#Surgical Weight Loss
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Surgery went well Monday, I came home Tuesday afternoon. I still have lots of pain but pills help for now and I’ve managed to not take any until nighttime. The sensations of not feeling hungry is very odd to get used to. I hate all the meds I have to take now but I’ve been working on it. Every day is a learning experience and something new. Trying to learn new signals from my body, trying to deal with odd pains and sensations I hadn’t ever felt in such a way before. It’s also incredibly exhausting, I feel I should have more energy but can’t wait for the day I am back to my old self. No, better than my old self.
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trenetralaya · 10 months
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Gastric Sleeve Revision in USA
Introduction: Considering gastric sleeve revision in the USA? Look no further than Beliteweight Hospital, a renowned medical facility committed to helping individuals achieve their weight loss goals through safe and effective procedures. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the benefits of gastric sleeve revision and why Beliteweight Hospital is the ideal choice for your journey towards a healthier and happier life.
Why Choose Gastric Sleeve Revision? Gastric sleeve revision surgery becomes necessary in certain cases where individuals experience complications or inadequate weight loss following their initial gastric sleeve procedure. Whether you're dealing with issues like weight regain, stretching of the stomach, or other concerns, revision surgery can provide a solution to help you get back on track.
Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Revision at Beliteweight Hospital:
Expertise and Experience: Beliteweight Hospital boasts a team of experienced surgeons specializing in weight loss procedures, ensuring that you receive top-notch care from professionals who understand the complexities of gastric sleeve revision.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, providing a comfortable and safe environment for your revision surgery. We prioritize patient safety and well-being throughout the entire process.
Customized Treatment Plans: At Beliteweight Hospital, we understand that each patient is unique. Our expert medical team will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes.
Comprehensive Aftercare: Post-surgery, our dedicated medical staff will provide comprehensive aftercare support to ensure a smooth recovery. We are committed to guiding you through every step of the process, from surgery to rehabilitation.
Proven Success: Beliteweight Hospital has a track record of success in helping individuals achieve their weight loss goals through gastric sleeve revision. Our satisfied patients stand as a testament to the effectiveness of our procedures and the quality of care we provide.
Conclusion: If you're considering gastric sleeve revision in the USA, choose Beliteweight Hospital for a transformative experience. Our commitment to excellence, experienced medical team, and state-of-the-art facilities make us the ideal partner on your journey to lasting weight loss success. Take the first step towards a healthier you by scheduling a consultation with our expert team at Beliteweight Hospital today.
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knower-one · 1 year
افضل دكتور في عمليات التكميم
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انواع عمليات التكميم المعدة
يتميز كل نوع من أنواع عمليات التكميم المعدة بمميزاته الخاصة، ويختلف تأثير كل نوع على فقدان الوزن والوقت المطلوب للشفاء. ومن المهم التحدث مع الطبيب لتحديد النوع المناسب لحالة المريض والتحدث عن المخاطر والفوائد المتعلقة بالعملية.
تكميم المعدة الدقيق : يهدف إلى تحسين الشكل الجمالى لجروح المنظار و تقليل الألم بعد العملية و منها تقنية التكميم الدقيق.يتم  لإستئصال من 75% إلى 85% من المعدة و تستخدم الدباسات و تغليف فوق التدبيس للتاكد من عدم حدوث تسريب وتستخدم  الآلات الدقيقة فى تكميم المعدة الدقيق ليكون  أثر الجرح ضئيل و بدون ألم بعد العملية.
عملية التكميم البيكيني  :  تختلف في ان جروح المنظار تكون أسفل البطن فى منطقة البكينى و غير ظاهرة تماما حيث أنها تكون أسفل الملابس الداخلية.
