#Best salad in Saudi Arabia
fighterkimburgess · 2 years
Life In The Fast Lane Chapter 2 - Saudi Arabia
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Summary: Plouch Racing is the first team to hit a Formula One milestone, but discussion brings memories Kim’s wanted to forget back to the surface. The time away from Adam doesn’t help either.
Words: 4.6k
Warnings: fatal car crashes, the dangers of motorsports, death. There’s some context notes at the bottom.
Kim knew there was a difference between the team budgets, but that difference had become night and day. Especially considering she was spending over a week alone. Before Adam moved team if there was a weekend between races they’d usually have five or six days alone at home before going to the factory. But now he had multiple media appearances and was flying to and from the UK to get to the VR factory. It was constant travel that tired him out. And Kim felt completely left behind.
Usually a race engineer was half engineer, half strategist. She’d work on the strategies on the off weeks. Sometimes she’d still go into the factory to see people and have conversations about car upgrades but usually she’d work remotely. Instead she spent her time between races in Plouch’s Swiss factory, sitting in her usually unused office and plotting strategies for Roman for Saudi Arabia.
He’d actually finished the last race which had surprised her. Not in the points yet, but he wasn’t the last to finish. Plus Antonio had come in P10 to get a point for the team. It could have been a lot worse.
She sat in the cafe with a coffee in hand, picking at the salad in front of her. Adam wasn’t back in Monaco for another few days and she wasn’t heading back before flying to Saudi Arabia. From there it was straight to Melbourne. Sarah and Crockett were flying up to meet everyone so she wouldn’t be alone.
But the little apartment she still kept in Geneva was lonely at the best of times. She hated having to be there, having to be away from Adam. They texted almost constantly and they were on FaceTime every night or two but it wasn’t the same. Lying in bed alone felt wrong after all the time they had together.
One of the only bright spots was that she’d gotten to know and get along with Gabby Dawson. The younger woman had grown up as her slightly older brother’s karting mechanic and until Antonio hit F3 she’d kept it up. But then she’d become his strategist and that had continued on. She was good at her job, enjoyed the work they did, and she and Kim could have good conversations. They hadn’t clicked the same way that Kim and Sarah had but it was a nice friendship in their crazy world.
The day before they were to fly out to Saudi Arabia Gabby was lounging on Kim’s sofa. There was a pizza box open between them for lunch and Die Hard was on tv.
“Is watching a Christmas movie in March really a good idea?” Kim asked and she watched how Gabriella shrugged.
“I’ll pretend I’m on the anti it’s a Christmas film team if it means we can keep watching?”
They were having the lazy day before going back to the Middle East and everything a double header would entail. Their strategies were as good as done and would be finalised on the flight and they’d spent a solid hour going over ideas for the potential tyre compounds that they could get. There was nothing else to do until either the flight or they arrived at the track on Thursday to set up. A knock at the door surprised Kim, but she opened it to Sarah, Crockett, and Lolly standing there with their cases.
“Hi Kim!” Lolly said before going mute at seeing Gabby there.
“Hey Lolly. Do you remember Gabby? She works with Antonio on the other side of the garage.” Lolly nodded but still clung to her dad.
“It’s really nice to meet you. Trudy told me a lot about you, she showed me your desk in her office.” Gabby moved to the armchair while speaking and the mention of Trudy helped calm Lolly down.
“Sorry for bagging in, the hotel we’d booked screwed up our reservations. Can we stay in your spare room tonight?”
“Of course, come on in.”
They ended up sitting on the couches and armchairs watching movies. Instead of the evening of well watched thrillers it became a Marvel marathon. The four women sat there and watched while Crockett cooked blackened chicken for them to eat. It was a chance for them to all get along and get to know each other, and as far as bonding sessions went it worked really well.
Gabby looked at Lolly’s kart bundled in the hallway, turning to the little family as she put her coat and hat on to leave.
“Is this Lolly’s?”
“Yes.” Lolly had gotten her AAC app back up to talk to the new woman.
“When you decide to go karting will you tell me if I’m around? I used to go with my brother all the time, I was his mechanic. I can be yours if you want?”
It was really sweet to offer and Lolly nodded seriously. The app said thanks before Gabby left the apartment. Once she was gone and the four year old was tucked up in bed Kim sat on the couch with her best friends, Disney Plus turning Criminal Minds on instead.
“I think Gabby’s lonely,” Kim said slowly as Sarah turned around.
“We talk to her!”
“We talked to her three times, Sarah. I heard VR weren’t fans when she took over as her brother’s strategist but she knows her stuff. We should hang out with her for meals at the track. Especially if she wants to help Lolly, she loves that kart.” Crockett smiled at his wife before squeezing her hand once, Kim watching how Sarah nearly melted into him.
“We took her to Eze three times, it’s not even funny how much she enjoyed it. Al Olinsky was there with his daughter, Lexi is doing French F4 this year. She won her karting class last year and managed a sponsorship. He said Lolly has a talent for it but I don’t want to push her into it when it’s our lives.”
Kim let the conversation run over her as they sat there with the show on low. For the first time since returning from Bahrain she felt vaguely normal.
“Was it just the two of you?” She thought she sounded normal but Crockett’s expression made it clear that she hadn’t quite hit the mark.
“Adam came twice, he was in Monaco for a couple of days. Voight had him doing events in France and Belgium because Halstead doesn’t speak French. He made a joke about Bob traipsing around Europe for karting races with him helped for something. Have you been talking much?”
“We’re trying.” It was quiet until Kim spoke again. “We’ve both been so busy and I couldn’t leave Geneva. Texts and bedtime FaceTimes had to be enough. I think.”
“You’ll have time together in Saudi. We’re all staying in the same hotel, and the morality police won’t be allowed in the hotel.”
Kim smiled and tried to let it roll over her. It’d be fine. It had to be.
The flight to Jeddah was nearly six hours with everybody on the one wide body jet together. It meant that most people could have two seats as they lounged around or worked for the flight. Kim and Gabby had taken over a row of three seats to work on tyre strategies as they passed data points back and forth on an iPad. It was easy to ignore the noise as they worked. Roman was himself and had fallen asleep over a row of four seats with his eye mask on, but Dawson walked around the plane to greet everyone he hadn’t met yet.
“Kim Burgess, it’s nice to see you again!:
“Hey Antonio,” she replied as she stood to hug the older man. “Sorry I wasn’t here for your first race with us, well done on the points.”
It was clear that the drop to their team had hit him hard but he still smiled at the praise. “Platt runs a good team and Gabby’s good at her job, it was everyone’s hard work. It’s nice to see you here with all of us this time. Te gusto Bahrain?”
Kim replied in Spanish and the Dawson siblings continued the conversation in their native language. It had been a while since she’d gotten to stretch her Spanish skills and it was nice to have an in depth conversation in Spanish about work that wasn’t with a reporter who’d criticise if she missed a verb. Instead of the generic brief she’d given Roman shortly after boarding Antonio was interested in the tyre strategies they’d come up with for the race.
“So it’ll be a one stopper you’re telling me?” He asked as he looked over the colour coded spreadsheet in front of them.
“That’s the plan. If you’re potentially in the points we might try get you on softs with ten to go and try to get a fastest lap point to go with it. We’re pretty sure it’s going to be a Spa style race.” Gabby nodded as she showed the fastest lap point plan they’d spent a solid twenty minutes refining from their initial point of “drive fast”.
“This is…thanks. It makes sense, but if I’m not near the points then it doesn’t really matter, does it? Or do you want to take that point off people?”
