gonegirlaccount · 10 months
I saw that you were writing again and I saw that u write for tbp so I was wondering if you could so a Vance Hopper with a reader with curly hair the promp being that they help him with his curls (I wanna do his hair so bad😭) if you do this tysm
Sure np! :D
Curls. (Vance Hopper + GN!reader)
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▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ It was Friday after school, which meant there was no school tomorrow. So you decided to go over to Vance’s house and stay the night. You knocked on the door and instead of Vance opening the door, it was his mom.
“Oh thank goodness you came (Y/N)! I was just about to call you. You’re the person Vance really wants to see but he won’t tell me why. Just go to his room.” She smiles at you then heads back to the living room. Why was Vance going to call you?
You slipped off your sneakers and left them near the door, then you headed towards the blond’s room. You knocked on the door and was greeted by the boy with a comb stuck in his frizzy hair. You covered your mouth as you giggled a little. “It’s not funny, (Y/N)..!”
The blond grumbled, his face a light red in embarrassment. “Okay, okay. So if I’m guessing correctly…you want me to help you with your hair? Am I right or am I not?” You smile at him.
“..you’re right. So, can you help or not?” He says. “Yeah I can help. I just gotta go get some supplies. Go to the bathroom, I’ll be back.”
You came back into the house with a bag full of supplies you use for your curls, walking into the bathroom to see Vance exactly where you asked him to be.
you then grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Vance’s shoulders. “Alright put your head into the sink Vance.” The blond does what you say then you turn the water on, making sure every part of his hair is wet.
As soon as you were sure every part of his hair was wet, you lifted his head out of the sink. He looked in the mirror and saw his curls curling. “That’s all I had to do?” He says, getting ready to get out the bathroom. “Nope Vance, there’s still a lot to do. Can’t leave your hair like this or else it gets frizzy and tangled.” You grin.
He sighs. “First we have to detangle your hair.” You say, spraying a detangle mist into his hair. The blond starts coughing. “You got it in my mouth!” “Calm down, you’re acting like I poured the whole bottle in your mouth…”
After you successfully detangled his hair, you put in some curl creme. “Imma leave some supplies here so you can do this yourself, alright?” Vance nodded and you could see a tiny smile on him. You put his hair into a bun and decided to do finger-curls on him.
“This is how you tell how your curls want to be separated.” You comb his hair and see his curls separate into four. You then wrapped a strand of his hair around your finger, held it there then let it bounce into a curl.
“One strand down, only a few more to go!”
”Ta-da! So, what do you think Vance?” You smiled as you got him up and led him to the mirror, showing off his new curly style.
The blond looked at his hair and felt it, a grin appearing on his face. “My hair looks fucking awesome!” He laughs, his grin widening.
You cleared your throat and looked at Vance with a raised eyebrow. “Oh. Right. Thanks, (Y/N).” He gives you a hug. And you hug him back.
“So I have to do this myself..” “once a week, Vance. I could do it for you if you’d like.” You tell Vance with a smile. “Yeah…could you do it for me?” “Ofcourse. Who am I to deny you?”
He grins and ruffles your hair, getting a giggle out of you.
“Wanna play pin-ball now?” “Hell yeah (Y/N)!”
like and/or reblog if you want to pookies, I’d appreciate it 😜🫶🏽.
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gonegirlaccount · 10 months
The Black Phone Request: Robin and Finney finally watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre together
(Sorry if this was short, I didn’t feel like writing a lot 😜.)
“Scaredy Cat.” Robin Arellano x Finney Blake
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☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧
Finney sighed inwardly as he and Robin walked to the movie theater. He gulped upon seeing the poster for Texas chainsaw Massacre. “C’mon Finney, we’re about to see it. It can’t be that bad.” Robin grabs Finney’s hand and leads them inside the movie theater.
As they both walked in, Finney was abit amazed by the theater. There was a few arcade games and he saw posters for other movies. Black Christmas, Dracula, then finally, what they came here to see. Texas Chainsaw massacre.
“Cmon Finney, hurry up before somebody sees us. This movie is rated R, after all.” Robin says, taking Finney out of his little daydream.
He grabs the brunet’s hand and quickly leads him into the area where the movie they came here to see is currently about to start.
