#Being angry sad at my best friend hours again
itsmagichere32 · 3 days
Bridgerton part 2 thoughts...
With part 1, I watched all 4 episodes in a row and felt a bit odd about it. But then I went and rewatched just the Polin parts and enjoyed it.
Same with part 2. All 4 episodes on Thursday and felt odd.
In the finale, there wasn't much Polin time in the beginning and found myself instantly wanting to fast-forward.
Then yesterday, I rewatched the Polin bits from part 2 and felt like it was a better watch.
Ultimately, in my rewatch of Polin scenes part 2, I actually liked episodes 5 & 6 even though episode 6 could've had much more of Polin.
I didn't like the lack of communication in episodes 7 & 8.
I totally get how Colin was so angry in episode 7 after the LW reveal, especially at the beginning. But he should've communicated with Pen sooner.
Yes, Penelope has been ignored and had to endure cruelty from her mother, sisters, and society her whole life.
But even in previous seasons, it felt like even in Penelope's friendships with Colin and Eloise, they were a bit one-sided. It was more about Colin and Eloise than her.
It's no wonder Penelope tried to save Eloise from being framed through her Whistledown column than actually talk to her.
It's no wonder Penelope tried to save Colin from a disastrous marriage with Marina through Whistledown instead of talking to him.
So in episodes 7 & 8, I was hoping for more communication between Colin and Penelope. For him to listen to her side of the story, let her explain herself, as she has always listened to him. After he had some time to cool down, that is. And before their wedding too.
Because Pen's love language is words of affirmation. So I think they needed to communicate vocally more in the last 2 eps. With the compassion that life-long friends and now lovers have for each other.
And there needed to be an epilogue scene with just Pen and Colin that wasn't just a sex scene, but them talking and joking with each other. As an aspiring writer, I like full-circle stories, so a scene like this would've been nice to show that they are still best friends within their loving marriage.
So yeah, I liked some of part 2, the sweet bits. Episodes 7 & 8 were a bit too dark and painful, but maybe that's what the showrunners intended - for us to experience the same anguish Colin and Pen were feeling.
Also, I definitely wished we had more Colin & Pen scenes. Even whenever they danced together at all the balls in part 2, they cut mid-scene to other characters talking or dancing. It felt like they weren't in their own season enough.
I remember the same criticism of season 2 with Kanthony. If they do release deleted or even extended scenes for this season, I'll welcome it.
But I still liked most of the Polin we got in the first 6 episodes. And I liked some of the side storylines:
Portia and Penelope healing their relationship.
Eloise learning to listen and be more compassionate with Penelope and for them to be friends again.
Fran & Ben & Gregory & Hyacinth.
But ultimately, it feels like 8 hour-long episodes are too short for such a big cast.
The actors were great. I love the cast. The acting was fantastic. Same with the costume department, music department, sound, lighting, etc. But maybe the editing department can allow for longer episodes.
For Nicola and Luke's long press tour to come to an abrupt halt where we got doses of their lovely friendship, for part 2 to drop with an ending that needed some extra scenes, and to hear the next season won't be until 2026 all on the same day - was challenging to digest. Interestingly, I do feel some sadness, similarly to how I felt when Game of Thrones ended.
So yeah, I loved Polin and I loved big parts of this season. I still love this show because I love the characters, even if I wished the season had ended differently. But the season just needed more Polin. I look forward to rewatching their scenes together.
Okay, rant over =)
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aw-bean-s · 7 months
sometimes I just wish my friends liked me the way other people's seem to
#Being angry sad at my best friend hours again#I just can't believe she'd fucking do that to me so casually and not even fucking regret or be sorry a little bit#Just a fucking iota of sympathy or fuckin compassion is all I am fucking asking of you#Doesn't tell me shit then tells me I'm bad at communication#Tells anyone BUT ME about our relationship so I'm always the last to fuckin know#Doesn't tell me things for literal YEARS so I can't fuckin help then gets mad when I didn't do anything#And then she's surprised when I end up in these shitty codependent relationships with other people and don't believe that she likes me#Or wants me at all even#She's just such a fucking callous fucking hypocrite and I fucking hate her but also I can't fucking lose her#Fuck she's such a bitch sometimes#She just hurts me and then expects me to still be there in the end!#And I'm not helping myself by STILL FUCKING BEING THERE#I just wish she liked me#And saw that she has Systematically fucking destroyed my trust in other people#She hurt me and she doesn't even fucking care#And the thing is I spent so SO long thinking I was everything wrong in our friendship#That if I could just be a good enough person I'd be good enough for her eventually#But I never fuckin have been have i! Because I'm not a fuckin mind reader!#I spent so long feeling like shit and wishing I could just be better but not knowing how#And then she drops the bomb that she's been actively keeping shit from me and excluding me since 2020! So fuck me I guess!#And there's all this fucking hurt but also this weird peace of 'oh. I wasn't everything wrong.'#Which also makes me so fucking mad because if she'd just TOLD ME I couldve spent so much time NOT HATING MYSELF#For problems that I couldn't fix because she wouldn't TELL ME ABOUT THEM!#I spent so long feeling like I wasn't enough and knowing something was wrong but she wouldn't tell me WHAT#And now it's my fault that I couldn't just figure it out! Fuck off!!#She is so fucking good at making people feel like shit#And after all of this! She doesn't get why I don't belive she likes or wants me! What the ACTUAL fuck!#And now I gotta tell her all this because despite all of this I do love her and belive my life is better for having her in it#And I gotta tell her without her deciding I'm not worth it and leaving so that's fucking cool#I'm half convinced shes manipulating me so I leave her and she can be the victim of big mean Lachlan and maintain her moral high ground
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chlopieno · 3 months
vent ahead, sorry
#hey woo look it's missing my ex boyfriend hours!...#i was happy from breaking up for a minute and now im just so sad. i miss him he was my best friend since childhood and now#we havent spoken for month and half so far#it sucks so much i hate it here. i keep hoping hed reach out to me one day. not to date again but just not to pretend were strangers anymore#i wish i could tell him about my work. about dumb things my cat does. about dumb things i do.#i wish i could listen to him telling me whatever as long as its not hurtful. i wish i was better and didnt expect too much.#i wish my self esteem was higher so i wouldnt regret things i did that i was sure were best in the situation we faced.#i wish i were able to be more helpful and supportive. i thought i was and turns out it was received in an opposite way.#i wish i could send him memes or tell jokes or send uquiz links or picrews#i dont know when it all went wrong man i thought everything was good and everything was falling apart while i didnt even notice.#i hate how short it took to end 15 years of being friends. i hate how i cant even relate to his situation because mine is so similar yet#yet it affected us in such different ways. i hate i wasnt able to do more. i hate that he didnt do more.#i hate that im blaming him for things he has no say in. im angry at being helpless and unable to change anything.#i hate that he told me he loved me amd that he wanted to live with me and then broke up with me less than a month later.#i hate that i made him break up with me. i hate that i put so much hope and emotions and work in it and that he told me he cared#but it was me who was ready to go anywhere for him and do anything for him and it wasnt the other way.#i want to say so much and yell and cry and apologise and yell again but at myself this time and bash my head against the wall#i want to know that someone cares about me as much as i care about them. but it wasnt this relationship but he was my best friend#and i wish i could say that i wish we never dated but i dont because i was happy and i hoped we were happy together.#and every time i asked it was okay and fine and good until suddenly it hasnt been for months and i never knew because he never told me#and i know i cant read minds but i wish i was able to tell the signs. i wish i was less selfish. i thought he wanted what i want#but telling stories about living together and setting up furniture or having pets together was what i thought was for us but was for me only#and i didnt even know#i thought wed be friends forever. yes i thought wed live together as partners too but he was my best friend and i lost him and all i can do#is to cry about it.
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3knecrotic · 4 months
Urggh,, the thoughts are back,, how annoying,,,
#dk speaks#vent#after all I've gone through why do i still miss hys smile.#hys yelled at me time and time again#told me i was stupid and made me feel like i was intellectually Incapable of being hys true friend#all hy did was smile and speak sweet nothings then make me feel like shit when i couldn't give hym attention in the next hour#hy's snitched on me. turned my girlfriend against me for an entire year.#hys presence made it so my girlfriend Intentionally Ignored me month after month after month when i Did try opening my mouth#hy. had sex with her. hy flirted with her. hy raged when hy couldn't have everything that a romantic relationship has with her.#hy would get so angry at me. when i was weak and tired and sad and neglected.#hy wanted to cuddle her. kiss her. want alone time with her Constantly. sleep beside her in bed. fuck her. get extra emotional support.#an extra amount not entilted to friendship at all. but hy felt hy was entitled. extra for a Lover? no not at all. but a friend?#still cant even tell to This Day if hy was lying about not being in love with my wife for the entire time hy kept trying to claw her away ..#i dont know#all i know is i love him and i want the best for hym. i deeply just need hym happy.#and yet almost all my memories of hym are of drugs. hym degrading me regularly. me never ever ever being enough for hym.#and of hym fucking my wife while still claiming to respect me.#the mistake was made. it painted permanent colors. now i miss a boy who probably just needs me dead at this point.#i cant physically believe I'm loved after a year like this...#this isnt love.#i wasnt love.#it was never love#i dont know what it is. but it cant be love#god i just want normal clean fucking love again .
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blackkwidowed · 5 months
Imagine kissing Nats bruises and scars after a mission and just being soft and showing her so much love.
I just wanna give Nat a hug tbh
just the entire concept of nat finding it so hard to be vulnerable around anyone but you is both heartbreaking yet the softest most adorable shit ever. here's a little drabble. some darker themes here as well i guess. also, best friend bucky? you got a taste of that here as well. also haven't proofread so sorry
When the few team mates arrive back off a mission, there's a dark, almost sad, atmosphere among them. Natasha, Bucky, and Clint had gone together for a few days to track something down. They'd come back early, empty handed, bruised, beaten down and overall, unsuccessful.
Natasha had looked the most upset. She hadn't been crying or anything, she just looked glum. She looked like she'd seen something no one wants to see.
Immediately you say your hellos to everyone, glad that they made it back safely and in once piece- albeit a few bruises and minor injuries. Something had happened out there.
