#Benefits of purple wild chrysanthemum
Say Goodbye to Burning Eyes with This Surprising Solution!
Discover the Unexpected Remedy That Banishes Eye Discomfort and Excessive Liver Fire
Hook: Tired of waking up with burning eyes? Find out how to douse the flames and bring relief to your peepers with a simple, natural solution!
Do your eyes often feel like they're on fire after a night of indulgence and endless scrolling? You're not alone! Irregular lifestyles, spicy diets, and late nights can leave us with that familiar burning sensation. But fear not, there's hope on the horizon, and it involves an unexpected hero… wild chrysanthemums!
🌼The Mighty Power of Wild Chrysanthemums🌼
While lack of sleep and too much liver fire are the main culprits behind those fiery eyes, our beloved electronic companions have also contributed to the discomfort. The good news is that wild chrysanthemums can come to the rescue! Miraculously, these fragrant and flavorful flowers have the power to alleviate the symptoms caused by excessive liver fire and electronic usage.
Unleash the Power of Wild Chrysanthemum
Not all chrysanthemums are created equal, but wild chrysanthemums are in a league of their own. Just imagine, all it takes is 5-6 petals steeped in a cup of hot water to enjoy their soothing benefits throughout the day. Talk about convenient, right? So say goodbye to those pesky side effects that come with medicines and embrace the natural goodness of wild chrysanthemums.
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Experience relief from dry eyes with the power of wild chrysanthemum. Discover how this natural remedy can soothe and hydrate your eyes, providing much-needed relief. Try it today!
A Sip a Day Keeps the Flames at Bay
I'll admit, I used to dread waking up with burning eyes after a night of burning the midnight oil. But after just three days of incorporating wild chrysanthemum tea into my morning routine, I started to feel the magic happening. Those burning sensations slowly faded away, and my eyes felt refreshed and cool once again.
Caution: Not for the Chilly Stomachs
Before you get too excited and stock up on these incredible petals, there's a small caveat. Wild chrysanthemums are known for their cooling properties, which means they may not be suitable for women with cold stomachs or those going through their menstrual periods. It's always best to consult with your healthcare provider to ensure you're choosing the right remedy for your body.
Choose the Natural Route
Sure, bezoar detoxification may provide temporary relief, but relying on it long-term can come with its own set of side effects. So why not opt for a more holistic approach? Let wild chrysanthemums be your ultimate ally in clearing away the fire within, keeping those burning eyes at bay without any nasty consequences.
Quote: "Give your eyes the gift of soothing relief. Nature has the power to heal, so sip on the magic of wild chrysanthemums and let your eyes dance with delight." - Unknown
Remember, good sleep is still essential, but a little help from nature never hurts. So go ahead, indulge in the power of wild chrysanthemums and bid farewell to burning eyes for good. Your peepers deserve it! 🌼👀🔥
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livingcorner · 3 years
Safe Aviary Plants and Toxic Plants for Birds@|what plants can i put in an outdoor aviary@|@|24
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Plants not only add aesthetic value to an otherwise sterile-looking enclosure, but they also provide a more natural, engaging, and secure environment for the inhabitants to enjoy. Using plants to create visual barriers within the flight may help reduce aggression among cagemates by providing objects for the birds to hide behind.5 This in turn helps to make the birds feel more secure, and may therefore result in reduced stress levels. Foliage in the cage gives the birds something to occupy themselves with–birds often chew on, play within, and even build nests out of plants placed in their living space.
For this reason, care must be taken when selecting plants to decorate a flight. Both live and fake plants may be used, but all parts of the plant must be safe and nontoxic. The best fake plants to use are constructed of untreated silk and plastic. Make sure the silk plants do not have any components that may be easy for a bird to consume, tangle itself in, get caught on, or stuck by. Treated wood baskets and paper plants may be hazardous choices and are not recommended for decorating flights. Two benefits of using silk plants are: 1) they are not as easily destroyed by the birds, and 2) they can be scrubbed clean and disinfected as needed.
Live plants tend to demand more upkeep and may need to be replaced more frequently, as finches often love to pick them apart. Try to obtain plants that have not been sprayed with any pesticides or chemicals, and be sure to rinse the plants off before placing them in and around the flight. Do not add any fertilizers to the soil (they are toxic);6 if fertilizers are already present in the soil, repot the plant with uncontaminated soil. Leaving each plant in its pot is suggested, in case a plant dies and needs to be removed.
Helpful Hints41
Placement Plantings should be spaced appropriately to allow room for flight paths and to permit the birds to access to the floor of the enclosure. Walk-in enclosures should also have planned pathways for birdkeeper access. Be careful to provide climbing vines with trellis to support the weight of their growth; otherwise they could break the aviary mesh and allow escape of the birds.
Selection Aside from ensuring that the plant(s) you have selected are non-toxic, try to avoid purchasing plants which are tall and rapidly-growing as these will require constant pruning. In addition to considering what plants are best suited for your area, don’t forget to also consider the needs of the birds. Avadavats and Munias enjoy climbing small bamboos and grasses, for example, Munias and Mannikins prefer to weave their nests into grass clumps, and Weavers need palm leaves and broad-leafed grasses for nesting material.
Timing of Live Plantings Plants should be added to the enclosure as it is being completed. The plants should be allowed to grow sufficiently before adding the birds; this way, the plants will be better able to withstand being nibbled on. Ideally plants should produce their densest foliage while the birds are nesting.
Safe Aviary Plants25,17
When choosing plants for your aviary, consult a botanist or experienced gardener who can help you select plants which are suitable for planting in your locale (considering your hardiness zone, soil type, sun exposure, etc.). Below are some options which have been listed as safe for birds.
Note: Please be aware that roses and bougainvillea have thorns.
Outdoor Plants
Trees & Shrubs Acacia Almond Arbutus Ash
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Aspen Autumn olive Bayberry Birch Bladdernut Blueberry Camellia Cottonwood Dogwood Elm Fir (balsam, douglas, subalpine, white) Forsythia Fuchsia Guava Hawthorn Larch Madrona Magnolia Mango (zone 9+) Manzanita Mountain ash Nectarine Papaya (zone 10+) Pear (as long as the seeds aren’t eaten) Pine (ponderosa, spruce, Virginia, white) Pittosporum (zone 9+) Poplar Pyracantha Raspberry Rose Rubus odoratus Spruce (black, Norway, red, white) Viburnum White poplar
Vines Bougainvillea (can also be grown as shrub or small tree) Grape vine Russian Vine (Polygonum baldschuanicum)
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Grasses & Herbs Bamboo Oregano Rosemary Thyme
Ground Cover and Short Plants Baby’s tears aka Polka Dot Plant (Helxine soleirolii) Chickweed Creeping jenny (Lysimachia)
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Wild passerines built a nest in a hanging petunia.
Dandelion Marigold Mother of pearl Nasturtium (zone 9+) Petunia Piggyback begonia (Begonia hispida variant Cucullifera) Piggyback plant Plectranthus (zone 9+) Sedum Thistle White clover
Indoor Plants (Safe Houseplants) and Tropical Plants
African violet (Saintpaulia spp., Episcia reptans) Aluminum plant (Pilea cadierei)
Bird’s Nest Fern (Asplenium nidus) Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) Bloodleaf Bromeliads Burro’s tail Cactus (except pencil, peyote, mescaline, candelabra) Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii) Cissus: Danish ivy aka Grape Ivy (Cissus rhombifolia), Kangaroo vine (Cissus antarctica)
Emerald ripple peperomia
Flame nettle (Coleus sp.) Gold-fish plant Hens & chickens
Lipstick plant
Madagascar jasmine Monkey plant Nerve plant Palms:
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Potted palms provide privacy around the nest.
