#Belly XS f
mysterymirrors · 14 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vineyard Vines Longline Soft Cami/Sports Bra - Crystal Blue Heather - XS.
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webdsense · 4 years
Avis Belly XS – Belly XS France – Belly XS Arnaque ou fiable ?
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Belly XS Avis : Malgré ce CV alléchant, ce produit a limité les avis clients en ligne. Ajoutez au fait que ce produit est disponible auprès des détaillants de suppléments populaires tels que Amazon et Weight World.
La question est, cette formule puissante est-elle vraiment plausible pour votre programme de perte de poids? Cela vous aidera-t-il à perdre du poids? Lisez la suite et apprenez-en plus.
Qu’est-ce que Belly XS?
Belly XS est un produit de MaxMedix, le même fabricant de suppléments qui vous a donné Fat Binder , Pure Acai , Active T5 Plus et Detox Tone .
Comme mentionné ci-dessus, cette pilule amaigrissante est une formule puissante à haute résistance qui contient des agents amincissants connus. Voici les demandes de prestations de santé:
Brûle les calories et la graisse du ventre
Augmente le métabolisme et les niveaux d’énergie
Améliore l’humeur, la concentration et la fonction cognitive globale
Aide à réduire l’appétit
Favorise une glycémie saine
Améliore les performances athlétiques
Prend en charge d’autres avantages pour la santé
Selon son fabricant, Belly XS cible les zones grasses de votre section médiane pour aider à améliorer votre physique global.
Bien que nous sachions tous que les suppléments ne vont pas littéralement vous aider à perdre du poids dans une zone spécifique du corps, la formule est principalement conçue pour empêcher votre corps d’accumuler du poids tout en brûlant la graisse «corporelle», et pas seulement la graisse de votre zone abdominale.
Et MaxMedix offre en fait quelques conseils sur la façon d’aplatir votre ventre rapidement sous une supplémentation Belly XS. Cela montre que votre perte de poids dépend fortement de votre programme global de perte de poids.
Une autre raison pour laquelle Belly XS est une marque intéressante est son prix – seulement 28,99 $ par bouteille. La plupart des détaillants de suppléments tiers en ligne, tels que Weight World, proposent un retour (bouteilles non ouvertes uniquement) au cas où vos attentes ne seraient pas satisfaites.
Ingrédients du ventre XS
Les principaux ingrédients de ce produit sont la caféine anhydre, les bioflavonoïdes d’agrumes, le thé vert, la tyrosine, les graines de guarana, le cidre de pomme, le garcinia cambogia, le 5-HTP, l’extrait de curcuma, la vitamine B3, le zinc, le cuivre et le chrome.
D’autres ingrédients incluent la cellulose végétale, le dioxyde de silicium et le stéarate de magnésium.
Alors, comment fonctionne Belly XS?
Belly XS offre des domaines clés de la perte de poids, ce qui est l’une des principales raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez garder cette marque sur votre liste restreinte.
Mais la question est: ce produit vous donnera-t-il des résultats? Permet d’analyser chaque agent et de voir s’il peut vraiment aider à aplatir votre ventre, stimuler votre métabolisme et soutenir tous les autres avantages pour votre santé.
La première chose que vous avez probablement remarquée à propos de cette marque est sa forte teneur en stimulants , qui est de 320 mg par portion (sans compter ceux du thé vert).
Belly XS a deux stimulants clés – la caféine anhydre et l’extrait de graines de guarana.
La caféine est bien connue pour ses effets sur le système nerveux central, ce qui rend votre humeur, votre concentration et votre fonction mentale en parfait état. De plus, la caféine va relancer vos niveaux d’énergie en raison de ses effets stimulants.
D’un autre côté, le guarana a également des effets similaires en raison de son seul composé clé, à savoir la caféine. L’ extrait de graines de guarana est souvent utilisé comme boosters d’énergie dans les boissons pour sportifs et les compléments alimentaires.
Thé vert
Probablement le thé le plus renommé et le plus vendu au monde, le thé vert est également un choix populaire pour les personnes à la diète car il est censé avoir des propriétés amincissantes.
