#Best Broking Services India
stockbroker1 · 3 months
The Best Stock Broker in India
Choosing the best stocks broker in India as is a crucial decision for investors looking to navigate the complexities of the financial markets. With a myriad of options available, selecting the right broker can significantly impact your investment experience and outcomes.
Please visit our Website - https://beststocksbroker.com/
Address: Ground Floor, D - 113, D Block, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301
Phone: 9625066561
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hmatrading0 · 2 months
crude oil forecast
Oil, sometimes called black gold, powers the world economy through its price swings.
Please visit our blog - https://hmatrading.in/crude-oil-price-forecast/
Address: Ground floor, D - 113, D Block, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301
Phone: 9625066561
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vfs1jaipur · 3 months
Discount broker vs full-service broker: Which one should investors pick?
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Full-Service Brokers:
·  Services Provided - In addition to simply executing deals full-service brokers give a wide variety of services. They offer tax instruction retirement planning portfolio management & tailored investment advice amid other offerings.
· Cost: In consideration for their wide products and services and brokers that provide full-service may demand more in commissions or fees.
· Customer Service: They are often committed brokers or financial advisers that provide tailored guidance & assistance.
· Resources and Research: Market analysis comprehensive research reports & investment advice are all provided by full-service brokers.
Discount Brokers:
· Cost: In comparison to full-service brokers, discount brokerages have lower trading fee charges
· Services Provided: Their primary objective is to carry up trades in a necessary approach
· Trading Platforms: Discount brokerage firms give clients access to simple readable mobile apps or web-based systems so they may manage their investments on themselves.
·  In order to assist clients understand the basics of investing, discount brokers might offer basic educational resources which includes articles, webinars, and tutorials, although their offerings may not be as thorough as those of full-service brokerages.
Choosing Between Them
· Investor Type - Investors desiring extensive services and specific advice may consider full-service brokers.
· Cost considerations - Consider into account how fees can influence the returns on the assets you have invested.
· Level of Involvement - The choice among full-service and make deals brokers will depend upon how comfortable you with handling your finances and quantity of assistance you seek.
In conclusion
Choosing from a full-service plus discount Stock Broker will depend on your savings targets, advice and assistance choices, and your budget. By keeping conscious of these differences you can select the brokerage that best fits your budget.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 3 months
You Have My Attention: Dangerous Damsels First Lines
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India Holton's Dangerous Damsels books were a DELIGHTFUL discovery for me, and she's one of those authors whose writing style I genuinely adore so much that I caught myself reading for the writing. I would read a paragraph, luxuriate in the way this author constructs a sentence, then realize I got to read that paragraph AGAIN because I was so wrapped up in the technical aspects of the writing that I'd missed the plot. I adore the way these books are written, and they had me at hello. So how did these books catch me? Let's look at their first lines.
There was no possibility of walking to the library that day. Morning rain had blanched the air, and Miss Darlington feared that if Cecilia ventured out she would develop a cough and be dead within the week. Therefore Cecilia was at home, sitting with her aunt in a room ten degrees colder than the streets of London, and reading aloud The Song of Hiawatha by "that American rogue, Mr. Longfellow," when the strange gentleman knocked at their door.
-- The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels
Charlotte could listen no more in silence. For several minutes now a young man at the teahouse counter had been abusing a waiter with language that pierced her soul. She tried to behave as the other customers and look away--after all, who did not understand the pain of being disappointed in one's hopes for a warm current scone? But finally her patience broke, and she simple had to speak by such means as were within her reach--namely a volume of Dickens she had been reading over tea and sandwiches.
-- The League of Gentlewomen Witches
It was the best of dress shops, it was the worst of dress shops. It sold the most beautiful garments, it sold the ugliest scraps, and Miss Primula Tewkes fell in love and despair as she walked amongst its displays. Her maid, Alice Dearlove, followed like a shadow, black-garbed and silent, arms full of hatboxes. Primula declared herself to be in Heaven, but Alice privately wished the lady would go direct the other way.
-- The Secret Service of Tea and Treason
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fishyyyyy99 · 8 months
In which world has India "occupied" Kashmir? Kashmir is a part of India which is severely affected by terrorist activity. Many were forced to leave their homes to settle in different parts of India (Kashmir pandits etc). How was that India's fault and not the fault of the country the terrorists came from?
Firstly, I want to make it clear that I do condemn what was done to Kashmiri Pandits. Secondly, I do believe that Kashmir is occupied (that does NOT mean that I don't understand that the geopolitical reality is complex), and that a plebiscite should have been conducted. And I believe that neither India nor Pakistan has been entirely innocent with regard to Kashmir.
My interpretation of the events described below (quoted from the linked articles), is that Kashmir is occupied. And no, they are not my only sources of information - other articles, the Kashmiri woman who came to speak at my university, and a friend of a friend who visited Kashmir and stayed there for a significant period of time (not as a tourist), are also sources of my information on Kashmir.
