#Better than that just forever atp I’m so done with this shit
skhardwarevers1 · 4 months
that feeling when you want to post a rant/vent but it just feels like another attempt to get attention <<<<<<<<<(x one million)
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bisluthq · 7 months
also as an add on, if all of this happened without them being married...imagine what she would have done worse if children were involved. Because if you are willingly let your partner be judged and trashed by everyone, imagine how worst would it be if he was the father of your children. Taylor only cares about her and her money and not much else atp. Her love doesn't mean much because as soon as you breakup she lets her fans do the dirty work for her and encourages it. It's like she never loved the person at all. It's rinse and repeat: when they are together she has never been happier, they breakup he's trash and I was unhappy, then comes someone else and OMG he's so much better than him I'm soo much better and happier now, they breakup and he was trash after all and it goes on and on. She sang so many times about how Joe loved her and was so much better than her exes, no one knew her like him, nothing would compare to that happiness. Next album she'll be like no actually I have never been happier than with Travis, actually Joe never saw the real me but Travis does. She's 33 almost 34 mind you and this is high school mindset
not really lol that’s just called being a romantic realist. I’ve never been more in love (I’m around their age) and my bf has explicitly said he hasn’t been either (he’s been married and is a decade older than me). We’ve said like repeatedly no one has understood us like this (even when we were grumpy about the dog story or like when we beef over other apparently more minor things). I’m not sure this will last forever and we’ll die in each other’s arms like The Notebook or anything and I may well meet someone one day and be like “wow this is even more it” because for one thing this mf married a bitch and they hate one another now. Shit happens.
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Seeing all the discourse about tumblr algorithm n interactions n tingz
I still don’t get why people really struggle to just do the right thing. Like bro atp it’s easy as breathing.
I literally like and reblog just abt everything I interact with that I enjoy (on both my main and side). Majority of the time with at least a few comments in the tags if not on the reblog itself (tho that’s more on the writing side blog than the main for other random shit lmao).
‘S Kinda sad cus atp I think a part of me has accepted that aside from moots i’m prolly never gonna get the interaction I desire. Majority of all my notes on my writing blog? Just likes. I get reblogs here and there but most of the time that isn’t even on my actual content. Just other stuff I’ve reblogged.
Not to say I’ve never gotten reblogs on content I have created myself, but it’s a stark contrast to the amount of likes. And it’s is extremely rare that a non-moot will leave a comment or tags.
Idk. Just makes you feel lonely sometimes? Cus it’s not even really about trying to be famous or have a lot of followers anymore lmao. Just want people to talk to.
It’s understandable you may not want to reblog absolutely everything. Not even I always do it. But the vast majority of the time I am doing it. Because people deserve to know that something they created actually touched someone?
Screaming into the void is valid and what most blogs have to start out doing but that should not have to be something they have to deal with forever.
Cus at that point what even is the purpose of posting works to some website if you’re basically still just keeping it to yourself?
People have said it time and time again, but likes are worthless here.
Like if you equate it to instagram I guess (so maybe ppl will understand it better)
Tumblr likes = Instagram views
On instagram views are cool and all, but they’re faceless and don’t really do anything to promote a post and allow others to see it. Even if there are a lot of views, it isn’t extremely validating (high numbers or not). It’s the people in the comments saying stuff that matters, and likes that help the post. Like Instagram views, Tumblr likes do nothing and though there may be a lot they are not really validating or helping the post.
Tumblr reblogs = Instagram likes (+ shares)
Both of these functions on the respective websites help a post to get more seen. Instagram likes only function is to help promote posts. Tumblr’s reblogs are a little different in that you have to ability to say things while you help promote (in tags or on the post itself). Basically they’re like instagram likes and shares smooshed together. If you don’t want to do the extra work of using your words fine, but at least actually share the thing you are enjoying so others see it. Whether or not it matches your theme or not, do it. It’s your blog and if you like a post then yeet it on there. If your followers (if you have any) followed you for a specific type of content and your worried about them, fuck ‘em. Share what you want on your blog.