Le thé vert a deux principaux composés – la caféine et les catéchines (polyphénols). Et Belly XS contient 40% de polyphénols, ce qui signifie que le reste de son contenu est entièrement composé de caféine.
Mais c’est vraiment bon pour vous. Selon NCBI , les catéchines (polyphénols antioxydants) ont un effet positif sur la perte de poids et la gestion globale du poids, surtout si elles sont combinées avec un apport en caféine.
Forme d’acide aminé, la tyrosine est en fait un précurseur de substances telles que l’épinéphrine, la noradrénaline et la dopamine, ce qui signifie que cet acide aminé favorise la perte de poids.
Et contrairement à d’autres acides aminés, la tyrosine a des effets stimulants, ce qui est favorable aux personnes qui veulent perdre du poids rapidement – Michigan Medicine .
Garcinia Cambogia
Comme le thé vert, le garcinia cambogia est également l’un des agents amincissants les plus utilisés sur le marché aujourd’hui. On pense qu’il a un pouvoir stimulant le métabolisme et peut également aider à diminuer votre appétit.
Garcinia cambogia a un produit chimique important qui offrirait des dizaines d’avantages pour la santé – l’acide hydroxycitrique ou simplement connu sous le nom de HCA.
Mais l’acide hydroxycitrique n’est pas seulement pour votre santé globale, mais également bénéfique pour les personnes à la diète comme vous. Selon les experts, le HCA aide à prévenir le stockage des graisses, contrôle l’appétit, augmente l’endurance pendant l’entraînement et contribue également à améliorer les performances sportives.
Safran des Indes
Le curcuma est une épice couramment utilisée dans les aliments asiatiques. Les experts connaissaient déjà les nombreux avantages pour la santé de la prise de curcuma, y ​​compris la perte de poids.
Selon WebMD , le curcuma est utilisé pour l’arthrite, les brûlures d’estomac, la bronchite, les infections pulmonaires, les problèmes menstruels, les problèmes de vésicule biliaire, la fatigue, la dépression, la diarrhée, les gaz intestinaux, la jaunisse, les problèmes hépatiques, l’hypercholestérolémie, les problèmes rénaux et bien d’autres.
Les experts estiment que le curcuma peut favoriser la perte de poids, car il peut aider à améliorer la digestion, réduire l’enflure et favoriser une meilleure santé mentale.
Connu sous le nom de 5-hydroxytryptophane, un sous-produit chimique de la protéine L-tryptophane, le 5-HTP a été utilisé pour aider à améliorer de nombreux domaines de votre santé.
Les gens utilisent le 5-HTP pour l’insomnie, la dépression, l’anxiété, la migraine, les maux de tête, l’obésité, la maladie de Parkinson, le TDAH et bien d’autres.
Selon WebMD , le 5-HTP agit directement dans le cerveau et le système nerveux central en augmentant la production de sérotonine de votre corps.
Ce produit chimique affecte votre sommeil, votre appétit, votre température, votre comportement sexuel, votre sensation de douleur et bien d’autres. C’est également la raison pour laquelle le 5-HTP est largement utilisé comme agent de perte de poids.
Un autre complément alimentaire populaire, le chrome est largement utilisé comme agent de réduction de la glycémie en raison de sa capacité à améliorer la gestion de l’insuline par votre corps.
Fondamentalement, les personnes à la diète utilisent du chrome pour les aider à contrôler leurs envies de sucre. Les aliments sucrés sont l’un des pires choix alimentaires pour votre alimentation car ils favorisent la prise de poids et attirent de nombreux problèmes de santé.
Le chrome est également réputé pour aider à réduire la graisse corporelle, augmenter la masse musculaire et les niveaux d’énergie et peut même aider à prévenir le déclin mental lié à l’âge. Le chrome est donc l’un des meilleurs suppléments que vous pouvez prendre pour votre santé.
Vinaigre de cidre de pomme
Issu de jus fermenté de pommes écrasées, ce vinaigre contient de l’acide acétique et des nutriments tels que les vitamines B et C, ce qui en fait un agent de santé idéal.