“A little from column A, a little from column B.” The three of them laughed quietly, not noticing Roman coming up behind Antonio until he was there.
“What’s going on?”
“We’re talking strategy for the race. Do you have a preference for a one or two stop?”
“Does it really matter?” He walked off and Kim rolled her eyes, the action not going unnoticed by the other two.
“Is he always like that?” Gabby swapped to Spanish.
“Unfortunately. But the sponsorship money helps put up with it. At least Rhodes and Hawkins care about their teams.”
The heat hit them harshly when they made it to Jeddah, everyone piling onto the buses when they arrived in the evening. Lolly had begun to get tired and cling to her parents with Kim sitting in the row behind them. Fortunately one of the travel aides had the genius idea of doing a group check in so she could just hand out keys to everyone as they arrived. Once Kim took the card she hoisted up her bags to make it to the small room.
As soon as the door opened she was surprised to see the lights were on and a blast of cold air came out of the room to her. When she went inside and closed the door Adam was standing there with a paper bag in his hand, making Kim grin at him.
“You’re here?” It nearly didn’t feel real. It had been nine days without each other. They’d left Bahrain on Monday the week before and now it was Wednesday. But he was there and standing right in front of her.
“I’m here.” She dropped the case and ran into his arms as Adam pulled her close easily.
“This sucked.”
“It fucking sucked. Mouse kept telling me I looked like I was missing a limb when I was at the factory.” She reached up to kiss him, being in his arms and having him right there was enough for now.
“I think that’s the longest we’ve gone since we started dating.” He nodded and pushed a kiss to her forehead.
“I got you some rice dish that they said was good in a restaurant down the street. It’s rice and chicken and dates and I don’t even know what spices. Sarah said you were all getting room service together so I wanted to make sure you ate.”
“She helped you plan this?”
“We were in Eze with Lolly and she saw how miserable I was without you.” Kim laughed, sitting on the little desk as Adam sat in the armchair for them to split their meal. “Can I stay here tonight? I just want to be with you for a while.”
It felt like things were the wrong way around for them in the morning. Kim lay in bed and watched Adam slip out, head swivelling so he could get away unseen. She went down for breakfast and sat at a table with Sarah, Crockett, Lolly, and Gabby. She could feel Adam across the room from her but refused to risk looking over at him. Instead though Lolly ran to hug him when she saw him.
“Hey Miss Lolly, let’s go back to your mom?” He came back to the table with her and greeted everyone. It was a weird moment to need to be professional because Gabby was there instead of not being able to be themselves.
“When are the two of you just going to sleep together?” Gabby asked as Lolly was occupied after Adam went back to his table, Kim turning and staring at her.
“You know half the paddock has bets on the two of you getting together, right? I thought you just weren’t because of his dad. But he can’t take his eyes off you.”
The conversation stopped after Kim denied it, but the thought kept going through her head. If it wasn’t for the job at VR they probably would have announced they were dating over the winter break. But the idea of not getting to work with that strategy team hurt. She’d fit in well and thrived and she wanted to wear the uniform. She was good enough for it. She deserved it. She’d proven herself but if Voight didn’t think that she was professional enough and good enough she couldn’t get the job and that would be the end of it.
The setup time at the track was normal, Kim keeping an eye on Roman’s performance at the press conference as she showed Gabby the ways she set up the pit wall. Everyone did it differently and it was a good way to help her learn how she’d want to do it. Between them everything was finished and connected to their systems within half an hour so they could head for the debrief with Trudy.
It was the one thing that their Team Principal insisted on every day that they were at a track. The two lead race engineers would go over their plans so far for the weekend, what had gone well and what could be improved on. It was tiring and stressful and Trudy picked holes they hadn’t considered in their plans, but she did it because she wanted them to succeed. This time it was the two of them them with mugs of coffee in hand on the sofa, Lolly sitting in her corner colouring away on a Goat Racing colouring book.
“Miss Olivia’s in here because Sarah’s doing some work with the drivers and Crockett’s meeting the medical team. Does that work?”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
They went over the strategy plan and what had changed on each car, sipping coffee as they chatted. It was as informal as any of these got.
“We need to be careful with the front wings. We’ve swapped out to more downforce available because it’s a street circuit, but I’m not sure if it’s totally stable. I don’t have any worries about Dawson but it might be an issue for Roman. I’d re-evaluate what’s going on after FP1 tomorrow and then decide if we’ll change back. We’ve got both wings here.” Gabby took a cookie from the plate on the coffee table after she finished speaking.
“I agree. I want to see how Sean does around the circuit and what his lap times come out to. Last year he crashed out on lap twelve but the year before he finished. Our decision should depend on the mood and the track. It’s supposed to be good weather with temperatures around eighteen degrees. The track temp will be around thirty or so but we’ll get accurate weather information tomorrow. Hopefully the downforce and some good track conditions will get heat into the tyres easily.”
“You’ve got it well in hand. I don’t think I need to remind you that this team is making history this weekend, do I?” Kim and Gabby both looked at Trudy quizzically. “This is the first Formula One race weekend that a team will have a team principal and both lead race engineers be women. Wallace Boden reminded me of that when I saw him earlier, and Netflix want to interview both of you about your careers. They’ll be around after FP2 tomorrow for that.
It was an early night in Adam’s room before Kim got up and went to the garages for the first practice session. The cars were sleek, carbon fibre and steel ready to race around the track at outrageous speeds. It was a hive of activity and people getting ready to go.
But the practice sessions passed too quickly for Kim to really enjoy with the interview hanging over her head. She didn’t want to go and didn’t want to deal with it, but once the cars were back and Roman and Dawson were out she was sent to the media room Netflix had set up. She sat in a chair in the middle of the dark room, looking around.
“It’s just some questions, nothing big. We’ve got a lot of female fans and we want to show them that they can have a job in motorsport too.”
The first few questions were softballs, how did she get into engineering and how did she start in Formula One. Had she ever regretted going into it? Her response of the awful sleep pattern being a regret got a laugh. But it was the last question that made her stop for a moment.
“What does being involved in Formula One mean for your life outside of work? We see drivers not able to keep relationships going when they’ve got the money to fly to places for a night or two. What happens when that’s not an option?” She swallowed and tightened her fist for a moment.
“It’s hard. It’s really hard. I’ve missed birthdays, weddings…my niece was ill and I only found out afterwards because I was in Australia when it happened. Being honest and explaining what happens helps. But its not easy. We’ve got a married couple working with us at Plouch, they travel with their daughter. And that’s a stress on them but we all love it. You can’t do this job if you don’t completely love what you do and love motorsports.”
“Do you think you can keep doing this if you want a family? It’s a dangerous sport to be involved in.”
“I don’t know. There’s drivers who do it - look at Matt Casey. Sylvie’s there with their kids at every race when school isn’t in session, and at basically every European one because they’re close to home. Daniel Charles at Gaffney has his wife and daughter with him at every race. Ethan Choi’s family don’t tend to come to many races but he’s the first one to leave after everything’s done on Sundays to get home to see them. Trudy Platt set this team up when her son was in his teens. I think it’s hard, but it’s doable if you have the right support. But this sport…” She paused and took a minute to breathe, blinking back the tears that threatened whenever she talked about it. “It’s so much safer than it was in the past. If you told people there’d been two on track deaths in a decade they’d have called you a liar. But I was Justin Voight’s race engineer and I remember trying not to beg down the radio for him to respond to me after that crash. I was watching the telemetry and we knew something bad had happened even before the medics got there but we were just praying something had gone wrong with the sensors even though we knew it hadn’t. This is a dangerous sport. And we don’t tend to acknowledge just how dangerous it can be at times. I’m on the pit wall, I’m generally safe. But I can see why between the travel and the danger people can find it hard to make it work. God knows I do.”
