#Before you even ask me - no - I don't even know the name for this omnic specially created for this illustration ^^'''''
yore-donatsu · 1 year
I have always wondered how Ramattra would relate if an random onmic flirted with him.
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His goal to save his people makes him forget how it feels to have this kind of social interaction (he's too consumed by his work)
Rama's reaction will be different as per the omnic's approach to flirt with him 1: If the omnic isn't subtle and tried to pick up - The Null Sector's leader will judge this lout a lot and preferred to leave. He isn't interested - not the time for that 2: If the omnic is subtle and tries to have a real conversation with him - This will intrigue Rama very much: Why does this omnic care about him ? He isn't more important than the others so why specifically him ? Ramattra appreciates that someone cares about him and will take the time to talk to him, to know more about his fellow bot If he has no time (meeting with Talon for example), Rama'll apologize for interrupting this discussion short but he'll suggest that they can meet later to continue this
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colemorrison · 11 months
I need you to be straight up mean. Deny her. Make Ramattra deny her.
Be as brutal as you want.
I told you I won’t apologise, @ya-zz
Your wish is my command.
I bet you feel it now
"You humans act so bold yet here you are, knees weak, body hot and begging to be touched. Where has that confidence gone now pet?"
He had more places to go, and you would follow him. You aren't allowed to go home, you would try and sort yourself out before he got back. Not allowed.
"Ramattra.. Please..."
Each plea that left your lips made him laugh, how pathetic of you to start something that you can't finish and then try to give up.
"You started something, you will finish it."
Each time you sat down, trying to close your legs as tightly as possible, needing some sort of friction, he'd pry them apart.
"I... I made a mistake, please.. I'm sorry."
"You're going to show all these people how much of a desperate slut you are."
The name made your knees tremble, it was getting harder to stand but he didn't care, he held you up.
"You brought this upon yourself. Foolish humans."
Each shop you two walked into made you pray it was the last but there was always another, more people to talk to.
"You say my name as if you deserve to, you don't."
He continued to laugh, mocking every apology and plea you made toward him, one hand on your thigh making sure your legs stayed a proper distance apart. His fingers didn't stay still either, they moved, tapping against skin, he knew what he was doing.
"Could you please stop doing that at the very least?"
"Why should I listen to you? You put yourself in this mess."
He pinched your thigh, making you whimper. The angry red mark that appeared made him chuckle.
"So quiet now huh pet, as much as you beg you like being denied don't you?"
Ramattra watched the small nod, tsk you knew better then to respond that way.
"Try. Again."
"Yes.. Yes I enjoy being denied."
"Next time I have to remind you to respond verbally, I will be relentless. You know better."
"Yes sir, I.. Apologise."
Your hot skin clashing with the coldness of him made you want to whimper, you hid your head against his shoulder hoping he'd let you.
"Tsk, tsk haven't I told you about hiding?"
The omnic's hand traveled up, gliding over there. Right where you needed, yet it was gone as quickly as it appeared. Tears pooled in your eyes, nonsense pouring from your lips.
"Ramattra please, I'm sorry. Please."
He ignored the tears and words coming from you, and he would continue to do just that.
"What colour is better? This green or blue?"
You couldn't answer, legs weak, head fuzzy, words pouring out of your mouth just as much as your tears.
"Suppose I need to look longer, need to find a colour that suits the best. You can wait can't you darling?"
Ramattra moved you to a bench, letting you drop onto it.
"Do not ignore me when I am speaking to you, and keep those legs apart if you wish to finish tonight."
He moved you to sit criss cross, chuckling at your flushed face that was now covered with tears.
"You look wonderful this way, desperate for something you know you don't deserve. My pretty pet."
Even once you had finished your shopping he continued to ignore your neediness, denying you anything and everything.
"Maybe next time you won't start something you are unprepared for will you? Let this be what you remember the next time you wish to do something foolish."
Hopefully this is what you were asking for spicy and hopefully this will help you choose your choice of words more wisely next time Yazz. @ya-zz
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cupi0sloanii · 20 days
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Day 1. The Awakening
“ I have awoken in a strange place, everything is scary and strange but…. Strangely beautiful, what are those creatures in front of me? Why do they seem afraid of me?“
Is what Azura thought when her artificial and accidental “awakening” happened, Vishkar was looking to make another robot to protect and take care of Omnics and Humans in this world, but it seems they have succeeded in creating another life form… Instead of being happy, or remotely joyful of this success, they decided to consult their supervisors, some worried others' concern for the fate of this new Omnic, Project AZ-700 was hidden due its nature… perhaps it’ll be of use. Sent to the “Secret Wing” of Vishkar.
Day 50. The Monotony
“ Why do I have to do those tests again? Why do I have to… kill that small creature? Wouldn’t it be injuring one of you? Don’t be mad at me, please don’t be disappointed! “
Azura never questioned its existence or lack of freedom, for her this was her normality, but somehow knew there was something more to it, the curiosity to know what was more outside that door. But when she approached it she got injured and never decided to approach it again.
Day 75. Too Many Questions Unanswered.
“ I did what you commanded, Doctor Han, may I ask… to return… home? “
Azura asked the question as a whisper, before she was hit by the scientist and pushed her to the next test, Scientists have been abusive lately, she have heard there hasn’t been an improvement or the higher ups haven't like the results of AZ-700, when she asked what AZ-700 meant they gave her this test, simple as killing a human, she know they did nothing wrong to her, but they said they deserved it, she did it, she was void of feeling, was she just trapped here? Wasn’t really this a place to call home? Is this really what I am? Am I just a monster? I am just their monster!
Day 125. The Kind Scientist.
“ Hello, my name is Sen, your name is? “ ' ...... ' " I am here to help, tell me. What's your name? " ‘ I… don’t have a name…. What’s a name? ‘ “ O-Oh… how about… hm… Az… Azura!’ ‘ ….. My name is Azura….. ‘
When the new scientist joined Vishkar’s Secret Wing team, he was interested to know more about AZ-700 project, unaware of this affiliations and dark historial of some companions, he saw this non threatening omnic and decided to become its companion and friend. But not everyone seemed happy about it, the leader of the team was indeed burning in rage, but knew it’ll be more fun if he let the “killing machine” kill this one by itself. That way it could be done for good.
