our stay but felt a bit dated. The television was on the small side and there were no USB power ports for example.  Power outlets were at a premium in general.  The beds were comfortable and the size of the room was sufficient.   The desk was on the small side with my laptop taking up the entire desk with no real space around it.   There was only one chair in the room at the desk.
We opted not to do a vacation package like our first trip and instead purchase our park tickets and food separately from the room.  We went this route because of pricing.  Even with the specials/discounts the price for a package with half board or full board was substantially more than if we went on our own.  Instead we decided to splurge for the Compass Club level.  In the end this saved us a substantial amount of money but we did find ourselves opting to skip eating in the park and venture out to the Disney Village where as with the dining plan last trip we were more willing to try a location.
Thoughts & Observations on Amenities:
Free Wifi – This is the only standard amenity I want to comment on since it is important now a days. The wifi was troublesome.   When the parks were open and guests were out it worked good. You had ok speeds and no real hiccups.  But once the parks closed and guests returned to the resort the speeds slowed to a crawl and many times just stopped working.  This was a daily occurrence and was a bit frustrating.  Also if your plan was to stream anything, good luck.    I had mixed results with streaming even during the daytime hours with guests gone or early morning hours when most guests were asleep.
Compass Club Private Reception Desk is located to the right as soon as you enter the hotel.
Private reception desk (7am to 10:30pm) – The Compass Club desk was just to the right when you walked in the front door of the hotel. This was very convenient for checking in and was much nicer than the Sequoia Lodge Golden Forest Club check in area. The cast members working there were very friendly and helpful the couple times we interacted with them.   This reception desk doubles as the concierge desk too as the cast members are there to help you with anything you need during your stay.  This is a bit awkward as the desk is located nowhere near your room nor near the lounge.   The check in and check out process was  smooth and we encountered no delays.  We had to do this process twice since when we booked the room they would not allow for more than 7 nights on one reservation and we wanted 8 nights so we had to break it into two reservations and then link them.  It meant halfway through the trip we had to check out and in but we were able to keep the same room so it was just a few minutes of paperwork and nothing more.
The Compass Club Lounge is on the lobby level
Access to the exclusive Compass Club Lounge for private breakfast, drinks and afternoon snacks – The Compass Club Lounge was a located on the lobby level of the hotel. It was in a bit of an awkward location being on the main level and nowhere near your room and in the middle of a busy common/public walkway.    The lounge is on the interior of the building so there are no windows or views.   I would have really liked to have seen it on a higher floor looking out over Lake Disney.  Out of the Disney Hotels we have stayed at I thought the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel Magic Kingdom Club had the best lounge and view.
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Compass Club Breakfast
Each morning from 7am to 11am what they described as an American buffet breakfast was served in the Compass Club Lounge.  I thought the options were typical for a breakfast buffet and on par with what we experienced at the Sequoia Lodge last visit.  My biggest complaint with the breakfast is it never changed.  You had the same choices every day.  For a four star resort I would expect a little variety maybe Mickey waffles one day, pancakes another, French toast a third or something.  Here are a couple pictures to get a feel for the breakfast.  For more visit this post Newport Bay Club Compass Club Breakfast or the full picture sets (Day 2,  Day 3, Day 7) which have an exhaustive look at the offerings.
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Compass Club Soft Drinks
From noon until 10pm daily there were soft drinks available in the Compass Club Lounge.  A cast member was on hand by the refrigerator and an assortment of Coke products were available.  It was nice to be able to have something to drink when coming back from the parks.  Also several days I carried something with me to the parks.   The selection also included several Minute Maid juices which I ended up taking the night before and having at breakfast the next morning because I was not a fan of the fresh juice choices with breakfast.
Compass Club Lounge Tea Time
From 4:00pm to 5:45pm daily the Compass Club Lounge hosted a tea time with sweet and savoury snacks.  I did not find a lot at this offering that I cared for and only attended it once. Others in the group went a couple other days and said the selection was the same.  It is a light dessert/snack offering.  Not a full meal or even heavy snack type selection.  Also beverages were limited as it was a tea offering plus sodas and not a cocktail hour offering .
Below are some pictures here is a picture post – Compass Club at Disney’s Newport Bay Club daily tea time or visit the full picture set from Day 1 for a more in depth look the offerings.
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Cold Beverage Selection
Disney Hotel Fastpass – Each person received a paper voucher for each day you are there that you could exchange at any Fastpass attraction.  The vouchers are dated and supposed to be good only on that one day but we found cast members would accept them with no problem any time.  Also interesting since we had two reservations on the day we had to check out and in we received two sets of vouchers.  In the end we came home with quite a few vouchers because they were not needed.  We experienced the attractions we wanted, several a couple of times and still had vouchers left.
I had a great stay at Disney’s Newport Bay Club.  The hotel grounds were pleasant, the room what we expected and the Compass Club level a nice extra.   The level of service and amenities were on par with what we experienced at the Sequoia Lodge last visit and similar to other concierge level offerings.  I thought they fell short compared to higher end concierge floors though.   For example there were no extra activities, such as bed time stories or character greetings.   The concierge cast members did not feel as accessible because of the location of their desk.   The breakfast offering was good but the food selection the rest of the day was extremely limited compared to other hotels we have stayed at.  Having the lounge separated from the rooms and on the main walkway was not ideal.
Frequently Asked Questions (since returning I have received some questions in the same vein, here is a running list, feel free to submit a question via a comment to the post, email, tweet, etc.)
Is the Compass Club worth it? That is really in the eye of the beholder and the deal you can get on the rooms.   You pay a premium for Compass Club rooms but if you find a decent deal and factor in breakfast and beverages it may be worthwhile to you.  We choose to go with a Compass Club room over a better view and thought it was a good choice for us.
How would you compare your experience with the Sequoia Lodge to Newport Bay Club? The experiences were very similar to me.  Nothing jumps out as substantially better or worse at one vs the other.  Neither hotel, location, or club experience stood out as far superior to the other.    It really comes down to which hotel would you prefer staying at.  There is a cost difference with the Newport Bay slightly more expensive.  We did not really use the resort facilities so hard to comment if it was worth it from that perspective.
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