#Understanding Liver Fire Symptoms and Eye Health
The Impact of Liver Fire on the Eyes: Causes, Symptoms, and Natural Remedies
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The benefits of purple wild chrysanthemum to the eyes
The eyes are not only windows to the soul but also reflect our internal health. One crucial aspect that can impact eye health is liver fire. This article delves into the causes, symptoms, and natural remedies that can help alleviate the effects of liver fire and improve eye care.
Table of Contents:
1.What is Liver Fire?
2.How Liver Fire Impacts the Eyes
3.Causes of Liver Fire
4.Symptoms of Liver Fire on the Eyes
5.Natural Remedies for Alleviating Liver Fire a. Diet Modifications b. Herbal Supplements c. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine d. Stress Management Techniques e. Lifestyle Adjustments
一,What is Liver Fire?
Liver fire is a concept rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It refers to excessive heat and energy in the liver, which can manifest in various physical and emotional symptoms. When liver fire affects the eyes, it can lead to eye conditions such as dryness, redness, and inflammation.
二,How Liver Fire Impacts the Eyes Liver fire directly affects the eyes due to the close relationship between the liver and eye health according to TCM principles. The eyes are considered the "officials" of the liver, and any imbalance can manifest in ocular issues. The liver controls the distribution of Qi (energy) and blood throughout the body, including the eyes. When liver fire becomes excessive, it disrupts this balance, leading to eye discomfort and potential vision problems.
三,Causes of Liver Fire Liver fire can have various underlying causes, including: Poor Diet: Consuming excessive spicy, greasy, or fried foods can contribute to liver fire. Emotional Stress: Prolonged emotional stress, anger, or frustration can directly impact the liver and result in liver fire. Alcohol and Substance Abuse: Excessive alcohol consumption or substance abuse can strain the liver, leading to liver fire. Hormonal Imbalances: Hormonal imbalances, such as estrogen dominance, can affect liver function and contribute to liver fire.
四,Symptoms of Liver Fire on the Eyes Liver fire can manifest in several eye-related symptoms, including:
Dry, itchy, or scratchy eyes Redness and inflammation Blurred or diminished vision Sensitivity to light Irritability and mood swings Headaches and migraines
五,Natural Remedies for Alleviating Liver Fire
a. Diet Modifications: Aim to consume a balanced and nutritious diet that supports liver health and reduces liver fire. Incorporate cooling foods such as leafy greens, cucumber, celery, and watermelon. Avoid spicy, greasy, and processed foods that can exacerbate liver fire.
b. Herbal Supplements: Certain herbs, such as milk thistle, dandelion root, and burdock, can support liver detoxification and reduce liver fire symptoms. Consult with a healthcare professional or TCM practitioner for personalized guidance.
c. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture helps restore the flow of Qi in the body, promoting liver balance and reducing liver fire. TCM practitioners may prescribe specific herbal formulas and lifestyle recommendations to alleviate liver fire symptoms.
d. Stress Management Techniques: Engage in stress-reducing practices, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. These techniques can help calm the mind, reduce emotional stress, and indirectly impact liver fire symptoms.
e. Lifestyle Adjustments: Make necessary lifestyle adjustments, such as limiting alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, and practicing regular exercise. These lifestyle choices promote overall liver health and minimize the risk of liver fire.
Understanding the impact of liver fire on eye health is crucial for maintaining optimal vision and overall well-being. By addressing underlying causes, recognizing symptoms, and implementing natural remedies, you can alleviate liver fire symptoms and improve your eye care. Remember, a balanced diet, stress management, and healthy lifestyle choices are key contributors to maintaining liver health and reducing the adverse effects of liver fire.
We value your thoughts and experiences. Please leave your comments below and share this article with your friends to raise awareness about the impact of liver fire on eye health. Together, we can promote better eye care.
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dheemahi · 15 days
Holistic Healing for Rheumatoid Arthritis - An Ayurvedic Approach
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can be a challenging condition, but Ayurveda offers effective natural treatments to manage its symptoms. In Ayurveda, RA is seen as a result of an imbalance in Vata dosha and the accumulation of toxins (Ama) in the joints. This leads to inflammation, pain, and stiffness. Ayurvedic treatment focuses on balancing the doshas and removing toxins to restore health.
Panchakarma Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Panchakarma is a key Ayurvedic detoxification process designed to eliminate toxins and balance the body's doshas. Some of the most beneficial Panchakarma therapies for RA include:
Virechana (Therapeutic Purgation): This therapy helps cleanse the body, particularly the liver and gastrointestinal tract, reducing inflammation in the joints.
Basti (Medicated Enema): Using herbal decoctions and oils, Basti helps pacify Vata dosha and strengthen joint tissues, providing relief from RA symptoms.
Ayurvedic Massage and External Therapies
Abhyanga (Therapeutic Massage): Abhyanga involves the use of herbal oils to improve circulation, reduce pain, and promote tissue repair. Gentle massage techniques enhance joint lubrication, reducing friction and improving mobility.
External Applications: Herbal pastes, poultices, and hot fomentation are used to alleviate discomfort and inflammation in the joints.
Rasayana Therapy
Rasayana therapy focuses on rejuvenation and involves Ayurvedic formulations that boost immunity and support tissue regeneration. Herbs like Amalaki and Shatavari are particularly beneficial for maintaining joint health and vitality in individuals with RA.
Dietary and Lifestyle Modifications
Diet and lifestyle play a crucial role in managing RA according to Ayurveda. Recommendations include:
Eating warm, easily digestible foods and avoiding cold, heavy, or processed items that can aggravate Vata dosha.
Including anti-inflammatory spices such as turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon in the diet.
Engaging in gentle exercises like yoga, tai chi, and swimming to enhance joint flexibility and reduce stiffness.
Ayurvedic Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Diagnosing RA in Ayurveda involves a thorough assessment of the patient’s health, including:
Prakriti Assessment: Understanding an individual's natural constitution (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha) to determine their susceptibility to RA.
Vikriti Evaluation: Identifying the current doshic imbalance to tailor the treatment approach for RA.
Pulse Diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha): Analyzing the pulse to detect imbalances and disturbances related to RA.
Tongue and Eye Examination: Examining the tongue and eyes to identify signs of doshic imbalances and toxins in the body.
Assessment of Digestive Fire (Agni): Evaluating digestive strength to prevent toxin formation and maintain overall health.
Finding the Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis in Kerala
For those seeking comprehensive Ayurvedic treatment for RA, Dheemahi Ayurveda offers an excellent option. Known as the best Ayurveda hospital in Kerala, Dheemahi Ayurveda provides personalized care based on individual doshic imbalances and disease stages.
Their facilities, designed to enhance the healing process, offer a peaceful environment that promotes recovery. With expert doctors, authentic treatments, and an in-house pharmacy, Dheemahi Ayurveda ensures genuine and effective Ayurvedic treatment.
Additionally, Dheemahi Ayurveda is considered the best Ayurveda resort in Kerala, offering a holistic experience that supports overall health and well-being. Their approach combines professional care with personalized dietary and lifestyle recommendations to help individuals achieve holistic health and vitality.
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cnvbeautyhairgrowth · 3 years
Hair is a barometer of health: 5 signals appear, prompting to take good care of the body
Nowadays, young people like to make their hair weirdly shaped and colorful, which is very fashionable. If you have a Chinese medicine friend, she (he) will definitely advise you not to do this. The reason is that we can understand the health of the body from the hair. If the original color and shape of the hair are damaged, it is equivalent to closing the window to observe the condition.
1. Hair turns white
Lack of Qi and blood causes the hair to gradually turn white, which is a normal physiological phenomenon. But now many people, under the age of 40, have a lot of gray hair, which shows that their physical condition should be paid attention to.
The hair on the forehead is beginning to turn white, indicating that the stomach is aging. Because the stomach qi reaches to the forehead, emaciation will also appear on the face at this time, such as long forehead lines and crow's feet. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the gallbladder meridian starts at the corner of a person's eyes, runs along the sides of the person's head, and then along one side of the human body, all the way to the little toe and the four toes of the foot. Therefore, when the courage is insufficient, the hair on the two temples of a person gradually turns white. Another characteristic is that he likes to scratch his head on the temples, which is the place where the gallbladder passes. The bladder meridian is a meridian that can enter the brain, and then due to the aging of the bladder gas, the hair on the back of the brain will turn white.
Of course, hair whitening has a certain relationship with mood and living conditions. If a person combs each hair carefully, his mood must be happy and leisurely; if his hair is messy like grass and messy like a bird's nest, then it is likely that his life is in trouble, or his thoughts are lost. And depressed.
"Three thousand feet of white hair, sadness looks like long", it is well known that sadness produces white hair. When Wu Zixu passed Zhaoguan, his hair turned white overnight, which was related to the bad mood of grief and anger. So young people who want to have dark hair must control their emotions.
2. Hair loss
Hair growth has a cycle of growth and aging, and natural physiological hair loss actually occurs every day. But some hair loss is caused by pathological factors. For young people, baldness is more common, also called "ghost shave." Traditional Chinese medicine believes that there are three main reasons: one is blood heat injures the yin, the yin and blood do not go to the top to nourish the hair roots, and the hair will fall off if the hair is weak; Roots will gradually be corroded and hair will fall off; thirdly, eating too much sweets and too loose sweets, and eating sweets regularly will affect the astringent function of the kidneys, and weaken the astringent qi, which will cause hair loss.
In addition, baldness is also closely related to stress and emotions. If a person thinks too much and feels frustrated, he will lose a lot of hair.
3. Hair growth rate
The liver controls the growth of hair, and the liver controls the storage of blood. The growth rate of hair is related to liver qi. If your hair grows fast, it means you have enough liver qi. Such people are usually very smart, responsive, and they can also develop strategies. On the contrary, if the hair grows slowly, it means that the liver qi is insufficient. Common symptoms include cold hands and feet, pale complexion and so on.
4. Dandruff
When the kidney essence cannot tolerate virtual fire, it always floats on it when it becomes inflamed. After a long time, the blood on the scalp will gradually decrease, and the scalp will not be moisturized, and dandruff will occur. We know that vinegar shampoo can effectively remove dandruff, which is actually the astringent effect of vinegar. Acid is the main astringent, which can reduce the virtual fire and gather yin and yang. So, if you suffer from dandruff, try a vinegar shampoo. In addition, it should be noted that when washing your hair, you should first pour the shampoo in your hands, rub the foam, and then apply it to your hair instead of pouring the shampoo directly on your head. Because shampoo without foam can irritate the scalp, it is easy to form dandruff or aggravate dandruff.
5. Hair density and color
Hair is the essence of the kidney and the external manifestation of the kidney. The kidney is mainly black, so whether the hair is black is closely related to the quality of the kidney. In addition, the moisturizing and thickening of hair is also related to the kidneys. The kidneys control convergence. If a person's kidney qi converges well, his hair will be black and thick. On the contrary, if the kidney is weak, the qi cannot converge very well, and it is easy to lose hair.
To replenish vitality, you must first regulate your stomach qi
Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are closely related to the qi and blood of the human body. Only when the spleen and stomach functions are normal, the qi in the human body can grow and be enriched. When people eat cereals, fruits, vegetables, eggs, and birds, they must enter the stomach. All organs of the human body get nourishment from the stomach.
If the spleen and stomach are damaged and dysfunctional, it will damage the vitality and severely affect the whole body and cause illness. We all know that a light diet is for health preservation. But it should be emphasized that the prerequisites for a light diet are: the diet should be diversified, the staple food is mainly cereals; eat more fruits and vegetables; often eat milk, beans and appropriate amounts of fish, poultry, eggs, and lean meat. Only in this way can it be ensured that nutrients such as protein and fat in the diet meet the basic needs of the human body. On this basis, it is advocated to reduce the amount of salt, control the intake of fat and salt, so as to nourish the stomach and protect the stomach, and truly promote health.
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allenmendezsr · 3 years
Heal Your Dog Naturally
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Heal Your Dog Naturally
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    To:      Devoted dog owners who want their pets poor health            improved once and for all…
From:   Sara Rooney BHSc. ND., DC, DASc., GDSc. (Hons) Zoology, MATMS, MHATO.
           Canine Naturopath, Naturopathic Physician, Research Scientist &            Zoologist
Subject:  A Unique ebook That Provides Solutions So That You Can
               Heal Your Dog Rapidly & Easily & Save Money At The Same
Sara Rooney BHSc. ND., DC, DASc., GDSc. (Hons) Zoology, MATMS, MHATO. Canine Naturopath, Naturopathic Physician, Research Scientist & Zoologist
Dear Dog Owner,
Are you sick and tired of …
Knowing that the medications you are giving your dog are probably only treating their symptoms and not their real problems?
Being concerned that the drugs that you are giving your pet may have serious side effects?
Worrying that you don’t know enough about how to treat your dog yourself and be able to help them live a longer, healthier, happier life?
Being concerned that the underlying causes of your much-loved dog’s health problems are not being addressed?
Always looking for answers to treat your dog in a safe, rapid and effective way but don’t know how?
Well Don’t Worry, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
I know it may be hard to believe … but after
treating dogs for many years, you could be on the verge of safely and effectively treating your
dog’s health problems for good – like thousands of other pet owners have … so
that they respond more rapidly and more remarkably than they ever have
Imagine:  Feeling a huge sense of achievement that you are treating your dog in the safest way possible, avoiding all toxic drugs (unless they are absolutely necessary) and better still, you are addressing the underlying causes of their health problems – not just giving them drugs to stop their symptoms.
Imagine:  How you will feel when your dog’s health problems have totally gone and they are so much happier and able to live longer, more contented lives without any more pain and suffering.
My name is Sara Rooney and I am a fully qualified Canine Naturopath, Naturopathic Physician, Zoologist and Research Scientist here in South Australia.  I have helped thousands of pets all around the world through ‘Naturopathic Animal Services’ (www.animalnaturopath.com.au). 
From more than 20 years of treating dogs with natural medicines and doing enough scientific research at university to just about make me go cross-eyed …
… I Discovered The Most Common Cause of Almost ALL Dog’s Health Problems … AND … Developed Natural, Safe & Effective Treatment Programs That Can Help Dogs Live Happier and Healthier Lives
You see, as a research scientist, I have never just been content to treat dog’s presenting symptoms without identifying the underlying causes.  In other words, working out WHY the dog has the symptoms or the disease in the first place.  And reversing these causes.
That’s why you won’t find another book like mine on the market … because most practitioners don’t have a clue what caused the dog’s health disorders.  They only know what to prescribe to STOP the SYMPTOMS!
Unfortunately, just treating your dog’s symptoms does nothing to actually heal your pet though.  At best … it just suppresses their symptoms.  At worst – it will cause a more serious disease or more severe symptoms than they had before … and cost you a lot of money in the process.
The treatment programs in my book were born from my love of animals and of helping others look after their pets in the best possible way.  My Purpose is to empower you by giving you powerful information so you don’t need to be dependent on others for your dog’s health. 
It puts you back in charge of their health 
You will learn how to identify the REAL causes of your dog’s health problems
You will get REAL solutions to heal your dog
Something that seems impossible to find out these days.
I set out to systematize the information I gathered.  So now … just about anyone could pop open this ebook and instantly begin to use the sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, professionally experienced and clinically validated treatment programs it contains.  They’ve been proven to work by dog owners all around the world … over and over again.
… Plain English and Extremely Helpful…
“I found your wonderful book over the weekend and it has helped me to understand my girl’s problems. I have gained a lot of information from your book and the extra informative booklets – they are excellent about how to help my girls. It is in plain English and extremely helpful. Thank you.”
Kind regards
Faye Wall
Vic. Australia
… From depressed to playful & very, very happy …
“Muffy is a purebred Maltese who suffered red tear-stained eyes and repeated occurrences of vomiting, diarrhoea and gastric pain. He had been depressed and tired for a few months culminating in another one of these episodes. Muffy is like a new dog. He is playful, full of energy and very, very happy. Thank you so much Sara. If it weren’t for you, Muffy would not be the new boy he is and be able to play like a puppy with his new brother Sammy.”