That would’ve made Finney blush if they weren’t going to see a horror movie.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧
It wasn’t even twenty minutes Into the movie when a certain scene popped up with a meat hook. Finney squeezed his eyes shut and held onto Robin’s arm. “Scaredy Cat.” Robin teased with a smile but he hugged Finney softly and let him hold his arm.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧
After the movie ended, Finney didn’t think he wanted to go to anyone’s house or anywhere near a butcher shop ever again.
”Finney, was it that bad? You don’t have to come with me next time if it was that bad.” Robin tells Finney, rubbing his thumb across the brunet’s hand as an attempt to comfort.
“no, it’s fine. Just didn’t expect it to be like that. I don’t think I want to ever go on a road trip.” Finney mumbled which causes the Mexican boy to laugh.
“I don’t think I want to either.” Robin smiles which encourages Finney to smile aswell.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧
sorry this was so short once again, I just couldn’t find that much to write about for this request
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gonegirlaccount · 1 year
OMG! I saw your Hcs for Johnny cade and now I need a little story with the reader 😭 (If you can ofc,and whenever you have time) PLSS 💖 also have a good day/night ^^
(A/N; whoever requested this please enjoy it bcs this is so sweet ilysm)
"Not the best.” Johnny Cade X Fem!reader
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Today was your first anniversary when you first started dating Johnny. You didn’t forget this and had it planned out for a really, really long time. You bought Johnny a gift and you had even baked a cake!
You didn’t want to buy one cause it was too expensive and it seemed easy enough to bake one! If soda could do it, you could too! Right?
You accidentally add too much of an ingredient, too little and everything just goes to shit. But you tasted the batter and it tasted fine! So maybe it’s all good!
(But you decided to cover it in a lot of frosting just in case.)
You put the cake on your table with the gift and waited for Johnny.
5 minutes have passed. You thought he was taking a bit long so you painted your nails. They looked good! Maybe he’d like them.
After the 8th minute, Johnny came through the door. He was holding some flowers and a necklace and something else he was hiding. You tried to get a closer look but he wouldn’t let ya.
“You can look at that later, ‘Kay? Cause I got ya other things.” He says as he smiles and hands you the flower and necklace.
It was your favorite flowers and it was the necklace you wouldn’t stop eyeing.
“But this was expensive!” You exclaimed. “Two-Bit.” He said and you understood immediately.
“Thank you. Anyways, sit down! I made cake.” You smiled happily and he nodded, sitting himself down at the table.
You then went to the drawer, got a knife, then came back and cut the cake into eight slices.
You lifted one of the slices onto a plate and gave it to Johnny. Johnny then took a bite out of the slice you gave him then turned to face away from you.
“Johnny, what’s wrong? Is it not good?” You asked, biting your fingernails. Had he noticed that the cake wasn’t good? (Did you not add enough icing?)
Johnny slowly turned to you and smiled awkwardly. “It’s…erm…good.” He mumbled and nodded.
You sighed than grinned, embarrassed. “It’s not the best, is it?” You said, making Johnny sigh and nod.
“How about we go to the store and get a cake there!” “Please. I’m sorry, but that cake was really nasty.”
“Thanks for sparing my feelings Johnny.”
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gonegirlaccount · 1 year
Can you please do hc for soda dating a soc?
DATIN: Sodapop Curtis
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He's been feeling down after his heartbreak with Sandy, like a lot.
But then you came along!!!
At first, he didn’t really want to go near you since you were a soc but you were just so lovely and didn’t try to get him into trouble he just couldn’t walk away
He doesn't care about being seen in public with you, a soc, as long as you don't mind!!
Soda shows you how greasers live so in exchange, you show him how Socs live!
He’ll tell the gang about you and it will take awhile for them to get used to you, but they’ll like you! Just give it some time.
If you give him any gifts, he’ll probably refuse at first but if you keep persisting, he’ll take it. This goes both ways.
If your parent(s) ever found out about the relationship and they didn’t like it, he’ll try to still see you. But!! If they accept him and like him, he’ll come over more often, bringing gifts for your parents to prove he’s good enough for you.
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gonegirlaccount · 10 months
Hello could you do a Billy Showalter x M!Reader? Such as Billy biking pass M!reader on his daily route to deliver newspaper, etc!! Idc for specifics, as long as it’s Billy Showalter x M!Reader :3
Alr! And sorry for not being that active, I got school and stuff 😭
Newspaper (Billy Showalter X M!reader)
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✎ᝰ.📓.♡ ̆̈✧˖°🗒✎ᝰ.📓.♡ ̆̈✧˖°🗒✎ᝰ📓.♡
It was thanksgiving break, which meant no school after Monday and Tuesday. You yawned as you got out of bed and went to the kitchen. It was Wednesday which meant you didn’t have school so you were probably going to stay in bed and watch tv or hang out with friends.
