#Best Heart Attack treatment Hospital in Noida
felix-healthcare · 2 months
Heart attacks, medically termed as myocardial infarctions, are life-threatening events that require immediate medical attention. Rapid access to quality healthcare facilities can make a significant difference in saving lives and minimizing damage to the heart muscle. If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of a heart attack, time is of the essence. Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding Best Heart Attack treatment Hospital in Noida.
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kailashhospitalnoida · 11 months
Identifying Triggers: Unveiling Common Triggers that Can Lead to Fainting
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Sudden fainting, also known as syncope, is a temporary loss of consciousness caused by a brief reduction in blood flow to the brain. It can be a startling and alarming experience for individuals who experience it, as well as those around them. In this article, we will explore the common triggers that can lead to fainting episodes, the signs that indicate you may be about to pass out, and the importance of seeking expert medical care from top neurologists at Kailash Hospital in Greater Noida.
Understanding Fainting Triggers
Orthostatic Hypotension
Description: A sudden drop in blood pressure upon standing up, leading to dizziness and potential fainting.
Causes: Dehydration, certain medications, blood volume abnormalities, and autonomic nervous system disorders.
Vasovagal Syncope:
Description: The most common type of fainting episode is triggered by a strong emotional or physical stimulus.
Triggers: Intense fear, pain, emotional distress, standing for long periods, heat exposure, and blood draw.
Cardiac Causes:
Description: Underlying heart conditions can disrupt blood flow and lead to fainting.
Causes: Abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias), structural heart defects, heart valve disorders, and heart attacks.
Neurological Causes:
Description: Certain neurological conditions can contribute to sudden fainting episodes.
Causes: Seizures, migraines, transient ischemic attacks (mini-strokes), and other neurological disorders affecting blood flow to the brain.
Signs You're About to Pass Out:
Lightheadedness and Dizziness:
Feeling lightheaded or dizzy is often an early warning sign that you may faint.
It may be accompanied by blurred vision, a sense of unsteadiness, or a feeling like the room is spinning.
Pale Skin and Cold Sweats:
When blood flow to the brain decreases, the body responds by constricting blood vessels, resulting in pale skin and excessive sweating.
Nausea and Weakness:
Before fainting, you may experience feelings of nausea, weakness, or generalized fatigue.
Tunnel Vision and Loss of Focus:
Visual disturbances, such as tunnel vision or seeing spots, can occur as blood flow to the eyes and brain is compromised.
Seeking Expert Care at Kailash Hospital
When it comes to sudden fainting episodes, seeking expert medical care is vital for accurate diagnosis and effective management. Kailash Hospital in Greater Noida houses some of the best neurologists in Greater Noida who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders, including syncope. These experienced professionals utilize advanced diagnostic techniques and tailor treatment plans based on individual needs, ensuring comprehensive care and improved outcomes.
In conclusion, identifying the common triggers that can lead to fainting episodes is crucial for understanding and managing syncope effectively. Whether it's orthostatic hypotension, vasovagal syncope, cardiac causes, or neurological factors, recognizing the signs of an impending fainting episode is essential for taking appropriate measures. By seeking expert care from top neurologists at Kailash Hospital in Greater Noida, individuals experiencing syncope can receive specialized attention, accurate diagnosis, and personalized treatment plans. Don't ignore the signs; prioritize your neurological health and consult the experts at Kailash Hospital for comprehensive care and improved quality of life.
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numberdekhoo · 11 months
Why Ambulance Services Are Important - The Complete Guide
When you face an emergency or a medical situation, the best ambulance service providers provide you with the right service at the right time. From a stroke to a heart attack, it always depends on the time of arrival of the ambulance, which can keep your distance between life and death easier and more understandable.
Every day there are several road accidents happing, and spreading more infections will increase the demand for nearby ambulance services. According to a new report, the ambulance services market is expected to reach USD 82.4 billion by 2030. In addition, due to their daily ability to respond to emergency calls and save hundreds of lives, Ambulance Service in Noida and paramedics play an essential role in society.
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Importance of Ambulance Services in Society
The need for nearby ambulance services is also called in emergencies when immediate medical attention is needed. Mentioned below are some of the examples of when people call an ambulance, such as - 
Loss of consciousness
Seizures or convulsions
Chest pain or difficulty breathing
Suspected stroke or heart attack
Serious injuries from accidents or falls
Sudden severe headache or vision changes
Trauma, such as from a car or bus accident
Below are some of the points which will make you understand why nearby ambulance services are important - 
Quick Transportation to Hospitals
One thing that you should take care of while booking an ambulance is booking nearby ambulance services that reach the patients faster and take the hospital on time. 
There is a time when a patient requires immediate medical attention or has a time-sensitive condition such as an accident, heart attack, etc. 
Reduced Mortality
The neraby ambulance services in Noida have been instrumental in reducing mortality rates during medical crisis. 