Day 140. I Am Here For You
“ Sen,,, I don’t want to do this test anymore, I don’t want to, I don’t want to! I am tired of tests!! I don’t want to kill more, I don’t want to train more, I DON'T WANT TO BE STRONGER! “
Azura sobbed quietly, feeling her body jolt and her energy flow, but it changed a little by confusion due how Sen, the scientist, hugged her, when she asked him about it he said:
“ This? Is called a hug! When you’re feeling down, we give a hug, so you can feel better…. see? “
Azura smiled deep inside, and with her only hand attempted to hug him.
Day 147. No More Rat Tests!
“ I am not going to do it! I refuse to! I WON'T KILL IT! I WON'T KILL IT! PLEASE FREE IT, FREE IT PLEASE, OR- OR- “
‘Or what?’
“ I…. I’LL HURT YOU! “
‘ Pfft hahaha Hahaha! You? Hurt me? Quit your rambling AZ-700, and do your work ’
Azura charged her gun arm, charging her flail with the water in the room and shooting the cannon arm she has, he dodge it barely once but the second time he got hit on the leg, letting out an yell of agony which suddenly turn into laughter, turning the water into blood. She realize with horror what she had done, it failed once more… Even if she managed Doctor Han, she was indeed a worthless monster, it was a savage beast, their goals were succeeding.... She didn't even know when this happened, how or when it started, rage controlled it all. As Han was taken to the medic facility, Azura was caged away.
Day 148. I Am Tired… Please Let Me Sleep
“ Is true…. I was built to hurt… Am I a hurting machine….? ”
As Azura hears the constant screaming of those animals and people she hasn’t told Doctor Sen about, she curled up on the floor, feeling a bubble of water surround her, she ignored the footsteps that could be heard outside, one of them stopped and the door opened then closed, it was Scientist Sen, he had a worried expression but changed to a clam one when he saw Azura was somewhat okay.
“ A…Azura, I am glad you’re okay! I am here to ask you for a test, I know you’re tired of them, but I promise you it is a small one. “
Azura did not respond, she just observed Sen, noticing small wounds on his hands, she felt the concern and anger overcome her. Did they hurt him too? As Sen approached her the bubble healed his wounds without him or her noticing, but Azura did have the courage to finally say something.
“Please… for this time, let me sleep….”
Sen sighed, smiling at Azura and petting her head carefully, she jolted at the contact but remained emotionless, when Doctor Sen walked out and closed the door, he noticed his wounds had healed…. Something he would keep to himself for the sake of Azura, knowing if he shared that to anyone they would force her to break point and test her more.
Day 190. Preparing For The Ultimate Test
“ Do I really have to do this, Doctor Sen? Is it really the last test? Will I be free afterwards? ”
Doctor Sen nodded, showing her the path for more training with Doctor Han, unaware of the torture this will be, Doctor Han was waiting both of them, after he came back after said incident, for more testings, specially since the deadline for their “customer” was coming the improvements they were having we’re good but they needed to show it off in order to not get cut off, since their customer was getting very doubtful about their progress, they needed that showdown for more fundings.
Doctor Han: ‘Good to see you, Sen, AZ-700 has been a little rampant lately, but I noticed it behaves very well aside from you, maybe could you guide it to do it’s work? If you’re unaware of this test, it’ll basically have to… disable some agents with its abilities and prove it is indeed what our customer is looking for.‘
Scientist Sen: ‘C…Customer? Doctor Han, I was only aware to check out Azu- I mean AZ-074, and what do you mean by disable some agent-’
Doctor Han: ‘Look, Sen, you’re brilliant, if you do this work right, I might contemplate letting you and that son of yours not get deported any time soon. Aside, you’ll be part of this big team, my team, now…Order AZ-700 to kill those men.’
Sen stood in complete shock, as they thrown Azura to the other area, inside the field there were three testing subjects, Sen knew them, they were missing people he saw on the news, they lived near his house, Azura stood like a scared animal, she felt like crying even if she couldn't let out tears, it was scared, it tried to attack the door but a familiar spark injured her, Sen rushed at the microphone button and spoke, voice came to the room Azura was in…. Might this be the end? She thought.
“Sen… I am scared…. Please let me out! Please tell them to stop!! “
He looked at Doctor Han, he was holding a picture of his son he had never seen before, he knew if he screwed up he would suffer the consequences if he didn't collaborate, his child, as well, would suffer a terrible fate on the hands of whatever this machine who he adore was capable of.… even if she didn't meant to, even if it wasn't it's fault... Scientist Sen: ‘ Azura....' Doctor Han: ' Time's ticking, Sen, your son would like to see his dad picking him up soon. Wouldn't he? ' Scientist Sen: ' AZ-700. DO YOUR DAMN WORK AND KILL THEM. OR I WILL DISABLE YOU MYSELF. ‘
Azura stood still, with a feeling of betrayal, she let out a lament, a quiet and dead one, before she lost her memory, and recovered her vision moments after the room and the waters were red, she felt truly alone….
Day 210. Agony Is A Pleasure Or A Punishment?
' PLEASE, AHG, STOP IT…. IT HURTS! ' The scientist that was kind to Azura begged for his life ' I KNOW YOU ARE NOT A MONSTER! YOU’RE BETTER THAN THIS, BECAUSE I LO- '
His begging was silenced as she slammed her flail onto his mouth, breaking it to not have to listen his cries, the water that accumulated from his tears turned red from the blood that mixed with it, The lab testers were shocked as the Vishkar practicians break in and stopped Azura in brute force, breaking her glass a little by how hard she was being hit, the paramedics checked if he was alright, tried to say something but the injuries were bad enough, the other people told em AZ-700 hit him out of the blue, it went out of control. What conflicted Azura the most was that he told her, what made it go insane, made it lose control, made it the monster "Vishkar" turned them into. . . .