As you were pouring the milk into the bowl of lucky charms, your dad came right next to you, pouring orange juice into his mug. “Hey, (N/N), can you go outside and get the newspaper for me? I heard something happen and wanna see if it’s true.” Your dad asked for you to do.
You nodded. You quickly ate all your cereal. You put your bowl in the sink then went to your front door. As soon as you opened it, you were hit in the face with a newspaper. You winced and stumbled forward a bit, your lousy door closing behind you.
“oh! I didn’t think somebody would open the door, I-I’m sorry!” You recognized that voice. It was Billy Showalter. You went to school with him, he was your hallway-crush. “I-it’s alright Billy. It was an accident.” You smiled at him but your face was slightly bruising.
The brunet got worried immediately and parked his bike, walking up to you, his dog following. “Oh shit- I’m really sorry! I didn’t know, really!” Billy said, looking apologetic.
“It’s fine Billy! Really!” You put your hand on his shoulder to reassure him. “Uhm..Can I make it up to you? Ride on my bike with me.” He says. “Alright. Just let me bring this newspaper inside to my dad and change.”
✎ᝰ.📓.♡ ̆̈✧˖°🗒✎ᝰ.📓.♡ ̆̈✧˖°🗒✎ᝰ📓.♡
You were currently on the back of Billy’s bike, holding onto Billy and his dog following along with him. He blushed slightly as you held him but you didn’t know that. He hoped nobody says anything about the two of you together since you were both boys.
You had an ice pack on your face that Billy got when he stopped at his house.
“Uh..(Y/N)?” The brunet says. “Yeah?” “Uhm are you doing anything while on break?” Billy asks, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
“Nothing really. Just planned on napping and watching Movies with my dad. Why do you ask?” You tell him as he throws another Newspaper to a blue house.
“oh, I asked caused I wanted you to hang out with me. At my house if that’s, uhm, if that’s alright with you and your dad.” He answers, throwing another newspaper and checking to see if his dog is still there.
“oh, yeah it’s cool. He won’t mind. When are you gonna come pick me up? Or am I walking?” You ask. “I’ll come pick you up. At like..3:00?” He says.
“Alright.” You agree. Billy makes a few more stops before going to your house. You let go of him and hop off the bike. “Bye Billy. See you soon.” You smiled at him then waved. He waved back then rode off.
You wondered what you both were going to do.
✎ᝰ.📓.♡ ̆̈✧˖°🗒✎ᝰ.📓.♡ ̆̈✧˖°🗒✎ᝰ📓.♡
It was finally three o’clock when you heard your doorbell ring. “I thinks it’s Billy, Dad. See ya later. Love you.” You say as you slip on your sneakers and zip up your hoodie. “Love you too, kid. Don’t be home too late.” He warns with a smile.
“I won’t.” You smile and open the door, and there’s Billy. You then close the door behind you. “Alright, let’s go!” You say and walk to his bike, Billy following.
“I have something to uh..give you, (Y/N).” He mumbled but you hear him. “Oh. That’s sweet of you. What is it?” You ask curiously. Billy then pulls out three flowers made out of newspaper. You blushed. “I made them for you. B-but if you don’t want to or think it’s weird I’m giving you this it’s fine.” He says, pulling the hand with the flowers in them away.
But you grab his wrist gently, causing Billy to look at you. “No, no! I don’t think you’re weird Billy. This was awfully cute for you to do for me! What’s best is that these flowers won’t die. So I can keep them forever.” You smile at him and he smiles too, the both of you blushing. “So, Ready to go?” He says when you’re both finally on the bike. “Yup!” You laugh softly and hold onto him, enjoying the slight breeze as he starts pedaling away to his house.
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gonegirlaccount · 1 year
Bruce x popular!m!Reader where both Bruce and the reader are popular and well liked people in school, very good friends, and head over heels for each other. Some stuff I would like to add to my request is that the reader also plays baseball/plays basketball.