Tumblr comments = Instagram comments
This one is self explanatory they are the same ooga booga
N e ways that’s a lot of words I’ll get off my soapbox now.
Love u Jo 💋.
I was done talking about this but you put so much thought and effort into this Dere I think it deserves to be addressed.
Especially the point you made that it can be so lonely on here sometimes and I think it’s hard when everyone already seems like they’re in their own little friendship groups and stuff. But like some of my closest friends on here are my friends because we reblogged each other’s fics and screamed in the tags!!
I think people tell themselves “oh that person won’t care if I send them an ask/message.” But it’s like they would, everyone would🥺💕
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roseydeloom · 4 years
Gremlin Izuku
Ok so this is a continuation of this post that @lovelyflowerlov and I are working on. It started as a shitpost and now we’re here and living our best lives. I’m making this separate just because the other is getting too long to scroll through. Click the link for context on the AU
Before some more Battle Trial stuff (which I will get to later) I thought about what exactly Izuku’s quirk and appearance is.
Possible Quirk names: Gremlin, Unhinged, Energize
Because we’re having Izuku be a Gremlin Boi™ and thus have, in the words of flower, “Teeth that are even more sharp than a shark, Amazing Bouncy Skills™, never ending enthusiasm, a night owl, and Bastard™ Energy” I say that his quirk is the ability to inhibit the body’s inborn limiters. You know, the things that make it so you don’t tear your muscles from bones everytime you use them. A common example being how your jaw is strong enough to bite off your finger, but your brain prevents you. Mainly basing this off hysterical strength and this video. Izuku can consciously turn this limiter off, both on himself and others. He could chomp his fingers like carrots if he wanted to. But it’s not just muscle limiters
You know that little voice in your head that tells you not to do or say stuff? The social conventions you know to follow, and thus what to do or say? The things that limit your actions? Ya, Izuku’s quirk prevented him from getting that. Though he does kinda have the opposite of it, explained later. He has to actively think about what he can and can’t do in a situation, and sometimes he just forgets or doesn’t understand that there are unspoken “rules” he needs to follow or behaviors he shouldn’t express. When activated on another person, they no longer feel pressured to act a specific way. His quirk also encourages reckless behavior; acting without care for possible harm to self. Izuku has grown up with this urge so he has learned how to fight it off, and actually has remarkable self control to not do 90% of the stuff his quirk tells him to. Not so much the case for people who have this pushed onto them for the first time. Kinda like Trigger and making people act differentenly :)
Example: during the Entrance Exam when he saw Uraraka trapped under gravel and the 0 pointer coming closer, his first instinct was to destroy the robot. To him, the rubble wasn’t the immediate threat and instead the robot that was walking towards her was. Shinsou was the one to convince him to try getting the debris off her first, and go from there. Only after that failed did Shinsou let Izuku enact his insane plan of eating the 0 pointer’s wires (which Izuku then teased Shinsou with the fact it worked and we should have just done that first, Hitoshi)
Because he can use all his muscles whenever he desires, his body naturally has a higher glucose stockpile than normal people to make up for the fact he will use more ATP working a higher volume of muscles (since muscle contractions use energy and glucose is the first energy storage the body burns through). However, he also needs to burn through that energy or else he risks damaging his nerves because of too much glucose in the blood (reason for nerve damage in diabetic people). Thus, he naturally has a higher energy level than other people so he jumps jumps jumps, has never ending enthusiasm, and always likes to be doing stuff. Tapping his foot, twirling his pencil, humming, analysising and writing in his notebook. This does infact burn his energy; mental fatigue is a thing my dudes. This also makes it so he loves to cause chaos, mischief, create pranks, and generally be a little nuisance, since it requires careful planning and energy running around to set it up, but that’s mainly just him being a little Bastard™
So I definitely like the idea of him having sharp teeth and being shorter than cannon. I also think this boy would have BIG BONES to make up for the extra stress his quirk puts on them when his muscles are used. This translates into Izuku being a bit more on the chunky side, along with the natural ability to grow big muscles as, once again, a defense mechanism against his quirk. Sum up: he’s that dude that has always been on the bigger side and won’t get stick thin no matter how hard he tries, but when he flexes his arms turn into pure muscle and he can jump over your head from a standing jump. So basically chubby bulky
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[Sources: 1 and 2, 3. These images are close to what I’m thinking]
Also I thing he would be darker skinned since he runs around outside in the sun constantly to burn off energy, so he got at least a tan from all that
Quirk Apprehension Test
So once Flower mentioned that we totally just forgot about this part of the plot, I proceeded to laugh for like 5 minutes over the fact we did. I totally forgot this existed until you mentioned it. My idea is as follows
Aizawa: This test is to gauge your abilities, quirks, and potential to be a hero. You are to use your quirks during the test to increase your scores
Some idiot: This sounds fun! We get to use quirks!
