#Benkei is the big spoon
444takeomi · 11 months
: ̗̀➛ summary: wakasa as your boyfriend
character(s): wakasa imaushi
warnings: female reader, a little suggestive in parts, mentions of alcohol
wc: 0.7k
a/n: back again with more 1st gen bd content that literally no one asked for, this one's been sitting in my drafts for ages bc i hate literally everything i write💀
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- from an outsider’s perspective waka doesn't seem like a very affectionate boyfriend — he's not a big fan of pda and doesn't outwardly show his love for you in front of others, to the point where he even comes across as distant sometimes
- however behind closed doors he's like a completely different person, you never expected him to be so clingy and needy for your attention, and it honestly surprised you at the beginning of your relationship
- you weren't complaining though <3
- waka loves cuddling with you at every opportunity, whether that's after he comes home from work or when he first wakes up in the morning
- he likes to be the little spoon sometimes — just don't mention it in front of his friends, he gets embarrassed </3
- he's also naturally very cold in terms of body temperature, and makes such a big deal out of it just as an excuse to hold you in his arms
- “come on, princess, i’m practically freezin’ to death over here. what, you don't care? do you not love me anymore?”
- he's so dramatic pls
- waka spends as long as possible laying in bed with you in the morning, he loves wrapping his arms around you and feeling the warmth of your body against his
- if you try to get out of bed he’ll squeeze you tighter and beg you to stay “just five more minutes” — you've been late to work several times because of him hahaha
- he just looks so cute with his hair all messy, you can't say no to him </3
- waka prefers staying home, so a lot of your dates consist of things like cooking together or binge watching shows and drinking beer — if it's the latter he always buys some yakitori to eat as well
- steals kisses from you when you're least expecting it and teases you if you get flustered or shy
- “aww, are you embarrassed? you like it when i kiss you, princess?”
- please tell him to shut up ahaha
- you're the only person who is allowed to play with his hair, and he even lets you try out different hairstyles on him
- he's so soft for you <3
- he asks you to help every time he touches up the purple streaks, he doesn't trust anyone else to dye it except for you
- waka also loves when you help him wash his hair, the feeling of you massaging the shampoo into his scalp sends shivers down his spine — he looks so angelic with his eyes fluttered shut and a blissed out expression on his face
- please dry it with a towel and brush it for him afterwards, he feels so loved when you take care of him
- you always tell him how jealous you are of his eyelashes, and if you ask nicely he will let you put mascara on them
- he thinks you look so cute when you're concentrating and will keep trying to kiss you — only when you threaten to poke him in the eye with the mascara wand does he sit still
- he's already pretty but he somehow looks even more gorgeous with mascara on, it's almost unfair </3
- waka absolutely hates bugs but he still gets rid of them for you, especially if you have a phobia of them
- he doesn't want his princess to worry <3
- he often invites you out drinking with his friends and will get absolutely wrecked by the end of the night without fail — waka gets very affectionate with you when he's drunk and this is one of the few times he lets his guard down in front of others
- he will spend the whole evening leaning on your shoulder, sometimes whispering dirty things in your ear — his hands will start wandering as if no one is watching and you have definitely had to slap them away before
- he has no shame whatsoever💀
- when he's drunk he always wants to do karaoke with you, he's such a bad singer and you two end up laughing your asses off
- benkei is so done with you both💀💀
- he's such a baby when he's hungover, please bring him some painkillers and water and give him kisses
- if you make him breakfast as well he will literally love you forever, even if it's just something simple like tamago kake gohan (egg on rice)
- in conclusion it might not seem like it at first glance, but waka loves you more than anything — he just prefers to reserve that side of himself for only you <3
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please do not translate, repost, or share my writing on any other platforms eg. tiktok
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Virtue!! Your event!!!! Why are you so sweet let me smooch you😭
If it's okay I would love to tell you about my Selfship with none other but Benkei bear 🫶
Sadly I don't have any selfship art bc your bitch is broke but I have a picrew
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We're just that wholesome lil couple where you think "oh my how adorable I want that too!"
We got our difficulties choosing movies because I live for horror and gore which he's scared of bc he's a baby. All big and tough but he's the softest. He would keep a light on when I listen to true crime to fall asleep and states it's so he can read and play with my hair but in reality he's scared (but won't say anything bc he knows I can't fall asleep otherwise)
He would protect me from everything and speak for me when anxiety kicks in but as we know I'll gladly destroy kneecaps if someone pisses my loved ones off so I think this dynamic fits us best
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He's this cool headed, calm, rational guy that likes to be loud and cheer all his friends on while I'm that impulsive little crackrat that can't open her mouth for shit - and if I do it's either veeery quiet (or I will make you question your existence if you chose to fuck around and find out)
Him and Ace are best buddies and it makes me question from time to time if he's with me so he can hang out with my dog 💔 can't blame him tho, that stinky is a legend.