You pull Natasha into your arms and there's something about the way she relaxes and sinks against you that makes your concern skyrocket. Fingers running through her hair, you cup the base of her skull in your hand and bring the other to her cheek for her to look at you. "What happened, my love?"
She sighs, the kind of sigh that speaks for itself.
"We found a group of kids. They'd all been locked up by these asshole guys we were trying to find. They'd been brainwashed. Beaten. Taken from their families and forced into whatever the hell kind of project that's been lined up for them."
You flinch, closing your eyes and repeating Natasha's sigh from before. You understand now.
"Got jumped by some security who've had training from God knows where. Good enough to get some hits in, put it that way." She cranes her neck a little, moves her hair out the way, enough to show the budding purple mark under her ear that's making it way across her jaw. "Powerful bunch, these guys. We're gonna need some more planning before we go back in there."
You nod in agreement, tracing your finger gently across the mark and pressing a soft, barely there kiss to the skin.
"Are you okay?" It comes as a whisper, gentle and only just loud enough for her to hear it. "I mean, I know you're not okay as such just. What do you need?"
She smiles gently at you, pushing herself closer to you again and resting her nose in the crook of your neck. "This is good."
You press a kiss to the side of her head, looking up at the guys who're now sat at the breakfast bar of the kitchen, also looking on like they've seen a ghost. You can't help but feel sorry for whatever they've seen, it takes a lot to have them left feeling like this.
You send Nat to your room, telling her you'll be up there in a moment and to get changed out of her suit. Quickly, you make your way over to the boys and rest a hand on each of their shoulders. "You need anything you know where I am, alright?"
They thank you thoroughly, Bucky even slinging an arm around your waist and squeezing lightly as a thank you. "Take care of her, yeah? I think, maybe, she's reminded of everything she went through. It's hit her, this one. Just take care of her."
Bucky's smile is laced with pain, heartache. You don't see him like this often either. You nod at him. "Of course."
What you find in your room is enough to make you angry. Nat's got a fair few bruises, and it makes you want to track down the bastard(s) that managed to leave such a mark on her soul.
She's sat on the end of the bed, glancing over the hand shaped mark on her arm where she'd been grabbed and thrown just hours earlier. She's not even mad that she let her guard down. Normally she'd be upset with herself, but she can't think about it.
You perch at the head of the bed against the pillows, beckoning her over in a gentle tone. She settles into your side and curls an arm around you tightly, as if she's frightened you'll leave. It only makes you grip her tighter.
Peppering gentle kisses to the side of her face, she sighs in relief and sinks somehow deeper into you, nuzzling into your neck. You're warm, familiar, comforting, you're everything she needs in a time of need.
"Thank you," she whispers against your skin.
"For what, baby?"
"Being here when I need you."
You smile softly, raising a hand to her face and brushing your fingers across her cheek. You kiss her softly, slowly, so gentle she has to pull you even closer so you'll kiss her firmer. Your lips move against hers and it might just be the highlight of Natasha's day, feeling you like this.
"You don't ever have to thank me. You know that's what I'm here for." You continue stroking her cheek, down her neck, and back up. Touches like this are her favourite. It warms her heart when she remembers the bruise on the side of her face, and the fact that your touch is so gentle against her skin that the contact with the bruise doesn't bother her even a little bit. "I love you."
Natasha hums softly, moving to lay on top of you now. She kisses you again, whispering against your mouth. "I love you."
You hold her close, hands running across her hips, fingers trailing up her back. She lays on you, nuzzled in and as close as possible. You don't ever want either of you to move, this is where you're content. This is your happy place.
She's relaxed now, happier, and you know today's at the back of her mind still but for a moment, she can forget about it. She feels safe now, comforted. You're her happy place, her everything, her lifeline. To her, you make it worth it.
"Get some sleep for me okay?" You murmur into her hair.
You feel her nod against where she lays on your chest. "Only if i can stay here."
You give a soft laugh, rubbing a hand up her back and tangling into red hair. "Always."
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Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Y/n lies unconscious in a hospital bed while Spencer drowns in guilt. You had felt that Spencer was cheating on you with Maeve and were going to stay with someone else before you got shot. Finding this out causes Spencer to snap and lash out at one of his closest friends.
Part 2
Word Count: 2,866
A/N: This has been a WIP for years! It was apart of a series with my own OC but I decided to change it to a Reader fic. The amount of WIPs I have is ridiculous!!!!!
Spencer sat at Y/n's hospital bed in silence. Tears were continuously streaming down his face, his breaths were shaky and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from your unmoving face. 
There was a tube coming out of your mouth to help your breathing. So many different wires were coming out of your body and attached to multiple beeping machines. 
He was holding your right hand in both of his, your skin wasn’t freezing cold but it was colder than he prefers it to be. 
You had only came out of surgery half an hour ago but they won’t know if it was successful until you wake up. Which could be between the next few seconds and never.  
Never was something Spencer was trying his hardest not to think about. 
There was so much he needed to tell you. So many things he had to say. 
The last time you were together you had fought. You told him that he’s been speaking to Maeve too much and that he's been ignoring you. Spending more time with this woman. 
Spencer had told you that you were being ridiculous and then you had to go on a case and Spencer never got the chance to talk anymore about it. 
You had been furious at him and now Spencer was angry at himself as well. 
He had called you ridiculous for coming to him about your feelings. This resulted in you refusing to be his partner in the field. Which led to you going with Morgan. Which ended in you getting shot. 
This is when Spencer’s brain began connecting things that didn’t match up. 
If he had listened to you he could’ve gotten you out of harm’s way. 
Not speaking to Maeve meant you wouldn’t have fought and you never would’ve been shot. 
He was supposed to protect you. 
It should be him lying there. Not his sweet girl. 
There was a knock on the door and Spencer barely reacted as Garcia and Emily came in. 
“Hey, how is she doin’?” Emily asked softly. 
Spencer turned his head a little towards them, “She... uh.” His voice cracked and he cleared it before trying again, “They said everything went well but we won’t know the damage until she wakes up.” 
Garcia's eyes watered as she stared at your body. “When will she wake up?” 
Spencer's eyes filled with tears, a sad smile forming as he squeezed your hand, “When she’s ready.” 
His phone buzzed in his pocket and he took it out to see that it was Maeve. 
Along with the twenty missed calls from Maeve.  
He rubbed his eyes before pressing answer, “Spencer Reid.” 
“Oh my God. Spencer, I’ve been trying to reach you all day. Are you alright?” 
This statement didn’t sit well in his stomach.  
If you miss an appointment with your doctor, they don’t leave twenty missed calls on your phone.  
They wait for you to reschedule. 
He glanced at the other two women who were trying their best not to listen in. Although Garcia was looking particularly peeved about something.  
Then he glanced down at you and any words he was going to say to Maeve turned to ash in his mouth. He felt sick.  
Now he understood what you meant. 
“Now, isn’t a good time. I’ll call you next week.” He didn’t wait for a response before he ended the call and put the phone back in his pocket. 
Garcia shifted uncomfortably, “Was... was that her?” 
“Who?” Spencer’s brain wasn’t even functioning at 20%. He couldn’t think things through clearly. 
“Doctor Maeve.” Garcia mocked. 
Spencer frowned, “Yes. Why?” 
Emily gave Penelope a pointed look. 
A look that did not go unnoticed by Spencer, “What? What is it?” 
Emily put her hands up in a calming gesture, as if trying to approach a cornered animal. “Spencer. You must understand, we don’t mean to pry but Y/n spoke to Morgan and he didn’t know what to do so he told Garcia, who told me.” 
Spencer rubbed his eyes for the fourth time in ten minutes, he did not have the energy for this, “Told you what? What are you talking about?” Spencer was getting agitated now. Why can’t they just tell him? He hated not getting to the point. 
“Well, Y/n came to Morgan two weeks ago and was quite upset.” 
Spencer frowned as he looked at you again. Two weeks ago? You didn’t seem upset two weeks ago. 
“She had some concerns about this doctor that you’ve been speaking to.” Emily explained. 
Garcia huffed, “She told Derek that she had suspicions that you were cheating on her.” She spoke with daggers in her eyes. 
Spencer froze.  
He stiffened in his seat as he stared at his unconscious fiancé in shock.  
You thought he was cheating on you?  
You might never wake up again and your last thoughts of him would be the fight and thoughts of his, supposed, adultery.  
How?! How could you think that he could even look at anyone that wasn’t you? 
“I. Would. Never.” He punctuated every damn word so they got his point, trying to blink away the fresh batch of tears that filled his eyes. 
“She planned to stay with Morgan and Savannah for a couple of days-" Garcia told him. 
Spencer tore his eyes away from the bed to gawk at Garcia, “She what?” 
Emily placed her hand on Garcia’s arm and spoke next, “Yesterday, Derek had... overheard one of your conversations with the doctor and he spoke to Y/n about it. So, she decided she would go and stay with him for a few days to sort out her head before coming to you about it.” 
Spencer was furious. Not only did you think he was cheating on you, half of the team now suspected him of it too and no one even had the decency to ask him. And what was this phone call that was so damning that Derek had to run and tell his fiancé? Why didn’t Derek just ask him instead of almost ruining his relationship without him even knowing about it! 
Spencer was shaking with rage. He stood abruptly from his chair and turned to the girls, pointing to Y/n’s bed he ordered out, “Stay with her.” before he stormed outside to head to the waiting room. 
He saw red. He couldn’t think of anything except for the anger he felt. 
Quickly turning the corner he saw the rest of the team sitting and talking as if nothing was wrong. 
J.J noticed him first and stood up, Hotch, Rossi and Morgan following suit. 
“Spence, any news?” she asked gently. 
Spencer didn’t even hear her; never slowed his pace either. As soon as Morgan was within arm’s reach he clenched his fist until his knuckles turned white and swung as hard as he could.  
His fist made connection with Morgan’s cheek and from the shock of Spencer’s actions it knocked Morgan off kilter. Morgan stumbled and placed his hand to his cheek. 
The punch clearly did more harm to Spencer than Morgan, but he didn’t care. The pain in his hand was welcomed. It cut through the hurt that was clutched around his heart. 
The others cried out in shock as they tried to digest what just happened. 
“What the hell, kid?!” Morgan yelled at him. 