Robyn Kay
Mount George, South Australia
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Here Is A Small Sample Of What You Will Learn When You Download Your Copy Of “Heal Your Dog Naturally” Today:
Easily Identify The True Causes Of Your Dog’s Health Problems – Not Just Their Symptoms How To Cure the Underlying Causes Of Your Pet’s Health Problems – So That They Can Be Healed Permanently Rapidly Reverse Agonizing Conditions Such As Inflamed Skin Disorders, Joint Pain, Yeast Infections, Recurrent Ear Infections And Many Other Common Health Disorders In Your Dog That Cause Them So Much Suffering How To Stop Relying On Dangerous Steroids That May Shorten Your Dog’s Life  – Genuine Knowledge To Last a Lifetime Eradicate The Primary Causes Of Your Dog’s Health Problems So You Can Prevent Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Autoimmune Disorders and Every Other Disease In Your Precious Dog Save Hundreds Of Dollars In Vet Bills By Treating Your Pet At Home Learn How To Feed Your Dog Real Food From Home – Rather Than Rely On Expensive, Shop-Bought, Commercial Pet Food That Could Be Driving Your Dog To An Early Grave Understand How You Can Easily Help Your Dog To Live A Long, Happy And Healthy Life Eradicate Your Pet’s Health Disorders With Tried & Tested Naturopathic Treatment Protocols For Yeast Infections, Joint Pain, Ear Infections, Digestive & Liver Problems, Allergies, Skin Disorders, Diabetes, Autoimmune Diseases, And Much, Much More
Find Out How Sara Rooney Has Healed Dog’s All Around The World Faster Than People Ever Thought Possible – Without Ever Having To Use Drugs
… Puzzle Finally Solved …
“Sara, I can’t thank you enough for helping Emmy. She continuously suffered from itchy skin and ear infections before using your advice.
The puzzle is finally solved and so are all her problems!
Thank you so much Sara.”
Maureen Collins
Real Solutions for the True Underlying Causes of Your Pet’s Problems!
Remember … I am not some fly by night “guru” offering you a quick-fix, get rich scheme or a stay at home pet owner just trying to get your cash by trying to sell you some ‘magic potion’. 
This Work is My Life. 
I have studied hundreds of thousands of hours to get my qualifications (Canine Naturopath, Naturopathic Physician, Scientist, Zoologist), researched health, naturopathic medicine and the animal sciences for over 20 years and most importantly, treated dogs like yours all around the world, through ‘Naturopathic Animal Services’ www.animalnaturopath.com.au and helped them achieve excellent health without the use of potentially toxic drugs.
… written theory is nothing until you have put it into real life practice:  measuring, testing and learning from mistakes that is the true school of life.  AND the best part is you get to reap all the benefits at the click of a button. 
No HYPE (just treatment programs that work)
No more surfing the insane maze known as the internet, and
No more wondering will this work for me
If you want solutions for your pet that don’t take years to figure out … and cost thousands of dollars.  Then, this is the solution for you (because I’ve already been through all that for you!).
Introducing … 
“Heal Your Dog Naturally”
You Will Discover…
What the Number One Cause of Almost ALL Disease Is!
Why Disease is SO preventable (For humans too!)
How You Can Save $$$$ From Less Visits to the Vet
The Easy Way To Eliminate Allergies Forever
The Absolute Best Supplements To Give Your Pet
What is Responsible for So Many Illnesses in Dogs
What Scientists Claim is like a Slow Acting Poison Yet a Huge Number of Dogs Worldwide Would Be Affected
How To Treat Yeast Infections Safely & Permanently
Which Plant Medicine Has Over 10 Beneficial Functions In The Body Including Significant Roles In The Prevention and Treatment Of Cancer And Cardiovascular Disease
What You Should Never Feed Your Dog
Effective Treatments For Arthritis – The Best Supplements To Use
Which Nutrient Has the Potential to Inhibit Cataract Formation in Diabetic Animals, Help Balance Insulin Levels and Help Protect Pancreatic Cells from Free Radical Damage
Why Your Dog May Be Anxious & What You Can Do To Help Them Relax
How You Can Eliminate Worms Naturally, Easily & Effectively
Some Great Ways to Boost Your Dog’s Immune System
Why Your Dog Might Suffer From Constipation & How To Treat Them Easily
What an Ageing Dog Should be Given to Help Them Maintain Good Health
Which Vitamin is Destroyed Once Exposed to Light, Heat and Air & Therefore Usually Requires Supplementing in the Diet
Why It’s Easier For a Fat Dog to Get Even Fatter & The Best Ways to Help Your Pet Lose Weight
What it Means When Your Dog Eats Grass or Dirt And What You Can Do About It
How You Can Safely Provide A Lifetime of Safe and Nutritious Food, Even If You Know Nothing About Dog Nutrition Now
Why Dogs Get Hay Fever
How To Treat Ear Infections Rapidly & Easily
Whether a Dog Eating Its Own Faeces is Healthy or Not
What’s Wrong With Most Dog Collars
How to Prepare Your Dog For Surgery To Give Them the Best Chance of Avoiding Infection And Side Effects
What the Two Most Potent, Scientifically Proven, Plant Medicines Are for the Treatment Of Dangerous Protozoan Organisms Without the Side Effects of Pharmaceutical Drugs
For Too Long Now,  I Have Witnessed So Many Sick Pets That Have Only Had Their Symptoms Treated, And I Felt It Was Time To Let People Know About The Real Causes Of Their Pets Problems So They Would Have The Opportunity To Treat Them Completely And Permanently.
Just Prescribing Animals Drugs To Suppress Their Symptoms Does Not Usually Offer Them Any Long-Term Solutions And Can Cause Them Even More Problems.
The Underlying Causes Of Your Dog’s Health Disorders Need To Be Addressed So That Your Pet’s Problems Can Be Treated At Their Very Core – Not Just On The Surface.  After Many Years Of Trial And Error And Finding Out What Works And What Doesn’t, The Most Effective Treatments For Common Health Disorders Have Been Identified And Can Be Found In This eBook.
Through Many Years Of Research And Clinical Experience, I Have Identified The True Causes Of Most Dog’s Health Problems.  It Doesn’t Matter Whether They Are Suffering From Skin Problems, Joint Pain, Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Infections, Autoimmune Disorders – Almost All Health Problems Can Be Treated Using An Effective System Of Healing That I Have Established.
Packed With Cutting-Edge And Vitally Useful Information, “Heal Your Dog Naturally” Takes You On A Guided Tour of How to Heal Your Dog In The  Most Rapid and Profound Ways.  It Covers The Real Causes Of Your Dog’s Health Problems, Nutritional Advice, Herbal Treatments, Nutrient Therapies, and Much, Much More, So That You Are Able To Help Restore Balance To Your Dog’s Health Again.
The Principle Naturopathic Philosophy On Healing Is That The Body Has The Ability To Heal Itself, When It Is In Balance – Even From Major Illnesses Such As Cancer.  This Book Shows You How You Can Easily Help Bring Your Dogs Health Back In To Balance, To Allow It To Repair Itself.
In Fact, Many Scientists Claim That When The Body Is In Balance, It Doesn’t Suffer From Allergies or Skin Conditions, Cancer or Heart Disease, Diabetes or Thyroid Problems or Any Other Diseases – As All Of These Disorders Are Simply Signs That There Is Some Kind Of Imbalance In The Body.  This Book Will Help You Identify The Cause Of Your Dogs Imbalance And Help You To Reverse and Correct It As Quickly As Possible.  Treating Your Dogs Underlying Problems Will Give Your Pet The Best Possible Chance Of A Complete Recovery, Rather Than Just Temporary Relief From Their Symptoms.
If You Are Looking For Clinically-Proven, Safe And Effective Ways To Help Treat Your Pet Quickly And Naturally – Then This Is The Book For You!
I’m not exaggerating when I say that this book (& Sara’s advice) has saved Igor’s life! After many months of tests, Igor was diagnosed with SLE (auto-immune disease) and the vets put him on cortisone and told us that’s all they could offer him.
They warned us that he will not see old age and that autoimmune diseases were common in bull mastiffs – not very helpful or positive advice. The vets also didn’t know ‘why’ Igor got the disease – maybe they should read this book then they might learn something!
To look at Igor now – You would never know he had been so ill!
His skin is now excellent and he is 100% symptom-free.
Every dog owner in the world should read this book! 
Jim Bower,
Bathurst, NSW. Australia
If You Have Wasted Money On So-Called “Expert” Books On Health For Your Dog – That Simply Didn’t Deliver What You Really Needed To Know…………… Or, You Have Paid Good Money For Books Written Only By Amateur Pet Owners With No Clinical Or Scientific Knowledge ……… Or, You Are Interested In Really Solving Your Pet’s Health Problems Once And For All And You Want To Avoid Huge Vet Bills, Then You Can’t Afford Not To Buy This Book!
Never before have I read a book that offers so much information that can truly help dogs. I have bought many books over the years about natural healing but they all just offer basic advice on treating different disorders. This is entirely different! Sure it offers treatment advice for various problems but more importantly it provides real answers about the actual causes of disease – not just feeble advice on how to treat the symptoms. It will be my “No. 1” reference book from now on! This book totally changes the way I look at disease altogether – I can’t wait for Sara to write more books on health!
Veronica Robertson
Natural animal therapist
Epsom, UK
Imagine How You Will Feel When Your Dog Has All The Health, Wellbeing & Vitality That They Had When They Were Puppies….When They Are Running Around Totally Pain-Free And Blissfully Happy To Be Alive. Your Pet Does Not Need To Suffer From Agonizing Skin Conditions, Joint Pain, Recurrent Infections, Digestive Problems Or Any Other Health Disorders A Minute Longer!
Think Of The Satisfaction You Will Get From Knowing You Have Given Your Pet The Best Chance of Living a Longer, Happier, Healthier and Pain-Free Life!
Please note: This is not a hard copy book. After payment, you will be able to download ‘Heal Your Dog Naturally’ to your computer straight away.
Our 6 yo boxer, Milly, was diagnosed with a candida infection which had ‘No known cause’ – and this book explains exactly how she got it! We then followed the diet and treatment advice given in the book and Milly’s candida is now totally gone! No more itching! Her skin is now beautiful; her energy has returned; and best of all she is happy again. We now understand what we need to feed our dogs; what supplements we need to give them both and how we can prevent a whole host of other problems from developing. “Heal Your Dog Naturally” delivered everything we needed to know and more! Thank You Sooo Much Sara!
Linda Carlton
At Last … Now You Can Help Stop Your Dog’s Pain And Suffering Rapidly and Safely …Without Drugs and Without Leaving Home – And, As A Bonus, You May Help Prevent the Onset Of Future Disease in Your Dog Using The Information In This Book.
“Heal Your Dog Naturally” Reveals The Safest Methods For Treating Pain, Inflammation And Other Distressing Conditions In Your Dog …
This Is Not Just Another Book On How To Treat Skin Conditions, Yeast Infections Or Joint Pain In Your Dog, …….Nor Is it Just A Book on The Correct Diet For Your Dog….It Is ALL of That And Much, Much More!
If you are even remotely interested in learning the truth about the underlying cause of your dog’s health problems and finding out how to reverse these problems once and for all – you owe it to your beloved pet to at least read the information in “Heal Your Dog Naturally”.
Remember, just “Thinking” about your dog’s problems will never heal them or provide them with the opportunity for a long, healthy and happy life.
Your Dog Deserves To Live A Happy Life,
Free Of Pain.
Clive was suffering from severe arthritis and his vet had him on pain killers and anti-inflammatory medications and said he needed to be on these for the rest of his life.
NOT GOOD ENOUGH! We wanted other answers.
We wanted to know ‘What’ was causing his arthritis – not just ply him with pain killers for the rest of his days. He’s way too precious for that. This book gave us all the answers and, better still – provided us with a successful treatment plan that DOESN”T cause more problems than what it treats.
We can’t thank Sara enough for what she has done for Clive. No more pain. No more digestive problems and way more energy! Our beautiful boy is happy again!
Barbara Langston,
Dover, Delaware
This Could Be YOUR Dog Soon Too!
More And More Dogs Are Now Suffering From Serious Health Problems Than Ever Before – Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Joint Conditions, Skin Problems, Autoimmune Disorders …And At Much Younger Ages! The Truth Is That Most Conventional Drug Therapies Do Not Treat The Underlying Causes Of Any Of These Problems And In Some Cases They Cause Even Greater Problems Than Your Pet Originally Suffered From – Resulting In Long-Term Damage To Your Pet’s Health.
Fast, Effective And Permanent Relief For Your Pets
“Heal Your Dog Naturally” provides both clinical and scientific advice that may assist you to treat conditions in your dog which may help them to live healthier, longer and happier lives. 
It provides the guardians of animals, not with more theory – but with advice that can be used to treat the real causes of their pet’s health problems as well as provide advice on how to give their pets fast, effective and permanent relief from pain and symptoms. Not only can this significantly increase the quality of life for their dogs but it may also help to extend their life.
“Canine Skin Conditions – Treating Them The Natural Way”
“Canine Cancer – Treating Them The Natural Way”
“Natural Treats For Dogs – Easy To Make Recipes That Your Dog Will Love”
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drniteshkhonde · 4 years
Why Ayurvedic Treatment For Gynaecology is Trustworthy?
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Gynecology is the process or part of physiology and medication which manages the functions and ailments exclusively for ladies and girls, particularly those who experience reproduction issues, as it helps to repair menstrual issues from its main causes and again.
 What Ayurveda is?
 Ayurveda is an ages-old antique Vedic medication framework that has its foundations settled in the Indian subcontinent. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit term that means 'study of life and life span'. 'Ayur' signifies life, as well as 'Veda', signifies information. It is the main practice on the planet that follows preventive and curative strategies. The base of Ayurvedic science is to adjust the body, psyche, and soul.
 How does it work?
 As indicated by Ayurveda, every individual is brought into the world with daily existing powers that contain the five components or building squares of nature which are Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Space accordingly.
 Ayurveda has an interesting equalization of these five components in different degrees. This equalization of components is known as a Dosha. There are three essential doshas: Kapha, Pitta, Vata
 Great health is viewed as an ideal condition of harmony between these three doshas.
 Bad eating routine, stress, curbed feelings, and lacking activity are the components that harm one's doshic balance. Henceforth, to keep up the health and great well-being, an individual needs to shuffle with the three doshas and grow or shrink them as conditions request. In basic words, well-being implies balance and order, though sickness implies imbalance and disorder.
 Ayurveda for Women:
 For a large number of years, Ayurveda has given aware and steady answers for ladies in each phase of life for reestablishing and keeping up the stability of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It is said that we reestablish harmony just when we are cheerful in our brains, fit in our bodies, and fulfilled in our lives!
 Subsequently, by seeing how Ayurveda sees ladies and their Kapha, Vatta, pitta needs during their significant life stages, to be specific: pregnancy, periods, menopause and post-delivery period, we, in Ayurveda conceived answers for menstrual medical problems like period torment, postponed periods, PCOD and white release.
 Understanding the Core of Ayurveda for Treating Problems Related To Women:
 Gynecology is a medication area that centers around ladies' well-being issues and the endless physical difficulties they face in their daily routine. Probably the most well-known gynecology issues incorporate pimples, white release, unusual menstrual cycle, vaginal tingling, pelvic torment, infectivity, and inefficiency, fibroids as well as the painful menstrual cycle. Each of these issues is an aftereffect of ill-advised food, way of life, and routine.
 Ayurveda is the Best treatment for unusual Menstrual Cycle, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Treatment and Irregular Menstruation
 As per Ayurveda, gynecology issues are separated into two areas, 'Prasuti Tantra' and 'Stree Rogam'. 'Prasuti Tantra' is an ages-old science obliging pregnancy-related issues and 'Stree Rogam' is a study of Ayurveda taking into account different ladies well-being issues
 In both cases, the main reason for these medical problems in ladies is because of the unevenness of pitta, Kapha, and Vata doshas. Regardless of whether it is the irregular period treatment or some other type of treatment, no alternative is superior to Ayurveda and for ayurvedic treatments, Nagpur is an all-time favorite option due to the best gynecologist in Nagpur with their best strategies, knowledge, and treatments.