Les gens utilisent du vinaigre de cidre de pomme pour l’hypertension artérielle, l’arthrite, les maux d’estomac, le diabète, l’hypercholestérolémie, les infections, les problèmes de sinus, l’ostéoporose, les maux de gorge, la mauvaise mémoire et, bien sûr, la perte de poids.
Belly XS est-il sûr?
Belly XS n’a pas d’effets secondaires connus en ligne, ce qui est une bonne indication si vous recherchez un complément alimentaire puissant mais sûr.
Bien que sûr, vous devez toujours considérer que Belly XS a une forte teneur en stimulants. Les stimulants sont bénéfiques dans une certaine mesure, mais peuvent également déclencher des effets indésirables sur la santé, en particulier pour ceux qui sont hautement allergiques à la caféine.
Pour assurer une supplémentation sûre, vous êtes toujours encouragé à consulter votre médecin avant de prendre Belly XS.
Utilisation suggérée
Selon son étiquette, vous pouvez prendre deux capsules par jour avec de la nourriture ou selon les directives de votre médecin. Aucune autre instruction n’est publiée en ligne.
Résumé du Belly XS Review
Ce complément alimentaire offre non seulement une formule puissante, mais aussi un mélange d’ingrédients impressionnant qui contient des stimulants, des boosters d’énergie et des coupe-faim.
Avec une formule à haute dose pour brûler les graisses et stimuler le métabolisme, vous pouvez vous attendre à une perte de poids importante de votre programme d’entraînement global, car Belly XS peut soutenir à la fois votre régime alimentaire et votre programme d’exercice.
De plus, ce complément alimentaire est très abordable par rapport aux autres marques chères du marché. Alors oui, je recommande ce produit pour votre programme de fitness.
Où acheter Belly XS?
Belly XS est uniquement disponible en ligne directement auprès des détaillants de suppléments tiers sur Internet.
Achetez Belly XS ici
L’article Avis Belly XS – Belly XS France – Belly XS Arnaque ou fiable ? est apparu en premier sur Ma Sant et Bien Etre.
Avis Belly XS – Belly XS France – Belly XS Arnaque ou fiable ? Via Masantehttps://ma-sante.org/avis-belly-xs-belly-xs-france-belly-xs-arnaque-ou-fiable
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kitty4n4 · 3 years
here's my why do i want to be skinny :
to fit into xs clothes
to not think everyone is talking behind my back about what a fat f i am
to be fit
to be the skinniest friend
to not look like a pig while eating
to be loved
to not be embarrassed about my body
to be fragil
to feel safe in my body
to be likable
to not embarrass my family in public
to have a thigh gap
to be the skinniest girl at the gym
to wear cute clothes
to wear skirts
to wear short sleeves
to wear basically anything i want and not feel ashamed
to be able to run without anything jiggling
to sweat less
to feel dizzy
to be cared for
to make my family proud
to do well in school
to have a small appetite
to have a flat belly
to have a jawline
to like myself
to finally feel good about myself
to wear baggy clothes
to be pretty
to be healthy
to be able to wear less clothing
to be light
to go places
to have a slim face
to not take up so much space
to not look fat while sitting
to not have a double chin when laying down
to have visible collar bones
to be a better person
to not be bulky
to be respected
to look good in photos
to not get weird looks
to be beautiful
to be her
to not have my thighs rub against each other
to have pretty hands
to walk elegantly
to be happy
to walk quieter
to improve my chronic illness
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emospritelet · 4 years
I'm having massive anxiety attacks over COVID-19 so for the promptathon I'd like to submit 14, and I hope it hasnt been done yet. If it was, then 18 ;-) Thank you for doing this!
14: “I’m afraid there’s only one bed”
You know what I’m about...
This is a continuation of Curfew and is inspired by two posts on unusual words by @bibliosauruswrecks
Prompt list here
“Scrabble?” said Belle. “Are you sure?”
When Gold had asked if she wanted to play a game, she had agreed readily. The tiny grin he had and the gleam in his eyes was too intriguing to resist. If she was entirely honest with herself, she had been hoping he would propose something a little more shocking than Scrabble, and told herself off for her libido’s ability to twist the most innocent of statements. Face it, Belle, he was unlikely to suggest a game of who can orgasm the most in a single night. Which is a pity because I bet the answer would be you. 