' I love you, I will free you and we’ll live happily together, Azura. Just forgive me. ‘
Day 211. Failed Experiments Have No Faith Azura was sealed permanently, their funder was going to stop the project and she heard they would disable her, since she was a “monster” for society, they couldn’t leave traces of her, she also heard Scientist Sen resigned for good, he never would be able to speak again, and they would be deported… she ruined their lives, she discovered everything, about his son, about the threats, about why she was there, there were more like her. . . why she? WHY ME? She began destroying everything, until she remembered, she had the Scientist’s card, would… Does it still work? Azura rushed to the door, when it activated the door and it opened, she hugged the floor, that was freedom, she just needed that, but not just freedom, she needed to escape, one Lab technician noticed her and he ran for the emergency button, but Azura charged her Canon and shoot her flail, hitting them on the head and killing them, she began killing and destroying everything and anything that came to her, her vision became foggy and it was like she was walking in the ocean, she remembered when Scientist Sen showed her some pictures of the beach, the plains, mountains… She wanted to visit everywhere… When she finally was face to face with Doctor Han, she only could see how the coward begged for his life, something primal awoke in her, she used her flail to create a cyclone, drowning Han inside this one and finally destroying this place for good.
Day 212. Freedom For The First Time
" I am. . . f r e e ?"
When Azura finally snapped out of her frenzy, she made her way out of the lab, walking deep into the forest, eventually her damaged legs made her fall onto her knees, feeling the rain on her body and hearing the wind was a blessing, she was a survivor… No more testing, no more scientists, no more pain, she was free indeed, but covered in blood of the innocent people and animals she had to slay during this time. Who would want to approach her? And why would she want to approach them too? She let out a whine of sorrow, she didn’t know what she did wrong, or what happened, or what went wrong, her memory slowly faded, locked away… but sometimes her frenzy sparkles the true monster she will always be. She seeks the one who was kind to her, to repay the favor and for forgiveness, it feels that Nepal it's a great place to start it's journey, traveling the world by foot, but everyone wants her disastrous power..... but at what cost?
Day ???. Talon Call
“ THEY MADE IT! AZ-700 WAS A SUCCESS! “ ‘ How do I know this is true? Last test went wrong. ‘ “SEE THE DOCUMENTS I SENT YA, HURRY UP BEFORE THE POLICE SHOW UP THEIR ASSES. “ ‘I see… we’ll start the search for it then. Thank you for the information.’ * click *
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kingdeku-queentoga · 1 year
"Give me everything you got, if you don't want your blood to be painting these walls" the omnic threatened as he pressed his knife against the human neck.
"okay okay please don't hurt me" the guy cried out as he held up in arms in fear.
"Ha, that rich coming from a human..." the omnic hissed.
"oh my, what is this" a voice called out making the two look back to see an omnic monk carrying a bag "it seems you are in trouble" he said calmly as he slowly placed his bag on the ground and walked towards the two
"Listen because you are an omnic as well, turn around and stay out of this monk, unless you want to end up hurt" the omnic warned him.
"Thank you for the warning, but I must stop you brother" the monk called out making the omnic look at him.
"Tch, don't complain when I sell you for scraps" the omnic hissed as he slammed the human against the wall before running towards the monk with his knife ready.
The human hissed in pain as he dropped to the ground, he slowly looked up to the two omnics fighting just before the monk had delivered a punch that had made the other omnic drop to the ground.
"rest for now brother, you'll awaken soon enough" the monk called out before looking at the human "are you okay? Can you move?"
The human nodded as he stood up "y-yes I can, t-thank you" he told him.
The monk nodded as he bent down and picked up the omnic and sat him against the wall "I know he had threatened you, but please leave him to me" he called out to the human who had nodded.
The human walked passed them, heading out of the alleyway but stopped momentarily "...why did you help me, you know about the war between humans and omnics right? Why did you risk yourself to protect me?" He asked the monk.
"yes I know about the war, many have died on both sides... but don't forget that hatred only breeds more hatred... so I, like many others want to find peace so no more people have to die or suffer. Even if it does seem like an uphill battle" the monk answered him making the human take in what he said.
"I... thank you" the human said as he left, rushing back home, leaving the 2 omnics by themselves.
The omnic groaned as he slowly looked up and saw the monk was sitting down in front of him "monk..." he said quietly.
"Glad to see that you are awake, brother" the monk said as he stood up.
"tch... what is your name monk" the omnic asked him
"My name is zenyatta" zenyatta answered him as the other omnic stood up.
"so what will you do with me now" the omnic asked him.
"that is up to you brother, though why don't you come with me and become one with the iris" zenyatta asked him hopefully
"heh sorry but no can do, we have been thought too much not to do anything" the omnic told zenyatta as he walked pass him
"shame, may the iris watch over you then" zenyatta called out as the other omnic had left, he turned and started to leave just before, he picked up his bag and started the walk back to the temple.
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vastiitas · 2 years
Meta + being drafted into Overwatch; how did he feel when arriving at the HQ in Switzerland for the first time? Did he feel welcomed, ostracized, none of either?
idek where to begin sue ksjldf--
his draft leaves him with feelings of yet a second dispossession. failure to save anybody and coming out alive in an omnic crisis attack left him bloody and raw in one way, but deadlock leaving him for dead was another: knocking the world askew from his understanding of loyalty - that people you thought you built your trust with can and will hurt you. He's reeling and shell-shocked and discombobulated and there's a distinct feeling of stigmata branding his flesh with the name Traitor.
it doesn't escape him that the name gabriel is that of an angel - that he tends to be the messenger of some sort of god. gabriel reyes tells him that this is redemption. gabriel reyes tells him that this is how he gets to keep on living and not just rot out a life-sentence in a supermax prison. cole hasn't touched a bi.ble since he was 10, but it is hard not to look at that open palm and not to see a point of reference, some form of anchor, to see which way might be up. He grips that hand with the sort of desperation of someone being swept away by a riptide.
