flashbcaks · 20 days
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Calling All WWDITS Creatives! @idesignedthefjords had the excellent idea to create a Shadows Kinktober list for our Discord server, and we wanted to share it with the rest of the fandom! ❤️
There are three prompts each for thirty of the days (some do repeat), with the 31st day being a Free Choice slot. This list was designed for both artists and writers to use, and is intended for anyone to be able to jump in on as they like. :3 (It's also pretty flexible for either the TV show universe or the Movie universe)
Feel free to share any pieces inspired by this list with the tag #wwditskinktober2024 !
Please Note: We are not affiliated in any way with the original Kinktober event, or any other variant of the event at this time. This was made exclusively by fans, for fans, and is not to be used for financial gain. This list is intended to be used by individuals over 18, or with the appropriate legal permissions for their region.
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emospritelet · 4 years
I'm having massive anxiety attacks over COVID-19 so for the promptathon I'd like to submit 14, and I hope it hasnt been done yet. If it was, then 18 ;-) Thank you for doing this!
14: “I’m afraid there’s only one bed”
You know what I’m about...
This is a continuation of Curfew and is inspired by two posts on unusual words by @bibliosauruswrecks
Prompt list here
“Scrabble?” said Belle. “Are you sure?”
When Gold had asked if she wanted to play a game, she had agreed readily. The tiny grin he had and the gleam in his eyes was too intriguing to resist. If she was entirely honest with herself, she had been hoping he would propose something a little more shocking than Scrabble, and told herself off for her libido’s ability to twist the most innocent of statements. Face it, Belle, he was unlikely to suggest a game of who can orgasm the most in a single night. Which is a pity because I bet the answer would be you. 
“I thought, as a librarian, you might appreciate it,” said Gold, sliding the box out from the middle of the small pile of board games she had. “Perhaps we can teach each other some new words.”
“Well, I could never object to that,” she said, and he grinned, catching her eye as he stepped past her to the kitchen.
“In that case,” he said. “Perhaps you’d care to make things interesting. A small wager with the spoils to the winner?”
Belle followed him in, watching as he set the box on the table and pulled out her chair.
“What are the stakes?” she asked, and the smile grew, revealing the gold tooth on his lower jaw.
“Oh, I don’t know just yet.”
“You’re expecting me to agree to something without knowing the terms?” she asked flatly, and he shrugged.
“I did say let’s make it interesting.”
She couldn’t quite decide whether he was flirting or not, but either way she was feeling reckless, and she put her hands on her hips, raising her chin.
“Alright, you’re on,” she said defiantly.
“Good. In that case, shall we have another glass of wine?”
“Trying to get me drunk in the hope it’ll put me off my game?” she asked, and he grinned.
“You got me.”
“Well, it won’t work. I’m the Scrabble queen.”
“All hail Your Majesty,” said Gold, bowing his head. “But I won’t be prostrating myself at your feet just yet.”
“Huh.” She took a seat, reaching for the wine bottle. “We’ll see about that.”
“Oh come on!”
Belle huffed in irritation as Gold placed his final tile.
“Blatherskite? Are you serious?”
He smirked.
“Look it up.”
Growling under her breath, Belle reached for her dictionary. It had already been well thumbed during the two games they had played, for words both of them had used. It was one game each, and they were most of the way through the decider. She had been winning. Until Gold broke out ‘blatherskite’, of course. She grumbled when she found the word, and closed the dictionary with a thump.
“Okay, fine,” she said loftily. “You can have that one.”
“Very generous of you.”
Belle drank the rest of her wine, setting down the glass and totting up the score. She was feeling a little light-headed; they had finished one bottle and started on a second, and she had enjoyed their games. Gold was excellent company, highly intelligent, with a dry sense of humour that complemented her own. Sitting across the table from him hadn’t helped her deal with her rising lust, and her attention had wandered on occasion to what he might be hiding underneath those close-fitting suits. Gold seemed oblivious to her desire. Or perhaps he wasn’t remotely interested in her. Now there was a depressing thought.
Shaking her head, she turned to her own tiles, chewing her lip as she studied the board. Gold reached out to pour them some wine, and Belle’s eyes flicked between the tiles and the board. I can’t put that. Seriously, brain, is that all you can come up with?
“Do you forfeit, Miss French?”
Belle glanced up, a blush rising in her cheeks. He was watching her with a tiny grin on his face, lounging in the chair as his long fingers stroked the stem of the wine glass.
“Did you decide on the stakes yet?” she asked, and he shrugged.
“I’m still thinking that one through.”
“Huh. In that case I’m not forfeiting anything.” 
She inhaled deeply, reaching for a tile and spelling out O-R-G-A-S-M. Gold raised an eyebrow, his twisted smile growing a little.
“Really?” he drawled. “So early in the game?”
“We don’t all have to work up to a big finish,” she said, and he chuckled.
Belle totted up her score, then took some more tiles and sat back, pleased with herself. He looked amused, and she took a sip of wine as she watched him studying his own tiles. Okay, I threw him a line and he didn’t run in horror, so that’s something.
“You stuck?” she asked cheerfully, and Gold glanced up.
“Not at all,” he said. “I’m just wondering whether I should spell out something innocuous or follow you into the gutter.”
“Hey, you can have a ton of fun in the gutter.”
“I imagine so.” Fingertips caressed the tops of his tiles. “Very well.”
He used five tiles, expanding on her word to spell out his own: S-Y-N-O-R-G-A-S-M-I-A. Belle sucked in a breath, and he looked up, meeting her gaze.
“Do you want to look that one up?” he asked softly, and she shook her head, her blush deepening.
“No, I know what it means,” she said. “Simultaneous orgasm, right?”
“Mutual pleasure,” he said. “Correct.”
He was still looking at her, and she could feel that low-down tug in her belly as her arousal grew.
“Well, I guess that’s one way to pass the time,” she said, and Gold’s eyes gleamed.
“One of many.”
Belle grinned, enjoying the flirting. Her eyes roved the board as she considered the tiles she had. Early in the game, when her tiles had been little but Qs and Xs, she had resorted to spelling out fell. The excess of vowels she now had would come in useful. Her eyes flicked up to meet Gold’s, and she licked her lips as she selected her tiles, spelling out her chosen word F-E-L-L-A-T-I-O. Gold’s grin turned wicked.
