#Becomes Incarnate Of ‘Expected Helplessness’ due to not needing help with common things- only uncommon things that don’t have easy solutions
the-trans-dragon · 2 years
“Why do you play games that make you suffer?” (Mostly referencing Majoras Mask, but also other games with lots of grinding/redoing/puzzles)
“I don’t like games that make me suffer? I like to be challenged.”
“Well… I like to be challenged! …If I’m immediately good at the challenge. I mean I don’t mind puzzles! …As long as I can solve them instantly… Oh my god, I don’t like to be challenged.”
-the-trans-dragon realizes they don’t actually like challenging things, they just like being good at things that other people find challenging; and having to reevaluate their entire personality which previously hinged upon the (false) statement of “I like doing tough things! I love taking on new challenges to grow as a person!”
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