“’What the hell’ is right!” Spencer growled back as he stepped up to the other man and pushed his shoulders, “Sneaking behind my back? Telling my fiancé that I had some secret affair because of some phone call you didn’t hear the entirety of!” 
Spencer was seething, the rest of the team gaping at him never having seen him so furious before, “You could’ve just asked! But no, the whole team had to get involved. And now I hear she was planning on living with you for a few days?!” Spencer clenched his possibly broken fist again. “She’s in a coma and may never wake up again and her last thoughts of me will be the thought that I was getting with someone else.” 
Spencer inhaled sharply as his rage at Morgan turned to rage at himself. 
“Spencer!” J.J shouted, “Stop!” 
His sharp inhales quickly turned to hyperventilation, his brain was in overdrive, a million thoughts and memories were spinning around his head and he just wanted it to stop. 
So he stopped it the only way he knew how.  
Instead of hitting Morgan, Spencer turned at the last second and hit the wall. 
He fell to his knees and cried as he hit the wall again and again and again and again. 
Blood smeared across the white wall as he broke the skin on the knuckles. The physical pain overrode his senses and he chased the feeling. 
That was until Hotch grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him away from the wall causing Spencer to lose his balance and fall back into Hotch's arms which quickly locked around him. 
“Stop! Get off of me! Hotch, let go!” Spencer squirmed as he tried to fight against his boss. His back was pressed tightly against Hotch’s chest, his legs bent in front of him and he kept slapping at Hotch’s arms to let go. 
Hotch just shushed him and held him tighter. Completely understanding his anger. He’s been there and the best thing for Spencer is to calm down enough so he can go back and sit with Y/n instead of giving in to his anger and doing something else that he will regret. 
Once Spencer figured out that he wasn’t going anywhere the fight drained out of him and he stopped slapping at the arms circled around him.  
While Spencer was hunched over Hotch gave the rest of the team a nod to clear the area and give the two some space. 
Hotch pulled one Spencer’s shoulders to shift his position so that Spencer curled into his chest. 
Once Hotch placed a comforting hand over Spencer’s head a sob broke past his lips and the entire dam broke. Spencer cried his heart out.  
He could barely breathe, inhaling only made him choke on his sobs and made him feel worse. 
“What if I never get to speak to her again?” he whispered between sobs. “Never get to tell her that she’s the only one for me.” 
“Spencer you need to breathe.” Hotch told him gently, “You need to calm down. Breathe with me.” 
Spencer felt Hotch’s chest rising and falling against him. He closed his eyes and tried to follow his boss’ actions. 
After a moment, Spencer was finally able to take a deep breath. The oxygen flooded his brain and the fog cleared. His entire body shivered before he came to his senses. 
Blinking hard he realised he was curled into Hotch’s chest, cocooned in his arms.  
He shouldn’t be here.  
He was sitting on the hospital floor instead of in with Y/n. He slowly sat up and Hotch let his arms fall from around him. 
“You alright?” 
Spencer wiped his left hand over his face, “Fine. Fine. Yeah. I need to uh, I need to go to Y/n.” 
He put his right hand behind him to support his weight, but an agonising pain shot through his hand and he fell onto his elbow with a grunt. 
“Here, let me see.” Hotch knelt over him and held out his hand. 
Spencer shook his head and used his other hand to support his weight as he got off the floor, dusting himself off as best he could, “I’m fine.” He held his right arm close to him as he stood up straight.  
He looked around and noticed that J.J, Rossi and Morgan are nowhere to be seen… which is probably for the best. 
The shame of what he’s done washed over him like a bucket of ice water. He just punched his best friend in front of his team then proceeded to have a break down in his boss’ arms. 
“Spencer.” Hotch called out. “You’re not fine, let me see your hand.” 
Spencer shook his head and walked out of the waiting room without saying anything. 
Stopping just outside Y/n’s room he looked in the window, you hadn’t moved a muscle.  
Emily was sat by your bedside holding your hand. 
The pain of the possibility of losing her was too much for him. His only relief was the slow rise and fall of your chest.  
His eyes were already puffy and sore, and he felt dehydrated. He sighed as he raised his left hand to wipe the tears away, cursing himself for his behaviour. 
“Spencer.” Hotch stood at his side, “You need to get your hand looked at, and I’m sure the nurse wouldn’t mind doing it by Y/n’s bedside.” He knew Spencer probably doesn’t want his hand looked at for at least three reasons; he doesn’t want to leave Y/n’s side for much longer, he feels embarrassed or shameful or he feels the need to punish himself. 
He agreed as long as he can stay beside Y/n, “Okay.” He opened the door and the bleeps of the machine’s filled his ears.  
That was your heartbeat.  
He lowered himself into the chair at your right side and raised his left hand to hold hers. His right hand was tucked into his chest. The throbbing was excruciating but he welcomed it. 
He pointedly avoided Emily’s worried expression before she smiled at him and left the room without word. 
A nurse came bustling into the room a few moments later with a tray of equipment, clearly fetched by Hotch. She stood next to him and Spencer raised his hand to let her do what she needed to do. Hissing as she cleaned the cuts on his knuckles. 
The nurse didn’t mind his silence and talked calmly to him as she worked, “You did quite the number on your hand.” She wiped away the blood and inspected his fingers, “You’ve definitely broken a few knuckles, I’m going to wrap your fingers in a splint and then bandage you up, okay?” 
Spencer nodded, “Okay.” He said quietly. 
She taped his middle and ring finger together and then bandaged his entire hand down to his wrist. “Now, keep this on for the next two weeks and then come back in so we can give you an x-ray and review the damage.” 
Spencer nodded, “Thank you.” 
The nurse left and Spencer was alone with Y/n once more. He stared at his right hand that was now resting on the bed.  
How could he do this? Throw a tantrum while the love of his life lies in bed fighting for her life. 
He leaned forward to rest his arms on the bed. 
“Hi.” His voice shook, and he cleared his throat. He hasn’t been this nervous to talk to you since you first met. “You always told me that I needed to talk more, but I- I have no words for what I’ve done. I’ve done something terrible. Actually, I’ve done a few terrible things.” The tears formed once more, and his head pounded from the pressure. “I may never get the chance to say this to you but I am so, so, sorry. I made you feel that you weren’t special to me anymore, that I don’t love you which is the furthest thing from the truth.” 
Spencer played with a strand of your hair that was laying on your shoulder. 
“How could I ever be with someone else? No one could ever, ever take your place in my heart.” 
He gently lifted your hand in both of his, his head felt heavy, so he bent over and placed his forehead on the back of her hand. “I love you more than anything in this world. When you wake up I’m going to spend every second of the rest of my life making it up to you. And I know you wouldn’t want to miss that. So, please wake up. Please.” 
He had been talking when it happened so he never heard it. 
You weren’t breathing in the same rhythm as before. 
When he finally noticed, he frowned as he looked you over. He slowly got to his feet as he scanned the machines. Right before his eyes some of the numbers began to climb as others started to fall. 
Spencer scrambled past the chair and ripped open the door to your room, “Doctor! I need a doctor here now!” He yelled out before running back to your side, “Y/n, sweetheart if you can hear me; don’t give up. Please.” 
Two doctors and a nurse sprinted into the room. 
“Sir, sir!” The nurse grabbed Spencer’s shoulder, “We need you to leave.” 
Spencer shook his head frantically, trying to keep up with everything that the doctors were saying to each other, “I can’t.” he whispered to himself. 
“Sir! Please!” The nurse pushed at Spencer’s shoulders until he was outside the room and the door was shut in his face. 
The rest of the team had heard the commotion and had run to the room as well. 
Rossi placed his hand on Spencer’s shoulder as the entire team watched the doctors place paddles on your chest and shock you. 
And again. 
And again. 
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emmyrosee · 1 year
this is an actual thing that happened to me and my poor friend like, an hour ago lmao
It’s been raining for three weeks straight.
On the list of things that make Katsuki angry, rain is high, high up on that list, above most people and most things. Rain feels useless to Katsuki, does nothing but make things wet and gross, and he’ll never forgive the rain for drowning his plants as a kid.
Rain makes him a certain degree of agitated.
You, on the other hand?
“Baby, look! It’s raining!” You beam.
You like it. Freak.
The forecast had no called for rain, nor had his phone given any warnings, but as he paid the bill for lunch, seemingly as soon as the waiter took his card, the rain poured to godlike fury.
There’s nothing he loves more on his one Saturday off a month than sprinting through monsoon season in worn down sneakers and your feet padding behind him. There’s nothing he finds more euphoria in than opening the passenger side door for you and feeling the squish of a puddle in his shoe.
And he absolutely, completely, totally understands how on the gods’ decaying, rotten earth, why you enjoy this so much.
At this point, all Katsuki wanted to do was go home, curl up in a ball with you close by and nap all the frustration and cold rain away for the next few hours-
“LOOK OUT!” You scream, and instantly, Katsuki slams on his brakes, nearly flinging you both out the window. His face paled in panic before coming back in a complete anger.
“What the fuck was that!”
“Look!” You whimper, pointing out past the windshield with a worried pout. He squints as best as he can past the pouring rain, to no avail. You groan next to him and quickly leap out of the car to chase whatever you seem to see, making him snarl a firm ‘GET BACK HERE,’ through his teeth. You put your hands on your knees as you look down at the pavement, and he looks around for a oncoming car that you seem to ignore remembering that you’re in the middle of the goddamned road.
“Are you fucking insane?!” He snaps, opening his own car door and getting out to chase you. “You’re going to get sick, and I’m not going to take care of you.”
You pout up at him before fixing your gaze back down at the road, “you were gonna hit him.”
“Hit who?”
“The turtle,” you whine, fixing the hood of Katsuki’s sweater on your head to keep the rain off your face. With a furrowed brow, Katsuki does finally look down to see a small turtle settled in the road, blinking its slimy eyes softly as if half exasperated as Katsuki is.
He sighs in exhaustion, “you made me get out of my car, in the pouring rain, bordering fucking hail, to look at a snapping turtle?” His hands smack his face and scrub it in frustration, “this can’t be my life. There no way.”
“Can we save him?” You ask quietly, clearly very upset by the idea of this little creature being squashed.
