#Best tours dominican republic
pericoripiaotours · 1 year
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palmsandvillas · 1 month
Are you looking for rent for Cap Cana Villas? If yes, then your search ends right at Palms & Villas! This is the premier luxury hospitality company that offers exclusive villas with selective add-ons for vacationers who want to enjoy the luxurious hospitality of the Dominican Republic. Visit the website or email at  [email protected] for more information!
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Airport shuttle Punta Cana Dominican Republic
Airport shuttle Punta Cana Dominican Republic
Arrival at the airport your shuttle at punta Cana Dominican Republic is waiting for you . Airport shuttle Punta Cana Dominican Republic book with confidence your transport service with Punta Cana transfer pro at a click away. open this following information and book now your transfer to your destination. For live assistance at Punta Cana city tours contact us on WhatsApp today
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chrollohearttags · 8 months
Cherry, how 'bout 2, 6, 11, 19, and 20 for Rapper Connie? He's a gem! 💎💎💎💎
hi Cas, my love!!! Thank you so much for the questions! Now I hadn’t written much for him but he def holds a special place in my heart! 🥹🫶🏾
2. Does your character often indulge in the things they like?
absolutely! Sometimes a little too much. He loves a little devil’s lettuce and liquor. A couple of his favorite vices..including women! (although he’s not exactly Armin-level of promiscuous). He definitely likes entertaining them. He also loves video games and when he and the guys are not making music, they’re in an Apex lobby acting like teenage boys.
6. What is your character’s fondest memory?
ooh, this is a good one! (lil spoiler here) so Connie was the very first artist that EJ ever collabed with and the project they worked on, a joint EP was Connie’s big break so to speak. A lot of his family was still in the Dominican Republic at this point and he was still trying to make it as a rapper. He remembers being with his boys in the studio and on FaceTime with his mom and brothers when it was announced that their lead single had gone #1 and was Grammy nominated in the same night. His mom was telling him how proud she was and crying. That to him was greater than any award ever!
11. Who are your character’s most important people?
hands down, his family and his boys! He adores his parents..for how hardworking they were, providing for him and his brothers. Even though they weren’t wealthy growing up by any means, they gave them the best life they could and taught them hard work. His brothers are his world and he’s an uncle so he adores his nieces and nephews too. Literally spoils them rotten with gifts. Of course, his friends mean everything to him. He often says that if it wasn’t for them pushing him to do music, he’d probably be in jail or dead because he got involved with the wrong crowd at one point. But they saved him.
19. Does your character have any friends? Best friends?
he and the rest of the Dead Boys Society are like brothers. EJ, Armin, Jean, Ony…they’re his second family. But he’s super close with Sasha! The second they met at Armin’s yacht party, that became his right hand. They’re always in tiktok videos together, being silly and stupid. (his fans SWEAR they’re dating, esp after she stars in one of his vids) but there’s no way. They’re literally twins. Him and Ony are always side by side, doing something insane. 😭 their interviews constantly go viral because they always have something slick to say.
20. Does your character have any significant others?
like I said, Mr. Connie loves the ladies but there’s one in particular that catches his eye whilst they’re on tour. And that’s the Pole Assassins’ hairstylist. She catches his eye and he’s been smitten ever since. They aren’t exactly an item or yet or anything but ya never know, that might change. 🤭
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radiofreederry · 11 months
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Happy birthday, Smedley Butler! (July 30, 1881)
A career US military officer, Smedley Butler was born to an English-American Quaker family, the grandson of two Pennsylvania politicians. Butler lied about his age to join the Marine Corps during the Spanish-American War in 1898, and spent the next 33 years as a Marine, rising through the ranks to achieve the position of Major General. He served through the Spanish-American War, Philippine-American War, Boxer Rebellion, and the Banana Wars in Latin America, and became intimately aware of the nature of American militarism to serve imperialist and capitalist interests, something which increasingly disgusted him. After his service, Butler became a touring speaker against militarism, writing the pamphlet War is a Racket. He also helped to expose the Business Plot, a scheme to depose President Franklin D. Roosevelt and install in his place a fascist and corporatist dictatorship in the United States. He died in 1940.
