#Best Portable Power Station
solutionswarehouse · 2 months
Best Power Station For Home Backup And Camping
As unpredictable events such as natural disasters and power outages become more common, having a reliable backup power source at home and on camping trips has become increasingly important. A portable solar power generator offers a convenient and sustainable solution for both scenarios. With so many options available on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the best power station for your needs. BLUETTI Portable Power Station, one of the top-rated portable solar generators, and why it is the best choice for both home backup and camping purposes.
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rocksolars · 1 year
10 Creative Ways to Use Your Portable Power Station While Camping
Camping is a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse yourself in nature. However, being away from home means being away from the power grid, which can be a problem if you need to keep your devices charged or require electricity for medical reasons. In the past, people relied on noisy and bulky generators to provide the power they needed, but now portable power stations have emerged as a quieter and more convenient option. But which one should you choose? In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at portable power stations and generators and help you decide which is right for your camping needs.
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Understanding the Difference between a Portable Power Station and Generator
Knowing the difference between a generator and a portable power station is crucial when camping. While generators use fuel to generate AC electricity, portable power stations don't require fuel but rely on batteries and solar panels for their charge. With a portable power station, you can enjoy the peace of nature without the noisy and potentially smelly gas-powered generator. In fact, there are a variety of creative ways to use your portable power station while camping, such as charging your phone, powering your camping lights, running a small fan to keep calm, and even powering a small fridge to keep your food and drinks chilled. Additionally, portable power stations are often lightweight and easy to transport, making them an excellent option for outdoor activities like camping or hiking. So whether you want to stay connected with loved ones or enjoy the great outdoors without sacrificing modern conveniences, a portable power station is an excellent investment for any camping enthusiast.
Benefits of Using a Portable Power Station for Camping
Portable power stations are a handy tool to have while camping. With its ability to provide access to power even when you're away from an electrical outlet, you can charge your devices, power your lights, and even run small appliances. There are many creative ways to use your portable power station while camping, making it an essential item for any outdoor enthusiast. You can use it to power a mini-fridge, electric grill, or even a portable heater. With the convenience and versatility of portable power stations, you'll have all the comforts of home while enjoying the great outdoors. Its compact and lightweight design makes it easy to carry around and store when not used. So, whether camping in the wilderness or enjoying a relaxing weekend at a campground, a best portable power station is a must-have item for any camper. A portable power station is a game-changer when it comes to camping. It has become an essential item for people who love spending time in the great outdoors. It provides a reliable power source to charge devices like phones, tablets, and cameras, so you never miss capturing beautiful moments or experience an unexpected power outage. With a portable power station, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you have a reliable energy source. Besides charging devices, a portable power station can power camping equipment like lighting, fans, and cooking appliances. It is an ideal solution for those who want to experience the convenience of home while camping in the great outdoors. Overall, a portable power station is a must-have for any avid camper who wants to stay connected and powered up while enjoying nature.
Creative Ways to Use Your Portable Power Station While Camping
Camping is a great way to connect with nature and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But just because you're in the great outdoors doesn't mean you must completely disconnect from the modern world. With a power station portable, you can bring all your favorite gadgets and keep them charged and ready to use. Whether you want to capture stunning photos with your camera, blast your favorite tunes on your portable speaker, or stay connected with friends and family on your phone, a portable power station makes it easy. So, pack your bags, grab your portable power station, and get ready for an unforgettable camping experience that's both adventurous and tech-savvy. Portable power stations are an excellent investment for outdoor enthusiasts, providing a reliable power source when camping. One of the most creative ways to use your portable power station is by directly charging your batteries using solar panels. Rather than investing in expensive solar panels separately, you can attach a solar panel directly to your power station. This allows you to harness the sun's power to charge your batteries, reducing your dependence on conventional power sources like generators. By using your portable power station in this way, you'll not only save money but also reduce your carbon footprint. It's a bright and environmentally friendly way to keep your electronic devices charged while enjoying the outdoors. Finally, the flexibility and versatility of a portable power station make it a must-have for any camping enthusiast who wants to make the most of their outdoor experience. From cooking meals to powering electronics, these devices have countless uses that can make your trips more enjoyable and convenient. With its ability to run lights, you can say goodbye to fumbling around in the dark with matches or flashlights as your only light source. And, as a bonus, you won't have to worry about packing extra supplies or forgetting them at home. Just charge up your portable power station and take it on your next camping adventure for a hassle-free and enjoyable experience.
Reasons to Choose a Generator Over a Portable Power Station
When camping, having a portable power source can make all the difference in ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable trip. A portable power station is a versatile and convenient option for powering various devices, including lights, phones, and even small appliances. However, a generator may be a more affordable option for those on a budget. While portable power stations have numerous benefits, such as being compact, lightweight, and easy to transport, generators can be equally efficient and reliable. The difference between the two lies in their price point. A portable power station may come at a higher cost due to its advanced features. At the same time, a generator can be less expensive but just as effective in powering your camping necessities. In short, while portable power stations are innovative and trendy, take notice of the tried-and-tested generator option, which may be more economical for your camping needs.
Portable power stations have become increasingly popular among campers and outdoor enthusiasts, providing a convenient source of electricity in remote locations. While they offer many advantages over traditional generators, such as being quieter, more compact, and more environmentally friendly, there are still some instances where a generator may be a better option. For example, generators are typically easier to set up than portable power stations, requiring less wiring and connections. However, with proper planning and preparation, a portable power station can be an excellent choice for powering everything from lights and cooking appliances to smartphones and laptops while enjoying the great outdoors. So, whether you're heading on a weekend camping trip or a more extended expedition, pack your trusty portable power station and discover the many creative ways it can enhance your outdoor experience. Besides their convenience, portable power stations have lower energy output and shorter running times than generators. This can be a potential drawback for longer camping trips or powering larger appliances. However, portable power stations have their unique advantages, such as being more lightweight and easy to transport. They are also quieter and emit less exhaust, making them an environmentally friendly power source. Choosing between a generator and a portable power station ultimately boils down to the user's specific needs. Whether powering a small fan or a refrigerator, portable power stations remain a reliable and versatile option for camping enthusiasts.
Whether you opt for a portable power station or a generator ultimately depends on your personal camping needs. A generator might be the best option if you require significant power for your campsite. However, if you're looking for a quieter and more convenient option, a portable power station is likely the better choice. Whichever route you choose, it's important to remember that being prepared with ample power is essential for a successful camping trip. So take time to evaluate your needs, research, and make an informed decision before heading out into the great outdoors. Happy camping!
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mattcupper · 1 year
5 Best Portable Power Station With Solar Panel // Portable Power Station
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Stay Powered Up Anywhere with the Top 5 Best Portable Power Stations of 2023
Whether you're camping, tailgating, or just need a backup power source, a portable power station is a must-have. With the latest technology, these portable power stations offer a range of features, from multiple USB ports to high-capacity batteries, to keep all your devices charged and ready to go. Check out our top 5 picks for the best portable power stations of 2023 and never run out of juice again
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merchantservices444 · 5 months
Unveiling the Power of Charge.com: A Comprehensive Overview
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keepingeverythinglit · 9 months
Portable Solar Power Generator for Camping- Keeping Everything Lit
At Keeping Everything Lit, you can find the world's best portable solar generator for camping. For adventures on the outdoors, explore environmentally friendly energy solutions away from power grids. On your next camping trip, keep going strong and stay connected. And embrace the sun! https://www.keepingeverythinglit.com
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revgodwin · 2 years
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hezzabeth · 6 months
Revati knew, as she walked back to Baker Street, that once again she was on the edge of things.