By giving on-time medical care and transportation to hospitals, ambulance services have helped save countless lives.
Timely Medical Care
Several medical emergencies need to unget ambulance services. These services provide medical care to patients, ensuring that they receive immediate attention and care. 
The best part of nearby ambulance services, they provide patients with first aid and can help prevent the condition from worsening.
Life is not in anyone's hands; it's in god hands. One thing that you always have on your phone is the nearest ambulance service provider's phone number. You don’t know when you need to use the number, not for yourself or someone else. The services are available 24*7, ensuring that sick patients can receive medical care and travel to hospitals at any time. 
They also operate in urban areas and provide services to those who cannot reach hospitals on their own. And do not have transport to take their family member and neighbour to the hospital. 
Medical Equipment and Expertise
There is always a reason why people call an ambulance for emergencies. It has all the needed medical equipment, such as defibrillators, oxygen tanks, and patient first aid kits, which will help them service the hospital.
The ambulance has all staff with fully trained medical experts such as emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics who can administer life-saving treatments.
The emergency nearby ambulance services play an important role in providing medical care to patients. They provide an important link between hospitals and patients and aid save countless lives each day and year. 
Ambulance crews face many challenges when providing emergency medical care to patients, including lack of resources, traffic and risks of abuse and violence. Despite these challenges, rescue workers continue to work tirelessly to provide the best care to patients in critical situations. So, dont waste your time and save nearby ambulance services number in your and love ones phone.
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medinirvana · 4 years
Heart Bypass Surgery: Treatment in India, Cost and More
According to the World Heart Federation, 17.9 million people lose their lives because of cardiovascular diseases annually. Out of those, 80% of the deaths are caused by heart attacks, predominantly due to blockages and fat deposition.
Amidst all the popular countries for heart bypass surgery, namely Malaysia, Singapore, etc., India ranks at #4 for specializing in high-end bypass surgeries at inexpensive costs for medical tourists. The majority of the westerners who travelled to India for heart bypass surgeries and other similar treatments report saving over 75% in expenses.
Larger medical tourism cities, including Chennai and Noida, occupy mostly foreigners in their hospital beds. Popular facilities like Asian Heart Institute pose as a leading health institute for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Table of Contents
What is a Heart Bypass Surgery?
How to Prepare for Heart  Bypass Surgery in India?
What to expect While Considering Heart Bypass Surgery in India?
Why Choose India for Heart Bypass Surgery?
Alternatives of Heart Bypass Surgery
What is the cost of Heart Bypass Surgery in India?
What is a Heart Bypass Surgery?
Heart bypass surgery is a surgical procedure for improving blood flow to the heart.
The surgery is alternatively called a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. The procedure grafts blood vessels from separate areas of the body to bypass the blocked and damaged coronary arteries. The left internal mammary artery is the most commonly used for grafting.
Additionally, the surgery is performed when the patient’s coronary arteries are blocked or wholly damaged. Since the coronary arteries supply oxygenated blood to the heart, The blockage or damage leads to the heart’s restricted blood supply, posing risks of heart attacks.
There are four different types of heart bypass surgery, including:
Single bypass
Double bypass
Triple bypass
Quadruple bypass
How to Prepare for Heart Bypass Surgery in India?
If your native doctor diagnoses coronary artery blockages and suggests a bypass surgery, they will provide a complete list of instructions.For medical tourists coming to India for the surgery, you need to follow a few documentation, physical and mental preparation before the procedure. In case the surgery isn’t immediate, there are a few pre-operative steps involved too. The surgeon will likely enquire about your medical history and daily habits.
But, on your part, here are a few things that you need to prepare for before the surgery.
Carry important documents
Having all the documents handy is necessary. This ensures smoother progress to the treatment for the medical tourists.
As for the important documents that you need to carry, they include:
Passport (scanned copy)
Medical visa
Hospital letter (where the surgery will be done)
Applicant’s photograph
Proof of residential address (where you are from)
Proof of health insurance details (if there is any)
Recommendation letter from the doctor in your country (preferably the one who diagnosed you)
Previous medical reports (for ease of understanding of the medical history)
Scanned passport of the attendant (with residential proof)
Prepare yourself mentally and physically
With the higher success rate of the surgery comes the precautions that the patient needs to take.
If you are finalised for surgery, you need to prepare your mental and physical health promptly. The surgery is complicated, no doubt about that, but you need to be optimistic about the situation.
Join support groups to get a reality check on things and to stabilize yourself mentally.
If you smoke, you need to let go of that habit immediately. During the surgery, your organs need to be in optimal functioning to ensure a higher success rate. Smoking inadvertently affects your organs in the long-run. Another essential precaution is to stop taking blood-thinning medications. These are some of the standard instructions that your surgeon will clarify with you.
Know about the treatment
Familiarizing yourself with the steps in the treatment is important. Consult your doctor to give you a better picture about every last detail of the treatment – ranging from the precautions, duration of hospitalization and the costs involved.