When India and Pakistan gained independence from British rule in 1947, the various princely rulers were able to choose which state to join. The Maharaja of Kashmir, Hari Singh, was the Hindu head of a majority Muslim state sandwiched between the two countries and could not decide. He signed an interim "standstill" agreement to maintain transport and other services with Pakistan. In October 1947 tribesmen from Pakistan invaded Kashmir, spurred by reports of attacks on Muslims and frustrated by Hari Singh's delaying tactics. The Maharaja asked for Indian military assistance. India's governor-general, Lord Mountbatten, believed peace would best be served by Kashmir's joining India on a temporary basis, pending a vote on its ultimate status. Hari Singh signed the Instrument of Accession that month, ceding control over foreign and defence policy to India. Indian troops took two-thirds of the territory, and Pakistan seized the northern remainder. China occupied eastern parts of the state in the 1950s. Whether the Instrument of Accession or the entry of Indian troops came first remains a major source of dispute between India and Pakistan. India insists that Hari Singh signed first, thereby legitimising the presence of their troops. Pakistan is adamant that the Maharaja could not have signed before the troops arrived, and that he and India had therefore ignored the "standstill" agreement with Pakistan. Pakistan demands a referendum to decide the status of Kashmir, while Delhi argues that, by voting in successive Indian state and national elections, Kashmiris have confirmed their accession to India. Pakistan cites numerous UN resolutions in favour of a UN-run referendum, while India says the Simla Agreement of 1972 binds the two countries to solve the problem on a state-to-state basis. There has been no significant movement from these positions in decades. In addition, some Kashmiris seek a third option - independence - which neither India nor Pakistan is prepared to contemplate.
The two countries fought wars over Kashmir in 1947-48 and 1965. They formalised the original ceasefire line as the Line of Control in the Simla Agreement, but this did not prevent further clashes in 1999 on the Siachen Glacier, which is beyond the Line of Control. India and Pakistan came close to war again in 2002. The situation was further complicated by an Islamist-led insurgency that broke out in 1989. India gave the army additional authority to end the insurgency under the controversial Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA). Despite occasional reviews of the AFSPA, it still remains in force in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir.
Today it remains one of the most militarised zones in the world. China administers parts of the territory.
Media in Indian-administered Kashmir are generally split between pro- and anti-secessionist. Local journalists work under strict curfews and also face threats from militant groups. Internet access is sporadic and text messaging services are regularly blocked.
In Pakistani-controlled Kashmir, the media are used mainly for propaganda purposes, mainly to highlight the alleged human rights violations in Indian-administered Kashmir.
Also, I think the following information is relevant too.
The Muslim majority in the princely state found the Maharaja’s reign authoritarian. In the words of Kashmiri author P.N. Bazaz, “Dogra rule has been a Hindu Raj.” Maharaja Hari Singh thought of independence because, according to American Indologist William Norman Brown, “He disliked becoming part of India, which was being democratised, or Pakistan, which was Muslim....”
On August 12, 1947, J&K petitioned India and Pakistan for a standstill agreement, which Pakistan signed but India refused, asking the Maharaja to send a representative for discussions. With every passing day, the Maharaja’s position became more precarious. As early as June 1947, about 60,000 ex-army men (mostly from Poonch) had started a no-tax campaign against the Maharaja. On August 14-15, Muslims in Poonch hoisted Pakistani flags, provoking the imposition of martial law and further angering Muslim subjects. Pakistan was sending warning notes to the Maharaja, one on August 24 reading: “Should Kashmir fail to join Pakistan, the gravest possible trouble will inevitably ensue.” The worst fears of the Dogra ruler came true when on October 22, Pakistan launched Operation Gulmarg by mobilising tribals from the North-West Frontier Province. About 2,000 tribesmen, armed with modern weaponry, raided Muzaffarabad. By the evening of October 23 they had captured Domel. Garhi and Chinari fell over the next two days. Then their main column proceeded towards Uri, and then, along the Jhelum river towards Baramulla, the entry point to Srinagar.
On October 24, Maharaja Hari Singh appealed to India for military aid to flush out the raiders. India obliged but not before the Instrument of Accession was signed on October 26. It limited India’s powers over the Valley to matters of defence, communications, and foreign affairs.
And this is from the Instrument of Accession:
Nothing in this Instrument shall be deemed to commit in any way to acceptance of any future constitution of India or to fetter my discretion to enter into agreement with the Government of India under any such future constitution.
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greypetrel · 2 years
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That night, at the estate of Lord Verney, 19th Baron Willoughby de Broke, the game of whist took an unprecedented turn. First, the Earl of Colchester showed up with his beau, a foreign Lady that enchanted the whole room with a male-like wit and quite the sharp tongue, as charming and easy-going, the perfect company, that he was. Second, when the men retired for a game of whist and the ladies stayed in the living room, at the second hand Lady Colchester entered, declaring she always found whist such a fascinating concept but never had the chance to assist in one game, back in Bukhara. She moved her hands in a way that was as unusual as mesmerising to watch, long fingers clad in cream silk under her purple gown, complimenting the tone of her skin. Chatting with Lord Hastings about the Middle East where he was sent in his service, she took no notice of the gasps and outrage she cause by sitting directly on Colchester's lap, as the worst of the women, and her gracious hand, deftly placed on the green, sent what felt like a breeze, as if the room itself breathed. The cards on the table didn't move, tho, and everyone thought it was an impression. She smiled amiably, a glint of intelligence in her eyes, as she bent to press a long kiss to her husband. They won the game, somehow, even if Willoughby de Broke had all the best cards. And the next morning, Lady Verney discovered her most precious tiara, a family heirloom that was passed from generations from one Verney wife to the other ever since Cromwell's Protectorate and that was told to be blessed by unnamed powers, was gone. And yet, who would have suspected the Colchesters, so amiable, so lovely if a little too forward -dued to the exotic nature of the lady, no doubt, that's what the contesses and baronesses at the dinner said anyway- and, as was clear to everyone, always in plain eyesight, catching everyone's attention.
