#Best Astrologer In Al Madam
derenyanai · 6 years
Ashes of the Old World Session Branch 13-B Part 1
Time: Sometime after Session 12 Characters: Zealous Terminator
Starting things off for the hell of it, Zealous, You're in Anxe, a city known for being really tall and built out of mostly towers, the excited comradery and celebration of the populace is fairly loud after the wierd spider invasion has been fought off recently in part thanks to your "friends" , Your "friends" are currently having to deal with tarnocks trial coming up, something about a guard going missing, as you might have been told by uncle ashara, either while he was drunk or slightly less drunk, either way you have free reign to explore, what do you do? 
"Hm, I wonder where everyone is at right now?" I wonder quietly as I step through a door, looking about himself to get an idea of what the whole place looks like at this time of the day. At this very moment, I felt like actually exploring the library for some books on famous wrestlers. Hopefully I can find some interesting lore.
The library is a dusty bastard, people with pointy hats and vaguely important looking educational based cloths filling these halls, probably from various schools and colleges, while not a large buidling its pretty sizable and presumably chock full of books on various subjects, >Roll some hot saucy Investigation check to look for your desired books
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While few books you find have the term "Wrestler", You find atleast five in total revolving around arena games and pit fighting, One actually going into a specific biography about one of these participants in these games "Sexy Fred" detailing how sexy he was and the force at which he ripped opponents in two and danced beautifully after victory, two of the books have two different accounts by two seperate authors about the start of competive fighting stating there own home town as the start of it, contradicting each other atleast every respective chapter, The remaining two are ledgers holding lentghly lists of known "wrestlers" or "arena fighters"
"This sounds fun." I stated as I flipped through the pages, "This Sexy Fred sounds quite livid." After few minutes of reading into it, I had already begun to form ideas in my head. This... "arena games" and "pit fighting" sounds like something I should look into. I turn to the nearest coneheads which are also deemed as guardians of the library. "Hey, where can I find pit fights?" I ask.
The nearest conehead, A halfling with freckles all round thier face and bright orange hair almost going down to thier feet, confusidly looks to Zealous, she looks tired trying to determine if shes even awake after just glancing at him for a couple seconds, with the only immediate response being, "....what?"
"The pit fights, the arena gaming, the place where Sexy Fred fights at. Can you point the direction out to it for me, please?" I ask, growing mildly concerned for the exhausted ginger in front of me.
"...Finals coming up and I'm already hallucinating" The ginger halfing shakes her head, as if trying to disprove to herself that Zealous is even there "....And you're still there, Hello, sorry I don't....I don't know what your talking about, I don't know a fred, Is he a friend? I can check the ummmm...Lost and found....no thats....you can't put people in there, no"    The tragic lack of coffee in this time becomes violently apparant
"If you are taking history finals, you are failing it terribly, my young fair madame!" I shout at the librarian as I waved at her. "Sexy Fred is somewhat of a gladiator I hear. Never mind, is your elderly one or a supervisor around?"
"No they're at the college, they make me buy books they wrote and the libraray sells them here, 50 gp is fucking bullshit, course requires it too, they only reference ONE FUCKING PAGE, I just wanted to learn astrology dammit, The fuck is an algebra" Ginger Halfling has started crying
I sigh out of exasperation. I do not know why this young lady is telling me her troubles with school and finances. I just want directions to a pit fight, or an arena. "Right... I don't know what an algebra is either, but if it's important, you might as well learn it." I stroke my orange beard out of frustration. Right then, I might be best be off to find a place that sells or gives information about maps. Wait, I am at library. I slap my forehead and began to search for maps.
Yeah don't even roll for that, they got maps, theres even a large sign saying MAPS, at the reception desk
I pick up the map and began to look through them for locations of the pit fights and arena games. I am on a mission ladies and gents! Zealous Terminator is coming!
There is actually several in and around Anxe, Roughly Thirteen competing ones in the lower city tier, Three in the mid city tier and one large one in the highest tiers
Assuming I am already on the lower city tier... I am going to go ahead and visit one of the thirteen pit fights then work my way around from there. Hm, I wonder if I should be concerned with Tarnock's trial? I should be looking for evidences to help him break free. Oh well! TO THE PIT FIGHTS! 
I ran as far as my tiny little legs can take me.
The Richard Butter Slam, Is the fighting pit you come up to first, it looks a little bit in disrepair, wooden boards covering atleast two destroyed windows,
A small line out front, A bugbear with yellow spots, A father and his five children, An elf, and various more nameless npcs  large bouncers standing at the door 
I sure hope these bouncers don't recognize me. By their sizes, I should be able to slip by easily between their legs!
?????.....why are you worried about them reconizing zealous?
You'll never know if I need a code or password to get into the fight club.
