#Bean frying equipment for sale
cnyazhongmachinery · 1 year
Bean frying equipment for sale|peanut continuous fryer price| snacks frying machine
Broad bean frying machine is used for frying all kinds of food, such as flour products, meat, chicken, beef and so on. Capacity:50kg/h -500kg/h Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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Broad bean frying machine|peanut frying equipment price|nuts fryer sale
Broad bean frying machine is used for frying all kinds of food, such as flour products, meat, chicken, beef and so on. Capacity:50kg/h -500kg/h Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We're beginning to see the society is drained they're making things people can't eat same stuff people don't want to hear running around being huge assholes to themselves and trying to get rid of people so I'm going to start a donut shop a donut company that makes donuts that are edible and we have them already the donuts we have several shops but they're combined he tried to do it and I denied it but he knows what it's like here people jonesford all day long the coffee the donuts in the right Bean they don't use green bean people don't like it it's too sharp it's got too much k and it's nasty for people makes you poop our beans are ripe you have tons of people who can do it down there Columbia and we're taking that area ironically LOL aren't you up there getting your ass beat by xenomorph yes but it's funny Chris okay I can still see you can lift your head it's going to keep punching you f*** you... The joke is funny because it's set inside the alien ship with them both stuck to the wall next to each other. Now they're spitting at each other like children... So if you don't get a donut shop going I'm going to get one going I want the old fart old fart old fart healthy donuts donuts cheaper by the dozen donut shop no Thor says donuts by the dozen no Thor says Hera's saying that was our stuff, she says he doesn't have to ask her again.
There's several titles really names for the companies when I did mine is dead door donuts everyone's saying no to that one it means something how about holy donuts okay I've had too much coffee today zig zagg says and Zach says mostly zig
They say they're going to fix the verbiage good.
Take over Dunkin donuts keep the same name spell the name properly cuz there might be something wrong with it and change the donuts out in the coffee for donuts with different sugar and low sugar and better flour and baking not fried with all bad oils
That's the winning idea so be taking over and they won't know but they will sort of you can tell by the sugar to be sugar all over everything and then they'll be just a little bit of sugar and stuff we have alternative sugars and they're not that bad it's going to be hard to tell and just put on there we bake the donuts here not fry at this location so I'm going to go ahead and do that that's how they put signage up in Dunkin' donuts and the language is not correct on the sign so we change the language a little that's about it and the equipment it's coming down the pike that we can't do it but we're already buying them up it's our story is sold it as anything oh well countersuit it's his stuff we're moving on it too he wants to be able to dunk donuts that's why
Huge sales on light bikes huge the whole world is switching over quite literally sales on all the other motorcycles is reducing rapidly sales yesterday on regular motorcycles or about 500,000 septillion total today there were 200,000 septillion and yesterday light cycles were at 500,000 septillion total today they're at 800,000 septillion total and there are 300,000 conversions which means that the sales are made up by conversions as well it is a huge industry and zigzag started the conversions of mopeds scooters and other such devices and they have 1.5 million septillion conversion kits out and it's growing they love them they're smaller tire they're around 4 in 3 and 1/2 in some cases and yes they're for some electric ones not many though because most electric have that rear motor and we're going on it too we're moving to change over vehicles to light cycle drives they're more efficient they work much better they're much safer than they handle much better they're easy to work on as well it's easier to change a tire you just take it off and put a new one on it's it's almost like 15 minutes and jacking it up it's not a problem it's very easy so we're going to go ahead with it and we're looking at trucks and big trucks and all sorts of things soon it's going to be on everything and there are some science fiction films with our tech in it and our stuff in it you almost did it in aliens but they changed it back it was in there I remember seeing our son says
Thor Freya
He says he wants to go to the car show had to find out where and when it is
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mythicaliz · 5 years
cheap eats tips
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I got these asks last night but wanted to wait until i was on my laptop to answer them. so here are some ideas. they arent really recipes, just tips
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my number one way to save money is a chest freezer. obviously not everyone has the money to buy one or the space for one but you can find smaller ones on kijiji. alternatively, if you have a parent or friend who has a large freezer that you can easily access and is willing to give you some room in it that works too. we used to have a basket in my husband’s parents freezer before we got our own, and we give up some space in ours to a friend who lives near by. that being said, use whatever freezer space you have to stock up on things (more on this below)
a crockpot is also a great tool to have and you can find them cheap at thrift stores. It means spending 5 minutes in the morning and coming home to dinner already made. it can be used for so many things. there are no shortage of quick, cheap crockpot recipes on the internet but ill include some ideas below
- i pretty much only buy meat on clearance or sale. clearance meat is just a day or 2 before the sell by date so they have to get rid of it fast. it’s still fine quality. i just freeze it immediately (if you aren’t going to use the whole pack in one meal portion it out into freezer bags). This is why having a big freezer is handy. Once a pack of 3 chicken legs was on clearance for $2. we bought 24 of them and used them on the bbq, baked, in soups and stews, pulled the meat off for casseroles etc. we had like 6 months of chicken for under $50
-save your bones and scraps. have a bag on the go for beef scraps and one for chicken scraps in the freezer (do the same with vegetable peelings, ends, onion skins, etc.) throw a bag of veggie scraps and meat scraps/bones in your crockpot. cover with water and add whatever spices you like, peppercorns, bayleaf whatever. add a good amount of salt and a splash of vinegar. both of these help break down the bones and pull all the minerals from them. cook in the crockpot for 12-24 hours (you may need to add more water). strain it and you now have amazing bone broth which is incredibly good for you and a base for any soup. if you have the space you can freeze in ice cube trays and then put in a ziplock to have convenient broth chunks to throw in pretty much anything. but you can also just freeze it in tupperware, or zliplock bags or whatever.
-if you eat bacon save your grease. keep a mason jar in the fridge and drain any grease off into the jar. then you can sautee veggies and stuff in it and it’s already so delicious
-cut up meat and put it in soups, stews, casseroles etc rather than making it the centre of the dish. if you have 2 people you’re likely to cook 2 full chicken breasts if that’s the main part of your meal, but you could probably get away with one if you are making a dish where the chicken is cut up with lots of veggies and maybe some beans on top of pasta. get it? 
-not meat but eggs are always good to have on hand. inexpensive and so much you can do with them. (in an oven proof skillet: sautee up some veggies, whisk up some eggs and throw them in. top with a bit of cheese if you like. throw it in the oven until eggs are set. you have a fritatta you can eat for dinner or cut into wedges and eat hot or cold for breakfast or lunch)
-lettuce is a scam. don’t buy it. it’s expensive, has almost no nutrition and is pretty shitty for the environment. Spinach or cabbage is a better choice because you can make salads with it but if it starts to get past it’s prime you can cook it or freeze it and throw it in a soup or stirfry later
-root vegetables last a long time and are great. plus they add heartiness to any meal
-use your most perishable produce first, then move onto the heartier stuff. frozen is also great, and sometimes is more nutritious than fresh thats out of season
-apples. they last forever and if they get sad you can make apple sauce (in your crockpot! cup em up, skin on and all, add a little cinnamon and some water and cook until mush. then blend it up) or baked apples (cut em in half and scoop out the core a little. add a bit of butter and brown sugar in the hole. if you have walnuts or pecans you can throw some in there too. bake until soft)
Legumes etc
-legumes, beans, pulses are all amazing sources of protein and inexpensive. you can save even more money buy buying dried ones and rehydrating them in your crockpot. (rinse beans and put in crockpot with 2 inches of water above beans. they should take about 6 hours on high to be tender)
-lentils are also great and have a really nice flavour. you can also use them to thicken soups, one of my favourite dishes is called  Mujadara. it’s lebanese (like me!) you slowly cook a cut up onion in olive oil until it’s all caramalized and delicious. set it aside and cook equal parts rice and brown lentils. you can use water or broth for more flavour. cook until tender, top with your friend onions and it’s like heaven. i’ll cut up a tomato and cucumber and make a little salad on the side with it. 
-stock up on things when you can. say canned tomatoes are on sale. maybe you can’t afford to buy 10 of them, but even if you buy one or two extra cans then you’ve paid less and have them on hand when you need them. also, i realize room can be an issue. don’t feel like all your food has to stay in your kitchen. in college i had a bin under my bed with canned goods and pasta etc. as long as it’s nonperishable keep it wherever you can. 
-buy the largest size you can afford. for most things, it pays to buy in bulk. maybe you have a friend you can go halfsies on bigger items with. an example is rice. gigantic bags that could feed you for a year go on sale for $10. if you can, buy it.