“How do you- what- NO!” He snaps, mercilessly. You whimper softly before falling to your knees, water squishing under the bones. He’s got to admit, you do look very sad, but it’s 45 degrees outside and holy crap he’s gonna freeze out here and it’s your fault.
He hears you sigh from under his hoodie, and you reach out to touch the small turtle, only retracting your hand when it lurches out to snap at you.
“See? Why do you want to save this little shit?”
You scoff, “he’s just scared, it’s not his fault.”
“Yeah, snap at you again and I’ll give him something to be scared about.”
This, you give him a small laugh at, and he does sobsr up slightly. Your head turns up to look at him, rain hitting your face and lip still in a small pout. “Please, help me save him, Katsuki?”
Fucking god.
He growls softly, “how do you want me to save him? He’s a snapping turtle, can’t just lift his ass up.” You gnaw softly at your lip before looking back at the small turtle now receding into its shell in fright.
Then, you brighten, “just go home and get a shovel!”
“Why not?”
“I’m not fucking going home, digging a shovel out of the garage, coming back and moving a turtle six feet to the other side of the road. You’re insane- he’ll be fucking fine, babe, let’s just go home.”
“I don’t want to leave him,” you say softly. “I’ll stay here, and if he moves, I’ll call you and walk home-“
“Are you fucking high? I’m not leaving you here, dumbass.”
Looking back up at him, you give him a cocky shrug, “guess you’re picking up the turtle with your hands.”
He could throttle you. Right here, in the middle of the road, right now.
With his patience running thin, and clothes soaked and heavy, he snarls softly before stomping back to the car, whipping out a small blanket he usually keeps for you when you fall asleep. He wraps it in his hands before stepping back over to you and the turtle, scooping the small reptile in his hands and grumbling as he walks it over to the sidewalk, placing blanket and all on the concrete. The turtle squirms and writhes, but once it’s placed on the sidewalk, it quickly scuttles into the mud and grass and far from the road. In the background, you’re cheering and clapping your wet hands, and he’s choosing to ignore you.
He grits his teeth and turns to you, “car. Now.”
“What about the blanket-“
“Car. Now.”
You’re still smiling as you round back to the passenger side of the car, and he hates knowing that you know he’s not completely mad, more talk than anything else.
Little rat.
He get into the driver side of the car and blasts the heat in a meek attempt to get warm, his temples pounding and heart more than ready to just get the hell home.
But his thoughts come to a halt when your arms toss around his shoulders over the center console and kiss all along his neck and cheek and temple.
“My hero,” you coo, pecking softly. “Saving everyone and everything for me. You’re the best ever. My handsome and brave hero.”
“Sit down,” he grumbles, trying to fight the warmth in his face. You ignore him, continuing to hum out praises and loving words as he drives you both home, knowing full well that you both know he’s weak to your pleas and requests and it’s going to be far from the last time he does something like this for you.
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rayaverra · 5 months
Love Amidst the Noise // Luke Castellan
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pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
genre: fluff (i guess)
summary: you get a little overexcited while talking, and your friends find it annoying. When Luke finds you sad and quiet, he comforts you.
warning(s): none
wc: 654
notes: this actually happened to me in real life, so shout-out to my best friend for his kind words :')
english is not my first language, so there may be mistakes.
"And we visited this museum when my dad took me on a trip to Boston, and the art there was just amazing! So many different types of paintings... all these vibrant colours that matched... and the amount of detail..." You were sharing your winter experience with your friends, feeling passionate about the art. Now that summer break had started and you were back in camp, you were excited to share all your latest stories, but none of your friends seemed to really care.
"Yeah... yeah... we get it! Your father took you to see some old paintings," one of them said, rolling their eyes, and soon afterwards everyone else joined.
"Yeah, who cares about some old paintings that all look the same anyway?" Another one added, and your smile suddenly faded, feeling sad that they spoke like that about something you cared so much about.
"And you've been talking about it for almost an hour! Don't you let anyone else speak?" And with that, you closed your mouth, feeling unwanted; you didn't say anything for the rest of your friends conversation.
Later that day, you were sitting on your cabin's table earlier than everyone else, not being in much of a mood. You started to wonder if everyone thought the same as your friends. You knew that sometimes you talked too much, but you couldn't control it. Did everyone in camp think you were annoying?
A familiar figure approached you. At first, you didn't turn to see who it was, but soon you realized it was your dear friend from the Hermes cabin, Luke Castellan.
He noticed your unusual silence and your worried expression. "Hey, is everything okay?" He asked gently.
"Fine..." You said, avoiding his gaze. And that, with the fact that you replied without using many words, like you always liked to explain the details, made him curious as to who got you sad. Deep down, he was also slightly angry that someone would hurt his best friend like this.
"Come' on, I know you better than that." He smiled softly, reaching across the table and gently holding your hand. "You can tell me everything, you know."
You hesitate for a bit, feeling a lump form in your throat. "Do you ever find me annoying?" You eventually blurted out, surprising both Luke and yourself.
He furrowed his eyebrows, looking genuinely puzzled. "Annoying? Not at all! Why would you think that?"
You signed, looking into his filled-with-kindness blue eyes, giving him a weak smile. He was so gentle with you that it warmed your heart.
You sighed, finally deciding to share the weight on your shoulders. "My friends, they... They always complain about me talking too much and never let me finish."
Luke's expression shifted from confusion to understanding. "You're not annoying, not to me. I love how you light up when you talk, how your eyes sparkle. Your enthusiasm is one of the things I adore about you."
Your heart warmed upon hearing his comforting words. You realized that you had found someone who appreciated you for who you were.
"Don't let them get to you. You're amazing just the way you are, and anyone who can't see that doesn't deserve your energy." He said, moving a strand of your hair behind your ear. You smiled, remembering how fun it was when you explained to Luke the history of each painting, and him listening intensively.
"Thank you, Luke." You smiled, moving closer, sniffing a little, and resting your head on his shoulder after giving him a hug.
"Can you tell me about that painting with that couple on a swing again?" Luke asked, and you blushed, nodding your head and starting to tell him about the famous Cot's painting.
In that moment, the weight lifted, and you felt a newfound strength. As you continued your conversation, you found solace in Luke's understanding, grateful to have someone who valued every word you shared.
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starsxblazing · 4 months
Cause and Effect (Part 3)
a/n: please excuse any proof reading mistakes because my brain is still mush after working my 40 hours this week. I was too excited to post the next chapter simply for all of your amazing responses!
You huffed in annoyance from your lack of sleep just as the sun was beginning to rise in the sky. Sleep had evaded you for the majority of the night because you just hadn’t been able to calm your mind. The happiness and excitement that you had felt just for having someone pay you some attention made you feel horrible about yourself, like you were no better than a toddler. It didn’t seem to bother the male that you had found such a sense of peace with just by being in his presence for just a few minutes.
Hope surged through you at the thought of him and found yourself praying to whatever the Fae believed in that you would see him again today. You dug through the clothes that you had been given but you didn’t have the energy to put much thought into anything. A grumble of your stomach had you completely abandoning the idea.
“Good morning,” you mumbled sleepily, still in your pajamas, when you entered the dining room with the male from the day before and Mor sitting at the table.
“Good morning,” Mor replied with a small smile. “We weren’t expecting you to be up so early.”
“I do rise early sometimes,” you chuckled as you took a seat beside her with the male sitting across from you. “But everything.. It’s hard to sleep now.”
“That’s completely understandable.” Mor rubbed your arm for a moment in a comforting manner. “We’re glad that you are out here with us.”
You gave her a small but sad smile, unsure of what to say. It was obvious that none of them knew about you and even though it hurt, you did your best not to show it. Feyre had mentioned in a conversation that you accidentally overheard that the food here was delicious and now that you had a taste, you weren’t sure if you could ever go back to normal human food. The thought had you returning to the day that you had been forced into the cauldron and realized that you didn’t know anyone’s name and most importantly, how they all were doing after injuries.
“You were hurt.” You locked eyes with the hazel ones across from you. “And your friend-”
“We’re alright,” he assured, causing you to slump in relief into your seat. “Cassian’s wings are healing as we speak.”
“I’m so glad.” You gave him a gentle smile before gazing at his wings momentarily. “I can’t imagine how much pain that you were in. I feel horrible that I didn’t even think to ask you last night.”
“It’s okay.” He gave you another genuine, small smile that earned a near silent gasp from the female beside her. “You have been through more than any of us can imagine.”
“I don’t even know your names,” you mumbled, choosing to ignore his reassurance since you were trying to avoid the thoughts of your own.
“You’ve met Mor.” He gestured towards the female beside you who simply rolled her eyes. “Cassian, as I said, was the one that was injured as well and Rhysand is our High Lord of the Night Court.”
“Oh.” It was hard to keep your mind from the horrible memories, the thoughts making your heart hurt even more now that you knew their names. “Have you heard from Feyre?”
“She will be alright and will be back as soon as she can,” Mor answered confidently. 
Your sister had obviously thrived since she had become High Fae and you couldn’t help but wonder if you or your other sisters would be able to do it as well even though you didn’t have much of a choice. A part of you wanted to adjust but at the same time, you were terrified of the life that you had been unwillingly shoved into. You were at least trying to be friendly even though Elain still refused to speak and Nesta was being her usual angry self.
You weren’t sure how to feel with everything that was going on around you but your mind began to drift back to your human life. Your favorite holiday would be arriving in a few months and you hoped that it would be something that would be accepted for the first time. Remembering that you didn’t know the male’s name, you raised an eyebrow at him.
“Are you stingy with your name?” 
“No,” he chuckled, amusement dancing in his eyes. “I’m Azriel.”
“Azriel,” you repeated, finding that you liked how it rolled so simply off of your tongue.
He seemed to like it as well due to the smile tugging at his lips but you chose to ignore it, opting to eat what you could. You could feel his gaze on you and noticed it for yourself when you glanced at him from your peripheral as Mor began to tell you what Velaris had to offer.
“It sounds beautiful,” you sighed in awe.
“I could take you.” Your eyes met Azriel’s, noting that his expression was neutral even though you felt like he deeply wanted you to agree. “The city is meant to be seen at night.”
“I would expect nothing less from The City of Starlight,” you laughed, noting an emotion in his eyes that you couldn’t place.