“Really?” he said. “What a promising choice.”
“Another way to pass the time, perhaps,” she said innocently.
She scored her word while he looked at his tiles, sitting back when she was done and taking a drink of wine. Gold was still glancing between the board and his tiles.
“What’s the matter?” she asked, and he shrugged, gesturing at her last word.
“I’m afraid I don’t have enough tiles to return the favour,” he said, and Belle giggled.
“Does that mean I win?”
Gold sat back in his chair with a secretive smile on his face.
“You didn’t decide on the stakes in this wager,” she said. “What do I get?”
“What do you want?”
Belle hesitated, her heart thumping. She knew very well what she wanted, but although they had been flirting quite shamelessly for a little while, she didn’t want to make a fool of herself. He was watching her, a glint in his eyes, and she decided to go for it. If she totally misread the situation, she could always blame the wine. She took a deep breath, gesturing at the Scrabble board.
“I - I want to try another way of passing the time,” she said, keeping her eyes fixed on his. Her heart was high in her throat, but Gold smiled, drumming his fingers slowly on the table top.
“Very well,” he said. “In that case, let’s put the board away. It’s getting late.”
He took a drink, and Belle did the same. Desire was rising in her, making her skin tingle and causing an insistent throb in her groin. Gold set down his glass, the tip of his tongue sweeping across his lips.
“You were very kind to invite me up here tonight,” he said quietly. “I’m grateful you offered me a place to stay.”
“Yeah, about that…” Belle put down her glass. “I’m afraid there’s only one bed.”
“I see.”
His eyebrows twitched, a corner of his mouth pulling upwards.
“Do you want me to sleep on the couch?” he asked softly.
“Very well.”
Gold pushed back his chair, getting to his feet, and held out a hand to her.
“Shall we see how many ways we can find to pass the time?”
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sokea-cc · 5 years
Sorry for the like-spam! Just discovered your blog and I really like your CC so I had to like so I can download later ;) didn't mean to spam your blog.
oh my god noooooooo!!! I love when people go on like/reblog spams, it makes me so happy! x 💞💞💞
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joylee56 · 5 years
We Have Snow for Solstice, Rather Too Much of It
A Rumbelle Secret Santa Gift for #Idesignedthefjords Summary: Solstice is approaching. Rumple is away and Belle is snowed in at the Dark Castle. Will he make it home for the holiday? And what is causing this mysterious and foul weather? ....... Snow fell from gray skies. At least Belle assumed they were still gray. Peeking through the curtains that she had reluctantly replaced on the windows when the temperature had dropped below freezing, she could only see white flakes descending. Well, the curtains that Rumplestiltskin had replaced. Since she fell from the ladder while taking down the curtains she had been forbidden from climbing anything higher than her waist, “Have to protect my investment, Dearie. Might not be there to catch you next time.” Dropping the curtains back in place she sighed and returned to the chair she had pulled up close to the fire. The blizzard had started shortly after Rumplestiltskin had left with the Hatter. They were headed for another realm. One where an evil wizard had raised an army of Orcs. Apparently Rumple was going to trade some magical potions which allowed the user to determine if someone was under the influence of the evil wizard for an elvish blade which gave the bearer endurance ‘beyond the scope of man’. “Which I interpret to mean at least as much as your average elf.” Rumple had told her. “And no, you may not come with me. We’re going into the middle of a war zone. I would have thought you’d have had enough to those.” She had actually. Although it would have been interesting to see an entire community of elves. So she had packed several days rations for Rumple and Jefferson and waived them on their way. That was a fortnight and a half ago. She was getting very concerned. In this weather it was not surprising that the driver from the village who made the weekly delivery of supplies had not been able to get up the mountain road that led to the Dark Castle. The larder was well enough stocked with staples that she was not going to run out of food any time soon. The menu was growing a trifle repetitive, but having lived on short rations during the war with the Ogres she was certainly not going to complain about having to make do with dried fruit rather than cream on her morning porridge. What concerned her was that the Castle had started to cut back on the fires it kept going. Normally she found them blazing away in any room she happened to wander into. Over the last week though the fires had decreased to three. One in the Great Hall, the kitchen oven and a small blaze lit only in the morning when she awoke and when she went up to bed in the bedroom she now shared with Rumple. She moved to the master suite after her nearly disastrous return from her run in with the Evil Queen. She would light a candle this Solstice in thanks that she had been able to able to make him understand that she had not been trying to steal his power with the kiss, but had been duped by Regina. If he had not listened she suspected things could have gone very badly. Now she wore a golden armband that kept her kisses (and other activities) from stealing away his power. It was not lost on her that the armband had been made to resembled the ribbon ties the people in these lands used in their binding ceremonies. She hoped her candle would not be the only fire they had left this Solstice. Despite the way the castle was cutting back on fires the wood pile along the wall of the snow covered kitchen garden did not seem to be running low. It renewed regularly through magic. It appeared that the Castle itself was conserving magic for some reason. Belle had no idea whether the Castle operated off some supply of magic of its own or whether Rumple kept it going directly. If the former it might mean that it was conserving because this blizzard was putting a strain on its ability to keep up with the cold and so it was deliberately cutting back to make sure the most used rooms stayed warm. If the latter… She really did not want to think about what it meant if Rumple had found it necessary to conserve on the magic he was using. It had not taken long for her to realize that when Rumple said all magic comes with a price he was not talking about some merchant like transaction he was making, but rather the costs pf producing the magic itself. It appeared the magic set a price when it was called upon. Usually Rumple set his deals up so that the person receiving the benefit of the magic provided something that met the magic’s requirements for what was owed. It made her rather proud that she, or rather her service, had been deemed worthy of the cost of ending the war and driving the Ogres from her homeland. According to Jefferson, the people of her Duchy understood what she had done and honored her for it, even if her father and Gaston did not. If Rumple needed to conserve