Prepare yourself to be present for every step involved. It is a strenuous process, so knowing what everything entails is a good way to proceed with the treatment.
What to Expect While Considering Heart Bypass Surgery in India?
India poses as a leading medical hub for heart bypass treatment with a success rate of 98%.If you want quality treatment at affordable prices, India is the best choice. There are several factors that you can expect while preparing for the treatment and post-operative care.
Here are a few things you can expect when choosing India for your surgery.
Preparing for the treatment
The doctor will initiate the procedure with regular tests to check the current health of the patient.
They will explain the procedure and clarify all the benefits and consequences associated with the process.
Even if you have reports of prior blood tests, your doctor in India will ask for a rework. It is to get the latest details of the condition and the percentage of blockage in the coronary artery.
These tests provide the surgeon with a current and accurate state of your health. Some of the standard tests include:
Chest X-ray
Blood tests (depending on the doctor’s advice)
ECG and (or) EKG
After treatment
Indians are known for their hospitality, so don’t be surprised at the generosity of the post-operative care.
The hospital assigns nurses, therapists, and doctors for a prompt recovery. Doctors will ensure that you feel minimal pain and be on the road to recovery. The patients get instructions for follow-up care and medications that they need to take for better health in the coming days.
Recovery timeline
The recovery timeline is dependent on several factors – age, comorbidities, and other risk factors involved. Patients are typically discharged three days to a week after the surgery, depending on how stable the vitals are.
The medical team in India also provides clear instructions for taking care of your incision wounds. With fewer complications, a patient with heart bypass surgery takes up to 12 weeks to recover. The timeline could be more, varying from individuals to individuals.
Why Choose India for Heart Bypass Surgery?
India is a leading country for cardiovascular treatments for medical tourists, and here are a few reasons why.
Skilled Doctors- India has the renowned and leading list of cardiologists, anesthesiologists, and perfusionists (heart-lung bypass machine specialists).Precise skills and the latest medical infrastructure including the Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting (EVH) equipment poses this as a good country to proceed with the treatment.
The hospitality and post-operative care by the hospital staff and doctors help with faster recovery.
Affordable costs- India offers the best infrastructure for the heart bypass surgery at an inexpensive cost. While western countries like the U.S can easily bill $50,000 for the treatment, the cost for the same is 1/10th in India.
No Language barrier- 10% of the Indian population speaks English, the majority of which includes the doctors. If you are traveling from a western country, language won’t be a barrier for you or your doctor. In case the patient speaks a different foreign language, hospitals are also arranging for translators to ensure seamless communication.
Safety in Covid situation- With the world in the grasp of the novel coronavirus, medical tourists are afraid of undergoing decisive treatments. Indian hospitals bridge that worry by ensuring prompt care and consistent sanitization of the hospital multiple times a day.
Tests are conducted rapidly before every treatment to ensure maximum safety for the patients and doctors.
Ease of Medical Visa- Obtaining a medical visa for medical tourists coming to India is easy and inexpensive. We are experienced in providing prompt e-Medical visas to patients to need immediate treatment. The documentation process is done at your ease.
Alternatives of Heart Bypass Surgery
If the rate of damage to your coronary artery is not that severe, doctors suggest opting for the alternatives to the surgery.
There are a few important ones, including medications and healthy diets, but let’s focus on the two most common alternatives.
Enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP)- It is an outpatient procedure that doesn’t require hospital admission. In the process, the doctors compress the blood vessels in the lower limbs. It causes a surge in blood pressure, improving the blood flow to the heart.
Performing this frequently develops a “natural bypass” to the heart by developing new branches of blood vessels.
Balloon Angioplasty- It involves inserting a tube through the blocked artery, which carries a balloon that inflates the artery walls. Once the necessary inflation is achieved, the tube and balloon are removed, and a stent is placed in its position that prevents the blocked artery from contracting back to its original shape.
It prevents the risks of further blockage in the coronary arteries.
What is the cost of Heart Bypass surgery in India?
Comparative analysis suggests that heart bypass surgery cost in India amounts to INR 2,30,000 (approximately).
The numbers can vary depending on the hospitals and the kind of care one is under. It can also vary depending on the hospital the patient is in along with the duration of the hospitalization. The grade of hospital room and the accessory pathology and medicine bills can further add to the cost.