Areca (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)
Bamboo (Chamaedorea erumpens)
Butterfly Cane
Canary Island (Phoenix canariensis)
European Fan (Chamaerops humilis)
Golden Feather
Paradise/Kentia (Howea foresterana)
Parlor (Chamaedorea elegans)
Lady (Raphis excelsa)
Miniature Fan
Pygmy Date
Robelein Lady
Peacock plant (Calathea) Pepperomia (Pepperomia sp.) Prayer plant (Maranta leuconeura) Purple Passion aka Velvet Plant (Gynura aurantiaca) Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) Swedish ivy (Plectranthus verticillatus)
Wandering jew (Tradescantia sp.) including Giant white inch plant Wax plant (Hoya carnosa) Zebra plant (Aphelandra squarrosa)
Plants which Allow for Perching Dwarf or Hawaiian Schefflera (Schefflera arboricola) Umbrella tree/Schefflera (Brassaia actinophylla) False aralia
Toxic Plants
Plant toxicosis in birds occurs if they chew on or ingest toxic plants. The toxic reaction can be due to pesticide residues on the plants, or to toxins within the plants themselves. Birds which chew on toxic plants may develop oral irritation; if they ingest enough, systemic clinical signs can occur such as vomiting or diarrhea. There is likely significant species differences in sensitivity,16 and studies are lacking. However, plants which have been reported as toxic in some birds, or which are considered to be potentially toxic include:6,25,52,29,56,16,17,28
Common Name Scientific Name Poisonous Part Symptoms Aconite Aconitum sp. all parts Agapanthus Agapanthus sp. sap Amaryllis Amaryllidaceae bulbs American yew Taxus canadensis needles, seeds Apple seeds Apricot pits Arrowhead vine Syngonium podophyllum leaves Arum Lily Arum sp. all parts Autumn crocus Colchicum autumnale all parts Avocado Persea americana pits, skin, flesh Reduced activity, inability to perch, fluffing feathers, labored breathing, rapid death, generalized tissue congestion. Azalea Rhododendron occidentale leaves Balsam pear Memordica charantia seeds, fruit rind Baneberry Actaia sp. berries, roots Bay tree Laurus nobilis Beans all types if uncooked Belladonna Atropa belladonna all parts Bird of paradise Caesalpina gilliesii seeds Bishop’s weed Ammi majus Bittersweet nightshade Solanum dulcamara immature fruit Black locust Robina pseudoacacia bark, sprouts, foliage Blue-green algae Schizophycaea sp. some forms toxic Hepatotoxic, lethal respiratory arrest. Boxwood Buxus sempervirens leaves, stems Buckthorn Rhamnus sp. fruit, bark Burdock Arctium minus Buttercup Ranunculus sp. sap, bulbs Caladium Caladium sp. leaves Calla lily Zantedeschia aethiopica leaves Severe irritation of mucous membranes, edema & irritation may take weeks to subside; severe dyspnea; severe keratoconjunctivitis if plant juices contact eyes. Vomiting, diarrhea. Camel bush Trichodesma incanum Candelabra cactus Euphorbia lactea sap Castor bean or Castor oil plant Ricinus communis beans, leaves Vomiting, diarrhea (possibly bloody), necrosis of organs (liver, spleen, lymph nodes, stomach, intestine) in mammals. Chalice vine Solandra sp. all parts Cherry bark, twigs, leaves, pits Cherry laurel Prunus laurocerasus clippings release cyanide fumes Chinese evergreen Aglaonema modestum all parts Christmas candle Pedilanthus tithymaloides sap Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum sp. leaves, stems, flowers Clematis Clematis sp. all parts Coffee bean Sesbania sp seeds Gastroenteritis, can be fatal. Hyperthermia, hypertension, hyperactivity, seizures, tachycardia. Coral plant Jatropha multifida seeds Cowslip Caltha polustris all parts Croton Codiaeum sp. sap Crown of thorns Euphorbia milii sap Daffodil Narcissus sp. bulbs Daphne Daphne sp. berries Datura Datura sp. berries Deadly amanita Amanita muscaria all parts Death camas Zygadenis elegans all parts Delphinium Delphinium sp. all parts Diffenbachia or Dumb cane Dieffenbachia picta, sp. leaves Severe irritation of mucous membranes, edema & irritation may take weeks to subside; severe dyspnea; severe keratoconjunctivitis if plant juices contact eyes. Vomiting, diarrhea. Eggplant Solanaceae sp. all parts except fruit Elephant’s ear Colocasis sp. or Alocasia sp. leaves, stems Severe irritation of mucous membranes, edema & irritation may take weeks to subside; severe dyspnea; severe keratoconjunctivitis if plant juices contact eyes. Vomiting, diarrhea. English ivy Ilex aquafolium berries, leaves English yew Taxus baccata needles, seeds Ergot Claviceps purpurea present in poorly stored seed, silage, dog food Gangrene, hyperexcitability, seizures. Euonymus Euonymus sp. all parts False henbane Veratrum woodii all parts Flamingo flower Anthurium sp. leaves, stems Foxglove Digitalis purpurea leaves, seeds Digitalis glycoside – vomiting, bradycardia, arrhythmias, heart block Golden chain Laburnum anagyroides all parts Hemlock (poisoin and water) Conium sp. all parts Henbane Hyocyanamus niger seeds Holly Ilex sp. berries Horse chestnut Aesculus sp. nuts, twigs House plant ferns Pteris sp. Hyacinth Hyancinthinus orientalis bulbs Hydrangea Hydrangea sp. flower bud Iris Iris sp. bulbs Ivy Hedera sp. leaves, berries Jack-in-the-pulpit Arisaema triphyllum all parts Japanese yew Taxus cuspidata needles, seeds Java bean (lima bean) Phaseolus lunatus uncooked beans Jerusalem cherry Solanum pseudocapsicum berries Arrhythmias, bradycardia, heart block, severe gastroenteritis, calcification of vascular system, lungs, kidneys. May be teratogenic. Jimsonweed Datura sp. leaves, seeds Tachycardia, convulsions, death. Juniper Juniperus virginiana needles, stems, berries Lantana Lantana sp. immature berries Larkspur Delphinium sp. all parts Laurel Kalmia, Ledum, Rhodendron sp. all parts Lily Lilium sp. bulbs Lily of the valley Convallaria majalis all parts, including water housing the plant Vomiting, diarrhea, cardiac arrhythmias, bradycardia, heart block. Lobelia Lobelia sp. all parts Locoweed Astragalus mollissimus or Astragalus emoryanus all parts Hyperexcitability and locomotor difficulty. Lords and ladies Arum sp. all parts Lupin Lupinus sp. Marijuana Cannabis sativa leaves Maternity plant Klanchoe sp. Mayapple Podophyllum sp. all parts except fruit Mescal bean Sophora sp. seeds Milkweed Asclepias sp. Weakness, ataxia, seizures, cardiovascular signs. Mistletoe Santalales sp. berries Mock orange Poncirus sp. fruit Monkshood Aconitum sp. all parts Morning glory Ipomoea sp. all parts Narcissus Narcissus sp. bulbs Nightshades Solanum sp. berries, leaves Arrhythmias, bradycardia, heart block, severe gastroenteritis, calcification of vascular system, lungs, kidneys. May be teratogenic. Oak Quercus sp. Anorexia, diarrhea, small intestinal ulceration and hemorrhage, renal failure & polydypsia, hepatotoxic, can be fatal. Oleander, bay laurel Nerium oleander all parts Digitalis glycoside – vomiting, bradycardia, arrhythmias, heart block Parlor ivy Senecio sp. all parts Parsley Petroselinum sativum Peace lily Spathiphyllum sp. Regurgitation, oral pain, dysphagia and anorexia Peach pits Pencil tree Euphorbia tirucalli sap Philodendron Philodendron sp. leaves, stems Severe irritation of mucous membranes, edema & irritation may take weeks to subside; severe dyspnea; severe keratoconjunctivitis if plant juices contact eyes. Vomiting, diarrhea. Poinsettia Euphorbia pulcherrima leaves, flowers, stem, oily white sap Irritation, vesication, gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis. Poison ivy Toxicodendron radicans sap Poison oak Toxicodendron quercifolium sap Poison sumac Toxicodendron vernix sap Pokeweed Phytolacca americans leaves, roots, berries Ulcerative gastroenteritis; acute hemolytic crisis in people. Potato Solanum tuberosum skin, eyes, new shoots Arrhythmias, bradycardia, heart block, severe gastroenteritis, calcification of vascular system, lungs, kidneys. May be teratogenic. Pothos Epipremnum aureum all parts Regurgitation, oral pain, dysphagia and anorexia. Precatory bean Arbus precatoius Privet Ligustrum volgare all parts Ranunculus Ranunculus sp. sap Rhododendron Rhododendron sp. all parts Rhubarb Rheum rhaponticum leaves Rosary pea, prayer beans, Seminole beads Abrus precatorius seeds Vomiting, diarrhea (possibly bloody), necrosis of organs (liver, spleen, lymph nodes, stomach, intestine) in mammals. Sago Palm, Zamia Palm, Cycad Palm Cycad sp. Liver failure. Skunk cabbage Symplocarpus foetidus all parts Snowdrop Orinthogalum unbellatum all parts Snow on the mountain (ghostweed) Euphorbia marginata all parts Spindle tree Euonymus japonica all parts Split leaf philodendron or Swiss cheese plant Monstera sp. all parts Sweet pea Lathyrus latifolius seeds and fruit Tobacco Nicotinia sp. leaves Vomiting, diarrhea, hyperexcitability, muscle fasciculations, seizures, rapid death. Pododermatitis if bird handled by a smoker. Coughing, sneezing, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, secondary respiratory infections if exposed to cigarette smoke. Umbrella plant Cyperus alternifolius leaves Virginia Creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolio sap Western yew Taxus breviflora needles, seeds Wisteria Wisteria sp. all parts Xanthosoma Xanthosoma sp. leaves Yam bean Pachyrhizus erosis roots, immature pods Yellow jessamine Gelsemium sempervirens flowers Yew Taxus media wood, bark, leaves, seeds Vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, shock, coma, seizure, deaths from cardiac or respiratory failure.
Avian Plant Toxicology Research
Studies of plant toxicity in finch species are greatly lacking, however a few studies were done using canaries. Unfortunately, because great variation exists among species, it is not safe to assume that plants which are non-toxic to canaries are equally safe to other birds and vice versa.
