#Best Lawyers in Sharjah
Mediation and Conciliation in Civil and Commercial Disputes: A New Horizon
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With the launch of the Mediation Rules by the Dubai International Arbitration Centre effective from 01 October 2023, the UAE has introduced a significant piece of legislation at the federal level, consolidating Mediation and Conciliation specifically in Civil and Commercial Disputes viz. Federal Decree Law №40 of 2023 (the “Decree-Law”) which will come into effect on 29 December 2023, thereby repealing Federal Law №6 of 2021 on Mediation in Civil and Commercial Disputes which regulated both the judicial and non-judicial Mediation; and Federal Law №17 of 2016, as amended by Federal Law №5 of 2021, which governs Conciliation and regulates the establishment of court-annexed Conciliation and Mediation centres for civil and commercial disputes; ushering in a new era for alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) in the UAE.
By nature, the concept of Mediation and Conciliation is profoundly embedded in Arabic culture and Sharia law, as such, the Decree-Law is a welcome step equally for parties and lawyers alike to progress ADR in the UAE. This move aligns with the UAE’s commitment to signing the Singapore Convention on Mediation, announced in March 2022.
At the outset, Mediation may be conducted in all civil and commercial disputes capable of settlement without conflicting with the existing laws or the public order and morals prevailing in the UAE, without prejudice to the provisions of the local laws that regulate Mediation. This is in accordance with Article 8 of the Decree-Law, while Article 27 of the Decree-Law states about the exclusive competency of Mediation and Conciliation Centre (the “Centre”) to conciliate civil and commercial disputes (i) whose value does not exceed five million (5,000,000) dirhams; and (ii) between spouses or relatives up to the fourth degree, regardless of their value. The adversaries may agree to resort to the Centre for Conciliation of civil and commercial disputes whose value exceeds five million (5,000,000) dirhams, whether before a case is filed or while it is being heard.
That said, as outlined in Article 28 of the Decree-Law, certain disputes do not fall within the jurisdiction of the Centre viz. (i) urgent and interim orders and cases; (ii) cases to which the government is a party, (iii) rental cases heard before special rental dispute committees, (iv) labor cases, personal status cases; and (vi) any other cases decided to be heard before a Centre, committee or other entity of similar jurisdiction.
Establishment of Centres
The Federal Judicial Council (the “Council”) or the chairman of the local judicial authority may establish one or more Centre(s) for Mediation and Conciliation within the territorial jurisdiction of the first-instance courts; and shall issue pertinent regulations to govern the work and operations of the Centre(s). There is also scope for establishing special Centre(s) for Mediation and branches of foreign Mediation Centre(s); with court or the local judicial authority having supervisory authority on its working and formulating the general policies.
Remote Mediation and Conciliation Platform
Article 4 of the Decree-Law empowers the Mediators and Conciliators to conduct Mediation and Conciliation meetings through electronic means and remote communication, subject to regulations and procedures issued by the Minister of Justice, based on the approval of the Council or the chairman of the local judicial authority.
Mediators and Conciliators Accreditation Processes
The Federal Judicial Inspection Department or the local judicial authority shall maintain a roster for registering Mediators from amongst those registered in the experts’ schedule at the Ministry of Justice or with the local judicial authorities, and the expert Mediators named by a decision of the Council or the chairman of the local judicial authority. Normally they shall be selected from amongst retired members of the judiciary, lawyers registered in the schedules of practicing and non-practicing lawyers. Qualification includes practice of the profession for a period of not less than five (5) years prior to their registration in the non-practicing lawyers’ schedule, and other highly qualified experts and international experts in the legal and business fields, who are known for their expertise, integrity and impartiality. Furthermore, Article 15 of the Decree-Law allows appointment of any natural or legal person, known as Private Mediator, entrusted by the Parties with the task of Mediation to amicably resolve the dispute between them, and not registered on the Mediators’ Lists.
The appointment of Conciliators follows a procedure similar to employment. The Federal Judiciary or the president of the local judicial authority will establish the qualification for the post of a Conciliator. The Conciliators must take a legal oath before assuming their duties, and shall be subject to a specific compensation scheme.