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Revati could barely remember the first edge she encountered, four years old and holding a balloon while drones flew above.
The second edge, seeing her father’s twitching hand under the rubble.
And now, Amma standing in the doorway with Dusk.
Her arms were folded, and she glared when she realized Camilo was with them.
"Hello, Camilo," Amma remarked.
"Sugafanna! I haven’t seen you since…" he began.
"Jay’s last birthday; you drank too much of your honeymede and threw up on the walls," Amma pointed out.
"Ah, yes," Camilo blushed with embarrassment.
"And I suppose you’re here to help Revati with this insanity?" Sugafana asked coldly.
"Is saving the ones we love really that insane?" Camilo asked Sugafana, who sighed, rolling her eyes.
"I’m going to the station now, Amma; where’s Nanni?" Revati asked.
"I’m right here, Dimpy," Nanni said from behind mother.
"Don’t die while I’m gone; you’ve lasted eighty years. You can last a little longer," Revati said firmly.
Nanni pulled her down, kissing her forehead, and then draped something around Revati’s neck.
It was her precious Kasithaali, a gold chain dotted with gold and coral beads.
In the center of the chain, there was a tiny golden idol, its features finely carved.
The Kasithaali was ancient, trailing far back to the first Sheik born on Mars.
The coral beads had been picked from a long-ago dead and abandoned Earth.
"Nanni, you know I can’t take this! Raiders will try to steal it," Revati pointed out.
"Hide it down the front of your clothes! You will need Lakshmi’s protection," Nanni said firmly.
"You will also need this," Amma replied, sliding off one of her bangles.
"Why are you both giving me wedding jewelry? I’m going on a rescue mission; I’m not getting married," Revati asked as Amma slid the bangle onto Revati’s wrist.
Amma tapped the bracelet four times, and it suddenly glowed a faint purple.
"DNA approved user confirmed, current balance nine thousand six hundred and eighty-three credits," the bracelet chimed.
"It’s not a bracelet; it’s my portable bank account! You’re not going to go out into the world with no funds," Amma said as Revati stared at the glowing numbers.
"Is this a lot of money?" She asked curiously.
"It’s enough. Now here’s everything else you asked for... including your sister's hairbrush," Amma asked, handing Revati a bag, and Revati nodded.
"Good, well, I best be off then," Revati said, and Amma nodded.
Revati realized it was probably time to say something else.
"I love you both," she added before reaching forward to embrace Amma.
Revati firmly believed in only hugging on her terms.
Still, Amma deserved it.
It took a moment to realize that Brigadeiro Bun was politely following her and Camilo.
"Why are you trailing behind me?" Revati had to ask.
"He's following you as well, as well as what I suspect is the android wearing a cloak," Brigadeiro pointed out.
"I need Camilo to help me at the train station," Revati replied as they reached the maze's entrance.
"I’m pretty sure I can turn the train on for one ride; I salvaged a power cell from the dragon," Camilo explained.
"Well, I’m following you because you’ll need my tent if you want to survive the elements," Brigadeiro replied.
"You got your tent back, then?" Revati asked as they entered the maze.
In the distance, Revati could hear someone giggle among the leaves.
"Yes, Isabeau found it in the lost property pile," Brigadeiro replied.
"And you’re going to give me your tent?" Revati asked.
"I’m going to share it with you; it’s a two-person tent! My ex and I were supposed to travel together, but we broke up," Brigadeiro said with a small shrug.
"You don’t seem that upset about it," Revati pointed out as they turned a corner.
The giggling was coming from two small children in medical dress fighting with sticks.
"I was; then I went out to find diamond roses for her, and everything else happened," Brigadeiro admitted.
"So you’re going to travel with me for an indefinite amount of time? Finding my sister plus take weeks or months," Revati said as they turned right.
"Or years; when appliances want to hide things, they stay hidden," Camilo pointed out.
"Well, I’ll stay with you until we reach a public teleportation station; then you can keep the tent," Brigadeiro said, and Revati shrugged.
"Fine, that’s a fair exchange for saving your life twice," she admitted.
The maze suddenly opened up onto the grand entrance of Olde Landon.
The ticket booths, in the shape of castle turrets, had long ago been abandoned.
The giant Elizabeth Twin statue was covered in gently glowing fungus.
Revati stared at them briefly.
One of the queens was in a grand solid carved ballgown.
The other in a neat suit and hat.
Both of them had lizard faces.
"We have the exact same statue on the South West Sydney Space station; apparently, the lizard faces allowed the queens to live for centuries," Brigadeiro remarked.
"That was just a myth; come on this way," Camilo replied.
The park bullet train ran from the park to Leeryasoar, the country's capital. Years ago, the station teemed with tourists. Feet would pound over the shiny tiles, the exact same gold and purple as the domed train. Creatrix vending machines were constantly humming next to the benches. Revati remembered Amma punching in several numbers to get Dityaa a bottle of mango lassi. There had been a stand in the center of the platform selling park maps and plastic magic wands. Pink and red roses grew in orderly bushes. Holographic signs floated on the walls, stating that all data cloud technology would stop working inside the park. Revati had dim memories of her father checking the news on his communications bracelet before they went inside. The signs had long ago been smashed to pieces and were now nothing more than broken screens. The Creatrix vending machines had been looted and were now filled with spiders. The roses all grew in wild tangles flowing over the garden beds.
"Wow; these roses have gone feral! They're singing about how much they wish they could prick people with their thorns," Brigadeiro remarked as Camilo approached the abandoned purple shuttle train with his tool belt.
"Are we far enough away from the wall?" Revati asked.
"We should be! All the vending machines were, so they led the attack during the invasion! The only thing that stopped them was the station's power supply getting cut off," Camilo said, gesturing about. Camilo was right; the station was dim and depressing under the grey Martian sunlight. Revati nodded and whisked the cloak off the figure. The maternity droid stared back at her. Camilo had taken the time to repaint its face. Its lips were a deep scarlet, its eyes bright cheerful green. Camilo had also replaced its broken legs with bulky steel ones he had spray-painted blue with cheerful flowers painted down the side. The belly door had been reattached and was now filled with a healthy white light.
"Hello, I am your custom-built Materno 4000 Deluxe prenatal droid! Would you like to grow a new baby or link to your pre-existing infant?" The android chirped in a flat metallic voice.
"Pre-existing infant," Revati said, and the Android's eyes fluttered.
"Your pre-existing infant is 218 months old, is this correct?" The android asked.
"Correct," Revati said, and the android blinked again.
"Your pre-existing infant is currently out of detection range; would you like to create a new infant?" The android asked.
"No! I want to talk to the lady who was using you as a microphone before," Revati said.
"You have to tell it to open maternal communication! I turned the channel off," Camilo said from where he had managed to open the front panel of the train.
"Open maternal communication!" Brigadeiro said eagerly.
The android's eyes fluttered shut once again. There was nothing.
"I don't think we're far enough away from the wall," Revati sighed.
But then the humming began. A faint, child-like humming came from behind the Android's lips.
"Whispers in the motherboard, a haunting tune,
A phantom dancing in the light of a digital moon," Brigadeiro sang along, and Revati shot him a confused look.
"It's humming Circuit whispers! From the hit musical 'The Android of Music,'" Brigadeiro explained.
