#Best Online Learning Platforms 2023
class24 · 1 year
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How lock-in hurts design
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Berliners: Otherland has added a second date (Jan 28) for my book-talk after the first one sold out - book now!
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If you've ever read about design, you've probably encountered the idea of "paving the desire path." A "desire path" is an erosion path created by people departing from the official walkway and taking their own route. The story goes that smart campus planners don't fight the desire paths laid down by students; they pave them, formalizing the route that their constituents have voted for with their feet.
Desire paths aren't always great (Wikipedia notes that "desire paths sometimes cut through sensitive habitats and exclusion zones, threatening wildlife and park security"), but in the context of design, a desire path is a way that users communicate with designers, creating a feedback loop between those two groups. The designers make a product, the users use it in ways that surprise the designer, and the designer integrates all that into a new revision of the product.
This method is widely heralded as a means of "co-innovating" between users and companies. Designers who practice the method are lauded for their humility, their willingness to learn from their users. Tech history is strewn with examples of successful paved desire-paths.
Take John Deere. While today the company is notorious for its war on its customers (via its opposition to right to repair), Deere was once a leader in co-innovation, dispatching roving field engineers to visit farms and learn how farmers had modified their tractors. The best of these modifications would then be worked into the next round of tractor designs, in a virtuous cycle:
But this pattern is even more pronounced in the digital world, because it's much easier to update a digital service than it is to update all the tractors in the field, especially if that service is cloud-based, meaning you can modify the back-end everyone is instantly updated. The most celebrated example of this co-creation is Twitter, whose users created a host of its core features.
Retweets, for example, were a user creation. Users who saw something they liked on the service would type "RT" and paste the text and the link into a new tweet composition window. Same for quote-tweets: users copied the URL for a tweet and pasted it in below their own commentary. Twitter designers observed this user innovation and formalized it, turning it into part of Twitter's core feature-set.
Companies are obsessed with discovering digital desire paths. They pay fortunes for analytics software to produce maps of how their users interact with their services, run focus groups, even embed sneaky screen-recording software into their web-pages:
This relentless surveillance of users is pursued in the name of making things better for them: let us spy on you and we'll figure out where your pain-points and friction are coming from, and remove those. We all win!
But this impulse is a world apart from the humility and respect implied by co-innovation. The constant, nonconsensual observation of users has more to do with controlling users than learning from them.
That is, after all, the ethos of modern technology: the more control a company can exert over its users ,the more value it can transfer from those users to its shareholders. That's the key to enshittification, the ubiquitous platform decay that has degraded virtually all the technology we use, making it worse every day:
When you are seeking to control users, the desire paths they create are all too frequently a means to wrestling control back from you. Take advertising: every time a service makes its ads more obnoxious and invasive, it creates an incentive for its users to search for "how do I install an ad-blocker":
More than half of all web-users have installed ad-blockers. It's the largest consumer boycott in human history:
But zero app users have installed ad-blockers, because reverse-engineering an app requires that you bypass its encryption, triggering liability under Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. This law provides for a $500,000 fine and a 5-year prison sentence for "circumvention" of access controls:
Beyond that, modifying an app creates liability under copyright, trademark, patent, trade secrets, noncompete, nondisclosure and so on. It's what Jay Freeman calls "felony contempt of business model":
This is why services are so horny to drive you to install their app rather using their websites: they are trying to get you to do something that, given your druthers, you would prefer not to do. They want to force you to exit through the gift shop, you want to carve a desire path straight to the parking lot. Apps let them mobilize the law to literally criminalize those desire paths.
An app is just a web-page wrapped in enough IP to make it a felony to block ads in it (or do anything else that wrestles value back from a company). Apps are web-pages where everything not forbidden is mandatory.
Seen in this light, an app is a way to wage war on desire paths, to abandon the cooperative model for co-innovation in favor of the adversarial model of user control and extraction.
Corporate apologists like to claim that the proliferation of apps proves that users like them. Neoliberal economists love the idea that business as usual represents a "revealed preference." This is an intellectually unserious tautology: "you do this, so you must like it":
Calling an action where no alternatives are permissible a "preference" or a "choice" is a cheap trick – especially when considered against the "preferences" that reveal themselves when a real choice is possible. Take commercial surveillance: when Apple gave Ios users a choice about being spied on – a one-click opt of of app-based surveillance – 96% of users choice no spying:
But then Apple started spying on those very same users that had opted out of spying by Facebook and other Apple competitors:
Neoclassical economists aren't just obsessed with revealed preferences – they also love to bandy about the idea of "moral hazard": economic arrangements that tempt people to be dishonest. This is typically applied to the public ("consumers" in the contemptuous parlance of econospeak). But apps are pure moral hazard – for corporations. The ability to prohibit desire paths – and literally imprison rivals who help your users thwart those prohibitions – is too tempting for companies to resist.
The fact that the majority of web users block ads reveals a strong preference for not being spied on ("users just want relevant ads" is such an obvious lie that doesn't merit any serious discussion):
Giant companies attained their scale by learning from their users, not by thwarting them. The person using technology always knows something about what they need to do and how they want to do it that the designers can never anticipate. This is especially true of people who are unlike those designers – people who live on the other side of the world, or the other side of the economic divide, or whose bodies don't work the way that the designers' bodies do:
Apps – and other technologies that are locked down so their users can be locked in – are the height of technological arrogance. They embody a belief that users are to be told, not heard. If a user wants to do something that the designer didn't anticipate, that's the user's fault:
Corporate enthusiasm for prohibiting you from reconfiguring the tools you use to suit your needs is a declaration of the end of history. "Sure," John Deere execs say, "we once learned from farmers by observing how they modified their tractors. But today's farmers are so much stupider and we are so much smarter that we have nothing to learn from them anymore."
Spying on your users to control them is a poor substitute asking your users their permission to learn from them. Without technological self-determination, preferences can't be revealed. Without the right to seize the means of computation, the desire paths never emerge, leaving designers in the dark about what users really want.
Our policymakers swear loyalty to "innovation" but when corporations ask for the right to decide who can innovate and how, they fall all over themselves to create laws that let companies punish users for the crime of contempt of business-model.
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I'm Kickstarting the audiobook for The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Belem (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Desire_path_%2819811581366%29.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
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hermajestyimher · 2 years
This Is How We Will Own 2023:
We're less than a month away from the New Year, and as such, it is important that we begin to set the foundations and plans we have to not only succeed, but make 2023 a memorable year.
Regardless of how 2022 went for you, regardless of how many goals you were able to achieve, a new year marks a new beginning. Do not beat yourself over how things went, focus on how you can improve them moving forward.
In 2023 we're:
Spending less time being passive scrollers online. The pandemic is over, the world is back in action and so must we. It's time to stop letting our minds be consumed by the opinions of thousands of people on the internet. More often than not, the things we read online come from the psyche of mentally unwell individuals, and given social media's tendency to prompt out the voices of the most unhinged, it gives people that shouldn't have a platform a false sense of authority. In 2023 we're getting off the grid as much as we can and reconnecting with the real world. We will not allow this online façade to swallow us into its void any longer.
Spending more time learning and engaging in high-end activities and hobbies that can elevate our social circle and our taste. Things like polo matches, pilates, ballet, opera, piano classes, poetry, political forums, martial arts, and high-intensity sports, among other things. It is crucial to cultivate a persona that engages in a variety of fulfilling activities that can bring us joy but also help us grow as individuals.
Prioritizing our health and fitness. No more excuses, it's time to cut down on added sugar and refined carbs, time to eat more nutrient-dense whole foods, drink plenty of water daily, invest in vitamin injections every other month, take supplements to improve our body's collagen production, and overcome feelings of laziness by pushing ourselves through fitness goals. 2023 we will make of the gym our sanctuary.
Living below our budget and investing as much as we can. If you haven't already, get a financial advisor, develop long and short-term financial goals and get organized with your income. It doesn't matter if in the past you've felt like your financial habits have not been the most adequate, it's never too late to take control of them and be responsible. We owe to ourselves to spend wisely to have the peace of mind financial security brings. Never go broke trying to impress others.
We're no longer entertaining inadequate men. I must admit I'm guilty of this myself. After years of not dating, getting back into the dating scene has felt extremely disappointing and tiring. Most prospects are simply not up to par with the standards I have and what I want out of my life partner. Sometimes we allow ourselves to become desperate to build these types of romantic relationships that we begin to overlook the things that we really want deep down. In 2023, we're refocusing our attention on living our best lives and being as active as possible in real-life events as touched upon previously, and trust that the right dating prospects will present themselves when we least expect. We attract, we don't chase.
Finally, we're overcoming negative self-talk patterns that hinder our growth. We're investing in therapy, we're unlearning the limiting beliefs that keep us in bondage to people, routines, and views of the world that are not good for us. We have to put an end to the insidious lie of the scarcity mindset, overcome past traumas, and look forward to the good things that are yet to come.
There are many more things I could add to this list, but for now, these are the things I and I know many of you will find helpful on improving on for the year to come. These lists can come out as intimidating to some people, but we have to remember that we are not expected to become the ideal version of ourselves overnight. Growth is a marathon, not a sprint, and it requires consistency. Each day that you wake up and choose to do one or two things differently you're making stride towards that better you. No improvement is ever too little.
Let's make 2023 a memorable year, and every year afterwards.
