#yay wow I got very rambly here. okay bye!!!
the-trans-dragon · 2 years
“Why do you play games that make you suffer?” (Mostly referencing Majoras Mask, but also other games with lots of grinding/redoing/puzzles)
“I don’t like games that make me suffer? I like to be challenged.”
“Well… I like to be challenged! …If I’m immediately good at the challenge. I mean I don’t mind puzzles! …As long as I can solve them instantly… Oh my god, I don’t like to be challenged.”
-the-trans-dragon realizes they don’t actually like challenging things, they just like being good at things that other people find challenging; and having to reevaluate their entire personality which previously hinged upon the (false) statement of “I like doing tough things! I love taking on new challenges to grow as a person!”
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jeonsjiddies · 4 years
little things | jhs (m)
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⏤  Pairing: single dad!Hoseok x reader ⏤  Genre: smut, fluff ⏤  Word Count: 6.1k ⏤  Warnings: very brief mentions of abortion (that didn’t happen), breast play, daddy kink, impregnation kink, cream pie, dirty talk
⏤  Summary: The best things in life are often unexpected. Like the two year old girl who ran up to you for comfort, and her devastatingly handsome father. 
Thank you to @excusemin​ and @sugaflake​ for beta reading. I love you.
Part of my Milestone Celebration Event! Check out the other fics here.
The weather was absolutely perfect. The sun was bright and shining but it wasn’t hot enough to make you sweat. The wind was gentle and rustled the leaves on the trees with a tender caress, the birds were singing, and for the first time in a while, you felt good. You had taken a walk to the nearby park, making a few laps around the walking trail before settling yourself against a tree to soak in some sun and relax. You had promised yourself you’d get out more after being holed up in your apartment alone with only your red wine and oreos to keep you company. It had been a few weeks since you’d broken up with your boyfriend of the time, and you were finally ready to become a productive citizen of society again.
It was the perfect day to do so in your opinion, everything around you seemed so tranquil. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, allowing the warm air to soothe you. That was, until you heard a shrill shrieking and your eyes popped open seconds before a girl who couldn’t have been older than two, catapulted herself into your arms. She was screaming, crying, clinging to you for dear life, one hand pointing behind her and you looked up to see a disgruntled goose hissing at the two of you, stalking closer with a threatening posture.
You slowly stood and backed up behind the tree, holding the small girl close to you, ready to use your body to shield her own. The goose hissed a few more times, but thankfully did not advance any closer. You waited, watching quietly, and it seemed to decide you weren’t worth it before hissing in warning once more and stalking off towards its nest. You let out a breath of relief, and tried to set the little girl down but she clung to you and made it clear she wasn’t letting go, so you rubbed her back soothingly.
“Where’s your mommy and daddy?” you asked quietly.
“I don’t know.” she sniffled into your neck.
“That’s okay, I’ll help you find them.”
You carried her closer to the playground section of the park, looking around for someone who might be looking for her. Soon you heard a frantic male voice booming through the air.
“Yeona! YEONA!”
The little girl’s head popped up at the sound, her head turning towards the voice.
You looked up and followed her line of sight, your gaze landing on a hunk of a man. He was tall, well-built but not bulky, with thick, black hair and lovely tan skin. The man’s eyes locked with the child in your arms and he visibly melted in relief seeing his daughter alive and unharmed. He ran over to the two of you quickly, guiding the fluffy dog on the leash with him. He reached the two of you almost instantly, and Yeona slipped from your arms into her father’s embrace easily, snuggling up to him.
“Thank goodness you’re okay! I was so worried!” he fretted, smoothing down her hair and fretting over her, causing her to let out the cutest giggle you’d ever heard in your life.
His gaze turned to you after he’d calmed down enough to pay attention to anything but the little girl in his arms, and it was then that you noticed his perfectly straight pearly white teeth, soft lips, and eyes that shimmered like diamonds. Your breath caught in your throat as he watched you and then he began to ramble.
“Thank you so much, I am so sorry! Mickey got his leash tangled around a pole and I turned my back for two seconds and she was gone! I was so scared I thought I was going to throw up, I kept thinking about all those stories I heard about little girls getting kidnapped and sold into slavery and I think I almost passed out. Thank you so much for keeping her safe, I don’t know how I can ever repay you. She is my everything I don’t know what I’d do without her, she’s all I’ve got left and I…” he sighed, taking a deep breath and opening those shimmery eyes to meet yours once again, “thank you.”
“It’s really no problem, I get it. Kids can be a handful.” you smiled reassuringly.
“Thank you so much. For helping. For not judging. Oh! I’m Hoseok.” he extended a hand to you and you shook it gently, feeling sparks racing up your arm and down your spine but you shook them off.
“Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
You both heard Yeona’s stomach growl and Hoesok laughed.
“Time for lunch, little one?”
She nodded and pouted adorably.
“Say bye to Y/N.”
Her little face scrunched up in displeasure and she started crying, reaching out desperately for you, and Hoseok almost dropped her from the unexpected shift in her weight. Taken aback, you allowed her to jump into your arms once more, cradling her close so she didn’t fall. She buried her head in your neck and you looked at Hoseok in shock.
“I’m so sorry, Yeona come on we have to go.” he tried prying her from your frame but she only wailed in response, clutching tighter.
“Yeona please, Y/N must want to go home.”
“No!” she sobbed.
You rubbed her back soothingly, rocking from side to side a bit to calm her down.
“Hey, it’s okay, don’t cry. Look at me, okay?”
She pulled back slightly to look at your face and you smiled.
“There’s a pretty girl!” you smiled, smoothing down some hair that had gone awry. “How’s this? If you go get lunch with daddy, I promise we can play together at the park soon. Okay? Well, if that’s alright with you?” you looked up at Hoseok.
“Of course!” he agreed quickly.
“But… I want you to come too.” she pouted, looking up at you with  pitiful puppy dog eyes.
You looked up at Hoseok for some direction and he watched the two of you carefully.
“Would you like to join us for lunch? My treat. As a thank you.” he offered, scratching the back of his neck nervously, a shy smile gracing his lips.
“I don’t want to impose-” you began but Yeona whined loudly.
“I mean, if you’re sure…” you trailed off.
“Yay!” Yeona grinned, hugging you tightly then wiggling out of your grasp and taking your hand, pulling you along with her towards the car.
Hoseok laughed and followed the two of you with Mickey on his leash. Yeona insisted that you sit with her in the back so she could show you her collection of stickers. You gave the appropriate excited responses to each one, even gifting you a shimmery mermaid, pressing it into your shirt, telling you it was her favorite but she wanted you to have it.
Hoseok pulled up to a local cafe that had outdoor seating, saying he didn’t feel comfortable leaving Mickey in the car alone, a fact that warmed your heart. You helped Yeona slide onto the bench, Hoseok sitting across from the two of you. You ordered something cheap, not wanting to burden him, and made small talk while you waited for your food.
“Thank you again, so much, for keeping Yeona safe. I don’t know what I’d do if something had happened to her,” Hoseok sighed.
“No problem at all, thank you for lunch!”
Hoseok smiled, and turned to watch Yeona draw something on one of those kids menus they give out with crayons, her picture depicting the day at the park.
“So is your wife at work?” you asked, sipping on your soda, attempting to avoid the silence.
“I, uh, don’t have a wife,” he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
“Oh I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize - your husband?”
“I’m single.” Hoseok laughed.
“Oh. So it’s just you raising Yeona?”
“Yeah, it’s been just us since the beginning. Her mom… it wasn’t a permanent thing, and when she realized she was pregnant, she wanted to…” he glanced over at Yeona, and though she was busy messing with Mickey, Hoseok still imitated the scissor motion with his hands, rather than saying the word.