#KissArtFebruary2023 by @violettenouvel #4 - Duty (Pragma)
They're on duty for the Queen, making a show and totally not doing anything mischievous! I can't believe it took me this long before drawing a game of whist.
Till Queendom Come is a project about an Indian Rakshasi who’s trying to find her lost heart after the East India Company stole it, a Jotunn who didn’t feel like going back to Norway after the Vikings invasions, and the youngest granddaughter of the last druid of St. Ives who’s now trying to keep on the family tradition on her own in spite of being the wrong gender to do so. Started as a project set in Edwardian England, born in a urge of sudden irritation about seeing Victoria being romanticised everywhere by a cynical comic artist who majored in English. You can read it or on Webtoon!
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
37% of the web is porn.
Sex burns 360 calories per hour.
Baths kill more people than terrorists.
Earth has lost 50% of its wildlife in the past 40 years.
The big bang was quieter than a Motorhead concert.
Men are biologically hardwired to fall asleep after sex.
100,000 Japanese people disappear without trace every year.
The brain naturally craves four things: food, sex, water and sleep.
A blue whale can swallow half a million calories in a single mouthful.
The literal meaning of “Once in a blue moon” is once every 2.7 years.
The number of emails is expected to reach 376 billion daily by 2025.
In North Korea, the sentence for getting caught watching porn is death.
Being alone weakens your body. Having friends strengthens your body.
British people inserting things up their bums costs the NHS £350,000 a year.
The Peter Principle holds that people are always promoted beyond their ability.
Studies show that the average man exaggerates the length of his penis by 20%.
In 1997, Bill Gates invested $150 million in Apple to save it from going bankrupt.
According to a 2014 study, shorter men report that they have more sex. (No comment.)
On average people are 2 inches shorter and 20% poorer than they claim to be online.
Friendship has more influence on longevity than exercise, diet, heart problems and smoking.
In 1973, China had an excess of females and offered the U.S. 10 million Chinese women.
In 2011, a lorry crashed on the M1 spilling enough Marmite to cover 24 million slices of toast.
Eminem wrote and recorded ‘The Real Slim Shady’ three hours before his album was due.
To test what happens when someone sits on their phone, Samsung has a robot shaped like a bottom.
India used to be the richest country in the world until the British invasion in the early 17th Century.
In 2006, Liechtenstein accidentally found 0.3% more of their country when they remeasured their borders.
The more you hide your feelings, the more they show. The more you deny your feelings, the more they grow.
A study has found that friends-with-benefits relationships are just as sexually satisfying as marital relationships.
Marrying your best friend eliminates the risk of divorce by over 70%. These marriages are more likely to last a lifetime.
According to new research, your cat will happily take treats from your enemies. Your dog, however, will not.
At the 1968 Olympics, Bob Beamon broke the long jump record by so much they had to find another tape measure.
Emotional pain lasts for 10 to 20 minutes, anything longer is actually self-inflicted by over thinking, making things worse.
In 1900, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle caught fire during a cricket match at Lord's. The ball hit a box of matches in his pocket.
You may gain 20% more muscle strength by working out in the afternoon instead of the morning, according to a study.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 619,000 people die each year due to heat stroke.
‘The Shawshank Redemption’ has been rated the best movie of all time according to IMDb, with a rating of 9.2/10.
There are 67.1 million tracks sitting on music streaming services that, in the 2022 calendar year, attracted 10 or fewer streams.
Alfred Hitchcock, the master of suspense, who terrified audiences with movies like ‘Psycho’ and ‘The Birds’ was frightened of eggs.
The most expensive movie ever made is ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides’ (2011) with a budget of $378.5 million.
When pirate Jean Lafitte (c. 1780 – c. 1823) saw that the governor of Louisiana had offered $500 for his successful capture, Lafitte put up flyers offering $1500 for the capture of the governor.
A ‘binfluencer’ is a person on a street who takes the lead in putting out the correct waste and recycling bins on the correct day, thus prompting neighbours to follow suit. (My next door neighbour is one!)
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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mariacallous · 2 years
When former U.S. President John F. Kennedy was a member of Congress in the 1950s, he was among a group of legislative members in the House of Representatives and Senate who sought to end the U.S. arms embargo on Israel. Despite this pressure, then-President Dwight D. Eisenhower would not budge, believing that the Tripartite Declaration of 1950—in which the United States, France, and the United Kingdom agreed not to sell weapons to regional belligerents—was the best way to prevent war in the Middle East. When Kennedy was elected president, he broke from the agreement and sold the U.S.-made Hawk air defense systems to the Jewish state, a decision that represented the beginning of the U.S.-Israel defense relationship as the world has come to know it.
In mid-January, the Biden administration asked Israel to send these 1950s-era Hawk systems, which have been in storage, to Kyiv to help the Ukrainians defend against a barrage of Russian missiles and Iranian drones. The Israelis reportedly refused.
It was a stunning decision by a country that has both enjoyed $107,806,200,000 in military assistance from the United States between 1946 and 2021 and whose population (like Ukraine’s) is forced to live under the threat of rockets, missiles, and drones—a number of which are also derived from Iranian technology. Israel’s leaders have continued to carry on their “war between the wars”—attacking Iranians and their proxies in Syria and sometimes Iraq to ensure the Israeli population remains secure—including an attack on Iranian facilities this past weekend that U.S. officials reportedly attributed to the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence service. Yet, at the same time, the Israelis seem to be denying even ancient and unused technology to the Ukrainians to secure their own population.