عملية التكميم المعدل : حيث تعتمد كل الجراحات على قص 80% من حجم المعدة واستئصالها بواسطة تقنية المناظير الطبية الدقيقة، ولكن كما انه تعمل علي إضافة حلقة سيليكون حول مدخل الطعام الخاص بالمعدة، وذلك لضمان عدم اتساع حجم المعدة مرة أخرى
فإن عمليات التكميم المعدة تعد م�� الإجراءات الفعالة والآمنة لفقدان الوزن، ولكنها تتطلب التزام المريض بنمط حياة صحي وتغييرات في النظام الغذائي وممارسة الرياضة بشكل منتظم. ويجب على الأشخاص الذين يفكرون في إجراء عملية التكميم المعدة البحث جيدًا عن العملية والتحدث مع الطبيب المختص لتحديد النوع الأنسب والمخاطر والفوائد المتعلقة بها.
افضل دكتور في عمليات التكميم 
يعد دكتور "احمد سفينة " واحدًا من أفضل الأطباء في عمليات تكميم المعدة. يمتلك الدكتور احمد سفينة  خبرة واسعة في هذا المجال، حيث قام بإجراء العديد من عمليات تكميم المعدة بنجاح لمرضى السمنة المفرطة. ويعتبر الدكتور احمد سفينة من الأطباء الذين يستخدمون أحدث التقنيات الجراحية في إجراء العملية، مما يضمن نتائج أفضل وتقليل المخاطر والآثار الجانبية و يقدم الدكتور احمد سفينة  خدمات طبية متعددة وشاملة لمرضى السمنة المفرطة، بما في ذلك الاستشارة الطبية وتقييم الحالة الصحية ووضع خطة علاجية شاملة تتناسب مع حالة المريض واحتياجاته.
يجب أن تستثمر في صحتك وعلاجك بأفضل الطرق المتاحة لك لذلك في حالة وجود أي استفسار لديكم بخصوص الجراحة أو التعرف على افضل دكتور في عمليات التكميم يمكنكم التواصل مع الفريق الطبي بمركز الدكتور أحمد سفينة الذي يعد من افضل دكتور في عمليات التكميم، وسيتم الرد على جميع تساؤلاتكم، يمكنكم التأكد أن الحجز بالمركز هو بمثابة أولى خطوات التعافي مقابل الحصول على قيمة عادلة.
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brostateexam · 1 year
This week is the one year anniversary of getting weight loss surgery.
My biggest takeaway is I wish I'd done it sooner.
The biggest effects:
My brain has stopped screaming at me twenty-four seven about how I look.
People are nicer to me. Like, a lot nicer.
Environments are designed for bodies like mine.
All of these are interrelated, but like as a good example: I'm up for a promotion now, potentially, if things work out. Would I be up for that promotion if I still weighed 125 lbs more? Best not to think about that! People smile at me in stores. People give me free stuff. People's eyes linger on me in a non-scornful way.
I knew this would happen. Everyone who's had weight loss surgery talks about it. People are just nicer to you when you aren't fat. A lot nicer. They think you're smarter and funnier and more capable. It's depressing, but not surprising.
Even if I could have liked myself at the higher weight -- I tried, for years, and I just couldn't but that's its own post for another day perhaps -- other people don't like me at the higher weight. It's sobering and fucked up and sad but it's true. I'm not a better person now that I've had surgery but everyone treats me like I am.
The only other major thing that I just cannot get used to is that everything is designed for me. I go to stores and there's clothes in my size -- and not in a special section, either, just everywhere. Chairs are made to fit me, and seats in movie theaters are comfortable, and I don't have to wedge myself into restaurant booths. People no longer give me The Eye if the bus or the elevator is crowded.
My body isn't how I imagined it would be. It's not better than I imagined it or worse, just different. I'm still not certain what exactly I look like. I know my stats but I don't know what that all adds up to. Almost one year out, though, and I'm very happy I did this. It's not for everyone, but it's for me.
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Thank fuck, I weighed myself yesterday and I'm under the first BMI threshold. So I can make a GP appointment & get back on the list.
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hope-obesity · 10 months
Discover top-tier non-surgical weight loss techniques at Hope Obesity Centre. Acquire proven strategies to reach your weight loss objectives without resorting to surgery. Receive expert guidance and embark on a path to a healthier version of yourself.