"I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."
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hemmohaze · 2 months
The One With The Wedding
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Word Count: 1,000+
Warnings: Smut and Cursing
January 2020
Gabriella looked at herself in the full length mirror the hotel had provided her in the luxurious suite.
Her older cousin, Katherine was finally getting married today. She's already had her fair share of tears the past week they've been in The Dominican Republic where the wedding was being held.
She turned around and looked at the off the shoulder bridesmaid cream dress and cringed a little at her tattoo sticking out like a sore thumb.
"I really hope my aunt isn’t too upset about this." She thought to herself.
She continued to examine her outfit and makeup until she felt a familiar pair of hands on her waist stopping her mid spin.
"You look so beautiful Ella." Luke's voice softly whispered to her as they stared at their reflections in the mirror.
"You don't look too bad yourself. You clean up nicely." She turned around in his arms and pecked his lips. They've officially got a label on their relationship as of 2 months ago. Even though only their families and his bandmates know.  Everyone else on the internet has been too busy to even notice. They just think they’re really good friends.
Spending New Years and Christmas together was everything to Gabriella.
Even though his fans appreciate her for new Luke content she posts whenever she uploads her monthly photo dumps on Instagram.
She invited him to her cousin’s wedding as her plus one. One to sort of hard launch her relationship to distant family members and two so her aunts can stop asking her if and when she's going to get a boyfriend and start popping out kids.
"What the fuck are you staring at you weirdo." She asked as he had this dumb struck blank stare on his face.
"What? I can't stare at my sexy girlfriend? Who obviously wants to send me to an early grave." He whined slightly as his hands ran over her chest.
She smirked a little knowing what he was talking about. The dress had weird lines on it whenever she wore a bra so she decided to go braless.
"I dunno what you're talking about." She stated, feigning innocence as she over to the vanity to pretend fix her hair with Luke groaning behind her. 
"Are you sure you're ready to meet all of my family at this wedding? They go on party much all night.” She asked.
"If I can handle my life touring for 5 years straight, I can handle anything." He confidently said.
She got up wordlessly and fixed his crooked tie and straightened out his tuxedo.
"It's now or never then rockstar."
Luke and Gabriella walked into the makeshift chapel as she greeted everyone from her family to some of the grooms family. The amount of hands shes shaken has her concerned.
Luke found Gabriella’s mom, Mia and sat down with her as she stood at the alter with the rest of the bridesmaids.
Gabriella zoned off for a while somewhere during the vows until she blinked a couple times to see Luke nodding off as her mother rubbed his shoulder affectionally trying to keep the blonde awake.
"Ella go it’s your turn." One of the bridesmaids tapped her shoulder. She was too busy looking at Luke and her mom to notice it was her turn to leave the chapel.
"Oops my bad." She quickly walked down the aisle, quickly linking her arm with the best man as they made it down the steps to the beachfront where they'd all be taking pictures.
Katherine finally arrived as Gabriella ran up to her newly married cousin. "Oh my gosh!! You're like married now." She gushed.
"I know right. I'm surprised your dad and mine aren’t loosing their shit right now." Katherine giggled.
The sun was setting creating beautiful pink and orange hues for pictures. Gabriella took some with just Katherine, some with her family, some with the wedding party, and of course some with Luke.
Their poses ranged from one with them back to back with finger guns to the classic one where he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and held her close.
She watched him as he changed his phone background from a picture of Gabriella and Petunia to one they just took.
“Who’s that cause she’s really hot.”
After pictures it was finally time for the reception.
Gabriella and Luke sat with her family as Luke helped her 6 year old cousin, Hailey color in her coloring book. All while Gabriella talked with her mother.
"So Luke, I heard from Ella here that your band is working on an album right now" Her mother questioned him.
"Yes, we're actually almost done. It should be out in late March of this year." He smiled proudly and took a sip of his tequila while continuing to color with Hailey.