“So there’s nobody special in your life?”
“My life has a lot of special people in it. Right now I’m not missing much, except maybe my bed!”
Kim left after saying goodbye, texting Trudy that she couldn’t make the debrief. She got back a terse no problem but she could explain what had happened in the morning. Right then all she wanted was a large drink to wipe away the grief and misery of having to talk about Justin. But they were at a stupid race in a stupid country with stupid no alcohol rules for most stupid places and she couldn’t let herself be seen like this. She couldn’t let people see her upset.
Instead she forced a smile as she walked down the paddock. A little girl stopped her as she walked to ask for an autograph because she wanted to be a “nengine-eerer” like Kim. She grinned and bent down for a photo with the child, signing her Plouch Racing shirt and promising if they were at the entrance to the garage in the morning she’d get Gabby to sign it too. The parents were grateful and thanked Kim repeatedly, the mother realising something wasn’t quite right and pulling everyone else away. Finally she got a cab back to the hotel and went into Adam’s room.
It was only once she’d gotten in there that she could let herself feel again. She’d seen awful crashes before at so many tracks. Kelly Severide’s car had gone up in flames when she was watching and he’d barely made it out. But Justin had been a freak accident, his car had clipped another and spun sideways into the barrier in Spa. The radio was open but he was barely speaking unless it was urgent, in the much needed points. He’d been driving around the corner and whatever way the racing line went he couldn’t follow and he’d spun out to hit the barrier at far too high a speed. The car had crumpled just like it should, the halo protecting his head from anything external.
“Justin? Justin can you hear me? Justin get out of the car. Hit a button. Something. Tell me what’s going on.”
The silence on the other end of the radio was endless as the red flags were called and everyone was brought in. Adam had been their reserve at the time and he had a headset on like everyone else in the garage. Everyone was tuned to the silent radio line. Kim could hear the muted tones from the coverage on the large TVs. The sound was blurry in her head as she focused on the fact that every piece of telemetry was showing nothing.
“It looks like that was one of the Plouch cars that went into the barrier. Do we know who it was, Bob?”
“Well we’ve just seen Halstead back in the garage so it’s Voight. The marshals are going over but there’s no signs of fire. I can see—“
“Let’s go to the pit lane. What do you see there, Sharon?”
It took twenty minutes for them to get him out. It was nineteen minutes too long. She knew from minute two what the outcome would be but she had to be professional, couldn’t yell. Mouse’s hand had gripped hers hard as they waited for confirmation before Trudy gathered everyone into the conference room. Hank had been there and Kim had never seen a more broken man.
The tears were streaming down her face as the door opened, Adam spotting her and dropping to the ground to hold her hand.
“Hey, hey, hey. Kim. Kim, what’s going on?” She felt him pull her close and wiped her eyes, desperate to stop sobbing.
“I…we’re making history this week with all female engineers and an all female team principal so Netflix wanted to interview me. Longest serving female engineer still on the grid and all that. But they brought up how dangerous the sport is…”
“And they mentioned Justin?”
“Yeah.” The sobs started again and Adam just held her closer.
“It wasn’t your fault. We all know that. Hank knows it, the FIA knows it, Erin knows it. You hadn’t talked to him for three laps and conditions hadn’t changed. None of it was ever your fault, Kim.”
“But if I’d just done something.” His fingers carded through her hair as he kissed her forehead, holding Kim close.
“Every single time we go out in those cars we know what could happen. It could be like Justin, or it could be like Andy Darden’s crash, or it could be one of the thousands that have happened. Its why I always tell you I love you. But we know the risk when we get involved, Justin knew it too. It was bad luck and nothing else. I promise.”
It took a few more minutes for Kim to calm down, wiping her sore eyes with the back of her hand.
“I should be more put together about this. It’s been almost three years.”
“You watched your friend die, Kim. You didn’t get to have the hope everyone else had because you had access to everything. Plus we all saw the way Voight spoke about the accident afterwards. I know he apologised but it’s still gonna leave a mark.”
“Yeah. Ugh, I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to apologise for.”
She managed to do her job for the weekend, just about keeping her head together even with the memories flashing through. Roman got through practice and qualified P18. It was a sign of how things were that they were celebrating not being last. Antonio made it to P12 with a good chance of scraping into the points to make the mood high in the garage post qualifying.
It didn’t last. Roman was lapped twice but had a DNF in lap 42, causing a safety car that meant Adam lost out on a podium. Antonio stayed in 11th, Stella Kidd’s smart defending keeping him out of the points and putting a damper on the whole weekend. Kim was thrilled for the first female F1 driver in years getting points, she’d wanted to talk to Stella if she got the chance. It would stop the media only talking about Stella and Kelly Severide at least.
But this was a double header so once the debrief was over everyone went back to the hotel to pick up their bags before heading to the airport. She pulled her eye mask down as soon as they took off. It was a stopover in Singapore where they could get off the plane, stretch their legs, buy some food and relax for an hour or two before onto Melbourne. Nearly as soon as she arrived she’d have a meeting with VR to discuss strategy and the last thing she wanted to deal with on the flight was more complaining from Roman about how he finished. Instead she pulled her hood over her head, curled up, and forced herself into the first dreamless sleep she’d had since the Netflix interview.
Netflix does a TV show called Drive To Survive, that’s what Kim is interviewed for.
Justin Voight’s crash is essentially the same as what happened to Anthoine Hubert in the F2 race in Spa in 2019. He clipped a car, his car went over another, and Hubert was killed while Juan had spinal injuries. Correa only returned to racing in 2021, and made his F2 return in November 2022 for the last race of the season.
Andy Darden’s crash is based on Jules Bianchi’s crash in 2014. A car spun out on a corner at the track in Suzuka, and while under double yellow flags (a warning that there’s something on the track), a tractor crane was brought onto the track. Bianchi’s car collided with the tractor crane thanks to poor visibility. Bianchi died nine months later after being in a coma since the crash as the first fatality in Formula One since 1994. His death brought in more safety features such to FIA open cockpit racing.
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16 notes · View notes
mariacallous · 7 months
Pini Amir, a Yemenite Jew from Beit Yitzhak in Israel, bakes some of the best flatbread I’ve ever tried: fluffy, thick Yemenite saluf dotted with nigella seeds. When fresh out of his backyard taboon (clay oven), charred here and there for extra flavor, the saluf is dipped in freshly whipped tahini sauce or the lemony juices of a chopped Israeli salad. And it’s simply sublime.
But for Pini, the best part of making his own saluf comes the next day, when the bread starts getting stale. That’s when he puts a large pot of chicken wings, marrow bones and root vegetables on the burner, covers it all with water and cooks a rich chicken soup. Once it’s ready, Pini takes just the broth and mixes in hilbeh (a Yemenite fenugreek condiment, recipe below) and spicy zhug, and crumbles in a large pile of dried saluf to soak it all up. This dish is called ftout, or fatout, and it’s been Pini’s favorite dish since childhood.
“In a way, ftout is really a verb, not a dish,” David Moshe told me from his home in Israel. Moshe is an Israeli with Yemenite roots, an eighth-generation jeweler and a cookbook author who specializes in Yemenite food. 