You listened to stories pour from Mor and your emotions turned over in a constant loop, wondering if you would fit into this tight knit family. It was something that you had never had and so desperately wanted. You hoped that now that you and your sisters were all together that the family dynamic might change, hoped that you would finally become important. Deciding to try to interact with your sisters, you gave them a small smile and a nod before going to find them.
Just as you expected, Elain was still staring blankly out of the window with Nesta in a chair in the room and reading a book. Your oldest sister’s flat stare fell on you and although you felt uncomfortable, you held your ground and held onto hope.
“How are you both doing?” you asked quietly, eyes darting between them both.
“How does it look?” she snapped, her ever snarky tone lacing through each word. 
“All of this is so hard and I want to try to help you if you would let me,” you offered, gripping your intentions with a steel grip so that you didn’t back away.
“Why don’t you go back to the male that you decided to prefer your company with?”
“Then why did you even bother to make him leave me alone!?” you exclaimed as your pain began to overwhelm you.
“Go. Away,” Nesta growled.
It took all of your self control to hold back your tears as you darted back towards your room. Loneliness, which was a feeling that you were well acquainted with, overtook all of your senses. Even though you were used to it, it hurt even worse with the circumstances that you were now in. It felt as if it was impossible to sort through without your own family's help. You could only hold onto hope that you may have found real friends with Mor and Azriel.
You stayed in your room for the rest of the day, not bothering to leave for lunch or dinner. A knock had sounded on your door after each missed meal that followed with Mor’s muffled but concerned voice sounding through the wood. You had jumped up from your bed whenever the sun began to set, remembering that you had a late afternoon with Azriel planned. It made some excitement return because you truly did love his company.
Mor was at your door once again while you were staring at your new wardrobe as if she already knew of your struggle. She laughed at your confused expression and joined you to look at the variety of the obviously expensive dresses. It was more than welcome and you decided to let her make the choice for you since you knew next to nothing about dressing up.
“This is so hard,” you whined but fell quiet at the gorgeous blue dress that she pulled out.
“What about this one?” she asked, a knowing twinkle in her eye that you didn’t understand.
“I don’t think I’ve ever worn anything so nice in my life.” You stared at it in awe and the female seemed pleased. “I love it.”
“I thought that you would.” Mor gave you a brilliant smile before directing you to the vanity. “Now let’s get something done with this beautiful hair.”
A blush rose to your cheeks at the compliment since you hadn’t received very many. You watched her work, noting every small movement that she did so that you would be able to do it for yourself at some point. The loose curls that ended up forming was something that made you feel brand new. Your eyes burned from the tears that wanted to form at the sight of yourself once you were fully dressed and staring at yourself in the mirror.
It was the prettiest that you had ever felt in your entire life and you finally felt as if you actually meant something, even if it was only a fleeting moment. You took a deep breath before you rounded the corner where Azriel was waiting in an attempt to keep your newfound confidence.
His face instantly softened when he saw you and you could feel Mor’s eyes on you from behind you. Heat rose to your cheeks once more, unaccustomed to having a male look at you in a way that didn’t mean that he only wanted to sleep with you. He guided you to the balcony, his hand barely brushing against your lower back.
“The House is warded against winnowing so we will have to fly,” he started gently, watching you with nearly invisible caution. “There is always the option of the ten thousand steps to the city but that would ruin your beautiful dress.”
“I’ve never flown before.” It was hard to speak and keep the shock from the simple compliment from your tone before eyeing his wings. “It sounds scary.”
“I promise not to drop you,” he chuckled, the noise almost inaudible.
You nodded despite your fear and focused on your excitement for the night.
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damiansgoodgirll · 11 months
Can you do a angst to fluff with kylian, maybe about y/n meets a old friend and talks to him and kylian get angry and they fight then they reconcile with each other
kylian mbappe x reader
tw : angst, kylian being a little toxic (sorry) fluff at the end tho
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jealousy jealousy
“kylian can you talk to me please?” you asked him once again but he wouldn’t reply. instead he gripped the wheel hardest as he was driving back home.
you and kylian went to this cute bar that just opened in paris and it was supposed to be just the two of you, but after an hour that you were there, you met an old high school friend that you haven’t seen since you graduated and of course curiosity, got the best of you, and you wanted to know everything about him.
kylian wasn’t amused by the fact that you were giving all your attention to your friend. no he was jealous but he wouldn’t admit it.
you were really close to this guy when you were in high school and you were not going to lie, he once had a crush on you, but when you rejected him he remained and wanted to be friend with you anyway.  he was being polite and ask kylian question too but he would simply reply with “yes” “no” “okay” and that was stressing you out.
“okay fine you wanna be like that, fine with me…” you said losing all hope.
“so you’re not saying anything about your friend who clearly had other intentions than being more than friend?” he asked you sarcastically and you couldn’t believe your ears.
“kylian, if you heard the conversation for at least just a minute, you would know he is married and has a kid…can’t believe you’re being like this over nothing…”
“that man was all on you for the whole night, of course i’m being like this!” kylian almost shouted.
“i can’t with you…you’re being irrational! he is just a friend, i haven’t seen him for years and you’re acting all pick me and jealous because i wanted to catch up a little with him!” you shouted back.
“so you had to catch up with him on our night out? you couldn’t find any other moment right?” he asked you scoffing a little.
“he was there! kylian, how was i supposed to know he would be there! oh my - i can’t, i truly can’t right now…”
“no we’re talking about it because you are the one who wanted to talk about it! it was supposed to be our night y/n and you let your friend sit with us for the whole night!” he said keeping the eyes on the road.
“he stayed only for fifteen minutes kylian! why are you being so dramatic?” you were losing all your patience to the moment you were about to jump off the car a walk back home by yourself.
“still…it was our night and you let him y/n…”
“okay and what about our second anniversary? because i remember how we were dining together, and girls kept glaring at you and asking you for pictures while we were having our special moment. or how about…how about my birthday last year?  you wanted to try this new club and i agreed with you, but you spent the whole night with influencers and models and you ignored me…” you said remembering one of the worst nights of your life.
“oh that was different y/n, don’t bring those days back!”
“why? why is it different? because you’re kylian mbappè so you’re allowed to have fans who kept bothering us during our anniversary? because you’re this famous football player who’s allowed to spend my birthday night with other girls? and i’m not even allowed to say hello to an old friend of mine?” you said, not even screaming anymore. you were just sad and upset with kylian and because he was being a little shit.
you remembered how you two argued on your anniversary, but you decided to drop it because those girls were just probably friends and wanted to have a picture with kylian.
you also remembered how disappointed you were on your birthday night  because the girls were all over kylian and he wasn’t even bothered about it. you talked to him about what happened that night and he simply dismissed it by saying that those girls were influencers and models that he was working with, so you had nothing to be jealous about, but it was still your birthday and instead of spending it with the man of your life you spent it sitting on a black leather catch over yourself with a beer in your hand.
you were hurt. more than hurt because apparently kylian didn’t value like you valued him.
kylian didn’t say anything while he kept driving. he heard the changing of your voice, and he knew he fucked up pretty bad. he knew it was serious when you turned from angry to being sad.
his mind was working a way to make up to you. he knew you weren’t the type of person that would accept flowers or jewellery,  you were the type of person to talk about the problems that you both had because he knew how communication was important to you.
when you got back home, you went immediately into your shared bedroom and change into a comfy pyjamas, not even waiting for kylian to join you in bed.
you heard him laying on the bed next to you but you were facing the opposite side.
“baby…can we talk?” he asked softly.
“why? so you could tell me once again how you are more important than me?” you sarcastically said.
“what? gosh, no baby, never…i know i fucked up, i’m just… i was just so jealous when i saw you being all happy around your friend…i shouldn’t have acted the way i did, and i’m so sorry for that” he apologised.
you turned to face him and saw the honesty in his face.
“i never wanted to make you feel like you are not important for me, you are the most important person in my life and i love you so much…i was just jealous and i acted like shit, i’m sorry mon ange” he said.
“it’s okay…” you smiled at him and you saw him relax a bit “i want to you talk to me the next time so we can pass over us fighting…i love you kylian” you snuggled closer to him and he happily engulfed you in his large arms.
“i know, communication is key it’s just i’m not so used to it…”
“i know it’s okay… but next time please talk to me, doesn’t matter what the problem is,  if you’re feeling down or bad, i rather you talk to me instead of causing a tantrum” you slightly joked and he laughed too.
“i promise mon amour…i promise” he kissed your cheek.
you stayed like that for almost an hour, just falling asleep next to each other and each other’s embrace.
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pablitogavii · 6 months
hiii <333 hope you’re doing great today !! Can you do a jealous gavi story. i looooveee the way you write those. where the reader has this male friend who’s doesn’t like gavi:)))
Jealous boy
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You were working on your final project for a world history class with one of your best friends from uni. Jake was in the same class as you and ever since you were paired up in the beginning you remained really good friends.
Everything would have been fine if your boyfriend Pablo wasn't giving him the hard time whenever he would see him. Pablo was usually a very humble boy, being polite and good with everyone but around Jake he turns into a real asshole sometimes.
"Amor! I'm back preciosa! Do you want to go out and.." Pablo rushed in pausing when he saw you and Jake on the floor working on the poster diligently.
"You again!?" Pablo said and you rolled your eyes knowing it will be uncomfortable once again. Couldn't he just be nice to your friend for once!?
"Yeah, me again!" Jake answered just as angrily and you got up pulling Pablo to the bedroom with an excuse of having to 'talk to him about something'.
"Alright, amor..the first few nights I though whatever he's nice and you study together..when it turned into weeks he was starting to piss me of..but now I wonder whose girl are you even!?" Pablo was angry clenching his jawline and you couldn't believe he was freaking out over such stupid thing. Didn't he know you were head over heels in love with him!?
"I'm your girl..please stop making a scene Pablo! Jake is just my friend and we are partners for this project..working with him determined my grade!" you say raising your hands up in surrender and he groans rolling his eyes in process.
"Working with him determines your relationship too!" Pablo said and you shook your head in disbelief that he was really this angry over a guy you could care less about.
"Don't tell me you're jealous of Jake!? He is not even my type..besides I am all yours Pablito and you know that!" you say about to reach out to him but he pulls away still agitated which was starting to turn you on..jealous Pablo was a whole level of hot.