(Look at this fuck forgeting the first rule of fight club) That has nothing to do with being reconized, but i suppose if you wanna slip in without being noticed by bouncer senpai you'll half to make a sleath check
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The Bouncers notice Zealous-Kohai very shortly paying very little mind untill looks like hes doing a sneak , closing thier legs before he can walk underneath them "Hold it, where you think you're going?"
I look up and then chuckled uneasily, "Erm.... inside?" I said.
"If you watching get in back of the line, Or are you looking to get messed up?" The bouncer grunts
"Look at me and tell me what you think?" I point to my mask and my outfit, surely it is painstakingly obvious! "I am here to MESS someone up."
>Roll the better of intimidation or persuasion
"................" The bouncer is having the hardest time not laughing "You Serious??? HAHAHAHAHA" welp there he go, doing a laugh
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Can I do a punch to make him change his mind?
Shit fam give a go >roll your attack
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The bouncer is hit in such the right spot to spit out a whole Electrum piece, The other Bouncer is looking with concern "Lenny, We talked about this don't eat coins"
"No thats from....way back I don't.....look fucker just go in ow" Lenny bouncer grimaces
With a prideful grunt, I walk into the fight club! As upon entry, what do I see?
Zealous should be able to gaze upon, A bunch of chairs and tables filled with people, Surrounding a platform created by just having a bunch of crates pushed together, there is what looks like a fishing net at each side of the crate platform, This building clearly wasn't intended for this kind of activity but was makeshiftedly turned into it.
There is two people fighting inside the platform currently one with a club and the other punching him real hard, loud cheering from the crowd
I have urges rising inside me, warrior's blood boiling, screaming me to join in the fight. However... I think I am going to look around or hear anyone talk about this... "Sexy Fred". I walk about in the arena, also looking for something to eat. I am not just being here to revel in the fight, I am also here to eat food and pick up on the lead on the guy as well.
There is alot of Butter stands like selling whole sticks of butter, in The Richard Butter Slam arena, As well as barrels of ale, Bread stands, A stand deep frying bread using ale, wierd stuff
Hm, I think I am in mood for some Buttered toast and a glass of ale.
Costs about 12 copper in total, most of the price coming from the butter, its not very expensive down here and thats probably because everyone is poor as fuck
I SHALL TAKE THAT! Upon after purchasing them, of course. 
pffft, alright the conversion rate of gold to copper is 100 Cp per Gp, so...math that out, or just pretend its pennies to dollars if that helps. The stand (user) owner happily gives you your change and hands you your food
Nice! I grabbed dem food and then walked toward the table nearby and began to eat them as I watch the fight! I am totally secretly studying my next possible fighter's fighting techniques.
I'm just realizing zealous is probably the richest fucker in the room....Anyway! Yeah the two fighters are distributing a whole wallop to each other, While the club wielder have the clear damage advantage the fist fighter is moving around to dammed fast,making it hard to land anything on him, sliding around each swing and bopping the club wielder's nose, after a couple good snoot boops Club user finally collapses onto the platform, an announcer shouting, "Ohhhh! and thats another win for Legs Leviticus, The Club Conroy is going to be mad about that when he wakes up"
"END HIM!" I shout from the chair, shaking my fist violently as I spew butter and bread from my seat.
Legs makes his way to the end of the platform looking down at Zealous "What is with this....Sassy lost child?"
"I AM ZEALOUS TERMINATOR!" I shouted from the distance.
"Well you aint gonna be shit after I'm done with you" Legs motions upward with his thumb as if to challenge Zealous, Club is being picked up and dragged away by staff
"THAT'S A CHALLENGE I SMELL. I SHALL TAKE YOUR CHALLENGE!" I shout and charged toward the clearing, entering the ring by doing some sort of acrobatics for a dramatic entry.
Take a wild guess on what you're going to >Roll
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You look like your about to make a glorious  amazing and majestic flip entry, Right up untill you hit into the fish nets you've apparantly completly fogotten about, Legs seems concerned motioning to where Club is being carried out, theres apparantly a small flap where in fighters enter and leave the platform
I hurriedly remove myself from the net to face the Legs more properly. I also make mental note that there's a small flap in case I should inspect it. "Alright, just... give me a second here." I muttered quietly as I attempt to get myself upright.
Task is simple enough not to require a roll, since the net is fixed to the crates and the cieling, There is very little way to get tangled, inless you break it
Nah, no need to break it. Anyway! I get into the clearing and face the Legs more properly. I size him up from the ground, assuming he probably got a huge size advantage on me?
Apparantly yes, standing 6 feet tall and having him some pointed ears, legs starts stretching his legs
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I point up toward the Legs and shout out in a mighty prideful cry, "ARE YOU READY TO GO BACK TO YOUR MOMMY FOR SOME COOKIES AND MILK!?"