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AUTHOR(S): Arai, M.; Stauber, E.; Shropshire, C. M. TITLE: Evaluation of selected plants for their toxic effects on canaries. YEAR: 1992 CITATION: J Am Vet Med Assoc, 200(9), +61404532026
ABSTRACT: Leaves or fruit from 14 plants considered to be toxic to pet birds were administered by gavage to 15 pairs of canaries (Serinus canaria). Each bird was given 0.12 to 0.70 g of plant material. One pair served as a control and was given distilled water. The plant materials were flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen, pulverized, and resuspended in deionized water for administration. Of the plants tested, 5 (
oleander, lupine, foxglove, yew leaves, and dieffenbachia) were considered highly toxic and were associated with acute death of birds. The remaining plant samples (clematis, Hoya carnosa, privet Ligustrum vulgare, parsley Petrosilium sativum, cherry Prunus sp., Pyracantha coccinia, rhododendron, black locust Robinia pseudoacacia, and wisteria) caused no, or only transient, clinical illness.
AUTHOR(S): Hargis, A. M.; Stauber, E.; Casteel, S.; Eitner, D. TITLE: Avocado (Persea americana) intoxication in caged birds. YEAR: 1989 CITATION: J Am Vet Med Assoc, 194(1), 64-66
ABSTRACT: Following two incidents in which a pet canary and three pet cockatiels died under conditions suggesting ingestion of avocado as cause of death, an experimental study was undertaken. Avocados of two cultivars were mashed and administered via feeding cannula to 8 canaries and 8 budgerigars. Two control budgerigars were given water via feeding cannula. Six budgerigars and 1 canary died within 24 to 47 hours after the first administration of avocado.
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Deaths were associated with administration of both avocado cultivars. Higher dose was associated with greater mortality. The 2 budgerigars given water were normal throughout the observation period. It is concluded that avocados are highly toxic to budgerigars and less toxic to canaries. PM findings observed in some birds included subcutaneous oedema in the pectoral area and hydropericardium.
The following study was done using just budgies:
AUTHOR(S): Shropshire, C. M.; Stauber, E.; Arai, A. TITLE: Evaluation of selected plants for acute toxicosis in budgerigars. YEAR: 1992 CITATION: J Am Vet Med Assoc, 200(7), 936-939
ABSTRACT: Pairs of budgerigars were given samples, by gavage, of plants considered potentially toxic to pet birds. Samples were prepared by flash-freezing and powdering fresh plant material in liquid nitrogen and resuspending the material in deionized water for administration. Of the 19 plants tested, only 6 induced clinical signs of illness; these plants included
yew, oleander, clematis, avocado, black locust, and Virginia creeper (Taxus media, Nerium oleander, Clematis sp, Persea americana, Robinia pseudoacacia, Parthenocissus quinquefolio).
The other plants tested in this study were: bleeding heart (Lamprocapnos spectabilis), privet (Ligustrum sp.), honeysuckle (Lonicera sp.), lupine (Lupinus sp.), cherry (Prunus sp.), pyracantha (Pyracantha coccinea), boxwood (Buxus sp.), dumbcane (Dieffenbachia seguine), foxglove (Digitalis sp.), spindle bush (Euonymus alatus), poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherima), rhododendron (Rhododendron sp.), and blue elderberry (Sambucus cerulea).
Note how some plants which appear well tolerated by budgies (lupine, dieffenbachia, foxglove) prove fatal to canaries, while some plants which canaries appear to tolerate (clematis, black locust) make budgies quite ill. Until more research is done, it is important to err on the side of caution and avoid any plant which may potentially be toxic. [external_footer]
source https://livingcorner.com.au/safe-aviary-plants-and-toxic-plants-for-birdswhat-plants-can-i-put-in-an-outdoor-aviary24/
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jelantiahilma · 5 years
5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum
5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum – Chrysanthemums were first cultivated in China being a flowering herb dating back to the 15th hundred years BC.[11] Over 500 cultivars had been recorded by 1630.[9] By the year 2014 it was estimated that you have now over thirty, 000 cultivars on earth and about 7, 000 cultivars in Cina.[12] The rose is renowned as one of the A number of Gentlemen in China’s and East Asian art. The plant is specially significant during the Dual Ninth Festival.
Chrysanthemum cultivation began within Japan during the Nara and Heian intervals (early 8th to help late 12th centuries), and gained reputation in the Edo interval (early 17th to late 19th century). Many flower designs, colours, and versions were created. The way the flowers were cultivated and shaped also developed, and chrysanthemum culture flourished. Typically the Imperial Seal of Japan is a chrysanthemum and the institution of the monarchy is also the Chrysanthemum Throne. Several festivals and exhibits take place throughout Okazaki , japan in autumn as soon as the flowers bloom. Chrysanthemum Day (菊の節句 Kiku no Sekku) is among the five ancient almost holy festivals. It is famed on the 9th day of the 9th thirty day period. It was started in 910, when the imperial the courtroom held its very first chrysanthemum show.
Chrysanthemums entered American farming in 1798 when Colonel John Stevens imported a discerning variety known as ‘Dark Purple’ from Great britain. The introduction seemed to be part of an effort to cultivate attractions within Elysian Fields in Hoboken, New Jersey.
Modern discerning chrysanthemums are showier than their wild relatives. The bloom heads occur in a variety of forms, and can be daisy-like or decorative, like pompons or switches. This genus contains many hybrids along with thousands of cultivars designed for horticultural reasons. In addition to the traditional yellowish, other colors can be obtained, such as white, pink, and red. The most important hybrid is Chrysanthemum × morifolium (syn. C. × grandiflorum), derived primarily via C. indicum, but involving other species.
Over 140 cultivars of chrysanthemum have got gained the Supérieur Horticultural Society’s Give of Garden Advantage (confirmed 2017).[14]
Chrysanthemums are separated into two basic categories, garden hardy and exhibition. Garden sturdy mums are fresh perennials capable of wintering in most northern latitudes. Exhibition varieties are definitely not usually as tough. Garden hardies are defined by their ability to produce an abundance of small blooms using little if any mechanical assistance, such as staking, along with withstanding wind and rain. Exhibition versions, though, require staking, overwintering in a reasonably dry, cool setting, and sometimes the addition of night time lights.
The event varieties can be used to generate many amazing grow forms, such as substantial disbudded blooms, aerosol forms, and many attractively trained forms, like thousand-bloom, standard (trees), fans, hanging gift baskets, topiary, bonsai, in addition to cascades.
Chrysanthemum types are divided into 13 different bloom forms by the US Country wide Chrysanthemum Society, Inc., which is in keeping with often the international classification system. The bloom forms are defined by the way in which the ray in addition to disk florets are arranged. Chrysanthemum types are composed of many person flowers (florets), every one capable of producing a seeds. The disk florets are in the center of the bloom head, and the ray florets are on typically the perimeter. The kitchen tools florets are considered imperfect flowers, as they solely possess the female reproductive system organs, while the disk florets are considered great flowers, as they hold both male and feminine reproductive organs.
Infrequent incurves are bred to produce a giant brain called an ogiku. The disk florets are usually concealed in cellular levels of curving ray florets that dangle down to create a ‘skirt’. Regular incurves are very similar, but usually with smaller blooms along with a dense, globular type. Intermediate incurve flowers may have broader florets and a less densely flowered head.
Within the reflex form, the disk florets are hidden and the ray florets reflex outwards to generate a mop-like appearance. The actual decorative form resembles reflex blooms, though the ray florets usually do not radiate at higher than a 90° angle to the stem.
The pompon form is fully double, of little size, and very globular in form. Sole and semidouble blooms have exposed drive florets and one to help seven rows of ray florets. In the anemone form, the disk florets are prominent, frequently raised and overshadowing the ray florets. The spoon-form storage florets are visible and the long, tubular ray florets are generally spatulate. In the spider form, the disk florets are concealed, and also the ray florets usually are tube-like with connected or barbed ends, hanging loosely throughout the stem. In the wash and thistle wide variety, the disk florets may be visible.
In Japan, a form of bonsai chrysanthemum was developed over the hundreds of years. The cultivated plant has a lifespan of 5 years and might be kept in smaller size. Another method is to use pieces of dead wood and the blossom grows over the back along the wood to achieve the illusion from the front that the miniature woods blooms.
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liaflowerwall · 5 years
5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum
5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum – Chrysanthemums were first cultivated in China being a flowering herb dating back to the 15th hundred years BC.[11] Over 500 cultivars had been recorded by 1630.[9] By the year 2014 it was estimated that you have now over thirty, 000 cultivars on earth and about 7, 000 cultivars in Cina.[12] The rose is renowned as one of the A number of Gentlemen in China’s and East Asian art. The plant is specially significant during the Dual Ninth Festival.
Chrysanthemum cultivation began within Japan during the Nara and Heian intervals (early 8th to help late 12th centuries), and gained reputation in the Edo interval (early 17th to late 19th century). Many flower designs, colours, and versions were created. The way the flowers were cultivated and shaped also developed, and chrysanthemum culture flourished. Typically the Imperial Seal of Japan is a chrysanthemum and the institution of the monarchy is also the Chrysanthemum Throne. Several festivals and exhibits take place throughout Okazaki , japan in autumn as soon as the flowers bloom. Chrysanthemum Day (菊の節句 Kiku no Sekku) is among the five ancient almost holy festivals. It is famed on the 9th day of the 9th thirty day period. It was started in 910, when the imperial the courtroom held its very first chrysanthemum show.