Confidentiality and Non-disclosure
The documents and information submitted or agreements or concessions made by the parties to the disputes submitted for Mediation or Conciliation (the “Parties”), and Mediation and Conciliation procedures as a whole are treated with utmost confidentiality, as envisaged in Article 5 of the Decree-Law; except with the consent of the Parties, or as required by law. Exception further extents to document(s) prepared by the Mediator or the Conciliator and signed by the Parties, including the Settlement reached to resolve the dispute, in whole or in part, between them; and the documents and instruments necessary for its enforcement. Failure by the Mediator or Conciliator to adhere to the confidentiality and non-disclosure obligations stipulated herein, attracts disciplinary actions according to Article 40 of the Decree-Law, without prejudice to the provisions of civil and criminal liability.
Prohibitions on the Mediator and Conciliator
Article 6 of the Decree-Law prohibits the Mediator and Conciliator from acting as an arbitrator or expert in the dispute, or accepting to be an attorney in a dispute against any of the Parties regarding the subject matter of the dispute subject to Mediation or Conciliation, or anything arising from it, even after the completion of the Mediation or Conciliation procedures, unless the Parties agree otherwise. Prohibitions further extents to giving testimony against any of the Parties to the dispute regarding the subject matter of the dispute subject to Mediation or Conciliation, or anything arising therefrom, even after the completion of the Mediation or Conciliation procedures, unless authorized by the concerned party or the Parties agree otherwise, except in cases where the testimony is related to a crime; and in case of acting as a Mediator or Conciliator in a dispute where one of the Parties is a spouse or a relative up to the fourth degree by blood or marriage.
Parallel Mediation and Conciliation Structures
While the previous separate federal laws on Mediation and Conciliation laws are now consolidated, these two parallel structures continue to co-exist under the Decree-Law. Concerning Conciliation, under the court-annexed system, mandatory Conciliation is a prerequisite for specific types of disputes prior to litigation proceedings, and with regards to Mediation, voluntary process that can be initiated either through contractual agreement or by court referral, subject to the Parties mutual consent applies. Here, the chief difference is with the role of the “Mediator” opted by the Parties i.e., while in the Mediation process, the Mediator acts as a facilitator aiding the Parties to arrive at an agreement using the Mediation techniques; however, in the Conciliation process, the Mediator only suggests possible paths to the Parties in order to resolve the dispute. Precisely, both the structures share a common goal, which is amicable resolution of the disputes, whether before, or at the stage of the legal proceedings.
Consensual Mediation
In enforcing the agreement between the Parties made either before or after the occurrence of dispute, with the aim of resorting to Mediation for the Settlement of the dispute (“Mediation Agreement”), the Parties may directly resort to the Center to settle the dispute between them, before filing a lawsuit, as per Article 11 of the Decree-Law. This is Consensual Mediation, the initiation of which interrupts legal and judicial deadlines and only resume upon the completion of the Mediation, unless it is concluded by the Parties signing a Settlement Agreement. The procedures for Consensual Mediation are set out in Article 12 of the Decree-Law. In pursuance of Article 13 of the Decree-Law, the court before which a case is filed regarding a dispute brought before a Mediator in enforcing the Medication Agreement, shall decide suspension of the case until the completion of the Mediation procedures, if the defendant urges therefor before making any request or submission on the merits, unless the court finds that the Mediation Agreement is void or impossible to be enforced. The filing the case shall not however, preclude the initiation or continuation of Consensual Mediation procedures.
Court-Referred Mediation
Court-Referred Mediation occurs by virtue of a referral decision made by the subject-matter court competent to hear the lawsuit (“Competent Court”), at any stage of the case, whether proposed by the court with the Parties’ consent or upon their request. Article 14 (3) stipulates that the referral decisions issued by the Competent Court cannot be appealed by any ordinary or extraordinary means of appeal. Mediation shall end as per Article 21 of the Decree-Law if the Parties (i) sign a Settlement Agreement; (ii) agree to end the Mediation before reaching a Settlement Agreement for any reason; (iii) if one of the Parties informs to the Mediator or the Centre of their wish to participate in or continue Mediation; (iv) if the Mediator notifies the Centre, in writing or electronically, that the Mediation: (a) is futile and that there is no possibility of reaching a resolution to the dispute; (b) has been ended due to the absence of any of the Parties from two consecutive Mediation sessions without excuse; and (v) if the Mediation period expires without being renewed.
In all the above cases, the Mediator shall, upon the end of Mediation, deliver to each party any memoranda and documents they presented, and they may not retain them or copies thereof, and shall send a written or electronic report to the Centre on the result of the Mediation within three (3) working days from the date of ending the Mediation for any reason. The Centre shall notify the Parties and the Competent Court, within three (3) days, of the report and the result of the Mediation.