However, no one should be shocked by Israel’s apparent decision to hold onto the Hawks.
Since Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the Israeli government—much like the Turkish government—has played a double game, offering rhetorical support for Ukrainian independence and providing humanitarian aid to Kyiv. At least the Turks are willing to sell the Ukrainians weaponry. The Israelis, in contrast, are scrupulously avoiding any policies that will damage Jerusalem’s ties to Moscow.
The primary reason for this is security. The Russians have a major presence in Syria and its airspace. For Israel to be able to go after the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) or its proxies on Syrian territory, Israeli pilots need to deconflict with the Russians. Putin has been mostly happy to oblige the Israelis, because although he and Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei agree on ensuring the survival of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, the Russians have wanted the Iranians to be the junior partner in that effort. Israel’s periodic and withering strikes on the IRGC with the Kremlin’s quiet assent have reinforced Putin’s approach.
Even if much of the Israel-Russia relationship is about Syria and security, there is more to these ties. Israel’s leaders almost reflexively define the country as both democratic and part of the West, but worldview matters. And as Israeli politics have moved steadily to the right under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stewardship, Jerusalem has forged ties with countries that do not fall into either category.
Political affinities based on nationalism, identity, antipathy to liberalism, and hostility to Muslims seem to have played a role in driving Israel’s ties to a constellation of illiberal countries—notably Russia, Hungary, Poland, India, and Brazil under former President Jair Bolsonaro. Of course, these affinities do not always pull in the same direction. Poland is a leading supporter of Ukraine and proved its enormous value in what U.S. President Joe Biden has defined as a struggle between democracy and tyranny. Still, even though the leaders of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party share many aspects of Putin’s outlook, the country remains an illiberal democracy, and Israel is pulling in the same direction.
Netanyahu does not seem to be a natural cultural warrior, preferring to emphasize security and how good he is at providing it for Israelis, but at moments of crisis he has demonstrated his willingness to use racist dog whistles and throw his lot in with illiberal politicians. In an effort to get out the vote in 2015, for instance, he warned Jewish Israelis via Facebook: “The right-wing government is in danger. Arab voters are coming out in droves to the polls. Left-wing organizations are busing them out.” And of course, more recently, he made common cause with Israel’s nationalist, illiberal, religious right, whose leaders share the ideological inclinations of the global right—of which the Russian president is a leader.
Israeli Minister of Public Security Itamar Ben-Gvir, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, and Avi Maoz—a deputy minister in the prime minister’s office whose portfolio seems to be solely related to fostering his particular interpretation of Jewish identity—have no apparent commitment to democracy. These officials seem more interested in leveraging Israel’s democratic practices to advance their non-democratic agenda. Although Netanyahu’s coalition is made up of parties that collectively garnered fewer votes than other parties, Ben-Gvir, Smotrich, Maoz, and others are acting as if they have an overwhelming mandate to tilt power in favor of the Knesset, where they and their allies currently hold a slim majority.
The press has focused a fair amount on Netanyahu’s parochial interest in making changes to laws that would allow him to escape prosecution for corruption. From one perspective, that is the least the prime minister’s partners can do for him in exchange for allowing them to alter how justices for the Supreme Court are chosen and providing Israel’s legislature the power to overrule the country’s highest court. This change could allow the government to expand Israeli control over the West Bank, undermine the rights of non-Jewish Israelis, and firmly situate Israeli identity within a specifically Orthodox version of what constitutes Jewishness. Included in this would be a significant change to Israel’s “Law of Return,” which has been critical in connecting Jews around the world to Israel. In addition, Israel’s tolerant environment for the LGBTQ community is in jeopardy as Maoz—who openly espouses homophobic views—vows to pursue an anti-gay and anti-trans agenda, a hallmark of the illiberal global right.
What is happening (or may happen) in Israel aligns with what has happened in other illiberal states, including Russia. Politicians have hollowed out, bent, and undermined institutions to lock in their power and pursue illiberal policies in the name of some ostensibly greater cause, notably nationalism, identity, and religion. Israel’s political system has long had trouble reconciling democratic principles with the ethno-religious nationalism that is very much a part of Zionism.
Over the better part of almost 75 years, Israelis have sought to manage the contradictions and problems these competing impulses created, but the new government does not care to manage them. Instead, it seeks to reinforce an avowedly Jewish state based on a particular understanding of Judaism that does not try to accommodate those who fall outside the category of acceptable Jewishness.
Israel is on a political trajectory that places it among illiberal states in the world. It would be inaccurate to suggest that Israel is just like Russia, which is just like India, which is just like Hungary. Yet leaders in all of these countries share a similar outlook about how to organize their societies. So, yes, it is true that Jerusalem’s ties to Moscow are intertwined with its security concerns and the emergency that is Iran’s presence in Syria. But for those who think of Israel as a Western-oriented democracy, its relationships with Russia and other illiberal states are much more consequential than that.
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veebeemedia · 2 years
Best Stock broker in India
Best Stockbroker in India There are several benefits to choosing a reputed stockbroker in India. These include the fact that they offer a wide range of services. They also offer products for a variety of asset classes. In addition to this, they have a significant presence in different business and retail segments. Moreover, they have won several awards and were named as one of the most promising brands in India.