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redwoodmedical · 24 days
Transform Your Body With The Latest Technologies In Castle Rock And Aurora, CO
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Redwood Medical Aesthetics is your one-stop destination for all your cosmetic needs in Castle Rock and Aurora, Colorado. We pride ourselves on being leaders among medical aesthetics clinics, offering services that run the gamut from weight loss treatments to Emsculpt, plasma skin resurfacing, and much more. Our effort toward giving our clientele confidence in looking and feeling their best is to provide our clients with superior results, using state-of-the-art technology combined with an expert team.
Having trouble knocking off stubborn fat and finding treatment for weight loss in Castle Rock? At Redwood Medical Aesthetics, our Weight Loss Treatments in Castle Rock, CO, we follow the most modern techniques and technologies to help achieve your desired body shape. Our well-seasoned team will then work in close liaison with you to come up with a workable treatment plan tailored toward your goals and needs. Forget about those crash diets and fad exercises; let us take you through some realistic weight loss.
Among the highly sought-after treatments is the Emsculpt treatment, a non-surgical body contouring treatment. The Emsculpt uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic HIFEM technology to activate contractions of muscles that are targeted, making the muscle tone of the area where the treatment was conducted rise and the fat content of the area drop. With Emsculpt, the result is a more toned and sculpted body with no downtime or discomfort. If you are searching for Emsculpt Treatment Near Me Castle Rock, CO, look no further than Redwood Medical Aesthetics.
We also offer the latest in plasma skin resurfacing with Aurora, CO plasma pen treatments. The treatment will improve skin texture and reduce fine lines and wrinkles, tightening the loose skin. Controlled to burst plasma energy onto the skin, the Plasma Pen has been proven to stimulate collagen production in the skin. What are the results? A more refreshed and youthful complexion. Our experienced and skilled team will help you achieve your desired results with minimum downtime and discomfort.
It is our mission to make every client confident and beautiful in their skin. With the highest quality service and attention to personalize every individual's care, we make sure our clients leave our clinic satisfied and happy. Our staff consists of well-trained and highly experienced professionals committed to the delivery of superior results.
Ready to get on the road to a more confident you? We can't wait to help your aesthetic goals and bring out your natural beauty. Let us be part of your path to a happier and more confident you. Book a consultation at 720-485-3178 and visit our website at https://redwood-medical.com/
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Gastric Ballooning: A Non-Surgical Solution for Weight Loss
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Many people struggling with obesity look for effective weight loss options that don't require surgery. Gastric ballooning in Delhi is emerging as a popular and successful method. As obesity rates continue to rise globally, innovative solutions like the intragastric balloon provide an effective and less invasive option compared to traditional bariatric treatment.
Obesity is a leading cause of chronic health conditions like diabetes and hypertension. As more Indians are being affected by these conditions, doctors are urging patients with obesity to opt for treatment options such as gastric ballooning to improve the treatment success of chronic underlying health conditions.
Gastric ballooning is an innovative bariatric treatment that offers a non-surgical weight loss option and obesity management. So, to get a better understanding of this non-surgical treatment option, let’s explore how the gastric balloon procedure works, its benefits, and who should consider this treatment.
Understanding Gastric Ballooning
Gastric ballooning is a weight loss procedure that doesn’t require surgery. It works by placing a soft silicone balloon inside your stomach. The balloon is filled with saline, which makes it expand and take up space in your stomach. This helps you feel full more quickly, so you eat less and lose weight.
One of the biggest advantages of gastric ballooning is that it’s a minimally invasive procedure, meaning there’s no need for major surgery or long recovery times. This makes it a safer and quicker option for people who want to lose weight without the risks that come with traditional weight loss surgeries. The procedure is especially appealing to those who are looking for an effective way to achieve their weight loss goals without undergoing surgery.
How Does the Gastric Balloon Procedure Work?