Our song is Work song by Hozier. It just gives me this big ol Benkei vibes.
You probably have the whole knowledge of A-Z about him thanks to yours truly 🫶
And about me uh yeah. I'm a lil Shrimpy that would kill for her dog and loved ones, big anger issues but a shy baby. As you know I love to crochet and lately to paint / draw.
I don't know what else to tell you but I could go on for hours about how much I would like to lay in bed and cuddle him right now because yeah. I love him and he's that big walking heater that likes to cuddle.
I just love this man why is he not real 🥹
Greet the Breadstick from me please and give her some good booty scratches if she's into that🖤
◇─◇──◇── @benkeibear  x Benkei! ──◇──◇─◇
birthday edition!!! Wishing you a very tolerable year with more ups than downs hehe <3 <3
□ I feel like Benkei has definitely tried to train you a bit in the past. So he can be particularly comfortable and secure in your ability to stand you ground against the GIANTS you experience on the daily.
□ And thank god it happened after hours bc i think it has also once maybe ended in steamy locker room times.
□ Benkei has tried to squat Ace (with ace kind laying on/being held on his shoulders). I don't think ace loved that. His lil face was VERY CONFUSED, but the gym insta followers loved the video.
□ this one is kinda out there but i think maybe Benkei might have discovered yarn bombing and coordinated with some local grandmas to yarn bomb a park. I think he probably tried to get you to teach him (I'm not sure if his hands were quite dexterous enough) but tldr, the grandma population loves him and he thinks it's a very silly idea.
□ big spoon/little spoon? Puh-lease. Benkei lays on you. He hugs your hips and nestles his cheek into your tum and he could die happily like that, your warmth on his cheek. It's super cute right!!! WRONG! Come winter you are going to be plagued by his COLD NOSE. It is the ONLY PART OF THE MAN THAT GETS COLD. But ugh anything for him T.T
□ Benkei sends you a video every. single. walk. with Ace because he's a silly boy or his ears flopped really cutely.
□ He absolutely lifts you in the grocery store.
□ Benkei, in all his buff, yet soft glory spends a lot of time at Shinichiro's place lately. He always smells really sweet when he comes back too.
□ it's weird but like it's Benkei. Benkei would never do anything so sketchy as cheat.
□ Of course, he was really getting baking lessons from housewife in the making Emma. Even better than the cheesecake me makes for your birthday, is the stack of photos of Benkei with each and every one of his failed creations along the way.
□ Also, he's the most reasonable of the older gen trio, but he still forgot candles so you just blew out his lighter lmaooo
□ I just know he'd be coordinating for months to get people to get to see you irl esp after the last few years of wild shit. It's made even more sweet bc I don't think he's really the stay-tightly-in-touch type so it's really a little labor of love and UGH I LOVE YOU TWO.
□ Most importantly Benkei lets me play flirt with you and is in on the running joke that if heaven forbid anything happens to him, I get you
If anyone but rhy made it here - sorry yall, this is me celebrating our girl's birthday so it's a super special extended length version.
Have you ever lovingly teased him about his very of-the-time tribal-y tattoos?be honest. eheheh
Come make my day, tell me about your self ship, and get some hcs of your own.
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tatakaebomb · 2 years
Getting Along
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ꕥ Pairing : Shinichiro x Reader
ꕥ Synopsis : From enemies to fucking on the kitchen countertop.
ꕥ Word count : 1.8k
ꕥ A/N : This might be a lil ooc but still works. Sorry Waka, i needed u for the plot :( This is me coming back to writing ~
ꕥ TW : 18+, smut, rough sex, dom! shin, creampie, unprotected, cheating, fingering, choking, teasing, praise, bratty reader, use of slut once, mention of cigarette, dub con but not really, reader is wakasa’s girlfriend, shin’s big dick - i think thats all.
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Again. You're about to be left alone with him AGAIN.
Wakasa knew very well that you and Shinichiro never worked well together and any time you got forced to hang around him it would start arguments.
It began way before you and Wakasa started dating, the bitter feeling of rejection never leaving Shinichiro since you curved him for his best friend -and ever since then, the tension just kept growing.
You really tried in every possible way to get along with him but it could never happen, he'd always say something that ended up setting you off and you wouldn't be able to keep your mouth shut. You always told yourself that it was only right to keep trying , for your boyfriends sake at least.
But you didn't expect this tonight. Not tonight.
This was suppose to be your special day - the day only you two would spend together - but of course Shinichiro managed to invite himself to your place once again without any notice.
You were happily making dinner when that asshole walked in like he lived here, like he always does.