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httpknjoon · 2 years
the house is on fire | ksj
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plot | The best way to set a virtual fire is to suddenly take an unexpected break.
words | 1.2k+
genres | humor/crack, fluff, actors!au
pairing | actor!jin x famous!reader
note | usernames used in the fic are all fictional.  this was set in 2022. a subtle explanation of why the other drabbles are set from the previous years. let me know your thoughts! enjoy reading.
main masterlist | drabble series
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It was the last week of February 2022. Just a couple of weeks after the successful release of From The Other Side, headlines about you surfaced the internet. Deadline reports:
Ana De Armas In, Y/N Exits Apple’s Chris Evans-Starrer ‘Ghosted’ With Dexter Fletcher Directing, Skydance Producing
This was not the first time you left a project. But it was still a surprise for your fans as this was one of the most anticipated films for 2023. Plus, you didn’t really shy away from showing your then-crush with the actor, Chris Evans.
@/GhostedMovieUpdates: According to Deadline, Y/N exits Ghosted with Ana De Armas replacing her. [insert link]
replying to @/GhostedMovieUpdates
-@/ynblueprint: NOOOOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭😭
–@/c_evansfan: this is so sudden :(( filming abt to start in two weeks right??
@/frannystan: what do you mean y/n is leaving ghosted?!
@/purpleynjin: there’s no way this is because of ‘busy schedule’
replying to @/purpleynjin
-@/maybeitsme: ikr??? they’ve been wanting to work with each other for like months now
The only reason shared to the public was busy schedule. As usual, some believed it while others didn’t, making nonsense rumors out of it. Some made a joke that Jin probably stopped you from doing the film since you always joked about him being jealous with your infatuation over the other actor.
Just when March came by, you only posted a picture of Francheskat in Instagram without any caption. Just your sweet grey pet chilling in what seems like a big basket.
Then, another week passed, and there was another headlines with your name in it. And man, it’s like throwing a burning matchstick in gas. Collider reports,
Y/N Bows Out From Wes Anderson’s Upcoming Film A Month After Casting Announcement
@/jiniuskim: oh my god yn is in her ross and rachel era
replying to @/jinuskim 
-@/heyyn: what do u mean
–@/jiniuskim: maybe she is ‘on a break’
@/YNUpdates: Don’t worry, loves. I’m sure Y/N has a great reason with all of this! 💗 Let’s just wait and please refrain from interacting with malicious rumors.
@/francheskat_update: Y/N (@/urfavecatlady) posted an Instagram story with Francheskat rolling around on her bed. [insert clip]
@/cha0ticynjin: the fucking fandom is on fire and yn is out here sharing francheskat contents 
In your years in the industry, this is the first time you reported two successive exits in your future projects. It seemed like you cleared out the productions that will begin filming this year. But fans are still hoping that you will still go on with your other projects that you signed on for 2022.
On the other hand, Jin is doing his own thing. He just finished filming for a Netflix limited series that would probably won’t come out until the end of the year. He didn’t really get to be active on social media too as he is doing press and promos for his upcoming movie, Nope. His last online activity was an Instagram story of him and Donny hanging out.
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Y/N Deleted Her Twitter Account and PPL Are *Very* Concerned
The multi-awarded actress-songwriter didn't give a reason for the sudden departure from Twitter, but she's still keeping her fans posted
On Friday, in the same day as April Fool’s, actress Y/N deactivated her Twitter account. Y/N, 27, didn’t share any reason for her unexpected departure from the social media site.
Y/N’s name began showing up on the said platform’s trending list Friday afternoon when her fans learned her account “doesn’t exist”. Users posted screenshots of her account’s blank page that says, “Something went wrong, try again”.
This sudden move by Y/N fueled more confusion among fans as she also left a couple of projects just last month. Fans were left to solve to find out who or what is the culprit with Y/N’s recent exits. Some wondered if this is for a new career move, or perhaps a personal life event is going on. But whatever the motive is, it appears the actress won’t be updating via Twitter anytime soon.
The actress-songwriter-producer had a busy six years. Ever since the year of 2016, Y/N appeared in at least two movies annually. She has been The Highest Paid Actress in both 2020 and 2021. She also co-produced a couple of films and series. She’s been doing and attending charity works and events every year as part of her advocacy for children’s welfare. In addition, there is a rumor going around about Y/N planning to dive into entrepreneurship.
The Don’t Look Up actress’ social media presence isn’t completely gone. Y/N is still active on her Instagram account although she often only posts images of her iconic Persian cat, Francheskat. Other than that, her last non-Francheskat post is about her holiday celebration in South Korea. It was rumored that she flew across the world with her rumored boyfriend, actor Jin, and a few close friends.
“It was a well-deserved break.” a source said, pertaining to the Christmas and New Year celebration in the East Asian country. “Although the two are admired all over the world, the locals in South Korea were all respectful of their privacy, including their four friends who went with them. His family loved and welcomed her with open arms during their four week-stay.”
She shared images of the said trip on Instagram after her appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon earlier this year. When asked about the trip during the red carpet premiere of From The Other Side, she simply replied with a shy smile: 
“It was fun. Lovely.”
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@/cassiepyw: idk what to feel with any of this
replying to @/cassiepyw
-@/cassiepyw: i mean if this is for her own wellness then great but i’m really worried what’s going on
–@/YNEARRINGS: same 💔 she even left two projects
@/YNJINfilmss: now both my parents are not on twitter ☹️☹️
@/blueeyedsunshine: i swear if hailey have something to do with this, i’ll be standing at her doorsteps
@/YNJINUpdates: @/DonnyNextDoor you will be our reliable source of updates from now on 🙂😇
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Just days later, you broke the silence by posting again in your Instagram stories. It was a black and white picture of clouds and written in the lower right corner of it was a simple text.
will be taking a break from everything. don’t worry, loves. will be back soon! love u all 🤍✨☁️🌹
That was the last time you alluded to your hiatus on Instagram. But ever since March 2022, you only posted two posts and rare Instagram stories (usually about the organizations you support). You also didn’t have any public appearances after that. Fans were worried and curious. Gossip about the same things floated around again: break-up, pregnancy, early retirement. And since you already showed your distaste over those kinds of news about you before, your loyal supporters worked together virtually to take down those articles. 
@/YNUpdates: Again, please avoid interacting with absurd articles. Let’s all respect Y/N during her break ✨🤍
And when Jin was subtly asked about you and your sudden hiatus during an interview for a magazine, his only reply was,
“She still sends me memes she sees online. So I can tell, she’s happy and well. I’m sure with a lot of free time in her hands now, she has a ton of pictures of Francheskat in her phone.”
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additional note: send me an ask if you have questions for the a-listers! thanks for reading! <3
taglist rules
@seolaquotes @fatimaaaaa129 @bangtannieshope @jub-jub @yoontaethings @kissme-ornot @dayyy-siii @sleepy-daydreams @veronawrites @cuteipat @stoop18 @ratherbefangirling @babystarcandy-gcf @akirawhore @alpacaparkaseok @rjsmochii @prlan @lovesickbangtan @zealouslightcookiebasketball @rapmonie2047 @btsiguess-kpop @angelarin @walkinganxiety0 @tpwk-280 @mediumcatt @bloopkook @stopeatread @sahazzy @yoooonie @amara-mars @firesighgirl @zwiehe
@dunixxd​ @cixrosie​ @moonchild1 ​ @jksjx​ @embrace-themagic ​ @buttvi @starbtslove​ @missseoulite @vanntaesworld @barbiekatz @pixybear
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endlessthxxghts · 6 months
Goodbye, 2023.. Hello, 2024!🥂
Hello, beautiful people.💚 2023 is now coming to an end, and although there is so much I have to say about these past 12 months at a personal level, I’ll try to keep it brief (in roughly 800 words LMAO) and stick to our beautiful fandom world I love so dearly. 
I am absolutely not new to reading fan fiction—to reading all these fucking amazing stories that keep my hyperfixations well-fed😅 As a matter of fact, for the majority of this year, that’s what my tumblr consisted of—purely reading😅 
What I am new to, however, is actually contributing to this beautiful fandom. I’ve always loved writing, and I’ve written a few tiny stories for myself in the past. I just never would’ve thought—on one random day in September—that I would post them for the world, and I never would’ve thought that they were good enough to be loved by so many of you. It baffles me—still, after every new story I’ve put out, I still get surprised and feel a tremendous amount of gratitude for the love you guys give to me. I don’t know what I did to deserve it, but I’m learning to love myself more and more every single day, and in that, I’m learning to appreciate my abilities. To appreciate the skill that I’ve honed, and in doing so, I want to give back in the way that I can—through writing stories that put the biggest of smiles on our faces that our cheeks hurt, through writing stories that we can see a figment of ourselves in it, through writing stories that make us feel a plethora of emotions but ultimately make us feel loved.
I don’t mention this often, but I am physically disabled, and because of that, I have to physically rely on another person to help me with everything—showering, feeding me, using the restroom, etc. Ever since I could remember, I vowed that I would give back to everyone in the only way I can: through my verbal abilities (hence why my career goal is to become a clinical psychologist💚), and—naturally because of that—through my writing abilities. My only hope in this world is that I can provide others with the warm and welcome feeling that I’ve been surrounded by all my life, even if I can’t take any action to do so. I’ll always find a way. 