magic to the point where he was rationing it to the Dark Castle it meant either he could not find someone to pay the price of the magic or he was using it for his own purpose and he had to pay directly. Both options left her deeply concerned about his welfare. Not that she could do anything. Sighing she went back to braiding gold thread into a cord which she was turning into bows and little bobbles to decorate the Great Hall. She had a few yards of ribbon to add to the decorating, but a few yards did not go very far in decorating a room the size of the Hall. At home there would have been swathes of bunting draping the room, along with greenery and candles. She could come up with candles, but without the cloth it all looked rather stark even with the gold decorations she was making. Late in the day just as Belle was thinking about dinner she heard the doors of the entry hall slam open. “Rumple?” She was only half way to the doors of the Great Hall when they burst open and a very wet Dark One strode in. Tossing the sword he carried on the table, he stripped off a dripping cloak to reveal an only slightly dryer coat and leather trousers. His boots made squishing sounds and left tiny puddles in his wake. “Why is snow piled up blocking the gates and the main doors and why the fuck is it so cold in here?” “Thank the Gods you’re home. I was so worried.” Still she stopped short of embracing him. Aside from not wanting to get wet, he had the outraged look of a cat that had fallen into the bath. His hands shook as he fumbled with the buttons of his waistcoat and shirt. “Here let me help you with that. How did you get so wet?” “The wards around the castle, which should be sending the worst of this snow outside the grounds, decided to repel the portal from Jefferson’s hat instead and dumped us into the biggest snow bank I’ve ever seen.” He let Belle strip off his coat, waistcoat and shirt, leaving him bare chested and shivering. Belle grabbed the lap rug she had been using and draped it over his shoulders. “Where’s Jefferson?” She glanced back toward the entry hall. “You didn’t leave him out in the snow?” “Jefferson, wisely, took one look at the snow, spun his hat and headed home.” Rumple pulled the lap rug around himself and sat down in the chair next to the fire to start unlacing his boots. Belle knelt next to him to start on the other boot. She knew from experience this was a several minute task. “He’s not staying for Solstice after all?” It had actually been Rumple’s idea that they have Jefferson and his daughter for Solstice dinner. Suggesting in an off hand way, “You should ask him, Dearie. Give you both a bit of company.” It was only after she had done so and Jefferson had gratefully accepted that it occurred to her that a widower with a young daughter might have neither the means nor the skills to provide the girl with a Solstice feast. “He needed to go home to get Grace anyway.” Rumple reassured her. “He’ll be back tomorrow night. “Assuming he can get here.” He growled. “When did the spells to clear the snow around the castle stop working?” “I’m not sure they have.” There had been plenty of time for her to consider this. “It’s just the blizzard has been going on almost the entire time you’ve been gone. I think they’re working. They just can’t keep up.” Rumple stopped midway through unlacing his boot. “The blizzard has been going for three weeks>?!” “It hasn’t let up at all,” Belle told him. “That’s not… natural is it?” “No.” Rumple agreed. “Even the worst blizzards I’ve seen, and I’ve seen my share, start and stop.” He signed. “I’m going to have to look into this. But I want my tea and some food before I do. Not to mention a bath and dry clothes.” There more than enough of the soup she had prepared for both of them for dinner. But she toasted some of the bread and melted cheese on it as well to make it a heartier meal. She had never seen Rumple affected by the cold before. She had the table set and the food in place by the time he came down from his bath. His usual leather replaced with heavy wool in a deep burgundy. It was a good look on him. He took the cup of tea from her with gratitude. Then noticed, “Where is the lemon?” “We’re out.” “Out?” Frowning he sipped the tea anyway. “There hasn’t been a delivery of supplies since you left.” Belle told him. “No word at all from the village. I assumed it was because of the weather.” “The town hasn’t been late in delivering supplies in a century.” Rumple narrowed his eyes. “I need to go down to the village and check. If someone has been interfering with my lands...” “First eat your dinner.” Belle directed. “After three weeks a half an hour won’t make much difference. And if it is only the weather, there are supplies I would like to have for Solstice. I’ll make a list.” By the time she was half way through explaining the list, Rumple decided, “You might as well come with me and do your own shopping. If there is something amiss down there I’ll just port you back to the castle.” Rumple said he was transporting them to the village headwoman’s door. And dramatically pounded on it when they reached it. “You’ll frighten them.” Belle admonished. “If they failed to deliver supplies because there was a little snow to inconvenience them, they deserve to be frightened.” Rumple growled. Belle rather pointedly looked around the village square. The snow removal magic seemed to be doing a slightly better job of keeping the streets clear than it was the castle grounds, but there was only a single track and the piles of snow that had been cleared from the roads towered over their heads. “A little snow?” The door swung open. “Praise be! Rumplestiltskin, you’re all right! We were afraid…” A tall woman with graying hair and a soldier's build waved them into the house. “Just what were you so afraid of that my share of supplies has not been delivered, Liath Luachra?” The, presumably, headwoman was clearly well enough acquainted with Rumple that his posturing did not intimidate her. “There was an avalanche just past Old McDonald’s farm. The road to the castle is blocked, which is why the supplies didn’t get delivered. McDonald’s grandsons have been trying to dig a path so they could at least ferry some of the supplies up by mule, but the snow hasn’t let up and they’ve only been able to get as far as the Widow Ramsey’s place. Her hired man fell from the roof trying to clear it and they had to bring him back to town so the healer could treat his concussion. “What frighted us was that you didn’t turn up to stop the storm or at least clear roads.” Luachra, went to her fire and held up a kettle. “Peppermint tea?” “Yes, please.” Belle accepted for both of them. “Ah, Lady Belle, may I present Liath Luachra the village headwoman.” Rumple dropped his posturing and introduced her. “Luachra, the Lady Belle.” “Honored to have you in my house, my lady.” Luachra gave her something between a bow and a curtsy. “Thank you for your hospitality.” Belle took the offered tea. Glad to have something to warm her hands. The civilities taken care of, Luachra got back to business. “Now that you’re here, can you clear the roads? At least to the point of keeping them passable? It’s not just getting up to the castle. The