Chrysanthemums entered American farming in 1798 when Colonel John Stevens imported a discerning variety known as ‘Dark Purple’ from Great britain. The introduction seemed to be part of an effort to cultivate attractions within Elysian Fields in Hoboken, New Jersey.
Modern discerning chrysanthemums are showier than their wild relatives. The bloom heads occur in a variety of forms, and can be daisy-like or decorative, like pompons or switches. This genus contains many hybrids along with thousands of cultivars designed for horticultural reasons. In addition to the traditional yellowish, other colors can be obtained, such as white, pink, and red. The most important hybrid is Chrysanthemum × morifolium (syn. C. × grandiflorum), derived primarily via C. indicum, but involving other species.
Over 140 cultivars of chrysanthemum have got gained the Supérieur Horticultural Society’s Give of Garden Advantage (confirmed 2017).[14]
Chrysanthemums are separated into two basic categories, garden hardy and exhibition. Garden sturdy mums are fresh perennials capable of wintering in most northern latitudes. Exhibition varieties are definitely not usually as tough. Garden hardies are defined by their ability to produce an abundance of small blooms using little if any mechanical assistance, such as staking, along with withstanding wind and rain. Exhibition versions, though, require staking, overwintering in a reasonably dry, cool setting, and sometimes the addition of night time lights.
The event varieties can be used to generate many amazing grow forms, such as substantial disbudded blooms, aerosol forms, and many attractively trained forms, like thousand-bloom, standard (trees), fans, hanging gift baskets, topiary, bonsai, in addition to cascades.
Chrysanthemum types are divided into 13 different bloom forms by the US Country wide Chrysanthemum Society, Inc., which is in keeping with often the international classification system. The bloom forms are defined by the way in which the ray in addition to disk florets are arranged. Chrysanthemum types are composed of many person flowers (florets), every one capable of producing a seeds. The disk florets are in the center of the bloom head, and the ray florets are on typically the perimeter. The kitchen tools florets are considered imperfect flowers, as they solely possess the female reproductive system organs, while the disk florets are considered great flowers, as they hold both male and feminine reproductive organs.
Infrequent incurves are bred to produce a giant brain called an ogiku. The disk florets are usually concealed in cellular levels of curving ray florets that dangle down to create a ‘skirt’. Regular incurves are very similar, but usually with smaller blooms along with a dense, globular type. Intermediate incurve flowers may have broader florets and a less densely flowered head.
Within the reflex form, the disk florets are hidden and the ray florets reflex outwards to generate a mop-like appearance. The actual decorative form resembles reflex blooms, though the ray florets usually do not radiate at higher than a 90° angle to the stem.
The pompon form is fully double, of little size, and very globular in form. Sole and semidouble blooms have exposed drive florets and one to help seven rows of ray florets. In the anemone form, the disk florets are prominent, frequently raised and overshadowing the ray florets. The spoon-form storage florets are visible and the long, tubular ray florets are generally spatulate. In the spider form, the disk florets are concealed, and also the ray florets usually are tube-like with connected or barbed ends, hanging loosely throughout the stem. In the wash and thistle wide variety, the disk florets may be visible.
In Japan, a form of bonsai chrysanthemum was developed over the hundreds of years. The cultivated plant has a lifespan of 5 years and might be kept in smaller size. Another method is to use pieces of dead wood and the blossom grows over the back along the wood to achieve the illusion from the front that the miniature woods blooms.
Fafard Spider Chrysanthemums – spider chrysanthemum | spider chrysanthemum
5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum – spider chrysanthemum | Pleasant in order to my blog, with this moment I’m going to explain to you in relation to keyword. Now, here is the first picture:
Close-up of a magnificent Spider Chrysanthemum in a garden. – spider chrysanthemum | spider chrysanthemum
How about impression above? is usually in which incredible???. if you believe so, I’l m provide you with many impression yet again down below:
Buy Spider chrysanthemum Bronze online | Unwins – spider chrysanthemum | spider chrysanthemum
So, if you desire to secure these great photos about (5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum), click save icon to download the shots in your pc. There’re available for transfer, if you love and wish to grab it, just click save symbol on the web page, and it will be instantly downloaded in your desktop computer.} At last if you need to get unique and recent image related with (5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum), please follow us on google plus or book mark this blog, we try our best to provide daily update with fresh and new photos. Hope you like staying right here. For most upgrades and recent news about (5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum) photos, please kindly follow us on twitter, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on bookmark section, We attempt to present you up grade periodically with all new and fresh pictures, enjoy your surfing, and find the perfect for you.
Amazon.com : Best Garden Seeds Orginal Japan Spider … – spider chrysanthemum | spider chrysanthemum
Thanks for visiting our site, contentabove (5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum) published .  Nowadays we are excited to declare we have found an incrediblyinteresting contentto be reviewed, that is (5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum) Most people trying to find details about(5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum) and certainly one of these is you, is not it?
ADB Inc 5 Seeds White Spider Chrysanthemum Bonsai Flower Seeds – spider chrysanthemum | spider chrysanthemum
from WordPress https://liaflower.com/5-benefits-of-spider-chrysanthemum-that-may-change-your-perspective-spider-chrysanthemum/
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qindaskurdi · 5 years
5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum
5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum – Chrysanthemums were first cultivated in China being a flowering herb dating back to the 15th hundred years BC.[11] Over 500 cultivars had been recorded by 1630.[9] By the year 2014 it was estimated that you have now over thirty, 000 cultivars on earth and about 7, 000 cultivars in Cina.[12] The rose is renowned as one of the A number of Gentlemen in China’s and East Asian art. The plant is specially significant during the Dual Ninth Festival.
Chrysanthemum cultivation began within Japan during the Nara and Heian intervals (early 8th to help late 12th centuries), and gained reputation in the Edo interval (early 17th to late 19th century). Many flower designs, colours, and versions were created. The way the flowers were cultivated and shaped also developed, and chrysanthemum culture flourished. Typically the Imperial Seal of Japan is a chrysanthemum and the institution of the monarchy is also the Chrysanthemum Throne. Several festivals and exhibits take place throughout Okazaki , japan in autumn as soon as the flowers bloom. Chrysanthemum Day (菊の節句 Kiku no Sekku) is among the five ancient almost holy festivals. It is famed on the 9th day of the 9th thirty day period. It was started in 910, when the imperial the courtroom held its very first chrysanthemum show.
Chrysanthemums entered American farming in 1798 when Colonel John Stevens imported a discerning variety known as ‘Dark Purple’ from Great britain. The introduction seemed to be part of an effort to cultivate attractions within Elysian Fields in Hoboken, New Jersey.
Modern discerning chrysanthemums are showier than their wild relatives. The bloom heads occur in a variety of forms, and can be daisy-like or decorative, like pompons or switches. This genus contains many hybrids along with thousands of cultivars designed for horticultural reasons. In addition to the traditional yellowish, other colors can be obtained, such as white, pink, and red. The most important hybrid is Chrysanthemum × morifolium (syn. C. × grandiflorum), derived primarily via C. indicum, but involving other species.
Over 140 cultivars of chrysanthemum have got gained the Supérieur Horticultural Society’s Give of Garden Advantage (confirmed 2017).[14]
Chrysanthemums are separated into two basic categories, garden hardy and exhibition. Garden sturdy mums are fresh perennials capable of wintering in most northern latitudes. Exhibition varieties are definitely not usually as tough. Garden hardies are defined by their ability to produce an abundance of small blooms using little if any mechanical assistance, such as staking, along with withstanding wind and rain. Exhibition versions, though, require staking, overwintering in a reasonably dry, cool setting, and sometimes the addition of night time lights.
The event varieties can be used to generate many amazing grow forms, such as substantial disbudded blooms, aerosol forms, and many attractively trained forms, like thousand-bloom, standard (trees), fans, hanging gift baskets, topiary, bonsai, in addition to cascades.
Chrysanthemum types are divided into 13 different bloom forms by the US Country wide Chrysanthemum Society, Inc., which is in keeping with often the international classification system. The bloom forms are defined by the way in which the ray in addition to disk florets are arranged. Chrysanthemum types are composed of many person flowers (florets), every one capable of producing a seeds. The disk florets are in the center of the bloom head, and the ray florets are on typically the perimeter. The kitchen tools florets are considered imperfect flowers, as they solely possess the female reproductive system organs, while the disk florets are considered great flowers, as they hold both male and feminine reproductive organs.
Infrequent incurves are bred to produce a giant brain called an ogiku. The disk florets are usually concealed in cellular levels of curving ray florets that dangle down to create a ‘skirt’. Regular incurves are very similar, but usually with smaller blooms along with a dense, globular type. Intermediate incurve flowers may have broader florets and a less densely flowered head.