"You're spending sixteen hours together! First at school and then your little study dates in out apartment! And with me you barely spend a few hours in the morning and at night in bed!" Pablo was clearly not letting this go and it was driving you insane now too.
"Dates!? We are finishing a final project together Pablo! And after that we won't even have that class together! I am not the only busy one too. Your trainings last all day" you say and he was done with this conversation grabbing his jacket despite you protesting and asking him to stay.
"Call me when he leaves!" he said slamming the door and you sigh wishing he would just act reasonable and not like a jealous boy right now. You went back to finish the project and give Pablo some space to cool down.
Jake left when you were done and you tried calling Pablo but he wouldn't pick up. You were starting to get very worried when it was time for bed and he was still not home.
"Amor, please come home ❤️" you texted him while laying in bed feeling awful about the whole fight and really missing him holding you like always..it felt so empty without him.
After another twenty minutes, the front door opened and you jumped up sitting in bed and waiting for Pablo to come into the bedroom. When he did, you smile but he didn't return it making you know he is still mad..at least he was home.
He changed and laid besides you going on his phone which you hated but decided not to disturb him just staring at his handsome face longingly..you wanted cuddles..and kisses..all from him.
You couldn't handle the silence any more getting up and grabbing your blanket which caught his attention.
"Where are you going amor?" he said and you were glad he was still using the same nickname at lease. You turned around with sad eyes.
"I can't sleep like this..having you angry at me..and so close. I will go to the guest room" you say about to get up but he reached his hand and grabbed yours making you sit down.
"Bueno. Let's talk about it ?" he said and you smiled weakly nodding and turning around to face him.
"You were right..I was jealous of Jake but not because I don't trust you..just because I am selfish like that, I don't like sharing someone I love with anyone" Pablo said and you listened carefully understanding him completely. You would acted the same if he had another girl in his life..hell sometimes it happens when he gives Aurora so much attention. Guess, you were both very jealous people.
"You're not sharing me Pablito..if you stayed I would have sat on your lap while finishing that project..you would be always the focus of my attention because tu eres mi amor" you say moving closer carefully and he smiled finally opening his arms and asking you to come closer.
"Cercate preciosa" he said and that was it as you were already in his arms cuddling into his warm chest enjoying the familiar feeling of him besides you.
"Don't ever think about leaving this bed again nena! I'm not joking!" he said and you smiled looking up at his darkened eyes and smirking facial expressions.
"Hm..maybe you need to pin me to it then Pablito?" you smirk too and he nods kissing your lips while getting on top of you..well you know where this goes ;))
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heybank · 2 months
umm so i wrote a little fic/blurb idk i don't think it's good but it's something that's been stuck in my head for a while with my own little oc named grace but her name is only mentioned a few times so it could totally be ignored and seen as reader.
anyway this is my first ever fic so please be kind to me and if you have suggestions or other fic ideas i'd love to hear them.
not proof read and lowercase intended.
and if you think it's awful please lie to me i'm fragile 😔
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you are a lover girl. a hopeless romantic, someone who dreams of finding "the one" and living happily ever after. kie often says you tend to fall in love a little with everyone you meet. you can't help it though, you have so much love in you, it feels like you'll burst at the seams if you don't share it with others.
you think you're in love with your best friend jj maybank. no one understands you the way the wild blond haired boy does. no one can communicate with you with just a single look the way jj does. no one makes your heart beat out of your chest and your tummy flutter the way his dimpled smile does, eyes crinkling at the corners, a slight sunburn on his nose because lord know that boy doesn't use the sunscreen you bought him.
so yeah you're in love with jj maybank but then yesterday a different boy kissed you. pope heyward, your other best friend, genius extraordinaire whom you thought was maybe in love with kie but no- he kissed you and you felt a tingle in your ever beating heart. heat filled your cheeks and your ears became fuzzy. that was a new feeling when it came to pope. it made you excited to explore because as much as you love jj, you don't think the boy would ever return your undying affection because your friendship meant too much.
you stood in the threshold of popes bedroom, gasp stuck in your throat, eyes wide and mouth open at the sight before you. you’re not sure how to process what you’re seeing.
before you on the bed that pope kissed you on not even 24 hours ago, is jj maybank, your closest friend, kissing the heyward boy.
so many emotions flow through you at the sight before you.
shock because not once has jj; or pope for that matter mentioned or even hinted that they liked men- or each other. then again, jj has always liked beautiful people and pope is certainly that.
sadness because you and pope had literally just kissed. maybe you were naive to think a simple kiss meant something more to the boy, but it was pope, you don't think there's a mean bone in his body. then again you’ve always been too much of a romantic, too blinded to really see what’s in front of you. blinded by your want and need to be loved that perhaps you create situations in your mind that you interpret as reality? maybe you need to contact your therapist again. you're sounding even more delusional than before.
lastly, you feel jealousy. the angry green monster rumbling around in your tummy, making its way up your throat. you’re not sure what exactly is making you jealous because the image of the two boys kissing is surely confusing. are you jealous because pope is kissing another person who isn’t you? a part of you is jealous because he’s kissing jj. or maybe it’s that jj is kissing pope or that maybe they’re kissing eachother and they're not kissing you? you're not sure at this point. dear diary jealousy is a disease babes, and you are infected.
you must have made a noise because next thing you know, the two boys are pulling apart, a string of spit still connecting them and for a second your love rattled brain is jealous of it. the spit that is, because deep down you’ve always known that you wanted them both… to be the one to connect them. you feel slightly crazy being jealous of spit.
jjs face goes beat red and then flushes pale, like a ghost. he looks terrified and like he might vomit all over the floor in a second.
“grace!” popes panicked voice reaches your ears but they’re still kind of ringing from the shock of seeing your supposedly straight best friends kiss.
in your heartbroken haze you wonder if you're being a bad ally right now. you love the gays you swear! you just never pictured pope and jj as being a part of the gays ™.
you clear your throat, “jb and kie are waiting for us downstairs. we were going out on the boat today, remember?”
you try and say that as gently as possible because jj still looks like he’s going to pass out and pope isn’t much better.
popes hands are shaking as he reaches for you and a part of you wants to pull away but you’re not mean. you’ve never been mean so even if your feelings are hurt you’ll always put your best friends feelings above your own. and it looks like pope needs to touch you. maybe to hold your hand and reassure him you’re really standing there, witnessing something that you probably shouldn’t have.
so many emotions flicker through popes eyes. you can’t really see his blush but you’re sure if you touch his face it would be hotter than the sun.
pope grabs your hands in his shaking ones. you can feel how clammy they are and you hazard a look back to jj who has yet to even move. you’re a little concerned he’s gone into shock.
you let out a soft sigh and smile at the boys, a smile that is mostly genuine.
you squeeze popes hand and make eye contact with the panicked blonde boy on the bed.
“it’s ok jj. i won’t say anything if you don’t want me to.” you speak kindly, as if you’re talking to a scared feral cat.
you only see jj swallow hard. “for what it’s worth, i understand the appeal... wanting to kiss pope and all.” you tease hoping to cut the obvious tension in the room. you feel like you're the one choking now.
jj and pope both let out huffs like they’re afraid to laugh but also relieved you’re not upset.
“you’re not mad?” jj croaks like he still has a frog lodged in his throat. he looks at you with soft wonder, like you’re the best thing in his life. his stare makes your tummy flutter.
“of course not. you guys are my best friends. i only ever want you to be happy!” you reply honestly. jj deserves happiness after the shit life he’s been dealt. he deserves good things and if you have to set aside your feelings in order for him to have good things then by golly you’ll do that.
“grace, about yesterday-“ pope starts off,
“don’t worry buddy, already forgotten.” you cut him off. hopefully saving him the strife of having to apologize to you about the kiss and saving you the embarrassment of him telling you he regrets your kiss. you don't think you could survive hearing that out loud.
you march over to jj still holding popes hand, effectively dragging the boy with you. you throw your arms tightly around jjs neck and after a heartbeat, jj returns your hug. you move your head to look at pope and nod at him, encouraging him to join the hug.
“now c’mon. you know how pissy jb gets when he’s made to wait” you giggle.
you lead the boys out of popes room and home and into the twinkie without giving them an option of saying no.
“finally! i thought y’all died or something. what took so long” john b huffs in exasperation.
“my fault jb!” you quickly chirp so the boys don’t have to panic and think of a lie “pope showed me the new book he got and it’s my favourite and i starting gushing and you know me i can’t shut up and… well i forgot why i went up to get them in the first place” you giggle with a sheepish smile.
“you’re so lucky you’re cute, grace” kie laughs teasingly.
you see pope and jj making eye contact. you have a feeling you might need to play therapist for them soon. pope doesn’t know how to talk about his feelings without beating around the bush and well, jjs favourite thing to do is deny deny deny.
actually, that’s exactly what you’re gonna do too! deny you have feelings for pope. deny you have feelings for jj. deny you ever saw them kiss and deny that them kissing only upset you because you weren’t a part of it. deny that a part of you enjoyed it. deny that your feelings matter in this situation and deny that if given the chance, you’d love to be in between a beautiful jj maybank and pope heyward sandwich.
yep, deny deny deny. this is gonna be a long freaking summer.
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azzie-tangerine · 2 months
Let's do this thing once again shall we? @kirbyoctournament
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My oldest Kirby oc lets go!
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Name: Era Knight (you can also just call her Era)
Personality: Era's a very emotional puffball, and expresses her emotions in loud, exaggerated ways. This is usually in the forms of excitement, as she finds wonder in everything. She can talk for hours without tiring. This also means that when she's sad or angry, you'll be able to tell from a mile away. Era's also known for being a bit snarky and full of herself, usually when in combat with her main rival (we'll get to them later).
Lore: Era's past is one filled with mystery and confusion in everyone else but Era's point of view. She was born in a lone forest, a young waddle dee from the nearest town being her best friend. A forest fire hit one day, injuring both her and her waddle dee friend. Era saw a mysterious armored figure before a floralian saved her, throwing her and her friend into a mysterious portal.
And in the blink of an eye, she was in the same forest, but no longer on fire. There, she was found and raised by a young singer named Ottava, who looks very similar to the one who saved Era from the armored figure. And yet, Ottava has no recollection of such events even happening.