Parasram Parasram is the best Stock Broker in India. PARASRAM, a renowned & customer focused Financial Market player, is among the top stock broking groups in India, having memberships of leading Stock Exchanges. The group is a Depository Participant with NSDL and CDSL. We are One Stop Financial Supermarket currently caters to more than 130,000 High Net-worth Investors, NRIs, Corporate and retail clients through nationwide web of branch offices and business associates.
Upstox Upstox is one of the leading discount brokers in India. It offers a free trading platform and waives off the account opening fees. However, it does charge a fee for call & trade, auto square off, and research. There are also some downsides to Upstox, such as their lack of NRI trading options and monthly unlimited trading plans.
Upstox is one of the largest online brokerage firms in India and has been in business for 11 years. It provides trading in stocks, mutual funds, forex, IPOs, and commodities. It also provides important information for investors including market analysis, technical data, and equity derivatives. In addition, the company charges a low flat commission of Rs20 per trade, which is considerably lower than other online brokers in the country.
Motilal Oswal The following article compares Nj Wealth and Motilal Oswal, two full service brokers in India. We compared brokerage charges, trading platforms, customer support, and complaints to see which one is better for your needs. Nj Wealth has a reputation for being the best broker in India for investors, but if you're looking for an affordable option, Motilal Oswal is the way to go.
Motilal Oswal offers several different types of products for retail investors. In addition to stock trading, investors can also trade in a variety of commodities including bullion and agro commodities. These products are available on the MCX and NCDEX.
Sharekhan Sharekhan is a 21-year-old trading platform with over 2 million registered clients across India. It offers a range of products that help investors create a diversified portfolio. The platform also provides guidance and relationship managers who help clients with their investing. Furthermore, the website offers market news updates, auto investing, and learning resources.
Sharekhan is a subsidiary of BNP Paribas and is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India. Sharekhan is also one of the oldest online brokers in India. It is part of the global BNP Paribas group, which is a publicly listed company. It is crucial to research a broker's background before deciding which one to use.
Sharekhan offers full service stockbroking and a range of investment and trade products. Its large network of branches covers more than 600 cities throughout India. The company is also renowned for its high-quality customer care and support. Sharekhan also offers excellent online trading platforms.
Zerodha Zerodha is a discount broker that's fast gaining in popularity. They offer a variety of investment options, including stocks and futures. The company is registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India, which means that they're regulated by the government. In addition, Zerodha offers educational resources that can help new investors understand the basics of investing.
Unlike other brokerage firms, Zerodha offers a digital platform for investing. You can open an account within 24 hours, and use Aadhar-Esign to speed up the process. You'll also need to submit income proof, a net worth certificate, and a form 16 acknowledgment.
Angel broking Angel Broking offers multiple services to its clients. It is headquartered in Mumbai and has over 11,500 offices throughout India. Founded in 1987, Angel Broking makes money through the brokerage fees it charges on each trade it executes. These fees are part of the brokerage the client pays for the services he or she receives. In addition, Angel Broking offers free research tips and excellent offline support.
Angel Broking is a regulated broker and follows the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange Limited (NCDEX) and Multi-Commodity Exchange of India (MCX). The company is a custodian of the CDSL, which regulates the brokerage industry. However, Angel Broking does not offer any form of segregated account or financial compensation in case of ruin. Clients can deposit and withdraw funds using their bank accounts or via a debit card.
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farsightgroup · 11 days
The Stock Analysis for you – TRRYITT
Discover the power of Farsight Shares and The Stock Analysis for you – TRRYITT. With our user-friendly platform and in-depth research, investing has never been easier. Join our community of savvy investors and take control of your financial future today.
Visit here: https://farsightshares.com/
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ycomsolutions · 12 days
Convenience at Your Fingertips: The Rise of Doorstep Mobile Repair Service
In the present high speed world, cell phones have turned into an essential piece of our day to day routines. From overseeing work messages to remaining associated with friends and family, a cell phone is presently not simply a gadget — it's a need. Notwithstanding, when your telephone faces issues, particularly a harmed screen or failing equipment, carving out opportunity to get it fixed can be a problem. This is where doorstep mobile repair service  becomes possibly the most important factor, offering a helpful answer for your portable fix needs without getting out of your home.
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The Advantages of Doorstep Mobile Repair Service
Gone are the days when you needed to visit a help place, stand by in lengthy lines, or even send your telephone away for fixes. With a doorstep portable fix administration, prepared experts come straightforwardly to your area, whether it's your home or office. This wipes out the need to remove time from your bustling timetable and guarantees that your telephone is fixed before you, giving you inner harmony about the security of your information.
Many driving specialist co-ops currently offer mobile display repair online, permitting you to book an expert with only a couple of snaps. Whether you're managing a broke screen, battery issues, or programming breakdowns, this cutting edge administration guarantees that your telephone gets fixed rapidly and productively.
Why Pick an Online Mobile Repair Service in India?
The interest for online mobile repair service in India has seen huge development because of the rising dependence on cell phones the nation over. India's portable clients are different, crossing across both metropolitan and provincial regions, and the comfort of having a specialist come to you is unparalleled. Besides the fact that it saves time, however it likewise dispenses with the nervousness of leaving your telephone in a help community for days or weeks.
Booking a portable showcase fix online has become simpler than any time in recent memory. With different specialist co-ops offering serious valuing, solid professionals, and impromptu fixes, the interaction has been smoothed out to take care of the requirements of clients across India. Whether it's a minor issue like supplanting a telephone's battery or a significant one like fixing the showcase, these administrations are intended to bring the best of comfort and incredible skill to your doorstep.