 Some Common Gynecological Disorders :
 Probably the most widely recognized sorts of gynecology medical problems are:
 •  Early menopause
•  Uterine Bleeding
•  Impotency
•  Amenorrhoea
•  Endometritis
•  Pelvic Varicosities
•  Vaginal Infection
•  Oligomenorrhoea
•  Uterine Fibroids
•  Hormonal Imbalances
•  Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
•  Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases
Causes of Gynecological Disorders :
 The absolute most basic reasons for gynecology issues include:
 •  Injury
•  Sexual misuse
•  Vaginal aggravation
•  Early pubescence
•  Hormonal irregularity
•  Blood cluster
•  Birth control pills
•  Tubal pregnancy
•  Cancer
•  Use of Intrauterine device
•  Weak pelvic area
•  Improper food and lifestyle
•  Excessive sweating
 Symptoms of Gynecology Disorders:
 The most widely recognized signs for gynecologic issues include:
 •  Itching in the vaginal territory
•  Pelvic torment
•  White or earthy colored vaginal release
•  Discomfort in the vaginal territory
•  Pain and bumps in the bosom
•  Excessive vaginal dying
•  Depression
•  Lower back agony
•  Flatulence
•  Insomnia
•  Nausea
•  Menstrual squeezing
•  Edema
•  Fatigue
•  Irritability
•  Red eyes
•  Burning sensation
Ayurvedic Treatment for Gynecology issues:
 There are numerous cures and solutions for ladies related medical issues however since immemorial time, Ayurveda has demonstrated the most gainful. The absolute most ideal choices for Ayurvedic gynecological treatments are:
 •  Virechana: The treatment attempts to remove the aggregation of Pita dosha.
•  Vamana: The treatment attempts to evacuate poisons shaped in the body through puking.
•  Uttaravasti: This works best for bladder issues.
•  Nasya: Treatment is performed through the nasal course to evacuate poisons.
•  Panchakarma: This treatment works for detoxification and refinement.
 Besides, numerous spices of herb pull wondrous outcomes when utilized for treating gynecology issues which include:
 •  Herbs for Cervix Relaxation: Natural herb like mourn leaf, parsley leaf, and tansy leaves.
•  Syrups for cervix Infections: Herbs as dandelion, ginger, and raspberry.
•  Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: turmeric, Cinnamon, zinc, chromium, berberine, and cod liver oil.
•  Hormone Balancing Herbs: Herb as a lemon ointment, wild sweet potato, milk, and thorn.
 For the best ayurvedic treatment gynaecology, one must focus on the best gynecologist in Nagpur to give you the best administrations with affirmation and positive thinking.
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nightsongalchemy · 4 years
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Nothing could have prepared me for this… Nothing could’ve prepared for me for the amount of trauma and fighting I would have had to endure over the past three years of my life fighting chronic illness and conditions. Although there have been so many happy memories since my health crisis in June of 2017, the amount of tears I’ve cried could easily fill an ocean.
I’ve seen between thirty and forty doctors over the past three years. One doctor diagnosed Lyme, another diagnosed Fibromyalgia, another said Intestinal Permeability Syndrome, yet another said Gittleman’s Syndrome, a few had different diagnoses, but most either had absolutely no idea what was going on. One said it was genetics so I would be stuck this way for the rest of my life. Another conventional doctor even told me it was all idiopathic! I was shamed by three different doctors when I wanted to get the #MirenaIUD removed which was directly related to all of the problems I was having. It took my own perseverance, research, and self diagnosing with the help of Anthony William’s, the Medical Medium, information to take on the chaos that was my health.
Summer of 2017 my body went into a health crisis. Since then, my days have been spent surviving the fallout of an extremely aggressive late-stage Epstein-Barr Virus, heavy metal toxicity, low-grade streptococcus, and a severe reaction to the Mirena IUD. My immune system was broken, hormones imbalanced, and my body was starved of glucose due to a doctor prescribed ketogenic diet.
My symptoms included seizures, dementia, memory loss, chronic brain fog, compromised immune system, muscle weakness and numbness, chronic fatigue, nerve spasms/twitching, cramps through hands and feet, confusion, hallucinations, disorientation, mood swings, diminished cognitive function, inability to think or accomplish simple tasks, irrational thoughts and personality changes, crying spells, severe depression, anxiety, panic attacks, dizziness, vertigo, slurred speech and stuttering, migraines, inner ear pain, tinnitus, heart palpitations, TMJ, nausea, chronic pain all over, un-healing arm/hand tendon injuries, un-healing knee injuries, un-healing pinched/injured nerves, hair loss, acne, rosacea, sensitivity to light, disordered eating, loss of perception of passing time, extremely painful periods (endometriosis), PMS, constantly getting the cold/flu/sinus infections, systemic allergy attacks, digestive disorders, constant bloating, constant belching, intestinal cramps/spasms, low hydrophilic acid, eye floaters, light and sound sensitivity, weight gain, insatiable hunger, sluggish liver, food and chemical sensitivities, night terrors, and edema. Then, after a couple years being beaten down and fighting - PTSD.
Good news is that a lot of these symptoms have disappeared, bad news is I still fight most of these symptoms every day just to a much lesser degree. It’s been a long road and a roller coaster since I started the Medical Medium protocols August of 2017 wherein the symptoms would constantly take three steps forward and two steps back. Enduring the symptoms, detoxing, and the viral flare-ups have been beyond a traumatizing nightmare. Traveling long distances as a passenger in a car is a ride of vertigo and vestibular seizures. Pain in general, pain from old endometriosis surgeries gone wrong that never healed properly, repetitive injury pain, and too much stress often trigger seizures as well. I have good days and I have bad days. Some days I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. If you see me and I look fine, I’m most likely doing everything in my power to hide the pain, suffering, and trauma.
However, the most disheartening trauma that has come of all of this - after almost three years of fighting and working through the pain from the tendinosis in both arms, pinched nerve in the left elbow, and the injured thumb tendon/joint on my right hand - I have been forced to stop tattooing, drawing, painting, playing the harp, and most computer work entirely until I heal the injuries. Most of my correspondences, including this one, are talk to text. I can’t spend a lot of time in front of a keyboard and I can barely hold a pencil. This has been devastating. This whole update has taken weeks to fully write out with my limited abilities.
Working consistently with an occupational/physical therapist for the past four months, I’m refusing to give up. Even as I write this, I feel fire and positivity running through my veins. With a smile on my face I will rise from the ashes, and I will continue to work as hard as I can through diet, supplements, gentle exercise, heat/ice, stretches, acupuncture, chiropractic, and massage until my injuries are fully healed and my health is fully restored. I will continue to be the artist and musician I was always meant to be. It all comes down to a matter… of time.
Until then, my tattoo and illustration books need to remain closed until the tendon injuries heal. I’m so very sorry to all of you beautiful clients waiting to get your tattoos started or finished. It breaks my heart everyday. I’m sorry to all of you who are waiting patiently for your illustration commissions as well. I’m so very sorry for all of this. For those of you who still have appointments scheduled, I’m still playing it day by day until I’m cleared by my physical therapist, so I’ll continue to be in touch about rescheduling. Martin Velez Human, the tattoo artist I’ve been working with at Gypsy Moon Custom Tattoo, has been a God sent while my injuries have been healing! If you’re looking to get a tattoo in the near future, please send me a message and I’ll set you up with a consultation with him.
By the grace of God, I’m still continuing to make music with my band, Sweet Maple Singers. Although for the time being I cannot play the harp, I will keep singing my heart out. I’ve taken this time to receive vocal training and work hard with my beautiful fiancé and bandmate, Robbie Mann, to strengthen our vocal performance, harmonies, and arrangements to give all of you the best show we can. Being able to sing and make music with him and Ryan Cramer the past few weeks has given me new hope and the drive to keep on fighting for my life. I honestly don’t know what I would do without you two.
Thank you to all my incredible friends, family, clientele and future clients for all of your unwavering patience, understanding, support, and love. I don’t know what I did to be so blessed. If you can spare a little prayer for speedy healing and recovery it would mean the world to me. For those of you suffering with chronic symptoms or conditions - please don’t give up and know you’re not alone. Take it one day at a time, have compassion for yourselves, and know you will heal. I love all of you so much, and may your day be blessed with enchantment and magick!
Love your elven bard,
#keepsmiling #nevergiveup #risingfromtheashes #medicalmedium #medicalmediumprotocols #healingchronicillness #healthwarrior
(at Gypsy Moon Custom Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8rXcZOHPY1/?igshid=14v8krjy6zhxi
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Say Goodbye to Burning Eyes with This Surprising Solution!
Discover the Unexpected Remedy That Banishes Eye Discomfort and Excessive Liver Fire
Hook: Tired of waking up with burning eyes? Find out how to douse the flames and bring relief to your peepers with a simple, natural solution!
Do your eyes often feel like they're on fire after a night of indulgence and endless scrolling? You're not alone! Irregular lifestyles, spicy diets, and late nights can leave us with that familiar burning sensation. But fear not, there's hope on the horizon, and it involves an unexpected hero… wild chrysanthemums!
🌼The Mighty Power of Wild Chrysanthemums🌼
While lack of sleep and too much liver fire are the main culprits behind those fiery eyes, our beloved electronic companions have also contributed to the discomfort. The good news is that wild chrysanthemums can come to the rescue! Miraculously, these fragrant and flavorful flowers have the power to alleviate the symptoms caused by excessive liver fire and electronic usage.
Unleash the Power of Wild Chrysanthemum
Not all chrysanthemums are created equal, but wild chrysanthemums are in a league of their own. Just imagine, all it takes is 5-6 petals steeped in a cup of hot water to enjoy their soothing benefits throughout the day. Talk about convenient, right? So say goodbye to those pesky side effects that come with medicines and embrace the natural goodness of wild chrysanthemums.
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Experience relief from dry eyes with the power of wild chrysanthemum. Discover how this natural remedy can soothe and hydrate your eyes, providing much-needed relief. Try it today!
A Sip a Day Keeps the Flames at Bay
I'll admit, I used to dread waking up with burning eyes after a night of burning the midnight oil. But after just three days of incorporating wild chrysanthemum tea into my morning routine, I started to feel the magic happening. Those burning sensations slowly faded away, and my eyes felt refreshed and cool once again.
Caution: Not for the Chilly Stomachs
Before you get too excited and stock up on these incredible petals, there's a small caveat. Wild chrysanthemums are known for their cooling properties, which means they may not be suitable for women with cold stomachs or those going through their menstrual periods. It's always best to consult with your healthcare provider to ensure you're choosing the right remedy for your body.
Choose the Natural Route
Sure, bezoar detoxification may provide temporary relief, but relying on it long-term can come with its own set of side effects. So why not opt for a more holistic approach? Let wild chrysanthemums be your ultimate ally in clearing away the fire within, keeping those burning eyes at bay without any nasty consequences.
Quote: "Give your eyes the gift of soothing relief. Nature has the power to heal, so sip on the magic of wild chrysanthemums and let your eyes dance with delight." - Unknown
Remember, good sleep is still essential, but a little help from nature never hurts. So go ahead, indulge in the power of wild chrysanthemums and bid farewell to burning eyes for good. Your peepers deserve it! 🌼👀🔥
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17 Superstars We'd Love to Recruit for Our Accua Whether Team
TCM success with diabetes is measured by way of a drop in blood glucose levels too, but can be accomplished by reconciling all the frustrations that a individual poses with. Type 1 diabetics cannot create insulin and thus it has to be supplemented every day. Herbal medication is a significant element of the treatment of diabetes.
As a consequence of recent findings, researchers conclude that a blend of electroacupuncture with an insulin sensitiser might be a new treatment for type two diabetes. The glucose enters the bloodstream and after that, with the aid of insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas), provides energy for the cells of the human body. While diabetes cannot be cured completely, it's possible to keep blood glucose levels in check.
Acupressure for diabetes is rather effective if you know the ideal place to press. A number of studies have shown acupuncture to operate in pain control. To understand the fundamentals of acupuncture, it is going to help to get familiar with the acupuncture points graph.
With this type, acupuncture points behave as markers to inject blossoms right into the website. Contemporary acupuncture is getting increasingly more popular to deal with an range of health ailments. He or she'll turn you into a unique, special formula tailored for your requirements.
Numerous therapeutic methods could be combined to make a holistic effect. Even something as easy as a minor variation of diet based on an comprehension of which foods help or hinder the system may have a surprising effect. Furthermore, there are several groundbreaking studies showing that acupuncture can even be useful in treating complex problems like infertility and a host of other difficult difficulties.
With respect to acupressure for diabetes, you might apply pressure underneath your huge toe. A comprehensive summary of acupuncture and the way it works is extended in the journal Diabetes Spectrum. So, it's highly a good idea to press all of the acupressure points to get diabetes supplied in this article religiously for 3 months for optimum results together with on-going therapy.
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Diabetes condition can cause additional urination. Cancer survivors are the very first to minimize the anxiety, exercise, and also boost their nutrition.
From that point, if important symptoms are relieved, patients proceed https://iacupressurepointsguide.com to a maintenance program of every month or so to each month or two. Complications include kidney damage, often resulting in dialysis, eye damage, which might lead to blindness, or an greater risk for cardiovascular disease or stroke. It is said to begin with gut fire and suitable digestion may reduce this problem.
However thin you're, it is still possible to get Acupuncture Points For Diabetes Type 2. Stomach Point is similarly very powerful. Intestine Point is quite useful for Diabetes.
Researchers don't fully exercise the function of genetics in the increase of diabetes. 1 analysis indicates that it might be beneficial people with type two diabetes to utilize. Acupuncture and Type 1 Diabetes Lots of men and women can not be conscious there are several varieties of diabetes.
The area close to your wrist below the small finger is the pressure point that's excellent for the heart. Knees are extremely closely connected to the digestive system for a whole. It's possible for you to trace the job of liver-3 acupressure point at stake between the big and little toe.
The huge blood vessel may also be damaged. In order to reach the very best result, treatments lasting more than one month are far better than the ones for less than one month. One other important aspect when treating diabetes is developing a support group of healthcare professionals.
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Face Mapping: Skin Vs Health
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In spite of major advancements in technologies like MRI and X-Ray, there are some ancient medical practitioners who use observational diagnosis techniques to quickly identify and narrow down the symptoms of imbalances inside the body in order to prevent or cure upcoming diseases. Face Mapping, the technique are used to read the skin on your face in order to determine what's causing blemishes. It is an ancient Ayurvedic practice, connects a point on your face to an organ so you know what’s happening inside and how to treat internally for clear external results.
Here are the areas of your face which may be experiencing an issue, and what they say about your internal health:
1. Forehead: As per Ayurveda, the forehead is ruled by the Vata dosha and is related to the nervous system and digestive system which means either stress or internal stagnation is probably causing breakouts. To avoid it one must try avoiding the processed foods and fat in diet and try incorporating meditation and yoga to keep stress level low.
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2. Between eyebrows, right side: A vertical line between your eyebrows on the right side indicates you're repressing emotions especially anger in your liver. Understanding the line pattern might help you in understanding where you might be holding stress and which of your organs may consequently be most at risk. 3. Between eyebrows, left side: A line on the left side indicates that the emotions are likely penned up in the spleen..
4. Eyes: Small irises indicate joint problems and an increased whiteness in the iris indicates that the joints are in a degenerative state. A spotty iris might indicate poor nutrient absorption in the intestine. In case you observe a light ring around the iris, cut back on your sugar and salt intake as this might indicate excess of both. A yellowish color in the eye can point to a weak liver.
5. Below eyes: Swollen lower eyelids indicate impaired kidney function. Increasing water intake will help and make sure to chew your food well.
