#Bengaluru victory
jobsbuster · 6 months
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easterneyenews · 4 months
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srbachchan · 6 months
DAY 5871
Jalsa, Mumbai Mar 15/16, 2024 FRi/Sat 2:19 AM
🪔 ,
March 16 .. birthday greetings to Ef Kalpana Kakade from Bengaluru .. and Ef Bharat Gupta from Kutch - Gujarat .. 🙏🏻🚩❤️
Birthday EF - Kalpana Kakade Saturday, 16 March .. all good wishes for this day and the love of the Ef ..🌹
A loss in the FINALS .. at the ISPL .. sad but on the day the other team played a better game .. so we resolve that the next season of the game we shall endeavour with greater effort and WIN ..
The FIGHT is more valuable when defeat has been initiated , for when there is no defeat .. victory shall never be highlighted .. you have to win against an opposition , else how does one register a win ..
So we give the credit to the opposition .. it is their due .. resolve our spirits and prepare for the next fight ..
Got stuck at the entrance gate for over an hour .. just immobile .. crowds in their enthusiasm and mobbing did not give us even an inch to move .. and by the time compromised security could get us through our batting innings was over .. and we knew the score was dismal ..
Maybe the presence and the encouragement , like the game before could have enthused them .. but just not our day .. we take it on the chin and get ready to punch back soon ..
However .. the spirit of sportsmanship should never be overshadowed by defeat .. and the grace shown by Abhishek in meeting all the players soon after the game was over , was hugely appreciated .. not just our team but congratulated the Kolkata team as well ..
BUT .. what a joy and an experience to have spent some precious time with the GREAT SACHIN ..
It is impossible to express what a huge amount of knowledge he has over the game .. his predictions on what the bat should do next , the field placement , the bowling and the anticipation of what shall happen next is just INCREDIBLE .. it is not incredible it is magical ..
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Effort should never wane .. one day it shall open the doors to what is sought ..
"Victory and defeat stand as polarities in the tapestry of human experience, defining the essence of life's struggles. Victory, the pinnacle of achievement, embodies triumph, perseverance, and accomplishment. It celebrates perseverance, resilience, and unwavering determination. In its glow, we find validation, pride, and the sweet taste of success. Conversely, defeat casts a shadow, teaching invaluable lessons in humility, resilience, and growth. It tempers egos, fostering introspection, and igniting the flame of renewal. Yet within defeat lies the seed of future victory, for it is through setbacks that we unearth the strength to rise, resilient and renewed, toward greater triumphs."
My love
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Amitabh Bachchan
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mariacallous · 3 months
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Ram temple in Ayodhya in the key northern state of Uttar Pradesh in January in hopes it would earn him a massive victory in the national election that concluded in June. That didn’t happen—at least not to the extent that Modi, his Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and their ideological fountainhead Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) expected.
In what has widely been described as a shock result, the BJP won merely 240 seats in the 543-seat parliament, after setting a target of 400 seats. Modi has formed a government but only with support from other parties.
Like any election result, the outcome had multiple causes that will take time to fully sort out. But one thing is already clear: Modi failed in his long-running bid to homogenize India’s Hindus across castes and cultures and consolidate their vote for his political benefit.
In 2014, Modi came to power on the back of religious nationalism and security issues, and he continued that trend in 2019. This year, in the absence of any urgent security threat from regional rival Pakistan and rising concerns over unemployment, inflation, and authoritarianism, Modi banked on the RSS’s homogenization strategy.
The Ram temple was built on a site long disputed with Muslims, where a 16th-century mosque stood until December 1992, when a group of Hindu nationalists razed it to the ground allegedly on the BJP’s provocation. Experts said the BJP had envisaged the temple would instill pride in Hindus, feed their Muslim animosity, and bring them under the Hindu umbrella to choose Modi.
Even though, by and large, the Hindu community seemed to have been pleased with the inauguration of the temple, that didn’t translate into votes for Modi across the Hindu hierarchy. Instead, the results exposed the weaknesses of the homogenization exercise.