It completely killed your mood to say the least, but once Wakasa got off the phone with Benkei telling him he'll be " right over " , you finally snapped.
" Are you fucking kidding me? Waka - its our anniversary ! " You crossed your arms, turning around from the stove to face your boyfriend with a pout.
" I know baby, i'm sorry - listen " Wakasa tried explaining how Benkei got in trouble and how he needs him, getting closer to you and stroking your shoulders in a shitty attempt to excuse himself.
" Should i... leave ? " You heard Shinichiros voice come from the living room and you rolled your eyes, opening your mouth to say something only to be shushed by your boyfriend.
" Nah Shin, keep her company while im gone - ill be back in a few "
You didn't have time to react as your boyfriend quickly slipped his shoes on and left the apartment, completely ignoring you cursing him out as he shut the front door closed behind himself.
" Fucking asshole " You muttered under your breath, your head hanging low as you took the food off the stove and set it aside to cool down, burning your finger in the process.
" - Shit " You cursed, dropping the wooden spoon you were holding on the kitchen floor.
" You good ? " Shinichiro's voice startled you as you bent down to pick up the spoon making you instinctively turn around and throw it at him.
He dodged it, holding in laughter at the fact you look like you've just seen a ghost.
" Yeah, i'm fucking great - can't you tell ? "
You muttered annoyed trying to ignore him while taking a large bowl out from the kitchen cabinet, chaotically grabbing the ingredients you needed.
" Can i - like - help you with anything ? "
You sighed and raises your head as you cracked the last egg into the bowl,
" Do you know how to make brownies ? "
"You told me you knew what the fuck you were doing ! " You yelled out, waving your hands around trying to keep it together as you saw your kitchen get messier and messier, flour spilling everywhere from the cup Shinichiro was shakily holding.
" I don't fucking know, Emma texted me the recipe - blame her ! " He yelled back, getting in your face while you couldn't help but laugh at how this man managed to somehow get flour in his hair.
" Why are you laughin - fuck this,  i need a smoke " He expressed, bringing a cigarette from his pack to his lips and getting ready to light it.
" I swear to god if you smoke in my apartment - i'll fucking murder you " You calmly said, looking at him dead in the eyes.
And just as calmly he kept eye contact as he flicked the lighter on, the intoxicating smoke quickly making its way around as he inhaled.
You impulsively stepped in front of him, cursing at him while taking the cigarette from between his lips causing him to exhale the smoke right in your face. You choked while he grinned at you amused making you back him further into the wall, bringing the lit cigarette up.
" I'll put it out on your tongue " You warn him making him mockingly put his hands up while sticking his tongue out.
" Bet you won't "
“Hah” That's all you needed to hear, you brought it closer to his mouth and in a split of a second he grabbed your wrist, turning you so you're the one pinned against the wall.
You look at him dumbfounded, your hands shaking making you drop the cigarette on the tiled floor. He steps on it, getting closer to you while pinning both of your arms above your head.
" Get the fuck off me, you idiot " You mutter , your heart beating out of your chest as you look up into his dark eyes noticing his gaze noticeably changed into a more serious one.
He chuckled as you struggled against him making you even more mad. The tension grew between the two of you as you tried to get your words out, stuttering until you finally managed to speak.
" Quit playing , im serious - we need to finish before Waka gets bac-"
You get interrupted by him as he looked down at your lips with an emotionless expressions,
" You have chocolate around your mouth"
" Huh? " You began licking your lips instinctively,
" Wher-"
" Here "
He suddenly crashed his lips against yours, letting go of your wrists to drop his hands to your waist, bringing you in closer.
You gasped into the kiss, not knowing what to do until inevitably giving into it and kissing him back.
He pulled away, looking down at you speechless while you avoided eye contact.
" What - why ? " You asked breathlessly and without answering he picked you up, continuing to kiss you before placing you roughly on the kitchen counter.
His kisses trailed down your jawline to your neck as you hesitantly tangled a hand in his hair, your breathing quickening as you pulled him closer to you.
" Fuck - Shin " You let out a quiet moan, your head tilting back as you shut your eyes letting him slip your dress up.
" Because - i’ve always wanted you " He breathed against your neck, biting down on your collar while slipping two fingers into your wet panties, sliding them to the side.
" Shit - this is - ah - fucked up " You let out a loud moan, biting your bottom lip as he began working his fingers in and out of you slowly.
" Mm, do you want me to sto- " He paused once your body shook against his, a faint " right there " leaving your lips before you shook your head in embarrassment.
" Here ? " His dark hair fell over his face as he picked up his pace, not breaking eye contact while his fingers kept rubbing against your spot perfectly. You bit on your lower lip to suppress moans while feeling your legs starting to shake.