Your eyes grew wide and you glanced over at Yeona.
“I mean, I believe in choices, don’t get me wrong, but I couldn’t imagine that happening to my child. I begged her to reconsider and promised I wouldn’t ask for anything if she let me keep Yeona, and here we are.”
“Wow, I don’t know what to say,” you watched his face for a reaction.
“You don’t have to say anything! I just wanted to thank you again.”
“Anyone would’ve done the same, I hope.”
“You would hope, but oftentimes I just get judgemental looks or scowls. People aren’t very kind to single parents, apparently,” he sighed, twirling the straw around in his drink, “so your kindness is appreciated.”
“Of course. I’m sorry you’ve been treated that way. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to raise a child alone. If you never need anything, you can call me? If you feel comfortable?” you offered, holding out your phone.
“Really? You wouldn’t mind?” Hoseok’s eyes widened in shock.
You shook your head with a smile, handing over your phone for him to input his number and texted him so he had yours. Hoseok looked star struck, and you wondered why someone so bright and happy could receive such backlash. You couldn’t focus on that thought for long, because Yeona jumped up excitedly, clapping and pointing to the waiter who was bringing your food.
You helped her cut hers into smaller bites and entertained her throughout the meal whilst eating yours so Hoseok could relax and enjoy his food, and you didn’t miss the appreciative smile he sent you.
Throughout the next few months, you spent more and more time with both Hoseok and Yeona. You’d meet them at the park, accompany them on little adventures, video chat with them before bed. You began hanging out at their house, spending your days nestled in the crook of their couch with Yeona snuggled up against your side while you watched Frozen 2 for the six hundredth time, or conducting a rather elegant tea party in which you’d convinced Hoseok to wear a tiara for.
You spent so much time around the pair, their home had begun to feel like a home away from home. You often found yourself crashing on the couch after playing too hard and staying too late. You searched YouTube and learned how to french braid since Yeona couldn’t stop talking about “princess hair” and Hoseok was… less than talented with her hair. You would sit behind her on her bed, braiding her hair and telling her silly stories and jokes, and began to love the little girl as your own.
Hoseok would sneak up behind you and attack the both of you with tickles or start a bubble fight. Sometimes it was hard to forget you weren’t a family, especially when strangers in public mistook you for one. You’d blush and look away, while Hoseok would gently correct them… at first. Slowly, Hoseok stopped correcting them, saying they could think whatever they wanted.
You tried not to read too much into that, but you couldn’t help the way your heart fluttered when he would just let other people think that you were together, that you were a family. Sometimes, he’d even play it up, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you in close, purposefully giving people the wrong idea with a mischievous smirk on his face.
You’d try to hide the heat on your skin, the way your heart pounded, the way your breathing seemed a little uneven when he got too close. While you’d just seen Hoseok as an attractive man and a wonderful father at first, the more time you spent with him, the more you had begun to fall for him. He was so sweet and funny and kind and cared about Yeona so much it burned your insides with joy.
The nights when you’d stay, you both had a habit of sipping on a glass of wine while you chatted, just enjoying each other’s company, and enjoying the peace and quiet. You’d never trade Yeona for anything, but sometimes she was so energetic the both of you couldn’t quite keep up, needing to unwind and relax after she’d fallen asleep.
You’d met his friends and parents at Yeona’s third birthday party, and they loved you as much as Hoseok did, a fact that caused his bright smile to glow to the point he rivaled the sun. You’d become a staple in their lives, a constant, someone they could rely on. It was crazy to you how one fateful day had changed the course of your life, and these two unsuspecting strangers had grabbed onto your heart and refused to let go. You couldn’t say you were complaining though.
Not when you were the cause of Yeona’s adorable little giggle, her tiny hands coming to cover her face while her entire frame shook from the force of her laughter. Not when you’d look over and catch Hoseok watching the two of you with a wistful, joyful expression. Not when he’d join the fun and you’d both chase her around the yard, Mickey following and barking while his tail wagged a million miles an hour.
There had even been a few nights you’d awoken on their couch to find Yeona crawling up next to you, whimpering pathetically as she mumbled “bad dream” and reached to you for comfort. You’d hold her close and stroke her hair, humming gentle lullabies to soothe her weary young mind. There were nights when you weren’t there and you’d get a FaceTime call at an unholy hour, Hoseok apologizing, saying Yeona wouldn’t go back to sleep without speaking to you.
You’d comfort her and assure her everything was alright, and you would visit her soon, and the two of you would have so much fun she wouldn’t even remember why she was sad in the first place. Hoseok would thank you, apologizing that he couldn’t convince her to leave you be, and you’d shrug him off, telling him you were available anytime. You loved her and would do anything to make her happy. What you didn’t tell him was that the same applied to him...
It was almost embarrassing how badly you wanted him, how badly you wanted to be a true part of their little family. You knew you had a special place in their hearts, that you were an honorary part of the family, but you couldn’t stop yourself from imagining what it might have been like if you were to be with Hoseok, if you were to accept Yeona as your own. Would you be able to make them happy? Or would you just be trying to fill a void meant for someone else? You’d shrug those thoughts away as soon as they came and focus on living your life as normally as you could.
That’s when your other thoughts about Hoseok would set in. To say you wanted Hoseok would be quite the understatement. Yes, you wanted to be a part of their family in the simplest ways, to be there for them and love them unconditionally, but there was also that lingering attraction. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of him some days when he laughed, when his shirt rode up and accidentally displayed the trail of hair leading down to the promised land.
When he’d display his strength by helping you move something, or when he’d wrap his arms around you just a little too tightly, allowing your bodies to press against each other. If you weren’t cooing over how cute the two of them were, you were thirsting over Hoseok and trying desperately to think innocent thoughts, lest your arousal get so potent he would notice.
Once, you’d gone to the pool with Hoseok and Yeona, thinking nothing of the invite until you’d shown up in your bikini, ready to swim. Hoseok had physically ceased moving and his gaze had slowly trailed down your body, drinking in the sight of you so scantily-clad. His gaze had your skin burning more than the hot summer sun and you squirmed under his undivided attention, unable to stop yourself from also peeking a glance at his shirtless chest. Smooth skin, abs that weren’t too defined but were definitely there, that drool-worthy v shape that disappeared into his trunks…
You’d both snapped back to reality when Yeona had whined loudly, asking you to play with her under the waterfall station. Heat had flooded your cheeks and Hoseok had looked down with a guilty expression, scratching the back of his neck with a chuckle, saying he’d find a chair to place your items at and would meet the two of you over there.
There was also the time you’d come over for movie night a little earlier than planned and Hoseok had answered the door in a towel, loosely hung low on his hips and you’d been mesmerized by the water droplets that slowly traveled down his almost naked body. You’d audibly sucked in a breath, your mouth parting just slightly, and Hoseok had apologized, then rushed off to get dressed, but you hadn’t gotten the image out of your mind since.
On Friday night, you’d just arrived home after a long day at work, flinging yourself onto the couch with your amazon package in hand, a cute JoJo bow you’d picked up for Yeona after seeing it on the app during your late night scrolling. All your targeted ads were now centered around items for young girls rather than women your own age from you spoiling the young girl so much. You smiled to yourself and just as the thought had left your mind, your phone rang.
“Y/N!” Hoseok gasped, sounding panicked.
You immediately sat up, “what’s wrong?”
“I have this event for work tonight that I absolutely can not miss and my babysitter just cancelled. I tried calling the guys, my mom, everyone! No one’s available and I hate to ask this, but do you think you could watch Yeona? I swear it’ll only take like, two hours! Tops!”