Hartosh Singh Bal, an Indian journalist and the executive editor of the Caravan, said there is “diversity in Hinduism” and the election results prove that it can’t be “papered over by directing attention and hatred outwards” toward Muslims. This election proves that “Hindus are not a monolith” and that “various segments of Hinduism have a successful chance of taking on the BJP,” he added in reference to tactical voting by lower castes in Uttar Pradesh against the BJP.
Karthick Ram Manoharan, a political scientist at the National Law School of India University in Bengaluru, said that in Tamil Nadu, a state in southern India with the second-biggest economy in the country, the BJP did not win a single seat out of a total of 39.
“Hindus are the absolute majority in Tamil Nadu, but they still mostly vote for the secular Dravidian parties,” Manoharan said in reference to local parties that have emerged out of social movements opposed to an upper-caste Hindu order that the BJP and RSS have been long accused of nurturing and propagating.
In March, just a month before voting began, I witnessed saffron-colored flags expressing support for Modi’s party jutting out from rooftops and windows in tightly packed homes in western Uttar Pradesh. Some people I spoke to said that BJP workers had decided to adorn the neighborhoods as they pleased, but underneath the flag-waving, a large-scale discontent was brewing over a lack of employment opportunities.
The upper-caste youth seemed confused, if not yet disenchanted, with Modi and in the absence of industry and strong local economies once again mourned the loss of government jobs to affirmative action. (The Indian Constitution reserves almost half of all state jobs for people from lower castes and others who confront a generational disadvantage and historical discrimination.)
Meanwhile, Dalits, who sit at the bottom of India’s Hindu hierarchy, in hamlets nearby who depend on the quota for their dignity and livelihood were quietly recalibrating their options. The mood was starkly different from 2014 and 2019 when I visited some of the Dalit-dominated parliamentary seats in Uttar Pradesh. Back then, Dalits I met were upbeat and decisively pro-Modi. They said they supported him since they believed that he might raise their stature in the Hindu hierarchy.
But 10 years later, they suspected the BJP was plotting to weaken the constitution, the only assurance of rights for marginalized communities in a country where upper-caste Hindus continue to hold social capital and economic power.
Recent comments by BJP leaders that if Modi won 400 seats, he would change the constitution spread anxiety among lower castes that the party intended to scrap the reservation system. The BJP repeatedly denied this, but the suspicion that it is first a party for upper-caste Hindus is deep-rooted among lower castes, and experts believe the comments were part of the BJP’s political strategy.
“They were testing the waters to see what would be the reaction,” said Sushil Kumar Pandey, an assistant professor of history at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University in Lucknow and the author of Caste and Politics in Democracy.
“The opposition picked it up and campaigned on it, telling people a change in the constitution could mean losing your livelihood, your jobs,” Pandey added. “That worked at a time [when] people were also scared of privatization” and in government-run sectors.
For Dalits, it was about more than jobs. The Indian Constitution is nearly worshipped by the community and celebrated en masse on the birth anniversary of the Indian intellectual who wrote it. B.R. Ambedkar was no fan of Ram and advocated against the caste discrimination inherent in Hinduism all his life, even converting to Buddhism when he felt there was no escaping caste-based prejudice. While he couldn’t annihilate the caste system, he ensured that the constitution offered lower castes a quota in government jobs to gradually uplift them.
In his honor, and as an ode to the progressive document, Dalits sing songs in praise of the constitution and hail it as the upholder of their dignity in a society where they continue to be belittled. Any change to the text was unacceptable. “Their cultural identity is linked to this book,” said Ravish Kumar, a journalist and the host of a popular YouTube news show.
In the south, too, there was a fear of culturally being subsumed by a Hindi-speaking upper-caste elite. Indian federal units, or states, were defined in the 1950s on the basis of language, and to this day south Indians identify themselves on the basis of the language they speak. The Ram temple had no resonance in the southern states, particularly in electorally significant Tamil Nadu, with the highest number of seats regionally. Tamils were wary that the RSS’s homogenization agenda would drown out their cultural ethos and impose a secondary status on the Tamil language.
Manoharan, the political scientist, said that in Tamil Nadu, it was “not so much religious but fear of cultural homogeneity” and “a language policy which will give importance to Hindi speakers over Tamil speakers and upper-caste Tamils over other backward castes.”