Within the reflex form, the disk florets are hidden and the ray florets reflex outwards to generate a mop-like appearance. The actual decorative form resembles reflex blooms, though the ray florets usually do not radiate at higher than a 90° angle to the stem.
The pompon form is fully double, of little size, and very globular in form. Sole and semidouble blooms have exposed drive florets and one to help seven rows of ray florets. In the anemone form, the disk florets are prominent, frequently raised and overshadowing the ray florets. The spoon-form storage florets are visible and the long, tubular ray florets are generally spatulate. In the spider form, the disk florets are concealed, and also the ray florets usually are tube-like with connected or barbed ends, hanging loosely throughout the stem. In the wash and thistle wide variety, the disk florets may be visible.
In Japan, a form of bonsai chrysanthemum was developed over the hundreds of years. The cultivated plant has a lifespan of 5 years and might be kept in smaller size. Another method is to use pieces of dead wood and the blossom grows over the back along the wood to achieve the illusion from the front that the miniature woods blooms.
Fafard Spider Chrysanthemums – spider chrysanthemum | spider chrysanthemum
5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum – spider chrysanthemum | Pleasant in order to my blog, with this moment I’m going to explain to you in relation to keyword. Now, here is the first picture:
Close-up of a magnificent Spider Chrysanthemum in a garden. – spider chrysanthemum | spider chrysanthemum
How about impression above? is usually in which incredible???. if you believe so, I’l m provide you with many impression yet again down below:
Buy Spider chrysanthemum Bronze online | Unwins – spider chrysanthemum | spider chrysanthemum
So, if you desire to secure these great photos about (5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum), click save icon to download the shots in your pc. There’re available for transfer, if you love and wish to grab it, just click save symbol on the web page, and it will be instantly downloaded in your desktop computer.} At last if you need to get unique and recent image related with (5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum), please follow us on google plus or book mark this blog, we try our best to provide daily update with fresh and new photos. Hope you like staying right here. For most upgrades and recent news about (5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum) photos, please kindly follow us on twitter, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on bookmark section, We attempt to present you up grade periodically with all new and fresh pictures, enjoy your surfing, and find the perfect for you.
Amazon.com : Best Garden Seeds Orginal Japan Spider … – spider chrysanthemum | spider chrysanthemum
Thanks for visiting our site, contentabove (5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum) published .  Nowadays we are excited to declare we have found an incrediblyinteresting contentto be reviewed, that is (5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum) Most people trying to find details about(5 Benefits Of Spider Chrysanthemum That May Change Your Perspective | Spider Chrysanthemum) and certainly one of these is you, is not it?
ADB Inc 5 Seeds White Spider Chrysanthemum Bonsai Flower Seeds – spider chrysanthemum | spider chrysanthemum
from WordPress https://liaflower.com/5-benefits-of-spider-chrysanthemum-that-may-change-your-perspective-spider-chrysanthemum/
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jakehglover · 6 years
Help Target Inflammation by Having a Sip of This Herbal Tea
Unless you come from parts of Asia where it’s been extensively used, it’s highly likely that you’re unfamiliar with burdock root. Popularly used as an ingredient in Japanese cuisine, burdock root is usually added to stir-fries,1 consumed raw,2 used as a broth3 or pickled in apple cider vinegar to prolong shelf life.4
However, an easy way to use burdock root and possibly obtain benefits is by steeping the roots in boiling water to make burdock root tea. Learn more about this tea’s uses, how you can make this beverage at home and what you must watch out for when drinking it.
What Is Burdock Root Tea?
Burdock root tea is concocted by steeping roots of the burdock (Arctium lappa) plant. For centuries now, burdock roots, leaves and flowers have been well-respected for their medicinal and nutritional abilities.5 The burdock plant stands between 1 and 2 meters (3.2 to 6.5 feet) when fully grown, and has large leaves that can grow up to 50 centimeters (19.6 inches), with white undersides. Between June and October, the plant bears purple flowers extending away from the plant’s bracts.  
Burdock Root Tea’s Health Benefits
Burdock root tea may be helpful in addressing certain conditions, such as:6,7
High blood pressure8
Apart from targeting these diseases, burdock root tea may deliver these benefits:12
Promote antioxidant capabilities: The root contains antioxidants such as phenolic acids, quercetin and luteolin13 (all of which may be transferred to the tea) that can shield the body against cell-damaging free radicals.
In a 2011 article in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, researchers suggested that burdock root tea’s antioxidant content may aid in slowing down tumor cell growth.14
Promote diuretic effects: One of burdock root tea’s earliest uses was for detoxifying the body. It can also help purify the blood, and is known to induce sweating and urination.
This effect may benefit your liver, kidneys and lymphatic system. Because it’s a diuretic, burdock root tea may cause the body to eliminate excess toxins, salts and water.15
Act as an expectorant and decongestant: If you have coughs, colds or flu-like symptoms, drinking burdock root tea may help alleviate them by targeting phlegm and mucus. Burdock root tea has antibacterial properties as well.16
Alleviate hair issues: You can address concerns like hair loss and dandruff,17 and boost scalp and follicle health, as burdock root tea is known to contain helpful phytosterols in burdock root tea, while the burdock root plant contains hair-helping essential oils.
Serve as an anti-inflammatory: This drink may help people combat fever, aches, pains and joint disorders.18,19
Help people with liver-related issues: For people with either cirrhosis or hepatitis, burdock root tea may assist in promoting liver cell regrowth.20
This tea may help people with blood-borne diseases or those who have a liver that’s been damaged heavily by alcohol consumption.
Enhance the immune system: Burdock root tea’s vitamin C content may improve your immune system and boost white blood cell production.
Other immune-boosting effects this tea may offer include enhancing collagen production and promoting quicker healing and recovery after illness.21
Promote better heart health: Burdock root tea has potassium that may help maintain normal blood pressure levels and serve as a vasodilator, which may lower your risk for atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.
This mineral is also important for heart health because it aids in maintaining fluid balance in the body.22
Help lower risk for cancer: Quercetin and luteolin, both found in burdock root tea, possess antimutagenic properties.
These nutrients eliminate free radicals, help prevent cellular mutation and reduce a person’s cancer risk.23
What Nutrients Can You Find in Burdock Root Tea?
Burdock root tea is home to antioxidants such as phenolic acids, luteolin and quercetin.24 It also contains the minerals potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium and iron, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B3 and fiber.25 People who are sensitive to caffeine may drink this tea without any issues. As “The Tea Book” highlights, roasted and dried roots like burdock root may work as caffeine-free tea alternatives.26
How to Make Burdock Root Tea
Making your own burdock root tea at home is possible. Try following this recipe:27
Burdock Root Tea Recipe
• 1 burdock root
• 2 liters (a little over 2 quarts) of water
1. Cut burdock root into thirds. Using a scouring pad, scrape off the dirt on its surface under running water. Do not peel the skin since most of its nutrients are in it. Cut the root into thin slices.
2. Spread all the burdock on a bamboo sieve, cover with a nylon food cover and place under clear sun for one to two days until dry, pliable or almost crisp. If you are not comfortable drying your food in the sun or the weather is not cooperating, use a dehydrator.
3. Place dried burdock in a pan with no oil or liquid. Stir constantly over low heat for 10 minutes until golden brown, crispy and fragrant.
4. Let the burdock cool for 10 to 15 minutes. Store immediately in an airtight glass container. Seal it to prevent moisture.
5. Burdock tea can be cooked or brewed. Boil the water. Add 10 grams (0.35 ounces) of burdock tea leaves and simmer for 10 minutes.
6. If you want to make a single cup of burdock root tea, pour 185- to 212-degree Fahrenheit water onto five to eight pieces of burdock tea leaves in a cup and brew for four to five minutes. Raw honey, chrysanthemum, red dates, wolf berries or mint leaves may be added to taste.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
A single-serving of this recipe makes 100 or more grams (about 3 1/2 ounces) of tea.
You can look for burdock root in Oriental markets, natural food stores and Japanese and Taiwanese grocery stores. Pick roots that are medium-sized, firm, unbroken and have taut skin. Do not purchase burdock roots that are overly dry or sunken, since these may not have a pleasant flavor.
When cleaned properly and kept in a cool, well-ventilated place, the root can stay fresh for many months. You can also preserve burdock roots by wrapping them in a paper towel, enclosing them inside a plastic bag and placing them inside your refrigerator’s vegetable compartment, where they can be kept for months.
Should the burdock root turn limp and/or dry, soak it in water until it’s firm again.28 For processed burdock root parts and slices, ensure that they are stored in the refrigerator and used as soon as possible.29 If you aren’t able to purchase fresh burdock root, there are burdock root tea bags available online. Just make sure you’re purchasing from a highly reputable source that provides high-quality tea.