But okay, I digress (this is me keeping it brief, I apologize). I also wanted to take a moment to specifically say thank you to those who read my work. I’ve only been posting and writing for you guys since late September—only a little over three months!—and I have nearly 800 of you constantly cheering me on and providing me with the sweetest of support I thought could never exist for someone like me. I seriously wouldn’t be here without you guys. You seriously have no clue what your words do to me; they are my driving force, the fuel that keeps me going, the hugs I need when a story gets a little too complicated for my easily-frustrated brain because I just want it to be perfect for you. Thank you. With my entire heart, my entire soul, my entire existence: thank you. I can’t wait to see where 2024 takes us. I love you all. So much. 
And I want to give a special special thank you to a few people—whether we message each other, or we just constantly have given each other unconditional support, or simply I just admire and am inspired by you—who mean so much to me. Your support and guidance as I began my journey is irreplaceable. I’ve learned so much from each of you in our own unique way, and I’m inexplicably excited to enter 2024 with you guys by my side. I’m truly honored to be able to know you, even if it is solely online. @katiexpunk @janaispunk @toxicanonymity @bearsbeetsbeskar @farmerlarrry @joels-shitty-puns @tightjeansjavi @mandoisapunk — All my love to you beautiful people, and I can’t wait to continue being one of your loudest cheerleaders throughout 2024.
And to @javierpena-inatacvest… I don’t know what I was expecting out of making my presence more known on this lil platform, but I definitely wasn’t expecting to make a best friend out of this. And I definitely wasn’t expecting a lifelong best friend, at that. You don’t know this, but you entered my life at a time that I was struggling. There was something I was missing… something I was needing. Little did I know, that something was you, and I’m endlessly grateful. Your existence in my life is truly one that is irreplaceable. I don’t know what I did to be so lucky—but whatever God or all-knowing being did this, I’ll be giving them offerings now and until the day I die. Thank you for letting me in, and thank you for letting my crazy ass be a part of your journey. I love you, friend.🌚💚
Happy 2024, everyone!! This will be our year for prosperity in every aspect of  our lives. I just know it. 
Endlessly yours, L. 💚
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cindylouwho-2 · 3 months
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Welcome to my roundup of SEO and marketing news and useful resources for ecommerce businesses, March edition. There is a lot going on with Google, and some really strong marketing pieces this time around, so let's get right to it.
Google launched both a core algorithm update and spam updates on March 5, with the spam update ending on the 20th. Core updates now include the Helpful Content algorithm. In early observations, Etsy and Reddit both picked up visibility in the UK. 
The Helpful Content algorithm updates late last year destroyed a lot of sites’ Google traffic. Avoid the things they had in common.  You can read the full study here. 
Ecommerce sites were some of the biggest losers in Google visibility in 2023, with Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Etsy, Target and Best Buy in the top 10 of sites whose Google appearances slipped. 
New to Google SEO? They’ve revamped their SEO starter guide for people like you. And if you are more advanced and want to learn how to optimize your website product pages, this is a good overview. 
This lengthy article on backlinks for ecommerce websites covers pretty much all the angles, including the really difficult ones. 
Reminder that if you want to rank on Google for a search term, you need to look at what is already ranking, and make decisions based on that content. [video and transcript] This works for most search engines, not just Google. 
Yes, Google crawls “high quality” content more often. I used to refer to this as Google thinking the page is “interesting”, so I guess I will need to change my wording...
While Google sends the most traffic to websites, people spend a lot more of their online time elsewhere. Market where people are, not just where your stats say they came from. 
Sadly, Google has stopped providing caches of website pages in its search results. While you can still see the caches of some pages by using the Google search Cache:[page link] as in cache:https://cindylouwho-2.tumblr.com that will eventually stop working as well. Bing still provides caches, but unfortunately both it and the Wayback Machine do not crawl often enough to give really recent results most of the time. 
Missed Google news in February? Here’s your update. And just in case you are really behind, here is January. 
Not Google
Unsure if your website has enough good backlinks? Bing Webmaster Tools will now tell you if you don’t. 
Yandex - the top search engine in Russia - was sold by its Dutch ownership group to a consortium in Russia. 
SOCIAL MEDIA - All Aspects, By Site
A US study of social media use found that the most popular site was YouTube, with 83% of adults using it. Two-thirds of American adults use Facebook, while TikTok is up to ⅓ of the US population. 
Because they do change periodically, here are the latest image and video sizes recommended for the top social media platforms. [infographic]
Bluesky is now open to everyone - it was previously invite-only. 
Facebook (includes relevant general news from Meta)
Meta has introduced several changes to its Ad options, applying to Facebook and Instagram. 
Meta had a great 4th quarter in 2023, with revenue, users, and earnings per share up. “Fast-growing upstarts Temu and Shein, which originated in China, have been pouring money into ads on Facebook and Instagram. Li said on Thursday that revenue from China-based advertisers accounted for 10% of sales for the year and 5 percentage points of growth.”
An updated post on Instagram's algorithm and how it works. 
Instagram is still beta testing longer Reels for some users. 
If your account is a brand account, you can now run ads on Instagram with coupon codes right in them. (Some Facebook users can already do this.)
Among other recent changes on LinkedIn, the algorithm is now looking to boost important content longer than just the first day or two after publication. 
Pinterest has its own stats package, called Pinterest Analytics, but only for “Business” accounts. They show how many people clicked on the outgoing links, how many people saw your pin on their screen, and much more. Here’s everything you need to know. 
Reddit successfully launched on the stock market this past week, but questions remain about how this will change the site. 
Google is paying Reddit to scrape its content through the API instead of from the web. 
Snap was a little later than most tech companies doing layoffs recently, waiting until February 5 to let 10% off staff go. 
Threads is so new that the algorithm is bound to change a lot in the next year, but for right now, here is how it works. 
There is an overwhelming amount of info out there on the US attempt to either ban TikTok or force its sale, and much of it is incomplete, so I will let you Google to your heart’s content if you want to learn more. If you are relying on TikTok to drive sales, this would be a good time to make sure you diversify your promotional strategy. 
You can now track trending terms on TikTok through the Creator Search Insights section. “Creator Search Insights will highlight frequently searched topics, which creators can organize by category (for example, tourism, sports, science) or tailor to their content type with the “For You” option. Additionally, creators can filter for “content gap” topics, which are highly searched but have relatively few videos on TikTok covering them.“
TikTok may be testing a photo app, which would obviously compete with Instagram. 
What? Twitter may have lied about its Super Bowl ad performance? I’m so not shocked. 
Tumblr will be selling data access to AI companies. 
This is a pretty decent article on YouTube SEO. 
(CONTENT) MARKETING (includes blogging, emails, and strategies) 
Small and micro-businesses need an email list. An email list is:  
portable (unlike most social media followers or marketplace buyers) 
is available to almost everyone, as we all need at least one email address if we are online
less susceptible to the whims of algorithms (unlike SEO, marketplaces, social etc.)  
I keep seeing people argue that no one opens emails, but the chart in the article above is proof that is still wrong. (My blog email list averages close to a 70% open rate, depending on the topic and the time I send it. My jewellery email list - which I hardly ever send to - still has an over 30% open rate. My click rates are well above the industry averages, usually 30 to 40% of all recipients for the blog list. These are much better numbers than social, and astronomically better than my clickthrough rate on Google and other search engines.)
Gmail and Yahoo both changed how they handle bulk emails such as newsletters in February. Here’s what you need to know on the basics, including authenticating yourself so your email gets through. 
Find out how to get people to read all the way to the end of your content. 
Get ready for April marketing with 5 topical ideas. National Handmade Day is April 6. 
We should all think twice before deciding to use AI to create content. “Circa 2024, generative AI does not produce new ideas or even develop its own conclusions. Rather, it regurgitates information that it has indexed.” Not convinced? Here’s another article. “AI-generated content represents the literal “average of everything online.”
Google Ads can now be tracked in Google Analytics 4. 
Both Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising were up in the 4th quarter of 2023. 
Google Analytics 4 tracks organic traffic differently than the previous version. Here’s how to figure it out. 
I’ve probably posted this specific article before, but it is worth another read: how to communicate with customers.  For example, “Mirroring your customer’s tone lets them know you’re on their side. If a customer is formal, for example, hold back on the LOLs. If they’re more casual, relax your tone.”
According to a US study, Generation Z is skewing the traditional marketing funnel. “Per Archrival’s data, 77 per cent of Gen Zs and 79 per cent of millennials in the US are actively seeking style inspiration at least monthly, with almost half of those looking for style inspiration on social media. When asked where they learn about new brands, products and experiences, video reigns supreme: YouTube is the most popular platform with Gen Zs, followed by TikTok, then Instagram.”
Trend alert: bag charms are back. 
Almost all of these 12 video tools are free, and some can be used on your phone. 
This is an older piece, but it checks out: IKEA Hacks for Craft Show Displays. A few of these could be done with non-IKEA items. 
Want to stay up-to-date on a nearly daily basis? Follow me on Bluesky or on LinkedIn, or become a member of my Patreon.
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sarajaytr · 10 months
What Are Deneme Bonusu Veren Siteler?
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What Are Deneme Bonusu Veren Siteler?
Deneme Bonusu Veren Siteler are online gambling platforms that offer free bonuses to new members as a way to attract and encourage them to play. These bonuses can vary in type and amount, but the most common ones include free spins, bonus credits, and no deposit bonuses. The purpose of these bonuses is to give players a chance to try out the platform and its games without having to risk their own money.
One of the main advantages of Deneme Bonusu Veren Siteler is that they allow new players to explore and familiarize themselves with various casino games without making a financial commitment. This is particularly beneficial for beginners who may not be familiar with the rules and strategies of different games. By providing free bonuses, these sites give players the opportunity to practice and improve their skills before playing with real money.