When Era returned to her childhood planet all grown up, she ran into both Pepper Dee, Loni Knight, and a strange orange butterfly that keeps following her around. And the more she gets to know Pepper Dee again, the more she fights Loni Knight, and the more she sees the butterfly, the more things just don't make sense. Why is she the only one who remembers the fire?
Little does she know, the reason she's the only one who remembers it is because it hasn't happened yet. In their timeline at least. Era and Pepper Dee are stuck in a time loop, and every time Era Knight dies at the end.
Maybe in this cycle, Era can break it.
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Her friend and family are vouching for her on this tournament, so you should vote for Era! If you want-
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aryxchse · 3 months
could i get love talk with percy jackson and a daughter of apollo. idk smth from angst to fluff. maybe u could write smth with tall reader included?? her feeling insecure? friends to lovers?
i really don't know, but whatever you'll write will be awesome !!!
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you wanted to turn into a ball of sadness.
you, the sunshine of the camp (quite literally), the joy, the laughter, everything nice, was quiet all day. your siblings asked you what's wrong, your friends asked you whats wrong, but you waved them off with a simple 'i'm tired.'
even the sun was not shining bright enough, matching with your mood. even your dad could say something is wrong with you too.
the problem was... nothing actually. maybe you were tired, or you were becoming bipolar. you didn't know. but you wanted to be away from anyone else until you find the light inside you again.
the light being percy, of course.
he entered his cabin as usual, just coming back from his classic surfing session. he left the board leaning to the blue wall as he shaked the water from his hair. he didn't saw you at first; because you were under his blue blankets, hugging yourself like a newborn baby.
he hummed one of the songs you writed for him as he entered the shower, taking the sticky feeling of the salt water off.
you did heard him, but you waited until he found you.
after a quick shower, he get out from the bathroom dressed, ready to chill in his bed until you arrive. the moment he opened his blanket, he jumped.
"holy hera!" he yelped, hands resting on his knees as he realised it was you, who were a giggling mess right now. maybe the real sunshine was percy, the boy who always made you laugh through everything.
"hey," you said, smiling. he looked at you, he wanted to be angry at you for making him jump like that, and in normal circumstanses he would pull out the riptide; but the way you smiled made all of his thoughts go away.
"hello my serial killer." he said, already joining you in his bed. he take you in his arms and peppered your hair with kisses, taking off the chillness of the water with your warm body. you immediatly hugged him back, smelling his signature scent; salt water.
you chuckled at him. "where have you been?" you asked, even though you knew he was surfing every sundays. you just wanted him to talk away your problems with his rambling. you only needed his voice in your head.
"y'know baby, just surfin' and all," he murmured to your hair, kissing the place again. he loved how you smelled like the early hours of the morning, and he can't even express this out loud. you had a smell like summer, fun and childish. it was like his own drug.
"you gonna tell me why you were in my bed, all curling up?" he asked you, already knowing you were having a shit day. "or are we just going to cuddle? you know both is fine with me."
you knew of course. your boyfriend was the best when it camed to lighten your mood.
"i don't even know what's wrong myself," you mumled, voice coming out as a muffle since you hugged his bare chest tightly. "can you keep talking? it helps." you spoke quietly.
"of course baby," he kissed your hair again. "hmm, what can i say.. oh! i saved a little kid from drowning today." he told you as he pulled away a little to see your expression. you immediatly gasped and asked him what happened.
as he excitedly told you about the little adventure he had with the little boy, using all of his body to make it more realistic, you smiled to yourself. the sun shining all by itself is a fucking lie, you thought. and percy was definetly the proof of that. because if he wasn't in your life to cheer you up, you probably wouldn't even shine again.
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bensonsbobblehead · 2 years
The Village it Takes 
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pairings; Spencer Reid x Mom!reader (ft Daughter!oc)
Spencer fakes his death ( basically how Emily did) leaving you and your 11 year old daughter behind.
Content Warnings; angst, sadness, talks of death and grief.
a/n; Hiii, I am working on a taglist and how to make one for the future im so sorry im still fairly new to this.
wc; 1.0k [ first ]
Spencer was always better with her, you were her best friend but Spencer was her diary. He encouraged her to do things he knew he would never be able to do. She was so outgoing, thanks to you, even though he was shy Ronnie brought out another part of him. After he died everything changed for the household. It was harder for Ronnie to adjust specially as she’s approaching womanhood.  
The two of you had argued almost everyday just for it to end with her breaking down in the end. You knew this was just her way of dealing with her father being taken from her. That didn’t make it any better for you though. Seeing Cameron like this was the hardest thing ever.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so mean mom.” She spoke after two hours of silently watching tv, “I just miss dad so much I want to scream. Some days it hurts to breathe and it makes me so angry. I miss him” she said randomly as you both watch tv together.
Thirteen was suppose to be a fun age where you begin to learn who you are or could be. Camerons chance was taking from her now she’s consumed with this grief. The same grief you were dealing with in your own way. It hurt you so much he was missing his beautiful creation grow up. 
You pushed her glasses up off the bridge of her nose, “I know its so hard, I miss him so much it hurts to breathe but I have you and you have me, this is how we get through it.” Kissing her on the temple.
You pulled you daughter into your side rocking her until she fell asleep. You were both abruptly awoken by the sound of your phone ringing. A call from Aaron Hotchner, which wasnt rare but why was he calling so late? He said in a few words that you needed to head to the BAU. 
You gathered your things wondering what in the world this could be about. You held Ronnie’s hand as you headed up to the office. Your heart was ponding reminding you of the last time you were here. You had came to clear out Spencer’s desk and collect his badge. You remembered it like it was yesterday. All the sad eyes watching you attempt to pick up the pieces of what was abruptly left behind. 
“Do you think something bad happened again?” She asked squeezing your hand harder. 
“I’m not sure Rons” you tried to reassures her also wondering the same thing. You all were led to the bullpen with Cameron opting to sit at her dads old desk. The room was filled with your husband family, Jennifer, Aaron, Emily, Penelope, Rossi, and Luke.
“As you all know Dr.Spencer Reid was pronounced dead three years ago.” Confusion spread across everyone’s face and Aaron continued, “Three years ago I made a decision to keep the identity of Dr. Reid and I take full responsibility.” 
“What do you mean keep the identity of him a secret?” You asked still completely confused, 
“Mr.Scratchs son was caught and killed by the fbi a few hours ago. Three years ago he couldn’t know Spencer was still alive and neither could any of you. Once again I say I take full responsibility” Your face cringing at the name of the man who caused you and your family so much pain. 
Then it hit you Spencer was still alive?
“Aaron what are you fucking saying to me? That my husband is alive?” If this was true all those days spent talking to his grave meant nothing. The picnics or visits to the grave after Ronnies competitions were nothing. Spencer was walking this earth while you were here going through the worse pain in your life. Asking with glassy eyes, you were pulled out of your thoughts by Penelope head snapping toward the door. 
“Oh my God” she said with tears falling from her blue eyes. 
There he was Spencer Reid, the love of your life, the man that made you a mother, he’s alive after three years. He stood tall and a bit bigger with his long curly hair. 
“Y/N I’m sorry, all of you really.” He walked in giving hugs to everyone in the room. You hadn’t even moved, you didn’t know rather to be happy or angry at him. For never saying anything for letting you believe he was gone. 
“Y/N, can — can I hug you?” He asked sincerely not wanting to startle you. Before you could even think your hand was moving to slap him across the face, your angry completely took over. 
“THREE YEARS SPENCER?!?, you left me and your own DAUGHTER and still slept at night?” You yelled causing the entire room to become silent. Spencer stood there with no response which only made you more upset. 
“Say something! Say why you did? Just fucking give me a reason to put us through this” you were hitting him in the chest causing Hotch to grab you. 
“YOU don’t fucking touch me!” You snapped toward him, the man that watched you break down silently after putting your daughter to bed every night. Aaron had been there for you and Cameron since he “died”.
Jack and Cameron were always friends before her dad passed and were even closer as time went on. Most of the time having Ron distracted helped you deal with your grief with Aaron by your side, he was one of your husband’s closest friends.
“Daddy?” You heard Ronnie’s voice from the door, you completely forgot you even brought her. 
Everyone turned toward the teenage who stood tall just like her father. She was even wear their matching converse they decorated together. Spencer turned taking in his daughter, immediately regretting everything . She grew so tall and looked so mature, he missed it all. 
“Cameron I’m so sorry honey, I never meant to hurt you sweetie” he didn’t move allowing her to feel whatever emotion she needed. Her eyes filled with tear with a small weep escaping her lips. Her breathing became uneven, she was gasping for air. 
“Dad? You’re alive?” She asked grabbing her stomach looking for some sort of comfort.
“Yes, I’m here sweetie.” Spencer said walking toward Cameron causing her to step back while shaking her head.
“No, No, I—-I, Mama I can’t —-” she said falling to the floor, gasping for air. you pushed pass Spencer immediately hoping into mom mode. Spencer stood still unsure of what to do to help his own daughter. His heart shattering seeing the pain all of this has caused.
“Im right here baby, just keep following my breathing.” You told her as you sat on the floor with her, Emily coming to sit with her too. 
“In and out” you guided her as her breathing evened out, “I’m right here with you love” you pulled her into a bear hug while looking back at Spencer.
You all got up from the floor as you headed toward the elevator with your daughter not saying a word to Spencer as he silently followed behind.
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This Love Is Ours | Spencer Reid
Add yourself to my taglist! | Here’s my masterlist!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings: Spencer in prison, angst, fluff
Author's note: I hope you like this one! :)
Words: 2.2K
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The ding of the elevator had suddenly become a sad sound to me. While it usually meant seeing my best friend and having our usual morning elevator-chats, laughing at the vacant stares of anyone riding it with us, my time was theirs today. The silence almost made me want to take the stairs. 
“Hey,” Emily greeted when I exited the elevator to the sixth floor. 
I offered her a half-hearted smile. “Hi.” My voice betrayed me, cracking ever so slightly by the lack of sleep and the highest amount of stress one person could carry. Even though Emily was my boss, she was also one of my best friends and she could sense something was wrong with just one look at me. 