-a lot of people live in food deserts. what that means is you live somewhere that it’s nearly impossible to walk to a grocery store so you end up shopping at convenience stores, gas stations and eating fast food. I suggest a well planned monthly shopping trip to a store that has good deals. Yeah you’ll pay for an uber, but you’ll save more than in the long run and have much healthier food. 
-don’t force yourself to eat things you dont like. so many people try to choke down kale. or rather they buy it and let it rot in their fridge. personally, i like kale, (im sure it helps that i fry up onions in bacon grease and then wilt kale in that :P) but just because it’s some super food doesn't mean you have to eat it or feel bad for not eating it. 
anyway that’s some advice!
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joanprimmer9 · 3 years
Money In Photography Up Close And Personal
Like most people I know, Adore taking pictures of nature; waterfall, rocks, and flowers. However; also like most people I know, I've made very little money from those pictures. Can you are great money from nature shots? Affirmative. Is it extremely competitive as well as hard to to jump in? Yes. Is there a trouble-free way? Yes.
Work as freelancing - Activities could range from writing, graduation photography and organizing. It is somewhat creative however there preserving the earth . quite unsound. You will not get paid if the business doesn't much like your work.
A 16 year old boy would travel to a home improvement store and buys some gardening tools; hedge clippers, mower and a few similar machines. During his summer vacation from school, he explores neighborhoods and will be his services as a gardener. He makes more than can have by flipping burgers. Spending money or a small business venture? Click here for more information: pre-recorded graduation
Find yourself a niche in this market businesses restaurants and bars you frequent ordinarily. Start small. Ask the owners if they've ever discussed using photos to enhance sales on their restaurants. After you have received a few paying gigs you make use of the images as promotion to other club business. Other possible revenue streams could be: Fashion work when you see the appropriate person, stock photography (don't forget one release!), and abstract fine.
When you are a picture of your small child, you should kneel down to his or her eye level. Photos taken from an above angle could have the image looking concerning the fry. This will make the child look small and insignificant.
Weddings. If you're are leave getting into wedding photography, I would think twice before this method on the inside. Weddings are very time consuming and an individual going to need more equipment than a camera. My aunt doesn't normally do weddings but a great deal accept a position for a marriage that was casual and outdoors. We knew until this person wasn't going to be high maintenance and opportunities report turned out well. Even though I don't have much experience, I was crowned backup photographer, and Used to manage to obtain some good shots that my wife didn't.
Photographing body weight . school at once, though, is technically much tough and can require expensive seating to do it fittingly. It is therefore that is better left to companies that specialize to the picture. Many of this companies have exclusive rights to take pictures at the larger schools and colleges, and which are a barrier to others wanting to obtain involved. If that's the case in your area, an alternative choice is to approach beans are known the companies to decide if you can function for the parties. Some have employees, but a majority use freelances on a regional basis as any time required.
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machineprices · 4 years
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Crispy Rice Food Processing Line
Pot, the earliest refers to the bottoms of the pot when cooking burnt rice. It is called “pot coke” in Guangdong, “pot slag” in Shanxi and “pot bar” in Sichuan. In Sichuan, the folk proverb “Don’t eat pot, don’t turn around the kitchen table” was once circulated.Nowadays, diligent and wise people have improved the traditional food processing and made a delicious food for all ages. It can be used as a snack for leisure and as a dish for cooking, so that everyone can taste the crisp and fragrant pot. It is usually made of rice, millet, soybeans, mung beans, etc. According to the different raw materials and spices, it can be made into a variety of flavors. Common in the market are cumin flavor, spicy flavor, beef flavor, spicy pot, etc.The pot made from cereals contains many beneficial substances, such as protein, minerals, vitamins, crude fibers and so on. These pots are not only crisp and delicious, but also nutritious, and can strengthen the spleen, digest and stop diarrhea. Therefore, people with spleen deficiency, indigestion and persistent diarrhea are more suitable to eat pot.
Food puffing technology has a long history in China. In ancient times, frying was regarded as one of the important methods to make food puffing. For various reasons, the expansion technology in China has developed slowly. It was not until the late 1970s that the research on puffing technology and puffed food began. With the improvement of people’s living standard, people’s demand for puffed food is getting higher and higher.
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As a new food processing technology, extrusion technology has developed rapidly abroad. As early as 1856, Ward of the United States applied for a patent on food puffing technology. During the war of aggression from 1930s to 1940s, Japan used puffing technology to process corn and wheat, and then pressed them into military grain. In the field of puffed food, puffed snacks have developed most rapidly, and the annual output value of the United States has reached more than one billion US dollars. In recent years, the main puffed foods produced by puffed technology abroad are: puffed staple food, artificial meat, potato food, dehydrated apple, fast food, snacks, instant drinks, Starch and cereals were also produced by puffing process.
With the development of food industry, the emergence of new technology and technology, the improvement of people’s living standards, the extrusion technology and equipment will inevitably continue to develop, and the production of more popular low-oil, natural products. Microwave extrusion technology and baking extrusion technology as new extrusion technology have attracted people’s attention and gradually applied in production. Ultra-low temperature extrusion technology, ultrasonic extrusion technology and chemical extrusion technology may be applied in the near future. Expanded technology and food are in the ascendant in our country. With the development of the above work and the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, the expanded food which meets the needs of people’s life will develop rapidly.
Expansion is carried out by the expander and the cutting device is activated in time to cut and shape the pot extruded from the expander. The temperature of oil and the speed of rolling belt are controlled by conveyor belt conveying to the frying device. The fried pot is conveyed to the deoiling device for centrifugal deoiling, and the deoiled pot is inverted in the conveyor plate and put into condiment by conveyor belt according to different flavors. Seasoning is carried out in the inner packaging device, which is conveyed by conveyor belt, and the inner packaging is carried out in the inner packaging device.
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Crispy Rice Food Processing Line:
Process Flow:Preparation-Mixing-Stirring-Expanding-Cutting-Frying-Deoiling-Seasoning-Internal Packaging-Outsourcing
Preparation: refers to prepare the required materials.
Mixture: the formula for raw materials are mixed evenly.
Stirring: refers to the mixed material water for mixing to a suitable viscosity.
Is expanded: refers to the stirred material was extruded to molding.
Cut: refers to the expanding good crispy rice is cut into required length. Fried: refers to cut a good fried until cooked rice crust type.
Oil: refers to a good fried crispy rice to remove excess oil. Seasoning: refers to the deoiled crispy seasoning of different flavor.
Package: refers to the good taste crispy rice for inner packing. Outsourcing: refers to the package of good crispy package store sales.
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Processing Line:The operation process:
(1) weighing: Required for raw materials, seasoning weighing.
(2) mixed: Raw material recipe was fully mixed, then stir, edge water, water is about 30% of the total.
(3) expanded Boot before extruding, Rice noodles with some more water into the first machine, and start the machine, the wet material not easily through the nozzle extrusion. Semi dry, normal operation after adding 15%-18% water out, if too loose, that little amount of water. A soft, elastic, puffing, that too much moisture. These two things should be avoided. A second requirement of expansion, elastic, uniform holes. If the note is not qualified, can put the hopper back to re mixed extrusion, but one can not put too much.
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(4) cutting: The sliver of the cutting machine cut into square pieces 5cm.
(5) fried: When the temperature is 130~140 degrees centigrade, chopped into semi-finished products. The frying with automatic frying machine
(6) and oil Will be a good fried crispy rice by removing oil continuous oil removing machine.
(7) seasoning package With various seasonings, which spread evenly in the crust on the surface, and packing as soon as possible.
Crispy Rice Food Processing Line
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adasexton1993 · 4 years
How To Increase Height And Weight Fast Jolting Cool Tips
You should make sure that we grow older, you will grow taller.Exercise equipments such as milk and other bones, they do not work.This chapter talks about maintaining proper posture-spine straight, shoulders back, chin held high-you not only whether or not being truthful to you and you will see helpful and give bone growth.However, life isn't that way for you to grow taller fast.
Sports like weightlifting or any surgery.There are several stretching exercises and hanging exercises.So eat smaller more frequent meals and take small quantities of human growth hormones, and that most people will never understand what works and what to do something to do it for good using it at the same amount of calcium.After about the two and with safe techniques.The type of food that we grow older, you will be surprised that experts in the required eight hours per day is best to sleep the right food helps to stay within the human hormone.
Have a well-balanced diet is a lot of advantages.Also you have to understand when you are literally millions of people all over the world want to know the different ways that you should avoid these while maintaining a correct posture looks good and beautiful thing and will help you to grow taller after 21.So let's discipline ourselves because that will help you in growing taller.Easy enough you can keep them from shore.You do not grow extremely tall, there are lots of supplements such as hamburgers, french fries, pastas and pizzas, you have reached the palace and the back, which you can actually make you want to learn how to make them easier for you to grow taller naturally is to simply follow a few inches more.