“Hobi, calm down. I’ll be there in ten, okay?”
“What did I ever do to deserve you?!” he sighed in relief.
“You ordered me pizza for tonight.”
“You got it. The usual?”
“You’re the best, I’ll see you soon.”
You hoisted yourself up from the couch and trudged out the door, making quick work of your drive to Hoseok’s place. The door swung open before you could even knock, and Yeona flung herself into you, wrapping her arms around your legs, then reaching up for you to hold her. You leaned down and picked her up, snuggling her close to you as she wrapped her arms around your neck.
“Daddy said you’re going to play with me! By ourselves!” she bounced excitedly in your arms.
“It’s true! Are you excited?”
You giggled and placed her on the ground, turning to Hoseok who was slipping his jacket on. He leaned in to give you a tight, thankful hug that allowed you to smell his intoxicating aftershave. You swooned silently to yourself, hugging him back.
“Thank you so much, Y/N! The pizzas on the way, I already put the tip in. I will be back by 8 at the latest!”
“Take your time, I love hanging out with Yeona.” you reassured him.
He shot you an appreciative smile before leaning down and kissing Yeona on the cheek, then absentmindedly doing the same to you before rushing out the door. You stood frozen in place, staring at the closed door Hoseok had just exited from, shell shocked until Yeona tugged at your tights, forcing you to avert your attention to her and not your racing heart.
“Y/N, come play.”
“Oh! Right. I got you a present,” you dug into your purse and pulled out the shimmery bow, clipping it into her hair.
“Jojo!” she shrieked excitedly.
You giggled and followed along as she tugged you towards the mirror, surveying her new bow and twirling around like the diva she was.
“I look like a princess!” she said in awe, her eyes shining.
“You are a princess!”
Her chubby little cheeks tinged pink with glee and she pulled you into her room, deciding she wanted to play dress-up with her princess dresses and find the one that matched the bow the most. Mickey lay on her bed, looking up at you with curiosity and wagging his tail. You sat beside him and gently stroked his head, causing him to nuzzle into your touch.
You watched with amusement as Yeona tore apart her closet to find the best dress to go with her new bow, absentmindedly picking up the used dresses and hanging them back up for her. If she drug out her toys though, you’d make her pick those up. But she was just having so much fun you didn’t want to interrupt, and the clutter bothered you so you picked it up in between your choruses of “ooh I like that one” and “you look so pretty!”
The doorbell rang, causing Mickey to let out a protective bark and you soothed his fur down before standing to open the door. The man on the other side greeted you warmly, asking you to sign the receipt for the pizza, which you did, before wishing him a good night. You drooled a bit, smelling your favorite toppings that Hoseok had remembered to order.
“Yeona! Dinners here!” you called, grabbing two plates and setting the table.
Yeona came skipping into the kitchen, and you helped her climb into the booster seat on her favorite chair before placing a bib on her so she didn’t ruin her dress. You cut the pizza slice into more manageable pieces for Yeona to eat before sliding into your own chair, biting into the heavenly food. You groaned happily and Yeona giggled, eating hers with her little cartoon character utensils.
Putting the leftovers in the fridge to ensure Hoseok had a snack later, knowing he didn’t eat before rushing off to work, you continued to play with Yeona for about an hour or two before she started yawning and you checked the clock, realizing it was almost bedtime. You helped her clean up the toys and mess you’d both made before pulling out some pajamas for her and assisting her with brushing her teeth.
You tucked her into bed and she pulled on your sleeve, looking up at you with the sweetest puppy eyes you’d ever seen.
“Are you going to read me a story like daddy does?”
“I can! What do you want to read?”
“If you give a mouse a cookie!”
You grinned and grabbed the book off the shelf, leaning against the headboard next to Yeona and began reading.
“If a hungry little mouse shows up on your doorstep, you might want to give him a cookie. And if you give him a cookie, he'll ask for a glass of milk. He'll want to look in a mirror to make sure he doesn't have a milk mustache, and then he'll ask for a pair of scissors to give himself a trim…”
About halfway through the book, Yeona’s eyes started drifting closed, but her little hand reached out to hold onto your free one, and you looked down at her, setting the book down in your lap.
“I love you, Y/N,” Yeona mumbled, snuggling closer to the warmth of your body.
“I love you too, sweet girl,” you cooed, smoothing her hair out of her face with a tender touch.
“Wish you were my mommy.” she sighed, barely awake.
You didn’t move, didn’t breathe. You didn’t know how to respond, but thankfully she didn’t seem to be looking for one, her eyelids fluttering shut before you heard her soft, even breathing.
“Baby girl, I would never leave you behind if I were,” you whispered, knowing she couldn’t hear as you continued to stroke her hair, “I would take care of you, my love. I wish I was your mommy too.”
You watched her sleep for a little while longer, her precious face looking so peaceful and pure. You wondered how anyone could ever walk away from such a beautiful little girl. Stroking her hair one last time, you stood and placed the book back on the shelf, exiting the room with Mickey on your heels and slowly shutting the door.
You let him outside to use the bathroom and gave him a treat before settling into the couch with him in your lap, petting him absentmindedly as your thoughts raced with the events of the night. How Yeona had been so cute dressing up, had been so entertaining with the little tea party you’d both held, how she’d told you she wished you were her mom… How Hoseok had kissed your cheek, clearly not thinking about it, and doing it out of habit, but how it had sent your heart lurching out of your chest. Just as the thought of Hoseok had crossed your mind, the door opened and Hoseok rushed inside, quietly but profusely apologizing for being late.
“I am so sorry, the function ran over and I was on the cleanup crew so I couldn’t leave.” Hobi whisper-shouted.
“It’s fine, I had fun, I barely realized what time it was. Yeona’s asleep.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Hoseok gushed, reaching into his pocket to pull out his wallet and hold out some bills for you to take.
You looked up at him with one eyebrow arched, a sassy look on your face, and that had him putting the money away.
“Are you sure? I can pay you, I know you probably had other plans, it is Friday night after all.”
“Hobi, there is nowhere I would rather be, no matter what day of the week it is.” you smiled.
“You’re a god-send.” he groaned.
“It’s late, I should get going.” you smiled, seeing how exhausted he was and wanting to get out of his hair.
“Nooo, it’s too late for you to drive home alone. What if you fall asleep at the wheel? You should just stay. You can take my room, I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“I’m not going to kick you out of your room. I can take the couch.”
“Are you thirsty? Want some wine?” he offered, walking backwards towards the kitchen.
Hoseok grabbed two glasses of wine and the bottle, setting the objects on the coffee table in front of you and easing himself into the seat beside you, and you both sipped on the dark red liquid as you talked.
“I really am so thankful for your help tonight, all your help with Yeona. It’s not easy doing everything on my own. I know I have my parents and the guys, but sometimes I wonder if I’m giving her the best life or if I’m holding her back from having a happy family,” he sighed.
“Hobi, that little girl adores you, there is no one she’d rather have as her father.”
“I know, but is that what’s best for her? Doesn’t she need a mom?”
“She needs people who love her and support her, and she has that,” you comfort, rubbing his back soothingly, “she has you, the guys, her grandparents, me…”
“You’re right, thank you. I just get insecure sometimes, thinking she deserves better than… well, me.”
“Hobi, you’re an amazing dad! You’re so good with her, you’re raising her so well. She’s sweet and smart and well-behaved. She is so loved and it shows, because she displays love. You are a wonderful father, and you are more than enough.”
“Thank you, really. You always know just what to say. I’m so glad I met you, you’ve been so good to Yeona and I.” he smiled.
“I’m glad I met you too, you two are so important to me! I couldn’t imagine a life without you both in it.”