Burdock Root Tea’s Side Effects
Burdock root tea may trigger allergic reactions, including dermatitis, among people who are sensitive to daises, chrysanthemums or ragweed. Should these adverse effects develop, stop drinking burdock root tea immediately.30 Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should avoid this tea because there aren’t enough studies that confirm its safety for these groups.31
Drinking burdock root can lead to other side effects like hallucinations, dry mouth, blurred vision and urinary retention, as seen in the case of a 26-year-old woman who purchased burdock root tea from a health shop. As always, ensure that you’re purchasing high-quality tea from a reliable supplier.32,33
In the wild, burdock root can be confused with dangerous, poisonous plants like belladonna or deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) because of the similarities in their physical appearance.34 Hence, do not pick burdock in the wild. Should negative reactions develop, stop drinking the tea and discard other root strips. Furthermore, avoid burdock root tea when taking the following medicines because it can interfere with the way they work:35
• Diuretics (water pills): Dehydrated people should stay away from burdock since the roots can increase the pills’ diuretic effects and exacerbate dehydration.
• Diabetes medications: Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar levels, may occur if you drink this tea with these medicines.
• Blood-thinning medicines: Burdock root can worsen bleeding in people diagnosed with bleeding disorders who take these medications. It can slow down blood clotting too.36
Before taking burdock root tea, talk to your physician and verify if this herbal tea is good for you. By doing so, you can get an idea of the dosage that may be needed to address your condition and be guided on what you can do to avoid side effects.
Caution Is Needed if You Want to Try Burdock Root Tea
For many years now, burdock root has been widely valued in Asia for its potential effects toward the brain, heart and immune system. Drinking burdock root tea may allow you to reap the nutrients found in the plant and help boost your well-being.
However, before drinking burdock root tea, remember that there are contraindications linked to this beverage, especially among women who are pregnant and/or breastfeeding and people taking certain medicines. If you're interested in trying burdock root tea, consult a doctor first, so you are aware of the ideal amount that would be both suitable for your condition and won't put you at risk for adverse health effects.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Burdock Root Tea
Q: What are the health benefits of burdock root tea?
A: Burdock root tea may promote the following benefits:
Deliver antioxidant, expectorant, decongestant, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects
Assist with relieving fevers, headaches, flu, gout and constipation, to name a few
Help address hair issues
Boost health in people with liver conditions
Improve the immune system
Help improve heart health
Detoxify the blood
Q: Where can you buy burdock root tea?
A: Fresh burdock root can be purchased from Oriental markets, natural food stores, and Japanese and Taiwanese grocery stores. While burdock root tea bags can be purchased online, do thorough research first. Only buy burdock root tea bags from a trustworthy source that sells high-quality tea made from real burdock root.
Q: Can drinking burdock root tea lead to side effects?
A: Yes. Some side effects that burdock root tea may trigger include:
• Allergic reactions (including dermatitis, swelling, inflammation or skin rash) in people who are sensitive to daisies, chrysanthemums or ragweed
• Toxicity symptoms such as blurred vision, hallucinations, dry mouth and urinary retention
• Negative interactions with diuretic, diabetes and blood-thinning medicines
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/04/21/burdock-root-tea-mnlseo.aspx
0 notes
sherristockman · 6 years
Help Target Inflammation by Having a Sip of This Herbal Tea none Unless you come from parts of Asia where it’s been extensively used, it’s highly likely that you’re unfamiliar with burdock root. Popularly used as an ingredient in Japanese cuisine, burdock root is usually added to stir-fries,1 consumed raw,2 used as a broth3 or pickled in apple cider vinegar to prolong shelf life.4 However, an easy way to use burdock root and possibly obtain benefits is by steeping the roots in boiling water to make burdock root tea. Learn more about this tea’s uses, how you can make this beverage at home and what you must watch out for when drinking it. What Is Burdock Root Tea? Burdock root tea is concocted by steeping roots of the burdock (Arctium lappa) plant. For centuries now, burdock roots, leaves and flowers have been well-respected for their medicinal and nutritional abilities.5 The burdock plant stands between 1 and 2 meters (3.2 to 6.5 feet) when fully grown, and has large leaves that can grow up to 50 centimeters (19.6 inches), with white undersides. Between June and October, the plant bears purple flowers extending away from the plant’s bracts. Burdock Root Tea’s Health Benefits Burdock root tea may be helpful in addressing certain conditions, such as:6,7 High blood pressure8 Colds Flu Fever Arthritis Gout Headaches9 Indigestion10 Constipation11 Apart from targeting these diseases, burdock root tea may deliver these benefits:12 Promote antioxidant capabilities: The root contains antioxidants such as phenolic acids, quercetin and luteolin13 (all of which may be transferred to the tea) that can shield the body against cell-damaging free radicals. In a 2011 article in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, researchers suggested that burdock root tea’s antioxidant content may aid in slowing down tumor cell growth.14 Promote diuretic effects: One of burdock root tea’s earliest uses was for detoxifying the body. It can also help purify the blood, and is known to induce sweating and urination. This effect may benefit your liver, kidneys and lymphatic system. Because it’s a diuretic, burdock root tea may cause the body to eliminate excess toxins, salts and water.15 Act as an expectorant and decongestant: If you have coughs, colds or flu-like symptoms, drinking burdock root tea may help alleviate them by targeting phlegm and mucus. Burdock root tea has antibacterial properties as well.16 Alleviate hair issues: You can address concerns like hair loss and dandruff,17 and boost scalp and follicle health, as burdock root tea is known to contain helpful phytosterols in burdock root tea, while the burdock root plant contains hair-helping essential oils. Serve as an anti-inflammatory: This drink may help people combat fever, aches, pains and joint disorders.18,19 Help people with liver-related issues: For people with either cirrhosis or hepatitis, burdock root tea may assist in promoting liver cell regrowth.20 This tea may help people with blood-borne diseases or those who have a liver that’s been damaged heavily by alcohol consumption. Enhance the immune system: Burdock root tea’s vitamin C content may improve your immune system and boost white blood cell production. Other immune-boosting effects this tea may offer include enhancing collagen production and promoting quicker healing and recovery after illness.21 Promote better heart health: Burdock root tea has potassium that may help maintain normal blood pressure levels and serve as a vasodilator, which may lower your risk for atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes. This mineral is also important for heart health because it aids in maintaining fluid balance in the body.22 Help lower risk for cancer: Quercetin and luteolin, both found in burdock root tea, possess antimutagenic properties. These nutrients eliminate free radicals, help prevent cellular mutation and reduce a person’s cancer risk.23 What Nutrients Can You Find in Burdock Root Tea? Burdock root tea is home to antioxidants such as phenolic acids, luteolin and quercetin.24 It also contains the minerals potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium and iron, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B3 and fiber.25 People who are sensitive to caffeine may drink this tea without any issues. As “The Tea Book” highlights, roasted and dried roots like burdock root may work as caffeine-free tea alternatives.26 How to Make Burdock Root Tea Making your own burdock root tea at home is possible. Try following this recipe:27 Burdock Root Tea Recipe Ingredients: • 1 burdock root • 2 liters (a little over 2 quarts) of water Procedure: 1. Cut burdock root into thirds. Using a scouring pad, scrape off the dirt on its surface under running water. Do not peel the skin since most of its nutrients are in it. Cut the root into thin slices. 2. Spread all the burdock on a bamboo sieve, cover with a nylon food cover and place under clear sun for one to two days until dry, pliable or almost crisp. If you are not comfortable drying your food in the sun or the weather is not cooperating, use a dehydrator. 3. Place dried burdock in a pan with no oil or liquid. Stir constantly over low heat for 10 minutes until golden brown, crispy and fragrant. 4. Let the burdock cool for 10 to 15 minutes. Store immediately in an airtight glass container. Seal it to prevent moisture. 5. Burdock tea can be cooked or brewed. Boil the water. Add 10 grams (0.35 ounces) of burdock tea leaves and simmer for 10 minutes. 6. If you want to make a single cup of burdock root tea, pour 185- to 212-degree Fahrenheit water onto five to eight pieces of burdock tea leaves in a cup and brew for four to five minutes. Raw honey, chrysanthemum, red dates, wolf berries or mint leaves may be added to taste. Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 10 minutes Total time: 20 minutes A single-serving of this recipe makes 100 or more grams (about 3 1/2 ounces) of tea. You can look for burdock root in Oriental markets, natural food stores and Japanese and Taiwanese grocery stores. Pick roots that are medium-sized, firm, unbroken and have taut skin. Do not purchase burdock roots that are overly dry or sunken, since these may not have a pleasant flavor. When cleaned properly and kept in a cool, well-ventilated place, the root can stay fresh for many months. You can also preserve burdock roots by wrapping them in a paper towel, enclosing them inside a plastic bag and placing them inside your refrigerator’s vegetable compartment, where they can be kept for months. Should the burdock root turn limp and/or dry, soak it in water until it’s firm again.28 For processed burdock root parts and slices, ensure that they are stored in the refrigerator and used as soon as possible.29 If you aren’t able to purchase fresh burdock root, there are burdock root tea bags available online. Just make sure you’re purchasing from a highly reputable source that provides high-quality tea. Burdock Root Tea’s Side Effects Burdock root tea may trigger allergic reactions, including dermatitis, among people who are sensitive to daises, chrysanthemums or ragweed. Should these adverse effects develop, stop drinking burdock root tea immediately.30 Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should avoid this tea because there aren’t enough studies that confirm its safety for these groups.31 Drinking burdock root can lead to other side effects like hallucinations, dry mouth, blurred vision and urinary retention, as seen in the case of a 26-year-old woman who purchased burdock root tea from a health shop. As always, ensure that you’re purchasing high-quality tea from a reliable supplier.32,33 In the wild, burdock root can be confused with dangerous, poisonous plants like belladonna or deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) because of the similarities in their physical appearance.34 Hence, do not pick burdock in the wild. Should negative reactions develop, stop drinking the tea and discard other root strips. Furthermore, avoid burdock root tea when taking the following medicines because it can interfere with the way they work:35 • Diuretics (water pills): Dehydrated people should stay away from burdock since the roots can increase the pills’ diuretic effects and exacerbate dehydration. • Diabetes medications: Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar levels, may occur if you drink this tea with these medicines. • Blood-thinning medicines: Burdock root can worsen bleeding in people diagnosed with bleeding disorders who take these medications. It can slow down blood clotting too.36 Before taking burdock root tea, talk to your physician and verify if this herbal tea is good for you. By doing so, you can get an idea of the dosage that may be needed to address your condition and be guided on what you can do to avoid side effects. Caution Is Needed if You Want to Try Burdock Root Tea For many years now, burdock root has been widely valued in Asia for its potential effects toward the brain, heart and immune system. Drinking burdock root tea may allow you to reap the nutrients found in the plant and help boost your well-being. However, before drinking burdock root tea, remember that there are contraindications linked to this beverage, especially among women who are pregnant and/or breastfeeding and people taking certain medicines. If you're interested in trying burdock root tea, consult a doctor first, so you are aware of the ideal amount that would be both suitable for your condition and won't put you at risk for adverse health effects. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Burdock Root Tea Q: What are the health benefits of burdock root tea? A: Burdock root tea may promote the following benefits: Deliver antioxidant, expectorant, decongestant, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects Assist with relieving fevers, headaches, flu, gout and constipation, to name a few Help address hair issues Boost health in people with liver conditions Improve the immune system Help improve heart health Detoxify the blood Q: Where can you buy burdock root tea? A: Fresh burdock root can be purchased from Oriental markets, natural food stores, and Japanese and Taiwanese grocery stores. While burdock root tea bags can be purchased online, do thorough research first. Only buy burdock root tea bags from a trustworthy source that sells high-quality tea made from real burdock root. Q: Can drinking burdock root tea lead to side effects? A: Yes. Some side effects that burdock root tea may trigger include: • Allergic reactions (including dermatitis, swelling, inflammation or skin rash) in people who are sensitive to daisies, chrysanthemums or ragweed • Toxicity symptoms such as blurred vision, hallucinations, dry mouth and urinary retention • Negative interactions with diuretic, diabetes and blood-thinning medicines
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cafeplr · 7 years
Common Chinese Herbal Teas
Chinese herbal teas are also called Tisanes and are not, technically speaking, actually teas. Rather, they are infusions made from herbs instead of tea that is made from the Camelia Sinensis plant. The essence of the herb is extracted when the tea is steeped in hot water.
Chinese herbal teas are traditionally used for their healing, medicinal properties. Many varieties are also enjoyed simply for their taste, however. China is known for producing an entire pharmacy of herbs, making the herbal teas from there increasingly popular today.
The Beneficial Properties of Chinese Herbal Teas
The caffeine-free alternative represented by herbal teas is one of the well-known benefits Chinese herbal tea offers. Additionally, many of them are attributed with very soothing and comforting effects. Rosebud and Chrysanthemum herbal teas are two of the more popular examples of them.
Rosebud and Chrysanthemum teas are considered in China to be a woman’s herb. They are, however, also useful for aiding digestion. Even a hard-core tea drinker is sure to enjoy the fresh floral flavor of these miniature rosebuds. Chrysanthemum tea has long been used to cool the body and reduce fever and has a particularly unique flavor.
Due to the lack of caffeine, Chinese herbal teas are great beverages to have when caffeine would be avoided, such as at night before bed.
The Fantastic Flower Herbal Teas
Among the many varieties of Chinese herbal teas are the wildly popular flower teas. These teas are, like all herbal teas, caffeine-free alternatives and offer various benefits. Most offer a palate of flavors while being calming and soothing.
The following are among the more famous of the flower herbal teas (alphabetically):
* Carnation Flower Tea–The tea brewed from this is attractive red flower is said to help restore the energy of the body. It is also widely used for relaxing.
* Chrysanthemum Herbal Tea–This tea has a subtle sweetness and is regarded as highly refreshing. Among the popular cooling infusions this is a premier choice.
* Forget Me Not Flower Tea–This brews a mild and grassy flavored tisane. Said to aid the lungs, it is also caffeine-free. It is widely known for its beautiful purple flowers.
* Gongju Herbal Tea–The Gongju flower is known for its soothing and relaxing attributes and brews a smooth tasting herbal tea.
* Jasmine Bud Flower Tea–This Chinese herbal tea, according to some experts, is comprised solely of the small and beautiful Jasmine flowers that have not yet opened. The tea produced sweet and caffeine-free.
* Kuding Pearl Tea–The leaves for this variety are rolled into large pearls, which is one of the sources of its nickname, “one leaf tea” due to the size of the leaves. The other reason it is called “one leaf” is because of the belief that only one leaf of this tea is needed to heal a number of things. Many people consider this tea to be a bitter tea, but nearly everyone agrees that this ancient leaf brews an interesting herbal tea.
* Yunnan Flower Bud Tea–This Chinese herbal tea grows, as implied by the name, in the old forests of Yunnan. This rare flower is primarily a local Yunnan drink and is caffeine free.
* Wild New York Ginseng–For those who appreciate the wild growing conditions in which the roots ripen this is another well-known Chinese herbal tea. It is said that each root develops a unique appearance and personality because of the rugged wild conditions. Size and age can vary greatly, with some of these wild roots being very small and very old while some larger roots are much younger. These herbal roots live for seven years or more.
See Full PLR Article Here: Common Chinese Herbal Teas
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signaturekitchen · 7 years
Edible flowers: health benefits and culinary tips
Flowers are an overlooked source of food. We love to look at them in the garden or marvel at wild flowers on our country walks. But we don’t consider flowers may be something good to eat. With the current plethora of cooking programmes popping up in the TV schedule, we’re getting more used to seeing pretty food.
Edible flowers make a TV appearance from time to time. In programmes such as BBC’s Masterchef: The Professionals, we are slowly getting used to seeing chefs use tweezers to place miniscule petals in strategic positions on top of a plate of beautifully presented food. As a result we’ve pigeon-holed the use of edible petals to Michelin star cooking.
The truth is flowers are a much under used source of food. They have a range of incredible tastes, textures and health benefits. And you don’t need a pair of tweezers to add them to your cooking. Here, Lloyd Wells – a writer working with Totally Plants has put together a short guide to edible flowers, explained some of the amazing health benefits and thrown in some culinary tips that will delight on taste, texture and visual display.
Flowers as food: a modern phenomenon?
It’s actually surprising how many flowers growing in our garden are edible. Even more surprising is the fact that they’ve been used in cooking for centuries. In fact, using flowers in food has been traced back to 3,000 B.C.
Saffron crocuses were first cultivated in Persia, and its use in food has been documented from Ancient Greece. Rose petals have been used in food for thousands of years. Chrysanthemums have a very long history in food too, grown in China as early as the 15th century BCE. Dandelions equally have a long history as food and medicine as far back as the 10th century CE.
Flower power: the health benefits
Flowers, especially those with deep colours, are full of anti-oxidants. They also contain vitamins A, C and E. Some have vitamin D and beta-carotene. Hibiscus, roses and nasturtiums in particular are high in Vitamin C. The chamomile flower, frequently used in tea, has immune boosting properties. Hibiscus has been shown in a research study to have positive benefits on lowering bad (low density lipo-protein) cholesterol. You’ll be hard pushed to find a flower that doesn’t have some kind of health benefit.
Indoor plants
Most of the common indoor house plants, such as your Kentia Palm or your Cane plant aren’t edible. So don’t feel tempted to lop off a leaf for your evening meal. There are however a few houseplants you can grow that will add greenery and colour to your home as well as provide a home-grown ingredient in the kitchen.
In a sunny spot (and they do need ample sun), dwarf fruit trees will grow indoors. Carrots, radishes and tomatoes can all also be grown indoors, so you don’t necessarily need a garden to grow your own veg.
Lettuce and herbs are fairly easy and inexpensive to attempt. Herbs can be grown in shallow pots and provide a quick yield, and are great for prettying up kitchen window sills. Chia, cress and mustard yield healthy microgreens that are nutritious and delicious.
It’s important to point out that many flowers aren’t edible. In fact, some plants and flowers are toxic and can be quite dangerous. Never eat a flower, unless you are absolutely sure it’s safe to consume. Foxglove, potato and sweet pea flowers, for example, are toxic. Around 93 per cent of plants aren’t edible, and many are poisonous.
From a distance Butterweed can resemble wild mustard or wild radish. Butterweed is laced with an alkaloid, which can seriously damage your liver.