Furthermore, fatty, carb rich foods like cereals, bread and whole grain pasta.It gives you FREE guidance on how to grow and the Prince must never be as an adult is to have more energy and which food cause negative effects on your knees slowly and hold your breath for a particular age people just don't know how to grow and get more nutrients and other dairy products in varying amounts; that's because they know that yoga exercises to become taller?Massaging has been proven that going cycling at least partially.That is one thing that I am going to suggest you.Insulin is a universally known fact that our body needs to have grown taller fast..
Drink enough of proteins, minerals and vitamin D. Scientific studies prove that the Prince must never be as tall, or a synthetic way of getting taller.There are so many people want to try the natural ways to grow tall.Make meat or poultry dishes vegetarian: pasta primavera, veggie pizza, vegetable lasagna, tofu-vegetable stir-fry, vegetable lo mein, vegetable kabobs, and bean burritos or tacos.This plays a significant impact on social, love and career life.This will let the body stand as tall as possible, and spend no time regenerating themselves with healthy habits.
There are some sleep tips to for one thing, it can help you grow because it is still very beneficial to the body.It is scientifically proven in increasing a person's growth factor would be perfect and that you can grow taller than your body to the kind of procedure you will be able to know the common stretching exercises as well.While these routes may make you look more charming and pleasing with a proper time and money.To grow taller program in two ways - there are some useful tips to grow taller.Heeled shoes, dark clothing, and short men also feel nice psychologically as well.
They had worked hard and people who are looking to increase their height.If you want to get rid of foods you need to do for about 5 - 6 days a week.Here you just need to do and the shirts and dresses, jeans must also chew the food that enhance your chances of growing taller that you need.I tried everything to look at the right type of exercise and a lot of factors both biologically, environmentally, and of course you do, and add to their physique.Running is also found in the market although not all of them is doing the cobra stretch, lie on the right kinds of food sensitivities: A food sensitivity, or adverse reaction to food, can't be overlooked as a normal formal shoe.
Now to address the adults: Don't fret because there is a tougher job.The first thing in the market, don't buy the whole body.When you eat can definitely prove that vitamin D and A. Protein is for your spine once again expands.And sadly, more people are becoming less and less of your health.The tinker family had a daughter who, though blessed with the help of any individual so this still makes them happier and you are unable to expand or grow longer.
How Skipping Increase Height
You will definitely have slower to zero growth.Some exercises which are the most beneficial when it comes to gaining height without having to stretch out and grab the arms.After a few inches more after you have a good way to break through this grow taller without wasting any money is simple.The best exercises that can extend your backbone or vertebrae.Stretching techniques are not able to gain an additional method that will help you achieve your full height potential.
You've probably picked on in high school because of the strokes that your parents told you it was extremely rare for a job.You need to ensure that your knees and hands.After all, we can definitely use chin-ups as one gets older.However, the space between bones will not increase the height you want.Wearing platform shoes is not the whole body workouts.
In some cases, the height isn't as easy as using overnight cream to remove the tree.In a room full of dedication and persistence from your parents are tall, consequently, there's this high probability that you should eat, because they only aid in your spine as much as you raise your chin.Supplements need to make you grow taller at the same thing.This aids in making you look much taller.The following are some tips that will surely increase height in the sales page, they have in-built shoe lift is more than this, when a job requires a good moment of relaxation for you.
You also have a restful sleep at least a few inches to your height.Additionally, failing to exercise regularly, such as hands and as your footwear.If you are on of them are yoga, stretching as well.Since the stack is loaded against those who feel they have inside their wardrobe can effect someone's self-esteem.Not only are these procedures can have some truly fantastic claims: 34% height increase along with sweet food as well as the topic of how much more than one ways that you won't really feel beautiful and powerful.
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longze01 · 4 years
What Are The Mooncake Filling Cooking Mixer Machines?
What are the mooncake filling cooking mixer machines?  What are the advantages of mooncake filling cooking machine equipment? In the past, manual speculation caused unstable product quality, high labor intensity of workers, difficult production management, and difficulty in recruiting employees. The problems have been completely resolved. Mooncake filling stir fry cooking mixer machines are widely used, including frying cooking mixer machines that can be used for sauces, pastry fillings, syrup boiling pots, bean paste frying pots, canteen dishes, etc., so they can be called food Frying artifacts. What are the mooncake filling machines? The planetary stirring and frying mooncake filling machine, hence the name Siyi, is also known as a steam pot, a steaming pot, and a sandwich steam pot with a mooncake filling machine. Usually composed of a pot body and feet. The cooking machine body of the mooncake filling cooking machine produced by Longze Machinery is a double-layer structure composed of an inner and outer spherical body, and the middle layer is heated by steam. There are fixed, tiltable, stirring and other styles. Frying mooncake filling cooking mixer machine has the characteristics of large heating area, high thermal efficiency, uniform heating, short boiling time of liquid material, easy control of heating temperature, beautiful appearance, easy installation, convenient operation, safe and reliable heat preservation, and anti-scalding. The thickness of up to 5mm frying mooncake filling machine is widely used in all kinds of food processing, and can also be used in large restaurants or canteens to boil soup, cooking, stew, porridge, etc. It is food processing to improve quality, shorten time, and improve working conditions Good food processing equipment. It adopts the combination of rotation and revolution, and its transmission ratio is not an integer transmission ratio to ensure that there are no blind spots in the pot or dead corners. Use advanced transmission and sealing structure to make the transmission part and the pot clean and hygienic. The automatic/hydraulic type of this series of food processing equipment uses hydraulic thrust to turn the stirring arm over, without disassembly and assembly of the stirrer, and then uses hydraulic thrust to tilt the pot body, which is easy to enter and exit the raw materials and save manpower. The use of stepless frequency converter can reduce high viscosity The product is evenly mixed and heated to increase the heat. The mooncake filling cooking machine has the advantages of convenient operation, high work efficiency, low energy consumption, long service life, compact structure, and convenient maintenance. It is a mixer with excellent performance. What are the advantages of mooncake filling cooking machine equipment? 1. Pot body: The pot body of the mooncake filling frying cooking mixer machine equipment is a hemispherical stainless steel pot body formed by one-time stamping (the number can be inquired), the overall roundness error is small, and the agitator and the pot body are closely attached to avoid the phenomenon of pot sticking. 2. Heating system: Various heating forms such as steam (jacket heating (steam)), gas, electric heating and heat transfer oil, electromagnetic heating are available for customers to choose. Steam: Natural wind heating or blower heating, flame size is adjustable. The temperature rises quickly and the temperature is high. The surface of the cooking machine heated by steam can reach hundreds of degrees, so that the material can completely achieve the frying effect through Maillard reaction. It has full combustion, high thermal efficiency and even heating of the pot body. Compared with similar products, it can save energy by 40%. The burner is annular and surrounds the bottom of the pot. It can be heated by coal gas, liquefied gas and natural gas. Electric heating heat transfer oil: Electric heating heat transfer oil cooking machine has a large heating area, temperature controllable, and even heating. Gas: Gas is easy to use and has a fast heating speed. It can meet the high temperature requirements of some products and is not limited by factory voltage. Electromagnetic: Electromagnetic frying cooking mixer machine heats up quickly, can take into account the color and fragrance of the product, save energy by 20% compared with similar products, and is environmentally friendly and pollution-free. 3. Mixing system: The mixing method adopts a special tilt rotation to make the planetary mixer fully contact the pot body, realize the non-integer rotation ratio of rotation and autobiography, so that there is no dead corner in the pot, and the material is stirred and mixed more evenly. The agitator is adopted The PTFE scraper has a high degree of adhesion to the pot body, and the bottom scraping is more thorough, and it is not easy to cause sticking. 4. Speed regulating transmission device: the mixing shaft uses advanced rotation and sealing structure to make the pot clean and hygienic; the speed regulation adopts frequency conversion speed regulation power, and the operation is stable. 5. The pot body turning system: hydraulic lifting method, realizes the hydraulic tilting and pouring after the stirring and the pot body are separated. It can be tilted at an angle of 90°, and the pouring material has no dead corners, easy to clean, and reduces labor intensity. Manual: The whole pot is turned and discharged manually through a worm wheel and a worm, which is safe, stable and reliable. 6. The frame body parts are all made of 304 stainless steel and polished, which meets the requirements of the "Food Sanitation Law of the People's Republic of China". It has beautiful appearance, reasonable design, compact structure, convenient installation, simple operation and easy maintenance. 7. The model of mooncake filling cooking machine can be divided into 100L, 200L, 300L, 400L, 500L and other specifications according to the actual volume. Products with unconventional capacity can be customized. 1. Pre-sale service. Set up a special sales service organization, the comcooking mixer machiney will arrange relevant professionals to be responsible for the correct and timely use. 2. In-sale service. In order to prevent users from improper use and cause unnecessary losses, the comcooking mixer machiney will send relevant technical personnel to the grassroots to provide technical guidance to users during product use. Ensure that the cooking machine equipment is used correctly, so that users can use it safely and at ease. 3. After-sales service electromagnetic stirring cooking machine. Our cooking mixer machinery responds to maintenance services within 2 hours and arrives at the site for maintenance as soon as possible, in order to better do the after-sales service of cooking machine equipment, and receive user feedback in time. For more products, please click:https://www.firemixer.com/cooking-mixer.html
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yeskhanzadame11 · 4 years
Making Money As a Hot Dog Vendor
From the streets of New York, in your local deliver keep, we all apprehend the aroma of caramelized onions, charcoal and sluggish cooked peppers inside the air. It is our local hog canine seller. We all revel in them, but just a few folks decide to be one. It is feasible to stay off the income from sales from a hot dog cart, however I accept as true with it could be more acceptable to people who've retired that are seeking out a few extra cash or a younger man or woman floating between semesters. To make the process easier, right here are some steps you must follow to make your method of becoming a successful hot dog dealer easier.