End of Mediation
Mediation if concluded successfully can end by signing the Settlement Agreement. The ratification process of the Settlement Agreement follows three tiers. i.e., from the Mediator to the Centre and finally to the Court. The Mediator shall submit a report to the Centre along with the Settlement Agreement, which the Centre shall send it to the Court within 3 working days. As a final step, the Court shall ratify the Settlement Agreement and issue a decision to end the dispute, wholly or partially, at a session to be scheduled within seven (7) working days from the date of its receipt of the Settlement Agreement. After its ratification, the agreement shall become a writ of execution and an exequatur shall be affixed thereto upon the request of all Parties or one of them, in light of the terms of the agreement submitted to it, and shall be executed according to the procedures stipulated in the Federal Civil Procedure Law.
That said, the aggrieved party has the rights to object or challenge ratification of the Settlement Agreement, by filing an annulment case before the competent Court. The party seeking annulment shall prove one of the reasons viz. (i) lack of legal capacity of one of the Parties to the Settlement Agreement or diminished capacity at the time of its conclusion, (ii) no Settlement Agreement or if the agreement was void or voidable, or if it was made after the expiry of the Mediation period; or (iii) if one of the Parties was unable to present their defence due to invalid service of process or notification of the Mediation procedures or due to them not having been aware thereof for any other reason beyond their control. Pursuant to Article 24 (2) of the Decree-Law, the judgment issued by the court in the annulment case shall be final and can only be appealed through cassation.
Settlement before the Conciliator
If a settlement is reached between the Parties before the Conciliator, either in whole or in part, this shall be recorded in a minutes signed by the Parties and the Conciliator. These minutes shall be ratified by the Supervising Judge, have the force of a writ of execution and the same binding force of court judgments, and are not subject to appeal by any means of appeal. Upon ratification, the minutes shall be affixed with an exequatur upon the request of all or any of the Parties, free of charge, and shall be executed in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the Federal Civil Procedure Law.
The enactment of the Decree-Law marks a pivotal moment for Mediation and Conciliation in the UAE, offering a unified platform for resolving disputes not just in property and construction disputes but in other Civil and Commercial disputes as well.
Whether you are navigating construction disputes, real estate intricacies, or commercial contracts, having a reliable Dubai Lawyer is crucial in providing comprehensive services across various legal domains. Dubai Lawyers and Dubai Law Firms play a pivotal role in addressing a spectrum of legal needs. Considering the legal landscape in Dubai, individuals and businesses can benefit from the expertise of seasoned Dubai Lawyers.
Our record of representing clients in Mediations and ADR procedures throughout the UAE speaks volume. Thus, we recommend for a comprehensive understanding and implementation of the new legislation, consider consulting the seasoned lawyers at Al Dhaheri International Advocates & Legal Consultants, renowned for their expertise in mediation and alternative dispute resolution throughout the UAE.
                                                                    Written by — Dr. Sherina M. Saji
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Why You Need the Best Lawyers in the UAE and the Best Advocates in Dubai
In a country as legally diverse and dynamic as the UAE, having access to the best legal representation is essential. The Best Lawyers in the UAE are known for their extensive knowledge and experience across a wide range of legal fields, including corporate law, family law, real estate, and criminal law. Whether you are an individual seeking justice or a business navigating complex regulations, the expertise of top lawyers can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.
In Dubai, a city that serves as a global financial and cultural hub, the demand for high-quality legal services is particularly high. The Best Advocates in Dubai are celebrated not just for their deep understanding of UAE law but also for their ability to handle cases with international dimensions. From intricate business disputes to sensitive personal matters, the best advocates in Dubai are equipped to provide strategic advice and representation tailored to the unique needs of their clients.
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Choosing the Best Lawyers in the UAE and the Best Advocates in Dubai is more than just a matter of reputation; it’s about ensuring that your legal rights are fully protected and that you have the best possible chance of a successful outcome. These legal professionals combine a deep understanding of the local legal landscape with a commitment to excellence, offering personalized services that cater to the specific needs of each client.
In conclusion, whether you are dealing with a legal issue in Dubai or anywhere else in the UAE, securing the services of the best lawyers and advocates is a critical step toward achieving your goals. Their expertise, dedication, and local insight can help you navigate the legal complexities with confidence and peace of mind.
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Professional Divorce Lawyers in Dubai – How They Help Their Clients?