"Oh my sweetie that sounds amazing! You have got to let us know when the official date is. I’ll stream it or whatever you kids do nowadays.” Mia told him as Gabriella raised her eyes from her baked potato that she was stuffing her face with.
" Auntie Gabby. The food isn't going anywhere." Hailey grimaced.
"Sorry, I'm just really hungry." She said, quite embarrassed.
Luke and Hailey were whispering about something between the two as Gabriella looked up.
“Mommy,” Hailey tugged on her mom, Ana’s sleeve. “Can I get ice cream now??” She pulled her best puppy eyes.
Ana sighed and looked at Luke. “Could you take her??”
He nodded and got up so he could hold onto her hand and led her to the ice cream machine.
Gabriella looked at the two and smiled at Luke being so gentle with her niece.
“He obviously makes you happy darling.” Mia’s voice interrupted her daydream.
She flinched a little bit. “Mom, we’re just starting in our relationship. We just moved past the awkward sleepovers stage last night.” She groaned a little, remembering how uncomfortable she slept in worry that she would snore and disturb his sleep.
“The eyes never lie. Have you seen the way he looks at you or even the way you look at him?”
“Ok ma.” She said as the two arrived back at the table with ice cream.
“I got you some vanilla, since they didn’t have any mint chocolate chip.” Luke said as he placed the dessert in front of her face.
Soon enough the reception was over as Luke carried Gabriella bridal style to their shared hotel room. Their light giggles from Luke almost dropping her for the 3rd time rang through the hall.
Once they reached the room he sat her down on the floor softly. Once on the ground she went to a beeline to the mirror so she could take the dress off without getting makeup on it. Only thing is, she couldn’t get the zipper off.
She huffed in annoyance and knocked on the bathroom door. He opened the door, revealing him without a shirt.
“Could you unbutton my dress. I don’t wanna get makeup all over it.” She turned her back to him.
He fiddled with the button until he tapped her shoulder. “You’re all good now.”
She let the dress pool around her ankles as she hung it up on the hanger, He turned her around towards him swaying them slightly.
“Was your first wedding with your girlfriend just as you expected?” She asked him.
“It was better than I expected.” He responded.
They stood like this for a while until Luke’s lips crashed against hers. She let out a surprised squeal but melted into his touch. Their kiss was slow and passionate. All they wanted was to be close with one another.
He started kissing down her neck leaving little love-bites on her neck that she’ll definitely have to cover up with makeup in the morning.
He hoisted her up and gently laid her on their shared hotel bed. He kissed down every tattoo and birthmark until he squatted down.
He was face to face with her pink lace panties that she got from Victoria’s Secret a couple weeks ago.
“You rip these, you be on the hunt for a new girlfriend. They were expensive. ” She warned him.
He quirked an eyebrow at her, “You really wanna say that as soon as I’m about to eat you out.”
Gabriella rolled her eyes and went to say another remark until she felt his thumb on the outside her panties her and rubbed her clit through it. She let out a soft moan at this action.
“May I?” Luke asked her, toying with the ribbon. She nodded earnestly.
She jutted her hips up so he could slide her panties down her slim legs. He situated himself in front of her glistening core.
“Aw who caused all this lovie?” Luke asked. He continued to kiss her flower tattoo on her hip until he placed soft kisses on the insides of her thighs.
“You did Lu,” She groaned gripping onto his blond curls tightly.
“Damn right I did.”
“Luke..” She mindlessly cried, jutting her hips in his face.
“What baby? You gotta be more vocal than this.” He teased his pointer finger against her folds. “Whadda want? My mouth, fingers, both?”
“Both please I’m begging you.” She gripped his curls pulling him closer to her heat for some sort of relief.
She let out a gasp of pleasure when Luke finally sucked her clit lightly.
Her breathing picked up as she sat up on her elbows to look at Luke, already looking at her through hooded eyes, as he ate her out like it was his last meal. His nose brushing against her clit everytime he shook his head slightly.
It’s probably the hottest thing she’s ever seen in her life.
“That feel good pretty girl?” He asked her huskily.
“Oh my y-yes.” She sobbed in pleasure.