The Fate of Mobile Repair Services
As innovation keeps on progressing, so does the manner in which we access administrations. The development of online portable fix administration in India is an obvious indicator that customers esteem comfort and productivity. With a rising number of versatile fix suppliers offering doorstep administrations, it is currently more straightforward than at any other time to have your cell phone fixed without disturbing your everyday daily schedule.
All in all, selecting a doorstep mobile repair service  saves you time as well as guarantees that your gadget is safe and sound. Whether you're searching for a versatile showcase fix on the web or need convenient solutions for different issues, the fate of Mobile Repair Services is about comfort, straightforwardness, and consumer loyalty.
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quiklyz · 20 days
Quiklyz Partners with Leading Last Mile Mobility Players for EV Leasing
Quiklyz signs MOUs with five Last Mile Mobility players to deliver 1000 electric 3-wheelers
Deliveries to be completed in 6 months, pan India
Vehicles to be used for delivery & logistics
Mumbai, 23rd November 2022: Quiklyz, the vehicle leasing and subscription business of Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited (Mahindra Finance/ MMFSL), has signed MOUs with prominentLast Mile Mobility players for leasing over 1000 electric 3-wheelers (3W). Quiklyz plans to deliver these leased vehicles over the next six months, spread across India deliveries, opening up newer opportunities in EV leasing.
The MOUs have been signed upwithMahindra Logistics Limited, MoEVing Urban Technologies Pvt Ltd., Creativity at Best Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Magenta EV Solutions Pvt Ltd. and, Terrago Logistics Pvt Ltd. The signing was done on the sidelines of the launch of Mahindra Electric’s Zor Grand in Bengaluru recently.
The three-wheeler electric vehicles will be used primarily for delivery and logistics purposes.
Raul Rebello, COO, Mahindra Finance said, “India’s transition to EV has accelerated in the last few years which has given a major boost to the Indian EV financing ecosystem. With these recent partnerships our aim is to be early adopters of this disruptive technology, our way of contribution in India achieving its goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2070”.
Shailesh Kumar – Director, CABT logistics mentioned, “We started our journey with Quiklyz four months ago and were delighted with our experience as a client. With this MOU we commit to strengthen this relationship further with the ease of flexibility leading to business growth for both the organisations and our environment at large”.
Mohammad Turra, Senior VP & Head, Quiklyz added, “We continue to deliver on our commitment in providing innovative leasing solutions to popularize Electric Vehicles in India across segments and are delighted to partner with leading players in last mile space. With due consideration to the growing e-3W segment and the increasing focus on green mobility, it will be our continuing endeavor to work closely with stakeholders in the sustainable mobility space”.
Quiklyz has already provided leasing solutions to over 1000 electric vehicles over the last 12 months including passenger vehicles and three-wheelers. It currently has the largest portfolio of EVs in Last Mile Mobility on its leasing and subscription platform; in collaboration with major EV manufacturers. Quiklyz has been a front-runner in promoting leasing solutions for logistics and last mile e-mobility across the Indian metro cities through continuous collaborations with prominent e-commerce companies.
Quiklyz has partnered with more than 15 electric last mile mobility delivery companies and several electric mobility providers since its inception. The platform has leased electric vehicles across cities including Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Pune,  Noida, Gurugram, Indore and Nagpur.
About Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited
Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited (Mahindra Finance), part of the Mahindra Group, is one of India’s leading non-banking finance companies. Focused on the rural and semi-urban sector, the Company has over 8.4 million customers and has an AUM of over USD 11 Billion. The Company is a leading vehicle and tractor financier, provides loans to SMEs and also offers fixed deposits. The Company has 1,386 offices and reaches out to customers spread over 3,80,000 villages and 7,000 towns across the country.
Mahindra Finance has been ranked 54th among India’s Best Companies to Work 2021 by Great Place to Work Institute.
Mahindra Insurance Brokers Limited (MIBL), the Company's Insurance Broking subsidiary is a licensed Composite Broker providing Direct and Reinsurance broking services.
Mahindra Rural Housing Finance Limited (MRHFL) a subsidiary of Mahindra Finance provides loans for purchase, renovation, construction of houses to individuals in the rural and semi-urban areas of the country.
Mahindra Finance CSR Foundation is a wholly owned subsidiary company, under the provisions of section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 for undertaking the CSR activities of the Company and its subsidiaries.
Mahindra Manulife Investment Management Private Limited (formerly known as Mahindra Asset Management Company Private Limited) acts as the Investment Manager of Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund (formerly known as Mahindra Mutual Fund).
Mahindra Manulife Trustee Private Limited (MMTPL), (formerly known as Mahindra Trustee Company Private Limited) acts as a Trustee to Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund (formerly known as Mahindra Mutual Fund).
Mahindra Ideal Finance Limited (MIFL) is a subsidiary of the Company in Sri Lanka, in which the Company owns 58.2% stake. MIFL focuses on providing a diversified suite of financial services to the Sri Lankan market.
The Company has a Joint Venture in the US, Mahindra Finance USA LLC, in partnership with De Lage Landen, a subsidiary of Rabo Bank, for financing Mahindra vehicles in the US.
Learn more about Mahindra Finance on www.mahindrafinance.com / Twitter and Facebook:
About Mahindra
Founded in 1945, the Mahindra Group is one of the largest and most admired multinational federation of companies with 260,000 employees in over 100 countries. It enjoys a leadership position in farm equipment, utility vehicles, information technology and financial services in India and is the world’s largest tractor company by volume. It has a strong presence in renewable energy, agriculture, logistics, hospitality and real estate. 