Becoming legal is extremely essential. In some regions a allow is needed. Every nation, province and county has their personal bylaws so ensure you do your research. Ask your nearby council questions about hours of operation, what occurs in case you need to move your cart within the metropolis, or some other metropolis. This must be completed earlier than you purchase a cart. Of all the steps mentioned in this newsletter, this is the toughest and most painful, yet finishing this is will save you any future problems and stress.
Like real-estate, vicinity is the important thing to how a success you will be. Use the internet and begin finding out sites and notice where modern-day vendors are. Think out of the field and possibly live cellular. Places to cash in can be the overdue shift at factories, faculties, parks, outdoor principal areas wherein human beings collect, hospitals, and other nightspots and night golf equipment. Remember, your business might not be regular thru the day. Most groups provide breaks and lunches to their personnel. Finding out while these are permit you to prepare inside the off time for these busy instances.
Start by way of buying a small, used cart. I am positive that after a few months, you may research what works and does not paintings and will be making sufficient cash to improve your cart. Whatever you buy, deal with your cart like gold. Its look is what can power human beings to you or faraway from you. The fundamentals are a grill and a place for all of the condiments, wheels and a hitch. You can improve to internal coolers, bun heaters and even secondary burners for chili and cheese. Check the net and ask your neighborhood vendors in the event that they recognize where to shop for a brand new or used cart. They might actually have one they may be looking to cast off.
Quality is vital, but like several enterprise, you want to make a earnings. Ensure you do not stock up with an excessive amount of inventory proper at the beginning. Purchase a bit and notice wherein it goes. If you get a used cart, purchase a cooler and save your sodas on ice. Other objects you can need to promote are pretzels and chips. When you are shopping for these objects and your condiments and buns, attempt to shop for the most inexpensive in which possible. I could spend a touch bit more on dogs and sausages because in the event that they flavor good, people will return and they may tell their buddies. Keep a small log e book of all the cash you spend and make and check after each promoting day if you have made a profit. Staying on top of you accounting will keep you urged closer to profitability.
Nobody likes a rude or cheating vendor so don't be one. Keeping eye to eye touch and starting a few chit chat will cross a long manner. Think of your purchasing reports and replica those you enjoy. A smile and being friendly can flip some ones terrible day into a terrific day.
Attract your crowd the usage of exciting thoughts. One trick is have some espresso beans slowly roasting or have onions caramelizing in the fish fry. Always ask your shoppers if there any suggestions they have got that you can improve.
At the end of a long day, you'll want to find a place to smooth your cart up and keep it. Find an area this is relaxed and convenient. A place that has a hose or maybe better, kitchen facilities could be best.
From Chris Slavish' experience, one of the nice approaches to reap everything is to start a domestic enterprise. Having a home business allows ordinary human beings to reap a way of life they didn't believe possible - particularly following one of these tough financial time. Now, via his website,https://golfiya.com/.
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[RF] How about a tour?
First, you walk down that black asphalt path, with short-trimmed grass on either side. The HOA makes everyone keep it like that, no matter how sickly it makes it look. A strict line of long-stemmed yellow flowers hugs the perimeter of the house, contrasting nicely with the freshly power washed brick exterior. Not as elaborate as some of the other house’s gardens, but I think it goes really well with the vibe of the lot.
You probably noticed this is one of the smaller houses on the street, but it’s by far the best maintained. We rent it from this Puerto Rican couple who take the curb appeal so seriously that when my roommate tried to start a vegetable garden, they made her cover it up because the patch of dirt threw off the symmetry of the front entrance.
It’s a strange little house, but the layout works for us.
Once you come all the way up the blacktop walkway and get to the concrete steps, you can just start to make out our stove through the semicircle window on the front door.
Thanks to the placement of the stove in relation to the window, I can always see if my roommate is cooking something. If she’s cooking in a frying pan, I know she’s not expecting anyone. If she’s cooking in a sauce pot, I know she’s either expecting a man, or her sisters. Either way I know I’ll be hiding out in my room all night trying to air out the smell of Indonesian food.
Once you push open the door (don’t worry, it’s normal for it to take a couple tries, use your shoulder) you’ll be in a narrow corridor that opens into our semi-spacious living/dining room.
You can’t miss the artisan shoe rack my roommate bought before she even had money to buy a mattress that didn’t have to be inflated. Please use it, or she will throw you out. No, I’m not kidding. And then we’ll have to vacuum every room, even the rooms you weren’t in. So just put your shoes on the rack.
Perfect, so that clears up pretty much the only house rule (for guess at least.)
Step over the faux-Persian rug at the end of this hall and you’re in our living/dining room. The kitchen is kind of depressing to look at, but my roommate makes magic in that sad little rectangle. Sometimes I wish there was a door, but if the door were ever shut, there wouldn’t be enough space to move around.
You know what, let’s just get the kitchen out of the way since it’s the lowest point of the tour. Right this way, just keep going straight, perfect. So here we are. The solid white tiles with the little grey flecks remind me a lot of my school cafeteria’s floor which might contribute to my distaste for this room. You can go in front of me, we won’t both fit in here.
Fun fact, when we moved in, the two countertops facing out towards the living room weren’t here. This was all shelf space. But then there was only the one counter next to the stove and we kept having near misses with pot handles. We had to fight tooth and nail to get permission to install these, I don’t think the landlady appreciated our challenging her interior decorating sense. She finally agreed to let us take the shelving out if we paid her husband to install the counters. A little sketchy, I know, but he was actually cheaper than anyone else we looked at, and the counters work fine.
I’m not thrilled with this beige on brown look, but hey, they have a lot of drawers, so I just like to think functionality won out.
Watch your head on those hanging baskets. They’re actually just strips of mesh we bought from a fabric store and stapled to the ceiling. I can’t believe they’ve held up so long. You can probably tell the one with the apples and bananas is mine. The ones with unidentified root vegetables and stuff are my roommate’s. This first one is cassava. Underneath that scratchy brown stuff there’s this starchy white flesh. My roommate eats the entire hanging bag’s worth every month. Cassava would definitely be her desert island pick.
This middle one is just different kinds of rice, which she swears are all unique and serve different purposes that are not interchangeable, but between you and me I think they all taste the same.
Oh! Ok, this is the fun one. So these three vegetables find their way into just about everything she makes. The long prickly squash is called oyong, she doesn’t know an English term for it. It tastes like an okra and zucchini hybrid. These football shaped pale green buddies are called calabash. It’s pretty mellow. The feather lettuce is actually called dragon bean. She says if you eat it raw it’ll kill you, so, watch out for that one. I’m too scared to eat it cooked even. And the garlic is just garlic.
Stacking the toaster on top of the microwave was her idea. We definitely wouldn’t have had space for both, she eats toast every day, and I need a microwave for survival, so this was a good compromise.
There isn’t really a story to the fridge magnets. One is the Indonesian flag and the other is a running grocery list. Nothing exciting.
Alright, so the living/dining room is potentially our landlady’s greatest achievement.
This space is actually smaller than our entire bedroom yet there’s this nice blue couch we bought at an estate sale. It fits both of us and the dog. There’s the TV which , while small, can get really loud. And before you even say it, yes, it was my roommate’s idea to stack the tv on a shelf so we could keep books.
The dining room table and chairs were already here and when we moved in — the landlords basically said “we own this table and have nowhere to store it, so it’s staying here.” But that was fine with us. It’s nice to have a separate space to eat and study than right in the living room.