“I thought, as a librarian, you might appreciate it,” said Gold, sliding the box out from the middle of the small pile of board games she had. “Perhaps we can teach each other some new words.”
“Well, I could never object to that,” she said, and he grinned, catching her eye as he stepped past her to the kitchen.
“In that case,” he said. “Perhaps you’d care to make things interesting. A small wager with the spoils to the winner?”
Belle followed him in, watching as he set the box on the table and pulled out her chair.
“What are the stakes?” she asked, and the smile grew, revealing the gold tooth on his lower jaw.
“Oh, I don’t know just yet.”
“You’re expecting me to agree to something without knowing the terms?” she asked flatly, and he shrugged.
“I did say let’s make it interesting.”
She couldn’t quite decide whether he was flirting or not, but either way she was feeling reckless, and she put her hands on her hips, raising her chin.
“Alright, you’re on,” she said defiantly.
“Good. In that case, shall we have another glass of wine?”
“Trying to get me drunk in the hope it’ll put me off my game?” she asked, and he grinned.
“You got me.”
“Well, it won’t work. I’m the Scrabble queen.”
“All hail Your Majesty,” said Gold, bowing his head. “But I won’t be prostrating myself at your feet just yet.”
“Huh.” She took a seat, reaching for the wine bottle. “We’ll see about that.”
“Oh come on!”
Belle huffed in irritation as Gold placed his final tile.
“Blatherskite? Are you serious?”
He smirked.
“Look it up.”
Growling under her breath, Belle reached for her dictionary. It had already been well thumbed during the two games they had played, for words both of them had used. It was one game each, and they were most of the way through the decider. She had been winning. Until Gold broke out ‘blatherskite’, of course. She grumbled when she found the word, and closed the dictionary with a thump.
“Okay, fine,” she said loftily. “You can have that one.”
“Very generous of you.”
Belle drank the rest of her wine, setting down the glass and totting up the score. She was feeling a little light-headed; they had finished one bottle and started on a second, and she had enjoyed their games. Gold was excellent company, highly intelligent, with a dry sense of humour that complemented her own. Sitting across the table from him hadn’t helped her deal with her rising lust, and her attention had wandered on occasion to what he might be hiding underneath those close-fitting suits. Gold seemed oblivious to her desire. Or perhaps he wasn’t remotely interested in her. Now there was a depressing thought.
Shaking her head, she turned to her own tiles, chewing her lip as she studied the board. Gold reached out to pour them some wine, and Belle’s eyes flicked between the tiles and the board. I can’t put that. Seriously, brain, is that all you can come up with?
“Do you forfeit, Miss French?”
Belle glanced up, a blush rising in her cheeks. He was watching her with a tiny grin on his face, lounging in the chair as his long fingers stroked the stem of the wine glass.
“Did you decide on the stakes yet?” she asked, and he shrugged.
“I’m still thinking that one through.”
“Huh. In that case I’m not forfeiting anything.” 
She inhaled deeply, reaching for a tile and spelling out O-R-G-A-S-M. Gold raised an eyebrow, his twisted smile growing a little.
“Really?” he drawled. “So early in the game?”
“We don’t all have to work up to a big finish,” she said, and he chuckled.
Belle totted up her score, then took some more tiles and sat back, pleased with herself. He looked amused, and she took a sip of wine as she watched him studying his own tiles. Okay, I threw him a line and he didn’t run in horror, so that’s something.
“You stuck?” she asked cheerfully, and Gold glanced up.
“Not at all,” he said. “I’m just wondering whether I should spell out something innocuous or follow you into the gutter.”
“Hey, you can have a ton of fun in the gutter.”
“I imagine so.” Fingertips caressed the tops of his tiles. “Very well.”
He used five tiles, expanding on her word to spell out his own: S-Y-N-O-R-G-A-S-M-I-A. Belle sucked in a breath, and he looked up, meeting her gaze.