Fatta (فتّ) in Arabic means “to crumble,” and in this context it means to crumble or break flatbread into small segments and soak in liquid. (The Hebrew word “ptit” means a crumb or morsel and comes from the same root. Ptitim, which is plural for ptit, is the Israeli name for Israeli couscous.)
The Yemenite Jewish ftout is really a part of a bigger family of dishes from the Arab world called fatteh or fatta. They all contain crumbled crispy, sometimes toasted, day-old flatbread that soaks up some of the liquid in a dish. The most popular is fattet hummus from the Levant, a dish of broken toasted pita that’s topped with freshly cooked chickpeas and yogurt and is served for breakfast. Other examples include fatta with eggplant or chickpeas and yogurt on top; with beef, lamb or chicken stews; and even with rice. The famous and delicious fattoush salad comes from the same family. Tharid is another type of fattah dish, popular in the Gulf. In this version, the bread plays a larger role and is topped with a rich vegetable and meat stew. According to the cookbook “Feat – Food of the Islamic World” by Anissa Helou, tharid was Prophet Muhammad’s favorite dish.
Fatteh are usually very homey and messy dishes, and are served within the family, not for guests. Using leftover stale bread instead of tossing it away makes these dishes, which are served all over the Middle East, from Saudi Arabia to Yemen, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria, smart both economically and environmentally.
In the Yemenite Jewish community, the beloved fatout/ftout has several variations. One popular version is made with samneh (fenugreek-spiced clarified butter), eggs and honey. The saluf is broken into pieces and fried in samneh, then mixed with eggs, and sometimes milk, and cooked. It is served with honey and a sprinkle of nigella seeds. Some people serve the dish for lunch before the pre-Yom Kippur meal (Seuda Mafseket). It is sometimes prepared with other Yemenite flatbreads like malawach or lachuh. During Passover, the dish is prepared with broken matzah instead, similar to the Ashkenazi matzah brei. 
Fatta samneh, as the dish is called in Arabic, is still made in Yemen, with variations including chopped dates or bananas, making it a porridge-like breakfast. And since dishes morph and develop with time and change of location, you can find Israeli versions that omit the honey altogether, and mix in Edam-style grated cheese, or sprinkle with za’atar, turning it into a delicious savory omlet.
Another dairy version of ftout is a warm yogurt soup called zom: Yogurt is cooked with a little garlic and samneh, stale saluf is broken inside, and it is served with zhug and lemon. This dish is sometimes eaten after Yom Kippur for break the fast.
But the most famous version, and Pini’s favorite, is the one made with chicken or meat broth. The Yemenite cuisine is known for its soups and it’s only fitting that the Yemenite fatteh would be made with it as well. Just like the famous Yemenite bone marrow soup, available at Yemenite eateries throughout Israel, the soup for the ftout needs to be fatty and rich. That’s why Pini makes his soup with chicken wings, rich with fat from the skin, to which he adds marrow bones or  beef chuck for extra flavor and fat. 
Hilbeh, a popular condiment that is served with every Yemenite meal, is an important component in the ftout. To make it, ground fenugreek seeds are soaked in water overnight, when they become jello-like as they expand. The seeds are then whipped with spices, salt and lemon juice or vinegar. More elaborate versions include chili peppers or zhug, fresh cilantro and even tomato. It is addictive in its own right.
Pini mixes the rich clear broth with a lot of hilbeh, some grated tomatoes and cilantro. He adds a lot of zhug, because as a proud Yemenite he believes that spicy food is always better, and breaks all the stale saluf he has from the day before into the mixture. A few minutes of cooking together is all it takes, and the results, while some may say are not the best-looking, are so delicious, especially with a little lemon on top. For most of us, it’s a flavor combination we’re not familiar with, and I cannot recommend this enough.
Fenugreek seeds, preferably ground (not the dry leaves!) are available at most Middle Eastern supermarkets and online. 
A real shortcut would be to use a store-bought chicken broth. Just make sure to mix in some oil (olive oil is fine) or add some bone broth into the chicken broth so it is rich and fatty, as needed.
Another major shortcut is to use store-bought flatbread instead of making your own saluf. Just be sure to use a thick flatbread, not the skinny pita bread available at most American supermarkets; look for Israeli-style pita bread (available at many Kosher supermarkets and some Whole Foods branches) or get Persian flatbreads from a Persian supermarket. (If you’re in Israel, any pita bread is fine.)
You can use the hilbeh as a dip with pita bread. It keeps in the fridge in a sealed container for two days.
Ftout keeps in the fridge for up to four days. Reheat in the microwave.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description Qualinut Gourmet | Original Ajwa Dates | 200 Gm | Khajur | Rich in Dietary Fiber | Dry Fuits Qualinut Gourmet Original Ajwa Dates: Seven Dates a day keep the doctor away, Known as the king of all dates! Ajwa is well known for its health benefits. It’s believed, if one eats these dates in the morning, neither magic nor poison can hurt them. Originating from one of the ancient trees in the world, We import the best quality Ajwa dates from the land of Saudi Arabia. Rejuvenate your energy to that of your childhood or satisfy your sweet tooth by including these dates in your daily diet. Eat one or more, just goodness all the way. Qualinut Gourmet - 'Just For the Health of It' Original Ajwa Dates Just for the Health of It! Health Benefits Improves Digestion & Bone Health Heart friendly High in Antioxidants Regulates Blood Pressure Improves Skin Health & Eyesight Excellent source of Energy, especially for those in fitness Industry. Shelf Life & Storage Ingredient: Premium Ajwa DatesStorage: Store in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. Keep refrigerated under airtight conditions between 0 to 2 Degrees Celsius.Shelf Life: Best Before - 12 months from Date of Packaging. Usages Have 5 to 7 Ajwa dates early morning on empty stomachDeseed them and eat them along with other dry fruitsAdd chopped dates to fruit salads or dessertsAdd it in a glassful of warm milk for weight loss. 100% Vegan These Delicious Sweet Tooth are Vegan! Have one, have more goodness all the way. Just For the Health of It. Nutritional Info Energy 277 KcalCarbohydrate 74gDietary Fiber 8gSugar 60gProtein 3gTotal Fat 0.4gCholesterol 0mgPotassium 655mg Ingredient: Premium Ajwa Dates Storage: Store in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Keep refrigerated under airtight conditions between 0 to 2 Degrees Celsius. Shelf Life: Best Before - 12 months from Date of Packaging. Usages: Have 5 to 7 Ajwa dates early morning on empty stomach, Deseed them and eat them along with other dry fruits. Add chopped dates to fruit salads or desserts, Add it in a glassful of warm milk for weight loss. [ad_2]
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fastenergywater · 2 years
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Fat Sal's Deli
For those looking for a burger and fries on the run, Fat Sal's Deli & Sandwich Shop is a solid option. The menu includes the usual suspects along with some more unusual offerings, like vegan treats and a "flash mob" ice cream shop. It is located at 37 Washington Blvd. in Marina del Rey, CA, and is set to open July 1. If you're in the mood for a burger and a beer, you can order delivery from DoorDash and have your meal delivered in less than an hour.
There's no question that Fat Sal's has some of the best sandwiches you'll find anywhere, particularly their Fat Buffalo, which is a burger version of the classic chicken wing. Of course, the restaurant has a long list of other great sandwiches to choose from, such as the Terrific Turkey Club, which is made with the best quality turkey, bacon and avocados.