Another benefit of Deneme Bonusu Veren Siteler is that they can increase the chances of winning for players. With the bonus credits or free spins they receive, players can try their luck at different games and potentially win real money. Even if they do not win, the experience gained from using the bonuses can be valuable in learning about the games and their mechanics.In summary, Deneme Bonusu Veren Siteler are online gambling platforms that offer free bonuses to new members. These bonuses allow players to try out different games without risking their own money. They also increase the chances of winning and provide valuable experience for players. If you're interested in exploring the world of online gambling, Deneme Bonusu Veren Siteler can be a great starting point.ProsConsFree bonuses for new membersWagering requirements may applyOpportunity to try out different gamesLimited time to use the bonusesPotential to win real moneyRestrictions on withdrawal of winnings
How To Find Deneme Bonusu Veren Siteler In 2023?
Deneme bonusu veren siteler are online gambling sites that offer bonuses to players who sign up or make a deposit. These bonuses can include free spins, bonus cash, or other rewards that can enhance the gambling experience. In 2023, there will be even more options for finding these deneme bonusu veren siteler. With the increasing popularity of online gambling, more and more websites are expected to offer these bonuses to attract new players and retain existing ones.
One of the best ways to find deneme bonusu veren siteler in 2023 is by conducting a simple internet search. By using search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing, you can easily find a list of websites that offer these bonuses. It's important to use specific keywords when searching to get the most relevant results. Try using phrases like "deneme bonusu veren siteler 2023" or "2023'de deneme bonusu veren güvenilir siteler" to narrow down your search.
Another way to find deneme bonusu veren siteler is by visiting gambling forums or online communities. These platforms are filled with discussions and recommendations from other players who have already tried out various gambling websites. By reading through their experiences, you can get valuable insights into which sites offer the best deneme bonuses and have a trustworthy reputation. Pay attention to the opinions of seasoned gamblers who have been active for a long time.Benefits of Deneme Bonusu Veren Siteler1. Enhanced Gambling Experience: Deneme bonusu veren siteler provide players with additional funds or spins, allowing them to explore and enjoy different games without risking their own money.2. Increased Chances of Winning: By using the deneme bonuses wisely, players can increase their chances of winning real money prizes or hitting jackpots.3. Opportunity to Test New Sites: Deneme bonusu veren siteler are a great way to try out new online gambling sites without making a big financial commitment. Players can evaluate the site's features, games, and overall user experience before deciding to invest more.4. Loyalty Rewards: Many deneme bonusu veren siteler also offer loyalty programs or ongoing promotions to retain their players. By regularly playing on these sites, players can earn additional bonuses or rewards as a token of appreciation.
In conclusion, finding deneme bonusu veren siteler in 2023 can be easily done through internet searches, gambling forums, and online communities. Take advantage of these methods to discover websites that offer attractive deneme bonuses and have a reliable track record. Remember to do thorough research and read the terms and conditions of each bonus before participating. By leveraging these bonuses wisely, you can enhance your gambling experience, increase your chances of winning, and discover new and exciting gambling websites.
The Benefits Of Deneme Bonusu Veren Siteler
Deneme bonusu veren siteler, oyunculara çevrimiçi bahis sitelerinde deneme imkanı sunmaktadır. Bu siteler, yeni üye olan kullanıcılara hoş geldin bonusu adı altında bir miktar bedava bahis veya bedava dönüş hakkı sunar. Bu deneme bonusları, kullanıcıların oyunculuk deneyimlerini artırmak ve sitenin hizmetlerini keşfetmelerini sağlamak amacıyla verilir.
Birçok avantaja sahip olan deneme bonusu veren sitelerden biri, kullanıcıların risk almadan oyunları denemesini sağlamasıdır. Deneme bonusu ile kullanıcılar, kendi paralarını riske atmadan ve kaybetme korkusu olmadan bahis yapabilirler. Bu şekilde, kullanıcılar oyunlar hakkında deneyim kazanabilirler ve oyunlara aşinalık kazandıkça gerçek parayla oynamaya daha hazır hale gelirler.
Bir diğer avantaj ise deneme bonusu sayesinde kullanıcıların kazanç elde etme şansının artmasıdır. Deneme bonusu ile kullanıcılar, bedava bahis veya bedava dönüş hakkıyla oyunları oynar ve kazanç elde ettiklerinde bu kazançlar gerçek paraya dönüştürülebilir. Bu sayede, kullanıcılar risk almadan ve kaybetme korkusu olmadan para kazanabilirler.
Best Deneme Bonusu Veren Siteler In 2023
When it comes to online gambling, one of the most exciting aspects is getting bonuses from various gambling sites. These bonuses can provide players with extra funds to use on their favorite games, and they can significantly enhance the overall gambling experience. One of the most popular types of bonuses is deneme bonusu, which is a free trial bonus given to new players. In this blog post, we will explore the best deneme bonusu veren siteler in 2023, so you can make the most of your online gambling adventures.
1. Casino A: Casino A is one of the top deneme bonusu veren siteler in 2023. They offer a generous welcome package for new players, including a deneme bonusu that allows you to try out their games without risking your own money. With a wide selection of games and a user-friendly interface, Casino A is a favorite among online gamblers.
2. Casino B: Another great option for deneme bonusu veren siteler in 2023 is Casino B. They provide new players with a deneme bonusu that can be used on a variety of games, giving you the opportunity to explore and find your favorites. Additionally, Casino B offers a seamless mobile gaming experience, so you can enjoy your deneme bonusu on the go.
3. Casino C: If you're looking for a deneme bonusu from a site with a stellar reputation, Casino C is the perfect choice. They have been in the industry for many years and are known for their excellent customer service and secure gaming environment. With a deneme bonusu from Casino C, you can enjoy your favorite games with peace of mind.Overall, there are plenty of deneme bonusu veren siteler in 2023 that offer fantastic bonuses and a great gambling experience. It's essential to do your research and choose a reputable site that suits your needs and preferences. Whether you're a seasoned gambler or just starting, deneme bonusu can add extra excitement to your online gambling journey.SiteDeneme BonusuRatingCasino A100 TL9/10Casino B200 TL8/10Casino C150 TL9.5/10
In conclusion, if you're looking for the best deneme bonusu veren siteler in 2023, Casino A, Casino B, and Casino C are excellent options to consider. These sites provide generous deneme bonusu, a wide selection of games, and a secure gambling environment. Remember to always gamble responsibly and have fun exploring the exciting world of online gambling with deneme bonusu!
Tips For Maximizing Deneme Bonusu Veren Siteler
Deneme bonusu veren siteler, bahis severler için oldukça cazip bir seçenektir. Bu bonuslar, yeni üyelere veya mevcut üyelere sunulan promosyonlar şeklinde kullanıcılara verilir. Deneme bonusu veren siteler, bahisçilere daha fazla kazanç sağlama ve risk alma olanağı sunar. Ancak, bu bonusları maksimum seviyede kullanmak için bazı ipuçlarına dikkat etmek önemlidir.
İlk olarak, düşük riskli oyunları tercih etmek, deneme bonusunu en iyi şekilde kullanmanın bir yoludur. Genellikle deneme bonusu, çevrim şartlarına tabidir ve çevrim şartlarını yerine getirmek, kazancınızı çekebilmeniz için gereklidir. Düşük riskli oyunlar, şansınızı artırır ve çevrim şartlarını daha hızlı tamamlamanıza yardımcı olur.
Bir diğer önemli ipucu ise bonusların süresini dikkatlice takip etmektir. Deneme bonusu veren siteler, bonusların belirli bir süre içinde kullanılmasını şart koşabilir. Bu nedenle, bonusun süresini kaçırmamak ve zamanında kullanmak önemlidir. Ayrıca, bonusun kullanım koşullarını da dikkate almalısınız. Bazı siteler, bonusun sadece belirli oyunlarda veya belirli miktarlarda kullanılmasını şart koşabilir.
Bonus Veren SiteBonus MiktarıÇevrim ŞartıİnceleBet365500 TL20xİnceleBets101000 TL25xİnceleSuperbahis750 TL30xİncele
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lifeascaty · 3 months
I've been away from tumblr for a few months. In October 2021, my Dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer. I felt like my whole world was falling apart. He already followed me on tumblr, so I filled my feed with things he would like so he had something new and interesting (or a cute cat) to see every day. (I was already posting a lot for him, but now my queue was entirely for him.) It was a small thing, but I wanted to do anything to help make him smile or distract him. As it was a neuroendocrine cancer, there were treatment options, and soon he was back to living life as if nothing was wrong. But I still kept my queue running for him. In November 2023, a scan was misread. They told my Dad his cancer was responding well to treatment, and he wouldn't need any more nuclear medicine for two years. Unfortunately, this mistake meant my Dad passed away on January 26th 2024. There's no question that this is the worst thing to ever happen to me. My Dad is the person I am/was closest to in the whole world. I've never felt pain like this. I don't know what to do with my tumblr now. I've had it for over a decade, but I've been posting for my Dad for so long that it feels wrong to post without him. I know that's silly. I just miss him so much.
I'm going to post the eulogy I wrote for him below the cut. I don't expect anyone to read it, but I want it to exist somewhere online. I'm really proud of it. It has mistakes - repetitions of words etc. - but I also think it's the best thing I've ever written, because it's about my Dad.