He sticks his longest finger in her dripping heat as she lets out a groan at the action. “Fuck your so tight.”
Gabriella felt her orgasm creeping up as she tightly gripped his blonde curls in her hand.
“Oh fuck Luke. I’m gonna cum.” She panted as he curled his finger in her, hitting her sweet spot and continued his assault on her clit.
“I know. I know. C’mon lovie.” He encouraged.
Her orgasm hit her like a train. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” She moaned out, possibly knowing that the people next door could know what they’re doing she just didn’t care in that moment.
Luke chuckled more so to himself as he licked her clean with his mouth as he knew she was gonna need a minute to come down from her high.
He got up from his knees ignoring the loud crack in his and laid his head on top of Gabriella’s chest as she was looking down at him with adoration.
“I’ve ever had an orgasm that good before, even with my vibrator and that thing is hell.” She wrapped her legs around his back.
“Good. Because you taste fucking delicious. I could be in between your legs all day.” He said before his breathing evened out and he fell asleep, her doing the same.
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anythingeverythingm · 6 months
The year 2024 is expected to be one of the best years for sport fans due to the many events taking place. Whether you are a fan or simply want to know what is happening here is a little recap of the major sporting events taking place that you might find interesting. (I will be mostly talking about the international ones and the european ones as well as the ones i will be following closely)
2024 World Junior Ice Hockey Championships (which is ending on the 5th of January) 2023–24 Four Hills Tournament ( which is ending on the 6th of January) 2024 United Cup (which is ending on the 7th of January) 2023–24 Tour de Ski (which is ending on the 7th of January) 2024 Men's European Water Polo Championship (4-16 January) 2024 European Speed Skating Championships (5-7 January) 2024 Women's European Water Polo Championship (5-13 January) 2024 Dakar Rally (5-19 January) 2024 European Figure Skating Championships (8-14 January) 2024 European Men's Handball Championship (10-28 January) 2023 AFC Asian Cup (12 January - 10 February) 2023 Africa Cup of Nations (13 January - 11 February) 2024 Australian Open (15-28 January) 2024 Winter Youth Olympics (19 January – 2 February) World Junior Alpine Skiing Championships 2024 (30 January – 3 February) 2024 Four Continents Figure Skating Championships (30 January – 4 February) 2024 Six Nations Championship (2 February – 16 March) 2024 World Junior Figure Skating Championships (26 February – 3 March) 2024 Miami Open (17–31 March) 2024 World Figure Skating Championships (18–24 March) 2024 European Men's Artistic Gymnastics Championships (24–28 April) 2024 European Women's Artistic Gymnastics Championships (2-5 May) 2024 Giro d'Italia (UCI World Tour) (4–26 May) 2024 French Open (26 May −8 June)
UEFA Euro 2024 (14 June–14 July) 2024 Copa América (20 June–14 July) 2024 Tour de France (UCI World Tour) (29 June–21 July) 2024 Wimbledon Championships (1-14 July) 2024 Summer Olympics (26 July–11 August) 2024 US Open (26 August–8 September) 2024 FIFA Futsal World Cup (14 September–6 October) 2024 European Women's Handball Championship (28 November–15 December)
All the FIFA Cups held this year: 12 January—10 February Qatar 2023 AFC Asian Cup, in Qatar 13 January—11 February Ivory Coast 2023 AFCON, in Ivory Coast 14 June—14 July United States 2024 Copa América, in United States 31 August–22 September Colombia 2024 FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup, in Colombia 16 October–3 November Dominican Republic 2024 FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup, in Dominican Republic June South Korea 2024 Suwon JS Cup in Suwon, South Korea December 2024 Thailand 2024 King's Cup in Thailand December 2024 Kuwait 26th Arabian Gulf Cup in Kuwait
UEFA finals: 2024 UEFA Europa League final (22 May) 2024 UEFA Europa Conference League final (29 May) 2024 UEFA Champions League final (1 June)
Formula One (29 February - 8 December) and the support series F1 Academy (7 March - 8 December) MotoGP (8 March - 17 November) and the support series
What are you most excited for?