While there are many great restaurants in the Los Angeles area, none of them have the same cachet as Fat Sal's. Not only is the chain popular with locals, but it has become a destination with tourists from around the world. In fact, the restaurant has received a stellar rating on TripAdvisor with a 4.5 star rating. So if you're in the mood for a cheeseburger and a frosty mug of java, you should definitely try out the place on your next trip to the LA area.
The top notch menu includes the requisite gourmet burgers, fries and salads, but the real show stopper is the Phenomenal Philly Cheesesteak. This hefty sandwich is a real treat, with a charred tomato, melted cheese, bacon and lettuce on a Normandie Bakery bun.
Fat Sal's has five dine-in locations in the greater Los Angeles area, which is more than half of their total number of locations. These include: Lincoln Heights, Hollywood, Encino, and Westwood. The restaurant also has one international location in Saudi Arabia.
Fat Sal's has also gotten into the burger game. With five Angus beef burgers on the menu, including the bacon patty and the smoky jalapeno patty, you won't go hungry. Plus, the restaurant has an extensive craft beer selection. Located on the Venice-Venice border, Fat Sal's is close to both Venice and Marina del Rey, making it an excellent option for a lunch meeting or a quick bite on your way home.
Clearly, the burger is at the top of the list when it comes to the Fat Sal's menu, but you may be surprised to learn that the restaurant actually has a small menu of other cuisines, including Asian, Italian and Mexican. You'll also find some interesting dishes, such as the Fat Sal's enchilada and the Fat Sal's cactus bowl. All of these options can be had in a variety of sizes, but it's the sandwiches that really draw in the crowds. Whether you're in the market for a cheeseburger, a burger and a beer or just want to sample a taste of a burger and a beer, the sands of time will lead you to a delicious meal.
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pandatrust · 2 years
Kentucky fried chicken near me 33511
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All of our restaurants are required to follow strict operating standards, and we will continue to work with the franchisee who owns this location to be sure it meets those standards going forward. The restaurant was given permission from the health department to reopen on Saturday morning. In addition, other violations documented include: Salad at 47-degrees in the reach-in cooler when it should be at 41-degrees or colder, employees not washing their hands, equipment in poor repair and floor tiles cracked, broken or in disrepair.įollowing the health inspection on Friday, the restaurant repaired structural issues, and underwent cleaning, as well as inspection and treatment from a licensed pest control provider. KFC - Kentucky Fried Chicken Near Me Florida KFC - Kentucky Fried Chicken in Brandon. his contract for neon signage at both of his first locations in Tampa. Whether you’re interested in becoming a Lion or Leo, or requesting service from a club, this is the place to do it. Freshly fried tortilla chips, housemade queso, Cheddar Jack cheese, tomatoes. They also found roach droppings on a hole in the wall behind the prep table in this Ruskin KFC location. SANDERS ' Kentucky Fried Chicken ' its finger lickin ' good entucky Frie Chicken. View the menu, hours, address, and photos for Sals Pizza II in Lakeland, FL. I called and Nicole had just gotten on her shift and listened to my tale of woe. Fast Food Restaurants Chicken Restaurants Restaurants. I was in the drive through and was given the wrong change back. Hand breaded and freshly prepared Our chicken isn't made the fast. I ordered extra sauce on both pizzas and you could actually tell there was extra sauce. From Business: Visit your local KFC at 525 First Street East for a fresh batch of our world's best chicken. Ordered carryout and when I walked in everyone greeted me which I didnt expect. Allowed me to split toppings for same price which was awesome. At the present time, the headquarters of LongHorn Steakhouse is located in Orlando, Florida.As of the beginning of 2018, there were more than 490 locations of LongHorn Steakhouse in the United States alone.Apart from that, this restaurant chain is also present in such countries like Qatar, El Salvador, Saudi Arabia, and. College Avenue on Friday September 23 after seeing 18 live and dead roaches near the prep table, ice machine, hot holding units, fountain machine. Delivery & Pickup Options - 9 reviews of Dominos Pizza 'Ordered for the first time tonite. Our ABC Action News I-Team uncovering that state inspectors shut down the Kentucky Fried Chicken at 3102 E. On-the-bone chicken pieces seasoned with Colonel Sanders' 'Original Recipe' may have had some extra ingredients put in after inspectors found live roaches crawling near their food.
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pepnco · 2 years
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plantsandpupper · 4 years
Ok, so middle east post for @zerocarb and @kanyelookingforkanye bc you mentioned it was cool
So my dad is military/government and mom works at the same thing he does. I know im vague but it is what it is. They aren’t important/exciting but it really narrows me down telling u i lived in bahrain and was trying to keep the blog kinda anon so 🤷🏼‍♀️. Being military i have seen europe, Middle East, and was born in Japan ( no post bc i was a baby and don’t remember a thing!).
We ended up getting to Bahrain 🇧🇭 see tiny little island barely connected to Saudi Arabia by causeway. Google it, its a thing I promise. We ended up going my last year of high school hence why i have no friends (woe is me) but the place was cool. After graduating and coming back to the states for school i lived with my sister/her husband/and my nephew (whole nother story). But I visited my previous every summer so thats how i get the 3yrs.
So this is the yard we had
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We lived in a villa that was a part of a small compound of 6. Most all the other families were US. The place was three stories tall and we had a maid because there were i think 6 bedrooms and she kinda came with the place. And dont think we are bougie it was only one dayevery other week and we picked up the place before she even came.
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This is also where we got out princess Sophia! See if you can find our persian princess in the pic 😊
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Heres the underwhelming tree of life, kinda like the mona lisa if you ask me.
Some very fun formula one go kart racing was had!
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Some amazing food and the world’s best salad ever!!! Honestly the thing i miss most is that salad
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Some old and new architecture. We visited the main mosque too.
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And a pretty pic from the souq
A very brief before work rundown of my Middle East visit. Remind me to post about the time i got birth control out in town! Feel free to ask all the questions and will answer when i can. Working 9-6 today 🤦🏼‍♀️
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loveforfood123-blog · 4 years
Restaurants serving Lebanese cuisine in Pune
Restaurant serving Lebanese cuisine in Pune
Best Lebanese restaurant in Pune. A cosy hub offering authentic Middle Eastern food in town. An assurance with certainty of the quality of food served. Don’t miss the experience of that genuine flavour.
The cuisine is a spread of a variety of options; from Kebabs, Hummus, Falafels, Shawarmas and Fattoush to Mix Grills. Come visit “Dandoosh” for a satisfying experience to enjoy the sizzle of Arabic aroma. A must try.
Dandoosh ‘’Middle Eastern Cuisine”
A name to reckon with. A restaurant soon developing reputation, for its quality of halal food served with care and bearing in mind the importance of hygiene, an aspect which is paramount for the responsive customer satisfaction.
Indulging in the art of cooking to bring out the genuine taste, derived from a mix of Arabian spices, adds flavour to the texture and substance of the meal prepared. A place to visit and pamper your taste buds to relish the fine food served with alacrity.
An array of select items ranges on the menu; Shawarma, Turkish Kebabs, Mix Grill, Hummus, Falafel, Fattoush, Fettayer, dashed with a host of dressing, of Tahini, Garlic Sauce, Tomato Sauce and Assorted Pickles to suit your palate. Recent addition is a plate of Kabsa — a dish consisting of Rice and marinated Chicken.