" Nu-uh "He took his fingers out making you whine at the loss of contact, your eyes glistening as you stared into his.
He grabbed you by your neck forcing you to look at him, a small gasp leaving your lips as he began undoing his fly with his other hand.
" I wanna hear you , what do you want ? " His lips twist into a smirk.
" Please - want you -" You mumble incoherently under your breath as you feel your body tremble more and more under his while he lines his cock with your entrence, teasing your clit.
" Mm? I didn't hear you " He continues rubbing his head up and down your slit. You pull him closer to you, your lust filled eyes staring into his.
" Need you inside me - please " You let out a whisper, digging your nails into his back as he slowly slipped the head inside stretching you out.
" More! " You moaned against his ear, your finger nails dragging along his back.
" 'So greedy - what's my name ? " He slowly took his cock out as you desperately buckled your hips up.
" Shinichiro - please " You cried out and he snapped his hips against yours without warning, burying the whole of his length inside in one stroke.
" Fuck - good girl " You rolled your eyes back as he starts moving, kissing on your neck while continuing with long slow strokes. You tugged on his hair, bringing his gaze to meet yours.
" If you're gonna do it - ah - do it right " You half smiled at him.
" Shut the fuck up " He shook his head and chuckled before kissing you again, rougher this time.
He picked up his pace, roughly drilling himself in and out of you, rubbing against your spot with every stroke making your stomach curl.
" Ah - like that - 's good " You exhaled, your head falling back as his hands gripped firmly around your neck.
" Fucking slut - should of thought twice before rejecting me for him huh ? " He groaned against your lips as you desperately grabbed tighter onto the counter top, your legs shaking as you felt your orgasm approaching.
You mindlessly murmured in affirmation to what he said, your eyes rolling back while you feel him deeper and deeper inside you.
" Shin- 'm gonna - " You moan out as he crashed your lips on his.
" Cum for me " He quickened his pace helping you ride out your high as you chanted his name out of breath, coming undone under him.
You felt his dick twitch inside you , your eyes meeting his again as he began groaning louder, his hips starting to stutter against yours.
" Fuck - Y/N -" His head tilted back as he gave in a few more lazy strokes before filling you up with his cum, whispering your name under his breath as you took in the sight still trying to catch your breath.
The two of you silently stared at eachother, the only sound being heard was the sound of your heavy breathing while you both try to process what just happened.
" I'm home -" Wakasa voice was heard from the main door as you hum to yourself, twirling around while placing the food on the table while Shinichiro quietly scrolled through his phone.
" I thought one of you would be dead by now "
He chuckles, nearing you to place a kiss on your cheek while you looked at the dark haired man with guilt.
" No, we got along just fine " Shinichiro confidently says, his head propped up on the palm of his hand as he looked at you innocently smiling back.
“ I guess we did “ You break eye contact, looking down at your food and playing in it as your smile slowly faded.
“ That’s goo-“
Wakasa pauses, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he takes a seat at the dinner table next to you.
" Y/N, were you wearing the same clothes when i left ? "
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torapologist · 2 years
First Gen Black Dragons preferences headcanons
cw: lemon-ish, afab!reader but no pronouns used, bottom reader, not proofread An: this is the first time I write something like this, so bear w me and happy new year c:
1.      Shinichiro is a tits man.
Sometimes he just holds them. It brings him comfort. When the two of you are just hanging out, he likes to stick his hand under your shirt. Shin likes being the big spoon just so he could grab your boob.
Every time you wear a deeper neckline, you have to remind him where your eyes are. It’s not his fault he’s horny for you 24/7!
He likes when they hang in his face when you ride him. Invented the phrase: “I love your titties, cause they prove I can focus on two things at once.” Tries to grab them with his mouth and drools all over you. He also loves marking them, either with hickeys or straight up bite marks.
The first time you let his head rest on your chest, he was in heaven. Hearing your heartbeat made him feel really connected with you and he genuinely enjoyed the closeness. Still prefers spooning and boob holding though.
2.      Takeomi is an ass man.
Loves using it as a pillow. When you lay on your stomach while scrolling through your phone or reading, he just likes to rest his head on your butt. If he wants your attention, he will bite it.
Every time you kiss or hug, you have to move his hands, it’s like they have a mind of their own when they sneak down. He always plays dumb though.
The first time you sent him a photo where you showed your ass in some cute panties, he almost crashed trying to get to you as fast as possible.
Just loves groping and kneading the flesh. Doesn’t seem like he would slap it, unless you say you want to. He prefers to just play with it.
One thing he is a huge fan of is watching it jiggle and ripple in his face. Reverse cowgirl or doggy are his absolute favorites.