it doesn't escape him that ultimatums aren't choices, and his instincts are buzzing electric knowing this; that this is not true freedom, that he is leashed and owned, that he is dead to rights (and perhaps deservedly so). your life is forfeit and there is nothing you can do about it (ofc, this perspective changes later; the transformative power of ow doing good, that bw has had the impact that reyes has said it will; this combined with the comradery makes him begin to believe. for the first time, he is seeing that he is capable of doing Good and Right beyond the vitriolic acid spat at him telling him he wasn't otherwise; that even if he's a pain in the ass with his Cowboy Behavior, there is a place for it and it feels... nice and his heart doesn't seem to thunder so tumultuously anymore; he understands what reyes gave him was an opportunity and an out.)
being drafted into overwatch felt monumental. being drafted into overwatch felt like a soft damnation. you are on the cusp of some gate, and you can neither tell it between heaven or hell. he feels displaced, knocked off-balance in a new way he hasn't been before, but free-fall is something cole knows how to do, rolling with the punches as long as you can keep on rolling with them for another day. somebody somewhere can summarize his life just like that. this is how it's always been and perhaps this is how it always will be: so cole cass.idy rolls with the punches.
he tries to be polite, because this is The Big Organization founded by the People who Fought the War, but it's a veneer with its limits. He knows that there are eyes on him and he stares right back; he knows that there are questions upon questions piled back-to-back with all the pointedness of asking why are you here? some kid from a gang? what the hell was reyes thinking? He tells them, Watch Me. They point at his unconventionality, they ask him about the hat, they talk about how he does this and that and this and look at his boots; eventually it all blurs into irrelevant white noise as he falls right back into the Rhythm of Who He Is: Smooth, sly smiles and smirking, snarling, aggressive, non-relenting pressure in the field.
arriving at HQ was-- breathtaking. i don't know much about the geography of switzerland, but i like to think that they definitely flew through those alps. he's a nature boy, he's gonna find that stuff incredible (and distantly, wistfully think about how his mother would have loved this.) i think that there were probably a good handful of people on both sides of this fence of intentions of making him feel welcomed or ostracized, but ultimately people are people and you make friends with those who seem interested in the person in front of them and not their shadow and pay a little miffed mind to the ones who'd like to see you fail.
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ow-anteater · 3 years
For the niche ask game, Doomfist and Cowboy man (and/or Bastion if you wish to indulge me in my robot brainrot)
Questions from here
What a lovely assortment of characters! Though it is one behemoth of a post comign up be warned
a song that reminds me of them - Strangely enough, Gold Dust Woman by Fleetwood Mac has immense Doom energy to me. Both as a song I think he'd dig and as just a 'yeah that's somehow about Akande'
what they smell like - this motherfucker is decked out in cologne costing more than your rent on the daily. He's one of the two people world wide who keeps up with perfume trends. He smells almost infuriatingly well
an otp - Mmmmm no one really? Except maybe Reaper???
a notp - I don't see him shipped all that much so I've yet to be confronted with something that was just a comically bad idea
favorite platonic/familial relationships - 'Talon but it's a fucked up found family' is the only trope that matters. Akande and his trash kid Sombra whomst he loves very much my beloved
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with - Don't know if this is very against general fanon, but I'm weak to Doom being funny?? He's so smart and quick witted and it's so lovely when he gets to be both sharp and menacing and really funny in his own way
the position they sleep in - big headcanon that this man is bad at going to sleep. He will pass out in a chair or on a couch any day before just going to bed
a crossover au i’d love to see them in - Something like Pacific Rim maybe? Big monsters, hopeful appocalypse, him getting faced with the fact he'll have to work together to save the world?? Sounds good to me
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn - I am not immune to Talon Doomfist
a song that reminds me of them - When I Leave by Parker Millsap will always and forever be a [name redacted] song in my mind. It's simple and damned but hopeful about your own damnation
what they smell like - Bad 
an otp - I am so obsessed with McBap it’s not even funny. They’d bond, they’d hang out. They’d see the best parts of themselves reflected in the other, they’re perfect and I need the fandom to catch on yesterday
a notp - at this point McHanzo is toeing the line between ‘ship I’m just tired of’ and ‘full on notp get it away from me’ ... it is 100% only because of the fandom around it rather than anything inherent to the ship tho, but still - as soon as they drop the new name I’m rewriting all my old McHanzo fics to be either bapzo or mcbap sfdcdsk
favorite platonic/familial relationships - The golden trio being gentle with him is my biggest weakness. I need them to be gentle with him, awkward and tenative in exactly where those relations fall between friends, coworkers and something aching and parental. Esepcially with Ana lately, I’d love to see them get more time together
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with - I’m going to keep it real, I’m not saying more controversial stuff after the McHanzo denial
the position they sleep in - Flat on his stomach and he will buck off any duvet or cover during the night
a crossover au i’d love to see them in - it would be fun to play the ‘cyber-cowboy’ angle even harder, a Bladerunner au mayhaps
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn - Riverboat my beloved
a song that reminds me of them - on vibes alone, I think Bastion themelves would love Down to the River to Pray, simplistic and beautiful
what they smell like - metallic and overwhelmingly warm. I genuinelt think the omnics run really hot and you can smell that
an otp - don’t ship the robot baby maybe???
a notp - don’t ship the robot baby maybe???
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with - My Bastion isn’t quite as childish as a lot of the fandom makes them? I also like when they’re distinctly non-human instead of their behavior borrowing from a human toddler
the position they sleep in - My HC is that omnics decide when they go into down mode, so it just depends on what pose they were holding when they did
a crossover au i’d love to see them in - it’s striaghtforward but wall-e would be fun. Let them be surrounded by other robots and just go wild
your favorite outfit they’ve ever worn - I’m basic and Overgrown is the only Bastion skin that there is
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wrong--lever · 6 years
Your Thoughts for OW’s Lore At Blizzcon
**Edit - would help to tag you hurr durr @freckledmccree
I like how you will indulge in detailed speculation and interpretation of OW lore and don’t center all ideas around one specific (noncanon) idea but will admit occasional personal bias. I also really appreciate that you steer relatively clear from fanon and when people respond to your writings you don’t have an attitude or seemingly disregard them. Sooo, that’s why I wrote this disgustingly long thing even tho I’m paranoid about being annoying.