road down to the river is blocked as well. Nobody is going to go hungry, but there are a lot of trade goods stacking up and some of them are perishable.” Rumple frowned. “It’s a tricky bit of magic. The snow needs to be removed quickly enough to keep the roads clear, but not so quickly some of it melts and stays on the road to freeze. That’s why the snow has backed up. It’s been coming down faster than the spell is set to remove it. I’ll have to be careful in shifting it at this point or some of it could melt and we’ll either have an ice rink or flooding. Not to mention we don’t want to accidentally dump several hundred barrels of snow on top of someone’s barn or worse head.” “Uhm, no,” Luachra agreed. “That would be bad.” “I’ll need to do a bit of calculating.” He pulled a coil of paper from an inside pocket along with a quill. “In the meantime take Lady Belle and help her complete her shopping. After I’ve taken care of the roads I want to look into what’s causing this blizzard. Has anyone reported anything or anyone unusual?” “Healer Beth says this kind of storm is not natural, but she hasn’t enough magic to be able to tell much more than that.” Luachra shrugged into a sheepskin jacket. “What sort of shopping do you need to do, my lady?” Most of the food items Belle wanted were already part of the supplies that were waiting to be taken to the castle. Luachra took her to the butcher for the suckling pig Belle decided to roast for the Solstice feast. As the butcher packaged it up, Belle realized. “Rumplestiltskin didn’t give me any coin. Does the castle have an account?” “In a way.” Luachra lounged against the pickle barrel. “We keep track of what goes to the castle and at the end of the quarter each tradesman sets off their contribution against their tax liability. If it’s more than they owe, Rumplestiltskin either balances the account with gold, or more usually someone else barters goods with them for an offset on their taxes.” “Rumple collects taxes?” She should not be surprised. These were his lands and it was a lord’s right. “He takes a share out in supplies for the castle. The bulk goes for things like road maintenance and paying the teachers and healer.” Luachra told her. Handing over the pig, dressed and wrapped for ease of carrying, the butcher put in. “We pay half of what they do down the river valley and get far more for our money.” “It helps that Rumplestiltskin doesn’t have to pass a third of what he collects to one of the monarchs.” Luachra put in. “And the supplies for the castle amount to so little we’ve plenty left for up keep on the town.” Belle had noticed that the town appeared prosperous and well kept up. “So you don’t mind living under the Dark Ones shadow?” The butcher snorted. “My cousin always asks that. Worries that I’m being ‘corrupted’ by dark magic. I don’t know what ‘corruption’ looks like, but I do know I don’t have to worry about M’ Lord taking my children to fight some war or warm his bed. “Uhm, not that I meant…” The butcher suddenly looked very worried. Belle smiled at the poor man to ease his concern. “I took no offense. My… position at the Dark Castle is by choice not coercion.” By the time Belle picked up the fabric she needed to finished her decorating the streets of the village were starting to clear. Rumple was waiting for her. “I’ll take you and the supplies back to the castle, but then I need to head over the Northern Sea. From what Healer Beth was able to tell me it looks like this blizzard is coming in from across the sea. My guess is some idiot over there with more power than sense cast a spell to change the wind patterns and send us their storms in addition to our own. Once I locate the source I can cancel it and let the wind patterns go back to normal. It will take a few days for everything sorts itself out.” “Can’t you just,” Luachra made a sweep with her hands as though brushing the storm away. Rumple sighed. “I could. But weather is a chancy thing. Sending away the storm now could very well result in a drought this summer. Better not to mess with it.” Dropping her in the kitchen along with the supplies. Rumple told her, “The source of this mess should stand out like a beacon. A lot of magic went into it. In all likelihood I’ll be back by breakfast. If it takes longer than I expect you’ll have Jefferson and Grace to keep you company for Solstice.” “I’d rather have you.” Hugging him through all their outerwear was not very satisfying. “Hurry home? I missed you.” After a long lingering kiss, Rumple said, “And I you. I’ll be quick as I can. This idiot who’s playing about with the weather has a lot to answer for. I was looking forward to sleeping beside you tonight.” “Just sleeping?” Belle grinned. “Get a long with you, minx.” He swatted her backside. “We’ve both work to do. Rumple did make it back it back by breakfast. By which time Belle was elbow deep in Solstice dinner preparation and had no time for anything more enjoyable if she was to be ready for Jefferson and Grace. He helped peel vegetables as he told her about tracking down the mage who had done the casting. “Damn fool cast the spell so that the idiot Prince he works for could have a hunt on his name day. Then miscalculated when he tried to stop it and made it worse. Well at least I got some pearls and the promise of a future favor from him out of the deal when I corrected it.” Two of the pearls he’d gotten were mounted on earrings and now adorned Belle’s ears. “So the blizzard should let up soon?” “Be a few days before it blows out, but it’s already started lessening.” Rumple dropped the last of the parsnips into the bowl. “If you don’t need me for anything else, I’m going to get some sleep before our guests arrive.” As he did not suggest she join him, he clearly needed it. She shooed him off to bed. Solstice dinner was shaping up nicely. The suckling pig, which had been Belle’s greatest concern seemed to be cooking thoroughly without burning the skin. A prospect the cook in her father’s castle had always feared when preparing the meal in Belle’s childhood. She had collected the drippings for some Yorkshire pudding and popped it in with the potatoes, other vegetables, and pears she was roasting. Everything seemed to be coming along nicely. The mead, fudge and gingerbread she had prepared in advance. She was also cooking Grünkohl with Bremer pinkel for herself. Her grandmother had always insisted on the kale and sausage dish at Solstice and it would hardly seem like a Solstice feast without it. Jefferson had arrived with his daughter a while ago. The girl had shyly presented her with a fruitcake. “Papa and I made it. I hope you like it.” “I’m sure it will be delicious. Thank you.” Belle had told her. Adding the fruitcake to the other sweets she had placed on the table. “And I have presents for you and Rumplestiltskin.” Grace announced. Turning to Rumple, she added severely, “And you’re not allowed to peek into it’s time to open them.” Rumple mimed shock. “Me? You think I would do such a thing?” “Yes.” The girl told him bluntly. Jefferson laughed. Rumple grinned. “Well you’d best keep me busy until sundown then. Shall we see if we can beat your father at dice?” Belle had left them playing to check on the food. She