“Do you want to look that one up?” he asked softly, and she shook her head, her blush deepening.
“No, I know what it means,” she said. “Simultaneous orgasm, right?”
“Mutual pleasure,” he said. “Correct.”
He was still looking at her, and she could feel that low-down tug in her belly as her arousal grew.
“Well, I guess that’s one way to pass the time,” she said, and Gold’s eyes gleamed.
“One of many.”
Belle grinned, enjoying the flirting. Her eyes roved the board as she considered the tiles she had. Early in the game, when her tiles had been little but Qs and Xs, she had resorted to spelling out fell. The excess of vowels she now had would come in useful. Her eyes flicked up to meet Gold’s, and she licked her lips as she selected her tiles, spelling out her chosen word F-E-L-L-A-T-I-O. Gold’s grin turned wicked.
“Really?” he said. “What a promising choice.”
“Another way to pass the time, perhaps,” she said innocently.
She scored her word while he looked at his tiles, sitting back when she was done and taking a drink of wine. Gold was still glancing between the board and his tiles.
“What’s the matter?” she asked, and he shrugged, gesturing at her last word.
“I’m afraid I don’t have enough tiles to return the favour,” he said, and Belle giggled.
“Does that mean I win?”
Gold sat back in his chair with a secretive smile on his face.
“You didn’t decide on the stakes in this wager,” she said. “What do I get?”
“What do you want?”
Belle hesitated, her heart thumping. She knew very well what she wanted, but although they had been flirting quite shamelessly for a little while, she didn’t want to make a fool of herself. He was watching her, a glint in his eyes, and she decided to go for it. If she totally misread the situation, she could always blame the wine. She took a deep breath, gesturing at the Scrabble board.
“I - I want to try another way of passing the time,” she said, keeping her eyes fixed on his. Her heart was high in her throat, but Gold smiled, drumming his fingers slowly on the table top.
“Very well,” he said. “In that case, let’s put the board away. It’s getting late.”
He took a drink, and Belle did the same. Desire was rising in her, making her skin tingle and causing an insistent throb in her groin. Gold set down his glass, the tip of his tongue sweeping across his lips.
“You were very kind to invite me up here tonight,” he said quietly. “I’m grateful you offered me a place to stay.”
“Yeah, about that…” Belle put down her glass. “I’m afraid there’s only one bed.”
“I see.”
His eyebrows twitched, a corner of his mouth pulling upwards.
“Do you want me to sleep on the couch?” he asked softly.
“Very well.”
Gold pushed back his chair, getting to his feet, and held out a hand to her.
“Shall we see how many ways we can find to pass the time?”
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billthoo · 5 years
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Pork Belly Stone. National Palace Museum exhibition, Art Gallery of NSW. Sydney, NSW, Australia. March 2019. iPhone XS Max. 6mm. ISO 250 1/50 sec f/2.4. - #sydney #newsouthwales #australia #artgallery #artgalleryofnsw #nationalpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseumtaipei #art #chineseart #chinesetreasures #ilovesydney #visitnsw #tourismnsw #nswtourism #iphone #iphonexsmax #mobilephotography #phonephotography (at Art Gallery of New South Wales) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ds9l9hE8k/?igshid=bc0hezmf1om9
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lowcarbnutrients · 5 years
Exploring Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery for Weight Loss
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Lots of people nowadays have been trying to find choice, reliable sorts of weight management. Amongst the quickest expanding trends within the health, weight decrease as well as health care areas are mini stomach bypass surgical treatments. Most suitable for those that are categorized as morbidly overweight, small gastric bypass surgical procedure has actually been sought by anybody that has attempted a selection of sorts of weight-loss in the past without any type of success. Continue analysis to discover more about this well-known weight management treatment in addition to its several benefits.
