#Best Gastric Sleeve Revision in USA
trenetralaya · 9 months
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swiss1chirurgie · 5 years
Forschung im Sinne der Patienten
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Swiss1Chirurgie nimmt internationalen Preis entgegen
Wenn bei den Spezialisten der Swiss1Chirurgie nach den besten Wegen zur Behandlung der Patienten gesucht wird, hat das immer auch viel mit der Forschung, mit wissenschaftlicher Arbeit und mit der Publikation der neuesten Erkenntnisse und Methoden zu tun. Die Mediziner der Swiss1Chirurgie unter Prof. Dr. Jörg Zehetner sind spezialisiert auf die Übergewichtschirurgie sowie auf medizinische Behandlungen unter dem Oberbegriff UpperGI. Darunter zusammengefasst werden beispielsweise Eingriffe in den Bereichen Reflux, Zwerchfellhernien, Speiseröhren- und Magenkrebs. Ein weiteres Arbeitsgebiet der Swiss1Chirurgie ist die Viszeralchirurgie, die umgangssprachlich auch als Bauchchirurgie bezeichnet wird. In allen diesen Fachgebieten arbeiten die Mediziner nicht nur am Patienten selbst, sondern vor allem auch parallel in den Bereichen der Forschung und Weiterentwicklung der Methoden und Techniken.
Internationaler Preis geht an Swiss1Chirurgie
Noch während Prof. Dr. Jörg Zehetner in Peking am OESO Kongress teilnahm, kam der Swiss1Chirurgie eine besondere Ehre zu. Am ASMBS Meeting 2019 im November in Las Vegas, USA, konnte Frau Dr. Catherine Tsai den International Award für die beste Videopräsentation eines chirurgischen Eingriffs in Empfang nehmen.
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Frau Dr. Catherine Tsai Frau Dr. Catherine Tsai ist seit den letzten zwei Jahren als Forschungsassistentin der Swiss1Chirurgie in Bern tätig und unterstützt mit ihrer wissenschaftlichen Forschungsarbeit wesentlich die Weiterentwicklung in den Standorten der Swiss1Chirurgie in der Schweiz. In der Videopräsentation „Laparoscopic Conversion from Gastric Sleeve to RY Gastric Bypass with Remnant Gastrectomy using Fluorescent Angiography“  von Dr. Tsai, Dr. Steffen und Dr. Zehetner sieht man die laparoskopische Umwandlung von einem Sleeve (Schlauchmagen) zum Magenbypass, wobei hier der Restmagen aus medizinischen Gründen komplett reseziert wurde. Mittels fluoreszierender Angiographie wurde hier die Durchblutung des Magenpouchs und des Zwölffingerdarms überprüft, sowie anschaulich in diesem Video gezeigt.
Swiss1Chirurgie setzt Erfolgsserie fort
Mit der jüngsten Preisverleihung an die Swiss1Chirurgie und damit auch an das Zentrum für Bariatrische Chirurgie ZfBC setzt sich eine Erfolgsserie fort, die die Spezialisten Dr. Jörg Zehetner, Dr. Catherine Tsai, Dr. Steffen und Dr. Metzger längst zu echten Experten mit internationalem Ansehen gemacht haben. Verwiesen sei hier nur auf die zahlreichen Publikationen und auf Preise wie bereits im Vorjahr an die Swiss1Chirurgie gegangen sind. Dabei geht es den Fachmedizinern weniger um Ruhm und eher, sondern vielmehr um den wissenschaftlichen, methodischen und schlussendlich medizinischen Fortschritt im Sinne der Patienten. So werden sowohl mit dem Inselspital Bern aber auch in den Praxen der Swiss1Chirurgie und im Zentrum für Bariatrische Chirurgie verschiedene Studien durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse solcher Studien kommen in erster Linie den Patienten und Patientinnen der Swiss1Chirurgie zugute, untermauern den international hervorragenden Ruf der Spezialisten und sind nicht zuletzt die Grundlage für neue Entwicklungen in den Fachbereichen der Swiss1Chirurgie. Der Vollständigkeit halber fassen wir hier die wesentlichen Veröffentlichungen, Vorträge und Preise der Swiss1Chirurgie aus den vergangenen Jahren zusammen:
Swiss1Chirurgie Research Fellowship (2017-2019)