In a state where “88 percent people come from so-called lower castes” and “69 percent have jobs under affirmative action through a special act,” people were also extremely worried that the BJP may “water down” the employment quota promised in the constitution, Manoharan added.
The southern Indian states have a longer history of resistance to upper-caste domination, a higher literacy rate, better economies, and a tradition of secular politics. While the BJP maintained its tally of 29 seats from the last election, it is being seen as a poor result considering the inroads the RSS has made in the south.
For instance, in the southwestern state of Kerala, the RSS has more than 5,000 shakhas, or branches, second in number only to Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state—yet “despite the fact that the RSS has thousands of training grounds in Kerala, they are unable to get influence,” said K.M. Sajad Ibrahim, a professor of political science at University of Kerala. “That’s because while religion is important, communal harmony is more important to people here. BJP tries to create tensions, and that doesn’t work here.”
The BJP managed to gain one seat for the first time in Kerala, but that isn’t being attributed to its ideological success or expansion of homogenization project but to the winning candidate’s personal appeal. Suresh Gopi, the winning candidate, is a popular movie star.
In many states in the Hindi belt and even in the south, the BJP did well. The upper castes and urban voters are standing firmly behind Modi. Kumar, the journalist, said it would be foolhardy to dismiss Modi—and the bigger Hindutva, or Hindu nationalist, forces backing him—just yet. He said Hindutva hasn’t lost and only faced a setback. “The BJP was trying to dominate caste politics with Hindutva,” he said, “but the election result shows that dominance has cracked.” However, he added, “it has only cracked—the ideology still has wide-scale acceptance.”
Everyone else Foreign Policy spoke to concurred but added that Hindus are far too diverse to be homogenized. Manoharan said the results exposed the weakness of the homogenization agenda and its faulty premise. “Hindutva’s aim for homogeneity is confounded precisely by a structural feature of the religion-culture it seeks to defend—caste,” he said.
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ndtvnews5 · 1 year
Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft lands on moon in ‘victory cry’ of new India
Bengaluru, August 23 (Reuters) – On Wednesday, an Indian spacecraft successfully landed on the moon, a huge milestone for India’s space exploration ambitions and aspirations to position itself as a space power, coming just a few days after a Russian lander was destroyed in an accident.
As the Indian tricolor flag was seen fluttering joyfully during its descent, Prime Minister Narendra Modi exclaimed, “This is a declaration of victory for a new India,” coinciding with hisinvolvement in the BRICS conference held in South Africa. Read More
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strengervinay · 1 day
Go Kart Racing in Bangalore: Up a Notch!
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Go karting Bengaluru Karnataka is an exhilarating experience that combines speed, skill, and fun. The city boasts several well-maintained tracks that cater to both beginners and experienced racers. The thrill of navigating tight corners and straightaways while competing against friends or family adds an adrenaline rush like no other.
Beyond the racing, the experience is enhanced by the camaraderie shared among participants, whether you’re celebrating victories or laughing off near misses. With options for food and refreshments available at many venues, it’s easy to spend an entire day enjoying the adrenaline-pumping fun that go-kart racing offers. It’s not just a race; it’s a complete adventure filled with joy, excitement, and unforgettable memories.
Elevate Your Experience of Go Kart Racing in Bangalore by Considering These Tips:
Group Events: Organize a group outing or a corporate event. Racing against friends or colleagues can enhance the thrill and add a competitive edge.
Professional Coaching: Some tracks offer coaching sessions. Learning tips from professionals can significantly improve your skills and lap times.
Themed Races: Introduce themes to your races, like costume races or relay formats, to make it more engaging and fun.
Track Challenges: Set specific challenges, such as timed laps or elimination rounds, to keep the competition lively.
Combine Activities: Pair gokarting Bangalore with other activities, like laser tag or paintball, for a full day of excitement.
Food and Drinks: Enjoy a post-race meal at nearby cafes or restaurants to discuss highlights and share stories.
Photography/Videography: Capture the action with photos or videos to relive the fun later.
Explore Different Tracks: Try out various go karting venues around Bangalore to experience different track layouts and kart types.
Attend Events: Participate in go karting tournaments or leagues to challenge yourself and meet other enthusiasts.