 (Apology beforehand if you have answered any of these before, I have not properly stalked your blog yet. Also, excuse my rambling I did my best to be coherent. Lastly, I only have one friend who is kinda into OW and I feel bad to bother them 24/7 so I talk a lot in this.)
McCree Speculation
The following assumes that the new cinematic will be McCree’s.
If there is another known character in the short along with McCree, excluding flashbacks, who do you think it would be? 
I have 3-4 ideas even though I would not say they are likely. And with any of these I don't imagine a role any larger than Brig's in Honor and Glory or even Zarya in Infiltration.
A.) Genji. I don't think it's likely but I wouldn't be surprised. It also might be risky on Blizzard's part because many are salty about Genji's abundance of lore compared to others. (Which is dumb and I would gladly rant on it but it's not the point) Reasons:
Notable increase of McCree's interactions w/him.
McCree might've left OW in a less professional fashion than others. Which would mean he may not have anything to be alerted by for the recall. Especially since he went underground for a while.  Winston’s contact info? Long since changed.
From how I interpret “Dragons” it seems that Genji has received the call as well as offered Hanzo a choice to go w/him “The world is changing once again, Hanzo. And it's time to pick a side.” So why not others?
Genji has also been canonically in touch w/at least one other ex OW member. So why not try to get in touch with another member that we know he directly worked with?
My logic - Why would their interactions matter?
McCree's asking about how Genji dealt with the loss of his body emotionally/physically as well as Genji's response leaves room for the implication that Genji knows how he lost his arm.
Why would Genji go in person?
Well, I mean you probably don't wanna broadcast that your getting the highly illegal band back together. In which said band also is also hated by the UN and every other terrorist organization on the planet.
How will Genji know how to find him?
Cause he's a ninja, duh. But seriously McCree most likely said something before he quit OW and if not Genji would just have to look at the news and he'd be there.
B.) Sombra. If anything I wouldn't be surprised by a small reference to her rather than actually seeing her.
Reflections comic (duh)
My logic - I expect Sombra to get involved with a little bit of everything. She likes making people question their beliefs on who is “right” or “wrong”. 
She would most likely know about the recall so if she wants to manipulate that at all she could be the one to tell McCree about it. Idk, she’s a wildcard with anything.
C.) Fio. The Blackwatch Pilot in Retribution. (I used “known” characters loosely) I'm not sure on my certainty with her, tbh. But I do find it rather intriguing. (I said no flashbacks but maybe with this one)
Fio's only lines that are not directly related towards the mission are all directed towards McCree.
The tone of them is clearly on the teasing/banter side of things.
My logic - Why have this side character show any interest in conversation outside of the task at hand? 
If she was just being used for the game mode and as lore filler it would make more sense to have only lines relating to the mission. Or have generalized ones for the team. But she has multiple focusing on the one and only Jesse McCree.
Reasons for that could be that they ran out of time to add other interactions. Which would explain why McCree does not acknowledge her comments. (The only time he was quiet during the mission is when she talked to him, rip you got denied girl) Or it could be that they knew each other previously or trained together in some of the early days of Blackwatch.
D.) Mercy. This one I would be surprised to see but it would have some logic to it.
Losing his arm, depending on the how/when/where.
She is not one of the characters who speak to him about his arm.
My logic - Who fixed his arm up for him?
Depending on how/when/where he lost his arm he may have shyed away from public hospitals. Especially with Talon  seemingly controlling so much of the press. So he may of wanted someone he personally trusted as well as doctor patient confidentiality.
Why does Mercy of all people not ask about the prosthetic? 
Out of the people who question McCree Mercy isn't one of them. Which may seem odd since she has known him for so long and her being a doctor. However, she does call out his smoking. So this proves she does pay attention to his over all health. (Which I am aware is a much older interaction) But it would have been a good opportunity to have her inquire about the arm there if she doesn't already know.
 Do you think McCree will directly receive the recall or from some other source?
What do you think of the fact that McCree lost his left arm specifically?
If the loss of McCree's arm is related to the Deadlock Gang do you speculate that it was intentionally the arm that had his tattoo on it? With how far McCree got in his career/life with OW and potentially spilling info on the gang when caught some people might want him to hurt. Not just die. To me forcefully sawing off the branding of the gang he betrayed would fit the bill. As well as be a good warning for others. (Not that blizzard would show that)
How do you imagine the camaraderie within Deadlock to be?
I ask this since in “Hero” right before the Los Muertos member throws the grenade it shows him actively choosing to help the other gang members (very broken gang members thanks to Soldier 76)onto the back of the truck instead of getting out ASAP. 
I just found that to be notable in how their social structure works. It makes more sense for Los Muertos specifically since they originally wanted to stand up against the politics and speak out for the people still suffering from the Omnic Crisis. They are not formed from the shady work they do.
Deadlock, however, doesn't seem to represent a core ideology. So I wouldn't be surprised if when OW caught some of them the others ran. Especially since McCree would probably still be pretty low in the pecking order at the time.
Can you imagine a shoot out in the warehouse tho, that'd be so risky people could be anywhere and there's no good line of sight except for where the truck drives through. Sneaky teen McCree climbing around and ish
Do you expect/hope for the origin on any mementos to be revealed?
My only idea is his iconic BAMF belt buckle. We know he's had it for quite a while since he wears it here: 
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Just  thought Blizzard could do something cute with it if they wanted.
Do you have any thoughts on the Deadlock Torb skin?
Idk, this is kinda silly but people have talked about it. People do have a good point that it’s odd for him to have that skin.
Lastly, do you have any little head canons that you hope to see confirmed? 
Nothing serious just simple personal hopes from the cinematic which may or may not set you up for disappointment cause fun
(When I first started writing this I had two questions, rip. I'm pretty sure I forgot one of the original questions too)
Other Blizzcon Lore Speculation
Do you have any ideas for the new hero?
Personally, I do not have any super strong theories but I do have a few loose ideas. Tbh, I can’t especially convince myself of any these besides the likelihood of said character being a tank.
A.) Talon Tank
Moira’s origin story contains two possible indicators towards this, or another Talon member in general.