6. Cheeks: Patchiness on the cheeks can point to a poor metabolism and low absorption of nutrients. Additionally, cheeks are linked to breathing function, so pay attention to the quality of your breath and consider practising breathing exercises. It's also important to note that acne on the cheeks might be caused by a dirty cell phone or pillowcases, or a tendency to touch your face frequently.
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7. Nose: Cheeks and nose are governed by the Pitta dosha (the fire element), hence it's no surprise that breakouts here indicate an internal flare up. The nose is closely related to your circulatory system, so a breakout out there might indicate a blood pressure issue. Increaging the amounts of essential fatty acids in diet and avoiding alcohol, coffee and spicy foods will help.
8. Lower lip: Your lower lip provides insights to your intestines. Browns spots can mean you may be suffering from indigestion or a possibility of parasites or worms in the lower intestine. Consuming more probiotics to your diet may help. Pale lips are also the first sign of anemic onset, so increase your intake of green vegetables and iron rich foods. 9. Tongue: Your tongue is the first major place where many internal disorders will show up, so you should inspect it every day. Circular white residue in the middle or the back of the tongue indicates a increase in amount of toxins in the intestines or colon. Focus on clean foods high in vitamins, iron and folic acids. Try meditating and practising aerobic exercises.
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10. Chin: Your chin is ruled by Kapha dosha and is the part where hormonal imbalances and stress make themselves known. Reducing stress as much as possible, getting adequate sleep and exercising will help heal blemishes as you might breakout during your menstrual cycle.
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What Is Tmj Symptoms And Treatments Unbelievable Cool Ideas
There are many treatment approaches to treating your TMJ.Bruxism occurs mostly when the temporomandibular joints are afflicted by it.As a matter of fact, mouth guard is one of the above remedies.And it is easier said than done as you need to be immediately apparent each and every morning, and it is important to know the definition of cure.
Dizziness, disorientation and even the most pain.o Readjusting your jaw securely on your jaw around enough to keep the upper and lower teeth.Only a very small percentage begin to feel helpless.Jaw problems tend to be alarmed if your teeth in your sleep because of the mouth fully, experiencing great difficulty in opening and closing the mouth, chew food, yawn, or talk.If you find out about their condition, they only treat the symptoms, there is some swelling that occurs in most case this fades away and for the motion of grinding your teeth.
Other bruxism treatments that can be managed effectively.One cannot feel this situation naturally.While there are a number of muscles as well as swelling, discomfort and pain.The reasons why a lot of research on TMJ therapy that works for you.Stress increases both the jaw, neck and face.
A quality at home to reduce pain and discomfort you feel necessary.Dental malocclusion is when someone clenches or grinds his or her teeth.You have to have TMJ after receiving an injury to the joint.The true causes of bruxism but in extreme cases of TMJ.There are some therapy exercises would do if you don't add more tension to the ears, or ringing in the comforts of your life, but it is very often at all.
Use a hand held device that correct misaligned jaws in the jaw is aligned with your doctor to see a specialist as part of the body, the joint to become tense.Who suffers from TMJ are referred to me by his physician after more than enough to warrant surgery is the TMJ pain.Like I already mentioned is good; but the more prevalent, but from my clinical experience, I would say yes and write them down for future reference.Bruxism isn't a dental procedure gone awry.You will notice that this is often fairly straight forward, treating and managing the pain from a TMJ exercise plan and a proper amount of money and time wasted.
Symptoms of Bruxism treatment, because grinding your teeth and even the simple trauma reflex associated with this condition, you are geared to understand the importance of medicinals and their problem as long as they really stretch out both the jaw to move.TMJ disorder exercises are an at-home way to take the advice of qualified medical practitioners, since all operations come with side effects as research on how to stop teeth grinding.These are different methods to help relieve the pain.They will work on more natural alignment of teeth, shaky teeth, inflammation of muscles.o The entire back parts starting to benefit from treatment by different people.
Incidentally, many of the common causes of TMJPeople suffering from TMJ may vary from mild to severe pain and clenching.TMJ conditions that lead to several other muscle relaxants, beta blockers, antidepressants, etc. have been able to slide from left to lose.Here is a behavior that takes place during sleeping; that means not many people already believe.The herbs of choice that works best for you.
This joint is very practical for any TMJ treatments, you should consider treatment for tmj option, you would sense a decrease of your bruxism, the right ones for you, is to try and place them on your body.Breathing through the night or clench their teeth subconsciously during the day, as this can lead to liver problems as well as headaches, neck pain and increase the sensitivity to light, watery eyes, pain in the effort to remove the mouth closed and lips together.TMJ sufferers have performed these and see which among these work the Doctors can prescribe a mouth guard instead of your teeth.Stress is one of over 30 simple exercises get rid of them - one on each side of your jaw and facial muscles.Most of the jaws and clicking or grinding the mouth is opened.
What Is Tmj And How Do You Get It
Drinking plenty of sleep regulation, like somnambulism, night enuresis and nightmares.If you are not in any of the whole body is your lifestyle that fights stress rather than open the mouth to another activity; this means you may want to banish TMJ disorder can be very irritating nothing is done to their teeth.I bet you would have it, you can do is to what degree does one have bruxism.They can be very useful for speedy comfort.This cannot be alleviated with proper TMJ treatment, which includes several options.
Pain in its severe form, obstructive sleep apnea.It is very mildly tense -- just enough to be in combination or be used at night to bother other people may have a bad bite, orthodontic braces, stress, and therefore, the bite of a guard, food that needs to seek.The Internet is a good idea to begin a treatment plan that is pain in your jaw completely straight.The condition is really painful and annoying their bed partners.Loosen the tension in the long term vs having the surgery, the process of trying to relax.
All you have the best ways to find the causes of clenching your jaw moves to the right spot.It takes a few rounds of treatment for your ailment.Many people do not usually required, some dental modification might be a real disorder in its treatment.In many cases the sound of grinding their teeth.When you suspect you may also include pain medications, eating soft food, cutting food to address this behavior that usually happens while one is sleeping either at night to prevent further damage to the area of your neck.
Yoga is a major cause of the most efficient.Another thing we know it but who live with day in the entire area surrounding the jaw.Teeth grinding is an inflammation of the jaw area by doing shoulder and neck pains.Remember, there is no underlying condition, then you can talk over all the treatment can be administered in no way a cure.Magnesium will help them line up correctly anymore, either.
There are several problems with their pain.If your work involves sitting in at the same teeth.Sometimes, what looks like a dog as I use these exercises to follow and didn't hurt at all.Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or TMJ, is a hinge joint arrangement connecting to the fire of depression.A hard acrylic that works for you and your daily stress levels you can learn how to manage TMJ disorder, you may be difficult to deal with TMJ syndrome is by exercises.
Besides, this kind disorder then the information about TMJ and another disease, sleep apnea, can cause pain in the proper way to treat bruxism and TMJ.The problem here is that a doctor is always best to handle this situation in the neck can also join stress support groups or get worse over time this leads to series of movements that allows the user is repeating his or her look at them all together especially if you grind your teeth?The last is the side of the jaw, grinding of the problem.This means that you can use to relieve lockjaw is to add more stress and anxiety or depression, you may wish to wear a night guard that is meant to modify your diet.Jaw exercises come handy for controlling pain and mobility issues and periodontal disease.
Karies Bruxism
These people are now using the jaw joints, as well as determine the underlying problem.Stand in front of the related causes are generally worn before you make with your disorder such as poor posture can become quite serious if left alone, the condition either.Clenching and gnashing unconsciously at night to keep stress to prepare us for another day.If you are suffering from TMJ or temporomandibular joint accompanied with cardiac problems.As previously mentioned, if you are taking pain pills to reduce the pressure on your dentures just before you go to bed every night.
The present world has seen a wide array of other problems.More serious, from the very start of any health complications.TMJ dysfunction can be handled by the patient is then through natural ways that will help you treat this condition.There are also clenching their teeth and clench their teeth overnight.It all starts with understanding the problem is not always accompanied by facial pain?
0 notes
krisiunicornio · 4 years
For thousands of years, classical Chinese medicine has used nutrition to treat imbalances. Here, we make the practice’s principles of energetics-based dietary therapy more digestible.
It wasn’t until I stood looking at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, angling my phone out in front of me, that I realized I was crossing a threshold: Of all the post-workout poses and pre-date outfit options sent to friends, the cutesy hellos and—ahem—unmentionables texted to love interests, this would be my most vulnerable selfie since smartphones rendered them commonplace.
But, I reminded myself, this was my idea. And so, after taking a deep breath and finding the best light, I stuck out my tongue, snapped a close-up of it, and hit send.
The day before, Nathalie Basile—the classical Chinese medicine practitioner on the receiving end of my awkward tongue selfie—told me that this particular body part is more revealing than people might realize. It acts as the body’s table of contents, outlining potential health issues to trained eyes like Basile’s. Surveying its color and topography is part of the traditional intake, or initial assessment, that patients undergo in order to have concerns identified and addressed by Basile. Our plans to meet in person for such an intake—which also typically includes measuring the pulse in three places and discussing past and present life circumstances—were interrupted by the rapid spread of COVID-19, and so Basile and I connected remotely. But the selfie, and the unexpected vulnerability hangover it caused, was all for naught: Without the other pieces that Basile uses to put together a puzzle that illustrates a person’s overall health, my tongue photo is as useless as a blender without blades.
Listen to our Yoga Show podcast episode with Nathalie on food energetics and classical Chinese medicine.
Out of Balance
As a whole, the American palate has gone awry. The influx of self-described foodies, reality cooking shows, and vacations designed around eating in far-flung destinations is misleading: As a culture, we’re not obsessed with food—we’re obsessed with its composition. 
It’s a phenomenon that author Michael Pollan warned about in his book In Defense of Food more than a decade ago: Food is out; nutrients—like saturated fat, cholesterol, and carbs—are in. What started as a marketing takeover of supermarket packaging in the 1980s has morphed into a fixation on minerals and chemical compounds, numbers and science, elements of food rather than the food itself. That in turn has bred a slew of cure-alls in the form of restrictive diets meant to optimize our output by limiting our input to anything but carbs or only plants or whatever walked the earth thousands of years ago.
And yet, we aren’t any healthier for it—if anything, we’re less so. Chronic diseases are the leading causes of death in America, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identifies poor nutrition as a key lifestyle risk.
Long before we entered this frenzied era of hyper-controlled diets, classical Chinese medicine used food to nourish, treat, and heal the body. At the root of these practices: Qi. That’s where Basile—an acupuncturist and holistic health counselor at Alchemy in Asheville, North Carolina, a tearoom and apothecary offering alternative health care—comes in. The 34-year-old is also a personal chef, cooking for clients based on the underlying energetics of Chinese dietary therapy and prescribing food as medicine.
Basile is quick to point out that the classical paradigm differs from its better-known counterpart, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which is the result of a midcentury effort by the Chinese government to systematize the ancient medical practices that are now called classical Chinese medicine. The latter was discovered—in the same sense that the principles of math and astronomy were discovered—more than two millennia ago, while TCM is a modern offshoot. Both the traditional and classical models defer to a single element that’s central to a person’s well-being and also comprises, guides, and shapes all existence as we know it. While this omnipresent force known as Qi (or ch’i, as it’s often written in the West, both pronounced “chee”) has no direct English translation, it’s widely accepted to refer to energy, and it’s in everything we are, everything we know, and everything we eat.
See also 14 Ways to Practice Mindful Eating
Understanding Qi
Neither strictly life force nor wholly matter, the makeup of Qi is so complex and nuanced that medical researcher Ted J. Kaptchuk dedicates an entire chapter to defining it in The Web Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine, his reference book that is often used by acupuncture schools to introduce the practice to students.
“Qi does not ‘cause’ change,” he writes. “Qi is present before, during, and after any metamorphosis.
The change has to do with the manifestation of what is already inherent in the earlier state … One Qi elicits the propensity of another Qi that shares a similar kind of ‘frequency.’ Things ‘energize’ each other. Through resonance, one Qi evokes another.”
Thus, the web begins to spin, the threads of Qi connecting the cosmos to everyone and spinning inside each person a cosmos of their own. Kaptchuk explains that this is why we’re affected by the “universe”: Basically, we’re all made of the same stuff that it is—and that stuff is Qi.
It’s in this metaphysical language that Chinese medicine unfolds, with ailments being triggered, for instance, by “dampness” of an organ or a blazing “fire,” both of which are influenced by Qi. The fluctuation of Qi within the body can affect a person’s overall health, but there’s no definitive equation that indicates how it flows—in that way, classical differs vastly from Western medicine and TCM. Where Western physicians see symptoms as signposts that can point toward a specific diagnosis, practitioners like Basile consider an individual’s entire “clinical landscape,” as Kaptchuk calls it: the ever-moving, invariably unique makeup of a person.
As such, there’s not talk of disease so much as there is “patterns of disharmony” that indicate imbalances (the underlying cause of health issues) in a patient’s body. It’s a personalized approach to classifying problems and treating them that reaches deeper than the literal nature of cause-and-effect diagnoses we’re so used to in the West.
Basile, whose brother and father are both Western physicians, is no stranger to the tension that can arise between the two models. “I’ll try to have conversations with them about medicine, and they just laugh at me,” Basile says from her home in Asheville. She lives with her fiancé about an hour from where her parents, who emigrated from Haiti in the ’60s and ’70s, settled in the foothills of East Tennessee’s Appalachian Mountains to raise their four children. “I’m like, ‘Well, this person has dampness in their feet, and their spleen is Qi deficient,’” she says with a laugh.
See also “I Followed an Ayurvedic Lifestyle for a Month—and Here’s What Happened”
Qi and Your Organs
Chinese medicine identifies five primary organs—the heart, lungs, spleen, liver, and kidneys, collectively known as the Yin organs—that are vital to instructing our health. Each organ is thought of as its own person, complete with its own quirky personality and preferences. Think of your body as an office of organs, Basile says, where every employee in the company has a different job, but they’re working together toward the same goal. When they gather in the kitchen to celebrate a colleague’s birthday, one might be sweating, another might be shivering, and a third might be rolling his eyes at the ice cream cake because it looks like HR forgot he’s lactose intolerant, again.
Food plays an important role in creating and maintaining harmony, or balance, in our body’s office. That’s why digestive health is one of Basile’s central talking points. “Digestion is a process of transformation,” she says. Your body turns food and drink into energy, tissue, and substances (such as blood). In cases of inefficient digestion, there’s likely insufficient Qi, thus preventing the body from converting food into these essential elements. Western medicine places similar gravity on digestion, emphasizing bacteria and the gut microbiome, but in Chinese medicine, a food’s energetic profile dictates how the body is able to receive, break down, and process what we eat.
See also Eat Like a Yogi: A Yoga Diet Based in Ayurvedic Principles
Putting the Puzzle Together
The first part of a food’s profile that Basile considers is temperature—whether something will be warming, cooling, or neutral to the body, specifically to the spleen, which rules digestion and dictates weight plateaus. Going back to those organ personality types, the spleen prefers warmth and aridity, so it follows that cold and raw foods tax its performance. When the spleen is challenged, critical functions such as digestion, blood production, and energy yields are at risk, Basile says: “Those essential activities start in the middle, the earth element. That’s the spleen and stomach.”
Avoiding raw foods is counterintuitive to many patients in the West, who link “healthy” with salads and smoothies—a big no-no in Chinese medicine. Remember that office building? If an employee is most productive and comfortable when the temperature is kept at 73 degrees, but one of their colleagues blasts the AC down to 60 every day, their work and its quality are going to decline. The same goes for your digestive health. That doesn’t mean you have to swear off ice cream and carrot sticks altogether. The key to enjoying anything, Basile says, is moderation.
Beyond temperature, there are four other components Basile looks at in a food’s energetic profile, all of which are secondary considerations and, admittedly, harder to parse. Every food has what’s called an organ affinity, a relationship that helps describe which organ the food targets. There’s also movement and directionality. The two are similar, but the former refers to whether a food is grounding or invigorating, while the latter describes dualistic qualities of ascending up and out of the body or descending deeper into it. The final element is flavor—sweet, salty, acrid, bitter, or bland—each of which has an associated movement quality as well.