“Of course!” you immediately replied with conviction, holding onto Hoseok’s hand without realizing it.
Hands still in yours, Hoseok’s gaze lifted to meet your own, and you didn’t shy away like you’d immediately wanted to, wanting to both comfort him, and also look into his beautiful eyes for a moment more. You couldn’t believe Hoseok was insecure about his abilities to raise Yeona, he was the best father you’d ever seen,  one of the million things you’d come to love about him. His eyes flickered from yours to your lips momentarily, and he slowly leaned closer to your now-shivering frame.
“Tell me to stop, and I will. Tell me you don’t want this, and I’ll back off,” he whispered as he closed the gap between your lips.
You didn’t say anything, instead opting to close the remaining distance yourself, pressing your lips to his in a sweet, chaste kiss. Hobi scooted closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and bringing you against his body, your arms coming up to wrap around his neck. The kiss was sweet and tentative at first but quickly lit a fire inside your core, and somehow, you found yourself straddling his lap, grinding your core down on his semi-hard erection.
“Fuck, Y/N…” he groaned, moving his kisses down to your neck, muttering into your skin, “I’ve wanted this for so long.”
“Me too.” you admitted through breathless exhales, working your hips against his while he worked his lips against your skin.
You slipped your fingers under his shirt, feeling his stomach up to his nipples, grazing your nails gently across the buds, causing his body to jerk towards you. You smirked to yourself, lifting the shirt which he aided you in removing. Your mouth watered at the sight of his smooth, tan skin. You gently nudged him backwards until his head rested on the arm of the couch, and kissed your way down his torso until you reached the hem of his jeans.
Hoseok’s breath hitched as you undid his belt, looking up at him to make sure it was okay and he grinned at you, running his hand through your hair to gather it into a makeshift ponytail. You took that as an okay and slid his jeans and boxers down just enough to reveal his throbbing length, precum, leaking from the tip. You licked along the slit, gathering the precum on your tongue and swallowing, making a pleased noise in the back of your throat.
Hoseok shivered, biting down on his lip and watching you lick a bold stripe along the underside, your hand reaching to cup his balls while you sunk down on his length, hollowing your cheeks around his throbbing member. Hoseok gripped your hair a little tighter in an attempt not to buck up into your mouth. You took him as deep as you could, letting the tip hit the back of your throat as you sucked him for dear life.
“Fuck, I’m not gonna last long if you keep doing that,” he moaned helplessly, his grip on your hair loosening.
In response, you simply bobbed your head up and down faster, sucking harder on his length, using every trick you had to get him to his orgasm. Hoseok groaned, probably a little too loudly, before tapping the side of your cheek to warn you, but you didn’t pull away. Hoseok groaned, his back arching off the couch as he spilled his seed down your throat and you swallowed it all, licking your lips once you’d pulled off of his softening cock.
“Holy shit,” he breathed.
You giggled and leaned up to peck his lips, which he returned with fervor, licking along your bottom lip and deepening the kiss, pulling you closer , letting your hips settle atop his while his mouth worked against your own.
“I really want to be inside you,” he groaned.
“Fuck me, Hobi,” you pleaded, grinding yourself on his length, and you felt it stir to life once more.
“Need to prep you.”
“No, I’m so fucking wet for you, I’m ready,” you groaned, lifting yourself off of him to shed your panties from under your skirt, bunching it up around your hips and lining your entrance with his now-erect penis.
“Are you sure?”
You nodded, sinking down on his member and groaning at the way he stretched your walls, the slight burn being aided by the amount of arousal that had pooled in your cunt, allowing his length to slip into your inviting heat with minimal resistance. Hoseok bit down on his arm, holding in a moan at the feeling of your wet cavern wrapped around his cock so perfectly.
Hoseok’s hands came to rest on your hips, guiding your pace as you bounced on his cock, riding him with enthusiasm, your walls clenching around him each time the tip of his cock kissed that special spot inside you. Hoseok lifted his hips to meet yours, keeping time with your thrusts and you bit down on your lip to hold in a moan.
“Fuck, you feel even better than I imagined.”
“You thought about this?” you wondered, swiveling your hips down on him.
“Every night since I met you,” he admitted.
“Fuck, Hobi. Me too. Want you so bad,” you whimpered.
“Yeah? You want Daddy to fill you up? Want me to fill this pretty pussy with my seed? Fuck a baby into you?” he growled and you clenched at the words.
“Yes, fuck.”
“Mmm, you like that? Wanna be filled with Daddy’s cum? Wanna see it drip out of that tight little pussy.” he groaned, speeding up his thrusts.
“Hobi, yes,” you whined, his dirty words spurring you closer to your release, “close.”
“Me too, baby. Come on, cum for me,” he urged, leaning up to bring one of your nipples in his mouth.
Your orgasm crashed over you the moment his tongue ran over the sensitive bud. You held your breath to keep from crying out as Hoseok worked you through your high, reaching his before you had finished yours, the feeling of his warm seed filling your battered hole making your orgasm even more intense.
Coming down from your highs, you lifted your hips to allow his length to slip out of you, watching as his cum dripped out of your sex, running down your leg and his. Hoseok groaned at the sight, pulling you into his chest. You snuggled up to him for a moment before you both got up to clean up, him assisting you by gently running a damp rag along your folds and you running it along his leg to clean up the mess you’d both made.
You pulled your clothes back on and Hoseok grabbed your hand, leading you to his bedroom and offering you a t-shirt to sleep in. You weren’t sure he would want you to stay, but you were thankful he did. And not on the couch. After changing into Hobi’s clothes and cuddling up to him, his arm wrapped around your middle, you felt at ease. Hobi was the first to break the silence.
“Please tell me this means you’ll be mine,” he whispered against the skin of your neck while placing little kisses along the skin there.
“I’ll be yours if you’ll be mine,” you answered, leaning down to capture his lips with yours.
One year later 
Pushing the key in the lock of your brand new house, you opened the door and looked around the foyer, and heard little footsteps running through the hall, a sweet giggle echoing.
“Mommy! You’re home!” Yeona grinned, launching herself into your arms, and you spun her around, holding her close to your chest.
“I’m home, baby girl. How was your day?”
“It was good! I missed you though, you and my baby sister!” she grinned, her tiny, chubby hand caressing your plump belly.
“We missed you too, pumpkin. Where’s Daddy?”
“He’s in his office, he’s been boring today, but he did take a break to play with me. He doesn’t play dress up like you do, you’re more fun,” she whined, clutching at your neck.
“Hmmm, how about we play a little before dinner then?”
She squealed excitedly, wiggling out of your grasp and running to her room. You followed behind her, leaning up against Hoseok’s office door on the way.
“Hey, handsome.”
Hoseok looked up, immediately standing and walking up to you, his hand gently caressing your baby bump while he pressed his lips to yours.
“Welcome home, baby. And baby,” he grinned.
You rolled your eyes with a smile on your face, pecking his cheek.
“Yeona says you’re boring and don’t play dress up the right way,” you smirked, mocking him.
Hoseok groaned, throwing his arm over his eyes dramatically before his smile reached his eyes as he softly said, “Well, it’s a good thing we have you.”
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ofstarsandvibranium · 3 years
Fandom: Pedro Pascal - Triple Frontier (Flower Shop AU)
Pairing: Frankie "Catflish" Morales x F!Reader
Summary: You ask Frankie if he and Mia would like to go to the Flower Festival with you.
A/N: related to Love Blooming
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You and Frankie have been on a few more dates after your impromptu coffee date. Your second date, was at the actual cafe that Frankie had wanted to bring you to. The third date was a movie and dinner after. The fourth date was him making you dinner at his because his babysitter got sick and she couldn't watch Mia.