We need another main tank added to the roster (opinion)
Talon has a character for every role except tanking (weak)
Popular request (weak)
My Logic lacking- Majority of this idea comes from Moira’s origin story which shows this relatively well known photo with a person or armored suit of some kind on the back panel here: 
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I used to think of this to be much harder evidence than I do now since it looks like it could be a uncolored design used for the Talon members in Retribution. However, there’s another detail in the photo (including the version with the different back panel that I believe could point to another member. Each character, excluding Moira, has their line of sight going to the same spot. My doodles for emphasis:
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(Reaper is kind of hard to tell but that’s basically his entire role in Talon at this point, lol) Who are they all looking at? This could just be an artistic choice for viewer immersion but it also could be rather purposeful. To me, it looks like a proposition to someone, with the panel in the back for emphasis. If not a proposition, perhaps the workings of a plan or setting clear expectations for said person. (either version works for this context) This someone must be rather important to have them all there. Moira is looking back at the rest of them, seemingly reading their expressions/body language. She seems pleased but then again she’s a tad bit odd.
B.) Mystery Characters
Idek, I added this cause I could. This is not likely at all but will remain on the list of possibilities as long as Overwatch shall live.
Have been shown or spoken of very early on but nothing since
Recently mentioned names but no physical hints of who/what they are
Tying up some long held questions (weak)
Popular demand (weak)
My logic (or lack there of) - I have exactly one tiny speck of logic for this. Mystery characters shown and/or spoken of before the cancellation of the First Strike comic are still occasionally brought up to the OW team. Yet they have conveniently  not retconned them.  Why not say they are no longer a significant part of the story when there has been no updates on them for 2ish years? Maybe they are just keeping the possibility open. Liao and the two from Ana’s origin story are the best (only?) examples:
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There is also more recently mentioned characters such as Ray and Fio. Ray was discussed mostly early this year and all we know about them is the following:
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We do not know anything else about who or what Ray is. I do not 100% believe Ray is an actual person but you never know. The comment on the beard and his response to has Ray’s combat experience could be some teasing on Michael Chu’s part. To me, Ray is either a person, an omnic, or some sort of computer system used in the Orca.  I should note that another AI other than Athena would seem odd especially with the whole reason OW formed and all.
(Fio I have already discussed but at least we know she’s an actual person, hopefully...OW is weird man)
What do you think of the common theory of Sanjay Korpal being the next hero?
Personally, I think he lacks the look of an OW character. He looks rather plain to me, almost like a background character used to fill up comic space. I do believe his role is going to grow substantially in the lore but as an in game hero? Eh, I don’t know. Another thing I struggle with imagining is him being a tank like a lot of people presume. It would be interesting with what Vishkar can do with hard light technology to have a tank based on that, I will admit. Just don’t see him filling the role of that, he doesn’t strike me as someone who wants to get his hands dirty. I will admit, that this is very strictly my opinion and read of his character and by no means is anything to go off of speculation wise.
 But, if I’m wrong, then next years first cinematic should definitely be a Symmetra/Lucio one and it should definitely have Symmetra kiCKING HIS ASS FOR MANIPUlATING HER foR GOD KNOWs hOW LONG..ahem.
Do you think a comic will be released soon?
They usually put out comics on Wednesdays but they have been odd this year when it comes to them. Idk, if they’ll announce one at Blizzcon. I kinda doubt it. Personally, I’m hoping for a really kick ass Christmas comic since in Reflections it ended with Winston saying he has a good feeling for “next year” (OW’s next year cause timeline) plus last year’s was cute but underwhelming.
I think that’s all I have to ask/discuss for now? I had ideas keep popping up but I kept going back over what I already wrote and my attention span is all or nothing soooo there goes my ideas into the void.
***Random ass question cause you like RDR2. I keep getting a gamestop ad for it and it’s bugging me cause I can’t make out what this guy is saying. It sounds like “I don’t want to kill all you smooth dutch. Just you.” Idk where the exact video is rip, but I feel like I’m really mishearing the guy, lmao.
Non Sequiturs and Stupid Fangirl Squealing
(possibly completely incoherent warning idk how to wenglish when im excited pls ignore mw)
I saw a comic aart thing once and it had young jesse punch Jack in the face and Reyes thought it was the funniest thing and I feel like that’s in character
What if Reyes had a few choices on who to recruit and he was like I want the cowboy chose the instead of the trained older guys. Ana would be like Reyes no and Reyes would be like I want the damn cowboy
I never realised how much I appreciate McCree’s character until the hints of him having a short started popping up. Before I liked him sure, I just never thought too deep into how they could expand on his character. Originally I was just like, “so Reyes picked this kid out of a big ass gang and had him trained among the world’s most renowned soldiers and he still is perfectly content being a cowboy?” Good for you my dudely man, good for you,
wanna see skinny (lean)  young McCree but everyone will want the skin but it wont look the same with his in game model so blegh
I agree with you on how you think reyes recruited him, so many people think he just yeeted jesse at a bunch of angry omnics and was like lol have a cowboy
Imagine McCree being so confused by the weird ass original OW team like y there captain america, my new found father, a dwarf (swede) and an 8 ft german happy meal
He’d be so intimidated by Ana I bench lift Reinhardt for fun Amari being his coach like asdfsdf
But I think with her training it’d be the first real time he let his guard down without him realizing it because he was so in awe of her sniping skills and being able to get taught by her, bonding over shooting people half a continent away yAY
What if we see lil pharah??? I’ll die???
Okay I’ve said this to another  blog but even tho McCree is not my “type” I’m still gonna need to strap my ovaries in place for this short, cause booooooooyyyyyyyyy (I dont even have a type but I guess I mean a lil scruffy?)
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alexiela73 · 7 years
Hey I'm new and don't know if you'll still do requests for the s/o with prosthetic limbs, if you still will could you do it Pharah, 76, Tracer and Torbjörn? Sorry if you don't.
I do xD I’m sorry. I hope you forgive me but I don’t think I feel comfortable doing Torb’s. I think he’s a character I can only do friendship/parent-like behavior but don’t worry! he’s happily married ;) i’m sure he’d be just as supportive as any of them.