If you have tattoos on your butt or lower back, he loves pressing kisses against them. If you want to absolutely ruin him, tattoo his initials on your ass cheek.
 3.      Wakasa is a thigh man.
Loves having them around his neck when you hang out. Will jiggle them for attention. Sometimes taps random songs on them, as well.
When that man says “don’t hover, sit down.” He means it with his whole heart. He may be on the smaller side, but he is strong. And if there is one way he would like to die and it’s with your thighs around his head and your hole in his face.
Heavy on hickeys, your thighs are always purple. He smirks every time he sees them.
If you’re wearing shorts or a short skirt, he likes to pinch them in public. Gets pouty if you’re wearing tights underneath. Loves to rip them later, though.
Often falls asleep with his head in your lap. There’s something so comforting about your plush thighs and gentle fingers combing through his hair. He almost cried once but he will never admit it.
When he’s horny and you’re just not in the mood, thigh fucking is the way to go. One time, you offered him to grind on your thigh to get off. He didn’t like it as much as fucking between your thighs, but the way you looked at him made him feel things.
You like surprising him with wearing nothing but his jacket and thigh high socks. He loses his cool every time.
4.      Benkei is a hip man.
Likes holding them. Every time you talk, when he leads you somewhere, when he’s showing you off. Just rests his hand on your hip. Draws calming patterns with his thumbs, maybe gives a comforting squeeze.
Loves when you’re wearing tight clothes. He tries to be respectful, but his eyes just eat you up. Huge on bunching skirts up around your hips for easier access. Also a fan of snapping your underwear band against you. Sometimes using his hands, sometimes using his teeth, whichever you want.
One of his favorite activities is just caging you between a wall and his big body, with a strong grip on your hips, completely destroying you. He loves manhandling you, you don’t need to do anything when you’re in his arms.
However, the hold he has on your hips during sex can get painful. Definitely bruises. But he is so, so gentle with aftercare. Both ashamed of hurting you, yet proud of his mark on your body, he loves to gently kiss and rub them to soothe your skin.
If you have hip dips, he loves just tracing your curves when you’re naked. It helps both of you relax.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Me wanna see big teddy bear benkei fluff
Bc istg i wanna cuddle him at the same time i want him to ruin me
You can add nsfw
*waddles into the frame*
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Parents Night Out: Keizo Arashi x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.2k
tw: NSFW
song recommendation:
"Ahhh..." Keizo guides the spoon into his youngest child's mouth, trying to advise the tyke on how to eat his applesauce. "Ahhh... Mmm... Oh! Mmmm..." Benkei always wanted a big family. Even when he was tearing up the Kanto region with Ragnarok, he imagined himself settling down with a beautiful woman and having three, four, five, six kids. He's only a third of the way there now.
The boy mimics his father with a static stare, his wide brown eyes trying to catch every single move of the man's jaw. His eldest is in the living room, mimicking a war jet sound and crashes with her Lego set - tons and tons of crashing noises.
"Sorry for taking so long," you huff, throwing the door to the garage open. “Had to make sure Imaushi is covered with anything he might need.”
“It's just Waka,” Keizo mumbles, still spooning the mixture into his son’s mouth. “He'll be fine.” You set the groceries down on the counter and sigh, mouth opening to offer a short rebuke. "Ah, ah," your husband cuts you off, still not looking in your direction. "Don't say it."
"Waka can't even seem to cook macaroni for the babies," you huff. "He's barely even an--"
"Uncle Waka's here!"
"Okay, don't get too wild, you two!"
"It's just dinner," Keizo laughs, sliding into the driver's seat of the not-so-kid-friendly sports vehicle. Wakasa gives you a look while holding your chipmunk-cheeked son on his hip, and you shoot him one back with a stiff lip.
You haven't told him? his eyes indicate.
No, you gripe mentally, shaking your head sharply to answer his questioning look. Wakasa raises his brows, looking away with one hand up as the car reverses as if to claim defeat and letting your eldest run into the now-empty garage space.
"Bye, mommy! Bye, daddy! Have fun!"
"Bye, sweetie," the man beside you waves, letting the top down at the garage door slides closed. You look over at Benkei - your man - as you pull off, driving into the residential street smoothly. You just love seeing him melt for his children, eyes aglow and mouth upturned into a small grin.
"First date night out since Malcolm was born," he notes, chuckling. "How does it feel?"
"What do you mean?" you wonder, sliding your hand onto his muscular thigh.
"I mean, how does it feel to be free for the evening, Mrs. Arashi?" Your white-haired husband wonders, lacing his fingers through yours as the wind blows past your ears.
"It feels good, Mr. Arashi," you giggle, kissing his knuckles. "Feels fucking amazing, actually."