Aizawa: Fun? How about this: whoever comes last gets expelled
Class: *shouting*
Shinsou: *worried because his quirk doesn’t help him physically*
Izuku, manic grin spreading across face and turns to Shinsou: *whispers* I have an idea. I’ll use my quirk to help both our scores
They then proceed to complete the test with Shinsou getting better scores than he should be able to get. Aizawa knows this since, while he doesn’t read the entire file on students so he can form his own opinions, he does look over the basic info of name, photo, and quirk name/description. Shinsou shouldn’t be doing this well, and he also acts differently once it’s his turn to preform. Aizawa sees Shinsou and Izuku being more comfortable with one another than they would be if they just met, and in addition to the fact they were together during the Entrance Exam, he guesses that they’re friends and Izuku is using his quirk to bost Shinsou. During Shinsou’s turn for the ball toss, Aizawa cancels Izuku’s quirk so Shinsou no longer receive its effects and throws the ball a lot shorter than everyone expected
Aizawa, glaring at Izuku: I knew it. You’re using your quirk to help your friend
Izuku, turning and smirking: And? What about it?
Aizawa: I could expel you both right now for cheating and interfering with results of a test
Shinsou: *face deadpan but shitting his pants, hoping Izuku will weasel their way out of this*
Izuku, gremlin smirk forming: No you won’t, Eraserhead. If you were doing this test you would have used your quirk to cancel your clasmates’ quirks to put you on a even playing field. I’m doing the exact opposite and helping. Plus, you only said “use your quirks during the test to increase your scores.” You didn’t forbid using our quirks to affect other people’s scores, nor saying we could only increase our own score.
Aizawa, cheshire grin: So you are related to your brother. Alright. Shinsou, throw the ball again and Midoriya, you can use your quirk
Shinsou, thinking: how is always able to pull us out of repercussions for our actions?
Battel Trial
Finally back to what this whole things should have been about! Jeez that took forever and I’m starting to get sleepy typing
Based on the pros and cons you gave and also what amusing me the most because I’ve writing this for 5 hours is that the Villains (Shinsou and Uraraka) should win.
Once Izuku gets over the fact he’s having to battle his basically second brother, Shinsou calms him down and tells him it’s fine, just pretend we’re sparing with Tenko again, he gets pumped af to brawl. Maybe a little too hyped up, since it makes his energy levels twice the ridiculous amount they were before and makes him even more jumpy and animated. Iida interprets this as him not taking things seriously and chastises him for it, which pisses Izuku off because he is taking it seriously. It’s just not being expressed in the way Iida expects it to be expressed. So, he’s definitely not as helpful to him as he could be while in the planning phase, and might have made things a bit harder than they needed to be when explaining the blueprint, just to annoy him.
Shinsou and Uraraka don’t have this problem and quickly come up with the idea to put the bomb on the roof. This is so Uraraka can use her quirk to send things high into the sky with only her nausea as the limit instead of the ceiling, and they’ll bring some more ruble and boxes up there too so she has ammo. She’ll try to stay as quiet as she can to guard and hide the bomb while Shinsou is a few levels below to make the heros think the bomb is there.