was just taking the pig from the oven when Grace appeared. “Rumpelstiltskin says it’s nearly sundown and you should come up to light the Yule log and candles.” “That was good timing. Here you can help me carry the food up.” In the end it took all of them to ferry the food to the table. The roast pig surrounded by roasted vegetables and pears looked especially festive. After everyone had eaten their fill presents were exchanged. Rumple had picked out a lovely green wool and some matching linen for new dress for Grace and more of the linen and some green silk with gold embroidery to be made into a waistcoat for Jefferson. Belle had added a book for each of them. “We shall look very grand in our new clothes.” Jefferson declared. “Thank you.” Grace had embroidered a handkerchief for both her and Rumple. Who declared, “These are very well done, Gracie. I shall show it off the next time I meet with the Queen. I doubt she has any as fine.” Jefferson had brought her a box of oranges from Avonlea. She and Grace split one as they were both too full to eat one entirely. “Thank you so much. We always had these for Solstice before the war.” “I thought you’d enjoy a taste of home.” He told her. “And for our host. He produced a bottle and handed it to Rumple. “Frontland’s single malt?” Rumple took the bottle carefully. “Ye Gods, Jefferson, who did you have to kill to get this?” “Let’s just say there is a clan leader who badly needed to get as far away from an irate husband as he could and was willing to part with it. Is it really that good? I mean they make whiskey all across the northern lands.” Three small glasses appeared on the table. “You’ll try some and see.” To Belle it was far too strong and she let Rumple finish off her glass. Jefferson, however, sipped his and went wide eyed with pleasure. “That is smooth!” “What did you get cloth for new clothes for Solstice as well, Lady Belle.” Grace asked her, uninterested in the liquor. “Rumple brought me back a lovely blue silk robe from the eastern lands.” Belle told her. “That sounds pretty.” Grace agreed. For some reason Jefferson was glancing uncomfortably between herself and Rumple. After a few more minutes of conversation, Belle rose to clear the table. “Let me help.” Jefferson jumped up to get his and Grace’s dishes. “You’re a guest. Belle objected. Jefferson’s smile was a bit forced. “And in houses where the hostess does the cooking it is considered good manners to help her clean up, my lady.” Her disbelief must have shown as Rumple commented. “It’s fine Dearie. Meals are a more collaborative effort when servants are few or nonexistent. Let him help. Gracie has promised me a rematch of our last game of backgammon.” She put the large kettle on for water for the dish washing as Jefferson brought down the dishes and left over food. After he had everything in the kitchen she started to box up some of the food for him to take home. Leaning against the counter, he cleared his throat nervously. “Belle, I hope you regard me as a friend.” “Of course I do Jefferson.” She wondered where this was going. “So I won’t be overstepping by saying...” He seemed to be having trouble finding words for what he had to say. “If you need to get away from here there are lands I could take you to that Rumplestiltskin can’t reach unless I take him. You’d be safe from him.” “I’m perfectly safe right here. Why would you think otherwise?” Jefferson pursed his lips. “I saw the silk robes he was looking at when we were in the east. That was not the kind of garment one buys for ones maid. If he’s taking liberties...” Belle had to laugh. “Oh, Jefferson. You’re very kind, but I’m the one that took the ‘liberties’. Rumple offered to let me leave and I turned him down. Well, I went to the village and come back, but it amounts to the same thing.” “Are you sure?” Jefferson was not convinced. “Sometimes women… become attached to their captors. You don’t have to stay if he’s forcing you to… do things.” “I’m sure I’m not doing anything I don’t want to.” Belle told him. “And I was never his captive. I made a deal of my own free will. I’ll grant you I thought he was going to demand ‘things’ of me when I first came, but he never did. He’s really a very sweet man under all his posturing.” “Sweet?” Jefferson laughed. “it must be true love if you can look at the Dark One and call him sweet. Well, I’m glad to hear you’re happy here, but if that ever changes my offer stands.” “And I thank you, but there’s no need.” She assured him. After seeing their guests off, Belle went upstairs to bathe and change into her new robe. After brushing out her hair, she headed into the bedroom. He was already in bed reading as he waited for her. She paused just before the fire as she entered. Giving him a good look at the how well the silk of the robe complimented her coloring. Taking her in he grinned, “Ah, I knew that blue would match your eyes. You look lovey, my dear.” “Thank you.” She took off the robe and slid into bed next to him. “You caused Jefferson a good deal of consternation buying that robe you know. He was very much afraid that he would need to rescue me from your evil intentions. He offered to take me away to somewhere you couldn’t follow.” “And what did you tell him?” “That if anyone needed rescuing it was you.” She leaned in to kiss him. “As I fully expected to finish my Solstice celebration by thoroughly ravishing you.” “I am at your disposal.” “Good.” She straddled his hips. “Happy Solstice my love.” He pulled her down into a deep kiss. “The happiest I’ve had in centuries, my dear.”
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teaespensonawards · 5 years
Hi, I'm a bit confused. I nominated some people and they didn't show up in the Nominees (I noticed when I didn't see the nominee for best artist). Did I do something wrong while submitting?
It’s okay, you didn’t do anything wrong!
Not every work or creator nominated ends up on the ballot. A nominee has to receive five separate nominations to qualify for the ballot (or three nominations in the art category). 
If some things you submitted didn’t make it, it’s because they didn’t get the required number of nominations.
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jenitosam · 6 years
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They’ve been dancing around each other for months, but when Rumple’s attempt to bring Belle a little indoor snow instead causes a blizzard that ruins all of her holiday preparations, they’re forced to spend Yule camped out under the table sharing body heat. He thought she’d be more upset but Belle doesn’t seem at all bothered by this turn of events.
In fact, Belle is just happy she’s going to get exactly what she wanted for the holiday.
Prompt: Dark Castle, magic mishap, blankets
To: @idesignedthefjords :D
Happy RSS!! I had a lot of fun working on your gift and talking to you these past few weeks! I hope you like it! <3 Happy Holidays!!
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galactic-pirates · 6 years
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Belle's new baking hobby is halted when she runs out of a special ingredient and accidentally doses her sweets with a potion that the two of them end up ingesting.