The fifth date, you've yet to have, however, you knew that the Flower Festival was coming up so you wanted to see if Frankie and Mia wanted to go.
As you're closing up shop, you called Frankie.
"Good evening, blossom," his gruff voice filled your ears and you smiled.
"Good evening, Frankie."
"To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?"
"Have you heard of the Flower Festival?"
"Yeah. They hold it every spring in the fairgrounds."
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go? You can even bring Mia if you have her that weekend, I don't mind."
"Spending a day with my two favorite girls, how could I resist?" he chuckles, "I'll make sure I ask for that day off."
"Yay! Okay, a fair warning though, I will definitely info dump on you and ramble on and on about flowers. So you might want to bring ear plugs to drown me out."
You heard Frankie snort and you smiled, "For your information, blossom, one of the things I find attractive in you is your vast knowledge of plants and flowers."
"Really?" you bit your lip, feeling your heart beat a little faster.
"Really. I like a woman who's passionate about something."
You're turning off the lights in the greenhouse when you stop and say, "Since you're being so honest, can I make a confession?"
"Of course."
"I definitely see you as a dilf."
"I knew it," he replied and you both burst into a fit of giggles. You held your phone closer to your ear so you can listen to the low timber of his laughter, the sound making you melt.
"Well, I'm finishing locking up and I'm gonna head home. I'll talk to you later, Frankie."
"Alright, cherry blossom, let me know when you're safe at home, okay?"
"Will do. Bye."
You're waiting by the entrance of the festival when you hear a tiny voice scream, "BOSSOM!" you turn around and see Frankie pushing Mia in a stroller and the little Morales was trying to free herself from the constraints her father put her in.
Mia started whining and you rush over to her, "Hey, petal, I'm here." you quickly unbuckle her from the stroller and you pluck her up into your arms.
Frankie leans in and kisses your cheek, never your lips. You haven't had your first kiss yet and that's okay.
"She's been very excited to see you, blossom."
"Yeah? Were you excited to see me, petal? Huh?" you tickle her tummy and she giggles, squirming in your arms.
She then wraps her arms around your neck and rests her head on your shoulder. Frankie bites his lip, preventing himself from breaking out into an elated grin.
"You want me to take her?" he asks and you shake your head, "No, I'm fine. I already got our tickets." with your free hand, you pulled them out of your back pocket, handing them to Frankie.
"It's okay, Frankie. I invited you, so I pay." you then pull Mia back a little bit to look at her, "Ready to see some pretty flowers, petal?"
"I'm gonna set you down and you can hold my hand, okay?"
"Okay, bossom." you giggle as she pronounces your nickname wrong, due to her current inability to pronounce l's.
You and Mia walk ahead, with Frankie right behind you. The sight is so cute that he takes a quick picture on his phone and then hurries to catch up with you.
At the entrance, Frankie hands over the tickets and the three of you walk through a floral archway that says 'Welcome to the Flower Festival'.
"Wow," Frankie murmured, completely overwhelmed by how many flowers there were. There were flower floats and displays that were very impressive. Stuff that you'd probably see at Disneyland or something.
"It's cool right?!" you ask him excitedly. This has been a thing since the 90s. I remember my grandparents bringing me every year. I've made a lot of good memories here."
"Is this where your love of flowers came from?"
You shook your head as you, Frankie, and Mia walked around looking at the different displays, "I've always loved flowers. I grew up with my grandparents. They're the ones who took me in and raised me. My grandpa loved to garden. I'd help him harvest the fruits and vegetables that he grew, and plant flowers. It was a great bonding experience. But this was where I was inspired to open my flower shop. I had the support from my grandparents and they actually helped buy the little land where my shop is."
Frankie had a fond smile on his face as you rambled on about your life. This was information that you had somewhat mentioned but didn't go into detail until now.
"Sounds like they really loved you."
"Yeah, they did," you give a sad smile, "I make sure to bring fresh flowers from my shop whenever I visit their graves."
"I'm sure they appreciate it that a lot."
You let out a deep breath and gave your body a little shake, "Ugh, sorry. I don't mean to be a downer."
Frankie shakes his head, "No, I'm glad you told me, blossom. Thank you for sharing that with me," he kisses your nose and you scrunch your face up so adorably.
You look down at Mia who's just mindlessly looking around. You giggle and swoop her up into your arms and she giggles. You kiss her cheek, "Petal, you hungry? You wanna eat?" She shook her head and you playfully frown, "No? Even if it's...ice cream?" Mia gives a little smirk and Frankie chuckles, "That's her weakness."
"Well it's settled, we're getting ice cream!"
You lead them to the food vendors that have somewhat long lines and you're willing to wait while Frankie and Mia go find a table, but Frankie insists on staying by your side.
He has his arm around your waist as he looks at the different menu items each vendor offers.
"Never thought flowers could be incorporated in so many different foods."
You snickered, "Yeah. It's pretty cool honestly. There's edible flowers, rose flavored pastries, lavender ice cream, poppy seed bagels, etc. Flowers and plants can be in anything and everything!"
"Ever thought about opening a flower themed bakery?" Frankie asks jokingly, but your eyes lighten up, "Actually, yes! I told you since I wanted that back room to be like a recreational room, I figured that maybe I could expand and have a little cafe in the shop too?"
"You're very ambitious, aren't you?"
You shrugged, "I just want everyone to see that flowers and plants are beautiful and enjoyable."
"Nothin' wrong with that, blossom."
You get to the front of the line and you order a lavender ice cream and cherry blossom ice cream. You're handed two ice cream cones and the three of you go off to the side, finding a table and sitting down.
You hold the cones up to Mia, who's sitting on Frankie's side of the table, "Okay, petal, which one do you want to try first?" she points to the pink cherry blossom one and you hand it to Frankie. He offers it to Mia and she practically shoves her face into it, making you and Frankie burst out laughing.
You use a spoon to scoop up some of the lavender ice cream and offer it to Frankie. He accepts it and his brows furrow as he processes the flavor, "Well that's definitely...flowery."
You snort, "That's the point, hon. I like the cherry blossom one better though."
"Thus furthers my point as to why I call you cherry blossom, cherry blossom."
You give him a wink and he grins even wider.
It's been a few hours since you. Frankie, and Mia first arrived to the festival. After you'd eaten the ice cream, you guys went around the displays and took pictures. Frankie mostly took pictures of you and Mia because he didn't want to be in the pictures. But then you gave him a pout and bat your lashes and he caved.
After walking through the exhibits and displays, you played some games. Frankie explained that, due to his military background, he thinks he'd be able to win you a big teddy bear. He did and it sat in Mia's stroller since you were either holding her hand and walking or carrying her.
Eventually, Mia started to get sleepy and you've all done and seen everything the festival had to offer, so you figured it was time to go home.
"Wanna come back to mine?" Frankie asks quietly as he buckles Mia into her car seat.
"You sure?"
"Of course. Wanna spend more time with you," he tries to shut the door as quietly as he can and then he hooks his finger through your belt loops and pulls you closer.
You giggle and rest your hands on his chest. His nose grazes against yours and you ask softly, "You finally gonna kiss me, Morales?"
He smirks and murmurs, "Think I've kept you waiting long enough," he then presses his lips to yours and you wrap your arms around his neck. You move your lips in tandem, his grip tightens on your waist and you pull away for air.
"I think that was worth the wait."
Frankie softly chuckles and says, "Yeah, I think so too."
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magpiefrankie · 3 years
I was in Lidl today and suddenly thought of a new doctor who headcanon so now I'm gonna share it and also some others because why not?!