As a professional writer, I’ve felt a lot of pressure to write a eulogy that does my Dad justice. The problem is, I don’t think that’s possible. Especially without him here to give me notes. My Dad has always given me his opinion on my writing at whatever stage it was at, bouncing ideas back and forth with me and arguing over intricate punctuation but, on this occasion, he can’t. I hope he’d like this anyway.
I could talk forever about my Dad. There are so many things I want to tell people about him, about his love and excitement for the world and his joy in getting to live each day. To quote Marcus Aurelius, as my Dad often did, “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” This sentiment defined him, really.
My Dad and I have so much in common. We traded books back and forth. He introduced me to his favourite shows and I showed him mine. He showed me his favourite movies from when he was growing up, and we were always first in line to see new releases at the Odeon in Wrexham. I would spend hours hanging out on the couch in his study as he worked and played music, talking me through his love and admiration of various songs and bands, like Led Zeppelin, Genesis, The Jam, The Smiths. We talked a mile a minute over dinner, always excited to share whatever new thing we’d learned that day. We experimented with various recipes and he gave me my love of cooking. We debated politics constantly, always talked about what was in the news, forwarded interesting posts and memes to each other across multiple social media platforms. Even when I lived on another continent we were in contact with each other every day, keeping track of our respective timezones so we could always find time to talk.
My heart aches every time I read a news article about some interesting new archaeological finding or a new discovery in space, because I want to share it with him. There are so many movies we planned to see, upcoming TV shows we wanted to watch, books we were waiting to be released.
I want to talk to him about the new Taylor Swift album and the Grammys she just won. As some of you may know, my Dad was a Swiftie – he was in the top 0.5% of Taylor Swift Spotify listeners last year. He was a fan of her before I was, often falling asleep to her 1989 album on international flights. He bought us tickets to see her Eras Tour together this summer and we were so excited. I can’t describe the pain I felt when last month he told me that I’d have to go and enjoy it without him. Because he should be here to see it with me. He loved stained glass – even taking classes and making his own artwork. He promised to teach me this summer, and now I’ll have to do it without him. But I’ll still do it. Like I’ll still go to the Eras concert – because it’s what he would have wanted, and because it keeps his memory alive.
I recognise how lucky I am that he is my Dad. So many things had to happen to make it so. Various ancestors had to meet and have children. My parents needed to be born, needed to both decide to go to the same university, needed some anonymous admin person to assign them both to the same university halls where they would ultimately meet. All so that one day I would come in to being and he would be my Dad. The chances of that happening, for everything to have gone right, are so infinitesimally small. And yet they happened. How miraculous is that?
I am who I am because of him. As a young man, he reviewed books for The Oxford Times and Interzone, a Sci-Fi and Fantasy magazine. (He was particularly proud to interview Terry Pratchett, his favourite author, and have his quote used on Pratchett’s books for years to come). He fell in love with stories and storytelling, a love that he passed down to me. Without him, I don’t know if I would have become a screenwriter and author. Storytelling is such a huge part of me, and I don’t know who I’d be without it, and without him. 
There are so many big, impressive things that my Dad did and achieved through his lifetime, but the things that make up a life are the smaller moments. My parents dancing around his study to God Only Knows by The Beach Boys. His love of all our cats across the years and his special relationship with each of them. The time we went out into the garden, on a freezing cold night in November, to watch the Leonids – shooting stars – falling brightly through the atmosphere. Picking me up from Gobowen station every time I came back from London or undergrad, no matter how late my train was. His specific way of stacking the dishwasher that only I could emulate. Summer holidays swimming in the pool, eating ice cream together, and marvelling over his tan.
The problem with loving my Dad so much is that it’s incredibly painful now he’s gone. One of his favourite Marvel TV shows, Wandavision, had the line “what is grief, if not love persevering?” There is so much grief because there has always been so much love between us. And I am thankful for that. Thankful for him, and everything he has done to build a beautiful life for our family.
My Dad’s last words were beautiful. Something we often said to each other, from childhood to adulthood, was “I love you more than the moon, and the stars, and the wide, wide world”. I started saying it to him, none of us knowing the end was hurtling so quickly towards us. He smiled as I began to say the familiar words, and as my Mum and brother joined in, so did he, still smiling as he said “and the wide, wide world”. And that was it.
'To reference Marcus Aurelius once more, he talks in Meditations about how just a day–just a minute–of happiness, of perfection, of peace, is enough. The same goes for the people we love. That we ever had my Dad in the first place is a wonderful thing, something to be so grateful for. Whatever comes after, whatever fortune has in store for us in the future? It can’t change that. What happens next matters less because of the wonderfulness of having had my Dad at all.'
He is my best friend. He will always be my best friend. Whatever happened, I knew he would look after me. That he loved me and cared for me and that with him I was safe. He would look after our family, always. And he did. Even now we’re discovering things he did and put in place to make sure we were okay.
I know I need to stop talking, although, as I said at the beginning, I could talk forever about my Dad. I will finish with a quote from Terry Pratchett: “No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away.” Hopefully my Dad will live forever.
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dk-thrive · 8 months
The good guys don't always win
And we speak of peace now, when war is raging, a war born of one man’s tyranny and greed for power and conquest; and another bitter conflict has exploded in Israel and the Gaza Strip. Peace, right now, feels like a fantasy born of a narcotic smoked in a pipe. Peace is a hard thing to make, and a hard thing to find. And yet we yearn for it, not only the great peace that comes at the end of war, but also the little peace of our private lives, to feel ourselves at peace with ourselves, and the little world around us. It is one of our great values, a thing ardently to pursue…
My fate, over the past many years, has been to drink from the bottle marked Freedom, and therefore to write, without any restraint, those books that came to my mind to write. And now, as I am on the verge of publishing my 22nd, I have to say that on 21 of those 22 occasions, the elixir has been well worth drinking, and it has given me a good life doing the only work I ever wanted to do.
On the remaining occasion, namely the publication of my fourth novel, I learned – many of us learned – that freedom can create an equal and opposite reaction from the forces of unfreedom. I learned, too, how to face the consequences of that reaction, and to continue, as best I could, to be as unfettered an artist as I had always wished to be. I learned, too, that many other writers and artists, exercising their freedom, also faced the forces of unfreedom, and that, in short, freedom can be a dangerous wine to drink.
But that made it more necessary, more essential, more important to defend, and I have done my best, along with a host of others, to defend it. I confess there have been times when I’d rather have drunk the Peace elixir and spent my life sitting under a tree wearing a blissful, beatific smile, but that was not the bottle the pedlar handed me.
We live in a time I did not think I would see, a time when freedom – and in particular, freedom of expression, without which the world of books could not exist – is everywhere under attack from reactionary, authoritarian, populist, demagogic, half-educated, narcissistic, careless voices; when places of education and libraries are subject to hostility and censorship; and when extremist religion and bigoted ideologies have begun to intrude in areas of life in which they do not belong. And there are also progressive voices being raised in favour of a new kind of bien-pensant censorship, one that appears virtuous, and which many people, especially young people, have begun to see as a virtue.
So freedom is under pressure from the left as well as the right, the young as well as the old. This is something new, made more complicated by our new tools of communication, the internet, on which well-designed pages of malevolent lies sit side by side with the truth, and it is difficult for many people to tell which is which; and our social media, where the idea of freedom is every day abused to permit, very often, a kind of online mob rule, which the billionaire owners of these platforms seem increasingly willing to encourage, and to profit by.
What do we do about free speech when it is so widely abused? We should still do, with renewed vigour, what we have always needed to do: to answer bad speech with better speech, to counter false narratives with better narratives, to answer hate with love, and to believe that the truth can still succeed even in an age of lies. We must defend it fiercely and define it broadly. We should of course defend speech that offends us, otherwise we are not defending free expression at all.
— Salman Rushdie, from “The good guys don’t always win” (The Guardian, November 8, 2023)
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class24 · 1 year
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World AIDS Day 2023: Definition, History, Theme, & Significance for SSC, Bank, UPSC, & Other Exam
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bananaofswifts · 1 year
From OSI to Taylor Swift: Radio/TV Alum Credits UCF for His Job on the Eras Tour
TJ Lievonen ’18 shares what it’s like touring with the singer and how his time at UCF prepared him for the role.
By Rachel Williams ’15 ’20MA
April 11, 2023
“Since then, I’ve fallen in love with the fact that a big team can go into any venue and set up a stage equipped with lights, audio, video and be ready to produce a show within a matter of hours,” says Lievonen. “The rush of energy before a show starts where the whole team is on the same page, ready to produce the best show possible, is an unmatched, great feeling.”
Since graduating from UCF, Lievonen has had video production jobs with the University of Miami, Palm Beach County Government and Universal Orlando Resort. Now, he’s in his most exciting era yet — touring with Taylor Swift on her sold-out tour as part of the video production crew.
Here, he shares more on this exciting opportunity and how his UCF education positioned him for success.
What does your job on this tour entail?
I am responsible for operating one of 13 cameras during the show. Our team also assists in setting up stage components like a large LED wall that’s 90×27 panels, running thousands of feet of cable and other miscellaneous tasks associated with a stadium show.
What makes the production of this tour so special?
There are multiple stages, which really makes this tour stand out and shine. It’s a very dynamic show with lots of songs and set pieces.
It’s been a dream of yours to tour with a musical artist. Why? How did it feel to land this job with Taylor Swift?