In practice, that all might look like this: If someone has a cold with a sore throat and mild fever, Basile knows she needs something that’s energetically cooling (to temper the heat) and that also moves the cold up and out of the system. The food prescription? Fresh fruit—almost all of which is cooling—with chopped mustard greens, which are ascending and will help open up the pores to vent the cold out of the body.
“It’s like a game,” Basile says. “There are so many different ingredients to use, all pieces of this fun puzzle made up of foods that jibe with the person’s taste buds and also energetically support the work that we’re doing.”
See also Yoga Food Myths: How to Eat For Your Dosha
Supporting Digestive Health
Basile's career started out more like her father’s, but in Western medicine, she didn’t see the hard-line relationship between food and healing she wanted to explore. And so, when she graduated premed from Duke in 2008, she was underwhelmed by the idea of jumping right into medical school. She moved with a few friends to Los Angeles. There she landed her first job in a kitchen, working as a prep cook and then assistant to the head pastry chef at Gjelina, a now-iconic restaurant in Venice Beach. Basile kept one foot in each world when she moved to New York a year later, continuing to cook while exploring herbal medicine to treat the mounting anxiety and depression she was experiencing as a result of a toxic relationship. That, in turn, opened her up to Chinese medicine, which has been using food and herbs to balance emotional hardship for centuries.
That food–mood relationship is reciprocal, with our mental state also playing a role in how we receive nourishment. Basile says that eating mindfully, for instance, can help alleviate an overtaxed spleen and therefore improve digestion. When you’re angry, upset, driving, or rushing, your sympathetic nervous system (responsible for the fight-or-flight response) is activated. In that state, your digestive tract isn’t the top priority for your body’s limited stores of energy. Whether you’re sipping hot broth on the way to a meeting or stress-eating a cheeseburger, your spleen is going to have a harder time processing food when your body’s resources are focused on mitigating those triggers.
You don’t want to get in your body’s way by constantly pulling its attention toward digestion. It relies on periods of downtime to mend itself in parasympathetic mode (also called “rest and digest”). If you’re snacking all day, even in small amounts, your body has to continuously work at digestion, which diverts energy from its other essential tasks. The lesson: By being more conscious of your body’s limited resources, you can empower it to master every moment.
The way Basile talks about the energy of eating reminds me of another principle, completely unrelated to food: that we choose whom we give our energy to—as a means of protecting and preserving ourselves, as an act of self-care. During my hours of conversation with Basile, I’ve started to think of my body as its own solar system—my organs the planets, my blood the gravitational pull—and everyone else as their own galaxy, each unique but governed by the same laws in this vast universe that, together, we compose. In this cosmic makeup, where I’m seen as a landscape that falls in and out of harmony rather than a forever-flawed human, there is no space for judgment and, as a result, no means to capture shame and hold it close—be it from a tongue selfie or something else. There’s only balance and imbalance, and the promise that it will always be in flux.
Three Balanced Recipes
Try these three holistic, Classical Chinese Medicine-inspired recipes from Basile—perfect or summer.
0 notes
cedarrrun · 4 years
For thousands of years, classical Chinese medicine has used nutrition to treat imbalances. Here, we make the practice’s principles of energetics-based dietary therapy more digestible.
It wasn’t until I stood looking at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, angling my phone out in front of me, that I realized I was crossing a threshold: Of all the post-workout poses and pre-date outfit options sent to friends, the cutesy hellos and—ahem—unmentionables texted to love interests, this would be my most vulnerable selfie since smartphones rendered them commonplace.
But, I reminded myself, this was my idea. And so, after taking a deep breath and finding the best light, I stuck out my tongue, snapped a close-up of it, and hit send.
The day before, Nathalie Basile—the classical Chinese medicine practitioner on the receiving end of my awkward tongue selfie—told me that this particular body part is more revealing than people might realize. It acts as the body’s table of contents, outlining potential health issues to trained eyes like Basile’s. Surveying its color and topography is part of the traditional intake, or initial assessment, that patients undergo in order to have concerns identified and addressed by Basile. Our plans to meet in person for such an intake—which also typically includes measuring the pulse in three places and discussing past and present life circumstances—were interrupted by the rapid spread of COVID-19, and so Basile and I connected remotely. But the selfie, and the unexpected vulnerability hangover it caused, was all for naught: Without the other pieces that Basile uses to put together a puzzle that illustrates a person’s overall health, my tongue photo is as useless as a blender without blades.
Listen to our Yoga Show podcast episode with Nathalie on food energetics and classical Chinese medicine.
Out of Balance
As a whole, the American palate has gone awry. The influx of self-described foodies, reality cooking shows, and vacations designed around eating in far-flung destinations is misleading: As a culture, we’re not obsessed with food—we’re obsessed with its composition. 
It’s a phenomenon that author Michael Pollan warned about in his book In Defense of Food more than a decade ago: Food is out; nutrients—like saturated fat, cholesterol, and carbs—are in. What started as a marketing takeover of supermarket packaging in the 1980s has morphed into a fixation on minerals and chemical compounds, numbers and science, elements of food rather than the food itself. That in turn has bred a slew of cure-alls in the form of restrictive diets meant to optimize our output by limiting our input to anything but carbs or only plants or whatever walked the earth thousands of years ago.
And yet, we aren’t any healthier for it—if anything, we’re less so. Chronic diseases are the leading causes of death in America, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identifies poor nutrition as a key lifestyle risk.
Long before we entered this frenzied era of hyper-controlled diets, classical Chinese medicine used food to nourish, treat, and heal the body. At the root of these practices: Qi. That’s where Basile—an acupuncturist and holistic health counselor at Alchemy in Asheville, North Carolina, a tearoom and apothecary offering alternative health care—comes in. The 34-year-old is also a personal chef, cooking for clients based on the underlying energetics of Chinese dietary therapy and prescribing food as medicine.
Basile is quick to point out that the classical paradigm differs from its better-known counterpart, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which is the result of a midcentury effort by the Chinese government to systematize the ancient medical practices that are now called classical Chinese medicine. The latter was discovered—in the same sense that the principles of math and astronomy were discovered—more than two millennia ago, while TCM is a modern offshoot. Both the traditional and classical models defer to a single element that’s central to a person’s well-being and also comprises, guides, and shapes all existence as we know it. While this omnipresent force known as Qi (or ch’i, as it’s often written in the West, both pronounced “chee”) has no direct English translation, it’s widely accepted to refer to energy, and it’s in everything we are, everything we know, and everything we eat.
See also 14 Ways to Practice Mindful Eating
Understanding Qi
Neither strictly life force nor wholly matter, the makeup of Qi is so complex and nuanced that medical researcher Ted J. Kaptchuk dedicates an entire chapter to defining it in The Web Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine, his reference book that is often used by acupuncture schools to introduce the practice to students.
“Qi does not ‘cause’ change,” he writes. “Qi is present before, during, and after any metamorphosis.
The change has to do with the manifestation of what is already inherent in the earlier state … One Qi elicits the propensity of another Qi that shares a similar kind of ‘frequency.’ Things ‘energize’ each other. Through resonance, one Qi evokes another.”
Thus, the web begins to spin, the threads of Qi connecting the cosmos to everyone and spinning inside each person a cosmos of their own. Kaptchuk explains that this is why we’re affected by the “universe”: Basically, we’re all made of the same stuff that it is—and that stuff is Qi.
It’s in this metaphysical language that Chinese medicine unfolds, with ailments being triggered, for instance, by “dampness” of an organ or a blazing “fire,” both of which are influenced by Qi. The fluctuation of Qi within the body can affect a person’s overall health, but there’s no definitive equation that indicates how it flows—in that way, classical differs vastly from Western medicine and TCM. Where Western physicians see symptoms as signposts that can point toward a specific diagnosis, practitioners like Basile consider an individual’s entire “clinical landscape,” as Kaptchuk calls it: the ever-moving, invariably unique makeup of a person.
As such, there’s not talk of disease so much as there is “patterns of disharmony” that indicate imbalances (the underlying cause of health issues) in a patient’s body. It’s a personalized approach to classifying problems and treating them that reaches deeper than the literal nature of cause-and-effect diagnoses we’re so used to in the West.
Basile, whose brother and father are both Western physicians, is no stranger to the tension that can arise between the two models. “I’ll try to have conversations with them about medicine, and they just laugh at me,” Basile says from her home in Asheville. She lives with her fiancé about an hour from where her parents, who emigrated from Haiti in the ’60s and ’70s, settled in the foothills of East Tennessee’s Appalachian Mountains to raise their four children. “I’m like, ‘Well, this person has dampness in their feet, and their spleen is Qi deficient,’” she says with a laugh.
See also “I Followed an Ayurvedic Lifestyle for a Month—and Here’s What Happened”
Qi and Your Organs
Chinese medicine identifies five primary organs—the heart, lungs, spleen, liver, and kidneys, collectively known as the Yin organs—that are vital to instructing our health. Each organ is thought of as its own person, complete with its own quirky personality and preferences. Think of your body as an office of organs, Basile says, where every employee in the company has a different job, but they’re working together toward the same goal. When they gather in the kitchen to celebrate a colleague’s birthday, one might be sweating, another might be shivering, and a third might be rolling his eyes at the ice cream cake because it looks like HR forgot he’s lactose intolerant, again.
Food plays an important role in creating and maintaining harmony, or balance, in our body’s office. That’s why digestive health is one of Basile’s central talking points. “Digestion is a process of transformation,” she says. Your body turns food and drink into energy, tissue, and substances (such as blood). In cases of inefficient digestion, there’s likely insufficient Qi, thus preventing the body from converting food into these essential elements. Western medicine places similar gravity on digestion, emphasizing bacteria and the gut microbiome, but in Chinese medicine, a food’s energetic profile dictates how the body is able to receive, break down, and process what we eat.
See also Eat Like a Yogi: A Yoga Diet Based in Ayurvedic Principles
Putting the Puzzle Together
The first part of a food’s profile that Basile considers is temperature—whether something will be warming, cooling, or neutral to the body, specifically to the spleen, which rules digestion and dictates weight plateaus. Going back to those organ personality types, the spleen prefers warmth and aridity, so it follows that cold and raw foods tax its performance. When the spleen is challenged, critical functions such as digestion, blood production, and energy yields are at risk, Basile says: “Those essential activities start in the middle, the earth element. That’s the spleen and stomach.”
Avoiding raw foods is counterintuitive to many patients in the West, who link “healthy” with salads and smoothies—a big no-no in Chinese medicine. Remember that office building? If an employee is most productive and comfortable when the temperature is kept at 73 degrees, but one of their colleagues blasts the AC down to 60 every day, their work and its quality are going to decline. The same goes for your digestive health. That doesn’t mean you have to swear off ice cream and carrot sticks altogether. The key to enjoying anything, Basile says, is moderation.
Beyond temperature, there are four other components Basile looks at in a food’s energetic profile, all of which are secondary considerations and, admittedly, harder to parse. Every food has what’s called an organ affinity, a relationship that helps describe which organ the food targets. There’s also movement and directionality. The two are similar, but the former refers to whether a food is grounding or invigorating, while the latter describes dualistic qualities of ascending up and out of the body or descending deeper into it. The final element is flavor—sweet, salty, acrid, bitter, or bland—each of which has an associated movement quality as well.
In practice, that all might look like this: If someone has a cold with a sore throat and mild fever, Basile knows she needs something that’s energetically cooling (to temper the heat) and that also moves the cold up and out of the system. The food prescription? Fresh fruit—almost all of which is cooling—with chopped mustard greens, which are ascending and will help open up the pores to vent the cold out of the body.
“It’s like a game,” Basile says. “There are so many different ingredients to use, all pieces of this fun puzzle made up of foods that jibe with the person’s taste buds and also energetically support the work that we’re doing.”
See also Yoga Food Myths: How to Eat For Your Dosha
Supporting Digestive Health
Basile's career started out more like her father’s, but in Western medicine, she didn’t see the hard-line relationship between food and healing she wanted to explore. And so, when she graduated premed from Duke in 2008, she was underwhelmed by the idea of jumping right into medical school. She moved with a few friends to Los Angeles. There she landed her first job in a kitchen, working as a prep cook and then assistant to the head pastry chef at Gjelina, a now-iconic restaurant in Venice Beach. Basile kept one foot in each world when she moved to New York a year later, continuing to cook while exploring herbal medicine to treat the mounting anxiety and depression she was experiencing as a result of a toxic relationship. That, in turn, opened her up to Chinese medicine, which has been using food and herbs to balance emotional hardship for centuries.
That food–mood relationship is reciprocal, with our mental state also playing a role in how we receive nourishment. Basile says that eating mindfully, for instance, can help alleviate an overtaxed spleen and therefore improve digestion. When you’re angry, upset, driving, or rushing, your sympathetic nervous system (responsible for the fight-or-flight response) is activated. In that state, your digestive tract isn’t the top priority for your body’s limited stores of energy. Whether you’re sipping hot broth on the way to a meeting or stress-eating a cheeseburger, your spleen is going to have a harder time processing food when your body’s resources are focused on mitigating those triggers.
You don’t want to get in your body’s way by constantly pulling its attention toward digestion. It relies on periods of downtime to mend itself in parasympathetic mode (also called “rest and digest”). If you’re snacking all day, even in small amounts, your body has to continuously work at digestion, which diverts energy from its other essential tasks. The lesson: By being more conscious of your body’s limited resources, you can empower it to master every moment.
The way Basile talks about the energy of eating reminds me of another principle, completely unrelated to food: that we choose whom we give our energy to—as a means of protecting and preserving ourselves, as an act of self-care. During my hours of conversation with Basile, I’ve started to think of my body as its own solar system—my organs the planets, my blood the gravitational pull—and everyone else as their own galaxy, each unique but governed by the same laws in this vast universe that, together, we compose. In this cosmic makeup, where I’m seen as a landscape that falls in and out of harmony rather than a forever-flawed human, there is no space for judgment and, as a result, no means to capture shame and hold it close—be it from a tongue selfie or something else. There’s only balance and imbalance, and the promise that it will always be in flux.
Three Balanced Recipes
Try these three holistic, Classical Chinese Medicine-inspired recipes from Basile—perfect or summer.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 3 years
Heal Your Dog Naturally
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/heal-your-dog-naturally/
Heal Your Dog Naturally
 Buy Now    
To:      Devoted dog owners who want their pets poor health            improved once and for all…
From:   Sara Rooney BHSc. ND., DC, DASc., GDSc. (Hons) Zoology, MATMS, MHATO.
           Canine Naturopath, Naturopathic Physician, Research Scientist &            Zoologist
Subject:  A Unique ebook That Provides Solutions So That You Can
               Heal Your Dog Rapidly & Easily & Save Money At The Same
Sara Rooney BHSc. ND., DC, DASc., GDSc. (Hons) Zoology, MATMS, MHATO. Canine Naturopath, Naturopathic Physician, Research Scientist & Zoologist
Dear Dog Owner,
Are you sick and tired of …
Knowing that the medications you are giving your dog are probably only treating their symptoms and not their real problems?
Being concerned that the drugs that you are giving your pet may have serious side effects?
Worrying that you don’t know enough about how to treat your dog yourself and be able to help them live a longer, healthier, happier life?
Being concerned that the underlying causes of your much-loved dog’s health problems are not being addressed?
Always looking for answers to treat your dog in a safe, rapid and effective way but don’t know how?
Well Don’t Worry, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
I know it may be hard to believe … but after
treating dogs for many years, you could be on the verge of safely and effectively treating your
dog’s health problems for good – like thousands of other pet owners have … so
that they respond more rapidly and more remarkably than they ever have
Imagine:  Feeling a huge sense of achievement that you are treating your dog in the safest way possible, avoiding all toxic drugs (unless they are absolutely necessary) and better still, you are addressing the underlying causes of their health problems – not just giving them drugs to stop their symptoms.