Take Away
India is a rise in shining armor for heart patients. This country is your safest bet if you want to incur inexpensive and quality treatment, especially concerning heart bypass surgery. Higher success rate and evolving medical infrastructure gleam India as the best spot for the medical tourists looking for satisfactory treatment. Source Url:- http://medinirvana.com/blog/heart-bypass-surgery-treatment-in-india-cost-and-more/
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insurancelifedream · 4 years
8 Reliable Sources To Learn About Foreign Travel Insurance | foreign travel insurance
If you have ever thought about taking a trip abroad but didn't know if you would be covered, then you may want to think again before you travel. Many countries today have an extensive health care system, but some countries do not provide adequate medical treatment or health care to their citizens. In these cases, when you travel abroad, it is best to take advantage of the Foreign Travel Insurance Plan (FTIP). The FTTI has many benefits including the following:
* The Foreign Travel Insurance Plan (FTIP), also known as the FTTI, provides up to $1000 in extra coverage for unexpected medical expenses that may occur in foreign countries. This coverage is provided without any cost-sharing with your private insurance company. Accidental death and dismemberment are also included in this insurance coverage. If the accident was due to professional negligence, the policy will pay for the medical expenses of the injured party. This coverage is available in any country where you may be going to. Additionally, if you are injured while visiting a country that has a poor health care system, you will have peace of mind knowing you have the right kind of coverage.
* The main major reason that most people choose to purchase this plan is to have insurance against the possibility of accidents while abroad. When it comes to accident, there are several different kinds of accidents you can be covered against. There are injuries from falls, as well as incidents such as car accidents, plane crashes, and even shark attacks. If you are traveling in a foreign country, then you should consider the FTTI insurance plan. This coverage will give you peace of mind in case anything untoward happens while you are abroad.
* There are several ways to obtain the FTTI plan, including online or at a local insurance agency. Most insurance agencies offer the FTTI plan at their place of business. However, when looking for insurance companies, always ask about their rates of insurance and discounts available. It is often best to get insurance from the same insurance company that you already have a policy through. Since you are a former customer, they may be willing to give you a better rate or discount on your existing policy. In addition, some insurance agents may offer to give you a higher discount than others.
* For those who do not have medical insurance, you may also want to consider getting an FTTI plan to protect you from the financial burden should you get injured or need to seek medical attention. While in a foreign country, if you require hospitalization or medical attention, you will not have to worry about paying the expense out of pocket. because with the FTTI plan, you can be covered for the entire hospitalization costs up to the policy limit. Additionally, you may also be covered for the costs of treatment for your household members. This coverage is very beneficial when you are traveling abroad with children and not insured at all.
* If you have a pre-existing medical condition, such as cancer or high blood pressure, you may also want to consider getting an FTTI policy because of its comprehensive coverage. The FTTI plan provides coverage for people with pre-existing medical conditions, which include heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.
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A Solution Centre for Cardiac Or Cancer Troubles
Cancer and heart disease are the two most dreaded killers in India. Almost every other family has at least one person who has a cancer story. At the same time, incidents of heart attacks are increasing in the country and the age at which people suffer them is becoming lower. In a time like this, you need the best cardiologist in Delhi NCR and a place where you can get the best cancer treatment in Noida. Both can be found at Yatharth Hospital.
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With the best cardiologist in Delhi NCR, Yatharth’s department of cardiac sciences is one of the leading cardiology departments of the country. With a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to heart treatment, led by the best cardiologist in Delhi NCR, Yatharth leads the pack in helping beat heart disease.
Yatharth’s cardiology centreis equipped with state -of-the-art technology for all type of cardiac procedures including advanced technology for better diagnosis. With the expertise of the best cardiologist in Delhi NCR at the helm, Yatharth’s preventive cardiology helps identify patients at high risk and take appropriate preventive measures with advanced treatment and technologies.
Being a leading cardiology department, Yatharth has technologically advanced labs for both non-invasive and invasive cardiology:
Non invasive cardiology lab
Echocardiography (ECG)
Chest X-ray
Treadmill Machine (TMT)
Holter Machines
Dobutamine Stress ECHO
Ambulatory BP Monitor
Invasive Cardiology : Hybrid biplane cath lab
All Angiographies/Cardiac Cath
Angioplasty including Complex Angioplasties like Chronic Total Occlusion
Percutaneous Aortic , Mitral , Pulmonary and Tricuspid Valvotomies
Percutaneous Aortic Aneurysm Repair by Stent Grafts
Renal Angioplasty and Carotid Angioplasty
Peripheral Angioplasty including Sub-intimal Angioplasty
IVC filter and Pulmonary Embolectomy
3D Electrical Cardiac Mapping
Pacemaker Implantation
ICDs and Combo Device Implantation
However, cardiology is not the only area of expertise at Yatharth. When it comes to cancer treatment in India, patients from across the country and even the world flock to Yatharth’s oncology unit. Yatharth cancer care and oncology centre is one of the best in India and offers affordable and extremely competent cancer treatment in India.
Just the mention of cancer is enough to strike fear into the hearts of even the most hard-hearted people. However with the care, expertise and technology available at Yatharth, effective cancer treatment in India is no longer just a dream. Yatharth works across prevention, diagnosis and treatment using a combination of advanced treatment options for cancer patients.