Conferences (number of presentations) International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders-European Chapter (IFSO-EC), Athens, Greece, May 2018 (3) European Association of Endoscopic Surgery (EAES), London, UK, May 2018 (2) Digestive Disease Week - Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (DDW – SSAT), Washington DC, June 2018 (3) IFSO, Dubai, UAE September 2018, (4) American College of Surgeons (ACS), Boston, MA, October 2018 (2) SAGES, April 2019, Baltimore, MD (2) World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes (WCITD), April 2019, New York, NY (1) DDW, May 2019, San Diego, CA (1) Swiss Surgical Society, May 2019, Bern, Switzerland (6) ASMBS Obesity Week, November 2019, Las Vegas, Nevada (2)   Publications (4) Tsai C, Steffen R, Kessler U, Merki H, Zehetner J, “Short-term outcomes of endoscopic gastro-jejunal revisions for treatment of dumping syndrome after Roux-En-Y gastric bypass,” Surgical Endoscopy, September 2019 Tsai C, Zeheter J, Beel J, Steffen R, “Long-term outcomes and frequency of revisional bariatric surgeries beyond 15 years after gastric banding: A high band failure rate with safe revisions,” SOARD, February 2019 Tsai C, Kessler U, Steffen R, Merki H, Zehetner J, “Endoscopic Gastrojejunal Revisions Following Gastric Bypass: Lessons Learned In More Than 100 Consecutive Patients,” Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, September 2018 Tsai C, Kessler U, Steffen R, Merki H, Zehetner J, “Endoscopic Closure of Gastro-gastric Fistula After Gastric Bypass: a Technically Feasible Procedure but Associated with Low Success Rate,” Obesity Surgery, September 2018   Oral Presentations (16) Tsai C, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation for Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease after Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass” (Video) ASMBS November 5, 2019 Tsai C, Zehetner J, Steffen R, “Laparoscopic Conversion from Gastric Sleeve to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass with Remnant Gastrectomy using Fluorescent Angiography” (Video) ASMBS November 6, 2019 Tsai C, Zehetner J, Bally L, Steffen R, “Impact of roux-en-y gastric bypass alimentary limb length on long-term weight loss, diabetes, and dumping syndrome outcomes,” Swiss Surgical Society Congress, Bern, Switzerland May 17, 2019 Tsai C, Zehetner J, Beel J, Steffen R, “Long-term outcomes and frequency of revisional bariatric surgeries 15 years and beyond after gastric banding: A high band failure rate with safe revisions,” Swiss Surgical Society Congress, Bern, Switzerland May 16, 2019 Tsai C, Steffen R, Kessler U, Lipham J, Zehetner J, “Post-operative dysphagia following magnetic sphincter augmentation for gastroesophageal reflux disease,” Swiss Surgical Society Congress, Bern, Switzerland, May 15, 2019 Tsai C, Steffen R, Kessler U, Zehetner J, “Endoscopic gastro-jejunal revisions for treatment of dumping syndrome after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass,” SAGES, Baltimore, MA April 4, 2019 Tsai C, Zeheter J, “Laparoscopic Hiatal Hernia Repair with Posterior Cruroplasty and Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation in a Patient with GERD and Large Type III Hiatal Hernia,” ACS, Boston, Massachusetts, October 24, 2018 (video) Tsai C, Kessler U, Merki H, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Laparoscopic Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation with routine Posterior Cruroplasty: Postoperative Dysphagia and Hiatal Hernia Recurrence,” ACS, Boston, Massachusetts, October 25, 2018 (quickshot) Tsai C, Zehetner J, Kessler U, Steffen R, “Long-term results of pancreatectomy for post-gastric bypass hypoglycemia,” IFSO, Dubai, UAE, September 27, 2018 Tsai C, Zehetner J, “Conversion of gastric banding to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with perfusion assessment using laser-assisted fluorescence angiography,” IFSO, Dubai, UAE, September 27, 2018 (video) Tsai C, Zehetner J, “Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with perfusion assessment using laser-assisted fluorescence angiography,” IFSO Dubai, UAE, September 28, 2018 (video) Tsai C, Kessler U, Merki H, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Endoscopic gastrojejunal revisions following gastric bypass: lessons learned in more than 100 consecutive procedures,” Digestive Disease Week (SSAT sessions), Washington DC, June 5, 2018 Tsai C, Kessler