Looking for a professional legal support and guidance for a smooth divorce process? Professional divorce lawyers in Dubai are qualified enough to give more than just professional legal advice. They know well how to deliver efficient services to their clients during their period of emotional chaos, assigning them in moving their cases as quickly as possible and achieving expected outcomes.
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As far as services of best divorce lawyer Dubai is concerned, they are amazingly trained in divorce and separation cases, providing reliable and affordable advice to protect each client’s interest in a divorce case. Additionally, they are skilled enough to deal with child custody based on the UAE divorce law through the family courts in Dubai and Sharjah. They best handle various legal issues including personal affairs and successfully represent their client in the family law court in Dubai.
Professional Divorce Lawyers in Dubai can help you in the following ways:- 
In Dubai, divorce proceedings comprise dialogue about the financial right of the wife and that is alimony. A wife should get the financial rights in the form of alimony after divorce proceedings. In the United Arab Emirates, divorce proceedings involve a three step process. The first step involves negotiating with each other on all terms of the separation such as spousal support and property division. The second stage is referred to as settlement negotiations or mediation. The third step is the court hearing, where both parties will make their case before a judge. If no agreement is made after mediation then court has the right to decide. 
Divorce Filing Guardianship and Domestic Violence
The court proceeding for the family case in Dubai can be little complex for the foreigners. If you’re an expat, you should not worry anything after hiring professional divorce lawyer in this country because they can provide exceptional legal expertise which ensures that the clients get the best solutions which they truly deserve. Moreover they have years of experience of local legal system which make them intelligent with the local law, language and other practices in Dubai. 
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Wills, Inheritances and Separation Agreement
Hiring professional divorce lawyer in Dubai can help you in drafting complex legal wills to handling custody agreements. Moreover, you can remain assured that your legal issues will be handled by experts. 
Maintenance, Division of Assets, and Child Custody
Divorce cases are very much complicated and often involve a lengthy legal process. The expert team of family lawyers is well-known for providing exceptional legal strategies in divorce cases, helping clients in best understanding intricate legal issues with ease. The professional divorce lawyers in Dubai best understand the emotional complexities for family law matters in the UAE. Moreover, they are committed to supporting you at every step of the way and guide you through even the most challenging situations.
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rehasaleh · 22 days
Legal Consultations via WhatsApp: Convenient but Safe?
Legal consultations through instant messaging apps like WhatsApp have gained significant popularity in our fast-paced digital world. With just a few clicks, anyone can get a quick answer to their legal questions without having to visit a lawyer's office. However, is this service as convenient and safe as it seems? Let's explore this topic in detail.
Advantages of Legal Consultations via WhatsApp
Speed and Ease: Quick answers can be obtained for simple legal matters, without the need to schedule an appointment or wait for a long time.
Cost: Consultations via WhatsApp are often less expensive than traditional consultations at a law firm.
Convenience: Consultations can be obtained from anywhere and at any time, saving time and effort.
Privacy: Conversations can be conducted in a safe and private environment.
Read More: Lawyers numbers in Dubai
Risks of Legal Consultations via WhatsApp
Lack of Quality: Not everyone who provides legal consultations via WhatsApp has the necessary competence and legal knowledge.
Confidentiality: WhatsApp conversations may not be fully encrypted, increasing the risk of being hacked.
Inaccuracy: The answers provided may be simplified and inaccurate, especially for complex cases.
Lack of Evidence: It may be difficult to preserve evidence of WhatsApp communications if needed later.
Read More: Lawyer in Sharjah
Tips for Getting Good Legal Advice via WhatsApp
Verify Expertise: Ensure that the lawyer you consult with has the necessary experience and expertise in a specific area of law.
Request Recommendations: Ask your friends, family, or colleagues for any lawyers they trust.
Read Terms and Conditions: Carefully read the terms of service of the lawyer or company providing the consultation.
Record the Conversation: If possible, record the conversation as proof of the agreements reached.
In-Person Consultation: For complex cases, it is best to seek a face-to-face legal consultation with the lawyer.
Conclusion: Legal consultations via WhatsApp are a useful tool for getting quick answers to simple legal questions. However, caution should be exercised when using this service, and it should be ensured that the advice is obtained from a reliable source. Ultimately, a face-to-face legal consultation with a lawyer cannot be replaced for complex cases that require in-depth legal analysis.