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etenvs3000w23 · 1 year
Unit 02: Teaching Learners
When I think of what makes a good environmental interpreter, a few people come to mind. The most recent example was a tour guide I had while on vacation in the Dominican, named Angel, who made our bus ride to our excursion not just a boring ride, but an incredibly engaging interactive talk on the history of the Dominican Republic. He spoke of how proud and happy his people were to be Dominican despite how impoverished the majority of his country was, how they lived, what they prioritised, and how their natural resources shaped their culture. He discussed how annual hurricanes affect their overall crop yields, their housing situations, and how important the ecotourism of their country was to maintaining their economy after such hard times. He not only demonstrated the beauty of their landscape by pointing out to us recognizable plants, crops, and mountains, but even stopped the bus to grab a bundle off of a plant so we could smell the sweet and fragrant scent of the coffee bean flowers in bloom. As the textbook describes, he made this talk engaging to the audience by connecting the intangible knowledge with the tangible. 
Comparatively, if I had to think back to my earliest memory of an environmental interpreter, it would have to be when I was in the fourth grade, when a guide showed us around the Holland Marsh. Similar to the Dominican, this tour guide showed us the intangible importance of wetlands by demonstrating tangible examples, such as recreations of historical indigenous structures, animal exhibits within their wildlife centre (snakes and turtles), and even a marsh invertebrate identification activity in which we caught live invertebrates with nets and identified them using what I now know is a dichotomous key. Even though it’s been over ten years since that tour, I still remember the joy at finding something completely new and unique in the water compared to my classmates and the fascination I had with just how diverse and important something like a wetland, which I thought was just gross scummy water, actually was.  
Taking these two experiences into account, I think the ideal role of an environmental interpreter is someone who can expand on someone’s preconceived notions of a place in an interactive and interesting way. Angel knew the tourists on the bus were enclosed in their resorts and saw the world through rose-tinted glasses, and expanded on it by demonstrating how their presence in his country was a result of the natural beauty and resources and was incredibly influential to their economy which is devastated by hurricane disasters every few years. The guide at the Holland Marsh knew that kids my age are what the textbook describes as “nature deficient” and needed some of Richard Louv’s Vitamin N. Therefore, they engaged us through charismatic examples of things we were familiar with, such as snakes, turtles, and games, to ensure we learned about an initially gross and foreign area in a fun and active way. 
I have always been someone who learns best through direct experience, the third step in Cornell’s (1998) stages of flow learning, which involves learning through personal discovery. But the previous steps in flow learning are: 1) Awaken Enthusiasm and 2) Focus Attention. I believe the best interpreters are people with the skills to engage people through anecdotes, charisma, or sheer people skills, as using these they can begin the first two steps of learning and guide their listeners into an absorption state of self discovery. If I was an interpreter, these would be the skills I would work hardest on, so I would not just know the knowledge, but know how to connect the tangible with the intangible in ways that keep the audience engaged.
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vacayin · 2 years
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🌍Vacayin’s top 5 september pick for beach and the list goes as follows: 1: 🇬🇷Shipwreck Beach, located in Greece on the Island of Zakynthos. Featuring vivid turquoise water surrounded by giant white cliffs, giving the beach a secluded and isolater feel. The beach is a popular spot and it is only accessible by boat. 2: 🇵🇭Punta Bunga Beach, located on the Island of Boracay in Phillipines. Crystal clear water, coral reefs at the bottom making it a haven for people looking for a good dive or snorkling experience. 3: 🇹🇭Maya Bay, Koh Phi Phi, Thailand. Featured in the popular movie The Beach with Leonardo DiCaprio. The beach closes now and then to reserve the nature, but is still open to diving experiences. 4: 🇬🇷Elafonissi Beach, located on the Island of Crete in Greece, shimmering pink sand and crystal clear water gives magical vibes, ranked consistently as Europes most beautiful beach. 5: 🇩🇴Playa Saona, located in the Dominican Republic. Saona is a tropical island stretching 110km offering one of the best diving experiences in the republic, white sand beaches, palm trees and crystal clear waters. But beware of sharks👀 #travel #travelphotography #summervibes #landscape #travelgram #vacation #adventure #summertime #travelblogger #holiday #trip #wanderlust #travelling #traveling #beachlife #roadtrip #beautifuldestinations #tourism #explorer #traveltheworld #europe #traveladdict #culture #world #traveler #holidays #instatravel #tour #traveldiaries #travelblog (ved World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiK3gP1oO3z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ryieiy · 3 days
Explore the Paradise of Punta Cana: Your Ultimate Guide to the Top 10 Must-Do Activities
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Punta Cana, a stunning gem in the Dominican Republic, offers a perfect blend of pristine beaches, thrilling adventures, and rich cultural experiences. Whether you seek relaxation or excitement, this tropical paradise has something for everyone. Dive into our definitive guide to discover the top 10 must-do activities in Punta Cana and make your Caribbean getaway unforgettable. Don't forget to check out our video guide here for a visual journey through these amazing experiences.