Yatharth offers treatments and services for:
Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT)
Bladder Cancer
Brain Tumour
Breast Cancer
Cervical Cancer
Colon Cancer
Gallbladder Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Oral Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Lung Cancer
Liver Cancer
With a vision to provide the best cardiac and cancer treatments at affordable rates, Yatharth is leading the charge in helping cure India of these dreaded diseases. With the best cardiologist in Delhi NCR and one of the leading departments of cancer treatment in India, Yatharth Hospital is well on its way of achieving that vision. Because of Yatharth, the average Indian can simply go for any cancer or heart related troubles.
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drvimaldassi-blog · 5 years
Kidney Transplant - An Option For Healthy Life
A kidney transplant is an operation to place a healthy kidney in your body. The transplanted kidney assumes the function of the deficient kidneys and you will not need any more dialysis treatment.
During a transplant, the kidney transplant surgeon in Delhi places the new kidney in the lower part of the abdomen and connects the renal artery and vein to the kidney. Often, the new kidney will begin to produce urine as soon as the blood begins to flow through it. But sometimes it takes a few weeks to start working.
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Many transplanted kidneys come from deceased donors. Some come from family members in life. The wait for a new kidney can be long. People who have had a transplant must take medicine for the rest of their lives to prevent their organism from rejecting the transplanted kidney.
Kidney transplants are one of the most common transplant operations in India.
A donated kidney is needed to replace the work previously done by your kidneys.
The donated kidney can come from:
A living family donor: related to the recipient, such as a parent, a sibling or a child
A dead donor: a recently deceased person known to have had no chronic kidney disease
The healthy kidney is transported in cold water with salt (saline) that preserves the organ for up to 48 hours. This gives best urologist in East Delhi time to carry out blood and tissue compatibility tests on the donor and recipient.
If you are going to donate a kidney, you will be given general anesthesia before surgery. This means that you will be asleep and will not feel pain. Currently, kidney transplant surgeon in India can use smaller surgical incisions with laparoscopic techniques to remove the kidney.
People who receive a kidney transplant in Delhi undergo general anesthesia before surgery.
The surgeon makes an incision in the lower abdominal area.
The kidney transplant surgeon in Noida places the new kidney inside the lower abdomen. The artery and vein of the new kidney are connected to the artery and vein in the pelvis. Blood circulates through the new     kidney, which produces urine exactly as your own kidneys did when they were healthy. Then the tube that carries the urine (ureter) is connected to the bladder.
Your kidneys are left in place, unless they are causing a health     problem. Then, the wound is closed.
The kidney transplant surgery takes approximately 3 hours. People with diabetes can also have a pancreas transplant at the same time. This can add another 3 hours to the surgery.
Why the procedure is done
You may need a kidney transplant in Delhi if you have ESRD. Diabetes is the most common cause of ESRD in India. However, there are many other causes.
A kidney transplant may NOT be done if you have:
Certain infections, such as TB or bone infections
Problems taking medications several times each day for the rest of your life
Heart, lung or liver disease
Other life-threatening diseases
Recent history of cancer
Infections, such as hepatitis
Current behaviors such as smoking, alcohol or drug abuse or other risky lifestyle habits
The specific risks related to this procedure include:
Blood clots (deep vein thrombosis)
Heart attack or stroke
Infections of wounds
Side effects of the medications used to prevent rejection of the transplant
Loss of transplanted kidney
Before the procedure
You will be evaluated in the transplant center by a medical team consist urologist in East Delhi, Nephrologist in Delhi and assisting staff. They need to verify that you meet the requirements for a kidney transplant. You will have several visits in the course of several weeks or even months. You will need blood drawn and x-rays taken.
Tests that are done before the procedure include:
Determination of tissue and blood group to help verify that your body is not going to reject the donated kidney
Blood or skin tests to check for infections
Heart tests such as electrocardiography, echocardiography or cardiac     catheterization
Tests to look for cancer in the initial stage
It will also be necessary to consider one or more transplant centers to determine which is the best for you.
Ask the center staff how many transplants they perform each year and what the survival rates are. Compare these numbers with those of other transplant centers.
Ask for support groups that are available and the type of per diem and accommodation modalities they offer.
If the transplant team believes that you meet the requirements for a kidney transplant, they will put you on a national waiting list.
Your place on a waiting list depends on many factors. Key factors include the type of kidney problems you have, the severity of your heart disease, and the likelihood that the transplant will be successful.
For adults, the time you are on a waiting list is not the most important thing, nor is it a factor in determining how quickly you will get a kidney. Most people waiting for a kidney transplant are on dialysis. While waiting for a kidney:
Follow any diet that your transplant team recommends.
Do not drink alcohol.
Do not smoke.
Keep your weight in the range recommended. Follow any recommended exercise program.
Take all medications as prescribed. Report changes in your medications and any new medical problems or that are making the transplant team worse.
Attend check-up appointments with your regular kidney specialist in Delhi and transplant team. Make sure the transplant team has the correct phone numbers so you can be notified immediately if a kidney is     available. Make sure they can contact you quickly and easily.
Ready everything in advance to go to the hospital.