The exclusive restaurant is small, cozy, and quiet when the two of you arrive hand-in-hand. It all feels perfect, like the best evening you two have had in a while, and some part of you wishes things could stay this way - just the two of you alone in a fancy restaurant.
"Remember when we got stuck in the rain over there?" Keizo wonders, pointing his fork at the window overlooking the boardwalk. "And you had to let me borrow your little jacket because mine was soaked through?"
"I remember how much you complained when I braided your hair that night," you laugh, rolling your eyes. "You were literally mad that nature was being predictable." Keizo sighs, his grey eyes drifting to the ceiling.
"Kind of wanted to be the white knight, but instead you came to the rescue." You look up from your plate at the man across from you, noting the unadulterated nostalgia in his eyes. You reach across the and table and lace your fingers through his massive ones, feeling each digit stretch your hand a little wider.
"Okay," you begin slowly. "But what about the time you carried me back to the car because I broke my heel at the sock hop?" Benkei looks away, his cheeks getting warm. "And the time you helped me study for my exams?"
"But you were stressed and--"
"And the time you stayed awake with me because of that horror movie we watched that gave me nightmares?"
"That was a hard night," he agrees, shaking his head. "I definitely learned my lesson from that."
"I love you when you're being the white knight," you continue. "...and when you're letting me save your ass from Takeomi and Wakasa and the kids." Keizo brings your hand up to his mouth, pressing soft kisses on your fingers. "You're the most perfect husband and father a woman like me could ever ask for."
"I could say the same for you as a mother and a wife."
"You already do," you reply tenderly. "I mean, you're the stay-at-home parent so I can live my dreams of being a professor."
"I still work," Keizo grumbles, perking up. "Just at night when the kids are--"
"But they don't know that. To them, you're daddy during the day and the night. I envy you for that." You look down at your empty hand, wishing it could reach out grab all of the moments you missed. All of the years you could have spent by their sides.
"You could always come home and be with us," your husband whispers. "You really don't have to work, baby."
"Well," you murmur, fishing around in your purse with one hand as Benkei plays with your ring finger thoughtfully. "I might have to take an extended leave in a few months."
"Hmm?" His grey eyes zero in on the picture you slide across the table, your mouth curling up into a grin. "Is that..."
"Twins," you reply excitedly. "We're going to have twins."
Scratch that, Benkei thinks to himself, face lighting up with utter joy. Only two-thirds of the way there.
"Check, please!"
The check comes as quickly as it can, and the massive giant pulls you out to the sports car, eyes full of something you haven't ever seen before.
"We didn't even have dessert," you cry out, but Benkei doesn't listen, pulling your seatbelt over you gingerly before hopping into the driver's seat. "Where are we going?"
"To the spot," he mutters breathlessly. "You know, our spot."
'Our spot' meant a small field right outside of the city limits, a concrete bridge covering over the lush grass and shielding you from sight.
"Big daddy," you moan, hands wrapping around Keizo's neck. "Oh, that's so fucking good." Your sundress is pushed up against your hips and Benkei's face is nuzzled into your neck as he fucks you into the base of the stone pillar. This is where the two of you had your first argument, where he first made you want him with your entire body, where you lost your virginity and conceived your first kid - according to him at least. This is unquestionably your spot.
You can even feel the small ridges cutting into your back where Keizo had chiseled out your initials with his knife, declaring your love for whoever was naughty enough to fuck under this same bridge.
"You're so beautiful," he groans, running his cool tongue up your neck. "Can't wait to see you round with our babies again." You whimper, shifting your hips forward so he could reach that perfect place, that place where his tip stroked you so well... "Your cheeks get fuller, your hips get wider, you just glow, babe."
"You're too fucking good to me," you pant, chuckling. "How many kids do you really want, daddy?"
"As many as you'll give me," he purrs in your ear, and you close your eyes, relishing in his touch. "I'll take as many as you'll give me."
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babu-haitani · 3 years
Can I request cuddling with pehyan benkei shion baji please 🙏🏻
HI SIENA! I'm sorry this took so longgggg! but it's here! thank you for waiting <3
Cuddle Sessions (Tokyo Revengers)
Genre: FLUFF!
Pairings: Peh Yan, Benkei, Shion, Baji X G/N S/O
P.S Characters are all 18+
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Cuddles with Peh are always tight and safe.
HE wouldn't let go of you until he is contented, you're stuck with him. And yes that includes going to the bathroom.
Despite him liking cuddles, he never really asks for it unless he is really really tired with work or If he is having one of those angry days because of Pah's stupidity (THIS IS NO PAH CHIN SLANDER!! I SWEAR!)
If you allow it, He prefers cuddling you by your stomach.