- The Doctor has become something like a cryptid in the UK. With various people over the centuries having written accounts of this mysterious character known only as 'The Doctor', a person who wherever they travel, chaos is sure to follow. It's known that they travel in 'The Blue Box', and is almost always seen alongside one or more people they call their 'companions'. People claim to have met the doctor, that they saw a man in a long coat appear from a box that wasn't there a second ago. I also like to imagine former companions(especially Jack)giving fake anecdotes about their time with the Doctor, just for fun. The Doctor sees them and sometimes can't even remember if it's true or not. People from America travel over in hopes of spotting this mysterious Doctor. People see a man in a trench coat and either run for their fucking lives because they know shits about to go down, or they try to follow and join in because?? Magic blue box and chaos?? Fun!! Oh hey, you remember that girl Rose who straight up disappeared from the flat below you? You always think you notice a blue box in the corner of your eye as you walked into the building, and there was always a strange whining sound that was too mechanical to be pipes but sounds like nothing you've ever heard before. Yeah, it's because she was taken by the Doctor, chosen to be their companion, destined to leave one day and never be seen again. The missing posters come down but the people never come back. Peoples opinions vary on this shape-changing being - Parents warn their young girls to stay away from the Doctor, lest they get abducted, stolen away in the night. Teenagers try to find them, desperate to get away from their boring lives and overbearing parents and have a little adventure. Grandparents tell the kids personal accounts - the time their sister was saved by the Doctor, the time they thought they saw a blue box on the corner of the street but when they tried to look for it they couldn't see it.
- Everyone is Very Aware of aliens, it's just one of those things that you don't talk about. It's always bothered me how nearly every time a human sees a Dalek in newer episodes they go 'oh wow, what could this be? I have ever seen this before in my life!' as if millions of Daleks didn't get released above London and then sucked back into Canary Wharf where they magically disappeared from? Or like how Daleks are in the streets...very often. Or when that huge stadium of people straight up disappeared during the London Olympics then came back a bit later and it was never explained? Or how they all lived with what they thought where ghosts for an amount of time I don't remember but it was long enough anyway, and then those 'ghosts' became metal men? And the metal men?? Appear a lot?? Like in that one with Missy and they're all on the streets?? You'd think someone would go 'oh hey look is that thing I thought was my dead great aunt carol a few years back, what the fuck?'. At this point, I'm sure every person in the UK should be related to someone who died of alien related causes. And hey, remember the huge spaceship above London that time? And that other time? And the time the spaceship broke Big Ben? Or the time the Christmas star of death zapped a load of people? I think I've made my point - people know about aliens. So I'm gonna say that everyone is fully aware of aliens, they just...don't talk about it. It's a Thing.
- The TARDIS can control who the perception filter works on. This isn't really a big thing, just a little continuity issue I noticed, and maybe there was an explanation but if there is then I missed it. Please correct me if I'm wrong! But if you remember when Ten created the perception filters using the TARDIS keys for him, Jack and Martha - Martha knew of the effects of a perception filter, but she still couldn't help its effects in her. Yet the companions suddenly gain the ability to always see the TARDIS once they join the Doctor. Even though, using the same logic, they should still have their perception shifted despite knowing it is there. The way Martha puts it, she says 'it's like I know you're there, but I don't wanna know' or something similar to that. So conclusion - the TARDIS can decide if it wants people to see her. We know that she/it is sentient and conscious, so I don't see why not!
- So we know that due to the nature of Timelords, they don't really have a concept of gender like we do. Their biological sex is changeable, and because of that they don't have the same social constructs as we do. So, the reason they refer to themselves as male or female to humans is because of our own perceptions of gender, and the TARDIS translates it to be what would seem natural to us. So a male presenting doctor would call himself he, and female presenting would call herself she, because that is how we as humans perceive them. I imagine in Gallifreyan they maybe don't have separate pronouns, only one. I also imagine that 'Timelord' is just a very literal translation of their actual title, just because...well for one it's in English, which makes no sense, and also it's such an obnoxious title ahshsjsj.
- Sometimes the Doctor checks in on Donna to make sure she's okay. They still feel guilty about wiping her memory, even though it saved her life, so maybe they help her out in whatever little ways they can anonymously. Yaz asks Thirteen who the seemingly unimportant woman she's so interested in is, and Thirteen just smiles sadly and says 'An old friend'.
- The timeless child didn't happen. Pretty self explanatory - I just hate it, so I pretend it doesn't exist! Yay!
- Oh also the way I see Thirteen and her companions in my head is so different to how they're actually written because...Chibnall bad. MY Thirteen would never hand someone over the the bloody N*z*s, no matter what they had done, let alone someone they'd known their (very long) life and had loved? MY Thirteen wouldn't brush of Graham's fear about his cancer returning, nor would she support the hugeass Amazon metaphor (also when she blows up that guy, after giving him like a seconds warning?? What?!?). It actually hurts listening to Twelves goodbye speech and then watching Thirteens portrayal. The basis of their character is that they're kind, they do they best they can and they always help those in need. Twelve wouldn't have gone 'Oh no, I don't know what to say, silly old me, I'm so socially awkward bye' if someone he cared about came to him with their fears, because he can be silly and awkward and 'why are you wearing heels, do you need to reach a shelf?', but not when it's something like that. Also why is she so awkward? The Doctor has always been weird, but the difference is that in the past they have always known that they're weird and literally put it in just to embarrass/confuse people. And yeah, sometimes the Doctor genuinely doesn't understand 'human things'. But they do know how to act normal? The Doctor is perfectly capable of appearing human if they really needed to, but they have no problem saying shit to confuse people. But when Thirteen is awkward, she's just...cringeworthy awkward.
Sorry if my wording is bad and some of my memories of episodes are a bit wrong! I didn't check sources or anything I'm really just rambling here. This got way longer than I intended so well done(!!!) if you bothered to read all of it.
(I know my pronouns are all over the place, but when talking about the Doctor I tend to use 'they' when speaking of not any specific Doctor, and then 'she' for Thirteen and 'he' for the others.)
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yzjsgrapefruit · 5 years
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d-9 zhangjing’s vocals
here we go yay first day of zhangjing moments! i think my title is pretty clear so let’s jump into it ;-D so zhangjing is nine percent’s main vocal... his voice was the first thing that i noticed about him and that’s basically what got me to stan (pick?) him :*) i’ve really come to admire also his singing techniques and the entire stage presence thing he has going on?? like how in the world does zhangjing manage to make all his live performances even better than the studio recordings??? okay at this point i could probably ramble about this for an entire day so let’s get to the actual stuff!