After the procedure
If you received a donated kidney, you will need to stay in the hospital for approximately 3 to 7 days. After this, you will need careful monitoring by a doctor for kidney in Delhi and regular blood tests for 1 to 2 months.
The recovery period is approximately 6 months. Often, the best nephrologist in Delhi will ask you to stay near the hospital for the first 3 months. You will need regular check-ups with blood tests and x-rays for many years.
Expectations (prognosis)
Almost everyone feels that they have a better quality of life after transplant. Those who receive a kidney from a living related donor have a better prognosis than those who receive it from a deceased donor. If you donate a kidney, very often you can live safely and without complications with the remaining kidney.
People who receive a transplanted kidney may reject the new organ. This means that your immune system sees the new kidney as a foreign substance and tries to destroy it.
In order to avoid rejection, almost all kidney transplant recipients have to take medications that suppress the immune response for the rest of their lives. This is called immunosuppressive therapy. Although treatment helps prevent rejection of the organ, it also puts patients at increased risk of infection and cancer. If you take this medicine, you need to get cancer screenings. Medications can also cause high blood pressure and high cholesterol and increase the risk of diabetes.
A successful kidney transplant requires careful monitoring with your kidney transplant surgeon in Ghaziabad and you must always take your medication according to the instructions.
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healservdoctors · 5 years
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Top hospitals near me. Until the heart is pumping blood and oxygen is reaching all the organs, until then our life is running. If there is any problem in the heart, there are some special symptoms that are recognized and treated immediately, or it is very necessary, otherwise, it can be deadly. Physiotherapist in Govindpuram. The heart is the most essential part of our body. As long as the heartbeat is going on, our life is going on. Many times the speed of the heart decreases, for some reasons. Best cardiologist in Noida In the last one or two decades, the number of deaths due to cardiovascular diseases has increased greatly in the world. The reason for this is the wrong lifestyle of people and the wrong habits of catering. Some muscles of the heart could not get food and oxygen. Best cardiac surgeon in Delhi This condition is called a heart attack IE heart attack. Symptoms of cardiovascular diseases. Sudden chest pain can be a sign of a heart attack, but other warning signs are also direct in many cases. You may feel pain or anxiety in one or both hands, waist, neck, jaw or stomach. You may have symptoms such as shortness of breath, cold sweating, nausea, or dizziness. You may have chest pain during exercise or other physical work, which is called angina. Which are common symptoms of chronic coronary artery disease? Extremely severe shortness of respiratory failure is the warning of a heart attack. But it may be a sign of other cardiovascular problems. Ayurvedic cardiologist. To prevent heart attacks or other heart diseases, it is necessary to change your lifestyle and live a healthy life. Perform regular medical checkups. Healserv also Provides 24X7 online appointment facilities of Hospitals for healthcare. Healserv providing the best platform of top Hospitals Doctors, Homeopathic Doctors, Path Lab, Medicine, Pharma Companies, Medical Equipment, Nurses, in India for best treatment patient.☛🌏
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bimaplus · 3 years
Why Hypertension Patients Have High Risk of Coronavirus
A study shows that hypertension patients have higher chances of getting affected by a coronavirus. A patient having hypertension must be careful and take all necessary safety measures to safeguard him from the covid19 virus. 
The data from countries such as Italy and China tells that several corona patients already had some health problems such as lung disease, diabetes, and hypertension. 
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Health professional has stated that hypertension is a hazardous element that may cause severe conditions and even death of the patient. 
What is a Connection Between Coronavirus And Hypertension? 
A weak immune system is one reason individuals with hypertension and other health issues are at the risk of developing coronavirus. Long-term health issues and a weak immune system are not able to fight back the virus. Most doctors prescribe ACE inhibitors and ARBs for patients suffering from hypertension. It has been proved that both ACE and ARBs can be used for treating Covid-19. It is a theory, and there is no research yet to confirm the effects of these medicines on this deadly disease. These medicines increase the effect of called ACE2. ACE2 can protect you against lung injury. It would be better for patients to get health insurance to don’t have to think about medical expenses before hospitalization; get help from a health insurance advisor in Noida sector 21 for best choosing best health insurance according to your need. 
However, we cannot say authentically that high blood pressure is a risk element for covid19 infection. 
Coronavirus Effect On Hypertension Patients 
Hypertension can harm the arteries and decrease blood circulation to the heart. 
It indicates that the heart has to work more to force sufficient blood. The additional pressure can make your heart weak, and it becomes unable to circulate healthy blood to the body. Coronavirus can damage your heart harshly, which can risky for you. It may cause swelling in heart tissues. If a layer developed in the arteries in any patient, the virus may enable to make those layers to get split, which may cause a heart attack. Patients with heart complications are likely to acquire respiratory complications, including asthma, flu, etc. 