Located at NIBM Annexe, Pune, a place to visit and enjoy sumptuous meals. ( Find on Google Maps )
A Quick Tour of the Menu
1. Hummus
Hummus is a popular creamy Lebanese dish made from chickpeas. It is a nutritious starter which serves as a dip or as an appetizer, handsomely served with a platter of vegetables and pita bread. Also as an accompaniment with grilled chicken, kebab or falafel.
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Try it out at Dandoosh — Restaurant serving Lebanese cuisine in Pune
2. Manakeesh
Manakeesh is a popular Lebanese dish, which is made of flatbread, covered with a variety of toppings.
Zatar Manakeesh is another popular variety flat bread with aromatic ingredients like; Olive Oil and Culinary Somac. Before baking it, Zatar, Chicken and Cheese are other common toppings used in its preparation.
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Try it out at Dandoosh — Restaurant serving Lebanese cuisine in Pune
3. Fattoush
This classic Levantine salad is a popular Middle Eastern salad and a standard item on the mezza table. It’s a nutritious, colourful salad tossed with toasted or fried pieces of Arabic bread, mixed greens and vegetables.
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Try it out at Dandoosh — Restaurant serving Lebanese cuisine in Pune
4. Falafel
Crunchy vegetable balls made from fried Chickpeas. Served in a wrap of pita bread in sandwich form, side laced with vegetables. As a choice, served with tahini, that earthy nutty flavour of sesame seeds as a dip.
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Try it out at Dandoosh — Restaurant serving Lebanese cuisine in Pune
5. Shish Taouk
The sizzle to our delicious Shish Taouk is the guarded secret in its marinade process. Tender chicken mince splashed with aromatic Arabic spices enhances the sensory perception. Served on a platter with pita bread, garlic sauce, red sauce, pickles and a dash of lemon to make it tangy.
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Try it out at Dandoosh — Restaurant serving Lebanese cuisine in Pune
6. Kebabs
Chicken kebabs are minced chicken, often referred as Turkish kebabs. Splashed with aromatic Arabic spices, grilled by radiant heat on skewers until tender. Served on a platter with flat pita bread on the side along with garlic sauce, pickles and red sauce. Also available in a roll, wrapped in pita bread. The kebabs are distinctive and incredibly delicious.
Try it out at Dandoosh — Restaurant serving Lebanese cuisine in Pune
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7. Fatayers
Lebanese fatayer are made with an unleavened dough enriched with olive oil. These oven baked pies can be topped with shredded cheese, Zataar (Arabian herbal spice) or tender chicken pieces.
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Try it out at Dandoosh — Restaurant serving Lebanese cuisine in Pune
8. Kabsa
Kabsa is a rice dish, traditionally known as Machboos ala dajaj (spiced chicken and rice). A staple diet enjoyed throughout the Gulf States of The Arabian Peninsula.
Made with fine long grain rice and cooked tender chicken legs, flavoured with special aromatic Arabian spice. Served on a large platter with red tomato sauce. Saudi Arabia boasts of Kabsa being its National dish, relished throughout the Kingdom far and wide.
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Address: “Dandoosh” Near Raheja Vista phase 3, NIBM Annexe, Pune, Maharashtra.
For delivery and information call: # 706 666 110 / 706 666 334
Web: www.dandoosh.com
Online Order Partners: Zomato and Swiggy
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dryadpharmacy · 5 years
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Arugula,  rocket 
eruca sativa; syns. E. vesicaria subsp. sativa (Miller) Thell., Brassica eruca L.) rocket salad", "rucola", "rucoli", "rugula", "colewort", and "roquette"
“is an edible annual plant in the family Brassicaceae used as a leaf vegetable for its fresh, tart, bitter, and peppery flavor Some additional names are ". Eruca sativa, which is widely popular as a salad vegetable, is a species of Eruca native to the Mediterranean region, from Morocco and Portugal in the west to Syria, Lebanon, and Turkey in the east.
The Latin adjective sativa in the plant's binomial name is derived from satum, the supine of the verb sero, meaning "to sow", indicating that the seeds of the plant were sown in gardens. 
The English common name rocket derives from the French roquette, a diminutive of the Latin word eruca, which once designated a particular plant in the family Brassicaceae (probably a type of cabbage) Arugula (/əˈruːɡələ/), the common name now widespread in the United States and Canada, entered American English from a non-standard dialect of Italian. The standard Italian word is rucola, a diminutive of the Latin "eruca"
Virgil penned a poem mentioning our favorite salad leaf: et Venerem revocans eruca morantem (or, loosely translated, “… and arugula, which recalls the lagging wish for sexual delights”).
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In addition to the leaves, the flowers, young seed pods and mature seeds are all edible.
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In Italy, raw rocket is often added to a pizza at the end of or just after baking. It is also used cooked in Apulia, in southern Italy, to make the pasta dish cavatiéddi, "in which large amounts of coarsely chopped rocket are added to pasta seasoned with a homemade reduced tomato sauce and pecorino", as well as in "many unpretentious recipes in which it is added, chopped, to sauces and cooked dishes" or in a sauce (made by frying it in olive oil and garlic) used as a condiment for cold meats and fish. In the Slovenian Littoral, it is often combined with boiled potatoes, used in a soup, or served with the cheese burek, especially in the town of Koper. It is also used with salad, tomatoes and mozzarella cheese. In Rome, rucola is used in straccetti, a dish of thin slices of beef with raw rocket and Parmesan cheese.
A sweet, peppery digestive alcohol called rucolino is made from rocket on the island of Ischia in the Gulf of Naples. This liqueur is a local specialty enjoyed in small quantities following a meal in the same way as a limoncello or grappa.
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In Cyprus, the plant is used in salads and omelettes. An omelette with rocket (Greek rokka) is common in Cypriot restaurants. 
In Persian Gulf countries the plant is used raw in the salads mixed with other vegetables or alone. In Eastern Saudi Arabia it is widely believed the plant has a lot of health benefits and recommended for newlywed couples.
In Egypt, the plant is commonly eaten raw as a side dish with many meals, with ful medames for breakfast, and regularly accompanies local seafood dishes. In Turkey, similarly, the rocket is eaten raw as a side dish or salad with fish, but is additionally served with a sauce of extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice.