                    Cupcakes and Magical Mishaps by @idesignedthefjords
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sieben9 · 6 years
idesignedthefjords reblogged your post and added: ““where bluebirds fly” impressions”
How dare you dislike zucchini. Like, the actual...
It tastes so bitter. As if God took the platonic ideal of bitterness and condensed it into vegetable form. That’s how *g*
(Yeah I’m not letting this go).
And neither should you. I don’t pretend to understand the logic behind the Belle/Zelena friendship. It’s weird. I don’t get it. Even in the “none of these people should be friends” world of OUaT, it seems like a particularly egregious example.
I just ignore it and hope it’ll go away.
{Quick request to anyone reading: I’m watching OUaT for the first time, and I want to avoid spoilers. So, if you want to discuss something spoilery, I’d be grateful if you could start a new post for that. Thank you!}
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woodelf68 · 6 years
I was tagged by @idesignedthefjords!
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Breakfast could wait. 
*Is delighted that it’s a short sentence for a change* Tagging @veliseraptor, @jadewolf-writes, and @thatravenclawbitch. 
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I want to join A Monthly Rumbelling (although I'm still at season 5B), but I've never written fanfiction before and English is not my first language. So I'm looking for a beta. To check if my smut isn't too weird and to check my spelling and grammar ;) I'm (almost) 35 myself, so I am looking for another adult to beta :)
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timelordthirteen · 6 years
Not a question, but I'm happy to read that you will finish Working Out :) I loved that fic and I was hoping it would have a final chapter some day!
Thank you so much! I hope it lives up to expectations.
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freifraufischer · 6 years
idesignedthefjords could you please tag the steven universe posts?...
I think they want you to tag it so they can block the posts. I do that with anything Marvel but it only works when people tag it.
I’m aware of why they want me to tag.  I’m declining because it’s too much work for me.  I blog about lots of different things.  If it’s not (recent) spoilers or mental health it’s too much work for me.   Which is why I told them I was fine if they felt the need to unfollow me.  I encourage the use of blacklist or similar functions.
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scribbles-by-kate · 7 years
What is SDCC and why does Bobby hate it?
SDCC stands for San Diego Comic Con. It’s the big convention that a lot of fantasy/sci-fi TV shows and movies, or ‘genre’ shows and movies send their casts to every year to do promotion. And Bobby hates it because he just doesn’t really like the whole media circus it involves. It’s not really his thing. He goes because he has to for the show, but he doesn’t like it. He did seem to enjoy the fan convention in Paris last year much more, but that was for fans, not media. Fans do go to SDCC, but it’s more a promotion thing than for meeting fans.
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emospritelet · 7 years
I was going through my 6000+ favourites on Tumblr, and when I reached 2013 I saw I already liked a few Rumplestilskin gif-sets (I think OUAT was still on Dutch television back then. But I wasn't in the fandom). But they were gifs of gagreel footage. Footage I can't seem to find on Youtube anymore. There's one with Rumple and Jefferson. Are these scenes on the dvd? Or am I hallucinating entire gifsets? o_O
The DVDs did contain blooper reels, so it’s probably from those.  I have the first three seasons on DVD, and I think they were titled “Fairest Bloopers of Them All” or something.
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rumbellebirthdays · 6 years
Hi, could i be added? My birthday is September 6.
You may indeed! *Reserves one (1) magical wishing candle for your birthday*
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teaespensonawards · 5 years
Official 2020 TEA Nominations
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Once more, CONGRATULATIONS to all of our nominees!!
If you want to have a look at any of the works on the list (highly encouraged, because our nominees are amazing), the RumbelleTEAs site has compiled links to everything.
And since the list is... long... very, very long, it’s below the read-more.
Voting will begin on January 24th.
Precious Moments, by @jackabelle73 Belle’s water breaks at a party, by @lotus0kid Family Portrait, by @emospritelet A Christmas Present for Mama, by @shadowedoracle Irish Twins, by @killingkueen The Golds’ Adventures in Parenting, by @ethereal-wishes
Forgiveness by the Firelight, by @bellegolds/belleyonce A Life for a Life, by @paradigmparadoxical Belle notices she’s going gray, by @lotus0kid Ever After, by @boushh2187
Between Present and Past, by @jackabelle73 A Step Forward, by evelyn6 It All Ends Well, by @worryinglyinnocent
The Awakening, by @joylee56 Marbled, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Child Fic
Babysitting Debacle, by @ryik-the-writer The Mayor’s Chair, by @worryinglyinnocent A Christmas Present for Mama, by @shadowedoracle Put Me In, Coach, by @mariequitecontrarie Baby Steps, by @nothingeverlost Irish Twins, by @killingkueen
In the Blood, by Megara_Bee Seeing Red, by @killingkueen Golden Cuffs, by @kelyon The Party, by @worryinglyinnocent
Neverland, by @emospritelet Come Together, by @thatravenclawbitch A Command Performance, by @prissyhalliwell
One for the Road, by @mrs-stiltskin Eat Your Words, by @killingkueen
Room for Three, by @worryinglyinnocent Sidereal Time, by @mrs-stiltskin
Best First Time