Safety Gear: Invest in personal safety gear for added comfort and safety, enhancing your overall go kart racing in Bangalore experience.
By incorporating these ideas, you can make your go karting outings in Bangalore even more memorable and exciting.
Want to experience the thrill of go karting but have no idea about the price and packages available? Opt for Universal Adventures and its services to get hold of packages that offer the best go kart price in India. 
Go Kart Racing in Bangalore Packages: 
1. Go Karting - 5 Laps
INR 449 per person 
15 Minutes 
Certified Guide
High Quality Safety Gears
Inclusive of GST
5 Laps
2. Go Karting - 10 Laps
INR 899 per person 
15 Minutes 
Certified Guide
High Quality Safety Gears
Inclusive of GST
10 Laps
3. Go Karting - 15 Laps
INR 1,299 per person 
15 Minutes 
Certified Guide
High Quality Safety Gears
Inclusive of GST
15 Laps
4. Go Karting - 20 Laps
INR 1649 per person 
15 Minutes 
Certified Guide
High Quality Safety Gears
Inclusive of GST
20 Laps
Go Karting in Bangalore; About the Activity: 
1. Activity Location: Huskur Dommasandra Road, Kodathi, Bengaluru
2. Activity duration: The activity duration is 15 minutes
3. Timings: Go karting timing is between 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM
4. Age Limit: The go karting age limit is 12 years and above
5. Weight Limit: below 100 kg
For more details, you can visit the Universal Adventures’ website. 
Experience the ultimate blend of competition and fun; get behind the wheel and leave your worries in the dust!
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starbiopic · 23 days
Karun Nair Eyes a Big Finish in Maharaja T20 Trophy 2024 as He Aims for Team India Comeback
Karun Nair, captain of Mysore Warriors, is in the spotlight as he aims to lead his team to victory in the final of the Maharaja T20 Trophy 2024. The tournament is nearing its climax, with Mysore Warriors set to face Bengaluru Blasters in the final. While this is the second consecutive final for Mysore Warriors, Bengaluru Blasters are making their debut in the championship match. All eyes will be…
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iplbettingw · 1 month
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Bengaluru Blasters vs Hubli Tigers: Match 17 Analysis and Predictions – Maharaja Trophy 2024
Kalyani Bengaluru Blasters (BB) will take on Hubli Tigers (HT) in the 17th match of the Maharaja Trophy 2024 on Friday, August 23, at the M. Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bengaluru. Both teams have shown strong performances this season: the Blasters have secured four victories out of five matches and currently hold the second position, while the Tigers, with an identical win record, are placed third.
In their previous game, the Blasters edged out Mangalore Dragons by six runs, setting a target of 144 runs. Kranthi Kumar was instrumental in their victory, contributing 39 runs off 28 balls and taking two wickets, earning him the Player of the Match accolade.
On the other hand, the Hubli Tigers faced a defeat in their last outing against Mysore Warriors, falling short by 56 runs. They were all out for 109 runs while chasing a target of 166. Despite a strong bowling effort from LR Kumar and Manvanth Kumar L, who each claimed three wickets, the Tigers couldn’t overcome the deficit.
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boycottipl · 1 month
IPL 2024 SRH vs RCB Live Score: Royal Challengers Bengaluru end victory drought, beat Sunrisers Hyderabad by 35 runs - The Financial Express
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debrghaya2000 · 2 months
Mohun Bagan's Triumph: The Story of the ISL 2024 League Title Champions
The 2024 Indian Super League (ISL) season will be remembered as a historic chapter in the annals of Indian football, thanks to the remarkable journey of Mohun Bagan. With a rich legacy and a passionate fan base, Mohun Bagan’s triumph in the ISL 2024 season is a testament to the club’s resilience, strategic planning, and exceptional talent. This article delves into the story behind Mohun Bagan’s championship run, highlighting the key moments, players, and strategies that led to their crowning glory.
Pre-Season Preparations and Strategic Signings
Mohun Bagan's preparation for the ISL 2024 season began long before the first whistle was blown. The management and coaching staff, led by the astute head coach Antonio López Habas, focused on building a balanced squad capable of challenging for the title. Key signings included experienced international players and promising domestic talents, aimed at strengthening the team’s core and adding depth to the squad.