The Mahindra Group has a clear focus on leading ESG globally, enabling rural prosperity and enhancing urban living, with a goal to drive positive change in the lives of communities and stakeholders to enable them to Rise.
Learn more about Mahindra on www.mahindra.com / Twitter and Facebook: @MahindraRise/ For updates subscribe to https://www.mahindra.com/news-room
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hmatrading0 · 2 months
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Crude oil, sometimes known as black gold, is a vital resource that powers the world economy Its price swings have far reaching effects, affecting
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kreditwala · 23 days
Why every modern wallet needs a Credit Card? Kredit Wala
Are you planning to get a credit card in India: Yes, No, Maybe? Well you will be happier to know that you are not alone who are stuck in this question. The answer to this should be given after a lot of research and that's why we are here today with Kredit wala.
Why you should get a credit card as soon as you start working? | Kredit wala
Credit cards are one of the most important things in this modern world and today we will be going through pros and cons of credit cards. Reading this Kreditwala article completely will help you make your decision more precisely. 
Pros of Having a Credit Card in India
Okay, let’s discuss the pros of the presented models! Well, let me state that having a credit card in India is rather convenient. Here's why: 
1. Convenience and Cashless Transactions
First of all, let me say it is incredibly handy. It is no longer necessary to walk around with pocket money all the time. All you need to do is to swipe your card and that’s it! It also suits shopping online very well. No more concerning whether it is possible to make it through the week without sufficient money. 
2. Build Credit Score
On the heels of that, credit cards can assist one in establishing a good credit rating. What's that, you ask? Well, in a way, it is kind of equivalent to a report card of how you are performing in terms of your money matters. If you manage your card properly; make your payments on time, then your score improves. This can in turn assist you get loans easier in the future. 
 3. Rewards and Cashback
Now, who does not like to get something for free? Most of the credit cards come with bonus offers or cash back offers. This is like a thank you every time you are spending, such a wonderful thing to have. Kredit Owner provides best credit cards that award you what you can use to travel or shop. Some return you money. It's pretty cool!
4. Interest-Free Credit Period
Here is another advantage – the interest free period. Credit cards allow you free spending for approximately 45-50 days before it is due and attracts an interest. It is like a short term, no interest credit if you pay on time. 
5. Emergency Financial Support
Credit cards can also be handy especially in emergency situations. Car broke down? Unexpected medical bill? Your credit card is a savior when you are in a fix. 
6. Online Shopping Benefits
All you shoppers who shop online then you know that Kredit wala credit cards have offers most of the time. There might be additional percentage cuts or free delivery services that you could be accorded. It's worth checking out! 
7. Travel Perks 
Finally, Kreditwala Reviews provides credit cards have good benefits if you are a regular travellers. Lounge access at the airport, insurance, air miles and so on. It can make your trips a bit more comfortable and does not have to be as expensive. 
However, it is vital to understand that these benefits are only useful when you are using the card wisely. Quite often students think that such money is free money and do not have to pay it back. If used wisely, a credit card is actually a very good thing to have in your wallet and pocket. 
Read Also: Elevate your shopping experience with Reliance SBI Card
Cons of Having a Credit Card in India 
Okay, time to discuss the drawbacks about having a credit card in India. It is equally necessary to know these!
1. High Interest Rates
First of all, the interest rates are rather high here. If you fail to pay the full amount at the due date, then you have to pay some more amount. Believe me, it all sums up very quickly! There are cards that attract interest rates of 3-4% on the principal sum every month. That's a lot! 
2. Annual Fees and Hidden Charges
And there are the fees of course. The problem is many credit cards have an annual fee that one is charged just for having the card. 
3. Overspending Temptation
Here is a big one – overspending is relatively easy to do. That could be why when you are using your card to swipe, it does not feel like actual money. One could always spend money on things they do not require for instance. You blink an eye and you realize you have gone way over budget. 
4. Risk of Debt Accumulation
That is the truth; if you are not careful, you land yourself in a fix whereby you have to pay some money you did not plan to. It begins with a very small area, but can expand rapidly. Credit card debt can take some people for ages to pay off. It also does not sound like a pleasant position to be in. 
5. Impact on Credit Score if Mismanaged
Well, if you tamper with your credit card, then your score will be affected. If you go on to miss payments or to reach your credit limit you are likely to see your score drop. This can prove cumbersome when trying to obtain loans in the future. 
Well, now, let me be very clear not to be misunderstood. What many people do not realize is that credit cards are not necessarily a bad thing in society. But it is very crucial to know these disadvantages because without it no one can be good at it. 
In conclusion, credit cards can be good in India but they should be used wisely. If after going through this article, you conclude that a credit card is suitable for you, why not try Kreditwala? They give many choices, and useful suggestions. 
Also, you can visit the Kreditwala News to be aware of the latest pieces of advice on credit card usage. Credit card is a great tool – just be smart using it and it can indeed assist you a lot. Don’t you think it is high time you consider your options with Kredit Wala? 
Read Also: Kredit Wala | Are you aware of the Credit Card Hacks?
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Andrew Korybko
Aug 07, 2024
It’s much safer from retributive violence than Finland, more politically realistic than the Gulf Kingdoms who don’t want to complicate their ties with the interim administration, and very friendly with Russia and India, who support her but also feel the same way about this as the Gulf Kingdoms do.