"SOMETIME LATER TODAY SURE, BUT NOT BEFORE I TEACH YOU SOME TABLE MANNERS" Legs exclaims stomping his legs onto the platform floor
Oh boy Combat start, Roll some crunchy Initiative, mostly just to determine who goes first
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Good Shit, >roll athelics to grapple
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The legs to fast to touch as they hop out the way of your grab attempt, His turn
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Seeing you leaned over he reels one of his legs backward and strikes it forward, this misses, but shortly after his other legs comes trailing behind, but this has about the the same success, zealous turn
I tackle and wail on the remaining leg he has on the floor!
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kosttyan · 5 years
About Alex.
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General Information. Name: Alex Edward Johnson. Age: 16 (in this arts). Gender: Male. Nickname(s): Al, Edward, Ed, Young Curse-Breaker. Date of Birth: 4 January 1973. Astrological/ Zodiac Sign: Capricorn. Ethnicity: British. Nationality: British. Species: Human, wizard, animagus. Blood Type: A positive. Blood Status: Pure-blood. Family:  
Mother: Adara Johnson (nee White, Pure-blood, works at the Ministry of Magic as a Unspeakable, she is a member of the Order of the Phoenix).
Father: David Johnson (Pure-blood, works at the Ministry of Magic as a Auror, he is a member of the Order of the Phoenix).
Brother: Jacob Johnson (Missing). Uncle: Mark Johnson (Pure-blood, a Death Eater in past, he is a member of the Order of the Phoenix.) Aunt: Hannah Johnson (nee White, works at the Hospital Of St. Mungo as a Healer). Cousin: Ethane Johnson (yonger brother, was sorted in Gryffindor). Cousin: Elin Johnson (younger sister, was sorted in Ravenclaw).
Affiliation(s)/ Organization(s) : Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Johnsons family, Slytherin House. Occupation(s) : Student.
Magical Characteristics. Form of Boggart: A dead Jacob. Form of Patronus: Cheetah. Form of Riddikulus: A sweet and cute Jacob. What do they see in the Mirror of Erised?: His whole family with him and Jacob, and they’re all happy. Wand: -Length: Twelve Inches. -Flexibility: Slightly springy. -Wood: Laurel. -Core: Phoenix’s feather. Description: Thin light wand with tied purple ribbon on tha handle. Animagus: Cat. Amortentia (what you would smell if you liked him): Smell of hot chocolate.
Appearance. Height: 5′7″. Weight: 60 kg. Complexion(skin tone/ conditions): Smooth and fair skin with soft cheeks. Hair Color/ Style: Coal-black hair. Always undulating, many of the strands is pointing up. One strand of the left side is always curled, it’s impossible to straighten, how many do not try. Sometimes Alex can tie his hair in a small ponytail, and to remove the bang, he can pin her up with hair clips-bobby pin’s help. Eye Color: Emerald.
Hogwarts Information. Worst Class(es):
History of Magic. Alex was never interested in this subject, Rowan is the one who always helped him with the History.
Divination. He doesn’t believe in what they do in divination.
Best Class(es):
Defense Against The Dark Arts. Alex is interested in dark magic, but only as knowledge. He especially with great zeal teaches all about protection from curses, hexes, jinxs and slander.
Charms. Alex has always been talented in this subject. Can be said, that Charms for Alex - the most easy subject.
Study of Ancient Runes. He’s good at their meanings. If you need something translate into the language of the ancient runes or conversely, contact with Alex Potions. For Alex, this subject is quite difficult, but he likes it. Alex also likes to watch how Severus pretend to be dissatisfied with his student’s work.
Least Favourite Teacher(s):
Cuthbert Binns. He finds him a VERY boring.
Patricia Rakepick. He was skeptical with her. Once Rakepick has been able to ingratiate with Alex, and she succeeded. Madame Rakepick was like a mother to him. But after The Rakepick Incident, Alex hates her.
Favourite Teacher(s):
Severus Snape. Alex respects him as his Deccan and Potion’s Professor. Each lesson they have a little game: who will revise whom. Boy is grateful to Severus for occlumency’s lessons.
Filius Flitwick. Alex loves him for his kindness and justice. But when he had to lie to Filius, Alex was very uncomfortable.
Minerva McGonnagall. He respects Deccan of Gryffindor, though he’s afraid to come into her office for breaking the rules. Quidditch: He don’t interested in Quiddich. Favourite Spell(s): Lumos, Expecto Patronum, Flippendo, Depulso, Episkey, Wingardium Leviosa, Vipera Evanesca.
Trivia. If Alex much to laugh, he will snort. Alex knows how to make wine from grapes. He loves books with genres of detective, fantasy and adventure. He has a Weasley sweater that Molly Weasley knitted him. She knitted him a signature Slytherin sweater with the letter “A” in the center. Alex is a big sweet tooth. He sneezes like a kitten. Alex is dating with Ben Copper. When they have a date, Alex tries to have time to buy the best toffees. Because of such films as “Hachiko” Alex might cry. Alex knows how to make a :3 face. His favorite bands are: Queen, Weird Sisters and The Beatles.
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