Among the notable signings were an experienced central defender from Spain, a dynamic midfielder from Brazil, and a young Indian forward who had been making waves in the domestic circuit. These additions not only enhanced the team’s tactical flexibility but also brought in the much-needed experience for high-pressure situations.
A Strong Start to the Season
Mohun Bagan kicked off their ISL 2024 campaign with a statement of intent, securing convincing victories in their opening matches. The team’s defense, marshaled by the new Spanish recruit, was rock-solid, while the midfield, led by the Brazilian playmaker, controlled the tempo of the games with ease. The young Indian forward quickly became a fan favorite with his clinical finishing and electrifying pace.
Early wins against strong opponents, including a memorable away victory against Kerala Blasters and a dominant home performance against FC Goa, set the tone for the season. The team’s cohesion and tactical discipline were evident, and the fans began to believe that this could be their year.
Mid-Season Challenges and Resilience
As the season progressed, Mohun Bagan faced their fair share of challenges. Injuries to key players and a dip in form tested the team’s depth and resilience. However, the coaching staff’s meticulous planning and the squad’s determination ensured that the team navigated through these tough periods.
A crucial turning point came during a mid-season clash against their fierce rivals, Bengaluru FC. Down by a goal and struggling to find their rhythm, Mohun Bagan showcased their fighting spirit. A late equalizer followed by a stoppage-time winner not only secured three vital points but also boosted the team’s morale significantly.
The Final Stretch: Consistency and Determination
Heading into the final stretch of the season, Mohun Bagan’s consistency and determination were key to their title charge. The team maintained their focus, securing important wins and crucial draws that kept them at the top of the table. The defensive unit continued to perform admirably, and the midfield provided the creative spark needed to unlock stubborn defenses.
One of the standout performances came in a high-stakes match against Mumbai City FC. The Brazilian midfielder orchestrated a masterclass, scoring a stunning free-kick and setting up another goal, leading Mohun Bagan to a 3-1 victory. This win solidified their position at the summit of the league and showcased their championship credentials.
The Title-Deciding Moment
The penultimate game of the season saw Mohun Bagan face ATK, their city rivals, in a match that could potentially decide the title. The atmosphere at the Salt Lake Stadium was electric, with fans from both sides creating an unforgettable ambiance. Mohun Bagan needed just a draw to secure the title, but they were determined to win in style.
The match was a tense affair, with both teams creating numerous chances. However, it was Mohun Bagan’s young Indian forward who rose to the occasion, scoring a brace to give his team a 2-0 lead. ATK pulled one back, but Mohun Bagan’s defense held firm, and the final whistle was met with euphoric celebrations as they clinched the ISL 2024 title.
Celebrations and Legacy
The victory sparked jubilant celebrations among Mohun Bagan fans, both in the stadium and across the country. The club’s first ISL title was a culmination of years of hard work, strategic planning, and unwavering support from their fans. The triumph also highlighted the contributions of the coaching staff, management, and players who had all played their part in this historic achievement.
Mohun Bagan’s ISL 2024 League title triumph is a story of resilience, strategic brilliance, and unyielding determination. The club’s journey from pre-season preparations to lifting the trophy is a testament to their commitment to excellence and their enduring legacy in Indian football. As the celebrations continue and the memories of this historic season are cherished, Mohun Bagan’s triumph will inspire future generations and solidify their place as legends of Indian football.
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schandrakumar30 · 3 months
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garavigujarat02 · 6 months
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Kohli’s 77 leads Bengaluru’s victory over Punjab
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gmqazi19739 · 3 months
Boost For These IPL Stars Under Gautam Gambhir, Says Report. Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli To...