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newsinterestpost · 1 month
How to Navigate the UAE Real Estate Market as a First-Time Buyer
Entering the UAE real estate market can be both thrilling and daunting, especially for first-time buyers. With its unique market dynamics, diverse property options, and distinct regulations, it's essential to approach the process with a well-informed strategy. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the UAE real estate market and make the most of resources like RealTawk to streamline your journey:
1. Understand the Market Dynamics
Research Market Trends: Begin by understanding the current real estate trends in the UAE. The market can vary significantly between cities like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and emerging areas. Look into property prices, market demand, and upcoming developments to get a comprehensive view.
Identify Hotspots: Major cities are popular, but other areas such as Sharjah, Ajman, and Ras Al Khaimah also offer promising opportunities. Each location has its own market characteristics and property types that might suit your needs.
2. Set a Realistic Budget
Determine Your Budget: Assess your financial situation to set a realistic budget. Consider not only the purchase price but also additional costs like registration fees, notary charges, and real estate agent commissions.
Explore Financing Options: Look into mortgage options available for expatriates and UAE nationals. Different banks offer various schemes, so compare terms and conditions to find the best fit for your financial situation.
3. Understand the Legal Requirements
Know the Regulations: Familiarize yourself with the legal aspects of property ownership in the UAE. Understand which areas are open to foreign ownership and the differences between freehold and leasehold properties.
Consult a Legal Expert: Engage a local real estate lawyer to navigate the legalities of your purchase. They can help you understand contracts, terms, and ensure compliance with all legal requirements.
4. Engage with a Reputable Real Estate Agent
Choose an Experienced Agent: A skilled real estate agent can provide valuable insights and assist in finding properties that align with your criteria. Look for agents with a strong track record and positive reviews.
Communicate Your Needs: Clearly outline your requirements and budget to your agent. They can guide you through the entire process, from property search to finalizing the purchase.
5. Utilize RealTawk for Insight and Networking
Join RealTawk Chatrooms: RealTawk offers a platform where you can connect with real estate professionals, enthusiasts, and investors. Engage in discussions, seek advice, and gain insights about various properties and market trends.
Collaborate and Learn: Use RealTawk to collaborate with other buyers and agents. Participate in chatrooms dedicated to different UAE locations to get tailored advice and recommendations.
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6. Visit Properties and Conduct Due Diligence
Inspect Properties: Arrange visits to potential properties to assess their condition, location, and amenities. This step is crucial for making an informed decision.
Verify Documentation: Ensure the property has clear ownership titles and all necessary permits. Check for any outstanding disputes or legal issues that could affect your purchase.
7. Understand Ownership and Maintenance Costs
Calculate Ongoing Expenses: Besides the initial purchase cost, consider ongoing expenses like property management fees, maintenance, and utilities. These costs can vary based on the property type and location.
Budget for Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your property in good condition. Factor this into your budget to avoid unexpected expenses.
8. Complete the Purchase Process
Finalize the Deal: Once you’ve chosen a property, make an offer and negotiate the terms. Review the sale agreement carefully before signing.
Register the Property: After completing the purchase, register the property with the relevant authorities to officially transfer ownership.
9. Seek Professional Advice
Consult Experts: Throughout the buying process, seek advice from real estate professionals, including legal advisors, financial consultants, and property managers. Their expertise can help you navigate any challenges.
10. Stay Informed
Monitor Market Changes: Real estate markets can change rapidly. Stay updated on market trends, new regulations, and emerging developments to make informed future decisions.
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economiclaw · 6 months
Economic Law Partners - Best Labour Lawyer In Dubai
Economic Law Partners has been a cornerstone of legal knowledge in the United Arab Emirates for more than ten years. Economic Law Partners is the Best Labour Lawyer In Dubai. Our founder has established a reputation as a proactive and results-driven legal advisor by making a significant commitment to remaining on the cutting edge of the always changing domain rules.
Our clientele is broad, including multinational corporations, start-ups in numerous industries, partnerships, and private citizens looking for advice on commercial law in general and employment-related issues. Regardless of the scope or complexity of our clients' objectives, we take pride in providing specialized solutions that assist them in achieving them.
Economic Law Partners is aware of the particular difficulties experienced by firms in Dubai. We can offer quick, competent, and cost-effective legal assistance because we have in-depth understanding of every area of UAE law. Because we are adamant that everyone should have access to legal counsel, we stand out for being so reasonably priced.