U, Merki H, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Endoscopic closure of gastro-gastric fistula after gastric bypass: a technically feasible procedure but associated with low success-rate,” Digestive Disease Week (SSAT sessions), Washington DC, June 4, 2018 Tsai C, Kessler U, Merki H, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Dumping syndrome after gastric bypass: endoluminal revision of the dilated gastrojejunostomy is a safe and highly effective treatment option,” presented as oral presentation as part of Best Abstracts session at International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders, European Chapter (IFSO-EC), Athens, Greece, May 19, 2018 Tsai C, Zehetner J, Kessler U, Steffen R, “Outcomes 15 years and beyond following adjustable gastric banding for morbid obesity: high band failure rate with safe revisions,” IFSO-EC, Athens, Greece, May 17, 2018 Tsai C, Steffen R, “Re-sleeve with silastic ring and crurorhaphy in a rare case of severe hyperinsulimic hypoglycemia after sleeve gastrectomy,” IFSO-EC, Athens, Greece, May 18, 2018 (video)   Poster Presentations (10) Tsai C, Zehetner J, Bally L, Steffen R, “Long-term weight loss, diabetes, and dumping syndrome outcomes after short versus long alimentary limb roux-en-y gastric bypass,” DDW (SSAT sessions), San Diego, CA May 21, 2019 Tsai C, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Perfusion assessment using laser-assisted fluorescence angiography during conversion of gastric band to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy,” Swiss Surgical Society Congress, Bern, Switzerland May 15-17, 2019 Tsai C, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair with posterior cruroplasty and magnetic sphincter augmentation in patient with refux and large type III hiatal hernia,” Swiss Surgical Society Congress, Bern, Switzerland, May 15-17, 2019 Tsai C, Steffen R, Kessler U, Zehetner J, “Gastroesophageal reflux disease after bariatric surgery: Magnetic sphincter augmentation in patients with normal esophageal motility,” Swiss Surgical Society Congress, Bern, Switzerland, May 15-17, 2019 Tsai C, Herzig D, Zehetner J, Kosinski C, Kunezli C, Stauffer TP, Nett P, Steffen R, Stettler C, Bally L, “Incretin response in patients with postprandial hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia following gastric bypass surgery with or without extended distal pancreatectomy,” World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes (WCITD), New York, NY, April 8-10, 2019 Tsai C, Steffen R, Kessler U, Lipham J, Zehetner J, “Post-operative Dysphagia Following Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease,” SAGES, Baltimore, April 3 - 6 2019 Tsai C, Steffen R, Kessler U, Zehetner J, “Gastroesophageal reflux disease after bariatric surgery: magnetic sphincter augmentation in patients with normal esophageal motility,” IFSO, Dubai, UAE, September 26-29, 2018 Tsai C, Kessler U, Merki H, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Dumping syndrome after gastric bypass: endoluminal revision of the dilated gastrojejunostomy is a safe and highly effective treatment option,” DDW (SSAT sessions), Washington DC on June 5, 2018 Tsai C, Kessler U, Merki H, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Endoscopic gastrojejunal revisions following gastric bypass: lessons learned in more than 100 consecutive procedures,” European Association of Endoscopic Surgeons (EAES) in London, United Kingdom May 31-June 1 2018 Tsai C, Kessler U, Merki H, Steffen R, Zehetner J, “Endoscopic closure of gastro-gastric fistula after gastric bypass: a technically feasible procedure but associated with low success-rate,” EAES, London, United Kingdom May 31-June 1 2018 Awards Best Video Presentation International Award, ASMBS Obesity Week, 2019 SSAT Resident and Fellowship session honoree, Digestive Disease Week, 2018 Best Video Presentation, IFSO, 2018 Read the full article
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Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market to Worth USD 299.14 billion by 2026