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1. 我怀念的 what i miss (idp stage)
this is my top top top performance from idol producer (( hi mom i’m not crying )) aka the point of time in my life that i decided i was gonna stan zhangjing!!!!!! i’ve probably watched this performance wayyyyyyy too many times from multiple angles and even the original untuned fancam version (probably not very objective pov: zhangjing actually sounds better when there’s no tuning involved?? like there’s more power and emotion in his voice yaknow) coincidentally it’s also the only performance that zhangjing was the center position for! apparently they had a 27h competition for it wow but i really love how zhangjing was so passionate while singing :””) i guess he wasn’t exaggerating when he said that his teacher cried when he sang this song oijrfjoasnckdk also li ronghao’s praises! so proud of this bub aww
lovely pics cr: DayDayUp_尤长靖 (also on instagram)
2. 飘向北方 stranger in the north (the rap of china)
iconic!!!!!! this was the performance that got a lot of people recognising zhangjing as more than just another idol who claims to be able to sing ;;;-) zhangjing got invited on the show 中国新说唱 the rap of china as a special guest (li ronghao was invited as well!) there were many netizens who doubted his capabilities when the info was first released... (especially bc zhangjing is the only member of nine percent who doesn’t rap and the other special guests were all acclaimed singers) but he proved them wrong with his powerful vocals aaaaaaa it’s amazing how well the balance between the rapper (那吾克热 a contestant on the show) and vocal voices turned out!!! zhangjing’s humming was really soothing and toned-down (at the start especially) for the rapper to stand out more and draw attention to the rhythm of the song, but he really went all out when it was his time to shine!!!!! those high notes!!!!!! were incredible and the rappers on the show probably agree with me on this hahah
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3. 饥饿30 (malaysia 30hour famine)
will probably do up another post to talk more about this event bc i think it’s super meaningful ;;-) but yep another amazing performance that i can’t get over just yet hahah so zhangjing participated in this event and was one of the invited guests for their countdown concert (zhangjing and all of the volunteers went through 30hours of not eating hence the name lol) and this was the first time he sang his first two songs in AZORAland live!! 一颗星的夜 (the night of one star) and 一个人记得 (one remembers) are both beautiful songs full of meaning! i love the way zhangjing kinda changed up some parts of the song aaaaa (he said that he faces a dilemma choosing how the recorded version sounds like all the time so he promised that he would sing all the versions for us to hear :@) what a precious bub) can’t believe he still had the energy to sing so well :-0 a side note: i really like the video linked for 一个人记得 bc it’s a comparison between the live (left ear) and studio recording (right ear)!!! i’ve probably said this too much already but i really think zhangjing sounds better live aaaaaaaaaa it’s my dream to listen to him sing live T^T
my fav photos from that event!!! cr: 上扬风|尤长靖
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and...... that’s it for today!!! thank you for bearing with all my rambling and hope the links were helpful for yall teehee whoops i thought i was going to do one moment per day but i kinda got carried away.... yes i keep using gifs of 昨日青空 (crystal sky of yesterday) but that’s a story for another day :3 anyway bye for now! i’ll be back tmr!
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ourfavcanadianshawn · 7 years
No Feelings Allowed|S.M|Chapter Seven {just two idiots}
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<<Last Chapter|Masterlist|Next Chapter>>
A/n: Wow I wrote this in only a day. That deserves a pat on the back, yay go me! Alright everyone just keep in mind that Y/n is studying to be a doctor. A lot of references to the past couple of chapters, enjoy!
word count: 2612
prompt: shawn and y/n have some unfinished business that they decide to…tend to
“Why do we keep playing this game like there are no feelings involved, when in the end that’s all there’s ever been?” { @i-see-you-mendes }
The hospital corridor felt stuffy: a undertone of bleach swirled in the air, people perpetually were not regulating their sneezes and or coughs, and the sound of snores coming from patients or the cries coming from visitors. Each wall radiated a freshly painted stench that spoke the word absurd, the last time the walls were painted was back in the eighties. Every nurse seemed calm and non-haste. The only difference in all of them is that some captivated the ��I don’t have time for this’ look and the others grasped the ‘I’m ready to take care of you’ look. In other words, some held a smile and some didn’t.
“Okay Y/n would you mind taking a look at the analysis report from the chemotherapist for Darcy Lewis while I go check on a newer patient?” Dr. Manson asked, lifting his gaze from a clipboard in his hands. His eyes suited on Y/n, who was across the room writing a report. Her gaze shifted up to her mentors eyes, she nodded in reply.
“Of course! Do you need me to email you the final copy of it once I go over it with the patient?” Her shifted gaze stayed put on Dr. Manson as she shut her laptop.
“That would be great. Also make sure to tell Anna to go through with that diagnostic for Tim Weatherly,” Dr. Manson approached the door before turning back to his intern, “and could you do a stop in with Lily? She really misses hanging out with you.”
“Are you sure? What about the other patients?” A concern strikes her face as she perked up in her seat as the sound of the name, Lily.
“Of course, Y/n. It means a lot to me. You’re one of the only people who can make her smile and feel normal. Phill and Anna can cover the rest of the patients. Please just go do it...for me,” Dr. Manson rested against the doorframe, sending a pleading stare to Y/n, “take her to the bottom level of something, please Y/n if you want. Her days are believed to be numbered, I don’t want to watch her go without a smile.”
Y/n frowned at the feeling she would feel about losing the young girl. Her eyes trailed back to the door where Oliver(Dr. Manson) stood. She smiled and nodded her head, “okay.”
“Thanks, it means a lot to me Y/n. I will see you at one thirty for that finalizing of that diagnostic,” Oliver chucked while throwing a thumbs up to Y/n.
“Bye,” she waved to him. She tucked her laptop into her bag and started her journey to the examine room.
The hallway had as much personality as the rest of the hospital. The floor is slate grey and the walls that pure white color. Above, the ceiling is made from those polystyrene squares laid on a grid-like frame. There are commercial prints on the wall, tasteful in the dullest way. This place definitely isn't ran by risk-takers. Above every door she passed, a large plastic sign, dark with white lettering- no crazy fonts, just bold and all-caps. Her eyes fall to the hard-boarded clipboard in her hand, it’s roughness gave her hand the scratchiest feeling.
She finally looked up again at above the doors to see the illuminating sign of the examine room.
A hand of hers went to the keycard around her neck and scanned it onto the card slot. As the door opened she smelt the whiff of cleaning products. Several different doctors and their interns sat together, discussing different plans for their patients. On the far other side of the room were four see-through windows. Only two held a surgery in it. These were for the interns and trainees to preform a simulation of a real life surgery with a dummy, or if they were lucky the would get a actual human who did in fact need surgery.
A couple interns sat on the opposite side of the room on their computers, most working on reports.
“Anna, Manson wants you to go through with that diagnostic,” Y/n approached a short blonde currently stepping outside one of the simulation rooms. Anna slid off her gloves and mask.
“Okay, the one for Tim Weatherly?” She slipped off her scrubs, holding onto Y/n for support as her slippers came off.
“Yes, that’s the one. Manson is checking on a few cases also. And he wants you and Phill to take over the next few patients of mine, he needs me to go check up on Lily,” she compiled, handing Anna her clipboard.
“I’m also gonna need Lily’s document. I need to read up on a few things, catch up on everything,” Y/n added on and followed Anna over to the younger females category.
“M, M, M....Here we go Lily Manson,” Anna said, handing Y/n the document.
“Okay see yah at lunch? You want to get sushi?”
“Actually, Phill asked me out to lunch...” Anna smiled lightly to her co-intern.
“Really?!? That’s great! Oh my god it’s about time! Well then I will see you at Manson’s office for final check ins?” Y/n started on her way out as she saw Anna nod her head yes.
“Hey Lily, how are you doing?” Y/n entered the bright eyed twelve year olds room.
“Y/n? Oh my goodness, Y/n! I missed you. Are you a year older yet? Have you got a boyfriend yet? How is your dog? How is your friends and family? Why didn’t you tell me you we’re friends with THE Shawn Mendes? Huh? Oh, have you ate the macaroni yet? I highly recommend it—“ “Lily! Yes hi I’m here. Slow down, I barely heard a word you got in and–What?!?” Y/n came rushing to Lily’s bed. “How did you know I was friends with Shawn Mendes?”
“It’s all over the news. Pick up a tv remote or magazine one day, would yah?” Lily chuckled, grasping onto the tv remote beside her. She turned on the tv and turned it to the celebrity news channel.
“Shawn Mendes sneaking around with mystery woman? Hate to say it to the Mendes Army but your ruler could be taken... the girl Mendes was apparently ‘sneaking around with’ is his former high school best friend Y/n Y/l/n. The two were seen at a club together in Toronto earlier last week and it seemed something really connected between the two...”