Putting on a concert requires so many different departments to come together — lighting, audio, video, pyrotechnics, carpenters, automation, catering and so much more. If one of them drops the ball, it affects the whole show. But when it all comes together, it’s magic. Taylor Swift puts on one of the best shows out there, both in terms of entertainment and in production value. I was so excited and humbled to be chosen for this job. I actually couldn’t believe it was happening after years of improving myself and my work.
How did your UCF education help prepare you for this opportunity?
At UCF I learned the basics of video production — proper framing and exposure, which are critically important. The Production Fundamentals and Aesthetics of Electronic Media course gave me an amazing foundation and skill set to build from, as well as some techniques that I still keep in my back pocket today. The best experience, though, came from outside the classroom and being involved in the university community. While working at OSI, I advised crew members on aesthetics and environmental concerns to enhance the value of our production. I also worked at UCF Athletics as a camera operator for football, basketball, baseball and softball games. It was an amazing job that gave me unparalleled experience.
What advice would you give to other radio/TV students?
If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. If you’re late, don’t even bother showing up. In the production world, this is very important. Also, work hard — always. There are so many jobs to go around, but those who get them are the ones who put in 110%. Speak less, listen more. We have a lot to learn from mentors in the industry who came before us.
Also, jobs in the concert touring industry often are not posted online. The best way to find similar opportunities is to network with people in the industry, both in person and on platforms like LinkedIn, which is how I landed this gig.
Last but definitely not least – what is your favorite Taylor Swift song?
They are all amazing, of course, but my favorite is “Midnight Rain.”
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indiesellersguild · 6 months
December 2023 Newsletter – Year in Review
Here is our December Newsletter!
Main event:
As we end 2023, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on our victories for the year. Truly, it has been an incredible ride, with far more success than we could have hoped for.
The rest of the text is under the cut; relevant links are embedded in the text on our website.
Lobbying with the US Senate: We worked with Senator Baldwin’s office to help the COOL Online Act (a bill to crack down on dishonest resellers) pass committee. Read our analysis of the bill here.
Fighting Etsy’s Reserve Payment Policy: Our work, combined with the heroic efforts of UK sellers and the media, pressured Etsy to reduce or lift their devastating payment reserve policy for many sellers. Samantha Vass, a prominent UK seller who spoke out, had her Etsy shop suspended, learn more and support her business here.
Feedback to the FTC: An US Federal Trade Commission lawyer reached out to us for feedback on a new FTC rule against unfair and deceptive business practices around online platform fees. Learn more here.
Presentation to UK Small Business Commissioner: We were able to discuss the issue of online platforms messing with indie sellers’ money in a series of meetings with UK Small Business Commissioner Liz Barclay. Watch a video of the presentation here.
Marketplace Research Project: We had over 1,000 participants in our research survey on what creative indie sellers and their customers want from an online marketplace. Read more about how we will use that data to hold marketplaces accountable here.
In the works:
The first annual ISG virtual convention will be April 13-14, 2024!
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We will launch our Marketplace Accreditation Program, unveil our new membership site, and discuss how we can continue to fight the exploitation of creative indie sellers by big tech platforms.
Panels will include:
What to do if you get screwed by a tech platform. – with Katharine from the Electronic Frontier Foundation
Etsy Alternatives: Data and tools to help you find the best marketplaces for your business
How to use your Etsy shop to direct traffic to your own site (without breaking Etsy’s rules) – with Kristi Cassidy, ISG President
Results from our Marketplace Research Project: What do sellers and customers really want from an online marketplace – with Samantha Close, Ph.D.
Interview with Racheal from Mayfli marketplace in the UK
Interview with Jon from goimagine marketplace in the US
Get your ticket now to reserve your spot! Tickets only cost $1 to help cover the costs of the convention.
Share your story!
The FTC is seeking public comment on their proposed “Rule on Unfair or Deceptive Fees”. After our meeting with the FTC, we are excited about the rule because it will also protect creative indie sellers from unfair and deceptive fees from marketplaces. If the rule goes through, we hope to use it to combat Etsy’s forced off-site ads and other unfair practices.
Please take a moment to share your thoughts in a public comment, we want to make sure the perspective of creative indie sellers is represented!
We heard you:
We know that the seller member directory, and members-only parts of the website in general are a bit difficult to navigate. One of our first goals in 2024 is to update our membership with new software and far more features. Stay tuned for information on how to set up your profile on the new site!
What ISG needs right now:
While we’ve managed some amazing things with a very small budget, thanks to our amazing volunteers and open source software, we need more funding for 2024 to continue to grow and advocate on your behalf.
Please consider making a small donation to the Indie Sellers Guild. If half of our members donate just $5, we will raise enough funding for the next 6 months. Or you can buy one of our awesome merch items so you can represent the Guild and show off the work of your fellow artists. The Guild receives $5 from every merch purchase.
Thanks so much for your support!
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makemoneyonline0019 · 6 months
The Best Online Side Hustles Through Which I Can Increase MyIncome
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Finding the best online side hustles can be a game-changer for boosting your income. Let me share some solid options based on facts and personal experiences.
Side hustles online are a fantastic way to earn extra cash, and the beauty lies in the variety of options available. Let's explore a few based on proven stats and personal insights.
One of the side hustles I've found quite rewarding is freelancing. Platforms like Upwork or Fiverr offer a broad range of opportunities—from writing and graphic design to programming and virtual assistance. According to a report by Freelancer com, freelancers in tech and writing fields can earn around $30-$50 per hour on average, depending on their skills and expertise.
Another lucrative avenue is affiliate marketing. By promoting products or services and earning commissions on sales, it's a flexible way to make money. The Affiliate Marketing Benchmark Report by Awin suggests that the affiliate marketing industry is growing steadily, with 81% of brands leveraging this method to boost sales.
If you're into creating content, YouTube or blogging can be a fantastic side hustle. YouTubers, for example, make money through ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. Statista reports that the highest-paid YouTuber earned $29.5 million in 2023, showcasing the earning potential in this field.
Moreover, tapping into the booming e-commerce industry via platforms like Shopify or Etsy could be another avenue. With global e-commerce sales projected to hit $6.4 trillion by 2024 (Statista), selling products online can be profitable if you find a niche and market it well.
However, choosing the right side hustle depends on your skills, interests, and dedication. What works for one person might not be the best fit for another.
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joyce-stick · 1 year
Audrey's Best Girls Winter 2023
Video of recommendations of girls (And media) which halfway through turned into a Bocchi the Rock video essay.
Transcript under the cut.
Previous video essay/transcript: Adachi and Shimamura's Second Season
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Hello everyone, it’s Audrey. So, it’s been some time, I was writing a script about problematic things, and then Joyce came along and started a separate script about things we had to recommend. I finished that script, and the end result of this process was a great incoherent mess, so I’m taking it from the top.
First thing we have to talk about today is Moonshine!~
Moonshine is a doujin visual novel produced by the now seemingly dissolved doujin circle Sakura Mint, whose origins I don’t have the resources nor Japanese language knowledge to trace any information about. It was released in 2007, and then translated to English in 2008, and, quite frankly, the fact that a freely available English translation exists for easy online downloading is a goddamn miracle. It’s really short, like, about an hour, or two if you’re slow like we are. Nonetheless, this VN made us cry like a little baby child. The reason for that being, it’s about a trans girl. And the other reason for that being, it’s about a trans girl falling in love with a gender ambiguous main protagonist who is, well, gosh, really.
This is a really raw and emotionally powerful little story with a really strong theme of how to move on with your life. From a life where you didn’t belong or weren’t loved, or from a life that you love but that can’t follow you, and how either can be equally painful, how change is always painful, even if it truly is for the better, and it’s just a whole lot of feelings. A story that made us cry this much needs to be read. The English version is available freely, it’s only a bit of time, and it’s very well worth it. You might need to fuck around with your graphics settings to get it to display in proper 4 by 3 if you want to play it in fullscreen without it stretching to 16 by 9, but still, very very worth it. Probably one of the best pieces of queer fiction that we’ve ever read, and the fact that it got translated the year after its release is incredible.
It also has a sequel, called Tsugi no Terasu, which is probably not called “Sunshine” in English because that’s not what the kanji means. This sequel never got any sort of digital release either officially or otherwise and it looks as if the doujin group that made it has long disbanded given that the web domain name they used to occupy is now populated by casino advertisements, sooo all their work is probably just kind of, gone, unfortunately. As is often the case when independently produced niche media exists and no one is doing any work to preserve it. These things just sort of go and vanish.
Unless it hasn’t vanished, and someone does care! Like, I dunno, the girl reading this. I dunno about y’all, but I’d prefer that this thirteen year old VN that’s a sequel to a sixteen year old VN about a trans girl gets to be read, by someone, and hopefully continue to exist, and not evaporate into the mists of time. Sure, we can’t read it, but, details details. We’ll learn! How to read. I hope.
So I found a copy of Tsugi no Terasu for sale on akibaoo. Presumably this copy’s used, and there’s no guarantee it’ll work with our computer, or that it won’t be scratched to hell, but hey, you have to take some chances sometime in life. So, I bought it, with a portion of our, uh, meager, monthly Patreon earnings, so that we can collect it and take some form of action to preserve it in some form. Because this is what we’re supposed to do. I know we don’t have that much money, I know we’re probably going to have to eat a lot of rice for another month, but, what the hell, are we doing this youtube shit for, if not this shit? And I for one, am tired of watching hazel do all the awesome Japanese media preservation actions. I would like to have some of that glory! Somehow.
And that’s the thing.