We are honored to be known as one of the top legal companies in Dubai because to our solid track record and everlasting commitment to our customers. When you select Economic Law Partners, you are selecting a dependable companion on your road to legal success in the United Arab Emirates.
Website: https://elplegal.com/
Address: Economic Law Partners LLC, Office 10, Level 1, Sharjah Media City Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971 50 285 4783
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Top 4 Immigration Consultants that provide Canada Tourist Visa from India
Due to the strict and ever-changing visa regulations, it has become a difficult proposition for all candidates who wish to travel, study, or require the assistance of immigration consultants. Some of these international consultants can provide answers to all of your questions. There are plenty of them in town, and selecting the trustworthy ones can be a difficult task. One must ensure that the chosen consultant is knowledgeable about current regulations, the application process, the time it takes for each step, and the documentation involved, among other things. A reliable Visa consultant will get you a Canada tourist visa from India and also assist you with post-visa needs such as travel and lodging.
Finding immigration consultants who can guarantee you the desired results would have been much easier if there was a reference list where you could find them along with contact information, reviews, and ratings. We researched hundreds of immigration consultants and selected the best and on top is Nestabroad. You may have other consultants on your list, but we recommend that you start with these. Best wishes!
Top 4 Immigration Consultants
They are the most knowledgeable and the best immigration consultants that can provide you with a Canada tourist visa from India along with information on Canada Immigration Lawyer. To begin, contact a Nestabroad immigration consultant in Punjab. They have worked tirelessly to increase opportunities for Canada express entry in Chandigarh because the future is global. They will help you start your dream life in Canada and will be there for you throughout the entire Canadian immigration process.
Understanding how other people learn can help you expand your learning opportunities. They offer comprehensive and well-planned help to students who want to study in Canada and work anywhere in the world. Increase the company's global presence. Investors, businesspeople, and entrepreneurs can all invest and gain experience in Canada. Getting in touch with them can help to make the entire immigration process more efficient, less stressful, and less stressful. It can also help you achieve your goal of living, working, or studying in a different country.
WWICS Group of Companies ranked as one of the best immigration consultants and was founded in 1993 by Lt. Col. B. S. Sandhu (Retd.).The company offers Canada tourist visa from India as well as consulting services in the areas of relocation, education, real estate, hospitality, sports, and healthcare. The company's global headquarters are in Dubai, with affiliate offices in Canada (Toronto), Australia (Sydney), the Middle East (Sharjah), Bahrain, Kuwait, Muscat, Qatar, Nairobi, Al Karama, Morocco, and Abu Dhabi. The company's Asian headquarters are in Mohali, Punjab, India.
WWICS has emerged as one of the country's fastest-growing immigration consultancies over the years. Consultants are qualified and among the most experienced in the industry. It was ranked as one of the best immigration consultancies in Chandigarh because it believed in providing an honest and sincere assessment of your case.
Canam Immigration Consultants
Canam is the go-to place for students looking for work abroad because it allows them to tailor their options to their specific interests and personalities. Representatives from leading universities from the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Singapore, Ireland, France, Malaysia, and Dubai attend Canam. Students will not only have the opportunity to meet them but they will also be scheduled for an interview.
It provides customised assistance to students in their application and visa process, as well as preparation for overseas exams such as GRE/GMAT/SAT/ TOEFL/ IELTS/ PTE taught by certified knowledgeable faculty, in addition to guidelines regarding the choice of institutes based on their interests and budget.
IDP Education Consultant
IDP is regarded as one of the best study visa consultants. Any serious student looking to study outside of their home country should seek their advice for a fair and unbiased assessment. They not only help students choose the very best educational institute in the location of their choice. Consultants thoroughly examine each case and devise the best course of action. Consultancy is a well-known name that provides a structured approach to everything from counselling and shortlisting institutes to necessary paperwork (including documentation and fee payment). An aspirant is also advised on how to respond to questions from the visa officer granting you a student visa.
The quality of consultation services provided to students is what distinguishes IDP as the best study visa consultant. They offer students a variety of options based on their preferred country and a list of leading universities based on their location. They also made certain that application deadlines as well as course requirements were met, saving the candidate from the stress of paperwork.
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Ideal legal translation service offers certified translation service in Dubai UAE
Legal translation services in Dubai is needed to ensure that your legal documents are translated by a certified translator who is legally eligible and experienced to translate these documents. Legal documents include birth and death certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, power of attorney, deeds and other official documents. You can get your legal documents translated by a non-certified translator but the translation will not be accepted as proof of its accuracy in court.