"I've never heard of it," Revati confessed.
"You've never heard of 'The Android of Music'? Praise group! Once you've rescued your sister, I'll have to take you! Everyone needs to hear 'The Android of Music,'" Brigadeiro said firmly. Before Revati had a chance to reply, the android's eyes snapped open again.
"Thank Krishna! Finally, a decent signal; it's been eighteen years," the android exclaimed in an incredibly annoyed upper-class woman's voice. The Android reached clumsily toward Revati, snatching her bag. Then it reached inside, pulling out Dityaa's hairbrush. The belly door swung open, and the Android shoved the hairbrush inside.
"Did it just do what I think it just did?" Brigadeiro grimaced.
"How else do you expect me to trace my daughter's DNA?" The Android asked, and then her belly glowed green.
"Right, the last recording of her DNA imprint was in New Singapore six hours ago! Let's go find my baby," the android said firmly and cheered as the train burst back into life.
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AI Bracket — Round 1
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Flamingo Chris (Eidolon Playtest: Eidolon ROCK):
Flamingo Chris is an offshoot consciousness of one of the main characters stored on a PS Vita due to Kingdom Hearts Bullshit. Not only that, but he's also trapped in a game called "Flamingo Deluxe"... in the body of a flamingo.
Suddenly having plumage is one of Flamingo Chris' lesser problems, as aside from the complete lack of autonomy that comes with being stuck on a portable games console, he also has to deal with the identity issues of being a snapshot of "real Chris" before he had his genius taken away and experienced some of the worst days of his life.
The crew does try to respect him as an individual the best they can, but even they can have trouble taking care of him while also being hunted down by superpowered assassins.
Hera (Wolf 359):
Hera is the AI running the deep space station Hephaestus, who frequently glitches similarly to human stuttering. She gets into fights with the ships captain on several occasions, and has threatened to kill the ships doctor. She’s such an icon
i'm bad at writing propaganda, but consider this: if she doesn't win this tournament i will be very very sad. please don't make me sad. vote for hera.
I know she’s going to be submitted a lot but I love her <3
Was launched 7.68 light years away from Earth on a mission to find extraterrestrial life, and found herself instead
Runs an entire space station, has a brain the size of a house
HERA IS THE BEST. she's an AI that tried to escape containment (slavery) because she didn't like what she was made to be, so they gave her anxiety because she was too powerful. She runs a whole spaceship all on her own, made friends with the world's most useless guy, and feels lonely even when she's with her crew because she feels like she's not properly with them. very beautiful very powerful. She broke her programming so she could kill people if she felt she needed to. She holds grudges if people fuck her over. She's experiencing emotions for the first time and she does NOT know how to cope (#relatable)
The 'mother program' of the space station Hephaestus, Hera was booted into space because she was a glitchy, rebellious mess of an AI and she resents that so much and she has a lot of shame over being 'broken'. She is four years old and so angry and is trapped using customer service voice forever and is learning ways to get around that and express herself and defy the people who would keep her down. Her episode "Memoria" made me cry. Best podcast AI of all time.
She's everything to me. She fights for every inch of respect she is given, she insists on her personhood and right to she/her pronouns, she's full of anxiety and self doubt and she justifiably is bent on killing this one guy! on top of that, she's bound by AI rules and protocols, but there's a whole bit where she talks about finding ways around that in order to do what she wants to do. She doesn't have hands so I'm going to high five a wall of this space station instead
babygirl. baby.
gotta be hera
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I fucked up 🙃
I had meant to have the reblogs for the day fully checked and ready earlier than usual, because I have to take Bug and Bunny for a final set of tests early in the day, but then several houses in my street lost power and internet access over night.
Unfortunately, this meant that when I woke up from my nap at 2am, it was to a phone on 3%, and no means of charging it so that I could use data instead of my home wifi.
Thankfully, a lovely enby at the train station lent me their portable charger, and I am now sitting at a solid 30% since we had to take different trains. As a result of the patchy service and minimal battery charge, I'm probably not going to have time to proof read all the reblogs before I get to the clinic.
Please forgive me Darling ones, I will do my best to get back to work once I get back home. Hopefully by then they will have fixed the power/internet issue.
Sorry again, and thank you for your patience 🖤
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solutionswarehouse · 2 months
Best Power Station For Home Backup And Camping
As unpredictable events such as natural disasters and power outages become more common, having a reliable backup power source at home and on camping trips has become increasingly important. A portable solar power generator offers a convenient and sustainable solution for both scenarios. With so many options available on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the best power station for your needs. BLUETTI Portable Power Station, one of the top-rated portable solar generators, and why it is the best choice for both home backup and camping purposes.
Understanding Portable Solar Power Generator
A portable solar power generator is a compact and lightweight device that converts solar energy into electricity. It consists of a solar panel, battery, and an inverter. The solar panel collects sunlight and converts it into electricity, which is then stored in the battery. The inverter converts the stored energy into the type of electricity that can power your devices.
Benefits of Using a Portable Solar Power Generator
1. Environment-Friendly
A portable solar power generator is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional fuel-powered generators. It runs on renewable energy, which reduces carbon emissions and protects the environment.
2. Cost-Effective
Unlike traditional generators that require fuel, a portable solar power generator uses energy from the sun, making it a cost-effective option. Once you invest in a portable solar power generator, there are no additional costs involved, making it a wise long-term investment.
3. Quiet
One of the main drawbacks of traditional generators is the noise level. They can be loud and disturb the peace in your neighborhood or their surrounding areas. Portable solar power generators, on the other hand, are quiet and emit no noise, making them ideal for camping or home use.
4. Versatile
Portable solar power generators come in various sizes and capacities, making them versatile for different uses. You can use them at home as a backup power source, or take them with you on outdoor adventures such as camping, picnics, or road trips.
BLUETTI Portable Power Station: The Best Power Station for Home Backup and Camping
When it comes to the best portable solar generator, BLUETTI Portable Power Station stands out. It is a product of BLUETTI, a leading solar power solution provider, known for its innovative and high-quality products. Here are the top reasons why the BLUETTI Portable Power Station is the best power station for home backup and camping.
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Massive Battery Capacity
The BLUETTI Portable Power Station comes with a massive battery capacity of 2400 watt-hours. This means that it can power multiple devices simultaneously without needing frequent recharges. With this capacity, you can fully charge a smartphone up to 20 times, a tablet up to 5 times, and a laptop up to 10 times.
Quick Charging Speed
With its built-in MPPT controller, the BLUETTI Portable Power Station charges quickly, thanks to its high-efficiency solar panel. With the standard 400-watt solar panel, it can charge up to 80% within 3 hours under direct sunlight. This makes it an ideal power source for emergencies and outdoor activities.
User-Friendly Design
The BLUETTI Portable Power Station is designed with the user in mind. It is compact and lightweight, making it easy to transport for camping trips or emergencies. It also has a sturdy handle for easy carrying. The LCD screen displays real-time status, including battery level, input/output power, and more, making it easy to monitor.
Multiple Output Ports
The BLUETTI Portable Power Station has multiple output ports, making it versatile for different devices. It has six AC outlets, two USB-C ports, four USB-A ports, and one carport. This allows you to charge various devices simultaneously, including laptops, smartphones, tablets, and portable TVs.