“Andddd here’s another one...” Lily changed the channel.
“Ten things you must know about Y/n Y/l/n, the old friend of Shawn Mendes’ who seems to be stealing his heart. Starting at ten, Y/n is a University student at University of Toronto. Leave it to Shawn to find a very well educated girl. Nine, Y/n was friends with Shawn even before fame. Could she just be using him for the mon—“
“Shut that off now!” Y/n hollered, pointing to the television remote.
“Okay, okay calm down. Here,” Lily cut off the tv and gazed down at her blue blanket.
“How about we focus on you? How have you been feeling?” Y/n started to walk over to Lily’s collection of toys.
Lily shrugged and ended up smiling when she Y/n picking up her favorite doll, a American Girl doll named Amber.
“I’m doing good. I feel like someday soon I will get to go home with my dad, and soon I will be cleared of everything. No more sickness, no more gowns, no more wigs, no more crying. I will finally get treated like a normal kid! Look my hair has started grow back, I forgot what my hair felt like,” Lily beamed, rambling about her hope.
Y/n cracked a smile but it dropped soon after, knowing Lily may never go home. A sadness ruptured in her knowing this was the way her grandma went. The first stage of her dying was hair growth. Then hope begin to rise and then she got terribly sick.
“Lily, you are a normal kid...” Y/n inhaled deeply, saddening her look to the young girl.
“No I’m not. I’m a freak. A diseased freak!” Lily yelled out.
“Why do you think that?”
“Because I can’t go outside ever. I can’t see other kids. I don’t have friends, and I have cancer Y/n. I don’t even go to school!” A frown played on the girls mouth as she turned her gaze away from Y/n.
“But Lily, think about it. It’s like being a princess. You’re to special for anyone to see you. The king, you’re dad, keeps you inside to protect you. A prince is out there trying to get into the castle but can’t. He has a feeling of how amazing you are...” Y/n trailed off when she saw a big smile appear on Lily’s face.
“He thinks I’m a princess?”
“He’d be crazy not to,” Y/n commented before both of their head turned to the clearing of a thought at the door. They both saw Dr. Manson standing there with someone standing behind him.
“Sorry if I’m interrupting, I wanted to spend time with my Lily. My schedule cleared for the day and so that means you’re free to go Y/n. Also you have a visitor...” Oliver stepped to the side to reveal Shawn.
“What are you doing here?” Her voice rang through the room as she came closer.
“To talk to you about the other day. I want to hangout with you today—“ “Oh my god! You’re Shawn Mendes!” Lily screamed, pushing off her blanket and jumping out of her bed.
“Lily!” Oliver grabbed his daughter and set her back into the bed, “you’re not supposed to get up.”
“Bye Lily, I will see you tomorrow.”
“What do you want actually?” Y/n asked as she slid off her coat and set it on the coat rack.
“To talk. I’m sorry about the other day of the hockey game, for being snarky,” Shawn said, running a hand through his hair. His eyes stayed on her every movement.
“Fine you talked. Time for me to go...”
“Wait,” he clung onto her wrist like magnetism, “at least let me take you out for lunch?”
“I honestly cannot believe you convinced me to get in a car with you,” she argued, still in outrage.
“Listen I think this a good idea for us. Bonding, eh?” He rubbed his elbow up and down her arm as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“Oh please, you sound like my brothers after they went to go fuck one of my friends,” she batted his hand away and kept a stare on the window. Y/n wasn’t even interested by anything from the passing environment out the window. Her mind just stayed focused on trying to make this ‘bonding time’ with Shawn as short as possible.
“Listen we both owe each other explanations, Y/n.”
“For what?” She bit back, her head spun faster than Shawn could drop a phone of one his fans.
“Me for writing that song about you—“ “I don’t care that you wrote a song about me doofus.” She waved him off.
“Then you wouldn’t care to learn and know why that I wrote other songs about you?”
His reply grabbed her attention and it caused her to jump at him, “what? You wrote more songs about me? Tell me now!”
“I will at lunch but in return...”
“In return what?”
“You have to tell me why you were so upset about me leaving you in bed alone after the night we—“ “Oh no...don’t even say it,” venom dripped from her voice.
“The night we had sex...” He smirked over at her, knowing it would push her buttons.
“Talk about me not really changing from high school...you’re still a annoying little prick,” she rolled her eyes over to him, causing the smirk to jump off his face.
“Hey! I bet you didn’t think of that when I stayed around when no one else did, and helped you with all the shit going on in your life. Lauren thought I was cheating on her! Y/n I was the only fucking one there for you—“ “Why? Why did you stick around with me when you could have been with Lauren?”
“Because I’m a good friend and...wanted to help you...” He sounded like he was questioning himself.
“Bullshit Shawn, I know you and you would not do that. You stuck around for two years while I went through that shit. My grandmother, my mum, and my dog passing away...Why were you there?” She screamed at him as her floodgates opened. Tears flowed down her cheeks.
“Because I was in fucking love with you!” Shawn screamed right back, making a thick tension in the air.
“You were?” She whimpered, feeling lightheaded. “Yeah.”
“Oh,” she nodded.
“I told her...I fucking told her...” Shawn repeated as he wondered into Geoff’s apartment.
“Dude did you lose the bet?” Geoff came running to his mates side.
“No...I told I was in love with her though and told her I wrote so many songs about her,” he planted his head into his hands as he took a seat on the couch.
“Did you say which ones to—“ “Yes, Geoff. I told her basically every. Fucking. Album was about her. Ruin, Roses, Never Be Alone, Crazy, Imagination, Life of The Party, Kid in Love, A Little Too Much...which ones am I forgetting?” Shawn paused.
“Oh um, This is What it Takes....Oh and There’s Nothing Holdin Me Back. We know your story was bullshit. Sure you saw the name Y/n as one of the characters but just her name got you in your feelings. You got to stalking her instagram and then you wrote that song...” Geoff concluded while sitting next to Shawn, “so how do we still help you win the bet?”
“I have no idea...”
“Shawn what is up with you? You’ve barely eaten your dinner,” Karen, Shawn’s mum spoke up.
“What? Oh nothing...I just need to talk to Aaliyah,” Shawn grasped his little sisters hand and brought him up to his old room.
“What?” She cocked an eyebrow.
“Ok, what I’m getting ready to say will sound stupid but—“ “I’m a firm believer of whatever comes out of your mouth is stupid,” Aaliyah cut him.
“Hey guess what?”
“Shut up,” Shawn chuckled before continuing, “Y/n and I are in this bet thingy and whoever admits to having feelings first, loses. I told I used to be in love her yesterday. I have no idea what to do...”
“First of all, you both are idiots. Second of all, you already both love each other—“ “No we don’t!” Shawn argued, taking a seat on his sisters bed, “I still can’t believe you took my old room.”
“Don’t change the subject. Now back to what I was saying...why don’t you take this bet as a opportunity to make her yours since your plan at graduation got fucked up...” Aaliyah reasoned, taking a seat next him on the bed.
Shawn knew she had a point, but he just didn’t want to commit to it. His eyes trailed from his sister to her nightstand. It held a picture on top of it and it was a picture of him, Y/n, and Aaliyah in Dallas during the first Magcon. He saw how skittish fifteen year old Shawn was around Y/n. He was just blushing at how he had his arm around her. His face was super red and she had her head leaning on his shoulder, she was just being herself while Shawn was flexing in the photo.
He mentally chuckled to himself at how stupid he was, and soon realized what he was lying about what he had said earlier to her.
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