Why you need certified translation service in Dubai UAE?
The law states that certified translator should be employed when translating legal documents. Certified legal translation companies in Dubai are given special training to accurately and fluently translate legal terms and phrases into their language accurately and fluently. Certified translators must also take an exam conducted by the UAE Ministry of Justice (MOJ) before certification for being a legal translator. The MOJ conducts the exam after receiving applications from those who wish to be certified as a legal translator and those who have been practicing for at least three years.
How to choose the best legal translation Dubai Company?
When looking for the best translation services in Dubai UAE, you need to take into consideration the following:
– The company's experience and dedication to translating legal documents. Certified translation service providers have been practicing as certified translation companies in Dubai for years and have been translating legal documents for a long time. As a result, they are well versed with all legal terms and phrases that appear on legal documents. They also have extensive knowledge of the court systems in their country of residence and those they deal with when they translate. They are also well versed with court etiquette when they appear before a judge or lawyer to provide certification of their translations.
– The company's experience in working with courts. A good legal translation services in Dubai has been involved in the legal system in their country of residence for a long time. They have experience working with court clerks, judges and lawyers. They are familiar with the court systems and know how to deal with them properly when they appear before them for certification of their translations.
– The calibre of the company's translation services. A good translation service provider translates legal documents using acceptable terminology in both countries of residence. They also translate legal documents using terminology acceptable to both parties involved in a case. These translators also provide certified translations accepted by courts as evidence and certified translations accepted by attorneys when they appear before them on behalf of their clients.
– The cost charged by the translation services provider for its services.
– The company's experience in practicing law or working as a legal translator before obtaining their certification from MOJ. Certified translation service providers have practiced law or have worked as translators before receiving their certification from MOJ, which means that they are well-versed in how court proceedings work and how to interact with judges and lawyers when presenting translated documents as evidence in court. This is important because it ensures that judges will accept your translated document without any questions asked as long as it is presented by an experienced certified translator who has passed the MOJ exam successfully.
Get in touch with Ideal legal translation service for certified translation service in Dubai UAE.
We are a full-service translation company offering legal translation services in Dubai UAE, Sharjah UAE, Abu Dhabi UAE, Ajman UAE and Ras Al Khaimah UAE. We have experience delivering certified translations, and our translators are certified by the Ministry of Justice of the UAE.
Contact us today to learn more about our legal translation services in Dubai UAE. We also offer other language translation services such as Arabic translation service, French translation service, German translation service and Spanish translation service among others.
For more information about our legal translation services, contact us today for a free quote.
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blogaabadvocates · 2 years
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stalawfirm1-blog · 6 years
If you need a professional lawyer in Sharjah, STA  law firm also provide well-experienced and professional lawyers in Sharjah. When you will hire the professional lawyer, keep something in your mind regarding lawyer like:
Check experience of the lawyer.
Check the Track record of successes.
Confirm Degree certification.
Check Outcomes record of the legal cases.
Practice time record.
STA law firm provides the well-trained lawyers to the client.
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best-lawyers-in-dubai · 3 months
Top Advocates in Dubai 2024: Leading Legal Experts for Your Needs
Al Dhaheri International Advocates is renowned for its exceptional legal services in Dubai. The firm is known for its comprehensive legal expertise across various domains including corporate law, real estate, family law, criminal law, and more. Here are some key highlights about Al Dhaheri International:
Expertise and Services
Diverse Specializations: The firm offers specialized legal services in areas such as corporate governance, real estate transactions, family law matters, criminal defense, and commercial contracts. This wide range of expertise ensures that clients receive tailored legal solutions for their specific needs​ (Al Dhaheri International Advocates)​​ (Al Dhaheri International Advocates)​.
Client-Centric Approach: Al Dhaheri International emphasizes a client-centric approach, focusing on understanding each client's unique legal challenges and providing personalized solutions. Their commitment to transparency, ethical standards, and professional integrity sets them apart as a trusted legal partner​ (Al Dhaheri International Advocates)​​ (Al Dhaheri International Advocates)​.
Multilingual and Culturally Sensitive: Given Dubai's multicultural environment, the firm boasts a team of multilingual lawyers who are adept at navigating the legal needs of clients from diverse backgrounds. This cultural sensitivity facilitates effective communication and smoother legal processes​ (Al Dhaheri International Advocates)​.