The global weight loss and obesity management market is expected to rise to an estimated value of USD 299.14 billion by 2026 registering a substantial CAGR of 6.70% in the forecast period of 2019-2026. This rise in the market can be attributed to the rising pace of obesity and chronic diseases, technological advancements and the rising intake of junk food. Global Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market By Diet (Meals, Beverages, Supplements), Equipment (Fitness, Surgical), Service (Fitness Centers and Health Clubs, Slimming Centers and Commercial Weight Loss Centers, Consulting Services, Online Weight Loss Programs), Service (Fitness Centers and Health Clubs, Slimming Centers and Commercial Weight Loss Centers, Consulting Services, Online Weight Loss Programs), Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa) – Industry Trends & Forecast to 2026
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Some of the major market competitors currently working in the weight loss and obesity management market are Ajinomoto Co.,Inc., Herbalife International of America, Inc., Nestlé SA, PepsiCo, Johnson Health Tech., THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, Nutrisystem, Inc., Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER)., Zafgen, Inc., WW International, Inc., Jenny Craig, Diet Health, Inc., VLCC, 24 Hour Fitness USA, Inc., Life Time, Inc. Abbott., GlaxoSmithKline plc., F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Atkins Nutritionals, Inc., Brunswick, Kellogg NA Co., Merck & Co., Inc., Reebok International., Unilever, Precor Incorporated., ALLERGAN, Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., Decathlon, Technogym, Apollo Endosurgery, Inc., Amer Sports, GOLD’S GYM, among others.
Key Developments in the Market:
·         In April 2017, Conyers Park and Atkins, a leading seller of nutritional food have entered into an affirmative agreement to form a new holding company, The Simply Good Foods Company. This company is expected to reach out to the masses with their health and dietary snacking space and broader food category.
·         In March, 2018 Pepsico, the giant food and beverages company has entered into an agreement to acquire the baked fruit and veggie snack maker, Bare Foods. With this acquisition, Pepsico expands its product portfolio to include dietary and healthy food, which is less processed, thereby entering the dietary and nutritional food segment. With a giant house life Pepsico, entering into the diet food segment, this market is bound to grow significantly in the forecasted period.
 Market Definition: Global Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market
Obesity it is a medical condition when excessive accumulation and storage of fats happen within the body. It impacts the health of an individual in several ways, by increasing the likelihood of chronic diseases and thereby reducing the life expectancy of individuals. The weight loss and obesity management market would include all those equipment’s, diets, devices and drugs that would be utilized for controlling or reducing weight in obese individuals.
Market Drivers
·         The rising pace of obesity is creating the need for obesity management and weight loss programs
·         Increase in the technological advancement for treatment of obesity and weight loss
·         Increasing personal disposable income
·         Increasing number of chronic diseases
·         Rising intake of high-calorie junk food and beverages especially among children and women
·         The fast growth of the fast food industry is resulting in the adoption of unhealthy lifestyles
·         Reduction in the level of physical activities due to growing luxury, which reduce the need for movement
·         Increasing awareness about healthy lifestyle, and the benefits of remaining healthy
·         Increasing government initiatives in the form of programs launched to ensure health lifestyle of people contribute to the growth of this market
·         Introduction of new and innovative products to deal with obesity and weight loss problems.