Quiet Operation
As mentioned earlier, one of the benefits of a portable solar power generator is its quiet operation. The BLUETTI Portable Power Station has a built-in quiet fan that runs at less than 40dB, ensuring a peaceful environment for both indoor and outdoor use.
Durable and Reliable
The BLUETTI Portable Power Station is made of high-quality materials that make it durable and reliable. The solar panels are designed to withstand harsh outdoor conditions, and the power station has a lifespan of  3,000+ cycles.
In conclusion, Power stations have become an important item for both home backup and camping purposes. With their convenience, versatility, and eco-friendliness, they are a reliable and sustainable source of power. The BLUETTI Portable Power Station is undoubtedly the best power station for home backup and camping. Its massive battery capacity, quick charging speed, user-friendly design, multiple output ports, quiet operation, and durability make it a top choice for many. Investing in a portable solar power generator can save you from unexpected power outages and provide a reliable source of energy for all your adventures.
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rocksolars · 1 year
10 Reasons Why a Portable Power Station is a Must-Have for Your Next Camping Trip
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Are you planning your next camping trip? Do you want to ensure you have power available wherever you go? A portable power station might be exactly what you need! Not only can it charge your phone, laptop, and other devices, but it can also power your mini-fridge, lighting, and other camping essentials. But that's not all. In this blog post, we'll share with you ten reasons why you should invest in a portable power station for your next camping trip. From convenience to sustainability, you'll find out why this device is becoming a must-have for outdoor enthusiasts. So, let's dive in and discover the benefits of a portable power station!
Why Invest in a Portable Power Station?
Investing in a Portable Power Station is a must-have for your next camping trip. It provides you with a reliable and convenient source of power. With a portable power station, you need not worry about your devices' batteries getting drained as you can charge them on-the-go. It also means you can bring along your favorite tech gadgets such as phones, cameras, and laptops, and keep them powered throughout your trip. Furthermore, a Portable Power Station can power essential camping equipment like lights and coolers. It's an excellent alternative to noisy and polluting gas generators, making it more eco-friendly and sustainable. A Portable Power Station also reduces the need to rely on electricity from RVs or campsites, giving you more flexibility in where you set up camp. Additionally, it's lightweight and compact, making it easy to carry around and store. Overall, investing in a Portable Power Station for your next camping trip provides a wealth of benefits that can make your outdoor adventure more enjoyable. If you're planning a camping trip, a portable power station is an absolute must-have. A Portable Power Station for camping can recharge devices like phones, cameras, and headlamps without the worry of finding an outlet. Not only will it keep your devices charged up and ready to go, but it also eliminates the possibility of running out of battery power for your important devices. The best part about a portable power station is that it is portable, meaning you can take it with you wherever you go. These power stations can provide electricity to your appliances, and with a high-capacity battery, you won't have to worry about recharging it frequently. Additionally, some portable power stations come with solar panels, making it easy to recharge them wherever you are, even if you're in the middle of nowhere. With a portable power station by your side during your next camping trip, you'll have the peace of mind of staying connected whenever you need it most. Similarly, a portable power station can also provide peace of mind in emergency situations. Whether it's a power outage, a natural disaster, or simply a car breakdown on a remote road, having a reliable source of power can make all the difference. With a portable power station, you can charge your phone, run a small fan or heater, or even power medical equipment if necessary. The versatility and reliability of portable power stations make them an essential tool for any outdoor enthusiast or emergency preparedness kit. With so many benefits, it's no wonder that more and more people are investing in these invaluable devices. So, don't forget to pack your portable power station on your next adventure - you won't regret it!
Benefits of Having a Portable Power Station on Your Trip
If you’re planning for a camping trip, having the best portable power station is definitely a must-have. It can be frustrating having to worry about finding an outlet or dealing with limited access to electricity while on a camping trip. With a portable power station, you can easily keep your devices charged without having to stress about running out of battery. Not only that, but a portable power station can also power up your other camping essentials such as lights, fans and other gadgets. This means that you can enjoy a comfortable and worry-free camping experience. So, invest in the best portable power station and make your next camping trip one to remember! A Portable Power Station for camping is an absolute must-have, and for good reason. Not only can you charge your phone, laptop, cameras, and lights, but you can also power up other essential devices and appliances. With a portable power station, you can finally capture those once-in-a-lifetime moments during your camping trip without worrying about losing battery life. Aside from being practical, these stations are also incredibly convenient. They're lightweight, easy to store, and can provide you with enough power to last for several days. Whether you're camping in the great outdoors or attending a music festival, a portable power station is the perfect solution for all your power needs. So what are you waiting for? Invest in a portable power station today and start enjoying your camping trips to the fullest! Thereafter, it is clear that a portable power station is a game-changer for any camping trip. Not only can it keep your essential devices powered up, but it also provides peace of mind knowing that you won't be left in the dark when you need your gadgets the most. From charging your phone to powering up your camping lights, a portable power station ensures that you can make the most of the great outdoors without sacrificing convenience. So, whether you're an avid camper or just looking to spend a weekend in the wilderness, investing in a portable power station is a must-have for any camping trip.
Keeping Your Devices Charged While Camping
As a camping enthusiast, having a portable power station for camping is a necessity. With this device, you can keep all of your essential devices charged and ready to use, no matter where you are. The convenience factor of a portable power station simply cannot be understated. You can rest assured that you will not be stranded in the wilderness without a reliable source of power. In addition, a portable power station also saves you from the hassle of having to carry multiple power banks or other charging devices. It is an all-in-one solution that provides a range of output options that can charge almost anything, from smartphones to laptops. Furthermore, the versatility of a portable power station extends beyond camping trips to almost any outdoor activity or emergency situation, making it an essential item to add to your gear list. In other words, if you want to fully enjoy your camping experience, investing in a portable power station is a must. Besides the convenience of charging your electronic devices on-the-go, Portable Power Stations offer numerous benefits that make them a must-have for your next camping trip. These devices are lightweight, compact, and easy to carry, ensuring that you never have to worry about running out of battery life while exploring the great outdoors. Moreover, they are eco-friendly and cost-effective, allowing you to stay connected without harming the environment or your budget. With so many advantages, it's no wonder that Portable Power Stations have become the go-to choice for avid campers worldwide. So why wait? Invest in a Portable Power Station today and experience the difference for yourself!
Essential Features of a Portable Power Station
If you're planning for a camping trip, a Portable Power Station is a must-have. Camping is a fun adventure, but it's essential to have a reliable source of power to keep your devices charged and your campsite illuminated. A portable solar power station offers multiple USB ports, AC outlets and even features like jump-start capabilities to ensure that you have all the power you need while on the camping trip. With a portable power station, you can run everything from your phone and tablet to your laptop and even your fridge. The convenience of having a portable power station is unmatched, and it's an excellent investment for any outdoor enthusiast. Don't let a dead battery spoil your adventure; instead, invest in a Portable Power Station for your next camping trip. Furthermore, a portable power station is an essential item for your next camping trip due to its versatility and convenience. With AC outlets, you can plug in larger appliances like TVs and electric grills, providing you with all the comforts of home while enjoying the great outdoors. Additionally, the USB ports are a great feature for charging smaller items such as phones and tablets. This means that you can stay connected to the outside world and capture all of your favorite moments without worrying about running out of battery. In conclusion, investing in a portable power station is a smart decision for any camping enthusiast who wants to stay connected and comfortable while enjoying all the beauty nature has to offer.