You know...his face buried on your abdomen and his arms wrapped around your hips <333
After cuddle sessions, he would be really sweet and caring. He already is but it's x10...
His excuse is because he had his XP restored <3
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Benkei is big and buff but despite all of that he prefers being the small spoon.
He wants your limbs wrapped around him and if you do that, he would always feel at ease and calm. It's like he was never a delinquent that had his knuckles always bloodied.
It's always sugary sweet whenever he feels you around.
Benkei is a light sleeper...so if he felt your limbs, not on him he would search for you like a big baby and if he found you, he would hover and give you kisses while hugging you.
Yeah, you can say he is really clingy and cuddly...
But it's adorable <3
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This man thinks cuddles are for the WEAK.
Boy was he wrong when he first experienced his cuddles with you...He was like...
"What the fuck is this sorcery?????"
He starts calling your cuddles "MY THERAPY"
He started getting addicted to your cuddles but despite him being addicted, he won't agree to cuddles in public.
He is a prideful man and he doesn't want his image to be ruined especially when he once said out loud how he hates cuddles :>
But overall he likes your cuddles and if you ever want hugs in public, he'll give it but please don't expect him to cuddle you XD.
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All cuddle sessions ends up with you both having a tickle fight and you hitting him to stop.
But if he has one of those days where he feels confused and doesn't know what to do? Expect him to cuddle you anywhere and anytime.
And YES that includes him cuddling you in your living room...
In front of your parents...
He likes being the big spoon cause he loves your scent whenever you both cuddle, he wants his face buried on the crook of your neck and if he feels like it...
He might even nibble on your neck, lovingly <3
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anticapitalistclown · 3 years
I see you take Tokyo Revengers requests too!
Can I request which sexual position first gen black dragons would use to their female s/o?
Thank you sm 💖
Sure <3
Tokyo Revengers: which sexual positions would Black Dragons first generation use, nsfw headcanons.
Characters: Shinichiro, Takeomi, Wakasa and Benkei.
This man is the type that when someone asks "boobs or ass" he says "personality" but honestly, he likes both.
He loves to see your boobs and ass bounce.
That's the reason he uses the famous doggy style and the face off.
The doggy style is one of the best positions for G-spot stimulation.
The face off allows more intimacy and an easy access to your boobies.
Honestly having sex with him looks lazy but comfortable.
That's why I think he would use the scoop me up and the figure 8.
The scoop me up is really intimate, the sexual version of spooning.
The figure 8 consists basically of stimulation 100/10.
Man's so flexible so there's no secret he will also like to test your flexibility.
On the other hand, he looks lazy and tired.
That's why he would use the sea shell and the ballet dancer.
Both of them require flexibility, the difference is that in the ballet dancer you don't need to clean the sheets since you don't have to use them.
Thicc big boy, he knows he's strong, he knows he's big.
Benkei has a duality, he loves having all the control and take care of you as he loves you taking care of him.
For his strength he would use the upstanding citizen
And for resting and enjoying you taking care of him he loves the cowgirl
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kallikrein · 3 years
BD 3way cuddles
Wakasa + Benkei : IT WOULD BE SO NICE TO CUDDLE THEM 😭 Benkei can easily wrap his arms around both of you, and Wakasa would just keep his head on your shoulder or bury his face on your hair, every once in a while you would jump from one of them tickling you and the other would just hold you tighter and grumble bc they were trying to sleep, and if they were both having those days where they want to tease you benkei would just hold you against him and let wakasa tickle you until you threaten to puke on them if they dont stop😭😭 alternatively, you and wakasa on either side of benkei as he tries not to move bc you both fell asleep on top of his arm/ his chest and now he's stuck face up bc he can't move or he will wake you up
Shin + Takeomi : Shin is laying on your stomach and his arms are wrapped around you and he's squeezing you so much you can barely breathe but it's ok because you're laying against takeomi and he's playing with your hair softly and nagging at shin so you can at least take a proper breath💀 OR!! you and shin are both being hyper puppies and takeomi is tired of it so he just throws himself on top of both of you, effectively trapping you under him intil you either calm down or fall asleep... he is the first to fall asleep but since you and shin cant move you just decide to sleep too
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benkasa cuddles with benkei as the big spoon 😩 and the shinomi (??) / takechiro (??) lmaoaoao is canon. you and shinichiro = hyper cuddlers >;((
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444takeomi · 10 months
: ̗̀➛ summary: keizo as your boyfriend
character(s): keizo arashi
warnings: female reader, mentions of periods, sfw but still suggestive
wc: 0.7k
a/n: saved the best til last, i love benkei sm <3 also i think this is the first time i've posted more than once in the same month💀 (i'm so inconsistent i'm sorry)
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- okay so benkei is literally the perfect boyfriend and no i will not be taking any criticism
- i mean he's tall, beefy, he has tattoos — speaking of which, he loves when you two are cuddling and you start tracing the ink on his arms
- he wants to get your name tattooed in the future, obviously it’s a big commitment but he knows he wants to stay with you for the rest of his life, so why wouldn't he get his beloved’s name inked on his skin?
