#Because the timeline is still just as much of an amorphous blob of unanswered questions and lose ends now as it was back then.
I've got some fics in the works over on my main that will somewhat incorporate tales and explain how talesgames is NOT canon in the Reneagde AU and that talesVRworld (the theory that tales takes place inside a VR environment made by Faz Ent to test their projects and possible layouts of the megaplex) IS canon in this AU, so I figured that I'd make my stance on talesgames VERY clear.
I don't think that tales are canon to the games. At MOST, tales takes place in a VR testing environment.
The games are canon to tales, but tales is not canon to the games. Like how outside of crossovers that are not canon to either source game, Chelinka from Ring of Fates and Shirma from Chocobo Tales can never meet because they are not in the same world. Final Fantasy allegory because it's the other biggest game series that I can think of that has "the world of [series name]" mean a bunch of completely independent worlds that are not always the same world. Also if you want to go a different route,
spoilers for Bravely Default incoming.
There's hundreds of thousands of different Luxendarcs, each a bit different from one another. What happened in the first world you were in didn't happen in the other worlds you went to. Things were different. In one of the worlds, Til was the Norende survivor, not Tiz. If a side game that follows that world only were to be released, saying "the world of Bravely Default" and "the world of Luxendarc" would both be correct, but ultimately, NOTHING THAT HAPPENS THERE WOULD REALLY IMPACT THE WORLD BD1'S HEROS OF LIGHT ARE FROM (aside from one of the connected worlds you don't see during the Ouroboros fight probably having Til and Olivia cheering on Tiz, Agnès, Edea, and Ringabell BUT THAT'S CONNECTED WORLD TERITORY).
Each world is separate from one another, but shares the basics (what the games generally lay out, but not always all of it)
That is why I think that Tales CAN take place in the world set out by the games, but the games themselves DON'T take what tales lays out as canon. Because tales is the world 3 to the games world 1.
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I don't hate people who theorise that talesgames is canon, and I actually love a fair few AUs that use talesgames.
I am just sick of not being able to talk about theories without someone else coming along and derailing what was a pleasant conversation I was having with someone else.
Edit: sorry for the frequent post edits, I feel like I need to articulate this exactly right or else people will misinterpret what I say. Hence why I removed the meme (someone may just read the meme and get pissy without reading the rest of the text)and highlighted certain portions of the text with formatting.
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