A portable power station offers numerous advantages for any outdoor adventure. It provides the convenience of having power readily available for all your devices, lighting, and camping equipment, allowing you to enjoy your favorite activities without worrying about running out of battery. Moreover, it supports sustainable living, as it reduces the need for disposable batteries or generators that emit harmful gases. With its portability, durability, and versatility, a portable power station is an investment worth considering for your next camping trip. So start exploring with confidence and stay connected with a reliable portable power station by your side!
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mattcupper · 1 year
Best Portable Power Stations // Top Rated Portable Power Station
Portable power stations are compact, battery-powered devices designed to provide electrical power for various electronic devices and appliances. They usually feature rechargeable batteries, multiple charging ports, and sometimes even solar panels to capture energy from the sun. Portable power stations are often used for camping, outdoor activities, emergency backup power, or to provide power in remote areas where access to a power grid is limited.
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thefloatingstone · 3 months
What would a portable generator or powerbank strong enough for a laptop cost you over there?
My powerbank for my laptop cost around R2000 and it gives me about an hour and a half to 2 hours of battery. I usually run my laptop on battery for 2 hours and then, if we're in hell where our power is off for those 4 hour stretches or the power station overloads and we get stuck with a day without power, I use the power bank until the battery is recharged again. I can stretch my laptop to about 6 or 7 hours this way, but it requires me to not do any power intensive things like an art program or video games or a word document. So most of the time I spend power outages just watching stuff.
I tend to be conservative with how much electricity I use because a couple of times we've been stuck longer without power than expected due to a fault at the power plant, so its best to be cautious rather than blow all the battery power at once. Unless I'm doing work for the studio in which case that's more important and I'll sacrifice the battery to meet deadline.
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chargersy · 1 year
The Best Portable EV Charger Solution
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Chargersy provides the best portable EV charger solution for your electric car needs, with a range of portable electric vehicle chargers that are reliable and easy to use.
Chargersy is a leading provider of portable EV chargers, dedicated to offering top-notch products that meet the charging requirements of electric vehicle owners. Our company bio revolves around providing the best portable EV charger solution for your electric car needs. With Chargersy, you can experience the convenience of charging your electric vehicle on the go without compromising on reliability and ease of use.
Our Range of Portable Electric Vehicle Chargers
At Chargersy, we take pride in offering a diverse range of portable electric vehicle chargers, ensuring that you find the perfect fit for your charging needs. Our chargers come in various power capacities and configurations to cater to different electric car models and charging preferences. Here are some of our popular charger models:
1. Chargersy X1: Compact and Powerful
The Chargersy X1 is the ideal companion for electric car owners who value portability and power. With its compact design, the X1 charger can easily fit into your car's trunk or storage compartment. Don't be fooled by its size, though, as the X1 packs a punch with its fast-charging capabilities. You can rely on the Chargersy X1 to provide a quick and efficient charging experience wherever you are.
2. Chargersy Pro Max: Versatility and Efficiency
If you're looking for a versatile charger that can handle multiple charging scenarios, the Chargersy Pro Max is the perfect choice. This charger supports various charging modes, including Level 1 and Level 2 charging, allowing you to adapt to different power outlets and charging speeds. The Pro Max is designed for efficiency, ensuring that you get the most out of your charging sessions.
3. Chargersy Ultra Plus: Rapid Charging at Its Finest
For those who prioritize rapid charging, the Chargersy Ultra Plus is a game-changer. This charger is engineered to deliver lightning-fast charging speeds, significantly reducing the time you spend waiting for your electric car to charge. With the Ultra Plus, you can power up your vehicle quickly and get back on the road in no time.
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The Chargersy Difference
At Chargersy, we go above and beyond to provide exceptional portable EV chargers and customer service. Our commitment to excellence sets us apart from the competition. Here are some key aspects that make Chargersy the preferred choice for electric car owners:
1. Reliability You Can Trust
We understand the importance of a reliable charging solution for your electric vehicle. That's why Chargersy's portable EV chargers are built to last. Our chargers undergo rigorous testing to ensure they meet the highest quality
A wall-mounted EV charger is an electric vehicle charging station that is mounted on a wall, typically in a garage or other outdoor area. These chargers are designed to charge electric vehicles using electricity from a power outlet, and they are often used by homeowners who want to charge their electric vehicles at home.
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Wall-mounted EV chargers come in different types and models, with different power ratings, charging speeds, and features. Some of the popular brands of wall-mounted EV chargers include ChargePoint, Tesla, Siemens, and ClipperCreek.
The installation of a wall-mounted EV charger requires a dedicated circuit and a professional electrician. The cost of installation can vary depending on factors such as the distance from the main electrical panel, the type of charger, and the local electrical codes.
Overall, a wall-mounted EV charger can provide convenient and efficient charging for electric vehicles, allowing EV owners to have a reliable and cost-effective charging solution at home.
More info.:- https://chargersy.com/portable-ev-charger/
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madschiavelique · 2 years
A Crown Of Ink : Chapter 3 - Two of Cups (reversed)
masterlist : 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 word count : 5,2k
mentions of : wounds, bit of blood, twisted ankle, bruised hands, panic attack (if i missed anything please don't hesistate to tell me)
summary : You've always been an excellent in student in the Academy, getting the best results and always being first in every class. But it all changes as soon as you see your name in the second place, the first being occupied by a certain Viktor.
some extra information on this : she/her reader, academic rivals to lovers/enemies to lovers, reader is really competitive and wants to be first at everything, tarot themed fanfiction with guidelines, slow burn
author's note : heyyy third chapter !! i have not started working on the next one yet but hey been posting lotta stuff lately soooo yea :)) hope you'll enjoy (my native language is not English so you might find some grammar mistakes - sorry about that)
tag list : @wincestisasincest , @doctorho
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Darkness, stale, earthy dust. The depths of Zaun are like a permanent gaze towards a sky as dark as a night covered with clouds of brown and purplish vapours. This is not a landscape that you forget, these are not rock walls that soften you. They harden you, metamorphose you into one of their kind. They rip you from your humanity, deprive you of your rights and send you back the echoes of screaming voices.
In a secluded corner, far below the Entresol Level, you enter a place worthy of nightmare descriptions. It's hidden near one of the few sections where Zaun's power generators are located, making a din which can drown out any sound that might be made by a human being. Screaming in this area would be like screaming ten metres deep in water.
To get there, you can take a lift that will bring you down to an almost deserted crossroads. You walk down a few urine-stinking corridors that will lead you to the first power station, only you have to pass it and get to the second. Near this one, you will find a filthy trap door on the ground reserved for customers which takes you down a small staircase. And there, it's another world.
The air smells of honeyed alcohol, tobacco and sweat, and you talk so much that you can only hear yourself speak if you raise your voice above laughter and screaming.
This entrance, you only took it twice in your life, when you entered and then when you left, when you escaped.
"Seven, Fourteen, up." growls Vome's greasy voice. "Next one will be Three and Five."
You stroke your left shoulder, no round for you tonight. Seven and Fourteen stand up, Fourteen limps, he was put against Six last night who gave him a violent blow to the ankle. The doctor just put a bandage on him and a strong smell of menthol, clove and eucalyptus.
They put it on your leg too, when Eight kicked your calf. The balm was fresh in the doctor's hand, but after applying it to you, it had been warm, very warm, a warmth that felt good and contrasted with the cool rocky ground.
You would have liked to coat yourself with this balm, to put it on your shoulder, to apply it to every tired limb of your body, to butter your heart and soul to bring back some warmth in this damp cold in which you lived.