Defining Mini Gastric Bypass Surgical Treatment
Mini stomach coronary bypass is really a less complex and also a lot less invasive treatment compared to conventional gastric bypass surgical procedure. Utilizing a laparoscope, a physician forms the belly into a slim tube, that is after that attached directly to the tiny intestine regarding 6 feet from where it begins. This enables dishes to bypass the first extremely absorptive part of the small intestinal tract. Although a lot less invasive, the mini gastric coronary bypass remains to be a procedure that does feature risks and troubles. For considerable weight reduction success, it is additionally crucial for the private to follow a healthy lifestyle. Benefits
There are several advantages of this surgical therapy nonetheless one of the most considerable one to you is the truth that it causes weight management. You are likely to shed concerning 70-80% of your extra bodyweight 2 yrs. after medical therapy. The best quantity of loss is mosting likely to be within the very first year and also after which, it is mosting likely to begin to reduce before getting to a well-balanced level. If this degree is what the body mass index calculator would certainly think about a 'healthy and balanced weight' then you must try to keep that level.
Probably the most substantial benefit of stomach bypass is the lowered possibility of co-morbidities, or problems which are induced by somber obesity. When a patient experiences a gastric bypass process and handles to lose excess fat, they might experience relief from signs and symptoms connected to obesity-related health concerns, like hypertension, rest apnea, arthritic pain, diabetes mellitus and also edema.
The process itself is executed in a lot less time compared to standard gastric bypass surgical therapy, normally taking a maximum of one hr. Because the physician does not accomplish miniature gastric bypass medical treatment through one huge incision, there is a reduced threat of post-surgery troubles. Clients are normally launched from the clinical center after 1 day and usually a shorter recovery period than patients that undergo conventional gastric bypass medical treatment.
Any medical treatment lugs the possibility of problems. But due to the fact that a tiny gastric bypass is normally accomplished laparoscopically,, specific dangers are reduced. There is small possibility of leakage or infection in between the staples which connect the modified tummy bag and also the intestinal tract. A few patients might experience 'discarding syndrome,' which occurs when meals pass also quickly with the digestion system. Negative effects contain lightheadedness, looseness of the bowels and also nausea.
Indicators for use of Mini Stomach Bypass treatments resemble various other treatments for obese individuals. It's vital to chat with to a doctor such as Dr. Michel Gagner from Clinique Michel Gagner to find out about the benefits as well as possible risks for all of the many treatments. All gastric bypass surgeries are made to help you shed weight. It does not finish there, you have to be prepared to make substantial eating behaviors as well as modifications in way of living while continuing with recurring monitoring by the physician dealing with you.
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webional · 5 years
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Samsung Galaxy S10 Alınır mı? Fiyatı, Kamera ve Teknik Özellikleri Nasıl?
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Samsung’un Şubat 2019’da tanıttığı Galaxy S serisinin yeni modeli Samsung S10 hakkındaki tüm merak ettiklerinize cevap vereceğim.
Samsung S10 alınır mı sorusu özellikle Note 10 çıktıktan sonra daha çok merak edilmeye başladı. Çünkü Note 10 ve Note 10 Plus modelleri çok yüksek bir fiyatla piyasaya sunulduğu için herkes Samsung S10 özellikleri ve fiyatıyla Note modellerini karşılaştırmaya başladı.
Samsung Galaxy S10 fiyatı şu an itibariyle 5500 ve 6000 TL arasında değişkenlik gösteriyor. Açıkcası bu fiyat aralığı iPhone XS ve XR gibi rakiplerine göre çok iyi bir fiyat.
Alınır mı bölümüne gelmeden önce kamera ve teknik özelliklerini inceleyip bir de çok güzel bir video paylaşacağım yazı sonunda. O videoyu da mutlaka izlemenizi tavsiye ediyorum.
Samsung Galaxy S10 Özellikleri Nasıl?
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Samsung Galaxy S10 ekran tasarımında çentik olayı kaldırılmış ve yerine ekrana gömülü selfie kamerası ile Infinity-O (Sonsuz-O Ekran) ekran tasarımı kullanılmış. Bana soracak olursanız tam ekran veya sonsuz ekran deneyimi böyle olmalıdır. Yan taraflardaki çerçeveler çok ince olduğu için gerçekten sonsuz ekran kavramını bu telefonda yaşayabiliyorsunuz.