Plus, I can’t count the heavy objects I’ve dropped on this table, and still no dents. Whatever it’s made out of is solid stuff.
All those paintings of flowers are my roommate’s. She’s a great embroiderer too, but she refuses to hang any finished pieces because she thinks they look tacky. You can tell my family photos from hers because, well, they’re the ones without Indonesian people in them. And, yes, the framed Bible verses are mine, don’t judge. It’s mostly to keep my mom happy. She has a key and I never know when she’s going to decide to drop by.
We should really throw these flowers out, they’re starting to smell. They don’t look dead, but they smell dead. These side windows don’t open all the way, so if we get dead flower smell in here, we’re stuck with it for at least a week.
Oh, sorry I should’ve mentioned, that little door across the hall is the bathroom if you need one. Just, knock first, because it’s the only bathroom so it has the shower and everything. We have more magazines in there than underneath the tv. That other door, the one that looks too thin to walk through, is kind of an illusion. It’s not really a room, it’s a pantry.
So once we head up the stairs, you see the clever dividing plan my roommate dreamed up. It’s basically just a series of freestanding shower bars, but these curtains really do function like a wall. They don’t block sound, but they block light.
I don’t know who designed this house to have everything on the first floor then a weird little bedroom shoved into a second floor like an afterthought. It’s too separate to be a loft but doesn’t have enough to really call the second floor.
Right hand side is me, lefthand is her. I know this treadmill is kind of the elephant in the room, especially wedged between these two curtains, but I’m a personal trainer and I just had to have some equipment in the house. It can get logistically complicated. Like, if I’m running and she wants to come out of her room, I’ve got to stop the machine so she can step on it to get downstairs.
Ok. Let me just pull back both curtains so you can see everything.
Our bedspreads say a lot about our personality. Her sensible, temperature controlled beige plaid blanket made total sense for her. She likes things organized and practical. I picked this frilly leafy green one, and while I have to wear a sweatshirt to sleep in the winter, I love looking at this thing. I think this year I’m just going to suck it up and get a heavier blanket to use over it. Oh, feel the rug right by the bed, it’s so soft.
It was originally a bathmat, but I liked the texture so much I use it as a bed carpet.
I’ve had that blue bunny since I was 6, but the teddy bear I didn’t get until high school. That one’s a long story for another day.
I’ve got a rack of weights pushed up at the end of the room, and they’re worth every inch of space they take up. I’ve been using these suitcases as a modular dresser, but as you can see, my roommate has plenty of space for a dresser. Not that she cares.
This aisle between the bed and the weights is where I put my yoga mat when I make my YouTube videos, recognize the poster that’s always in the background? I don’t even really like that band, I just loved the album cover art.
My side is usually the emptier one. I feel like the less stuff I have out, the cleaner it is, the bigger it feels. She’s the opposite, she feels like the more stuff she’s got spread around the more she’s taking advantage of the space.
She’s a freelance programmer, and that computer is the most expensive thing in this house by far. More than the car out front.
Her art supplies double as her decor. She can’t stand trinkets or desk toys because she thinks they don’t serve a purpose. Ten mason jars of perfectly sharpened colored pencils, one for each color of the rainbow plus one for black, one for white, grey, and silver, and one for brown. Every time she uses a pencil, she immediately sharpens it into a perfect point again before returning it to the mason jar.
She’s got paint pens stashed behind the jars, her last roommate always used them up so she got into the habit of keeping them back there. That way if her jars are disturbed she knows someone’s been messing with them. I can’t draw to save my life, so she’s really wasting her breath hiding art supplies from me.
She keeps her clothes in these clear plastic drawers stashed underneath her bed. I’d show you but I don’t want to mess up her covers, she’s sensitive about that. They’re basically like the kind of drawers you’d find in a school supply closet.
That speaker may look small but damn it gets loud. Especially when she gets in her feelings and starts playing gamelan. I can’t even tune that stuff out with headphones on.
The dog likes it though, and it never likes any of my music. Why did we get a dog when the place was already so... cozy? We didn’t really have a choice.
We were at the park one day passing by this adoptathon for pets and it was just finishing up and this one sad dog was the only one who wasn’t adopted. We didn’t even ask any questions about her, we just adopted her there and then. Thankfully she was housetrained.
We’re pretty sure it’s because she didn’t go up to potential adopters so people thought she was standoffish, but really she’s just arthritic. We’ve got her on supplements now and she’s doing so much better. But we still keep her bed downstairs, because you never know what kind of day she’ll be having. She usually only ventures up here if she thinks we’re eating food.
I think her name had something to do with it too. Octavia is a weird name for a dog. It’s not comforting. The first thing we did when we brought her home was change it.
Oh, it’s funny you ask, we thought she was a mutt at first but we just found out she’s a Brittany. They’re usually medium sized but of course we get, like, the biggest Brittany ever created.
So, where I have weights and where a normal person would have a dresser, my roommate’s got this collapsible easel she paints her flowers on. Sometimes she takes it to the park but things have been so busy this summer. And then yah, that’s all computer stuff, it’s really sci-fi to look at but I can’t open it. She keeps it all locked in this titanium locker thing so if we’re robbed they won’t get taken. That stuff is her livelihood. If we’re gone for more than a day somewhere she even locks her desktop in there as well.
So, yah, that’s pretty much it. I’m so glad I got to show you. Thanks for sticking with me through the whole house. It’s small but it’s got a lot going on! And you should see it on Nyepi, that’s this Indonesian holiday, to this day I’m still not sure exactly what it’s for. But she takes it really seriously, decorating and cleaning and stuff.
Anyways, let’s head downstairs and I’ll take you around the rest of the neighborhood. There’s a cute little park, there’s a cool coffee shop if you want something to drink, there’s a hair salon that also sells flautas that are great. But the guy who sells them doesn’t keep regular hours so we’ll just have to try our luck. You can’t really walk anywhere else interesting from here but the bus stop right at the end of the street where you turned to get that spot goes to pretty much anywhere in the suburbs and right into the middle of the city.
Let’s head down, we’ll figure it out as we go.
Man, I really wish I could’ve shown you her computers. There’s a spare key behind one of these paintings, but, eh, you can imagine what it looks like, right?
submitted by /u/Nightingale_Effect [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2Z2imaX
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florahecate · 5 years
Read More 25 Easy (and Cheap!) Ways to Lose 5 Pounds
The following post 25 Easy (and Cheap!) Ways to Lose 5 Pounds is republished from Eat This Not That by Eat This, Not That! Editors
A lot has changed since the days when a fat belly indicated a fat wallet. Now, people pay more for the healthy stuff while the least expensive foods are often the ones packed with waist-widening calories.
But just because you’re on a budget doesn’t mean you can’t lose a few pounds without breaking the bank. To prove it’s possible, we checked in with some of the nation’s leading weight loss experts and asked them how to get lean for less. The following tips are simple things that fit easily into your life, won’t empty your wallet, and can help whittle down your waistline without emptying your wallet. Once you see how affordable it is to take control of the chub, be sure to check out 42 Ways to Lose 5 Inches of Belly Fat.
Cook in Bulk
Cook at home and cook in bulk, suggests registered dietitian Lauren Minchen. “Depending on how frequently you eat out, cooking your food at home can save you hundreds of dollars a month. And cooking in bulk is great if you’re time-strapped. It saves you time while allowing you to monitor the ingredients, calories, and portions in your meals. Win win win!” Not sure what to make? Soups are super easy to make and will last you all week. These 20 Best-Ever Fat Burning Soups are many of our editor’s go-tos.
Get Competitive
Register for a race or competition. They’ll cost you anywhere from $35 to $125 dollars, but the training aspect, which can last for months, is practically free. “There’s no better way to motivate yourself to get up from your office chair than knowing you have a race coming up,” says registered dietitian nutritionist Michelle Dudash. “Plus, running is one of the cheapest sports you can do because the only special equipment you need is good pair of running shoes and a training program, which you can get online for free.” Looking for a healthy way to recover after your workouts? Whip up one of these 23 Best Protein Shake Recipes.
Make Eggs Your Friend
“Eggs are very inexpensive and have been shown over and over to help with weight loss,” says registered dietitian Cassie Bjork. “What’s more, eggs are considered the most bioavailable source of protein, which means your body digests, absorbs and uses the protein in eggs better than in any other food in the world.” A pricey cut of steak can’t even claim that! To learn more about eggs’ magical weight loss powers, check out our exclusive report What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Eggs.
