#Beef isnt nervous or scared of Etho he treats him like a true Person
(you can add a read more on mobile by tapping and holding down, I believe) Dude. Dude. Rhythms of home. You have no idea holy smokes. My tags were short bc I was sleepy but now it is Rhythms of Home Appreciation Time. First of all, "their friendship is older than most world's"?? Oh my gosh. Because yeah they've gone through so many worlds and servers and heck seen each other die a thousand times but they're still together aaah. And the music scene ahdjak. I imagine that maybe they started out with only a couple songs that they both actually liked and they argued about who's music to play, but now their music's basically the same, and they still argue and make fun of each other like they used to. Next, "the future always flinches first" holy crap that's such a raw line. Like, I kinda want to put that on a patch now. "More legend than alive" oh my. I've spent a few minutes typing something, then backspacing, because I can't really put my thoughts into words here (sleepy need coffee) but suffice to say that last paragraph made me tear up a little. I need to add rhythms of home as a tag on my blog so I can go back and read all of them for the days that everything buzzes and the mind is a little foggy.
Jsjshshshhsbsbskka THANK YOU
Holy shit hearing it might help on foggy days means the fucming world to me thank you
I have a few confessions, the music idea comes from a discussion I was having with @carpe-shovelem and it hasn't left my mind since, you're absolutely same wave length with the starting out different but growing together in such a way that the lines of taste blur and it's hard to tell if the music is good or its the memories attached. They still tease each other about it even tho they both know all the lyrics. The future flinches first is a line from welcome to night vale, paraphrased I believe! We are the sum of the media we consume
As for the 'more legend than alive',, I think about people being nervous around Etho a lot, and how he has this reputation as a prankster and a genius, and he is Absolutely both of those things but sometimes when people engage with him they seem to engage more with the concept of him than etho himself. It's not a criticism in anyway, All the hermits know Etho is just a guy, hes a person, but there is an element of being star struck because he's just So Important to Universe as it is now... I just think sometimes it would be hard to connect with people if you are hero to so many, the echos of your actions and inventions reaching other before you do kinda thing,,,
I always feel the contrast in how beef and etho talk vs etho n others, something in the way Beef talks to Etho with his chest, like hes not scared to fuck up. I imagine it must be tiring to have people expect so much of you, even if you can do it. Beef talks to Etho on the ground floor, they both know Ethos skills but it's never a big deal, it's just another part of him, it's just an aspect. You know? So yeah
Sometimes Etho feels more like a collection of other people's perceptions than a person, and Beef helps ground him in his own realness, a perosn who likes to dry herbs and go for walks, who messes up the order of their words, a real person with everything that comes with.
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