Bu sonsuz ekranın büyüklüğü 6.1 inç ve 19:9 formatında karşımıza çıkıyor. Çözünürlük olarak da gayet başarılı 3040×1440 piksel çözünürlük ve 550 ppi piksel yoğunluğu sunan gerçekten piyasadaki en başarılı ekran özelliklerine sahip bir model.
Samsung S10 modelinde ekrandan parmak izi okuyucu ve face-id teknolojisi bulunuyor. Ekrandan parmak izi okuyucu biraz zor bir deneyim sunsa da face-id özelliğini kullananlar için iyi bir deneyim sunuluyor.
İşlemci özellikleri tarafında ise diğer Samsung telefonlarda olduğu gibi Snapdragon ve Exynos işlemcilere sahip modeller bulunuyor. Türkiye’deki Samsung S10 modellerinde Exynos 9820 işlemci seti, diğer ülkeler içinse Snapdragon 855 işlemcisi kullanılıyor.
Samsung Galaxy S10, 8 GB RAM ve 128 GB dahili hafıza ile satılıyor. Micro SD kartlarla 512 GB hafızaya kadar arttırabiliyorsunuz.
Samsung Galaxy S10 Kamera Özellikleri Nasıl?
Samsung Galaxy S10, arka tarafta üç kamerası ve ön tarafta tek kamerası bulunan toplamda dört kamerası ve birbirinden farklı özellikleri bulunan kameralarla geliyor.
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Samsung S10’un arka tarafında, ana kamerası 12 megapiksel çözünürlüğünde f/1.5 ve f/2.4 değişken diyafram aralığına sahip bir geniş açılı kamera bulunuyor. Diğer iki kamera ise 12 megapiksel çözünürlüklü f/2.4 diyafram aralığına sahip telefoto kamera ve 16 megapiksel çözünürlüğünde f/2.2 diyafram aralığında ultra geniş açılı kameralar olarak karşımıza çıkıyor.
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Samsung S10 selfie kamerasının özelliklerinde ise 10 megapiksel çözünürlüğünde f/1.9 diyafram aralığına sahip, 80 derece görüş açısına sahip bir kamera bulunuyor.
Samsung Galaxy S10 Batarya Özellikleri Nasıl?
Samsung S10 bataryası 3400 mAh kapasiteli bir şekilde geliyor. 3400 mAh batarya kapasitesi herkesin kullanımına göre değişkenlik gösterecektir. Ama ortalama bir kullanıcıyı 1 gün boyunca idare edecek bir batarya diyebilirim. Kısaca gün içerisinde şarj sorunu çekeceğiniz bir telefon değil.
Samsung S10 batarya özellikleri arasında en güzel noktalardan biri hem kablolu hem kablosuz hızlı şarj desteğine sahip olmasıdır. Ayrıca Wireless PowerShare teknolojisiyle Huawei Mate 20 serisinden sonra görmeye başladığımız başka bir cihazı kablosuz şarj edebilme özelliği de Samsung S10’da bulunuyor.
Samsung Galaxy S10 Teknik Özellikleri Nelerdir?
Ekran Özellikleri: 6.1 inç, 19:9 boyutunda, Quad HD+ AMOLED Infinity-O ekran
İşlemci Özellikleri: Samsung Exynos 9820
Arka Kamera Özellikleri: 12 Megapiksel f/1.5 ve f/2.4 değişken diyafram, 12 megapiksel f/2.4 diyafram ve 16 Megapiksel f/2.2
Ön Kamera Özellikleri: 10 Megapiksel f/1.9 diyafram
Ram: 8GB
Dahili Hafıza: 128 GB
Batarya Özellikleri: 3400 mAh, Wireless PowerShare Teknoloji, Kablolu ve kablosuz hızlı şarj
Suya, toza dayanıklılık: IP68 Sertifikası
Samsung Galaxy S10 Alınır mı?
Samsung S10 alınır mı sorusuna ben kendimce cevap vereceğim ve bu bölüm sonunda Özgür Bilge’nin yapmış olduğu mükemmel S10 inceleme videosunu izleyip kararınızı net olarak verebilirsiniz.
Öncelikle cevabım kesinlikle evet! Peki neden?
