#Because 14+ wouldn't be applicable to Almost Anyone
43406 · 3 months
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backstage-if · 11 months
What is the most emberassing thing the ROs ever did?
I need cringe real bad
It got kinda long, I'M SORRY (and thanks for the ask, it was fun).
Most embarassing things under the cut:
C: They told everyone (friends AND most of their family) that they were going to college to be an accountant like their parents. Imagine C, in their first college break, going out with old friends to catch up, getting really drunk, returning to their parents' home, finding their sweet grandma and also their uncle there, getting on a table and telling everyone they didn't give a shit (they do) about what they think, they're actually studying physics and, also, they're going to be an actor after college no matter what their family think about it. Yeah. C didn't remember much of it in the morning.
Neil: Neil and A kind of grew up together and A loves musical theater, so I'm pretty sure that they convinced Neil that they should audition together for a high school musical (no puns). The thing is... Neil is a terrible actor... and an even worse singer. Most of his friends were there and his teacher was really excited to see him on a stage bc of his parents (as always). Also, I'm sure he noticed how terrible he was in the middle of it and tried to make up his own lyrics. First and last time he sang in public. (Neil at 14 and 25 are almost different people)
Joy: When Joy wrote a 50-chapters-long Good Omens fanfiction inspired by Romeo and Juliet during her free time between college classes, accidentaly emailed it to her Classical Studies' teacher instead of the actual research he asked for and then skipped his class for two whole weeks hoping it was long enough for him to forget about it. He was nice enough and never asked her about it, but kept saying "And make sure it's the right document!" for the rest of the semester.
Spencer: Spencer befriended a few jocks during their high school years and then they started to believe that Spencer could be a good athlete if they put on a little more effort. Their school's team wasn't so popular with applications at the time and they really needed another player, so Spencer was too nice to say no (and what if they were secretly good?). They got into the team, went to their practices for a few months, but in their first real game, Spencer was so nervous and uncoordinated that they were hit in the face by a ball and just passed out right there.
A: They don't get easily embarassed, A tries not to regret any of their actions. I think one moment they would think about and get a little... shy (?) is when they got their wisdom teeth removed and asked Neil to film everything because they were curious about the anesthesia's effects. Somewhere out there you can find a really long video of A just making terrible jokes, hugging random strangers and trying to make silly songs (and laughing at their own efforts). They dislike it and made Neil promise he wouldn't ever show in to anyone.
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