So if you’d like to support the thing, that is to say, acquiring and assessing niche subcultural Japanese media so that we can talk about it and maybe help make it accessible to other people, and making video essays about these exploits and our emotional discoveries from them, or whatever else we do, which all apparently comes ahead of eating a proper diet because we’re insane… then please, please, donate money to us via Ko-fi, Patreon, or whatever. You will be rewarded in some way, I assure you, unless you don’t feel rewarded, and then you won’t.
So here, I’m gonna tell y’all about other interesting content that we’ve had a look at.
Witch from mercury!
Okay so I had a whole thing written about this show. And then I had a whole other thing. And then Joyce simplified that other thing to its base components. And I don’t feel like summarizing what she said about what I said. But really I just think you should look at the tweet I wrote. Which says,
“So basically this is the story of what'd happen if us talking to girls in our discord chats but we had mechas and were all caught in the middle of corporate/government space politics-wars-ing
“I’m sorry”
And also,
Suletta didn’t do anything wrong.
I’ve thought about this quite a long time, and others have kind of said it more succinctly, but I think that Suletta made, not the best decision, but a reasonable decision in this circumstance, to protect her fiancee from the guy pointing a gun at her.
I think the appropriate thing to do then would have been to emerge from Aerial apologizing profusely for the traumatic experience that Miorine just had of watching a dude get killed, instead of what she did do. That would have been the human thing to do. But Suletta didn’t act like a human in this situation because her mom told her that this behavior was a show of emotional strength. And that’s what’s happened here. And that’s interesting, because it plays really well into the story, I think, in showing that the shonen protagonist pluckiness that Suletta was trying to approach her circumstances with, doesn’t really work all of the time! Suletta, the main protagonist of this series, acted the most protagonist like that she’d ever acted in this scene, and it was the most out of character she’d ever acted, and like, gosh, I’m looking forward to seeing how they follow up on this. That’s really what I have to say about that.
Oh and also the show was good.
So yeah, that helped.
How Do We Relationship?
Which I’m going to refer to as Tsukiage, a shortened form of its Japanese title, from here on out.
Tsukiage is a story about lesbians.
And yes, yes, I know, there’s many stories “about lesbians” that I’ve told you about before. No. This isn’t like those. Tsukiage is About Lesbians. Tsukiage is about the experience of being a lesbian in This World, with all its gross bigotry problems. Tsukiage is about the experience of being in a group of heterosexual women and being asked what guys you like, and being unable to answer. Tsukiage is about the experience of being someone you know your parents would hate. Tsukiage is about the experience of being a teenager with no adults to trust in your life, but also about being an adult uncertain if you can trust the other adults in your life, and about the ennui of living isolated in a place you’ll probably never find your way out of, and about,
Tsukiage is about two twenty something lesbians who date each other because they’re the only lesbians they know and they have no idea what else to do, and who are really good at having a lot of sex with each other but are also really bad at dating and even worse at dating on the days when they're really bad at having sex with each other. And they're also both young and both had traumatic high school romance failures because, being a high school student is plenty traumatic in its own ways, and those wounds are still fresh to both of them even if they want to pretend they aren't, and it's bound to follow them still in this town they've lived their whole life in, and it's just a lot of spicy drama about that! I’ve been only three volumes in so far, and Miwa and Saeko are the first main pairing of a yuri manga we've seen to whom I’ve kind of ended up saying “nope”. I don’t get the sense that these two are made for each other in the same sense we got reading Adashima or Yagakimi or Sasakoi. They argue, they bicker, they feel jealous about each other, and about, maybe, 2 thirds of the way through the second volume, I realized I was reading a breakup narrative.
I mean, look at the back covers of the first four volumes. They telegraph it visually!
But also that makes this manga even more compelling for what it’s going for, because, um, conflict is good! And two people not made for each other is damn well better! Just yes, please do try to eventually get these two back together and sell me on this horrible relationship sorting itself. Or don’t, that’s also fine! I’ve not actually got to the chapter where they broke up, because, gosh, and tough, but yeah. And also this is probably the first manga I’ve read that actually shows how school can be traumatic, when it presents a supporting character who was deemed “gifted” in high school but ultimately wasn’t as good as their sibling and then was extremely othered by her family, and just is, generally, awfully maladjusted to, reality, because of the sheltered and overstructured way in which they lived being forced to rank as high as possible on exams, and like, shit! Like, I know Japanese high school is brutal, and it’s a plot point in a lot of anime and all, but this is the one time I can recall offhand when it was actually something that impacted the story and characters outside of a relatively contained studying arc, and it’s probably some of the realest fucking shit I’ve ever read.
Oh, also, um, Tsukiage is really damn funny. Like, the early volumes had me laughing involuntarily so much that I was seriously concerned about attracting noise complaints from others in our living space, or, around, generally? It’s a really good story, the art and faces are really good, the humor is really good and that's pretty damn essential, I think, for a story that deals in such heavy topics. The whole thing is good, so, yeah, read it!
Bad End Theater!
So yeah, I already used this game as b-roll in the Adashima video, so if you watched that, you probably already know that we liked this. And we do. It’s quite good. This game starts with, as Joyce said, *ruffles papers* “an unawakened lesbian is eaten by a demon… and in the next part of the game, the lesbian meets a demon lesbian who wants to eat her in the other way… and in the later part of the game, a reply guy apologizes for replying with violence… or actually replies with violence.”
So anyway this game took us a couple hours to 100% all its Steam achievements. Very short game, very good game, nice little queer vignette about the tragedy of people from different social backgrounds not understanding each other, and then understanding each other, one hopes. It’s not free, but it’s quite good, and easily recommendable! So yeah.
5, Spark the Electric Jester 3!
It’s a Sonic game. It’s basically a Sonic game. It’s much like the earlier game, Spark the Electric Jester 2, which is much like the earlier games Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow the Hedgehog, the video about which we were going to make is apparently not coming out until it does, because we keep getting distracted by pointless bullshit. The developer of this series is a former developer of Sonic fangames and started with the 2D Spark the Electric Jester 1, which we could not finish because we suck at 2D platformers.
One really interesting thing about this game is how it treats the lives system. Yes, it has one, but only for the final level. I find this super super interesting, because while we were playing the Sonic Adventure titles with a friend of ours, we kinda generally came into the agreement that the lives system of all these games was a mistake. And Sonic Team seems to have agreed, because they, uh, removed it, from Sonic Forces onwards. But Spark 3 puts it back deliberately, only for the final level, and the final level is basically designed to make you lose lives. Not through difficulty, exactly, because while it is difficult, it’s not insurmountable, once you know the lay of the land- but rather, through compounding difficulty by length. Utopia Shelter doesn’t feel exactly like a level, it feels like a whole city. It feels like, I suppose, if at the end of Sonic 06, the whole of Soleanna became a level from which Sonic had to escape- oh, well, I guess that sort of did happen, huh. Sorry, just um…
Sonic 06 is cool? I’m very sorry to say so. It’s a horrible mess, but it also is cool.
Anyway, Spark 3’s acknowledgement of lives as a part of the Sonic Adventure experience feels like, kind of great? Like it doesn’t just go, “oh this part annoyed people, let’s throw it away” it says, no, dying in Final Chase repeatedly and falling out to the main menu is part of this kind of game, let’s just, give the player a chance to experience that, at least once. Let's make this a part of the game, but make it better, by making the level earn it, both by being an awesome level whose difficulty feels contextually justified, and also by being in a game with phenomenal 3D controls and platforming and movement physics where the appeal of such a difficulty modifier isn't spoiled by deaths that don't feel like your fault  And it’s done in a way that feels accessible, with the option of going back and just, playing more of the game more, if you feel like you need more lives to endure the stage, but odds are if you’ve done all the optional stages you don’t need that many. I got to the end of Utopia Shelter on my second try, with lives to spare.
And yeah, so, anyway. Spark 3. It’s a really good game. It’s got pretty great level design and a great sense of visual style, really good music, good movement except for those damn cars that glitch and start going sideways all the time… I started just doing the car stages on foot because I couldn’t be bothered. But other than those, great game!
And finally;
Bocchi the Rock!
Okay, so I’m not sure what about Bocchi I can say that isn’t already said by other people but y’know what, fuck it, Molly’s convinced me, I’m gonna tell the weird age gap crush story.
So, when we were like, 16, 17, thereabouts, we were presumed a cis boy, and about six entire feet tall, and because of this, non-attentive viewers would often mistake us for a college-age dude. This factor, alongside the color of our skin and the general, uh, emotional neglect, of our parents, lent itself to our delinquencies, i.e., doing basically whatever the fuck we wanted at the expense of getting verbally and/or physically harassed by our parents who weren’t happy with us doing whatever the fuck we wanted but were slowly giving up after whatever point at which they stopped paying for the therapy that didn’t fix this brain immediately. So it was one night, while we were out of the house, as we usually were, talking to people at a charity event for the community org we volunteered for back then, that we saw her.
That woman who played guitar. Who was, back then, about the age we are right now. Maybe a little bit older.
Don’t think I need to describe her elsewise, really!
We had played guitar, too, once, for several years even. But I think we’d given up on music, like, the year before, after our mom harassing us to practice the “right” way made it not fun for us anymore. Seeing that beautiful, talented, very nice, woman almost made us want to try again. Although, we didn’t, because our mom didn’t want us to ever touch an instrument again unless we were truly serious about trying to make money with it, because those lessons are expensive, and I guess that’s one of the many ways we disappointed her, by ostensibly wasting her money.