0:00 Intro
Welcome to our comprehensive guide to Punta Cana! Join us as we uncover the best activities and hidden gems this tropical destination has to offer.
0:24 Visit Bavaro Beach
Begin your adventure at Bavaro Beach, renowned for its soft white sands and crystal-clear turquoise waters. This beach is perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and indulging in various water sports. Relax under a palm tree or enjoy a beachfront cocktail at one of the many beach bars.
1:26 Explore Scape Park
For the thrill-seekers, Scape Park is a must-visit. This natural theme park offers a variety of activities, including zip-lining, cave exploration, and swimming in stunning cenotes. It's an adventure paradise nestled within the lush tropical landscape.
2:32 Experience Local Culture in Higuey
Immerse yourself in the local culture by visiting Higuey, a vibrant town near Punta Cana. Explore the Basilica Catedral Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia, a stunning basilica dedicated to the patroness of the Dominican Republic. Wander through the bustling markets and savor traditional Dominican dishes.
3:39 Take a Catamaran Cruise
Set sail on a catamaran cruise for an unforgettable day on the water. Enjoy snorkeling in vibrant coral reefs, swimming in natural pools, and relaxing on the deck with a refreshing drink. Many cruises also offer a beach BBQ for a delicious end to your sea adventure.
4:34 Enjoy Water Sports at Uvero Alto Beach
Head to Uvero Alto Beach for an array of exciting water sports. Whether it's windsurfing, paddleboarding, or jet skiing, this beach offers activities that cater to all levels of experience. The beach's golden sands and rolling waves create the perfect setting for an adrenaline-packed day.
5:36 Dive into Marinarium Marine Park
Explore the underwater world at Marinarium Marine Park. Snorkel among tropical fish and coral reefs, or take a guided scuba diving tour to get up close with nurse sharks and stingrays. This marine park is a haven for marine life enthusiasts.
6:35 Play Golf at World-Class Courses
Golf lovers will find Punta Cana a dream destination with its world-class golf courses. Tee off against the backdrop of stunning ocean views at renowned courses like Punta Espada Golf Club and Corales Golf Course. These courses offer a challenging yet breathtaking experience.
7:04 Discover Indigenous Eyes Ecological Park
Reconnect with nature at the Indigenous Eyes Ecological Park. This reserve features a network of trails leading to twelve freshwater lagoons. Enjoy a refreshing swim in the clear waters, and learn about the local flora and fauna through guided tours.
7:39 Experience Nightlife in Punta Cana
As the sun sets, Punta Cana comes alive with vibrant nightlife. Experience the best of Caribbean entertainment at Coco Bongo, a famous nightclub known for its spectacular shows and lively atmosphere. Dance the night away at various beachfront bars and clubs.
8:07 Relax at a Luxury Spa
After days of adventure, unwind at one of Punta Cana's luxurious spas. Indulge in a range of treatments, from massages to hydrotherapy, all designed to rejuvenate your body and mind. Many resorts offer spa packages that include beachfront massages and wellness therapies.