 Market Restraints
·         High cost of the obesity program, post obesity program
·         Harmful effects and complications of obesity programs hampers the growth of this market
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Segmentation: Global Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market
By Diet
·         Meals
o    Meal Replacements
o    Low-Calorie Sweeteners
o    Low-Calorie Food
o    Organic Food
·         Beverages
o    Diet Soft Drinks
o    Herbal Tea
o    Slimming Water
o    Other Low-Calorie Beverages
·         Supplements
o    Protein Supplements
o    Fiber Supplements
o    Green Tea Extract
o    Conjugated Linoleic Acid
By Equipment
·         Fitness Equipment
o    Cardiovascular Training Equipment
§  Treadmills
§  Elliptical Trainers
§  Stationary Cycles
§  RoWing Machines
§  Stair Steppers
§  Other Cardiovascular Training Equipment
o    Strength Training Equipment
§  Single-Station Equipment
§  Plate-Loaded Equipment
§  Benches and Racks
§  Multistation Equipment
§  Free Weights
§  Accessories
o    Fitness Monitoring Equipment
o    Body Composition Analyzers
·         Surgical Equipment
o    Minimally Invasive Surgical Equipment
§  Gastric Bypass Surgery Equipment
§  Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Equipment
§  Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding Systems
§  Biliopancreatic Diversion Surgery/Duodenal Switch Equipment
§  Revision Surgery Equipment
o    Noninvasive Surgical Equipment
§  Intragastric Balloon Systems
§  Endobarrier Devices
§  Endosuturing Devices
§  Stomaphyx
·         Repair Procedures
o    Closure Procedures
o    Annuloplasty
o    Valvuloplasty
o    TMVR Procedures
By Service
·         Fitness Centers and Health Clubs
·         Slimming Centers and Commercial Weight Loss Centers
·         Consulting Services
·         Online Weight Loss Programs
By Geography
·         North America
·         South America
·         Europe
·         Asia-Pacific
·         Middle East and Africa
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 Competitive Analysis: Global Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market
Global weight loss and obesity management market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of weight loss and obesity management market for Global, Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa.
Reasons to Purchase this Report
·         Current and future of global weight loss and obesity management market outlook in the developed and emerging markets
·         The segment that is expected to dominate the market as well as the segment which holds highest CAGR in the forecast period
·         Regions/Countries that are expected to witness the fastest growth rates during the forecast period
·         The latest developments, market shares, and strategies that are employed by the major market players
Customization of the Report:
·         All segmentation provided above in this report is represented at country level
·         All products covered in the market, product volume and average selling prices will be included as customizable options which may incur no or minimal additional cost (depends on customization)
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trenetralaya · 10 months
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trenetralaya · 10 months
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Gastric Sleeve Revision in USA
Introduction: Considering gastric sleeve revision in the USA? Look no further than Beliteweight Hospital, a renowned medical facility committed to helping individuals achieve their weight loss goals through safe and effective procedures. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the benefits of gastric sleeve revision and why Beliteweight Hospital is the ideal choice for your journey towards a healthier and happier life.
Why Choose Gastric Sleeve Revision? Gastric sleeve revision surgery becomes necessary in certain cases where individuals experience complications or inadequate weight loss following their initial gastric sleeve procedure. Whether you're dealing with issues like weight regain, stretching of the stomach, or other concerns, revision surgery can provide a solution to help you get back on track.
Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Revision at Beliteweight Hospital:
Expertise and Experience: Beliteweight Hospital boasts a team of experienced surgeons specializing in weight loss procedures, ensuring that you receive top-notch care from professionals who understand the complexities of gastric sleeve revision.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, providing a comfortable and safe environment for your revision surgery. We prioritize patient safety and well-being throughout the entire process.
Customized Treatment Plans: At Beliteweight Hospital, we understand that each patient is unique. Our expert medical team will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes.
Comprehensive Aftercare: Post-surgery, our dedicated medical staff will provide comprehensive aftercare support to ensure a smooth recovery. We are committed to guiding you through every step of the process, from surgery to rehabilitation.
Proven Success: Beliteweight Hospital has a track record of success in helping individuals achieve their weight loss goals through gastric sleeve revision. Our satisfied patients stand as a testament to the effectiveness of our procedures and the quality of care we provide.
Conclusion: If you're considering gastric sleeve revision in the USA, choose Beliteweight Hospital for a transformative experience. Our commitment to excellence, experienced medical team, and state-of-the-art facilities make us the ideal partner on your journey to lasting weight loss success. Take the first step towards a healthier you by scheduling a consultation with our expert team at Beliteweight Hospital today.
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