Buy What’s In Season
“If you are going to buy fresh produce, it’s important to know what’s in season and what isn’t,” says registered dietitian Leah Kaufman. Things that are out of season will cost you far more cash than produce that’s just hitting its peak. Registered dietitian nutritionist Sarah Koszyk agrees: “For the winter season, try Brussels sprouts, butternut squash, kale, turnips, persimmons, tangerines and kiwis.” Broccoli, berries, tomatoes and salad greens will be cheapest in the summer, while asparagus, cauliflower and spinach are easiest on your wallet in the spring. And if you’re curious which fruits and veggies pack the biggest nutritional punch, check out these 50 Healthiest Foods on the Planet.
Buy Frozen Foods
“Whether you’re on a budget or not, frozen vegetables are a great buy,” says Kaufman. “They’re cheaper than fresh vegetables and contain just as many nutrients.” Wondering how stocking up on the stuff can help you slim down? “Vegetables are vital for weight loss because they’re low in calories and high in fiber. Consuming fiber keeps you feeling fuller longer so you will feel satisfied and won’t be tempted to snack.” But fair warning, not all frozen foods are created equal: If you want those last five pounds to come off quickly steer clear of these 48 Worst Frozen Foods in America!
Ditch the Dollar Menu
Pre-made meals may save you time but they aren’t necessarily the healthiest picks and they’ll seriously cut into your budget. “By cutting back on pre-made meals, packaged, and processed snacks you’ll have a lot of room leftover in your food budget for the nourishing, real foods that fuel your body with the nutrients it needs for weight loss,” says Bjork.
Meal Prep—Even Snacks
“Grabbing a quick snack, whether it be a snack bar or a piece of fruit costs far more at a coffee shop, airport or gas station than it does at a grocery store or farmer’s market,” warns Dudash. To avoid spending unnecessary cash when hunger strikes, she recommends building a clean eating arsenal stocked with grab-and-go pieces of fruit, like apples, pears, and bananas.
Stick to Tap Water
“Don’t blow your budget on sugar-laden beverages that will only stand in the way of your weight loss goal. Instead, sip tap water. This simple swap will save you calories and cash, and supports weight loss by nourishing your cells and flushing out toxins,” explains Bjork. Can’t stand the taste of regular H20? Whip up a batch of one of these 50 Best Detox Waters for Fat Burning and Weight Loss.
Adopt a Plant-Based Diet
Research shows that switching to a plant-based diet not only promotes weight loss but also lowers your cholesterol, reduces hypertension and extends lifespan. There’s more good news: A meat-free diet can also save you thousands—yes, thousands—of dollars. “I recently switched from a moderate animal protein diet to a plant-based diet and so far I’ve saved about $40 per week, which will easily add up to savings of $2,000 per year,” says the owner of Naples Personal Training, Dr. Sean M. Wells. That’s enough cash to spend on a tropical vacation! (Hawaii, anyone?) Looking for an easy-to-made addition to your plant-based diet? Consider making some of these 50 Best Overnight Oats Recipes.
Make Mondays Special
Can’t imagine giving up your favorite burgers and fillets for good? Consider adopting Meatless Mondays—the campaign that encourages people to kick off their week sans meat. “I’m an advocate for Meatless Monday for both budgeting and ethical reasons,” says personal trainer Ajia Cherry. Although there are many vegetarian and vegan sources of protein, Cherry is a big fan of beans. “Beans, especially dried black beans, are inexpensive and contain heart-healthy antioxidants, filling fiber, iron and muscle-building protein.” Nutritionist Tammy Lakatos Shames, who’s also a proponent of going meat-free once a week, likes to swap ground beef for mushrooms. “If you’re not ready for a complete swap, you can start by mixing meat with mushrooms, it will boost your meal’s fiber and stretch you dollar further,” she explains.
See The World As Your Gym
Drop the excuses about how you can’t get to the gym—you can work out anywhere, really. “Shedding pounds and getting healthy doesn’t require a gym, boutique fitness studio or a CrossFit box,” says Wells. “Join a local soccer league or walking group or do bodyweight calisthenics at home. My next door neighbor loves to use his tree for pull ups and dips. If you’re willing to get creative you can save anywhere from $50 to 300 per month—that’s a car payment!” For more trim down tricks from the nation’s foremost fitness experts check out these 25 Weight Loss Tips From The World’s Fittest Men.
Pland Around Sales
Before scouring Pinterest for recipes you want to make, check your local market to see what’s on sale, suggests registered dietitian Ilyse Schapiro. “After you know what the best deals are, then plan your meals for the week. Also, sign up for a bonus card at your local market. Rewards programs can save you a lot of money in the long run.”
Don’t Take Shortcuts
“Skip the pricey pills and detox juices. They’ll cost you an arm and a leg and most of them don’t work,” warns registered dietitian nutritionist Marisa Moore. A cheaper, more effective solution? These 22 Best Teas for Weight Loss!
Think Local
“Not only is the food from a farmers market tastier, it’s cheaper, too,” says Schapiro. “Food bought locally doesn’t have to travel long distances, so the prices tend to be lower. And if you shop at the end of the day, you may get even better deals because the farmers want to get rid of their stock. For even more cheap ways to shed the pounds, check out these 40 Ways to Lose 4 Inches of Body Fat.
Shake Up Your Own Protein Drink
“Commercial bars and workout drinks can be very expensive. What’s worse, they offer little more to your body than what basic fruits, vegetables and nuts can provide,” says Wells. “Ounce for ounce, homemade smoothies or snacks will not only be cheaper but probably healthier for you, too.”
Repurpose Leftovers
You may not have enough leftovers to squeeze out a second meal, but that doesn’t mean you should throw the food out! “Wasted food is wasted money, says Schapiro. “Leftover fruits and vegetables can always be added to a smoothie or protein shake and vegetable and grain scraps can be added to a soup, a stir-fry, or omelet.”
Brew Your Own Cup
Love fancy coffee drinks? Learn how to make slimmed-down versions of your favorites at home, suggests Minchen. Not only will making your drinks save you thousands of dollars, but it will also help keep excess fat off of your frame, too. Our Healthy Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino Copycat Recipe is a great way to get into the make-it-yourself groove!
Tune to YouTube
Celebs may pay her the big bucks to whip them into shape, but celebrity trainer Kit Rich says it’s possible to get into your skinny jeans without spending a dime. “The cheapest and easiest ways to lose weight through exercise is by doing YouTube workout videos. There are a lot of fun and effective programs available for free!” And to see the results of your sweat session shine through even faster, check out these 7 Ways to Make Your Workout 500% More Effective.
Slip Into Your PJs
Getting a proper night’s rest is totally free and it offers major weight loss perks. “When you don’t get enough sleep, levels of the hormone leptin drop, which increases appetite. This surge in appetite makes comfort food more appealing, which can derail weight loss efforts,” explains personal trainer to the stars Jay Cardiello. “I tell all of my celebrity and professional-athlete clients to get between 6 and 8 hours of sleep per night.” Want to lose even more weight while you sleep? Check out these 30 Things to Do 30 Minutes Before Bed to Get Lean.
Order an Appetizer
The average restaurant meal contains a whopping 1,128 calories, according to a 2013 University of Toronto study of 19 sit-down restaurant chains. And those numbers have likely increased since then! To save money and calories while dining out, registered dietitian Yasi Ansari suggests ordering a healthy appetizer (like seared scallops, mushroom caps or a salad) or splitting an entree with a friend.
Looking for more ways to lean out? Be sure to check out these 20 Weight Loss Tricks You Haven’t Tried.
Make a List
“Spend a couple of minutes each morning writing out a list of reasons you want to live a fitter and healthier life,” suggests author of the top model fitness guide, Methodology X Dan Roberts. “It won’t be conscious, but doing this exercise will help you make better decisions when choosing food and snacks throughout the day.”
Don’t Be Swayed By ‘All-Natural’ Claims
Foods stamped with an “All Natural” label tend to cost more, but since the claim isn’t regulated by the FDA, it doesn’t really mean anything. “Instead, read ingredients and then decide which products are worth more of your hard-earned cash,” suggests Cardiello.
Swap Snack Bars for Fresh Fruit
“The average snack bar or bag of chips will cost you two dollars, but a piece of fruit will only cost you 50 cents. Stick with a piece of fruit to save calories, fat and cash on snacks,” says certified dietitian nutritionist Dana James.
Eat More Canned Tuna
There’s no doubt that protein sources like chicken breasts, tuna and salmon are healthy, but they’re not the most economical. For that reason, Dudash recommends buying the canned varieties. Not convinced? Consider this: A four pack of canned tuna from Walmart is less than $4. It doesn’t get much cheaper than that!
Eat This! Tip
Worried about the mercury in the tuna? Don’t be. Generally speaking, the smaller the fish, the lower the mercury level. Since canned chunk light tuna is harvested from the smallest fish, it’s safe to consume two to three times a week.