The Wedding Night, by Megara_Bee Behind the Mask, by @worryinglyinnocent The Rose and the Dagger, by @sarashouldbestudying
Best Afterlife Smut
The Heart of a Hero, by @mrs-stiltskin
Seeing Red, by @killingkueen One for the Road, by @mrs-stiltskin Parent Teacher Conference, by @timelordthirteen Last Man Standing, by @emospritelet
The Golden Cage, by @gwenore The Spinner in Chains, by @mrs-stiltskin Golden Cuffs, by @kelyon The Dungeon, by @worryinglyinnocent
The Long Road, by @thestraggletag Cogs, by @maplesyrupao3 The Unresolved, by @of-princes-and-savages
We’ll Have to Muddle Through Somehow, by @thatravenclawbitch Cogs, by @maplesyrupao3 Sacrifice, by @wierdogal
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, by @justanoutlawfic In the Blood, by Megara_Bee All I Want for Christmas, by @timelordthirteen
Hurts so good
Twisted Fate, by @emospritelet
Best Date (Overall)
Of Comic Books and Sushi, by @worryinglyinnocent The Attorneys Paralegal, by Wandering_Willow
Best Hamburger Date
The Alphabet Romance, by Zhanice Best Laid Plans, by @0ceanofdarkness
Best Courtship
Blind Faith, by @maplesyrupao3 Lava Java, by @betweenpaperpages More Precious Than Silver, by @bad-faery A Match Made in Heaven, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best First Meeting
Best Failed Date Ever, by @barpurplewrites A Match Made in Heaven, by @worryinglyinnocent The Quill, by @paradigmparadoxical Forward Post, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Bathing Scene
Ceasefire, by @thatravenclawbitch The Golden Cage, by @gwenore
Best One-Shot
Love Unsought, by @killingkueen Come Together, by @thatravenclawbitch A Tradition to Remember, by @prissyhalliwell Why Not?, by @betweenpaperpages
Best Drabble
Quoth the Dark One, by @barpurplewrites In Death, by @timelordthirteen I Won’t Be Home for Christmas, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Post-Ep Fic
It All Ends Well, by @worryinglyinnocent Our Better Decisions, by @theoneandonlylittlebird
Best Comedy Fic
Quoth the Dark One, by @barpurplewrites The Whole Point of Magic..., by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Movie AU
Elevated Hearts, by @b-does-the-write-thing A New Life, by @djlouat I Gave You My Heart, by @ishtarelisheba The World is Not Enough, by @wierdogal
Best Book AU
The Library Beneath the Clocktower, by @eirian-houpe Around the World in 80 Days (More or Less), by Megara_Bee
Best TV Show AU
Penny for Your Thoughts, by @nothingeverlost Storybrooke Hyperion Teaching Hospital, by @wierdogal
Best AU Inspired By Other Media
I Must Be Warmer Now, by @ifishouldvanish Bellissima, by @standbyyourmantis Storybrooke Marblelympics, by @kelyon
Best Historical AU
Once Upon a Time in the West, by @joylee56 Fools Rush In, by @worryinglyinnocent Endless, by @mareyshelley The Demon Earl’s Deal, by @b-does-the-write-thing
Best AU
Little Miss, by @nothingeverlost A Face for Radio, by @b-does-the-write-thing In All Things, by @timelordthirteen The Champion, by @lotus0kid
A Sharp and Glorious Thorn, by @thatravenclawbitch Heartstrings, by Dragonbat
Best Series
The Gingerbread Verse, by @mrs-stiltskin The Floofy!verse, by @woodelf68 Ceasefire series, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Novel Length Fic
How Do You Sleep?, by @ifishouldvanish Writing Our Own Stories, by @wierdogal
Best Holiday Fic
The Founder of the Feast, by @lotus0kid Alabama, Arkansas, by @timelordthirteen Murder at the Moonlight Inn, by @maplesyrupao3 I Gave You My Heart, by @ishtarelisheba Selective Santas, by @of-princes-and-savages A Visit From St. Nick, by @betweenpaperpages
Best Remix
Relative Earth, by @maplesyrupao3 In the Right Measure, by @bad-faery Twisted Fate, by @emospritelet
Best Crossover Fic
Through the Vortex, by @wierdogal Something Quite Wonderful, by @spottytonguedog
Best Dark Castle
The Sounding Sea, by @mareyshelley Are You All Right?, by jenigweve A Wanted Storm, by @maplesyrupao3​
Best Storybrooke
Flying High, by @ryik-the-writer Car Kicking Reduces Stress, by @wierdogal The Moment of Truth, by @leni-ba
Best Travel
The City That Never Sleeps, by @peacehopeandrats Going Back to the Great Wide Somewhere, by @wierdogal A Blind Love, by @lotus0kid
Best “Missing Years” Fic
True Love, by @djlouat Leaving Storybrooke, by @peacehopeandrats
Best Argument (Angst)
How Do You Sleep?, by @ifishouldvanish The Casualties of War, by @thatravenclawbitch Together Again, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Golden Lace
Nighthawks, Morningbirds, by @ifishouldvanish Lipstick Kisses, by @mareyshelley I Must Be Warmer Now, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Woven Lace
Opening Lines, by @emospritelet In From the Cold, by @mrs-stiltskin Much Ado About Lacey, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Woven Beauty
Killing Time, by @timelordthirteen The Awakening, by @joylee56 The World Didn’t End, by @timelordthirteen En Pointe, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Background Swanfire
9 to 5, by @phoenixfeatherquill Fragments of the Past, Glimpses of Tomorrow, by @wierdogal
Best Afterlife Fic
The Heart of a Hero, by @mrs-stiltskin Partners Beyond the Grave, by @wierdogal
Best Crack!Fic
Everyone Needs a Hobby, by @woodelf68 Pop!, by @barpurplewrites Storybrooke Marblelympics, by @kelyon
Best Drama
Opening Lines, by @emospritelet Heartstrings, by Dragonbat
Best Supernatural
Lack of Reflection, by @barpurplewrites A Safe Place, by @lotus0kid How Soon Is Now?, by @nerdrumple Imp Mansion, by @gwenore Endless, by @mareyshelley
Best Sci-Fi
Relative Earth, by @maplesyrupao3 Hatched, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Horror
In Lovelier Colours, by @mareyshelley Promised, by @maplesyrupao3 The Wolves Were Always Lurking, by @ishtarelisheba In Dreams of Him, by @mareyshelley
Best Creature AU