The gastric balloon procedure is a simple and quick process that usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Here’s how it works:
Inserting the Balloon: The procedure starts with the insertion of a deflated balloon into your stomach. A thin, flexible tube called an endoscope is carefully passed through your mouth to perform this procedure. Since there are no incisions made in your body, this procedure is considered a non-invasive treatment. However, there are certain steps taken before the insertion of the endoscope to ensure the patient is safe and not injured due to the medical procedure.  
The endoscope has a small camera on the end, allowing the doctor to guide the balloon safely into place inside your stomach.
Filling the Balloon: Once the balloon is inside your stomach, it is filled with a saline solution of 750 to 900 mL (sterile saltwater). As the balloon fills up, it expands and takes up space in your stomach. This makes you feel full more quickly, so you eat less food and lose weight over time.  
How Long the Balloon Stays In: The balloon stays in your stomach for about six months. During this time, it helps you eat less by encouraging smaller portions, making it easier to reach your weight loss goals.  
Removing the Balloon: After six months, the balloon is taken out in the same non-surgical manner. The balloon is gently removed through your mouth using the endoscope again. Since there are no cuts or incisions involved, the procedure is much safer and easier to recover from compared to traditional weight loss surgeries. On average, patients experience a total body weight reduction of 6.8%, with an estimated weight loss of 25.1%.
This non-invasive approach makes the gastric balloon procedure a popular choice for those looking to lose weight without the risks and long recovery time associated with bariatric surgery.
Benefits of Gastric Ballooning
Choosing gastric ballooning in Delhi can offer many advantages for people who are struggling with obesity. Here’s how this non-surgical procedure can help:
Safe Weight Loss Without Surgery: Gastric ballooning is a non-surgical option so that you can avoid the risks associated with surgery, such as infections, lengthy recovery periods, or potential complications during or after the procedure. It's a safer alternative for those looking to lose weight without going under the knife.  
Helps with Managing Weight Effectively: This procedure has been proven to help people lose a significant amount of weight, especially when it is paired with a complete weight management program. This program often includes healthy eating habits and regular exercise, making weight loss more effective and sustainable.  
Quick Procedure and Fast Recovery: The process of inserting the gastric balloon is quick and simple. Most people can have the procedure done and return to their normal activities within a day. There’s no need for a long hospital stay or an extended recovery period, which is a big plus for those with busy lives.  
Better Overall Health: Losing weight through gastric ballooning can significantly improve your health. Losing extra weight lowers your chances of serious obesity-related health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. This improvement boosts your overall well-being and enhances your long-term health.
Who Should Consider Gastric Ballooning?
Gastric ballooning is a great option for people who have tried traditional weight loss methods, such as dieting and exercising, but haven’t seen the results they need. If you are struggling to lose weight and are looking for an effective, non-surgical option, this procedure might be right for you. In many cases, obesity is genetic or underlying factors like low metabolism rates make it difficult for people to lose weight. Gastric ballooning can be a great way for them to lose the required weight. However, it should be remembered that this procedure is not a magical cure. Dietary restrictions and regular exercise still need to be considered to help you lose the required weight.
This treatment is especially helpful for those who want to avoid the risks and lengthy recovery time that come with weight loss surgery. If you’re seeking obesity treatment in Delhi and prefer a safer, less invasive approach, gastric ballooning could be a good fit. To be eligible for the intragastric balloon procedure, most candidates need to have a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 30 and 40. This BMI range generally indicates that a person is obese and might benefit from this type of treatment. However, some people with a higher BMI may also qualify, depending on their specific health situation.
It's very important to talk with a healthcare professional before deciding on this procedure. They can help you determine if gastric ballooning is the best option for your health needs and weight loss goals. Your doctor will evaluate your overall health, discuss your weight loss history, and make sure this treatment is appropriate for you. It may be that gastric ballooning is not suitable for you, but there are several other non-invasive treatments that are currently available which can help you lose weight. The key is to openly discuss your requirements with your doctors and get the best medical help possible.
Gastric ballooning in Delhi offers a promising and effective solution for those struggling with weight loss. As a non-invasive option, it provides a safer alternative to traditional bariatric treatments, helping individuals achieve significant weight loss with minimal risks and downtime. 