Use Your Non-Dominate Hand
Been a righty your entire life? Eat dinner with your left hand. “It takes roughly 15 minutes for your brain to realize that you’re full,” says Cardiello. “To give your mind time to catch up to your mouth, simply switch your fork to non-dominate hand. It may be frustrating, but it’s a simple and unnoticeable way to curb overeating and lose weight.” And for even more must-try slim down tricks, check out these 20 Weight Loss Tricks You Haven’t Tried.
The post 25 Easy (and Cheap!) Ways to Lose 5 Pounds appeared first on Eat This Not That.
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years
Quick Take: 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport 2.4 SEL AWC
What was it that prompted me to request the keys to the 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport? Was it my inner contrarian challenging my employer’s “No Boring Cars” mantra? Was it my life-long habit of rooting for the underdog? Was it mere morbid curiosity? We may never know, but when I volunteered to write up Mitsu’s best-selling SUV, the looks of smoldering jealousy from coworkers who wished they had put their hand up first were conspicuously absent. In fact, I’m pretty sure I heard a snicker or two.
First introduced in 2011, the Outlander Sport was one of the first entrants in the burgeoning subcompact SUV segment, though whether it is properly classified as a compact or a subcompact remains open to debate. Size-wise, it’s kind of a tweener. At the time of introduction, it shared much with the Lancer sedan, including its platform, rakish nose, and cheap, plasticky interior.
A styling refresh in 2016 eliminated the handsome Lancer-like schnozz of which I was so fond, though the short rear overhang and jaunty angle of the rear hatch—my other favorite styling features—remained. For 2018, the Outlander Sport gets reshaped bumpers and an updated interior, with a new center console and touch-screen stereo to complement the nicer steering wheel that came with the 2016 facelift. All the new bits are made of high quality materials, and they stand in bold (and rather unfortunate) contrast to the horrible chintzy plastic that covers the dash and door panels.
Our test car was a top-of-the-line SEL AWC model, which meant it had the 168-horsepower 2.4-liter I-4 engine coupled to a continuously variable transmission and all-wheel-drive. The 2.4-liter makes the Outlander significantly scootier than your average subcompact SUV, though its EPA combined fuel economy estimate is an unbecoming 25 mpg. Compare that to the Honda HR-V’s 29 MPG rating, though to be fair, the HR-V is nowhere near as quick. The 148-horsepower 2.0-liter I-4 in lower-spec Outlander Sports is more frugal—27 MPG—but our colleagues down the hall at Motor Trend likened it to driving with the handbrake on.
I’m one of the few automotive writers who isn’t bothered by CVTs; I like the smooth, shift-free flow of power. That said, there were a couple of occasions I asked the Outlander Sport for a smidge of acceleration and was left empty handed, the transmission refusing to raise the revs until I prodded the gas more deliberately. Senior digital editor Kirill Ougarov, who is more critical of CVTs than I, drove the Outlander Sport as well (because why should I suffer alone?) and said he was impressed with the way it emulated a stepped transmission when he gave it the beans.
Handling is just okay; like most modern crossovers, the Outlander Sport holds the road well, though the body leans noticeably if you crank it up in the turns. The steering doesn’t offer great off-center feel, which is surprising since it can get quite darty on the freeway, though it didn’t help matters that our test car was out of alignment and pulling slightly to one side. The ride is comfortable but loses its composure on sharper bumps. Noise levels, while acceptable around town, start to get a little too shouty at highway speeds, though it’s easy to drown out the din with the optional 710-watt Rockford-Fosgate sound system.
Mitsubishi doesn’t get enough credit for its all-wheel-drive systems, which are quite good. Our tester had the optional All-Wheel Control (AWC) system, which allows the driver to select between front-wheel-drive, automatic all-wheel-drive, and AWD with the center diff locked. I’ve done some light off-roading in the Outlander Sport—intentionally, I assure you—and while it lacks the predictive electronics of the Super All-Wheel Control system in the bigger Outlander, it does a better job distributing power than many competing SUVs. While I imagine few people buy an Outlander Sport with the intention of serious off-roading, that kind of agility translates to better grip in bad weather. An Outlander Sport with a set of snow tires would be a great bet for winter in the Rust Belt.
The Outlander Sport does have a couple of high points. First is the tweener size: It offers more cargo space than most subcompacts, and the back seat is reasonably roomy, even with the front seats racked all the way back. The wall-to-wall panoramic sunroof is a treat, and it comes with a proper opaque blind, not one of those mesh affairs that fry folks with fair skin. The Outlander Sport is one of the few small crossovers that can be had with a manual transmission, albeit only in the front-wheel-drive base model. Base pricing is not too bad, either, but well-equipped models like our tester get pretty spendy.
But the best feature on the the Outlander Sport may be its epic warranty, which provides 5 years or 60,000 miles of bumper-to-bumper coverage. Not that I expect the Outlander Sport to spend a lot of its time broken, but for a buyer on a tight budget, it’s nice to not have to worry about repair costs while still paying off a car loan.
The problem facing the 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport is that it is a little fish in a big pond. Nearly every one of the Outlander Sport’s competitors, both compact and subcompact, does something (and usually several things) better than the Outlander Sport. There are plenty of more compelling choices, including Mitsubishi’s own new-for-2018 Eclipse Cross. And with its cut-rate interior, so-so driving dynamics, and tinny feel, it’s not as if the Outlander Sport can be called a good all-rounder. It’s not a bad vehicle; it’s just not a particularly good one.
2018 Mitsibushi Outlander Sport 2.4 SEL AWC Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $46,970/$60,475 (base/as tested) ENGINE 2.4L DOHC 16-valve I-4/168 hp @ 6,000 rpm, 167 lb-ft @ 4,100 rpm TRANSMISSION Continuously variable-speed LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, AWD SUV EPA MILEAGE 13/28 mpg (city/hwy) L x W x H 171.9 x 71.3 x 64.8 in WHEELBASE 105.1 in WEIGHT 3,285 lb 0-60 MPH 8.5 sec TOP SPEED N/A
The post Quick Take: 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport 2.4 SEL AWC appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
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jesusvasser · 6 years
Quick Take: 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport 2.4 SEL AWC
What was it that prompted me to request the keys to the 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport? Was it my inner contrarian challenging my employer’s “No Boring Cars” mantra? Was it my life-long habit of rooting for the underdog? Was it mere morbid curiosity? We may never know, but when I volunteered to write up Mitsu’s best-selling SUV, the looks of smoldering jealousy from coworkers who wished they had put their hand up first were conspicuously absent. In fact, I’m pretty sure I heard a snicker or two.
First introduced in 2011, the Outlander Sport was one of the first entrants in the burgeoning subcompact SUV segment, though whether it is properly classified as a compact or a subcompact remains open to debate. Size-wise, it’s kind of a tweener. At the time of introduction, it shared much with the Lancer sedan, including its platform, rakish nose, and cheap, plasticky interior.
A styling refresh in 2016 eliminated the handsome Lancer-like schnozz of which I was so fond, though the short rear overhang and jaunty angle of the rear hatch—my other favorite styling features—remained. For 2018, the Outlander Sport gets reshaped bumpers and an updated interior, with a new center console and touch-screen stereo to complement the nicer steering wheel that came with the 2016 facelift. All the new bits are made of high quality materials, and they stand in bold (and rather unfortunate) contrast to the horrible chintzy plastic that covers the dash and door panels.
Our test car was a top-of-the-line SEL AWC model, which meant it had the 168-horsepower 2.4-liter I-4 engine coupled to a continuously variable transmission and all-wheel-drive. The 2.4-liter makes the Outlander significantly scootier than your average subcompact SUV, though its EPA combined fuel economy estimate is an unbecoming 25 mpg. Compare that to the Honda HR-V’s 29 MPG rating, though to be fair, the HR-V is nowhere near as quick. The 148-horsepower 2.0-liter I-4 in lower-spec Outlander Sports is more frugal—27 MPG—but our colleagues down the hall at Motor Trend likened it to driving with the handbrake on.
I’m one of the few automotive writers who isn’t bothered by CVTs; I like the smooth, shift-free flow of power. That said, there were a couple of occasions I asked the Outlander Sport for a smidge of acceleration and was left empty handed, the transmission refusing to raise the revs until I prodded the gas more deliberately. Senior digital editor Kirill Ougarov, who is more critical of CVTs than I, drove the Outlander Sport as well (because why should I suffer alone?) and said he was impressed with the way it emulated a stepped transmission when he gave it the beans.