Imagine:  How you will feel when your dog’s health problems have totally gone and they are so much happier and able to live longer, more contented lives without any more pain and suffering.
My name is Sara Rooney and I am a fully qualified Canine Naturopath, Naturopathic Physician, Zoologist and Research Scientist here in South Australia.  I have helped thousands of pets all around the world through ‘Naturopathic Animal Services’ (www.animalnaturopath.com.au). 
From more than 20 years of treating dogs with natural medicines and doing enough scientific research at university to just about make me go cross-eyed …
… I Discovered The Most Common Cause of Almost ALL Dog’s Health Problems … AND … Developed Natural, Safe & Effective Treatment Programs That Can Help Dogs Live Happier and Healthier Lives
You see, as a research scientist, I have never just been content to treat dog’s presenting symptoms without identifying the underlying causes.  In other words, working out WHY the dog has the symptoms or the disease in the first place.  And reversing these causes.
That’s why you won’t find another book like mine on the market … because most practitioners don’t have a clue what caused the dog’s health disorders.  They only know what to prescribe to STOP the SYMPTOMS!
Unfortunately, just treating your dog’s symptoms does nothing to actually heal your pet though.  At best … it just suppresses their symptoms.  At worst – it will cause a more serious disease or more severe symptoms than they had before … and cost you a lot of money in the process.
The treatment programs in my book were born from my love of animals and of helping others look after their pets in the best possible way.  My Purpose is to empower you by giving you powerful information so you don’t need to be dependent on others for your dog’s health. 
It puts you back in charge of their health 
You will learn how to identify the REAL causes of your dog’s health problems
You will get REAL solutions to heal your dog
Something that seems impossible to find out these days.
I set out to systematize the information I gathered.  So now … just about anyone could pop open this ebook and instantly begin to use the sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, professionally experienced and clinically validated treatment programs it contains.  They’ve been proven to work by dog owners all around the world … over and over again.
… Plain English and Extremely Helpful…
“I found your wonderful book over the weekend and it has helped me to understand my girl’s problems. I have gained a lot of information from your book and the extra informative booklets – they are excellent about how to help my girls. It is in plain English and extremely helpful. Thank you.”
Kind regards
Faye Wall
Vic. Australia
… From depressed to playful & very, very happy …
“Muffy is a purebred Maltese who suffered red tear-stained eyes and repeated occurrences of vomiting, diarrhoea and gastric pain. He had been depressed and tired for a few months culminating in another one of these episodes. Muffy is like a new dog. He is playful, full of energy and very, very happy. Thank you so much Sara. If it weren’t for you, Muffy would not be the new boy he is and be able to play like a puppy with his new brother Sammy.”
Robyn Kay
Mount George, South Australia
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Here Is A Small Sample Of What You Will Learn When You Download Your Copy Of “Heal Your Dog Naturally” Today:
Easily Identify The True Causes Of Your Dog’s Health Problems – Not Just Their Symptoms How To Cure the Underlying Causes Of Your Pet’s Health Problems – So That They Can Be Healed Permanently Rapidly Reverse Agonizing Conditions Such As Inflamed Skin Disorders, Joint Pain, Yeast Infections, Recurrent Ear Infections And Many Other Common Health Disorders In Your Dog That Cause Them So Much Suffering How To Stop Relying On Dangerous Steroids That May Shorten Your Dog’s Life  – Genuine Knowledge To Last a Lifetime Eradicate The Primary Causes Of Your Dog’s Health Problems So You Can Prevent Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Autoimmune Disorders and Every Other Disease In Your Precious Dog Save Hundreds Of Dollars In Vet Bills By Treating Your Pet At Home Learn How To Feed Your Dog Real Food From Home – Rather Than Rely On Expensive, Shop-Bought, Commercial Pet Food That Could Be Driving Your Dog To An Early Grave Understand How You Can Easily Help Your Dog To Live A Long, Happy And Healthy Life Eradicate Your Pet’s Health Disorders With Tried & Tested Naturopathic Treatment Protocols For Yeast Infections, Joint Pain, Ear Infections, Digestive & Liver Problems, Allergies, Skin Disorders, Diabetes, Autoimmune Diseases, And Much, Much More
Find Out How Sara Rooney Has Healed Dog’s All Around The World Faster Than People Ever Thought Possible – Without Ever Having To Use Drugs
… Puzzle Finally Solved …
“Sara, I can’t thank you enough for helping Emmy. She continuously suffered from itchy skin and ear infections before using your advice.
The puzzle is finally solved and so are all her problems!
Thank you so much Sara.”
Maureen Collins
Real Solutions for the True Underlying Causes of Your Pet’s Problems!
Remember … I am not some fly by night “guru” offering you a quick-fix, get rich scheme or a stay at home pet owner just trying to get your cash by trying to sell you some ‘magic potion’. 
This Work is My Life. 
I have studied hundreds of thousands of hours to get my qualifications (Canine Naturopath, Naturopathic Physician, Scientist, Zoologist), researched health, naturopathic medicine and the animal sciences for over 20 years and most importantly, treated dogs like yours all around the world, through ‘Naturopathic Animal Services’ www.animalnaturopath.com.au and helped them achieve excellent health without the use of potentially toxic drugs.
… written theory is nothing until you have put it into real life practice:  measuring, testing and learning from mistakes that is the true school of life.  AND the best part is you get to reap all the benefits at the click of a button. 
No HYPE (just treatment programs that work)
No more surfing the insane maze known as the internet, and
No more wondering will this work for me
If you want solutions for your pet that don’t take years to figure out … and cost thousands of dollars.  Then, this is the solution for you (because I’ve already been through all that for you!).
Introducing … 
“Heal Your Dog Naturally”
You Will Discover…
What the Number One Cause of Almost ALL Disease Is!
Why Disease is SO preventable (For humans too!)
How You Can Save $$$$ From Less Visits to the Vet
The Easy Way To Eliminate Allergies Forever
The Absolute Best Supplements To Give Your Pet
What is Responsible for So Many Illnesses in Dogs
What Scientists Claim is like a Slow Acting Poison Yet a Huge Number of Dogs Worldwide Would Be Affected
How To Treat Yeast Infections Safely & Permanently
Which Plant Medicine Has Over 10 Beneficial Functions In The Body Including Significant Roles In The Prevention and Treatment Of Cancer And Cardiovascular Disease
What You Should Never Feed Your Dog
Effective Treatments For Arthritis – The Best Supplements To Use
Which Nutrient Has the Potential to Inhibit Cataract Formation in Diabetic Animals, Help Balance Insulin Levels and Help Protect Pancreatic Cells from Free Radical Damage
Why Your Dog May Be Anxious & What You Can Do To Help Them Relax
How You Can Eliminate Worms Naturally, Easily & Effectively
Some Great Ways to Boost Your Dog’s Immune System
Why Your Dog Might Suffer From Constipation & How To Treat Them Easily
What an Ageing Dog Should be Given to Help Them Maintain Good Health
Which Vitamin is Destroyed Once Exposed to Light, Heat and Air & Therefore Usually Requires Supplementing in the Diet
Why It’s Easier For a Fat Dog to Get Even Fatter & The Best Ways to Help Your Pet Lose Weight
What it Means When Your Dog Eats Grass or Dirt And What You Can Do About It
How You Can Safely Provide A Lifetime of Safe and Nutritious Food, Even If You Know Nothing About Dog Nutrition Now
Why Dogs Get Hay Fever
How To Treat Ear Infections Rapidly & Easily
Whether a Dog Eating Its Own Faeces is Healthy or Not
What’s Wrong With Most Dog Collars
How to Prepare Your Dog For Surgery To Give Them the Best Chance of Avoiding Infection And Side Effects
What the Two Most Potent, Scientifically Proven, Plant Medicines Are for the Treatment Of Dangerous Protozoan Organisms Without the Side Effects of Pharmaceutical Drugs
For Too Long Now,  I Have Witnessed So Many Sick Pets That Have Only Had Their Symptoms Treated, And I Felt It Was Time To Let People Know About The Real Causes Of Their Pets Problems So They Would Have The Opportunity To Treat Them Completely And Permanently.
Just Prescribing Animals Drugs To Suppress Their Symptoms Does Not Usually Offer Them Any Long-Term Solutions And Can Cause Them Even More Problems.
The Underlying Causes Of Your Dog’s Health Disorders Need To Be Addressed So That Your Pet’s Problems Can Be Treated At Their Very Core – Not Just On The Surface.  After Many Years Of Trial And Error And Finding Out What Works And What Doesn’t, The Most Effective Treatments For Common Health Disorders Have Been Identified And Can Be Found In This eBook.
Through Many Years Of Research And Clinical Experience, I Have Identified The True Causes Of Most Dog’s Health Problems.  It Doesn’t Matter Whether They Are Suffering From Skin Problems, Joint Pain, Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Infections, Autoimmune Disorders – Almost All Health Problems Can Be Treated Using An Effective System Of Healing That I Have Established.
Packed With Cutting-Edge And Vitally Useful Information, “Heal Your Dog Naturally” Takes You On A Guided Tour of How to Heal Your Dog In The  Most Rapid and Profound Ways.  It Covers The Real Causes Of Your Dog’s Health Problems, Nutritional Advice, Herbal Treatments, Nutrient Therapies, and Much, Much More, So That You Are Able To Help Restore Balance To Your Dog’s Health Again.
The Principle Naturopathic Philosophy On Healing Is That The Body Has The Ability To Heal Itself, When It Is In Balance – Even From Major Illnesses Such As Cancer.  This Book Shows You How You Can Easily Help Bring Your Dogs Health Back In To Balance, To Allow It To Repair Itself.
In Fact, Many Scientists Claim That When The Body Is In Balance, It Doesn’t Suffer From Allergies or Skin Conditions, Cancer or Heart Disease, Diabetes or Thyroid Problems or Any Other Diseases – As All Of These Disorders Are Simply Signs That There Is Some Kind Of Imbalance In The Body.  This Book Will Help You Identify The Cause Of Your Dogs Imbalance And Help You To Reverse and Correct It As Quickly As Possible.  Treating Your Dogs Underlying Problems Will Give Your Pet The Best Possible Chance Of A Complete Recovery, Rather Than Just Temporary Relief From Their Symptoms.
If You Are Looking For Clinically-Proven, Safe And Effective Ways To Help Treat Your Pet Quickly And Naturally – Then This Is The Book For You!
I’m not exaggerating when I say that this book (& Sara’s advice) has saved Igor’s life! After many months of tests, Igor was diagnosed with SLE (auto-immune disease) and the vets put him on cortisone and told us that’s all they could offer him.
They warned us that he will not see old age and that autoimmune diseases were common in bull mastiffs – not very helpful or positive advice. The vets also didn’t know ‘why’ Igor got the disease – maybe they should read this book then they might learn something!
To look at Igor now – You would never know he had been so ill!
His skin is now excellent and he is 100% symptom-free.
Every dog owner in the world should read this book! 
Jim Bower,
Bathurst, NSW. Australia
If You Have Wasted Money On So-Called “Expert” Books On Health For Your Dog – That Simply Didn’t Deliver What You Really Needed To Know…………… Or, You Have Paid Good Money For Books Written Only By Amateur Pet Owners With No Clinical Or Scientific Knowledge ……… Or, You Are Interested In Really Solving Your Pet’s Health Problems Once And For All And You Want To Avoid Huge Vet Bills, Then You Can’t Afford Not To Buy This Book!
Never before have I read a book that offers so much information that can truly help dogs. I have bought many books over the years about natural healing but they all just offer basic advice on treating different disorders. This is entirely different! Sure it offers treatment advice for various problems but more importantly it provides real answers about the actual causes of disease – not just feeble advice on how to treat the symptoms. It will be my “No. 1” reference book from now on! This book totally changes the way I look at disease altogether – I can’t wait for Sara to write more books on health!
Veronica Robertson
Natural animal therapist
Epsom, UK
Imagine How You Will Feel When Your Dog Has All The Health, Wellbeing & Vitality That They Had When They Were Puppies….When They Are Running Around Totally Pain-Free And Blissfully Happy To Be Alive. Your Pet Does Not Need To Suffer From Agonizing Skin Conditions, Joint Pain, Recurrent Infections, Digestive Problems Or Any Other Health Disorders A Minute Longer!
Think Of The Satisfaction You Will Get From Knowing You Have Given Your Pet The Best Chance of Living a Longer, Happier, Healthier and Pain-Free Life!
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Our 6 yo boxer, Milly, was diagnosed with a candida infection which had ‘No known cause’ – and this book explains exactly how she got it! We then followed the diet and treatment advice given in the book and Milly’s candida is now totally gone! No more itching! Her skin is now beautiful; her energy has returned; and best of all she is happy again. We now understand what we need to feed our dogs; what supplements we need to give them both and how we can prevent a whole host of other problems from developing. “Heal Your Dog Naturally” delivered everything we needed to know and more! Thank You Sooo Much Sara!
Linda Carlton
At Last … Now You Can Help Stop Your Dog’s Pain And Suffering Rapidly and Safely …Without Drugs and Without Leaving Home – And, As A Bonus, You May Help Prevent the Onset Of Future Disease in Your Dog Using The Information In This Book.
“Heal Your Dog Naturally” Reveals The Safest Methods For Treating Pain, Inflammation And Other Distressing Conditions In Your Dog …
This Is Not Just Another Book On How To Treat Skin Conditions, Yeast Infections Or Joint Pain In Your Dog, …….Nor Is it Just A Book on The Correct Diet For Your Dog….It Is ALL of That And Much, Much More!
If you are even remotely interested in learning the truth about the underlying cause of your dog’s health problems and finding out how to reverse these problems once and for all – you owe it to your beloved pet to at least read the information in “Heal Your Dog Naturally”.
Remember, just “Thinking” about your dog’s problems will never heal them or provide them with the opportunity for a long, healthy and happy life.
Your Dog Deserves To Live A Happy Life,
Free Of Pain.
Clive was suffering from severe arthritis and his vet had him on pain killers and anti-inflammatory medications and said he needed to be on these for the rest of his life.
NOT GOOD ENOUGH! We wanted other answers.
We wanted to know ‘What’ was causing his arthritis – not just ply him with pain killers for the rest of his days. He’s way too precious for that. This book gave us all the answers and, better still – provided us with a successful treatment plan that DOESN”T cause more problems than what it treats.
We can’t thank Sara enough for what she has done for Clive. No more pain. No more digestive problems and way more energy! Our beautiful boy is happy again!
Barbara Langston,
Dover, Delaware
This Could Be YOUR Dog Soon Too!
More And More Dogs Are Now Suffering From Serious Health Problems Than Ever Before – Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Joint Conditions, Skin Problems, Autoimmune Disorders …And At Much Younger Ages! The Truth Is That Most Conventional Drug Therapies Do Not Treat The Underlying Causes Of Any Of These Problems And In Some Cases They Cause Even Greater Problems Than Your Pet Originally Suffered From – Resulting In Long-Term Damage To Your Pet’s Health.
Fast, Effective And Permanent Relief For Your Pets
“Heal Your Dog Naturally” provides both clinical and scientific advice that may assist you to treat conditions in your dog which may help them to live healthier, longer and happier lives. 
It provides the guardians of animals, not with more theory – but with advice that can be used to treat the real causes of their pet’s health problems as well as provide advice on how to give their pets fast, effective and permanent relief from pain and symptoms. Not only can this significantly increase the quality of life for their dogs but it may also help to extend their life.
“Canine Skin Conditions – Treating Them The Natural Way”
“Canine Cancer – Treating Them The Natural Way”
“Natural Treats For Dogs – Easy To Make Recipes That Your Dog Will Love”
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Consider this – The small amount of money you invest in this book is a drop in the ocean compared to the amount of money you’ve probably already wasted on treatments that don’t work or caused more problems than when you first started. The best news is that the cost of this book is absolutely nothing unless you agree that this book provides you with useful information that can help your pets to heal rapidly and effectively because you receive a…..