If you're looking for an effective way to manage your weight and improve your health, the gastric balloon procedure might be the right choice for you. To learn more about this innovative treatment and how it can help you, be sure to check out MASSH for detailed information on weight management and obesity treatment options.
We offer dedicated treatment options for obesity and underlying chronic illnesses with our functional medicine treatments. Our IV therapies can help improve metabolism in your body while reducing the fatigue and downtime that comes with exercising, allowing you to work out more.
Source: https://massh.in
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simmonsweightloss · 2 months
What Are the Best Non-Surgical Weight Loss Procedures
Several effective non-surgical weight loss procedures are available for individuals seeking to manage their weight without undergoing surgery. Endoscopic Intragastric Balloon involves placing a deflated balloon in the stomach, which is then inflated to create a feeling of fullness and reduce food intake. Gastric Sleeve Plication reduces stomach size by folding and stitching stomach tissue, limiting food capacity and promoting weight loss. To know more visit :
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mosleybeth01 · 3 months
Learn about the essential questions to ask your doctor about weight loss surgery and how it can impact your health and well-being. This video covers important considerations, potential benefits, and how to prepare for your consultation. For comprehensive insights, visit this detailed blog, Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Weight Loss Surgery. Whether you're considering surgery or supporting someone who is, this guide will help you be well-informed. Watch now to ensure you ask the right questions and make the best choice for your health!
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healixhospitals24 · 4 months
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Discover the expertise and specializations of top bariatric surgeons in Hyderabad. Learn about their crucial role in weight loss and metabolic health.
Do Visit: https://www.healixhospitals.com/
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hourglasslasercenter · 4 months
Experience Premier Non-Invasive Fat Reduction in Wolfeboro, NH
In Wolfeboro, NH, those looking for an alternative to surgical fat removal have access to some of the best non-invasive fat reduction treatments available. Perfect for individuals who prefer to avoid the risks and downtime associated with surgery, these innovative solutions offer effective results without the need for incisions or anesthesia, catering to a wide range of personal health and body-shaping goals.
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1. Exploring Non-Invasive Options:
Wolfeboro is home to a variety of non-invasive fat reduction treatments that cater to different needs and preferences. Popular options include CoolSculpting®, which uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat, SculpSure®, which employs lasers to target and reduce fat cells, and Zerona®, a low-level laser therapy that promises to slim waistlines without touching the skin. Each of these treatments offers a unique approach to fat reduction, allowing clients to choose a method that best fits their lifestyle and body goals.
2. How Non-Invasive Treatments Work:
Non-invasive fat reduction technologies typically work by targeting fat cells and lowering their temperature or disrupting their structure so that they are processed and eliminated by the body's natural metabolic processes. For example, CoolSculpting® freezes fat cells until they crystallize and die off, while SculpSure® heats them to a point where their structural integrity is compromised. Both methods ensure that nearby tissue remains unaffected, focusing only on fat cells.
3. Comparing Treatments:
While all non-invasive fat reduction methods aim to decrease stubborn fat without surgery, they come with varying advantages and drawbacks. CoolSculpting® is very effective for localized fat reduction but may require multiple sessions for optimal results. SculpSure offers a faster treatment time per session and can treat multiple areas at once, but might need several treatments to achieve full results. Understanding the specifics of each method can help potential clients make an informed decision based on their needs and expectations.
4. What to Expect:
The non-invasive fat reduction process typically begins with a consultation to discuss goals and evaluate suitability for treatment. During the treatment, clients can expect a relatively comfortable experience with little to no discomfort, and there is minimal recovery time required, allowing them to return to daily activities immediately. Results will gradually appear as the body flushes out destroyed fat cells, usually within a few weeks to months post-treatment.
5. Local Success Stories:
Many residents of Wolfeboro have successfully undergone non-invasive fat reduction treatments, with impressive results. Testimonials often highlight significant inch loss, improved body contours, and enhanced self-confidence, underscoring the effectiveness of these methods. These success stories serve as powerful examples of how non-invasive treatments can provide substantial benefits without the risks associated with surgical procedures.