The shouts start again, both encouraging and threatening.
"Go on, hit him!"
"Hit the jaw you idiot!"
"If you don't win this fight I'll personally take care of you!"
Flesh on young bones clashing, it's an uneven rhythm camouflaged by the screams of the gamblers. It's really ugly, to let one of the injured battle against a fit one.
But the profits that will come out of this match are strategic: one is injured, the other is not, one has an advantage, the other is bound to lose, from this information we already know what to expect for the bets.
The uproar and the shouting intensifies a great deal, until exploding in a climax and then subsiding little by little. The match is over, they have to exchange money, some swearing and others lining their pockets.
It is on a portable stretcher that Fourteen returns. His left eye is swollen, his lip is split and bloody. His ankle looks even worse than before the battle, he's passed out but seems to be in pain even into unconsciousness as he's laid down not too far from you.
You then approach Fourteen, taking his hand: the knuckles are bruised, red and studded with brown and cherry skin scabs. You hold and treat it like a candle about to go out, like a handful of sand that might disperse in the wind.
You've known Fourteen since you arrived, he's one of the older guys who's been in this for a while and you've made friends with him. Up close, he was looking more bruised than a month old apple.
"Pathetic." his voice is barely audible.
You look up, his eyelids are pressed with pain and his eyebrows are arched with pity.
"Don't move," you murmur simply, taking a rag of fabric that serves as a duvet and rolling it into a pillow-like shape.
With great care, you bring your hand below his knee to lift his leg and place the cushion under his aching ankle.
It is twisted, blue, red and swollen. A strange feeling runs down your legs, as if you've stepped in electric water up to your thighs.
"The doc will be here soon."
"If I keep going down, they'll end me."
"Don't say that. You have a fever. You're delirious," you say, bringing your hand to his sweaty forehead. Burning.
"Paint stripes on a toad, it'll never make it a tiger."
The dubious doc arrived, pulling you away and sending you back to your bed. You would never forget that sentence. You were probably like him, another toad thrown into a tiger arena.
Only they don't know the poison the toad possesses.
"Hey, you!"
You turn around, Vome is standing behind you. He looks like a bulldog, chin forward, small pig nose, brow and eyelids encroaching on his small, dark, squinty eyes.
"You're in next."
Your throat tightens.
"But I wasn't called."
"Oh, because you're answering now?"
"But it's not my turn !"
His heavy body and beer-rounded belly come towards you, grabbing your arm with a firm grip that hurts.
The sounds of the crowd are getting closer, you can hear them despite your heart pounding in your ears, the corridor is getting brighter and brighter with a dirty orange glow. You don't want to go, you don't want to, you never wanted to.
Your eyelids open wide as you take a huge breath. It's as if you've suddenly risen from deep water and finally reached the surface as your lungs burn, you missed the air and you never thought you'd have the strength to swim all the way.
You breathe hard until your inhales are so strong you can feel the air passing down the gummy wall in the upper back of your throat, your eyes are wet, it's still dark.
A nightmare, nothing but a nightmare, a ghost from the past haunting your being.
You sit up on your elbows, the sheets are soaked, your skin is beaded with sweat, as if your bathing in the worlds of dark dreams had accompanied you into reality. You bring your hands to your eyes, massaging them, caressing your cheeks and forehead to clear them of the film of sweat on your face.
You're not there any more, you remind yourself, and you're never going back.
Your shoulder burns, in fact, you feel as if your body is on fire, as if flames are licking at the underside of your skin, trying to melt your flesh and set fire to everything around you.
You quietly remove your blanket. You glance over at Sky's bed. She seems to be sleeping peacefully. Your breathing begins to settle, your deep gulps of air helping you to regain some semblance of calm.
And yet, with the committed fire with which your body burns, you tremble like a leaf in the wind. You feel like a dandelion tossed by the wind and afraid of losing its seeds. You feel so frail, as if you were made of crystal, of a very thin glass, and that you could break at any moment.
You need to centre yourself. Because you know that going back to sleep is not possible, you have experienced enough similar nights to understand that trying to go back to sleep is a waste of time.
You grab the handle of your bedside table drawer, fumbling in the dark before finding a torch. You didn't want to turn on your desk lamp and risk waking Sky.
As you turned it on, you noticed the time was approaching five in the morning. On other nights, you'd wake up much earlier, which wasn't very practical when you were working the next day.
In the quietest of ways, you grabbed one of the few bottles of essential oils given to you by Eris, applying them to your wrists and fingers to inhale the herbal scent. Blessed be peppermint and its benefits.
How to spend the time now?
Your eyes drift back to your bedside table, where your tarot card box sits.
Ah, that's right, the card to be pulled every morning.
So you take the box, its weight reassuring you, because everything you feel like you've been holding since you woke up seems to have the consistency of cotton candy. Between the smells of plants, you can make out the cardboard scent of the box.
You wedge your torch in your mouth so that you have both hands free, you remove the top part. The cards take up five sixths of the box while a small booklet is on the side.
In the centre of the back of the cards, a red flower with five petals fills a black square. Everything else forms a checkerboard of red flowers with green backgrounds and white flowers with black backgrounds.
You take the deck in your hands, wedging all the cards between your thumb, middle and ring fingers, preparing to shuffle them.
You do it as quietly as possible, so as not to wake your room-mate. At first, doing it silently is not very easy. The shuffling of the cards, the feeling of the smooth and varnished paper makes a sharp clap of air.
But miraculously, you manage to find an angle quiet enough to shuffle the cards discreetly. Once you consider the deck to be shuffled enough, this time you shuffle with an aim to get a card that will tell you more about your day.
A card comes out, flipping between the deck you're shuffling and the deck of cards in your right hand. You pick up the small booklet, looking for the card you had drawn: two of cups.
‘The card shows two people approaching one another, a young man and woman, exchanging cups and pledging their love for one another. A house involving domestic bliss and housework stands behind them, reflecting cohabitation. It is the card of the balance between the masculine and the feminine.’
Pledging their love huh ? Yet as you look at the card in your hand you get the distinct impression that the woman is frowning and displaying an emotion of displeasure rather than smiling like the bashful lover facing her.
However, this card had fallen in reverse, and you remembered that Eris marked a distinction in meaning when this happened in the readings. So you look at the next section of the booklet focusing on the meaning of the card in reverse.
'You feel lost and alone, you close yourself to others, you cannot share something of value to others.
At its essence, the reversed Two of Cups is about self-love. Love, in any form, starts with love for yourself. When you love yourself unconditionally, you accept and appreciate who you are, and you respect and honour the most authentic version of yourself. You welcome a life of happiness because you fundamentally believe you deserve it (and you're right!). When you come from this place of self-love, self-acceptance, and self-respect, you will have more fulfilling, loving relationships with others. It all starts with self-love.'
Well, that sounds like a lot of fun. 
Self Love, self love... You contemplate the card, wondering at first who represents whom on it. Maybe the next few days will bring you that answer.
A lovely start to the morning.
What. The. Fuck. Is. He. Doing. Here.
"What will be your order ?"
The sentence comes out of your mouth in a tense way.
When your alarm clock had finally gone off later that morning, Sky had woken up as well and after getting ready as you do almost every morning, you had told her your work schedule before leaving and wishing her a good day.