Go crazy! :3
AHH THIS IS ADORABLE AND I WANNA WRITE THIS OFCOURSE !! :33 and btw (Y/N) has a sister in this
Baseball Boys! (Popular!M!reader X Bruce Yamada)
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(Y/N) and Bruce have been friends for awhile now ever since they both first saw each other on the same baseball team. Bruce liked how supportive (Y/N) was with all of his teammates so, why not be friends? But lately, it started turning into something more for him. Every glance he gave him made his heart throb, every time his body grazed his, even it was just a slight touch, his breath would hitch in his throat and every-time he smiled at him, his face would heat up. He knew what it was, but he was going to deny it. After all, how did (Y/N) feel?
He was looking forward to the next practice and he was really anxious to practice with him and to see him again. His heart skipped a beat when he saw (Y/N)walk in and he just couldn't take my eyes off you. He wanted to go up to him and talk to him but, He was too shy to say anything and instead, just smiled at him. The black-haired boy’s smile widened when (Y/N) smiled back at him with a little wave. He then looked away. He wasn’t usually shy or anything when he was around the (H/C)-colored boy when they were younger, so why now? God, his feelings made him look like such a fool.
The day after, Bruce couldn't stop smiling. He still felt his breath hitch in his chest as thoughts of being next to him made his heart pound. He had been so nervous of what to say the day before that he just didn't say anything at all, except for the small waves they exchanged. He wanted to tell him so bad, but his fear of rejection and losing their friendship was too much. He wouldn't tell him, at least not anytime soon. He hoped his feelings would just go away eventually.
It’s been a few weeks since he finally accepted he was Inlove with (Y/N) but that still didn’t stop him from blushing and stammering. Bruce found out that his sister and (Y/N)’s sister have found out about his feelings somehow. “Cmon..tell him you like him!” Amy said, poking her brother’s arm while (Y/N)’s sister poked the other. “Yeah! (Y/N) likes you too so you better tell him or else it’ll be too late and he’ll forget about it.” She says and Bruce freezes. He liked him back? “Yeah he does, do you like not see the way my brother looks at you?” His sister scoffs, he must’ve said that aloud. Then the doorbell rang. Shoot, he forgot (Y/N) was coming to pick up his sister from his house. Bruce was about to flee the living room and run off to his room but his sister held his arm down. “Tell himm! We’ll run off after so you can talk.” Amy explains and Bruce sighs, knowing he can’t get out of this.
But then Amy let go and Bruce took that as his chance to flee but as he went to leave, there was (Y/N), a bright smile on his face. His (E/C)-colored eyes met Bruce’s hazel ones. Amy and (Y/N)’s sister ran off to Amy’s room, giggling loudly as they hid behind the door. Bruce took a deep breath. “Amy told me you wanted to talk. So..what’s up?” (y/n) said, scratching his head. “ilikeyou(y/n).” Bruce rushed out in one breath, which made (Y/N) tilt his head in confusion. “What? Can you like say that again, but slower and more clearer..I couldn’t hear you properly, heh.” He chuckles softly.
“(Y/N), I like you. In like a uh…in a crush way.” Bruce explains, feeling his face beat up as he averted his gaze away from (Y/N). The (h/c) boy blushed and seemed a little surprise. “I like you Bruce, in like a crush way too!” (y/n) says with no hesitation, causing Bruce to bring his eyes back onto (y/n) who seemed a bit closer than he did before. “You..you do?” Bruce asked, pinching himself slightly make sure he wasn’t just having a weird dream.
“Yeah! I figured you uh did too but I wasn’t really sure…but you just confirmed it for me!” (Y/n) spoke with a cheerful tone. “This means we’re boyfriends now, right?” He said softly and hugged Bruce, giving the black-haired boy a peck on the cheek. “Uh yea…yeah, it does (Y/n).” Bruce mutters and hugs him back. He could feel his face heat up again. Bruce could also see Amy and (y/n)’s sister high five each other and give Bruce a thumbs up.
“Wanna icecream and go roller skating at that new rink opening up? It can be like a date!” (Y/n) asked with a smile stretched on his face as he let go of Bruce and moved back.
Jeez, is (y/n) gonna make his heart skip a beat and make him look like a fool no matter what?
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gonegirlaccount · 10 months
Welcome ˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚
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Here you can find everything <3
Abt me.
other accs
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚˙✧˖°📷
these are all my works, do not copy my work and use it as your own. Please DM me if you want to translate my work or take inspiration. ❄️.
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gonegirlaccount · 1 year
I’m tired and really sick so sorry for like not doing requests. You can still send them in but it’ll take awhile for it to be done. ‼️😙
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