Hypertension patients must take care of their health extra carefully and perform safety precautions including:
Contact your doctor and consume medicines as per the doctor’s prescription 
Stay at home and have confined physical touch with others 
Make sure you have enough medicines to treat fever and other complications 
Don’t go outside and crowded areas with any person who is already unwell
Maintain proper cleanliness and wash your hand repeatedly
Buy health insurance plan through health insurance advisor in Noida Sector 2 from Bima Plus.
 Possible Solutions 
 Coronavirus treatment requires instant medical assistance. Every person should stay away from risk elements and perform additional safety measures. Moreover, one can also opt for health insurance for diabetes and hypertension sickness. Your health insurance advisor in Noida Sector 10 provides your correct advice to get a desired health insurance plan. 
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manashospital-blog · 6 years
Never Ignore Your Pain Visit Manas Hospital
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Excruciating pain in the chest that resembles a stiffness or a person is making an attempt to squeeze your heart must by no means be ignored. It can be a sign of coronary heart assault or maybe deadlier, cardiac arrest.
If the ache consequences in next sweating, vomiting, nausea or difficulty in respiration; it is able to be a clear indication of a heart attack. The ensuing pain ought to even be felt in the arms, jaw or lower back.
If ever, you enjoy or see someone who resembles those varieties of signs, then you definitely should really call the emergency healthcare number and get your self or the individual dealt with earlier than it too late.
The emergency unit of Manas sanatorium is all the time alert and vigilant and equipped to stumble upon potential existence-threatening mishaps which can happen to every person, every time, everywhere. 24-hour pharmacy, devoted emergency dispatch center and quick movement ambulance teams guarantee you will be in excellent arms if the emergency strikes.
Becoming high-quality Best Orthopaedic Hospital in Noida, Manas Hospital has received quite a few recognition among its sufferers for its transparency in treatment, this multi-specialty health center, and cutting-edge medical technology & additionally no longer to overlook, nice of the best clinical surgeons and docs present within us of a.
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felix-healthcare · 2 months
Heart Attack Treatment Hospital in Noida: What You Need to Know 
Heart attacks, medically termed as myocardial infarctions, are life-threatening events that require immediate medical attention. Rapid access to quality healthcare facilities can make a significant difference in saving lives and minimizing damage to the heart muscle. If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of a heart attack, time is of the essence. Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding Best Heart Attack treatment Hospital in Noida.
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1. Recognizing the SymptomsBefore delving into treatment options, it's crucial to recognize the signs of a heart attack. Common symptoms include:
Chest pain or discomfort
Shortness of breath
Nausea or vomiting
Pain in the arm(s), back, neck, jaw, or stomach
If you or someone around you is experiencing these symptoms, seek emergency medical help immediately at a Heart Attack Treatment Hospital in Noida. Quick action can save lives and prevent long-term heart damage. Don't delay; timely intervention at a specialized facility can make all the difference in managing a heart attack effectively and ensuring a better recovery.
2. Immediate Medical Care
Upon reaching the hospital, the medical team will conduct a series of tests to diagnose a heart attack. It's essential to discuss heart attack surgery treatment costs in Noida with the hospital's financial department or insurance provider to understand the associated expenses.
These may include:
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Blood tests to measure cardiac enzymes
Chest X-ray
Coronary angiographyBased on the diagnosis, the healthcare professionals will determine the best course of treatment.
3. Treatment Options in Noida
Noida is home to some of the best Heart Attack Treatment Hospitals in India, renowned for their advanced facilities and skilled cardiologists. These premier institutions offer a variety of treatment options tailored to individual patient needs. Choosing the best Heart Attack Treatment Hospital in Noida ensures optimal care during critical situations.
Medication: Immediate administration of aspirin and other blood-thinning medications can help dissolve blood clots and restore blood flow to the heart.
Angioplasty and Stenting: This minimally invasive procedure involves widening narrowed or blocked coronary arteries using a balloon and placing a stent to keep the artery open. Many hospitals in Noida offer round-the-clock angioplasty services, ensuring prompt treatment.
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG): In severe cases where other treatments are not feasible, CABG surgery may be recommended. This procedure involves rerouting the blood around blocked arteries to improve blood flow to the heart.
4. Cost of Heart Attack Surgery Treatment
The heart attacks surgery treatment cost in Noida varies depending on the hospital, the severity of the condition, and the chosen treatment method. It's essential to discuss the treatment plan and associated costs with the hospital's financial department or insurance provider beforehand to avoid unexpected expenses.
5. Rehabilitation and Aftercare
Recovery from a heart attack doesn't end with hospitalization. Post-treatment, cardiac rehabilitation plays a crucial role in improving the patient's quality of life, reducing the risk of future heart attacks, and ensuring a faster return to daily activities. Rehabilitation programs typically include:
For More Information:- Heart Attack Treatment Hospital in Noida
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When it's about your Heart, Choose the Best Heart Hospital in Noida. Heart is your lifeline to keep going ahead healthy. Heart attacks & Cardiac arrest are the two major causes of annual deaths worldwide. For saving lives, Preventing & managing Heart attacks in time is the need of the hour. Cardiovascular Health plays a vital role in regulating overall body functions. Kailash Hospital 27 Noida offers the most specialized heart treatments through highly experienced Cardiologists & CTVS Surgeons.