   The two of you were together before the accident
Between the two of you, you were both considered a rather elite fighting team
Pharah was all about the high ground attacks and you were more up close and personal
One day a mission went wrong and a bomb trap went off in a building Pharah had seen you enter but a minute ago
Instantly she had dropped from the sky, panic filling her as she yelled into her mic your name
  The building, or what was left of it, was crumbling
She’d found you beneath rubble, your limbs at odd angles. Lifting you, the two of you had your first retreat
You ended up going into intensive care in the hospital
Pharah didn’t leave your side once. She was so scared that she might lose you….
When the doctors told you that they couldn’t save most of your body, she was heart broken. Not because your body was most important to her: because she was afraid of how you might react when you woke up
   It was a few days before you woke up at all
  When you did, you were really groggy. Everything was a blur, but slowly the world came into focus
And the first thing your eyes locked on was Pharah
   Instantly relief filled you. She was okay. When the bomb had gone off, your first thought had been was what if she walked in and another went off too?
   “Your okay…” you breathed, instantly trying to reach for her…but you realized your hand wasn’t held out to her. It felt like it was….but it wasn’t….
You froze, and Pharah instantly moved to the bed, gently smoothing her hand through your hair.
“How….how much could they save?” you asked finally, swallowing.
   Pharah’s fingers tucked a strand behind your ear. “None of your limbs made it,” she says softly. “They’re just waiting for the new prosthetic limbs to get in.”
  For a moment you said nothing, as your mind raced around in a panic in your head. “I…oh….” you whispered, before you focused on one thought in particular.
Eyes meeting hers, you swallowed hard. “Pharah…Prosthetic limbs don’t bother you, do they?” you asked, nervous.
Pharah stared down at you, before her eyes welled with tears and she tried to blink them back. “Y/n, you idiot,” she whispers. “Of course they don’t. This doesn’t change how I feel about you. Its us, till the end.
   Breathing in and out, you slowly nodded. If Pharah was unhurt, and wouldn’t leave you with this obvious change, then…
“Its us,” you agreed, as Pharah leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Till the end.”
Soldier 76
   You two have been married for a long, happy 9 years
  The two of you met before Soldier reunited with Ana
Now you usually stay Overwatch, helping Mercy take care of them all
   Your not a fighter, more of a lover
  Although Soldier would have agree with that, he had to admit you didn’t have a mean bone in your body and he loved you for it
You rarely go on missions with them, just because of how dangerous it is
  After 9 years, Soldier found you unconscious on the floor in the kitchen
Instantly you were in Mercy’s medical room, with Soldier being forced to wait outside for what seemed like forever
Finally, Mercy allowed him in, but only after you’d woken up
You sat there in the bed, watching him with a rather gentle look on your face
Soldier swallowed hard. You looked so small in the medical bed…
“Hey,” he said quietly, coming and sitting on the edge of the bed and taking your hand in his. “How…how do you feel?”
For a moment you watched him, tracing your fingers across his hand. It had a faded scars and the fingers were rough with calluses. Your husband was such a hard worker, you though. He always tried his best…
“I feel good,” you said after a moment, giving him a soft smile.
Soldier realized that that smile…wasn’t good. It meant that something was wrong, something you had easily come to terms with.
“Baby…I..Apparently I have a disease,” you said slowly, reaching up to brush your hand across his cheek.
“Apparently I’ve had it for a long time, but the symptoms don’t show up for years sometimes. My…my body is dying. The tissues and nerves are dying. My limbs will be the first to go…I already can’t wiggle my toes or feel below my knees. And I’ll get faint or dizzy spells,” you say gently.
Soldier’s heart broke in his chest. His love for you was endless, and your pain was his. But he knew that you’d try to hide your feelings, as not to upset him
“Y/n…” he said softly.
“Mercy says there’s treatment, but…it’ll only prolong my life by another eight years at best. At worst, I could die as early as next year,” you continued, watching the stunned look on his face. It hurt you just as much. But you couldn’t cry, you had to stay-
Pulling you tight in his arms, Soldier stroked his fingers through your hair tenderly. “Don’t,” Soldier whispers. “Don’t pretend you don’t care. Its my job to be strong for you, not the other way around.”
You felt yourself freeze, your heart beating wildly. The gentle feeling of his hand in your hair soothed you a bit as you let out a shuddering breath.
“My health is just going to decline, Jack-” you whispered.
“I don’t care,” he said raggedly. “I love you. With everything I have. Eight years, one year, five minutes….every second is worth being with you, even if we know the outcome. I love you, y/n, and by your side is where i will remain. So don’t give me some kind of bullshit about how you don’t want me to see,” he whispers into your ear, cradling you to him.
That was what broke you though. You didn’t want him to see. But even more selfish was the fact that you didn’t want to die alone. You didn’t want to never see him again. You didn’t want to leave him.
The tears spilled over and you clutched him, pressing your face into his chest. It was amazing how so much could change in five minutes….One moment you thought you had a lifetime and the next it was so much shorter…
“We’re in this together,” Jack whispered, rocking you gently. He knew he could never and would never want to leave you. He’d be there till your last breath and longer.
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed, shaking against him as you let your emotions take you.
Jack just held you the rest of the night, humming the song the two of you had danced to at your wedding.
Mercy stood outside, tears spilling down her own cheeks. She wished she could have saved you.
The two of you fell in love after
Every year Tracer likes to take a small vacation from Overwatch and go to England to compete in the track and field there. There’s a contest every year for the fastest runner
She competes, not using her device in any way
After all, Tracer hates cheating
She first saw you when you were getting ready to compete. You were stretching over at the far side, wearing shorts and t-shirt. Her first thought was you were incredibly attractive
Lena’s second thought was that she wanted to know your name. Unable to help herself, she’d begun toward you and then noticed you were talking to some people there
You looked mildly irritated, hands on your hips, as four people stood there. As Tracer got closer, she could hear them more clearly, though honestly she was halfway through the crowd. Everyone could hear them
“That’s cheating, mate. Omnic’s aren’t allowed to participate,” one sneered, to her shock. What on earth?