Innovative and Responsive: The firm leverages modern legal technologies to enhance efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Their commitment to innovation ensures that clients benefit from the latest advancements in legal services​ (Al Dhaheri International Advocates)​.
Notable Team Members
The firm includes a team of highly qualified and experienced legal professionals such as Mr. Jassem Musabeh (Senior Lawyer), Mrs. Amna Matar (Senior Lawyer), and Mr. Wael El Brawi (Senior Legal Counsel), among others. This diverse team brings extensive knowledge and a proven track record in various legal fields​ (Al Dhaheri International Advocates)​.
Why Choose Al Dhaheri International?
Proven Track Record: The firm has a history of successful cases and satisfied clients, underscoring its reputation as a leading law firm in Dubai.
Local Insight with Global Perspective: Al Dhaheri International combines deep local legal knowledge with a global perspective, making it well-suited to handle both local and international legal issues​ (Al Dhaheri International Advocates)​​ (Al Dhaheri International Advocates)​.
Ethical and Professional Standards: The firm adheres to strict ethical standards, ensuring integrity and confidentiality in all legal dealings.
For those in need of reliable and expert legal services in Dubai, Al Dhaheri International Advocates stands out as a premier choice. Their commitment to excellence, personalized service, and broad legal expertise make them a top contender for any legal needs in the UAE.
For more information, you can visit their official website.
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dubai-law-firm-blog · 6 years
Corporate Crimes in UAE
Corporate Crimes in UAE
In order to prove that a corporate entity is liable with regards to the acts of its employee, three elements are required. First of all, the employee must have acted within the scope of his/her employment while having the right to act on behalf of the company. Some courts like the US courts do not always apply this general principle. Federal courts actually have stated that an employee’s act…
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musadaher · 4 years
What law firm is the biggest and best in the world?
The parameters have been continuously changing in the past few decades to be a big law firm. Very clearly, most big law firms today are considered the ones with a large number of attorneys recruited while some are thought to be bigger on the basis of revenue they generate or the net worth of the firm.
Some law firms are also regarded as bigger on the basis of the total no of cases they have dealt with. Considering the fact that there is no uniform measure to regard a law firm as the biggest in the World let’s move on to the second portion of the question.
The best one in the industries is always considered the one with optimum services and the one with a large number of satisfied clients. The Legal Emirates is a Dubai based legal firm that provides legal consultation in every field of law online throughout the world.
And I can surely say that after getting legal consultation from Legal Emirates Law Firm that they provide the best legal services in UAE. Being the best law firms in the Dubai Legal Emirates concentrates on the availability of professional legal services customized to the different circumstances of their clienteles. The best lawyers in Dubai at the Legal Emirates are experienced to provide legal consultation to a range of clients.
In addition to Legal Emirates Law services for interactions with third parties, public bodies and before every court, attorneys at Emirates Legal Consultants also provide customers with continuous alerts about legislative amendments to coordinate their business, keep up to date with the latest legislative news and changes.
A broad variety of law fields, from financial services, real estate, retail & consumer services, transport and import and export, telecommunications, media and communications, represent Emirates Advocates & Legal Consultants.
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shoebsaher · 4 years
Are you searching for Law Firm in Sharjah? Then Shoeb Saher is the Best Employment Lawyers In Dubai who is ready to help you to provide real estate, commercial, and corporate law firms services.  We are providing you the legal protection that you will need throughout the life cycle of your business. For more information call on 971 50 285 4783 or visit our website online.
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askthelaw · 4 years
ASK THE LAW - Lawyers & Legal Consultants in Dubai - Debt Collection
We are a legal entity, registered Law Firm, an Emirati legal company providing legal advice & services. Our Lawyers & Legal Consultants, provide advice and services with result oriented approach. We are capable of providing legal services in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Sharjah, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain, Al Ain and anywhere in the world. We have multiple offices & associates, always willing to help you with your legal matters. We are trusted Legal Consultants & Lawyers in Dubai, UAE. A team of Emirati, Reliable and Experienced Labour Lawyers, Civil Lawyers, Family Lawyers, Criminal Lawyers, Property Lawyers, Business/Compliance Lawyers & Debt Collectors. One of the Best Lawyers in Dubai, one of the best Emirati Law Firms in Dubai Visit us:  https://askthelaw.ae/        
Phone: 050 1888453   
GoogleMap: https://goo.gl/maps/rWDjnkCrHG12  
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