For any Cardiac Emergency, Call our Ambulance: 9990444444
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felix-healthcare · 2 months
Heart attack treatment is crucial for helping individuals suffering from cardiac issues regain their health and quality of life. These treatments encompass various medical procedures aimed at stabilizing and restoring the heart's function after an attack, facilitating optimal recovery.
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Felix Hospital offers the Best Heart Attack treatment Hospital in Noida, providing personalized care and comprehensive treatment plans tailored to each patient's needs. Our team of experienced cardiologists utilizes cutting-edge techniques and advanced therapies to ensure optimal recovery and the best possible outcomes. If you or a loved one has suffered a heart attack, you can trust Felix Hospital Noida for exceptional care, compassionate support, and the highest standards of medical excellence throughout your recovery journey.
What is Heart Attack?
A heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction, occurs when the blood flow to a part of the heart muscle is blocked, usually by a blood clot. This blockage deprives the heart muscle of oxygen and nutrients, causing the heart muscle cells to become damaged or die.
Signs and Symptoms of Heart Attack 
Signs of a heart attack can vary, but the most common ones for both men and women are:
Chest discomfort, which might feel like pressure, tightness, or burning similar to heartburn.
Pain or discomfort in areas like the neck, shoulders, jaw, arms, back, or belly.
Breathlessness that lasts more than a moment.
Causes of Heart Attack 
A heart attack happens when a part of the heart doesn't get enough oxygen-rich blood due to a blockage in the coronary arteries. This blockage is often caused by a buildup of plaque, a waxy substance, over many years. When this plaque breaks apart, it can form blood clots that further obstruct blood flow to the heart, leading to damage or death of the heart muscle.
Several factors increase the risk of having a heart attack:
Older age, especially for men over 45 and women over 55 (or after menopause)
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Elevated blood sugar levels
Family history of heart disease
Certain racial or ethnic backgrounds, including African Americans, Mexican Americans, Native Americans, and native Hawaiians
Lack of physical activity
Chronic stress
Gender, as men are more likely to have heart attacks, although heart disease is a leading cause of death for women as well
In some cases, a heart attack can also be caused by a sudden spasm or tightening of a coronary artery, even without plaque buildup. This can be triggered by factors like using certain drugs (such as cocaine), smoking, exposure to extreme cold, or severe emotional distress. The exact reasons for these spasms are not fully understood.
For More Information: Heart attack treatments in Noida
Contact No: +91 9667064100 Email us: [email protected]
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felix-healthcare · 2 months
Felix Hospital excels in treating heart attacks, boasting a skilled team of cardiologists, surgeons, nurses, and support staff. Equipped with advanced facilities, it delivers comprehensive care for cardiac emergencies. Felix Hospital is the go-to for heart attack surgery in Noida. Contact us at: +91 9667064100.
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felix-healthcare · 2 months
बदलती जीवनशैली और गलत खान-पान के कारण कम उम्र के लोगों को भी दिल का दौरा पड़ सकता है। दिल के दौरे के शुरुआती लक्षणों को पहचानना और तुरंत इलाज कराना बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है, और इससे किसी व्यक्ति की जान बचाई जा सकती है। हार्ट अटैक (Heart Attack Symptoms in hindi) को मेडिकल भाषा में अनेक नामों से जाना जाता है, जैसे: मायोकार्डियल इन्फेक्शन (Myocardial infarction), कार्डियक अरेस्ट (cardiac arrest) या एनजाइना (Angina)।
एक्सपर्ट सुझाव के लिए कॉल करें +91 9667064100.
यह एक इमर्जेंसी कंडीशन है जो किसी भी इंसान की जान ले सकती है। अचानक से हार्ट अटैक की स्थिति तभी बनती है जब ह्रदय की माँसपेशियों (Heart muscles) में खून का बहाव कम हो जाता है, और हार्ट को पर्याप्त मात्रा में खून न मिलने के कारण हार्ट को नुकसान पहुँचता है, और कभी ऐसी स्थिति बन जाती है जिसमें हार्ट को खून की सप्लाई न मिले, तो हार्ट अटैक हो सकता है, जिसके कारण इंसान की जान जा सकती है।
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When it's about your Heart, Choose the Best Heart Hospital in Noida. Heart is your lifeline to keep going ahead healthy. Heart attacks & Cardiac arrest are the two major causes of annual deaths worldwide. For saving lives, Preventing & managing Heart attacks in time is the need of the hour. Cardiovascular Health plays a vital role in regulating overall body functions. Kailash Hospital 27 Noida offers the most specialized heart treatments through highly experienced Cardiologists & CTVS Surgeons.
For any Cardiac Emergency, Call our Ambulance: 9990444444
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