“Have you been to visit him?” she asked, grabbing my elbow and dragging me into her office. 
Sighing, I shook my head, my eyes glazing over with tears. “No,” I sniffled. 
Spencer had been in prison for a couple of weeks already and I had not been able to go and pay him a visit. I was angry at him. Angry for not filling me in on what he’d been doing. Angry for pushing me away when he needed me most. Angry at myself for not catching onto my best friend drifting away from me. 
“Honey,” Emily sighed, then paused as though she was debating whether or not to say what she was thinking. “I’m pulling you off the case.” 
My head snapped up, my heart plummeting into my stomach. “No, Em. Please, I need to help him. I need to help you figure out a way to get him out.” I allowed a couple of tears to escape my eyes, letting them roll off my cheeks. 
“The one way you could help him right now, is by being there for him…” She leaned forwards on her desk. “I’m telling you this as your best friend and not as your boss. You’re a wreck, y/n, and you can’t be helpful if you’re running on three hours of sleep in the past four days alone.”
“Emily, please–” 
“No, honey. I need you to take a couple of days off, visit Spencer and sleep.” 
I scoffed, wiping the tears off my cheeks. “Is that an order from my boss or my best friend?” 
“Both,” Emily stated before getting up and making a beeline towards me, taking me into a tight hug. “Please, y/n. I need your brilliant brain back in full capacity. Only then we’ll be able to help Spencer.” 
Nodding my head, I let go of Emily and wiped more tears. “D’you know what he used to tell me when I was worried about something?” I asked, smiling ever so slightly at remembering Spencer saying the same words to me over and over again. “Don’t you worry your pretty little mind.” 
Emily offered me a sympathetic smile before letting me go. As I made my way towards my desk to grab a few things, I thought about the first time I ever met Spencer. It was my first day at the BAU and I was getting lost in the building when he found me. 
“Hey.” The stranger grabbed my attention, soothing my nerves with the kind eyes looking down at me. “You looking for something?” 
I held up the piece of paper that said where I needed to be at what time. “Yeah, I’m looking for the elevators for the sixth floor – I-It’s my first day at the BAU and I’m–I’m kinda-kinda nervous. If you, uh, couldn’t tell.” I scratched the back of my head nervously. 
The guy’s lips pursed as he shook his head. “No. No, it’s not obvious at all–” he joked, causing a giggle to escape from my lips. “I’m Spencer, by the way. Spencer Reid. And you’re my new coworker, it seems.” I couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. “Come on, I’ll show you the way.” 
When I met Spencer, I knew falling in love with him was going to be inevitable. He knew it too. We once had a conversation about it, about our growing feelings towards one another. He told me about the Japanese phrase: ‘koi no yokan’. 
“It doesn’t mean love at first sight. It’s closer to love at second sight. It’s the feeling when you meet someone that you’re going to fall in love with them.” 
It was then that we agreed that we couldn’t act on these feelings. We were working together and it was just going to complicate things. And he was right. Though I didn’t think I’d feel any different about him going to prison for something he didn’t do if we’d actually been dating. 
“Hey, you,” the dulcet sound of Penelope Garcia’s voice reached my ears. 
I turned and offered her a smile while shouldering my bag. Penelope and JJ stood in front of me, smiles sympathetic and eyes swimming with worry. “Hi,” I greeted back. 
“You doing okay?” JJ asked and reached over to squeeze my upper arm. 
Scoffing bemusedly, I ask, “Do I look that bad?” 
Both girls lapsed into a chorus of ‘no’s, trying to reassure their friend. “We’re just–we’re worried about you, y/n,” JJ said. 
“Well, don’t you worry your pretty little mind,” I told them with a not-so-reassuring smile. My heart fluttered at the phrase as it echoed in my brain in Spencer’s voice. I missed him. God, I missed him. 
“Are you gonna go visit him?” Penelope asked, less chipper than I was used to from her. 
I pressed my lips together in a tight-lipped smile. “I’m not sure yet. I don’t know if I wanna see my best friend locked up in a prison. My heart won’t be able to handle it.” 
“I think it would do you some good to see him again,” JJ said. “You miss him, y/n, and it’s wrecking your brain, your ability to sleep. He doesn’t look as bad as you’d think.” 
With JJ’s words simmering in my mind, I went back home. I actually had to hype myself up, reassure myself that everything was going to be okay before I actually made my way over to where I would be able to find my best friend. 
As I sat on the chair in front of the glass, I tapped my foot and picked at my cuticles. Never in my life had I been so nervous. Not even on my first day at the BAU when I met Spencer. I didn’t think he would ever be the reason for my nerves. 
“Angel,” Spencer’s sigh captured my attention. 
When I looked up, my eyes landed on the messy head of curls, the unshaven jaw, the darkened eyes and the bags underneath them. He didn’t look like his clean-cut self anymore. He looked broken. The shimmer in his eyes was no longer present. 
It broke me to see him like that. 
“Hi,” I greeted curtly, wiping the stray tear from my cheek as Spencer sat down on the other side of the glass. “H-how are you?” 
Spencer chuckled as he played with the hem of his sleeve. “I haven’t seen you since we had that fight at the hearing and now you’re asking me how I’m doing?”
I sighed, the anger boiling up inside of me. “What else do you expect me to ask you, Spencer? I didn’t even want to come here because I knew–” An involuntary sob raked through my body. “I knew that when I saw you, I would want to yell at you.” 
“Angel, please,” Spencer muttered. 
“Spencer, how could you be so stupid? Going to Mexico to get illegal drugs? I get that you wanna help your mother, but this is not–” I stopped myself, realizing this was the exact same fight we had before he went to prison. 
He simply watched me for a second, his eyes glazing over. “I know, Angel, I know.” 
Taking in a deep breath, I rest my elbows on the table, leaning closer towards the glass. “So, answer my question. How are you doing?” 
“As well as can be expected in this… lovely establishment.” He let out a chuckle. His golden-speckled eyes locked with mine and I could tell he relaxed under my gaze. “How’ve you been?” 
I placed my index finger on the glass, aching to touch him and hug him. “I haven’t been able to sleep since you’ve been in here…” I furrowed my brows. “I miss you, Spencer.” The words rolled out in a whisper. 
“I miss you too, Angel,” he whispered back and placed his index finger on the glass, too, right where mine was. Only a pane of glass was now separating us. “Do you wanna know how I stay sane?” 
Craving his words, his voice, I nodded my head slowly. 
“I imagine you – us,” he started, causing my heart to flutter. “You’re wearing that beautiful pale yellow dress with all the ruffles, the one you wore to JJ and Will’s wedding and we’re on the beach–” 
“You hate the beach,” I pointed out, trying to ignore how he was making me feel. 
“I hate the beach,” he agreed with a chuckle, then continued. “We’re on the beach, watching the sunset together. And the wind is blowing through your hair and the ruffles of your dress. Your eyes are locking with mine and you’re smiling at me. Your smile is all I need to keep myself sane. You’re all I need.” 
As tears rolled down my cheeks, I pressed my palm against the glass and he was quick to copy my movements. I wished I could hug him. I craved his touch and his beautiful smile and his lovely laugh. I craved him. But the glass kept us apart. 
“All right, visitor hours are over!” called the guard, ripping my heart in pieces with one simple sentence. “All inmates line up!” 
I wiped my tears whilst moving to get up when Spencer reached over the glass and placed a hand on my cheek. Though he was immediately scolded by the guards, he didn’t break eye contact with me. 
“Don’t worry your pretty little mind,” he reminded me. 
A tender smile curled my lips upwards. “We’re gonna get you out, pretty boy, I promise you.” 
I watched for a couple of seconds as the guards dragged Spencer away from me and out of the room. My heart broke into tiny slivers at the sight. My best friend, the boy I loved, was being dragged away to a place he didn’t even belong in. 
We needed to get him out of there. We needed to fix this. 
With that determination, I knocked on Emily’s door that night. I had to get Spencer out of jail. So, after crying to Emily for about an hour about Spencer, the two of us went to work. We got the team together, listened to Spencer’s own theories when he believed his mother was in danger, and worked until we got everything we needed. 
I didn’t sleep a wink during the entire case. 
Together with JJ and Stephen, I did everything we could to find Diana. My heart hurt for every second we couldn’t find her, every second we couldn’t get Spencer out of prison. It took every ounce of energy out of me but it was all worth it because in the end, we managed to get Spencer out of jail. 
Of course, I had to be the one to get him. I couldn’t go another day, another second, without being able to hug my best friend. JJ was the one to drive me there, along with Luke as he needed to talk to someone first. 
Nerves nestled in my chest as the guard unlocked the door. In a matter of seconds, I was going to be able to hug him again. 
When the door opened and Spencer appeared in front of me, I couldn’t stop the tears from violently rolling across my cheeks. I offered him a relieved smile as I took in the beautiful sight before me. He looked the exact way one would look when life had beaten you to a pulp. Yet, he still managed to look beautiful. 
“It’s time to go home, Spence,” I told him. 
A sigh of relief washed over him as he strode over towards me and wrapped me into his arms. I could feel him inhale deeply and as he exhaled, he squeezed me tighter. I loved having him back in my arms, where he belonged. 
“Thank you for not giving up on me,” he whispered and loosened the embrace but still kept his hands on my arms, not wanting the connection to be broken. “I love you.”
I placed a hand on his cheek, just as he had done a couple of days ago. “Never, my sweet boy,” I whispered. “I love you, too.” 
There was something unspoken about our confessions. Like we both knew that once all of this was over, we would be going on that date to the beach to watch the sunset and I would be wearing that pale yellow dress and it would be the start of something beautiful. Something we had tried to avoid for a while but couldn’t anymore. 
As we walked out of the prison and reunited with JJ, Luke and Penelope, I held his hand and didn’t let go. Never did I ever want to let go of him anymore, no matter how high the stakes, no matter how rough the waters. 
This love was ours. 
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Everything taglist: @calamitykaty @littlemissaddict @n0wornever @wanniiieeee @unnowhatthisistbh
Criminal Minds Taglist: 
@boimlers-gonna-boim @samsbirks @tinaasthings @dysphoricsanity @love4lando @elenamoncada-ibarra @r-3dlips @magstheslayer
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