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Gautam Gambhir's anticipated appointment as India's head coach may present a brand new lease of life to IPL champion skipper Shreyas Iyer's worldwide profession through the three-match ODI sequence in opposition to Sri Lanka in July-August. Having led Kolkata Knight Riders efficiently within the IPL, Iyer may additionally go for the five-match T20I sequence in opposition to Zimbabwe beginning July 5, however, the extra life-like probability of a comeback is the ODI sequence in opposition to Sri Lanka. Gambhir, who's the front-runner for India coach place, and Iyer solid a profitable partnership throughout KKR's victorious IPL marketing campaign this year and the proficient Mumbai right-hander, who has been a prolific 50-over batter, may lastly have fortune favoring him after several tumultuous months. Gambhir was the mentor of the franchise. Iyer was dropped from BCCI's central contracts, together with Ishan Kishan, after he hey fell out with the institution for his obvious reluctance to play Ranji Trophy. Nevertheless, Iyer at all times maintained that his recurring decrease again problem saved him out of the sport though he did play the Ranji Trophy ultimate scoring 90-odd runs. At present, several younger hopefuls, who've carried out within the IPL, are coaching on the Nationwide Cricket Academy in Bengaluru for 5 T20Is in opposition to Zimbabwe set to be introduced a while subsequent week. "Shreyas is at present not at NCA. Right here largely these gamers are there, who've carried out within the IPL and will probably be in competition for Zimbabwe's choice. "Abhishek Sharma, Riyan Parag, Mayank Yadav, Harshit Rana, Nitish Reddy, Vijaykumar Vyshak, and Yash Dayal are all on the camp. Some will go to Zimbabwe T20Is," a BCCI supplier instructed PTI in situations of anonymity. "Nevertheless, there's each risk that Shreyas will journey for the three-match ODI sequence in Sri Lanka. The final ODI that India performed was in South Africa and he scored a half-century (52). He had 500 plus runs (530) in the World Cup and averages simply around 50. Are you able to drop him?" he added. It's understood that seniors like Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli, together with tempo spearhead Jasprit Bumrah, will now concentrate on ODIs and Assessments for the rest of the season with 9 WTC Assessments between September 2024 to January 2025. The schedule consists of two dwelling video games every in opposition to Bangladesh and New Zealand, 5 away in opposition to Australia, and the marquee ODI Champions Trophy in Pakistan. Whereas there will probably be several new gamers in T20Is together with IPL stars, the likes of Rinku Singh, Shubman Gill, Avesh Khan, and Khaleel Ahmed are additionally anticipated to journey to Zimbabwe. In case Hardik Pandya and Suryakumar Yadav aren't rested, they're anticipated to be the designated captain and vice-captain for the tour though each has been taking part consistently since the begin of the IPL. Matters talked about in this article Source link Read the full article
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tfgadgets · 3 months
1st ODI: Ton-up Smriti Mandhana, spinners fashion India's 143-run win over South Africa | Cricket News
NEW DELHI: Smriti Mandhana‘s determined century and a disciplined bowling performance, spearheaded by spinners Deepti Sharma and Asha Sobhana, led India to a commanding 143-run victory over South Africa in the first women’s ODI in Bengaluru on Sunday.India now lead the three-match series 1-0, with the second game scheduled for June 19.Mandhana’s sixth ODI century (117 off 127 balls, including 12…
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cavenewstimes · 3 months
India vs South Africa, 1st ODI Highlights: India women crush SA women by 143 runs
Right then! That’s it from the 1st ODI between India Women and South Africa Women where India Women have clinched a victory by 143 runs. The second ODI of this series is scheduled for 19th June at 1.30 PM IST (8 AM GMT) at the same venue, M.Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bengaluru. You can join us an hour early for the pre-match buildup. Until then, cheers and stay safe. Smriti Mandhana is the Player of…
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common-man · 4 months
Letter Published in The National UAE on 31 May 24
The team that won the IPL after 10 years
In reference to Ajit Vijaykumar's report IPL 2024 team of the season: KKR players dominate after victorious campaign (May 27): The IPL cricket team Kolkata Knight Riders's victory – after winning in 2012 and 2014 – against Sunrisers Hyderabad was great to watch. Despite SRH's earlier matches and a good score, it was surprising how they failed to perform well in the final.
KKR also had a strong team under Shreyas Iyer and he proved his leadership mettle. Probably if SRH Skipper Pat Cummins chose to bowl things could have gone differently.Cricket is however also a game of luck and this time after a decade KKR won the trophy. They deserve it for their consistency. Kudos to Shreyas Iyer and his team on a great victory.
K Ragavan, Bengaluru, India
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