A trick they have up their sleeves is that Uraraka noticed that the blueprints had really weird airducts (something only she would notice because it’s so minor) and when they went to check it out, the airducts were actually tunnels disguised as airducts. So now the villains have a way of getting around that the heros don’t, and won’t be seen. With Uraraka directing him from the blueprints, Shinsou has his own private hallways! He can definitely use this in combination with his voice changer :)
I’m not too sure how the fight would go down, but some parts I think would happen is Shinsou trolling them from inside the tunnel with his voice changer. I don’t think he would spring the mind control on him just yet, Izuku taught him to have Fun™ afterall, and would switch between Inko’s and Tenko’a voices while messing with him. I just want my baby to create some psychological torture ok Another thing would be them finding the bomb on the roof and when Izuku’s about to grab it, that’s when Shinsou uses his mind control with AFO’s voice. I’m guessing they had some family videos with him in it so that’s how we knew what his voice sounded like.
Like you said when Izuku got controlled he was in a jump so when he fell he breaks out, but at that point Uraraka had moved the bomb and Shinsou is dealing with Iida. They’re running out of time so Iida and Izuku are starting to become a little desperate, so Iida yells at Izuku to use his quirk on him to make him extra fast so he can grab the bomb. He does, but Iida doesn’t expect it to be so powerful since the other times in the exercise Izuku used it on him he was holding back. Iida becomes a knockoff Sonic and shoot towards the bomb way faster than he expected. He didn’t expect to go the speed of Retro Burst without trying, so he overshoots it and ends up falling off the ledge near Izuku. He’s able to catch himself on the roof, but he’s not able to pull himself up without help and he’s starting to slip. Izuku has to pick between the bomb and Iida, and he decides to save Iida. While pulling him back up the timer goes off and the villains win.
Iida thanks him for saving him while Izuku just kinda goes “Duh, I wasn’t gonna let you get badly hurt if I could stop it. Annoy and inconvenience maybe, but not hurt. Of course I picked you. Anyways gotta go bug Hitoshi”
Just because Izuku is a dramatic bitch, while they’re walking back Izuku jumps unto Shinsou’s back and starts rambling to Uraraka and Shinsou about how cool their plan was, asking about the voices in the hallway and Shinsou’s new mask, clarifying some parts of their plan he didn’t get, and just generally being very animated and his talkative, analyzing self. Iida starts to think that maybe he was too quick to judge the green bean
#bnha#midoriya izuku#gremlin izuku#my writing#gremlin izuku au#look i just finished a 8 hour shift that was HELLA slow#so i probably had like 6 hours of doing nothing but messing around in my head#and i decided to play with this au for 6 fucking hours#so I got Ideas™#also I think for the mental part of the quirk I might have just made him autistic#i realized that while writing that ‘wait this is basically the situation for neurodivergent people in respect to social expectations’#so his quirk might just be ‘Socially Accepted Neurodivergent but with benefits’#if anyone has a problem with this tell me and I’ll gladly change the specifics#don’t wanna hurt anyone or spread false info#also I know that this has the tone of speaker to the reader instead of talking to you Flower#i blame the fact that this is the first part of the new log and the content made me go into Academic Essay mode#I’ll go back to talking to you in the post in the next part#also the entire 8 hours I was at work I kept going back and forth on who should win becauss they both have nice consquences#eventually I just went ‘fuck it’ and picked Shinsou since that adds some nice Angst of him winning as a villain#and the heros infighting biting them in the butt#also I do want them to be better friends down the line (Iida and Izuku)#but right now their body languages clash and they don’t understand eachother so they do as teens do#and fight amongst themselves because of miscommunication and lashing out against things they don’t understand#the more i write about this Izuku I realize I *definitely* made him have something like quirk induced high functioning autisum or similar#neurodivergent characters!!!!!#am i including the things I want to see in media in this Izuku?#why yes i am#once again add anything you can think of! This was the result of me having nothing else to think about for hours on end#also what exactly is the relationship between shinsou and izuku?#is shinsou another adopted brother? friend that hangs out with them more than his own family?
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