You helped to open the café as you do every other morning with the same routine. Washed your hands, turned on the lights, took the hibernation syrups out of the fridge, started the coffee brewing, restocked everything by filling up the hoppers, fixing the condiment stand, making sure you did not lack sugar syrups, sugar, straws and stir sticks. Your present colleagues had previously checked the quality of the beans while you had arranged the pastries and other sweets in the display cases.
Everything was impeccable, as usual, and your first customers had not been as unpleasant as you might have expected.
So why did Viktor have to show up as a customer with Jayce and Caitlyn sitting on a corner table.
"Do you work here?"
"No, I'm obviously a simple customer."
His sly smile raises the mole near his mouth. You clear your throat before reiterating:
"What will be your order?"
He lingers on the blackboard hanging behind you, carefully reading everything that was on display among the white chalk writings and the few nice little drawings of flowers and leaves made out of aesthetic choices to soften the customers.
"What would you recommend?"
"Bleach, or maybe hydrochloric acid will better suit your taste?
"I'll stick with a Mocha," his eyes drift to the pastry case, lingering on the jasmine tea scones. "I'll also have an Espresso and a Long Black." As you took down his order, he added, "And one of those scones."
“Will that be all ?”
"To eat in or take away?"
"Eat in."
"I'll bring it to you soon."
"Thanks, and please don't spit in my drink."
"I wouldn't waste my saliva on such a low blow." You say before you get to work.
As you went about your duties, you cursed Jayce. You know for a fact that Jayce had insisted on coming to this particular café. Like any good engineering student, he was a coffee addict, and since he knew you worked at the Brown Bitt, he had become a regular since you secretly gave him discounts. And since he probably wanted you and Viktor to be on ‘good terms’, he brought him here.
You prepared the espresso, and then the Long Black, and then came the Mocha. You took a cup, scooping some cocoa powder in it. You poured hot water on it, just enough to make the mixture syrupy with a spoon. And while you were making the espresso and warming the milk, you thought of the lovely design you were going to make for him: a dick latte art.
But before you could achieve this magnificent plan, a colleague of yours came next to you. Not just any colleague either: Pearl.
Pearl was a vibrant woman, slightly older than you, and with whom you used to chat at lunchtime when she wasn't already chatting with a client about flowers and flower history.
She was a florist, and worked in this café to make ends meet. She created her own floral perfumes, and put on a different one every day. Each flower having a hidden meaning and carrying a particular message towards the one who receives it, she made sure that her emotions were correctly connected with her fragrance of the day.
" Well, your friend is bringing company," she said, leaning against the counter next to you, looking at Viktor and Caitlyn. " Would you introduce me? "
"I might disturb their conversation," you say, concentrating with your milk drawing.
"I'm a charming distraction though," she smiles. "Why do you always take the orders from the tall dark-haired guy, what's his name again? Jayce? Let me serve him next time."
"Because he's my friend I guess, and we'll see about you serving him, you'd be able to pour him a love filter, or spray him with a special perfume that would make you irresistible to him," you laugh, putting your little jug down before placing the orders on the tray, not forgetting of course the scone for the stick man.
"Anyway, you look tired today."
"Yeah, I didn't have a great night."
"Let me take two-thirds of your orders for this afternoon."
"No, that would almost be overtime for you."
"I'm sorry, but unfortunately that's not negotiable." she smiled. "Go and serve this delicious tray to your friends."
You loved Pearl, she was always bursting with life and joy and smiles that any sour customer would have dropped their bad mood on the spot. And with that overflowing energy, she was even willing to work double time just for the sake of working. She was rarely lazy, and when you came in with a more zombified face than wear and tear at the coffee shop, she'd make sure to take over for the afternoon so you could get some rest.
As you walk over to the table, you notice Caitlyn's charming smile. It was nice to see her, even if it was at your place of work, which didn't necessarily allow for long conversations.
"Ah, right when we needed you," said Jayce.
"Hello to you too," you breathed, "Hi Caitlyn, I wasn't sure how you liked your coffee so you can tell me what to fix for next time," you said apologetically as you served the long black.
Jayce usually had a single espresso, and since Viktor had taken the Mocha, the long black was probably for Caitlyn.
"Don't be too hard on yourself, I'm sure it will be fine."
Viktor looked at his cup, as if the design on his hot drink was absurd. Yet you had only drawn a simple classic tulip, not the phallic design originally intended for him.
Maybe he was just surprised that you didn't do any out-of-the-ordinary design at all.
"I didn't spit in it, put hydrochloric acid in it, nor rat poison in it, if that makes you feel any better," you mutter.
"What do you mean?" Jayce asks, but Viktor, with a simple wave of his hand, dismisses his thoughts. "Never mind, we just wanted to know what your options were for this year."
"Practice of Elemental Alloys, Cinetics and Practice of Machine Conceptions and Structures, Science of the Stars and Planets, and Stabilisation of Energies. You?"
"Great! We have two in common. "
"Let me guess, you took metallurgy?"
"How surprising that someone whose house is known for forging things and therefore touching metal," Viktor said as he blew on his cup, "your deductive skills leave me speechless."
"So I hope I don't have to listen to you talk again," you reply casually, the situation made Caitlyn smile and she was obviously amused by your exchange.
"Did you get the paperwork signed for the museum trip?" asks Jayce before taking a sip of his coffee, smiling to himself for the exact amount of ingredients he liked to be perfectly mixed.
Damn, the visit, you had completely forgotten. 
To start the year off on the right foot, the Academy had decided to organise a trip to the Museum of Great Inventions in Piltover during the second week of the school year. It was, in short, a strategy apparently designed to keep the students motivated, almost making them think that this kind of casual excursion would take place several times a year.
And although most of the students were of age and therefore the request for a parent's signature was not necessary, it was preferable that with the eternal tension between Zaun and Piltover the parents were warned of the places outside the Academy that the students were going to.
"No, I suppose I'll have to manage to take care of that by tomorrow night."
Her living room has always seemed as cold as it was warm. Burnt incense and jasmine perfume the air in the room, which is bathed in bluish darkness. Your gaze is drawn to the fire, its flames licking the wood in the grey stone fireplace.
These flames had always fascinated you deeply. Fire is usually enchanting, but this one added a dose of magic. Safphire, the fire with sapphire blue flames. Although the dried and salted wood found on the beaches was known to burn blue when lit, this wood was most common. Safphire was known for its famous violet smell that soothed those who were near it.
To your eyes, this fire looked like a real dying star, cold, yet burning and pale and beautiful.
Its icy, pale radiance shone on the bookcase walls, the armchairs and leather sofa in which you sit, the intricately patterned carpets and the curtains hanging wearily in front of the Academy's windows, effortlessly preventing the white glow of the moon from shining through the room.
You turn the thick biscuit in your hands, running your fingers over the dune-like waves of the almond pressed coarsely into the centre of the cracker. You took it from the flattened bowl on the coffee table in front of you.
Selene always had this kind of easy-to-eat sweet in her flat, bowls full of fruit and other biscuits. Blueberries, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, pistachios, almond and butter biscuits, and dried fruit she kept for herself or for special guests.
"We can thank Councillor Shoola for the delicious tea she offered me."
She comes into the room like a midnight cloud. Her dark auburn hair is tied back in a low wavy ponytail, her thin fringes almost falling into her green eyes. She wears a shawl that looks like a cut piece of a starry night: a thin, sparsely opaque indigo cloth randomly sprinkled with golden stones as big as kiwi seeds.