6. Choosing the Right Provider:
Selecting the right clinic or practitioner is crucial to ensuring a positive and successful non-invasive fat reduction experience. Look for providers in Wolfeboro that are licensed, have extensive experience with non-invasive fat reduction technologies, and offer transparent information about costs and expected outcomes. It is also beneficial to choose a provider who offers follow-up support to help manage and maintain results.
For those seeking a safer, non-surgical approach to fat reduction in Wolfeboro, NH, the range of available non-invasive treatments offers an effective solution. With technologies designed to fit different needs and preferences, combined with the expertise of qualified providers, achieving your desired body aesthetics can be a convenient, comfortable, and satisfying experience. Visit a local specialist today to find out more about how these innovative treatments can help you achieve your fat loss goals.
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ganitsoni · 5 months
Hair Transplantation in Hyderabad: A Guide to Restoring Hair Naturally
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Losing hair can be tough, but in Hyderabad, there's hope. Hair transplantation is a way to get back your hair and feel better about yourself. In this article, we'll talk about what hair transplantation is, how it can help you, and what to consider if you're thinking about getting it done in Hyderabad.
Understanding Hair Transplantation:
Hair transplantation is a surgery where hair follicles are moved from one part of your body to another to make your hair grow. There are two main ways to do it: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). In FUT, a strip of skin with hair is taken from one place and cut into small pieces to put where you need hair. In FUE, individual hair follicles are taken out and put where you need them.
Benefits of Hair Transplantation:
Natural-Looking Hair: The hair you get from transplantation looks just like your own, so no one will know you had it done.
Long-Lasting Results: The hair you get from transplantation stays forever, so you won't have to worry about losing it again.
Feel Better About Yourself: Having more hair can make you feel more confident and happy.
Easy Recovery: You can go back to your normal life quickly after getting a hair transplant.
Considerations for Hair Transplantation in Hyderabad:
Find the Right Doctor: Make sure you find a doctor in Hyderabad who knows how to do hair transplants well.
Know Your Options: Talk to your doctor about what kind of hair transplant is best for you and your hair.
Be Realistic: Don't expect to get all your hair back in one go. It takes time for new hair to grow, so be patient.
Think About Cost: Hair transplantation can be expensive, so make sure you know how much it will cost before you decide to get it done.
Post-Transplant Care: After you get a hair transplant, there are some things you need to do to take care of your new hair:
Be gentle when washing your hair to avoid hurting the new hair follicles. Stay out of the sun and don't do any heavy lifting or exercise for a few days. Take any medicine your doctor gives you to help your hair grow.
In conclusion, if you're considering hair transplantation in Hyderabad, Dr. Venus is a trusted specialist who can help you achieve natural-looking results and regain your confidence. With her expertise and personalized care, you can take the first step towards restoring your hair and feeling better about yourself. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Venus today to explore your options and embark on your journey to hair restoration.
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brostateexam · 1 year
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I bought this in the largest size available about this time last year only to find that it was way, way too small to get around my wrist. I thought about going to a jeweler to get extra links added but at the time I was gearing up for weight loss surgery and thought "maybe I should just wait and see if it fits afterward."
I've tried it on a few times since then and was always disappointed to find it didn't quit meet around my wrist, or that it pinched if I tried to close it.
Today, it fits.
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balisurgical · 8 months
In the bustling heart of Charleston, West Virginia, individuals seeking comprehensive and effective weight loss solutions find solace in the expert care provided by Bali Surgical.
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midvalleymedgroup · 9 months
Website : https://www.midvalleymedgroup.com
Address : Fresno, California, USA
Mid Valley Medical Group, located in Fresno, California, specializes in effective weight loss management through Semaglutide injections. This innovative treatment, FDA-approved and tailored to individual needs, significantly aids in appetite control and weight reduction. The group is dedicated to helping clients achieve their weight loss goals with a focus on health and well-being.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/midvalleymedgroup/
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