But anyway, this woman. She was nice. That’s most of what we remember about her. She was a nice, cool, and to our eyes then, pretty, older woman who felt easy to talk to, and seemed to empathize with our anxieties, as, little of them as we felt comfortable telling, and, we were awkward around here and didn’t say much other than to compliment here and to talk about Edgar Wright’s movies, but like, y’know, she was good. She was good. Remembering how she smiled and how she looked at us like… well, probably the same as she smiled and looked at everyone, but still, it seemed like she liked us, or liked having us around. Although, now, being a performing person, we understand it’s kind of in your best interest to smile at everyone who comes to see a show. But. Yeah.
And we knew we never had a chance with this nice older woman, and that our crush on her was inappropriate, but, still… we still thought about this nice, talented, tall, pretty, interesting woman, and how much we wished we could be closer with her, but alas, and curses, age gaps, strike something again. Our heart, most likely, but maybe something else too.
And you know where this is going, don’t you.
[Kikuri Hiroi, a clip]
Kikuri is far, far more unhinged than that woman. The woman we knew was, uh, hinged, enough, to not drink around the absurdly tall and cute 17 year old that kept coming to her gigs for unknown reasons. Kikuri meanwhile is hardly ever seen without a can of sake nearby. And she’s also a bit more, y’know, open, with Hitori-chan, whose face around Kikuri is constantly a mixture of mild terror and grand astonishment. And, yes, Seika and Kikuri, is definitely, the more appropriate ship, and the one more likely to happen in the actual story, if any explicit lesbianism did happen, which I don't expect it to, but Hitori and Kikuri, in my opinion, is much more compelling, precisely because of how inappropriate it is. There’s just something particularly compelling to us, anyway, in the thought of our dead-in-the-water teenage crush, or something adjacent to it, actually going, someplace. It’s true that had we acted on it in real life, assuming we weren’t just rejected and told to abscond permanently, it’d almost certainly have gone extremely badly, for all the reasons it’d have done that, but, y’know, fiction is meant for exploring those culturally taboo fantasies of these sorts without necessarily needing to consider those unsafe and undesirable consequences. Although… you can, cause that’s conducive to drama.
So anyway, as far as, the actual show, goes, I dunno, I think it’s all pretty clear in this moment. This entire surreal bit with the psychedelic rock concert, where Hitori sees Kuroi reach out to her in this imagined intimate moment and whisk her away through this weird and new aspect of music and life experience that she’s not felt before, and it’s just like… Yeah! Yeah, that’s how it felt to us back then, watching that nice older girl on that stage. It was really kind of nostalgic actually. So, there’s one layer of the appeal of Kikuri’s inclusion in the show, Hitori’s feelings for Kikuri as someone who is a mentor figure and has things to teach her. You could say the thing Kikuri has to teach is music, or, something else, and though Hitori isn't eloquent or brave enough to articulate whatever her crazy teenage feelings are, it's clear she… has some! Which are ambiguous enough that they could be interpreted as just her wanting to be like Kikuri, which was also an aspect of our teenage emotions about our cool guitar woman, or that Kikuri playing in front of her triggered a spicy homosexual awakening! Not wrong either way. Though I think it's both.
And the other layer of the appeal is just… well, Kikuri herself. And our adoration of and relation to Kikuri as not just a stand-in for our teenage age gap crush, but also as a character in our age range who is relatable to us as a young adult who feels similarly to her about life!
I don’t think I need to explain that one, but I will anyway.
Kikuri is an alcoholic.
At some point after we turned 21, when it wasn’t us, but Joyce, Joyce discovered alcohol, during one of the low points in our life when we were unstably housed, and gradually started to rely on it a fair bit more than she should have. For a good year or two there, Joyce was drinking off our ass about once a month, sometimes twice, and y’know, just sort of thinking, who cares. If I die, if I lose, if I go out. Who cares. cause I’m not going to! We only really stopped drinking as much as we did because it started costing money and we started finding ostensibly better ways to hurt ourselves, like buying the disc of an ancient Japanese-only doujin game and telling ourselves it’s media preservation. I don’t think we were ever as much of an addict as Kikuri but, just, watching Kikuri, and watching her ruin her life in, basically the same sort of a way, is extremely relatable and gross and eugh
And the whole gosh contrast of THIS WOMAN being Hitori’s mentor figure who she takes her cues from and then embarrasses herself trying to do it
Is just incredible and perfect and gosh
Both these lovely women are both ruining themselves trying to be cool and likable and awesome, and… SUCCEEDING, because, the… the people LIKE the women, ruining themselves! and it’s beautiful.
I’m sorry, it’s beautiful.
Anyway Bocchi good. Bocchi good.
We've been reading the manga of Bocchi since writing that bit, and I think the Bocchi manga is just, for one thing, somewhat inherently let down by not being an anime and not having songs play in it, but, it's got more humor, at least one more crazy adult, and it's got more happening in it, as there is in every manga, and I really like it.
[I had to transcribe this part because I ad-libbed it. - Audrey]
I also like how it goes about, y’know, putting forth the, general, thesis or idea that, you know um, quote, “Rock Touches People’s hearts, because it’s coming from a loser, but you can’t call it rock if it’s from a successful person” Because that’s a- that’s a statement to make. That’s a statement that I’m kind of into. because we’re very not successful and uh. Seeing characters like Kikuri, and Bocchi, and y’know, and her, underground band, and uh, characters like Aiko, and her… Shady Underground Journalism, and the fact that the manga presents all of them, all of these very unsuccessful women, as cool, because they are cool, and that’s, real, rock!
*giggling lightly* uhhhh ahaha and you know but also *mutters sheepishly* please donate to our patreon- *laughs*
And one thing that I’m, one thing that I, one other thing that I really like about the manga is that it, it focuses so much, it’s like- it’s not so school-centric as a lot of other manga about y’know, music teenagers, tend to be, like- They’re not the light music club! They’re- they’re, a real underground band and you know that’s…
That’s freaking cool! *chuckles* That they are, they are, y’know, actually doing concerts for money, and that’s, y’know, it’s about doing the concerts, for money, and about working with adults who also have been doing concerts for money! and drugs *laughing quietly*
And also the fact that so little of it is set inside the school, like, y’know, th-the one moment where like, th-the online journalist writer who’s just like spotlighting, who’s y’know, writing about bands, and looking for Hitori. And then she goes to the school and she’s just like… Kicked out of the school! Because she’s not- she’s… she’s a creep! Who doesn’t belong! In the school! A-And *laughs* And then y’know, in like, another manga where it’s the light music club that that’d just kind of be where the plot… stops! Where that plot line… stops! But she- But then she finds out that y’know, they don’t perform at school, because they’re not a school band, and then, she… goes to the live house… and advances the plot. And is also a kind of… fucked up, self-interested woman, who tries to… sequester Hitori into… agskjhgdkfhkdhjfdddd because she’s afkhjdhkhf she’s interested in money, and promising more than she’s probably able… able to give, she is……
[trails off laughing]
This- this chapter…! This is- This is a scene where, *hiccup* This is a scene where this woman tries to buy Bocchi, buy Hitori, with the promise of exposure! *laughing* That- That is literally: That is the literal description!
[long pause while Audrey gets herself under control]
Okay, I’m done ad-libbing.
One thing I wanted out of the anime, watching the anime, was to see the group grow and expand to the point where they actually do become a famous and successful band. That's basically what I figured it'd head for since, Hitori is already a successful YouTuber, as YouTubers go, and since Nijika said that's where she wanted it to go, that she wants to grow the band and become popular and help everyone reach their dreams. We kind of do have the whole "high schoolers become music celebrities" thing in Love Live, but I'd love to see that sort of thing be done in a way that feels more grounded and believable in a world where people actually seem to worry about money, outside of the fantasy confines of a nationally famous school club, and have it done in a way that the story doesn't stop happening once they graduate! Given how much the story already focuses on adults who are implied to be varying levels of fucked up just as well and seriously as its lead teenage characters who are implied to be varying levels of fucked up, it feels like the sort of story that's kind of made to transition to follow these girls out of their school lives. And I hope it goes there, and I also hope that the anime eventually gets further seasons because the material of the later manga chapters has itself a fantastic foundation if the rest of it is adapted in the same way, so, yeah.
And that's just the feelings I have on that. If you're interested in more bocchi content then um, sakugablog has a couple writeups and translated interviews which talk about the production which is itself its own really interesting story! It also got us to read the manga, because the way that the anime's character designer expresses such passion for Hamaji's work is utterly palpable and gosh things. Also I think it's really funny that Kerorira decided to animate the Bocchi ice bath scene with her wearing a school swimsuit because that adds another deeper layer of hilarious cringe that isn't quite present in the manga version of the scene when you see that she's so mentally conflicted about the merits and demerits of this scheme that she can't bring herself to fully expose her own body to the ice water which would, uh, probably make the intended effect of catching a cold more likely and thus make the plan work better, and also the scene probably couldn't have become as much of a twitter meme if they'd decide to illustrate her without the school swimsuit like the manga does, since then instead everyone would be mentally and sometimes textually debating the merits and demerits of bath scenes in anime, again, except it'd be funnier than that because it'd be about *this* scene and that would be goshdarned hilarious.
I think that’s really kind of it for this one. We’re out of time. So we’ll see everyone next time. And thanks to our patrons.
Dorian Newlin
hikari no yume
L Tantivy
And Thijs
And everybody else.
oh wow that was, that was a, that was almost 48 minutes, okay um—
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