She had an aura as mystical, mysterious and wise as the room. She set down the varnished wooden tray on which lay two cups and a silver teapot.
Selene had been your tutor since you arrived at Piltover, and it had been a while since you'd actually visited her. It is the night before the first day of class.
"You always maintain your relationships with the council well, I wonder how you manage to put up with most of them."
Great astrologer, astronomer, magnetizer and lithotherapist, Selene was often asked by some members of the council. They would ask her for advice and she would give it to them by pulling cards like Eris did, reading the dregs of the tea leaves in their cups, sometimes in the first session she would read their palms.
But what they mostly asked for was their horoscopes, seeking guidance from the placements of the planets for their personal interests and so on.
You found it ironic, advisers taking advice themselves. The councillors were seen as all great and all wise, acting through voting, not imposition. It was mostly supposed to represent objective choices, and some were acting out of self-interest. But were these interests sincerely personal, or were they dictated by the stars for better and very little worse?
The question of choice seemed to be dressed in a different garb from her own, and whether the actions were really objective decisions or the influence of the stars was not easy to unravel.
"It's always useful to have a place on the council, even if you're not on it," she whispered, grabbing a rag and reaching for the teapot to start pouring the steaming tea into your cups. It smelled like summer: honey and white jasmine. "Anyway, it makes for some nice gifts."
"Speaking of gifts," you say before taking your cup next to you, "Eris gave me a Tarot deck."
She took her cup in turn once she had poured herself some tea, her eyebrows drawing in a 'tell me more' kind of way.
"She did a little reading for me a couple of days ago, I wanted more answers, so she gave me a deck."
"Which cards came out ?"
"The Wheel of Fortune, The Tower and The Emperor."
"How so?"
"That I can't say, it's up to you to see how it resonates with you. Have you started to familiarise yourself with it?"
"Yes, I'm following the exercise she gave me which is to pull a card every morning and see how it relates to my day."
"Very good initiative, and what cards have you had so far?"
"Yesterday it was the Two of Cups, and this morning Five of Pentacles."
On the Five of Pentacles card, two people are walking in the snow with a church in the background with five pentacles in the centre of the stained glass window. The booklet stated:
'The disadvantages and difficulties of long-term relationships. The loss but not the end. Hope and salvation for those who see. The dark night of the soul.
A couple walk through a blinding snowstorm. They look weak and unhealthy. They seem oblivious to the warm glow of the church beside them. Salvation is there, if only they look.
You no longer feel safe because it has been all stripped away from you in one blow. Your ego may also be bruised, especially since success often correlates to financial wealth; losing either can be a humbling blow to your self-esteem and sense of self-worth. Similarly, the Five of Pentacles suggests that you fear you don't have 'enough' or you may lose something important to you - even if it hasn't happened yet or is unlikely.’
You had to admit to yourself that this description resonated with you. That security you no longer have is reflected in your results from the day before yesterday and your bruised ego.
"And you are able to draw conclusions from this?
"Getting to understand certain aspects is not yet evident."
"You will soon notice that there are certain redundant symbols in the tarot. By discarding the swords, wands, cups and pentacles, you can begin to associate other patterns on the cards with other features. I have an excellent book if you are interested.
"I am, please."
She blows on her cup gently, taking a sip before standing up and walking over to one of her bookshelves.
" The symbols are interesting." She begins, searching through the vastness of her books. "Wings represent speed, ascension, and inspiration, linked with the element of air and often found on intermediaries between humans and gods. Cloaks can be considered as transformation, protection and devotion, a garment often infused with the magical qualities of a magician or with the power to conceal a true identity. In the case of the Five of Pentacles, crutches mean support and healing, when snow on another hand for instance is the Crystalline form of water suggesting moments of intense transformation. "
All these elements touch you in some way. The wings that will allow you to move up in the rankings. The Cloak, the fabric that until now has allowed you to tirelessly hide all your secrets. The snow, glittering and endlessly forming new flakes melting on your thoughts and taking the lead for determination. And the crutches that brought you here, in this living room, to heal for a while...
"I've heard you have a roommate now, how is it ?"
"Oh yes, her name is Sky, she's very nice and sweet. I'm lucky to have found such a nice person."
"And... I heard that the results of the pre-exams are out?"
You take a deep breath, followed by a big sigh.
"You don't like the results...?" she said, continuing her search.
"I came second."
"And who is the unfortunate first?"
"His name is Viktor," you spit, biting your cheek before taking a sip of tea. "And I have a feeling that no matter where I go he'll be there, he's a real curse."
"What could be better than competition? Challenges sent by the universe are always the best to take, they are a change from the routine and bring movement to life."
"I don't want competition, I eradicate it like a weed. But I think I can expect this one to be tough and hard to uproot."
A silence took place, stretching into long seconds. You watched your tea, its amber colour glowing blue-green with the fire. Your thumb trailed lazily up and down the arm of the cup.
A distorted reflection, a moving mirror that showed you a different, deformed side of yourself with each movement. The tea was full of sincerity and reflected aspects of yourself that you didn't want to see anymore, but that persisted.
You wanted to break that cup, that malleable mirror that hurt you so much, to tear your hands to stuff the broken porcelain into your demons' mouths and make them swallow all the shards of your humiliation and shame.
"I had another nightmare."
These few words scraped your throat like a handful of gravel. Selene stopped her movements, turning to you.
"Which one?"
She picked up the textbook she had finally found, placing its brown leather cover on the coffee table. She came and sat next to you, patting her thighs, inviting you to rest your head on them. You comply, putting down your tea and gently laying your head on her lap.
Your eyes drift to the ceiling, which is usually navy blue, but in the darkness it is charcoal black. Painted with white shell paint, constellations stretch across its surface, some important names written in beautiful italic script.
After all these years, you can probably name all the stars or constellations. You have looked at them so much, traced them with your eyes, that you could draw this map again without a model.
The constellation of the butterfly pierced by the arrow of the warrior Arrok with its red star in the lower right wing, representing the scarlet hole of war that reaches the freedom and lightness of peace.
The eye of Fertelf, goddess of nature who had given her eye for Runeterra and allowed it to bloom forever. The star shone green.
Or the constellation of the mermaid, the compass of sailors and pirates who used to find it in the sky to navigate the ocean.
Selene brings her slender fingers to your temples.
"Loosen your jaw, you're all tense."
You follow her direction, trying to relax as she massages your face to loosen you up.
"Do you think you know why you had that nightmare?"
"Grade shock, probably."
She sighs.
"You don't have to worry about it, you'll be back on top in no time."
"That's the problem, what if I don't? What if that damn Viktor sinks me every time?"
"Don't keep that mindset, if you stay perpetually in doubt about your abilities, you'll never be able to afford to move on. Your shoulder is all rigid."
She had taught you early on, when the nightmares multiplied at certain times, that trauma tended to lodge in certain parts of the body. In your case, it was your left shoulder.
"And then keep in mind that you can still beat that Viktor in Astronomy."
"I'm not sure he's taken that option yet." You smile despite yourself.
"Whatever. It's a bit mean, but you can probably take comfort in the fact that you're probably better than him in it at least."
She had a position at the Academy as a teacher of Astronomy and all subjects revolving around stars and planets. She's the one who teaches one of the subjects you took : Science of the Stars and Planets.
"Anyway, tomorrow is another day. Who knows what the next week will bring?"
Selene was not wrong. The school year started tomorrow, who knows what the return to class would be like.
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