In West Asia and Northern India, Eruca seeds are pressed to make taramira oil, used in pickling and (after aging to remove acridity) as a salad or cooking oil. The seed cake is also used as animal feed”
Anti-cancer properties (Excerpt :” We found that erucin inhibits proliferation of MCF7 breast cancer cells… suggesting that inhibition of proliferation by erucin is associated with inhibition of mitosis.  “)  * see research link 24950293/   Hc  , PMC4065051/  Hc , 28862664/
Might double the absorption of medication, in this case Sildenafil  *see research 28871716/
Natural pesticide, as its high in Glucosinolates (excerpt:” The pungency of those plants is due to mustard oils produced from glucosinolates when the plant material is chewed, cut, or otherwise damaged. “)*see research link PMC4011049/   & wiki
Glucosinolate values increase up till the third day of harvest ,stored at either at 4 °C or at 15 °C and decreases after 1 week of storage at 4 °C over a period of 21 days *see research link PMC4011049/ , 23794443
Rucola (the leaves) are high in Magnesium, Calcium, Iron  and Kalium/Potassium *see research link PMC4011049/  
High in Vitamin C, slightly higher when harvested in fall *see also link  49/
Contains Vitamin E *see also 49/
High in chlorophyll * see also 49/
Contains Quercetin, lutein and b-carotene and specific kind of xanthins which are converted to vitamin A  * see also last 49/
Anti-microbial against E. Coli, P. aeruginosa, Shigella flexneri, S. typhi, K. pneumonia) and Gram-positive (S. aureus, S. epidermidis, Bacillus subtilis) bacteria *see research link  PMC4011049/
Best NOT eaten in combination with meat, as rucola’s nitrites can react with meat ammines through certain processes in our mouth/stomach which could result in nitrosamines and cause tumors  *see research link  PMC4011049/ , Sciencedirect , PMC4690057/ , wiki
Consuming 44 mg arugula/day will not exceed the ADI intake of nitrate * see research link PMC5412236/
Contains about 4354.9 mg/kg) nitrate in autumn *see research link PMC5412236/
 Research links & tips:
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intellectbuzzgo · 2 years
Fancy Restaurants In Jeddah: Serving Global Cuisine
Jeddah is one of the most beautiful cities located in Jeddah. It is the second largest city in Saudi Arabia and is a perfect blend of an old and new civilization. The commercial capital of the country is famous for amazing malls, shopping complexes, historical landmarks, and museums. The city attracts all kinds of tourists from all over the world. Because of modern attractions and historical places, tourism in Jeddah is expanding every year. To give travelers the best stay experience, the city is also enlarging and diversifying its cuisine options. Fancy restaurants in Jeddah give tourists a larger-than-life experience, where they can eat local as well as international cuisine with a poised ambiance and facilities. Tourists can have an original taste of food from countries like France, India, Italian, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia. Here are the top five fancy restaurants in Jeddah offering global dining options to travelers.
Top-Rated Restaurants In Jeddah
Zafiro: The taste of India
Zafiro offers fine dining of Indian cuisine with its flawless hospitality. The restaurant is famous for its perfect services and wide range of Indian authentic food. The restaurant has a passion to create the best dining experience to remember. Hyderabadi Biryani and Beef Korma with almonds are among the few famous Indian dishes served in this restaurant.
Cuisine: Indian
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
Timings: Sat-Wed :1am - 1pm, Thur-Fri: 1pm - 1.30am
Location: Al Baghdadiyah Al Shariqyah, Jeddah
Le Traiteur: The French Feast
Le Traiteur is famous for its finest French cuisine served with elegance and professionalism. A fine selection of food, comfortable experience and marvelous service provided by the La Traiteur Kitchen makes it the most famous among the foodies. The restaurant is known for its Salad, poultry, fish, and seafood delicacies. The Le Traiteur provides services at restaurants and serves food at your home and business centers.
Cuisine: French
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Timings: Mon-Wed: 1pm- 7 pm, 7pm to 1am, Thur -Fri: 1pm- 1am
Location: Abu Al-Abbas bin Abdul Mutalib street 68
Piatto: Place for classic Italian Dishes
Piatto Restaurant serves the tastiest traditional Italian cuisine where people connect through an exceptional dining experience. The Piatto uses the finest quality ingredients served carefully to your plate. Seasonal Fresh fruit salad, traditional pancakes, French toast, Turkey cheese croissant, and crispy Shrimp Pescatore are a few Italian delicacies served in the restaurant. A comfortable sitting arrangement and beautiful ambiance uplift the mood of Guests.
Cuisine: French
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Timings: Thur- Sun:12am-10pm, Fri- Sat: 12am to 10.30pm
Location: Avenue Mall, King Abdul Aziz Road
Toki Restaurant: Authentic Chinese Food
Restaurant Toki gives tourists an International feel because of its sublime ambiance. The refined atmosphere and original Chinese food make this restaurant the most famous in Jeddah. Toki also offers wonderful flavors of Thai cuisine with excellent decor. It is a multi-cuisine restaurant famous for some most popular dishes like Szechuan Crispy Duck, Lobster Dumplings, Thai Prawns, and Beef in Black Beans. Expert Chefs with extraordinary culinary skill serves food with royalty. Its bright and Beautiful ambiance makes it perfect for family gatherings.
Cuisine: Chinese and Thai
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Timings:-Mon- Thurs :1pm - 11.30pm, Fri- Sun:1pm - 1am
Location: Al Khalidiyyah, Jeddah
Sura: Fine Korean Dining
Sura restaurant offers 50 kinds of food on its menu. Well known for its highly nutritious and delicious food, it is among the top Korean restaurants. Sura offers both vegan as well as nonvegan dishes to its customers. The kitchen of Sura is vegetarian-friendly. Self-cooked barbeque and grill facilities make this restaurant unique. People come here to have a luxurious dining experience. Food like Ramen, Kimbap, Sushi, Grills, and amazing desserts make this hotel famous in Jeddah.
Cuisine: Korean
Meals: Lunch and Dinner
Timings: Sun-Mon: 1pm - 12 midnight
Location: Prince Saud Al Faisal, Al Rawdah Star Center 
La Cuisine: Fresh French and European Cuisine
La Cuisine restaurant is well known for its delicious and authentic French and European food. La cuisine is one of the best Muslim and Halal-friendly restaurants in Jeddah. The hotel staff is well trained and is obsessed with serving extraordinary food that is skillfully and graciously presented. The restaurant serves fresh food, made from high local quality and seasonal ingredients. The food is beautifully handcrafted, creative, and delicious to eat. Meat used in dishes is natural and sustainable raised seafood. The eatery has a conducive atmosphere and very helpful staff. It is ideal for travelers looking for original and authentic French and European food.
Cuisine: French, European
Meals: Lunch and dinner
Timings: Thur- Sun:12am-10pm, Fri- Sat: 12am to 10.30pm
Location:Palestine Street, Al Hamara
Expanded tourism and fancy restaurants in Jeddah made Jeddah an epicenter for foodies where tourists can enjoy multicultural and International cuisines. The restaurants are beautifully designed and sophisticatedly decorated to give the best experience to their customers.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description Qualinut Gourmet | Original Ajwa Dates | 200 Gm | Khajur | Rich in Dietary Fiber | Dry Fuits Qualinut Gourmet Original Ajwa Dates: Seven Dates a day keep the doctor away, Known as the king of all dates! Ajwa is well known for its health benefits. It’s believed, if one eats these dates in the morning, neither magic nor poison can hurt them. Originating from one of the ancient trees in the world, We import the best quality Ajwa dates from the land of Saudi Arabia. Rejuvenate your energy to that of your childhood or satisfy your sweet tooth by including these dates in your daily diet. Eat one or more, just goodness all the way. Qualinut Gourmet - 'Just For the Health of It' Original Ajwa Dates Just for the Health of It! Health Benefits Improves Digestion & Bone Health Heart friendly High in Antioxidants Regulates Blood Pressure Improves Skin Health & Eyesight Excellent source of Energy, especially for those in fitness Industry. Shelf Life & Storage Ingredient: Premium Ajwa DatesStorage: Store in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. Keep refrigerated under airtight conditions between 0 to 2 Degrees Celsius.Shelf Life: Best Before - 12 months from Date of Packaging. Usages Have 5 to 7 Ajwa dates early morning on empty stomachDeseed them and eat them along with other dry fruitsAdd chopped dates to fruit salads or dessertsAdd it in a glassful of warm milk for weight loss. 100% Vegan These Delicious Sweet Tooth are Vegan! Have one, have more goodness all the way. Just For the Health of It. Nutritional Info Energy 277 KcalCarbohydrate 74gDietary Fiber 8gSugar 60gProtein 3gTotal Fat 0.4gCholesterol 0mgPotassium 655mg
Ingredient: Premium Ajwa Dates Storage: Store in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. Keep refrigerated under airtight conditions between 0 to 2 Degrees Celsius. Shelf Life: Best Before - 12 months from Date of Packaging. Usages: Have 5 to 7 Ajwa dates early morning on empty stomach, Deseed them and eat them along with other dry fruits. Add chopped dates to fruit salads or desserts, Add it in a glassful of warm milk for weight loss. NABL Accredited FSSAI Certified Lab Testing: Qualinut also sends its products for third party testing apart from testing them internally. With a fair test result from NABL accredited labs to prove the potency and purity of products, the brand shows credibility. [ad_2]
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vidjagames · 3 years
A Look At Some Of The Popular Fast Food Chains You Will Find Around The Country
One of my favorite things is going to a local fast food chain. It really brings some unique flavor to a melding of old world charm and modern sensibilities that I love. Even if it's just to go to lunch with the family, I like to check out what's available in town. One local chain that has a familiar look to it that I love is Sapphire Laguna. This restaurant serves up a variety of dishes with a Persian twist. The first dish that I ordered was their chicken kebabs. They come in a beef, lamb or chicken patty that is layered with tasty herbs and served on a bed of green beans. The dish is served along with some delicious Iranian saudi arabia along with some traditional parsley sauce. The restaurant also offers some other delicious entrees including their Australian wingtip sampler which is made with lamb and A4 sized chicken. Find additional information at best burger and fries near me.