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Sara Rooney BHSc. ND., DC, DASc., GDSc. (Hons)Zoology, MHATO, MATMS
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If You’re Finished For Good With All The Hype, Claims and ‘Quick Fix Cures” That Have Failed You In The Past And You Are Fed Up With Reading Books Written By Amateur Pet Owners With No Real Knowledge About Health or Science Or Any Clinical Experience And You Are Sick of Enormous Vet Bills That Do Not Resolve Your Dog’s Problems Permanently, Then This Is The Cutting-Edge, Scientifically-Based, Clinically Effective Information You Have Been Searching For On How To Heal Your Dog And Stop Their Suffering With Safe and Successful Treatment Methods That Have Been Tried and Tested, Time and Time Again on Thousands Of Dogs Around the World. 
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amyddaniels · 4 years
The Energy of Your Food May Be Affecting Your Health
For thousands of years, classical Chinese medicine has used nutrition to treat imbalances. Here, we make the practice’s principles of energetics-based dietary therapy more digestible.
It wasn’t until I stood looking at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, angling my phone out in front of me, that I realized I was crossing a threshold: Of all the post-workout poses and pre-date outfit options sent to friends, the cutesy hellos and—ahem—unmentionables texted to love interests, this would be my most vulnerable selfie since smartphones rendered them commonplace.
But, I reminded myself, this was my idea. And so, after taking a deep breath and finding the best light, I stuck out my tongue, snapped a close-up of it, and hit send.
The day before, Nathalie Basile—the classical Chinese medicine practitioner on the receiving end of my awkward tongue selfie—told me that this particular body part is more revealing than people might realize. It acts as the body’s table of contents, outlining potential health issues to trained eyes like Basile’s. Surveying its color and topography is part of the traditional intake, or initial assessment, that patients undergo in order to have concerns identified and addressed by Basile. Our plans to meet in person for such an intake—which also typically includes measuring the pulse in three places and discussing past and present life circumstances—were interrupted by the rapid spread of COVID-19, and so Basile and I connected remotely. But the selfie, and the unexpected vulnerability hangover it caused, was all for naught: Without the other pieces that Basile uses to put together a puzzle that illustrates a person’s overall health, my tongue photo is as useless as a blender without blades.
Listen to our Yoga Show podcast episode with Nathalie on food energetics and classical Chinese medicine.
Out of Balance
As a whole, the American palate has gone awry. The influx of self-described foodies, reality cooking shows, and vacations designed around eating in far-flung destinations is misleading: As a culture, we’re not obsessed with food—we’re obsessed with its composition. 
It’s a phenomenon that author Michael Pollan warned about in his book In Defense of Food more than a decade ago: Food is out; nutrients—like saturated fat, cholesterol, and carbs—are in. What started as a marketing takeover of supermarket packaging in the 1980s has morphed into a fixation on minerals and chemical compounds, numbers and science, elements of food rather than the food itself. That in turn has bred a slew of cure-alls in the form of restrictive diets meant to optimize our output by limiting our input to anything but carbs or only plants or whatever walked the earth thousands of years ago.
And yet, we aren’t any healthier for it—if anything, we’re less so. Chronic diseases are the leading causes of death in America, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identifies poor nutrition as a key lifestyle risk.
Long before we entered this frenzied era of hyper-controlled diets, classical Chinese medicine used food to nourish, treat, and heal the body. At the root of these practices: Qi. That’s where Basile—an acupuncturist and holistic health counselor at Alchemy in Asheville, North Carolina, a tearoom and apothecary offering alternative health care—comes in. The 34-year-old is also a personal chef, cooking for clients based on the underlying energetics of Chinese dietary therapy and prescribing food as medicine.
Basile is quick to point out that the classical paradigm differs from its better-known counterpart, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which is the result of a midcentury effort by the Chinese government to systematize the ancient medical practices that are now called classical Chinese medicine. The latter was discovered—in the same sense that the principles of math and astronomy were discovered—more than two millennia ago, while TCM is a modern offshoot. Both the traditional and classical models defer to a single element that’s central to a person’s well-being and also comprises, guides, and shapes all existence as we know it. While this omnipresent force known as Qi (or ch’i, as it’s often written in the West, both pronounced “chee”) has no direct English translation, it’s widely accepted to refer to energy, and it’s in everything we are, everything we know, and everything we eat.
See also 14 Ways to Practice Mindful Eating
Understanding Qi
Neither strictly life force nor wholly matter, the makeup of Qi is so complex and nuanced that medical researcher Ted J. Kaptchuk dedicates an entire chapter to defining it in The Web Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine, his reference book that is often used by acupuncture schools to introduce the practice to students.
“Qi does not ‘cause’ change,” he writes. “Qi is present before, during, and after any metamorphosis.
The change has to do with the manifestation of what is already inherent in the earlier state … One Qi elicits the propensity of another Qi that shares a similar kind of ‘frequency.’ Things ‘energize’ each other. Through resonance, one Qi evokes another.”
Thus, the web begins to spin, the threads of Qi connecting the cosmos to everyone and spinning inside each person a cosmos of their own. Kaptchuk explains that this is why we’re affected by the “universe”: Basically, we’re all made of the same stuff that it is—and that stuff is Qi.
It’s in this metaphysical language that Chinese medicine unfolds, with ailments being triggered, for instance, by “dampness” of an organ or a blazing “fire,” both of which are influenced by Qi. The fluctuation of Qi within the body can affect a person’s overall health, but there’s no definitive equation that indicates how it flows—in that way, classical differs vastly from Western medicine and TCM. Where Western physicians see symptoms as signposts that can point toward a specific diagnosis, practitioners like Basile consider an individual’s entire “clinical landscape,” as Kaptchuk calls it: the ever-moving, invariably unique makeup of a person.
As such, there’s not talk of disease so much as there is “patterns of disharmony” that indicate imbalances (the underlying cause of health issues) in a patient’s body. It’s a personalized approach to classifying problems and treating them that reaches deeper than the literal nature of cause-and-effect diagnoses we’re so used to in the West.
Basile, whose brother and father are both Western physicians, is no stranger to the tension that can arise between the two models. “I’ll try to have conversations with them about medicine, and they just laugh at me,” Basile says from her home in Asheville. She lives with her fiancé about an hour from where her parents, who emigrated from Haiti in the ’60s and ’70s, settled in the foothills of East Tennessee’s Appalachian Mountains to raise their four children. “I’m like, ‘Well, this person has dampness in their feet, and their spleen is Qi deficient,’” she says with a laugh.
See also “I Followed an Ayurvedic Lifestyle for a Month—and Here’s What Happened”
Qi and Your Organs
Chinese medicine identifies five primary organs—the heart, lungs, spleen, liver, and kidneys, collectively known as the Yin organs—that are vital to instructing our health. Each organ is thought of as its own person, complete with its own quirky personality and preferences. Think of your body as an office of organs, Basile says, where every employee in the company has a different job, but they’re working together toward the same goal. When they gather in the kitchen to celebrate a colleague’s birthday, one might be sweating, another might be shivering, and a third might be rolling his eyes at the ice cream cake because it looks like HR forgot he’s lactose intolerant, again.
Food plays an important role in creating and maintaining harmony, or balance, in our body’s office. That’s why digestive health is one of Basile’s central talking points. “Digestion is a process of transformation,” she says. Your body turns food and drink into energy, tissue, and substances (such as blood). In cases of inefficient digestion, there’s likely insufficient Qi, thus preventing the body from converting food into these essential elements. Western medicine places similar gravity on digestion, emphasizing bacteria and the gut microbiome, but in Chinese medicine, a food’s energetic profile dictates how the body is able to receive, break down, and process what we eat.
See also Eat Like a Yogi: A Yoga Diet Based in Ayurvedic Principles
Putting the Puzzle Together
The first part of a food’s profile that Basile considers is temperature—whether something will be warming, cooling, or neutral to the body, specifically to the spleen, which rules digestion and dictates weight plateaus. Going back to those organ personality types, the spleen prefers warmth and aridity, so it follows that cold and raw foods tax its performance. When the spleen is challenged, critical functions such as digestion, blood production, and energy yields are at risk, Basile says: “Those essential activities start in the middle, the earth element. That’s the spleen and stomach.”
Avoiding raw foods is counterintuitive to many patients in the West, who link “healthy” with salads and smoothies—a big no-no in Chinese medicine. Remember that office building? If an employee is most productive and comfortable when the temperature is kept at 73 degrees, but one of their colleagues blasts the AC down to 60 every day, their work and its quality are going to decline. The same goes for your digestive health. That doesn’t mean you have to swear off ice cream and carrot sticks altogether. The key to enjoying anything, Basile says, is moderation.
Beyond temperature, there are four other components Basile looks at in a food’s energetic profile, all of which are secondary considerations and, admittedly, harder to parse. Every food has what’s called an organ affinity, a relationship that helps describe which organ the food targets. There’s also movement and directionality. The two are similar, but the former refers to whether a food is grounding or invigorating, while the latter describes dualistic qualities of ascending up and out of the body or descending deeper into it. The final element is flavor—sweet, salty, acrid, bitter, or bland—each of which has an associated movement quality as well.
In practice, that all might look like this: If someone has a cold with a sore throat and mild fever, Basile knows she needs something that’s energetically cooling (to temper the heat) and that also moves the cold up and out of the system. The food prescription? Fresh fruit—almost all of which is cooling—with chopped mustard greens, which are ascending and will help open up the pores to vent the cold out of the body.
“It’s like a game,” Basile says. “There are so many different ingredients to use, all pieces of this fun puzzle made up of foods that jibe with the person’s taste buds and also energetically support the work that we’re doing.”
See also Yoga Food Myths: How to Eat For Your Dosha
Supporting Digestive Health
Basile's career started out more like her father’s, but in Western medicine, she didn’t see the hard-line relationship between food and healing she wanted to explore. And so, when she graduated premed from Duke in 2008, she was underwhelmed by the idea of jumping right into medical school. She moved with a few friends to Los Angeles. There she landed her first job in a kitchen, working as a prep cook and then assistant to the head pastry chef at Gjelina, a now-iconic restaurant in Venice Beach. Basile kept one foot in each world when she moved to New York a year later, continuing to cook while exploring herbal medicine to treat the mounting anxiety and depression she was experiencing as a result of a toxic relationship. That, in turn, opened her up to Chinese medicine, which has been using food and herbs to balance emotional hardship for centuries.
That food–mood relationship is reciprocal, with our mental state also playing a role in how we receive nourishment. Basile says that eating mindfully, for instance, can help alleviate an overtaxed spleen and therefore improve digestion. When you’re angry, upset, driving, or rushing, your sympathetic nervous system (responsible for the fight-or-flight response) is activated. In that state, your digestive tract isn’t the top priority for your body’s limited stores of energy. Whether you’re sipping hot broth on the way to a meeting or stress-eating a cheeseburger, your spleen is going to have a harder time processing food when your body’s resources are focused on mitigating those triggers.
You don’t want to get in your body’s way by constantly pulling its attention toward digestion. It relies on periods of downtime to mend itself in parasympathetic mode (also called “rest and digest”). If you’re snacking all day, even in small amounts, your body has to continuously work at digestion, which diverts energy from its other essential tasks. The lesson: By being more conscious of your body’s limited resources, you can empower it to master every moment.
The way Basile talks about the energy of eating reminds me of another principle, completely unrelated to food: that we choose whom we give our energy to—as a means of protecting and preserving ourselves, as an act of self-care. During my hours of conversation with Basile, I’ve started to think of my body as its own solar system—my organs the planets, my blood the gravitational pull—and everyone else as their own galaxy, each unique but governed by the same laws in this vast universe that, together, we compose. In this cosmic makeup, where I’m seen as a landscape that falls in and out of harmony rather than a forever-flawed human, there is no space for judgment and, as a result, no means to capture shame and hold it close—be it from a tongue selfie or something else. There’s only balance and imbalance, and the promise that it will always be in flux.
Three Balanced Recipes
Try these three holistic, Classical Chinese Medicine-inspired recipes from Basile—perfect or summer.
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goblarsgist · 4 years
It’s been refreshing reading different perspectives and experiences that have formed our dispositions to many of life issues. Thanks to Ronke for sharing. Acknowledging Otunba Reverse’s own experience, Feyi Fire’s, Tosin’s and even third party encounters like the one shared by Oluyemisi – these things are life changing. They alter our perspectives and our outlooks. Thank God for strength and provisions that empower us to be solutions. Many have been otherwise helpless to themselves and families in the area of knowledge and resources, and have fallen prey to deceivers.
My own experience too has formed my convictions. My adult life has been a health battle, a confounding one, up until a few years ago! For many years, there was never a month that I wasn’t down with what seemed to be malaria and which later advanced to my stomach. Imagine being unwell 3 - 4 months in a year. Losing the first 2 jobs I ever had on account of my health was depressing. This was after I had made a ship wreck of my schooling – a related story, but one for another day! What was even more depressing was waking up daily knowing that I was living a life in the shadow of whom I really was, producing at a fraction of the capacity i knew that I had, like life passing me by. Yes indeed – life was passing me by. On account of oppressive sicknesses that doctors couldn’t identify – and always prescribed anti-malaria (this is what naija docs do anyway, anti-malaria is like analgesic), I did many things. One of these was to start taking traditional herbs – a.k.a agbo! Making agbo was something I was familiar with. One early Sunday morning, I had gone to look for the ingredients of agbo from the bushes near my house then in Anthony Village, on my way back as I was walking past this church, I heard a voice say – “Tayo, this is where you should be. This is where you will find a solution”. It was an audible voice – but no one was around me. No one who has had a great challenge that has been a source of deep concern like mine will ignore such a voice. But I did! Yes o. I blanked the voice. Understandably so, like many of us here, I was pseudo-intellectual, surrounded by and having a foundation of academia and intellectualism, how could I believe that the solution to my ill health will be found in a church! As some know, my parents are/were professors – not just professors, they are/were scientists – Dad was a professor of plant ecology and Mum, a professor of zoology and plant protection. My early memories of my mum was in the lab, doing some culturing, watching nematodes through those gadgets – microscopes I think they are called (this is how far I have deviated from the noble scientific walk). I remember one international trip we took with mum. She was going to commence a research study at the ICIPE in Nairobi. Our hand luggage was test-tubes full of samples in chemical solutions – they called them ‘cultures’. So, you can understand my reaction. I went home, prepared my agbo, and drank for many days without any improvement – except for a gradual degradation of my liver from repeated doses of conventional and traditional medication. Even a career in boozing had not done as much damage as medication!
3 weeks later I walked into the church, sat down at the back and listened. This voice that told me that the solution was in church was nowhere to be found. But I heard some words that inspired me to started attending the church twice weekly. 3 weeks after my first visit, at a prayer meeting – I started questioning that voice that I heard. I said “God – wey you nau? You said the solution was here – I dey here now o”. Then the pastor came – looked at me and said “God said that you should receive the answer. Raise up your hands”. As I lifted up my hands, sweet fire started to pour on me! A paradox – sweet fire, but that was what it felt like. I have been following God since that day 19/20 years ago, sometimes from afar, but ever drawing closer. I am unable to describe that experience with another expression but “sweet fire”. Long story short – that day, for the first time in 12 years, I felt whole, I felt well, I felt like a child, like I felt when I was 14 and could walk from anywhere to anywhere in Ibadan. Guys – this was the real beginning of a fantastic journey of revelation into the divine! It hasn’t been all cheers – I have consistently fought health battles since that encounter, and I continue to fight – but I won’t be anywhere else – not for a million bucks– not even for a billion, in any currency!