Punta Cana is truly a paradise that caters to every traveler's desires. From sun-soaked beaches and thrilling adventures to cultural excursions and luxurious relaxation, this destination has it all. Pack your bags and get ready for the ultimate Caribbean getaway. Watch our full video guide here to see these incredible activities in action!
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culebikeadventure · 11 days
Alquiler de bicicletas en Punta Cana | puntacanabiketour.com
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Discover the Thrill of Cycling with Culebike Adventure in Higüey and Punta Cana
 Culebike Adventure, based in Higüey, Dominican Republic, is the brainchild of José Aurelio Estepan Castellanos, affectionately known as "Cule." Founded with a passion for cycling, this company has rown to offer a wide array of services, from mountain bike tours to bike rentals, and has garnered a significant following both locally and internationally through social media.
Experience Unforgettable Bicycle Tours
Culebike Adventure specializes in organizing exhilarating cycling events, including:
1. Pa' Higüey with the Best: A premier event for mountain biking and gravel cycling enthusiasts.
2. Vuelta al Jilo: An exciting mountain bike race that draws participants from all over.
These events showcase the natural beauty of Higüey and the surrounding province of Altagracia, offering participants a chance to experience the stunning landscapes on two wheels.
Our Mission
At  Culebike Adventure, we are dedicated to promoting cycling through various avenues, including sports, sales, services, tourism, and social entertainment. While our primary focus is the province of Altagracia, our sales and services extend across the Dominican Republic and even reach international markets.
Top Services Offered
 Bicycle Tours in Punta Cana and Higüey
 Excursion tours en bicicleta Punta Cana: Explore Punta Cana's scenic routes on guided bike tours.
  Tour de aventura en bicicleta Higüey: Discover adventure with our mountain bike tours in Higüey.
 Tour en bicicleta eléctrica Higuey: Enjoy the ease of electric bike tours in Higüey.
Bicycle Rentals
 Alquiler de bicicletas Punta Cana: Rent a bike and explore Punta Cana at your own pace.
 Alquiler de bicicletas Higüey: Quality bike rentals available for all your cycling needs in Higüey.
  Alquiler de bicicleta electrica Higuey: Rent electric bikes for a seamless riding experience.
 Alquiler bicicleta de montaña Higüey: Perfect for those looking to tackle mountain trails.
Maintenance and Repair Services
  Mantenimiento y reparación de bicicletas Higüey: Keep your bike in top shape with our expert services.
 Mantenimiento y reparación de bicicletas Punta Cana: Reliable bike maintenance and repair services in Punta Cana.
Unmatched Cycling Experiences
 Culebike Adventure is committed to providing memorable cycling experiences. Whether you are looking for the best mountain bike tours in Punta Cana or seeking the thrill of our adventure tours in Higüey, we have something for every cycling enthusiast.
Why Choose Culebike Adventure?
 Expert Guidance: Our knowledgeable guides ensure you have a safe and enjoyable ride.
 Quality Equipment: We offer top-notch bikes for rent and maintain them meticulously.
 Scenic Routes: Experience the beauty of the Dominican Republic through our carefully curated routes.
 Community Events: Join our vibrant cycling community and participate in our exciting events.
Contact Us
Ready to embark on your next cycling adventure? Contact Culebike Adventure today and explore the best of what Higüey and Punta Cana have to offer. Culebike Adventure Evangelina Rodriguez Perozo 1, Higüey 23000, Dominican Republic
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pericoripiaotours · 1 year
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palmsandvillas · 1 month
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If you are planning a Caribbean vacation, you must appreciate the Dominican Republic Villa Rentals. All of these villas are designed to offer you a luxurious experience. From amenities to surroundings, everything is world-class, and you can experience the best Caribbean experience during your stay at these villas. We at Palms & Villas offer the best villa rentals that meet your budget. Visit the website or email at  [email protected] for more information!
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jivetravel · 24 days
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andamanbayview · 2 months
Getting Around in Punta Cana and Santo Domingo: Easy Transportation Tips
Welcome to the Dominican Republic, where sun, sand, and adventure await! Whether you're soaking up the rays on the beaches of Punta Cana or exploring the vibrant streets of Santo Domingo, getting around efficiently is key to maximizing your vacation fun. In this guide, we'll dive into easy transportation options to help you navigate seamlessly between Punta Cana and Santo Domingo.