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Another restaurant that is a local favorite is City grill. Their trademark dish is their chicken kebobs with fries. There are several different versions of the chicken kebob and they have some very affordable entrees that are worth checking out. The best seller is their chicken salad which comes with fries and a yogurt dressing. The other popular chain that comes to mind is Hamburgersaurus. I love going there for their huge selection of beef, turkey and bison. Of all the meat lovers that go here, I think the Germans are the biggest fans. You can get their regular hamburger or you can choose from such other offerings as Canadian bacon, veggie burger, and their famous hot dog. It's also worth noting that they feature an open air market everyday so that people can purchase German specialties right off the grill. The next hamburger joint we are going to cover is H. Hamburgers which is located at 25th and Classen. This place has been around since the early 90s and has quickly become one of the most well known chain for southern style barbeque food. If you love shrimp, you need to try their seafood option which is a sea side special. If you are looking for fried chicken, then you need to stop by Char Bar in West Philadelphia. They serve up fresh fried chicken any day of the week including Sunday. Their fried chicken is made by top chefs in the industry and they are very proud of the fact that they can create such fantastic tasting chicken. You will also find several different options for desserts including chocolate fudge cakes, banana nut loaf, and their signature chocolate milkshake. Finally, we have the most unlikely place, but a perfect example of a fast food chain which is opening soon in Northeast Philadelphia. You might not have heard of this restaurant called Potlatch. Potlatch is a Native American owned restaurant which is located at 30th and Market. It was owned by an Indian who came to America many years ago and opened his own restaurant. Now, he is again returning to his country of origin to open another Potlatch restaurant called the Larder. There you have it, our first look at some of the popular fast food chains you will find throughout Pennsylvania. If you want to learn more about some other places in the state, you can check out our other article entitled "20 Countries You Can Visit In A Week." It gives an overview of all of the best and worst fast food chains in Pennsylvania. That list of places includes Longleys, Hamburgers, BBQ, Indian, and more! You will certainly be able to find something you like when you go to your local shopping center or even if you decide to take a chance and order something off of the Burger King menu!
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pepnco · 2 years
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waaaiz · 4 years
Dehydrated Vegetables Market Research Report
Dehydrated Vegetables Market
The Dehydrated Vegetables market is increasing at a substantial rate during the forecast period (2020-2027). According to the GMI Research forecast, the market is growing at a faster rate due to the rising consumption of packaged food products at a global level and increasing consumer awareness related to enhanced shelf life of dehydrated food.
Dehydrated vegetables refer to processed and dried vegetables produced by the dehydration technique to decrease moisture to a level where micro-organism will not grow and spoil the vegetables. The dehydrating process of the vegetables helps decrease the volume and weight of the food, which is required for the preservation and storage process.
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The significant factor propelling the growth of the global dehydrated vegetables market includes the increasing consumption of packaged food products globally. The rapid technological development in the post-harvest technologies, such as the launch of vacuum and air-drying techniques, in the food processing industry, has resulted in the possibility of consuming vegetables for a more extended time when preserved in particular conditions. Moreover, the rising consumer awareness associated with the improved shelf life of dehydrated food is encouraging the adoption of dehydrated vegetables, particularly in the developing countries, including China, India, and Japan are fuelling the growth of the market. Numerous manufacturers strive to offer nutrition-rich dried products through their on-the-go and ready-to-cook meals and snacks product range. Constant product development will attract many consumers looking for healthy, packed food products with various nutritional values. Dehydrated vegetables are easy to store, are highly cost-effective, and have a longer shelf life.
The increasingly hectic lifestyle, particularly among the working-class population and millennials, promotes them to opt for easy and convenient food products that do not require cooking. This significant shift will surge the demand for packed food products, such as vegetable noodles and soups, thus growing the demand for dehydrated vegetables worldwide. Furthermore, the increased pricing of fresh vegetables owing to seasonal variations will further boost the demand for dehydrated vegetables in the international market with the same nutritional content and available throughout the year. On the other edge of the spectrum, the unpredictable weather conditions such as drought, rain, hailstorms, and flood disturb the production of vegetables are factors hindering the growth of the market during the forecast period.
Key Players of the Dehydrated Vegetables Market:
·        Olam International
·        Naturex S.A.
·        Symrise
·        Mercer Foods, LLC
·        BC Foods, Inc.
·        Harmony House Foods, Inc.
·        Natural Dehydrated Vegetables Pvt. Ltd.
·        Green Rootz
·        Silva International
·        Van Drunen Farms
Market Segmentation:
Dehydrated Vegetables Market Report Segment by Product Type:
·        Carrots
·        Onions
·        Potatoes
·        Broccoli
·        Beans
·        Peas
·        Cabbage
·        Mushrooms
·        Tomatoes
Dehydrated Vegetables Market Report Segment by End-User:
·        Food Manufacturer
o   Snack and Savory Products
o   Infant Foods
o   Soups
o   Salads, Dressings & Sauces
o   Others
·        Food Service
·        Retail
Dehydrated Vegetables Market Report Segment by Nature:
·        Organic
·        Conventional
Dehydrated Vegetables Market Report Segment by Form:
·        Minced & Chopped
·        Powder & Granules
·        Flakes
·        Slice & Cubes
·        Others
Dehydrated Vegetables Market Report Segment by Technology:
·        Air Drying
·        Spray Drying
·        Freeze Drying
·        Drum Drying
·        Vacuum Drying
·        Others
Dehydrated Vegetables Market Report Segment by Distribution Channel:
·        Direct
·        Indirect
o   Store Based Retailing
§  Hypermarkets/Supermarkets
§  Convenience Store
§  Traditional Grocery Retailers
§  Food & Drink Specialty Stores
o   Online Retail
Dehydrated Vegetables Market Report Segment by Region:
·        North America
o   United States of America
o   Canada
 ·        Asia Pacific
o   China
o   Japan
o   India
o   Rest of APAC
·        Europe
o   United Kingdom
o   Germany
o   France
o   Spain
o   Rest of Europe
·        RoW
o   Brazil
o   South Africa
o   Saudi Arabia
o   UAE
o   Rest of the world (remaining countries of the LAMEA region)
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