“Ya, why don’t ya go back to the scrap yard?” another laughed.
That’s when you noticed the glimmer of metal and realized you had one prosthetic leg and two prosthetic arms. But why did that matter, she thought?
“What’s going on here?” Tracer said cheerfully, bouncing up beside you. Her eyes were like daggers on the men.
“Nothing,” you muttered, wondering if the pretty woman was going to make fun of you too. You used to run all the time till an accident took it away. But these prosthetic limbs allowed for you to continue your dream…and they enhanced you as much as normal limbs.
“This bag o’bolts wants to compete!” snickered one.
“So? Its open to the public. What does it matter?” Tracer demanded, to both their and your surprise.
One sputtered a bit. “Its cheating! Look at that!” they said and pointed at his leg.
Tracer looked down at the leg and then up at the men with a challenge. “I see. Having a prosthetic isn’t cheating, nor is it a choice. So bug off,” she said seriously, and glared when they looked like they were going to protest. “Before you find you need a prosthetic too.”
The men glanced at each other. The lady was small and slim but there was something about her that was slightly scary. After a moment they headed off, getting ready for the race.
Turning, you scowled adorably, cheeks pink. “You didn’t have to do that,” you muttered.
Raising an eyebrow, Lena let out the prettiest laugh you’d ever heard. “No, but I wanted to. I’m Lena, by the way,” she said, winking at you. “And since I saved you, you can repay me by taking me out to lunch later?”
“I thought heroes saved others to be nice?” you said, flustered. Why was this woman flirting with you? Did she not see the limbs?
Tracer sticks out her tongue at you playfully. “I guess I’m not your typical hero, love.”
“You…do see the prosthetics, right?” you asked hesitantly, wondering if she was blind.
Tracer blinked in surprise. “Of course I do. They’re very nice. Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow at Ariel’s Diner at 1pm,” she said with a wink, leaning up and sneaking a kiss on the cheek.
Face burning hot, you rubbed your cheek in awe as she walked off. She liked you? Even with these hunks of metal?
The two of you ended up competing. Lena won, to your happiness, and you came in third. And the next day, you surprised yourself by going to the diner. It was that smile that captivated you…
And there it was, beaming at you from a table
The two of you began going steady and never once did she make you feel inferior or less then your true worth
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owtrashblog · 8 years
OKay, but I LOVE CRYOSTATIS TEEN SO MUCH, can you imagine them being like, integrated into the group by both Junkrat and Zenyatta?(Seperatle, of course, bc those two don't really get along). But Zen would be so grounding for the poor bean, and the teen'd probably actually get excited about living, sentient robots. Just a thought
Part 4
It felt like hours of you and Junkrat just talking, telling jokes and making each other laugh. You actually cried when Junkrat used one his traps as a puppet, giving a silly voice and everything. Your stomach hurt when you heard a knock on the door. Junkrat happily jumped off the bed to open the door, grinning widely as the last of his giggles died.
You were expecting to see Miss ‎Angela in the doorway to check up on you. Instead there was a… floating robot?
“Why didn’t the stink bomb scare you off?” You asked before you could stop yourself.
“I have no sense of smell dear one.” Oh, now you feel a bit stupid at what seemed to be an obvious fact. Of course robots can’t smell anything, he doesn’t even have a nose. You wanted to sink into your covers and disappear for ever. Even in the future you’re still awkward around people.
You heard a huff from Junkrat who looked very unhappy to see the floating robot. His nose twitched with his gaze shifted between you and the robot before he just left. He didn’t say a word. He just left. It kind of hurt to see him leave, why was he suddenly so grumpy?
“Why did Jamie leave?” You asked, confused over Junkrat’s sudden personality change, how hostile he seemed. He didn’t look like a person who would angry over nothing. He seemed like the kind of guy who’ll laugh anything off and he does have an addicting laugh.
“Many people dislike those like me but you mustn’t concern yourself with that. My name is Zenyatta and I am here to ask if you are ready to met the rest of the team.” You gulped.
“A-All at once?” With out any eyes or really anything that resembled human facial feature, it seemed like Zenyatta had softened, sensing your fear of meeting so many people at once.
“We will start slowly child, I would hate to overwhelm you. Come now, the others are very eager to met you.”
“Are you a robot?” You flushed when you heard Zenyatta chuckle, shaking his head softly. You couldn’t tell if it was a bad thing or not he found that amusing. Did you just say something racist? Oh no! You don’t know what you’ll do if you offended him. Oh gosh, what if he got really mad at you? Did you just mess everything up?
“Omnic child, the term robot is an old… an unused on.” Zenyatta was careful to reword his sentence not wanted to make you feel small or too different from everyone else. Hmm, maybe a meeting with Mei might help you find someone to attach too. He could arrange a quick meeting.
After a few minutes of walking down a long hallway you turned a corner to a good sized room filled with a few people. You recognized one of them, the girl with pink marks on her face. She was a victim of Junkrat’s stink bomb. She looked like she was about to jump from her seat when you heard someone suddenly talk from behind you.
“Master?” You yelped, nearly jumped fifty feet in the air. The sudden appearance of a green, robot, dude almost set your heart into over drive. When did he get behind you!? How did you not hear him? The guy’s made of metal! You would think there would be more noise!
“Genji, this is the young child we’ve been hearing about.” Zenyatta barely waved his hand and this Genji took a step back, apparently giving you more personal space.
“It’s a pleasure to met you.” He bowed, the ribbon attached to the back of his head lazily falling over his shoulder. You were still in some form of shock when he straightened himself out. Your wide-eyed stare was starting to make Genji a little nervous.
“Are you a ninja?” You asked, once again unable to stop yourself from speaking. Genji only nodded like it was something normal, to be asked if he was a ninja.
“I am.” Your smile spread, Genji trying not to squirm when your eyes seemed to widen in pure… adoration? Wonder? Excitement?
“That’s so cool.” A small puff of steam escaped from him, making a few others giggle.
“I like them.” You heard someone mutter.
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