Samsung S10, her ne kadar S10 Plus ve S10e modelleri arasında konumlanmış olsa da bir amiral gemisi telefonudur. Zaten özelliklerinden de bunları anlıyoruz. Bugün Türkiye’deki telefon fiyatlarını incelediğimizde bu fiyat aralığında yeni çıkan amiral gemisi telefon bulmak gittikçe zorlaşıyor.
Telefon özellikleri arasında en önemli kriterlerden biri kamera özellikleri, kesinlikle hiç kimseyi üzmeyecektir. Apple’ın iPhone XR ve XS modelleriyle kıyaslamayı düşünsek fiyat olarak çok avantajlı olduğunu görüyoruz. iPhone kullanıcıları için, Android’e geçiş yapmayı düşünürlerse başarılı bir telefon.
Android ve amiral gemisi iyi bir telefon almak istiyorum diyorsanız kamera, batarya, performans ve teknik özellikleri açısından yüksek ve kaliteli bir cihaz. Fiyat olarak Note 10 ve Note 10 Plus modelleriyle karşılaştırdığımızda aradaki uçurum zaten bariz bir şekilde belli oluyor. Neredeyse 2 tane Samsung S10 alabiliyorsunuz Note 10 veya Note 10 Plus almak yerine.
Benim düşüncelerim bu şekilde şimdi sizi Özgür Bilge’nin yapmış olduğu detaylı ve bilgilendirici S10 inceleme videosunu izlemeye davet ediyorum.
Samsung Note 10 mu S10 mu hangisi alınır?
Samsung Note 10 alınır mı yazımda belirttiğim gibi kesinlikle o fiyatı hakettiğini düşünmüyorum. Samsung S10, 5500 – 6000 TL arasında bir fiyatla satılıyor ve özellikleri açısından Note 10 kadar iyi bir telefon olduğunu söyleyebilirim. Eğer Note 10 alacak bütçeniz varsa 2 tane S10 alarak bir sevdiğinizi sevindirebilirsiniz. 🙂
Samsung Note 10 ve S10 arasındaki en belirgin farklar neler?
Samsung Note 10 ve S10 arasındaki en belirgin fark işlemci ve ekran özellikleri arasındaki farklardır. Samsung Note 10 işlemcisi Exynos 9825 iken Samsung S10 işlemcisi Exynos 9820’dir. Samsung Note 10 işlemcisi biraz daha iyi ancak performans olarak Note ve S10 performansları başa baş diyebilirim. Samsung Note 10 ekranı 6.3 inç büyüklüğünde 2280×1080 piksel ve piksel yoğunluğu 401 ppi değerinde. Samsung S10 ekranı 6.1 inç büyüklüğünde 3040×1440 piksel çözünürlük ve 550 ppi piksel yoğunluğu değerinde. Ekran özellikleri olarak Samsung S10 bir tık daha iyi diyebilirim. Batarya özellikleri de çok farkları bulunmasa da Note 10 bataryası 3500 mAh, S10 bataryası 3400 mAh kapasiteli.
- #Samsung, #SamsungGalaxyS10, #SamsungGalaxyS10Inceleme
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mysterymirrors · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lucky Brand Navy/Coral Festival Medallion Reversible High Neck Bikini Top - XS/S.
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mysterymirrors · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vineyard Vines Longline Soft Cami/Sports Bra - Crystal Blue Heather - XS.
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mysterymirrors · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lucky Brand Navy/Coral Festival Medallion Reversible High Neck Bikini Top - XS/S.
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mysterymirrors · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lucky Brand Navy/Coral Festival Medallion Reversible High Neck Bikini Top - XS/S.
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mysterymirrors · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vineyard Vines Longline Soft Cami/Sports Bra - Crystal Blue Heather - XS.
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mysterymirrors · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lucky Brand Navy/Coral Festival Medallion Reversible High Neck Bikini Top - XS/S.
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mysterymirrors · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lucky Brand Navy/Coral Festival Medallion Reversible High Neck Bikini Top - XS/S.
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mysterymirrors · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vineyard Vines Longline Soft Cami/Sports Bra - Crystal Blue Heather - XS.
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