Former Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is still in India where she fled to save her life following the spree of urban terrorism that broke out this summer and ultimately toppled her government. Reports earlier claimed that she sought to seek asylum in the UK, but its Home Office soon thereafter clarified that “Those who need international protection should claim asylum in the first safe country they reach—that is the fastest route to safety”, thus likely scuttling those plans.
It was around that time that other reports began to emerge suggesting that she might instead go to Belarus, Finland, Saudi Arabia, or the UAE since few expect her to remain in India due to how much that could impede Delhi’s attempts to cultivate pragmatic ties with Dhaka’s interim administration. Of the four aforesaid countries, Belarus would be the best one since Finland might not be able to protect her from retributive violence while the two Gulf Kingdoms might not want to ruin their ties with Bangladesh.
Belarus doesn’t have significant ties with her country, plus it has excellent security services as proven by their continued protection of former Polish judge Tomasz Szmidt, who that neighboring country’s intelligence agencies declared to be a traitor and are trying to kill. While some might wonder why she’s not considering Russia, the answer could be that it might politely decline out of concern that hosting her could create the pretext for Bangladesh’s interim administration to pull out of mutually beneficial deals.
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comparebroker-online · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Stock Broker in India for 2024
Choosing the right stock broker is crucial for successful investing in the stock market. With numerous options available, selecting the best stock broker in India can be a daunting task. This guide aims to simplify the process by providing comprehensive insights into what makes a great stock broker and reviewing the top 10 stock broker in India 2024. By the end of this article, you'll be well-equipped to make an informed decision that aligns with your investment goals.
Understanding the Role of a Stock Broker
A stock broker acts as an intermediary between investors and the stock market. They facilitate the buying and selling of stocks, provide research and analysis, offer trading platforms, and sometimes even manage portfolios. The right broker can enhance your trading experience, offering tools and services that cater to your specific needs. Understanding the role of a stock broker is the first step towards making an informed choice.
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Stock Broker
When choosing a stock broker, it's essential to consider several key factors to ensure you get the best value and service. Here are the main factors to evaluate:
Brokerage Fees
The cost of trading can significantly impact your returns. Different brokers have varying fee structures, including brokerage fees, account maintenance charges, and other hidden costs. Compare the fee structures of different brokers to find the one that offers competitive rates without compromising on services.
Trading Platform and Tools
A robust trading platform with advanced tools can enhance your trading experience. Look for brokers that offer intuitive, user-friendly platforms equipped with real-time data, charting tools, and technical analysis features. Mobile compatibility is also crucial for trading on the go.
Customer Service
Efficient customer service is vital for addressing any issues or queries you may have. Choose a broker known for responsive and helpful customer support. Check reviews and testimonials to gauge the quality of their service.
Research and Education
Access to quality research and educational resources can significantly aid your investment decisions. Look for brokers that provide comprehensive market research, stock analysis, and educational content such as webinars, tutorials, and articles.
Account Types and Investment Options
Different investors have varying needs, so it's important to choose a broker that offers a range of account types and investment options. Whether you're interested in stocks, mutual funds, derivatives, or other financial instruments, ensure the broker supports your preferred investment avenues.
Overview of the Best Stock Broker in India
Determining the best stock broker in India involves evaluating multiple factors, including fees, platform quality, customer service, research capabilities, and the range of investment options. Among the many contenders, a few brokers consistently stand out due to their comprehensive offerings and customer satisfaction.
Detailed Review of the Top 10 Stock Brokers in India for 2024
Zerodha is a pioneer in discount broking in India, known for its low-cost brokerage fees and innovative trading platform, Kite. With a strong focus on technology, Zerodha offers advanced tools and educational resources, making it a favorite among traders.
Upstox is another prominent discount broker offering competitive brokerage rates and a powerful trading platform. It provides a seamless trading experience with its intuitive interface and advanced charting tools.
ICICI Direct
ICICI Direct is a full-service broker offering a wide range of investment options, including stocks, mutual funds, and derivatives. Known for its robust research and advisory services, ICICI Direct is a preferred choice for many investors.
HDFC Securities
HDFC Securities offers a comprehensive suite of investment products and services. Its user-friendly trading platform and excellent customer service make it a reliable choice for both novice and experienced investors.
Angel One
Angel One (formerly Angel Broking) provides a versatile trading platform with a range of investment options and research tools. Its competitive brokerage rates and strong customer support have earned it a solid reputation.
Sharekhan is a well-established broker offering a variety of investment options and a robust trading platform. Its extensive research and educational resources are beneficial for investors seeking detailed market insights.
Kotak Securities
Kotak Securities offers a wide range of financial products and services. Its feature-rich trading platform, coupled with strong research and advisory services, makes it a top choice for many investors.
Motilal Oswal
Motilal Oswal is known for its comprehensive research and advisory services. It offers a variety of investment options and a powerful trading platform, catering to the needs of diverse investors.
Axis Direct
Axis Direct provides a range of investment options and a user-friendly trading platform. Its focus on customer service and research makes it a reliable choice for many investors.
5Paisa is a discount broker offering low-cost brokerage fees and a feature-rich trading platform. Its emphasis on technology and user experience makes it a popular choice among traders.
Choosing the best stock broker in India involves careful consideration of various factors, including fees, platform quality, customer service, research capabilities, and investment options. By evaluating these factors and considering the detailed reviews of the top 10 stock brokers in India for 2024, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your investment goals. Remember, the right broker can significantly enhance your trading experience and contribute to your financial success.
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