Punta Cana Transportation:
Let's start with Punta Cana, a paradise renowned for its pristine beaches and luxurious resorts. Getting around Punta Cana is relatively easy, thanks to various transportation options available:
1. Shuttle Services: Many resorts in Punta Cana offer shuttle services to and from the airport. These shuttles are convenient and often included in your accommodation package. Check with your resort reception for scheduling and availability.
2. Taxis: Taxis are plentiful in Punta Cana and are a flexible option for traveling short distances or exploring nearby attractions. Make sure to negotiate the fare before starting your journey, as some drivers may not use meters.
3. Rental Cars: If you prefer the freedom to explore at your own pace, renting a car is a great option. Most major car rental companies operate in Punta Cana, and driving around the area is relatively straightforward, with well-maintained roads and clear signage.
4. Public Transportation: Public transportation options in Punta Cana are limited, but you can still catch a local bus or van to nearby towns and attractions. Keep in mind that schedules may be irregular, so plan your trips accordingly.
Santo Domingo Transfer to Punta Cana:
Now, let's talk about traveling from Santo Domingo to Punta Cana. Santo Domingo, the capital city of the Dominican Republic, is a vibrant metropolis steeped in history and culture. If you're planning to journey from Santo Domingo to Punta Cana, here are some easy transportation options:
1. Bus Services: Several bus companies operate routes between Santo Domingo and Punta Cana, offering an affordable and comfortable way to travel between the two cities. Buses depart regularly from Santo Domingo's main bus terminals, such as Caribe Tours and Metro Bus.
2. Private Transfers: For a more personalized and hassle-free experience, consider booking a private transfer service. Many companies offer door-to-door transfers between Santo Domingo and Punta Cana, allowing you to travel in comfort and convenience.
3. Driving: If you enjoy road trips, renting a car and driving from Santo Domingo to Punta Cana is scenic. The journey takes approximately 3-4 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions. Be sure to plan your route and familiarize yourself with local driving laws.
4. Shared Rides: Some travel agencies and tour operators arrange shared ride services between Santo Domingo and Punta Cana, allowing you to split costs with other travelers. This option is ideal for budget-conscious adventurers looking to save money on transportation.
In conclusion, traveling between Punta Cana and Santo Domingo is straightforward and accessible, thanks to a variety of transportation options available. Whether you prefer the convenience of shuttle services, the flexibility of renting a car, or the affordability of bus travel, there's something for every type of traveler. So pack your bags, hit the road, and get ready to explore the best of the Dominican Republic!
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Ocean Adventures Punta Cana
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Ocean Adventures Punta Cana: Unforgettable Shore Excursions Await! Unleash your Caribbean adventure with Ocean Adventures Punta Cana! We offer the best shore excursions, transforming your cruise stop into an unforgettable experience.
Dive in & Discover:
Swim with Dolphins: Fulfill a lifelong dream by interacting with playful dolphins in a stunning natural lagoon. Catamaran Sailing Paradise: Glide across crystal-clear waters, snorkel vibrant reefs, and soak up the sun on a luxurious catamaran tour. Caribbean Pirate Escapades: Set sail on a replica pirate ship for a thrilling adventure filled with games, treasure hunts, and breathtaking scenery. More Than Excursions: Indulge in pampering spa treatments aboard a luxurious oceanfront spa boat (typically additional cost).
Convenient & Memorable: Perfectly Located: We're close to major Punta Cana resorts, ensuring a seamless transition from your cruise ship.
Website: https://www.oceanadventures-puntacana.com/
Address: C. Mare, Punta Cana 23000, Dominican Republic
Phone Number: +1 866 393 5158
Business Hours: Monday: Closed Tuesday: 9 AM–5 PM Wednesday: 9 AM–5 PM Thursday: 9 AM–5 PM Friday: 9 AM–5 PM Saturday: 9 AM–5 PM Sunday:9 AM–5 PM
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