Handling is just okay; like most modern crossovers, the Outlander Sport holds the road well, though the body leans noticeably if you crank it up in the turns. The steering doesn’t offer great off-center feel, which is surprising since it can get quite darty on the freeway, though it didn’t help matters that our test car was out of alignment and pulling slightly to one side. The ride is comfortable but loses its composure on sharper bumps. Noise levels, while acceptable around town, start to get a little too shouty at highway speeds, though it’s easy to drown out the din with the optional 710-watt Rockford-Fosgate sound system.
Mitsubishi doesn’t get enough credit for its all-wheel-drive systems, which are quite good. Our tester had the optional All-Wheel Control (AWC) system, which allows the driver to select between front-wheel-drive, automatic all-wheel-drive, and AWD with the center diff locked. I’ve done some light off-roading in the Outlander Sport—intentionally, I assure you—and while it lacks the predictive electronics of the Super All-Wheel Control system in the bigger Outlander, it does a better job distributing power than many competing SUVs. While I imagine few people buy an Outlander Sport with the intention of serious off-roading, that kind of agility translates to better grip in bad weather. An Outlander Sport with a set of snow tires would be a great bet for winter in the Rust Belt.
The Outlander Sport does have a couple of high points. First is the tweener size: It offers more cargo space than most subcompacts, and the back seat is reasonably roomy, even with the front seats racked all the way back. The wall-to-wall panoramic sunroof is a treat, and it comes with a proper opaque blind, not one of those mesh affairs that fry folks with fair skin. The Outlander Sport is one of the few small crossovers that can be had with a manual transmission, albeit only in the front-wheel-drive base model. Base pricing is not too bad, either, but well-equipped models like our tester get pretty spendy.
But the best feature on the the Outlander Sport may be its epic warranty, which provides 5 years or 60,000 miles of bumper-to-bumper coverage. Not that I expect the Outlander Sport to spend a lot of its time broken, but for a buyer on a tight budget, it’s nice to not have to worry about repair costs while still paying off a car loan.
The problem facing the 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport is that it is a little fish in a big pond. Nearly every one of the Outlander Sport’s competitors, both compact and subcompact, does something (and usually several things) better than the Outlander Sport. There are plenty of more compelling choices, including Mitsubishi’s own new-for-2018 Eclipse Cross. And with its cut-rate interior, so-so driving dynamics, and tinny feel, it’s not as if the Outlander Sport can be called a good all-rounder. It’s not a bad vehicle; it’s just not a particularly good one.
2018 Mitsibushi Outlander Sport 2.4 SEL AWC Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $46,970/$60,475 (base/as tested) ENGINE 2.4L DOHC 16-valve I-4/168 hp @ 6,000 rpm, 167 lb-ft @ 4,100 rpm TRANSMISSION Continuously variable-speed LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, AWD SUV EPA MILEAGE 13/28 mpg (city/hwy) L x W x H 171.9 x 71.3 x 64.8 in WHEELBASE 105.1 in WEIGHT 3,285 lb 0-60 MPH 8.5 sec TOP SPEED N/A
The post Quick Take: 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport 2.4 SEL AWC appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 https://ift.tt/2J3LMsN via IFTTT
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jonathanbelloblog · 6 years
Quick Take: 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport 2.4 SEL AWC
What was it that prompted me to request the keys to the 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport? Was it my inner contrarian challenging my employer’s “No Boring Cars” mantra? Was it my life-long habit of rooting for the underdog? Was it mere morbid curiosity? We may never know, but when I volunteered to write up Mitsu’s best-selling SUV, the looks of smoldering jealousy from coworkers who wished they had put their hand up first were conspicuously absent. In fact, I’m pretty sure I heard a snicker or two.
First introduced in 2011, the Outlander Sport was one of the first entrants in the burgeoning subcompact SUV segment, though whether it is properly classified as a compact or a subcompact remains open to debate. Size-wise, it’s kind of a tweener. At the time of introduction, it shared much with the Lancer sedan, including its platform, rakish nose, and cheap, plasticky interior.
A styling refresh in 2016 eliminated the handsome Lancer-like schnozz of which I was so fond, though the short rear overhang and jaunty angle of the rear hatch—my other favorite styling features—remained. For 2018, the Outlander Sport gets reshaped bumpers and an updated interior, with a new center console and touch-screen stereo to complement the nicer steering wheel that came with the 2016 facelift. All the new bits are made of high quality materials, and they stand in bold (and rather unfortunate) contrast to the horrible chintzy plastic that covers the dash and door panels.
Our test car was a top-of-the-line SEL AWC model, which meant it had the 168-horsepower 2.4-liter I-4 engine coupled to a continuously variable transmission and all-wheel-drive. The 2.4-liter makes the Outlander significantly scootier than your average subcompact SUV, though its EPA combined fuel economy estimate is an unbecoming 25 mpg. Compare that to the Honda HR-V’s 29 MPG rating, though to be fair, the HR-V is nowhere near as quick. The 148-horsepower 2.0-liter I-4 in lower-spec Outlander Sports is more frugal—27 MPG—but our colleagues down the hall at Motor Trend likened it to driving with the handbrake on.
I’m one of the few automotive writers who isn’t bothered by CVTs; I like the smooth, shift-free flow of power. That said, there were a couple of occasions I asked the Outlander Sport for a smidge of acceleration and was left empty handed, the transmission refusing to raise the revs until I prodded the gas more deliberately. Senior digital editor Kirill Ougarov, who is more critical of CVTs than I, drove the Outlander Sport as well (because why should I suffer alone?) and said he was impressed with the way it emulated a stepped transmission when he gave it the beans.
Handling is just okay; like most modern crossovers, the Outlander Sport holds the road well, though the body leans noticeably if you crank it up in the turns. The steering doesn’t offer great off-center feel, which is surprising since it can get quite darty on the freeway, though it didn’t help matters that our test car was out of alignment and pulling slightly to one side. The ride is comfortable but loses its composure on sharper bumps. Noise levels, while acceptable around town, start to get a little too shouty at highway speeds, though it’s easy to drown out the din with the optional 710-watt Rockford-Fosgate sound system.
Mitsubishi doesn’t get enough credit for its all-wheel-drive systems, which are quite good. Our tester had the optional All-Wheel Control (AWC) system, which allows the driver to select between front-wheel-drive, automatic all-wheel-drive, and AWD with the center diff locked. I’ve done some light off-roading in the Outlander Sport—intentionally, I assure you—and while it lacks the predictive electronics of the Super All-Wheel Control system in the bigger Outlander, it does a better job distributing power than many competing SUVs. While I imagine few people buy an Outlander Sport with the intention of serious off-roading, that kind of agility translates to better grip in bad weather. An Outlander Sport with a set of snow tires would be a great bet for winter in the Rust Belt.
The Outlander Sport does have a couple of high points. First is the tweener size: It offers more cargo space than most subcompacts, and the back seat is reasonably roomy, even with the front seats racked all the way back. The wall-to-wall panoramic sunroof is a treat, and it comes with a proper opaque blind, not one of those mesh affairs that fry folks with fair skin. The Outlander Sport is one of the few small crossovers that can be had with a manual transmission, albeit only in the front-wheel-drive base model. Base pricing is not too bad, either, but well-equipped models like our tester get pretty spendy.
But the best feature on the the Outlander Sport may be its epic warranty, which provides 5 years or 60,000 miles of bumper-to-bumper coverage. Not that I expect the Outlander Sport to spend a lot of its time broken, but for a buyer on a tight budget, it’s nice to not have to worry about repair costs while still paying off a car loan.
The problem facing the 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport is that it is a little fish in a big pond. Nearly every one of the Outlander Sport’s competitors, both compact and subcompact, does something (and usually several things) better than the Outlander Sport. There are plenty of more compelling choices, including Mitsubishi’s own new-for-2018 Eclipse Cross. And with its cut-rate interior, so-so driving dynamics, and tinny feel, it’s not as if the Outlander Sport can be called a good all-rounder. It’s not a bad vehicle; it’s just not a particularly good one.
2018 Mitsibushi Outlander Sport 2.4 SEL AWC Specifications
ON SALE Now PRICE $46,970/$60,475 (base/as tested) ENGINE 2.4L DOHC 16-valve I-4/168 hp @ 6,000 rpm, 167 lb-ft @ 4,100 rpm TRANSMISSION Continuously variable-speed LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, AWD SUV EPA MILEAGE 13/28 mpg (city/hwy) L x W x H 171.9 x 71.3 x 64.8 in WHEELBASE 105.1 in WEIGHT 3,285 lb 0-60 MPH 8.5 sec TOP SPEED N/A
The post Quick Take: 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport 2.4 SEL AWC appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger Feed 4 https://ift.tt/2J3LMsN via IFTTT
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