The Deal, by @thestraggletag Nephila, by @kelyon The Deepest Roots, by @mareyshelley The Pharaoh and His Priestess, by @wierdogal In Dreams of Him, by @mareyshelley
Best Unexpected Twist
An Unknown Road, by @lotus0kid The Image of Her, by @mareyshelley A Real Hero, by @lotus0kid
Best Bobby Squared
Love in the Highlands, by @worryinglyinnocent Fragments of the Past, Glimpses of Tomorrow, by @wierdogal
Best Trope
Battles and Skirmishes, by @thatravenclawbitch The Golden Veil, by @maplesyrupao3 Wrong Room, Dr. Rush, by @theoneandonlylittlebird The Good Alpha, by @cannibalisticshadows
Best Meta
25 Fucking Stupid Writing Choices OUAT Made, by @celticheartedfangirl
Rumbelle Secret Santa
The Long Road, by @thestraggletag He Thought it Said “SATAN”, by @idesignedthefjords Eat Your Words, by @killingkueen Witness Protection, by @eirian-houpe Home for Christmas, by @boushh2187 This Rough Magic, by @0ceanofdarkness Year Walk, by @nerdrumple The Deepest Roots, by @mareyshelley
Rumbelle Christmas in July
Teach Us Something Please, by @b-does-the-write-thing The Runaway Ringmaster, by @lotus0kid The Deal, by @thestraggletag A Tradition to Remember, by @prissyhalliwell
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut)
Love in the Highlands, by @worryinglyinnocent Number Twenty-Six, by @worryinglyinnocent
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut)
Behind the Mask, by @worryinglyinnocent Real Life and Fantasy, by @worryinglyinnocent
Rumbelle Monsterfuckers Ball
Nephila, by @kelyon By the Fire of My Heart, by @cannibalisticshadows
Rumbelle Big Bang
In a Dreaming Place, by @sieben9 Much Ado About Lacey, by @thatravenclawbitch Fine Print, by @prissyhalliwell
Best Belle
Human Nature, by @thestraggletag Spin Me a Tale, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Dark One!Belle
The Plus One, by @joylee56 The Spinner in Chains, by @mrs-stiltskin
Best AU Belle
The Runaway Ringmaster, by @lotus0kid Honourable Members, by @emospritelet
Best Lacey
Command Me to Be Well, by @magnoliatattoo Lipstick Kisses, by @mareyshelley
Best Detective Weaver
Doppelgänger, by @celticheartedfangirl First, do no harm, by @iatethebiscuit En Pointe, by @thatravenclawbitch Killing Time, by @timelordthirteen
Best Dark One
Soul Deep, by @barpurplewrites Kiss, by @nerdrumple
Best Mr. Gold
Blind Faith, by @maplesyrupao3 The Champion, by @lotus0kid A Visit From St. Nick, by @betweenpaperpages
Best AU!Gold/Rumple
How Soon Is Now?, by @nerdrumple Neverland, by @emospritelet
Best Spinner!Rumple
The Plus One, by @joylee56 Finding Home, by @thecompletebookworm
Best Woobie!Rumple
Number Twenty-Six, by @worryinglyinnocent Human Nature, by @thestraggletag
Best Wish!Rumple
Under Dark Skies, by @mareyshelley
Best Baelfire/Neal
Flying High, by @ryik-the-writer Bae and the Bear and the Bow, by @wierdogal
Best Gideon
Best Beloveds, by @woodelf68 Put Me In, Coach, by @mariequitecontrarie
Best OC Rumbelle Child
Jenny, from Accidental Magic, by @woodelf68 Oliver, from The Unresolved, by @of-princes-and-savages
Best Fan Art
Come back to me, by @virgidearie Belle with a bouquet of Rumples, by @staypee Rumbelle with Baby Gideon, by @cocoadrops The Library, by @virgidearie “don’t worry pop, I’ll take care of mom until you two meet again.” by @nropay​ Rumbelle Family Seasonal Doodle, by @cocoadrops
Best Cover Art
Human Nature, by @paradigmparadoxical Take Me Away, by @nropay Golden Cuffs, by @paradigmparadoxical
Best Graphic Art (GIFs)
Have You Ever Been in Love?, by @timelordthirteen Telephone speech from 2x16, by @agentsphilinda Come Back to Me, by @virgidearie Fine Print gifset, by @bisexualbelle 365 Days of Rumbelle, by @timelordthirteen Much Ado About Lacey gifset, by @desperatemurph The Library, by @virgidearie
Best Graphic Art (Still Images)
Touch Him So Help Me, by @jenitosam Taking a break from building their home, by @staypee
Best AU in Art
2019 Goop!Rumple, by @dekujin RumMARBeLle Date, by @wayamy Power Game, by @virgidearie Mer!Rumple with a Mer!Belle, by @foxmurphy Much Ado About Lacey gifset, by @desperatemurph Fine Print gifset, by @bisexualbelle
Best Fluff Art
Breakfast for Two, by @virgidearie Rumbelle with Santa Hats, by @cocoadrops The Pretty Librarian, by @virgidearie Rumbelle with Baby Gideon, by @cocoadrops
Best Angsty Art
Hold Me, by @virgidearie Because of course he kept her bones, by @staypee I miss you -- We miss you, too, son, by @virgidearie
Best Smutty Art
Steamy, by @virgidearie Reflection, by @virgidearie
Best Comic/Graphic Novel
Because of course he kept her bones, by @staypee Touch Him So Help Me, by @jenitosam
Best Dark One Form
Real Inside Rumple holding Belle back, by @dekujin Glitch!Rumple, by @nropay
Best Use of Color
Take Me Away illustrations, by @nropay 2019 Goop!Rumple, by @dekujin Papafire Art (I’ll find you Bae), by @nropay
Best Video
Someone You Loved, by @desperatemurph Fragments of the Past, Glimpses of Tomorrow video, by @fangirlgeeksstuff
Best Artist
@cocoadrops @jenitosam @ripperblackstaff @virgidearie @rumpledspinster @staypee @timelordthirteen
Best New Artist
@b-does-the-write-thing @barpurplewrites @mareyshelley @of-princes-and-savages @emospritelet @worryinglyinnocent @wierdogal @timelordthirteen​ @maplesyrupao3​
@kelyon @shadowedoracle
Fine Print, by @prissyhalliwell More Precious Than Silver, by @bad-faery
If Only for a Moment, by @ifishouldvanish Questions and Kisses, by @worryinglyinnocent Hatched, by @maplesyrupao3 Hamish is Sir Rum’s Storybrooke Persona, by @lotus0kid Need, by @worryinglyinnocent Honourable Members, by @emospritelet Belle meets Hamish at the Stag Bar, by @lotus0kid
Lacey has concerns about Danny’s suits, by @lotus0kid Bloody Lace, by @of-princes-and-savages I’m So Done With This, My Love, by @thatravenclawbitch
Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award
@ifishouldvanish @emospritelet​ @timelordthirteen @desperatemurph
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