Just because a plant is used in topical herbal applications, it doesn’t mean it’s safe to eat. The Mexican Poppy, Argemone Mexicana, is used extensively in herbal applications as Argemone oil for a plethora of skin complaints.
Consumed internally Argemone oil can cause severe headache, a burning sensation in the eyes, skin eruptions, nausea and fever. Excessive doses will lead to epidemic dropsy (a build-up of fluids causing tissues to become swollen), vomiting, diarrhoea and even acute toxicity.
The top 5 edible flowers
Marigolds – great in salads. These flowers have a spicy-peppery flavour, and offer antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties
Carnation petals – often used in candy, cake and wine. They have a sweet, perfumed taste (they taste exactly how they smell). Carnations are one of the ingredients in the French liqueur Chartreuse.
Allium (that’s chives, leeks and garlic). It’s not just the root that is edible, the beautiful flowers are too. They have a range of flavours and health benefits include cardiovascular protection and the ability to lower blood pressure, as well as anti-clotting benefits.
Chrysanthemums – taste on the bitter side, but add a surprise and a flair to some dishes. They’ve been used in Chinese medicine for centuries for headaches, tinnitus and dizziness.
Borage Blossoms (known as starflowers) – blue in colour they look pretty and surprisingly taste like cucumbers. Great in potato salads. Borage tea is used as a natural sedative. It’s good for depression and hormonal mood swings.
Culinary Tips
It’s always best to grow your own flowers if you wish to eat them. For flowers to be edible they need to be organically grown. Those cultivated for commercial use have been exposed to pesticides, while wild flowers near to a road are exposed to pollution. Here are some ideas to try:
Use edible petals to sprinkle on cakes or to garnish cocktails
Dried edible flowers can be used to flavour teas
Stuff courgette or squash blossoms with cheese
Colourful violets are fabulous in salads
Rose petals have a delicate sweet taste and work fabulously in many desserts and with fruit. Lavender is popular in desserts too.
From dazzling orange nasturtiums to pale purple lilacs, edible flowers will bring a rainbow of colour to your plate and a whole host of health benefits too. Next time you are cooking for friends, why not show off a little flair in the kitchen.
The post Edible flowers: health benefits and culinary tips appeared first on The Kitchen Think.
Via Mike James http://www.thekitchenthink.co.uk
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The Purple Wild Chrysanthemum: A Medicinal and Edible Delight
Purple wild chrysanthemums, also known as Asteraceae Chrysanthemum morifolium, are not only visually stunning, but they also possess remarkable medicinal and edible properties. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of this unique flower, exploring its history, uses, and benefits. So, grab a cup of tea and prepare to be amazed by the wonders of the purple wild chrysanthemum. A…
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Unleashing the Power of Herbal Medicine: What You Need to Know About Common Chrysanthemum and Wild Chrysanthemum
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Hook: Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of herbal medicine? Join us as we explore the hidden secrets and remarkable differences between common chrysanthemum and wild chrysanthemum, two medicinal powerhouses that will blow your mind!
Bitter, warm, and with a knack for detoxifying and clearing heat, both common chrysanthemum and wild chrysanthemum have made their mark in traditional Chinese medicine. These incredible herbs have the power to tackle various heat-toxicity syndromes and offer benefits for your liver and lungs. But wait, there's more!
Picture this: wind-heat colds, febrile diseases, and headaches running rampant. Common chrysanthemum swoops in with its ability to disperse wind-heat, calming your liver and clearing those tired eyes. What's even better? It nourishes your precious peepers and moisturizes your skin, all thanks to some liver and kidney TLC.
But wait, who's this coming in with a bang? It's wild chrysanthemum, and it's here to show common chrysanthemum who's boss! With stronger detoxifying properties, this superhero herb is the ultimate weapon against heat-toxicity syndromes. Carbuncles, erysipelas, and boils, you better watch out!
But that's not all! Wild chrysanthemum flexes its muscles with anti-inflammatory powers. Say goodbye to pesky skin conditions like eczema and itching. This herb means business when it comes to treating your throat, too. Sore throat caused by heat-toxicity? Wild chrysanthemum has got your back!
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Image Description: Purple wild chrysanthemums originating from the high mountains of Qian Dao Lake in Hangzhou, at an altitude of 1450 meters, with a history of several hundred years. These wild chrysanthemums have unique requirements for their growing environment and must be cultivated at altitudes around 1300 meters to achieve optimal temperatures. From growth to harvest, no pesticides or fertilizers are needed, making them truly natural, green, and organic agricultural products.
Before you dive headfirst into the world of chrysanthemums, let's address some usage considerations. Pregnant women, lactating women, children, and the elderly need to tread with caution. These precious herbs may have some side-effects that can be tricky, so it's best to consult with a doctor before exploring their wonders.
Quote: In the battle of common chrysanthemum vs. wild chrysanthemum, both emerge as champions in their own right. Choose the right one based on your condition and constitution, and be amazed by the endless possibilities of these miraculous herbs. Together, let's unlock the secrets of chrysanthemum and open the doors to a healthier tomorrow!
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The Impact of Liver Fire on the Eyes: Causes, Symptoms, and Natural Remedies
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The benefits of purple wild chrysanthemum to the eyes
The eyes are not only windows to the soul but also reflect our internal health. One crucial aspect that can impact eye health is liver fire. This article delves into the causes, symptoms, and natural remedies that can help alleviate the effects of liver fire and improve eye care.
Table of Contents:
1.What is Liver Fire?
2.How Liver Fire Impacts the Eyes
3.Causes of Liver Fire
4.Symptoms of Liver Fire on the Eyes
5.Natural Remedies for Alleviating Liver Fire a. Diet Modifications b. Herbal Supplements c. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine d. Stress Management Techniques e. Lifestyle Adjustments
一,What is Liver Fire?
Liver fire is a concept rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It refers to excessive heat and energy in the liver, which can manifest in various physical and emotional symptoms. When liver fire affects the eyes, it can lead to eye conditions such as dryness, redness, and inflammation.
二,How Liver Fire Impacts the Eyes Liver fire directly affects the eyes due to the close relationship between the liver and eye health according to TCM principles. The eyes are considered the "officials" of the liver, and any imbalance can manifest in ocular issues. The liver controls the distribution of Qi (energy) and blood throughout the body, including the eyes. When liver fire becomes excessive, it disrupts this balance, leading to eye discomfort and potential vision problems.
三,Causes of Liver Fire Liver fire can have various underlying causes, including: Poor Diet: Consuming excessive spicy, greasy, or fried foods can contribute to liver fire. Emotional Stress: Prolonged emotional stress, anger, or frustration can directly impact the liver and result in liver fire. Alcohol and Substance Abuse: Excessive alcohol consumption or substance abuse can strain the liver, leading to liver fire. Hormonal Imbalances: Hormonal imbalances, such as estrogen dominance, can affect liver function and contribute to liver fire.
四,Symptoms of Liver Fire on the Eyes Liver fire can manifest in several eye-related symptoms, including:
Dry, itchy, or scratchy eyes Redness and inflammation Blurred or diminished vision Sensitivity to light Irritability and mood swings Headaches and migraines
五,Natural Remedies for Alleviating Liver Fire
a. Diet Modifications: Aim to consume a balanced and nutritious diet that supports liver health and reduces liver fire. Incorporate cooling foods such as leafy greens, cucumber, celery, and watermelon. Avoid spicy, greasy, and processed foods that can exacerbate liver fire.
b. Herbal Supplements: Certain herbs, such as milk thistle, dandelion root, and burdock, can support liver detoxification and reduce liver fire symptoms. Consult with a healthcare professional or TCM practitioner for personalized guidance.
c. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture helps restore the flow of Qi in the body, promoting liver balance and reducing liver fire. TCM practitioners may prescribe specific herbal formulas and lifestyle recommendations to alleviate liver fire symptoms.
d. Stress Management Techniques: Engage in stress-reducing practices, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. These techniques can help calm the mind, reduce emotional stress, and indirectly impact liver fire symptoms.
e. Lifestyle Adjustments: Make necessary lifestyle adjustments, such as limiting alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, and practicing regular exercise. These lifestyle choices promote overall liver health and minimize the risk of liver fire.
Understanding the impact of liver fire on eye health is crucial for maintaining optimal vision and overall well-being. By addressing underlying causes, recognizing symptoms, and implementing natural remedies, you can alleviate liver fire symptoms and improve your eye care. Remember, a balanced diet, stress management, and healthy lifestyle choices are key contributors to maintaining liver health and reducing the adverse effects of liver fire.
We value your thoughts and experiences. Please leave your comments below and share this article with your friends to raise awareness about the impact of liver fire on eye health. Together, we can promote better eye care.
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The Impact of Liver Fire on the Eyes: Causes, Symptoms, and Natural Remedies
The benefits of purple wild chrysanthemum to the eyes The eyes are not only windows to the soul but also reflect our internal health. One crucial aspect that can impact eye health is liver fire. This article delves into the causes, symptoms, and natural remedies that can help alleviate the effects of liver fire and improve eye care. Table of Contents: 1.What is Liver Fire? 2.How Liver Fire…
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