- in terms of placement he would probably choose his wrist, somewhere everyone can see it so they know that he's yours <3
- before you two started dating it took him a long time to gain the courage to even think about confessing, at first he assumed you were only spending time with him because you wanted to get closer to waka </3
- his confession was accidental, waka was trying to convince him to tell you how he felt, and you overheard benkei saying how he didn't want to make things awkward if you didn't feel the same
- you had planned to surprise them with food since you knew they were busy at the gym, not wanting them to go without a meal — you just so happened to walk through the door right as benkei was pouring his heart out to waka
- “look, i wanna tell her how i feel, of course i do. i've liked her for so long now, but i just can’t risk ruining our friendship over— hey, are ya even listening?”
- he turned around to see what it was that had waka so distracted, his eyes widening as he realised you were standing there — in that moment he honestly wanted to die from embarrassment
- he was definitely not expecting you to say you felt the same way, and was even more surprised when you told him you were also reluctant to confess in fear of your feelings being unrequited
- turns out you two were just as hopeless as each other </3
- benkei is actually an amazing cook, he loves to cook for you all the time and will learn how to make all of your favourite meals
- he loves going out for picnics and café hopping with you, he thinks those type of dates are so cute <3
- he also likes to go to concerts with you and will surprise you with tickets to see your favourite artists, and during the shows he always lets you sit on his shoulders so you can see better
- every morning before he goes to work he leaves little post it notes on the fridge reminding you that he loves you </3
- asks to compare hand sizes with you all the time, he thinks it's adorable how yours are so much smaller than his
- benkei is super attentive while your on your period, you won't even have to lift a finger — he brings you snacks, painkillers, your heating pad, whatever you need <3
- will massage your stomach and lower back, he's literally so good at it and his hands don't get sore at all
- snores super loudly and talks in his sleep💀
- he makes such an amazing big spoon though, you almost forgive him for keeping you up at night when he wraps his muscular arms around you and pulls you into his broad chest
- he's the type to grab your butt whenever he walks past you, and he can't help but grin when you squeal in surprise and narrow your eyes at him
- he always invites you to workout with him, but if that's not your thing he’ll get you to sit on his back while he does push-ups😭
- after a shower he walks around with only a small towel around his waist because he knows how flustered you get — the sight of his muscular thighs and water droplets running down his abs leave you speechless every time
- he knows exactly what he's doing💀
- benkei is absolutely terrified of horror movies, it's almost comical seeing a grown man so afraid
- one time you and waka convinced him to come with you to a haunted house attraction, and he was scared shitless and clinging to you the entire time💀
- waka definitely found it amusing💀💀
- benkei loves to hug you from behind, throughout the day he’ll randomly come up to you and engulf your body in his <3
- he also loves pda, he's always holding your hand and will kiss you in public with no shame as long as you're comfortable
- in conclusion benkei is such a wonderful boyfriend, he's a huge sweetie and will absolutely treat you right <3
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please do not translate, repost, or share my writing on any other platforms eg. tiktok
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Imagine getting up from bed to drink water or smth in the middle of the night and when you come back you find keizo, still half asleep, patting the bed, looking for you 🥺🥺
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Between the Sheets: Keizo Akashi x Fem!Reader
wc: calculating...
song recommendation: the sound of my tears because WHY IS THIS MAN NOT REAL
Your eyes open sharply in the darkness, groaning softly. Your husband's arm is slung backward over your waist carefully, trying not to smush you or the small bump protruding from your stomach. Of course, tonight you're the big spoon and he's the little spoon, but only because you fell asleep on the wrong side of the bed and facing the wrong way.
You hum as you stand, placing your feet on the cool wood before walking around the bed and toward the kitchen to get a glass of water. Four chugs later, you set the glass down in the sink and waddle back to the bedroom, sighing in relief.
Thank God for tap water.
You're met with Benkei laying in the bed, eyes still closed as he pats the sheets behind him, face scrunched up in confusion as he mumbles, "Babe? Where y'at?"
You laugh a little and climb back into bed, taking his hand and placing it back on your stomach.
"I'm right here, sweetie." The words and the feeling of your body near him seems to solve his issue, and he relaxes, snoring once more. You can't leave the bed in the middle of the night, you think to yourself, or else the big teddy bear might lose sleep over your need for water. Though, you don't mention it in the morning. It's one of the many things you love about him, so why would you?
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