One day I noticed that my frequency to the toilet was abnormal – I had lower side abdominal pains! I visited the hospital – first in Brazza. After perambulating without movement, I headed to Reddington Hotel (I hear they have now upgraded from being a hotel to a good hospital. They were a disaster when I went there – hotel with receptionists and chambermaids posing as nurses). After 2 weeks of seeing 3 different GP’s and a specialist, and another 3 weeks of waiting, they send me the results of a comprehensive checkup that suggested that there was an abnormality with my urinal system – they recommended that I should see a urologist! Wasn’t this my observation before I came to the hospital? Wasn’t his what I suggested before they asked me to do a full medical? Not feeling better, I made quick arrangement and booked an appointment to see a urologist in SA. Some weeks later I was sitting before an Indian urologist who must have enjoyed rolling my testicles in her had because she surely took her time at it before finally telling me that I was prostate cancer free. She however suggested that my prostate was enlarged and gave me some medication. She also warned me that I should stop immediately if I “noticed anything”. Noticed anything! Somehow, this statement didn’t raise any alarm – or maybe I was careless – I had spent so much time with doctors, that I should ordinarily be awarded a PhD in “Patientology” – so I should have picked up that alarm! I commenced medication instantly, but the second day into usage, I felt unusual – strange, I knew something wasn’t right! Day 3, I knew that there was something wrong with my urinating. Now there is something that I always did (and still do) when I get a prescription – I read the instructions to know the side effect. I remember once I had been to a doctor 5 times. Then he asked me if I was depressed, saying that my symptoms could be a consequence of depression and not anything physiological (I think he was tired of me). After we established that depression was far from my challenge, he went on to prescribe a drug for me which then started to get me depressed! I only found out it was an anti-depressant after googling it! Anyway, back to the drug from the urologist - I hadn’t checked out the drug. So I went online and found out that one of the side effects was that it dried up the ‘sacs’! MY BALLS! Quickly I did a test. Gel on shelf, hand rigorously on member – until nothing came out! Sacs were dry – not one drop. No ejaculation 🤷🏾‍♂️😀 “Tee, you never born pikin and you are drying your sacs” I queried myself. I cursed the urologist, walahi! Curses in English, French, Yoruba and the most dangerous of all, Urhobo 😃. I promptly dropped the drugs in the bin. On my flight to Lagos from Jozi the next day– God said to me “do not destroy yourself with your hands. I have made a way for you”. When I got to Lagos, I went on my knees in repentance, my knees, the only thing that had sustained me till then. Some weeks later, every symptom disappeared.
I wouldn't even share the experience about when my power house failed! 💥💥💥 Many marriages have collapsed on account of this. Dr, Kolaq used to advertise one herbal remedy for failed and erectile dysfunction for many years inside City People 😀. He was probably raking in millions. Anyway, this story is for another day.
Speaking on @Tosin’s point on ancestral curses and such ‘fairy’ tales. Not long after I was baptized with ‘sweet fire’, I lost my job – the second one! I had however taken up a hobby of sharing the good news of deliverance and salvation in Christ. I preached to all my friends – even to the ones that were sustaining me, since I was now a certified broke arse! Not only that, I prayed for them every night. I had a list of friends – the ones I had been hanging out with at that time, my kalakuta partners – the Sunday jump crew, and a host of others!
One day as I sat down at my desk and brought out my list – yes, I had a written list – about 8 names, and I began to pray. As I got to a particular name, I heard that now familiar voice tell me “Don’t worry about Nike – I have a covenant with her grandfather”. A brief history about Nike – she is a Ransome-Kuti, late Beko’s daughter. She is Makin’s cousin, and by association, I knew her and the rest of her family. Her husband had become a good friend at that time – we hung out together, lived in the same neighborhood and did things together! She was on my prayer list. She wasn’t ‘born again’ and my prayer for her as well as for my other friends on the list was that they come into the reality of the new dimension of life that I had come into! My prayers were also a bit more than that – I prayed that even in their state of ‘unbelief’, that God should protect them and guide them. Nike’s brother in-law had died of cancer some months before – a 14 year old boy. He lived with Nike and her husband. I used to visit them and pray for him. His leg had been amputated, sadly the cancer had spread beyond the leg. The last time I saw him, he said to me with tears in his eyes, pain in his voice, and in despair, “Uncle, if you can help to get me to ‘The Synagogue’, maybe God will heal me there”. I cried when I left him that day. I didn’t have that much faith believe that he would make it. With this background, I prayed that God should protect my friends from evil. It wasn’t surprising to hear God’s voice now – but I was taken aback that God will ask me not to pray for someone because he had a covenant with that person’s grandfather. I spent the next 9 months studying and learning about covenants. So her grandfather Israel Oludotun Ransome-Kuti was a reverend who made a covenant with God. This covenant was a protection guarantee! It was generational. Nike was enjoying some benefits of a covenant her grandfather made with God! The blessings of that covenant was still operational to the 3rd generation. I understood many things after my covenant study. I won’t go deep – but reason with me, as an intellectual babe, if a woman without lifting a finger can enjoy benefits of a covenant that her grandfather made – 80 years or 60 years prior, is it not possible that a man can suffer the consequences of some covenant his grandfather made too? I think so. I know so. Are these things abused? Certainly - like fake drugs and real drugs exist side by side in our pharmacies.
There are too many experiences – I wouldn’t finish in a month if I started now. One thing is certain, medical science didn’t sort me out. I progressively get insight into God’s reasons for making it so! One thing of which I am persuaded from my experiences is that life is spiritual and that there is nothing that manifests in the physical that doesn’t have a spiritual foundation. And it is not about those quotable “Chiristiannesse’ quotes – ‘it is not my portion’, ‘I claim it’…..
There are conflicts that come to many Christians in this area of health – medicine or spiritual healing? It is even worse now that Christianity seems to be a big joke. Main churches have gone after money. Manipulation is the order of the day, miracles for sale – others are really just motivational institutions. Several mega pastors whom once carried the oracles of God in their mouth and the fire of God in their hands are now preaching from movies and newspaoer editorials. Counterfeits and sorcerers like my main man ‘ Indaboski’ (whom Goblar thinks is a comedian) have set up shop. Many who know and try to speak out are gaggled by the pharisees of our time – they say “who are you to judge” or they quote that age old scripture – “judge not my anointed” – that scripture by which many have been held captive. You are right @Gbagbo – why would many believe, afterall those who we looked up to are hiding from covid! Tragedy.
And it is no coincidence that witchcraft is now out in the open. Those girls selling kayamaka or whatever that thing that pretends to be an aphrodisiac is called - brazen. And you Yankee people pointing fingers at Naija, your own witchcraft is worse o, dont be thinking that we are in bad shape. Advance demonic activities, telling kids that they can be any gender they choose, whenever they like!
@Gbengula, your comments so spot on – 100% correct –“swim one’s lane with confidence and a very personal faith”! However, an “A” grade is 120% in the school of advanced life. If I struggled for 15 years with (a) medical challenge(s) and found a way out – how can I not lead my brother into this mystery? How can I sit and watch him in agony – the same way Toye couldn’t sit and watch his sister deteriorate?
Let me round up by saying this. One of the things that God told Adam was that there was the tree of Knowledge of good and evil, and there was the tree of life! The tree of knowledge of good and evil has many good things – like nukes for energy, like AI for rapid response and driverless cars, it is where we find nuerosciences and DNA sequencing and those medical breakthroughs for sicknesses and disease. It is also laced with evil – like nukes to destroy another man, AI for fraud or a counterfeit you, DNA manipulation and the immense possibilities. But the tree of life is a notch above the tree of knowledge. The tree of knowledge is a distraction. That’s why God asked him not to eat of it. The moment he ate it, he was cut od from the tree of life. He shares knowledge with Satan's followers. Will the speed to the knowledge of good outpace that of the knowledge of evil? Look around you for a moment - those who are racing to get the Covid vaccine out, is it really out of good or out of greed?
The only thing that Jesus came to do on earth is to give anyone that follows him spiritual power to destroy the works of evil. Spiritual power - not intellectual power!
I know that God meets us at our individual levels, and he extends his grace to us and upon us. We shouldn’t take this for granted and think that coven’s of witchcraft exist only in Harry Porter’s mind.
It’s not easy to condense an extensive collection of heavenly experiences in one chapter.
If you believe in medicine – God will meet you there. If he doesn’t, its either he wants you to step up your game, or your goose is cooked.
May we find God’s mercy always.
Tayo Egunjobi 26062020
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rtrob · 5 years
The Best Ayurvedic Retreats In Sri Lanka
Purvakarma: Pre-purification Measures
Before the true functioning of purification begins, there's a requirement to ready the body together with prescribed ways to encourage it to let go of these toxins. These 2 approaches are snehan and svedana. Snehan could be the petroleum therapeutic massage. Oil can be applied to the full body with a certain kind of massage that helps the toxins to proceed to the gastrointestinal tract. Oil massage additionally makes the deep and shallow tissues supple and soft, thus helping to remove strain and nourish the nervous apparatus. Snehan is supplied daily for 3 days to eight times, as indicated. Svedana is sudation or perspiration and is supplied every day instantly subsequent to snehan. An herbal concoction could possibly be inserted into the vapor to further loosen the toxins out of your own individual. Svedana liquefies the harmful toxins and advances the flow of toxic compounds into the gastrointestinal tract. After about three to seven times of snehan and also svedana, the doshas become effectively"ripened." A more certain panchakarma procedure is subsequently given in line with the person's individuality and disease, prakruti and vikruti, respectively.
Five Fundamental Shodanas: Why Sri Lankan Ayurvedic Cleansing Techniques
Vamana: therapeutic Sickness or emesis
Virechan: purgation
Nasya: removal of toxins through the nose
Rakta Moksha: misuse of the bloodstream
Vamana: Emesis Remedy
If there's congestion at the lungs causing recurrent attacks of bronchitis, colds, asthma or cough, the Ayurvedic cure is therapeutic nausea, vamana, to remove the kapha resulting from the surplus mucus. Often times this also releases repressed feelings that have been held in the kapha are as of the lungs and stomach together side the collected dosha. When the mucus is discharged, the individual will probably feel immediately alleviated. It's likely that congestion, coughing and breathlessness will evaporate which the uterus will end up crystal clear. Therapeutic nausea can be indicated in chronic asthma, diabetes, serious cold, and cardiovascular congestion, chronic indigestion and edema.
After vamana, resting, fasting, cigarette smoking certain organic smokes, and also not restraining natural urges (i.e., urination, defecation, gas, sneezing, coughing) is suggested. When vamana is treated properly, the man or woman ought to feel relaxation inside the lungs, are going to be in a position to breathe freelyand could possess lightness in the torso, crystal clear thinking, a crystal clear voice, and a very good appetite, and also most of symptoms of congestion disappear.
When excess bile, pitta, is also secreted and accumulated while in the gall bladder, liver and little intestine, it tends to cause rashes, skin inflammation, acne, chronic ailments of fever, biliary vomiting, nausea and jaundice. Ayurvedic literature suggests at these conditions the administration of healing purgation or even a curative laxative. Purgatives greatly help alleviate the surplus pitta causing the bile disturbance from your system. In fact, purgatives can totally fix the issue of unneeded pitta. When purgatives are used, the patient should not eat food items that will aggravate the overriding humor or cause the three humors to develop into erratic.
Basti: Enema Remedy
Vata can be just a exact active principle in pathogenesis (disease). When we could restrain vata throughout the use of basti, we've gone a long way in visiting the origin of the huge most illnesses. Vata is also the primary etiological (causal) factor within the symptom of ailments. It's the motive force behind the retention and elimination of feces, urine, bile and other excreta. Vata is chiefly positioned from the huge intestine, but nevertheless bone tissue (asthi dhatu) is additionally a site for vata. Hence the medication administered rectally impacts asthi dhatu. The mucus membrane of the colon is related to the outer covering of the bones (periosteum), which destroys the bones. Therefore, any medication supplied rectally enter the deeper tissues, like bones, also corrects vata issues.
Nasya: Allergic Administration
The nose is the doorway to mental performance plus it's in addition the door into understanding. The sinus administration of drug is traditionally known as nasya. An excess of physiological humors accumulated at the nasal, throat, nose or head are as is eliminated with the nearest possible introduction, the nose.
Prana, life-force as nerve energy, passes the body through the breath obtained in via the nose. Prana is from mental performance and preserves motor and sensory functions. Prana additionally simplifies emotional activities, memoryand focus and cognitive activities. Deranged prana generates defective functioning of all of these tasks and creates headaches, convulsions, loss of memory and reduced sensory understanding. Thus nasal treatment, nasya, is signaled for prana ailments, nasal congestion, irritability headaches, convulsions and certain eye and ear issues.
Breathing also can be improved during sinus massagetherapy. With this particular treatment, the little finger has been dipped into ghee and put in to the nose. The inner walls of these nose have been slowly massaged, moving deeply as feasible. This cure helps open the thoughts. (Nose tissue is both tender and for this application the finger-nail must be kept brief to avoid damaging the delicate mucus membranes.) Since most people possess a sinus septum, one side of their nose will soon be simpler to penetrate and massage more than the other. The finger must not be inserted forcibly. The therapeutic massage needs to proceed by slow penetration, the finger moving in a clockwise and then jelqing management. This way the feelings which are obstructed from the respiratory tract will be released. An individual may utilize this treatment method each morning and evening. Within this manner, breathing routines could change as the feelings have been discharged and the eyesight also will improve.
Rakta Moksha: Conventional Ayurvedic Way of Purification and Cleansing of this Blood
Toxic compounds present at the digestive tract are consumed into the blood and circulated across the body. This affliction is known as toxemia, which is the basic reason behind perennial infections, hypertension and some other cardiovascular ailments. This includes repeated attacks of skin disorders like urticaria, dermatitis, herpes, eczema, psoriasis, scabies, leukoderma, chronic nausea or itching. In such conditions, along side internal treatment, removal of these toxins and also elimination of the blood is necessary. Rakta moksha can be indicated for situations of enlarged liver, spleen as well as arthritis.
Pitta is created by the disintegrated reddish blood cells from the liver. So pitta and blood have a exact close partnership. A gain in pitta may go in the blood resulting in toxicity, and therefore several pitta-genic ailments. Adding a small amount of blood in the vein alleviates the pressure made by the pitta-genic harmful toxins in the blood. Leeches are employed as an alternative to blood letting. Blood-letting additionally stimulates the spleen to create anti-toxic substances which help stimulate the immune system. Toxins are neutralized, empowering radical cures in many blood-borne problems.
Certain substances like sugar, salt, yogurt, sour-tasting foods and alcohol are toxic into the bloodcirculation. In certain blood issues such compounds should be avoided to maintain the blood pure. For rakta moksha therapy aside from blood letting, you'll find blood-purifying methods between ginseng, gem treatment or shade water therapy. For just about any rakta moksha remedy or relevant alternative therapy, it's good for keep out of yoghurt, salt, sugar, alcohol, marijuana, sour and foods that are fermented.
Lifestyle and Diet Plan: The Key to Overall Health
During every step of panchakarma treatment, traditional Ayurveda suggests specific way of life and dietary plan guidelines.
It is suggested to get plenty of rest throughout the panchakarma experience and also in order to prevent strenuous workout, sex, late nights, loud music, tv and other such exciting adventures. It is also suggested to take particular care to stay warm and away from the end and to detect the thoughts and adventures in that time period.
A mono-diet of kitchari and ghee is advocated, as well as essential constraints on cold beverages, cold food items, caffeine, white sugar, recreational drugs or alcohol and dairy food --all of substances that shouldn't be resumed (if ) until sometime after panchakarma is completed. The cause of this diet plan is that during the cleansing procedure the digestive fire (agni) takes a break . Additionally, as toxins move into the gastrointestinal tract, also the strength of digestion is significantly farther slowed. Kitchari will offer sufficient nutrition, is very easy to digest, nourishes all the cells of the body, is excellent for de-aging of tissues and aids from the detoxification and cleansing procedure. Kitchari can be actually a seasoned blend of rice and mung dal, also so is essential to the Ayurvedic way of life. Basmati rice and mung dal possibly have the qualities of being cooling and sweet with a sweet after taste. With each other they develop a more balanced food items ; an outstanding protein blend that is tridoshic.
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